f ' ... " . "i I - ... l; 1 ! .THE .OREGON SUNDAY; .JOURNAL; PORT LAND, SUNDAY MORNING; JULY 9 1916. 4 . CANNON BEACH An Ideal reaort for the summer tour ist if Cannon Beach, situated at the terminal of a wonderful road through the heart of a mountain trailing the Necanicum river. Here, along a ridge : overlooking the Pacific are located numerous attractive home while oth ers are scattered with artistic arrange ment through the -woods. Thomas 'libwson, the Boston financier, on view. Jng Cannon beach, said It could not be outrivaled anywhere In America. . D. M'o Water and family of Portland r occupying their cottaaj. L. Burke and family of Portland hr.ve taken the VV. H. Ross cottage for 'the summer. F. S. Kelly of the Portland Flouring ' Hills has taken Dr. Hummer's cottage lur T n M Miinn. "' W. Cannard and family are domiciled ' in their cottage and are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Baylees of Portland. at the Cannon Beach hotel. M. D. Alger and family of Portland n i ' i u i.ii.i vi iu.tna . v. i nig season. Mr. and Mrs. K. Dresbach from Port , land will be in their cottage for the summer. Ex-Governor Oswald West and fam ily came down .Saturday. Mrs. Ben Olcott. sister of Mrs. West, end fam ily, will be their guests. Miss K. Ball of Portland, with her father and mother, are cozlly located In the "Hell" cottage at Kcola fur the season. Mrs. Helen Simons of Portland will be In her Arch Cape cottage all summer. k. r. nowens and ramiiy or r'ortiann are spending the summer In their Kcola cc ttsge. Mr. end Mrs. George Rodgers. with their children, are enjoying life In the "I rfer" cottage. Mr. inrt Mrs. W. W. Hanks of Port land, with' their children, will spend the sesson In their heach cottage., 1 Mrs. W. Zimmerman and son of Port- Isnd have taker, the Peterson cottage through August. Mr. and Mrs. W. 1 1. Brltt and fam ily of Portland are domiciled In the Brltt cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Miller and family are down for the season. Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Wallace of Sea side spent a week's outing at Cannon Beach. Mrs. Max Smith and daughter of Portland are enjoying the ojsone breeze at F.cola. ' Captain Orln Kellogg, after a nhort trip to Portland, returned to his sum mer cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kellogg have returned to Portland. KjjBQBBSZ I , -ft i.n isiiiin T 9d 4 f ' 41 r 9 W' V, My ' S s ', I -V. f 9. iLJummm,m:iJ&ii" mm ii v ? it i A- P si 9 - ' z - LSi d . . w. .'.'.--. 9m- NEWPORT Top A happy group on the rocks near Manzanita Inn, at Manzan Ita, a opuIar Tillamook beach resort. Bottom Gazing Into the Devil's caldron at Neah-Kah-Nie mountain. Mr. and Mrs. George Hazclton and family of Portland have been domi ciled In the Plympton cottage for a fortnight. True to tradition, the weather man missed It widely in forecasting for the Fourth, and Newport's summer visitors enjoyed thoJocal celebration as part of a perfect day. The weather broke away the day? before, and the Fourth itself was warm, with balmy sunshine, which made the motorboat and sailboat races doubly enjoyable and pretty. Other events on the big program were races and a prepared ness parade, with a baseball game in the afternoon. In the evening there were fireworks and a sham battle on the bay. A special excursion train, in addition to the two regular trains. helped swell the crowd. The cottage colony at Nye Beach la rapidly taking on midseason appear ance with the opening of many of the pretty bungalows and summer resi dences. While the various camp grounds are filling well, there are as yet few of the great army of those who annually bring their own camp ing outfits and camp where they please. A few days of good weather like the past three or four will, how ever, bring the advance guard. "Jump-Off-Joe" rock is a center or greater interest than ever, since its partial downfall this past winter. Thi arched rock has been a landmark on Newpqft beach for years, and was known all over the country, and Its tall was widely heralded. Many old timers are now telling how they re member it as once Joined to the main land, where now it is surrounded by a quarter of a mile of waves. Mrs. B. L. Baucom, of Portland, ar rived early this week and opened her summer home on the ridge. She was accompanied by Miss Martha and Mas ter Wesley Baucom. Misses Irene and Hazel Baucom will arrive this week to spend the season here. Mr. Baucom is expected over early in the following week. Robert L. Warrack. lighthouse in spector for this 'district, arrived here this week from Portland and complet ed the inspection of two widely sep arated lighthouses in record time. Yaquina Head to the north and Hece ta Head, in Lane county, to the south, were both visited. H. D. Moreland, the Philomath banker, and family, were registered at the N'icolal during the past week for a brief outing at the shore. L. O. Stone was a midweek arrival from Portland, and is passing a few days here. P. A. Widener and wife, of Harris burg, are registered at the Grand for their vacation at the beach. Miss Queen I-ynn and' Miss Jane Sawyer returned early in the week to Portland, after spending a few days. W. K. Johnson Is a visitor from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Wolcott. of Port land. accompanied by Miss Wolcott. are at the Nicola! for a week's outing at Nye Beach Carl J. Schilling passed through Newport this week, being registered at the Abbey while here. Miss Cynthia Baird, of Corvallis, ac companied by Miss Irene DeArmond, of Wasco, are occupying the Woodcock cottage, in Arcadia, for several weeks' vacation. Mrs. J. O. Hall is among the Port land people registered this week at the Copeland. A. D. Wooton arrived this week from Portland, and is spending sev eral days hunting agates and enjoying the surf bathing. M. E. Nelson, of Portland, was among this week's arrivals at the Nicholai. where he will spend several days before returning to the me tropolis. Newport seems to be drawing its usual quota of guests from long dis tances, as Washington, Idaho, Mon tana. Nebraska, California, and even Wyoming and Nevada are well repre sented on the hotel registers. An auto party Arrived from Kansas during the week, and four came from Idaho. M. M. Frits, of Eugene, arrived dur ing the week, and is registered at the Grand. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Collins were among the arrivals from Portland during the early part of the week, and are registered at the Abbey. Miss Eveline Standard, of Portland, passed through Newport this week on her way to Agate Beach, where she will spend the summer as the guest of Mrs. C. B. Waggener. R. Ii. Cravat and family, accompa nied by J. S. Miller and family, ar rived at Agate Beach this week by auto, and have occupied' their summer cottages for an all summer stay. Mr. and Mrs. C. W., Johnson re turned home to rOegora City during the week, after a short vacation at Nye Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dcrrlgan re turned home to Oregon City durlnf pleasant outing at Nye Beach al gaeBts at the Bradshaw. D. C. Anthony, of McMlnnville, spent a few days here last week. Henry A. Prudhomme, of Portland, was registered at the Abbey during the week, and may spend a longer time at Nye Beach. M. lies and wife, of Portland, are registered at a Newport hotel for sev eral days at the beach this week. R. E. Clanton, state fish warden, was among this week's visitors at Nye Beach. C. C. Hill, of Springfield, spent sev eral days here this week as a guest at the Grand. George V. Sylvester returned to Portland this week, after a week spent here renewing old acquaintances anJ visiting old haunts. "Dad" Sylvester was known to summer visitors here for the last 25 years back, and will be missed by many of the old-timers. He is at present living at the Odd Fel lows' home in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Weinert. of Air He, are in one of the Cherry City cot tages, where they will spend a fort night's vacation. Dr. H." H. Ollnger returned to Port- J Sea view last week, and are located In land early In the week after a few days here. Dr.- Ollnger was a witness in a .dental case at a local court, after which he passed several days enjoy ing himself on the beach. Mr. and Mrs. U. W. Stone, of Mon mouth, were guests at the New Cliff house during the past week, and re turned home late in the week. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Driver, of Port land, returned home this week, after several days' stay at the McAllister house. Miss Ella Mehrllng eturned this week to Falls City, after spending her vacation here with her mother in one of the Bain cottages. She will relieve Mr. MehVltng. postmaster at Falls fcity. who will spend a fortnight here before resuming his duties. J.- 8. Middleton and E. P. Hammond are among the Portland registrations at the Aboey house this week. F. D. Fessler is registered at the Nlcolai for a week at the shore beXere returning to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stevens and family arrived this week from Albany and opened their summer home for the season. WTalter Ellis will return to Portland shortly after spending a fortnight with his grandmother, Mrs. W. W. Jacques, at Coiy Nook cottage. Mr. and Mrs. John Laing and small daughter, of Portland, are among this week's guests at the Nlcolai hotel, Nye Beach Mr. and Mrs. George H. Fairbrother are registered at the Nicolal for a sev-! eral days' stay at the shore,' before re- turning to Portland. Mr.- and Mrs. H. F. Humphrey an J Brandford H. Humphrey are also among the many Portlanders regis tered at the Nicolal for their season's outing. Joseph A. Hill and party arrived last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Porter, of Cor vallis, are among the many valley peo ple spending their, vacations at this resort. Mrs. C. M. Keep and eon, of Wa shougal. Wash., are among this week's arrivals at the beach from Washing ton. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Prlvett. of Port land, are among the guests at the Ab bey for the week. H. B. Lowe and J. S. Barnes, of Portland, were among the midweek arrivals at the beach, and are regis tered at the Abbey for the week. John W. Davis, of Dallas, arrived this week for a several days' outing at the shore. Mr. and Mrs. M, M. Davisj of Eu &ene. are spending several weeks, as usual, at Newport. Besides visiting Newport friends, they will spend :i few days with Bush Davis on his farm, near Yaquina. SEAVIEW -Mrs. George G. Hinlsh Is entertain ing Miss Jennie Hall, of-Marshf ield. at her Holman cottage. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Walker Jr., of San Francisco, having motored across the continent from Boston, arrived at a cottage here for the season. Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson, of Portland, have taken a Walker cottage at Holman for the summer. Mrs. F. G. "Wheeler and daughters, Katherlne and Anna Wheeler, of Port land, are at their 8eaview home tor the season. The T. C. Elliotts, of 'Walla Walla, have opened their beach home at Sea view. Mrs. C. A. Dalton and children have come from North Yakima to spenJ, their vacation among the cottagers at Holman. The Dan Kellaher cottage here wa opened this week by the arrival of Mrs. Dan Kellaher from Portland, ac companied by Miss May Coon, of the same city. The Ed par Allen cottage, at Shel burne, has been taken for the season by Mr. and Mrs. .1. P. O'Brien, who arrived from Portland the early part of last week. Mrs. K. E. Sloan, of Portland, has opened her cottage on the boulevard for the month. Mr. and Mrs. J. Prag. of Portland, have taken the Hurley cottage at Beach Center for the season. E. R. Budd, superintendent of the llwaco line of the 0-Wr. Jt. & N., was a recent business visitor here. Mrs. R. C. Wood and grandchildren, of Portland, have opened their cottage on the- ridge. Mrs. J. H. Klosterman was a recent arrival from Portland. She Joined her hUBband and children In their Seaview house. Mrs. Oscar Strelbig and Miss Frankie Streiblg, of Portland, are at their cottage overlooking the ocean for the season. Among other Portlanders who have recently opened their cottages here for the summer are Dr. and Mrs. T. J. McCracken and Mr. and Mrs. George Robertson, entertaining Miss Edna Barrell at their boulevard cottage. Marsh's cottage at Shelburne sta tion has been leased for the season by Mrs. W. J. Holman, of Portland, who arrived the latter part of last week with her children. Luolle, Cecelia, Au namay and Warren Jr. Trautman's ridge cottage was taken over by Mrs. A. C. Barnekoff and two children, from Portland. Mrs. Barne koff has her mother, Mrs. W. B. Ker nan, of Portland, with her. Wyvllle Sheehy and Mr. Gilbert were week end visitors nt the home of Don Roberts. The boys are helping with the seining at Sand island. Charles Leigh, of Portland, Joined his family at the Nook. Mrs. A. A. Sanborn and Miss Frances MacMlllan, of Portland, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gates. Miss MacMlllan will re main the rest of the season. Jacob Schwlnd, of Portland, recent ly Joined his wife at their Seaview home. Miss Helen Goodwin, of Portland, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mc Donnell. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Sinnott and their four children are now located In their track cottage. Aloha. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. MoNary. of Port land, and their son. Porter, wers re-, cent arrivals at Holman, Mayor H. C. Albee. or Portland, spent the week end at the home of his mother at Seaview. . Occupying the Johnston cottage for the month are Mrs. M. A. Osborn and" her sister. Miss Male Peel, and Master Jack Lewthwalte, all of Portland. Mtss Elisabeth Cureton has left for her home in Portland, after a two week's stay at the beach. Spruce cottage contains the Mr. and Mrs. I E. Sauvle and family, of Port v land. Mrs, W. H. tJrenfell. of Portland, has opened W cottage. Breaker View, on the boulevard. Spending two weeks at the Martin cottage are the Frances family. Eliza beth. Jesse. Fred, Waller and Wesley; k all of Portland. Mrs. J. P. Houston and her two sons arrived from Vale, Or., and are located at a ridge cottage. Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Ryder and fam" lly. of Tacoma, are tenting near ths Shelburne. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Wlngate. of Portland, have opened their cottage for the summer. Registered at Hackney were: Mr. and Mrs. Adams. E. V. D. Paul, C W. Stinger, Ruane Stinger, Mrs. C. A. Morden, Mr. and Mrs. David N. Mos sesohn, Fortland; J. B. Carson. St. Jhielens; Olivia Johnson. Clatskanle, Or.; Bessie Graham, Margaret John son, Spokane. t Recent arrivals at the Shelburne In clude: Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Patrick and children, Mrs. II. M. llendershott, Mrs. R. G. I. Cornell. C. W. Stinger, Charles Ruane Stinger, Kmma L. Bueermann, Lillian M. Bueermann, Portland; J. W. Ried, Springfield. Mass. LONG BEACH C. S. Johnson, O. A. C. '17, arrived from Portland recently., and Is spend ing his vacation at the home of his slater. Mrs. UiiHtavason. at Cranberry. Mrs. K. H. Erwln. of Portland. U registered at tlie Breakers. Long View cottage now contains Mr, and Mrs. H J. Bellarts and their chil- dren. Angella. Henry and Leo Bellarts, all of whom are from Portland. Mrs. W. C. Noon and Mrs. C. M. Currier were flown from Portland for " a few days, straightening out the cot tag Keemah. at Tioga. Mrs. Arthur B. lox and son have re turned to Portland, after spending a two weeks' vacation at Long Beach. James and Neva Delury. of Port land, were recent visitors at the cot- ' tage of Mrs. eames Henry. Mr. and Mis. c. (J. Appiegartn ani family arrived from Portland at their Long Bench cottage, after an absence of three years. Occupying a cottage otf the ridge are Mr. and Mrs. Ormand Rankin, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Law, of Portland,' have taken the Seeley cottage, at Beach Center, for the season. William Spellman Is spending hlJ vacation at Long Beach, having arrived (Continued on K'll'n Ins f'sffei yj lujji ii Groat Mnntfiwnst -America Natural Resort Section. -WHERE TO STAY- WHERE AND HOW TO GO- WHAT TO SEE TILLAMOOK REACHES. HART'S CONTENT tAXE LTTLE Turnlihed eettagat and.taata far rent. Wood, water sad llfht fro. Bait and frwih water tetkUr sad bo a tint. AddraM r It AUK HAB.T, Xeckaway, Of. Portland Phon Hanhall 209. Ocean Crest Apartments , TILLAMOOK BEACH Tot ipeai apartment. furnlihd for houta feMplng, ena block from boaca. Good storo soar. Boautiful boach, rood Wi thing; moun tain wetar.. aatea $7 yer weak; 4& for the n, wooe tnoiaaod. OCJ.AH CHEST AFAbTHZXTs .Aookeway, Oregon. COLUMBIA BEACH. Carter's Cottages AT BAB, VIEW rUBJflBKZD COTTAGE! for rent. Bni Iseation in Bat Tlaw. Elaotrie lijhta. We 'aim to plana our patron. Tor informa tion addMaa E. T. CASTER. Columbia Beach If yeu want aa ideal place to apend 'the Bummer make reservation now for your camp in the Tent City at Columbia Beach. We have act aside 200 acrei of the moat beautiful part of Sand Iiland for campers, and will haTe every oonvenience for your comfort and pleasure, Tineat bathing beach in the Northwest. Only 86 minutes from Washington St. Terms reasonable. COLUMBIA BEACH AMUSEMENT CO. 316-317 HENEY BLDO. RIVER RESORTS COOS BAY BEACHES Resort Hotel For Rent The Glenada Hotel AT GLENADA. OREGON opposite TXOBEMCE, on BITJBLAW BAT. has 31 rooms, moat of them furnished. Also basement, and pool hall ia oonnee tion. Lot 100x147, hot and cold water and electrio lights. Fin view of ocesa sad bay. Will rant this for 160 a month, r will sell for 34000 taking- part cash Bad soma property In exchange. This is a bla; bargain for soma oaa. For further inform stl on. MB.S. 3. A. C0LTEB, Tost ' sutstar, Olaaada, Oragas. MOUNTAIN RESORTS Mira Monte OS Avalon Way HOOD BIVES. OREGON A quiet, homelike place to spend your vaca tion and for week-end auto parties. Two miles from Hood Hirer. Fried chicken dinners a peoialty. Address, MRS. F. C. H0U8B, Hood Hirer, Or. " WILHOIT SPRINGS In the foothills of the Cascade mountains, 37 miles from Portland. An ideal resort for health and recreation. Exoellent hotel and fine cam pins; grounds. Cottage for rent. Our spe cialty is our Saturday night and 8unday noon chicken dinner. Run out for your week end holiday. For full information write or phone F. W. HcLERXN, WUhoit. Or., or ask any B. f. agent. CEDAR ISLAND A quiet resort on the Willamette, Finest beaoh for bathing : diving tower, spring board, free.' bath house. Excellent camping spots. Dancing erery erasing and Sunday afternoon. Phone Oak Grove 76 X. Take Kitty Moran at foot of Morriion treet. 0PF03ITE MILWAUKEE Rock Island, We hare om beautiful spots for summer camps. Bull Run water, electrio lights, 6 cent car fare. In the middle of the Wil lamette rirer always cool. Fine bathing, us of large porch, ate., around club house. Dancing every evening except Sunday. Refer enees required. Phon MUwaukie 68 M. SIR. GEORGI ANA ASTORIA AND WAT LANDINGS Leave 7 a. m. daily. Sundays 7:30 s. m. Returning, leaves Astoria 3 p. m. Arrives Portland 9 p. m. 1TR. LURLINE leaves 7:46 a. m. dsily ex pt Sunday. ReturninsT leavee Astoria 7 .. m. sain 1428 Washington St. Dock A-4133. HUR.D HOME IXORENCE, OR, -A beautifully situated and tastefully fur--klshed hotel. All rooms view rooms. The at mosphere of tha home and all the eomforts of aa up-to-data hotel. Near tha beach fine flahlnsT, Boating and hiking. For Information and rate address Mr. 0. W. Hurd, Proprie tor, Florence. Or. THE BAXTER ooavnxz, or. Excellent Grill Courteous Treatment : Special attention given to AUTO PAPTTEB. Don't mis sealnff tha beautiful Oequilla val ley whea visiting Coca. Coquills is it cen ter, stop at ths Baxter, cast. f Baxter. Mgr. Ocean Beach Auto Line We maks recular trips from Xanaftald to Empire, Tarheel, South Slough and sunset Bay, So visitor to Marshf laid or North Bend should , miss taking- tha auto trip to Suneet Beach. re a saie, ipeeay ana oomr oris bis trip take tha Gent A Kins- ears. Far rata ad drees eORBT at XINO. North Bend, Oregon. en Mile House ttltVS' Oaa of tha ideal summer resorts la tha newly peaed Coo Bay district. Located en Ten Mil Lake, with Ka 133 miles of lake shore, Lo eatad aa Tea Mil oraek, famoas for its trout fishiat. Seventeen miles from Marshf laid, mi tas Una af tha Waiaaaatta-Paalf to R. R. Hew aad koae-lika hotel, fins meals. Hear tha aoaas Come whila ' trout fishing is at its swat la Tea au4 iw. . s.uu a day. asonu ah nuia. rnsnngn HOTEL GALLIER BANDON. OREGON ' Band on' pioneer hotel, deservedly famous for the aaooUeaeo of its table and aervice. Make tola total your headquarter whan vuiting tha beauty spots of Coos county. If yo enjoy : flaking, hunting-, boating or eurf ba thine yea will like Banian. Co mo and visit Oregon's lav t summer vaoation d'nTlrt OaLLmt BROS, Proprietors. TROUT LAKE AT THE FOOT OF XT. ADAMS Th big speckled beauties are waiting; to match theii wits against yours. Easy walking distance of the famous lava and ice oaves. Headquarters for mountain climbers for tha as cant of Mu Adams. High class amusement hail a ear hotel. Hotel rate 69 a week. Address GCXZR HOTEL. tular. Wash. MOUNTAIN RESORTS. WELCH'S HOTEL Oldest resort in the Mount Hood district. Good water, airy bung-aiows, excellent cuisine, hunting, fishing, horseback riding, ate Rates 38 per day, 10 par woes. W. E. WELCH, Prop. Welch' F. O., Oregon. The Arrah. Wanna On tbo banks of Salmon river, aorrounded by a beautiful park. 13 miles aat of Portland in the Mt. Hood diatrict. Our own dairy and garden. Building modern, with all outside rooms. Long distance telephone. Daily aute stege to and from Portland. Rates 38 per dsy, or 313 per week. Transportation., call Main 331, or Main 6966. C. W. KERN, Mgr.. P. 0. Address, Welch's Or. "ON THE BL1TFT3 OF THE COLUMBIA" It's different: A home away from home, amid bracine mountain air, and a magnificent panorama oi the surrounding country. Fine Tennis Court, Eyrie garden, dairy and orchard. Main Inn, Cottage or Tents. For a restful week end or longer. ILLUSTRATED FOLDER on REQUEST 0. W. J. BECKERS. White Salmon. Wash. Rhododendron Hotel 47 MILES ON MOUNT HOOD AUTO ROAD Th first mountain resort ia Oregon. Daily rates S3, weekly 813.60 aad up. Special rates to f am ill as for tha summer months. Saddle hones, laws tennis, croquet, finest fishing and hunting grounds. Our own dairy, poul try aad garden truck. Electrio light, telephone. For daily ante stages, nhon East 136 or Main 331. EMU. FRANZETTI. Prop.. Rows. Or. ANDERSON BROS., AUTO STAGES MT. HOOD For descriptive pamphlets, reservations, etc., call Boutledca Bead Floral Co., 145 Sd t., scar Alder. Phon A-3311. Main 6963. After 6. P. M. or Sunday phon Anderson Bros., A-23S1, Main 331. HOTELS. THE CHANDLER MARBHFIELD. OREGON Make the handler your headquarters when you come to the Coos Bay country on business or pleasure. Marshfield is the metropolis of the Coos Bay district, and the outfitting point for fishermen and big game hunter. The Chandler is strictly modern, having steam heat, electrio lights, hot aad cold water and telephones ia every room. H. I. McKEOWN, Manager, Marshfield. Oregon. HOTEL MARION Sggfe "THE PRIDE 01 THE CAPITAL COT," No tourist should leave OTegon without visiting- Salem, one of the most beautiful and Interesting cities in the West. Ten will find a trip by auto from Portland through the fer tile and picturesque Willamette Valley a de light. We will do our best to make your stay in Salem plsasant. CHARLES Q. MILLER. Manager. ColburnHotel WHITE SALMON, WASH. When going- to Trout Lake, tha Lava Cavos, tha Ice Caves, or the fishing; country near Mt. Adams, make your plans to stop over night st the Col bum Hotel at White Salmon, trcod accommodation and reasonable rates. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. HALL ft BRIDAL VEIL. OREGON On tha Columbia River High way, near Bridal Vail Faii. Distinctive and unique, a real old time Southern Inn. with all tha traditions of the south as to th axoallenca of it cooking and its servloe. Era. tha col ored oook, who has charge of the kitchen, has lone been fa mous for her Fried Chicken and Beaton Hot Biscuits, aa well as for her salads and other dishes. FOREST HALL will be a genuine surprise and delight to those who can appreciate the best. Kindly phono in advance MISS ANN HIBLER, Hostess, Forest Hail, Or. THE JEWETT FARM RESORT . The Jewett Farm is tnit across the Columbia from Hood River, on tha bluffs of the Colum bia, 340 acres f beauty. Individual cottages : or rooms. A charming place to spend a tew ; .veeks. It has a distinctive personality. Cool. ! nealtniui. scenic, xne Best or rood wen pre pared and daintily and anpetirinsly served. Address JENNIE JEWETT. White Salmon, Wash. CLACKAMAS TAVERN ON THE BANKS OF THE BEAUTIFUL CLACKAMAS RIVER. Famous for chicken dinner. Fruitdala Min. eral Water piped to. hotel, and other tem perate drinks. Quick service promised. AUGUST ERICKSON. Manager. Route t. Box 176, Oreg-on City. Phon 805J. MOUNTAIN RESORTS. MOUNT HOOD LODGE (MR. H0KEX A. ROGERS. Host.) Magnificently situated at has of Mt. Hood. Fishing, Mountaineering-, Exploration of Mt. Hood's 8 glacier. A scant to aummit. Horse back riding over soanio U. 8. Forest Raacar Traile. Reached la 3 hours via Hoed River. Information Union Paclfio Office. Portland. Address Parkdaia, Or. (Phone Odsll 314. via Hood River.) Covernmant Mineral Springs Beneficial in atomach, kidney aad bladder trouble, aa wall as rheumatism. Fishing, hunting aad prospering naar by. Exoel lent aooommodatlona. An ideal health and pleasure reaort la ths heart of tha asoun taiaa. Sixteen mile from Carson. Asto stag. Address EDWARD ANDERSON. Canon, Wash. COTTAGE FARM SUMMER RESORT H00S RIVER, OREGON Spend your week ends or your Bummer vaoa tion at Mrs. Alma Hawa'a Cottage Farm, two miles from Hood River. Freak air, purs water, home cooking-, Inspiring aceaary. Esp. e tally wU quipped to ear for auto part baa. Rate reasons hi. - Address Mrs, Alma Howe, Hood River, Oregon. St. Martin's Springs CARSON. WASH. The highly mineralised waters of St. Mar tin's Springs are very beneficial in case of rheumatism, kidney disease and blood disor ders. Located on Wind River, amidst beauti ful scenery. Good table, reasonable rates. Ad dress MRS. M. ST. MARTIN, Carson. Wash. RELIANCE Mt. Hood Auto Stages Daily 8 a. m. to Welchea. Tawnavs aad S.hn- oodendron, 86.00 round trip; Government Camp i 87.60. Tickets, re serrations and waiting room i at uusoti a. Daux.il laAVU. BUREAU, 116 3d St., corner Washington. Phone Marshall 1879. iRVTNGTON GARAGE A AUTO CO., INC. East 136. J. L. 8. SNEAD. Mgr. Mountain Brook Inn TROUT TAKE. WASH. An tdial vaoation reaort. Naar the' Ioa Cares. Lava Caves, Mt. Adams and Trout Lke. Splendid Fishing. Excellent Table. Pio tureaque and beautiful district. Aute leaves Portland each Saturday, rotumlrg Monday. Fcr Particular phone Main 1890, or inquire 609 McKay Building. Portland. LOG CABIN HOTEL McXENZIE BRIDGE All tha comforts sad conveniences of a mod ern hotel. All the pleasure and freedom of cut of doors. Tha leading reaort of the MoKensie river country. Fine fishing;, beautiful scans ry. Aa Ideal vacation spot. Headquarters for ths Big Game country, and tha Tore Bisters dia trict. For information ask any B. P. Titcket A eat. or address ALICE M. CRONER. Mo Kensie Bridge, Oregtm. Sodavillc, Oregon Spend your vacation at Bodaville, Or. Free soda water. Free camping sites in a beautiful maw-v. w '-C, 1 IUU1 MDaOOD) Ul Ul I OOt- hills of th Cascades. Restful, tranquil. Board and lodging 36 a week. Good stores, well stocked, reasonable prioes. Inquire any 8. P. ticket asrent, or write H. BEIFERT. Bodaville, Oregon. BELKNAP SPRINGS Justly famous for the) beauty of its environ ment and the curative properties of its waters. Located in tha heart of tha McXenxla river fisting; oeuntry, where the Dollie V aniens are waiting; te be caught. Fine new hotel juat completed, also teste and cainping grounds. Come and enjoy your vaoation at moderate coat Ask any S. P. ticket agent, or address H. B. SLOAN, Belknap Springs, Oregon. HOTEL DALLES THE DALLES, OR A MODERN HOTEL. European plaa. Cafe first elasi. 84 miles fro a Portland, on the Columbia River Highway. Also on the rail and boat lines, many soenea to aee. Flan your stay for a day or so. Res ervations mads. JUDD S. FI8H. Mgr. Hotel Oregon "On tha Columbia River Highway. Whea Ctake your friends to sea the wonderful Ca bin River Highway arrange to step at the Hotel Oregon. While here do not fail te shew them the beautiful Hood River valley. Special attention given to tourists and auto parties. HENRY BERR. Prop. TED KERR, Mgr. MULTNOMAH LODGE On the Columbia River Highway, 80 miles east of Portland. At the foot of Mist Falls and adjoining- Benson Park. Three-fourths of a milt from Multnomah Falls. FIVE COURSE CHICKEN DINNER, also light lunches. Over night accommodations. Airy rooms .moderate Srioes. Phono Multnomah Lodge, MRS. M. I. 1 ARB TON, Proprietor. OARAGES Automobile Owners and Tourists, Attention! When In HOOD RIVER, secure your gas, oil, service and storage at the COLUMBIA GARAGE or at GILBERT AND DEWITTS GARAGE where you will reoeive courteous attention. Attention Automobile Owners When making tha Columbia River Highway trip, do not fail te visit Tha Dalles. While hero secure your gasoline, oil, servioe aad atSrsge at WAL THEM-WILLIAMS TXMXTMOOT QAJtAOB Fair and oourteous treatment, export electrical and machine work. WALTHER-WILL IAMB CO.. Ths Dalles. Or. Crown Point Chalet On your trip ap th Columbia River Highway, Mrs. Henderson's unexcelled Chicken dinner is ona of th mala features of tha ride. Wonderful unobstructed view. For party reservation, phono long distenca. via Cor sett. St Helen s Leading Garage While en routs between Portland and Astoria do not overlook the fact that you can secure gas, oil and service at reasonable rates from us.. Skilled workmen in charge of all repairs. Gocdyeer .Tire Service. St. Helen Leading Garage. THE INDEPENDENT AUTO CO., St. Helens, Oregon. TRAVKL Touring Cars For Hire TYRELL TRIP CO., Inc. 186 6th it Phone Msrshsll 890. A-1187. 8IOHT SEEING HEADQUARTERS PHONE FOR RELIABLE SLRVICE FREE lNFORMAIlUN BUAAAU HOOD RIVER OREGON The Ne Hotel Laughlin FOREST GROVE. OREGON. See beautiful Washington county. Plan your auto trip to stop ever at the New Hotel Langa lin for cne of their famous 60 cent Sunday chicken dinners. Phone or write M. T. 8HER RETT. Prcprietor. HOTELS. . Shiphertj't Hot Springs , COLUMBIA RIVER'S BEST RESORT A resort for health aad recreation Swim ming pool, tenais court, croquet aad quoit ground. House recently newly papered and renovated. Ail white help. American aad Canon, Wash. Bangs Livery Co.,o? W operate a lino of auto stages bottwoea Eugene aad the MoXoniio river fishing- resorts, including; Dearborn, Leaburg. Carey, Thomp son's, Al Cook's, Blue River, MoXaaalo Briaga, Belknap Spring- aad Foley Springs. Leave Eugene 8:80 a. na. daily. Good roads aad ex cellent fiahing. For reservation - address BANG XJVERT CO., Eugene, Or. White Salmon-Trout Lake Auto Stage Visit Mt. Adams. Trout Lake, the lea Cava and tha Lava Caves. Splendid fish ing country. Comfortable ante stag. Per information and issiii lalions address L. W. WOOD. White Balsaoa. Wash. HOTEL IMPERIAL , NEWS ERG, OREGON Tourist who have but a dsy or two to spend ia Oregon will see one of tha most beautiful and fertile section of the far-famed Willam ette valley 1y taking- aa asto trip to Newport. Toa will cot a bountiful, appetising, well-pra-pared and well-served meal hero. It is she "heme of good things to oat." Clean, oosnfort a'ble rooms.. Ton will like tha Imparls!. WM. BEIX, Proprietor. HOTEL ELBERTON McMINNVTLLE, OREGON The House of Quality. Tha leading- .hotel ia McMlnnville. If yen are a tourist, do not leave Orewoa without makinsT a tour of tha fax-famed Willamette Valley. Plan your trip to stay ever night ia MoMianrill. psU at tention) rtvoa te ante parti. Portland meter lata, yaw will lik our special chicken d hi mar cm Biuway. xry u. i. a. W1UTE. Tp. HOTEL BEAVER I INDEPENDENCE. OREGON A strictly modern hotel. Steam boat, hot aad co40 wator, long distance poena, largo rooms, oomfortabl bod, well-prepared aad wall. aervod meaia. Whea making- th Loop Trip of tha V allay wo will appreciate year patrenua, j aad givo yoa satisfaction. Take a run to lade. Hotel Washington HTLL8B0R0. OREGON Under New Management. Clean, airy rooms. Excellent meals. COUR TEOUS TREATMENT. Special attention given to auto partir. uome out ror our spacial Sunday dinner. Ton will lika it. Phono cr write W. H. BEHTLET. Manager. HOTEL ALBANY ON THE PACIFIC HIGHWAY. Albany's Load ing Hotel., "One of the beat of food one." New, up to date. Steam heat, hot and cold water, telephone ia every room, oentrally lo cated. Plaa to stay bore ever Sunday. Special attention te tourist aad aute parties. B. R. WE8TBROOX. Albany. Or. ROSE VISTA INN Twelve miles east of Portland, on the Bass Line Road. Run out ia your auto aad eat dinner her. Creamed ohieken Dinner 31.00; Fried Chicken Dinner. 31.60. Family trade desired. High class ia a very respect. Fine dancing floor, good musio. Drop in or phono order te Tabor 8. C. E. OH0LS0N. Proprietor. Columbia River Highway AUTOS DAILY DORSEY B. SMITH, Manager TRAVEL BUREAU TAYLOR'S GARAGE LEBANON. OREGON. Lebanon's Leading Garage, half block north of Hotel Lebanon. Absolutely firoproof. Gat, oil, terries supplies and itorsg. Export ms- cnlnlst in charg or all repairs. Headquarter m iu dvu.uib, wtwrm, iaoaaie ana xien lng oountry. Fair and courteous treatment, W. 0. TAYLOR, Proprietor. Astoria's Leading Garage The Columbia River highway will ho epos this summer from Portland te Astoria. Whea you oome to Astoria wo are prepared te furnish you gas, ell or aervice at reasonable rates. Only skilled mechaaioa employed. Leave gear car her when you go te the Beach resorts, ppotite Hotel Woinbard. WESTERN MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Astoria. Oregon. NEWBER0), OREGON Phono Marshall 1879. 110 3d St. Cor. Waahina-teo BECRTEX'S BtAXX. AMD AUTO 8ZTMT ZCB STATION AT POM-BUTT. Whea on ths Highway atop at Beckers for light lunch, sandwiches aad coffee. Wo servo the best. Hall to rent for private danoee. Danoa held every Sat. ova.. 31 couple. Supper extra. Beat floor and music. Stags leaves St. Charles Hotel 8:16 Bat. Eva., return after daao. Fare 81 round trip. Wan In trouble call our service cars. Full Line of Tiros, Tubes, Accessories. Wa So Towing. Corbott 1C3. EUGENE. OREGON Hotel Osburn, Famous throughout tha Wast for tbo excel lence of ita servioe aad appointments. One of tao boat and good oaos ia Oregon. Ia going to or from ths McXoasia river fishing- country plaa your trip to stay her ever aiabt. For reearvBtioaa address HOTEL OSBURN, Eugsaa. Orefoa. HOTEL LEBANON LEBANON, OREGON A Hotel that everyone speaks wall of. Clean, airy, oomfortabl rooms. Plenty of the best of food, wall prepared aad wall served. A hotel to bo looked foe-ward te and enjoyed. Make your plana to stay aero over Sunday. Special attention givoa te tourists, summer vacationists aad auto parti. Corns aad ass for iwaxssltv iUBl J. WttAON, Pros. Columbia River Highway Service Station BPRINGDALE, OREGON Nineteen mile east of Portland on the Columbia River Highway, Oil, gas, aarrioo aad repairs. Nona but oepabl workman employed. U. B. lino of Tiro. Phoao for axvte Corbott 680. Fred Balimaa, Prop. McCoy Bros. An to Co. Large beat equipped and only firoproof gar age ia Nowhere. Whea making tha tour of the picturesque and fertile Willamette Valley stop at Nawberg and secure your ail. gas and service. We employ mono but competent workmen. Ratea reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Special accommodations fsr ladies. Ladies' reat room. McCoy Bros., Newport;., Or. Every Saturday and Sunday LOW BOTJMD-TXrr TAMXU Are on Bale to Many Outdoor Rs- sorts in VVontorn Oregori. Tillamook County Bsacheo are Portland's nearest beach re tort. B a t li I n Is fins. Many camps or tents for rent reason able. Hswport latch la famous for the acatrg whl-h may b found there. Known tha country over for many diversions and attractions. Maay rishlsar Streams now at their best. Ask for fishing- Bulletin. City Ticket Office. Coraor Slxtb aad Qak Streets. John M. Hcott, General I 'ass-en far Agent. SOUTHERN PACIFIC GARAGES Rail Auto Oa NT. XOOD BAXLJbOAXJ CO. ONE KIBE CALLS TOR TWO. RAH, AUTO AT EOOD RIVER connect with Train 18, leaving Portland at 18 a. m. Lanch at Hood River. Rail Auto loaves for Parkdaia, soar foot of Mt. Hood. 13:48. Returning, connects ; with Train IT, reach ing- Portland T p. as. Wowaerfui oae-eay trip. Tareuga tteaata aa sal O-W. R- A N. Portland City Ticket offioo. Aute at Bead River eouaeeta with trala IS. FITCHARD'S GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP INDEPENDENCE, OREGON Whoa making a tour of the far-famed Witlam atte valley or whoa ia Independence en bui- aa or pleasure, if you aoad gaa, oil, aarrioo or storage, w are prepared to servs you. Wo employ aoue but capable mechanic in oenr re pair aepwnw. mmmmwmvMm p. n mm, ewuxeoue treatment. Satisfaction guaranteed. South Mais street. Independence, Or. BANDON GARAGE BANDON. OREGON Whea veu visit the Coos Bay ooustrv en busineee or pleasure do not fail U ste? at Baa. don aad aee our marnifieont beach. While hare aoouro your oil. gaa. ear-vice aad stos-ac of u. We employ only experienced mechanic. ASTORIA SEaASIDE Elk Creek sod Cannon Beach AUTO LINE Twelv-paugT bus leaves Astoria thro time daily, threuch eeaaootiea. Msete the Oecra-iana from Portland. Pare to Seaside 84t Seaside te Cannon Boaes Tbo. A, t. AUTO CO., Astoria. Phone 884. x For Your Sunday Outing BULL RUN PARK 75c Round Trip ESTACADA PARK riBsert aTatttxal Bksenle mssorts la tas Bfortawsst. Osllrhttal ZatsmrbM Xlsotrlo Trip Mo dust, smoke or oladers. Trains First and Alder Portland Railway, Light & Power Company AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi. Now fireproof garage, LAXTAJr, rrfoars. an a aa a wrt Pi I lit s rm a stvt i tVLAmAlu rAIXd A311LAMJ Auto Stage . Leaves Betel Oreueo, Ashland, aad White Poliaaa HoteC Klamath Palls, at 8:30 a. et. daily eaieoiH Sunday, rare oo; roans , trip, l.OB, Cass, N. s owau'sTOTJS NORTH I BEACH "Pride of the PacUitT a ammtXmm mu9 1 Ymit . than a deees intaroattng aad attractive beaoh town i asaay fully equipped hotels sad delightful -yeeort ledge, affordinff aealtaiul and pleasant recreation, for a deooriptive folder, far, tlakota, reservations, train and steamer schedules, apply te CITY TICXTT ornCE 3D AND WAIE INOT0N STREETS A-8181: Broadway 4 M0 0-W. R. R. & N. iiiimiiiimiiiiniiir i A 'M t SO ' , r M i if., w... ,.-..- -V. .U 4t .- TH.t f V. a r k il A.i.. V 'ft--4 r. kk .f ,- 1h, Lti r t -V 4