THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1916. 16 ; . . ; . HELP V A NTEIJ MALE AND FEMALE 29 1. .... - -We- X. .. LITTLE WIZARD LABOR SAVER ' Marvelous power of washing clothes inowy white in 10 mtnntea without rubbing la appreciated. Try it. Pack age 10c (.' washing.) two or more de livered. N. Anderwon. I'hone Wood Uwn 2749; Portland, Or. MOLER barber college. Wants men and women to lean the trade; paid while learning; tools free; positions secured: summer rates: write (or catalogue. Cor. 2d and Burnside. UOHLEIt Barber school wants men and women to learn barber trade, free 8 weeks. Position fietuuil. I'ay while learning. 38 N. 2d st. OREGON BARKER COLLEGE Men and Women . i iea:i uji utr iiuu free ?H3 Mndlion st SITUATION? -MALE 1 GARDENING, hothouse, farming or teaming wan tod; married, no chil dren; wife light hoiii-cKeepins; state wages. I'-'JO, Jonm;.! VoL'NG married perlenced til"' mari cl y 1, wan's work. Kx ',i:lK and calpeM- BY expel lemon ii;i j.,1. t' ' f 1 ( 1 1 1 a 11 grading. scientific fanning or 1S47H Cnrheti M... 1'oit nad ilnl. COMPETKNT kliop tnecnan.. , chauffeurs furnished by V. Al Auto school Main 70',5. A-6.rS1 anc C A Oi-L re-i-eiu :shes position one liorse delier wdkii. Fast fi2S. (Hiving Phone tjOOK' Uinricr or position, city or ni. short 'oun 1 r ; dec, wan I s .loin - NIGHT c charge. ok. S hone yoi.'.v; kind. 111.1 n. .1. III;.,! GUA It A NT K.I .1 p. 1 per in; cheap, Taj.or ' -." FAINTING and tmtmr; rt:aran'ee(t. Seilwood 2' satisfaction SITUATIONS 1- hMAliK I.ADY wants work by washing, Ironing anl Marshall 1 33. room 1 the day out; clean office. ViAIyvN wants wi,r reliable references. i day. Woodlawn 4.' WOMAN Room wants i!0. day work. Main lfl'J.), Lady wants 1 1 g h t wm k, Koo I Man innie rilri. preferred, sniall wages SITUATIONS AND V.NTEI MALE RELIABLE. cotuietent inan and wife want lanitor work 'n apartment house or hotel. Main .Mil, Apt j , 1 2 . NURSES a:OTT.Mii: liospital. 1 234 E St.. maternity -work a honie eotivaic.-icent Morrison spcii;(U v . pa t jell ts, 1 1 1 cliil.iip'e , trained nurses only in 110. JIT. wefk. T,(bor ;i;s Fl KMIIEI) ROOMS Fli RN I M i EL rooms tm yuun men ti all part of the city, also in Y. M. A. bldg., especially desirable .luring t. e ummer, ffteproot. telephone in each room, shower bath. Jl.O to $4.75 per week. Including full association mem bership privileges, gymnasium, swirr mlng pool, handball court, and ma.iv other club pii vllef,'es; full information at Y. M. C. A. business office or tela phone Main 7065: A-fl.Sfil. PALACU HOTEL. 12th and Washington sts.. Close Hil ireproof modern, light, airy OCtslde rooms, rates $3.50 per w-ck up PHliVl.- MAI'm; M I. r.040 a i .vl od k up. i la . $?. w ern. tireproof. i es peel a bl RYAN Hotel brick, hot, team heat. Annex, 2:jv2 nth; new cold wh er every room, Opp. City Hall. M H375. HOMELIKE rooms. 2546. 471 Taylor. Mar. $1.50 WEEK fur, rm. RTjOAlsi and hotel : ".a up, clean, entral TV: warm, p Klntr modern 119 Jet" h pa rtnieni s week and up in modern 455 Alder HKMSHKI) ROOMS PRIVATE r&lU,ILY 7J 2 BRUJUT, airv looms, with homo con veniences; la. lies preferred. 4.7 E. 47th st. N liose city c.t r 4il TAYI.oK- i 'lean, well furnished, bath. Marshall 2546 or 3145. WELL Main fu rnished st. room, $1 week. 314 NICE furnished light room, bath, $5 month 29 Fargo st. ROOMS AM) HOARD THE IIAKI. Furnished looms, with or without board; steam heal. Run ning water. 385 3rd KOO .MS ANL) KO.iiU) PRIVATE FAMILY ANNA liens Lewis Hail, 510 l'lande. , buai givls and students $t $5 75 wk. UUU.ll and uoaid. ,:.i2 Main l'lth A - comfort s ROOM ami board suitable for t wo. ; in pri a le reasonable. la in iiy, E. 1347, HOLSEKI-.EUI.Mi lilK).MS 8 jTUBMISKED AI D UNI'UliMSHEl ONE room with kitcneiiette, complete ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone in every room- 7 blocks fiom 5th and Morrison sts,. $12 tip 201 Columbia st.. cor. Etn. ROYCREST. 175 I2in single ,i. K. rooms. TWO housekeeping roomsv$ui p-r mo. B4514 ashlngton St., nea r 1'Uh. Gem Apts, Kr week up. 401 lal t ree bath. not. mid water HOUSEKEEPING ROtLMS 7i riTSiriSSES AND UNFtraMISHED PKITATE rAWLY NICE front housekeeping rooms; auo sleeping rooms, cheap, ciosc-in. 129 18th st. TWO furnished H. K., ground floor, 4 walking distance. front -back en trance, water, light, 53; bath free. 344 E. 2d st. N. East 1326. HOMELIKE H K. rooms, low rent. close In, 40 Main. well furit shed. 10 RENT furnished. two housekeeping 492 Clay. rooms, 16-$10. 3 AND J housekeeping rooms phone, lights, bath. 1SS I4th st. ' CLEAN, modern EiJusekeeping rooms. 240 Park st. T OR 3 nicely furnished H. close In, very reasonable. rooms, K. 7 th. FOR RE-NT 1IOLSES 1 UNJ-UEliriSHED Phone Mar. 4600 A-filOl. MEIER & FRANK'S RENTAL BUREAU 7TH FLOOR. We have at nil times a reliable list afi houses, flats, apartments, etc.. in parts of the city. Avail voursalf ( this FREE service. Information ilieerfully furnished. teEAUTIFT'L home 9 IT; sleeping porch, parage, 100x100 corner lot In Choicest part of Irvlngton, , renting department of HARTMAN & THOMPSON BOOM bungalow. JS. neat and attrac tive, 1606 K. Ankeny Fred VV. Gex iPan Co.. 72S Cham, of Com MODERN 7 room plastered h-uae. yard, fruit. 1 blocks from cut. $10 month. 1S5 E. 74th, st N. M-V car. tlO MODERN 8 room house. Fast 1RR4. Reed ollefe dlmtrlrt. ROOM modern house, 12th and E. Ankeny. 631 E. Ankeny. East 3620. IV ROOM modern cottage, fawn 1520. 816 Beech t Call Wood- 118 QUIMBY ST. S rooms, $15 per mo. Water paid. Suite Q2. 170 3d st. . SALMON, near Broadway, 7 room ' $40 house $25: auto apace. tUSGAJST I room bungalow, thorough ly modern. Rose City Park. Mar. 2432 fc"IVE room oottaga. big yard. 648 5th , ,4L. Trr reaaonabla. Broadway 2311. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 wrxntirxBHES Continad) $10 5 room modern cottage with gar age, good neighborhood, near school, stores, streetcar and Pacific highwav. & minute car service via Mt. Scott lint-, rental may apply on purchase, balani e easy payments. Address VV. F. Brock, Lents. Tabor 1279. FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT Si ADS. of furniture for sale are pub lished In the Ho sehold Goods classi fication when house Is not for rent. 11 ItMSHEl) HOUSES SIX room furnished house for rent or house for rent and furniture -for sale, uuall'y and condition first class: good yard, rows, ierries, fruit. etc.; in .Sunnjsi ie district near La.11 re . n urst park, no children. Ta;or 7'.U; phone niorninws Price rea sona hie. $ 1 will rent newly furnished t room, detatched collate, K. .sh near i'th L' bedrooms, bath, water, new furniture and range. gas. hran-J Thus. Call Hayes, Main :o4 or 2mi Oak st. N H 'ELY furnisher) front room. bath. electric lights and use of telepiione. near 1-ord Auto plan t 3S E Kell Plione Sell. I WILL tent loom ..onie. nlcey fur nished I block fioni '-nr. in gool nei ',! 'orhood. erv r c.i'.iih t.le Plione .o llwood ."27. 1 l'v W.imlwaiil ave. J 14 7 low. ta nee ilrcn ri iiim modern furnished 1 tins;.' -ar, walking dis , no small chii- 1 bio. k to I Franklin high Tabor 1 042. A FINE private home, beautifully fur nished, cheap rent for reliable party. Call at once as I am leaving city. 37K Kant 4 1st Tbone Fast 24 12. SIX room dean, f i'urn ished :.. ('nil T4'.i 4."i27. house, nice M Isslssippi KV. I Win ni la w u M' I I O' ' I . 11 n fu ,n i piam led c, a n t . gc. furnished or rimi'i Sllwooil APARTMENTS !MSKI NI IM I I ! ;ntsh El 6th and Columbia sts. Five minutes ' walk to Meier & Prank's store; good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 3 room fu.-nished apartments, ail outside. vith French (loots and balconies. ATTRACTIVE. RATES. PERMANENT R TRANSIENT VILLA ST. 12th and CLARA. Taylor. 1 Modern COiliplel fly furnished ts Wafking Uiistatice. Heierences San Marco Apartments Nicely fur. ,,r unl'iir. mod. 3 rm. ap's pri batn. $1 a up. brick bldK, walk dis tK.tnellke. Couch and E. tli. East 1H90 .nit Alia. Madison 4 room furnished hv week or month. I'drk st. at Mod. tii -. 3 and fl pa rt men s. close i 'l. 1 I'E.N.A VISTA Jin and Harrison. A I house: ail c,it.-,ide apis., s'rictly modern; references. Main 10il or Main 1H52. THE DE-EN DOKK. 20S lbi'H ST. Marshall 231S. Nice o room fur. and unt'ur. apts., I bo 3 and 4 room fur. apts ELr.G AN IT S:eRpillg veniijnees. A -150 1. o room porch and Main 4124 apai tuien; wltri all modem Con or after '6 p. m.. 1.1 .r.UAt Al'i'b.. 3d and Hall 41od .' rooms, ftirnisned. ern brn k bldg . pri ate pnone in Mai shall 4637. each apt., $15' and up. 'Hit SHEFFIELD. 270 Broadway S. 3 and 4 toutii fur. and unfur. apts.. walking distance. l ej v reasonabit rent. I.est of service Main 2506. BALBOA API'S. Large, modern 2 and 3 room fur. and unfur., brick bldg, best service, walk ing dis.; reasonable. 42'. Harrison st. $22. oU 3 LARGE Ft. KN. HOO.V1 8. Private bath, phone, heat, wate-, walking distance, adults, west side. SMITH-W AG j. E K '.. iTOt'K EX. 1 Htt loom bath. $1 West tall Apts.. tarce. apts.. private pnone. .er in.), modern brick. 410 5th; walking dls- PENROSE A ITS. and i H and a e , 3 room furnished. Walking distance. N. V cor liclmonr new, modern, 2 and Service first class. $4.. ROOM. Nh.WLl I I RN APT Close in, west side, best district, fine rooms, heat, phone, less than !f vacant SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX ROSE FRIEND. 2.". Broadway S. : mod ern unfurnished apts . lartre rooms, best service, walking d i s t laj 14 in. $3.6ij PER wk. 2 and S room apts. Pn vale bath. Harrison Court, olh and Harrison st- Walking distance. J EFFERSON IAN A PA KTM ENTS. 514 Jefferson. 2 and 2 room fur nished apartments, $10 and up NoKOMlS. 565 Marshall -Modern 2 room furnished, private bath, dress ing room and phone. $15 to $20 FOI'R rooms, hardwood floors, walk ing distance, furn. or unfurn. Port- nomah. 200 K. 13th. PENINSULA APTS.. C-IliO; concrete bldg. 2 and 3 rooms; hot an. I cold water, baths, phone, steam heat $12 c- UN E beautitul'4 room turnished a, . with piano very cheap to the nn party. Call E. 3252. MAGNOLIA APTS.. E. 3d and BelmonT. Modern 1 and 2 ropm apts., $i.60 per week up. Sleeping rooms. East 212. AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4. 5 6 rm. apts. Mar. 3361 M. 7516. A-2676, LAMAR, 704 Lovejoy. 2 and 3 nr., also basement apt.. $15 to $27.j,v ROSEN FELD Stark 3 nnd (brick). 4 rooms. 14th , and private Dhon CLARK phone. A pts.. lights. 2 rm. fur.. heat. 1 1 2 up. dis. beds. Mar. .'056. FOR RENT FLATS 13 UNFURNISHED-furr.ished. up-to-date 5 room flats, sleeping porcheb. East 3737. 591 H Washington Rt., 6 room flat, good condition. Marshall 3483. A CLEAN 16th and upper 6 Everett. roo.n corner flat, $20 Modern lower a rm. flat. E. Burn slde. cor. 12th E. 2201. FURNISHED FLATS 50 MODERN 4 33 Ross bridge; $14. room, walking distance. St., 2 blocks Broadway ROOMS, bath, lower flat, cotiver a v.. near Broadway 3S2 Van close in. PLEASE call up East 3737. BARON BEAN I'GaJIMES' Gb To THE. RSTVVCBlL. 1 Vlr) SKP PFDTVAlf? "T'EAAJIiT.'S v VjftCJ SEE ?FrnLMG "P'EAAJUTS V l AMD PURCHASE Vi no?Tw OP his '0V j SO THREE room furnished flat, includ ing water, heat, phone and light; 1 block from Williams ave. and Broad way. Phone East 6046. SUMMER RESORTS 5tt .SEASIDE Neat, small cottage, near ocean. Phone K. 2409. TWO furnished h. k. 'enter. Woodlawn rooms. 307. at Beah feKASIl Main E cottage 4191. for rent or sale. Fl'K.N ISSUED tents at .Sunset Beach $4 per week; wood furnished. See Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 232 Chamber of Commerce, or write Mrs. -G. J. Frankel. Warrenton, Or.. H. F. L. No. 1. Sunset Heach. fcE 1 UK n-si rvati'ins from the Gilbert company. ,:v4 i' 1 1 1 rTi 1 1 s' Hotel Becker. Cannon Beach. It will pay von. Jlotel new, attractive, reasonable. Fronted by old Ha v stack Rock H I'.Mhilf.u or utu u 1 11 iSlied colleges for rent at beautiful Macxanita beach. Large living rooms an., fire places. Address G. B Nunn, Manza- nitf. Or SI'NSKT BEACH, furnished tents $4 per week. furbished cottages, 3 room. $s per week: four roomy, $10 per week Write Mrs. G. .1. Frankel. Warm Km. r.. II F. i '. No. 1. ; i:. i:h. 1; r. Will rent f n 1 n islic i house for the season or sell it on easy terms. J. H. Ilartog. 26!i Stark, near 4th. lil.AUTiKCI. uuiiKiilon. witn garage, tents; rooms by day. week or month. Address bo-; 14?. Lone Beach. Wash. FOR RENT At Saltair beach, 1 room furnished cottage, with Wood; rea sonable Ta bor 1 sT.'i ( pvpnings l . STOKES AM) OH It KS n BRICK warehouse i.i 3outh Portland for reiit tracKup". light and airy. On paved street, rea.-onaole Journal I' hi ish iiil' id ilioa'iuav and Yamhill. l-'( 'K BENT- mi be t w i en a 1 1. 1 23 ' j It. deep ; long man, Clav - Co. 0:1 M on i-i n st .. ! : i ij ' i . f ron t in lease. Apply Sher- HORSES. VKHlt'LKS, ETC. 18 tOR horses and vehicles, dogs and liousenold pels find poultry, read the ads under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums li. these class i f.-a t ions. Fdr SALE, mare in weight 12ii0 ton barn. E E. 4 7 0 heap, one well bred hay fine shape. years oln. il.s., t ria a He. w ed . IrvniK 6th and S. busier st. I'hone BLOCK KV team bay marfs, 3-in. ranch wason and Inn :i, ss. J12.t; must seil before Sunday, oril Ke nolds St. Phone Seilwood 4Ci2. ( (! steei Hied too Ulll'liV. also line will take 102i Easi bike bggj, .Moid tires, liorse or i-ow in exchange. J."LL!ilLi 1 l a rn nil i. - i .n E young I Mm ci.eap or will cm r l...:i Ka: In. team Tariff- lor t Yamhill of mares, big nors-i HEAP, line auto, can be hill dnvi seen oiitnt. hoiignt lOJ'.i l-;ast am- LEAD Ijorses free, tall Rendering Co. and an n als V oodlaw u hauled away 10. PortUnd AH 'ST sell team, mare and horse, near ly new harness and farm wagon. 1H7 E. S'a-k st. Trial allowed MT ST sell by lJtn. 3"'in lb. team, wagon, and harness guaranteed all ways. ( '. Jones, Clackamas. GOOD uniall team, harness and ex press wagon for sale, a bargain $100 Call Tabor 2X35. 31 fl LB. team working on a steady job; price $250. Call S03 Nelson st. TWO seated buggy, licitt express SJ5" good as new, . mi: Nelson st. LIVESTOCK 35 FUR SALE Fresh 6 gal. cow, 1 i, h. p. steam cream separator, lunft lh. spring wagon. 363 Aspen e 1 1 e Heights. black Jersey boiler, Iowa horse light St.. V lllam- FCR SALE2 extra good cows witn calves 2 to 3 days old. Phone 31F4 or address Mrs. G. W. Louden, Route 2. V ". o i vr-r. Wash. ,.. L. i.ig Sell wood he iler 1431. caif for sale cheap. ALL KREEDS of dairy Bruce 1'nion Sto k Y; cows, i rd s. Terms. POULTRY AND PIGEONS iV, CHICKENS for sale. R. I. Reds, Brown and White Leghorns, good layers. A M. White. 1410 E. Hoyt St., Portland, or. Phone Tabor 670. ONE for lot of Buff sale. HSn E Orpington 33d N. chickens DO(;S, BIRDS. PETS. ETC. 4(1 CLE stud: blooded Boston Bull Terrier at pup wanted. U-ln. .Journal. IF you want a kitten, call East 6i:H. AUTOMOKILES-AtVESSORIES 44 Mfg. & Repairs. 3000 guarant'd springs in stock prices reduced 34 N 15th st. LET Is Solve Your Spring Guaranteed wa;hw , Springs C o r. I 'nion and Bel mont E 13'io SNAP. Cadillac. 1914, o pass., fully equipped, first class mechanical condition, new tires; must sell for $5i0. T-6J, Jour nal. 1 y i : Saxon roadster. electric horr, lights, throttle whistle, spee.loniet-.-i , etc.. crieap for cash; run 75(iu miles. 1. .3, Journal. WE will convert your FORD cat into a ROTHWEll.KK ONE TON TRUCK for $3n0, terms if desired. BENJ.' E. BOON E rk CO.. 514 Alder St. . Ma,n 39,1 ? VV E vv R EC K AL Tua. Parts for most all makes of car.-. Engines, t rasmissions. etc.. Oregon Auto Ex.. I2fi I.ownsdale Main 116 SNAP. Hudson. 1D12,, 54. perfect condition, newly painted, good as new; must sell for $72o. G-HI. Journal. FOR S'ALt'. ( ar. if y.r 11 act ica Iiy lieiv J.liiiu wan; a machine don't fall to sec this. tnu."t seli for ash. am going east. Phone Air. in NO-GLARE AUTO LENS ED BRUNS ;t cor Ash CO.. Reoad w x 43U, ! 1500 REO truck, in good condition. Price $100 at 647 Mi First st Main 3S94. St FURNISHED FLATS (Continued) ITouoie. i-HmiaGI V inn W'btEE.; ' I BE. BACrr SCAii f JSiS AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES ( Continued ) 44 Visit Our Used Car Dept. WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING: Cadillac, 1913. 7 pass., electric starter. A more dependable car cannot be bought for $S00 Cadillac. 1S11 touring. This model always gives excellent s.rvicc .$400 Maxwell light roadster, electric lights, demountaiile rims.. $350 Case, 1913, electric lights and gen erator $500 Abo six. some car. See it to ap preciate its vale. Pierce "3fi." and a good one. too. Pierce "4S." 7 pass., fine tor stage or rent work $800 Chalmers "36." a good car, in fine condition with new tiies $450 Locomobile s.x JSOO Buick .-petdbug, 1 lassy little car, in good (oiidiiion $275 Buick "2 1" touring car. repainted . $325 AlU-n 1915, lisht car. in fine con dition $500 Studebakcr electric, will trade for Portland lot or $400 AND MANY OTHERS Main 24 4 2 1 st and Wasn. Covey Motor Car Co, Bargains in Used Cars PACKARD PHAETON, A-l condi tion, will lake Miidiler car ir. ex change, $9."iJ. CADI 1,1, C dition, $1325. EfGHT. first clas con- FORD, practically new, $50 la. painted. oi.nfvopiLK. tnir.. first class condition, $ newly '75. The Oldsmob'le Company of ( irecou. Broil on and ("ouch sts riu. hp Broadway 1640. Real Bargains, Stevens-DuryA. Oldsmohlle, Pnirlpbaker. t'l aimers, ( 'ole, "Wintonr from 1410 to 1916. The Winton Co, rd and Wasliinton st. i s A l.AGbS $30 and up. P o r tablt houses, chick en houses, woods heds, etc. Mill mad C o n struction Cj. Main 1157. and evenings. Suniay 3S1 5. l?ln DODGE TO! RING CAR. Extra, casing Steward vacuum feed, ,ar in first class condition. Pri'e $6:.i; $.7."i casli down, bal ance $37.50 per month. RtrsJ. 614 Alder E. BOONE A- CO. st. Main . 966. OVERLAND touring car, run only 4000 miles, looks like new $525 STI bEBAKKR "4," la 14 touring car. electric starter and lights 450 STCDEBAKER ' 0." 191C touring . ar, electric starter and lights 701 FORD touring car, fine condition 27."i OREGON MOTOR CAP. Co . IS ED CAR DEPARTMENT. fdudebaker TMstributors. Park : Davis. 1913 MODEL 5 passenger Hupmobile in first class condition. Price 425; terms, $125 cah. balance $30 per mo. BEN J. E. BOONE & CO.. 514 Alder st. Main 3966. 1 ton, $3n EVERREADY TRUCK 1 V4 ton, $410 , ATTACHMENTS 2 ton, $4fio For all makes of cars. Manufactured in Portland. THAYER-SH A VKR-lil'LLET MAC11INK ( 'O.. 193 F- Water st. Phone East 74S7. 1!H4 FORD ROADSTER. First class condition, $225. easy terms. OAKLAND AT'TO CO., 522 Al d e rst . ,Co r ner 16th. DOUBLE tread, puncture proof tires mae from your old ones. Brmp them In Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. Wash, at 18th. Burnside at Broadway. (325 Burnside 1916 4 -CYLINDER OAKLAND Bargain Terms. OAKLAND AUTO CO.. 522 Alder si., Corner 16th. NATIONAL roadsttr. 1M4. run 12,000 miles, Westinghouse ignition system, demountable rims, good tires, over hauled and repainted, new $S0 speed ometer and c.o.'k. cha.ns. etc. Price $600. CaU Marshall 17:o'. 751 Glisan. Elite Auto Laundry Washing, polishing, oiling W ash 7'x; and up. Fords one. 25 N 14 th near Burnside. b'lT 1 -E BAKER, 5 pass, car, newly painted, all good tires, will sell a; a bargain if taken witnin 2 days; this is a 4 cylinder car, 1 y 1 4 model, in splendid condition. U-17, Journal. FOR USED CARS See big Co. Mnln stock . 2 4 4 Covey Motor Car t and Wasn ngton. FOR SALE lSl.'i bveriand. 5 pass, $200 before Friday, leaving city 966 E 21 st st. N. FuRI.) roadster, 1915 Model, new bodv, 2 extra tires, motor in perfect con dition. l.'i'.T. -ash Sell 309. JlKi- V starter tor b'ord cars. A. L. Bt ecketu .d;e. '26 ilalsey st.. state acent Pho eS E. 509.".. C-22S0. R( lAI iSTEl: mone . I ' In good condition; Tabor ;'43. need H UPSON "'4. V -"... . Journal. pase.. snap; '.iims. PORTABLE garage, used 3 months $20 if moved at once. ;64 San Rafael. Pefltrd B44 Hood s "(Kd la w n AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES (Contlnnsd) 44 PIERCE 4s, 7 -pass. See it at Covey Motor Car Co., 21st and Washington sts. Main K244. AUTOS FOR HIRE 52 RATES for a new 7 pass. Chandler, Columbia high wa v t rips. Crowr Point $6; Multnomah Falls, $8; Bor.r.tcvilie $10; in city $1.75 per hour; from 5 hours and up. $1.50 Main 2281. A-7S76. MAXWELL. Itflb moaei. expenencea and careful driver Tabor 76. DODGE auto service, special tales tor parties. Main 25S1. NEW Oakland 6, Columbia highway or anywhere, reasonable Tabor 7113. Al'TO FOB HIKE New car and old driver. Woodlawn 34 71 :16 ALTO for hire Woodlawn 2327. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 7S TWO good lots, near Creston and Franklin high, small mortgage, my equity for good light car, or what have you? Tabor 5373. WANTED, an auto for a $650 first mtg.. security $3000. C Jenkins, 60th and Belmont. Phone Tabor 70. TRADE fcr equity two M-52. Journal. first lots. class auto, balance due $500 $300. FuRD OR CLEAR realty wanted a part payment, active partnershii Tight manufacturing. F-53. Journal. M()T()R(TC LES-RK VCLES 55 GET this at your own price. 112 7. H. P. Indian, in good fchape. See it at 31 N. 19th st. Main 4S81. bEVKN h. p., 3 speed Excelsior, fully equipped, like new. $150. P-63. Jour nal. LIGHT motor Merkel, running order,- good tires, old type; $20. 1 K. 1 fit n cash for motorcycles an. I condition Hlo.-ker. 27 LAI. MHES AMI BOATS EYINRUDE detachable, rowboet and canoe motors. In use by 22 govern ments. $63, $73 and $s3 with magneto. Lrinrude Motor Co., 211 Morrison. NICELY furnished complete bathroom; Owner. 519 Worcester houseboat bargain at bldg. with $250. FIVE room boathouse. with oleiiric lights; price $100; fuel free. 1064 Macadam r-t.. South Portland. $60 CASH will buy 16 ft. iiioTor boat. or will trade for canoe and cash. Call East 1020. NEW modern houseboat, . bath. Seilwood 574. ,'o. 4 Moorage. robins and Willamette T. DA. NT ELSON bldg.. repairs. Boat Shop best work. Nebraska low prlc. PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUM K.NTS 3! CLOSING OUT THIS WEEK. $350" Modern Upright, cash 325 Older model upright, cash... 27". Boudoir uprigr.i, cash 400 Chickering. old model, cash. i'Ta Antfelus Player, cash 90 Earhoff I'urle Oran covb 6 5 4.". 3 5 43 1 SECUFIITY STORAGE CO.. 109 4th tit.1- ortu, purctiiaing nee our Specials in Used Piano Bargains. Ner; pianos modaiely priced- $2. r3 and. $5 monthly secures old model F. & C. Fischer. Chickering k Sons atid Smith & Barnes upright piano now during make room sale. Schwan Piano Co., ill 4th st. PLAYER pianos from $25 upwards, . chickering. .Steinway, Gablet, llaid man. Kranich & Bach and many oth ers; easy terms. Graves Music Co.. 151 4th st. FAMILY leaving Portland will sacri fice almost new $50u upright piano on very easy terms or for cash; make offer. See Mr. Foster 151 4th st. RAGTIME in ten lessons; practice room free. Special summer rates 75c. 2 trial lessons free. 'Christen sen System," 501-2 Ellers bldg. ELEGANT 88-note player piano, bench and lot of up-to-date 8S-note music in rolls; cost $7uo, will take $270, easy terms Apply 151 4 Hi st. PIANOS stored 50c monthly, or will seil piano at your price, or buy it for cash. Call Main 6323, Security Storage Co., 109 4th st. $375 STEGER player piano with 88 note music rolls, cabinet and bench; looks and sounds same as new; terms. 285 Morrison st. $1.25 WEEKLY buys 1 y 1 model $325 piano for $215 during Make Room Sale now in progress. $5 sends it jhome schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st 1'IANO players rented. $4 per month; free SS-t.note music rolls; ail rent can apply on new player piano later if de sired. 151 4th st. FREE USE of piano or player-p.aiiu for 2a years. See display adver tisement of Schwan Piano Co., oi call at 111 4th st.. at Washington. $900 HIGHEST grade 88-note player piano now $390, on easy terms, rolls and bencn included. Graves Music Co 151 4th st. KIMBALL piano, condition, $115. beautiful tone. 5is Union ave fine upstairs. WRITE today for our of good used pianos. Co., 151 4th st. Bargain List" Graves Music By good practice piano, good makes, low prices; pay $1 per week. Graves Music Co., 161 4th st. RENT a piano. $1 per month and up. Good make to select from. Ask about our fine drayage plan. 151 4;h. I WISH to sell my fine little stein way piano in upright case, make of fer. Apply Mr. Grief. 151 4th st. Fine Kohler piano, almost new ; latest style; must raise $100. Earlton apts, corner Russell and Union ave. Room 1 ,$450 H A RDM AN upright and bench for $115 cash tomorrow. Security Storage 'o 10 4th st. IF YOU live out of town write today for our "Big Bargain List." Graves Music Co.. 151 4th st. $65 CASH buys $325 upright tomor row at Security Storage Co., 109 4th st. BENT Z piano or player piano; ask about our free drayage plan. Graves Music Co.. 151 4th St. ALMOST new $1S0 on 4th st. 88-r.ote piano player very easy terms. 151 RENT 4 th a player. St., near $4 month Morrison and up. 151 BABY grand at great sacrifice, splen did condition. 151 4th st. finjted Ptstes Patent Offtc 31 WHY buy used unimproved pianos at the same price as we sell new 1916 models with all up-to-da.e improve ments. Coy,, more tone and efficiency. S' hwn Piano ' o. Ill 4th st. TYPEWRITERS NEW REMINGTON rental plan, with manufacturer' guarantee and rentals applying to purchase. Visible models. $3 per month. $7.5u for 3 months, 'jther models less. Remington Typewriter Company. 86 Broadway. Telephone hrondway 621. WK save you from 50 to 75 on all makes of typewriters. Send for our Illustrated folder; rental department, WHOLESALE TYPcWHITLR CO. 321 Washington Ft. CORONA 2?o5. E portable typewriters. M&iti . W. Pease Co.. agts. 110 6th. NEW. rebuilt, rates P D C 2d tand. leuials. cat ( O . 23 1 Sin rK M 1 4117 HOUSEHOLD (OOPS for SALE 5 BOOKCASE, sideboard, dtshes, chairs. sanitary CQt. library laBje. 390 Sha ver street. '"t 1 ALL-STEEL roll toTTS flat top desk, also T. W. desk Aieap. Mu- tual Film. 9th and Davis. KOli SALE MIS4 ELLANEOI S 1! FOH SAi.l Brano new carom and pocket blilia.d tables with completo outfit, $126 second hamd tables si reduced prices; bowling alley and bil liard easy payments. Cigar store, drugs, delicatessen and soija fountain fixtures. THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-('fil.LENPER CO. 46-4H Btli. AlAcrtlNiiB ot all mattes old for less. No agents employed. Machine rent ed $2 per month. A-3626, Main 9431. Sewine Ma clnni F.mnorium. 190 Jd i.lMi. L i.eli(ljjf.Ai'S . 11' n rlters" and "Housenold Gooas" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these gooas are published utder tbclr re&peciivu clussiHcailot;. LOOK THEM OVER. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and re paired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burmide. cor. loth. Broadway or A-5674 $10 Ten Diuphead newing ma naies with attachments, good condition. Sewing machines ranted $2 per month. E.2359, B-3 30? C R. Eteen. 152 Grand ave. near Belmont. AU iOMOBlLF;ti, Iiiotoi cycles, launches or boats are separate c lassi I cat ions. A laxge listing can be found under these different classifications. Wayne Gasoline Pumps E H Ruppell. 194 1st st. Main 1221. MACHINERY bought, sold, repaired and exchanged. Northwest Lead m M acti. ro, 3 11 I'ront st. Main 5492 TENTS, .i cent on the dollar, size Itix-M. II. N. Bain. Marshall 418 Railway Exchange, room 527 PORTABLE pa.rlor biii table, in goewl older, elze; bargain, $23. l. E. lard and pool complete, 16th St. DOC. Till iD, landscape gardeners. lawns and flowers cared for, refer ences Plione E. 72,')6. XH, 3 foot wall tent $8. 7x wedge shaped tent $6. Marshall 36S2. NEW lent, plete. $5. 8x10 ft., never Main 5536. useu; com- SWAP COLUMN 25 WANT 5 pass. Ford; have lot Frank lin addition, clear. diamond, box ball bowling alley. Twin 7 H. P. motor cycle and good :t ton gooseneck wagon; trade either. What have you? S-54, Journal. EXCHANGE work for 6 .Tourna 1. dressmaking or cuk dining chairs. other U-22. HORNLESS talking marhine to ex change for anything of value. Tabor 3124. H A T have you in horse, buggy or cow to exchange for good motor cycle. 102s East Yamhill GOOD buggy to exchange lor good cow or horse. 1ii2S East Yamhill. CC N F I good ( "I I UN ER i . grocery lauix h or lot. 2'i5a store, for .1 et ferson. PRINTING for useful Main f urmtut e or hii i h, 7029 evenings. "s" 5 COMPLETE rooms of good furniture as payment on aiia jroad wii.v 11K9 VANTKU- MISCKLAXKOrS 5 WE pay highest price for second hand furniture, stoves and ranges, must r.-vt the goods. BROWN FURNITURE CO.. E40 X I'r.'on. Pnone 77SS KLiAitt your iud lor ti nu matter how badly broken, tiring this ed. Howard Jewelry Co.. 2SGH Wash ingtori rnu.t, Eaiot wiier. you waul to sell your furniture. We come at once ana pay you the -cash. M. R beater, 286 Gram ave.. south of Hawthorne. WAN ! ED . becond ranges and stoves. Morgan Fumituie Co. si. Phoi - Fst 22S8 lurnuure, Beat prices paid. 3 jo E. Aloriison l A, I LK i lie peopie VI I'ul odnlj (O know I pay the highest catn prices for Household goods. Prompt alr.-ition. r.f h7'i7 N heater 1 4.1 R.ll st 1 VV'iLE pay casii lot jour piA..o, p.ay er. upright, grand or square. Buih phones. 14ui, or call on J. J. Foier, ! .'. l 4tn st. WANTED .nd-liand clotniiiji, ihoes and all kinds oi merchandise We need stock and pay for it. try us. Cail Main .''.192 or Mad .-i n st. NOTICE TO MOVt.Ua. Wanted Stoves, rockeis. dressers, r cs couches, chairs, tables, etc. We Pa v the price N W Fur Ex K Hn WANl'EU Second hand on one side (rooms; 1 7 1 ij I- ront t . A-5201 electric simi Mrs. HicK'j, WILL PAY lAaH FOR SECOND HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHuNK MAIN 333 2 A -256 7 SECOND hand clothing buyer. Meyer, the tailor, pays $5 up for suits; shoes b o ught. Marsh all 1229 2 2 U . 1 a di son WANT all kinds showcases, cash reg isters, scales, etc. 128 1st, nea'1 Alder. WANTED 302. -Tent, sxlo. Phone Mai: WANT stove or range, also some fur niture. Main 4495. PAYS highest price Tor 2d hand cloth ing, tools, et-c 273 Front. Main 4N02 CASH paid for nlture. Ford good second-hand fur Auction Co., lid 2d st. PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ( Continued ) WANTED M1SCELANEOUS (Continued WE PAT cash lor your uaaj luitaiuiu. carpets, ranges, etc. Gevurtz Furnitu'e Co., Inc. 186-17 FIRST STREET. NEAR YAMHILL MARSHALL r.SSi IX)ST AND MM XI) :i THE following articles were left in cars of Portland Railway, Light At Power Co., AukusI 1. 116. Owners may obtain property at station. First and Alder streets. 2 puises, 1 pu'ii- age meat, 7 packages. 1 pin. 2 pairs gloves, 1 bundle mana.ines, 1 hand bag, 3 umbrellas, 1 pail, paint. 1 glass jug. 1 can paint. 1 pair overalls, 1 suitcase, 1 bathing suit. I book, 1 sheet jnuslc LOST. alermar vest pocket loun- tain pen, with gold band engtaved "Florence E Hottmne. October a." 1914." Phone Main U09 or A-llOii. Reward WILL the lady" with children who got In the autotnpblle on the Vancouver ferry Monday aiternoon pleah call Marshall i.526. Mr. Long. LA DIETS' gold watch at M In 1 1 in. niah F:i tlllte Lit. y. with baby's picture, .ham has knois Please return to O. 171 Killingsw ot th avenue. Eoh 1 lirinule i.iiKlisn Bun do;, oun cil ('lest, Monday nii'iiiini;. answets to name of Joi. Reward for informa tion. Main 2 1 nl. LOST Pair of sm.-s.'s m I .il.erai 22. id. reward Tabor HHS Iti' !: FOUND Dog. license No. "293 Monition ut. ;U4. i '. iuii t- FOUND Auto on July 2S, at 6th and GIisansts; Ca.ll 32 1 ijlisan st. FOUND A canoe in Willamette ptve description. X- loiirnal I'ERSONALS WHY pay big prices for glasses? I can fit your eea with first quality lenses in a koIU fillet", frame as low as $i.f0. Oiaa. W. Ooodinan, a.totnett i-t. 2"VI MiU"' ixo" Main .1.4 FEBET &. HANEBUT, leading wig and toupe makers: finest stock bu rn hi: hair goods, halrdressing, man icu i -ing, face and scalp treatment, comb ings to order 147 Broad wa v. Main 546 PRIVATE HOME FOR NERVOUS and Mentral cases, pa ra t 'cm a sptcia ty, 15 years experience. ,iv E. Clark fi34 Lovejoy. Marshall 2)fi. TAKAHA Hair ionic, an antisepiic scalp cleanser, hair beautifler and dandruff remover; price 50c botne. For ale by Portland H"tei I'lmrii.m v. DON'T use expensive coin remedies when you cut) get tlie sure uiihk "Removes It" 15c piasters at tue Cleni enson Drug Co., 20. i Morrison st. RESPONS I RLE man with new ear wants man and wife to sbate tta- eling expense to coast for l o weeks outing. E-H6 ,lo ur 1 1 a I DR. V. G. Kt-l'LliCil -V omens ma.a- dles and a. Ule uist.i.H.'S of men. V aslt bldg. 4th and Wash Km 4 1 Mar 448 HAVE your h.iir pennaiieir.iy awd. Guaranteed to last. -8;in I ., ry lieauty Parlors. 40" ipkuin Mmsha I 17(1'.' SFlRlTUAi.liS.vj -Rev. M.A J'rne. un cles Tues. 2. p m.. U'fi.,, Sun n p. in Reading dally 292 Clav t .lnr 36' ELECTRIC and vibratory treatments. facial, scalp and shampooing. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bld. BALM ot women. i" Igs Ml 4 l eiiicdy I lavls lor nt diHeases o Mam ''3:i Lawyer Consultation I ree .Maui 4!ifin f,l J Selling' bldg NOTK'KS -Zt departmknt ok Tin-; in rniKm. office of Indian Affair. W NNliingteii, Ir r -Senli-1 proxals f.r letting trzliig prlTilege ti,nlfi Ibe permit wsteni t..r lieep aud ImiiiIk on the Vuklina Imlinii reerat inn for the rea anna of 1!I17. 1SHS mill IM1W. will ! rer.lTed at th office of tlie hii.eritile,i(leut ef the VHldlnn tudiao achmil. fori Wapihliigt'in, until 2 o'clock P- I"-, on M.idiIkv, AuguNt 14 1KI0, a or! Bill t" Immediately tliereaifer opened In lue yreMeni-e of kiicU bidiiera aa may attend. Bids alioiild hIiuw the number ef l.tb abeep and lao:bs, the an.'xiul t( be paid for each, and the name of thai range (leaked. All neerrj information may be "t.talned on application to the (Oiperlllteii.lelit ( ato Sells, eoni m laainiir r EORAi.E -office department (piartrriua.ti'r. 216 1'lne t.. San 1 ranil-co, Cal: Sealed ,ro ponala will be rccelTert here until II a. in , August 31. 191'i. f.r furninhlnjr f'.t'MCe, t.-.. reijuiied at poata In western department durlnc the peViod commencing- October ) Mnii ei.uing June 3(1. 1H17. Iiifortnit l..n fnrnlhe(l on appli'-atlon hre. or to pOfO (inartertnaterM l'Kl l'( ISA LS for hay and iati. g.urloiiu- ler'a off!''. Portland, or. Sealed pr.. o-.. Ik will be receUed here until 11 a m . Aiikhi-i 22, liilH. and then o;xnfl. for furnint 'ng SooO tona bay and Soon tuna cala. Eurl'ier Information on application. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCORDION PLEATING ACOIRPION, KNIFE AND BOX PLKATIMJ. HEMST1TCHIMJ, b RA I Til NO ; Kt'TToN-HOI.F-S, BLTIIINS COVEKKD. EASTERN .NOVELTY' MEG. CO., 85 Mil. B'VVAY 2'K K. STEPHAN Heinitltcbing. accordion, lidn and auoburat pleating ; buttona covered, g(ada aponged. Scalloping. I'lttock ll nay 1QW9. AGATE CUTTERS MEN. Jt;V'ELEKS HiamiHida bought and Witch repair g. Miller . ;t4.iv, aali. M. lold. 1ST 4 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS P. E. g-t liSllENSH Al'i Implement!..- Tehlclnand "i'ul farm anppllta. Slid 1C Morrlaon. ANALYTICAL i I I.BEHT II ALL CHEMI8TAND CO. -Oiuih bldg AB8AYER 10 4th at. ATTORNEYS FREE advhc to woitby 4"7 Spalding bldg. P'kit by old lawyer. BLANK BOOK MAKERS IiAVlS A holm AN. Inc.. loi 2d at Blank Ih-m-.U mflnufcturera. agenta for Jonea Im proed 1Kiae lyeaf Ledger See tlie qiw Eu reka Leaf. A TilKi. Main 1M. BRASS FOUNDRY THE POHTTAND Bran KaindrT Braaa, bronte, copper. (Jeruian allrjr imi aluminum ciflinga lt 11M it"') I'nlwi it. CABINET WORK CABINET WORK, o. Jonei Jr . nv. furniture rej. airing. 2:id ft. Main ?.KA2. Horace CARPE TCLE A NINO J nj From old cirpeta. y rag ruga, crnt ''cleaning. North wei t Ttng Co., lis E. 8th at. E. ll.VW). B-12S0 JOYCE Hroa Electric Cleaning Worka -Carpeti cleaned and laid; refitting our apeclalty. Raat 44Q B 1WVI 2M E 1ith ft. N. PENINSI 'LA It Rug Works Rag rug and car pet wearing. 1518 Patton are. Wdln. 20KS. It Looks Like the Gem A A 61i&Ar'4; -tS 2 1 C F 0 CHIROPRACTORS IiR. WcMAHON inrilile "r, tkhi time. Ill trettiw.i1 wcrth r0 AiMltloosl new etfl.Tii U'o" 2t'J Mai led) I'ldg . -ttb and Whale inin t.. m.v s f gratifying iiccfiM. wlili mHii -e iBiieii iiirnral.le .bm .luring Ibn pun wvi-.i yi-uir in I'miI Intnl. I Imve eollbltsbed h .1 Iropi ii.-iic -iiitnrhiiii wliere eiil -(if -town pa. Ilehi. uiny iciiihIu uiiii i n, their Hdvaiitiys at iiiet reio.iiimt.le iiiii'm "l.l.e tHklnie treatuint. 'I I II en Mi..ltrm Inn -:U Hnw llli.rne arts IU-:SI 1.I S do in y mlTeri Ihihk IN iraaluicnta $1". lr. C S Tlgiiril. :;ou N.irlli..t bldg., Ilili mnl V Hib In e tii . COAL AND WOOD NAiliis.'l. n i:i, ( ii i:-i Jim. e SII.hihI. 1.1 2." delivered, dry lilock inrt litbwoi.d turned $: .' loa.l. c.-nl dry wrecltagr, 't A 1 di.v fir. 4 t it Miwe.l tu urdcr. n"i:i it a Auiiiiiv fiFTT'n" n :,o to $:.2.v ll...kiMl :io:. Water hi Vlnln 4:jiiI A 4547 a n i 7m i... . Fll.l nti N . ( ... - ( ol d LbM 4llM ulalivsiKSl 4 1 III Mnln Hli-1 CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS IISKAH III IIKK. . k t.l.ln . I I'M It i I tilt f, Hr.m.lWH.v li'.:i4. (rueful loulru I.. i 2J hlir v j.nluriliK mnl aave u nil.) .Ill' I . tinting mil DOG AND CATHOSPITAL I'll (i II III TIIM AN m KUISARIAN tl.lllnl 4 1.". I: Tin al. Dug, clipiii'il and iMtheil bn lv47. II mil- H lltC.2 EDUCATIONAL ' J " DANl'INO M S( HI S I I It . .iii' U.K A. nil. -Hi) . K-.'i ,". hut.. ,rl le I" 1 e,,. ll'l.-l tircMi Mil Mill k ci.l link v 2. iiii.ii.I;,. (Lou i'k K Hal it I. ' evening.-. ; s .: S.e Kill Hi In! I Hie I II' . (' V ell lll lnn. rimril ii.v 210O. Sal inn I Mi II Hill . 1 1 HI L-Hh S.I..-.1 2.1 kl . ItlM .." liiaiMia liHll. lielMcfu Waaii- lln V1S. I Inn Kt'ldHV i i . g t . t i and Sin ei i MUSIC SCHOOLS AMD TEACHEHS TIHKl.linllN l.illn teic Lit V."ii"." KercH. ii? 1 lleiliu i' hlilii 410' M h I hum U IH2!. I'll"! I I I I.AWSiiN I'l.iti-i I,h..iih m unr I 'I,, .i.e 1 11 I m . i Ji. Hi FIRE I I INSURANCE I I Ii 1 I N -I i; m i: I n ) , it 1 1 FLUFF RUOB AND RAO RUOB Send Us Your. Old Carpets M rini l.l HigrHln. Ittiisei. x iiiliiftrr. rug I'ligi. ail If Mall ot'lrra -I . lcii,i!,i- S.' for booklet. KltN I I. 1 II" HI (i I'll-. N rinniea. JOan li.Mi. M 14 (V FURNACES ii. i i'i..iuri I HI " KM' '4 t 11LM1 A i' Boynton Furnaces Bcnmiiiiii iil. efte. tual. J i. llaicr O , I'r hi ami Market. HATS CLEANED. BLEACHED : I rrrnT- . hi (lle - . -: , . ,-r . . , . i KeiiiK i Himlnu Mil ii.'Hiieii, tunariiro, I rii w ,, 41 li fella, s iuI ill,!'. II .1.1 kaiitinm'a, ' Pli..n M 7(i'JH. i nr LEATHER AND BHOE FINDINOS i in; hum i n i.i; a i hi it l. sl ririn In niii'i liu eal Aleiit l a M "le . MATTRESSES I (I. ' Munarrh' l.torell ' I 1 . 1 1 I te luo I i.g M ' i.'l Icatlien I"'. I Id U, tolllIK, t.-Mlli.T um.le Inln He, I I i I : K n I. .".fT I BEVERAGES N0N-INT0X1CAXIN0 1.1 N 1 1 A K 1 1 in. id, ii anil Nectar. IburT Velnhaiil ..unit. 1 .11 Ii ami till i,'! V;-ii, 7. I'll-.lie A 1 1 7 J PRINTERS AND ENORAVEHS TTl I . I V'V I'liLvs JoIlN M MANN'. : .S'-s la i k!d lb",' I a 4(, A 4QSX. ROOF PAINT illn.-k 7 al Tb,f I'uiul II Miilm Made and M.1,1 l. the drain M I k Lullaiiil of .'lea 4.n, PHI... k l..k RUBBER STAMPS ALSO Stem i la Trade I AND SEALS ie.-k. Urn Kigna. PAl IHl I (I AS SI AMI' WIlHhH 2.1 w a.lilt. "" ' Mnln 71(1. A 271(1. 4 SAFETY HAZOaS HONED "a tld SAI 1CTY ra..ia Six' ;.r rjogen. aha i j.elied. 1 45 H ad kiuda. 2.V near Morrlaou. SHEET METAL WORKS Toi.fa Jacob Loall. ItK.I'AIKI M :in, I lot t lu a ml ura ltd I'hoi.e Main TRANSEER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co, l"7,,. Tra nwf er I I ..rwar.luig Auen". I ree I I idll .toiayo 474 i.Ii-kii at. Maln HH. A 1 119. "i i'TT lli;s I" St or a i.,ri(K. a nil Offl 1Mb and i i li-m n ALWAYS " I'll K ,()(.! Hl'Kf I A US IS Storage. I'a'kln. SI Ippinji and Moving or Auto ana. Special frelKhl rate. t. all p.ili.'a. C O Pl( K lltA.NSI Ell A STOItAGi; Ml Seeonil and Pjne. ,'ln'"jL" jV''.. L1!!L OLSii.NltOKr 'IK A NSKllt CO. "riirnltiira uio era iiiw-kerH alotak'' flrei.rr-.f Harhoilt, loth and 11" y i - M n ' ii .M7. A 2247 MANUKACTURE.R5 i JOBBERS WHOLESALERS DRY OOOD WTI0LE8ALI Sbtrlock BTdT L. Dinkelspiel Co.-rbim. "Der o.k PAINT, OIL 0 LABS RASMt'SSEN A C(l., "lllb Standard N. E. corner 2d and fa) lor. M 1771, paint. A 4111. PLUMBINO BUPPUES f'Lt'MBINii auppllea. wlmleaulK fila . 212 i"hlr,t at M prlcea. ntaik. aln i '.I i SANITARY WIPINO RA0B L, SHANK CO, .'(12 FRONT ST. PHONK MAIN lOflO. WATER SUPPLY 8YSTEMS K tWA N K"V A ILK S Y STL Si (4 M D Spenewr. agent, l'i;i WOOD PIPE Weal Park at. rOKTLANrt WOOU office near 24tb r fii'i; i o. i,. I York at. Factory and Main 341V " nrroKMATios coupon. If you want the name of a reliable business house dealing In any line of merchandise, or information regard ing resorta, hotels, railroad., steam ship lines, etc., address Oregon Jour nal Information Bureau. Information Jeaird; Name Address Squirrels Don't Eat Now Beak's vub his Uaaj AWtAirbkl. AJ THh Vfrfrrt THtED Cit THIS Hcwtvta To Sum up lAJreAJDtD OS Miys it 6c , Oft illJlSI) H it m ft