1 "v. Yi THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. FRIDAY, JULY 14. 1916. 11 WHOWEAR E ALBERTS ARE CALLED CARICATURES Dr Purlee Takes Fling at Clergy Who Dress Part in Chautauqua Address, SHOULD DISGUISE CALLING Preacher, He Baps, Should He Able to Mix Wltb Lrmin Without Thlr Discovering His Profession. Today's Prog-ram. "Cnaatanqna Say." ' 1 :39 p. m. Concert. Inter national Operatic company. 2:16 p. rn. Lecture, "I'arty Inm and Patriotism." Judge K. M. Wanamtker, 3:30 p. m. Baseball, Redmen ..vs. Estacada. Motrwrs' Congress special programs. 7:30 p. m. Grand concert. In ternational Operatic company. Saturday' Program. "W. O. T. U. Morning- 8 to 1 1 a. m. Summer m, hool and Junior CHautauqua. 10 a; in. Sermon lecture, "The jOod of Three Men." Dr. Butcrfffe. 11 a. rn. Korum hour. W. C. T. U. morning. Mrs. Jennie M. Kemp prendlng. Prohibition lnforcement, Hon. Walter II. Evans, district attorney of Multnomah county. True tem perance. Mrs. Mattie M. Sleeth. 1:30 p. in. Artist's recital. fcktbliiaky-YVelch company. 2 P. in. Lecture "The New Civic Spirit," Chares Zueblln. 3:30 p. in. Knseball, Wllson vllle vs. Clear Creek Creamery. See Mothers' congress spe cial program). 7:30 p. m. Concert. Skibln-sky-YVelch company. p. in. IIijiiiomus lecture, "Take the Sunny Side," Lou Ueauchamp. . .. Oregon CHy, Or.. July 14. Dr. Ellis Purlce, in charse of the afternoon lec tures on the Chautauqua circuit, gave an hour's lecturo In the auditorium. Thursday afternoon to over 2000 per sons. Ir. Purlce spoke of the church as an orgmlzatlon. To Join a lodge one must pay dues, he said; to Join a club ono mubt agree to Its principles and to attend a mo tion picture show one much pay his dime, but one may attend church with out money or price. The church, he said, seeks men of character and men with no churacter. especially the latter. Soma .Ministers Caricatures. ' Dr. Purlce said the minister who wears Prince Albert coats and standup collars Is u carhalure of Christianity . When any one tteeks to ridicule a min ister of the gospel this picture Is al ways thought of. The proper attitude, he said, for both minister and layman Is toVmlx'' with the public. The min ister should be able, he declared, to gather with a groupsof men without their knowing his profession In order to do effective work. At the forum lour this morning Dr. Henry Clay Klsner of Nashville. Tenn.. was the speaker. He gave a sketch of Browning, calling him the poet of op timism and the man who taught vic tory, through struggle. Court Problems Talk Bubjeot. Judge It. M. Wanumaker, of the supreme court of Ohio, will be the principal speaker this afternoon. Mia subject will be "Partyism Versus Pat riotism," and will deal with the vital problems of our federal, state and local courts. Judge Wanamaker will make his address in the auditorium at 2:15 p. m. ine international Opera company will irive two programs today, on at 3t30 o'clock, preceding the lecture by . U'e Wanamaker. At 7:30 this organisation will give a varied pro gram, including selections from many wen Known operas. rersoanel of Company. i caia i ram, late prima donna so prano with Madame Schumann-Helnk In Love a Lottery ; Rose Heidenrelch, wno recently scored her most bril liant triumph with the National Grand Opera company throughout its ex tended Chicago engagement; J. Allen Crubb, tenor, who has appeared with many principal opera companies, and Burt MeKlnnle, for years leading Dantone with Margaret Day. form the company. Tennis Tourney at Kenlhvorth. The first annual tennis tournament of the Kenllworth Park will be staged next week beginning Tuesday. Play. 1 open to all players In the Woodstock district. The committee In charge of the tourney Is composed of Oscar Norene, James Hyde and O. Hoehr. The entries will close Sunday night - MINISTERS PR1NC Healing Mineral Waters and Mountain Air The North Bank Road Takes You There CARSON, Week-End Trip. 29-Day Limit. . . Shipherd's Hot Springs Water 117 de grees. Swimming pool, tub baths, medical attendance. Fishing, numerous amusements. Bus meets trains. Fare 50c. Government Mineral Spring 16 miles north of Carson, on headwaters Trapper Creek and Wind River. Mineral waters es pecially recommended. New hotel. Auto meets trains. Fare $1.50. Splendid outing sections St. Martin's Mineral Springs Daily trains for Carson 7 :40 A. M., 6 :00 P. M 2J4-nour trip. Tickets at Fifth and Stark, or North Bank Station, 10th and Hoytv MAIEE THEOWN OUT OF COAST'S GOVERNING SET Owner of Vernon Club 'Ex pelled After Refusing to. Attend Meeting, . Los Angeles. July 14. (P. N. S.) Ed R. Maler, president of the Vernon baseball club, was expelled from the Pacific Coast league board of directors last night at a meeting of the board at the Van Nuys hotel. The directors of the league fired this bolt from the blue after a session that lasted a greater part of the day. This action was taken when Mr. Maler refused to come to the meet ing and explain certain alleged ques tionable handling of players under suspension and players that had been released. Just wriat action the Vernon base hall club will take is not known. It Is certain that T. J. Darmody will be come Mater's successor as director of the club. Rumors of strite in the league circles have been in the air for some time and the action taken by the directors today was a culmination of many tilings that have transpired since the present session opened. This is the first time on record that such action has ever been taken by the Pacific Coast league board of directors. The expulsion will not affect Maier's ownership of Use Vernon club. Those present at the meeting were President Allan T. Baum. Henry Berry of San Francisco, Frank Murphy of Salt Lake, Johnny Powers of Los Angeles, Thom as J. Darmody of Vernon, Frank Leav- itt of Oakland and Walter AicCredie of Portland. Portland Dentist's Daughter Is Killed Dorothy Parker, Daughter of Painless Parker, and Two Employes of His Kanch Killed In Automobile Accident. San Jose, Cal.. July 14. (P. N. S.) Three persons are dead and two others Injured here today as the result of an automobile crashing through a fence and overturning on the Prospect road, a mile from here, last night while traveling at a speed said to be in ex cess of 60 miles an hour. The dfad are: Miss. Dorothy Parker, 18-year-old daughter of Painless Park er, dentist: E. D. Stockman, a Saratoga rancher, and Sherman Webb, a ranch hand employed by Stockman. The In jured are: Mrs. Anna Stockman, wife of the dead rancher, cut and brulseJ, and Ned Parker. 6-year-old son of Painless Parker, bruised. The party was returning to the Parker ranch near Saratoga from San Jose. Stockman was driving and ac cording to Mrs. Stockman's account was driving at a furious speed when a rear tire blew out. The machine bwtived from the road into an orchard fi-i.n- and overturned, crushing Stock man, Miss Parker and Webb under It. Mrs. Stockman and the Parker boy were thrown clear of the machine. The family of Dr. E. R. Parker lived ! at the Whealdon Annex, in Portland, until several months ago. Besides Dr. and Mrs. Parker, the family consisted of three daughters, Dorothy, one of the automobile victims. Helen .nd Jane, and Ned. 6-year-old son. Dr. Parker has been in Portland many times since the family moved to the ranch near San Jose, the last time being about three weeks ao. Oregon City Pastor Sticks With Church Oregon City, Or., July 14. Dr. W. T. Mlllikin, pastor of the First Baptist church In this city, has declined an offer made him. recently by directors of the- Northern Baptist Theological Seminary at Chicago, who sought to secure his services as Instructor at the college. "The demands of the local field," said Dr. Minikin, "are such that It would not be Just to my church or congregation to leave at this time. There .has been splendid feeling and the members of the congregation have stood loyally by the work, and I'm not a piker." Dr. Mlllikin during his vacation pe riod last year outlined the graduation courses leading lo the master's and doctor's degrees for this institution, and has been connected with educa tional work from time to time. He felt highly pleased at the honor of ihe offer, but the present circumstances would not permit him to accept It. "I don't want to leave this wonderful country, either," said Dr. Mlllikin. Washington Pioneer DeaeL Walla Walla, Wash., July 14. Mrs. Anna Sexton, aged S2 years, pioneer of Columbia county, oied at the home of her daughter, Mr. Mary 8. Pryor, in this city. Wednesday night, follow ing a long illness. She came here to make her home some months ago after living the major portion of her life in Columbia county. The funeral waa held at Dayton. Wash. White Salmon $2.20 $3.00 Week-e&i '$3.00 Trip... 89 day Limit $3.80 The Eyrie" E x c 1 u sive re sort, cottages, fine table, etc. JEWETTS FARM HOME On the Bluff of the Columbia , Up the White Salmon: Mountainbrook Inn and Guler's Hotel, Guler. Husum Hotel, Husum. Trout Lake Hotel, Trout Lake. Daily trains for White Salmon 7 :40, 9 :55 A. M.; 6:00,7:10 P. M. . Mrs. Northup Wins In Irvington Tennis Defeating Mn. F. E. Harrian in the deciding set, 6-2. Mra. W. if North up won the honors In yesterday's round robin tennis tourney on the Irv ington club courts. Miss Mabel Ryder, who returned receatly from Spokane, was third. Other players finished as follows: Miss Lily Fox, fourth; Miss A. Pom eroy, fifth; Miss Persia Pettis, sixth; Miss Mildred Wilson, seventh, and Miss Stella Frohman, eighth. Miss Pomeroy is visiting Mfbs Stella Frohman. and it may be possible thatshe will enter the state cham pionship tourney to be staged at the Waverley Country clubdurlng the week of July 24. Carlon and Block in Staf Holes With Eod yi. K. Carlon and W. C. Block were the winners In yesterday's event, of the Multnomah Anglers' club casting tournament at Laurelhuret park. Car lon won the distance fly casting by making a cast of 100 feet with a heavy rod. Walter Backus fell one foot short of Carton's- mark, and W. C. Block finished third. The accuracy bait casting was won by Block, with the score of 97.$. Dr. E. C. McFarland was second and Clyde Harris was third. Another tourney will be staged at Laurelhurtt park Sunday morning. Battling Levinsky Beats Jack Dillon Baltimore. Md.. July 13. (U. P.) Before a small crowd which the pro moters said did not pay expenses. Jack Dillon of Indianapolis and Battling Levinsky of New York went 10 rounds here late today. Levinsky winning on points. - The fight was originally to have been a IB-round affair. No blood was shed and neither fighter was hurt. Both men were in good trim, de spite the above 9 weather. They had to fight in the open at Oriole park. The Indianapolis light heavyweight was favored in the betting, but Le vinsky had a big following of fans di rect from the metropolis to cheer him on. Levinsky and Dillon have mixed it up several times before. Dillon received $1500 and Levinsky $1000, whereas $7000 was originally to have been sbllt. In the preliminaries, Joe Chaney of this city knocked out Young Mitchell of Philadelphia In the first round. Gus Lewis of Philadelphia outpoint ed Joe Bergern of Chicago in six rounds. Multnomah Club to Hold Annual Jinks Everything is in readiness for the annual high Jinks of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club to be staged tomorrow in Crystal Lake park. There will be athletic events of all kinds for men, women and cnii dren. A baseball contest between the club seniors and the Ladles' annex will be one of the features. Chairman Bert Allen and his corps of assistants will be at the park early to welcome the members and their friends. A big dance will be staged in the evening.1 NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE -At Great Falls: RILE. Vancouver 8 11 S Great Falls 2 7 3 Batteries Acosta and Cheek; White and Haworth. At Butte: R-H.E. Seattle 12 17 3 B.tte 10 IS 4 Batteries Wolfram and Cadman; O'Loughlln, McGinnlty and Roberts. At Spokane; R. H. K. Tacoma 4 ( 0 Spokane ... 6 1 Batteries Bonner and Baldwin; No ble and Sheeny. Elliott Favors Indians San Francisco. July 14. (U: P.) "Rowdy" Elliott may go to the Cleve land Americans when he leaves the Oaks, he saM. Four of the major league , clubs, Elliott said, have been seeking his services. He favors the , Indians. wun retsra iu iuo uaRianu club, the managership of which he la resigning, Elliott declared he felt sura every man was doing his best "We have been outlucked and outgen eralled." he said. Sallee Will Itemain. St Louis. Mo.. July 14. (U. President Brltton. of the St P.) Loulsl club, denied Pitcher Sallee would Join the 'oiants. "They have not accepted our of fer." said Britton. "The New York team wants to give us money, we want players, and for the present Sallee win remain a Car dinal." Bdwy. 920 A-6671 POST-WESTEEN GOLF T0UENEY IS CALLED' OFF III I II II ! ' II 4 Invitational Play Definitely Canceled by Waverley Country Club, Because only a handful of eastern golfers are coming west to participate In the Western Amateur Golf associa tion championships at Del Monte nex week, the invitational Post-Western golf tournament scheduled to be played on the course of the Waverley Country club during the week of July 24 has been cancelled. This announcement was made yester day by C. Harry Davis Jr., chairman of the handicap committee of the local club after he had communicated with practically all of the prominent golfers in the northwest. The refusal of the Western Golf as sociation to accept the special train offer made by the Del Monte' people and the heavy expense of making the long trip made it impossible for prac tically all of the leading players of the Chicago and other middle western districts to enter the tojimey. Had the offer of the special train been accepted the Western and Post-Western tour neys would, no doubt, have been very successful. The Indications are that only a few California players and only a small number of northwesterners will par ticipate in the tournament. . Vice President Wagner of the Se attle Golf club. Is of the opinion that it would be useless to stage the tour ney unless a large number of eastern ers would participate. 120 Golfers at Del Monte. Del Monte. Cal.. July 14. (U. P.) One hundred and twenty golfers will tee off Monday when the western golf championship tournament begins on the links of the Del Monte Country club it was announced today by Sec retary ack Neville. It begins to look, however, like the representation of golfers from east of the Rockies will even be smaller than had been anticipated. Hoover Bank head and Ned Sawyer, the Chicago cracks, were declared to be en route but up to today had not put in an appearance. To Decide Title Tomorrow. Defeating the Blumauer-Frank team in a five inning contest, 8 to 2, yester day afternoon, the Blake-McFall team is ready to battle with the Crane com pany team tomorrow afternoon on the Vaughn street grounds for the cham pionship of the Commercial Baseball league. The Blake-McFall team is one half a game behind the Crane team. Wilsonvllle Beats Estacada. Gladstone Park. July 14. Wllson vllle defeated Estacada in yesterday's game of the Chautauqua series by the score of 12 to 3. Baker and Baker formed the battery tor Wilsonville. Wolgast Wants Another Scrap. Chicago. July 14. (U. P.) Anxious for another scrap between Ad Wol gast and Freddie Welsh, Larney Lichtensteln, Wolgast's manager, will leave for New York tomorrow with a $6000 certified check as a bet that SUGGESTIONS FOR TRAVELERS Hazelwood Candy IN SCENIC PACKAGES Adds greatly to the pleasure af i uon trip. oat hy Parcel Post or Express to any where la United States or Canada, Satisfaction and Delivery Guaranteed. The Hazelwood Confectionery & Restaurant WASKDrOTOH ST. AT TEXTS. rOSTLAVO, OX, Specialties for the Camp, Picnic, Cruise, Auto Trip, Summer Home or "Hike." Lunch Sots, Ice Blankets, Paper Napkins, Paper Picnic Plates, Thermos Bottles and Holders Everything for the Outing See Second Floor Display Gill's Third and Aider, Portland, Or. aaw-sjaa eTTaM-awr-aSaWBSSSaaaaaaa THE THREE-STATE TOUR BOOK tells you where and w how to go. , MAIL US buRs Film s V o tells WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. w-edlark Mdg.. alder at Wesi Park. RIVER RESORTS SIR. geoRGIANa ASTOUIA AST) WAT LAYSnrOB Leaves 7 a, at. eUr. leaders 1M a. am. katwain-, leaves Astoria S p. as. Arrives PsrtlaaA S m. am. V ST&. LtTaUSTX leaves 7:M a. SL kQ. aaaaar. jMcsraac usees Aaterls f faia 14tt WesMartm Pt Peg A-41W Launching Parties stake teservatieas sew, lor airs at ta aew seats sad Favonte Boat House feet ef afarriaa street, senta aide ef krVse. jast etas. Wolgast can lick Welsh 'In every round of a It round scrap." Wolgast would rather have a 20 round bout with Welsh, but la willing to accept a 1C round mill, it was stated. "Harlem Tommy" Is I1L New York. July l. U. P.) "Har lem Tommy" Murphy will not meet Freddie Welsh at Washington Park. Brooklyn. Thursday night. July 27. as scheduled. Murphy has been suffering with bolls for more than a week and is in no condition to train for a contest. Tommy said yesterday he wa through with the fighting game and t ID mtmm. m Tn Groat Northwost -AmAr!c Natural JZesort Section . " WHERE AND HOW TO GO MOUNTAIN RESORTS MOUNT HOOD LODGE (SOU HOKE A E00rs, Host) Magnificently situated at tan of stt. Heod, rUMsg, . Keiutai&Mrias, Exploratioa ef Ut Hood's t glacials. Atooat to summit. Harao beck riding cm aooue V. s 'oroat & Trails. Roaehod ta hoars rta Hoed Sivor. Information TJaion raotfio Offioo. Portland. Addroto FarUaia. Oa. irsoaa OdaU Sin. vu Hood liver.) Shipherd's Hot Springs COLUMBIA UVEa'! ESX SESOKT A resort for hoalta and rooroatioa Swim siing pool, tennis .-onrt, croquet and auoit grounda. Bona nmUi nowlr paporad and renovated. Ail white ialp. Ainerioaa and European plan. E. L. BHITHEILD. Mgr.. Canon. Weak. WILHOIT SPRINGS In tha foothilli of tha Oaaeada mountains. 87 miles from Portland. An ideal resort for health and recroation. Excellent hotel and fins camping grounds. Cottages for rent. Our spe cialty is our Saturday mgbt and Sunday noon chicken dinner. Hun out for your week and holiday. For fall information write or phono F. W. XcLZHEir. Wilhoit, Or., or ask any 8. P. agent. BELKNAP SPRINGS Justly famous for the Beauty of its environ ment and the curative properties of its waters. Located in the heart of tha MoKansie river fishing country, where the Sollio Vardena an waiting ta bo caught, fine new hotel lust completed, also tents and camping grounds. Come and enjoy roar vacation at moderate ooet. Ask any 8. P. ttoket agent, or address H. B. SLOAN, Belknap Springs, Oregon. INN iVOW OPEN See DORSET B. SMITH 116 THIRD ST., POBTLA1TD. MAE. 197. TROUT LAKE AT THE FOOT 01 MT. ADAMS. The bi speckled beauties are waitiBC to match tbeli wits against yourt. Easy wslkina- diataaoe of the famous lava and ice oavea. Headqaartart for mountain climbers for tha ascent of Ml Adams. Hich class amusement hall neat betel. Hotel raUa $8 a week. Address OULEE HOTEL, Ouler. Wash. Rhododendron Hotel 47 MILES OH MOOTfT HOOD AUTO SOAS The first mountain resort la Ore iron. Daily rates $. weekly flx.M and up. Special rates to families for tha aaaunec months. Saddle horses, laws tennis, croquat, finest fiahiaa and hnatina (round. Our own dairy, poul try and raraoB track. Caotria licht, telephone. For daily auto staaes, pnoae East 1S5 or Mala UL EMU. TaVAJiZETTI. Pros., Aewe, Or. WELCH'S HOTEL Oldest resort in the Mount Bead district. Oood water, airy banfalowa, exoeUaat cuiaiaa, hunting-, fiskfef , boras back ridlaf, stc Kates t per day. lis per weak. W. Z. WELCH, Frap. Welch's F. 0 Orecea. The Arrah Wanna On the banks, ef Salmon rivar,' surrounded by 4 beaatiul park. 43 miles east of Portland la the Mt. Heod district. Oar ewa dairy and e-ardens. Building modern, with all outside rooms. Long distance telephone. Daily auto stae te and from' Portland. Kates fa pat day, or lis per week. Transportation, call Mala Ml, or Main . 0. W. XE2N. Mgr.. P. O. Address. Welsh's Or. Reliance Mt Hood Auto Stages Fourth season af HXLIAXLX service. Daily, a, in- Bound trip season tickets to Welches, Tawaeyi sad Rhododendron, H. M, Govern. meat Camp. fe-T. Climb Mt, Hood, ail ax prases paid, $10.00. Tlckota, reaervationa and waiting room at DORSET B. SMITH THA VEX BUREAU, 116 Third St., Cor. Washington. Phoae Marshall UTS. nvraaTOjr gajlagz a avto co.. ore. Eaat 1st. J. L. g. SHEAD. Pres. ANDERSON BROS., AUTO STAGES MT. HOOD and Salmon River Resorts For deecriptlTO pamphlets, reservations, eto., call Kentledge Seed A Floral Co., 14 Sd St., Bear Aide. Phone A-tU, Main t. Altar . P. M. or Sundays phone Anderson Bros., A-tlSl, Mala Ml. Loop the Sunday Loop Stopping at HOTEL GALL, Dallas, far Innoh. Start from Portland ever Weat Bide Higharay, returning ever Pacific Highway by way ef Salem, a total ef 1SI mllaa, through the moat pioturess.uo and prosperous section of the Willamette valley, the Hotel Oail has loaf enjoyed the reputation of being one of tha best betels ia western Oregon. Ten Mile House LAKESIDE, OREGON. One ef tha ideal summer resorts ia tha newly opened Oooe Bay district. Located on Tea Mile Lake, with Its lis miles af lake shore. Lo cated sa Tea Mile creek, famous far its trout fishing. Seventeen miles from Marahfiald. on tha line ef the WlUametta-Pacilio K. K. New sad home-liks betel, ins meals. Hear the ocean. Coma while trout fishing is at Its best la Tan Mile Lake. Rates $3.00 a day. Address E- E. SMITH. Proprietor. HOTEL GALLIER BAJTDOW, OKZOOV Baadoa's pioneer hotel, deservedly famous far the eaeellaaoe ef its table and service. Make this hotel year beadaasrters whsa visiting- the beauty spate of Oeoa eounty. If yon enjoy fishing, hunting, boating or surf bathing yon wtil like Bandon. Coma and visit Oregon's latest summer vacation district. GALLIER BROS, Proprietors. nnBinrannBoannnnnBnn S "Breatb of th? Pines S D B B 4,500 feet above aea-lerel. ia the o n Powder River Mountains, n H near Josepn. uretroo. Kat. (Jeep. H play, liv out-of-doors. . A delight R tot motmuia-lxke resort. Good H ftr full information, faro, a H - ucstts, etc, tatt - u B CITY TICKET OFFICE , fl H WASHINGTON AT THIRD D B Brod?45O0:A6121 B gO-vV.R.R.aN.g annnnnnnBonnnnnnaBB should he box again 'will be merely at benefits for charity. White Sox Bay Norfolk Stars. Norfolk, Va., July 14. The Chicago White Sox have purchased Third Base man Edward Sickling and Pitcher Maurice Craft from the local Virginia league team. The purchase price was $2000. Colnmbia May Quit Rowing. New York, July 14. (I. N. 8.) According to a report which gained wide credence today, Columbia will ibandon rowing. It was said that the The oreat Northwest Government Camp Hotel HOTEL DE GOVERNMENT CAMP See Mt. Hoed Winter sports time. Oood tiona. Kates - a y- v- and up. Fishing, hunting, J tennis, mountain climbing, i Professional Swiss guides, who are real entertainers, FOX A PEIDEM0EE, KOWE P. O., ORE. 1 4sauihiewej: Mt. Hood from tha Hotal, Elevation 11, 22 J Fee. CRATER THE LAKE Agent, L, O D Gl IL ALFRED L. Hotel Moore Hotel Moore, overlooking tha ocean, af f are to t he combined at any one resort. Surf bathing. Hot Swimming. Canoeing on tha Keonnicnm Kiver. All Automobiles Leave Frpm Moore Hotel for Elk On tha Pao ifio Ocean. Three Hours F rem Portland. HOTEL 11ift-irf lit I TheHACKNEY COTTAGE, Located on North Beach, universally conceded to be the finest beach in the Pacfic Northwest splendid surf bathing- within a few hundred yards of the hotel. Excellent table, airy and comfortable rooms, reasonable rates. For rates, wire or write JAMES HACKNEY, Seaview, Wash. i . i ----- THE SHELBURNE - All modern improvements quiet and restful justly famous for its service and appointment. In sight and sound of the ocean. Long Dis tance phone in hotel. Special rates for families. Buy your tickets to Shelburne Station. Address T. J. Hoare, Prop., Seaview, Wash. o MILES of smooth, firm,sandy beach More than a score of quaint ly attractive beach villages foods, air, mode of life in tensely different from cus tomary. These things, com bined with surf and pool bathing, fishing and out-of-door life and play, make NORTH BEACH Queen of North Coast Resorts Information, tickets, reservatiois and a free booklet upon applica tion to O-W. R. R. & N. City Ticket Office. Washing-ton at 34 Bt. Broadway 45O0. JL-ttiai COLUMBIA HIGHWAY FOREST HALL BRIDAL VEIL, OREGON On tha Columbia Kiver High way, near Bridal Veil Falls. Distinctive and unique, a real old time Southern Inn, with ail the traditions of the south as te the excellence of its cooking and its servioe. Eva, the col ored oook, who has chart of the kitchen, ha long been fa mous for her Fried Chicken and Beaten Hot Biseaita, as well as for her aalada and other dishes. FOREST HALL will be a genuine surprise and delight to those who can appreciate the .best. Kindly phone la advance MISS ANN HIBLEK, Hostess, rarest Hall. Or. Columbia River Highway AUTOS DAILY DORSEY B. SMITH, Manager TRAVEL BUREAU Phone Marshall IrT. 110 d St. Can, Washington ROSE VISTA INN Twelve mllaa eaat af Portland, ea the Base Lisa Road. Ksa eat ia yon sate and eat dinner here. Creamed chicken Dinner $1.00; Pried Chicken Pinner. $L0. Family trade desired. High class ia gh class ia ovary respect. Fins r, goad muaie. Drop ia ex phone ni O.I, OHOLSOH. Proprietsr. aj floor. order te Tabor MULTNOMAH LODGE Oa the Colnmbia Kiver Highway, SO mOea eaat ef Pertland. At the foot ef Mist Falls snd adjoining Baasoa Park. Three-fourths of e mile from Multnomah Falls. FIVE OOUKSE CHICKEN DINNER, also light ianohss, Over sight accommodations. Airy reoass, moderat pnoee. Phoa Multnomah Ledge. MRS. M. i. MARSTOX. Proprietor. IZOnBw HA&L ABTTJ ATTO SEXY . ICE BTATIO AT COUSTT. Whoa en the Highway stop at Backer lev light ranches, sandwiches and coffee. Wa sene the beat. Hall te rent for private daaoas. Saaea held every let. eve.. 91 osuple. Sapper extra. Best fleer sad maaie. Stag leavea St. Char lea Hotel S:l Sat. Xve.. aetenvafter Aaaee. Fare SI rave trip. wan im yv" fall Use ef lira. Takes, Aeesasories. W r Towing, Cerbett 1. ' Touring Cars For Hire TYRElLTRIPC0.,lnc US gth st. Phone Marshan tvO. A-1U7. SIGHT IEXIKO HEADTARTTRS PHONE FOR RELIABLE SERVICE v RLE Uf OKMAXiOB BURJUO recent poor showing of the Columbia crews on the Hudson and a request by Jim Rice, the coach, that ha be re leased to take charge of Cornell, has decided the authorities at the local university to consider seriously aban doning the sport. To H-!d Dance for Oarsmen. An informal dance will be ataged at the Portland Rowing club tomor row hight in honor of the Coeur d'Alene Rowing club members, who opened a two-day regatta with the local, oarsmen today. America's Natural JZosort -WHERE TO STAY- 1 and enjoy ta Summer i aeeommoda-1 IS par day Hotel da Oovarnment Camp, Elsvatioa 4000 rest. RIM OF CRATER LAKE Lk , Vr'. ' i The Qreatast Soanlo Wonder of tha Waat. How Open for the Season. Ending October 1st. For information, see any Southern Pacifio Ticket or address PARKHURST, Crater Lake, Oregon. Seaside. Clatsop Beach, Or., Portland's Nearest and Most Popular Ocean stesort American Plan tourist and traveler pleasures seldom if ever Salt Water Baths. Natatorlum for Indoor Oood auto roads. Creek and Cannon Beach. MOORE, DAN J. MOORE, PROP. - - SHELBURNE STATION NORTH BEACH Excellent Camping Places Western Oregon TILLAMOOK COUNTY BEACHES: NEWPORT BEACH COOS BAT COTTMTRY MT. JEFFERSON AND THREE SISTERS REGIONS CRATER LAKE AND MANT OTHER PLACES Ask for Book "Oregon Outdoors" At City Ticket Office Corner 4th and Oak Bts. John M. Boott, Gen. Pass. Agt. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Portland's Nearest -The Northwest' Favor ite Seashore Vacationlandt Gear hart ClatsopBeach Seasid Beeahore Limited a, ss. daily ' Evening Express 30 p. m. daily Saturday special t:00 p. m. Sat. 13 ieund Trip, week end. Lew round trip fares from all points, Bead for booklet. TICKETS 6th end Stark. Station lOth and Hoyt. Cool and Refreshing on Hot Summer Days Get out Into the country. No medicine or tonic liks A Little Journey on our Interurban Trolley lines Your choice of several routes and natural scenic outing resorts. Call Ticket Agent First and Alder PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT POWER COMPANY CIJVCKaAJVlATAVE OH THE BANKS Of THE BEAUTIFUL CLACKAMAS RIVER. Weaea d inner, mitdal Mln ,rA. W! pipy, te hotol. aad ether tenv perate drinks. Quick sarvto prsalaad. ' , ATOUST XKICKSOH. lUaagee, Seate t. Sea 17b, Oregen Cltr. 'Pkese SOW. American' Association. Milwaukee S. Columbus 4; 13 nings. Kansas City-Toledo, rain. ' Minneapolis 4. Indianapolis 14, St. Pawl-Lou is vllle, rain. Callahan to Meet Moran. ... . New York. July 14. (L N. S.) Frankle Callahan, who has not been very lucky in getting good matches . since the night he knocked out Joe y ' Rivera, will meet Vic Moran Tuesday. ' ' When writing or filling ro sdtartlser, plea" mention The Journal. iAcv. WHAT TO SEE BKACU RKSORTS NETARTS, OREGON 1 Ho flnsr tea ooast resort anywhere tha at Natarta. Bplendid surf bathing, see fishing, plenty of erabs and ulama. sins shady camp.; ing grounds. Piotursaa and beautiful soea- -' ary, many lstaresting nearby aid tripe. Good restaurant. For ini urination ask any S. P. ticket agent or address p. J, Sharp, Natarta. T iltsm eu Co., Oregon. BAY CITY, OREGON Spend your summer vacation el saw ntTv Fine fishing and boating - oa the bay. Oood ', trout fishing. sax mixx ia th suoimar cap land. Exoellant itel of to Tillamook vacation land. store, bank, paved trveta, electrlo lights, rtel. THE BAT Vfrw ' modern, up-to-date hotel Address First Bank af Ba Citv. V,.. Hotel, or Nalaoa 4 Co., Gaaaral trohaillse Store. Bsy pity. Oregon. THE CHANDLER MARSHTlXT.n nnvnnw Make the Chandler your headquarter whan you come to the Coos Bay oountry oa bualness or pleasure. Marahfiald ia the metropolis af the Coos Bay diettiot, and tha outfitting point : for eflshermoa and big game hunter. Thi Chandler is strtotly modern, having steam heat, aloctrio lighta. hot and oold water and telephones in every room. H. J. MoKEOWh! Manager. Marahfiald. Orsgon. " OUTLOOK INN upenea juit l. Under Naw nrann.nt.. The Cuisine is in Hands of an ExoeTun, f:w. Bpecial attention to Chicken and Bea-Food JJinners, DINNERS arranged for AUTO TOURISTS, -Rates and Circulars on Application. WAL. TEB R. R088MAM. Lake Lytl,. Kockaway F. 0., Oregon. THE DRIFTWOOD MRS. X. LYNIFF OPEN ALL TEAK The only bousa of its kind In the world. Hot aad oold aalt water baths la eonnaa. Uon. TABLE BOARD A SPECIALTY LONG BEACH, WASH. HARVEST HOME LONO BEACH A homelike place to spend your summer v oatlon by tha sea. Fine view of ocean. Oood aurf bathing. Homo cooking. Comfortable bads. AH rooms view rooms. Rstas, 1.60 par day for room and board. Address MRS. E. J, Mo. KEAN. Prop.. Long Beach. Wash. IT he Bay View Hotel NAHCOTTA. WASH. Newly bnllt and newly furnished. Airy sal oomfortsbl rooms. Exoellent table. Oyitars, clams aad crabs fresh from tha water. Splendid? fishing aad boating on Willapa Harbor. Yea will enjoy your vacation hero. Rates for room aad board, fl per week. Address, H. H. JOHNSON. Mahootta, Wash. Locksley Hall SEASIDE. OREGON. TJndsr aew aad experienced manager. K 1 evstod aad refaraiahad. Clean and attraotlv. ' Overloohs the ocean. Airy, comfortable reams. Excellent eervloe. For rates addreaa LiUiae -M. PLYMALE. Seaside. Or. NECANICUIV9 INN SEASIDE, 0KEO0V Every room a new room. Beautiful froaada. Ids si Family Hotel., Famous or it cnisin nd serrlc. lot rates ad dress EMILY DAMOND. Seaside. Or. THE NEW TENT CITY AT BAR VIEW I ills moan County, Or. IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS Pacific Gty Camp Grounds PACIFIC CITY, TILLAMOOK CO., OREGON - Aa ideal summer vaoetioa camp. On th Bit Vastacoa river, by tha ooean shore. Ooraaia river, forest aad sea ahor. Clam, erabs, surf bathing, treat fiahiag, boating and bathing la tha river. Camp ground I.U0 a week. Free wood and water. Good auto toad frees Port land. Address SEALS BROS., Tillamook. Or. NELSON'S TENT CITY JUST A WHISPER FROM THE OCEAJf Teat furnished complete for hessekeepiaf. Wood, water and laundry fro. Rate raa enable. MR. and MRS. NELSON, Box M, Seaside, Oregon, i The ril!amookHotel0lor,tf A aew aad ap-t-dste hotel. Large. aliTi eomforteble bed. wall prepared aad well esrvad maaia. Sea food freak from Tills. frees. Ires sseok Bay and the eoeaa. Maade:'arters ler tourists aad summer vaoationists whe wast eomfart aa wall aa pleasure on their vaoatiaw. Fear trout streams wlthia twe miiee. per rate aad reservstisns wire er write 1. i. WOK RALL, Manager. s nai iwn ww9 Me DUUlil dLAIH 8S3& Beet sad elaaa S aad S reom eettages far Siahod eamplata. free weed, Is par waeki alas ' nvswaeee so.av. m torn, om piaoe te Speed Fear veoatloa. Oood plana for ehiidreai flae baa oh. surf bathina-. eood fiahins-. k.,inti. slamming. Ear reaervatian er further info, matioa call or write CO Stock Eaoaaaae Blda. phoae Maia lit. HOUSE TENTS FLOORED WALLED, FURNISHED FOB LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. One dollar daily) special weekly rata. Oa the beautiful grounds ef NORTH BEACH INN eleetrioally lighted. Hotel aooommedatlees else. Hewtoa Station (Long- Bean a. Wash,)., Phoae Marshall SM9. (reruaad. Wu's Karri. Ocean Crest Apartments TILLAMOOK BEACH -I earn eperteneate, famlehed far hawse ilng, ens block from beach. Oood a tor Beautiful beer-h, good bathing saaea water.. Batoa IT per week; Sit tm the sa, wood tooludad. OCEAN CREST APARTMENTS Rookaway, Oregon, x NEWPORT. OK. Fifty elaaa. airy, famished eottag sad teats at wry medarate raatal, Looatad ia grove, thre bleak from baaea, Eleotrie Dfhts and eity water, Addrssg A t, YAH WAB8ENH0YE, Box ft. i