The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 01, 1916, Page 15, Image 15

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    - I' 4 -
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; Evenjpenerals In All Their
Rdwer "Biw to Will of the
x 5
Bona Are Imtructed to Writ lengthy
Xetters 'Often and Youths Art
.Pat on the Wtttr Wtfon.
By WHIIam G. Shepherd.
Robatowo, Texas, Aug. l. (U. P.)
Mother hand la on the army In the
. lower Rio Grande valley with a gentle,
but no firm a tug, that even the big
generals feel and yield to It.
All their bluff and gold stara and
discipline have not saved them and
their army from the pull of mother's
heart strlnga that stretch out to the
American border.
Aa unknown mother routed General
y Funaton himself In the presence of a
; Croup of newspaper men, to whom he
was Issuing a budget of news in the
public room at San Antonio headquar
t tera.
''Af'tnOfcher Is here to see you about
getting Iter eon out of the army," in
terrupted Major Burman, chief staff
of f ieer.f
"ifinMton X.t Boy Oo. "
' ,, J"EJtOUB ma; excuse me," said the
x'geriefal hastily to the reporters, as he
fled from the public room to the prl
'vacy of his office.
. V "Let the, boy bo if his mother is de--pehdent
on him," Funston ordered the
- adjutant general from the half open
office door, i
A little Woman whom reporters saw
making" her way along the hallway
towardfFunston's office, departed from
the building half an hour later smiling
happily,' though, she had not seen Fun
k ston, and did not know how he : c
- treated.
Colonel John : Fralne of the First
North Dakota, astonished a group of
correspondents Sunday by shouting to
a passing private: "Coma liere,
Told to Write His Mother.
Smith approached.
"How long since you've written
. home to your mother?" asked tho
colonel. r
"Two ;weks."
"You go bark to your tent and nit
down and write fiOO words to your
mother," ordered the col-mc!.
Five Hundred lrtters dally reach
Major General .O'Kyan, head of the
New York force", who tins put 22. 000
youths on the water wagon. Many
of these letters ask for the release,
of sons, but an Hverago of r0 every
day contain thanks of mothers to
O'Rysn or abolishing alcohol.
, Mothers Vast Anti-War Organization.
Colanels, captains, lieutenants, ser
geants no officer is too high or too
.low for a mother to pin her faith to
receive letters dally from mothers,
ordering them, instructing them, rr
requesting them to look out for "thy
I've talked ro officers of city rot?i
ments and country regiments, of
northern, southern, eastern and west-
era regiments, about mothers' activ
ity. The story is always the same.
Mothers are alike in every corner of
the United Slates and. like a vast
anti-war orgar.lzatlou they aro making
their Influence felt.
American mothers undoubtedly
would, vwder the sufferings of war,
prove as brave as any women on
earth, but their solicitations now in
peace ttiues, aa expresB'd by thou
sands of letters to the border, a an
indication of how acute are the siltf-
ferings ,of the mothers of Europe wifTi
sons In the death xone.
Klamath Falls Will
' Have New Industry
Cut-tip Plant for Sash and Boor Stock
to Be Started by Company With Cap
ital BtOCk Of $25,000.
Klamath Falls. Or.. Aug. 1 Ef
forts to. launch a cut-up plant for sash
rid-door etock, 'wlili'h have been under
way for several months by the Kla
math Commercial club, have met with
favorable results and Indications that
the new industry will be started within
a reasonable short lime ore good. The
attention- of J. F. Bode, a, practical
manufacturer of this commodity, has
been directed here and a brief visit
during the past two days has convinced
him of the feasibility of this proposi
tion in the local field.
At & meeting with prominent local
lumbermen and business men held
Thursday evening, Mr. Hodo outlined
his plans and their probable profits
80 convincingly rflat a considerable
portion of the $L'i,000 capital needed
was Immediately subscribed and a
committee to canvass for more is now
at work.
Journal Carriers
Have Jolly Picnic
"Abotlt f7S Journal carriers, their pa
rents and friends enjoyed a picnic on
Oeweeo-. lake at Lake Grove Sunday.
Thla was the annual excursion. The
association paid tho train fare, hired
boats for the use of all and served
Ice cream, cookies, popcorn crisps and
coffee.' Picnic lunches were enjoyed
. for. tha most in ootiuck form.
Swttnming and boat riding were the
principal diversions. The most talked
abfut incident on tho excursion was
the live fish .story that Sam Rlecheu-
ateln told when he and six others re
turned from a boat, ride with a live
'fish. They had no hook and line on
which ' to catch a fish. Sam claims
that He caught the fish In the air as
it Jumped out of the water.
The management of the park grounds
extended to the visitors every court
esy, for which the boys are thankful.
Killed oh Track
. j 'Near The Dalles
f bc'baltas Or., July 31. A man
. believed to hava been William O'Coh
. neD of Michigan was Instantly killed
,' Monday when a west-bound train
truck him, , throwing the body 160
feet. Q'conneU. while walking the
track atepped in front of the onrush-
ln( train. The . body -was brought
here and will be interred In the pot
tens' field.
-'There means of
Identification . except 1V,V ma11 book
with' the 'name.
Cars Jfo w in.Motion
Barf ace Berrle la JTew York Is Gradu
ally Swindling Down to Point Where
Traffic Is iParalyied.
New York. 1 July , SI (U. P.)
Paralysis of New York surface street
Car trafflo 'approached nearer and
nearer today. Btrikera announced that
by nightfall every car on the Third
avenue system would be stopped.
They predicteoV motormen and con
ductors of B. R. T. trains and the
1. R. T. system, crossing the Williams
burg bridge, would soon be out on
sympathetic strikes.
Police reports of conditions at noon
showed a steadily oecreasfng number
of cars operated by strikebreakers on
the Third Avenue company lines in
Manhattan borough.
So far as figures went, it appeared
that only 15 cars of the 439 normally
operated by this company in Manhat
tan, were tn operation at noon.
(. .
Picketing of Union
Is Billed Violation
Appellate Court at Sacramento Holds
Organization Hag Ho Sight to Employ
Man to Parade In Pront of Theatre.
Sacramento, Cal., Aug. l.: (U. P.)
The appellate court Monday knocked
out picketing in a decision that a union
has nq right to employ a picket to walk
back and forth In front of a movlnj
picture theatre. The decision was in
a local case. The court upheld an In
junction obtained by a local theatre.
Tho oourt held that while picketing
was not a form of violence, yet it was
lu effect, a boycott, and deadly to busi
ness. L BY VAT
Union Meat Company Em
' ploye Admits Striking Blow
. Which Caused Fatality,
K. Otto, day foreman at the Union
Meat company's plant, was cooked to
death last night in a vat of water heat
el to l'JO decrees.
Dan O'Cotwiell, nlsht foreman of the
gluo plant, has been arrested on an al-
tRed admission tn W. A. Carswell, en-
other employe of the plant, that he
knocked Otto into the vat during an
altercation, supposedly over some point
of authority.
Otto returned to the plant last night
to cheek up on tome work and there
entered into it controversy with O'Con.
nell. Blows were struck. -"O'Connell
knocking Otto Into the boiling- water,
according to the statement of Curswell,
to whom Ot.onnell Is supposed to have
admitted the tragedy.
O Connell v. as taken to the cotirt-
hojse last night by Denutv Sheriff
B'l'.illlps and there admitted to Deputy
District Attorney Hammersley that he
struck the blow that knocked Ottj Into
the boiling caldron. But O'Connell said
it wa not his intention to send Otto
into the water, declaring that the dead
man slipped.
Otto was about 5V years old. resid
ing at 1157 Fremont street, and was
Washington Street
Shoe Store Closes
Stock to Be Sold Off and Business
On Monday evening. The Rooterv
well kiiown shoe Btore Catering to
men's business onlv. closed !t ilonra
and announced that the stock would
be closed out at once and the business
discontinued, the reason given being
that the present location, owing to
disagreement over terms of their ten
ancy, must be given up. Armishaw
Bros., proprietors, state that they
have been unable to secure an
other favorable location and are
forced to quit. The store will be
missed by the men folk of Portland,
as the makes of shoes carried here are
among the best and most popular
brands of men' shoes in tho country,
such makes as Johnston & Murnhy.
Bcstoniuna. Howard & Foster and oth
ers having been featured by this store.
l lie stork, hag been placed in the
htinds of C. AW Shively for disposal.
Mr. Hhively states- that he will sret
busy at oneo and arrange the goods
lor quick disposal; that it Is hia in
tention to close out every pair in'the
next two weeks. Detailed annotnee
rrient of the sale, which Is to start
Thursday morning, will be made ift the
dally papers later. (Adv.)
Ford Cuts Prices
Of All His Autos
Surprise Caused in Automobile Manu
facturing Circles by Announcement
In Faca of Kiilngf Coat of Materials.
Detroit, Mich., Aug. 1. (U. P.) In
the faco of greatly- increased oost of
materials and labor, the Iford Motor
company today announced wholesale
reductions in the prices of all models
of the F'ord company. a the same
time the company announced the open
ing of 33 new branch .offices in vari
ous parts of the country; fringing the
total to 79, and the total of employed
workmen to approximately 60,000.
The reduction In prlce for touring
cars Is from $440 to $360, with others
In proportion. -
In view of the tendency on the part
of most other manufacturers to in
crease rather than reduce prices, the
announcement of the Iford company
caused surprise in automobile manu
facturing circles here.
Phelan May Stump;
State for Wilson
Los "Angeles. Aug. l.W(P. N. S.)
Senator Phelan of San rracijsco may
stump the state for President Wilson
and George 8. Patton. candidate for
the Democratic nomination for senator,
according to Herbert T. . Muacy, chair
man of the Democratic county central
committee. President Wilson will also
oe asked to visit California in his own
behalf. Muasy said.
Found Dting in Cave.
San Fraljfciseo. Aug. 1. (P. N. BO
GUS Vargai, weak from hunger and in
- . ness, was?! found in a dying condition
a cave near Land' End. where
j &. has been aing ont an existence
I by fishing for crabs and mussels.
Chris Larsen, In Jail at Ore
gon City, Repudiates His
Confession to Detective,
t r A
Clirla Lassen. -
Oregon City. Or., Aug. 1. Chris
Lassen, the suspect held In the coun
ty Jail, thought to have had some
connection with the placing of the
suitcase containing a bomb, in San
Francisco Saturday. July 22. made a
complete confession Monday after
noon to a Burns detective, and after
telling his story Implicating himself
In the crime, he repudiated the entire
Te detective entered the jail Monday
afternoon and asked Las3en to tell the
entire story. Lassen, who heretofore
has acted nervous, was calm, looked
the detective in the eye, and began
his story which he told without any
Given Case in Saloon.
Lassen said that he met a couple
of men in a saloon Saturday in San
Francisco, and they gave him a suit
case and intimated what the suitcase
contained. He was told to place fcfce
suitcase by the side of a building on
Steuart and Market streets, according
to his story, and was given $15 for
the lob. He carried out his part of
the agreement, he said, and took an
8 o'clock train from Oakland Satur
day evening northbound, and reached
Portland Monday. I'pon reaching
Portland he registered at the Quimby
House In Portland.
Denies Entire Story.
He was asked If he knew the name
of any of the men who hired him to
place the suitcase and he said he did
not. "I would know them if I could
see them, though," he said. In San
Francisco he claims he stopped at the
Overland hotel on Sacramento and
Montgomery streets. He said that he
knew a man by the name of TJvltno,
who had been mixed up In a number
of bomb plots. This was the only name
Lhe gave, during his talk.
Alter telling his story he grew nerv
ous and asked if he must go to 'Frisco
He said that he did not want to go
back to San Francisco. When told that
he wnuhl probably be forced to return
he said the story he had told was un
Avoided Camera Man.
An ttmpt to take his picture in
the Jail proved unsuccessful. He would
shake" his head up and down to preven
the taking of the picture. Later in
the afternoon he was taken out on the
court house lawn and a snap shot was
taken of him. He tried to get away
from this also.
Railroad Men Will
Canvass Strike Vote
Cleveland, Ohio, July 31. (U. P.)
President W. S. Stone of the Brother
hood of Locomotive Engineers, today
announced that the district chairmen
of the four railway brotherhoods will
meet in New York tomorrow to can
vass tha "strike vote."
This referendum vote of the brother
hood membership, it is predicted, will
give officials power to "act" in case
they are unable to reach an agreement
with the railroad managers' committee
regarding an eight-hour day at 10-hour
pay and time and a half for overtime.
Over 360,000 employes are affected.
President Stone said that he ex
pected the vote would be counted by
August 8. When It is counted, the
brotherhood's committee will meet the
railroad managers.
Increase in Carload
Weight Postponed
Washington, Aug. 1. (P. N. S.)
The Interstate Commerce commission
has suspended until November 29 the
proposal of all western trunk line rail
roads to fix 40,000 pounds as the min
imum carload weight for grain and
flour between Pacific coast points. The
present minimum is 30,000 pounds.
Building Permits.
tt. Ellis Repair 1 story frame
92. E. Irvinn St., between E.
80th and K.
31t sts .; builder, same, $30.
L. K. Au tin Repair 1 story frsme dwell
ing. 1024 Alam,da drive, between K. fllst and
E. 62d sts.; builder. C. T. Sullee. $175.
M. B. llirkey Repair 2 "story frame dwell
ing:. S14 2"th st.. between Myrtle and Laurel
sts.; builder, same, $2000.
a. M. kelson Kepair i story rrame dwell
ing, 70f Market st . near Vista arc.; builder,
E. J. Oberle. $100.
H. C. Patten Erect 1 story frame garage.
6 Jarrett st.. between Patton and Maryland
aves. ; builder, S. N. Clinton. $100.
Fred Frits Repair 5 story ordinary apt.,
20:: 12th st.. between Taylor and Salmon sts.;
UHder. B. T. Allyn. $200.
Otto Seeger Repair 1' story frame dwelling.
4904 Powell Valley road, between E. 49th and
E Goth tts - builder, same. $40.
W. T. Andrews Erect 1 story frame gar
age. 1187 E. 2Sth st. N.. between Killings
worth and Jarrett sts.; builder, T. J. Starkle,
W D. Robertson Repair 1 story frame
dwelling. 156 Minnesota are., between Lom
bard and Stafford sts.; builder, same. $75.
Fanny Kelley Repair 6 story ordinary
storea and offices, ats y vvasninaton at., rve
tweeu 6'i- and Broadway st ; builder, Arthur
Wert. $300. -
K. AndrewsRepair 2 story frame dwelling
Ml E. Morrison st., between E. 12th and E.
18th its.: builder. W. H. Slavena. $500
Fred Gilbert Repair 1 story frame dwe'l-
lng. 469 Church St., between E. 8th and E.
0th an.: builder. O. H. Beck with. ISO.
J. L Tremblay Repair 2 story frame
dwelling 393 Klickitat at., between Union
ave. and' E. 7th St.: builder, same. $75.
N. E. Yoane Erect V atory frame dwell
ing, Germantown road, near Watts ave.: build
er A. K. roisennerg, iiju.
O. Cordano Erect 1 atnry frame garage,
891 E. 8tb at.,' between K. Harrison and E
Lincoln sts.: builder. John McDonald. $173.
I'e'arl Banunan Erect 1 atory frame dwell-
tag. 754 K. 82d it, between Frand audi
fuwU ti.; builder, Harry Bammaa. $1000.
(' It Wwt-tMU 1 .tnrr fnM dwell
ing-,' 1413 Barrage at., between Portland blvd.
and Dekom awj bulkier, W. F. Tate,. $200.
R. P. n E A atorv uralnarr ttorve
and lodge 'rooms. 88 Broadway between Stark
and Oak ata. ; builder, a. H. Sandstrvra,
50. i
Real Estate Transfers.
Hilda M. Hartsman and hua. to W. J.
Patterson. L. 1. B. 3. Eager Add....
WeUetde; Land Ct.. to Elmer Straus,
L. 15. 18, B. 8, Montetalr
Lillian B. Brong and bus. to W. A.
Carrie et al, L. 9, B. 6, Lovelelgu . .
Tbomat W. Killlngland to . Earl
Feike. L. 18. B. 47, Vernon
Fred A. Jawb and wf. to Eugene
SzefcelT et al. L. 21. 23, 23, B. IT,
F. Belner and wf. to William Miteb
ell et al, N. 13 2-2 ft. of L. Ill, and
8. Buy., ft. fit It. 10, 11, 12, B. 13.
resub. of B. I. 4. 5, 6. 12. 13, 14. 24,
25, eutuwslde. L. 11. B. 8, Oakhnrat.
600 I
Mt. gcott -Park Cemetery Corporation to
w ll nam Ultcheu, w. L,. ais, sec
75 '
Betjamln Mathews and wf. to Henry
A. ILatourell et al, land beginning
N. W. corner of tr. to John Roinetacn
by deed, bk. 357-31 1.500
Charles Klrctmer et 1 to Emma Kemp,
L. 7. 8, 9, 10, B. 3, Kircanno 1,140
Elizabeth Van Dooaer to Frank J. For
ge? et a). L. 20, 21, B. 28, Tremont
August Land and wf. to Emma Buss,
easterly 5 rt. oi 7, B. z, Willam
ette Bhrd. Acres
Ida J. Ellis et al to George F. Koehler
et al. I. 14. is. TO. Laurelburst
H. E. Noble and wf. to Ueury Iaberg,
L. 4. B. 1, Siskiyou
Clmton A. Ambrose and wf. to Mary
E. Ambrose, L. 88, 40, B. IX, Irring
ton Park
Westera Bond 1c Mtg. Co.. to Tbe
Brong Co., Inc., L. 13, )i, li. 4,
Annie tioodhue to II. D. Beam et al.
L. 4, B. 5. Sub. of St. Johns Hts
William T. Branch and wf. to Eleonor
K. Brace, U. 8, B..S6, Beaumont
Add "
Dar. Raffety and wf. to Ladd & Til-
ton bank, L. 7, 8, B. 7, Baffety'a
Mb pel P. Jones and wf. to Herman G.
Knoetzel, L. 8, B. IS. Mt. Tabor
Morle Weber and hus. to Edward Mc-
Burney, L. 16, 17. B. 129, Fairport...
Charles Hendy snd wf. to . John B.
Koeer. L. 11. R 7. Broadway Add...
F. E. Strang and wf. to Albert P.
Reed, L. 24, in Tract "C." Lee
Augusta Zeller to Henry Mashman et
m, u. u, JD. l, lieruiusa raiikw
Zioans of 810,000 and tT
Os Improved Business Property
(or for Improvement Purposes).
Ml Stark Street.
Fearey Brothers, Inc.
306 Da Ira m Bldg
Portland. Or
Mortgage Company for America
Boom 82. Alnaworta Bldg.
Phone Main 6841.
Portland. Or.
$300 Upwards at 6-7-8
Oregon Investment as Mortgage Co.
Offices 3G2-4 170 3d St.
AT private residence. 703 Northup st.,
furnishings of this private home. 10
a. m. Wednesday. Geo. Laker fc Co., J
Auctioneers. i
AT Wilson's Auction House,
St. Sale at 10 a. m.
169-173 2d
Al 2 p.
2d st.
m. at Ford Aictioti Co
Furniture, carpets, etc.
Daily or Sunday.
1H cent per word for all classification ex
cepting "For Rent in I'rirate Family." "Room
and Board in Private Kaoilly." "Situation
Wanted" and "Wanted to Bent" ads. which
are 1 ',4 cents per word.
Tliree Insertions for the prtre of two.
Seven insertions for tbe price of fife.
No ad iaken for less tbn 15 eonts.
CASII MUST accompaaj copy to obtain a dots
1 V cents per word per Insertion.
This charge I for sll classifications except
ing "For Rent la Private Faruilj." "Room and
Hoard in I'rirate nmllj," "Situation WMted"
and "Wanted to Bent" ads, which are 1.
cents per word per insertion.
Nosil charged for less than 1." rents.
CAMP meets every
Wednesday evening
In W. O. W. Temple.
128 11th st. AU mem-
bers requested to at
tend. Visitors welcome. I
c. c !
Herman Srhade. Clerk.
ruH'tl.AMJ lOiJOK zl.
regular meeting. Moose
hall, Broadway SnA Mor
rison et., at 8 o'clock p.
m.. every Wednesday eve
ning. RefrssUtnents aft
erwards, f. L. Procwr,
Ill, A. F. & A. M. Stated
communication this (Tues
day) evening at 8 o'clock.
Masonic Temple. Members
ureerl to cooie. A special in
vitation given to visiting brethren.
C. ri. aillif.rt, aecretary.
EMBLEM jewelry a specialty, ou.ions,
pins, charms. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 &th.
Vital Statistics
marriages, Birtbs. Dzaths.
Kay L. Si-ott, Oregon City
and Unnle M-
Osburn, 234 Curry st.
Edward L. Worth, Spokane, and Julia F.
Johnson, 1040 E. Twelfth st. N.
Koyal li. Cross, cwn t rancisco, ana ueien
Oclund, 2143 E. Yamhill at.
Arthur K. I'eake. 1124 Clinton, and Edith
V. Crandall, FaltTlew, Or.
J. C. Super, 1517 K. Oak, and Leota Jones,
59th snd Harrison afe.
W, G. Smith & Co, "tfSffc
Third floor. Morgan bldg.
DRESS suits tor rent, all s
izes. Unique
Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark st
KEELA.N July 31, JTiomas Joseph Keelan,
aged 20 years, b.-loyed only son of ThoaiM
and Mary heelan and brother of Marjrtier'.te
Keelan of 241 Cook are. The remains are at
A. R. Zeller Co. a parlors, 502 Williams c.
The funeral will take place Wednesday. Au-
gust 2, U 10 a. in., frc.m Immaculate Heart
of Mary church, corner Stanton at. and Will -
luma ave. Interment Mt. . yary cemetery,
. . '
August 1. at her
lute realdence, 467 loth St., Maria M Cnnt-
fntf aprl HA rearm. Tlie ftinersl rvtcei will
f CAMP 41
ba held Wednesday. August 2, at the above I $1500 EQUITY in 6 room modern bun
realdence, at 2 o'clock p. m. Friends inrUed. galow; will sell for $600. .Hatfield,
Interment at lone Fir cem.tory. 165 4th fet.
BCLGElt The funeral of the late
i nomas narry traiger win ue nem weane -
day, August 2. at 1 o'clock p. m.,' at the
residence eatablishment of J. I. Finley &
Son, Montgomery at oth. Friends InTiied.
Ircineratlon at the Portland crematorium.
STERLING In this city, July 31. David Ster
ling, aged 76 years, father c,f Mm. Carl
Zimmerman. The remains are at the residence
establishment of J. P. Finley & Son. Mont
gomery at 6th. Notice of funeral hereafter.
MORTON In this city, July 81. Willlsm 8.
Morton, aged 67 years, late of Springbruck,
Or. Tbe remains are at the residence estab
lishment of J. P. Finley 4 Son, Montgomery
at 6th.
BOUX-Edith. July 31, aged 48
yearai 1
Peter J.
month 21 days, beloved wife of Peter
Bcdln. Remains are at Bolman's funeral par
lors OTTO In this city. July SI, Adield E. Otto.
age 52 years. Remains at P. L. Lerch fu
neral parlors, E. llta and Clay. Faaeral no
tice later.
THOMPSON 04H Park at. July 31. Minnie
Irene Thompson, age 4 years. Remits at
tbe parlors of Miller fc Tracey.
- (Continued)
NEUBERO at the family realdence, 44
Thurman at., July 31,; Pettr J. Neuber. aged
74 veira 2 month 11 dr. beloved DUfbaua
of France it. Neuberg: father of Mr. Char'ea
Conror. Mrs. S. H. ParroU and Mrs. S. C.
i J af rr. Funeral cortege from tbe above ratl
j deuce, at 8:45 a. m. tomorrow (Wednesday)
I Ai:gut 2, to St. Patrick' cborch, lith and
' StiTltr sis., where services will be held at 0
a. m.. tbeuce to Uoimrn'a funeral parlor. ?A
and Salmon t.. where concluding services will
uo miu iv.., a. hi., uuuer .t ""m i
or the u. A. it. imraaea or tue u. a. k.. i , ), ,.;. ...itahi rialr or
Xetn0' 1terment " B1ltryi6 per monyhe T?V Sharp
W1SER At the residence
73 Michigan ate., I
Julv. 31. Mrr. Kathertne Louiae Wisr. see
6(1 jears 4 aiunths i days, beloved mutbr of
Mrs. M. B. Chambers. Mrs. Walter Wilson,
Mies Edith A. Wiser, Mrs. J. J. Keegsn, Ed
gar A., William J. ana Citrenee c. niw,
sister of Mr. Frank Wolan of Smitbfield.
Neb., Christian Reif of Solon, Iowa, John
Teif of Morehead, Minn. Funeral will leave
rht above address 8:30 a. m., Wednesd.iy.
August 2. Services will be hld at 9 o'clock
at tbe Holy Redeemer church. Portland blvd.
SOU Vancouver luiciujeui i. lbhuij
ctmetery. Friends invited. Arrangements in
care of Miller & Tracey.
MARTIN & FORBES CO.. florists. SR4
Wash. Main 269. A-1269. Flowers
for all occasions artlstlcall v arranged.
MAIN 6116; wreaths, pillows, $3 up.
Sprays (1 up. Chappell's, 847 Mor
rison. CLAKKE BROS., florists. i!S7 Morrison
St. Main or A-1805. Fine flower)
and floral designs No branch storea.
bet. 4th and 6th. Main 5102. A-1102.
Glisan st. Mar. 4S72. A-1464.
iMITH florist. 141H 6th St
Lady Assistant
MAIN 507, A-1511
Progressive Funeral Directors
Montgomery at Fifth
a u o u
New residence
Wms. ave. Willn.
220. C-1 943.
thorne. K.
East 11th and Haw
rsi. U-1SS8. assistant.
F. S. Dunning, Inc.
East Side Funeral directors. 414 E.
Alder st. Phone East 2 11-2525,
A, D, Kenworthy Co.
Tabor 6267; 5802 92d st., Lents. Tabor
&8y5; 66th fit, and Foster road. Arleta.
MILLER & TP.ACE. independent fu
neral directors. Prices low as $20.
J4U thO. Wash, at Ella. M. 26K1. A-7885.
A, R, Zeliar Co i East 1088. C-1088.
Ladv attei dant. Day and night service.
Walter C. Kenworthy
1 SS2-1 s:t4
13th. .Sell wood 71, :
Dunnins & McEnteeiiX'ft
e.ery detail. Broadway and Pine sts.
Broadway 4S0. A-4558 Ladv assistant.
C I C A C O Undertaking Co. M.un 416a
Oi L. VV LO A-2321. Cor. 3d and Clay.
Lil lUoUIN M. 6122. A-2235. 4 1"Morr.
Llomiltnn Last 0th and GiiJaij
nailllllUII neral services. Tabor
1026 Relmont. i t 34th
B-1252. T. 1258.
UvBclv attendant.
4th St., opp. city hall. Main 85(4.
Philin Sons, for memorials'
FOR SALE- ;7 room house, furnished;
3 bedrooms, inside toilet, 10 fruit
trees, some grapes, outside buildings;
located close to Peninsula sawmill and
shipbuilding plant. I am offering this
property at a sacrifice on account of
having to go away. Call or address,
J. M. Leezeiy 1622 Portsmouth ave.
CHOICE Rose City Park bungalow, on
corner of 39th and Tillamook, with
6 large roorrls, finished with every
modern and latest convenience. If
you are looking for a well built home
be sure to see this one. T. B. Wln
ship. Tabor 2124.
Read This
Have You $550 Cash?
i If you have I will sell you a nice lit-
tle home. Call 518 Corbett bldg.
i LARGE, handsome home, beautiful
grounds, trees, flowers, garden,
' splendid view, modern, lit mioules
j from 3d st. Specially suitable for san
itarium. Would consider exchange or
i rent. 0-77, Journal.
MODERN 5 room bungalow, i'ij ciish,
$15 monthly, including Interest, ',4
acre, lawnk garden. Owner, SOOo Clay
ton st., cor. 80th 8. E., near Woodmere
school. t
i FOR SALE by owner, a dandy corner
t room nouse, iuii uasemeui, iui
nace. Phone Broadway 130. See own-
er, 15 n. 3d St.. city.
New 3-Room Tent House
i L t 72x2l3 ft., interest and principal
ni'A, tu, cv,ii i ssri
i0 rnonth. Marshall 18S0.
FIVE room modern bungalow, lot 50 by
i 1Q0 cement sidewalk, 3 blocks from
car $1030 $260 dOwn. bal. time,
1 A j FRMER 407 Stock KX.
. .' . ' i : t ; 77 : T
VtnlkL' U V r. rr.m Imnffsltw full 1 1 t
,11 I ' .'1,1.., , uu..bu..v.., " " .vb.
improvements all in. furnace, gao
range and water heater. Sell wood 110
; 5 ROOM house, full basement, 50x100
, $1300: also corner lot, 50X100.
i $00. All in Piadmont. P-6S. Journal.
CHOICE corner, 75x100
carline. Price $350.
Call Tabor 783
Gibson Half Acres
Good avoil. city water, close to car
line, easy terms; will build to suit pur
chaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or. Sell
wood 476. John H. Gibson, owntr.
$6000. 7 acres, all In crop. acres
in orchard, good aoil, 6 room bun
galow, good barn, water piped to
bouse, on hard surface road. 10 entiles
out; terms. '
A, J. FARMER. 407 jltock EX.
20 ACRES, $600.
V.n mt terma- onlv S5 mitea from Port
land, running water, good soil, closa
to school and stores, I mile to R. ja
ctation and town. "
605 stocit Exchange Bldg.
cement 'basement on E Tfith near Di- !
vision: cartlv cleared and fenced: will i
near Portland, 2. 5, 10 acre tiacts,
best soil, good roads, near electric, $6S
at $200 per acre, easy terma. AlcFar
land. 09 Yeon bldg.. Portland.
10 TO 20 acres, tome improvements,
less 20 miles Portland. Big bargain.
K-52. Journal.
COIINTHY home, fully equipped, stock.
California bungalow, large family
orchard, barn and necessary buildings,
ideal for dairy, poultry or fruit ranch,
near town, rail, boat transportation
28 .mile from Portland, Paciflo hlgh
way. Bargain. 8ee owner, 132 N. 15th.
3X0 ACRK8, 14 miles from railroad sta
tion. 100 acres In grass, balance good
piling timber, fair improvements, good
stock or dairy ranch in Siuslaw dairy
section; price $5000; 1 mile from P. O..
Vt mile from good school; crop goes
with place. G. L. Prindel, owner.
Alpha, Or.
480 acres, 460 in cultivation. beat
wheat land in the county, houas,
barn, plenty of water: owner wants a
good $5000 house in Portland as lirat
payment; price $35 an acre, M. FUz
maurice. Condon, Or.
160 ACRE stock ranch for sale. Price
$1200. W. C. Pkaggs. Denter. Or.
8 ACRE chicken ranch, near 6c car
line, good school and roads S'4 year
lease. Crops, grain, spuds, cabbage and
kale. 900 chickens, incubators, brood
ers. Bull Run water, gas. This Is a
snap; going east. N-60, Journal.
"WILLAMETTE valley farm. 100 acres,
90 in cultivation; fair buildings, fam
ily orchard; mile from Waconda, on
O. E. Owner, 322 Rosa st.. Portland.
GOOD homestead and two relinquish
ments. A-l land; fine district- Main
7444, or W-35. Journal.
SMALL logging or milling proposition
near Portland and river and mill.
Easy terms. Parker, 422 Washing
ton st.
6,000.000 feet Douglas fir in Douglas
county for $250u; will take auto as
part pay. H-67, Jo urn aJL
WILL furnish from 10 to 100 acres, L"'0" J?' Trft,l!Vnei1V,n
all under plow, or part, or not rooms- $1000 cah. X-6ft, J-onrnsl.
cleared, and with or without house, ! OWNER will build fireproof garago
best of land, close to electric line, 15 i on good corner 35x100, fine location
miles to Portland; will grow anything:; j for tenant who can give bond. Phone
location. Wash. Co.. N. W. from Port- Perry, Main 25.
laud. Price reasonable, V clear Pi'oP- 1 BAKKUY and confectionery, priced
erty. balance terms. Box 3Q1. Forest iow. On account of other business.
Grove. Or. j Ree my agents. Speer Co., 1000 Bel-
HAVE 5 acre orchard at McMlnnville, mont st.
all wire fenced; trees 7 years old, , FOK HALB or rent, furnished room
apples and peaches, trees loaded. ' in? house centrally located on main
mgt.; will take clear property in Port- business street. Astoria. D. II. Welch,
land for my equity of $1 500. Phona . Autrjrtfl or
lauor ioia e v en i ris or -Mia. nuaacu,
Hartman & Thonipsoru
Bring in Your Trades
Our office is headquarters for
trades of every kind. What have you
to tradu and what do you want? We
can match you at 502 Couch bldg.
-0 acres, li acres in cultivation, fuily
equipped, Clackamas county, paid
$4300, mtg. 1 1U0U; exchange lor 2 small
houses In city.
723 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
EXCHANGE Small apartment house
and stores on good coiner; fine gro
cery and market; all under one roof;
very compact. Equity $25,000. Sotvo
ca.h. balance trade, country or city.
1C-62, Journal.
OWNER desires to build bungalow on
sightly tract at Multnomah station
for prospective purchaser. Bull Run
water, phone, lights, r.e-.r station.
Main 6907.
10 ACRES with running water, adjoins
station, on carline, 10c fare to Port
land; some timber; value $8000; trade
for modern home same value. Y-tiO,
HAVE fine 40 acres alfalfa farm in
good district, close to a town; want
grocery or general merchandise stock."
207 Alder. Main 2763.
10 ACRES fronting on Base Line. 4 Mi
miles out, well improved. $6500. part
trade. Some cash, time on balance.
A. J. FARMER, 407 Stock Exch.
MODliRN 8 room bungalow In good lo
cation and some income property to
exchange for equipped farm. Owner.
183 E. 69th st. Phone Main 4035.
BEAtTTl HH.'L honie m university dis
trict, Seattle, value $6000, to trade
for grocery or general merchandise
320 ACRES. 2 mik-s from railroad and
stock, farming implements, for about
40 acres.
v ooaiawn za. noi iu. ota
St. N.
$1700 EQUITY, new, modern. 6 room
house on Irvlngton carline, trade for
3-4 room bungalow or clear lots. See
owner, 935 E. 15th St. N.
j ROOM modern house, west side,
walking distance; exchange $1600
equity for acreage clear or lightly in
cumbered. Hatfield. 165V. 4th St.
1 FOR EXCHANGE 8 room house, large
I cement cellar, well located, for ranch
, or merchandise. K-59, Journal. .
j 40 ACRES alfalfa land and irrigation,
house, barn. 1 miles to railroad.
961 E. 28th st. N. Woodlawn 2583.
ROOMING house to trade for horses,
livestock, wagons or automobile. ln-
qulre of Main S7S1.
ACRES, highly improved, sightly;
$6600. Trade for two residence prop
erties. F-54. Journal.
uriTtrt . -rH .TtttncrA nn TftrivlfilO at
Beavertonj trade ,v land or nouses, i '""a- ;
Price $6500. C. H. Fry, Beavetton. : jjsoo PRIVATE funds; want first mort
EXCHANGE hi acre close in, improved. gage regl estate. Hatfield. 15 4th.
for business. L-46, Journal. ; MONEY to loan on improved city, larm
Best Buy in City
IS rooms well furnished; steam I
beat; rent $25; $300, terms. See L. A. :
Hall. 512 Panama bldg.
HKST class furnished 20 room room- I
ing house; a snap; 10 minutes' walk!
from postol-ice; small amount cash
will handle it. Phone Main 3979 or
Marshall 397. .
10 rooms $220. 16 rooms $400, 1
rooms $275, 18 rooms, trans'nt $500, 8u
rooms apt., mod. $3000. Square -el
guaranteed. 602 Couch bldg.
ROOMINO house. 18 rooms, extra well
furnished, clean nice modern house,
ciose in stst Biuc. uoi',
terms. Apply 191 4th st.
30 ROOMS, well furnished, rooming
house, mostly H. K., for sale cheap,
low rent; lease if wanted. 544 Petty
grove St., cor. N. 16th. Owner.
14 HOUSEKEEPING rooms by owner.
Cheap. Marshall 2594.
GROCERY store, counter and shelving,
paid-up lease for 11 months, $75.
Withrow, 411 Henry bldg.
MILLINERY store; bargain If taken
at once: fine location. Phone East
$440. '
Rosa City Printing Co.,
w Third St.. cor Taylor
RESTAURANT Will sell outright or
consider partner. Have good loca
tion. Phone Main 4789.
HOTEL and rooming bouse doing good
business, for sale cheap on account
of leaving city, inquire sn qrana ave.
FOR SALE or trade, hotel doing good
business. 459 State St.. Salem. Or.
PACIFIC bakery, 340 Front, for rent,
fully equipped, near Auditorium.
Garage, paying $200 monthly,, low
rent, concrete corner bldg-, IbOO.
One or two thirds Interest In goinff.
clean mfg. business, . little money
Far quick sale will take IJ75 for
best located lltUa restaurant in Port-
tooacco, magazines,
big streetcar Inter
.,."u Bw",
section corner, $2800.
Will take clear real estate for pay
ing confectionery, good valley town,
$lb00; have photo.
Dandy grocery in A-l east aide dis
trict, doing good business, invoice.
ODOKHS, 621 Yeon bldg.
Cash Buyers' Guide
Cash groc. dally sales $100, at 15500.
Select office bue.. -pt., at i:600.
Mfg. bus., nets $300 m'n'ly, at $2000.
Oarage & repairs, nets $800. at $1500,.
Grocery, living rooms, onl 'J08,
Pool and cigars; good buy; $700
Light Mfg. business, Vi int.. $700.
Auto repairs, including car, at $850.
Confectionery, nets $80. at ?250.
Particulars at 829 Morgan bldg.
CHANCE of a lifetime to buy the busl-
est confectionery, cigar, luncheuns,
news. etc.. store with P. O. station in
connection on best transfer point In
Portland. $1900 business in June. I
am retiring from business; will give
reliable party good buy. Don't answer
unless you meajn business. fct-bi
Store for Trade.
I own the largest and best confec
tionery store on the east side, close In,
transfer point, guaranteed a money
maker. This is no Uttle $200 or $300
place, but $2500, and I will take clear
property for all. Never been adver
tised before. 202 McKay bldg.
Dental Office
In good eastern Oregon town. 40
miles from nearest dentist; 4 nearby
towns to draw from; best of equip
ment. Write fOr particulars. KX-12.
Delicatessen, etc., living rooms, $200.
Grocery, living rooms, snap, $550.
Confectionery, clears $200 mo., $850.
Fair treatment guaranteed. 502
Couch hldg.
ATTENTION, lumbermen! 13, 50,000
ft. yellow fir. 500,000 ft. cedar on 160
acres, clear title, less than 45c per
1000. Call for particulars 329 Mor
gan bU1g. .
Grocery and Delicatessen
6 living rooms; apt. dist. ; fixtures
$250; invoice stock: cheap rent.
SEE L. A. HALL. 612 Panama bldg.
LIGHT grocery, confectionery, ice
cream, popular corner in residence
district, living rooms, fine opening for
energetic man; $375 required 829
Morpan bldg.
CIGAR and confectionery store; must
be sold In the next 15 days: good
PARTNER wanted with some means;
k fine confectionery and cigar store;
la monev maker; good opening for lady
i or gentleman G -35 journal.
HAVE good proposition for all round
I tailor who is first class workman;
' an opportunity to become established.
Main 4390.
CASH grocery with living rooms, $15
rent; doing good business; bargain
if sold this week, 310 W. 8th St., Van
couver. Wash.
TWO chair lady barber shop, good lo
cation, price $125; leaving city. Call
242 i,4 Madison.
FCR SAKE Cash grocery and confeo-
tlonery. uood location. East side
Will invoice. Phone East 7421.
A SNAP, will teach and sell my busi
ness. Owen, The Hatter. 496 Court
St.. Salem, Or.
FOR SALE CHEAP Furnished rooms
and restaurant on Ec car fare. Call
at 2'3 Hawthorne ave.
WAMf.u small conrecrionery or
grocery etock; must bo in first class
connitlon ana cneap for cash. P-s
UUK installment pian is me best and
surest method of paying a loan.
132.26 per month for X6 months, or
121.24 for 60 montha, or
$15.17 for 96 months pays a $1000
loan and interest.
Other amounts In proportion.
We loan on Improved city property
Or for building purposes.
No commission charged.
242 Stark St. Portland, Oregon.
IDLE money to loan at lowest rates.
Call and discuss your requirements
and let us show you our modern, elec
trically protected vaults. Everyone
needs a safe deposit box. Union tiaXe
Deposit & Trust Co., 284 Oak.
On Improved real estate or for build
ing purposes; very flexible contracts;
no commissions.
202 Stevens bldg.
BUILDING loans on cay arxl suburban
property; money advanced as work
progresses. W. i. Beck, 15 Falling
hlrig Main 8407.
Jluu.ouo ON mortgages, city or farm
property, fire Insurance. McXeniie
& Co.. Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Aldr
CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con
tracts, mortgage loanu; reasonable
rati'S. F H Lewis. Lobby 4. Lewis hid g .
$200, $400, $i;.oo,
termb. Evans &
$000 loan, easy
Co.. 206 Gerllnger
property F. C. King, f. 14 Braiding.
' .UU, t5U. $600. $300, $1.00, tisuu.
I Frd W. Gerin-an Co.. 73a Cham. Com
SO 4ttl St. Boar1!! of Trade Bldg
fcEE us Small loans. Installment loans.
Cellar-Murxan Co.. 826 Venn bldg.
ilooo,' $1500 and upward; no conimie
I slon. Deshon A Hawk, Main lid.".
MORTGAGE LOANS. and 1. Louie
Salomon A Co.. 800 Oak st.. near Stn
Money toloan. 6 to n. W, u.
& Co.. 210 Spalding bldg.
j Money to loan to salaried people arid
i others on rurniture. pianos, motror
cycles, automobiles, diamonds, etc.. at
legal rates, with easy terma of pay
ment; no delay. Licensed by state.
S0 T)ekm Bldg.
Wt Loan $1200
On 25 acres near Portland, 20' acres
in cult., .value $6000. Quigley, 22 Wil
cox ldg.
HAVE a client who wishes loan- of
$16,000 or $20,000. Good security
both city ard farm property. Call "C"
612 Piatt bldg.
WANT to borrow $2060 on $6000 of
good No. 1 etock., paying regular
oiviaenas. oeg. journal
WHO has $250 to Invest In. business
that will pay $5 to $10 day? $26 3d.
$500, 89-c,
160 acres timber. N-47,
1st and 2d- mortgages -purchased: alao
sellers' interest In contract. Or. and
Waah. IL . Noble, Lumbermen bldg.
WANTED Boy feet. IS and 25 for ' .
ravnen coojcing ana genera.! nouee-
work tn Gilliam county; not over six
bands through harvest, gomstloiss two;
would be patient In teachln,worlt to
one who was willing; state experience
and ware required wlttt board. , UX
n, journal
SALESMEN wanted' to sell the Vroo-
man strain banquette. English wal
nut, together with a complete line of
nursery stock; cash weekly; outfit ,
rree. Aaaress capital city Nursery .
Co., Salem, Or. t
EXPERIENCED cowpuncher; must l-' -
good rider and thoroughly under
stand the business. State experience
net give references. Good salary to "
competent party. J-88, Journal
MATT HESS maker wanted: also" boy
over, is years oi age. foruand irurn. 1
JAPANESE or Chinese lunch Cok and
porner; must be neat Panama Cut
fet, K. Hurnslde and Grand ave.
WANTED' A man with Ford car. per
manent position If suited. Apply .
191 4th st. '
WANTED Cement finisher ior Hills-
boro. Phone
today after 4 p, tn,
Tabor 3972.
WANTED Neat, intelligent person as
caller ' for photographer. Aak for
We ston. Mai n 9505. - ' - . -
WANTED Neat young man to "wash
dishes in small restaurant. Main
85f6. J. B. Champion. 370 N. Hlh et.
M, C A, eiupivyiueal
Day and night classes; training In
repairing, driving and machine work.
Including forge, lathe, sharer, drill.
press, etc.; lime unlimited. Secure
rasa at educational office X. M. C. A.
bidgV to Inspect our shops and meth
tion fee Includes MEMBERSHIP IN
Y. M. C. A. and Its EMPLOYMENT
DEPARTMENT, use of 60-ft. swlni
mliig pool, shower bathe, gymnasium.
WANTED 1000 men to pay 60c to tea
Billy Mascott and Joe
uormin dox
6 rounds at the Rose City
club Friday night, August 4.,
MEN, women wanted, government lous,
$a momn. write lor list positions.
Franklin Institute. lei)t. 149R. Roche'
trr. N. V.
WANTED Names of men. 18 or over.
wishing government loba. 175 month.
ca-js, journal.
UNCALLED""for tailor made suit. $1.60
up. -ray tor tne Tailor, zanyj uii nsiae.
housekeeper wanted
.mall house, children.
to take care of
BX-70, Journal.
WANTED A girl, handy with tlilU
dren. Call at 1015 F 15th N.
11 A LF grown girl for light toouueworlt.
5-76K, Journal.
WANTED Olrl to aaslst wllth hou
work and care of baby. East 7480.
Marvelous power of washing clothes
snowy white tn 10 minutes without
rubbing is eppreclated. Try It. Packs
age 15c (5 washings) two or morede
livered. N. Anderson. Phone Wood
lawn 2749; Portland, Or.
Wants men and women to lean tha
trade; paid while learning; tools free:
positions seemed; summer rales; write
for catwloifun Cor ?d and RiirnHlde.
iioti i.iMt Daioer Kunooi wsuis iueit
and women to learn barber trade.
free li weeks Positions aecuitd. fa.
while lenrnlng. !I8 N. 2d St.
and women to lean bui uar trau
free 23:4 Mndison st
1 4 Hi ana Johnson sts.
Salesmen, office men, clerks, rot--ciianius,
larm hands, house men. cOQk,
mill men, loggerti, laborers, etc. NO.'
fee charged employer or employe. Oul
of town orders given prompt attention.
Main 855 6 A-BHt .
M iDDLE-AfJED man, experienced
night clerk, hotel janitor, manage
apartment house. Bond and references.
Phone mornings, Wdln. 2029. '
BL'II.D your homo now; will take city
residence lot clear in exchange for
first chits carpenter labor by coutraoC
G-2 1, Jo urr tal.
YuUNG married itian wants work. L
perienced grocery clerk and carpen
ter. V-6H, Journal. -
Hil Mi man,
able to operate tyue
writer, dcniies position la an ofliuc
BY .experleiuTed" man. Job a foreman 7 '
scientific fanning or road grading. ,
?. i1V, Corbeti tt., Portland, ? ,
HIGH' school boy, t y peso ter, Jk!Vn"g
work In juintlng oflice. Tedd, 104 -
N. 6th si . Broadway 450. . Tl
COOK Dinner or short order, wants'
position, city or country, QA1,
WANTED By reiined young married "
man of experience position aa chauf .
fillp W f. Inn r no I .
" "' --! '
CoAlPliTEN'i" nop uciuauc,- amd
chauffeurs furnlaiied by Y. M, C, A.
Auto school. Main 70b. A-6$8t, .. . t
NIGHT cook, short order. Can "Ilk
charge. Phone mornings, WdlnA80Hb.
GUARANTEED papering and tinting.
cheap. Tabor 6258.
PAINTING and tinting;
satiate ellott
gt aian'ced. Mellwood 2776
Women's DeD rtment. City Rail, .
No Fee Charged " '
Reliable, competent help any . tine,
promptly supplied. Office; clerks,
housekeepers, domestic, day worker,
seamstresses. Marshall 4ll0, A-4l
HELIA13LK young woman womd like
to go out as inotners neip or (t
care of children Or invalida evenings".
$1 a day sn& carfare. H-. gJwrpaU
lOtiIT10N as telephone operator,-
perienced; hotel preferred. Main
EXPERIENCED lady wishes posit lun
ax housekeeper; good cook. Z-4,
Journal. . :-s:: '' .
HOUSEWORK or plain sewing.- 1.26
a day and cariare. Address r
60th et. 8. K.
LADY wants work
washing. Ironing
by tbe day out;
and clean off 14.
Marshall 1823, room 14.
STRONG woman desires washing, 1
cleaning, etc Main 4366t room tl.
WDM AN Wishes to cafV for child year
drover. 1 S E. Olisan. TaboJ16$.
LADY wants light work,
preferred, small wages.
goo 1 home
Main 711.
GOOD hand laundry want , nundle
washing. Phone Tabor 427. r : .
WANTED Work of any kind by tb
hour. Sellwood 68,
DRESSMAKINQ, home or day, reason-' ,,"s '
able. East 6466. ' '; r
NEWLY furnished single room hou- '.
keeping apartment, $ month, la-' ',
I lUUUlf. " VT, J- - - V . -, ...... v I . " .
etc.. walking distance. Belknap Apart-.
ments. 17 17tn, near Tamnui
12th and waanington gtm.. - '-'
Close in. fireproof, modern, light. alrT; .
outside rooms; rate $3.60 per week tip.? -
phonw -marOhaT.T 4 - , f
4 JsAN MARCO HOTELr-Modem, fiiH'' :
Washington, cor, lUPi to up. p-s
clal rates by week ortrionth. ' , ,
$1.69 WBKltMp, clean, warm, modern
fur: rms.. central. Tne King, 6Jf. ,; ?
ROOMS and apartments u modern -iint.i
t! fiA week and 110. 4SC Alder. h -
1AR MINIUS hotel, 4iii Morriaon.f ,: v
i modern room $$ waek up.Mar. 0$a. t ,
(Coatlaued oft Xext Page) ,
S 'T
1 1