- w, THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1916. 12 M e (Conuaaadi yUKNIHHEL) looms for young men III all parts of the city, alo In . M. C A. bldg.. especially desirable during the summer: fireproof, telephone In each reoin. thower baths, $1.76 to $4.75 per week. Including full association mem bership privileges, lyrananlum, swlm mlng pool, handball court, and many other club privilege. Full Information at Y. M. C. A. buinti office or tele phone Main 7067,. A-6ul. THE GARLAND XU Modern brick, outside rooms; rrnpec 1able; hot water. 25 Trinity hi., cor. "WaKhlr.gUjn. bet. lh and :0th. ' " i'H f.N CK8 'l IOT KU tj. .,,,1 mid water. clean, any .win, CI Waier, clean, on .v-.-.... with private phone. mncny building. pest location uii ;, , Call and ee lis ten and Wright Phone r.ast i i. mutineer. PALACE HOTLL. ' 12th ahd Washington ts.. Close In. fireproof, modern, light, airy nl!fi; rooms: rate $3.60 per week up. PHfiVK MARSHALL r.040 tl.&U W KtK up. clean. '" fur rm . retilral Th Kin muei a :t'.- lef it i: -t Oak. Mod- $? week un em, fueprooi, i enpe. NICK, dean. or week, hotel. furnished rooms, 2tfl'i Aljrrisoii. Iv day Zorns UU-Ei.y furnished roi.tu, b pe. morim. Also or,., for i. Mr-. C K- Monroe. 9H 121 h. . HOTEL LA I ON KVr'o- ctd. mod. !-atera'es permanent guest. AKMIMl'H rooms, t- hotel, modern. ou iu week H'"4 Morrl?"i. PEIVATE VAMMiT front iom . l Clin 1 AK1K nn elv furnished 12 vvei k. Home pi 1 ileK (on. cor. 1 H 1 1 1 . NICELY tuiniflied ioom.. ronvrnlc in-es. central, very BM- 4ot ' I h v -JL!11' r11' IIIOUcl II reason - UOO.M.-- A.l hoahe, PBIVATE FAMIIiI ROOM and board $17..-,0 Sell wood for young men. A l.ei.i II'"'. ness girls urn m o I u l' lu it uc l a. idem ! 4 $' " :. wk HOLSLJvfcLlMNU 1MJOMS 8 rT7SMXSiA:i Ami) OJtruJiIbgED ONE room ki'.Ii kltcne-ette. conitlete ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phjne In every 7 t.locks troni 5ih and Morrison ata.. $12 up 231 Columbia st ith Kl'RNlHllEI' - room suite. P' week. Furnished 2 room suilc with aleeplng pon h. i'S per week. Tel. -vlur-shaii :oh. nr, Vj N. i::'h m. . tl vvtt-K up. mi. i. iv U. lauiidiy. baths. Fhone Woodlawn ISjI. 2U fitanton. ltOYt'KlOST. Ki I2lli- Afy vute lialh; alM single ll. l's- of Piano :-iiile. pti K. loom. 'i-uuu'i.' in, f Iv f uriils hud -liouseKeeioiirt rooms, l'rival.: enirance, porch. Iu2 K IKth; i i KMSIir.U iiousekeeprng looiub, single Jauhle. 2 room suites at the HtandiHh h"trl. " I s '-fr Wnsh Gem Apts.pi $1 week up. 4"1 1st ee bath, hot, cold water CLEAN 2 room apart riienis, cool piace, private park, close In Uroadway llOL .-l.ivi;i.l i.Mi hiAJ.tlS 7J rvaXSHD AND UfSCBNISHID FUVATIl rAUILT. TWII young men to rent large, well in . 2 bed. 2 closet, furnished i in . walking distalui lth st. re. i .suiiahle. 122 1 '. 2 OK 3 .Mi l.LV tuinit-lied II. K. looms with por h. 3iX E. 1'acific at. L'nion ave eats NICELY f u 1 1 1 1 s 1 1 e d Iioiihekeep.i i i:. 2i in and tt. N. Bleeping rooms. VMione East ;7X7. FUHMsllKli 2-.1 loom suites, running water, free phone ami hath. $1.0 week and up. is;! Holladay. '1WO room large front Milte. com plete, walking dist.. very reasonable. .24 Mofitgotnei ) . SINGLE fin iu i ms- li-it. $ 1 o mo I I 1 1 h st .. i hath., phone oi hler. ONE large, room. 4',r t ill n I s I ! e i , housekeeping Kan A.- rnr. Mb. CLF.ANI'.S'I . cheapest tl. K. rooms, 1st floor, private eiitras, e I L".t .lain. 1 UU lih.M llOee-Ls UNFUXNISBLO 12 BEA11T1F1 L fine yard uud walking il 1st ii in e, to gootl tenants, phone Main mn91 room cottage, with flowers, west side, will rent reasonable 329 Morgan bldg. or GOOD tenant wanted for my lin e home at Waverly Heights, niodcin. 11 room house with huge ya.nl. All kinds of fiuit, flow is and a c-irage. 8. H-ess. SI 5 Wootlward ave. Sell. 7fi.'i. $16- :. R( I i.M bungaiow, W averlv Heights. tiirnai e, f irepii'-o. patit-lpt dining room beam , eiling. lut, , klt- chen; modern. r-isor. ii Tihnet t s St. J'lione look: $; f..r 1294 Corbet t; room modern house. just linished Imting and painting. ('niton M a i a '3 0. 4 ROOM bungalow. $8, neat anu attrac tive, 1506 E. Ankeny st. Fred W. Ger. man Co. 732 Chum of Corn. 7 ROOM house. furnace, fireplace, walking distance 10S E. IStli St. Phone Fast 192 2. $20. EIGHT loom hm.si rent $23 Impjlre 410 t I Uroadway Broadway. FOR KENT- M oiler n hi ".2. I'ast 2 me. Latld add. Sellwood 1 FIVE rom house on I-:. Madison, very iheai. Tabor 2 2 6. GARAGE 44th st. a n d N. rm. n bnr bungalow. 4 177. b4i E tLliMITIth, lOU SALE y -K lKNr ADS. of furniture for Bale aro pub lished In the Household Goods classl flratiori when bouse I? not for rent. i i KMsHi i) norsKs ae BEAl'TIFl'L. modern. 6 largr clean room home; must he seen lo beap preclatetl. Tabor 47TK. Vol'Nti couple to rent well furn with use of kitchen, walking' tsnt e, good neighborhood f -j l tn. dt.- 16; I. SEVEN rm house for rent, furnished Anabel station. Call Tabor 3,'.,'!s. LEA VI by Sept., 1 rvlngton. s room Phone furnished E. 3646. house. CHARLIE CHAPLIN'S I... FUKN1SHK1) IUXttlS I --, I r-v i . M I ' . " i I I II r "V '1 A a- I aai V . I . . V 30 (Contlnneoi FOR KENT. Beautiful summer home, tent cot tages, 2 or 4 rooms, sleeping porch, shower bath, gas, telephone, overlook ing city, very reasonable. 620 Height. Terrace. COMPLETELY furn. i rm. bungalow. clean and homelike, nice lawn, ber ries and garden, good neighborhood near Richmond car. 542 Greenwood ave. Marshall 2795. 1 16. .10 6 ROOM house, nearly fur nished, fruit, lawn, flowers. Alberta car to 1013 E. 6th N. Phone vVood laun. 331. 'i NICELY furnished a room house, piano bath, cement basement," gas and electric lights; rent $18; 1 block from car. 797 MUh. ave. Wdln. 2248. MODbKiN home, turniaued throughout, 7 rms. and sleeping porch. Tabor 6550. TWO lots, all in garden, and furniture, 1 rm. house for rent. Tabor 55.".0. APARTMENTS 43 M R.MSHtl) A.M UXKUKNiSHKI) 6th and oiumMi sis. Five tnir.utes' walk to Mi er A Frank' store; good sutroun Jii.ks. strictly modern 2 and J room furnished apartments, ail outside, with b'rencb doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PKP.MANKNT OR TRANSIENT VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th anf Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. Reference FARM FOR PORT LA NT Hb'Slnr,.M E Have hi acres partly improve. 1. well located up Columbia highva, worth $i.'iU0. I ' nin'umliei -d. Will trade all or part for unliable I'ortland ie!)iden. A-Ih, Journal. ADARTf'!-Tf .f3.l TI( Th aKQ SuiklHS't ATA. I f rtUiiU L..ue of ijUMllly. ttjaifi'rt uud ervli-e AiAinaUiS I'AtitK Al ia. i'aik bi. at Madison. Modern 2, 3 and 4 room turn. shed apwri menti,. ciose 'n, by weea or :.ionlh. 20S 16T11 ST. Jiarshan 23H. Nice & room fur. and untui. upts. , alwp ; and 4 room fui a pis. l'LNKUljt. Al-Tti.. and Grand ave., .'! room t urnished. Walking distance. s. w . col. ti: new, ruoucrn, toeivice tnsL linoiil 2 and class. LLtUAM a room apuriinem w;ia sleping porch and an modern con veniences. Main 4124 or alter t p. m., A-1601. faAN iiAltCU, mceiy luruisueu or uu luin. mod J un. apis., private balti, $1 up. iinck hiUi;., walking u:s.t.u,ee, hcmeiike. E. th and Couch. East 190. L. l. .. , lv ia an i na.it. jiuu- ern ouctc Oldg.. i rooms, lut-mniivd, Mursnali 463 i. HEAI'TIFL'L apts., pleasant home lor Laud audition, youiiK coupie. mo'iern, everything luriiismd ;,tlu2. ii.-t lilt'. OlICrtlClLI, J.U UlOdUWj; 0. - 3 and 4 room l.:r. and unlui. apis., walking distance; at very isu.aUm rent, heat of se, vice Alain 2a0tl ilui loom apio , piivuic noiiti, bath, 51s. io per mo, mouem trick. Weatfall Apts . 410 aili ; waiKin dis tance. BALBOA APIS. Large, model 11 2 and 3 room fur. and unlui.., brick bblg., best service, walk ing d;s.. r asonaole. 429 Harrison st. 'I H E ORMO.njjE Modern Ironl 4 rooms, bab b landers. Nob hill. Main S251. FIRNISHE1) ate house. 4 room apartment, pri Hawthorne UisiriLt. la- hot 190. NoKOMIS. &t5 Marshall Modern 2 room fuinisiied, private bath, dress ing room and phone. $15 to $20. $3.50 PER wk. 2 and 3 room apts Pri vate bath. Harrison t'ourl. ath an1! Harrison sts. Walking distance. NEVv luruisueu $10 and $12. W oodlawn 612. apts.. eotieiete hloik, lK22 L'nion ave. N. PEN I Ns C LA AITS.. C-lliu. eon.reii bldg., 2 and 3 rooms, hot and cold water, baths, phone, steam heat W: up MAONOLIA Al'ls., E. iU and Belmont Modern 1 and 2 room apts., $1 o per week nt Sleeping rooms. Eat 212. itLtaE KKh'.iVP, 2So Broaaway .,ioou ern unfurnished apts.. laii rmnis, best service walking dist. Mar i41o Cincinnati Court. 401 iutn, apartments; $lu mode, n to $2.. CI. ARE Apts.. 2 1 tn. fur., dls. Peus, phone, lights, heat. $12 up. Mar. 5')ati. AMERICAN and Man ooroug tl, in on. 4, o 6 rm. apts. Mar. 3360. M 7f.l6, 2676 ROSENFKLD Stark 3 and (brick). 14th and E. 4 rooms, private phones. t-Ult Ki."i FLAiS. l.t Notice! Lower flat for rcnt,JjH4 ft. front; owner mows lawn twice a week aim pays water and telephone; 40ii rose bushes; snap to desirable party. Puone A-4 435. FOR SAIE one team of liors-s, lo years old in good working condition, also harness and wagon. Call at S32 North Garfield. WEST SIDE Neat and 5 rooms; gas an electricity. Set. wood 1370. ROOM flat, good t oini Low rent. East 963. tion, el.tje in. TEN room upper flat. $30. Close west side. Broadwav 2313. FLKNISHKi) 1LATS oil FOR RENT 5 room furnished flat at T.66 Market St., $15.60 per month. Apply either flat A or C. Jib Comfortable a room, clean, phone lights, water, walking distance East 3310. LOWER part of a house rooms, $15 per month, shall 306S. 95t 13th St. furnished. 4 Phono Mar N. $12 1 ROOM modern, furnishec Sleeping porch. East 13.M. flat. NEW 3 room beautiful furnished fia's Phone, Woodlawn 167. Sl.M.MEK ItKSOUTS FURNISHED or unfurnished c..i:ages for rent at beautiful Manznita beach. Large living rooms and fire places. Address G. B. Nunn, Maozan ita. Or. COMIC CAPERS FHU.MSHED HOUSES ' I . I ? ff - j I I " I (5fly; YHRT ARE You doihc, " I 9 s W) i , '" . Stmt tor?? rJ I n ' ' ' ' " : 50 (Contlaaedi SAN8EA WAV. Lovely, restful ocean home for re fined people. Two block west or Beach C&nter tation. Comfortable rooms. Facing the ocean. Spiendld urf, excellent table. Telephony Mar shall 3130, or write box 47, Seavlew, Wash. FL'KNISHEU icnts at Sunset beach $4 per week.' wood furnished, bee Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 232 Chamber of Comr. erce. or write Mrs. , Frankel. Warrentoa. Or.. R. if. u. ro. 1. Sunuet Beacru FL RNTSHEO or unfurnished colt iges for rent at beautiful Mar;nita beach. Large living rooms ana tire place. Address U. B. Nunn. Manza- nlta. or. NICE cottage for rent at Oceania (Tillamook line) 3 large rooms, well utieit water in. near, depot, fine l, one Tabor beach. $12. 50 till end of July. 6750. VERY choice furnished bungalov. f t P tt ' RI P unobstructed view- With Of breakers and lighthouse. $10 Woodlawn 4057. week. COTTAGE. 3 room, pleasantly situated in pine woods; tennis court. min. from city. $5 week. Tabor 3a99. SEASIDE location. loom modern Only $100 house, ideal for bfaso,".. Main . 1 OS. SEA VIEW furnished cottages and Jfn'. veiy desirable, best location Main sfi:iK. FINE camping privileges on the banks of the Willamette; spring water; gas. t i..t,inni' Phone (lak Grove ib-.M. FOR RENT Seaside 1 room fur nished cottage with tent adjjir.ing. w eek. Ea s t T. 4 2 . THREE eomplVtely furnished cottag-s at Elmore Park. Rockaway. Phone Tr.lM.r 413. STOtthS AM OKrlCKS 11 BRICK waieiiO-se in South Portland light and airy tor rent, tracaagr reasonable. Journal On uaved stree p .;,i . ,n " 1 Wrnadwnv and Yamhill. KOK KK.M -31 1M KLU.N OfS 3j BRICK warehouse on car tracks in South l'oiUaiiu. paved street; well lighted. About 7 0U0 s.i. ft. floor room suilaiile for light maiiuJacturmg. Ap plv at business office Journal. ;,l.i TO KKM JAPANESE gentleman wishes "elu.se in wiiii p i i v a le t a mi ly . by utter only to .02 Wilcox bldt: 1 OOIV. reply u-i to ,. .. ann vtnifli. QOKS and household pets and poultry, read the ads under tnese respective healngs. Tne Journal leads all other medium in these classifications GOUU ranen or camping outfit, team, lbs., harness mare ana nurse. and waou. J't7 E. Stark st. trial io.ie lor &ine cr allowed liOK.-r., .-aiHwe an o oi'O. trade !"!' yu,iiii t resu jet sty eow S.'t Knott st Guernsey or i.auicu awu lite. -ail vvcouiavv" 2u. i.eu..' ring -. T.Tli s' I.K -lit-ai. 2 l ine atldle or llou lbs. uri iuk mai s. out Mississit liia v e. JtiO'i 1,11, leaili, naii.es: Trade for wood. 400 y and wagon Russell cheap. . I. DEAD noises 1 a.jor 42H3. anu ullio laKen tree. LIVLS1CK K J43 FIVE v.-ai old J ersey-Holst ei n. i ,.n:,iiiv and tiuaniiiy fresh fine udder! w.'-ll pla-ed teals, very gentle, a lira u t . l5E.!t'lh. (orVvasti i . TN'iED to sell. to 50 head of ct- .1.. kimif. ood dairy co.-, incr. also i ream separator. Address Bram- aid A.' Thornton, cottage ejio.c Or. A NT El Fresh milch goat, delin. route 3, Greshatii. Or, J. Chel- or trade ippi ave. I'IN'i; fresh eow: for beet cattle. . will sell 9ri.i Missis FOR S A LE and 10 -Two :d st. J ei sey , Lents. cows. ill th cut i,mv . I'KiKo.Ns a; A BXKGAIN in t horoiiRhnreu re rv. Reds and Buff Orpington hens and chicks 4 rolls wire, small coops, sev eial dozen Mason fruit jars and house 1.1,1 mds. G-26. Journal. FTTr SM.E Thoroughbred ;..i.,n hens Wei lei si ra.- White st l a l n. 'i'1"-' . ;. i f,,ii.,i'ii i.o.T aiid .lie c. Hood coi-Kerei. ." r WintLfg.iorti hens, line lay- 4S each. .Mam 3979. ers ; ,. i -ui ii ( ; ii Hitl'.i White Leghorn hens forsaWTahor -r,n- 7,iTi.-i3i7n; AriciilturAl college White i.ochiii-n hens. $1 eac Tabor 24. .4. rTTvXHTTELE'GlicRN cockerels from trap itesu-d stock. i.iicrKEast39 31. IMKis. lilHDS. i'KTS. ETC. 40 n-ivn.-ii Cvtra fine Scotch ollie pm male, eligible legioici. n - 4 i -j V ::i st. WANTED Pure bred Irish sett pup , .,t over :l months old. J. r not over Si io. Or. W' T , j Irish set- t.,,.- hntiti pr aim Haun ters for sale.P.rie Sellwoo AC J OJiOlJlLES-AC'C ESSO El ES 44 DODGE touring car In good running order, good tires. $6t0. Covey Motor Car Co. KiiR S-LE l'.'H i'o'd louring car. in -l condition. Plione Woouiawn 60s for paniJir-- WNT I 34x4 tires, seconds, or goou ;;,nil hand, nobhyjo, smooth; price miistbeJ iuJUMais'Kill 429. ITTrI)" roadster, tine condition, new body, top. windshii id and lamps. 593 Karl si. Sell wood 3n9. MICHIGAN--A-l s n ape. M. West. 1- iv e Call pass., Main 19 13, 3n h. p. t.M3. t 100. 50 HUP. 17 20. Rug. East 3 5: good running E. M01 oi tier, 1 - on. Al'TO delivery car; easy terms. Phone t ton East Stuilebaker; 7 0 3 it . TON cheap. Sturlebaker Woodlawn delivery 3 733 truck, FOR SALE 11m l ;t ion . Light delivery car newly painted. 130 N A-l 19th. BO v S ER gallon luinip. :is;i; best t ondition. liar K-: aiu for Journal. STC $2 BAKER, Col. f.7ti. good cotidillOn. -ATE cash model Ford. 639 Washin passenger ;ton st J300 Al'TO but 32d st seats for sale cheap. 149 SL5LMEU BESOHTS AUTOMOBIIbi.ACCHSORIS 44 -titianed ) Used Auto Snaps CHALMERS, Little 6-5 pass., A-l condition $ 900 MOLINE. 6 pas.. 4 cyl 1"6 MITCHELL. 5 paes.. 6 cyl 500 OVERLAND. 4 pass., 4 cyL .... 260 iITCHELL. & pass. 4 cyl.. lata model 750 A NUMBER OF OTHERS TO SE LECT FROM. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co, EAST FIRST AND EAST MORRISON STREETS. PHONES: EAST 272 P-1216. G A R A G E d $30 and up P o r tibli houses, chick en house, w o o d heds. eic. V. ill -made Con biructlon Co., Main 1167. and evening. $4 4 Huuu Wood lawn et. Sunday 3615. CADILLAC. See us for used Cadillacs. We have a 1913 Cadillac at $s00, in absolute first class condition. Also several other good buys in used autos. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., ,i,lst and Washington st. Main 6244. FORD ROADSTER Like new. slop ing hood. V radiator. ee it. $345. Broadway garage. E. 24th and Broad way. LOCOMOBILE SIX. Touring car; in first class condition. Good value at $80o; also many other ood, usoa auto bargains COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 21st and Washington st. Main 6244. EVER READY 1 ton truck. auac.im't. $30; truck c o m p I e t i m I I $7 75. Manuf in Portland. THA YER-SHA VER-G L LLE Y MACHINE CO 19S . Water st. Phone Ea.- . 437. uOi "BLE tread. p..c-ture proof tires mad from vnur old ones. Bring them In Oregon Vulcanizing Co., Wash, at 18th. Bum.ide at Broadway 33i Bu'-nsidc. ' Russell St. Garage. Storage $4 per month; expert repair ing, supplies. Russell St, and Van couver ave. East 2123. LET Cs Sclve Guaran.eed Springs. Cor. L'nion and Bel r.iont. E. 1305 iour Spring i.ouuie. WA,r1l.nj . u. UAKHRlAOl Bl'ICK roadster for hale, Hj'j. Call at Tlie Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. g.age. 7th. East Pine st.. Sunday from s a. m. to 6 p. in. or any night next wt-e- fter " P m. FOR USED CAKS See big Co. Main stock 6244. at Covey Motor Car 21st and Washington. Mfg. &. Repairs. 3000 guaiant'd spi.ngs in stock, p.ices reduced. 34 N lth st: l liRl), latest design; ant tell it from new out ; tires new. nest inn cninn er See car wiek day s at liliing sta Iion. 1 H h Hiiilhivis:un sts. THE Siegeimaii Alotor Car C-. ale now in the.i' new location at ls 10th st., opp. the public library. Phone Marshall 232. 1910 5 PASS. Foul, $3110; 1912 pass. Velie, $;nii: Ford bodies clnap. Sie gelman Motor Car Co.. lS ltitu opp. public libr.iry. Marshall 232. AUTOMOBILES painted: good work. reasonable prices. A. Seghers. old car riage painter. Come ana see me. ill North 21st st. WE WRECK ALTOS. Parts for most all makes of cais. Engines, trasn-Issions, etc., Oregon Auto Ex.. 129 Lownsdale. Main 1161. 1915 5 PASS, h oru. $300, i pass. Cole, lata, model, $475; Franklin Pug., make o fter. ami Burnside. THREE to 5 ton truck, in good condi tion, $M0. East 6140 or call 462 Haw thorne ave. FR SALE cheap, prar-t ica I ly new body lor runabout Ford. Call Pt in dependent Cracker Factory. AITOS KOK KliiE 52 DODGE auto service, rales; rates by day; trips to highway. Main 2jhl, Sellwood 1124. MAXWELL 1916 modei, caietul and experienced driver, icasonauie rates. Tabor 76. A NEW any wh; A-7K76. i-pass. Chandler for hire to re. reasonaol". Main 22S1, Al TO lor hire, trips to highway -oi anywhere, lates reasonable. din 7 PASS. Cadillac Columbia highwai , trips ill) or $2 per hour. East 1672. AUTOMOB1LKS WANTED 78 HIGH grade 88 note player piano, quartered oak., perfect condition, cost $7o0, and about $4o of music. Want u pass, light car or wii' sell. Terms. Call C-210i, alter ti p. m. for interview. WANTED Good second hand .. car. Must he late model and not over six months. Will pay :1 :. Frcnt. Main 41 M p.i fes. used cash. WANTED Light auto for lo ',x9 liigh class pocket liiliiard tarlcs.24 ivory tipped maple cues, -i igar fixtures to match. 527 Miller ave. $2;" KylTl'V in Warrenton lot to trade for 2d hand Ford. A. H. North Tifeard. Or. WANTED Auto, piano to trade. Ford preferred, good 482 E. .'nth N. MOTOKCYCLES-BICYt LES t.j 1913 EX. TWIN. 7 H. P.. in good con dition, tires good, speedometer and tandem. $9.1. H. G. 912 Divis.on st. WANTED .lournal. -A bicycle for cash. V- LyiCHLlL.noiTS 64 4 ROOM houseboat, furnished, uewly palntetl. In good shape. Main :i27. T. DAN IEL-ON Boat 6nop. Nco; asKa Building, repairs, best work, low price (Copyright. 1916. by 1 LAUNCHES ANL BOATS ( Contiaaed FOR SALE. 30 ft. pleasure launch Port Orford cedar hull, Fairbanks Morse engine. Particularly suitable for family use Owner must sell at once. $175 cash. Will give demon stration to Interested parties. 346 Washington gt. Main 718. . EVINRlue canoe motors, ln moo el. 2 H. P.. battery ai d coiL Former price $73.40. Closing out this model $48. $16 down, balance monthly, livln rude Motor Co.. 211 Morrison. BARGAIN. 6 H. P. Smalley marliie engine, just overhauled. $."0 214 Jefferson, bet. Front and First'. PIANOS, OKUANS AN LI MUSICAL INSTHLMKNTS 4 BEFORE purchasing see our Specials in t'sed Piano Bargains. New pianos mod'aiely priced. v IOTM.AMDSTAKKSTSL $o down, $1.23 weekly, witnoul inter est buys 32i 191b model piano tor $24o, total saving $14j.2S. ' Schwaii Piano Co., Ill 4tn st. at Wasih t REE use ot piano or piayer piano for 2 'j years, see display advertise ment Sen wan iJlano eo.. or call 111 - t ti st. i jc monthly stores yuur piano or w.ll sell at your price or buy it lor casi. Call Main 0323, Security Storage Co. lu: 4th st. $4o buys $1.0 taiKing inaeiiiiiAs and rec ords, very choice, dchwau Piano Co 111 4th st. $3a buys $200 Pianola player togelhei with music lolls at cecurily stoi age Co., Hi9 4th st. v EEii.it player piano, 3ii, ivdifes bury player piano, $190, eay leiins. I.M 4ih st. KOHLER CAMPBELL piano, make an otter; must sell quick. 32 Rus sell st.. room 1. GOING piano. east ; will sell parlor Woodlawn 4 4 8. grand CilH . K.ER1NG piano, , 5, wc'k. ".So Morrison St. pay $1 per near 4th. 1'iAN'O rents $2 and i o.. 151 fth st. up. Graves Music t-M too play er, like 151 4th st. new, $19(J pay ek. PIANOS lented, $1 pet month and up ward. Graves 161 4th stt PLAYER-PIANO lba. month. , 285 Morrison Pay st. io per PRACTICE piano, i0, pay 1 weeK 2o -Morrison St., near 4th. ilu cash uuys 4jU Haidmau upright. Security Storage Co., l'J9 4tti st. $2t casli eloses out Ftsciicr old model piano. Security Storage Co., 1U9 4tn. $4.) casn secures small upright piano. Security storage Co., 10i 4th st. TVi'EWKlItKS .NEW REMINGTON rental plan, with manuf act urei a' Muaran. ee and rentals applying; lo puienase. isilue models. )u per mouth, $T.t'iO tor .1 monies, nim r motlels less. Remington Typewriter Company. Mi Bioadway. J elclihone Rrti.-idway i,2'.. I', save you from an tt 7."'r on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illustiatetl foiuer, rental department, HO LES A LE TYl'EU RITElt CO., 32 1 'ashmgtm st. NUT u. cent down, 3 days lree trial, $liin typewriter. Imei 1 from lucloiy to vou. $3 per mon'h if kept, inves- tl.ate. I'. O. zox .19. ('ultuNA portuolc folding typewriters. Mam 22S3. E. W. Pease Co., agents. 1 i ii r.t ii t NEW. re rales. I1 milt. D -d land, reutals, cut . L'.;l Stai k. M. 1 4n7 1 1 ( ) L SKIIDLl) ( t M J I S f o r S A L E 65 FOR SALE Kitchen, dining room and bedroom outfit, all oak fu.in.ture, steel range, cost $l.r.0. will sell cheap. East 1326. Party leaving city. Fl RN1TI UK of plete. in good 5211 6 6th st. S. E room .shape. Tabor House, com I'easuliable. NEW fin niture, latest Slcmway 111HIH 11 1111 iei ed Riose City Im, fit e. Leaving city. 66 S I-;. San p 1.1 no, st. TO tiade, 6 room 106;'. e. Salmon lurnilure lor auio. KOK SALK MISCELLANEOUS 1U $10 Ten Drophead sewing machines with attat i.nient2. good coifditijn. Sewing inachiiics rented $2 per :noir.n. E 2359, B-3307. E. 12. Steen, 152 Grand ave near Belmont. REFKIGEHA'D IRS Closing out stock of VVickes patent refrigerators at f. o. b. factory i.tues, no dealers' profit. On display al the Bruits 0 k-Balke-Coi lender Co 4 6 fit I,. A l i 1JI1 iRi LI-;S, motorcycles, laun, ln-s or boats are separate classi 1 cat 10ns. A large listing can be found iinil,.-. these diffeielit classifications. lull billiard and pool tables hll-ift- tases and fixtures see W 256 Maiket St.; lowest price t i-rms. SMALL office safe $23; 2 liard tables $5o and $6"; foltiibg ci.airs $9 per do. ;-.iir, . . M. C. A. .1. yuigiey, and tasiot pocket tul 4 tloz. steel Call room FOR SALE Crescent wood wording machine, ft II. P-. General ElcliL mo tor. 59 4 1 j a nij. WANTED Your diamonds to sell on commission. Belding, the jeweler, 24:. i Alder. NEW 8-lti Mogol gas tractor, only plowed 150 acres, will sell cheap. I, H. Clausen Goldendule. Wash. Flit- SALE at a bargain Range, . love, heater, buggy, tent. porch swing. wood cutting ir.ols. 2"2, Delant FOR PALE Fruit jars and jell es. Call Marshall 30tis. yi lass 23th st reet. WAYNE gasolino pumps and oil stor age taiiKs. I-;. H- Rueppell, Agt.. lyl 1st. AIain122L MACH1NK1 bougnt. t,o,d. icp7ie and exchanged. Northwefct LcJd Mai h. Co.. 311 Fron t st . M ain LOGANBERRIES lc, pick em yoursel " Call at store, Huber station. S. p' red ca rs. SPOT lignt Wit4 eohapsibie stand. also tinner's tools and machines, al 41i t!4th st. S. E. Pi. one Tabor 1719 10 STANDS of hees for sale at gain. SQ2 Michigan ave. city. a Lar- FoR SALE Cheap. Safety razor blade grinder. Call Main 2D42. 2bs r.th st. Electric tans 'ought, sold, exchanged; repairing Room 315 326H Wash. SL FREE loose dirt; easy access. 43d st.. near Sandy rod. Phone Main 4112. J. Keeley. By ar'tneeoieDt with Essaniiy Co.) FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 f Contiu GUARANTEED USED MACHINES D) All Makes J4 MORRISON MAIN 1845 FOR SALE Brand new carom and pocket bil'.iard tables with complete outfit. $125, second hand tables at l educed prices; bowling alley aiid bil liard supplies, easy payments. Cigar store, drugs, delitatessen ami soda fountain fixtures TDK BRL'NSWICK-BALKF.-COLLENDER CO.. 46-48 5th. MACHINES of all makes sold for less. No agents employed. Machine rent ed. $2 per month. A-3tl2S, Main 9431. Sewing Ma chine Emporium. 190 3d Llectnc Motors Bought, sold, rented and re paired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnslue. cor 10th. Broadwav or a-.t67 4 "MUSICAL INS'l RL'MENTS ', "Type writers" and "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are publishtd ui dor their respective classifications. LOOK THEM OVER. V KARAT diamond. a. so karat diamond; both beautiful color, veiy cheap. Call Main lti92. Bidding, the .itweler. 245 U; Alder st. 1 OOL table, Monarch make, in cooil condition. $6o takes it. 101 N 3d st. SWAP COLLjD WANTED Good cows or young atock. tor large work horse, gasoline woo saw. i liorsepower marine engine, com plete, or traction drive equipment lor woodsaw. R,. K. Walters. 133 3 lfrt. KIMBALL piano, very cheap, tine co i- dition, will take talking niaciiiiie or vitlin as part payment. Eaiiiou Apts., corner Russell and L'nion, Apt. 1. 2 POOL tables complete, 1 wtll case. 1 cigar case, ice box 10 euairn to sell cheap lor cash or trade jr auto mobile. SIS I n. on ave.. N. GOOD rubber Hied buggy lor cow, pigs, anything. -Box 223. R. 2, Hills dale, or. TRUNK to trade lor cliichens. Porter. bo;t 133, Lents. Or. WANTED aUSC'ELI EO L S 5 WE PAY caieh lor vur u.cd furniture, carpets, range, etc Gevurtz i urniture Co., Inc. 185-187 Firt sl. NEAR YAM HI j Marshall 6ii. WE pay lilghesi pi lie le,;- s.omi ha..d lurniture. Siiovro uaO rant, u:t have tne jjoods. BROWN FURNITURE CO., 540 N. l'nion. Phone East 77'.;. WE REPA.R your iuu 10; fi e matter how Laaiy bruaeu. oiixig una ad. Howara Jcweiry Co ., vvasb- ington. rmiAt East isJo W ueil OU l It ti your lurniture: w conio at oncu ui.u pay you tne cash. M. R. beater, 2at Grana ave., Fuulrf of hawthorn. VvaN'IED becoua hand lui-.iur range- ana auva. Besi prices paid. Morgan Furu.ture co. 3i. hi. Moiriaua st. pnone East Z2S. WANTED a Q pe'jpie of PoriliiQ 10 know I pay the highest cash prices for nosehoia good. Prcmpt atieuilon. East 610J. N. M. aealtr. 143 Ru.-seli st. 1 will pay casu tor your piano, er. uprigul, grand or siiuare. nou phones, 1433, or call 00 J. j. rosier, 151 4th St. Notice to Movutn. Wanted ttives, lockers. uresers, rugs, couches', chairs, iau.es, et". We pay the price. N. W. Kur Ex. E. S3. WILL PAY CAiall t OR SECOND H A N D ti u L ri E 11 O L OOOHS PlInNE MAIN 3:!;i2. A-2..I I) tfctUAP nana coining oe. . .ue, the lailoi, pays $5 up tor suits. hnoe bought. Marsha.i 122' 22' Ala-lison wa.ni all hinus showcases, asn reg- isteis, scales, etc. 12S 1st. nc.ir At dei. Alain 4 4'.t... LAM1 paid lor UALKlNG MAi.UI.Vr.S and 1;ecoiD.S. Main 449ii. 1 ;s 1st, near Alder. WANTED A young manied coupie to piteii tent adjoining us ele.. lights, water, rent free. Phone M. (j4.2. CA-sH tor eld goiu, alivei, piaili,,:,n alii high grade ore. ll. M. picltering. mrfg. jeweler. 21 S Oreconian ludg WANTED, at once. I'.uflalTi siT-TIt cut ter. Bennett Meat Co. 4th. at Vain. hillr Phone Alain H. PAio liigncst puce loi d liana cutn ing. tools, etc. "273 Front Main 4802. CALIFORNIA by aulo, room tcr two. X-2ti. Journal. WANTED i furniture. love or range, Alain 44 95. a I so CASH paid tor niture Ford aoou becuna-naiiu lur Auction Co . 191 2d t LOST AM) FOUMt THE following armies weie lound in cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power coir.panv. Juiy ni, Ltln: owners may ootain their property at J.-HIM aim .iiiiti siic. c-aii-ii. 1 reel fish line. 1 music toll, i roll! music. 1 suit case, 2 haskets. 1 I u ncn ! hasKet, 1 clump tor saw filing. 2 sacks 1 umbrella. 1 packagi-. 1 kev. 1 angle iion. 1 lunch I'ox. l 1,11. hooks. 1 purne. ! 1 .lie. 1 lets. 1 hoe. 2 packages. i d A .1 ON 1 pm lost Friday ii.iil a! Strand theatre, or betjveen 2 i.M and Ttiurmnn sts. arnl otli and Wasn-ing-ton. Reward. T-4?, Journal. T,()ST -Small, black purse, between Fai'ing and Skldmore Ms. on l'nion ave oi Grand ave. Reward. Wood lawn 4:11 4. LOST On July 4. at or neai Glad stone patk, cameo brooch. Reward Address. H. B. Chapman. 354 E. 12th, Portland I'LirSONALS 22 HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanltarv Beauty Parlors. 40n rekum. Marshall 1702 SCIENTIFIC treatment for diseases of scalp. 163 Park St.. room 3 ti - uvr lit i n u r lirMP IHIEAD lHS5i 5fly,' YHRT IRE VOU DOING, THRT TOR ?? PERSONALS WHY pay big prices for glasses? 1 can fit your eye with first quality iense in a gold filled ft am a low as 1.5C. Chas. W. Goodman, optometn. 2U'. Mi..rn.on. Maui 2 124 titu at HAt OL a, ieuin wii ana tou'e makers, linesi slot Hu man hair goods, halrdressing, manicur ing, face ana scalp ininimein, v,mi irigs to order 14 Broadway. N.aln 64. OREGON nr.U,MA LVOUILIL Rupture treated mechanically , uuuiis, chlldreu. . Trusses to luK your case. Joftnolo:! Limbaigar, luptuie t,po ciansts. ll Aiisky mdg. .Mam :t , M. A AAtvi ilAil wli, a-, a.. i. BeptlC ca:p cleanser, hair beauiliier and dandruff remover; price toe oottl. For sale by Portia nd Hot el p 1 1 ri i . a c y. ON A titu eapeiisive cuin reuieuuj When you can get the sure miug "Removes It" luc piasters at the CUn. w.aon Drug Co.. 2o0 Morrison st ' RESlliENliAL ntsaliiieiils, l.a.: ua.', nianicuritlg. etc. Expeiienced woik llaurliib Beauly Paiiois. ivoyai lmiB. Marsltail 6114 NEW Lie in ticcinu aiiU vio,ialo!y treat U leuis. Facial, sc ip and uiani curing. 417-20 Northw esl-rn Bank bldg. NEW Lie in UAccliic ana vioialory treatments, haciai, scalp an inain- curint,. 4li-2o Nui I nwestei n lie nk PUIg. Ph. V. o. i.icuu v uuitii e u.aia dles and acute diseases ot men. Vv asQ, .J ' d vA'asli. K m . 4 4 1. Alii,-. 4 DR. ETHEL A. HCKi. expert mas seuse and tin i opodisi. uoti l'aiiamu bldg. Mam 906. MAI 1KV1.N, liielils 29 1 facial and 2 Aioi rison. scaip i oum treal- 3U. BALM ot women. 1- lgs itlll rtiueay lor liavls st. diseases of Main 2393 SPiRl i b'ALi&Ai itcv. M. A. I rlce, cir cleB Tues. a p. m.; Wed.. Sun. 8 p. in, Reading qa'ly292CUiY st. Mar. 3960. i ?)VAPr coiisuiiatioii f r e e. MaTn L.aWJfCI 499.1 i,12 ."elliug bldg. NOTICKS i S.tl.hli IIIIiS fur pMiiii-. , IllNll fel' UIIiIIIIh II'mIliII ,, trlet N,,. I , .VI ull in, mull i ..iiii 1 1 . tlie m leml .vi-.il- lit 1 U lltl r, v ni -, till- ttfllfe ,,f ii, . '1 f.,iirlli,,u-i . I'.h ihiuil, m . mini 211. 1 : ti . nlltl vlil he I -,,,. I , fl lllC lit' bill ,.t ilt;, .,le i , h iinil nr s, !t, ,JN- int',,ii. for re, e1 veil ti t f I i lerl,. 4i' I 2 IHHill, Jul.v I II lllfftll, llfll ill l, III ..I'i ft'llrllii'iise. mi 4 S eei I If., 1 i.-iii. 111,1 In nt tbt- llltilel'Kilieil. A bl to It. II. lb., an,.-, tif the HUitmnt "f lli III.. Jul Pin. t.riifi l"')"J hl.nli etl HI Hie fltl.l''tl fllt-fk. m li-'l .-lei k I l'l,l. 11111M in-e uuil.u 1. 1 i;,,b li.K.ftHl. '111.- .i,, IT:,- 1 IJ.-IU l., ri-j.-i I u,0 tliyltif I lie huhiO. Inly la. ltHli. f ,1 1 1 . I, ,1 s 1 , 1 .et Hit I, I. Ik, nr In ll. II 'I HUM s Si I I l ink. M.AI.KIl hills l..r -n li, .iii,.il,' 'f,,- m , disiriet . Nn. 1, MiiIiii,,iik.!i fuutily. itrrg 'U. 11. . mi- eeii..i tear inn, 1 ;t 1 , . t H. re eelTed at tlie uff.fe uf H 'I'll, , man. m'IiikiI cum -ioi eeiuriiiuiiM', 1'urtlniu). Ur., imill 12 ui., July 20. llilii, jutl will i,e t,,'iietl t a uieetliiK of tin- board 1.. be 11. ill in UK in :;, ceiui lli.uwe. ;il 4 .. in.. Ju; it, mill. s.fi(. ei.tiuus inuy be "11 ti in.-.; ui li,,- 1.111,1. .,f 11,,. uud. ri g ii.-o . A 1 miiii-d 1 1,1 , k ,.ij,il,., t.. I;. 11. ill, uiiii-. tibotil clt-ik. f,.i .,', ,1 the ainiiuiit t,f ibe blil. ujiii.1 eulltuii, i-iirh j,i..jM;t!. I be b.aitl id itiifftorb ' t'tt.-r us ti,t llilii tn lejvel ui.y jud ull t'l.ln it t., ilmib- lhe urtultl Jul I... llii'j. It il I 1 1 1 1 1 S. (Ink. M..'tl.'.l) luila lt,i manual training lint In-1 fn? m tin 1, 1 tf.,1 191lf lit. 7 vil l- le. fn.-il hi lb" ..Ilt.'f ef It. 11. II11U111-. 1.. bu.,1 i li-iu, -ol .tin 1 1 In ,11 -.e. Portland. Ill . ninil u VI . '.ulv 1'tlb. and will be . , .. -j . . J hi u ineeliiiK ,,f I be lmai .1 ,,f ihl eiitn a it. be bebl In i ,,u, ,;., t. Hill In. Use ill 4 it. J It j 20, llllb. ,S.,'i,- iiiiinii.t may be ublal.d at Ibe olfiee ul Un ulnlei wlgneil . A f.'llllleil ebf. k. inl,e hi It. II. TI111111111. M'bu.'l clerk, f',1 '.r .,1 III e 11 111. 'lltl t I'f Mil- 1, 1, 1 111 us. t a. e.,iii,ai, eni li ,i , .ni .& 1 . 1 be ln.nr, I ,r direct nil. revives (,,. I llil In reject any uli.l ail bi.N. or i- tlivitle tlie avvartl. Jul 1.",, lUPi. U THOMAS. SUninl Clerk . fci-.A LED bltla i.t m.imiai naiuiiii; ami h.v leeb.iif m'IumiI blipillea lur (.cIi.m., ilisjii,! Nti. 1. Mult.i.'Unill e-'litily. nr., fur Hie -cbnil iear 1H11S IU17, will be ieetlvnl at Hie ..rflte of U. II. IhuUiHft. hr..-.l .lelk. 4(11 e..ur:biiU!f, l't.iilaml, or. until 12 ui.. July 1 : I ti. umj mil i.p Dpi ned l.t tlie board of tjhe. Inri at 4 p. in.. Ji Iv 20. HUH. lu r,...ui 4l eoiiri I'-iii-e. pei 1 1 iiii i it ins war i.e tibialtietj at tbe tdll.e i,f lit.' unili'rtilt.'iieii. A et'i iifltil ebf. k lur ,"jr-r t.f ihc am.iunl of the hhl. .a.vable to It. 11. IfiiiliiaK. 'eh.i"l i lel k, llllint in enliipa li eaeli t. (iH,aa I. Tlie I... unl (,f illrectnia i.M'if iI.h riflbt to 'i jeii ,'iiiy ami all bl., t.r l.. dliu I ln award Uatt-a July i.:. :yiti. u. ll. tiiums Bcho..; Ilelk. l.AI.KIi bl-N f"i- tl"i.i.'sli. ,,.,.ni.,. niji,,i,.H fur ffl I iltvlitfl N" 1, M ull ii'iimih fiiunt.v. (Iff.u. l-.r llif Pfli-...l fHr I. ill. t'. 117, tJ l',e l.iiiv.-il al tlie -I I Iff ,1 II II I .i.Miia ., a,,,il i-.fik. 4"l e.iurl tu.iif , I'liillHiul, nr.'. unlll 1 li--li. July 2.'. iiml w'll be ..-n.-r n a rift mm t.f lli- Ik, ant . f iluei n.is. t,, ,o h.-ld a' 4 p nr. ..nui' ilaif, in i,..:n :;ol . ,.u-! 1i.,iimi Spt-c i f If it I a lliav ! t.bl 1. 1 i.l'il it I t h.. i,f,.,. i,: the limit ri-lKlietl. A .tlt.fi.d eh. ik fur f. ' ' ,,r tlie m in. .t ii I of Hit' til. I. ,.i V 1 , ,. I., ( 'I I" llltlh. t-fll..',l flflk. llHIHl llffi.ll)aUT phi h ,i K,nl. 'I be b.utril .,1 (liri ft,,r ii-m-i ti" lln i ilil.l I" ri'Jfi I nut anil all bbK nr (,. illvlile lb,- muiiii. It. II. illllMAS. heboid Clerk. . .Inly 11. HUH. MlTII'K 1 I'Mtf ai'ver.'tl my ielHl,,n K ii 1,1 iy. until V Uenaril nml lltitta Mi-CMiilr. ,iy cmiiltiynieiit buitttie8v imw la at II . 21 aL. TUOS. Ill I'LS. PI, ..no rtriAiln-nr 'IS : A 1 I Nnl K'K All--r June 17. t,,-o. Weber bat. no e, ellmi Vlltll Weber S i n r... He l not initlitirizeil to n.ilert lor or Incur obllgatlona ar.i.iiiat I ti e company. I SiK lii-ili V KI'.IMI SKIS 1(1. TP VT" II It I'M (KIT. i ,t"Ti.. re,ii-lbTe' f , r :in ibbiB hi.unid by my viHe, .Nellie Hit lliletl. PROFESSIONAL ANW BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1 ACCUttillOK PLLA1INO Allt-HiUU.v, Ix.Mtc 11 KM.S'i 1TLIH Nlj, HULKS. HI rioNS ,Vu KLTY MKll. I l . A.M HOX I'LKA I I Mi, HKAiiiiNii; p,irrs- COVKKKIi. KASIKKN K.', lij f, I 14 H'W A V Z'aai K iriM'tlA.t HelUal 1 1 1 b 1 Ili . a 1 ft M tllou. lt, and auuhurat ideating, bu' ii.m ei.iereil ; g'x.ila aptiiiKeil H. a I loin ng l'iti..ek ink H nit luBk k AGATE CUTTERS Min. J fcVV, he ii.. piauinu.ia iiuiij'iit tint ,..ii Wateh r-: rflr'ir Miller vv a-b V, AGRICULTURAL IKFLLJSENTB I.. rtlil..Mil A Pi-. 1 aiebnit-uif. tee: and gi-neriii farm Bii;,illt. .n K. Morrlfani, pi.i i 1 a ml. ANALYTICAL I 1 ..l.u I -HA I.l. CHEMIST A N D A8HAY i.Iiik 1 in no I BLANK BOOK MAKERS blVI-l at llt'l.il.V N. Ittt . Jti a. Utallk btak maiiufaeitirt-ra. axeuta fur Jonea pfuvetl lx-iae L.-nf D-tlgera. tie lb Ui-w ku reka I. 'al A .HM Main IHH. BRASS EOUNPRY 1 1 1 h 11KII.AM1 liia.a I'. iiiiilry - lb aaa. bruliRe. r at i nif (!er, 1;. rit.au ailrpr ami a lu iniiiii m Kaat I I "4 2!K) I til. ae. CABINET WCK.1 CAlllNLT wii.lK. lurnilure reiiairiuif ii P. Jmiea Jr . ",2W ld it. Main .'M.'2. Some People Can't Get Pleasure Out of Any1 CARPET tlEANINO linui unl urwt, 3 clfiiliia Nortta 1 K. 11 t2U ll N Hug (, 1st jovt t oil, t Unlht ileaulliv lHll lr- pet fl E-t 44", "I it. I laid; rvrlltlus tmr pr.lallf, H 1 ; an r.. lth t. N . 1'LM.N.M I. All pet Blnu l.HK V,,k 1'dli Vntt.Ml ai e ru an3 t-tir W.llii 21A. CHIROPRACTORS UK. l AlltIN e i.rl,r , Aak.UK umr. 31 trtnjeiil $la, i,rlb $.io. aildltlt.nal rrw olfh-el 20H 212 ,lea bid.. 4th ma W sb. UwlDg to my le ,m Krailfrluc tuci-e wltb many Bw-'alletl lnt-tirat- cuttea tlurluc lh i.nitt aeveli vrHrit In i',,itli- ; liaT frlmi. l'tlied a ch lit, , 1.1,1 ie r.i i, i tuna wbt'ie ul'l- of-itiwn patleuia ut a j riii,.iu, i..ub to tbrir ad- vantaiie at U'ofct reHtmnithU- . i. Mhlle taking 1 1 1 r 1 ineut. lit,, tnt- live 'lerniit .ui t'i' t i , 1 1 ;l llaw M HMII SNKSS -lilwM iliin cinetl. 1 1 r . Mhih "ii Hint eti 11 Ili'euait ui ttltlu- Nti ll.n rl li "i,i net le pliyit eUu. .',17 ,n i fit V." VI ,t III 1 "H.'V . ill SI I. I S tlu luy mlvei lilnn. $lo pi f. s. lljiiird. Joo N is ti .-iittiivuia itiiwr-i bltlf.. iil, nn, I WH-liliik-ten. CAL AND MOOD N A I 1 1 VA I 1 fcL 1 1 kA9l ! RIhI.w ,i,.ii tlnl,u,..i rtv 2.. enril dell Ten d . ill r libit k an4 tl,$3.jo r.d; ftatt) ilry wrae. v fir. 4 font or .atv.r1 r.t .,.! io $:;. l l i kit .V ilr nr. VV ut r II l...u I Main 1 116 HU.fk, I .4f n:T i.. ,,i Main .,sc,:i .una CONTRACTORS AND BUILDER8 viaaii 111 111. 1.. tie 1,1. a 1 i It'fk ,,lt. 4t Mi I . EDUCATIONAL llANCINU ' II v M 1 1 1 s r I 11 ;ji, ,1 n n .via,,, in). siVa .in t . brt Sla'k anil oak. Sp. .ml latt'a. 4 mliall leksona $2. ui.inliij;. a net n ,u. rvrnl"g; ad latt'Ht tlaerea k iih I aul i-eil . clu-i. Tbiiratlajf Sal- III day I'tfiin;'.. 7 t Mi li.iiltnv 21tiC. kill ami Mi I lea I h n : I l..aiim dally. ( la I- 1 Ida v ee . Hi '.',1 -I . iii-tii 1 Waab- lealtii' a ml So.rU I.. '... luln T2fi MUSIC 81 HO01.S AMI I L ACHI.H8 k.4i; 1 1. vi 1. ct.livlueetl Syctoiii. " ." I'ltt.n Ill '. . r- -."l,. I'rtt V i fill Ktee iir.i,tl,-f It.wln. t ul-1-.teuaai. il 2 l.llera I. In I llll. 2117 HI lllllt V 'i 'Iiii 1. 1 In ii,il S.-fl ilner l.blir A 4H Mar-liall 1 ni! I'HIIK. beme 1 I. I.1WSII.N l inui. U-aiua al till.-. Pi, (me 'I hIh,i 2ii:ill EYE EAR, NOSE. THROAT LUNOB bHela Hi. r. k i 1. .Vlmlei-ti 1 e .i h -. i,:iii.fi rule. I. .r. ae.lav M7 Ib klilli blilir ;itl , VVah KIREJNSURANCE lAl'llll MAI I.M illU IN.MllA.Mi. en'v iireu'i-n tn.- iieiit-Hiiee fimipanv. FLUFFJRU08 AND BAG HUO FtLlLOFLF I Cr M'idr tl'iiln nbl llifrralti. l.lUMbeia. Aiuilnater, Knjjniu ealiieta. Khk rutin, nil ilim. alall ur dera irt'iii, anentnui. Itnuklet, H I S I I I.I 11 m il CO. M Unit, n iite Pin, in- I'.h l llMil ' 0-1.7 FURNACES Boyntor. i urnaccs Ke .numb al. efftrtuiil. J. c. lin)er Co.. Front ami Mik.'i HATB CLLANLI) BLEACHED Luliea' tV HK . 1 11, , In tlealieil. bl.'acbeil, ie katirinu'i'a. 2S5 I, I PI, ..in- M Pil'tl Mraw nr 4tb i.l 4 I LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS llll. llKtl JI l.V I.I.A I lll.lt 111 Ohleai Ihm in inn lliwrtl . Anenl ' M'Hiari'b" ami 1, A .tl " Mile b-allipt :i2l Kvi-ifti at. MATlRtbHEB Ol.ll main aa n 1 1 1. 1 y Ffi.lmi: .VI HMia and li'Militl neil mane luio ulilllig t. tlliia; lea I beta li-novated. I n . .".I'll VVII.ntma I). f.H Y 4 MU-lKlOXKAll.U CLIUAUt. IV I.M II Alii, s l, ..lib ,. ami Amber Nrrtar. K nl V Wellibaltl iii.iiiI. I. .lb LiJ lluiuaide Main 2. Pb .lit a - A 1171 rKlN'l ERB AND ENOKAVERB i III. IV V I I1LMS..' jiiii.-s M. MANN. SS2 Slalk at. Iti'iinil a n 4ok A 4uMH. RUtoUEH STAMlo AND SEALS bo .Sinn la. ri adf Pac it- it. tiiA.vr 2.1 1 -1 1 , 1 1 1 1 , r I at. , m i Hi aaa mu . I AMP WOKK.i Main 710 A 2710 BAFTlf KAZCKB HONED A I I Me 1 I riiiii alia i ii 1 1 1 .i . all klutip per iloi ii. Il.ti-v ,itl at. ni'iir bh L ti at ii Fii k aiT' ar.l'AIIUM. Kin lal ft 1.1 am', i Pbt.ua tl Iv-t.ta. Jucili lall 1424. M i, ui TRANSFER AN u HTORAOK Oregon. I ransfe. Co. Latabllabeil 17(1. Iraiiffer and I m tvai.'liig Amenta. Sl"ra(je -f lee 1 lai kage. Iirrb't anil attune. 44 nilmQ at. 1Mb ami lid-tan Main till A 1 1 W ALvVaVs I'll K ' lilb I LSI HOI M.H.II.l IHMiliS Slit I LIS I S Hiurase. Parking. ftbliilnK ami 11 inn; 1 1 .! m Aulo ValM, bprrlal f l i b t ml - In all pnlnta. ('. II I'll K Tlt i.N.Sl hit A KlbllAliB r. 2il ami Pirn- lli.,atpa, .".ml A I wan. CLSu.vTTli IK Tit A .N.M III in lurniture un., era, iai'keia. i.l t.i ii n e . Iiiejiltmt a mttlaiua. 1Mb ami 11") t ala. Main Mi. A-2247. I MANUFACTURERS I jpB B ERS WHOLESALERS DRY GOODS WHOLfcBALt L. DinkelsD.el Co. iK rrlia k Mbl(. timer Oak. PAINT. OIL A GLASS HASMLSSEN " . ' li'Hi. itlaiMlanl" paint. N L iiirner 2.1 ami I it) b r M 17.1 A-tl.Vll ,tl I a. i b r M I PLUMBING SUPPLIES PLUM KIM I la via ( i. , aii(,(illi . v. li-.l. f.i le 212 lid al. Main .i It ea. 7H7. SANITARY wipino RA0S L. SHANK CO. H12 UK IN 'I 81". I'lltiM. MAIN Itgei WATERtjUPPLY 8YHTEM8 htWAM.t KAIl.ll MSIbilS l ,.- Afinl li:i VV Park- WOOD PIPE COK'll.AMl VMtiilt ripi. tn. office near 2th ml I"', ata aelorj ami lain K4HU orroKMATiow coufob If you want the nama if I rellabl business house dealiug in sny'lln of merchant-. Me, or inloi inatlon regard ing resorts, hotels, railroads, steam di.p lines, etc., audi cms uiegou jyui. nut In i oi ina lion Bureau. luloruialiou Uesii ed. Nam Address. 'CfWSB IT FEEL S SO G,0QD vyHEtN QUIT I I s Vi fr