-;V-,'C. A-';"'; . '' . '' --V--.'V: THE OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY, JULY 11. 1916. 3G i i HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 jrtmarxsxEB aro mrnnunsaczzt rXTAXB XAXXI.X , fContlBOd FINK front housekeeping1 suit. 1-2-3 . room. $2-12.50 week: houee under a new management; pleasant aurrouna- Inga,. 402 Park ft. IbKAUTIKUt. rooms for housekeeping, ' modern conveniences, everything fur t tiUhed, pleasant home for young cou ple. Phone East 6003. . HOUSEKEEPING rooms. lnKle or en 'suite, gas for cooking. $5 month up. 801 Water, corner Columbia st. ilWO suite, all convenient. flrM floor - 8ee these. Very reasonable. 6aa Flanders. . lTURNISHEIJ housekeeping rooms, inlet location. 7u OUsati st. Main 2M. FOIi RENT HOUSES XX HP-BtWISHID 12 DON'T pay rent. I have a dandy bun - galow with KraKe. fireplace. Dutch kitchen, hardwood floor in front room, : St, bedrooma, SUxlu'i lot. 2 blocks from scar, only lfeoo. $1' cash. 15 per month. A I. Eee, 13:!0 Northwestern i Wank bid. Marshall :i 7 1 8 . Di'Uri r fP. I'lmkUl. It tells how . , others have stopped paying rent. It . ' UXHUW.! iiw.... -- . - ... 1330 Northwestern Bunk bldg. '; '' Oliver K, leffTy.I'res. ' FOR KENT .".-loom modem bunalow, 1 block from cur line; uurane and peautUul lawn and flowers; rem in, 1004 K. 25th ft. N . In Alberta. Phone ' Broadway, 3932. .o.i tmnii want-d. . 2-o KOUA1 lioirMCM, :m .iiu "c 112.60, and bungalow at fit llolgate i i el .nnilltlnn KeiKvnod car. inquire n iioiaic m 112.76 INCLUDING water; close in, I iioliaaay, 0 rooms, iumui-e, .vmu. t'.."Jfvlngton car to Occident st., block goutn. I'ltone i..tsi i m. ROOM modern, sleeping porcii, lire- less cooker, iitti N. 17th, near Broad ly. -4 ROOM bungalow. J, neat and attrac i in, a u ink.nv ki Wed vv . Oer- I .vvu ' J " ' mn Co. i32 i;nnni. 01 1 om ROOM modern cottage. 291 Hancock; - easy waiKing uisiuncu, uml i., m- 'ludlng water. '''MODERN r'rm. furniKhe.i house. 2 1. Mocks from Woodlawn tar. Tabor 1420 1 .HAVE 3 6-rooms. modern, and 2 6- Vnnmi ach. to rent cheat). 361 E. , Itth St. 1'INK modern's room house, 1294 Cor-"- belt near Flower. $10. Take Pulton ' e ar. ; 426 lrvington 1 rooms, modern. 526 E. 16th N near tirazee; Key nousv 'north. ' 110 6 It modern cottage, close in. $12, beautiful flat, modern, walking "dlst. Frank I.. MeGulre. Main lnHX, .t 7 ROOM house, furnace, fireplace, walking aisiance. iu r.. ioiu bl. Phone East 1922. $20. 3EIOHT room corner house, yard, flow- ' ers, fine location, cheap. Jamieson. - Jtaln J4U. JNEAT 6 room cottage, 446 Union ave. N.. $16- t'-ast ' RM. furnished house, $lfi. h blocks '"I from Woodlawn car. KB') Holman st. TJ2.60 MODERN ts room house. 611 , r E. Couch. East 74 4 1 L llODERN C-room house. East 13th and TMvlulon 1NEAT 6-room cottage, 991 Williams ave., $12. Woodlawn 1106. iilOllKHN 5 room bungalow at 922 E. " Sherman. Rent $14, rail Mar. 5713 '! FOR RENT 6 room house in good ' condition. 707 E. Burnslile, cor. 20th. g Modern 6 room house walking ' distance. 651 2j. S car t o Sheridan. FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT 3 '' LEAVINQ city, furniture for sale. House lor Blue Ul I cm. inui-fc iiuii Trvlngton car. Phone C-314 2. ;. 7ADS. of furniture for sale ari pub lished in the liou&enoia uuoas classi fication when house Is not for rent. j! FURNISHED HOUSES 30 j 6T ft '. 'T L Y modern house, tp'ondid I neighborhood, convenient to Rose tCIty line. Piano and furniture f.ood. J Rent reaaorable. J. F. Compton, 100 i Ablngton bldg. i FOR SUMMER Furnished house. 4 .. rooms. Snap If - taken soon. Tabor 1 106. i'OR RENT Completely rurnished 3 1 . rm. cottage, with piano. In rear. ' I07 E. 'r'"' I k'URNl.SHED. modern 7 room houso 1. for rent Aug. 1. E. Morrison and I3th sts. S-l S, Jo i irjiaL felX room home, every convenience, on urlinU. .!,.,,,. i.j, lilna Cn I I t ?3 Front, or phone Main 3b9. i iiODERN 4 room, clean neatly fur- nlstied; nice yard, walking distance. SEast 2409. FURNISHED house for rent, including y player piano. Call Sunday. 982 Min nesota ave. I $14, 6 ROOM cottage. 4 blocks Broad- -way bridge. 4i;s Ross. East 4X66. t (three room house; 5 room cottage fr'. -Inquire 344 Tillamook. $10.50 TO $75 PER MONTH. PHONE MONDAY. MAIN 54 j. APARTMENTS THE ORMONDE Modern front 4 j .rooms. 656 Flanders. Nob hill. Main ! SWL t A T . T ' T 1 .1. I, 1 n " ' - t 4.eu run - uiiu o room apts. Pri vate bath. Harrison ( ourt. .-th and ;Harri8on sts. walking distance. li'H.nip.out.A ai- in., c-iliu; concrete i bldg.. 2 and 3 rooms: hot and nnl.l , Wter, baths, phone, steam heat $ 1 2 u p .MAGNOLIA APTS.. E. 3d and Hi J.,.- Modern 1 and 2 room apts., Il.oo per i wceit up. jieetnuK r"orns. ejas; 2 1 2 f ROSE FRIEND. 28i Broadway J moo 'rn unfutnlshed apts.; largt rtomi, t' pen Bervi. g. whimiik tust. iviar. i410 '' i ROOMS, sleeping porches hardwood k iiuui b. iiiiu. ui uiuurn. xorinomali :,. TWO room apartments, fully fur nlshea. also single rooms aso -,i inrinnntl cur' 401 10th, mode.ii .UIHUllllcUl apartments; no t0 $j- (CLARK Apts., 2 rm. fur., dis beds im phone, lights, heat. $12 up. Mar. So5t "AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod 4 i (- I rm. apt. Mar, 3360. M 7516. ififn CAM AR, 704 Lovejoy 2 and 3 room j apts.. $16. $20. $27.50. Marshall 291T CHARLIE CHAPLIN'S 3 v 1 s: i , 1 i-r FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS 43 in ni n f43rattnned) i-urn, " "THE GSSaDNWELL 6th and Columbia at. Five minute' walk to MVer & Frank' store; good suirouuJings; strictly modern 2 and 3 room furnished apartments, all outside, with b'rench doors end balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished epts. Walking distance. References Portland a bouM of uuallty, comfort a art aerylre Nuivv WfcisljMllvsibW, bth "Sil Alacli son Under new management, apts. furnished or unturnisned with private oath, by week or month; only four olocKg irom postoffice. Nh,VV'I,y furnished 2 and J loom apartments, $ld mo. up. including lignts, piione, janitor service, etc. Walki )g uioia.nce. BeiKnap uparlmcnts, 1 W7 1 7t n st.. near Yamliill, MAlnbuM fArttv, Af'1'6. Park st. at Madison. Modern 2, 3 and 4 room furnished apartment, close in. by week or :iionth. iHt, uliZ,bMJOKlf. 208 16TH ST. Marshall ZZkt. Nice 6 room fur. antr unfur. apts. also A and 4 room fur. aots. fENROtili APTS.. N. W. cor. Btilmotit and Grand ave., new, modern, z and 3 room furnished. Service first class. Walkine distance. ELEGANT a room apartment with sleplng porch and all modern con veniences. Main 4124 or after 6 p. m., A-1501. KAN MARCO, nicely lurnisneu or un lurn. mod. i rm. aptt., private bath, Jlf, up Brick bldK., walking uiatni.ee, himelike. E. Mh and Couch. East 1990. LuZkltNfc. Aria, oa ana flan Jdoa ern brick bldg.. 2 rooms, furnished, privates phone in tach apt., $15 aua up. Marshall 4637. THE SHEFFIELD. 270 Broadway tj. 3 and 4 room fur. and untur. apts., walking distance; at very reaio..atie rent; best of service. Main 260tf THREE room apts, private piione, bath, $1.50 per mo., modern trick. Westfall Apts. 410 th.; walking dis tance. BALBOA APTS. Large, model n 2 and 3 room fur. and unfur .. brick bldg., best service, walk Ihk dis.; reasonable. 429 Harrison st. ROSHNKF.LI) (brick). HthH and E. Stark 3 and 4 rooms, private phones. FOR RKXT FLATS Vi MODERN 4 room flat. 11S5 MllwauKic St., Sellwood car. electric lignt, bam, Dutch kltrhen. large basement, rent 1 1 FIVE room i odctn tlat. rent in cluding water. Inquire 927 L'rook- lyn st.. near 31st. MODERN 4 rooms, corner, 392 Benton Reasonable. 2 blocks Broadway ttridgc. Fast 4076. $10 4 rooms on Rose City carline. Modern. 7U5 E. Flanders. E. 1351. 4 ROOM flat, good condition, close in, low rent. East 963. WEST SIDE Neat 4 and 5 rooms; gas and electricity. Sellwood 1370. FURNISHED FLATS 50 NEAT 4 rooms, walking distance, two blocks east end Broadway bridge. Summer prices. 383 Ross. $18, 6 ROOM flat, lawn, walking dis tance, new electric fixtures. 44S Rodney. East 4866. COMPLETELY furnished 5 room, low er bungalow flat, lawn, walking dis tance. 424 Tillamook, Union ave. cars. CLEAN, well furnished, 4 room Hat, first floor; nice neighborhood ; 2 car lines. 772 E. Taylor. East 526.1. VERY nicely furnished 5 rooms; gas, electricity, lawn. E. 1S68. 422 Stan ton. LOWER clean 4 room furnished flat, modern with piano. Rent reasonable 800 E. 6th st . N. NICE clean 3 room flats, first and seiifnj lloors, tin. Woodlawn 4j27. SUMMER RESORTS 5 FURNISHED tentr; at Sunset beach $4 Per week, wood furnished. See Dorr E. Keasey & Co., 232 Chamber of Commerce, or write Mrs. G. J. Frankel, Warrenton, Or.. R. F. D. No. 1. Sunset Beach. FURNISHED or unfurnished outrages for rent at beautiful Manzinita beach. Large living rooms and fire places. Address G. B. Nunn, Manzan Ita. Or. FOR RENT at Rockaway Beach, cczy 3 room furnished cottage reacnable. also one at Saltair Beach. Call Tabor 1K73. evenlnrs. GOOD board and room cun be had for $5 a week at one of the nearest and best beaches to Portland. Inquire 910 E. 14th st. N. Phone Wood 694. ROCKAWAY Furnished three-room cottage for rent, call up Marshall 2177 or see Jassman & Si hloss at Rockawav Beach. Oregon. WOMAN with 3 children wants to spend 2 weeks cn a farm close to mountain. Write particulars 097 Keairrnoy st.. phone Marshall 1992. SEASIDE 7 room modern houe. Ideal location. Only $100 for season. Main 106K. FINE camping privileges on the banks pf the Willamette; spring water; gas. J. F. Jennings. Phone Oak Grove 75-M. ROCKAWAY Nicely located . 1 roo n furnished cottage for rent. J. M. Vi lkmav. Oregon City. ' NEAT, well furnished 5 room cottage at Orean ParkL M'aslL ?i!''iL 150.1. 2 ROOM furnished cottage Long Beach, Wash. $15 for season. East 4866. COTTAGE lor rent at Seaside. 4191. Main FURNISHED cottage, Gearhart; reu sonable rent. Woodlawn 1520. STOKES AND OFFICES 11 BRICK warehouse in South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy Oi paved stree'., reasonable. Journal P .r.ll.hlnw Pr, Prnqrtwav nnrl Yum hill MEAT market, east side, rent cheap store and living rooms. (Jwner, F 20, Journal. BAKER V, with baker's oven, east side rent cheap; also flat. Owner, G-23 lournal. COMIC CAPERS anno ln a o a FOR REXT MISCELLANEOUS S3 BRICK warehouse on car tracks In South Portland; paved street; well lighted. About 7000 sq, fft floor room. Suitable for light manufacturing. Ap ply at business office Journal. WANTED to rent, house for conva lescent patients, 12 to 16 rooms, west side preferred, place with yard and trees. Phone sunt, between 2 ana 4 p. m. only. Marshall 52. A KIVE-room modern bungalow in good district, by family of three adults. Rent must be reasonable. JJo not answer unless you have something pood. J-iS. Journal. WANT 8 or 9 room unfurnished house of flat, between Morrison and Jef ferson and Broadway and 14th streets. Not over $30 per month. Mrs. Mc Millan, Journal office. BEST of care guaranteed bungalow for month or six weeks. Not too far out. Must be reasonable rent. Give full particulars. References giv en and rennired. X-30, Journal. HOUSES, V EH ICLi:S. ETC. j8 FOR horses and venicles. dogs and household pets and poultry, read the ads under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums In these classifications. SIX head young mares, ranging In . weight from 1250 lbs. to 1500 lbs. 3 sets double work harness, 2 sets single harness, this stock will be sol.i at a. low figure. Call 108 N. 12th st. GOOD ranch or camping outfit; team, mare and horse, 2300 lbs., harness and wagon. 1967 E. Stark st. Trial allowed. FOR SALE One team of well matched mares, 6 years old, weighing 3200 lbs., one team of horbes weighing 2900. 2 2 Kuesell st. FOR SALE 3-year-old colt, wt. 1100 lbs., well broke, good traveler, price $125. J. H. Roe. route 4. box 73. Van couver. Wsh. GOOD delivery horse and wagon for sale, also rubber-tired buggy, good condition. Tabor 4802. 7:30 a. rn. and 5.30 p. m. ; ONE- good farm wagon, double har ness and disc plow. Will trade for stock. 956 E. 39th st., Woodstock car to 4 8th ave., 2 blocks west. w sat.k ehean. a eood all-around horse weight 1000 lbs. Also a single walton. Call Mar. 2894. 1200 LB. mare, blocky and fat, work any place, $75. S car south to Meade st 2 blocks west. No. 253. DEAD noises and animals hauled away fre. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Ppp.'rring Co. i -miii Tim k worK norse. rat 1)0 TRIE worK norse. chunk. gentle, also sou nanusume, in ixjuj. 73E East Pine. STALLS for rent 10S N. 12th st. reasonable. Cail SNP 26fH' lb. team, harnes.3, farm wagon. $150. 401 Russell st. DEAD horses and cattle taken free. Tabor 42UJ. FOR SALE Gentle horse, saddle and bridle. 854 Knott : . LIVESTOCK 35 FOUR good, fresh cows. Jersey and Holsteln. good family or dairy cows, will sell or trade for dry cows. i93 E. Main. E. 3 883 FOUR registered Guernsey bulls; two 2 years, two yearlings, cows, heifer. Phone Tabor 1699. 1694 Division. 4 GOOD cows, 1 six gallons per day, young and gentle. 619 E. John St., St. Johns. WE now have listed all ages of dairy and beef cattle. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co. Commercial block. 2d and Wash. YOUNG fresh Jersey-Durham. large 0 gal. Durham, nice family Jsrsey, cheap. 735 East Pine. FRESH cow. 40 lbs. milk. Very cheap. 794 Tacoma ave. 3 FRESH cows, will sell or trade for beef cattle. 955 Mississippi ave. FOR SALE Gentle fresh Jersey cow. Ca p i tol Hill. Marshall 1651. ALL breeds of dairy cows, terms. Bruce. Union Stock Yards. FOR SALE 4 beef cows. Call after noons. 6405 42d Bt. S. E. DOGS, BIRDS. PETS, ETC. 46 PITT bull, 11 months old. and English bull 12 months old; both fine watch doRs. Tabor 2877, AUTO10BlLES-ACjaSORlES 44 NO-GLARE AUTO LENSES. ED BRUNS CO 43U 1st St., cor. Ash. Broadwav 954. HOWARD Al'TO CO.. 14th and Davis. Chalmers "36" roadster, good tires and paint. 1st class mechanical con dition, $300. 1916 OVERLAND $595 tires only run 350 miles; Just like naw, 83 mod el; cost a few months ago, $865. To see Is to buy. Peter at 16 N. 5th st. VISIT the big used auto exchange for bargains. Sale now going on; all makes, all sizes, all prices. 31 Broad way N. Broadway 11. MKTZ 1914 roadster, 22 H. P.. A-l con dition, good tires; just the car for salesman or delivery. Sandy Road garage. THOMAS roadster. Owner leaving city. Certainly a snap. See -t at Kralv Auto Co.. 19th and Wash. sts. HAVE 40 H. P. roadster. Must sell bv the 20th. R. K. Payne, McMinri- ville. 1914 OVERLAND delivery, A-l condi tion, $250; Maxwell runabout, $90. r.nn Burnside St. REO 5 passenger, in A-l condition $175: leaving city. 271 Knott st. Fast ,-,R41. 30 gallons Puritan No. 1., 58 gallons Monamoblle, medium auto oils, 30 cents per gallon. 446 Stark St.. GOING east, must sell good 5 pass Overland, or will trade for good first murtWKe. P-33. Journal. MUST sell my Buick touring car at a bargain. .Marshall 499. lOuU Cor bett st. POPE-HARTFORD speed roadster must be sold. Tabor 5536, or 69i E, 62,1 N. RCNABOCT Newly painted and overhauled: $15n. W-104, Journal. BI'ICK, 6-pass., painted and over- ha ule d. v ery cheap. Wdln. 4001. FOR PALE Light delivery chi A-l condition; newly painted. 130 N. 19th. I'LL STIRTKlCHT r I . AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 . . ' (Oov tinned) Used Auto Snaps CHALMERS. Little 6-6 pass., A-l condition $ 900 MOLINE. 6 pass., 4 cyl 175 MITCHKLL, 6 pass., 6 cyl. 600 OVERLAND. 4 pass.. 4 cyl 260 MITCHELL, 5 pass, 4 cyl., late model 760 A NUMBER OF OTHERS TO SE LECT FROM. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co, EAST FIRST AND EAST MORRISON STREETS. PHONES: EAST 7272 F-121S. CADILLAC touring car, Timken axles, fine condition $275 STUDEBAKER "20," touring car, first class condition $200 STUDEBAKER '30." 5 passenger, touring car $275 STUDEBAKER "6," 1915 touring car, electric starter and lights.. $700 OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Used Car Department, Studebaker Distributors, Park and Davis. GAliAbti $30 and up. P o r table houfcts. chick en h o u c e s , woods heds, etc. V. 1 1 1 -made Con struction Co.. Main 1167. Sunday and evenings. S44 Hood et. Woodlawn 3615. CADILLAC. See us for used Cadillacs. We have a 1913 Cadillac at $800, in absolute first class condition. Also several other good buys in used autos. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., 21st and Washington st. Main 6244. JUST received a new stock of used cars, all to be sold at bar gain prices. See us first. 31 Broadway, north. LOCOMOBILE SIX. Touring car; in first class condition. Good value at $80u; also many other good, used auto bargains COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. 21st and Washington st. Main 6244. EVER READY 1 ton truck; at tac.im t c o m p 1 e t T' f f $776. Manure in Portland. THAYER-SHA VER-GULLEY MACHINE CO.. 198 S. Water st. Phone Ease ."437. iXH'BLE tread, puncture proof tires mada from your old ones. Bring them in. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., Wash, at 18th. Burceide at Broadway. (335 Burnside.' MY roomy, 7 pass, auto, in brand new condition; run only a few hundred miles; original cost $3300. Will sell for less than $1000 for quick sale, or will trade for smaller car. 31 Broad way, north. Phone evenings, Main 82C6 Russell St. Garage, Storage $4 per month; expert repair ing; supplies. Russell St. and Van- couver ave East 2123. LET Us Sclve Your Spring i.ouoie. Guaran .fed wijniNoTON carriaci Springs. Cor. i- -jj r TJnion and Bel- u rr?E5eSSj))Cl r.iont. E. 1305. uTQgywown FOR USED CARS See big stock at Covey Motor Car Co. Main 6244. 21st and Washington. Mfg. & Repairs. 3000 ruarant'd spi;ngs In stock, prices reduced. 34 N. 15th st. AUTOMOBILES paintedr good work. reasonable prices. A. aegners, oia car. riage painter. Come and see me, 511 North 21st st. FOR SALE 1914 model for price $250. 1275 Belmont st., cor. 43d. AUTOS FOR HIKE 52 SEVEN pass. Winton 6. anywhere, first class service. Main 2679, Tabor 6740. , DODGE auto service, rates; rate by day; trips to highway. Main 2581, Sellwood 1124. MAXWELL 1916 model, careful and experienced driver, reasonable rates. Tabor 76. A NEW 7-pass. Chandler for hire to anywhere, reasonable. Main 2281, A-7876. 7 PASS. Cadillac Columbia highwav trips $0 or $2 per hour. East 1672. FORD for hire, with driver. East 4755. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 HAVE $160C equity new 6 room house on Sandy blvd., rented $20 month. Trade for good car. Main 249, alter 7 p. m., or before 8 a. m. H-28. Journal. WILL trade beautiful player piano and music for good "Bug" or 5 pas senger car or late model motorcycle Z-9, Journal. CLEAR 6 room houe and lot for goo'd auiomoDiie. seuwooa 24 b. FOUR Coos Bay lots, clear, for auto. H-38, Journal. 100 ACRES, clear, Journal. for auto. H-40, $500 MORTGAGE on 40 acres, for auto. H-39. Journal. MOTORCYCLES-RICY4 LES 55 TWO 26x3 wire wheels tires and tubes, all new, fine for cycle c. or trailer, cheap. R. Bissig, 128 Ver mont st., city. $60 TAKES a 7 h. p. motorcycle if taken at once; fully equipped, in good condition. Call 395 Glisan or phone Broadway 242. MOTORCYCLES Perfect condition. terms given; open eve's. Sundays 10 to 12. lndlan-Agcy. 273 3d. Main 6139. FOR SALE, Dayton motorcycle, 2 speed. 9 h. p. fully equipped, $150. 3f3 Guild st. Phone Main 4923. 1913 TWIN Excelsior, equipped, perfect condition; not. ridden past year; $90. 506 Tillamook st. 7 H. P. INDIAN for sale. $50, A-l con dition. I must leave town. 28S Sheridan st. 1916 TWIN Ex., run a few miled. $175 cash. 325 Washington. CASH for motorcycles una oicycles. any condition. Blocker, 276 Taylor. (Copyright. 1918. by J. a d ttasssr' rap LAUNCHES AN1 BOATS 04 EV1NRVJDE canoe motors. 1914 mod el. 2 H. P.. battery ai d coil. Former ?rice $73.40. Closing out this model at 48. $18 down, balance monthly. Evln rude Motor Co.. 211 Morrison. 30 FOOT launch, 32 horse Scrip engine, speed 17 miles, with boa house, less than what the engine cost. A Sllvey, 306 Oak st. . FOR SALE 4 room, modern house boat. Leaving city, will sacrifice for cash.' Telephone Sellwood 650. LARGE, attractive houseboat, modern conveniences, party leaving city. 33 Willamette moorage club. . Sell. ?233. FOR SALE New scow, 12x32, 2 deep; cheap. O. P. Graham, ft. Lowell st. DAN1ELSON Boat Shop. Nebraska Bulldinc repairs, best work, low price PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 54 YOU would not buy an old sewing machine that dropped stitches the old piano drops notes rdo not blam wife or daughter for Indifferent per formance, biame the indifrerent piano, which alienates entire families from music since enjoyment, ts Impossible. Do not buy old models for exactly the same reason that others exchange them for new Improved 1916 pianos at the Schwan Piano Co. "Make Room Sale." ill 4th st. at Washington; $5 cash. $1.25 weeklv buvs 507. more tone and efficiency in 1916 model $3a3 pianos at $265. the same price without interest as the Drices of old models with the 8 added in interest else where. CLOSING OUT TO FiPcT CAt.i-bK. Pianola $250 player, mah. for $ 35 f ischer $275, old model piano, for 25 Collard & Collaid, Englisn uprig it 4u Chickering Si Sons, old model, for 45 N. Y. Pianoforte, $1000 grand, for 195 Beaty $75 parlor organ 15 Security Storage Co., 109 4th St. BEFORE purchiaiug e; our Specials in Used Piano Bargains. New pianos mod ately priced. iiYM. AMD STAEK STi lioFi'MAN.N piano, mahogany, late style, fine condition. $140. Kimball, $135; Chickering. old style, $85; Staf ford. $125, and other bargains. See them. You will not b disappointed. 367 Russell st. I AM leaving city at once and will sell my $45u upright piano, less than 3 years old, for $150 cash Come and investigate. Call Monday, 1593 Wll liams ave.. or phone Wdln. 4063. HAVE your piano tuned, repaired or refinished by our professional men Portland Piano Tuning, Repairing & Mfg. Co.. 246 Hawthorne. Phone East 1072. ALL FOR $25.00 $60 Grafonola and big bunch o high class records; all nearly new. 761 E. Main st. LEAVING city; will store my ma hogany Hobart M. Cable Diano or sell for $100. Almost new. Y'-25. Journal. 75c MONTHLY stores your piano or will sell at your price or buy it for cash. Call Main 5323. Security Stor age Co.. Hifl 4th st. FREE use of piano or player piano 2 years. See display adv. of Schwan Piano Co. or call at 111 4th st. KOHLER piano, art style, cost $500; like new, for less than $200. 383 Russell st. NEW talking machine, mandolin and violin cheap lor cash. 391 E Mor rison. WILL trade fine, latest style grafo nola with records for a modern piano. See Mr. Lane, 285 Morrison st. KENT, a piano; most reasonable terms; no squares or thump boxes. Harold S. Gilbert. 3S4 Yamhill st. WEBER player piano, $375. Kings bury player piano, $190, easy terms. 151 4ih st. MODERN $200 cabinet phonograph with 50 records. $75; $5 per month. Graves Music Co.. 151 4th st. LEAVING town, must sell beautiful grafonola and records; no reasonable offer refused. 324 E 9th st. GOOD practical talking machine for rent. 50c per month. Graves Music Co.. 151 4th st. CHICKERING piano, $7o. pay $1 per week. 285 Morrison st., near 4th. PIANO rents $2 and up. Co. 151 4th st. Graves Music 88-XOTE pay $2 piano piayer, like new, week. 151 4th st. $190. PL A Y ER-P4 A NO $165. Pay $5 per month. 2S5 Morrison st. PRACTICE piano, $50, pay $1 week 2S5 Morrison 6t.. near 4th. $90 CASH buys $325 Denize upright oak. Security Storage Co.. 109 4th st. PIANOS rented, $1 per month and up ward. Graves. 151 4th st. FOR SALE cheap, violin cello, condition. D-60, Journal. goo.l TYPFAyRITERS NEW REMINGTON rental plan, with manufacturers' guarantee and rentals applying on purchase. Visible m.-dels, $3 per month, $7 50 for 3 months. Other models less. Remington Typovriter company. 3 Broadway. Telephone Froaoway 62a. WE save you from 50 to 75 on all makes of typewriters. Send fo- our illustrated folder; rentail department. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. Wnstilneton at. NEW. rebuilt., rates P D C 2d hand, rentas, cut Co . 231 Stark M 1 40 HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 65 Al'CTION SALE! Rare old antique In mahogany, walnut and bronze; also pome mortem furniture and br.c a-brac; beginning today (Monday) and continuing each day until sold. After noons and evenings at 2 r. m. and 8 p. m. The French Shop, 349 Alder st (near Broadway) FOR SALE The first reasonable offer will take range, heater. White sew ing machine, kitchen cabinet, piano. 3 iron beds with springs and mattresses. carpet and rug, etc. 280 Larrabee, after 6 p PIANO and music cabinet; also some other furniture. Store rooms 261 2d, corner Ma1isn. Fl'RNITT'RE for sale, 5 R. cottage for rent. Main 7133, 10 to 2 o'clock. Marsh. K2S after 6. TO trade, 6 room f urni lure for au to 103 E. Salmon. 14 VOL. American law, for sale cheap. V-21, Journal. Keeley. By arrange meet with Eaaanay Co.) r iziLj -flop FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 j f Coattaaed m- FOR SALE Brand eew uarom and pocket billiard tables with complete outfit. $125; second band ta-es at reduced prices; bowling alley and bil liard supplies, easry payment. -lK"r store, drug, delicatessen and soda fountain fixtures. THE BRUNSWICK BALKG COLLETNDER CO.. 46-48 6th. MAcliiNta ul an maaeo sold for lees. No agents employed. Machia rent ed, $2 rer month. A-S626. Main 9431. Sewing Ma chine Emporium. 10 3d at-, near Taylor. Electric motors soid and ren'ed. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and re paired. Walker Electric Works, 413 BurnBlde, cor. 10th. Broadway or A-674 MUSICAL INbTRUMbNia,' type writers" and 'Household Goods' are eparate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classification. LOOK THEM OVER. $10 Ten Drophead sewing machines with attachments, good condition. Sewing machines rented $2 per moiuh. E.2359, B-3307. E. R. Steen, 152 Grand ave. near Belmont. RE R.'jERAIOKS. Closing out stock of Wickes patect refrigerators at a. o. b. factory prices; no dealers' profit. On display at Tne Brunswick-Balke-Col lender Co. 46 f'.i AUTOMOBILES, mululcycitrn, iaui.ci.es or boats aic separate classiflcat:ons. A large listing can be found under these different classifications. FOR SALE 48 bales of cotton more or less damaged by fire und water. For particulars see Henry Htwett cc Co., 227 Sherlock bldg., Portland, Or. NEW 8-16 Mocol gas tractor, only plowed 150 acres; will sell cheap. L. II. Clausen, Goldendale. Wash. WAYNE gasoline pumps and oil stor age tanks. E. II. Rueppell. Ai;:., 11 1st. Main 1221. BE SAVING by nuylng your lasses of Staples. the jeweler, optician. 2fii Morrison st RASPBERRIES Also bees. Iii.june 919 Woodward ave. Phono Sell wool 1551. ROYAL ANNE and Ring cherries 2c on tree. F. Ott. Damascus, Or., near I'nion school. FOR SALE-J-1 trunk and contents, held for room rent. Mts. G. H. Williams, 334 Sal m on c t MACHINERY bought! sold rt paired and exchanged. Northwest Lead & Mach. Co., 311 Front St. Main o492. BiLiuijir, cneap; large standing mir- ror 3x7 ft. bargain. Main -;!o5. 55.1 Morrison. Electric Fans bought, sola, exchanged; repairing. Room 3 15 326 Vi W ash. St. MAYTAG electric washer, new. Phone C 31 4 2. practit ally BROCCLl plants. $2 per HHu. Ball. Woodstock. Sell. 473. I". A. GAS RANGE tor sale, in good condi tion, $5. Piione Woodlawn 624 GOOD hand laundry wants washing Plume Tal'Qr 4275. bundle SWAP C OLUMN 23 WANT to trade for automobile and motorcycle. Have one lot valued at $300; one concertina, value $75; bi cycle $20. Will trade all or part. What have your vv-kjs, journal. FIVE room houseboat for good motor cycle, clear real estate or wnat.' $3.10. M-15. Journal. WANT men's tailoring for cash and good furniture or motorcycle, traser. Main 4515. ' WILL trade fine, latest style gra fonola with records tor a modern piano. See Mr. Lane, 285 Morrison st. WHAT have you to exchange for car pentry, building, painting, tinting: Sellwood 1665-. WHAT have you in horses, buggies or harness to trade tor goou moior- cycle.? 1029 East Yamhill st. LEUGER automatic for folding cam era. Call alter 6 p. in., labor lob2, D-1603. DIAMOND jewelry or graphophone for cherries. East ii!. FINE diamond in 14-K rins. cheap for cash Or woman's tailoring. E. 197s CORNET for violin or talking ma Phone East 2334. chine. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 Green trading stamps. 1100 N. W. Bana blug Jo PAYS MORE for them than Sperry-Hutchlnsou Co. WE REPA R your watch tor i no matter how badly broken. Brine this ad. Howard Jeweirv Co.. 281 Vi vv aah mgton. PHoNE East 'alo wnen you wa.i to eell your furniture. We come at once and pay you the cash. M. R. 6air, 2!i6 Ojand ave.. south of Hawthorne WANTED Second nar.d luniiture ranges and stoves. Best prices paid. Morgan Furnuure o 5C E. Morrison st. Phone East 2238. WAN i'ED -ne peopis ui Porua:ivl to know 1 pay the highest cabh prices for household goods. Prcmpt attention. East 77 N. M Skater. 143 Rn -ell t CAN use 2tiO-5oO cords of ctndwo'iu and 5u cords of oak on Southern Pa ciifc line. I'. Neiisen, Williams Ave. Fuel Co. a 1 Vv iEL pay cash tor your piai.u. p.-y-er. upright, grand or square, llotb phones. 1433. or call on J. J. Foster 151 4th Bt. NOTICE To MOVEKa. Wanted .Stoves, rockers, drecvera rugs, couches, chairs, taoles. et -. We cry the price. N W. Fur Kx E. 6rK s WANTED, furniture, also piano. must be cheap lor cash; Kive price. Z-2. Journal. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIN 33H2. A-2567. SECOND hand clothing buyer, .ueyei. the tailor, pays J5 up for suit; Bhoea bought. Marp'-.n;', 1229 ?2 Madison WANT all kinos showcases, cash reg isters, scales, etc. 128 1st. near Al der. Main 44S5. CASH paid lor TALKING MACHINES and REt.'oRDS. Main 44H5. 12 lFt. near Alder. CASH for eld go;d, silver, piaiiii.ini ami high grade ore. H. M. Pickering, mrfg. jeweler. 21S Oregonian lllg PAYS highest price tor Z(i hand coin ing, tooln. etc. 273 Front Main 4802. WANTED Stove or range, aiso some furniture. Main 44S.V SECOND hand mower and rake. 1310 E. 20th. Sell. 747. f Tf KB MY I " PERSONALS (Continued) WE PAY cash for vour used furniture, carpets, range, etc Gevurtz Furniture Co.', Inc. 185-187 First ml. NEAR YAMHILL. MARSHALL 6g1. CASH paia tor iiooo secona-nand tur nlture for.l Auction Co.. ll J1 t U)ST AND FOUND '21 THE following articles were left In cais of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Co., July S. owners may ob tain possession by calling at Station First and Alder streets: 2 baskets, 5 packages. 1 lunch boi, 1 dinner pail, 1 architect s rule, 1 sack oysters, 2 packages shoes. 1 glove. 1 sod cutter, 1 baby buggy, 1 small box, 1 suit case, l bucket. 1 package hair pins, 1 lin kage (3 pr. ) shoes, 1 lady 's Kold watch. LOST SJiiday, 33 by 4 Ajax auto tire. on Skyline blvd. or between Gei niantown road and Boaverton. Wasli ii'l!t"n county. Call Tabor 1 4 i 4. l.oST Black and white hound, bob .tail. Answeis to name of Frank. CaUJ-:. 1522. LOST At The Oaksr'throe bathing soils nnd Ivory set, three pieces; re ward. l'hono Main 32X.'. LOST Canary bird, Sunday. Return 452 E. 11 Hi, and Curuthers; reward. Phone Tabor 2356. Lt'ST Di.-lil'c7sNo2 1 1-A. Main 1092, evenings East 5M1. LOST, five dollar gold piece In a Ladd & Til ton envelope. Phone Main 183. Foi'NI) Locket. inquire at-Journal office. PERSONALS EXTERT tailorcs.s will give lessons in sewing, cutting and shaping. 25 cents a lesson. Here's your chance, better lcMn in two weeks than take six years. Mrs. J. Mi-Adams Suburbs), 1480 One ont.i st. Take Dckum ave. car, gel off at drugstore. Will pay bi prices for glasses j 1 an fit your eyes with first quality lenses in a gold tilled frame as low as il.0. Chas. W. Goodman, optometrist. 2c M ..ri!:un. Main 2124 FF.BVEV & llAM'bLT, leading wig and touo makers; finest stock hu man hair goods; halrdrtssing manicur ing, face and -Hlp treatment. iomo ItiM toorrier 147 Broadway. Main 546. OREGON HERNIA INSTITUTE. Rupture treated mechanically; adults, children. Trusses to r.uit your case. Johnston & Umbargar, rupture spe cialists. 411 Allsky bldg. Main 3784. T A KARA Hair Tonic, an antiscptio scalp ciesnser, hair beautlfler and dandruff remover; price 60c bottle. For sale by Portland Ho'el Pharmacy DON'T use expensive corn remedies when you can get tie sure thing "Removes It" 15c plasters at the Clem tison Drug Co . 200 Morrison st. NEW life in electric and vibratory treatments. Facial, scalp and mani curing. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg. NEW life in electric and vibratory treatments. Facial, scaln and mani curing. 417-20 Northwestern Rank bldg. DR V. G. EETCHUM Women s mala dies and acute diseases of men. Wash. hldg . 4th nnd Wash Krr 441 Ma. 448 DR. ETHEL A. SACRY, expert mas seuse and chiropodist. 5u6 Panama bldg. Main 9068. HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Pekum. Marshalll 702 PURITAN CAFETERIA, 4th and Stark"; coolest place to cat. Vocal and or- che stral music, noon and evenin g s SPIRIT! AL1SM Rev M. A. Price, cir cles Tues. 2 p. m.; Wed.. Sun. 8 p. m. Radine dailv 292 Clay st Mar. 3960 I oimor totiBuuaiion r r e e. Lawyer 4993. 512 sening bid. Main SCIENTIFIC treatment for diseases of scalp. 1K3 Park st . room 3 SOLDIER HOY Spiritualist, psychic. 39 Taylor. Main6634. ELECTRIC treatments, rheumatism. mom 215. 350 Morrison. BALM of Figs remedy for diseases of wemen. 504 Davis St. Main 2393. NOTICES 20 PROPOSALS WANTED, Rt the street improTement committer of the city of Saieiu. Or., on or before July 17. 101ft. at S P. rn.. bid for huuling eriifhed rori bv ant- tni'-k for atreet improTement work, approximately 4.r00 rutdc yarda of rruahed roik. The ditstniiee variea lrim fne and oie half mtlei to f.iir mllea. Addreaa V. 8. L v. itreet ciimiiitsaloner THE I'AKINEUSHIP of J. J. lana and H. .Tame, doing businpea under the came of the Portland Uraas Foundry, la dlaaolred. The lii.sliieya will be carried on In the same line ui.der the ..le management of J. J. Krtur, bi will assume and pay all hllln. J. J. EVAN!". PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCORDIOW PLEATING ACCORDlu.N, k.MFt AMI KOX 1'LEATINO; lltXtSUTCIIlNtJ, HHAIDI.Nti; BLTTON BOLES. BITTOXS tOVKKF.D. EASTERN OVELTY MFi. CO.. 5' 51 H B'WAY gfxay K S-TEl'llA.N llennilil.MDft. arcordltm. l.le and kunliurat pleating; buttuna corered; (ooda aporge.l S' allonlne. IMttm-lc lillt. B'wir 1099 AGATE CUTTEBS Villi. JKVS tLKlta. liluiuouda buught and aold. Watch n-oalr'it, Mlller a. H4X Waah HI IN" 4 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS I'. t.. tsHK.SSli ALit I .nptelueuta. vei ! "iMd Keneral farm aur.pllee. 214 rr..nt Portland ANALYTICAL CHEMIST AND ASSAYEH O'LLKK T-IIALI CO .un l.i.U ll"j 4tb at. BLANK BOOK MAKERS lAVIr a kliibiiA.S. lui.. 'U i at. lilana book manufactureia. agenta fur Jonea 1m proTed IiiiKe Lest I.edzera. Sea tba new Ku reku l.iaf A aiM. Main BRASS FOUNDRY THK i'Oltll.AMl Hi.iaa Koundry -lT"ltz, ...p(M-r. Grm.iu Kliver aijd I cv-Wnc.. ;at 1 1 m. uh In ion are. - Ilraaa. 'umlDUus CABINET WORK CAHi.SKT Wl)i. luriiilure repalrln Horaia D. Joi.ea Jr . r.l'u, T.'.d t. Main 3KS2. CARPET CLEANIJfO IFilHiiHiF mm !: old carpeiv rg ruga, rarpet leanlnir. North eat ling Co., 1SX F. th at K. as0. B I2SO JuYl I. lilies. Klectric t leaning Worka t ar-peta-rlend and laid; refitting our apeclalty Ea-t 44". l:-lo.a; 2i E. Iflrb mt N. I l.M.VM I.AK ling Vtorka Hug rui and nr pel neaTlng. IMS I'attnn ate. Wdln. 2&ii. Charlie Had J-m HONEY CHIEOFaACTORS PH. alcM Aho.N Curable e.e.. iku, unr, 81 tretnivui worti. $:a A.l.litlooil rew oftlce liui 1:12 Macleay bl.ir.. 4ib and W h. (iwlng to my nitxt Ttlf) ln iuihw with maoy a..-.iiliFl tIJera,, rae Inrint the paat aeTeii t..nr la tortlan4 1 ttrr drulM In ctabltb a cblr. umcUc aapitarlum v oK. of-town patlrma mr renin I u mceb to Ui.-lr rA untafe at ukm "r.-anon.l.le rate wblla taking treatment. Already ruled to capacity. Tnu. on awillcatti.n. 7ru Hawthorne - NKRVOUHNKSH. iI1m'ii. f womrn ami chil dren cured. l)r Marcuret llnynle. Iicena'4 chlroractlfl ptiTal.lan. JI7 Kwctlaod bid. N fake. Main 1.ICV UFPfl.TK ito my a.lfei t i-i. 2 m treatment $10. Pr. C. B. Tlgnr.l. ;i., N.,rtbet bldf.. 6th anil Wahlni:ton. COAL AND U'OOD Wood Wreckage Wood Sowed and dcllrered. It.Kiilnr mill ulrr l.nnda f2 75. O. K. & K. f. re. king t'.. I'l.i.uca: Murnhall 4!i2..; Kat M!2'.l. IVA1IONAL. KLKI. rn .- l.AM ..il Slabwwd 13 io cord deliT.Te.1: .li i l.l..,k an4 alnl.wnud aaved $3.10 ' rl; g.md dr wwt g.' A -1 dry ftr. 4 foci or -, f , ,ir M- Kit r'ASK. itrr nr. 4 tt M.: t" HWkwno.l .).', Water at Main 4 -tiB v T l kliiln IIM'I I IWW CONTRACTORS . N 5 BU1LPEKH OSKAK HI UI.U. U.'ii.il luuliacMi. i Su, t KH'll tlidfl. D00 AND CAT HOSPITAL 1K. Ci II IIMHMA.N i: I Kill . AIU A.N Hoapital 4 IS K. ;ui M. H.t' clipped od htthed. V.n-t IS IT lnni 11X12. EpUCATIONAJL DANCING 11 A Null I S I i-.it :m in inn Ar.lni. k.'.S ..Hi t"t. Sturli an, Out. Siw.lal rate. 4 nrltaH lrKma $2. in. Till ni; a rteriimin. pwuley; ail latent lancc guaranteed. rln. Tlmradaj Sat urdnr i'YimiIiikv 7 k ;u, linnniuny 2IIH1 UH and Mr, lleuili jviiool l., ..in dallyT Claaa Friday eve.. lo 21 st . I..Mimii Waali lnilii and Stark l.ei.in 2".. Mutn :12o.'i MUSIC 8CHOOL8 AND TEACHERS KAltl'IMK in plana in ,o 1.'oiii.. l'u wl.rn oirjvlnced. I-Vee pra.'tlre ri.'in 'VI. i Wli-uea Hyatein." ."! 2 Kllera li.d. t 'I It II.I.IHIKS - Viidln i. -m il. i . pupil s.-. i 2(7 K Meilner t.ldir A 4i'" Mil i-I , h II livjo I'll (IK. T K. lionie. OOc. I.AW.M'N - riiiin. I. .,!, at yi.iir IMumip ThInt I'lCr"! EYE. EAR, NOSE. THROAT LUNCH ISppcltillKl, Mudei'Hti pi lre.H. (i!af.ea fitird. Wr. F. F. Caaaeday. .".17 lknm hliln . .Id A Wanh. FIRE INSURANCE lAUKH: SIAIKS HHK INfl UAMt u . on'v Oretiiin flra lnnranre rirtiipaiiy. FLUFF RU08 AND RAO RUQ8 Made fr.iiu nld ingrain, iiruaafla. Ainilnatrr, Smyrna raiptMM. Hug ruga, all alzpa. Mall ur dcra pruiiipt ii t tent Inn . ItiNiklct WK.NTKRN I l.t'l F 1(10 CO. M t'nton nviv N . I'liona Kuft tt.'lil M-I4TS, FRNACE8 -f- Boynton Furnaces Ecnn.iuit.'iil. efl.-ctual. anil Mrkct J. t . 11a j i-r Co.. FTrmt H ATI CLEANED BLEACHED Ladles', cclil' 1'uumiii liatn t-l.-inii-.l. Iileacbed, 75r. Strnwti, frlta. Til'.'. K a u f iiihii 'a. 23 Waah. nr. 4tli. KK and 41 rid. IMnnv M. T'l'.V, LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINOS '1 Hi-. Hill. MAN l.l.AlHtU i . . Oldest flrui In liwrtliw eil . Agt-nln "Munarrh" and "L. Sc St." a..a leather .'('.' TvereM at. MATTHE8SE8 ULI) inattreahea and featlier Peda inada luia aMnltiiry folding fotiiih. teuiheia ri-ntiTated. K'ldlng M Co.. !tn Wllllallia K r,h74. NON-INTOXICATING BEVERAGES W KNIIIAKK S Ouldeii and Amber Nectar. Henry Welubard pi. ml. loth and Hurnalde. Main 72. I'honea A -1 1 73 PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS THE IVY I'llt-r-S. J i ill N M. MANN. 8L Stalk at. Ilra.l ay 4os. A 4nW. RUBBER STAMPB A N DB E AL 8 ALSO oU'iuila. trade t l.erka. Kruaa Mgua. I'ACIKIC COAST M'AMI' W'UUKM T31 W a-limgloii at Mali. 71". A 2710. SAFETY RAZORS HONED SAr h.il raiora aUaiieiied, all kuida. J!c and .'Mir per dojren. U..1 ! at., neiir Murrlaori. SHEET METAL WORKS Kirl'AIKIM, tin and islael nila. Jacub bcrnil. SIO lat at. 1'boiie Main 1424. TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co. Eatabllahed 170. Tranafer and Koruardlng A gent a. titorage -Free Trackage. Office aud Klurai;e. 474 tllaan 18th and 'illarni. Main HH A lutt. ALWAYS -1'ICk ' AUK l'.fcSl' IHK .'SLHOI.U OOODS Rl'EClAI.ISIH - Slorage. Packlrn.r Sliipplng and Moving. lloiati or Aulu Vam. 8pec-inl freight rata to all iKilnta. C. o. riCk XltANSrKK A SlullAtJE CO. 2d and Pin. Ilrndiy r,Pi ltal. tLSUN KOli TllAX.1H.il I 'O. - Furniture uio. era, packera. atuiak'e; llrejiru.f warehouse, ljtb aud Hoyt ata. Main 617. A I'-'IJ. MANUFACTURERS JOBBERS WHOLESALERS DRY GOODS WHOLEBALk, L, Dinkelspiel Co, V"!:. PAINT, OIL fc LASS BASML'SSKN A CO.. "i llgli Maudard" paint. E. corner 2d and Taylor. V. Kil A ! 1.1 1 PLUMBING SUPPLIES ILLMhlMi auppllea, wbobfale pinea. IiaTla Co.. 212 3d t Main 7:i7 Mtark SANITARYWIPINO RAGS L. SHANK CO, ;,2 FltON'l Hi'. I'Ijom; main im WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS KEVSANti; WAlt.U MSIEMS M. P. Spenier. Ag-Bt. I'l.'l W. I'ark al WOOD PIPE roRiLAM) wooi rii'i; i". offlre near 2tb and York ata. -Factory aud Main .IISH orroKMATiov coupoa. If you want the name f a reliable bualneais tiuuae dealing In any line of merchanc'iae, or liiloi matloii regard ing teaortu, hotela, railruude, slaain h)p lines, etc., adiirris oitgoo joui nai 1 on. i illation Bureau. Information desired: Name Address . to Think of the Future SBvinc, fy TOR My i tOLDjGP. J i V' S'Y-i i ''-v'' Vt'f'i '' -- - ." "' i ". - ' 'i . 'ir j , :',-'"."' " ' ' '- 11 '-'";-.. ':? v; : . A , : .' " ' ; '.-, . ; ii."-1.'