' THE 1 OREGON v SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. ; JULY fl. ' 1916. ' . 5 V BRIEF INFORMATION (118T DAY OIll.) ONE YEAR Ago At Home. '! Circuit Judge Getens (rant a new trial to Albln Clark. acenssd of altering baUota In . Breelnct ST la Drtmsxy election. Nell Nielsen, trad oomolHloMr, announced it bet be bad arranged (or tne piircbaee by- tba . Australian icTvvrnanvHt. m larwm wuituwuv (Mliool eblldren of tour districts were organ, ieed for tbe Mbertj Bell parade to tx beld Q July IS, wbca the famous telle will visit tbe city. United Statee Senator Lart. addressics; Transportation elnb, esld that when Europe-u War ende it would taka yeare to reatore trada Ut normal conditions. Abroad. Waablngron Tlrts interstate nmim coui mlaslon ordered a country-wide investigation on rata on lumber and lumber products. London Ird Kitchener. Englauil'a minister , of war, waa given on of the greatest ovation t bla carver v.-hfn be arearl at Guild ball to urge enlistment nt more men. Chicago International peace waa. coruiaerert - . . m i . rw I f u aix treat CMiierencve iiwuueu uj o" iu.v-. delegatee at fifth world's Uurletlan tndeavor cotfventlun. AMU812MENTH COLUMBIA fit.tb between Waahlngton and Stark atretta. Motion pictures, "Caeay at tba Bat," featuring De wolf Hopper. 11 a. ni. to 11 p. 01. TUB HEILKJ Broadway at Taylor. Motion rilrtnrea, Tyronne Power and Kathlyn Wil li ma In "Tuou 8naft Not Covet. Comedy film. "Kernel Kaut tlie Janitor." featuring Frank Daniela, worlc'a greateif athlete. Combination reel. "Sammy Gate a Job." anU Mexlean ecenee. 1:45 p. tn. to 8:4o p. rn. Monday contlnuoue. 1 p. m. to 11 p m. BIPPODROME Broadway at Yamhill. Vaude ville feature Klate Schuyler and company motion plcturee. 'Tba weaker Strain." be ing chapter i of "Wbo'a Oullty?" tl'atbe) erlea. Goldberg comW (i'athe). OAK 8 PAKK On Oregon City cailtoe (Depot rirat and Alder) Outdoor and Indoor emu-accents. 10 a. nj. to 11 p. m. r A STAGES Broadway at Alder. Vaudeville. nature: rive fcullye In farme. 2:15. 7:30, ' 0:1H p. m. Hundaya eratlnuoua. 2 p. ui. STRAND Park at fl'ark. Vaudeville, feature: John Polk, mooolnglit; motion plcturea, "The Love Olrl" (Bluebird), featuring Ella Mall t n m rt 1 1 n. m. ST NSET Broadway and Wiablngton. "Tril. cy, reaiuring ciara ivibiiw.ii l. m. to 11 p. m. i Tf. AND D- Broadway and Stark. Motion plc ti.re. "That Hort" Vttagrarih). Bflllw Burke in "In tb Sbad'-w," being ihajiti-r 9 of "Glorla'a llomanca" (Klelnej. Intnr eajllonal Newi Weekly. 11 a. in. to ll;ao p. m. ART MUSEUM Fifth and Taylor. Houm. 3 to B week-lay: 2 to 5 Snndayn. Frne Hf:er nrna of Tueeday, Tburaday, Friday. Sniur day and Sunday. Coming Events. Rotary club meets noon. July 11. Scbool children's play at WUlngton Tark. July 12. Ad club meeta at Oregon botel at noun, July 12. Oregon flweet l'i-a aoclely, Keventb annunl ''rxlilbit. July 12 and U, at Meier & Frauk'i audllorlmn. Northwest Real Estate Dealers' convention. Tortland. July 17 and 18. Interstate convention of real eata,te men to be held In Portland July 17. 18, ID. Grand Temple, Pytblan Statera of Oregou. tnt-et bere July 2 W. I Convention of Knights of Pythlaa and Pyth ian Sisters will be held in Portland August 110. Tweiity-tbUd annual outing of M nanus to Three Slstera, August tt 20. Excuraion to (Joos Bay. Oregon Journal Bpe- rial, leaving Portland August Z3. lu p. in., returning to Portland 8 a. ui., Sunday, Aug ust 27. Utlxens military training camp at American Lake. August la-tseptpmoer v. Municipal Band Concerts. Sunday, July 9, 3 p. m.. Waahlngton park. Monday. July 10. Uoutb Park. Tuesday, July 11, Lenta. Wednesday. July 12, lurestry building Tbursdiy, July 13, 8 p. ni.. Hellwood Paiki I rrldaj-. July U. 8 p. m.. Holladay Park.1 t The Journal Travel Guide of Port land and Oregou. Columbia sliver Highway America's most wonderful sceulc rosa for vehicles. No crsde exxeeaing o tier cent. uarasurruce rosdway rast waterfalls aud mouutalna through tbe heart of the Caacadu range, bee the Gorge of tbe Columbia, enepperu a ueii, crown Point Latourelle. Bridal Veil. Utat. Wahkeena. Mult - Doraab, liorseull sud other waterfalls. Bonne- .III flat, h,ti.hrid flnaAnl. " r-" - tl .. l ark and w ineoian r lnnaciea. r.ast irom Port laud via base Line, bandy or Section Line roada. Individuals do veil to make arraoge . menu tbrougb a respouallile axeucj. Trls ud Columbia river hr bvat or ona n by boat and return by auto. Council Creat Ovt-rlooklng city. llOd feet Mgh. View uneuualvd of Columbia and Wil lamette rivers, Tualatin and Willamette vai . leys. Cascade and toast ranges; suow pesk vn)ii)i.v of Csacade ( north to eaat on clear - oayti. Including Ut. rtalnler, H.tyx f.et; Ml b' Helina Bf litl; Mt. Adams, 12.307 feet; . kit. Uoud 11,25 feet; Mt. Jefferson. 10.522 feet. Parka Washington, at head of Wablngtoi treet. Flower, ahiulis and treea; children's playgrounds: aoo. NiitewortUy pieces of sculp ture. "Coming of tbe White Man," by Ucr Dir Atklus McNeil; "Sacajav.es, " Indian wo man wbo guided Lewis and Cluark, by A'lce Cooper. Taa mlnutea' walk. Penlnanla. aunken rose gardens, cmtalalug more than 7uo varie ties; playgroanda rnd model rommunlty bouse. Albins aud Alnswortb avenues. Laurelburst Last Oak and fnlrtj. ninth. Mt. Tabor bead of UatUorne avenue. Mscleay. Cornell' road, nature left uritoucuou; primeval forest, wild canyon. Fcrcatry Building. Lewi, end Clark exposi tion i; rounds; contains l.CXiOOOo feet of lu in ter, museum of forest products. Visitors wel eome from tt a. m. to 5 p. m. 'W car on tdorrtaon street. Boulevards Colombia and Willamette en circling peninsula; excellent views of barber hipping and Industries; Terwllllger, south on Sixth; Falrmount, east ct and Skyline, west of Council Creat. Columbia river highway see , luove. ' Pnbllo Inetltutloni Tlty ball and historical maaeum, Hfth and Madiaou; county coort Louse, Fourth and Salmon; Central library Tenth and Yamhill; Art museum. Fifth, near Yamhill.; customs bouse, park and Broadway- -Central poatofflce, Flttb and Morrison; r it C. A.. Sixth and Tsylor; X. W. C. A., Broad Way and Taylor. Exhibits Oregon resources, fish and fame Oregon building. Fifth and Oik; historical' Oxigoo Historical society, 247 Necoud itreet' museum, city ball; lumber Industry, Forestry 'building. Harbor Features West and eaat aide public ' docks, motor boat landing, fuot of Stark -boat bouse for river .ours; shipping modern trtdges. Broadway. Railroad and Hawthorne Panoramic view of city trom Willamette Klag'i and Portland Kelgbta, CouucU Crist. Mt, Tabor. Vltwa of oown-towaj dlatricti, Joomal build ing. Veon building. Northwestern National Hank building. Meier A Frank's. Northwest Meat Packing and Stock Center Union Meat company, L'ulon Stockyards cota- ' ton car change to stock ysrds ear. Worthy of Notioa skldmore fountain. First Dd Ankeny, by Olla H. Warner, preaentcd by . ricpovu diiuuiuii. i ouuiinua ionntain, pre sentad by David P. Thompson. Plaaa block f'onrtb and Balmon: Hold I e rak tnonutoent. ownadala square. Fourth and Taylor. Cloud Cap Inn. or by Hood Klver Valley rill road to Purkdil and itige trom there. Sooth aide Antooiooue atage dalle from Portland to Government Camp. Rbododenrtroo Tavern. Welches. Arra Wanna. Or take sob vroan eiecmc iraiua w uoting nation ana , itige. Suburban tripe Via P. R., L. A P. Co. Bull Bun park. 80 ml lea; Eatarada park. Si ml lea, fishing and mountain trails; Canemab park. 16 mi Ira. ovexlooklna Willametta- r. , a u l. i a wavu. uu iuiuutci llua, DaiQing; Cblnstown - on North Fourth mnA w- ... treats. ' Modem high and gride echocda; scbool gar- ' "Seeing Portland." antomobllee. "Seeing Portland." trolley cars. Trio throuirh lumber mills ijyiesi noma Dccxiona fortutad Hslgbta, lliunt Hood Tripe North aide: Drive 'v. aiona tne t oiumbis nver hivh, v... , to Hood River and then np througii Bnod River valley to Mount Hood lodge, 8800 feet --------- ww ieei " - . wuuimww mm mhj mouotain; V views glprioua; roads good. Or. take train to X Viticoorer Barrack, aortbirMt military bead- ttuarterl: Wflholt flnrinm. An Tiii.ma. y bjr 8oattinr; WilUmctt Fallj and Orcfoc - Via IWM Kl ArrH.tlr'lilavrss.a. ..(.-a. m. - as.saiv..uj lH OUH bUtUVi ..'Via tVW. R at K ftnffin4tY t.k V a.i- CITY BAND SCHEDULED FOR WASHINGTON PARK AT 3, THIS AFTERNOON Appealing Program. has Been Mapped Out by Conductor Percy A, Campbell, Two lntemely lntereaUin deecrlD- tlvo numberi will be given at the Mu nicipal Park Band concert at Washing' ion park, head of Washington street, tnia afternoon. Conductor Percy Campbell haa included in his program I Flying Artillery," by Edward Bar. genholts. and "The Dwellers in the Western World." by John Phlllio Souia. 'Flying Artillery" vividly Dlcture the swift evolutions of this branch of the army. The clatter of horses' hoofa, the rattling of aabres'and '"I or guns is cieverjy introduced by the composer. Sousaa character study Is written in three sections, "The Red Man," "The White Man" and "The Black Man." The concert will be given in the bandstand on top of the hill overlook ing the city. It begins at 8 o'clock. The program will be: Introductory, "Scenee American" raey Overture. "Flying Artillery Bergenholti Cornet duet, Concert Polka G swell Walter L. Ferrte and Cbarlee W. Clew. Character Stndlee, Tbe Dwellera In the Weatern World" Sonva (a) The Red Man. lb) Tbe White Man. (c Tbe Black Man. INTERMISSION Rhapsody. "Reoond Hungarian" Liaxt For Beeds. "A Perfect Lay" Carrie Ja-ohs Bond Especially arranged by Dudley MeOoeb. first 'nba In tbla band. Ilumoresk, "Comln' Tbro' the Rye" , r Shipley Douglas selection from tbe opera "Kauet" Kkyd J. St. Clair March, "Our Republic" Bagley Finale. "The Star Spangled Banner." Tomorrow night, at 8 o'clock, the band will play at South park, Jeffer hoii and Park streets. cries, picnic grounda. Hood River, Cascade Lot ka. paralleling Columbia river highway. Via Southern Pacific Tualatin and Yamhill valleys, loop. Via river -tea mere Up Willamette to Oregon City and 8alem; up Columbia to Tbe Dalles; down Columbia to Astoria aud mouth of 'Co lumbia river, terminus Astor expedition. Sal mon cannerlei, etlinon ftaulng. Jetties, forts. Via North Bank Aatorla. Uearhart. Beaaide, txecb bathing. Cavei of Josephine, via Southern Pacific and atage. Crater Lake, via Southern Pacific. Med ford and auto atage. or vie Oregon Trunk or O-w. K. & N., Bend and auto atage. Ocean resorts- Seaside, Uearhart. Newport. Tillamook. Marahfleld. Deschutea canyon and Central Oregon, via O-W. R. & N.. or 8.. P. 8. Wallowa valley. Lake Joseph and Eagle Cap. via O-W. R. N. Pendleton Bound-Up, Hot Springs, Enters Otegou. via O-W. R. It K. Miscellaneous Fishing, hunting, outing trips. Retorts Ocean: Qearhart. Seaalde. Long Beach, Newport, Cannon Beach, Bayocean, Tillamook. Mountain: Cloud Cap lna. Govern ment Camp. Mount Hood Lodge, Rhododendron Tavern. Welches. Arra Wanna. The Eyrie. Jewett Farm. Springa: Wllholt. Shlpberd'a, Hot Lake. , Washington Vancouver aud military pott; Mt. Adama, alt. St. Helena, Ice cavea; Long Bench resorts. For further information, ratea and routra, see Doraey B. 8inlth, Travel Bureau, lid Third, corner Waahlngton. Journal Summer Re sort columns, published every Sunday, Wednes day and Friday, or Journal Travel Bureau, Broadway and YamhllL TOWN TOPICS mxera Visit Clatsop Beach.-Under , P Laber speak. The meeting Is the leadership of E.- F. Peterson a par- under tne aUspices of the Alberta Wel ty of Mazamas made a trip to the faie ieagUe and the Alberta Market beaches over the Fourth. Hiking, j asaoc'ation natmriK, aeep sea iisning, dancing ar.u story telling around a driftwood fire ; kept all busy for three days. Bay i Ocean wag the headquarters of the party, vitrfts being made to Tillamook, Cape Mears and Netarts. In the party TVfre K. F. Peterson, Conrad J. Sie iei ts, Dr. t. T. Kerr, J. H. French, S. Buck. W. A. Gilmoie. H. H. Prouty and the Misses Edith Ellis, Louise Brace. Maude Earrlrgar of Kansas City, Irene Nissen, Sadie Goodman and Beatrice Young. Daughters of ZsabeUa to Serve. The Daughters of Isabella will have charge of the Ice cream booth at the annual open-sir concert for the benefit of the home for the aged at Mount St. Joseph on next Thursday evening. July 13. Mrs. Agnes Sullivan and Mrs. Mary Douglas are the committee In charge, and will be assisted by other members of the court. The daughters were "also active In the sale of tickets, having disposed of a large number for this worthy cause. to aaaress &a own e. g. Craw- lorn, president or tne LUmDsrmWsl National bank. Is announced as the chief speaker hefore the Ad club iiincneon next v eanesaay noon. 'lne,. ......h.v ,fi.rnnnn club's meeting place has been trans ferred to the Benson hotel. Mr. Craw ford's subject will be "Financial Con ditions in Portland and the General Business Situation Throughout the East." Robert E. Strahorn. the rail road builder, will be asked to preside. Mrs. William Pnglee Wanted. Har ry E. Smith of the LT. 8. S. Baltimore is looking for his mother, who Is supposed to be in this city. In a let ter to City Auditor Barbor today Smith says that his mother formerly lived a 130 Water street. Her name is Mrs. William Fuglee. Information concerning the woman will be grate fully received by Mr. Smith, who asks that mall be addressed U. H. S. Balti more, care the Postmaster. New York. Salesmen's Club Plana Outing. The fortiana talesmen s ciuo will hold a summer social meeting at the Rose City Pjuk clubhouse. Bandy boulevard and Fifty-seventh street, at 6:80 o'clock Wednesday night. A. G. Clark, president of the club and publicity manager for Wad hams St Kerr Broth ers, will be chairman. There will be a dinner, dancing, catds and music by the Salesmen's club ladles' quartet and male trio. Puneral of Mrs. Magee. The funeral of Mrs. Catherine Magee, who died on July 6, was held yesterday morning from St. Ignatius church and inter ment made in St. Mary's cemetery. Mrs. Magee -was 72 years of age and is survived by her husband, Edward Magee, and three sons. George, Thomas and Edward Magee Jr. The family residence is on East Forty foutth and Powell streets. Sweet Pea Admirers Invited. Cap tain George Pope, the sweet pea expert, extends an invitation to the amateur members of the Oregon Sweet Pea so ciety and the lay public to visit and Inspect his growth of sweet peas today from 2 to 5 p. m. "Multnomah and - . , . . ten oi nrr acnvsiives are now in me rreatest state of perfection. Take Woodstock car to 1170 Woodstock ave., S. E. Special Deputy Sheriff Arrested E. Streeter, a special deputy sheriff from Tarnhill county, was taken to police headquarters Friday night by Patrol man G. H. Russell from the O-W. R. N. dock and the revolved he carried was confiscated. Streeter has been " employed aa watchman, during tba atrike, and In their roundup of men carrying revolvers, the police "con cluded that Streeter'a deputyshlp in an other county old not entitle him to be armed in Multnomah county. The matter has been referred to the dis trict attorney's office for an opinion. Scenery Will 3a Ad.vertisL Two new publications are about to Issue from the press to aid the Union Fa clflc system in the exploitation of the scenic gradeurs of the northwest. The first will be issued this week, cover ing "Sights and 8cenes." descriptive of every station on the system and the country tributary to it from the standpoint of the sightseer, the ettler and the trader. The second publica tion will be issued next week. It will ccver in picture and story the whole northwest, including the Columbia river, Puget sound and Alaska. STatloual Parks Described. Advance copies of the national park portfolios have been received In Portland. ths folio containing a pamphlet descrip tive of every national park in th-i united Statea. An enormous edition I has been printed, the cost being born-I jointly by the government and the railroads. Altogether, some 2.000.000 , boom-!c0PleB hv bn Printed, counting H the pamphlets that go to make up the Ana lauiuBUB win mw 10 iiie distribution. CHioken Thieves Make Haul. Forty sevn chickens of Rhode Island Red. White Leghorn and Plymouth Rock va rieties were stolen by thieves from a hen yard belonging to T. J. Krueder. 48S0 Powsdl Valley road. Friday night, according to a report made to the po nce yesteraay. Mr. Kruder said this was the third time hla chicken yard naa Deen visited by thieves during the year. Game Kara Prom South Dakota. Joshua O. Bullen, who died at the Qood J Samaritan hospital Friday night at the age of 78, came to Portland six years a?o from South Dakota. He is survived by two daughters and one j son. Mrs. Will Peterson of Minneapolis, ! Minn.: Mrs. Wallace Hawkins of Ashton. 8. D., and C. H. Bullen of this i fltV ( -. Keward. Automobile stolen. scription: 1915 Ford touring car, 11-1 cense No. 5548. motor No. 856082. de - mountable rims, dent In right rear0auty- fender, both headlight glasses cracked, extra air tnk under rear scat. Please communicate any information regard ing above car to BENJ. E. BOONE & CO. Main 3966, 514 Alder St. Martin Waarer Is Bead. Martin ' Wager, who died on July 7, at his home, 574 Frankfort street, was a reBl- dent of this city for 27 years "and had j lived at the above address for 26 years, ne was os years or age, aiiu ouui i uu mo tunuicu ucgn m Day. tnree miles irom wnei e it juiu gardener by occupation, and is sur-; grasp our language, for they are ex-' the Pacific. vlved by a widow. Funeral arrange- j tremely. bright, particularly the Jap-j Uncle David Morse, the first white ments are in charge of Miller & anese children and the ones of mixed man to make a permanent settlement Tracey, Ella and Washington streets. , blood. We had eight nationalities in in the present city limits of Florence, Agency Mllwankla Wool Carding eacn rom, Japanese, Korean, Fill- came up the beach from the Coos Bay mill. No 423 Hawthorne ave . near ;Pir- Portugese. Spanish, Porto Rican. district in the centennial year. The Grand avenue. Manufacturers of Russian, Chinese, Hawaiian and mix-1 rfxt year, 1877, he brought a bucket wool batting for comforters, pads and tures, Tha schools are directly under 0f cums from Coos Bay and planted mattresses. All kinds of mattresses ! the government, the superintendent be- them in the mud flats in front of his mad-3 over and repaired. Wool and,1'' appointed by the governor. They j homestead. Today clams can be dug curled hair a specialty. Commission arc modern In every respect and much at low tide at almost any point be carding done. All sizes and weights Hke our schools here. Besides the tween Florence and North Fork, two made to order. Phone East 6744. I academic branches the girls are taught mues Up the bay. Uncle Dave's pall- VMAir xncklar Bias. Frank H I Bewln and cooking and the boys In fuj nas increased many thousand fold. , T rn i,,m h" yesterday, according to information ,..x.u. rnm that nlar-a hv hla wife. Mary A. Eickler, of the Westfall apart iuai; iJ'1"'1 . . -. . - - ments. Mrs. Eickler left for Lewiston last night. Kor the past live years Mr. Eickler had made his residence ln Irlshn ' . . longli Canal Will Be Discussed Columbia slough ship canal and sew- . ---r ------ - - -- In&rKe Rationalist Society Lecture Tonight. "Pain and Providence" is to be the topic of discussion before the Portla.nl Rationalist society this evening at 8 o'clock In room A, Central library. H C. Uthoff Is to be the speaker. The meeting is public. Printers to Have Picnic. The Allied Printing Trades council will give its second annual excursion ana outing at Bonneville. Sunday, July 16 A program of dancing, music and . s-y-v rv-v- ca m f rlovirtlnrr I TT I1C1P flfln ti.s.i. ui B games has been arranged. If Ton Think Twice before ordering your suit you will have us make it on easy terms of J10 down and the bal ance t5 a month. You never feel pay ing for it this way. Unique Tailoring Co.. 30 Stark. Bet. 6th and 6th. (Ad.) T6 Attend Head Camp. E. P. Martin, deputy head consul of the Woodmen of the World, left for Denver, Colo., to attend the head camp session, the legislative body of that order, wiiich meets Jury 17. rix Destroys Awning -Firemen of v,n "1 KxtinsrulshPr) h firn that Hp j gtroyed two awnings over stores on j the Broad way side of the Elks bulld- . "O W. C. T. U. Executive Board Meet. The executive board of the Multnomah County W. c. T. U. will meet jaonaay. juiy iv, ai i.ju p. m . m room G of the Central library. Sunday Excursion Bailey Oatsert. See the nigh water, highest since rSDI Music and dancing, $1.00 round trip. Alder street. Main 914, A-5112. Boat service resumed to The Dalles and way points. Bailey Gatzert up Monday, Wednesday and Friday, down alternate days. Main 914. A-5112. (Adr Steamer Jessie Harklns, for Camas, Washougal and way landings, dally except Sunday, weaves Washington street dock at 2 p. m. (Adv.) Oregon - City Boat. -Sunday triDs ; leave Portland 9 a. 12:30. 3:30 p. m. Last trip from Oregon City 5 :30. Round trlp 40 cents. (Adv.) Suggestive .Therapeutics. Nervous diseases, alcoholism, drug habits, bad habits. Physician, 601 Brba'dway building. (Adv.) Suits Pressed, 30 cents. Dry or steam cleaned $1. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark. Broadway 514. (Adv.) aCewis A. -Lee, Communicate at onct; with your brother, Robert E. Everything adjusted. (Adv.) Srophead Sewing Machines. - All malras All o-un m n 1 oarl C 1 A Q wjr .. rison. (Adv.) Guaranteed Par. Apple Vinegar for son. , (Adv. ) Multnomah hotel, Turkish hatha continue. Wotneh every afternoon. Balding, Jeweler, 245 Vi Alder, be tween 2d and 3d. Main 1692. (Adv.) t. Barnes, Optistan, Morgan bid. Ad Crrt at Tl,.-., We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness and vm- I DSthV nUrtnfir th. tlln.Sai A.n7t AaiY IS r I v . ' . , . . - , ' . - ...... ,.....- . K -i . ??! bA,ov?d7i,f. A"? da.!J?!n.tr a,s. '".Mr. Newcom was driving the car and I llfl af rm 1 1 Llllll I nrn l l ifarin-Tsj .1 avi p iia; u. ..h 1 ,'o..:l,' .w.n v.. asisiu-jr. We wish to thank the many friends for the expression of sympathy and the beautiful floral offerings during our recent bereavement. Mrs. Charles E. Yett, Mr. and Mrs. C. C Tett and family. Wbeti wrltlDc aa eaUlDg ea advertisers, pleeee restioa Tbe JuaraeL 4 Adr.) PORTLAND TEACHERS BACK FROM LAND OF 'LIQUID SUNSHINE' Misses Hallie and Maurene Samson Speak of Work in Hawaii, CHILDREN LEARN QUICKLY Zslaads Have Abundance of High Schools and Colleges; People Ex ceedingly Hospitable. Rt Veils. Winner. Au tn, way fr0m Hawaii, the happy htven. Miss Hallie Samson and Miss vfon-.r,. ,.. t,-,., ,,Mr t Portland, but Just for the summer en- hav h'.v. felt the spell of the land of "liquid sunshine" and will only "bide a wee." "We had the Peter Pan kindergarten here in Portland last year, but we de cided we would like to see Hawaii not lu the usual tourist way, but really see it and know the country and the peo ple," said Miss Maurene. "so we went over last September and taught in the public schools of Kolott, situated on Kauai island, well known as the garden Island, for it is the most beautiful of all the islands of Hawaii. The whole island is a riot of tropical growth. Plms, ferns and blossoms cover eVery inch of ground. The sweet moist smell of spring is everywhere and nature is forever having her face washed sometimes a mere mist of a sprinkle and again a smart shower as If a bucket of water had suddenly been j thrown out of Celestial windows. The; wl.al- l.l.n.l I- 1 . 1- - - n I ..... i i.vit iBiauu id line A i cl L (iiviyiv De-l're8n from the nand of a master ar- tiet- we never imagined that the world beld anything of such enchanting Wo X.ack of Schools. "We didn't know a word of the na tive language when we arrived there and the children didn't know a word of English, so you can imagine the Interesting times we had at first. We eat'h had receiving rooms in an 11 room school house, with first grade , children, 60 In each room and we began by holding up objects and giving them ( tne English names, and in a surpris- : "i eigntn grades ana aDove are given i "e thrU" ' "! "V , . . , There are also high , -vlia. -ij.. 1 ! the children grow older they, . " , . .JT 'vc"' v.ijr .ucr ycIB Ui ae. , I owning and operating a gigantic sugar antatlon wlth popuUtlon of 1000. ..What a bla. a(.hool uOUM voll had -wnat a Dig scnooi nouse you naa 10 th Population." wa, Z,arge Pastilles, the Rule 'T'es, but it Is needed, for each fam ily has an average of eight children. "We had a truly wonderful time, the people are nothing if not hospitable and practically all of the white people are people of wealth with beautiful homes all except the school teachers, 1 jso we were entertained royally. Week I end parties, dancing parties, moonlight bathing parties, teas and every possible i social diversion is offered and best of all it Is always summer time with the .,. for wearlrijr wnlte clothes. J Tn.T,tl i ' ni,,,r f mntnHnev fnr'triA i. lands abojnd in wonderful macadam roads. "And how about all of the American girls who go to the islands marrying?" "Well you see we came back." "Our only regret was that most of th nld nrimltive. native life had dis appeared, except in the more remote Mlatrtnta hnwvr xra Via A a -In-'fmi . . , v Honolulu and will probably teach in a I private school." German Air Man n T T i. TT., , UIclolIcS liltU JLLUuOG i j Body of Man Who Bad Pallen Ont of -m-n-nmlin round in Conservator-? of the Residence. . ...... thin .? Lonaon, juiy luhuub ii liappeil 111 war nine, " u - iiici- iiaio been nothing more startling than that which happened to a certain family which lives in a town on the east happen in war time, but there coast of England. Some days ago Zeppelins flew over this port, which was nothing unusual. The members of the household were partaking of a late evening meal. Thev heard bombs exploding and the fire" of anti-aircraft guns. Suddenly there was a tremendous crash at the ; back of the house. Evidently some- i thing had dropped Into the conserva- 1 tory. It was assumed that it was a bomb. For a few minutes the people remained where they were, fearing a further explosion. Then they In vestigated. In the conservatory most of the broken they time and will return In September.!8" P"r my n.nn ana i norn Next year we will be in the city of in his home. Pearl Young, the first ?ound The "body of a Tean air sailor. . He had evidently accidentally 1 re 39 ltl tdf n tn Among fallen from a Zeppelin, or perhaps I the creeks ad rivers crossed are Coy Vi. Q knni.k.i4 nut hv ...ii-nia a . ote creek. Long Tom creek. Elk creek. British shell. He hfed fallen from a tremendous height, probably no less than 7000 feet. j - . i W()lf IS fiUn DOWn By an Autompbile ; Wild Animal Is Shot and Killed ! Prom Past Banning Car y Texas Bancher. ( Sealv Tex.. July 8. Mr. arid Mrs. w. J . rewcern. witn a pany ox W. J. Newcem. with a party of ' friends, were arivtng over their rancn In an 'automobile when they saw a wnl t rnnnln, ...a.,,, Tia aa.,. . coase. xdc won naa a - - m a Wew , wh.n InoverarL hut Mr V.ss-. com gained on him steadily After a run of about 2 miles across the prairie be came within shooting distance, and, letting go of his wheel, took his shotgun from Mrs. New coin's hand and opened fire- brtnglnsr down the animal on the third shot. It weighed 45 pounds. ISLAND APPEALS TO GIRLS III 1 . 1 C , 'f - ' .1-.' .Jym II ? ? Win W Lft to right Miss Maurene Dairying, Lumbering and Fishing Make Florence Important Industrial Center Lane County's Seaport Is 72 Located on North By Fred Lockley. Florence. Or., July 8.--Florence is called "The Rhododendron City." It was officially christened by that title on May 20th, 1908. when It heid Us first Rhododendron festival. At this official christening Joaquin Miller, the venerable and picturesque poet of the sierras, was master of ceremonies and crowned Mine Laura Johnson aueen of , Rhododendra. with a crown of delicate 1 pink rhododendrons. j Florence is Lane county's seaport. it 8 72 miles west of Eugene and is , located on the north shore of Siuslaw Former Bnrlal Ground. ! f avo. e moutn or tne Biusnaw was a .InVUlllB Bliui Willi nm viiaiuai - -" ' - , . . .... , I . . . M.w . n-Iln,.l A m.rl. ill liiu vim umj a la'""". " 1 J ground of the Indians. When tbe i streets are graded Jndian skulls, flint The port of Siuslaw was formed in 1909. T. B. Cuahman of Acme being the father of the port act. The port of Sulslaw embraces the entire water shed of the Siuslaw river and has an assessed valuation of approximately 14.500.000. Tha district was bonded for $300,000 and $28,000 In addition was raised. The federal government put up a similar amount, making the total of the Jetty contracts $656,000. The north jetty Is a little more than a mile long, while the outh Jetty is about five-sixths of a mile; In length. Early Says Beoalled. Mablc M. Knowles, now Mrs. Thomas Cullen, was the second white child , born h ! history here. In speaking of the early of Florence, she said: "My 1 s . . t father. Frank Knowlee, who owns a store across the bay at Glenada, was one of the early ranchers on the Sius law. His farm was at what is now Mapleton. When my people came In from Eugene there was no wagon road. All travel was on horseback over a mountain trail. Doctor Kennedy was a physician ! mother Went and a rancher. My to his place a week or I white child born In Florence, lives lii Arisona. W. H. Weather nuw rson. who has been the editor of the "Wist" here at Florence for the past 20 years, was teaching school when I was a little tot. I remember he dismissed ! school to let us see the first steam- Iboat that ever come in ov; the Sius- V. t I li i r L- If. nam. una th Mink." George Melvln Miller of Eu gene, a brother or Joaquin Miner me i.i t th. tnsn.it. of j Florence. There was a postoffice of that name here. A boat named the that name here. A boat named th Florence was wrecked while comln ! , , . -i. ! lnt Siuslaw bay, so the "office I took its name from the wrecked boat, I We didn't have any mall service here when I was a girl We had to pay 25 cents charges to send a letter to Gardinla." Travel Bow Increases. The mountain trail at last became a wagon road and that has now given way to a railroad, and Florence is in touch with the world. The Coos Bay line, the latest branch line of the Southern Pacific, crosses the bay at Cushman and from there passengera come three miles by launch to Flor ence. The Coos Bay line is 120 miles long. It is built of heavy steel rails, the I roadbed wn blla8ted' the rd 1 Notl creek, Chlcknhoming cfeek. Wild Cat creek; Siuslaw river. San Antonio creek. Lake creek. Fiddle creek, arm of Lake Tsiltcoos Smith river siougli Umpqua river, Schofleld creek, the Black arm of North lake and Coos bay. , There are nine tunnels on the road, the longest of them, Not! tun nel. being 4182 feet long. Seaooast Calls Many. SHaaanaaVl,.. KniTa nt Vl.l Tl - An 11 f 0regon tl popular seacoast resorts. It bases its hopes on the fact that it is beautifully situated on Siuslaw bay. , "ui v--, ... , not far irom tne ocean, ana An tit ! further fact tnat excellent nsning ana hunting is to be haa in us vicinity. aaaaawaaaaaaaiawaaw "a-ai Blankets, Mattresses zni Feathers Renovated Weal Bats aad Metresees say site aal welgkl Buy direct trass aaaaarfavetarer. We de Weel Gi ding. r' Crystal Springs FimshiBX Works , Main 267. US Tenth. Hear Alitt, Samson and Miss Hallie Samson Miles West of Eugene and Is Shore of Siuslaw Bay.. Among the nearby trout streams where good fishing is to be had are Sutton creek. Cape creek. North fork. 8we-t creek, Knowles creek. Maple creek and Fiddle creek. Whoahlnk lake is only two and one-half miles distant. It is three miles long, one-half s mile broad and has numerous arms or inlets on each side. It looks like a delicately wrought silver spider sprawled on a cloth of green velvet. Splendid fishing is to be had in Tsilt coos lake, eight miles to the south ward. The outlet of this lake is Ten Mile crtek, a stream two miles in length and so little current has it that at high tide the water is backed up into the lake. Just south of Tfiilt coos lake is Tahkenitch lake. Just across the Siuslaw bay from Florence Is the town of Olenada. Dairying, lumbering, fishing, fruit raising, and general farming are the industries of Florence and the Siuslaw valley. Westlake is a new summer resort on the west side of Tsiltcoos lake. Ten This Mantel 1 Have your eyes teste! by our Export Optometrist. Prices (or glasses reasonable. Jaeger Bros. JEWELERS OPTICIANS 131-133 Sixth St., Orcgonlan Building lY L. J Kalamazoo Loose .Leaf Binder Co., Accredited producers of the Highest Grade of Ruled and Printed Forms in the World. i You can obtain Loose Leaf Binders and Supplies of nearly all standard makes for every purpose from us. We Manufacture Filing Supplies for Every Make of Files. u Everything Seals and Rubber Stamps Mil creek flows' through this town. A saw mill, a new 20 room hotel, a store, a pos toffies and several resi dences comprise the town so far. Among their exports are cream. vea and bear meat. Eventually spruce lumber will be the principal export from Westlake, as there Is a fine body of spruce around the lake. Fishing promises to oe one or tne important Industries of Stuslaw bay. Recently the "Big Chief" come in from the halibut banks off Heceta head with 5000 pounds of fish. TOO pounds being cod and the rest halibut, A week or two ago three tons of sturgeon were taken in one night at Reedsport and sold to the cannery at 2 cents a pound. The Sluslsw region Is rich in un developed resources and there is plenty of opportunity here for the pro ducer who is willing to apply brains and energy in developing a farm in this valley. m 1 Hinges Front Seat; Sleeps in MaLchine Pred P. Kenshaw Transforms Pord Into "Pullmsn" Car and Aooenunodttes Paxnllf on Xtonff Trips. Fred FHenshaw. district engineer or the United States geological survey, water resources branch, has a "Pull man' Ford. He uses it on his field trips, and on his last trip into eastern Oregon the whole Henshaw family was along, sleeping for nearly a month la the open in the car, Mr. Henshaw has converted his Ford into a Pullman" by hinging the back of the front seat. Let down, eupports hold the back on a level with the rear seat and form a berth. A mattress that rolls up and is stowed away when not in use Is thrown over the seats, and as comfortable a bed as any one could wish Is the result. Boy Witnessed Big Dogger Bank Fight X.ad Bad Been Accidentally Shut Ont on Turret Deck While Plght Waa Getting Started. London. July 8. In the visit by English newspaper correspondents to th grand flpet the most Interesting point ellrited was the extraordinary suddenness of modern sea fighting. There were Instances of a fight be ginning before the ventilators were closed down, and the strangest of all. a story of the battle of the Dogger Rank wliero a bov was sent out to clean something on one of the tur rets and he was forgotten In the hur rv and the turret closed. The boy lay flat on the topthrouga the fight, and he Is one of the few persons, officers and men, in the whole affair who actually saw th battle, and the only one who could give his whole attention to the sight, as he had nothing else to doi That bov will have a areat story to tell when he Is an old man. Clock Only $4 Runs 8 days. Cathedral gong Hour and half-hour strike. Mahogany finish. A guaran teed timekeeper. Other 8-Day Clocks at $6, $8, $10, just as big values as this one. t White enameled One-Day Small Mantel Clocks at $2.50, others for nvore. Our $1.00 Alarm Clock Is the most de pendable on the market. Big Bens and Babv Bens at $2.50. Traveling Clocks, Chime Clocks, Office Clocks, etc. Chelsea Clocks for particular people who don't mind pay ing a little extra. C fV LooaLaiair DaviceaTX- make possible Maximum Effi ciency at Minimum Cost. KALAMAZOO makes the most practical Salesman's Catalogue Binders, Current Ledgers, Trans fer Binders, Lock Ledgers, Special Binders for every purpose and Complete Machine Bookkeeping Systems for machines of any type. KALAMAZOO excels all other binders in be ing the only binder holding one sheet to six inches of sheets, and is operated without a key. for the Office' Corner Fifth and Oak SUs Democratic Club Is ; Planned by Women. Meeting WU1 Be Held Monday Bra..; ning at Central XUbrary, .Whan Tlrst taps WHl a Taken to Organise. , A number of 'leading Democratic women are planning to hold a meeting in Room H, Central library, Monday ' evening, at 7:80 o'clock, the purpose of which la to nrranlis a anmin'i Iwmu. . crattc cluo for th study of political niteaHnfta tit oftrlA stats anil national interest. - - It is the intention to make this club,' 1 1 u i i I ii n wmnin win in ' ' I onca mora ui . a luncheon at the imperial hotel to out line the program for next year's work. inar which thai, writ artlnurn until The women Interested In this mve ! mem ere amviuoue to iorm m, eaieirsasTitattvai Knilv W'hlfii will Ka Ana ' A n thai ni.mftn.nt eaotAea 1-t pArtlMnri at political reaim. ana u uemocrmuc women are asked to be present at the meeting Monday evening to start the movement aa anan ni v nnaeinia and encourage enrellmsht later on.-, j Men! Not a Cut Price Sale Trade upstairs and save 110. Low rent and quick selling gives you f 26 men's suits for IK, all ready to wear. Jimmy Dunn, upstairs Clothier, llf- is-it uregonian oiag. Elevator to sa floor. SCT.OOL8 A2IU COLLEGE SUMMER SCHOOL JVWB. JVX.T. AtraviT JTZOaKT AJT9 SAT SBSSIOITS, ' ZSUOATIOItAXi PBFAmTMBUT, Yocos Men's ChrUtiia AssocUtioa tvia ootrmsxs tv 1. Oollsge Praparatary Subjects, t, Oonuaerolal Subjects. S. Xlectrlesi SnglneerUg. a. All Orade Subleete. a. CeaditleBe aaaae ay In Oranunar, Btlgh School aad Oollege gub- Jects. C Vre-Ziew and Pre-Meeioal 3nb jecta. Call at Educattor.al Office- or telephone Main 70I&. A-6561. N.W. Normal School of Music and Art, Inc. X. M. rABTZB?. Mas. Soe Director, nw MDSZOAX. MOMS Is It, 40S TU ford ldg loth and MorrUon Sts. A complete musical education. Diplo mas and Decrees conferred. Sum mer classes. Regular school year begins Heptemher 12. PrivateSummerSchool Miss Decker's Private Business Col lege. Dav and night classes, gpeelal summer rates. Publlo Steacgraphsrs, maltlgraphlng and mlmeogrgphlag. Allsky Blag., Thlfd and Morrison. T. HZXXM'S HAIX tiSth ( oneeeutlve Vsir. ) - FertlaM, Or. Bealdent and rts scbool for fir Is. la raarte of Bisters o( Kt. John Baptist ttptenptU, Arsiemla sad tlamantarv departments, kinder, fartes aod tralnlrg action! tut klndarsarten teacbers. music, art, domsailc art, dunieatle Scleore, frmosilum. avrlmnilnc, etc. Mouaet ef reatdenc (MS and 020 Kverett at. For esta logne adiUasa the? Blstar Super ; Aeowlliea to Oelleeea test and U'ea, Ctrsaummr aai friaurf-Beparimeata. Srad for lllaatrss-aaavaaieaae'' rriaslBali Mary L Lewksr. A, . PAtO ALTO, OALI. Vocal Studio of CLEMENT B. CHAW, MUS. D. Tilford Bldg. dtia-iaiT Tonng Women' christian Association, Portland, Or., Commercial Dept.. Dept. of Domestic Science and Art, Dept. of Physical Education and Hygiene, tan truaare Dept. REPAIR DIRECTORY OMvea aU the prlaelpal piaees where goat various needs can be gives their proper attention. Highest quality, jewelry, repairing, AlimAnil a , I m a ai.lal. repairing. C Heitkemper Co., For many years head quarters for reliable re pair service 180 Sth It, Taon Bldg. Tuning eaa XT AhllirS rtaaoe aad Play er Plasma. Prtree reaeooeble lutes- pert wars. Cor. glitfe !ShcnnMi.Pay&Ca and KerrUra SHOE REPsAIRING We sail aad deliver, rhese aa asaaer Bseii, jus t at Wessea's. te. atevs soxxa, n I am rw rmlks, see tfOOaTTBAB SKOB 00 144 Fourth It, - areas Aide PlANOS REPAIBED Eipert Werkmem, Very Reaaoosble rrleee. au wers unaraateea t$ wroeseo. II Graves Mnac Co. ' ,,a. Mi a a - mi via ni. sur aaos- rlsoa. Suits Pressed, 38c iolts. frseck dry clesnad er afeaa cMaoed tl.oe. Free a-slls aad deliveries. St.00 tk aad atk Fheae .Braed-rer 114. A-Atle, TRUNKS AND CASES REPAIRED By Baperts - nxB OXKZVEBT I Main 8774 aOnTXJlBT CO- .," 84 ana FU SZ7AIK DIAKOTOaT ATPXASS STZBT auXSAX and abocld be preserved la every bottie as a rod? guide. . . , , HAVE (T REPAIRED W1 '. P --9 - 'V i 1