' 16 THE OREGON' DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1916. ft. I -v: HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 t Little wizard labor saver Marvelous power of washing clothes snowy white In 10 minutes without rubbing is appreciated. Tuy it. Pack age) 15c (5 wshings two or more de livered. N. Anderson. Phons Wood Uwn 2749; Portland. Or. ,' .. - MOLUK UAKBfcJk COLLKUE. 1 WanUi men and women to lean the '' j.. trade: paid while learning; tools free; ! i 't positions secured; summer ratea: writs I i for catalogue Cor 2d and Hurnwlrie '- , JvLOli i-tH oaroer turnout waoia. man ' and women to learn barber trade, free t weeks. Positions securrd. l'ay . i while learning a N. 2d st. " 1 SaHOON BAKBIlK CULLtUt, Men and women to ieau barber trade ; u free. ti Madison st V' ' SITUATIONS M ALU 1 . ' . 'I t -i. i . -i i-i i -i i -, -ii -i I- - ' V GARDENING, hibthouse. faiming or ,""' teaming wanted: married, no c-nll-p f:. dren; wife light housekeeping; state ;?; ; wages. U-20, Journal. . :- V YOUNO married man wants work. Kx ; perienced grocery clerk and carpen- j ter. P-68. Journal. J- BY experienced man, Job as foreman ' J ' scientific farming or. road grading. - 1847 Corbet I st.. Port land. COMPKTKNT hop mechanic una chauffeurs furnlHhed by Y. M C A Auto school Main TOfiS. A-65SI C06K Dinner or position, city Journal. short order, or country. wants OLD resident wiblis position one hor.ie delivery wagon. East 6628. Hiving Phone "NIGHT cook, short order. Can charge. Phone mornings. Wdln. take 202b. ' OL'ARANTEKD papering cheap. Tabor 5258. and tinting. FAINTING and tlntlnr: saUsf?ctlon guaranteed Sell wood 2775. SITUATIONS yy.M j 8CHO01. girl wIsIib place 'o assirt with liotiHfwork for room and board and small wages, where she will he treated an one of family. i.'all Wopd 1m wn 45H. , LADY want work washing, Ironing Marshall 1833. room by the day out; Hnd clean office. 14. WOMAN wants work reliable references. ly hour or d.iy, V oodlawn 4 5 7.". WOMAN wants any kind (lay work, will do curtains. Phone Muln X!iJ LADY wants light work, preferred, small wage goo 1 Ma'.n home WANTED Work hour. Sellwood of any 668. kind by th I K KHS.MA KINO 40 3' DRESS.MAKI.Mi, home or day. reason i able. PJnst 6465. FIKMSHKD ItDO.MS FURNISHED rgms for young men in all part of the city, also In Y. M. C. A. bldg.. especially desirable during toe summer; fireproof, telephone in each room, shower bath. Sl.io to $4.75 per week, including full association mem bership privilege, gymnasium, swlrr mlng pool, handball court, and manv other club prlvileKes: full Information at Y. M. C. A. business office or tele phone Main 7065; A-6561. PA LACK HOTEL. 12th and Washington sts.. Close In. fireproof, modern, light, airy Outside rooms; rates $3.50 per w-ek up. PHONE MARSHALL 6040 bA. MAHCO Washington HOTEL .Modern, 42Z cor. 11th. 5l)c up. Spt- clal rates by week or month. K0TIEL GlQlNMuKlli: Lea u ai Oat. Mod- ern. fireproof, respectable, $3 wek up RYAN Hotel brick hot, team heat. Annex, L'titfVi 5th; new cold water every room, Mp. City Hall. M '.'375. HOMELIKE 2646. rooms. ,471 Taylor. Mar. $1.60 WEEK up, clean warm, modern fur. rm, central. The King. 309 Jef. ROOMS and apartments week and up. in modern 455 Alder hotel J-.'.fiO 1'IRMSHEI) ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY '2 BRKHIT, airy rooms, with homo con " veniences; ladlefc preferred. 4-7 E. , 7th St. N. Rose City car. PLEASANT able. 3l'7 f urnlslied W. Park. rooms, leason- 471 TAYLOR Clean, bath, Marshall H54C well furnished, or .1045 WELL furnished Main et. room, $1 week. 314 NICE furnished light room, month. 269 Fargo St. bath, $5 ROOMS AM) HOARD 15 THE HAZEL Furnished rooms, with or without board;' steam heat. Run ning water. 385 ,lr.- ROOMS AM) HOARD PRIVATE FAMILY NICE private r 3 years up. home for children; from 3K4 flrand ave. N. ANNA Lewis Hall. 610 Flaride.-s, busl- ness girls and student s $ $: , 5 wk. ROOM and board, Aii Main R979. l'Uh st., A-JSH5. home comforts. HOISEKKKPIXU ROOMS 8 rtJKWlSHXD AITD VNFTTBNISHEV ONB room with kitcnenette, complete ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone in every room; 7 blocks fiom 5th and Morrison nts., $12 up 291 Columbia St.. cor. 6tn. 109 N. lsTR Near Gllsan. l'urnrshed housekeeping rooms for rent cheap. Main 8193. ROYCHKST rooms. 175 12th Single ii. K. TWO housekeeoinir rooms Sin i..-r rr,r 645H Washington at., .near Kth liem Apts.Fr, week up. 4ul lt st Free bath. hot. cold water HOISEKEKPINO ROOMS 73 rvunsxED and vnTxr&sismy . p JfEJLSjT " NICE front housekeeping rooms; also Sleeping rooms, chean rlnae.ir. lu Kill St. . . ,, . -.. .... ,XWO furnished 11, K.. ground fkior, j " ral " 1 1 k ummiice, rront-nack en trance, water, light. S9; bath free. 344 Ta. Zd at. N. East 1326. H1KGLE front, first floor; cooking gas free. Bath, phone, laundry. 423 Mar t Ket st. HOMML1KE H. well furiHshed. K. rooms, low rent. close In, 40 Main. j3 -OR 3 nicely furnished H. close in. very reasonable. rooms, K. 7th. FOR RKNT- HOISES UMFtTBBnSHX D 1 ;10 5 room modern cottage with gar i age. good neighborhood, near school tores, streetcar and Pacific highway ! I minute car service via Mt. Scott line' rental may apply on purchase, balance , laay payments. Address W. F. Brock . Lents. Tabor 1279. ' ROOM bungalow. S8. neat and attrao - tive, 1606 E. Ankeny st. FTed W. Ger Vfftn Co.. 72S Chair., of Com. JMODERN 7 room plastered huse - yard, fruit. lVs blocks from car. $10 month. 185 E. 74th st N. M-Vr car. ' $10 MODERN 8 s college district. room Fast house. 1854. Reed ROOM modem house. 12th and E Anksny. 681 E. Ankeny. Ea.t S62ol IS ROOM modern cottage. Call Wood Beech st. lawn 1520. 'S15 NICE 3 room cottage $7. 757 Union - ivt., near Fremont: a snap. ROOM bungalow, 15. 460 E. 60th st N., near Hancock, Rose City Park cottage, $10. 759 Union ave. near Fremont: a snap. ROOM house, $25, 308 Columbia, west side. 10th st., near FIVEJ room cottage, big yard. 648 5th t.. very reasonable. Broadway 2332. FURNITURE FOR SALE V HOUSES FOR RENT 32 AD8. oi ruraitur lor sale are pub- 34) WILL rent 8 room home, nicely fur nished. 1 block from car, in good neighborhood, very reasonable. Phone Kellwood 527. 1108 Woodward ave. $14 7 room modern furnished bunga low, 1 block to car, walking dis tance Franklin high; no small chil dren. TaWkr 1042. A KINK prrvate home, beautifully fur nished, cheap rent for reliable party. Call at once as I am leaving city. 378 East 41st Phone East 2412. NEAR Irvington school, plain, ilean furnished or unfurnished cottage. Phone Sellwood 276J. $15 MODKKN nlshed, fruit, ders. M-V car. t room housi fur garden. 2003 K. Flan L'O min. APAKTMENTS 43 FI'KMSHFI) AMI I ' X FU R VIS H E I) Yiyi 5th and Columbia sts. Five minutes ' walk to Meier & Frank's store; good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 3 room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. . ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12rh and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. San Marco Apartments Nicely fur. or unfur. mod. 3 rin. apts., pri hath. $15 up, brick hld , walk dis., homelike. Couch and E. Sth. East 1990. AiAlJlbU.N i'AKK Ai-'la. Park st. at Madison Modern -. li and 4 loom furnished apartments, close in. by week or rrtntn. bli'KNA VISTA I 2th and Harrison. A 1 house; all outside apts., strictly modern; references. Mam 1091 or Main 1U52. THK UEZKNUUKK. 2BS IfiTH ST. Marshall 2316. Nice 5 room fur. and unfur. apts.. alwo ;l ami 4 room fur. apts El.fcGAN'f 5 room apartment with sleeping porch and all modern con veniences. Main 4 1-4 or after ti p. in.. A-1D0 1. LL'r.K.NE APIS.. 3d and Hall Mod ern brick bldt; . - rooms, furnisned. private phone in each apt.. $Lo and up. Marshall 4 ii a 7 . $2 2. 50 3 LARGE FI'KX. IfJCMS. Private bath, plionc, lieat, water, walking distance, adults, west side. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Ex. $4T. ii KOOM, NKWLV J-'I K. APT. Close In, west .siile, best district, fine rooms, heat, phone, less than if vacant, ymll h-Wagoner Co., Stoca Kc. T1IL SHKFKIKLD. a7 Broadway b. 3 arid 4 room fur. and unfur. apts., walking distance; at very reasonable rent; best of service Main -5u6. T'lKKb room apts., private pnone, bath. JlS.iu per mo . modern br&'k. Westfall Apts., 410 uth; walking dis tance. PENROSE APIS. and lliand ave.. 3 room furnish'-d. Walking distance. N. W. cor. Helmont new, mocb-rn. J ars 1 Service first class. ROSE FRIEND, --i liroadway S.; mid ern nnf urnishc.l apts.; lar" rooms, best service, walking dlsU M a r 1 4 1 i. i'J.bu 1'EH wk. 2 and 3 room apts. Pri vate bath. Harrison Court. 5th and Harrison sts Walking distance. A.t.R. iUI l.ovejoy. 2 and also basement apt., $15 to Marsh. L'iWT I II:.. $7 J EE FEU So MAN 514 Jefferson. Z nlshed apart m-nts. APARTM EN'l'S. and il loom fur $lii ai;d up. NoKoMIS. 5tii Marsha 11 - .Modern 2 rooni furnished, private ba'h. dress- Ing loom and phope. ili to $20 FOl"K rooms, hardwood floors, walk ing distance, l;irn. or unfurn. I'ort- nnmah. 2nu E. l.'Sth. PEN IN Ml. A API'S.. C-l 1 ."); concrete bldg. - and 3 rooms; hot and cold water, baths, phore. strain bent. J 1 Z MAiNOLlA Ai'i Si., iu. id ai.tl UijjiikiuT. Modern 1 and - room apts , $1..jU per week up. Sleeping rooms. East 2 12. Cincinnati!, ourt. 401 loth. mod ri to apartments; $lo AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod 4, i H nil. apts. Mar. ,'!.fK0 M. 75DJ. A-JHTH P.OSEM- ELD Stark 3 and (brick), 14th and E. 4 rooms, jri vat el ohones. CLARK phone. A pts., lights. 2 rm, fur., heat, $1 2 up. drk Mar. beds, 505 ii. FOR KENT KL.TS L? $ZS Modern 4 room furnished flat, porch, walking distance. 5ti9 Mar ket. UNFl'RN 1SH ED-furnlshed, up-to-date r roJm flats, sleeping porches Last 3737. 591 Washington st.. 6 room flat, gooj condition. Marshall 34S3. CLEAN 1 fit h and upper t Everef t. roo'ii corner flat, $20 Modern side, cor. i: i v e r th E. rm. 23 0 1 flat. E. iiurn- Pl RNISHKD PLATS 50 TO LET Furnished 4 room flat, close In, clean, light and airy; 12 minutes' walk from shopping district; fred lights, water and phone; tiood base ment and excellent river view; also 2 room apt. 27 1 Margin si., between Broadway and Steel bridges. Call Fast 4T.74 WELL furnished, clean, : loom tin. hath, sleeping porch, wood rai.K' gas stove, only $16; also 4 room I'l.i: ground floor, good neighborhood, ner house, nice lawn, J ai lines. Ik-hi jitney service In city. Ea-t :.26i), 772 E. Taylor. MODERN 4 rm. and hath, nic-ely fur- nlshed. gas, wood ranges, el.'ctri" lights; $11 mo. ,33 Ro,lne. cor. Fre mont. Wins, ave., A Iberia and Wool lawn cars. ONE 3 room and one 4 room, elegant lv furnlshed. steam heated, very rea sonable to desirable tenants. 52 E. 6th St. N.. cor. I 'avis Plume East 1 1 ,"o $1X 4 room, piano, light, water, phone; $16, 5 room, walking distance East 3310. 4 ROOMS, bath, lower couver av.. near Brum t!at. ! w a y 3S2 Van ; close ir. pirn rooms. New. walking m-at. End distance. .1 s "? Rdwy. bridg?. Ross. PLEASE call up East SI MM Kit ItE.St )KTS 50 SEASIDE Neat, small cottage, near ocean, rnone L. 24"!' TWO furnished Ii k rooms 1307. at Be Center. Woodlawn SEASIDE cottage for Main 4191. rent or sale. BARON BEAN FURNISHED HOUSES I " iprN 1 r" I a A IffcttNC-J-v- I 'A IVinN.Tvn f, -v 11-. h r I rv. cf&TMt S liiiiiiiii ii i sr-m a v. till I'l r-"' -J af a- m, I .Uf I 2 J BAH Tb X.yA' J ' f 'k - I I 1 I I It ' Xjft -mJ. ' V i I VlV- f.il' M . 1 I aalal I 1 'V f - -,iaV itjl SUMMER RESORTS 56 T-i-i- -L,-n- - -.1 -'I- '- ' I FURNISHED tents- at Sunset Beach $4 per week; wood furnished. See Dorr E. Keasey & g0., 23 Chamber of Commerce, or write Mrs. O. J. Frankel. Warrenton. Or... R. F. D. No. 1. Sunset Beacn. erfva SECURE reservations from the Gilbert company. 3M Yamhill St.. for Hotel Becker. Cannon Beach. It will pay you. Hotel new, attractive, reasonable. Fronted by old Haystack Rock! 1' 1'KMSHi.P or uniurmshed cottages for rent at beautiful Maivzanita beach. Large living rooms aii-', tire places. Address Ci. B. Nunn, Mania- nita Or. SUNSET BEACH, furnished tents $4 per week, furnished cottages, 3 room, JS per week; four rooms. $10 per week. Write Mrs. G. J. Frankel, Warrenton, Or.. R. F. D. No. 1. GEARH ART. Will rent furnisned house for the season or sell U on easy terms. J. H. iiartog, 269 Stark, near 4th. BEAUTIFUL bungalow, witn garage, tents; rooms by day. week or month. Address box 147. Long Beach, Wash. FOR RENT At Saltair beach, 1 room (furnished cottage, with wood; rea sonable. Tabor 1 b 73 (evenings). STORKS AXD OFFICES 11 BRICK warehouse la South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street; rasonaDle. Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and Yamhill. FOR RENT .Store on Morrt-icn St., between 5th and 6th; 40 ft. front by 23 Va ft. deep; long lease. Apply Sher man, Clay Ac Co. V ANTEDTO RENT 7 SMALL modern furnished house, west side or irvington. nesponsible ten ant; 3 In family. Marshall 1925. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 SOLD my ranch, have 1 registered Jersey cow, 4 years old and bay horse. 3uo los.. 8 yrs. old, will sell nt your own prue or terms to the right party. 1 4 JO U inoa st. Wdln. car. .bOK horses and vehicles, dogs and household pets and poultry, read the ads under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums in these classifications. DEAD horses and an.rr.als hauled away free. Call U oodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co.' M1.ST sell team, mare and horse, near. ly new harness and farm wagon. 1 :n,7 E. Stark st. Trial allowed MUST tell by lutli. JiHKj lb. team, wagon, and harness guaranteed all ways, r. Jones, Clackamas. GOOD small team, harness and ex press wagon for sale, a bargain $100. Tall Tabor 'S35. GOOD Rood rubber express tired buggy, cheap; wagons. Tabor 602S. FOR SALE Saddle, riding habit. 17 like new. $10. also Morris st. LIVESTOCK 35 FcR SALE 2 extra good cows "witn calves 2 to 3 days old. Phone 3iK4 or address Mrs. O. W. Louden,'Roui2, Vancouver. Wash. i-i: E big heifer llwood 1431. calf for sale cheap. FiR SALK Good fresh cow. Call 1077 1 lolgate s t. ALL BREE1S of dairy cows. Terms. I'ri:-e Union Stock Yards. JM -JJ. y'H OX S 37 CHICKENS for sale, K. I. Reds, Brown and White Leghorns, good layers. A M. White. 1410 K. Hoyt St., Portland, r. Phone Tabor 670. ONE lot of Buff Orpington chickens fur sale. 1180 E. 33d N. l0(;s, RIRDS, PETS, ETC. 40 FULL blooded Boston BTfll Terrier at stud; pup wanted. 1 -lo. Journal. 1 !" y-u want a kitten, call East 6491. A I'TOMOI II LES-ACCESSORIES 44 SPECIAL BARGAINS OUT-OF-TOWN VISITORS. TO GOOIt HIG-H CLASS I'SED CARS ALL IN EXCELLENT MECHANICAL CONOITION. PACKARD, CADILLAC, STUDE HA K ER, OVERLAND LIGHT DELIV ERIES, SIGHTSEEING BUS. AND SEVERAL CHEAP, CLASSY BUGS. SHECIAL PRICES AND ATTRACT IVE TERMS' GIVEN ON ANY OF THESE CARS ALL THIS WEEK DO NOT BARGAINS. FAIL TO SEE THESE PACIFIC KISSAL KAR BRANCH. BROADWAY AND DAVIS ST. PHONE BROADWAY 321. 1914 FORD ROADSTER First terms. class condition, $2 a. easy OAKLAND AUTO CO., S-2 Alder St., for. 16th. 1916 4 -CYLINDER OAKLAND Bargain OAKLAND 22 Alder St. Terms AUTO CO.. Cor. 16th. WE WRECK AUTOS. Parts for most all makes of cars. Engines, trasmissions. etc.. Oregon Auto Ex.. 129 l.ownsdale. Main 1161 SNAP Hudson. 1913, f.4. perfect condition, newly painted, good as new; must sell for $72". Ci-61, Journal. FOR SALE Practically new $12000 car, if you want a machine don't fail to see this, must sell for cash am going east. Phone Main 6533 N0-GLAKL AUTO LENS ED B RUN'S st.. cor Ash. CO.. Rroadwa v 43U 1 st 954. FOR SALE 1913 Overland. 6 pass $JO0 hefore Friday, leaving city' 966 E. 21st st. N. ' $550 - 101 4 MICHIGAN, electric lights and starter; cost $1S51; terms if de sircd. 304 Lewis bldg. FORD roadster, 1915 Model, new bodv .' extra tires, motor In perfect con dition, $jr,;, rash Sell 309 I JIFFY starter for Ford cars. A t Breckern idge. 836 vtalsev St.. atate 'lit. Phoi ps E. 509a. C'-220. ROADSTER In good condition; money, $175. Tabor 24 83 need AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 Visit Our Used Car Dept. WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING: Cadillac. 1913. 7 pass., electric starter. A more dependable car cannot be bought for $800 Cadillac. 1911 touring. This model always gives excellent service .. $40) Maxwell light roadster, electric lights, demountable rims $350 Case, 1913, electric lights and gen erator $500 Alco six. some car. See it to ap preciate its value. Pierce "36," and a good one. too. Pierce "4S," 7 pass., fine for, stage Or rent work $800 Chalmers "36, a good car. in fine condition with new tires $450 Locomobile six ...$800 Buick speedbug. classy little car, in good condition ..$275 Buick "21" touring car, repainted . $325 Allen 1915, light car. in fine con dition $500 Studebaker electric, will tradefor Portland lot or ?....$400 AND MANY OTHERS. Main 6244 21st and Wasn. Covey Motor Car Co, Bargains in Used Cars , PACKARD PHAETON. A-l condi tion, will take smaller oar In ex change, $950. CADILLAC EIGHT, first class con dition, $1325. FORD, practically new, $50 less. OLDSMOPILE, 191c, newly painted, first class condition, $775. The Oldsmobile Company of Oregon. Broad wav and Couch sts Phone "Broadway 1640. Used Auto Snaps TERMS GIVEN. WE HAVE SOME GOOD CARS AT VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES. RANG ING FROM $175 TO $1000. A COOI) USED CAR MEANS ALL THE PLEASURE GOTTEN FROM ANY AUTOMOBILE, WITH SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS SAVED, AND DEPRECIATION GREATLY RE DUCED. LET US SHOW YOU. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. E. 16. 1st and E. Morrison -is. East. b-i: Real Bargains. Stevens-Duryea, Oldsmobile, Studebaker, Chalmets, Cole, Wintons. from 1910 to 10!'", The Winton Co,. 23d and Washington sts. CADILLAC. See us for used Cadillacs, 1313 and 1911 models, all in the very best con dition. Our stock Includes manv other makes at low prices. Main 6.44 COVEY MOTOR CAR 'u ' 21st and Washington St. Main 6244 CADILLAC lourtntr car, axles, fine condition... Tiinken .$275 a l I. Or.liAKr.it "4," 1914 touring car, electric starter and lights ST1DEMAKER "6." 1915 touring car, electric starter and lights FORD touring car. fine condition OREGON MOTOR C 4 Ft rn 450 701 2 7T) USED CAR DEPARTMENT! studebaker Distributors, Park & Davis. EArER READY 1 ton truck; attachnVt.; 40u; xriinit c o m p 1 e te I - $775. Manuf'd in Portland. THAYER-SHA V ER-OULLEY MACHINE CO IPS TC. Water Pt. Phone East i437. DOUBLE tread, puncture proof tires made from your old ones. Bring them in Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. Wash, at lSth, Burnside at Rrondwav. (33S Furnside NATIONAL roadster, 1914 run 12,000 miles, Westinghouse ignition system demountable rims, good tires, over hauled and repainted, new $00 speed ometer and clock, chains, etc Pri e $600. Call Marshall 1TH6 7:.l Olisan Elite Auto Laundry Washing, polishing, oiling. Wash 7-V and up. Fords 50c. 25 N. 14th near Burnside. STUDEBAKER, 5 pass. car. newly painted, all good fires, will sell at a bargain if taken within 2 cays; thi? Is a 4 cylinder car. 1914 model, m splendid condition. U-17, Journal FOR USED CARS See big Co. Main stock 6244. at Covey Motor 21st and Wash'nt Car ton. Mfg. & Repairs. 3000 guaranty springs in stock prices reduced. 34 N. 15th st. LET Us Solve Guaranteed Springs Cor. Union and Bel mont. E 13o5 Your Spring Trouble. WA5MINOTON CARRIAOI SNAP. Cadillac, 1914. 5 pass., fully equipped, first class mechanical condition, new tires; must sell for $550. T-6U. Jour- nal. NEW 1916 FORO TOURING CAR BODIES, $75. BENJ. E. BOONE & CO.. MAIN 3966. 514 Alder. 1915 Saxon roadster. electric horr, lights, throttle whistle, speedometer, etc., cheap for cash; run 7500 miles. D. 25, Journal. WE will convert your FORI) car intoa ROTHWEILER ONE TON TRUCK for $300, terms If desired. BE'J. E. BOONE & CO.. 514 Alder St. Main 396 PIERCE 48, 7-pass. See it at Covey Motor Car Co., 21st and Washington sts. Main 6244. FIVE pass., 1913 Buick for sale 24S Burnside. at bargain. Call at Registered- Vou Past 1 44 G A I. A G E S $30 and up. P o r table nouses, chick en bouses, woods heds. etc M 1 1 1 m a d e Con structton Cj. Main 11L and evenings. 544 Hood Sunday Woodlawn 3615 HUDSON s5x 54. V-55. Journal. pas.. snap, in ma. AUTOS FOR HIRE 52 RATES for a new 7 pass. ChandJer, Columbia highway trips. Crowe Point $6; Multnomah Falls, $8; Bor.r.-ville $10; in city $1.75 per hour; from 5 hours and up. $1.50. Main 2281. A-7S76. MAXWELL, lslti modei. experiencea and careful driver Tabor 7G. UODUK auto service, special parties. Main 25S1. rates lor NEW Oakland t, Columbia highway or anywhere, reasonable Tabor 7113. AUTO FOR HIRE New car and old driver. Woodlawn 3471 1 9 1 H AUTO for hire Woodlawn 232i AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 TRADE for first equity two lots, M-S2. Journal. clasg auto, balance due $550 $300. FORD Osll CLEAR realty wanted as part payment, active partnership, light manufacturing. F-53, Journal. 10 acres good land, running spiing, on main road, for late 5 pass. auto. 147 Williams nve. Wdln. 4638. MOT)RCY( "EES-BICYCLES. 55 GET this at your own price. li12 7. H. P. Indian, In good shape. See it at 31 N. 19th st. Main 4S8'I. SEVEN h. p., 3 speed Excelsior, fully equipped, like new. $150. P-63. Jour nal. CASH for motorcycles and bicycles, anv condition Blocker 276 Taylor. LA U NTIIKS AX1) BOATS t EVINRUDE detachable rowboat and canoe motors. In use by L'- govern ments. $63, $7.'! and $3 with magneto. Kvinrude Motor Co.. I'll Morrison NICELY furnished complete bathroom; Owner. 51 ! Worcester houseboat bargain at bldg. with $250. FIVE room hoathouse. with electric lights; price $100: fuel free. 1064 Macadam ."t.. South Portland. -2 ',2 ft. launch, is h. p, 4 cylinder. 4 cycle, latest equipment, with boa:, house. A. S'ilvey. 306 Oak st. Nlw modern Houseboat, rooms and bath. Sellwood 571. No. 4 Willamette Moorage. T. DANIELSON bldir. repairs. Boat Shop. Pest work. Nebraska low price. PIANOS, MUSICAL ORGAN'S AND 34 INSTRl MF.NTS CLOSINU l'T THIS WEEK. t350 Modern Upright, cash $Q" ."iCS Older model upright, cash.... 65 27"- Boudoir upright, 'cash 4S 4"0 Chk-kerir,K. ojd mode, cash.. 35 - . .. Angelus Flayer, cash 4 9 Earhoff Parlor Organ, cash 15 SECURITY STORAGE Co.. 109 4th BEFORE pui ciiasmg fee our Specials in Used Piano Bargains.. NeT pianos .mod aiely priced. BOTH. AMD STAKK STS. WHY buy used unimproved pianos at the same price as we sell new 1916 models with all up-to-date improve ments. 5i more tone and efficiency. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st. $2, $3 and $5 monthly secures old model F. t- C. Fischer. Chickering & Sons and Smith & Barnes upright piano now during make room sale. Schwan Piano Co.. ill 4th st. FAMILY leaving Portland will sacri fice almost new $500 upright piano on very easy terms or for cash; make offer. See Mr. Foster 151 4th st. RAGTIME iti ten lessons; practice room free. Special summer ratea 75c. 2 trial lessons free. '"Chrlaten- sen System." .r.01-2 Fillers bid g. ELEGANT SS-note player piano, bench and lot of up-to-date 8&-note music in rolls; cost $ 7 J 0 ; will take $275, e asy terms. Appl y 151 4 th St. PIANOS tored 60c monthly, or will your price, or buy it Main 5323. Security 4th st. sell piano at for cash. Call Storage Co., 109 $375 STF.GER player piano with SS note music rolls, cabinet and bench; looks and sounds same as new; terms. L5 Morrison st. $1.5 WEEKLY buys 1916 model $325 piano for $215 during Make Room Sale now in progress. $5 sends it home. Schwan Piano Co., Ill 4th st PIANO players rented, $4 per month; free 88-note music rolls; all rent can apply on new player piano later if de sired, lnl 4th St. i-REE US;-; of piano or player-pJano for 2 Vz years. See display adver tisement of Schwan Piano Co., or call nt 111 4th si., at Washington. $900 HIGHEST grade XH-note player piano now $390, on easy terms, rolls and bench included. Graves Music Co., 1514th st. WRITE toJ&y for our "Bargain List" of good used pianos. Graves Music Co., 151 4th st. BUY' good practice piano, good makes,4 low. prices; pay ji per week. Graves Music Co.. 151 4th st. RENT a piano. $1 per month and up. Good make to select from. Ask about our fine drayage plan. 151 4th. I WISH to sell my fine little Stein i wav piano in upright ca-se; make of fer. Apply Mr. Grief. 151 4th st. $450 H A 1 RDM AN upright and bench for $ 1 1 5 Storage Co., cash tomorrow. Security !f9 4th st. IF YOU live out of town write today for our "Rig Bargain List.'' Graves Music Co . 151 4th st. $65 CASH buys $325 upright tomor row at Security Storage Co., 109 4th st. RENT a piano or player piano; -ask about our free drayage plan. Graves Music Co. 151 4th st. A I .MOST new 88-note piano placyer very easy terms. 151 onlv $190 on 4th st. RENT a player. $4 montii and up. 4th St., near Morrison. 151 BABY grand at did condition. great sacrifice; splen 151 4th st. United States Patent Office. AEi aj The PrnsEActl opeaj voi- 3rupir l AUTOMORILES-ACCESSORIES ( Oontlnnad ) st. yAw? - vui run ji lh.ai i ov.A;ri3r on 4T-v C ITHTC - V S V J s,J 31 PLAYER pianos from $25 upwards, Chickering. Steinway, Gabler. Hard man, Krfthich & Bach and manv oth ers; easy terms. Graves Music Co., 151 4th st. n TYPEWRITERS NEW REMINGTON rental plan, with manufacturers' guaran-ee and rentals applying to purchase Visible models. $3 per month. $7.5u ror 3 months. Other models less. Remington Typewriter Company. 88 Broadway. Telephone hrnadwajr fiZ't. WE save you from 50 to 76 on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder; rental department, WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washlneton st. CORONA portable typewriters. Main 2?S5. E. W'. Pease Co.. agts. 110 6th. NEW. rebuilt, rates. P l C rand, reaials. cut :ti tnrk M t 4"7 HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 05 FOR SALE 'j.xil! li.gelow velvet Wil ton rug. 3 small rugs, fumed oak furniture, ltlit-r upholstered; 45 Inch dining table, 4 c hairs, princess dresser, Marshall ventilated hair mattress, lace curtains, portn-rs, dishes. cooking utensils. Ail excellent quality. Call 1644 Alameda Drive, near E. 63d st. N.. Rose City Park. FOR SALE one .ady's bicycie, bed. 4 ft. 6: 1 oak dresser. 47th N. Rose Citv car. 1 it on 7 K. FOR SALE doing east, Iurnituie. carpet, sewing machine. 350 IStn St.. cor. 16th and Mill. BOOKCASE, sideboard, dishes, chairs, sanitary cot. library table. 39o Sha ver street. TWO sanitary lawn mower. coucnes 11 1 E. heater Ma in. anil FOR SALE MISCELLA X K.Ol'S It) FOK KALfc, -Brano. new carom and pocktt bfi'-'-a.-d' tables with complete out!t. $1-6, second hajid tables at reduced prices; bowling allev and bil liard Bupplies, easy payments. ClRar Ftore, drops, delicatessen and soda fountain fixtures. THE BRUNSWICK P A LKE-COI. LENDER CO. 46-4S 6th. ii.-x.rilNEi ot all manes sold for less. No atents employed. Machine rent ed $.' per month A.-3626, Main 9431. Sewing Ma chine Emporium. 190 3d "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS". "Type writers" and "Household Ooods" aro separate classifications. All adver tisements of these gcoas are published ucder tl.clr respective classification. LOOK THEM OVER. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and re paired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burnslde. cor. TOth Broadway or A-5674 Hu Ten Oluphead sewing ina lunes with attachments, good condition. Sewing machines rented $2 per aioniii. E 2359. B-3307. E. R. Steen. 152 Grand ave. near Belmont. roR SALE Fresn 6 gal, cow, 1 2 h. p. steam cream separator, louu ili. spring wugon. 363 Aspen elte ieiKl'ts. black Jersey boiler, lo'.v.i hor.-,c, light St.. V ilia.ni- I AUIUiiuulLKS, motorcycies, iaunciies or boats are seiirate classiicalions. A large listing can be found unue: these different classifications. Wayne Gasoline Pumps EH Ruppell. 194 1st st. Main 1221. MACHINERY bought, sold, repaired and exchanged. Northwest Lead Ma' h. Co.. 311 Front st. Main 5492 DIAMONDS sold on ing, the jeweler. 1 69.'. commission. -45 U Alder. B id Mam TENTS, 50 cents on the dollar, siz 16x24. 1L N Bain. Marshall 418 Railway Exchange, room 57. NEW tent, plete. $5. SxlO ft., never Main 5536. used; torn- SWAP COLUMN WANT 5 pass. Ford; have lot Frank lin addition, clear. diamond, box ball bowling alley. Twin 7 H. p. motor cycle and poud 3 ton gooseneck wagon, trade either. What nave you? S-54, Journal. CONFECTIONERY, grocery store, for good ltuinch or lot. 205 Jefferson. PRINTING for furniture or luijihing useful. Main 709 evenings. 5 t'i iMl'I.F.'i'K rooms of good furniture as payment on auto. Broadway 1199. KLAL estate lor diamonds. 1539 E. Tny lo r f. . Pnone Tabor 4L' 4 J . t , , V AN T K I ) HSCKLANKOl'S T, WE REPAIR your watch for $1 no matter how badly broken, tiling this d. How'aJd Jewelry Co.. 1:31 V Wash ington. l'lio.t, .bast . alo wnen you wuiu to ell your furniture. We come at once and pay you the cash. M. R eeater. 2S6 Grarr nve.. south of Hawthorne. WAN i KU Secona a tui miuie, ranges and stoves. Cast prices paid. Morgan Furniture Co., 320 E. Moi risen nt. Phoi" E..st 2238. liAMLtt i no peopic "i l'oi tinu lo know 1 pay the highest cash prices for Household goods. Prompt attrition. Fast 77. N M V. eater. I I R'iil st 1 Wli.L Pay ca.-a ior Juji iit..u, pay er, upright, grand or square. Both phones, 14.iJ. or iull on J. J. Fouler, 1 ',1 4th st. WANTED -nd and ail kinds need stock and Call Mam 3192 band clothing, shoes of michundise We pay for it. Try us. or 223 MadS'il M NOT It K To MoV 1.KS. Wanted Stoves, rockers, dressers, r'jgs couches, chairs, tables, etc. We nay the price N W Fur Ex K fi'6. WANT fr- I.' Second hanu electric sikii on one side (.room si Mrs. Hi 171 i Front A-5L'01. WILL PA Y CASH FOK SECOND H A N D II O U S E II O L D GOODS. PHiiNF. M A I N33 3 2. A-2 56 T SECOND hand clothing buyer. Meyer, the tailor, pavs $5 up for suits; shoes bought. Marsh a 1) 1 22 9 2 29 Madison WANT all kinds of show case, regis ters, scales, etc. 1:1 1st, near Alder. Main 4495. WANT sto e or nlture Main range 4 4 ! 5 . also somt fur- W A NT El die. call Mans Wdln. second 19. hand sad- PAY'S highest price for 2d hand cloth ing, tool", etc 273 Front. Main 4S02 CASH paid for good second-hand fur niture Kord Ai i tlon Co 19 1 ?d st. WANTED Used wood range. E. 7074. IS WE. BLA)r VE PAjT PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ( Contlnnad ) ( VXm&g i. RA-AAA.M-) v vS, a. I WANTED MISCELANEOUS (Con tinned) WE PAY cash for your used furniture, carpets, ranges, etc. Gevurtz Furniture Cor, Inc. 185-1 R7 FIRST STREET. NEAR YAMHILL MARSHALL r,5gl. WE payineai puce tor necond hand furnl'tuie. Moves and rangsa. must h: e the good. BROWN FURNITURE CO.. MO N Kt'in. Pnone F.t 7TM. WANTED top boots -Good rubber ; give phone. coat and high A-20, Journal. LOST AND KOI XI) 21 THE following articles were left In cars of Portland Railway, Light Power Co., July 31, 1916. Owners may obtain property at station 1st and Al der sts- 4 purses, 4 umbrellas, 2 grips, 1 straw grip. 2 baskets, a suitcases. 1 roll blankets. 2 pkus. 1 pr. gloves. 1 book, 1 lucket, 1 saw. 1 pkg. beltlnir. 1 overcoat, 1 shirt, 1 bundle clothes. 1 pair classes, 1 canvas bag, 1 cap, 1 pa;l, 1 bundle overalls, 1 lunch box, 1 small shoe. 1 note book. 1 pkg. plast ers, 1 mouth organ. l.b? i t-unuay, on Washington oe- tween Gtli and St. Marys' Catiiedra'. 1 brooch set with diamonds and Pearls. Finder please return to Palace hotel tor reward. LOST. Waterman vest pocket loun tain pen, with gold band engraved Florence E Hofrmne, October 9, 1914." Phone Main 1109 or A-1109 Re w a rd . LOST - -B r indie English Bull dog, Com- cii i. test, .Monday morning, answere to name of Joe. Reward loi informa tion. Main J661. LOST one piatiiium bar pin, 6 dia monits; rewaid of Jjo if returned to Benscui hotel c.erk. LOST Pair of glasses reward. Tabor 668. in case, 149 E. Liberal 2 2. id. FOUND Dog. license No. 64. l 2.':i Morrison M. lulre Fol ' NT A anoe give descripl ;i n i Willamette, inns: X-65, Journal. LOST Hrooch "Da lighter Kindly telephone Tabor of an Elk.' .". 9 51. I'F.KSOXALS WHY pay big prices for glasses? I can fit your ee with first quality lenses in a told fillet', frame as low as $1.00. Chas. W. Goodman. aiitnmptnst '.'Hi Mnpiwi" Mil" 1 i FEBVET V HANEBUT. leading wig and toupe makers; tinest Mock hu man hair goods ; hairdressing. manlcii : -ing. face and scalp treatment, como lni;s to order 147 Broadway Main 646 OKl.UU.N HERN 1 A l.NSSTl I'UTtv RuL.-ture treated mechanically; adults, children. Trusses to .suit your case. Johnston & L'mbargaV, rupture spe lir.lis's 411 Alisky bldg. Main 37K4. PRIVATE and Mi'iitral ty; 15 y.ars 634 Lovcjoy. HOME FOR NERVOUS ascs. parayticrt a special ex ieri-ne. Ida E. Clarke, Marshall 216. IAIyARa Hair Tonic, un antiseptic scalp cleanser, hair beautifler and dandruff remover; price 60c bottle. For sa:e iv IVirtland Hotel I'hurmirt. DON'T use expensive corn remedies when you can get the sure thing "Removes It" 15c plasters at tne Clem enson 1'rug Co. 2'ii Morrison St. DR. V. G. KETCHUM Women i mala dies and acute diseases of men. Wash ll'l'? 4th and Wash. Rm. 441. Mar. Hi. HAVE your nair permanently waved. Guaranteed lo last. Saniiry Beauty Parlors. 400 liekum. Marsha1! 1 7 0 'J . SPIRITUALISM -Rev. Ai. A. Price, cir cles Tues. 2. p m.. Wen., Sun. 8 p. m. Reading dally 292 Cla"v rt. Mar. ,19f.O MJh.Mlrii. tieatmcnt for uiseases of scalp 163Park st. Room 3. EI-ECTRIO and vibratory treatments facial, scalp and shampooing. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg BALM of women. F Igs f.0 4 remedy lor Davis st. diseases of Main 2SS3 Lawyer c49 uitation free. Alain 512 Selling hldg. MAY IKVIN, ment. C91 facial and Morrison. scalp Room treat- 30. NOTICK8 2(1 CI H'TI.A R No. 212 Sealed propotmla will be received t office of ptiri'hanlng agent. AIh kan 'ti(;liiferinir roiuiiilKHlon. Seatlie. Va"h., ni't latf-r tl.nn 12 ii'kmi. AuguHt r. lf'lll, f.,i tKiller feed pump, firi pump, pump noiennT, -ngi hp lnl h.-. power drill, Uxl grinder, wikhI wnrker a ml iluplex tank "team pinup. ('ajifa of eirculnr luuy be otitnlri'M upmi apllcatlfu at IhU offlee. or fr"m f. s;. ngineer offier, ( "uei, bul Idiile. i'lirtlaud. Or. C. Ii. Dole, nur K)UAt;; -Office department quartermaater, "II l ine t.. San Francisco. Cal: Sealed pro P"hiiIh lll It received here until II a. m., Antrut el, 1:d'l. f"r furnlahiiiK foraue. el.-., rfipiired Mt piwla In western department durlnir the period commencing (ictober 1. Ill lft. and otiiilnr Ilune oil. 1U1 Information f urnlilied on api'll nllon here or to oHt qunrtermaalera ritulliSAI.S for .Uny and oi (Jnartermii-. ter's jffP-e. Port Iniid. fir. Sealed proinla will be received here until 11 -a. in.. Aiiiiunt 22. liilf!. hjhI then opened, for furnixh'ng MoO tuba hn.T and sooo tona oati. Knrt'ier iT'forniatlnn on applleatlon. 1 S II. I, not be resiHoiHltile for any billa ,r liltcatimii contracted ,y anyone other than miself. Ibildame ll-ksou PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACC0HDION PLLATINO atHlllUIU.N. KMlK AMI HtX PlllIlM,. HEMSTITt IllMi. ERAIDINii; Hb"rTlN HuLKS. IUTION3 COVKHKIJ. KAHTKHN NuVKLTV MHi. CO.. Mil. B'WAY yooO K MLl'llAN ileui-lli. iiliit. aecurdluu, luo and cuuburat pleating; buttuna covered; goodt I.'nged: Sen I lopl ng llilork I.Ik. IP war 1QQW AGATE CUTTlni i i-1 j . JKWKl.tllS. lUuiucuda txjugbt aud aoid Watch iCiialr g Mlller'a .14.1 Wnah. M -7t AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT 1' K. K.Sr.KNMi AKfc. luipleuiauia. venicln and general farm aunnllea A;tO E Morrlaw.ti ANALYTICAL CHEMIST AND ASS ATFR lill-WiHI HAI.I. 1I -loiien lililaj. o 4lh p: ATTORNEYS advice to worthy poor by old lawyer, tpaldlng l.ldK. TREE 407 BLANK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS A HOLMA.N. inc.. low al. Ulalia book manufacturer agesta for Jonva 1 01 proved Lsxjae l-eaf Lengi-ra. tir Lb a dv Ku rka l.enf. A-HIKJ. Main BRASS FOUNDRY 'HIE I'OUTt.AMl tlraaa foundry Bra -a hronse, wpi.er, German rllver and alDmlDaai ravtuga. Kaet llH4. TM) Cnlon avo. CABINFT WORK LAK1NKT WOKK. furniture rrpalrtng. lionet O. Jonea Jr., C,2 2:,d at. Mala 3332. The Most tfV,)ys . 4 toonKb tVQ. r OLD rAHICKBDJ fo II CARPXT C1.EAKIMO IPLlHilFlF IMS Irwui old car:; rg ' rug. i'rpt cieanlug. Knrt'u I K. :(.VsO. n-t2M. W l(U(i tl 1st fc. JOVCh. BKoS. Klectrir Ctenuitu Work Cf- peU rleauvd tud laid ; rrfttiiBg our iecllty Eal 44M. M lW 21,4 K. H'tli t. N. I'tMMil I.AH pet wemtnit. hull Aur l.MS imiMti uag 4, Wt. ruK null cmr- Will n 2U8.t. CHIROPttACTORs AlcUAIill.S Cumlji ib, Ukiog tlaie. 81 truatniviiti $15; ur I b 50. Addltlonul nw office- litiSiia ilurlfay hldg.. 4th tnd With. KwIub to uif Uiust graililug urc nllb many t-ralJu inruiuicv caa UurlDg Uia riaat aeven eai lu IV.i i n;..). I tiara eatab latied a cblrupractlc (.nuimnuiu where oat-of-tew ii patient oiay i r n. a hi uiuiL to tbvtr ad taLlage at umai reaMiiiuble tale Kbilr ttalng treatment. Teruia ou appli' a t lun. 7a4 Uw tbcirne itc. KKMLlS Ou my ailiertb li.jj. Is Iraaluieula $10. Dr. 1. S Tlgard. HOb .Norlbwaat bldg.. Cth and W'alilngiuu. COAL AND WOOD MllUNAl. 1-L.I.L vU. I.Aat AH-i. Slabwuud. .i.US n.tti delivered; irj Mock and labood aaweu I 10 load, guod dry wreck- ge. I-i. A-l dr.r tlr. 4 ft. r "aiveil in nrd:. NfcKIl Ai l-Ailu--Hlo-a w.M'O ;to.- I'l 1 11 . i W nv r hi . 11 JV 111 &.4Ul. 1I11 4.'4U A-41V4T M I'll I bok I Mil II onb.l. A-.I.'IHI CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS UMiAK 111 UL.U. lork tilitat OfUelal U'Uirutlul. febai- DOO AND CAT HOSPITAL Dlt. o. 11. ii 1 1 11 .ti Hospital 4)j K. 1 I tt al. bathed. Kim 147, Home v i. 1 D,lll..vUllji I -ota ciloovHl aud B- itftU. EDUCATION AL DAMLINU Dull' li Acaileiuy. si Vi iia ud 'Jan. Special ratea. 4 prl. W A.si 11 L.a 1 1. 1; at., bet. Mark Teie irKMiua f2, uioini ii. ar.priroou, evaulng. nleeii. eluaa TlturaUaj. ail laleal daueea il:ir.MI latur.lHy rveninya. I h in .il v 2 OKI HI', and Mia. Ileum ,Si bin. I Clua 1'rlday eve. loll ild at Inghui ami Maik. I.ca.,n a.' -i.eaaiua daily, beiween WttV '. Mn I ii V.,. MUSIC SCHOOLS .. D ItACHtHB al 1 II 1 I.I I o i It v ,i, 2u7 I Ib-ilner I bin. A I'lloh'. 1. i.. i , w mi le int". Ili-e 1 1 , I mi, lel , ,Uill Marahall "ev.-i IflW I III IK icaNou at jur '.;i. fIRt INSURANCE MAII..S l-i;l. i S, Tt A M t I O. At it- II only iircifou lire lus'ii-uice rniii'an.r. FLUfl RL( AND RAG RUGS Send Us Your Old Carpets IE Maii.1 Iron, ,,1,1 Inriiln, lliu. ia. Anulnater. Ku.jrnu. Alao rug run. all -Ik a. Mall orderi prompt. ( iir,iet cleaning. (wnd fur booklet. WKSTKIt.N H.i'FF 111 (J CO. b4 Cnlon Ave. N. I'lKiti,-.- KlHI UMt). H-147.1 FURNACES Boynton Furnaces Economical, l n ii MukFl. lleilujl. J. C. Uairl Co.. rronl HATS CLLANtD, BLEACHED Lillf a 7.-.e. V nab Kellla' I ' u II .1 1 11 ,. Mrawa. lelt. nr. -I id. s- mi l.ala Liciitieil, bleached, (lie. Kan Milan a. 2Hi 1 4 1 ;il. I'hoiir M TOrt LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS illh Oldeat Ilii nd j. Ai llhf.l.'l.VN I.I.A I'llUlt CO. lu uoittiet. Aueiiia "Muntrrh" Ni " ..-nt her itllll Kver-n at. MATTRESSES Ul.H liialll. i-aea nm .ealbe' beda Inalle lOtu aaailary told. tig tonna; ..-aihera miovatad. l-'ol.l.ii M. o. ,,iiil Wllllaiua K. .'iH74. NON-INTOXICATINO BEVERAGEB WKlMlAltOS tjoldfu aud Amber .clar. lliul.i Urlnhaid piaiit. IJIb and Uurnaldt. Muln 12. I'll a A 1 172. PRINTERS AND :K3UAVERB Illh I V 1 RMi Mark 1 hl-.fs.H- JOIl.N il. liA.N.N at. Ilr- nilwar -los. A lux ROOF PAINT Itluek al itoof I'oinl. II ilaua and aold 1T Ihe t il-aver 1I. Co i'ortlaud offlrv 4.11 I'lllork Ik. RUBBER bTAMPB AND SEALS -U Mriii lla, llale rAtlllC COAsl 231 V aahlncioii -l 1 Iwi k. liiara aigaa. MIAMI' lilt K H Vain 7111 A-k-riA. BAIETY H.AZ0RS HONED bj Ft. 1 1 ruzola abu i ptut-U , iVc per doK4-n. 1 ! 8HEET METAL an aniUa, aud I., near Morrlan. WORKS UKl'Al-KIM. aiu l"l al. llu and gravel toot I'h-'iie slain M1'4, Jo ob TRANSFER i ND B TO RAGE Oregon rans-fer Co. EbOibllalied 1?7U. Tranafer and t .TWHr.iing Agenta Ktorage I- ree l'rai ki.ge. Office and atorge 471 (,lln at. 18th and (illaan. Inln (111. AOIW A1.WA18 I'll U' illh. uLVl "iioJatuiTia; tJOOOS M'EIIAI.ISIS .Storage, larking, Shipping and Muvlnn llorre or Autu Vaua. fpeelal frelgbt ralea to ill polnla. C. U. l lct THA.SSI Kit A NIOIIAOB CO. 2d and I'l" llrojday fiWH. A-100 OLhO.S-IKiK IKANSK.it H) . --Vurniiure uiov era, packer, aiornfe; Ireprinif uarebouae. l.Mh and Hoy t MHlf.4? A - 2247. MANUFACTURE. WS i JOBBERS WHOLESALER DRY O00D8 WHOLESALE L Dinkelspiel Co. XX no. - liulg. criier Oak PAINT. OIL t CLAKB UAISM Lh.KN A HI., .Ilgh N. K. corner 2d and Taylo- Standard M 1771. palm. A -.".,'( 1 PLUMBINO SUPPLIES ii.lIlllliMi alllipllea, V Davia !'., 212 :',d K M(,ujPi.li- pruea. Blark- lu 7;r7. SANITARY aVIPINO RAGS L, SHANK CO, .112 I- liU.N T HI. I III.N F. MAIN lOflB WATER a-UfPi-Y i.VSIEMB KEVV A M ; K WAT S It Hi k MS M. f. Spenier. Agent IQ.'t VV. I'arl A700D IPE l Olt'l I.AM' WOOii I'll'K CO. Factory and office nenr 24ii and ork ala Main IIN zirroBUATZov coupov. If you want the name of a reliable business house dealniK In any line ot mi'rcliundise, or Information rcgard ltiK ic.HortM, hotel.,, railroads, attam ship liiicH, etc., addr-Hs Uivgon Jour nui i ii for mation Ilurcau. lnforinatlon dealrU: Nam .... Address They Spend Is the Day mis iiAAj(3ftWe3 ARE- S?A)DMJG A ajthaj Ihe. 'Qry ZiMrrs - How Lohg ? -ch,iwo lAJttk-s;-. ht. Visrr SoyoUtSfcB. AA)t to Days a i iiauva iii ui nv stuuiu uwuu a ciasai- I '(loatlon when house is not for rent. I v -