.- : I.' ''"- ' t -f ' V THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1916. EXCHANGE- REAL ESTATE 24 r fPontlnned) 'WILL trade all or part of unlncum t,bered clone In Base Line acreage ' fciid 2 fine lots. Improvements In, value 1 $400, for good house of eual valu, ) Or will sell at sacrifice. Owner. 3S3 K Hoyt Ht. y6A sale or exchange, fine suburban 1 i home, 2 icres well Improved; good room house, ban., chicken house,, fruit trees, berries, etc Thiid house, north of Division on K. Sad st. Box ; 647. R. F. D. 1. Portland, j WHAT have you o exchange tor 270' 'i acres law land? iool soil, some j timber. Wlt.li Seattle property. 10,000. H-52 Journal, . JSELL or trade Co acres, 20 cleared, o.- i chard, barn, water; between Portland, Amorta. 14 49 E . 7 1 hNo r 1 1 . XO trade a paving coffee house for ' Clear lot. Marshall 3122. . , 1 VAXTEIKKAL ESTATE 3t 'WANTKU 5 room modern bung-Row, 60x100 lot. Ml Tabor tar. Imve a Rood 60x100 lot ut Kenton, all imp. in, 1 blk. from ear to give as Unit pay- ; rnent. A -4 9, .1 o i r miJL WANTED fro hi "owner, small house and lot, on 5c earline. will pay $100 down, balance like rent, not more $M)0. ' Y-4K. Journal. WANTKb - 1'iKir farm or residence; merchandise have, llii.mnj going business; might consider : 7 125 cheap land. "IF it's, real (state, loans or Insur ance." bo.. Northwest Realty Co., t22 Chamber of Commerce. RO()MIVi M M MKS lb ROOMS lurruMied for liousckeep ing, small a.- u payment, balance tenris. 4"H .lel'lei'.sn Main .ft'.-'V r,i sim ss oi'Pou.Ti m m:s Wanted A Reliable Man 'lth enough lnoti. v t flTst payment on l-'cder; balance. t ei in s. 1 1 a v o coot rue t , for iinmtd ia te ance. J'ii a $'J tier diy. rr a k e 1 tiiok. hauling ULi ept- GKKLINOI-R MOTOR CAP. CO. 3f.; E. ' trcgon. iOast 7 2 2 2. COUNTY patent rigtil on sni.'tu.y in vention, big seller, t". luot'tt on each, 800 furnislied free, with each county right; 'price J2..U per coiintv and 1'2 cents royalty on eacli one sold. J---., Journal. FOB SALE I. or i n room, doing good buslmss; most sell on ac . am o? flickness. close to Nortli Lank oi.pot. Price ?2."iU, including; the bUild'.ng. 412 Hoyt. FOR RENT- A butcher equipped, doing $ 1 "' fnonth buHiness. for J 1 o. Jones, 20' h and Kauffu.an, Wash. I'hm e 2.'.:.I FUR SAEE - tailor shop in Kood trade. i2ili cash sho:. fully or tnore a II. Allen Vu i ou ver. live town, i i s c v i: i y - thing, for particulars Monson, 1 2S Front st.. address M. A. 1 Mar shTu I !, Or. j - VV A NT El M an with weli drilling out- i fit in new c Mintry; laud recently Opened to luimesteading. It. M. Allen, Castle Bock. Or. , " T'ol; SALE. I Cheap, new and second hand store, 1 cheap rent, 1 have other business. Ad dress SN-:L!.lou rnaJL ! BaTTESMAN wanted to take interest , In and uctive charge of our sales de- ; partment. Howard Mfg. Co., Yamhill, I Oregon. i LEASE FOR SALE. A good locution for cafeteria, cigar ; tore or confectionery. Morrison bet. j 4 1 h and fth. '1-4 7. Jon rnaL 1 FAMILY medicine and stock remedy route, doing net profit. $2200 year ly. 1024 Albina ave. Woouiawn 324 1. Tabor f.lli. A SNAP - Paying business for sale cheat) on account -of leaving city. , Vain 4 14S. BUSINESS. C.Rl S(Q)c Lose City 1'rlnti Thin! st . cor 'I OPENING lor good bakei. ovens, sljue in connection die Roods Cheap nnt. Pin Two imgM ; will han ui e A - 4 1 1 2 .' GROCERY and confectionery . with lin ing rooms, for sale by owner. X-o Journal. FOIt SALE Small, in good si 1 hurl 1. ( - A G Hii business ; party going awny. wen ;-ii). lo, 111 ed Journal. store will Tal rent cheap; i r ;;i;n.t. HI'SIN ESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTKU OX 1 W ANT gold phi . C Casper. to buy or take lease of a I ier mine. Send particulars.! gen. del Seattle. Wash MONEY REAL TO LOAN ESTATE Ol'H Installment p.an is i.iu best, and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 inuuis pays a $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property . Or for building purposes. No, commission charged EQUITABLE SVG S LOAN ASSN.. 242 S t a r k St.. Pol 1 1 and, Oregon. BUiLuXNG iiM.1,1 ou oily anu suouruau property, money advanced as work progresses. W G. Beck, 315 Failing bldg .Main :'4oV LOW RATES ON GO D SECURITY. Portland property or vallev farm loans. II L. ARCHER, 404 Northwek rn Bank. lUU.UUU UN 11)01 images, oliy ul' laiul pioperiy, iiih insurance. .McAeii'.ia i CO Gerlinger iddg. 2d and Aldfr I 11U.XLI 10 LoAN In amounts ot $K'u to $5000 on city properly. A li Bell, 201 C.erl'nger Id dg. CASH paiu lor nun ii.,10,, notes, eon tracts, mortgage .0.1. ia. reasonable rates F. H l.ew:s I. obov 4. Lew is i.ldg. 2,50, $300, $400. $u00, $600, I DO, W. nJ $1000. ei man $1: 250. No delay. 1'iod Co.. 73? Cham, of Com. V1LL LOAN pnxateiy $1000 on good really security Journal or more H-4 6. llb.Nb) to loan on improved city farm property F. C. King. :i 1 4 Si aiding. $1000 LP to SU000 lo loan ou farm property Tabor 409. oily or lluuo. slon. S1500 and upward. Deslion Hawk. no cumin la Mum 1 I st. $200. $Jl0, $000, J0U. Fred W. German Co. 7: $1200. U00. 2 i "linm. Com $4o,ooy BO 4th St. Lfc-SS. FAIUtlNGfu.N Board of trade Hid; bEE us -NSinall loans, installment loans Cellar-Murton Co.. K25 Yeon Iddg JlOKlUAUt Loans, o aim ,,. Louis near 5th. Salomon Co.. 300 Oak st ! 4)500 to $1500 7, h, other anils., Spalding bldg. Ward. 407 ilO.XKl A Co.. to loan, 6 to 310 Spalding S'.o. XV. bid-. ii. Sjena MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES SALARIES CH ATT i.'.l .: '' Money to loan to salaried people and ethers on furniture, pianos, motror cycles, Butomobilts. dianionds, etc at legal rates, with easy terms of pay ment: no delay. Licensed by state PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. INC apfi DekUm Bldg; LOWEST T'.T ates on housenoid cnnitu tat license; no brokerage or com mission charges. Geo. Harvey. East LOANS WANTED 30 a -WANT 3000, 7i. money value of real ;t , estate security $10,000. 37000 Wantel 6 "r 6; security $20,000. K-4 1, Journal. ' i? WANTED $4750 at on improve i :i farm- private money. 202 Wilcox bid. Main 3617. WANT.. $2000 oil $8000 property. K cre; pay s. ,li-T, Journal 240 51 let and 21 mortgages purchased; also sellers' interest in contractu, Ci. and Wash, H. KNoble. Lumbermen bldg. HKM' XVAXTjMALF 't W'ANTKK A boy, 16 to IS, for deli. ery and general work in confectlou ery store. Phone C-1495. 8HOVKLERS in different parts of town: Rive phone. A-9g, Journal. COMitL'f 4. secretary. AX. C cUlpiUul(..lt II ELI VAXTEI MISC. 49 Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and night Clausen; training in icpuiring, driving and machine work, including iorge, lathe, shaper, drill press, eic. ; time unlimited. Secure pass at educational office Y. M. C. A. bids., to Inspect our shops and meth od.!. COMPETENT CHAUFFEURS and MKCIIANICS SUPPLIED. Tui tion fee includes MEMBERSHIP IN Y. M. C A. and its EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT, use of tiO-ft. swim ming pool, shower baths, gymnasium, etc. STUDENTS Class now forming in drugless therapeutics, electricity and the X-Ray and hUli f requency currents. For particulars address N-13. Journal. .THOUSANDS men, women wanted, government lobs, J7o to $150 :nonth. 1 Wrile immediately for list. Franklin Institute, Dent. :i4'.l P. Rochester. N. Y. MKN Became railway mail cicrks. Commence $7.r mo. Rapid in-ease. For particulars aoply iX-H'-fV. Journal. UNCALLED for up. Taylor t lie tailor made suit.-,. $&.i0 Tailor, jS'.i t BuTisid-. WANTED At ji:i-e, Strang, apable girl who likes children, for general housework ; small home, out f town, K od wages. Apply SO Cornell st. Main r.:4. WANTED - (In I work; must be Ing; good wages girl need apply, after 10 a. m. lor general house good cook; no wash none but competent Phone Woodland 1U4J W ANTE! '- i a pablt; woman to care for lady of unbalanced mind, give ref erences; wages J25 per month. G-41, JournaL WANTED -Woman from 25 lo 85 years of age to work in country; 1 inliiin l!y, $15 per month. Mrs. W. I.. Elliol., route 1, Vancouver. Wash. ' CHAMBERMAID for rooming house, room, no board. D-I.'l, Journal. WANTED Housekeeper. 3 4 7 Oak st. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Wants men and women to lean the trade; paid while learning; tools free; positions secured: summer rates; write lor catalogue Cor. 2d and Burnslde iioill.LK isaroel sci.oui wants men and women to learn barber trade, free 8 weeks. Positions seeuied. i'ay while learning. 38 N. 2d St. OULGON BARBER CULLtdb Men and women tu lean oai usr uaJc fre.- 2:;:i Madison st V A N T E I) A GENTS 0 AGENTS We have fastest selling household specialty on market. Send for freo particulars. Sageser, Bartle, Webber Co., 14Ji N. Mariposa avt., Los Angeles. Cal. SITUATIONS MALE 3 COMPETENT shop mecnaini s and chauffeurs furnished by'Y. -M. C. A. Auto school. Main 71)65, A-656 1. WANTED Engineer wants simple steam engine. 4aX work, any ,1 ef ferson. FOR painting and kulsomining call Broadway lt!34 and save money. JANITOR. Tabor experienced 11). and references. JANITOR or elevator. Good cures. Inquire Phone Main ref er- ;2'is. K A I .S iMIMNti. 2 50 room Easi 002. S I T I AT I OS S FEM A L E STRONG cleaning woman desires etc. Main 4305. washing, Room 2 1. REG IN ER wants position as stenog rapher, small wages. C-21oo. WOMAN 1 7 6 2. wants day work. Marshall DRESSMAKING 40 j DRE SSMAKEK 471. Out or home. TaBjr NURSES i : NURSE r.'.ion. wishes any kind of case. Mam INVALID, private home. sleepinc; porch; lest care. Tabor 2213. GOol) practical nu:se training. Marshall 2 Willi lno iiospitni j FURNISHED ROOMS I) 'FURNISHED rooms'for young men m I all part of ttie city, also in V. M. c. I A. bldg.. especially desiiable during t. e ! summer; liroproof, telephone in each I room, shower bath, $l.u to $4.i'5 per week. Including full association mem bership privileges, gymnasium, swin: 1 tiling pool, haiidiiall court, and ma.iv I other ciub privileges; lull information I at Y. M. C. A. business office or tele phone Main 7u5: A-if'I. IU Ul I'l.'.Va l.th and Washington. Strictly clean, quiet ; house under projiric Lor's management; phone, steam heat, hot water in every room; up lo date; $2 week up; transients 50c up. RESP KCTABLE. week. THE GARLAND w. Modern brick; outside rooms; re spectable; hot water. 25 Trinity fct.. (or Washington, bet. lSUh and 20th. PALav-'E lluibu 12th a;:dX ashlngton sts.. Close in. liroproof. inouern. light, airy outside rooms; rates o.oo per week up PIIUVK MARnKM.I, .. q 4 0 b(Q)Ta CtWIKAiijli;IME;i,ri,,,Mo3- ei n, I i reproof, respectable; $3 w vit up. HOTEL EATON XX est Park. Atorri- son. I ent i h 1 1 - i., ;ted. moderate r:t las nermanen. ei psi LELAND HOTEL Nice, clean, oTu side rooms, $6 a month. 23d between Savier and Thurman sts. modern $1.50 fur. WEEK up, clean, warm rms.. central. The King, 309 Jef Rooms hotel. and S2 50 apartments week and up in model a 455 Alder. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE T A MELT NICE large out board. front room with 54 N. 16th. or with- Fl'RNlSHKl) room in private famuv 572 Ladd ave. Phone E. 6677. ROOMS AND HOARD PRIYATE PAMH.T WALNl'T PARK. Nice modeip quiet home, good taNe board, piano, phonograph, good rate, for 2 In room gentlemen only 1099 Garfield ave. Woodlawn 20 '5 " CHILDREN boarded. Columbia 290. reasonable. Photic ROOM near and two board in carlines. private family. 41 Buchtel ave. ROOM and board, home privileges. Marshall 5305. 230U 10th st. ANNA ness Lewis Hall. 510 Flande;- gins and students $4 $r 75 wk. W ANTED ROOM ANT) BOARD 39 WANTED A nice home for a bov s years of age in suburb of Portland near a school; state place and terms; widow preferred. M-36, Jodrnal W ANT EI) Board, place bedroom Journal. living room good pay. tire-D-44, HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 rnsinsHxi) ajtd vajrujtaigHXP CIEAN 2 room apartments, cool plac nrlvate nark, rlnu in 'jai t-m A SUITE for R Knot. n ear William, in " ' FINANCIAL Iflil HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 rtfKHXSKSO AH9 VSmnUTZSHZS ( Continued ONE room with kitchenette, complete ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone in every room; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison i sts.. $12 up. 291 Columbia St.. cor. St?i. FUR NT. H. K. rooms for rent, reason able, all outside rnis., gas. bath and phone. 201 1 fit h t. Marshall 1802. ROYCREfciT. rooms. 175 12th Single 11. R. Gem Apts, Fr week up. 401 lt Ma Free bath, hot, cold water HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS T.i rtrsmsBxiD Ain TjimrBinsHED PMTA1X fAKILY THREE furnished II. K. rooms, piano, private bath, good neighborhood. walkiiiK distance, Jit. East iZZZ. 166 E 12th. 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, modern con veniences, 12 montli. 667 GlisaJi. Mar. 1117. SINtjLE and double Bleeping and liousekeepiiig rooms, close in; i week up. 14th, nnr WashinKton. j PART of pleasant home. 2 peoplj; j owner oing away. 553 Yamt-ill. , Main 4415. JiLAl TlFl L corner, piano, garage. 81 4 room, furnished, E. 3.r,th. I CLEANEST, cheapest II. K. rooms, 1st I floor, private entrance. 429 Alain. i TENTH' USE. furnished, lively yard; 1 also 'lieali H. K. rooms. 37 1st. TWO room No small irolil, $.'.J.". also one. J. Iiildren. '74 Montgomerv. HtJtJilS. i:',5 14th bath, St. p-hone. liglitd flee. lOR RENT HOUSES UNFUXNISHIID 12 4-ROOM Bt. N'l iAlXJWS. With bath, ho,t and cold water, self lighting gas ranges, water healers, coolers! linoleum in bath and kitchen, built-in beds and book uses, hardwooc Hoots, full basement, line attic, gas and electric ity, clotheslines, lawns and each one fenced by itself, on Webster and E. lath sts., 1 block north ot Alberta car. Prune hard - Ciemson, "02-3 Selling Mdg. Phone evenings and Sundays. C-127. 5r7 "Mod.Tti 5 room "dwelling with large porch, lull basement, attic, brick fireplace. book shelves and DuUh kichen, 6'.' 16 4 1st ave... Ml Scott car to 70th st. Phone Main 7910. 204 Columbia st. $10 a loom muili.ni cottage uilh pa rage, Pacific highway connecting with all good roads and streets, choice i neighborhood, payments may apply ou purchase. Tabor i27ii. W. F. Brock, I Lents. GOOD tenant wanted tor my nice home at Waverly Heights. modern, 11 room house with lart;e yard. All kinds of fruit, flowers and a garage. S. Hess, S1G Woodward ave. Sell. 7''.". $lti 5 ROOM bungaiow, furnace, lire place. Dutch kitchen, paneled dining room. beam, ceilings. 'j20 Tibbelts st. Key next door. 1 ROOM house, furnace, fireplace, walking distance. 1US E. Ihth st. Phone Eas t U'2 2. $20. 4lioo.M bungalow, $s. n-at and attrac tive. ID'i'l E. Ankesiy st. Fred . Ger- man Co.. 721! nam, of Com. DESIRABLE 4 room bungalow near Kendall station arrd S2d St.. Lents. $4..",o month. Stevens. 2,01 Yeon bldg. n ROOM house, ground 10"xl'.'0, Park, opposite new school. Marshal 15'.'. Fulton Phone MoDEltN sci ens, cor.-SOI n S room house, shades, lots. S0'i5 Clayton st-. 1., near Woodm-ei e school. Rcu i.'.l f lawn 4 ; at 1 'J. 1 1 1 u Moore St. UOu- $22. so modern E. Couch. East S room 74 4 1. house, 6 1 1 FOR HI. home, i NT $! 1 orner lot. 111011 th 1 v, .Main l'.tlO. WANT mo. to rent Mnin U.U0. rm. residence. $11 ijl'NGAI.OW and barn near Reed col leg" for rent cheap. Tabor 2 M2. I POUR room house for rent, i st. Marshall 46S. 248 Vood FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT 32 ADS. of lished i fi'-ation ' furniture for sale are pub 1 the Ho sehold Goods clasi-'-ilieii house is not for rent. FURNISHED HOUSES ;( FIVE rm., newly furn., piano, fire place, turnace, an inouein lumeu iences, lawn and vegetable garden, ex tremely reasonable. 358 Vancouver. Woodlawn 6!. DEAt til l L suiumer noine, tent cot tages, 2 or 4 rooms, sleeping po-ch. shower bath, gas, telephone, overioon llig citv, reasonable. ..20 Height race. R 16th and Hall. Ter- Mlt.l.V lurnisaed o room house, piano, bath, cement basement, gas and electric lights; $18.: 1 block froi 7'.i7 Mich. ave. Wdln. 22 Pi. ar. FOB RENT A small house furnished, big vard and chicken pen. all con veniences $6 a month. 16'J E. inth st. N. Bway 1791. ATTRACTIVE country piace, piano, fireplace, gas, electricity, bath: very cheap; excellent garden. Milwaukie no or C-40. Journal. 4 , ROOAkS Well furnished, modern, gas, electric, $15. 401 E. 44th St. Hawtnorne car. FURN I: iHED cottage, hout. 2 beds. Mt. Scott car. r e n o 4721 t . o t e d Itn st., t hrou Arleta. A NICE furnished house, including plaver piano, with a big garden. L ear. 9S2' .linnesoia ave. by Sept., 1 rvlngton. 8 room Phone E 1 u rnished 5646. 2 ROOM cottage gas, 8.a0 per St.. month, city. Ida Smith, 1493 Atlantic FURNISHED bungalow, dir. $12. Main 913". Jiontavniii APARTMENTS 4.1 FV R NPSH E I AM jVJ'j' i HE DEZENDOKF. 2oS I6TH ST. Marshall 2316. Nice 5 room fur. and unfur. apts., also 3 and 1 room fur, npts PENROSE APTS., N. W. cor. Belmont new. modern. 2 and Service first class. and Grand ave, Z room furnished. Walking distance. ELEGANT 5 room sleeping porch and veniericcs. Main 4124 A-ltVM. apartment witn a-U modern Con or after 6 p. m.. SxN MARCO, nicely furnished or un- j furn. mod. 3 rm. apts.. private bath, i $15 up. Brick bldg., walking distance, homelike. E. sth and C ouch. East 1 99". Ll'ZERN'E APTS., 3d nd Hall Mod ern brick bldg.. 2 ioohis. furnished. private phone in each apt., $15 and up. (ll Marshall 4637. TILE SHEFFIELD, 27o Broadway S. -3 and 4 room fur. and unfur. apts.. j walking distance; at very reasonable lent: nest oi service. ..uui THREE room apts., private pnone, bath, $ls.50 per mo., modern brick. Westfall Apts., 410 5th; walking dis tance. THE ORMO.nDE Modern front 4 rooms. 56 Flanders. Nob hiii. Main C2R1. NOKOM1S. 665 Marshall Modern 2 room furnished, private bath, dress ing room and phone. $15 to $20 PENINSULA APTss.. c-lli0; concrete bldg 2 and 3 rooms; not ana coia water, baths, phone, stennCheat. $12 im NEW furnisned apis.; concrete Oioo.., $10 and $12. 11C2 Va Union ave. N. Woodlawn 612 $3 50 PER wk. 2 and 3 room apts. Pn '. . . . , Kt. Harrison Court &th and Harrison sts Walking distance. i o, r um..' - - . MAGNOLIA APTtj., E. 3d and Belmont. Modern 1 and 2 room apts., $1.60 per week up. Sleeping rooms. East 212. ROSE FRIEND, 2S5 Broadway S. ; mod ern unfurnished apts.-; large rooms, best gervlce, walking dlst. Mar. 1410. A! ! -. ! Court, 401 10th. modern to $20. UinUIIillcHI apartments; $10 CLARK Apt 2 rm. fur., dis. beds, phone, lights, heat, $12 up. Mar. S56. AMERICAN 6 rm. apts. and Marlborough, mod. 4, 6 Mar.- 3360. M. 7616. A-26'6 ROSENFELp (brick). 14 th And E. Stark 3 and 4 rooms, private phones. TWO and room ape, in private rei- dence, wt):h garage. Tabor 190. Ll.U r. house 1 - ' APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED (ContlPTted ,-LJ, 5th and Columbia sts. Five minutes ' walk to Meier & Frank's store; good surroundings', strictly modern 2 and 3 room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. TXKTM tALHOii T. PortUnd' bouse of qunlltj. comfort B1 nerrlee MADISON PARK APTS. Pars. st. at Madisou Modern 2, 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, close In, by week or month. RALROA APib. Large, modern l and 3 rc.om fur. and unfur... brick bldg., best service, walk ing dis.; reasonable. 429 Harrison tu. FOR KENT FLATS 13 MODERN 5 room upper flat, newly tinted and painted, turnace, with coil, gas water neater, fine location, walk in gdjsjjiriClaljw XToivEUN 6 room upper Hat in Al con dition, furnace, gas range, water heater. loin and Davis, 'i blocks ot Washington. Phone Main 3'JS3. iiODERN Benton, ; East 4076. room blocks corner tin Rroadway .. 39: bridge. FURNISHED FLATS 50 UPPER floor, 4 rooms, bath, attrac tively furnislied. $15. electric ! guts, phone watir free. Tills is an excep tional bargain.1 Holladay addition. ouB Hancock. W-A or B-A cars. FtKMSHhu 4 ROOM ! LAT lo in.n utes' walk from 5th and Washington, elegantly furnished, steam heal, strict ly modern, very cheap. 52 E. tith st. N., corner Davis. Phone East 1150. MODERN 5 room fiat neatly fur nislied in Brooklyn; bath, basement and yard, l2..i0. including ligns and water. Call bet. G and 7 p. m , or be fure tl:3o a. in. Sell wood 178i. FUiLY furnished flats, including player piano, heat, water, plume and sewing machine. Call East 47uo. BEAUTIFUL 5 100m furnished flat, new and modern, or a 6 room house; walking distance. Main S3 11. MODERN furnished. rooms, furnished or un bSO Belmont. Tabor 2515. SIMMER RESORTS 30 Cooperative Camp for Young Women. SUNSET BEACH, NEAR GEAR HART. Good food, comfortable quarters, jolly tunes, wen chaperoned, one we.K va cation (,b-ard, transportation) H20 two weeks vacation (board, transpor tationi, $10. Auspices Women's Co operative committee. Full details at information department of leading de partment stores and Y. W. C. A. FURNISHED tents at Sunset beach $4 per week, wood furnishsd. See Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 232 Chamber of Comr. erce. or write Mrs. G. J. Frankel, Warrenton, Or.. R F. D. No. 1. Sunset Beach. AN OPPoRTU N1TY to rent very rea sonable from July 25th balance of season, nicely fu nished 8 room house. Long Reach, on ridge o eriooKinc; ocean. Phone Main 7S6S A-7H57. r L KNlstlED or unl u rmsiied coltiges for rent at beautiful Marzinita beach. Large living rooms ana fire places. Address U. B. Nunn. Manza- nita. Or SECURE reservations from the Gilbert company. 384 Yamhill St.. ior Hotel Becker. Cannon Beach. It will pay you. Hotel new, attractive, reasonable. Fronted by old Haystack Rock. GOOD 4 room cottage 1 block from beach on improved St. at Seaside; will take Ford machine if in good coii- dition. Phone Wood lawn 425 1 . ROCKAWAY Furnished 1 room cot tage for rent cheap. J. M. Volknier, Oregon City. ! BEAUTIFUL bungalow, with garage. tents; rooms by day. week or month. Address box 147. Long Beach. Wash. COTTAGE for rent at cheap. Marshall 1895. Seaview, very STORES AND OFFICES II BRICK waiehuuse in South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street", reasonable. Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway and Yamhill. WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent, about 1 2 room furnished or unfurnished hoi use on east side, between Burnside, BioaUway, 1st and 10th sts. J-52. Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 SF.-YN of sorrel mares, weight ISOO.lbs., age 4 and 5. Sound, good workers, $7o. Span bays, weight 1&0O, good workers, $75. Bay mare, aged a, weight 1100, $75; roan horse, xveight C OO, $50; gray mare, weight 1100, $20. Will hitch them and guarantee them. Camp wagon $25. 292 Union ave., cor. East Cla y. FOR horses and vehicles, dogs and household pets and poultry, read the ads under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums in these classifications. ONE rubber tired business buggy, one ton and one 2 ton delivery wagon good condition, for sale cheap, or will exchange; building lot preferred, M 40 .Journal. GOOD ranch or camping outfit; team. mare and horse. 2300 lbs., harness and wagou. 3 967 E. Stark St. Trial allowed. GOOD small team, harness, and ex press wagon for sale, a bargain ut $100. Call Tabor 235. TWO steel-tired buggies cheap, also a light spring wagon and harness. 233 N. 14th st. BARGAIN INGS and side. -Gentle wagon. 125o lb. horse, har. Call 654 E. Burn- GOOD ranch team, for sale cheap. Trial allowed. narness and waj 1967 E. Stark DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. DEAD horses and cattle taken free. Tabor 4203. FOR SALE Good span of horses, Jwagon and harness. F-46 Jo-tmal. GOOD 2600 lb. team $95. 86 Miss, av LIVESTOCK 33 20 HEAD STOCK CATTLE. Some of them with calves, all in fine condition; from 3 to 6 years oil. C. W. Hyde, St. Johns and Fourth Plain reads. Vancouver. Wash. Phone 580-J. NICE cow for sale cneap, 4 gals., fresh in 10 days. Nottingham ave. nnd Rralnard st. Park Rose. -- FoR SALE Guernsey-Jersey, 3 years old, fresh; also 4-year-old filley; moderate price. Phone Milwaukie 69W. YOUNG lamily cow, gentle, er. Call Woodlawn 1343. rich milk- ALL BREEDS of dairy cows. Terms Bruce. Union Stock Yards. POULTIU' ANI PIGEONS 37 SMALL equity In a home, the balance like rent; .have 600 thoroughbred spring chicks, best equipment; a wom an can make her living off this place. All for sale cheap. Sell. S04. FAST working homers, also white Maltese hen pigeons, cheap for cash 0-&2, Journal. ,' FOR SALE 100 pair of extra fine Carnaux pigeons. John S. Beall. Phone W dln. 3171. FOR SALE Pure bred Indian Ru.iner 527 Roselawn ducks. 10 weeks old. ave. Phone Wdln. 198. 18 PURE bred White Wyandotte iens, $1.50 each; male. $3. Poultry noufce cheap. - Phone Tabor 2739. - 5n) WHITE LEGHORN cockerels, from trap nested stock, 60o op. , .East 3994.1 DOGS, RIRDS, PETS, ETC. 40 ENGLISH bull. 11 months old, good watchdog and lover of children, 'ru bor 2S77. FOR SA LE Thoroughbred brir.dle bull pups for sale. Inquire Sunday. 95 Woods, cor. Macadam. GOOD watch doe; will sell or trade. Call Marshall 327. AUTOMOB1 LES-ACCESSORIES 44 G A I. A G E S $30 and up. P o r t a b 1 e houses, chick en houses, woods heds, etc. Mill made C o n struction Ci. Main 1167. and evenings. B4 Hood Woodlawn st. Sunday 361 5. Bargains Bargains Bargains To the oeonlf. 1mm out of town: See our list of high ela.ss used automobiles. We are selling our cars this week at attractive prices and very easy terms. ucc iiiupc Ldi o iieioie you !.. . N. E. Cor. Broadway and Davis. Phone Broadway 221. 1915 CHALMERS. 6-cyl... run only 5000 miles, cost $2000. S good tires and looks like new; biggest bargain in this city; cheap for casn; make Vasy terms to reliable party. Broadway and Davis. Phone Broadway 321. EVER $360. c o m p truck: attachm't. $775. Manuf d in ! 1 tlund. THAYER-SII A V FR-Gl LLE y MACHINE CO. U'3 E. Water St. Phone East 7437 DOUBLE treaL punctuie proof tires made from your old ones. P.r.ng them in Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. Wash, at lHth. Burnslde at Broadway. 1325 Burnside. 1 Russell St. Garage Storage ti p r month; ing; supplies. Russell mover ave. East 2123. expert repair st. and Yan- FOR USED CARS See big stock at Covey Motor Car Co. Main 1,24 4 2 1 st and Wash neton. NO-GLARE AUTO LENS ED BRUNS St.. cor. Ash. Ut).. Broadwav 43 V 1st 954. Mfg. & Repairs. 3000 gnarant'd springs in stock, prices reduced. 31 N. 15th st. LET Us Soive Your Spring Trouble. ouarai-teea wasminoton Carriac Springs. C o r. Union and Bel mont. 1;. 13o5. WE WRECK AUTOS. Parts for most all makes of earn. Engines, t rasnussions, etc., Oregon Auto Ex.. 12a Lownsdale. Main 1161. 1.14 CADILLAC. pass.. A-i condi tion. Do not miss mis big bargain. Broadway and Davis. Phone Broadway 321. 1SH4 FORD, 5 pass., electric ligutj and starter, a bumper and water pump, seat covers, one extra tire; $375. How ard Automobile Co. Main lloO. 5 I'ASS. car, fine condition. $!.'; de livery car, newly pa.nted. $251: road ster, good condition, $175; Maxwell roadster. $.i0. 500 BuniKide. WHITE steamer bug, good running condition, $150: will take motoivycle as part. Fast 230'.'. FORD roadster, fine condition, new body, top. Windshield and lamps. 5D3 Karl st. Sell wood 309. FOR SALE Maxwell runabout. $S0 cash takes it. 7o7 Front t. Mar shall 4286. lil PMOB1LE, 1914 model, elect, lights and starter; must be sold this week; bargain; fine condition. Z-33, Journal. HUPMOBILE touring car. -fully equipped, 1914; will sell ciieap if taken at once. Phon e t el . 27 82 JIFFY starter Brecken ridge, agent. Phones tor Ford cars. A. 1 836 Halscy St., stale E. 5095. C-2260. FOR SALE .Model K Chalmers road ster, cheap for cash. Call Wdln. 4592. FRANKLIN bug, good condition ana tires. 1S6 10th. opp. library. FOR SALE or terms; Light delivery cai ; A-l condition. 30 N. cash 1 9th. HUP "20" 'bug, good condition, E. Marrison. E. 3526. $U 1914 o PASS. Ford, Montana ave. snap; 81) 8 Ms TON truck Alder st. for sale or traut. 505 BOWSER pump, call, in stroke ( heap; best condition; F-4 3. Journal. 1914 FORD $250; 214 E. 19th N. make good delivery. PACKARD TRUCK. Excellent condition. East 257. AUTOS FOR HIRE MAXWELL 1916 model, careful and experienced driver, reasonable rates. Tr.bor 76. DoDGE auto service, rates; rates by day; trips to highway. Main 2581, Sellwood 1124. A NEW 7 pass. Chandler for hiiv, where reasonable. Main 22M, A- any- 776. AUTOMOBI LES WANTED 78 NEW high class motorboat runabout finished in mahogany and powered with a 33 h. p. motor; completed and launched about 60 days ago at a cost of $180o; xvill sell cheap or trade for a late model high class auto; am about to go east to locate. Call East 454 5. FORD wanted in exchange for 4 room furnished cottage at Seaside, one block from beach. Machine must be in good condition. Piine Woouiawn 4251. AUTO wanted, 4 cyl. runabout; trade $75 Conn's, cornet and some cash. Sell. 616. ONE oily lot to trade for pass. aul. . lord preferred. Mrs. R. Morgan, Linn ton. Or. WILL pay spot cash lor a lord run about, must be a bargain and in first class condition. E-49. Journal. .0X100 LOT, Taborside Add.. Mt. Ta bor tar. for lal. lord, good condi tion. J-48. Jouri al. WANT Ford roadster or chassis cheap lor cash. P. O. box 942. 3 TON motor truck, standard mak must be reasonable. Main 546S. MOTORCYCLES-BICYCLES J55 1913 TWIN Thor equipped with Presto light. Dream tandem, tools, paint like new: $5 for quick sale. K. H. L lock et. 276 Taylor tt. MUST sacrifice Excelsior 'twin" mo torcycle with dream tandem and full equipments for $125. cost $350. 216 N. Ivannoe st.. St. Johns. MOTORCYCLE anu bicycle store and shop. Good location, best reasons for selling. Cheap for cash. M-37, Journal. COMPELLED to use ford for dcliv ery; will sell motorcycle very cheap Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. 550 Wash ington. FLYING Merkel, 2 cylinder, tandem. ligpht and horrk $60. Tabor 244, after fi:30 Tabor 431.. WANTED A 1914 or 16 twin motor cycle, cheap. V-34. Journal. 191ti Harley, full equipped, little used Phone Sellwood 704. 1915 two speed Dayton ton, fully equipped Sellwooc 704. Fine condition CAbH tor nioiorcycles and bicycles, any condition. Blocker. 276 Taylor. LAtNCHES AND BOATS 64 btjH SALE Cheap. Motorboat, i'S ti, 10 h. p. Roberts engine: in Al con dition. 211 4th. Main 93SO SALE or trade, 6 pass, launch 6 H P motor, reverse gear clutch, fully equipped. Tabor 465. SO FOOT launch. 32 horse, dpeed 17 miles; all latest equipments, with house. A BUvcy, 308 Oak L READY ton 1 ,.,,,-L. 1 e teg i I -CWir 6 (Con tinned) FOR SALE 14 ft. 3 h. p. launch. carry 6 or 8. Good condition, cheap. For other bargains in launches call ut Favorite Boat House, south side, Mor- rtson at. bridge. o EVINRUDE canoe motors 1 1 I ' mod el. 2 H P.. battery and coil. Former price $73.40. Closing out this model at $4S, $16 down, balance monthly. Evin rude Motor Co.. 211 Morrison. HOUSEBOAT "Kill Rare", new, mod ern, very attractive; bargain; foot of Harr.ev ave. Phone B-1 447. FOR SALE. 16 foot motorboat, 5 H. P., Shell Lake eiigb.e; will saat six; $55. Sell. 1521. FOUR room houseboat, furnished, newly painted, cheap moorage, $300, all in good shape. Main 927. FOR SALE. 2 houseboats, furnished, 1350 and $250. Phone Main 1906 T. DANIEI.SON Boat Shop. Nebraska bVng.. repairs, best work, low pr:c. PIANOS. ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 BEFORE purchasing see CsVA our -pecials in Used JSs'piano Bargains. Ne-v sNt Pianos mod a.cly priced. tv:- pt. !'r?r5''J'T-n:,4fni :i ' 'i AM siTbtjhH .-llol.e iu.. H16 jnoijel, bench, music. Pi ice $3su. rison el. 11. player piano, 58 roils of Iine.sl Apply 28j ilor- - lit. E use ul piano 01 player piaiK for 2 'Vs years, see display advertise ment Schwau i'lano Co.. or call 111 4th st. FA BRAND Cecilian 8-i.ote payer piano metal action. $oi5. tcims. Oiigintil cost new $75. rolls, bencn; Graves. 151 4th st. 10C iiioiiuiiy stoics your piano or w:i sell at your price or nay it for casu. Call Main 532, Security tstouuge Co "Hi:i Hh st. RAGTIME m ten lessons; practice room tree. Special summer lat.s 75c. 2 tr-.il lessons free. "1 hrlsleu sen System, ' 5ol-2 Eilci s b'.dg. LADY having no more use tor n ener player piano will saciit'ice. 1 inspec tion invited. 25 Morrison st. DOLL iV SO.N player piano, .9o,was $700. Pay $1 per week.. Free roils and bench. 1 .", 1 4th st. BE A i'Tl 1- T L toned baby hiuiiol Liauo; $250 takes it. In fcloiage dept. 151 4th st. WEBER player piaiuj. .i65, easy- terms: rolls and lj:iich. 25 Morri son st. STE1NWAY piano, $225; easy Semis. Ask for Miss Hathaway. 285 Mor rison st. NICE, sweet toned sieinway untight piano. Si 11 low if taken tills week. See Mr. Ft ss. 1 .". 1 4th st. CASH paid lor TALKING MACHINES and RECORDS. Alain 4495. 12a 1st, near Alder. A. B. CHASE piano, $200;. veiy tasy terms, guaranteed Apply 28 Mor rison st. MUST se.l Weber piayer piano. liKe new; make offer. Asit for Mrs. Ross. 151 4th st. PiANo rents $2 and up. Graves Music to., 151 4th st. 1'IANU lelils $2 und up. Gravea -Yluslc Co.. 151 4th st. PIANO rents $1 monthly; player rents ' 4 monthly. Graves, 151 4 Hi st. PL A 1 ER-Pi AN O lb... Pay . per month. Morrison st. CHlCKEitlNG piano, 140; pay 1 per week. Apply 151 4tb st. PLAYER piano. ltj5. Pay $j per month. v", Alorrison t RENT piano. $1 per month and up. Piano players $3 and up. 151 Ith st. KIMBALL piano, $19., tine lone, pay $1 per week. 151 4th st. $185 HARDMAN piano, beautiful lone, easy terms. 2S5 Morrison st. FoR SA LE lloxx ai d piano, new. ooi E. Madison. TlrEWTUJERS 77 NEW REMINGTON rental plan, with manuf actuiern' guarau-ee and rentals applying to purchase. Visible models. J3 per month. 7.50 for 3 months. Other models less. Remington Typewriter Company. SO Broadway. Telephone llroadvvay H2L WE save you Horn 50 to 75' ' on a.l makes of typ oxvriters. Send for our illustrated folder; rental department, WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 ashincton st CORONA portable typewriters. Main 22 5. E. W. Pease Co., agts. H06th. NEW $Too typewriter for less than $6o; free trial: best make. P. O. Box 719. NEW, re'juill, 2d rand, rentals, cut rates. P D C ( 'o.. I Stai K M. 1 4n , HOUSEHOLD iODS jJjJ MAGIC steel range, Sohmer piano. china cabinet, dn.ing s'-t. liiNiies. beds, chairs, tables, l.ric-a-brac. rugs, etc, for sale at your oxvn pri'-.-. Going eas August 1. and must sell quick. Nc reasonable offer Yeiused. tome ou jiid lojk it oxer, you'll surely find something you want. Second hand stores pav almost nothing for house hold goods; I'll sell as cheap to vjii as 1 would tu litem. 64S E. Chili N., Rose Cit y car. 1 C .'461. FOR SALE at a bargain, one rang., stove, one heater, buggy, ten., porch swing, wood cutter tools, some furniture. 2'26 Delano st. FURNITURE ot a room house, oear all In good skin and cougar rugs shape. Reasonable Tabor 3350. 5241 6 '.h st. A BIG bargain in household goods at 640 Delay st.. new lurniture. FOR SALE, household gods. cheap. 2S6 l 'lay st. . FoR S. x L 1 r "Furnitu re. 791 Albina a'. KUK SA L I 'M ISCKI A. X KOt S I "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS". "Type writers" and "Household Goods' aro separate classifications. All idver tisements of these gcous are published ut der their respective alnssifications. LOOK THEM OVER. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and re paired. XXalker Electric Works. 413 Burnside, cor. 1 h. Broad xv ay or A-567 4. TEN PENNY and nickel-in-the-sio' scales running in Portland on per centage, $250. Better than govern ment bonds and just as sale. 366 N. 20th. Main 157S. $iu len Diophead sewing mai hines with attachments, good condition. Sewing iiiaci.ines rented $2 per mon'.n. E 2359, H-3307. H. R. Kteen. 152 Grand ave. near Belmont. REFRIGERATORS. Closing out stock of Wi. kes patent refrigerators at f. o. b. rectory prices; no dealers' profit. Oi display at the Brunsw ick-Ralke-Co! lender Co. 46 5t... AUloMOBILES, motorcyc.es, launches or boats are separate classlfcatioi.s. A large listing can be found under these different classifications. FOR SALE. BUTCHER'S FITTINGS, new. cheap, together or separately, space for re.i .. Call fc-10 a. rn 249 Yamhill st FOR billard anu pool tables. show cas'es. wall cases and fixtures. Sec W J juigley, 256 Market. Phone Man. 5399.' POOL TABLE brtinswick-Balke Mon arch make, in good condition. $60 takes it. 101 N. 3d. DENTAL STUDENTS. Chair, ease instruments, cheap. Woodlawn 273. after 6 p. m. Wayne. Gasoline Pumps K H. Ruppell. 194 1st st. Min 1221. MACHINERY bought, sold, repaired and exchanged. Northwest Lead A: MV-h. Co.. 311 Front st. Main 5492. FOR SALE. CASH REGISTER, fine order, records pennies. Call 8-10 a. m, 249 Yamhill sr. $5 DROPHEAD SEWINii MACHINE. 349 Morrison. Main 1845. TAILOR'S sewing machine for 696 Prescott. Woodlawn 4236. sale. ALL kind of tatting made .to order, -j- WoodlswB 431V ... LAUNCHES AND BOATS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1 (Continued FOR SAEE Biano new carorn ami pocket biUlaid tables with complete outfit. $125; second hand tables nt reduced prices; bowling allev and bjl-1 Hard pplis, easy payments. Clgarijij store, drugs, delicatessen " and sodai fcuntaim fixtuies. THE BRUNSWICK PALKVX 'OI.LENT iElt CO . 46-4S Bth. MACHINES of all manes I sold for less. No agents ! employed. Machine rent- 1 ed. $2 per month A-36-6. AMALYT1CAT. Main 9431. Sewing Ma- (ill.KKIt 1 1 1 a 1 , chine Emimi i 1 1 1 11. 190 lid'" ' "- FOR SALE CombitHitu.n Crescent', .B.LA.X BOOK MAKERS woodworking machine. 5 II. P.. G"i- i'AVIS V liul.M.s. 1 ;. jtn, 2,, cral Electric motor. 594 Harney. I I ninifurnciHi-er-., nu.i.t- i"i " . v- - IT. .veil Dkhx; l.ef .,..K,... , ,. (1 SWAP COLUMN 1 FOR what yon have to trade we wih give you furniture, stoves, etc. Main 54 D. VR'ToR pbonogral'h or Regina. records, for wood or groceries. 54. Journal. o Pi A No tailing, tor any thing 5716. lepalling. ret llllshlii. useful. Webster. Tabor HA V E I Hide 9 hoi se twin lor diamond. moloi ox c 1 1 aser. 4 515. SWAP -c y ( i e. - Wheel chair for Plume Sell. 959. i XX ( 1 ,n, iibators and tor chickens. '1 a hi Paradise broouel ,r Ml. To f. - w a p r null 1 2 o e ring 01 Monarch gas lauvie hat .' Tai.or 5o56. GOOD pia lo E trade for fay lor st. horses ur ' COWS. 1 11(1(1 Ti I R EE In p. wood. Sell. 1-uiKr and radiators -or f.4v L )T 10 trade WANTED r l'ia!io -MISUK1 Journal. NEOlS 5 Wi: PAY dish Im your used furniture, carpets, lange.s. etc. Gevurtz Furniture Co,, Inc. 1S5-1S7 FIRST STREET, NEAR YAMHILL. M A RSI I A I .L 59N 1 . WE pay hlgnesl pi ice lor second hand furnituie. stoxes and ranges, inusl have the goods. BROWN FURNITURE CO 540 N. Union. 1'nono 1 WE REPAIR y-uir wat.h lor tl i.a matter how badly broken, iiiing this ad. Howard Jewelry Co., 291 Va Wash ington i PHoNE East 7M5 when you want toi sell your furniture. We come at once : and pay yoj the cash. M. R Seatei. 1 2S6 Gram1 "Se. . south of Haxvt borne. WAN'l'ED Second hand turnitiire, ranges and stoves. Best prices paid. Morgan Furniture Co., 3'jo E. Morrison st. Phone Fast 2'2:'N. V ANTED The peopie of Portland to know I pay the highest cash prices ' for Household goods, prompt atentlon. j Fast 67Q7. N. M. Sealer. 113 Russell vt. ! 1 WILL pay cash fcor your piano, piay- er. upright, graiid or suuaie. Both i phones. 1433, or call oil J. J. Fosler, I l.M 4th st. 1 notice to movers. I Wanted Stoves, rockers, dressers. I rugs ((.iiches, chairs, tables, etc. Wo pav the price. N. W. Fur. Ex. E. B36. WILL PAY CAjnH FOR i SECOND HAND HOUSEHOLD I loo I K I'lloN'lO MAIN 33 32. A- 2 56 T ; HIGHEST price paid for 2d hand fur-j niture, stoves, carpets. Gevurtz. FurnUure Store. 207 1st. 1 Mar 5x7. SI.CoND hand clothing buyer, Meyer. the tailor, pays $5 up for suits; shoes bought. Mai shall 1229. 229 Madison CASH for old gold, silver, plat Inum iiii.1 high grade ore. H. M. Pickering, i m f g jeweUr. 2 1 h Oregonian bldg. I x A N I'EDA 1 1 kinds o f talking nn c hine records; also player piano music. Main 4 4 95. W ANTED Stove or range, also some furniture. Main 4495. PAYS highest price for 2d hand cloth" ing, tools, etc. 273 Front. Main 4 x 0 2 CASH paid for good second-hand fur riiture. Ford Auction Co.. 191 2d st. WANTED Moving picture machine, Powers' preferred. M-3S, Journal. IX)ST AND FOUND THE following articles were found i i cars of Portland RaSlway, Light xi Power Co.. July 2o. 1916. Owners may obtain property nt station. First and Alder streets: 6 umbrellas. 5 pacK ages, 1 package tools 1 haveisaok, 1 pair glasses, 1 baby's white coat. 1 overcoat, 2 purses. 2 pairs gloves, 1 I glove. 1 wall map, 1 lunch box, I license tag. 1 package matches. 1 mill; can, 1 package dress goods, 1 suit-' oase.,1 grip. 1 b.'iskit, 1 pin. j A LITTLE girl is crying for herdog, ! Fox Teriicr, pai t ot face black, blai k spot on baik. short tail, male, Ileum I for any information Adoox, Blackstont ; hotel. Marshal! 2740. j LoST, near Muntaxilla, Bull Terrier, pure white. female, 1 year old,' weight 25 pounds, name "Jane." Re w a rd . Ca 1 1 Se 1 1 wood 25 j LoST Will parly v. ho picked up can ary bird in front of marble works 26 1 4th st. kindly return same to 27o's 4th st. : LoST Lady's nioiiogranud xvatch, be tween E. 2Mb and 5oth on Division' street or south. 505 E. 2Mb st., S Tabor '2921. , LOST A long halted Airedale Seti.r in Alberta, liberal reward. 551 Rose-: lawn ave. ' FoT'N'D Skiff off Willamette sloutjh. Apply Willamette dredge. I EOS'i" Ring with two diamonds. 1'hone , Tabor 63o6. Reward. " PERSONALS WJIY t.ay big prices for glasses? I ran fit your eyes with first quality lenses in a gold filled frame nn low as $1.50. ("has. W. Goodman, apt'iniet nut. :'ii9 Moriiso'.. Midf-.'!'' FEBVET Ac HANEliUT. leading wig and loupe makers; finest stock hu man hair goods ; hairdreesing. manicur ing, face and scalp treatment, comb ings to order 147 Broadway Main .".46. OREGON HERNIA INSTITUTE Rupture treated mechanically: adults. Children. Trusses to suit your case. Johnston & Umbargar, rupture spe cialists 411 Alirkv bldg Mai" 7 7 H 4. TAK.x it A Huir ionic, an antiseptic I scalft cleanser, hair beautifler and I dandruff remover; price- 60c bottle. l-'o- sale !,v I'ortlnp-i Hotel pnarmwev. DoN T use expensive corn remedies when you can get the sure thing "Removes It" 15c piasters at toe Clem- enson Drug Co.. 20') Morrison St. NEW life in electric and vibratory tratments. Facial, scalp and mani curing. 417-20 Northwestern Rank bldg. DR. V. G. KETCH CM Women's mala dies arid acut diseases of men. Wash. MdK. 4th and Wa -h. Rm. 441. Mar 448. STUDENTS WANTED Special sum mer rates. Maurine Beauty Shop, 203 j Kr.vnl bldo-. I HAVE vuiir hair permanen'ly waved, t Guaranteed lo last. Har.itary Beauty Parlor. 40 i rekuin. Marsha'l 1 702. MRS GNES TONER please eornmu- nl -ate with .T. W. 1'arker. 602 Mil waukie. Important rjew "GUARANTEE to relieve poison oak, ecjierna. itching I lies. In 3 days. AAriln. 104.'). 11 51 E. 29th St.. N. SHAMPOOING and treatments of t io hair. 202 Royal Annex, 410 Mor- rison. Kl'iltlTUALlS.M -Rev. M. A. Price, cir cles Tues 2. p m.; VVed., Sun. 8 p. m. Reading daily 292 Clay st Mar. 3960. PROFESSIONAL maspeur (male) can 1 frke a few more cases T-50. J.juma'. 5cJe"NT1F1: treatment for diseases of scalp. 163 Park st. KIil--?- SlAY IRWfN. facial and scalp treat ment. 291 !-v Morrison, room 3t. BALM of I'Ik.h remedy ror disease of: women. 504 Davis st. Main 7393. j I n uiimi' t onsullation tree. Main i LaVVyCI 4'i93. f.12 Selling bldg. PFESSIONALANH BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accoamtm pleateho k. tri-l'liA N H.-iu-tltctdn. accordion, lde od aqiibnrat pleating; bottona eo-er4: fnnAt ponged, , iksUoplaa. fit lock blk. Bwa 109V. le to .Mi. 1 11 gents' lu . ACCO$tpIOK PL! AT1N0 , ' Ctm II"N KK1 IK A N I) la IX Pit A U NtT v.; M HKMSIIT. IllNO. H!tVIHI.;. Ill ITlVvl .v ' '.;: 1:1 pi oss covi.ui 11 katkhV A( 1 K Ht NVKI. Mi,; ft).. 85 'j .'.III. If WAY HICO i AOATCTJTTERS JIAVI I KI.N Ulan,. 7.U i. vni ((I i ,. m.I.I. NX 11-I1. XI I-7I n'l-'r v VI ili.-i f. .U.tl-j AGRICULTURAL IMPLIIMF-NTS K. Kstll SSIIAI Rcniliil fnrin . 1. I 1L. , 1,- .ill.. !l iO(l I r. . li t. n'n4 M . .I'l-tHiih, CHEMIST ANBAS8AYKIl 1 " m. 1, t.i.iu. 'i. :i ilii V" Kt lllxIlK J..llen 'in. new Kli- ! kn l.enr. A ;ts;i. M .11, 1 s BRASH I'OUNPKY 'ill I'liKTl.ANl) til ... I , lu .. 11 111 IIII1MI IU I 17.. eeiper, ' (.'(T II M 11 M : . I 1 4. '."Ill I i.l , '.C!.. C ABINET VC 0 RK XX . lb K . In. ml 11, , r. -1 ,o - 1 . ,2 li 2 .(I ut Mnlii CARPET CLEAKINO I l.,i :ii. - :ii'. ll llllfu iriLlj'ijJ V -I hi, L ... NN i: Jux 11: ckiin 1 i... -'l ' I. 11 1 1.. 1 1 , , 1 l ii-t lv.. I. I .. ' PI MN- p. I (. I I Mt li' ''Ci'.. 1. CHlROI'RAn - 1. M. xi ii.i Wine nun. A,illlnlll .. 4lh null I- L' II(N"H .In.lliK til -it,., en I nil- ;i 11. 1 1 1: new oi ii. es ,in X imli. 1 1 a n, with inio v h.. , ,1: I aM hevcii Ve'il N Il-Oicl a eliiorii (if l" II pi! I le I1 1 n I , x MitHk-e H t ll,.l i 1 1) K 1 1'i'n t men t . I I I . i.llt- PH I: ,11 II II ll I tlilr Bll- 1 r Ilia 1 11. 1 1. 11. i.;4 1,.iTdu II. ruai'il 1,. i'.. I 1. 1. In. No I 11, 0 llll'llll ,,i ! :, 1 mi lMtf., ; 1 II: H 1 It- me live, I NKItVOt sNl-.SS 'ii'Im.,.." j (hen riirp.l. lij. XI. 1 1 . 1 1 "I'm1 I 11- J'lijNI' l.lli. ., ti-ke. .XUI11 171.5. iTKrT l S ,, n7t" ".(. 1 10. Dr. I . S. I Ihhi .1. fill mil) XX KNihi(t.l. COAL AND WOOD N X ilo.N A I. I Pi:!. 1 (I." I.X.s I- .'ell V" Sliili(.il. $.1 2;, ...,ril .l.liw, l-,l . .try I, leek rnl 1 n t . w xl fciiwc.l $;i ;,ii ,,h.I. K"c, I .lr ( ri'.-k-lite. :l A-I dry fir. 4 ft el I tinnier. A, B, CM I I.l, 1 (. X ... ! an,: cm. 4(1.1 llleil N. I;. 40M. NKKIt ,- Altli I 4 ft. I .' li. $).2... t. r st m in i:,!.i;. imt. III.- kn,.,.l ...! ;uij v "T7i. r I'll X I.. CONTRACTORS AMD BUILDERS HSKA Kill HI .It I... U 1.11k iierul l taili'tirtur.. 223 Siiei- roo ii AND CAT HOSPITAL 111 I 1 1 XI X V V I. l i . U I N A lt 1 A N Pit i ll..i..i biitticl. i ii i ii.-, i IliM 1N4 i I ti Ml. It (.il(le( I I li,e 11 ill.:2 mid EDUCATIONAL DANCING MA.Nl lll.M I.lt In..,. Pik A. 'II. lei . K". V, 6 1 Ik title". 4 iiri. kt.. l.i'I. Slurk nr. I niih. vrte Ii'km.Iim $2. lie -i ! 1. 1 , till lMi-M ilfiliceii ti n ,.i.le. !Httinli,y V en I lit; n. 7 n ',! M lo I. II. l" xTTiT I le.Vl I, - .- ! I lns Prlihiy eve. lo-.i 2,1 illk 'etl li l,t Mil I k l.eN--,iW ml I. r , " -.1 . la .: ,,,li. evening; "ifhM -I'tllllNlllijr, b..i 2IMI i c-n.,i,.h 1 1 H y . Ni'Wirll XV'hhU- .Xbdn :i2..'.. MUSIC 8CH00 1.S A N D E Tllli:l.il(ill. X iJ n, t.-. 2u7 Hlcrther l.l.lg. A I bio rit'H'. T. K. I . A XX s( I N PI. , tieiiie. iliM-. I'll., in ' I m I j- ;i; TEACHERS ,. r. pupil Sc. Ik, li.'i.lHd It'.l'll. Ichim.u i yuur .i- ' .'i THROAT. I.UN08 .-. I.I.. ,: fill .-ii. llr. N.k.i!,, ni.iu- . ft xVh(i EYE . u :i EAR. NOSE. Si- t. M dernt J", FIEE INSURANCE s I A i rs H hi: i ssi u x.M i-; t o., 1 At IKK (inly Hi y-.ii I re hi- ii :i ii'-c I'e'in.iili v . ELUfE HUGS AND RAO RUGS Send Us Your Old Carpets troll, el. I iir..a; mil 1111. n. 1 11 r.el CM'.lllll, N'lt!i t K. so (I 12WI. ii:..i xxi.il. ir- 1 ii 1 ai ,m,i r.,c(-ln,.jr. 1 in 11 M N w r ,. - lei,' mid eur- I 111 . xx din I'ry.x. rTKeu M inle 1 Sln.v run . i'r.aiipl. .r.4 t iilen 1.. in ..lil hiKr.iln, ItiiiMifiH. Axmhtfrer, AIni, i-m g : u g h, . all hm. M,i1! nr.lert ( a i-jj.-t . I -h 1 1 1 1 1 g . ScihI ! r IxK.klet. xx i.sri it.N n in- in ti i n. An.. N. PI, on. Knt i'2-.li;. 11 1473 FURNACE8 Boynton Furnaces Keen. an l.-n 1. fl fl.1 Mm ket . t'lfe.tlul. J. (.'. Jlu.it'r ( u.. Krnnt HATS CLEANED. BLEACHED L-i.h--. Wnkli He'll. I'lllili ll, I.il, . SN HI l.ntH ,r,(M ,1 4 I 1.1 le u.. I I'le.-irhctl, K h ,i I iiih ii' n. Pi h M TOilll. HI LEATHER AND SHOE HNDINf.8 I III. i'.lih X. XIA s I.KX Till It i li I Inin oi l.-,rll(.M.Nt A;,. I, -VI. .n, Old en. I VI le tti, 2.1 hi MATTRES8E8 tll.lt II, Hill. - vuiijlurt t Pi.l.liliK XI ( -en m.'l fcilla-' i.l iny t, i in. . I . .. ..oi; x i. n.iii. le all, i lliililf l)to IVtH'Vlllttd. i: .'.nt K0N INT0XICATINO BEVERAGES XX LI S II A HPS i..,i!eii unci A lul.er .Nelr. lii'iiry XX eitiliMid I'Imi.i, Lull mui lliiruuhl. Mi In 72 I'le .lien A 1172. P R I NTE R S A N D E K 3R AVE RS 'i nr: i x x :h: smtk PUI.SS Jo I IS ,X. MANN kt. I'.l ,bi v iiy 4'is. A 4'IKS ROOF PAINT 111-, k old by 4i. I Put ( at lt.'f tile tienvc .. k I, ik. 'ninl MfK. II illik- Mud Co. IvrtUnd offlr RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALMI Sleitel (.. 'I mile PA( II IC ( HAST u: 1 1 vx m . ti 1 1, t ,ii ,t I lie k, Ilium XlgOH. sr.xxii' AoiiKS xiiihi 7iu. a ano. SAFETY RAZORS HONED BAKE 1 l ,.7.',n idm t (..me I ; down. ii:. i-, ::d nil khi.U, (lid , iii'in M' rrlwin. SHEET METAL WORKS llKPAIKI.Sti tin mill fcinvil" wofii. Jaeub liuall. .Ill' ll ul. I'll u.e .lulu I 121 TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co, ..tntihidie.l l7o. , Trannft-r uinl i 'twtti 'a, if Ai;i-iiif Steiuijc l if.. Ti m i, ft (-. (lffic. mij t.vt'.ii.'e 4 71 (iil-Hii ml. rhhjlii.l lllinn Mil in ;.,. A-IIW 1AI.XXAX.S I'll k 'I UK r.l-.NT llm SI-IMILO ... ,'-V ' ' a si'itaui- I'm-klrtic. " . fiii)rniK nii.j jj'.vin lj.,i-e er Aiilo aiis, . Uil iH.llltll. Wom-I flflxllt iHtl'B C. o. 2't tnl PICK Tit ANSI Lit s i oi: .;r. (a. Pine. ..i.,jbi,iv ,V.I A I'XKI ouoxkiii; TTtx s.sn: ii tu i- m n i on wow- em. pBckcrH, hi.in:-f. fn-i,r'.,,f h urvlii.uM, ' lMh mui IP. vt Kin. M it, .'.lo A 2247 MANUFACTURERS i JOBBERS WHOLESALEgg DRY GOODS WHOLESALE L, Dinkelspiel Co, ." i .-h ri," k Uk1. ...inr )li i. PAINT. 01L& CLASS i , 1 1 , f li st nii.inrd o.-l 1.. :., . M. 1771. UA.S.XI L'SSKN St ( N. K. corner 2.1 paint. PLUMBING KUrPLIES j pi, i MltlNt; hii.Ji.- IimtIh i . 213 (l,,e .ul. in In ' nric 97. , Htark.. SANITARY 'IPINO RAGS L, SHANK CO,..... KKUST Si. NK MAIN l!'9 WATER SUPPLY tYSTEMS TvLXX A.M'.K XVA l EU YS'l:MS M. K. SM-ti. er. Agent Hi., vx . I'nrr Hi. WOOD ?1PE pollTi.ANI) office intur (i(j 2 llli and I'IPli i i). York rt Kaetorjr t)4 : Main 4Vfl. ZVrOKMATZOlf COUPOW, If you want the name of a reliable business house dealing in any line of merchandise, or information regard ing resorts, hotels, railroads, niejm siilp lines, etc.. address Oregon Jour nal intoi in.it ion Bureau. Information dotiied: Name .... ,Addresa rq nnp: rmm -''. ''