I 12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND.' MONDAY. JULY 10, 1916. -v. IIOU8KKEEPINO ROOMS s rimxxsKXD aid mrrvsKiBssD fCoptlnnd) CLEAN 2 room apartments, cool place). private) park, rlowa In. 391 Broadway HOL'tiKKKKI'INU HOOMS 73 rDSVXSKZS AMJ UTCJ-UKSTSHED MUVATB rAXZZ.T. KINK front housekeeping uits, 1 -2-3 rooms. $2-12.50 week; house under a. new management ; pleasant aurrouncl- Irtgs. 402 Park nt llOUSKKKKI'I N ; rooms, Mtigle or en suite, 15 month up. 301 Water, ror. Column In. TWO suite, ail convenient. firM lioor. Bee lliexe. Ver reasonable. COi yisnders. i'LUlNISIlKU housekeeping rooms, ttuiel location. 7o Gliaan at. Main If. K., 1 and 2 nun: suites, i: to tU ' per mo. Kree bath anil phone. 4uU Yamhill, bet. 1JM h nnrl 13th. FfKAT. light H. K. rooms, single or en utte. rhcnp. 2 0 S 1.1th .it. PLEASANT, quiet, housekeeping ami sleeping rooms, le.-iwona hie. .105 12th. iVURNlHIILIi hoT7e keeping suite, I per mo. 41'.) 'lay. itOOMK for rent from $l.Sti and up. 28 '1hv nt. LARilK, modern, fror first floor. 4i:'J Main. t II. K. rooms. FOIl KKN'i llOibLb 12 TOR FIKNT 5-room modern bungalow 1 block from car line; garage anil beautiful lawn and flowers; rent $11; 1004 K. 20th ft. S.. In Alberta. Prion Broadway, 3932. roci tenant wanted. KOUALS IhoiotiKhly modern, i'.n'i L. 61st St. ers. $25. N., nice garden, fruit, flow- iJKOVIIKNT TRI'ST t'O., 212 Selling bolx. A 4 KOOM modern, cottage at 1 2 s J K. SalmoTi ft., for' $10 per month Call Hunday a. m. or linjuuo at No 12M. 26 KOOM boose. :14 M 112 till, and huiiKiihiw at IwauMf St., bJ2 lli-iKale t., $13, In flu., condition Sell ivood rar. Inquire .lt llo,;nte nt, I2.7n INCLI Holladay, u Irvlngton car outh. Phone .1 lil.N'i; water, (lose In. 0 l ooms, l in nai e. ai(l. to incident St., block Klifit et4:i!l. t KOOM modern, Kleeping porch, lire less cooker. 34i N". 17th, near liroad way. 4 KOOM bungalow. JS. neat and attrac tive, 1601 K. Ankeny st. Fied W. Ger fnan Co. 732 Cham, of Corn. 6 ROOM modern hunpalow. reasonable, near Westmoreland, fruit, flowers, 1 blk to car. K.ist lHW Sel1. 24f. modern roti;ii;e, 2'.'1 lliin.'o.'k; easy walking distance; rent $12, In cluding water. HOIiKUN ;" i in f u i nlslini 'house,-2 blo'ks from Wood. awn car. 'labor 420. MOLKKN S room louse. 127s I-;, mm St.. W'oodlawn distiici; low 'rem. Columbia 2r. 6 KOOM lio'iN.'. modern. K. lioth si., block soiitli of Hawthorne. Inquire 2A5 K. :IH. b KOOM house. Last li.tu M.. excel lent condition, Jin. Main 127 Last S2. $3.f0 TWO rooms, wood lain acre Karden ready lor ui-e half water paid. Woodlawri 2n'.'. BEVKN room modern house, "at 295 E 82d St., luO feet h..u:hof Hawthorne; refit $22.50. I'll o 1 1 eT : i bor 3 7 4 2. I 1IAVH 2 5-rootiiK, modern, and 2 fH rooms each, to rent cheap. 361 J.; 89th at. i'l N L' inod-rn 5 room house, 2 It t ('or bett near Flower. $10. Take Fulton car. $26 IrvniKton 7 looms modern. ii; K. ltith X.. near Lirazee,. key house north. $ 10 5 1; i! udern $12, beautiful flat dint. J-rnuk I,. .Mil otr )Ke, model n, iuirp. Ma b'se in. walking n lm;v 7 ' K H i.M house, f.urtiai Wa lkin (list am e. us rhone fcast 1922. $20. f ireplai'o, 1Mb si. EIOI1T room corner I ers, fiio) location. Wain J94". .nose, yard, flow cheap. Jamiehon. 1150 M.AKkK'l'-Xcar rooms. $i'; inom f i I si t t.i ..e. floor, sir.. NEAT N.. $i: room c Fast 'Itage. 4 02j 446 In ion ave. 6 KM. furnished ll isc. $Hi, blocks 1. jifin I lolma n st. n 'in house. fill lil. front W'ni'dlawn T22 .50 MOHF I i " E. Couch. East Modern u- I d vision. 00m bouse. East 13th and NEAT tl-room cot la k ave.. $ 1 2 W'oodlaw 11 , 9 91 1 10U. Williams MODERN .' Sherman. labMUKh Vitii hALfe hoi si-;.-, i-ou ki:. r S ROOM modern house in West Pied mont; electric llliis. kjs heater and ratine, all newly painted in.-ide and out, full basil. lent, I blocK It. 1.11; also some lurniiuic for sale Ija Missis wlppl ave Ke at 11 'H Missixsippi ave LFAVI.; city, lurnitiiie for safe! house lor sale or rent, lilock from Irvlnmon car. Phone C-3 1 4 2 AOS. of furniture tor nale um iiuu 11 shed In the Household Goods claasi flcstlon when house is not for rent. Fl KMSIIKI) HOI'SKS .JO FOR RENT Completely furnished 3 rm. cottage with piano, in rear 07b E 15th N. W1EE lease model 11 a loom furnisto-J house, nice lawn. 1 .es fruit $ln S7 K. Ash. Ksct IT.'.v COUPEE with nice house will home to man and wife lor board; reference. X-3S, Journal give one s COM PLE'l'El. V furnished, modern clean, ti room home. 1190 Mixter st ' rear K 39th and Lincoln. Ta'.oi 4 7j.s' FURNISHED, modern ? r oom lioTTsT; for rent Aug 1. E. Morrison anu 13th sts. S-l Journal. FURNISHED house lor lent, inc player piano fall Suiidav. 9 nesotn ave. iudint; ! Min- $14, 5 ROOM way hrld ge. THREE room Inquire 314 cottage. 4 blocks P.road- j3S K.iss. haist 4vh0. house; a room cottage Tillamook. 8 4 OR 5 Phone ROOM Piedmont, luimsned evcnlims. W'.l.n. 4519 $10.50 TO $; MONDAY. PER MONTH main :,4r,H. . PHONE CHARLIE CHAPLIN'S COME OH DOWN TO THEY'RE GIVING 2.5 . 1 1- ( rm. c . . li. .mi l.;l Ma li. iv at J22 E Kent $1 I Call Ma. r. 7 1 :( $f Modern 5 room house, walking dlstam e fi.'il 2d S car to Sheridan. rrnu JiflfQ urjUcH WATER THF LONGEST i 3d STRICTLY modern house, up'endld neighborhood, convenient to Rose City line. Piano and furniture f,ood. Rent reasorable. J. F. Compton, 100 Ablngton bldg. FOUR rm. cottage, lurnished, walking distance, phone, gas, electric lights. bath. 460 Flint st.. near Russell and Wms. ave. K. 5571. WOMAN AND husband can have free rent of modern furnished home Tor care of 11-year-old girl. 88" E. Frank lin. Sell. 4. FOR SUMMER Furnished house. 4 rooms. Snap If taken soon. Tabor MS. FURNISH ED Union ave.. 6 No room house. 697 A I'A HTM E XTS 4 3 FITRISII Kll AM rKl!RJSHEI TlHk QMWRl 6tb and Lolumui sts. Five mlr.utea' walk to Mier & Frank's store; good si.i rouu Jinga; strictly modern 2 and i room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished fptr.. Walking distance. Reference TINYM AWU tLHaK. AT ft. 1'ortland'i bi.une at qunlltj, eoaif'.rt aad kervtre New Westminster, oth at Madi son I nder new management, apta. furnished or unfurnished with private oath, by week or month; only tour docks i rorii postoffice. NEWLV furnished 2 and J room apartments, $ l o mo. up, including lights, phone, janitor service, etc. Walking dlatance. Kelknap apartments, 1 i" I 7 1 1 1 b t .. near Yam nil I MA I MOWN PArtK. Al-Tb. Park st. at Madison. Modern 2, 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, close in. by week or -oonth. THE OEZENDOKF. 208 lBTli ST. Marshall 2311. Nice 6 room fur. and. unfur, apta.; also 3 and 4 room fur. aots. PENROSE APTS.. and Grand ave., 3 room furnished. Walking distance. N. W. cor. Belmont new. modern, 2 and fcServlee first class. ELEGANT 6 room aparr.ment with sleplng porch and all modern con veniences. Main 4124 or alter ti p. uj A-1501. SAN MARCO, nicely furnished orun furn. mod 3 rm. apts., private bath $1.. up. Kiick bldg., walking distance: hxmeliite. E. "th and Com h. East 1990. LUZERNE jil'.s, 20. anu lla.11 -:-.iuu-em brlcK bldg. 2 rooms, f uino-.bcd. private phor.e in "ach apt., $1 aad up Marshall 437. THE SHEFFIELD, 270 Broadway S. 8 and 4 room fur. and unfur. apts.. walking distance; at very reasonable rent; best of se. vice Main 2506 THREE ro in apis, private puone, bath, Jla.iu per mo., modern trick. Wesifall Aprs., 410 6Ui.; walking dis tance. BALKOA APTS. Largo, modern 2 and S room fur. and unfur... brick bldg., best service, walk Ime dis.; i-a.aonai.le 429 Harrison st THE ORMONDE Modem Iront 4 rooms. CIS Flanders. Nob hill. Main ft ? r. 1 . $3.50 PER wk. 2 and 3 room apts. PrU nib' bath. Harrison Court, ath and Harrison sts. Walking distance. PE N I N S l i.A A11S.. C-llJu; cuncrtu bldit , 2 and 2 rooms, hot and cold water, baths, phone, stea m heat l2up MAl.NoEiA API'S., E. 3d and Bilmont Modem I and 2 room apts., $ l oo per week up. Sleeping rooms Ea i' 1 i:o.-K ern best h'KIEND. 2!j Broauway S unfurnished apts; large ervice. walkinc dist. Ma: . , moa riomn. 1410 4 ROOMS, sleeping porches hardwood tloors, turn, or unfurn. 1 ortnomah 200 E. 13th. T V( ) I oom apartments, fully fur nished, also single rooms, 2S9 3.J st Cincinnati Court. 4ul loth, mode.n ai.artments; f I 0 to $j -. AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4, j 6 rm. apts. Mar. 3."'i0. M 75 1 H, A C7ft CAMAR, 704 Lovejoy 2 and 3 room apts.. $15, $20. $27.50. Marshall 29 17 ROSE N I' E 1.1 1 Stark 2 and I brick I. 14th and E. t rooms, private phones FOR P.rXT FLATS 13 MODERN 4 room flat. 11S5 Miiwaukio St.. SelUvood car. electric light, ba.:., Dutch kitchen, laree basement, rent tic FIVE room i.a.dern flat, rent s in cluding water. Inquire 927 Biook lyn st., near 31st. MODERN 4 rooms Reasonable. 2 hrldge. Ea s t 4 0 7 corner, 392 Kenton blocks Broadway $lo 4 rooms !V I odV r i ! r 7o5 on Rose City E. Flanders. E carlme. 11 51 TEN room upper flat. $10. west side. Broadway 2211 Close in, WEST SIDE Neat 4 and 5 rooms and electricity. Sellvvood 1370. gas FURNISHED FLATS 5() NEAT 4 blocks Summer rooms, walking distance, two east end Broadway bridce prices. 3S3 Ross. $18, 5 KOOM flat, lawn, walking dis tance, new electric fixtures 44X Rodney. East 4t)6. COMPLETELY furnished 5 room low er bungalow fiat, lawn, walking dis- tan.e. 424 Tillamook. Inioii ave cu is. CLEAN, well furnished 4 room TTaT first fflonr; nice neighborhood 2 cat - lines. 77 2 E. Tavlor. East 5 'ha VERY nicely furnished 5 roonw sr..c e ton electricity, lawn. E. 1S0S. tl Stan- LOWEK clean 4 room furnished flat modern with piano. Rent reasonable' no e nth st . N. KF.MAIER KKSOKTS no HK KEN I o. can Park. Wash 5 room furnished cottaKe. centrahv located. sell. 17 2.4. Not Sunday mne camping privileges on the banks of the Willamette; spring water; gas J I-. Jennings. Phone Oak Grove 75 -M KOCKA WA Y N icely located 1 100 1. furnislied cottage for rent J M V lkmav, irenan City. NEAT, well ti-rniahed 5 at Ocean Park. Wash loom iui;ai;p Seilwd. 150 1 COMIC CAPERS THF l fiiF hik-p Ta'twf hA i I FURNISHED HOUSES (Con tinned) SLMMEIl RESORTS Mi ( Continued) Fl'RNISHED tents at riunset Beach. $4 per week If engaged before July 10; wooj furnished; also two 4 roo.n cottages and one 8 room cottage fur nished. Dorr E. Keasey Co., 232 Cham, of Com.. FURNISIED or unfurnished cottages for rent at beautiful Manaunlta beach. Large living rooms and fire places. Addrees G. B. Nunn, Manzan Ita. Or. FOR KENT at Rockaway Reach, cozy 3 roo.n furnished cot tage -reasonable, also one at Saltair Reach. Call Tabor 1S73 evenings. GOOD board and room can be bad for $5 a week at one of the nearest and best beaches to Portland. Inquire 310 E. 14th st. N. PhoneAWood. f.94. SEASIDE locat Ion. Main 1068. room Only modern $100 house. Ideal for beaso.-:. ROOMS and privileges. Wash. rooms with housekr eping L. Roderick. Long Beadi, ROOM! furnished cottage Long Keach. Wash. $15 for season. East 4S61. Fl'RNISHED cottage. Gearhart; sonahle rent. W'oodlawn 1520 STOKES AM) OFFICES 11 BRICK warehouse in South Portland for rent, trackage. llKbt and airy cj. paved stree'.. reasonable. Journal MEAT market, east side, rent cheap store and living rooms. Owner, F 20, Journal. BAK'EKV, with baker's oven, east side, rent cheap; also flat. Owner, G-2o. Journal. FOR RENT M1S(:ELLAXE01S 33 BRICK warehouse on car tracks in South l'ortland paved street; well lighted About 7ui0 sq. ft. floor room. Suitable for light manufacturing. Ap ply at business office Journal. WANTF.H TO KENT WANTED to rent, house for conva lescent patients, 12 to 15 rooms, west side preferred, place with yard and trees. Phone supt. between 2 and 4 p. in. only. Marshall 52. 1 1 PUS ES, E ! 1 1 LES E HJ. 1M TEAM bay mares, weight 2600 lbs, heavy harness and wagon, $175. Team of horses, age 4 years and 7 years; both w.ok single and double, with wagon and harness, $125. Cow and calf 2 years old Jersey and Durham, registered stock, fresh 3 weeks, $4T.. All kinds of wnsons and Iruggles and harness to be sold for the high dollar. No reasonable, offer refused. G01113 out Of business. 5 4t". Front Street. SPAN of mares and harness, weight 20-10; $s5. Snail of geldings, weieht ;"(tot c,,.od harness and wagon, $110 These, horses are Rood workers and must be sold at once as we are noing east. Gentle pony, top l.ugiiy and har ness. $55. 2M Water st. hull horses ami veiiicies. doss and household pets and poultry, read the ads under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums In these classifications. GoOD ram ti or camping outfit; team. mare in. d horse. 22ihi lbs., nanus.; anil w:.i;ou. 1967 E. Stalk st. Trial kMuWhI. FOR SALE one team of well mat. bed mares, i years oil. weiirhin ",200 lbs., on., team of horses weighing 1X00. 2 2''. Ruscllsi. FOR SALE -fl-yeai -..id colt. vvt. 1100 lbs., well broke, good traveler, price $125. J. H. Roe, route 4. box 73, Van couver. Wash. GOOD delivery hot.e and wagon for sale, also rubber-tired buggy, good condition. Tabor 4u2. 7:30 a. m. and 5.3.1 r rr. ONE go.nl farm wagon, doublet har ness an 1 disc plow. Will trade for stock. !51 E. 39th st.. Woodstock car f. 4 Slh ave.. 2 blocks west. FOR SALE, cheap, a good all-around horse weight loml lbs. Also a single wagon. Call Mar. 294. 1200 LB. mare. Idocky and fat. work any place, $75. S car south to Meade st 2 bin, ks west No. 253. DEAO horses an.i animals hauled away free. Call W'oodlawn 20. Portland rpr u rinir "o. A FINE voung lsno lb. team of mares (heap or will exchange for good big horse. 1o29 East Yamhill st. FO R S A LE. c hap. 2H00 li). team and harness and gooseneck wagon. 840 Mississippi ave. W'oodlawn 1 249. 13ei) TRUE work horse, fat chunk, eentle. also S.iO handsome, fat pony. 73 5 East P e. SNAP. lb. team, harness, wiiron $ 1 5 1 4 0 ' R' 1 s s ell s t . IJEAD horses and cattle takeu Tabor 4 2'c.l. farm free. FOR ALE- -Gentle horse, Knott. addle and bridle. S54 LIVESTOCK 35 FOR SALE, fine 3 year old Jersey Guernsey cow, 2 gal. per day. tes GO. Prl-e $55. 1 177 Powell Valley road. Woodstock car to 39th St.. north 3 blocks. FOUR registered Guernsey bulls; two 2 vears. two yeariiners. cows, heifer. Phone Tabor 1 699 1 594 Division. 4 UOoD cows. 1 six gallons per dav, 619 E. John st.. young and gentle. St. Johns. YOUNG 5 gal. cheap. fresh Jersey-Durham, large Durham, idee family Jersey, 735 East Pine FRESH cow. 40 lbs. milk. Very ..cap. 79 4 Tacoma ave. 3 FRESH cows, will sell or fra le for beef cattle. !55 Mississippi ave. POP SALE Gentle fresh Jersev Capitol Hill. Marshall 1H51. ALL breeds of dairy cows. Bruce. Union Stock Yards. terms FOR SALE 4 beef noons. 0405 42d St. cows Call S. K. after- DO(iS, IUKD-j, I'ETS. ETC. 4fl GOOD alredale or Scotch collieg 6 to 18 months old; would consider female. Price must be reasonable. Y-3&7, Journal FOR SALE Persian .Minora kittens. T,4 E 51st st . near Madison. Al TO.MOHI LES-AL '.'FSSOKIES 44 FOR PALI con 1 1 1 ioi Light delivery new 1 v pain ted. 1 : ca r 0 N. A-l 19tb. ;a ra ;e - 53 thorne ave l-3x: at 1111 Haw- oil ALE 19 14 model for 1 2 75 Belmont st , cor. 43. price $250. AND I GOT IT ALL FXED THAT YOU WILL VYti TUc Co i -r a V f lie rMAC r AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 (Continued) Used Auto Snaps CHALMERS. Little 6-5 pass., A-l condition $ MOLINE. 5 pass., 4 cyl. .'.!.'.'. MITOHEM, 6 pass., ti cyl. . . OVERLAND. 4 pass., 4 cyl MITCHELL, o pass, 4 cvl., late model A NUMBER OK OTHERS TO 900 175 BOO 260 750 S'E- t-ECT FROM. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. EAST FIRST PHONES: AND EAST STREETS. EAST 7 272- MORK1SON -R-1 21!. YOUR OPPORTUNITY o pass. 1915 REO. in perfect condi tion. Inside ami out; newly painted, tully guaranteed. $725. One of the several bargains in our used car department open evenings for ycur t on venience. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY BROADWAY AT COUCH ST. Distributors of M A ROMON'S. COLES. REOS WATCH T.lEM GO BY. O A R j G E S $30 and up. P o r t b 1 e houtts, chick en houses, woods heds, etc. Mill made C o n ttructioc Co., Main 1167. and evenings. 44 Hood W'oodlawn t. Sui.day 3615. EVER READY $3e0; truck completicf 1 ton truck, atiac.im't. $i76. Manuf'-in Portland. THAYER-SHA VEK-GULLEY MACHINE CO 193 E. Water st. Phone E , 431 uUI BEE tread, p..uiure proof tires mad from your old ones. BruiK theru in. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. Wash, at lfcth. burr.oide at Broadway. ( 335 Burr. side. ' 19i'i ij . y i . (..V EKLANo, 1 passenger, run orily a few miles. Owner bought a 1917 Chalmers. A BARGAIN. KEATS AUTO COMPANY BROADWAY AT BURNSIDE ST. Phone Kroadway 5 :;. 1914 CHALMERS. 7 pass, with late improvements. This car is in A-l condition and can be boumit at a very low price. Your chance to pet a bar gain. .11 I'.roadwav N. Broadway 11. Russell St. Garage. Storage $4 per month; expert repair ing, supplies. Russell tjt. and Van couver ave East 2125. EFT Us Sclve Guaran eed Springs. C o r. Union and Bel- Your Spring i.oudib. r mnt. E 1 20n. FUR USED CARS :ee ldK Mam stock at Covey Motor Car H244. 21st and Washington. Co Mfg. & Repairs. 3000 guarant'd spi.ngs in stock, pi.ce.s reduced. 34 N. 15th st. AUTOMOBILES painted: fcood work. reasonable prices. A. teeghers, old car riage painter. Come and see me, 511 North 21st st. 1915 FORD roadster, run luuo nines, all new tires, speedometer, great nil; climber, fine condition. Seliwood 3u9, 593 Karl. Mnr,i arp aiitpv i hmq patent 'pending ED BRUNS CO.. 43U 1st st . i-or. Ash. liroadway S54 HOW AKL AUTO Co.. 14th and Davis. . Chalmers "US" roadster, good tires and paint. 1st class mechanical con dition. $300. MY 5 pass. STUDEBAKER toredoor in good running order, jood tires' $275. i'ur cAn be seen at Keats Auto 1 'o. Phone Broadway ."..'.IS. lsl I the big used auto exc hange fr bargains. Sale now going on- all makes, all sizes, all prices, si Br'oad way N". Broadway 1 1 . MY 191U Overland. 6 cyl., 7 pass. Brand new condition; am going away; must sell to raise money. Your cnance for a bargain. 31 Broadway N Broad'v 11 CHALMERS 40 in fine mechanical shape, good tires, light delivery. No Will make lnio a w has a 5 m body. $ 20 0. :I1 Broadway . Broad'ay r.ntijj THOMAS roadster. owner leaving . ' .Laiii.y a snap. see I at i.ai 1 .... r.'in and wash sts. HAVE 4. bv the ville. H. :otn. 1'. roadster. Must sell R. K. Payne, M -Minn- 1913 AMERICAN 30 roadsteT fulT7 eyu.fped. in xood condition- a $400 car. $ '.95 takes it. Tabor 390. 30 gallons Puritan No. 1., .", 3 gallons Monamobile, medium auto oils 30 cents per gallon. 4 48 Stark st ' GoING east, must sell good 5 Overland, or will trade for first mortgage. P-33. Journal pass good -MUST sell bargain, bett st. my Buick Marshall touring car 49a. 1050 at a Cor- POPE-HARTFORD speed rcad LeF must be sold. Tabor 5536 or 69 E 3dN. " " GO ) D looking Franklin bug. $150 3G9 2d. A-2"t;. RUNABOUT o ve rba u led -Newly painted and $150. W-104, Journal. BUICK. hauled. o-pass . painted and over very cheap. Wdln. 4o01. ATOS KOK HIKE 52 SEVEN pass. Winton i, anywhere first class service. Main 267i, Tabor 0740. DODGE day ; auto service, rates r..). h. day; trips to higliway. Main 25S1. Seliwood 1124. MAXWELL 1916 model, careful and experienced driver, reasonable rates Tabor 7U A NEW ,-pass. ('handler for hire to anywhere. reasonable. Main "'si A-7&76. IbKli for hire, with driver. East 4765. A ITOMOm EES WANTED 78 THREE lots at Alvadore. or some other light Journal. Or., for Ford car. E-38. RESPONSIBLE Ford touring without driver. parly wants to renr car for two weeks M-D. Journal. CLEAR C room hou ;e and lot for good automobile. Seliwood 2476. t (Copyright, 1918, by J. Keeley. By arrtnKe MOTORCT CLESBICYfXKS 53 TWO 26x3 wire tubes, all new, or trailer, cheap, rnont st., city. wheels, tirs and fine for cycle . K. Bissig. 128 Vei- MUTOkCYCLito Perfect condition. terms given; open eve's. Sundays 10 to 12. Indian Ag cy. 273 id. Main 13. FOR SALE, Dayton motorcycle. 2 apeed, 9 h, p., fully equipped, $150. ?fS f;niM Ml Phone ne Main 423. 7 H. P. INDIAN for sale, $&0. A-l con dition. I must leave town. J!l! Sheridan st. CASH for motorcycles una olcyclea. a ny o n-d i 1 1011. Blocker, 2 7fi Tay loi . TAVIN fndian. in good shape, $55; snap. 122 16th st. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 04 18-FOOT launch. 3 V2 11. P., fully equipped; electric lighted, chairs and cushions, laclory built and good con dition; demonstration by appointment. $65 takes It. Mann, 61 f Corbett bldg Marshall 1221. tn.VKLUi, canoe motors, Ui j moo el. 2 H. P.. battery ai d coil. Former price $'73.40. Closing out tins model a' $48. $16 down, balance monthly. Evln r u d e Motor Co., 211 Morrison. FOP SALE New scow. 12x32, 2 deep; ft. Lowell st. cheap. O. 1'. Graham, HOUSEBOAT for salt cheap moorage. Main furnished ; FOR SALE. l-ft. alter t o'clock. canoe. Call A-37G1 1 .AMKbM'.N Boat Ehop. Neuiaska Building repair, best work, low price I'lAXOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 YOU would not buy an old sewing machine that dropped stitches the old piano drops notes do not blatiK' wife or daughter for indifferent per formance, biame the inditrerent piano, which -lienaus entire families from music since enjoyment is Impossible. Do not buy old models for exactly the same reason that othirs exchanno them for new improved 191b pianos at the Sch wan Piano Co. "Make Room Sale." m ih sr. at Washington; $5 cash, $1.25 weekly buys 5uve more tone and efficiency in 116 model i'ioO pianos ut $2ti5. the same price without interest as the prices of old models with me bT added iu interest else w here. CLoSLN.j in i TO rlKS'f CALLtK. Pianola $5o player, mah. for ....$ "35 1'isclier $75, oiu model pino, tor Fischer $275, old modei piano, for 25 Collard Coliard, Englisn uprig ;t 'hinkering Sons, oid model, for Chl'ktnng A.- Sons, old model, for N. Y. Pianoforte, $1000 grand, for Beaty $7o parlor organ SECURITY STORAGE CO.. 109 Fourth st. 40 45 19.1 16 BEFORE purchmmg se j . 6 our Specials iu 1'seJ Fiano Bargains. icw pianos mod ately p. iced. V !fa 'l0 lf:fSf CZY STS. iloh'l- ii.t.s.v piano, mahogany, late style, line condil ion. $14u. Kimball, $125; Chickeriiiff. old style $v&; (Star ford. $12j. and other baigains. See theirf. You will not be disappointed. 367 Russell St. I AM leaving city at on. . .nd will sell my $4So upright piano, less than 3 years old, for 150 cash. Come anl investigate. Call Monday, 1593 Wil liams ai.-.. or phone Wdln. 4062. FOR SALE, piano in good condition. also a large black walnut cuckoo clock, practically new. Call 466 E. Broadway. Phone Main 279s during of fice hours. HA S. E your piano tunea, repairtd or refinlshed by our professional men Portland Piano Tuning. Repairing Ac Mfg. Co., 246 Hawthorne- Phone Earn 107 2. 75c MONTHLY stores your piano r wiU sell at your price or buy it for cash. Cell Main 5323. Security Stor age Co.. 10 9 4lh st. FOR SALE- J-noie player piano, oniy used few months, $250 cash. Apply manager Noitonia hctel. FK EE use of piano or player piano 2U, k years. .-ee uispiay act v. of Pchwan Piano Co or call at 111 4th st. KOHLER piano, like new, for Russell st. art style, less than cost $500; $200. 33 NEW ta:kmg machine, mandolin and violin cheap for cash. 391 K. Mor rison. WEBEK piaynr pano, $375; Kings bury player piano, $190, easy terms. 151 4 til st. LEAVING town, must sell beautiful graforiola and records; no reasonable offer refused. 324 E. 9th st. CUP K EKING piano, -Jiit, pay $i week 25 Morrison st., rear 4th per P1ANO rents $2 and up. Co.. 151- 4th st Graves Music h-NoTE pay $2 piano week. player, like 151 4th st. new, $199. P L A Y E R -F 1 A N O $165. pay month. 2n5 Morrison St. per PKAU 2S5 TiCE piano, Morrison st.. $'0. pay near 4tl $1 week $90 ("ASH buys. $32". lit oak. Security Storage Cc t.ze upright ... 109 4th at. FOR SALE tivn. nl.f an Good piano, fine condi for cash. Tabor 6560. PIANOS rented, $1 per mcnth and up ward. Graves. 151 4th st. FOR SALE cond i t ion . cheap, violin cello, D-60, Journal good TYPEWRITERS 77 NEW REMINGTON rental plan, with manufacturers' guarantee and rentals applying on purchase. VUlble models, $3 per month, $7 50 for 3 months Other models less Remington Typevilter company. Broadway. Telephone Broadway 6"'l. WE save you from 50 to 75 .in all makes of typewriters. Send fo- our Illustrated folder; i entail department. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington St. NEW. rebuilt, rare P D C 2d Co hand. rnta s, cut ?31 8trk M 107 HOUSEHOLD GOODS for- SALE OS BEAUTIFUL blue Bigelow Ardibel Wilton. 9x12 rugs, bought 4 monfr.s ago, like new, half price, a rare har gain. Apt. 6. Wilmar, 74 2 Everett. PIANO and music cabinet; also some other furniture Store rooms 261 2d, corner Madison. FURNITURE for sale. 5 R. cottage for rent Main 7133, 10 to 2 o'clock Marsh. 2S after 6. TO trade, 106.; E. 6 room Salmon. furniture tor auto aiect with Enay Co.) HOUSEHOLD GOODS Cor SALE 433 (Coo tin nad) AUCTION SALE! Rare old antiques, in mahogany, walnut and bronze; also some modern furniture and brc-a-brac; beginning: today (Monday) a-i continuing each day until sold. After noons and evenings at 2 p. m. and 8 p. m. The French Shop, 349 Alder st. (near Broadway) FOR SALE The first reasonable offer will take range, heater, White sew ing machine, kitchen cabinet, piano. 3 Iron beds with springs and mattresses, carpet and rug, etc. 280 Larrabee, after 8 p rn. HX)R SALE MISCELLANEOUS IO FOR SALE Brand new carom and pocket blillard tables with complete outfit. $125: second hand taoies at reduced pricea; brrwllng alley and bil liard supplies, eaay payments. Cigar store, drug, delicatessen and soda fountain fixtures. THE BRUNSWICK BA'VvE f'OT.LKNPER CO.. 4ti-4 ct AlAllliNEO Ot ail rUHKea old for le.a. No agents employed. Machine :ect d. $2 per month. A-S626. J Main 9431. Sewing Ma chine Emporium. liO 3d Taylor. Electric motors to. U hlectnc Motors Bought, sold, rented and re paired. Walker Ele-trlc Works, 413 Burnstue. cor 10th. Broadway or a-.tJ4 MUSICAL iNsTKCMEN i a. type writers" and 'Household Goods' are eparate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published uuaer their respective classification. LOOK THEM OVER $10 Ten Drophe'ud sewing machines with attachments, good oonditim. Sewing machines rented $2 per mon'.n. E.2359. R-33U7. I-:. R. tfteen, 152 Grand ave. near Relmont. Ktf U. jUIA i UhS. Closing out stock of Wickes patent refrigerators at i. o. b. factory prices no dealers' profit. On display al T'a Rruns wick -Ha Ike-Col lender Co. 43 ftu AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, laui.riiea or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different classifications. FOR SALE 488 hales of cotton more or less damaged by fire and water. For particulars see Henrv Hewett Co.. 227 Sherlock bldg., Portland. Or. GAS range, 2 burners, $; usu 2 mos., cost $1 new; good as new. Wood lawn 1 284. NEW 8-lu Mogol gas tractor, only plowed !50 acres; will sell cheap. L. H. Clausen. GoldVndale, Wash. WAYNE Kasollne pumps and oil stor age tanks E. H. Rueppell, Agr., 14 1st. Main 1221. RE SAVING of Staples. 2fii'. Morrison by buying your glasses the Jeweler, optician st. ROYAL ANNE audBing cherries on tree r . tjtt. oamascus. Or., near nion fibol FOR SALE I trunk and conteiiis. helii for room rent. Mis. G. 11. Williams, 334 Salmon t GOOD 30 lb. computing scale, $ 20j or will trade for typewriter. Gould, 73 Front st. Main fi2 FOR SALE, rang' stove, buggy, bi cjcle, porch swing and fruit jars an 1 tent 12x14 2"26 Delano st. MACHINERY bought, sold, it-paired and exchanged Northwet-t Lead & Mach. Co.31 1 Front st. Main $ :?. BICYCLE cheap, large standing nur ror 3x7 It. bargain. Main 7MJ5. 553 Morrison. Electric Fans bought, solo, exchanged; repairing Room 315 326 '. W ash, si. FOR SALE Steam tabl. and nieat slicer. Phone Main SS;o;. MAYTAG electric new. Phone I ' .' wasner. 142. practical ly BRtx't.'LI plants. $2 per 100. Ball. Woodstock. Sell. 4 7JU F. A 14 VOL V-2 1. A me rn an Jou rnal. law lor sale cheap. Gtwil. band laundry wants washing Phone Tahnr 4 275. bundle SWAP COLUMN 25 FIVE room houseboat for good motor cycle, clear real estate or what? $3.io. M-13 Journal. WHAT have you to exchange for car pentry, building, painting, tinting'.' Seliwood 1665. WHAT have ou in horses, buggies or harness to trade for. wood motor c y c 1 e? 1029 East Yamhill s t . 3-TON . amelback wagon. 1111 Haw- thorne ave. FINE diamond in cash or woman' 14-K ring, cheap f..r t tailoring. E. 197N CORNET chine. for violin or talking Phone East 2334. VAXTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 WANTED Second hand furniture ranges and stoves. Best prices paid. Morgan Furniture . o.. iiC J2. Morrison st. Phone Eest 2238. WANTED T&e peo.e of Poiliai.d to know I pay the highest caah prices for household goods. Prompt attention. East 7n7 N M Seattr. 1 43 Ruielldt CAN use 3ull-, and 50 cords ciifc line. P. Fuel t'o. .00 curds ol cordwoo.i of oak on Southern Pa Ncilsen, Williams Ave. I WILL pay cash tor your piano, p.-y-er. upright, grand or square. Both phones, 1433, or call on J. J. Foster. 151 4th st. NOTICE TU MOVEKo. Wanted dtovedf rockers, drrssers. rugs, couches, chairs, taoles. ei. We pay the price. N W Fur K.t VT figs WANTED, furniture. also piano; musl be cheap for cash. Kive price. Z-2 Journal 12x14 WALL tent, u.ufct be in good con dition and cheap. Will pay cash. Box 2S1. Piineville, Or. .WANTED Bi. ycles and parts. Any . Ifct, near Alder. Main condition, l: 4495. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND H AND H O U S E II O L T) GOODS PHONE MAIN 3332. A-257. SECOND hand clothlnn buyer jaeyer. the tailor, pays (5 up for suits: snoes boneht. Mam'iii;; 1229 229 Madison WANT all kinds showcases, cash reg isters, scales, etc. 128 1st, near Al dt r. Main 4495. CASH paid for TALKING MACHINES and RECORDS. Main 4495. 12d 1st. nenr Alder. WANTED f u rniture. Stove or range. Main 44S5. also some CASH paid for nlture Ford rood second-hand fur Aurtion Co.. 191 2d st St., near, and rene WANTED MISCELLANEOUS B (Contlnned) WE PAt caah for our used furniture, carpets, range, etc Gevurtz Furniture Co., Inc. 186-187 First st, NEAR YAMHII.U Marshall f.s. Gieei. trading stamps. 1100 N W Han a bldV Jo PAYS Mimr fnr llitm than Sperrv-(9ntchlnno.i Co. WE REP A .H your wst-it for l no matter hew badly broken. Brine this ad. Howard Jeweirv t"o . til V Waah- mrton PHONE East Velu When you wa..t to ell your furniture. We come Rl once and pay you the cash. M R Heater. 286 Grand ave.. south of Hawthorne CASH lor eld goid, high grade ore. mrfe ieweler 21 8 silver, platinum ana H. M. Pickering, f ire ironlnn bid PAYS lng. highest price lor ;d hauo tools. ec J7.1 Kront Mni'. ...I a -1 S 0 2 U)ST AXD FOt'XIl '21 LOST S-mday. 55 by 4 A tax auto tire. on Sk line hlvd. or between Gc-i-maritovvn road a.i.l Biavettoti. Wasli ington county. ail Tabor 14it L(.lST Hla. k and white Jiound. bob tall. Answer's to name of Frank. ':ill E 1 52 2. PERSONALS WHY pay big prices for glasses? 1 can fit your eyes with first quality lenses in a cold tilled fr utile as low as 1.50. Chaa. W. Goodman, optometri'. 20!i M...-riton. Main 21?4 iKiiVKV HANI'. BUT, leading wig and touM makers. lineal stock hu man hair k'oods.. hairdrcas.ng, manicur ing, face and sculp treatment, .omb- nirs to order 147 Broadway Main 54fl. OREGON 11 ERN 1 A INSTITUTE. Rupture treated mechanically; adults, children. Trusses to tult your case. Johnston & Umhargar. rupture spe cialists 411 Allskv bldg Main 374. TAKAKA Hair 1 Jine, au antiseptic calp cleanser, hair beautlfier and dandruff remover; price 60c hotti. For sale by Port land Hotel pb a r 1 n a c y DON T use expensive coin remedies when you can get the sure thing "Removes It" lie plasters at the Clem- enson Drug Co.. 200 Morrison st. LADIES INLY LETS GET AC QUAINTED. THIS AD, XT.. MAS SAGE. MANICURE OR SHAMPOO. 502-3 COLUMBIA BLDG NEW life In electric and vibratory treatments. Facial, sculp and manl curlng. 417-20 Nort hweslTn Bank bids. NEW life In electric and vibratory treatments. Facial, scalp and mui!l' euring. 417-20 Northwestern Hank bldK. DR. V. G. KETCH LM --WomTnTTnala" dies and acute diseases of men. Wash hide. 4th -rnd Wash Htr 441 Ma.- 44K DR. ETHEL A. SACKY, suese and Chiropodist. bldK Main 900S. SAi'KV, exr.ert mas- ou.j Panama HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Pajrlors. 400 Dekum. Marshnil 1702 SPIRITUALISM RevT M. A. Price, "clr"- cles Tues. 2 p. m.; Wed.. Sun 8 p m Reading dally. 292 Clay st. Mar 39o! I QAnr Consultation free Main LdWytl 4993. 151 2 Selllnc bldir. SCIENTIFIC treat meiil for U I'ark st.. rn"m 3 easeb of soldier boy spiritualist. rS(i Tavlor. Main ti24. ps ch. BALM ot women. 1-igs remedy for diseases of f. " . 4 Davis st. Main 2:193 NOTICES CIRCTT.AK NO. lOO. Sealed prnpomilN lll be r.'e.-lved t 'if flee ef "irehilnf (.'."!, Ahr-kun euif Ineerlne n,iiiiiiils.l,..i, Si-:i:i!.'. Wash., nut lalfr tl n I I "ll K. in.. Jill)- r 1!M0, f.-r niei.rs ntnl crm-erl.-. buklni; .cv il.r, flcir mni cer.iilH. ells. p.kle. .n'i.1. eic. Cii.irn i.f rlrciilHr mu.v b' ol.inlne.1 u..n ni.l.liinll .n nt It.iK offl.e ..r fr..n. I . S. . -i-Sineer ..ffi.e. w' Cm.-ii b'.lir.. ISirtUiMl. or. C. IHII.K, I'lln-liNBlNK Ainil I ' kllT'oTs A I .S T' VN Till b n.r the htr.'et liuprxrerneiit c..innillte.. t.f !.( rhy of Sale in. Or., on er before July 17. 1910. at fi p. li... bl.ls for liatilinK crushi'il ro. bv iiuio trnrk for ninei lun.roveuieM work. i; proxlnmirly 4.'mhi . ul.lc j.iMs of criislci roik. Tlie dlnt.tnc vi.rb'H irom ore iil o-..-l.nlf mllrn to f.mr nll.s. AiMrenn V. ,S. Inw, street eoniinvwoi.er. HIE PAKTNKK.sllll- ..f J. .1. t;. Julnete. dolni; iuiiTies. uii.b' tl-p Portland linn foundry, N tii-.slneK will be cnrrbol on h. nr.ler t lie sole mum. cement of r.VMI.H H.tl! 1 1 . r the nmne of i1N..ve.l. Ttn Hie Kaine 1 1 1 1 J. .1. Uvuii who will B.suiue and l.ay nil J. IiIIIk. J lA'AVX nnnccccinn a i i 11 BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCORDIOK PLLATINO ACCOKllKl.S. KMIt AMI BOX I'LKAIINli. UEM'lITCIlINt;, Hit Al IU Mi ; III'TTOV BOLtS, Bl'TTOSS COVUItLU. EAST Kll N' Nu 1. LTY MK.;. ro. way. f i h hway 2' io K sitl'MAN UetukliteblUK. .rinio7'me nil sur.liLirHt plea lln: : l.u't.,n eoveriil: vo...l pouKeil 8' alloi.il. . I'lltock liik ll'vav "mti AGATE CUTTEBS Mil, J K W KLhlia. Plalliol.,,.. I., Wutrh rrpalr'g. Wilier'-. 'AY'.', Ilklil AOHICTJLTUHAL ILtMENTS 1 K. K.SlfK.(jUALi:--Iniileiueni,. v- ..,1 general farm anp.lle 214 Kr.i.1. Porfainl ANALYTICAL CHEMIST AND A8BAVE" bll.KtKT-HAl.I, L(i ou.li I.I.Ik iom ii("t BLANK BOOK MAKERS lJAVIn A ilo,aiA.S, in.-., loi 1 at. l.laiik bM.k oiauufaeturera. tReota for Jonea lui proTed I xkibc Lest Uedvra. Men lb new tu rek. Laf. A-31S3 Main 1H3. BBABS FOUNDRY T11K hllULAM. Jiraa K.nu.lrj Hra, bronx. ixipier, (iiruiai. atlrer and alumlnuui r(.tiK. Kaat 1IM. 2!K) t'nion tve. CABINET WCSK CAHINfl Wulik. furniture r-.alrli.(. Il..ri. I). Jonea Jr., 2S 2:id r. Mala CHIROPRACTORS hll McMAUON turai.lt) ta.a. takiLg tune, 81 treatmeatt (15, worth f.'iO Aiblltlonal rrw office 208-212 tlirlti; t.idg.. 4tb and Wasb. Owing to H17 moat grarlfylng aucca wltb inaur ao-i-alled iornrh'e caaea during tha paat ae?en yrara la Portland I bate decided (a atablbb a cblroprartic aanilarlum wlaira onr of -town patlenia maj remain much to tbrlr ad tntaK at nint renaonahle ralea while taking treatment. Alrearlj filled to raped!, itiuii on applleatlon. 74 Hawthorne are. NElt VOl.H.N ESi dlaeaaea of women and eble t dren pured. Dr. Maritaret llnjnle, llreoaeA eblraprarilr pliTalclan, 017 Hwrtlaad blda N fak. Mnln lTti.. RI CI.TS do mj adertlaln. I a ireain.enta $10. Dr. C. 8. Tlgnrd. 30b Nrtbwet bld.. e.th ami Wanbinston. Luke Didn't CARPET rl.EAXlNO I Mm ..id t-eroe-, ra ruga, rarpat rli'ahli.K Nirtll- neat Klin lis K. sth at V. cwn, B 1?W. Jill I h bib 1.I...1 .11. 1 '.li'iin 1 1. it 01 ka A'af peta rleaii- and laid; refitting "ur ni laity. Eat 44i. II nm: .,M ( )5tD at N. UMNM I.A it pet wmtii Iu.k vx i ki . '.is ballon liatf ae. rua au4 ar Wdln 2S. CoAL AND WOOD Wood Wreckage Wood Sawed and delivered ll, kui.,, mill alxe l.oada $2. To. o. K A. li i W'i kiiig to l'l.onea; NAIHI.XAL li I., , ,, l.i.sl oTl Blabwuod .l ,.,.r, .lrii re.. ,lr l.likk and alabwiaKl . J $:i ki ,i, K ,t dry wreri- ape to. A-l lrv fir I f.N.I , , .niv-il In rM-ilr NKKIt & r.Mt't V.li rk wretl. .",0.". dri W nt. H. ..H I. 4 HO u b i. A l.MT. t'tt I.. ,o,l t CONTRACTORS O.SKAU Hi lll-.U. Ui-ue. look tiinc Ul.llult.ll. DOO AND CAT HORI'ITAT. I'll ll. in I li iiu.i 4i: i: bl.llie'1 rlj.wl V47 1 1 ll .. . I'll i-t. Home I . I I . IV Ik n K-I1IH2. . .4 I ll,.,.. 1 Jl . J and EDUCATIONAL HAN('ilG i A M 1 1 i.s i i. n ; bel SI-' u.i.l K At a e Hi , r., ,.til l , io.W. , oil mli-i.. 1 url'aot lesoi!K JJ. in. .mil lalel ilanii iiu. ... nr. In e e-i . .. - 7 Hi'ei.HH.u. eveulo;; aU . Tl.ura.la Sit- . b.o.l.lHM.V KIO MK an.l Mi lie ol l.ea-oiia dally. I . l.eieeii Waah-M-. Main :t2lift. I'las El' nt u f Inplor and Milk m '.M MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS I IMK on :.1kiii ti o i-s-i.is. I'ay wl.en KA. eon i iitceil. 1 l ee i i.ll.f lo.iiu, "' lillalauaiia S alelll, " ".ol 1 1 i i -r 1, lp K till I T.I b l K N V I. i. .,. I.ei . . I p : 1 Seeik ?l7 rile.lner l.l.le A ll.H. Miiral.all IHill. 1'UOK. I I.. I.A U s..N t'oi.to let.Ki.iia al iir .o. I', ! .,!.. M llooi. (it Ml Mi ,ialt ..I ie.i.n. me K.'ii I oi.-i-r Ml-. . i III 1 .t ii -1 . I liter EYE. EAR, NOBK, THROAT 1.UN0B .e.l., ii-i y. y. i Ar.ie Kse.lliv :.. , '. 1 7 le Hle.t lr. I .c VVali. I. lit- FIRE INSURANCE lAl lI ll S I A I i S Mill. M il l.MI, Oli'V Oregon file III' HI H!0't' loil.pilUJ' FLUFF RUOK AND RAO RLH.S FLUf if ma Made It olil JHini rna -earnei.. 1" rr Hill, i.r.inael. A Millnater. H rUS. I.ll hlAl'A. llill INf I. ll...klel. -I 1.1 I I III li I (I. I -0. ... . lBt ...Mrt n I4TR. dela iiroliij.t alhnt. U I. S I 1 UN M t'tilo.i .ne V FURNACES Boyntoii Furnaces .b ill, elh in ul. J i i'-M . r I . Fronl F.ronoi and M to I HATS CLEANED '. 1...I- 1. ioa.ua n BLEACHED 1. t, lie.1. I. leue.ieil, Iv u .. I In nil " a. I'l M f-.-'f. 11NDIN08 M 1 .1 til 4 ' I I. ItN. s met W ali 4 I .'..I KHOL li.a run; rm. i.ot AND 1 .M . .I.A I'l 11 i o .lolltlrel ve.ell ar. .il.i. an.l i Ac ' K.,e e ' I I e. MAiifiLB.-ILS rjn I Ul.ll loa 1 1 1 ee-.i a ai.u le.ii.e. lied a.ilillit loltlll.K .'..... leullielH lii.nle lino I emu a ted. Fi loo K d '"I ' I - I. hON-lit. 10-11 .1II.0 DLVLRAOEB W I S 1 1 1 lib .- i.. .i i. aiel A.i.I.er llei.rj .uloil .1 ......l. . ..It. a.,..l Mali. 2. .- I'l. in a - PAINTlhO AND ".a ....la. . it . I ll.'. I.Im.II PAPERIlfE I l o.illak . Ill ou 1 a H'll l J 2 TRINXERS AND ENGRAVERS HIE l I'l.ls Jnll.N M . M A ;i2 Stalk t-l I'.i-fl.n. n 4'.. A . iHK RUHbLR bTAMfB AND BEALB AL.-il) .Mel:. Ea. I la.li I'AI'll ll ( OA V '. I .1 -I I UK I "I hi . t'i.ei'ka. Ill.iaa aigua. SIA.MT WORKS Mali. "Ul. A '7 t JAFLTY RAZORS hONED hAI- El 1 Ml- (i. UK'U r. ai.a i iMMieil, all dor.. -n. 'I..1 , -i at.. klliila, 2iH' auj I.e... Mi.niaon. SHEET METAL WORK hi;i' a i li i m AlO ll vl 1 1 ii .1 ol ,ltie looln. Ma1!! 14.4 TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon franster Co. KhI ::hlUlicl INTO. Trnnn'ri n.nl I 04 . ardui ArmiI. hlt'IHH'" I 'I 't' ii.irknj(. f fU'P 11 1 1 ' 1 11 4(4 l . 1 1 iitl I111MLMJ ;1U J" Mh,m ,,u a 1hkv AI.U A.n lilt. ill), i l.M n-l .-M. IMHJ ,;uti M'i. l.vl.is'is Sioiukh. I'kttkihtf, Si ii! iij; im. M"V Jin i I ii e -t A ul V mu. 1. t 1 1 tilt. iMi.'h ( a ; I mm 11 1 . 1 t. I'll U I .tAN.SI-l.lt A JU(jl, Ml 21 Hr,, i'.im- I'.fi'iiilMur ..:t. A M:m. I' Ul lilt UrTf tUt'- J wtf H Mn-liU'lal, 'I. iH't. (. alulHt'. 11 ,"th Htni H-.it 1m Si it In "4 fl'a-11. I MANUFACTUREPS , ijOBBERSJrVMOLESALER5 DRY GOODS WH0LE8AL. L. Dinkelspiel Co. Vrl FAINT, OIL A OLASS ' o !d and ' IHllli '1 hi i'.r M uiAiard' M 177) I'H.lll.' A II.V41 PLUMBING SUPPLIES IT. I M HI M Olivia I o Id II' , 1. 1,. at IT., ll- Mi. In pi o "l'7 :id SANITARY WIPINO RAGS L. SHANK CO, .iii' I. iiu.vr m . I'lloSK MAIN ldt WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS KEWAM-i: WAII.ll hlKIKMH Ii .-,.1 m i 1. in nl 10:1 W l ark at M. WOOD I1PE 1'OKll.AM W'oilll Pll'i. III. ofrlli l.eur Itb "1. d 1 ..m al - I- aiior and Main :MMO urro&MATiott coupok. If you want th natna if a reliable buine i.uuai OtnuiiK in auiy lin of intrciianr or iului n.aiiun rcKard .UK lehollai tioifcln, lailfouda. alafH ll p ll.lwa, ilt:.. uuilitHit oitkou juiifi .iu 1 1. . 1 . 1 in a 1 1011 Kiirtuiu. lufoi motion uu.ita. Nama. ....... Addreaa -. . . Think Much of the Idea