THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1916. 16 L PARTY LEADER SAYS FOND WILL BE USED Thfeat Made That Influence May Be Swung to Hughes Against Wilson. "NO BABES IN WOODS" Wlss Ann Martin Expect Conference of the Woman's Party in Colorado prlags to Declare for Hughs. Denver. Colo.. Aug-. 3. (U. P.) One hundred thousand dollar and the in fluence of the national Woman' purty Will bo caM into the balance in fnvor Of Charles Evans Hughes and against President W'llhon if the Democrats fall to pass the, federal suffrage amend ment at the present session of con f res. Mlt Anne Martin, chairman of the Woman' party. Mated to the United Pr here today. "We must Judge the Democratic par ty on Its p.-r forriiH ti . nml ihe (("pub lican party firi itn promise, lu-it hs we hold Pi . i 1 nt WIIkoii Ii a mri-t a ceoi. nt Vi 1 1 1 1 y t,i , in KifliHie r-onl. o H'fl will h')M :..'. i i t. Or lluli. -- i.i hie promise of national suffrage .1 Iim Is elected. I he leaders or the Hmiuri rutty are ni babes in (he ihmhI. W o rr,i,;zn that jolitcs and hope, of victory m.iy have hud. a great ileal to do vmh ilie. change In Governor Hughes inward favoring national suffrage. FPjt we have not even a promise fr-mi the Democrats. Campaign Fund In Blght. 'We have every confidence that as leader of his party. Governor II iphes wll) keep his word The party .ecu res tha political freedom "f all WOmen will Inevitably win the. undying loynlty and ailhere' of the .trvn voter:,. Will the JienmciatH Hlw this great oppoiLumty to trie Kepur..lcnn party J" Mif.8 Jlartln Is illrecting efforts to raise a lluo.uou (.ainpniKn fund for the woniKii h parly Anticipating no Satisfactory uciion from the lierno cralM, MlnH Mai tm Mute. I inat plans have b-e-i practically ,u i n . 1 : cd lur S vlRoroiiN c.i nia i g n by tin. woman's party In .the 1 suffrage stales In be half of the Hepuhli. an parly. "I myaelf am a I eum. ra t, ' said Miss Martin. J uou J like to ott for President Wilson llu( as a member Of (he woman's parly my first Intent is to seyure national suffrage. " Two Organlxer at Work. Two organizers ol the woman's party and the 'ongi es.sluiial i ream NATIONA WOMAN S Woman Suffrage l.avo actually been j now heir s paid on farm lo-ins St work for .iio.itos ,,, e.i.i, the Illustration Is Olven. equal suffrage tutea oik in ii- ' .r ... . , ... Charge of mate head.piarle, s ati'i F I11""81": 1 "der tue pi, sent works In cooperation with ine ;-talo SVH,rm (lf ''orcowing money. ,f Mr. sjul congressional J.sirlr chain,,,,, .'"ler borrows $10on f..,- Lu. years The second organized tiavels .-nounC)"' K p,'r 'r'';, hp uld pay $1200 In tlia slam and arranges meennes r, -, . terfst, and the original amount cor- corps of speakers routed ,'rotu natiuuul headquur te.i s in t'liicaga. Mln.i Matlin experts (lie ccnferei,,-e of the woman's parts in i oiora-lo Spring, August 10-12 formally ;.) de ciare for Hughes. .lieiuurd tne Wiuiiaii s pot in -d t. ami'iiiKii will be help elect bin. .1 i i eel ! v SUBMARfNE HAS NOT SHOWN HER NOS-E THUS FAR tronrinue.l Fro ra line t was wltness.-d only hy ,er pilot 1 tug, the Tiiiiiiiins, and those aboard the TlnimiiiN were not clone enougu ! to he mui'o Ihey had seen the d I .j made until wave after wave of tin heavy wta had come up and gone i down without the .subina clue's light &aiuiti showing. ! Submerged Mils Off Shore. The submersion was made about a' mile nul.Nido lli capes, the Tininiliin crew repoi ted vv lien they put into Nor folk early today. j Captain of the Interned C,er intiii liner Neoliiir, who was aboard' the Tiinio.iii.s, .--aid the last act of Ca:- taln Koenlg and his crew before they went , below was to give three cheer' for America and the American people.! This was as they neared the Capes. Then all disappeared from the upp-r iBtruc'iire of tlio submarine. Captain Koenlg being la.xt p descend, shout - Ing ft farewell to laptaln Hinsch as he disappeared. "That's the last that will be ssen of her until she hobs up In Bremen. ' declared (.'indaiu Hinsch. To Submerge Bat Little. Captain Hinsch said the ei.t'ch- planned to submerge only during the nay time when well out to sea, and In the day time only when absolutely neceasary. 'She will proceed on the surface, like any other vessel, at nigot, as nun as ouL of the danger zone," he said. & "We expict. o hear from her or Shout her before she reaches Bre' men.1' ghe May Ban Along- Coast. Captain. Zach Culllson of the Tim mins would only say: "I'm glad she's torn-." ' It's the most worrisome bit of pHot - Inr Captain Zach has had to handle In many a day. , f It has been understood Captain Koe nlg planned to work his way along ties coast, north or south, after sub merging, putting Into some port If forced to do so by the enemy patrol. He desired to drive out Into ;the At - .lsntio the moi ent he was sure the patrol had been avoided. The United States cruiser North Car- olina. assigned to neutrality duty, wan ordered in from the capes today, lndi - . eating the belief Of government offl- -, . olals st least, that danaer of neutrality violation had passed. G-lvs Cheers for America. - The Heutschland appeared In the f bay, after spending the day in Tangier -. sound. 35 miles up. Just about sunset, and was cutting across toward the ' capes as darkness began to fall. Plie was displaying red and green lights closs to the water, but soon put these opt. "Approaching the Cape Henry llght- ship the submarine moved In close to - shore and boM back while the Timmlns rf proceeded soma distance out, presum ably to determine If hostile vessels i wera In sight. Presently she signaled ' and the DeutSchland moved on past ' ths OS-ps. ,Thls waa about 9 o'clock. , . Th Dsutschlsjid drew near enough . ' to lr pilot tujt to permit th ahout i lng of fsrewella and ths cheering for Anerlcs iand then the rolling water began to-pile up between them. She ' slgnslsd briefly with hsr psriscops light. Then that blinked out and the i tug turned back to Norfolk. ' Chance for Esoape Good. london. Auk- 35 1 1. N. 8.) If the Deutschland runs afoul of a British warship and tries to dive, she will ba treated as any escaping ship. As thi British do not recognize her as a merchantman, she ts hardly likely to get gentle treatment. The admiralty admits the odds arc in favor of her eluding their navy, but the British alwaya welcome a good eporting prop osition. Officially, all the admiralty says that the navy will try to arrest her. It Is left tn the naval officers on tho scene to decide ijow to handle the sit uation. SMALL FARMER WILL BENEFIT MOST FROM RURAL CREDITS 1AW (Continued From Psge (inr.i at not to exceed 6 per cent Interest and tor periods running from 5 to 40 years, j Small Farmen to Benefit. ' While this legislation will he of j great benefit to all farmers, It will" be a boon. It is pointed out. to the smaller farmers because they have never had the advantage in borrowing money that the big- feilows have sad. The great life insurance companies, which have millions Invested In farm loans, and foreign capitalists who are reaping a harvest from high interest j ikm.v ncing pan ry American farm ers. hae (-ought the big loans 'P'o fMill has been that I lie little fellows Im.e had t.i scratch f,,r them- Iwmts cl'ewterc. I.ri;i4 frn 'I to p;i ! Higher Intei ti rate-- n.-rep miO:u-v for '-'mrti;- pel -ods of H-nc. ,,:,d ra-'h Itlllie ii In',., w H - f.,Mf.,l .ir,v n,.rr., -j Miry cl arcr-;, wui-h . as coinml slons. nbstra.ts, etc, which would run the 1 oHt. of the loan up to an excessHe i ate. Hut with the government coming to the relief of the farmers with a sup ply of money to be loaned at low rates, the small farmer will be placed on an equal footing with the big borrower. He will have a chance to borrow J200 or or any other sum up to , per cent or tne value of his land, on i ; the same terms offered the big farmer who wants to borrow $10,0'in. The miii 1 ! borrower will get the same rate of Interest a id can have as much time hh the 1.1 horrowr. Amortization Flan Used. And to make !t stH easier for ev I ery tanner to get money with vhich I to lm;noe hi' jiroperty arid then re j pa y tlie loan, the new law provides a plan for wiping out the lean while, I making Interest payments, I'nder this j plan, c ulled amortization, the annual interest payments are all of the same amount and the last payment dis I charges the deht in full. The itrcat majority of the farms In , the country are int.-: gaged. Yen- after j year t tie farmers pay interest, and the I mortgage remains an big hj ever. I Tlmse who hereafter borrow from the j land banks wili reduce (he amount of j their nub I.t.ili every via i . and still r not lillv liii.'-c than tlie avel:ic. I ri . l.f rowed would be unpaid. If he bor rowed $ 1 00 v ut the. rate of 10 per cent interest. In 'Jo years he wciid pay $2000 Interest and stiil owe tne origi nal $1000 burrowed. I'nder the amor tization plan, as provided in the rural credits law. by paying JX7 .19 :i year for 20 years, lie will have paid both principal and Ills payments, if tae loan Is at the maximum rate of ti jier cent, would be as follows- i- 1 ; ii I r- ii Ann n Hi r 3 l-rrioa. ; 5 c a S7. la t R7 11) S7. 10' S7. I! R7 10 K7. 11)' 87. Ill1' S7 lie 7 10 k7 '.: NT l!J S7. ID X t! S7.I01 87.11; si S7 HF s; , i $ .-s .lit ; c, r. i ioi r.j xo Ml. Ml 4 CI ill o 4 1 vV 41 4'.l .t.i 47 in l:j 2r..7l 22.02' I'll' l.'l.Oil tl.r.71 27. Ill $ (172 M ;o ''.;;!( H I TV llli.ltO iis.r.s 4o.-ili 4:1 l 4'. n 4S.70 M .02 4 72 r.x.iah n; 4s ti.'. ! 7 fill o- 77 02 M .01 IMS 12 tl 03 41 70 Mo ::i 771 .73 7:io 9 I IP-7 "0 t',41 T'l S41 24 4s ."2 4 2:t2 M.t4 2 1 ','i Tutsi. . $1 74X4 $ 741! 4 1.000.(. Six Per Cent Is Maximum. if ha l-nrmu-p lTtlOO n t r. i,p , r,,r 20 years his payment), under the amortization i.lan. would i.e. JS'iLM a , vear. and the entire debt would bo iped out at t he end of t ho 20 cars, , ,r if a fa,-lor wanted to take ad- vniage of a SB-year loan, at fi per i , ent. which Is the maximum rate of Interest, by paying $S year, he would pay the entire debt and interest 'n that time j follows: It would work out as or -7-3 b E 3 AnmiKl tH-rl.Mli.. c 5 (VS.Ifll $ tvs.:i:i. tts.;ai 6..t!! C.'io! As.::!!1 fls.:t 8.. '! .!! I.s (li os wi e.:;!; as ; 0H 30 f.S,:tv fts..': H s.;!y: :to: ::' S'i :t' s '.e .;' v.:: s..': es.-'toi es.s:i (W..' oh.xo! 6S.r.l 70.W! Co. no $ CW.40 r.H on Cs 4 ti7.S.e fir in .. -401 o-t M.2s: .'..'i.:!7 M.471 oi :.2 ,".o..-o 4U.431 4S.i' 47.0SI 4n K1 ,4.4:. 4M.02I 41 .401 b! SS1 ?.17: SUSHI 31 431 X2.4i0 30.24I 27.H41. o- ..I 2u 22' n::i3! l.'..2f.j li. a; 7 . k ! K.OO! k.;u $ inn bi 8.1101 &2.71 o.4:t f.M1! JO .V: 11. On! 12 1 i:i.:n! 14.111 15.02 1.1 02 16.K7I 17. SO IS 0l 07.'!. 28 8s ;i: S"?' !2fcn ni7.'" !KU 71 8 o lo H n n 14 .S.S0 on -S7I.-.S -s:,m uo ila1 04 o:i 7S4.8.S IS" -T- oo (Sl'si M 73 2o?'fJi r.7tl 07 ji4'oi I 15 ! 16 jj 1 n 20 j 2' j J. lt 2.5 21 20.1O 21 .31 22.58 2JI.P4 2S.37 24.90 ZS 51 30.22 S2.0:!! S3 .06 85.!II SS.151 0O4.U2 4M5.87 426 42 82.56 837.01 2S S4 237. 7S 1S4 05 12: ?3 6.D7 27 21 I 'in 40.45 42 S7 4ft 44 4S.17 ; 80 31 I "i1 61 Ofl 53.1 al 67. 321 80. 7 fl.57; s-: as Total.. $2,484.21 $1.44. 21 $1,000.001 . . rolice and Strikers Clash. St. Ivouis. Mo., Aug. 3. (1. N. S.) A mob of BO packing house etrlkers here today attacked an automobile load of police who were guarding drivers of meat wagons. In the battle that fol - lowed one striker was shot and a policeman was injured by a brick. Mrs. Thomason Given Divorce. Esther Thomason was granted a di vorce from Andrew McCampbeil Thom ason yesterday by Judge Gantenbein. Cruelty was ths ground. Billy Sunday Like Machine Gun . r. Gives Ad Club Rapid Fire Talk Billy Sunday, baseball evangelist, said more in 25 minutes jester day than any other club speaker had said in an hour and a half. His subjects ranged from baseball to Abraham Lincoln and Hell to Heaven. The photograph below was taken yesterday while he was enjoying the Portland-Oakland game. 1 TP I Speaker Stands in Waiting Posture Until William McMur ray, Who Introduced Him, Said, "Billy, When You Are Ready, Shoot"; Then the Fun Began, Like a whole platoon of the new machine guns that fire each 900 snot a minute. Hilly Sunday talked to the Ad dub yesterday. He talked about religion and base ball mid civic duty and failure and success and the life of Abraham Lin coln nnd lio Garden of Eden and the sinking of the Titanic and advei t-sli: -and heaven and hell. Ho talked 2-. minutes, but In that 2." minutes he littered more words than any other ' speaker ever did in an hour and a half , before the ame organization. He quoted from the classics, the poets and the literature of slang. He mixed them all up together with hie own epigrams, puns and philosophy, and handed the combination out to an audience that never relaxed attention save to applaud. Strangely enough, he never mentioned the war. McMurray Says "Snoot." Rut William McMurray, general pas senger agent of the O-W". It. & N.. who wns chairman of the day. must have had anticipation of the ball play er evangelist's mold fire delivery, for. in Introducing him, he first had him aland In a waiting posture before his audience, then he said simply and j briefly: "Hilly, when you are ready. ! elioot." President Whitcomb of the Ad club ! rave to Mr. McMurray credit for the ; presence of Billy Sunday, who has de clined all other Invitations since 10m lrg to his Hood River ranch, and who said yesterday: "When I come out here, it is to rent, not work; but I have n-'vpr found it in my heart to refuse rr.y friend McMurray any request." "Ma" Sunday Has a Word. "Ma" Sunday's talk finished the pro gram, and she was Introduced as the Municipal Band to Play at Mt. Tabor Program for Tonlg-ht's Conoert As nonnced by Conductor Campbell Three Postponed Concerts Tet. The Municipal Park Band will play tnniKht at Mount Tabor park, on the Surniysiue-.viouni inui'r line, i no eon ceit will begin at S o'clock, and Con ductor Campbell announces the fol- lowing program: March. "The mhasandor" flanley lUisslid Hro.'ka (nerriire. "William l"l Ii termetao "Seinnre liioTlne" "S-aies fmm the Old Foikk" i re.pi.-st . . . . lomplliil by Lake INTBRM1S-N4)N Scenes from o.mlc opera "Krmnle" i Mevrenes Suite. "Atlantis ' o.i. .... I Net tiir:.e and Morning Hyoiu ef 1 raise. II "A Cour t I uiirtien." I i 1 1 T "I Thee" ( lb tTin. e ana iv o-plp pestru. tlnn of Atlantis." Scenes from the Ooervtta "Prince C'barmleg'' i Klc Flr!. "The Star Spangled Uaiuier." I Three concerts poslpoiiea irom j d;lleB parpv in the season on account ; of inclement weather remain to be given after tonight. Unless extended, i thess will mark the end of ths season. I j Will Reserve Timber. TJA T?tver Or Aug. 3. District Forester George H. Cecil of Portland, who has been in Hood River, an- nounces that the timbered sections along the west fork of Hood River on the route from Dee to Lost Lake and Lolo Pass, will be reserved by the government In the sale of the timber advertised, which amounts to about 833,000,000 feet, and the largest single sale ever made by the govern- nr. en t In the Pacific northwest. Many of the timbered sections along the west fork of Hood river are camplns and recreation grounds. Boys' Cases Decided. Hood River. Or.. Aug. 3. Croswell Ttenson of Seattle, whose mother, Mrs. i Maude Ryan, is employed in the Bos ton bakerv, Seattle, and Alonzo hos ford of Portland, who were appre hended by Chief of Polico i. K. Car son after the theft of a bicycle, had hearing before Judge K. fc.. btanton .nri th Fnnon-bov was sent to the reform school at Salem and young 1 Hosford was sent home. , : j Gardiner Wants Road. Ftoseburg, Or.. Aug. 3. A number of Gardiner citizens appeared before the county court today asking that a road be built at once to connect the Gardi ner station on the Willamette Pacific railroad with the town of Gardiner, a "power behind the throne" in other words, "Billy's business manager," and it is said the Is all of tint. "I met a young fellow 30 years aso and fell in love with him three months betore he proposed to me," she related "Pfe was a bail player and rrif friends warned me against him. They said, 'He Is so fast on his feet that he'll just naturally leave you behind some day.' 1 married him and I thought I was marrying a ball player, but I found I had niai ib d a preacher." Sunday is to talk at the Ice Hippo drome next Tuesday night. He la to oppose the brewery bill. He gave warning yesterday, "If the Wednesday newspapers print what I say they'll have to print on asbestos." Baseball Man Present. Just to make the ex-ball player feel at home, there were gathered around the speakers' tablo Billy Sullivan, former catcher of tlie Chicago White .cox; K1 IJarnard of the Cleveland Americans and Judge V. W. McCredie of the Portland Beavers, who pro ceeded to say. "I want to tell these men from the east a secret about win ning pennants." lie paused impres sively. "It Is," he began, then paused again, "to beat nil the other clubs." Ii. II. Atkinson. Nelson O. I'ike and some others told Hilly Sunday and "Ma" Sunday how glad Portland is to entertain them. Jimmy Iuffy, secretary of the club, told about his experience nt the inter national convention of the Associated Ad clubs of the World and he ma-'. such a hit thai the whole crowd gave him three cheers and Hilly Sunday said, "That was one of the beat speeches I ever heard." distance of one and one-half . miler. The question was presented Pome time ago. but a bid could not be secured within the estimate of the road en gineer. Because of the urgency of the (situation, it is probably that action will be taken at the present term of court. , iteai Estate Transfers. "'J - to R. A. IVooks. j Treair-r of the Oiv ,.f portYniri S 1.041 Vieinr Land iv. W. Vj L. 1. ft. M , Vernon Sheriff p-v nose City Park Asiui L 12 11, Rose City Park Mai'd Wood and hua. to C. C. ItaMw-ell et al. L. 5. 6, B. a5, Point Vlaw Add. Mary F. Prince and hns. to County of Multnomah, tract beginning N. of"anU opp and SO ft. rtlntant from Sta 12 M on Capital hlghwa Mabel Varna and hna. to Hlrmn W , loreman. tt al. L. 8. B. 7. Katlie-lne 3t. M. Lonibard and wf. to Winter U. , Patterson et al. for public road, right cif way across tract Alma Keller and fang, to Carrie A Mo ahier. L. 24. II. 23. Tremont Place. . Mary T. Ure.-ne aud hua. to Li. H. 1 red eriekaon et al. L. 13. B- . Sellwo.Hl Mt. Scott Park Ometcry Corp. to O I". Felton et aL U 28. Sec Hillside, cem etery Green O. Lore, L. 8. B. S, 'ortenC.' Loa Brown, i.. 8. B. 8. Green C. LoTa Alld H. H. Northrup and wf. to city of Port land, for it. and highway, tract be ginning 81.12 ft. E. from W. line of L. 13, RavensvlHW Fredrick H. Strong and wf. to City of I'ortland. for st. and h.ghwav. tract beginning at point where N. line Tiinr mau at. is crossed by E. line of 2sth at.. "Willamette Hta Sophie I. Katnky to Fred Katakr et a'b U. 23. B. 2. and und. 1-3 Int. In L. 24, B. 2. Clemsou Add Nils F.klnnd and wf. to Henry Ras et al. 2oxSO rcla Sec. 17, T. 1 S.. R. l E. J. Edward Tappau to Lanra 8. P'.lmaon,.--L. 15. B. 1. Botilta Park T04 600 473 4.000 60 100 10 240 10 400 10 150 i Marey J Lehman and hu. to Lloyd E B'geiow. L. 6. B. 3. Wllllama Add. No 2 J. W. Sebati and wife to Wiiheiin Schati. L. 7. B. 7. West Piedmont... T. C. Humphrey and wife to Wyner R. Patterson et al, 2.5 acres Sec' 7 T. 1 R. 1 E . Lydia Gault Read and husband to Clara M. Patterson et al, 1437x321 feet Sec. 7. 1 S. 1 E A. o. Kruse and wife to G. G. Bodie. I. 17. B 2. Watta Sub. of I.. 4, Fruitrale Farmland Co. to HarTey Koresman. SC 33 'i feet of I.. 7, B. 3, RaTenawnod . Joseph I.. Woodland and wife to I i Huiidell, et al, L. 7. B. 13. Snriny side add. and L. 7. B. 2. Eastland. . John Jewson et al to Akerson och Co., Inc., L. 18. 19. B. 3, Barton's add. to St. Johns Clara kL Patterson and husband to T. C Humphrey, 1.5 acres Sec. 7, 1 S. 1 E Wellington Inr. Co. to Etta Water Parons, L. 7. 8. B. 15. Wellington Truiuan B. Richardson and wife to Jo. Isak Lund, land beg. 32 feet N. of Sff, corner of NE. 4 cf I5E. u of Sec. 34. 1 N.. 2 R 4 R. W. Fiaher and wife o William R. Greenwell et al L. 33, 34. B. 2. Fisher's Sab. of L. 2, Gleswond Psrk fillaa Crook et al to PaalnstUa Iim 10 1.500 10 10 10 2.800 ' 10 5.V1 2.0i work. Swlj. V, of L. 5. . B. 7. Jsines Johnm 2d d. to St. Jobn 10 Minna M. l'.lch to Herman S. Iit- rt?. L. , B. 26. Lodd'i dd 10 Robert Louden and wife to Nora A. Lane. N. SO feet of L. 6. B. 2. Mt. Tabor Central tract 10 SLiriff to Russell E. W. I, I.. I. 2. B. 20, taat Portland 13.Tta Kred Mollenhonr to T. O. Datis. U. 10. II. B. 2ti, Railnay aild 5"0 Virginia A. Steele to Pierce McCkkey, L. 6, It. 11. Went Piedmont 1 Martha 1. Mtller and tius. lo K. Carta, L. 41. B. 1. Staaiey 1 Wl.Iell Realty Co. to Earl E. Hopple, L. it. It), li, U B. 10. Kern Park. . 10 .Same to Frank A. Hopple. L.. 7. f. B. lu. Kern I'ark 8"X) S I . Moore and wf. to Tbomaa H. Sniltb. L. 17. li. 4. WUeatland Add.. 15 Luelln May ;rove to t;. P. Ui-ardorff. L. 13, B. 17. Loveleigu 10 Building Permits, North lfific Iienijl coileice Reiiair 4 tUTT fireproof .um ret.- dental coi lece 00-415 (irfiron t.. ti-tweeu (Irand jir a.nd E. IU si - tmllder. I'. W. Ward. .''.... Dr. I' K. J..irt- l;rt t 1 :.ifr fralui- gr ate. 4i7 are . t... I.elu.-a 4-lh aed 41-lh t . ; hUiider. S. P. Bakei, f . ' ) W. P. O 'Nelll hJ---.l 1 f-a lue i!no!'- Iiig. 421 K. 7'itb at., near Ulvl.-iuU si.: t.iill.ler, s::me. 1.VW. U !. Pbelpa Erect 1 atorr frame gnrase. 337 K. S-iU at . txitMeen t. .M.irk. i Stephens t.; builder, same. JG." t'nlted States Natiunal hank I ..n and! ; ut footings, bafecaent flL-or aud liaseuieiit i'.N of fireprcK.f eoiiirrete bauk. Ii tii sr.. betwe. n Stark and ak it. : btiliJer. Sound Cnns'in t-.-n a- Kr.y i ii. -wi us Co. Si-.OIIO. K. . Sieiutiaiiet -Prect 1 a ftor.r ilf!lii.B. 4.'.. Wuiiiaker si.. h.-tue and ;eth i-ta'., t'ui.,ln. K. Kvan-. f. .1. II. Willncin Uepair - H iry t'.uii. int. 77:; bnvj ttl.. iK'lt.n '- 1 : f i dw e 1 i, i : l"iilttr. J Killgreii. 'h.. li. P. TnoDips-.n C.--Itei'nir st .i y ..r-P-i.arv ehoj und rooa,s, 'ii.i Vir-e i , t..--tw.Vn Pront and P!rt t : huhder. .1. .. hiUsret-n. ild". l. P. TbompwiD Co. Repair 2Uj atorr ruoni ing bouse. 4"1 Vamhlll t., iiei..en and 1'th ; builder, J. G. KHjrp- i'. $!''. William KeiilL Repair 1 atory frame Hums'. IKiO Albina are.. t)ft1?ll llraiunrd aid Kill i:-w..rtb av . bu:W. r, nosicra i.-ni'S .v Supply Co.. SiV.O. 1.. . Uar.pier--Rer.air 'J et ur frsme dwel nii: al K. Snltii'.ii m I7- '"-'t ;-' ' t. ...A m. . l- il.le . A . I v r ' "" ' ( ml.. li.iMiu: Pa--.- i - cri!l.i;rv ia.i'r fcc iiim I. Mk-I i oil Fl- M.ll IIIMt -I ' t- 1..11 hulh: I ' T I l-.f I u , J. 14 '. Mead e!a;e -Ileplr 3 SHUT fraia ami mores, Frcnt el . ' between Mop , i.iiihlll sts - uuiiilers. Miiir & M' l-,n(ol r Hid .-lilinj. $nou. U. C. Bennett Kre.-t 2 stnrr frame dweli ir (f. S&j E. Hotti t. N.. between ShaTer a"d Mieon eta. ; bolldr. san.e. f27fKJ. Margaret Griftln Repair 2 stor.r frmne dwelling. 3 L. 8th st. N.. between F. F.verett and Flanders sts.; builder, same. 1."ki. j H. B. IMTIS Repair 1 story frame garage, i Ti Irylng St.. between 22d and 2od ' buildej-. J. A. Melton. $200. The Oreiroa Home Builde frame dwelling 71-'i K. Pino at L- A w(b Iiiill.iAr Mme S'J.'.llO J. li. Mm:k .V (v Erect I iry frame gar- ace. 606 E. i:p at., between I too and nia-, tun ls.; builder, aiilne. .".'. r. N. A. Nisle:h -Kre.-t 1 itery frame garage old 1'vej y n.. i."ieeu i.'io aiei 2o,u s:-.; builder came. Ko. i S. Unr ii7. Pi e. , 1 stoi j- frnroe gnraz-e. j Wo W. m-o !.. F. .i2d and L. .".'M MS.; builder, same. $."i0. : Portland Stove work -Healr 1 "t. ry foundrj. 02 Hwod St.. beiweui Cru!i, rs mil Sherman sts.; builder, Feriell ituofii g Co . I S2O0. i I rederlrk Stronc. Agt. Rer.alr 2 ftory frsme scl,.l. l.lo Kitli H., betweeu M il uu.r Montgomery ' sis. : builder. Fern 11 It.H.flrn; Co.. J.'IO". NEW TODAY 6 Loans of blO.OOO and Hp On Improved Business Property (or for Improvement Purposes). J. P. X.IFSC02K. 843 Stat Sir ecu Fearey Brothers, Inc. COLLECTORS Jf 8 Datum Bldg.. PortlWsd. Or FARM LOANS Mortgage Company for America . Boom 32. Alnswortn Bldg. Ptione Main 8841. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-6 Oregon Investment fe Mortgage Co. Offices 302-4 170 3d BV AI (rriON SALES TOMORROW AT Wilson's Auction House. 10ci-173 2 st rfale at 10 a", m. AZ 2 p. 2d st. m. at Ford A ictlon Co., 131 Furniture, carpets, etc. CLASSIFIED Al ItATKS CASH AD VEMISEIiIENTti! Daily or Sunday: 1 Vi cents per word for all classifications ex cepting "For Item In Private Family." "Uwm and Hoard in Private Family." "Situation Wanted" and "Wanted to Rent" ads. which are 1 1. cents per word. Three lnsertlona for the price of two. beven Insertions for the price of five. No 1 taken for lesa thau 15 cents. CAt-U MtST accompany copy poUaln a dots rates. CHARGED ADVERTISEMENTS. 1H cents per word per Insertion. This charge la for all clRlti-stlona except ing "For Reut In Frlxate Family." "Room nd Board In I'riraie Family," "situation Wanted" and "Wanted to Rent" ads, which are Ihi centa per word per insertion. No ad charged for less thin 15 renta. MEETING NOTICES 41 B P O Flks No 14" "Regular meeting' this (Thursday) evening, K'.ks Temple. 8 o'clock. Visiting brothers welcome. Kv or der of the E. It- M. R. Spauiding, Secretary. ALBERT PIKE EOIxJE No. I 162. A. F. and A. M. Ppe- ! clal communication this Krl- I dav evening. August 4. at I 7.31 o'clock., M. M. degree. I If you have l will 6ell you a nice Ut This will be tbe occasion of i tie home Call f.l Corbet t bldg a birthday party to good old lirother -attimer and a big attendance, is de- ired. Visitors welcome. Hy order of I F W. M E. H IV IE. Se.y. WEBEOOT CAMP No. 65. W. O. V.. every Friday night In v f. W. Temple. 128 A 1th at. Members requested to be present. Visitors welcome. J. II. Ponnay. C. . A I-. M.trner. i ik. EMBLEM Jewelry a specialty, ou'.tona, pine, charms Jaeger Bros 11-3 Sth. "JJffal Statistics marriages, Births, Dzaths. MAJUUAGE LICENSES William O. Wilson. 761 Gantenbein ara., and Moliie C. Walker. 303 Stanton tt. Michael J. O'Rourke, o:i'J E. Ash, and Esther C. Phillips, t4 N. 10th St. Stephen Taylor, 5919 52.1 at. 8. E.. and Harriet M. Hunt, same address. C. Ray McAllister, White Blnffa, Wash., and Edna M. Parkes. Lenta. t)r. A. F. Mi-rryman. 706 lat at., and Lena M. White, same address. Cheater A. Groat, 1432 East Gllaa st... and Adella C. VoUatedt, 35 Cable. Edward C. Copple. 2 2d and Nloolal, and Rnth D. Dickenson, Fprn apta. John R. Pace, Taeonia, Waah., and nil- fred M. Swanson, 1102 N. 22d st. Gnst F. Nelson. 1O10 61at axe. S. E Matilda Olson, 171 N. 20th at. Pasko MlrkoTich. 8H Thurman at., and Olga LJubeUch. 202H MeMlllen. Orreu H. Lyons, S25 4ih, and Maude I. Hart, same address. W. G, Smith & Co, SK and car do. Third floor. Morgan bldg. DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. Unique Tailoring Co.. 30& Stsrk st DEATHS AND FUNERALS 7.1 I'KOSSBR In this city. Aar. 3. at hia lata rwldenee. 573 Karl at.. Thomas W. Pro ser, aged 56 years. Notice of funeral hereaf ter. Hattla Creek papers please copy. DEATHS AXD FUNERALS 73. Contlnned) ; , BKOW".NrtWl)KTH Id tola city. 8. A. , BrowDswirUi, afte 62 years, trelored bu- brnd of Mra. 8. A. Kronaorth. father of : Mm. Gertie Shrrman of this city. Ieeeaed s a member of tue K. of P., 1. J. - P and traluuien's unlcu. all of Toledo. UMo. 1 in- K. of P. will liae euargii of itie at tue rexldence, 2"hh K. S24 at. S. E.. at 2 , P- m., August 4. tbe I. O. O. P. at tha , Itrare, Multnomah cemetery. Arrangements ; la i-Uarg- of W. H. Hamilton, funeral dlrec-j tor. E. toth and lll'n ia. I CiiWlMi-il tbe family residence, 674 Kaat Ma.liaon airt. Augi't 1, Tiiemaa F. Cowintf. ay 70 yeara. belosed busband of Abbie h. Cowing, father of t. U. Coniug. Tom V. Cow lng aud Mrs. Prank Ie Parcq. all of tola city, l iiiierni rTlce will be conducted ai the aboia re-iuruee tiaturday. August 3. at 2:30 p. m PneuUs Invited to atlcud. latermeut Greeo- .nhI erutetery. i ,Mii!il:i:Ki.Kl; -lu ihia city. Aufuat 2. at Auguat 2, t:,e residence of her niece, eo e.. t.a i Mr-- Anna P. M,nlrger. afed 73 yean 3 : ud . days. ire or i-rea .-; tu rner nt ...ii .la. itr. ine remaiua lt . ire, ar.-d ai..t hlii-ed to M-.ial:a, Or., if the' I s 1 . 1 1 1 a . i : . a: . la. .. Pl Side Funeral Dl- j ie:.-i. t!4 I.. Alder for serTlces ana 1-iiU. iFliila.ii. A.lkUHt 4. at 1 p. m. Sl'iTtrpN'I HaI.KR A ugut 1. at KV Wlllam-e;i,- bi uh-v ard, Fannie 1. Slegeuthaler, age 47 v.. m - l.,-i,....i . ife of Sam S a-ireu tha le.r. Pu- "peril pri.-eu win he hetrt from the First Ns- ZHruie cnui.:.. corner lZ&bl Sereuth and Couch r i reels, Friday. August 4. at U a. m. Iutei- n.eiu will take place at Salem, Or. ltemaini at A It. .eller Co. 'a parle.rg. . fAVFNPOlU In IniiTcit.v, Aug 3. Mrs. Lncy iMv.tiiort. ag"d 30 yeysra. Pmiersl notice it f IP main ai parfort of Miller A Tracey, . . -1-1 e-.,t ii t Fi'a M. Urosdwaj, Ml K t Itje reei-ien'.-e. 2lK :S tears I itci.-rar t,..iic laid. Reiuaius' at parVirs of j i vi.ier & rt a cry. w astiiiigton at si - KI la this city, August 3. Kmlnier Mf w art. j ne remains are at me residence -t .-it.ilsl.nienr of J. P. Flulfj & Son, Mont-g.-n 'T. at ,';b. FLORISTS .map; : IN VV'.-isll for ail o. l in;Hi;b C.i.. tlorlsta. 3-"i Ma ri :".'.. A-K'fiil. Flowers . ainnv ii ,-1 istictf if- arrangea -1. i ! i. I I f. . .pr-ys ti r 1 f- m i,ai;"ki: I'c st. Main and f 1 . i . i ; .1 ..!;.-. p.lluVVS. I'd Up. c'nappt-11 s. Ji7 Mo-- i i..riM.s. 2S ; .Morrison -lf0fi Fine flowers ns No b-anch s'ores. Tt'.NriLl'il hUiKAl. CU.. 2 bet. 4th and Main Wash., A-1102 OKi'AR JOU.N.SWN K Lull A L CO.. . 8 Ollpsn s. Mar. 4372. A-14S4. MAX M SMITH florist. 1 4 1 M Kth St. FUNERAL DIRECTORS ' EDWARD UrI MAM PD I IWl-ltinm V.W. ESTABLISHED lC77 RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Assistant THIRD AND SALMON STREETS MAIN 507, A-lSlt J, P. FINLEY & SON Progressive Funeral Directors Montgomery at Fifth j. mmm New reside re e Wiio". He Wdln. e.-.iablisiiinent. 22" C-1948. 01 ' IP. L LlLRi5BLHl Undertaker. Lat 1 1 til and Haw thorne K. 7S1. H-lSSh. Lady usslstant. F. S, Dunning, Inc. Fast tide Funeral directors. 414 Aider st. Phone l-last 52 1J-2D26. AllLLLil k iHACL, independent fu neral directors. 1'ricts low as $20, J4n, $MJ. Wash, at Klia. Al. 2i it 1 . A-7S1 a. A D 7llr, - Prt 6i Ai fli CllaI ViUi Last 1088. C-1088. Lady a! '. eiidanl. Lay and night service. Walter C, Kenworthy -1 K. 13th. Seli wood 71, B-l 1 2 i. F h i n n i n a A, M r F nt 9.9. L15?.rik"j i e.erv Uetail. Uioaoway and fine sts. HroaJ way, 4:'.0. A-4ji I.udv assistant. r K I N N V. . . ;...? ' 1 . . W vi.. . ,1., ..1.1 Oil, Momilicn Lltist Mjth and Giuau Fu- nailllllUII ne, h1 oervi. es Th!. or 4313. I HRKK.K . SNOOIC. b-12i2. T. 1268. I 10:H Heimor.t t nih Lady at'eidant. MOM MKXTS j HiK'U.ANU MAhHLk; WKS . 24-I( 1 4th t-. opp. city hall. Main 85(4. i P '"-- vn x- P-n- for memorials l ! k'BTArlTrNG GftANlTECq r- I CI 2fe7-Jrp ST COO MfcpiSQN J FOK SALE IIOFNES 61 Read This Have You $550 Cash? , i.tJl H iots lltuf aril) od - roor, house, ?V 1 4 Ldvision st., near new , FtHriklin high and Hawthorne car, flno land, large Iruit trees, house modern except basement, price 2ouO, terms. Owner tliere 2 to 4. Tabor f01. FI E room bungalow, Dutch kitchen, , sleeping porch, full basement, near.y new, lot ooxlOO. near car and school, t $1700, $300 cash, bargain. Albert, i Wdln 4021. rrr ST completed. 7 room bungalow. modern, hardwood floor In living and dining rooms, full cement basemen', all built in conveniences. 8ia Castel i ave ' New 3-Room Tent House ; Lot 72x213 ft., interest and principal J'. month Mart-hall 1R80. FOR SALE at sacrifice. 1 house, 6 Into r hiplr nn anH cr r A n rf, r Hornb'v, corntr " Den ver ave. and Going . ftr-r f1-, h i HI-'. A 1 T I e'l ' I . home Inat must be sold this week, no reason- able orfer refused, am going east Phone Main f.xfi. FOK RALK LOTS PABKROSH 60X100 FEET $60- 1 bik. to car: $10 down, $10 TWO chair laay ooroer snop. ooi 10 per month. See Mr. Wilson, cor. 45th ' cation, price $126; leaving city. Call and Sandy. Tabor 68!8 C-2121. I 242 H MaAlson. Branch office Hartman Ac Thompson. ' a SNAP, will teach and sell my busl- WEST with attraclive buv. 100x100 with 7 room houses. W . cor. 12th and and Hull sts. I erin."' iwner Ta 2432. BAKGAlMb. LOTS IN AL! L'LSTKICTS. TERMS. J. confllN .-vy. LEWIS BLIJO. ACREAGE 57 Gibson Half Acres Good toll. city water, close to ear line, easy terms; will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Sell wood 476. John H. Gibson. onr. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN tai.cnea near Portland, 2. &, JO acre tiacts. beat soil, good roads, near electr-c. S6i at $200 per acre, easy terms.- Al eFax land. S09 Yeon bldg.. Portland. 57 Buy an Acreage Home Have city conveniences, such as mountain water piped Into your house, electric lights, etc., and country benefits; rich soil fine community, 30 minutes out by Big Red Steel Trains. Low prices, easy payments. Any size tract. Let us show you. The Shaw-Fear Co. 102 4th St. 20 ACRES, J60U. Easy terms, only 3r miles from Port- una, running water, good sou, close iu si-iiuui ana suites, l nine lo i. n. station and lowt . AlVbliotliN, tilJIK H 1 U., 605 Mock Kxvi uwig e Bldg. KOli SAI.K FARMS 17 30 ACRKS. 14. miles from railroad sta tion, 100 gcre& in grass, balance good piling timber, fair Improvements good stock or dairy ranch In Siuslaw dairy section; price JOOliO, 1 mile from 1'. O., Vt mile from good school; crop goes with place. U. U. Prlndel, owner, Alpha, Or. FOR SALE 6 cows. 2 heifers, chlck- cns. horse, wagon, tutlk route and uan V ri uiuinnii . ilia, c o in i i cum post off Ice. for rent cheap. Call Mar- 1 Gl,ll i ft 7 -i Will sell cheap If taken at once. 480 acres, 4b'0 in cultivation, best wheat land In the county, nous. barn, Dlenty of water- owner wants a good SnOOO house in Portland as nrsl payment: price (35 an acre. M. l-'ltz- i maurlce. Condon. Or. 1 KX acres at Beaverton, all in croj i lamlly otchaid. good buildmc? , Mo.-k. chi.-ken. etc.. only J4.i"", t' l'm ; 1 A. Ileiidi j. ks. lieaverton. (ii. i N 1 N 1 , hi i es. all in c ui 1 1 v a t ion, li prune, good o up, sell eipntv . ! $2200 tor $ l.-.u cash. .'Hh K. 4tb st ltlo A i"KL s $1200 V lock ranch lor sale, kaggs. Denzer IIKC Or. FOR IU;.T 1'AK.MS 14 FOR KALE S acre chicken ranch. near ftc crllne. good school and roads, 3 year lease. Crops, grain, spuds, cabbage and kale; BOO chickens, iticubators, hroodera. Bull Run water, gas. This is a snap; going easL N-60. JoumaL FARMS WANTED 38 RK.XTOR RI Y WANTKP To rent well equipped dairy ranch; may buy stock and rua chinery; prefer Mult. Co.; give location r.nd particulars .N-H6.I, Journal. RLL1ABLK party would rent f. to 1 h acres with buildings, close In. N Tlhi. .lournHl. IIOMKSTKAIIS GOOIJ homestead and two relinquish ments. A-l land; fine disirlcL Main 7444. or W-35. .lournal. VA ILL furnish from 10 to 100 acre.-t, all under plow, or part. or not cleared, and with or without house, nest of land, close to electric line. J ft miles to Portland; will grow anything; lo-atlon. Wash. Co.. N. W. fiom Port land. Price reasonable, clear prop erty, balance terms. Box 201. Forest Prove. Or. Eight" a:res, 4 A. In bearing orchard. 7 rnnni liouaA m a 1 1 hum 1 r rl I u i limits, close to big rnill. where you can gel all the work you want, JIIOOO, will trade for equity in house, vacant loi- or auto up to $100. G. L. Ireland, 207 Henry bldg. 3 KOOAi house and lot, cement base ment, sanitary barn, 6 fruit trees, plumbing, for JiiOO or trade for acre age. Tnko Kenton car to MisslSMippi ave., one block north, half block east. 110 E. Russett st. 125 acres, Clai-kanma, 46 acres un proved, good buildings, 10 head cattle, good team, hogs, all Imple ments, to tmde for oily or suburban property. KX-23, Journal. KCJl'l'I'Y in farm land 2f miles from I'ortland to trade for something In the cast. Kansas preferred. what have you? George C. Carroll, 2u0 McAliileii st. NINB acres. Improved, 3 in. prune. will trade equity of $2200 for a bungalow or any good .business. 23s K, 4th st. $17uu L.WLTTV, nevy, modern, t room house on Irvingtoh carllne, trade for S-4 room bungalow or clear lots. See owner, O.lo K. 1 . t b el. N . OVl? H 8 00 lTstTrTgs o f cle"r tr adlTig property. MtKeynolds, iOfi Stoci Exchange bldg. Phone Main 43R8. W'K are looking fur el: y property to nntch our farms and ranches. RH IIANHACH & CO., 707 Lewis Bldg. $10-') CASH and equity In 160 acres in en-stern Oregon for boose equity. 1 11. K. rooms, also clear acreage, lor clear house, lots or auto. L-72, Jour- I Nri-.AW l.eer nlAce r-I.Rrlnir 1100 month I Price JOf.o. TraOe lor real estate. ; t OH 7 f 1 4th St. STOltt, house and barn, 60x160 lot, for unimproved land. 404 Couch bid. EWEN kcalty Co. has moved from Panama bldg. to 404 Couch bldg. EXCHANGE Vi acre close In, Improved, for business. L-4fi. Journal. KOOMINO HOLHES Best Buy in City 18 rooms, well furnished; steam heat; rent $25; $300, terms, bee L. A. Hall. 612 Panama bldg A VEKY fine bargain, 18 room room ing house, all rooms taken; will sell cheat)- no agent. Owner 3f2 Colum b 1 a Kt.. near W. Park. Phone A-602. BCSINESS OPPOIiTLNTTIES 20 Grocery and Delicatessen 6 living; rooms; apt. dlst.; fixtures $iriO; invoice stock; cheap rent. gF.E I,. A. HALL, 612 Panama Mdg. FOH SALE or rent, furnished room ing house centraliy located on main business street, Astoria. L. li. Welch, Astoria. Or. CASH grocery with living rooms, ITS rent; doing- good business; bargain if sold this week. $10 W. &th St.. Van couver. 'Wash. LIGHT manufacturing; active partner i wanted; light, easy work; patent; I $1260 required; consider Ford or clear I realty part payment. L-42, Journal. WEEKLY newspaper and well equipped Job plant for sain In Ore- 1 . n. QfiOO- -. r.n . -u.IlV.H.V...l r i. r- aVr.: inr.i j RESTAURANT for sale cheap, one of 1 V. . r.A,.n. I An. In t'nrl -nil' the best propositions in I'ortland; j good business, low rent. 162 Grand ave. $100 will handle the finest beauty par lor. a great, money miner bldg 707 Lewis ! MILLINERY store, bargain if taken 1" ! at once; fins location. Fhone East ' i 8440. ness.- Owen, ine Jianer, swu oourt : St.. i-aiem, or LOST WORRY. We can sell or trade anything. Mil ler s h )j4312hjiT2rJ5 j GROCERY store, counter and shelving, I paid-up lease xor n monins, 6 "Wl t h row. 411 Henry bldg. BUSIN'EHS CARDS. Rose City Printing Co. Third rt.. cor Taylor. RESTAURANT Will sell outright or consider partner. Have rood loca tion. Phone Main 4788. , s I l,lVTis.ll o I ti tl j am. r er . ! establiKhed, 1 wagon, no rent. Tabor 6S44 GOOD grocery - business for so-le splendid location. CrM, Journal. ACREAGE (Oontlnned) BUSINESS OPIDItTt'MTIES. 20 FOR HALE. reed and sale stable with suto serv ice, gas filling station, $1000 bslow invoice. 30 mlies from Portland, sell on acct. sickness. See Ross Inyart, liote! Venahle, 3d and Main sts., btt. 1 and a p. ni. PARTNKK in light mfg. o handle Ol tice end of business, which can show clear of all expense :( to $75 weekly for each; money goes exclusively into mfg. Orders now exceed power of out put, 12UU0 required. .Morgan bids. Rt SI NESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED AM 7 KOUM 2 story bouse, modern except furnace, on fine corner lot. 3 blocks to car, straight mortgage, $1200, city liens, tluii, conservative valuation. 2TuO. Rented $16. My equity for grocery or w hat have you? Tab. B3T3. MONEY TO IX) AN KFAIj estate 27 Ul K inaiaiaiieiii pian is beat tod suieet method of paying a loan. $82.26 per month for Xk months, or $21.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 months pays $1000 loan and Interest. CHher amounts. In proportion. We loan on Improved city property Or for buildliik purposes. No commission charged. KWCIIAHLL tovUft LOAN ASSN.. 24 2 S t a l ,st . 1 'on land. Oregon. "lIUNKV TO LOAN. On Impioved n-al estale or for build ing pin poms, veiy flexible contracts; no cvinmlHslons COLUMBIA LIKE & TRUST CO.. . 202 Stevena bldg. Bhll.lil.Nb loans -on city nu auuuroSS property; money sdvsnced as worK tiirogressea. Vv'. ci. Back, lit fc'aiUnf bldg Main S40" ivu.uuu oN ii. oi iag(ib, cny ur Larui property, lira in.iuiance. Mc'ime A- i o. Oerlinuer n.iln., 2d and Alder an ii. inipioveii ond In - , to U'0,llU() Ml ..-'. .uoiaii hbi(,. i in Hiiiounm of $100 on cii pi opei 1 v. Hell. 201 licrhnger blds CWMi puio lur luoi iis), . nuloa, cua tiacts, iiioi igiiKJ luaiia, " rvaaoliabla rat K H I ewiw. Lobby 4. Lv in uidg. ilo.M-.l to loan on unprovtsu tily. laltu property I- i ItiQa. ;14 Si-aliiKln, $2uu, t.uu. muu, l2uu, alavo. l-'i ed (it-i ihun Co . 3 2 i nam. Com. 4U.0UU UH l-t.bcl. FAKlti.VdfUA. 80 4lh St. Uodrd ot Trade Bldg. iKi u Biuail loans, installment loana. C ellH r -M niinti Co . Hi Venn tilug. Alc.NL to loan, b, 7 and ',c, submit security l'1H2L .lournsl. 1 FlAL t.cou to loan on lust class se. urltj. X-74 Journal. Iluou, ll-c'ti anu urwHi.i, slon. leshon & Hawk. no cuiiiml Mmiu lltt'. JJUKlli.UiL i.uANb. t) alio t'o. l.uui. Siiiuii'iin .V l o 20ii OuK at . near i.tu. Mci.i I lu loan, t lo 'o vv & Co.. 310 Spiiiiiliie bldg. 11. iauitS : - 1 MONEY TO LOAN Of (HA I T EliS, S A LA Ul EH A L A It 1 C 11 A TT ELS. Money to loan to salaried people and otners on furniture, planoa, .inxtror cycles, automobllaa, diamonds, etc., at legal rales, wtin easy terms of pay iiiunt; no delay. Licensed by stata. 1'OKTLAND LOAN COMPANY. I AO toil liekum Rltlg LOANS WANTED JO Want $1200 Loan rn 2i. ucie ranch near I'ortland. 20 acres in i nil iviitli ri. Good buildings, tjuigloy, 202 W ilcnT bldg AN TKI --r 1 1. in private liarl. loan or $2000; will give first moitgags secuiily on well Improved, -.-iic-e in acreage wortli S li 0 0 0 . l'X-18, Journal. nTo7j(7it $ifjou at 7 per cent from privato party, no commlKhUiii, on ii acres. Washington ' o MaiHliitll 4416, WaNTKI) LoKii$fi00 tor yrs., or Ions at 'r. on I-.. Hide lioose arid 2 lot, values nt $.0n. ;I2J Morgsn lld $600, Itio arcs timber. N-47 Journal. FINANCIAL 51 1st and 21 mortgages purch.t. also sellars' liitereat ln4rontrScts. Gi. and Wmli H '.; Nob'e bldg. j I Klil' VATi:i)--MALK 1 iiALE.SMKN wanted to sell ths Vroo- riiiin struin l-'ru mi ut t te English wol ni.i, togetiier wliii a complete line of nurseiy stock: ch.-Ii weekly; outfit free. Addrcxs Capital City Nursery Co.. Salein. r. EX l'EK I K.i i 'El cowpunoner; must bs good rider and thoroughly under stand the business. Slate experience and give references. Good salary to compel e nt parly. J-Ofl, Journal. O-W li. &. N. Co. free employment ol'flf'B. 247 Vi Couch. Wanted 100 men, fence, trsca, la borers, etc., railroad const ruction work F"re? fare, good camps. VANTEi Young men to work as tnws agents on li. li. train; cssh bond required. Cols News Co.. 14 N loth at. Y i( N("" fellow, employed, to shars Hock Island; small expense. l M Hip. 8-7 20, Journal. 10 MEN wanted for sawmill out Of town, wages $2.60 per day to $3.60. T. J . Seufert. 6Q1 Title A Trust bids;. H A N I M l-iN wanted for amateur band, lnoiiiie Phillips & Thompson. Wood lawn 21o2- - XV A N T i;T7 man to make Ms ho'ns w th us n the country , amau war.ea. A d dress CX--21, Journal. . ti M A TT It ESS maker wanted; S1SO Coy over 15 years of age. 1'ortiano rurn. Co . 1 2 4 1 Macadam road. isillNGLEUH wanted on job s 88th and E. llurnslde. CON . -ill l. 1 It M. C. iu(rloyma...t eerrei arv. II ELI' V ANTED MISC. 40 Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Pay and night classes; training In repairing, driving and machine work. Including lorge, lathe shapsr, drlH etc - time unlimited. Secure pass at educational office Y. M. O. A. bids., lo Inspect our shops and mstn- , f .nui,t.'puT" 'timtrvirifiij oas. c. w i i I i c. . a .nALirriiiuiiii snd MECHANICS SUPPLIED. Tui tion fee includes MEMBKH&HIP.IN' Y. M. C. A. ana its tiir L.O DEPARTMENT, use of 60-ft. swlm mlng pool, shower Laths, gymnasium. etc. WANTED 1000 men to pay 60o to Ses Billy Mascott and Joe Gorman doz rounds at the Hose City Athlstlo club Friday night, August 4. WANTED, at once, two men to learn automobile repairing and driving. Call at Hawthorns Garage, 449 Haw thorne ave. MEN, women wanted, government lobs, $75 month. Write for list positions, rrunklin Institute. Dept. $4R,Rochss- N- Y. WANTED Nim of man. II or ovsr. wishing government jobs. T monin. EX-34, Journal. UNCALLED for tailor mads suits. $$. up. Taylor tbe Tailor. 28ft H BuMBSlde. HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 WANTED, girl wltti soma sxpsrlsne In bindery oc paper box factory. Otva reference and state wages expectsd. Address X-74T, Journal. 1 EXPERIENCED chocolate' d lops' wanted. Apply Tru Blu Biscuit Co, E 6th and Davis. - WOMAN with $200 cash to run branch store; Scandinavian prsfsrrsd. E 48. JournaL WANTED Rsflned and naat appear lng glrla for ushers, good salary, Ap ply at once st ths Columbia theatre. CHOCOIATE dipper and packers wanted. Henry Ross ft Sons, t Tn1cn sve. WOMEN o do kitchen work for hs husband's rni and board. $11 N. 2 1 st sL - WANTED, a young girl to assist wltil ' children, f 1 weak. Ml tttb U M. '- ' i. K'i o l'I- ! 111. I . '' Mo.n I-. I ' I I J. .111111 A. II. V- i