v 4 .'--.-a-" .;.' :-,: -2-;y ' ;..v.rvs -v..- , - r - . ' . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY. JULY 17, 1918. , . : ' ; 12 , 1. ; HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 PKIVAXX PAMliT OoDtlnad FIRST floor parlor i, 1 v-very reasonable, : walking rtlBtant'c. 6' suite, extra gooa. room suite, 10, N. 20th Kt, il)VEI.v Milt8 firm floor. 114 ofh- ..y r, $ a nd tlO. 6'5 Flandrw ot. FOR REXT HOUSES 12 VHrUKinSEES ;OOOD tenant wanted for my nlr home ' at Wavrly ll'iKlitn. modern. 11 room house with large ya.rd. All kinds of fruit, iiowr and a carage. J 8. He". 9,1s Woodward ave. Sell. 76.-. f, Ri A i M huiiK-ii'.w. W'averly HelKhtK, furna'-p. fiif-i'lare. paneled ' dlninc room l.mni Iui.:l, kit- " chen; modern. .'0 Tiht.ctts st. rnone O-1S05. . ' JtOOM rolt.iiiH, fine condition. :: Crete hasfmenl ; )'ipel for i fllwaukle hi :.,. inrluding iter. In'i'ilrp tfU Hoi pa to st cin 914 wa ft Rij M -16th wt.. Kant .Ifffi.'. house. e .'Ie.nl l'hone rondillon. Main 937. 6 KO''M 2 ref l!i!nhel : I !' modern hoi:ne, just In Hollailay Park, 75(5 Phone Woodhi wn ; i; Look $9 f(;r u room modem r.ouhe. 1294 f'orretf. Just llniHiieo inmnn and ra In t i n K. Kulton ' m Ml.n rn30. 4 hOiiM bunalow, H. neat ano attrac ' tlve. 10 E. Ankenv nt Fred VV. Ger- rnan "n. 732 hm of f'orn. VOOn-f7AVN. 7 room-. Imth. IlKhtH, fruit, flowers, water; arx, (hurchea convenient. $H K7I th. north. 5 ROOM Iiouh'-. turna-e, fl replace, walking disiHiMC 10H IC. 18th st. Phone Knt I 9 120. 1 0 I ' 'li'l'l. A N I I lelKht.S, modern. owner must o ' en', V-4 T. .loiirnal 6 loom east at 'J'llltKK room I'm i; I-Im-,.' Kleetric HkIhs ;ind 607 M)lHWipii m' 22. An x K' i.M )i"'is( I hniiMe, 19 mo. waler Included. K. t'ouch. ' Kaet 74 4 1. LlOMT" room "h. use Tin rent lupine til tdoml way Mr. iad a v. "ST. J'IVK roil l llol;.ir K Ma- very rheap. Tiihor .''. '.''. )lO--F7 f K ll ino.l.iM 1 . 1 1 1 1 J tavllla fiK !:. vth ki. N i low. Moi: t I KMTl'lIi-i Mil! SALL IIOl'SKS KOIt UKM MAKI-: us a 1 1 .isom.-U le ..-isli olfpi for H roornn of sciml furniture. fall mornings, r.r.l Irv me. Al'.S. ot ruii-u.iie Hi nile an puo llshed In the Hoi. behold (Joodx elnssi flrstlon when hoimp Ik not for r-nt Kl Msin:i iiorsKs ;tt :NK'KI,Y I'm inshed pla no, h:i I ! i. ' eon , and e le. t r ic mill-. from in i . 7'i , Mi h . Kl ; It N I suki i i on.e ami elei-l l Ic lil;lit f room hoiine, ri t liasement, s lent J.ls; 1 block ac. Wdlll. z:i.s , j lots, 4 r'lom.M , Mount Si ot ; line. n i o ; 1 1 1 1 . I 'In lie Ta li. on modern limiit, l.iwn ami flowers 1 1 u ....I I so. Bian smIi si . v i hor 1 977, Mon.la-.. SVl 1.1. KIH m ' n Imnlu ood f loin ., g3 K. Ke 1J l S. A NH'i: Id - Ili.UM . Icdlri:, Ion. 1. player pi.i no. v : h .t CUT. !''' lli'i .-'oil .iv ga t 'VKM. I o i in -lo .1 ulnw; i.i.i no, t i to irioilerti blllig t lie. $ I 7. Wood- 114 .r ROOM .oti.ii;. . , lean 4 blocks Hroa'iwav Ioi.Ikc. E!ant 4;. iin. I .1 1 neat, ItoMi. 113 4 trie; jnook. R( M i.M house in walking ilislati. , gas, elec 316 Tilla- Seven rm house I-. i rent, furnisiicci Tiilior 3:,3S, Aniibei Hlalion. Call 110.50 To $ PER MONTH. PHONE walking MAIN M:,H 1 9 MODERN 3 distance yard .oil Ikiusc, Willn. Hi MODERN 8 loom. .'. 630 10. hth si. $11 i ooms Sell. furnished. 9.rirt. A PA i I'M K NTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED THE I'EZENDOEtF. 208 lliTH ST. Marshal; 2311. Nice 5 room fur. and unfur. ipts. , Slso 3 and 4 room fur ants. PENROSE APTS.. and Grand ave.. 3 room furnished. Walking distance. N. W. cor. uclmunt new, modern. 2 and Service first class. KLCIiANT D room apartment nith sleptng porch and all modern con veniences Main 4124 or after 6 p. m A-1601. BAN MARCO, nicely furnished or un furn. mod 3 rm. apt., private bath, $15 up Brick bldg. walking dl.stnnce; ncmelike. E. 8th and ('ouch. East 19S0. LLa.EK.N1'. A!' is.. 3d and Hall -iVlod-. ern brick bldg. 2 rooms, furnished, private phone in acli apt.. $15 and up. Marshall 4637. THE SHEFFIELD. 21 S and 4 room f :r. walking distance, at rent; hnt of seivice 0 Broadway a. and unfur. apts.. very reasonable Main 2606 THREE room apts, private nonu. bath, Sl&.to per mo, modern trick. West full Apts.. 410 iih walking dis tance. BALBOA API'S. Large, modern 2 and 3 rnom fur. and Unfur... brick bldg.. bust sfrvlce, walk lng dls.; r-asonalde 429 Harrison ml. i'HE ORMONDE Modern front 4 . rooms. 656 Flanders, Nob hill. Main ?M, ? Roo.MS hardwood floors, sleeping porchs; walking distance. 1'ortno It:ah. 200 E 13th. FURNISHED vate house, bor 19 0. 4 room a pa i tinent. Hawthorne district. 1-rl-Ta- NOKOMIS. 565 Marshall --.idern 2 room furnished, piivtile bath, dress- Ing room andjjhone, $15 to $20. $3.6o PER wk. 2 and 3 room apts. PrU vate bath. Harrison Court 5th and Harrison sts Walking distance FOR RENT -4 room furnished fiat water and phone paid. $15. i inth ,M. Call A-4728. PENINSULA APTST C-117U. oontrepi bldg.. 2 and 3 rooms; Lot and cold water, tviiht.. phone, y.n.mi heat 112 up MAGNOLIA APIS., fc.. 3u and Bilniont Modern I and 2 loom apts., $1. o0 per Week on Sleepinv r"nnn Eas; 212 liOoE FRIEND. Jho Hioadwa i ern unfuin'shd ants, largt best service wnlklr:- dist Ma: . . mud rcoms. 1410 Cincinnati i oun. 4u i mm, apartments; Jft) mode, n to $2:'. CLARK phone. Apts.. 2 I in fur., lights, heat. $12 up. dis. Mar beds, 5056. AMERICAN and Man borough, mod 4 A ( rm. apts Mar. 3;i6o, M 7M6, ,:67' CHARLIE CHAPLIN'S - I I . (wiC SoBoRovy1 ) . SuRiVou CftH ( , Bfr WMT To YtfRti Vou I I f SH0UUD rV0RRYj vNciepoo's horse : (, I Borrow the Outfit Wot to let The ??e.n5 VBOUT THE RfliNSr v : . . - ' . - m 1 :i APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED A.VD UNFURNISHED jPonttand TIH1E GROIMWELL" ttb and Columbia sts. Fl minutes' walk to MVer Ac Frank's store; good suirounJlngs; strictly modern 2 and Z room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doora and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATE8. PKPMANRN'T or transiknt McKinley Apartments Modern apartments, J room, 112 per montli up; a looms. $16 and up. Pri vate bath, private phone, fireproof bldg.. walking distance. A nice place for nice people. I'nder new manage ment. K. 7th and Morrison. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References TXNTM AW3 ftAUHiat ATA. I'erlUud houne ut natUlf, comfort nnd ervlre NhWLI turnished 1 and 3 room apta., J12 month up, including lighta, phone. Janitor service, etc., walking distance. Uelknup Aparts., 187 17th near Vamhill. MAJilSUN VAti. Ai'Tei. Park st. at Madison. Modern 1, 8 and i room furnished ipirtmentir close In. by week or :oonth. (brick), 4 rooms, 14 th and K. private piionea. Stark '6 and ROOMS, hardwood floors, fireplace, $17; nummr ratea. i'hone K. 89. FOR REST FLATS 13 Notice! Lower flat for rent, 104 ft. front; owner mows lawn twice a week am: paya water and telephone. 4uo ros,; b islicv, anup to desirable party. Phone A-44S5. iltVINGTON 4 rooms, very tlesirable, all conveniences. sleeping porch, range, etc. 373 K. lbth. near Hroadway. Open today. Rent only $17. Phone 1M 704. IRVINUTON 5 rooms, very desir able, all conveniences, sleeping porch, range, etc. 369 E. 16th, near Uioailway. Open today. Rent only $u Phone D-1704. WEtJT SILi -Neat 4 and 6 rooms; and electricity. Sel.wood 1370. gas 4 ROOM llat. good mdition, clcae In. Low rent. East 963. MODERN 11 ami 6 room ing distance. Main 847 flats, walK- $ I ll NICE 6 room flat distance I'ast 2 4 (i 9 water, walking 5 ROOM modern flat Main 8394. 360 Park. Phone FURNISH Kl) FLATS SO FIVE clean well furnished rooms, bal cony, gas, electricity. Also 4 rooms, first floor flat with yard. Desirable neighborhood. 77J E. Taylor. East FCRNISin-.D complete, 5 outside rooms, lower flat, lawn; walking distance. 4 J 4 Tillamook, I 'nion ave. curs' $18-5 Room flat, walking distance. neat ami 148 Rodney c leu n, East 4 86j ITHNISHED and unfurnished up-to-date room flats, sleeping porches, w alking distance. Fa s t :i 7 3 7 . LOWER purl of a house furnished. 4 rooms, $1." per month. Phono .Mar shall 306S. 95V, 13th at. N. $1 4 ROOM modern, furnished flat Sleeping porch. Fast 137.1. ;EV 3 loom lirautirui luinibiied fia s Phone Wood law n 16 7. 5 FURNISHED tents at Sunset beach $4 per week, wood furnished. See Dorr K. Keasey & Co., 232 Chamber of Comr, erce, or write Mrs. G. J. Frankel. Warrenton. Or.. R. F. D. No. 1. Su'iset Beach. YOUR opportunity to spend Bummer at beach. Party rented nicely furnished house on rldf;e overlooking ocean, obliged to go east, will sub-rent at bargain. Phono W'dlrf. 4347. FURNISHED or unfurnished cott lges for rent at beautiful Marz.nita beach. Large living rooms ano fire places. Address G. B. Nunn. Manza nlta Or BEAUTIFUL bungalow, with garage, tents; rooms by day. week or month. Address box 147. flong Beach. Wash. FOR RENT Al Saltalr beach, 1 room furnished cottage with stove wood, reasonable. Tabor 1S73 evenings. FOR RENT, 4 Beach, Wash room cottage at Long Main 2384. STORKS AND OFFICES' 11 BK1CK warehouse in South Portland for rent, trackage,' light and airy Op paved stree'., reasonable. Journal P'.bH.Kin" I'rnndwav and Yflinhlll ORSKS. VKHICLF.S, ETC. IH GOOD ranch or camping outfit; team, mare and horse. 23uo Iba. harness and wagon. J67 K. Stark st. Trial allowed. IE AM horses, 1250 or 1300 euch with 3 in. ranch wagon, good heavy har ness, $135. 561 Reynolds st l'hone Sellwood 452. FOR SALE One team of horses, lo years old in guod working condition, also harness mid wagon. Call at 83 ' North Garfield. 1100 LB. horse for sale, suitable for delivery purposes, 8 years old. East . 432. East 4.S45. 1250 LR. horse, perfectly gentle, good' Harness ano wagon, cneap. Call 034 E. Hurnslde. Eat 3705. 1300 TRUE work horse, chunk, also 850 handsome driving or saddle pony. 751 East Ash. GOOD ranch team for sale cheap. Trial allowed. harness and wagon 1967 E. Stark st. 1 TEAM, 5 and 6 years Call Lenscli old. weight Bros., 241 3000 lbs. Front st. FOR SALE -One team, to years old. wagon and harness. $350. Inquire 832 Garfield Ave. CHEAP Mare at sound and true Co. Stable, 34th st your own price; to work. Gary Ice and 10. Yamhill st. l'EALi nursea ami aiiinmiH nauirii away free. Call W'ocdlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. COMIC CAPERS 18 fContinnea) 14 EASTERN Oregon mares and geld ings, weigh from 900 to 1300; ages from 3 to 10 years; prices from $2j to $90, These horses are all good workers. We will hitch them for you and guarantee them, if in need of a horse or team It will, pay you to look at these horses. Kpan sorrel mares, ages 4 and 5, well matched, harness and camp wagon, $130. 292 Union and K. Clay. Hawthorne car. SPAN of geldings, blocky built, sound and true, weighing 900 lbs., $250. Bay gelding, 8 years old. sound, work single or double, weighing 1100 lbs., $70. Span of sorrel mares, sound and free from blemishes, weighing 2i0i) lbs., $L'25. Model Stables, 5th and Fiavissls FOR rtAlji 3000 lb. team in good working condition, $225; yearling colt, trotting stock, $50; heavy wagon, harness and farm tools reasonable; 1 express wagon. $30. Call East 25th nnd Sandy road. ONE- horse, buggy and harness. $5i; span of mules, weight 1050 apiece. $85; pair mareB. 1400 and 1500. and harness, $175, 8 years old; buggiea. wagons and harness, all kinds, for sale. 546 Front. huH Horses ana venlcles. dogs and household pets and poultry, read the ads under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums in these classifications! FOR SALE Cheap. nrivmg mares, one 9fiR Mississippi ave. 2 fine saddle or 950 and 1100 lbs. LIVESTOCK LAliliK, fresh Jersey, big milk flow; registered Guernsey cattle. 169 4 Division st. 5 OA I.S. Jersey Durham, fresh soon , joung fresh cow and calf. 751 E. A s h . FOR KAEE l-'tne family cow, 3 years old. thoroughbred Jersey;- 12 jts. ES.'lu f4th ave. S. E, Marshall 1:595. FIVE Irei-ti cows; will .eli or trade for beef cattle. 95T, Mississippi ave. a I.I. i: Hruci tKEDS of da'.rv cows. I nion Stock Vanls Terms I'Ol'LTRY AM) rnacoNs :i- TII iRoUOHURED White Leghorn and Rhode Island Red chickens, 2 mos. old. Call Sell. 162. OI'.EOON Agricultural college White Leghorn hens. $1 each. Talror 24T.4. IHMiS, RIKDS, l'ETS, KTC. 40 FOR salp or rier; good broke. East trade, registered bull ter w a tch dog and house 3834. PERSIAN cats stock, cheap. anil kittens, registered Phone W'oodlawn L'JTfi. FI NE I horoiighbred months old, cheap male pointer, 4 940 E. Hoyt s RAMUITS for sale or trade. 675 lis ave El I R 1 S P. V .'iter Moose. spaniel pups for Multnomah. Or. .sale A I I OMORII.KS-ACCKSSOIUKS 44 C A R .a U K a $30 and up P o r t .-. b 1 e bouses, cnlck- en houses, woods heds, etc. Y. I 1 I -made Con Uructior. Co, Main 1167 nnd evenings 644 Hood Wood law n Kt. Sunday 3615. EVER READY ton truck; atiac.im't. $3C0; truck C O 111 p 1 e t I $775. iVIanul' . in Portland. T 11 A V 1 . R - S I i A V E K - G U L L E V MACHINE CO 193 Water s t Phone Kan. .437 uUl'HI.t Head. p..r.eiure proof tires niad from vcur old ones. Bring them in Oregon V ulcaiiiiing Co., Wash at ISth. Burntide at Broadway I S3" MurnsMe. ' Russell St. Garage. Storage $4 per month; expert repair ing; supplies Russell St. and Van couver ave. East 2123. LET Us Stive Guaran eed SDrlngs. C o r. Your Spring i.ouuie. wabniNu Toim CARRiaOI 1 ' I u 1-ta 1 - . AUTO r.iont J'.- i vi BUICK roadster tor sale. $150. Call at The Pa Tel. At Tel. Co. gi-age. 7th. East Pine st.. Sunday from o a. in to 5 p. m. or any night next wee after 5 p. m. NO-GLARE AUTO LENS ED BRUNS st.. cor. Ash. CO., Broadw av 43', 1st 954 FORI; 5 pass., best of condition, good tires, extra tube, tools, jack, etc. $to extra equipment. $26o cash; no tinles 415 Hawthorne ave Bargain R pass.. 40 h p., newly painted, tires, A-l mechanical condition, cash. Woodlawn 4 51. new $350 lyj-, 5 PASS. Fold, $300; 1912 i pass. Velle, $300; Ford bodies cheap. Sie gelman Motor Car Co.. 188 loth. opp. public library. Marshall 232. WE WRECK AUTOS. Parts for most all makes of cars. Engines, t rasmissions. etc.. Oregon Auto Ex.. 1-9 Lownsdale. Main 1161. FOR SALE 1916 , passenger b cyl inder car. Run 50011 miles. Excel lent tondition. Owner leaving city 7,-3 6. Journal. FORD roadster, fine condition, new body, top. windshield and lamps. 593 Karl st. Sellwood 3n9. MICHIGAN 1- i e A-l shape. Call ;ass.. P.! 13, Main 6S13. 3o b. $400. M West FOR SA LE T wo new V. 5! chain tread tires. One 30x3. $12.50. One 30x3. $9. Mi. Phone East 69H7. OVERLAND 1914 delivery, A-l condi tion, electric lights, $275. Maxwell ron d ster. S9Q. f.OO Burnside st. FOR SALE cheap, practically new body for runabout Ford. Call nt In dependent Cracker Factory. Hi 17. FORD just overhauled, 4 new tires; snap: going east. Qulney's Garage, 501 Rnrrsi.le. HUP. $175. 20. Bug. East 3 5': good running E Mor. order. !on. L TON cheap. St udebaker Wood la wr delivery 3733. truck. AUTO hue E. 3 2d st seats for sale cheap. 149 5 ASS. REO. A-l condition, ice st. East 584 1. $175. 264 J95 1 9 1 4 Ford, 1st class shape, tral Garage, 2nd and Main. Cen- HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. I AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 (Continued) TOUR CHANCE To buy a 1913 Cadillac, In ab solutely A-l shape, electric starter, good tires, for $800 on terms; will take in your car or trade for good mortgage, or what have you? Z-768, Journal. Stoddard Dayton. 5 pass $ 200 ole, 4 pass., elec. lights -io Overland roadster, electric and starter 3io Mitchell 6. late model. loio Also several others: terms given. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVER CO, E. 1st st. and L. Morrison R-1216. E. 7272. FOR USED CARS See big stock at Covey Motor Car Co. Main 6244. 21st and Washington. Mfg. & Repairs. 300u i;uami.i a .a'S in stock, prices reduced. 34 N. 15th st. FORD, latest design; can t tell it from new one; tires new, best hill climb er. See car week days at filling sta tion. 11th and Division sts. THE Siegelman Motor Car Co. are now in their new location at 18S 10th St., opp. the public library. Phone Marshall 23 2. AUTOMOBILES painted: nood worn. reasonable prices. A. Seghers. old car riage painter. Come and see me. 511 North 21st st. POWERFUL Buick chassis, good tiras, make good truck or bug; $1 i;n. $75 down. 186 loth st.,opp. Library. 5 PASS. Buick in Al condition at a bargain. Marshall 499. FOR SALE o r terms; - Ltglit delivery cai : A-l condition. 130 N. cash 1 9th. AUTOS KOR HIKE MAXWELL 1916 model, careful and experienced driver, leasonable rates Tabor 76. OOiKJE auto service, mica; rate Dy day; trips to highway. Main .1581. Pel l wood 1124. Al To lor hire, trips to highway ui anywhere, rales reasonable. VVdln 2327. Al TO for hire, new car and old driver Woodlawn 3471. PASS. Cadillac Columbia hlghwav trips $10 or $2 per hour. East 1672. AHOMOBIMOS WANTED 78 WA.N Ihli Light touring car; w ill give 1912 Stuilebaker, i-orne cash and some collateral. Apply at 1153 E Salmon, cor. 39th, evenings after 7. LOT to trade for 309 E. Washing used Ford, call at on st. see night fore- man. Phone Tabor ." 6 93. WANTED Bug or second hand auto mobile suitable to remodel. Mar 2594 or T-48, Journal. t) tto.vi bungalow, z lots, unincum bered, for good auto. l'hone owner East 4551. after 5 o'clock. W ANTED Auto, Ford pieferre.;, good piano lo trade. 4sj E f.Oth N. WILL trade clear lot for good Ford. Phone Marshall 3694. MOTOR! Vt LKS-HK Y' LKS .V WANTED Good motorcycle; have 10 acres Worth $500; mtg. $225. P-5 Journal. CASH any for motorcycles and bicycles, condition. Miocker. 376 Taylor, LAUNCHES AM) HOATS 64 E EV IN RUDE canoe motors, 1J12 mod el. 2 H. P.. battery ai d coll. Former pries $i3.40. Closing out this model a $48. $16 down, balance monthly. Evln rude Motor Co.. 211 Morrison. ROOM painted houseboat, furnished, newly In good shape. Main 927 T. DANIELSON Boat Snop. Nebraska Ruildina. repairs, best work, low price 21 FT. LAUNCH, Tabor 466. 6 H. 1'. motor, $12; LV IN RUDE tion. $40. motor 2 East 90 H. P., A-l condl- I'lANOS, OltOANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS i4 CASH paid for TALK) NO MACHINES and RECORDS. Mam 44io. 12! 1st. near Alder. A. B. CHASE piano, $200. very easy terms, guaranteed. Apply 2j Z.lor- ri:on st. MIST sell Weber piayer piano, like new; make offer. Ask for Mrs. Russ 151 4th st. LADY having no more use for W'eber player piano will sacritice. Inspec tion invited. 2&5 Morrison st. $40 buys $120 talking machine and rec ords, very choice. Schwan Piano Co , 111 4th st. NICE, sweet-toned Steinway upright piano. Sell low if taken this week. See Mr. Foss 151 4th st. J3a buys $250 Pianola player togelhei with music rolls at Security Stoi age Co., 109 4th st BEAUTIFUL 88-note piano player, $225: pay $7 per month. Graves, 151 4th st. FOR SALE A beautiful high grade violin. 1089 E. 11th st, N., Alberta car. DOLL & SON'S player piano. $295; was $700. Pay $1 per week. Free rolls and bench. 151 4th Ft. WEBER player piano, $265, easy terms, rolls and bench. 285 Morri son St. STEINWAY Piano. $225; easy terms. Ask for Miss Hathaway. 2S5 Mor rison st. GOOD $10. Liso 391 hornless talking machine. E. Morrison RENT piano $1 per month and up. Piano players $3 and up. 151 4th st. PiANO rents $2 and Co.. 151 4th st. up. Graves Music PLAYER-PIANO $165. month. 2; Morrison Pay st. ij per PIANO rents $1 monthly; player rents $4 monthly. Graves, 151 4th st. $115 cash buys $460 Hardman upright. Pecurity Storee Co. 1"9 4th st. $185 HARDMAN piano, beautiful tone, easy terms." 285 Morrison st. $25 cash closes out tischer old model piano Security Storage Co.. 109 4th KIMBALL piano. $195; $1 ner week. "151 4th fine st. tone; pay $90 VIOLIN taken for debt; for $20. Phone Main 9323. will sell (Copyright, 1918. by J. Eeeley. By S4 BEFORE purchasing see our Special in Used Piano Bargains. New pianos mod'aicly priced. D(S)VC BOTH. AHD STAKffC STS. LRN1SHED 2 room apartments, fro gas, telephone and bath; also well ventilated cool sleeping rooms; low summer rates. At 413 Washington St., corner of 11th. UPRIGHT piano, also several music cabinets;- can be used for lctroia or phonograph records; some other fur niture. We are moving from apart ments. U61 d, corner Madtson. FARRAND Cecil lan 88-note player pi ano, metal action, $3i5, terms, origi nal cost new $775; rolls, bench. Graves. 151 4th st. WANTED Bb. cornet, trumpet model; give price and description in first letter; must be cheap. Address Wal dorf Barber Shot. Astoria. Or. STKOER 88-note mah. player piano. 1916 model, bench, 58 rolls or iinest music; price 3y. Apply .83 otoi rison st. , $5 down, $1.25 weekly, without inter est buiB J325 191b model piano lor $245- total saving $145.28. Schwaii PianS Co., Ill 4th st. at Wash. $5 DOWN. $1.25 weekly, without in terest, buys $326 1916 model piano for $245; total saving $145.28. jSchwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th St., at Washington. GOING NORTH. Will sell neautltu. Grafonola with lot of records al tne highest bid by the twentieth. 324 E. 9 til St. FREE use of piano ui piayer piano for 2Vj years, see display advertise ment Schwan Tlano Co., or call 111 4th st. . ;.c mom uiy stores your piano or will sell at your price or buy it for casit. Call Main 5323. Security Storage Co. low 4th st. UEAUTIFU1, toi.ed it; in baby grand piano, storage dept. 151 J25o takes 4tr.st. CHICKER1NG piano. $110 pay $1 per week. Ap ply 151 4th at. l.. iasii secures small upright piano. Se. urity Storage Co.. 109 4th St. TYPEWRITERS V 4 NEW REMINGTON rental plan, with manufacturers' guarantee and icntals applying lo purchase. Visible models J.3 per month. $7.50 for 3 months, other ijiodela less. Remington Typewriter Company. 86 Broadway. Telephone Bi'oadwiiv 621. W 10 save you from 60 to 75' r on all makes of typowriters. Send for our illustrated folder; rental department, S HOI.ESAI.E TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington St. NOT a cent down, 5 days free trial, $100 tvpewrfter. Direct from tuctory to vim. $3 per month If kept, inves tigate P. O. zox 719. FOR SAl.io Underwood typewriter. good as new, cheap for cash. G-48, Jo urn :il. CoRoNA portable folding typewriters. Main 2285. E. W. Pease Co.. agents, lio fiih st. - NEW, le'Viilt, rates. PDi band, . '2 Ml rentals, cut t.rirk M H"7 HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE FOR SALE 1 Monarch range, 1 heat er. 1 kitchen cabinet. t-ewir,g ma chine, piano and various other articles. 280 Larrabee st.,after6o'clni-k. FURnTTUUE of 7 room house com plete, in good shape, reasonable. 3J0 Hall st. FURNITURE" of 048 Tibbets st. 6 p. m. evenings. 5 room bungalow ut Call Sunday or after NEW furniture; latest Steinway unincumnered Rose City lot, f 1 c e. Leav ing city. 66$ E. fall. FURNITURE of a room tiouse. piano; st. coin- Idete, in pood shape; .",2 41 66th st. S. E. Tabor reasonable. 3350. FURNITURE of a 6 room house, ex cellent condition, $150, also $5o0 piano, $125 389 Ross st.. near Rway. OR SALE MISCELNEOUS IO MACHINES of all makes sold for less. No agents employed. Machine rent ed. $2 per month. Ar3626, Main i43I. Sewing Ma chine Emporium. 190 3d hlectric Motors Bought, sold, rented and re paired. Walker Electric Works, 41J Burnside. cor 10th. Broadway or --74 "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS", "Type writers" and "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. LOOK THEM OVER. $10 Ten L'rophead sewing machines with attachments, good condition. Sewing machines rented $2 per mon.h. E 2359, B-3307. E. it. Steen, 152 Grand ave. near Belmont. REFRIGERATORS. Closing out stock of Wickes patent refrigerators at f. o. b. factory prices; no dealers' profit. On display at the Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co . 46 v5t!i. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classif cations. A larye listing can be found under these different classifications. FOR SALE, cheap, only cut 50 cords, 2165. pr Tabor 7 7. gasoline drag saw. almost ne,w. Tabor FOR SALE Crescent woodwording machine, 5 H. P.. General Electric m o tor. 594 Harney. HORNLESS talking machine, includ ing 12 selections and carrying case. $7.50. 128 1st, near Alder. NEW 8-16 Mogol gas tractor, only plowed !50 acres; will sell cheap. L. H. Clausen Goldendale. Wash. FOR SALE Fruit jars and jelly class es.. Call Marshall 3068. 95 .N lath street. MACHINERY bought, sold, repaired and exchanged. Northwest Lead & Mach. Co.. 3 11 F ront st. Main 4,492. FOR SALE W"ebster's large. un abridged dictionary with stand lor same. P-41. Journal. FOR SALE A good baby buggy, cost $25. For quick sale, $6. Phone Woodlawn 4217. 25 DIAMOND ring for $16. st. S. E. Foster Road. 3929 SELLING out all kinds ladies' second hand clothes, also fancy dresses. l9 N. loth st. Electric Fans bought, solo, exchanged; repairing. Room 315 326 Wash. st. grrangeaiect with Essanay Co.) PIANOS, ORGANS AND 5IUSICAL INSXRUaiENTS C Continued ) FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 (ContlBaa) . . FOR SALE Brand new carom and pocket billiard tables with complete outfit. $125; second hand tables at I educed prices; bowling" allev and hll liard supplies, easy payments. Cigar ptore, drugs, delicatessen and soda fountain fixtures THE BRUNSWICK. B A LKE-COL LENDER CO.. 46-48 6th. W AYNE gasoline pumps and oil stor age tanits. E. 11. Kueppell, Agt., 194 1st. Main 1221. SWAP COLUMN 2 POOL tables complete, 1 wall case, 1 cigar case, ice box. 10 Ci.aira to sell cheap for cash or trade toe auto mobile. 81$ Union ave., N. GOOD rubber : iretl buggy Box 223. R. for eow. 2, Hills- Digs, anvthiiip. dale. Or. $35 GOLU watch, uouoie esi chain, I. O. O !' emblerm for 4 cords wn.ni Tabor 5826. FOR what you have to trade we will give you turnlture, stoves, etc. Main 7545. PIANO tuning for anything useful; furnished. Webster, references Tabor 5716. HORNLESS phonograph, $12.50; easy terms or trade. Webster, Tabor 5716. TRUNK Porter. to trade box 133, lor chickens. Lents, Or. Vv. P. GOOD little business proposition, $250; will swap. Marshall 239. GOOD piano to cows. louO K. trade lor Taylor st. horses or MOTORCYCLE to trade for horsea or buggies. Iu29 E. Yamhill st. UlAMUMJ for woman s tailoring East 1987. LLKAUloTs" Journal. lor small auto. B-67, WANTED Al5i..JiLLA-Ms,0.t 51 WE PAY casn tor vul ucd luiuna.e. carpels, ranges, sic. Gevurtz Furniture Co., Inc. m-187 First SL. near yamhill Marshall. i. WE pay ingiieoL piuo Lr aecond baud turnaure, stoves ana ranges, iuui,l have the goods. BROWN FUItNITURE CO.. o40 N. Union. Phone East 77S3. WE REPA Ik your wsuu io.- , 6o matter bow baoiy broasu. iiln- Uu ad. Howard Jweiry Co vvaab- ItlgtOD. PHONE East alw waeu you nui to sail your furniture. We corn at oncu and pay you the cash. M. R Sealer. 2b Grand ave.. south of Hawthorns. WAM'tP Second nana lurunur. ranges ana imivoi. Best prices paid Morgan Furn.turs co. kk h, Morrison fet. Phone East 2238. WAN1EU iM pevlpid ot A'oruaiid lo know 1 pay the nighe' cahu (..icea for nousehoid soods. msip'. atie. tloa. East H'lul. N. M. aeaur. 143 KuweU st. 1 WILL pa casn lor your piano, piay er. uprigiit, grand or awuaiu. Ho to phones, 14ii. or call on J. j. Foster. 151 4th St. NOTICE TO MOVERS. Wanted stoves, lookers, dreasers. rugs, couches, chairs, taoles, etc Wa pay the price. N W. bur. Ex. K. 63. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND H A N D HOUSEHOLD! GOODS. I'HUNK MAIN 3332. A-2567. v AN 1 Sinrfil sets books to keep evenings, cnarges reasonable. Tabor ;o:'8. HIGHEST price paid lor 2d ifanu lui- llllUIf. .-UOe, I'o.jillj,. In.14,112 Furniture Stoic, 207 Is;. Mar 58.". WANTEl) jo io i0 gallons ricn, clean milk daily from lesu-J cows, close to city. T-43. Journal. WANTED All kinds of talking ma chine records: also player piano music. Main 4495. HiiHEST prices paid lor ladies' and gent's second nand clothes. Broad way 3932. bbC'OMJ hand clothing uuyer. jneyer, the laiKir, pays 5 up for suits; anoes bought. Mars'iai; 1229 229 Madison WANT all kinds showcases, cash reg isters, scales, etc. 128 1st, near Al der. Main 4495. CASH tor eld gold, silver, piatinuiu and high grade ore. H. M. Pickering, mrfg. Jeweler. 218 Oregonlan bids;. WANTED A Phone Main hand 5491. wheel cultivator. PAYS lng. highest price lor 2d hand cioth tools. etc. 273 Front Main 4802. WANTED Stove or range, furniture. Main 4495. also sumo LASH paid tor nlture Ford good seconu-nano fur Auction Co.. 191 2d st HAIR combings bought. Maurine Beauty Shop, 203 Royal bldg. LOST AM) FOUND HI LOST Large black leather purse on west aide local. Fourth st.. Southern Pacific electric train. Return to 309 Jackson st. and receive reward, or phone Marshall 575. LOST Pocketbook containing $60 and 2 railroad passes; liberal reward. Return to North Bank ticket office, or phone Broadway 92o. house 94. FOUND on Saturday, a purse contain ing some money. Owner can have the same by applying at 1028 E. 10th st. N. and by paying for this ad. DIAMOND brooch lost Friday night at Straid theatre, or between 2isi. and Thurman- sts. and 5th and VVasning ton. Reward. T-49, Journal. LOST A oistrict. diamond ring Phone Main In 177S businesr Apt. ;, LOST -night. Conversation tube Sunday Please pfrone C-3142. ll!,KSO.AL 1 GUARANTEE to relieve poison oak and eczema in 3 days, llil E. 29th N. Woodlawn 1045. DR. V. O. KETCH UM Women s mala dlea and acute diseases of men. Wash hid.. 4th I'd Wash. Km. 441 Ma,- 44x" DR. ETHEL A. SACRY. seuse and chiropodist, bldg. Main 9068. expert mas 5u6 Panama HAVE your hair permanently waved Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum. Marshall 1702 SCIENTIFIC treatment for disease of scalp. 163 Park St.. room 8 BALM of Ktgs remedy for diseases of women. 604 Davis nt. Main 2393 SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price, cir cles Tues. 2 p. m; Wed.. Sun. 8 p m Reading daily 292 Clav st Mar S9IS0' Lawyer x?S Consultation free. Mali. 612 Selling bldg. MAY IRVIN. facial ana scalp treat ments. 291 V4 Morrison, room 30. 22 WHT pay big prices for glasses Y 1 can fit your yes with first quality lenses In a gold tilled frame as low as il.oC. Chas. W. Goodman. ptometr!. 20 Mo.-riton. Main 2114. ifca v ifi'. ot ilAjvuaol, leadiug wig and touo makers; finest stoeic hu man hair goods , bairdressmg, manicur ing, face and scalp treatment, mrob In gs to order. 147 Broadway. Main 64. ORjEGON lii.ttNiA IN a ITT U IE. Rupture treated mechanically; adults, children. Trusses to Lull your case. Johnston & U in oat gar, rupture spe cialists 411 Allskv oldg. Main 3784 'A'AKAKA Hair i'otitc, an antiseptic c2p cleanser, hair beautlfier and dandruff remover; price 60e bottl. For sale by Portland Hotel Phannac y PUft l una exptubive corn remedies when you can get the sure thing "Removes It" luc plasters at the Cleni nson Drug Co . 200 Morrison St. KESlDENliAL titsaimeius. hair dress, manicuring, etc. Experienced work Maurine Beauty Parlors, Koyal Lid. Marshall 6114 NEW lite in electric and vibratory treatments. Facial, scalp aiid mani curing. 4 I V-2II Northwestern Bank bldg. NtW l.Ia iu eioclric and vioratory treatments. Facial, scalp and mani curing. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg. NOTICES 'J (I SKAI.KH tililx fur elr. trUiii anil pluuitilng up plieH for S. li.n.l liUtrW t No. 1, Multnomah Count, Oieg.,11, lor m'IuhiI jear 1U11P1917, lll Ur rei-elve.1 al I lie office uf K. 11. IHiouias, ScLiiol Clerk, 4iil ( .iin ili.Hifce. uulll 12 in.. July 20. hiHi. and will n. opciied al a ineel -iuk ol t lie lK.iii.1 ui llli ei tors, to lie held In room i"4. i o .it I !ioum ut i p. in., on tlie B4.LUU irate. Spei li I. -allium iuhj lie obtained hi the of f ii e ef l he niidcrincU Certified clic. W lor .'. of the amount of the bid. imjul.l:' lo It. II. TbiMiinK, School Clerk, iniist a. coiupHii) euch i.rop.oal he ll..nl of lnrectors renerve Hie i liil loeJ..- any anil all bid or to divhie l tie annrd i! II THOMA. S.;i.h.1 ( lerk. Hated July 17. lulu. M.Al.h.ll IUP.S lur palnlr. una hihI ir DlkU for manual trainli:t- for school Ji trlct No. 1. Multnoiuuh i-o.inty. Ore tfou. Jpf"! ei ,-d h I tbe a nod year 1M10 I'.Mi, will he re the office of U. H. lteuuaK, m-luxil clerk, 4oi courtboiifce, Portland, nr.. until 12 noon. July 20, HH 6, and will lie opened al a uieelini; of tbe board ot director to be lipid lu 304 courthouse, at 4 p. m., July 20, 1 n I o. hpeeificuliolia may be cbtalued al the offl. of tbe undersigned. A certified check, pay bl toK. II. Th'jaiaa, aohool clerk. lor ;. or tbe a moil n I ol the u.d, muat aceouipuny each propoaal. J he board of director reaei tbe right to reject any and all hliln, or lo dlTldc the award. ii. B. THOMAS, July 15. 191H, Behind Clerk SKALKli btda for aewlDg auopliea for bdiov.1 diatrlct No. 1, MmltuouiMb county, llreg for the cbKd year lU'.d-l17, will be eelved at tbe office of U 11. Tbnnia. .!ii-d clerk 401 courlhnuae, I'ortluud, (Jr.. uulll 1. m., July 20. 1U1U. ami will be opened al i nieetlnif ot the board to be held lu room .".0 courihoude, at 4 p. m., July 2o, 1016. Speclfl cutlona may be obtained ut the office of llu UDdernigneil. A ertilled check pHjable to It H. Thoinaa. school clerk, for b of tbe amount of Ibe bid, uiuat accompany each propositi. The board of directors reserrea the right lo reject any and all blda or to divide tbe award. July I.' una. It. il. THOMAS. Clerk. SKA!. I'D bli for manual training lumber lor Fchool year 19ia-lt'i7. will lie received a I the office ol K. U. 'Ibouias, school clerk, 4d .ourthouse. Portland, Or., uulil 12 M .. July 11110. and will be ooened at a meetlui; of Ik. aril of directors lo be held Id room ;iol .ourthouae at 4 p. u'-. July 2o, 1916. Specifi cations may be obt allied at the office of Ibe underaigtied. A certified check, payable to R. n. Thorn, school clerk, for rc;e of the amount of the 1. 1. 1 must accompany each proposal. Tbe tHmnl if directors repcrtea the right to reject auy and ail IiIiIk or to divide the award. Jul li, 1U1B. It- 11. THOMAS. School I'lerk. bEAI.ED bid for doinestii trie tire aupplle for acho, district No. 1, Multnomah r..unt.r (.repon. for 1 tie school year UK! 1WI7. will Im nieived at the office jf It. 11. Tjumiii. a.'lil clerk, 401 courthouse, Portland, Or., until 12 noon, July 2o, aud will be opened al a netting of the board of director, lu he h.ld a. 4 P- in., aauie date, in room 304 eourttiniipe Specification may b? obtained at the office ol tbe undersigned. A certified check for t'7 of tbe amount of the bid, payable to II. II. Ttuinaa, school clerk, muat accompany each proposal. The board of directors reserve, the light to rejeit sny snd all blda or to divide the award. II. 11. TUOMAS, School Clerk. July 14. 191H. SEALED proposals will Im- opened by the lighthouse Inspector, Portland, dr., at 2 o'clock p. m.. August 1. 19111, fVir the fule by the lighthouse service of 20O0 kemseije cants (each contnlnhie two S gallon cans), deltvered at Tongue Point lighthouse deiol. Astoria, fir. Information upon appllcaUou to aN.ve tiffice. NOTICE 1 have severed mv rclatlun with I.I') man & Iteusrd and Kutts 4 McCauly. My employment business now la at 11 N. 2d st. TiiOS. BUTTS. Phone Broadwav 3S; A-ll.V.. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCORDION PLEATING AttoKLllllN. K.Nls'h. HKalSHTCHINU, BOLES, BUTTON'S NOVKLTY M Eli. CO.. AMI UDX ILMIIM,. BRAIDING; Bb'TTON COVEKKU. EASTERN Hbi, 51 II B WA Y 2H'H K BTEl'UAN llemslllchlug, a. coullou. iue aod aunburHt pleating; buHoua cover, -d; gi.iN ponged M slloi.lng. I'lttoelr hlk lfi' "H AOATT CUTTERS Mt-li Jh.Wtl.bltU. lllsuiouds bougn nil S4,.j h vi t: W'sleh repalr'g. Miller :i4:t'. w . AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS I'. E. a.SUblMillAl'K Inipleiueuls. vee:, e -iU general farm suyplles. 'iMi E. Morrlsju. I'orlland. ANALYTICAL Ol I.i. B. 11 I -IIAI. t, CHEMIST AND ASSA YEK in (.ouch ding i ob at. BLAtWK BOOK MAKERS hills Lloi.alA.N. int.. low .u st. 1.1-4.M book njanufaeiurers. agents for Jonea Im proved Loose Lesf Ledgers. Sea lbs new a7u reka Leaf. A-H1K3. Main IK3. BRASS FOUNDRY '1 11 K l-Oini.ANb Brasa Kt nudry llr. bnpnie. copper, (irruitn silver and aluminum msffngs. East 114. 21K) In Ion sve. CABINET WCR3 CABl.NhTl WORK. lurniiure 0. Jonea Jr.. 62 Zld t. repsirlng. Horse Ms In 332. CARPET CLEANINO Iroui old rg nigs, cleaning. car pv i -t a roe! North H I2 west Hog Co.. IM K th st K. S.vo JOHfc UllOS. tleclr.c llesulug VvorSvlar net cleaned and laid; refitting our spaelsltf FaM 440. H-l!:i 204 E. 19tb at. N. EM Nhl LA K pet weaving aug Vsors Kag IMS Patten ave rug and car Wdlu 2SS5 CHIROPRACTORS BKfb'LTH do my advertlsliig- IS treaimenta tlO. Dr. C. 8. Tlgard, !"Ott Nortnwe.t bldg.. 6th and Wsshlncton. PERSOXALS (Con tins ad) Charlie Should CHIROPRACTORS l)H. MtMAHu.s i unmi i.h. umun i.ui. SI tretm.i,t. u-t worth :.n alir.tlnl jew office 20S-2I2 liclr t.Mt.. 4th and with. Owing in ai, ant rurrlns ne.- with may ..-. llf.l Dt:rllV cn ilnrlnc th nt een tur, uitUnil, r hvi. rttnti l'Mied u ihlr..kii uv) K. wHuituriuiu wln'ir il-of-lowti putlenm n,,j remulu ir.nrh t" tUrlr til Bt t ui...l reiiuihl rule. wlilU tnkln tntluieril Ieium . u tipll. on. ') Hw thnrne . NKR III SNl.t,.- - liie.,., r wiiineu mill rtill dren cm-oil. ir. M,'tri't llaviile. ll.eui.Mil erlroT'tir lij ian. s.land bldg. No fkf Ulii in 17.-, ?ir NI vimou NAIHina:. i-i i.i . ii -1. sTao7i Slab wood 13.1.. o.r.1 dellu-red; .Irr liloea ao4 alabwiod avrpd $.i.5o .-,1; K,) f.If wrark V $3. A-l dry ftr. I f. t nr . ,.-. M.KII l-AK'l. .irv ur RWUnmt. soft Vlr , Mm v i. IT I, l IV .mnI. M h I ii ;no. r0NTR ACTORS AMD BUII.riF.B8 I'SUAll III OL.4k, VJi,eil l.ulillu lock '..idc D03 AND CAT HOflPITAI. I'h . II nil lloaultal 4j r II VI AN ;u. t. I p. me v- v. i r. ii i . A II I a mc chpiied a-ad II llW btll-.l-.l la. I Is 17 EDUCATTONAI. PANCINO I.M II I I 4 it ;. .,. , '.. .. A ml.-iii.v . i.'i V fvlh mi . liet. la-k an. I i.Mk lenMina 12. nn.i ii i iiji lateM i)ai-rea i: u -: h 1 1 1 special rate. 4 iirttat afOMiioon, etenle?: ail e.l . 't Thtiraila)' limn v.- vi"i , iiu-c 7 :io kilt anil Mi lliclh t'laa Pr I. In v eve . t n c t . i unit si t 4 lll-n:. .11 T 21110 I .cn.ona dallr I l . I.rl iv een Waah- na '.' ..' 1.ln M.;iri MUSIC SCHOOLS AMI TEACHERS IIAI, 1 l.vil. ,,,, ii,.,,, ,:, coutllneil. Tree nnll.-i r. Pyatem." f.o 2 I.W.H I. !g K 'I II I I I.IIiill S i.,lln i. ... ?Q7 I- II-.I...-I 1.1,1b a 41.-1 riiiiK. i i;. i.iwmiv i i, Mini, Pay l ell in. "t tirlateuaaii r; puiili Sett-Ik Mnmliall I tl'O li-aons yi.ur lii.tne no.- I one I iiIm.i '.'I'.'IO NOSE. THROAT idle i h i , ! n . EYE EAR fepeClHll-l. M.NI.-i K F. I ae Uv 1 1 1 'i.i V 1 1.. I -, I. I.i . f IRF 1NSUKAM 1 Al l Ml S I A I I onlr llri'Mi fi.-.- Kl. lv.-. FLUFF RU68 Anil PA Send Us Your Old i res IF irn from A 1 . 1. i hit i it I ii . Snvnm . m , M ii 1 ! fti d proiiipt S-n.l f..r l.H-klMt 111 I. t H , i'km ir.ui n h::. w i: it.i; I V M l n..n Ao I'h o II KN A('t8 Bcynton uinaces J ('. Iln) rr i n.. Front Kmnnil( inl Miirlr1 fI. ef fi c) it n I . HATS ( I.FANFI) HI FACHED Larilen 7Sc. vt'ah Kent-' In,, IStinws, f. nr III, v.1- iiiii... i,,iir i lcio,i... tilarlieil. llu roc 1 aufuiici'a. 2K3 I 4 i .1,1 ri,..n.. M row LEATHER AND SHOE HNDIN08 111 111 ill'r. 1.VIAN ll.AIIII.il ID Oldem and "I.- .'in, A ,M n n .i I lot I le I:' t. AUI'litR "M. hi arc Everett I hor To MATTKE8SE8 Ol.ll ill 1 1 1 c -s and frame! l.e.U sanitary feltllng to in a : fciiibi-i' F. l.lioi! M '..'a wnimnm i; niu.te into NON INTOXICATLiO BEVERAGES V KN I II A 111' H li. lden and A ii tier Neriar. Henry Wtdubard pi.tnl I. .lb Main "2. I'h-iie - aud llurii'ld A lift PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS 1 1 1 K l PiU.MS. H2 SIM, k l 111',. I j 1 1 1 1 N M . I Any 4oS MANN. A 4oMM. HOOF PAINT ,f I'.,! ,i . 1 1 i-i . k. M,,,1i ami i v it .VI I u Co. I ' .i 1 1. in, I office, Itlai k t nt It' K 111 l.v the I le -;.. I'itt.i. L i.i RUBBER SI AMPd "4ND SEALS AL.bO iSleo, Is, I'lU.le t le-. kn. IIihmr Sign. PACIl IC IIIAS1 M.dir MlUKM 1.11 W Hh 1 1 K I on Main 710 A 2110 SAFETY RAZORS HONED III slliilr. BAl Kl Y HOC pel ruxori doxi'il tint 1 pent .1 . 14.'. M, .id '.T Mill l.it risen SHEET MLIL WORKS UKI'Al IU Mi Hill ll -I i.i anil I'll. 'lie I , H , h M24. J 4 4.11 lm, 4. VI h 111 TRANSFER AN o HTORAOE Oregon I rausier Co, Estid. IWIied IN70. Trarmrrr ami I in v n re .ng Agents, bl-irae l ice li mi sage. Office nil,) sli.lage. 4H l.llsall at. inth and CiNioi Msi'i o'1 A 1 t ilftAlj I'll Ii li'.l. I I..M' inn l. Il.il. li ((MillS Sl'l.l I'.I.I.'.IS Moi age. Packing. Shipping and M.o.li.'. Il,,;c .1 Aulo Vau. ISpeilJ flelglit nil.-., lo all polnla. C. (1. I'll K Tit ANSI- Ell A slllllAliE CO. 2d and 1'ine llmadnav .".'."1 A IWHH. CLSUN Hill. TIIAN.M l-.lt era, p'l.Leis. sloiue. I 1 1. 1 uru.t UI e 1UOV r.repluof vvarehuust. 101b and lioj t sis. Muni il.. A 2217. MANUFACTURE.WS , JO B B E R SWM OLE S A LERSj DRY OO0E8 WHOLESALIt L. DinkelsDicI Co, X:: PAINT, OIL Ic OLAS8 11 AS.VI I .IM'. N I), eon "Jllgll 4.tMllllUI'd' ,d ii y lor M 1771 paint. A -ll'il 1 M a PLUMB1NO SUPPLIES I'LlAlllIM ImvN I o blipl'llf. 212 :id v. h, I. -..lu Mulll pi 1,1TB. 7!7. SANITARY WIPING RAGS L. SHANK CO. ,2 I HON 1 Btl. ini; .main uwm rii WATER 6UPPLY SYHTEWS hKVNANi.b WAll.ll nlMEkih l ,.i,.er Agt-nl. 103 W I'nrk at WOOD PIPE full II. Nt' w nil of flee nesr 21th I fi. i 1 ork -raciorv aud Main ncrosMATios conroa. If you want the name f a rellabl business liouae oeauiiK in any line of mei ciianv .ac. or Inioi inailou resard lilt; 1 cool lb I.Oicl. lU.lrouds, tltHID' li p lines, etc.. addict., U1e4.n1 joui. i,ii 1 11 .0 11. a 1 1011 11 j ivau. Informs lion deaiied. Name Address. . . . Be Proud of the Runt