-.2 IkA Crt -rs?' vrv" vvv scJ -va a VECxv V A;kAJ;ii i Sr ---Ljv, v - nJ It 'sPTZif pkV frwW x'aa1 a-v.-A;U A, IV A4 , w.TMTyf ; ls'i' r-v A , daclded upon Monday evening foi1, the'r annual Jlnkn. It Is to be a "Shaken-, prean Dream," a reading with ac companying tableaux and pantomime and to be held In Mm. II. C. Wort man'a garden. Mrs. Cheater Orlffln Murphy enter . tatned with a email bridge tea Mon day afternoon to meet Mrs. Palmer Fuller of San Francisco and Mlsa Frances Burkhalter of Los, Angeles: Ths room were ornamented with summer blossoms and ferns. Those njoylng the afternoon were Mrs. A. D. Norris, Mrs. William H. Lines, Mrs. Henry Wesslnger, Mrs. Carl Wernicke, Mrs. Ellsworth V. Vachon. Mrs. Fred erick Green. Mrs. Romeyne Plerson, Mr. Morris H. Whltehouse. Miss Stella Frohman and Miss Isabella Gauld. Mrs. Jcrtin II. Blackburn, wife of Lieutenant Blackburn, recruttlng of- fleer for the naval mllltla, entertained rlth a small but very beautifully ap pointed luncheon Wednesday of last week to meet Mrs. Edison E. Scranton, wlfs of Captain Scranton, commander of the Marblehead. At a table made xqulsltely lovely with Cecil Brunner rosea and ferns, covers were laid for: , Mrs. Scranton, Mrs. E. H. Hixey, Mrs. J. A. B. Sinclair, Mrs. Hamilton Weir. Mrs. Walter O. Haines, Mrs. William H. Staigtr and the hostess. Mrs. Thomas Carrlck Burke In vited ruests to the Crystal room of ths Benson for an afternoon muslcale Friday. Miss Evelyn Paddock, pianist, presented the program assisted by Mis Ruth Johns, soprano, and Mins Dorothy Ftaser. violinist. Miss Genevieve Fraser accompanying her sister on the piano. 'Mrs. Theodore Nieolal entertained Thursday afternoon for her house guest, Mrs. Emma Copland Duncan of San Francisco. Twelve guests were bidden for tea and the afternoon was passed In sewing. Thursday of the previous week Mrs. Nieolal ask : a group of s ummer of This Most Exclusive High-Class Stock COATS, SUITS, FROCKS, LOUSES Greatly Reduced , US Suits and Coats $12.50 MS Suits and Coats $22 50 16 S Suits and Coats $32.50 Every garment selected with discriminating taste foe a clientele teeking individuality and distinction in outer aorarJ Clltmeit DRESSES REDUCED materials, chiffon taffeta, crepe, Georgette, charmeuse and crepe de chine in white and all desirable shades. Ya to y2 Former Prices t,nES,V,B,L.OUSES SPECIALLY PRICED 12.10, $2.75, $3.00, $3.75, $4.50, $5.50, $7.50 to $15.00 SPECIAL Silk Coats in 'it ?i!!iulil"d.SL:iSi colors and checks, formerly to C. E. HOLLIDAY CO. " 355 Alder friends to meet Mrs. Duncan at lunch eon, and next Thursday she plana a similar affair. The following from the Medford Mall-Tribune la of local Interest: Mrs. Walter Bowne gave an after noon tea in honor of Mrs. Guy Talbot and Miss Hazel Crocker Monday. Mr. and Mrs. David C. Lewis enter tained with a dinner party Tuesday evening for the pleasure of their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Webster Tal bot. Mrs. E. F. Guthrie entertained with a bridKe luncheon Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Talbot and Miss Hazel Crocker of Portland. Mrs. Frank Glover was a recent hostess at Kensington tea gives in compliment . to Miss Genevieve Shankland, of Wilmington, Del. The afternoon was spent In music and fancy work. Tea was served In Mrs. Frank Stone's apartment, which had been turned over to the hostess for the aft ernoon. The tables were decorated In red roses and the rooms were graced with Canterbury bells and Brown-eyed Susans. The place-cards were tiny en velopes, and each one contained the guest's fortune. These were read after refreshments were served. Mrs. A. A. Pompe's card prophesied the marriage of her daughter. Miss Pearl Pompe. and Harley Garthwalte. This was a de lightful surprise, and the bride-elect was Immediately showered with con gratulations and good wishes. Those present were: Miss Gneevieve Shank land of Wilmington; Miss Claire Kig gins, of Washington, D. C. : Mesdames Frank Fox, Charles E. Watts, William Shaw, Graham Stell, Frank Cortelyou, W. B. Bonekemper. John Urquerhardt, Charles Taylor, Harry Dunlap, A. A. Pompe, Roy Force, Herman Funk. R. Thompson, Roland Dart, Misses Lillian Connaway, Norma Sparks, Pearl Pompe, Helen Salisbury, Bess Sander son, all of Vancouver, Wash.; Mes damee C. C. Crawford, Philip Wilson, Hoy Price, T. C. Shankland, Fred E. CL Vjiearance $3 5 Suits and Coats $17.50 $5 5 Suits and Coats $27 50 $7 5 Suits, and Coats $37.50 Coats in white, light Or AA 35, to clou out St., at pfc , r THE OREGON Stone, William Barton, Louis Prince, Margaret Wilbur, Edward Troeh, A. R. Munger, and Misses Mildred Corliss, Helen Hudson, Henita Mayer, Ruth Bradford, of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Owens of Med ford entertained Wednesday night at their beautiful home on Siskiyou Heights with a dancing party In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Talbot and Miss Hazel Crocker of Portland. The grounds surrounding the Owen home were lighted with decorative Japanese lanterns, which made the scene a very attractive one. Supper was served at midnight. The guests included: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln McCormack. Mr. and Mrs, Wal ter Bowne. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pres ton, Mr. and Mrs. A. Conro Fiero, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Guthrie, Mr. and Mrs. David Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Talbot of Portland, Mrs. William Sooy-Smith, Mrs. Munger of Portland, Madame Preston of San Francisco, Miss Hazel Crocker of Portland, Miss Dorothy Conner. Boudlnot Conner, Leonard Car penter, Slater Johnson, Robert Ruhl, Earl Tumy, Sprague Riegel and Gerald Sooy-Smith. The many Portland friends of Miss Ellen Thielsen of Salem will be Inter ested in the news of her engagement to Carl Washburne of Eugene, which was announced at a tea given Saturday, July 1, at the Thielsen home In Salem to honor Miss Helen Whitney of Port land. Only a few Intimate friends were bidden to the affair. The tea table was centered with pink rosebuds and ferns and was pre sided over by Mrs. Frank Spencer. Mtss Thielsen is one of the most charming girls in Salem society. She received her earlier education In Salem, later graduating from St Helen's Hall. She is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Thielsen. a sister of William H. and Frederic D. Thielsen of Salem and Edward Thielsen of San rrancisco. Mr. Washburne is a son of Mrs. Minnie Washburne of Eugene, where she Is an active clubwoman. Mr. Washburne has one brother, Chester Washburne, a prominent geologist In New York. He is the Junior member of the firm of McMorran & Washburne. As yet Miss Thielsen and Mr. Wash burne have made no definite plans for the wedding. ' Mrs. M. M. Wyatt of Sanla Cruz, CaU. and a pioneer of T2. is the house guest of Mrs. Clarence E. Hale of South Mount Tabor and will be the Hale's guest for the rest of the sum mer. Mrs. Wyatt is the mother of Mrs Jonathan Bourne Jr., of Boston and J. R. Wyatt of Portland and Is prominently connected with some of the oldest families of the state. Mlsa Carolyn Robbing and Miss Alice Farr, who are. visiting here from Minnesota, are being showered with a number of small but -none the less de lightful attentions. Today they are luncheon guests of Mrs. Wfight and Mrs. Pyatt at Garden Home. Thurs day Miss Camllle Dosch gav a tea fot them. Monday they were hon ored with a luncheon given by Mrs. Folger Johnson and later with a tea presided over by Mrs. Harold M. Saw yer. Last Saturday Miss "Hildreth Humason gave a luncheon for the out-of-town visitors. v Announcements have been received from New York city of the marriage of Miss Chrlstel -Elizabeth Zimmer man and Fletcher Joseph Plummer. The wedding- took place In May, Sun day, the 2Sth. at St. Stephen's cathe dral. New York city. Mrs. Plummer Is the daughter of the late Ferdinand Zimmerman and Mrs. Zimmerman, an old and prominent Portland family. She la a Sister of Mrs. Harry Kloster man and Fred Zimmerman. The couple are making their home at Bos ton, 728 Commonwealth avenue. One of the moat delightful social events of last week at La, Grande oc curred Monday afternoon at the park pavillion, when Mrs. Rose Cour sen Reed's former pupils. Mrs. A- B. Par ker, Mrs. W. J. Church. Mrs. Harry M. Bouvy and Mrs. A. L. Richardson, en tertained In honor of Mrs, Reed. Im mediately after her concert-at , the Chautauqua. California poppies were need profusely ia decoration, little ba. kets of the flower being artistically SUNDAY JOURNAL,. PORTLAND,: SUNDAY -'MORNING, arranged on the mantel and on the table where an elegant centerpiece of white lace over yellow attracted much attention. During the afternoon more than a hundred people met Mrs. Reed, who was charming and gracious. Mrs. E. P. Mossman and Mrs. D. M. Clark pre sided at the punch bowl, and assisting In serving were the Misses Ruth Rus sell, Nell Grlmmett, Zoe Bragg, Ethel Wright, Ruma Bacon and Marjorie Sil verthorn. Further assisting the host eases were Mrs. Hal Bohnenkamp, Mrs. C. H. Upton and Miss Hattie Short. Many beautiful flowers were received by Mrs. Reed, one especially pretty basket of pink rosebuds being pre sented by her pupils In token of their high esteem for her. Her recital was extremely well rendered and equally well received. Miss Rosetta Klocker entertained her many young friends wit ha danc ing party Thursday evening at the Hotel Mallory. Miss Klocker is the daughter of Oscar Klocker, British vice-consul at Port Townsend. Wash Mr. and Mrs. Klocker received with their daughter. Miss Klocker was assisted by Misses Dorothy Hunziker and Gretchen Colton. The guest list included: Misses Helen Morgan, Mar garet Bronaugh, Elizabeth Bruere, Charlotte Breyman, Katharine Beck, Enola Bracene, Anna May Bronaugh, Lois Blackford, Ruth Connell, Gretch en Colton. Virginia Cross, Mebel Clark, Dorothy Englehart, Dorothy Hunziker, Nancy Holt, Marjory Hall, Rosa Irv ing. Ruth Hagedorn, Mary Irving, Eva Jacobsen, Phllena King, Margaret Marvin, Barbara Macey, Emily Rupert. Elizabeth Richardson, Lois Richmond, Marvel Turner, Nell Richmond, Elolse White, Jean Stevens, Mary Woodward, Minette Shub, Virginia Thompson, Katherlne Schuabel, Ruth Riley, Doro thy Strawbridge, L. Boozer, Dorothy Stine, F. Bhisbe. Bruce Bailey, Alex ander Bell, Milton Bozarth, Mortimer Brown, Ransome Cook, Eugene Com stock, Orvil Comstock. Edmund, Co man, Carrington Dinwiddle, Reed Ells worth, James Gamble, Edwin Hamblet, Elwood Gallien. George Henry, Pres ton Holt, Hubert Hall, Fred Jacobs, Minor Keeler. George Lawrence, Mr. Rowles, Jack Lain, Huntington Malar key, W. MacKenzie. Robert Macev, Hughes Martin, Quincey Muntze', Frank Nau, Lowell Paget. Allen Rus sell. H. C.-C. Herens, Jack Stubbs, Jack Suttoff, N. Stevens. Russell Sew all, Duncan Strong. Ralph Simmons, Charles Schnabel, Charles Smith, Ken neth Warrens, Carl Wilson. John Wil son, Robert Warrens, Leicester White, Robert Warrack. Gerald Sebia, Howard Strowbrldge. W. G. MacKenzie, Mr. Young, William liters. Miss Hope Miller has returned home from school at Washington, D. C. and is a guest of Miss Margaret Welch for a few week. Friday even ing Miss Welch gave a dinner for her guest and Saturday evening Miss Nan Jordan was hostess at a dinner and dancing party for her. ' For the members of the Delta Gamma Sorority, Miss Welch enter tained yesterday afternoon at her home, 2470 East Morrison street, with a matinee dance. -At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Smith, at Weed, CaL, Miss Beatrice Evelyn Smith and Thomas R. Townsend were married July 1 by Rev. Robert Bruce Stewart, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of that place. The bride is a clever and talented girl, a graduate of the University of Washington and later attended Simmons college at Boston. She is a member of the Chi Omega so rority. Mr. Townsend Is the son of Dr J. A. Townsend of S33 Portland boule vard. West Portland. He is a gradu ate of the University of Oregon, class '69, and was president of the student body during his senior year,.,. He edited the Oregon Weekly, now called the Em erald, for three years, And is a member of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Mrs. Townsend was formerly connected with the University of Oregon extension di vision. The couple will be at hom to their friends after July 16 at 75 Rich rr.ond avenue. Salem, Or., 'where Mr. Townsend Is in the employ of the Allen ti Lewis company. ... w m m m ' i' For. the pleasure of Miss Harriett 1 Leaser. Portland, who-la being -eater tained at The Dalles by Reed college chums. Miss Wilma Donnell and Miss Erma Bennett, the latter entertained a group or girls at a theatre party Thursday flight, asking Misses Mary and Helen G,ray. Miss Donnell, Miss Catherine Anderson, Miss Alice Gun ning, Miss Margaret'Maier, Miss Maud Harriman and Miss Esther' Leas to enjoy the occasion with Miss Leas. Miss Donnell entertained for Miss Leas Friday afternoon, placing three tables for five hundred. ; SOCIETY PERSONALS Miss Sue Frances Kmeger of this city sailed June IS from Seattle on the steamer Mariposa for an extended visit at Matanuska, Alaska, where she will be the guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F, Krueger. Miss Krueger was extensively enter tained prior to her departure and will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore, Jolly, after an extended visit of several month s with Mrs. Jolly's sister, Mrs. G. C. Prohaska of 318 East Thirty-fifth street, will leave Thursday for their home in Detroit, Mich. Mr. Jolly is a retired capitalist of Detroit. Both he and his wife are very much pleased with Portland and think they may make their home here permanently later. Mrs. Alfred H. Parkhurst and daugh ter arrived at Medford, Or,, Sunday, and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will G. Steele. Mr. Parkhurst and son Asa came down from Crater lake Tuesday, and they ell returned that morning. for the lake for the season. Mr. Parkhurst stated that they hope to have everything in operation and the road open about July 10 to 15. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Gordon and George Gordon have returned from Se attle where they went to attend the marriage of Miss Esther May Taylor and Clarence Esco Rldgeway. The cer emony took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Brlnkerhoff on Queen Anne hill and was witnessed by a large number of relative and friends. Congratulations are being showered upon Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Graham (Ruth Foran) whose home at East 11th and Weldler streets, in Irvington. was gladdened with the arrival June 24, of a baby boy. Robert Norman. Among the tiny arrival's relatives who are rejoicing In his coming Is his great, great grandmother. Mrs. Mc Bride, of Waitsburg, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Cannon and children of Portland are visiting at La bish Meadows, the country residence of the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Jones. The Cannons motored to Al bany, where they will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hockey Mason and Miss Flora Mason until after the Fourth of July. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Spencer of Port land are at the Banff Springs hotel, Banff, which Is gtven added Interest now by the presence of their royal highnesses, the Duke of Connaught. governor general of Canada, the duch ess, and the Princess Patricia, who will be there until the seventeenth of July. A. W. Hayward of Portland' Is among the guests at the Banff Springs hotel, Banff, where their royal highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Connaufrht and the Princess Patricia are spending a fortnight. ' Miss Carolyn S. Simon, who fcas been taking vocal lessons in New York dur ing the past eight months, will arrive in Portland oh Monday. Miss Simon Is accompanied by her aunt. Miss Sonnen. feld. , Mr. and Mrs. George L. Horseman of Weston, Or., are visiting their daugh ter. Mrs. Walter McCredie. They will leave next week for Newport, where they have taken a cottage for the sea son. " Miss Margaret Rodgers of Salem has as her house guests three charming Portland buds, the Misses Louise Lin thicum, Margaret Biddle and Marclle Car lock. The girls went to Salem Sun day and will visit for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Semler, 4 f East - Twenty-Win street "north, are receiving congratulations on the ar rival of a son, bom on June 25. Misses Mary Z. Currin, Ma rye Mor gan. Leta Humphrey, prominent so ART EMBROIDERY & BUTTON GO. ACCOkSXOX, BIDE BOX and FAVCT DBE8I PLEATIXG. Embroidery, SeeUapiag Btn (titohisg, Fleet Xdfiar, BattmhoW. fctTT TOXS te ereta, yew rwa m tonal, ur style. 3 Xergaa B14j Fkeae Xaia tOia. fc iK. gszzx x&Asnre truer. " JULY 9, 1016. ciety girls of Heppner, Or., are spend ing a few days visiting their friends in Portland, and while in Portland are staying at Hotel jortonia. Mr. and Mrs.H.E.Seymore of Chi cago, who formerly made their home in Portland at Roue City Park, are receiv ing1 messages of congratulation over the arrival July 2 of a baby daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Henry William Brands, the latter formerly Eleanor Mann, and their small twin sons, have returned from an extended trip through the eastern cities. Miss Jennie McDevltt and Miss Olive Smith have arrived from Spokane for a visit with friends, with whom they will later journey to California. Mrs. Henry R. Wahoske and little soq have returned to their home In Se attle after a visit with friends here ar.d at Seaside. Mrs. David Levy of 652 Third street has moved to the residence of her brother, J. Frledenthal, 696 Everett street. T. R.. DettermSh was host to a de lightful stag luncheon at the Mallory on Saturday. The guests were mem bers of the National Biscuit Co. Col. Chas. I hotter with Mrs Potter and daughter, Miss NIcholl. have taken up their residence at the Mallory. Mrs. M. Weil and her daughter Hortense have taken apartments at Hotel Nortonia, where they will re main 'indefinitely. Miss Leone Cass Baer left Thursday for Billings, Mont., where she will pass a month with relatives: Mr. and Mrs. William A. Sellwood announce the birth of a baby daughter, July 4. Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. King and 25 Suits $15 A lot of wonder ful value, includ ing Wool Suits up to $45. See them Monday 1 "Jack Tar" A "Jack Tar" label is the white, and trimmed in colors. Colored Silk Umbrell mart mud practical now $3.95 and $5.35. SEE OUR : I HI ; 1 daughters. Misses Queenle and Fran ces, have taken permanent apartments at Hotel Nortonia. Miss Helen Hughes left Saturday night .for Anaconda. Mont., where sh will visit her sister, Mrs. I.. L U Rose. Mrs. Rose Coursen Reed snd Miss Mildred Kingsley have returned from a three days' hiking trip along the ccast. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wyman and Fav Wyman motored from North Yakima to Portland and are registered at the Mallory. Mrs. Dr. E. I.. Vetschan and Mr? Dr. J. H. Miller left Saturday for Newport, Or., where they have taken a cottage for a month. Mrs. Clifford Brown and small sons of Salem are guests of Mrs. Brown's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bi ether ton. Mrs. J. E. Brady and son. Charles of Spokane have arrived for a visit with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs F F. Griffith and daughters, Harriet and Janet, are now domiciled at the Mallory. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cannon left Sat urday for a brief stay at Cannot Beach. Mrs. John Altchlson left Thursday for San Francisco, where she will Join her husband for about a month's visit. D. B. Hayes, Shanghai, la at Hotel Mallory. reglstered 3 A quiet wedding was solemnized st the Holy Redeemer church on Williams avenue and Portland boulevard Thurs day morning at high mass. The bride. WEDDINGS fc D Fast Express Just Brought Us Smart New Tongette" Sports Dresses MONDAY $(.95 Can you imagine a more strik- U 11 : in. Summer costume than this Vs' new Sports Dress illustrated? Onlv 25 of them Monday at an extraordinary price. "Ponpette" is a new material closely resembling fine silk pongee. Soft and silky. Blazer stripe belted coat with large sailor collar. Tan, with rose, green or blue stripes. Plain pongee color skirt. Just the Dress for your beach trip and for all-around Summer wear. The 25 will go in a hurry tomorrow at 6.95. Striped Sports Skirts Awnjn and blazer stripes in all the stunning color conv hinations.' Silverblooms, Tickings. Crepes, are among the favored mate rials. Swagger sports models. Priced Monday at $3.45 $4.95 350 Cool New Summer I Blouses, Monday $1 Dainty striped frill Blouses are among the dozens of fetching Waists here, tomorrow at a Dollar! You'll need a lot of cool Blouses for Summer. 350 new ones to choose from Monday, Jl. Middies $1.25 guarantee of a pood Middy. Plain Special values Monday, 1.25. mnca POUT LAN D vSI I 24M26 Sbdh5Uu5t eg V&jiinfltort MILLINERY. AD. IN TODArS OREGONIAN, t - Miss Harriet McLaughlin, was dressed In blue taffeta, carrying a bridal bou- quet of sweet peas, was attended by her Bister, Miss Mae McLaughlin.' The bridegroom. Joseph Santere, was at tended by his brother-in-law, Fred Aus tin, of Portland. Only the closest friends and relatives were present. After the ceremony the wedding break, fast was served at the home of the bride's mother. A large reception was held in tha evening. They received many beautiful and useful presents. Milton, Or.. July 8jcSandlng beneath a huge bell of pink anowhlte La France roses, with a background of Oregon grape, Verna Entel Putnam, popular Mlltoji girl, became the bride of Edwin William Orr of Colfax. Wednesday eve ning. June 28, at th home of trie trade's father, W. E. Putnam. Elder H. W. Decker of College Place, an uncle of the bride, performed the ceremony. The bride was gowned in brocaded white charmeuse, with rhinestone trimmings. Her veil was caught with sprays of 111. ies of the valley and maidenhair fern, and she carried white roses and lilies of the valley. Preceding the ceremony, Miss Lonlta Rice, a cousin of the bride, sang "To Have, to Hold, to Love," accompanied by Mrs.' C. B. Un zecker. This was followed by the wed ding march, which was played by Mrs. C. B. Hobbs. The bride came In on the army of her father, who gave her away. She was preceded by her two little sis ters. Jessie Myrtelle and Alta, as flow- ' er girls. They were dressed in net over pale yellow. Miss Ruth Orr, sis ter of the bridegroom, was maid of honor, while the brldegrom was attend ed by Frank Putnam, brother of the ' bride. After the ceremony Miss Loivlta Rice sang "Cupid's Conquest." accom panied by Mrs. C. B. Hobbs. Mrs. Dr.. H. E. McQuacy sang "A Perfect Day." A delightful luncheon was served in (Continued on Fallowing Psga) $5.95 ; 4