r ' . I . ' 1"". " " 1 , SECTION THREE DRAMATIC, FHOTOPLA1T8, EDITORIAL EIGHT PAGES ILLUSTRATED FEATURES FOREIGN NKW8 PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 9, 1916. ft SOME GOOD PLAYS FINISH THE SEASON As You Read, Good Judgment Tells You to Attend These Sales SliRJINE UP ExDert Gives Views on the Attractions Which Have Taken Public Fancy. MOVIES ARE CONSIDERED Marg-ar.t XlUaelon Try In Oat Knr Flay at Atlantic City Prasent Wtk. ler By Dixie Hlnes. New York. July 8. Of the plays which pleased, only the memories remain.- An a sort of eleventh hour eon version. "The Cohan Revue" and "Hit-the-Trall HollKJay" brought their sea sons to a done Katurday evening tnu depriving tho public of two entertain ments whlrh mlffht be a enjoyable In hot as In cold weather. And "Katlnka. the mimical how. alo came to a sud den atop, while Mane i em"-.. J.as added somewhat to her reputation as a comedienne In "A I.ady Name. , has followed suit. i "Justice." which oanriot be consld- ,rci in the light ot. a"' Htimnifr h"w b" j even the vivid Imagination of the prews agent has also terminated what has been In many respects the- most bril liant and surprising success of the sea son It will reopen early net year, and John Barrymore will remain in the role of Falder. whlrh haa added great distinction to his name as a dramatic actor As Ruth Honeywell, however, there Is to be a new actress In frtha Mann, who Is one of the most reliable, versatile and talented of our young leading women. She will thus be as sociated In one season with two of the artistic successes of the season. -Tho Weavers.- under the "stage direction of Kmanuel Relchor. and Justice." unrW. the stage direction of B. Iden Tayne. 1 " i They now lineup thus wise. Belasro "The Boomerang." which neems destined to finish Its full year. Remarkably Interesting east, able and adaptable to the demand of the comedy. Casino "Very Good Eddie," and a very good show, with music Inter spersed. Made over from "Over Night. . popular comedy of the other days. 'Hudson "The Cinderella Man, ex cellently acted and. a comedy of much rharm. Nothing to tax the ingenuity or patience but a play of the older fairy fcrand New Amsterdam "The Follies of 116." This coterie of dainselM, come dian t, burlequerarid muskml expon ents la. as usual, one of tlve summer -sights. One always goes to the Follies t sjid the ocean in the summer time. Shubert Lew Fields, excellent come dian In "Step This Way." U Is a uir.ua walk he takes you mmpw i vict - on, but It 1s enjoyable, and makes good summer amusement. Winter Garden "The Pnsslng Show Of 1B." Ilke the prevlodH passing Shows this entertainment Is Individual and all alone In Its clnss. Also It Is better than those which preceded it. snd that is a . high compliment In luelf. Added to this lst. 'represent Ing only the stage of the Spoken drama, proper consideration must ne givrn ... silent drama, which now occupies an appreciable number of stage In our ,i.r nlavhouses. The bills for the. week Include: Candler "Queen of the Roses, based on Leon Cavello's opera. Criterion "Civilization." Olobe "Gloria's Romance." Liberty "The Fall of a Nation." Rlalto "The Captive God with Wil liam S. Hart. Katherlne Orey will return to the stage within a fortnight playing the title role In a new English drama, Jane Clegg." by St. John Krvlne. The I i Inln rehearsal under i William K. Cllmore. with Wallls Clark playing, the leading masculine role. The first run of the presidential movies" will be given next week. To present the form and features of the Republican candidate the national committee engaged Charles Cnmpton. an actor, to make a series of pictures, and these are to be exhibited on all ' programs available now and during . the campaign. WhitfotxJ Kane with Hellen Evlly. bottv familiar to playgoers, and both talented players, are making a vaude ville venture this week at the Colonial theatre, presenting Harold Brlghouse s delightful comedy. "Lonesome Luke.1 The Shuberfs announce two touring companies for next season to Present Hobson's cnoice. ' who created the role of the master ful Maggie, will return from I-ondon to play this part in the company over the Important circuit. Margaret Illlngton is "trying out" v " new olay at- Atlantic City this week. It fa Called "Just for Tonight" and la under the management of the Selwyn's. Florence Reed denies that she has arranged to play next season. She la still open. The confusion arose over the fact that In San Francisco ahe tried out with success a drama by Ethel Clifton called "For Value Re ' celved." She and her husband, Mal rolm Williams, were said to have scored a pronounced success, but she - declares the part Is not suited to her personality although a strong and pleasing one. Ernest Rowan, a popular New York actor, has been called back to Mil waukee, his home, to Join his regiment , which has been mustered tn. He haa been playing In the "Civilisation'' film la New York. - Harold de Becker, who enjoys dls ,' . tlnctlon in the art as wall as dramtlo ', fraternity. Is to be an exhibitor as a sculptor this season. Me Is a success ful student at the Beaux Arts this summer. Last year he argued the " cat In "Hobson's Choice." Hellen Evlly has broken into vaude ville. She was with the production of Justice" at the Candler theatre dur- tna- Urn 1 . i w i ins ui ions run, una to snow ner ver iiuty uas'a-si nersen ror a light v comedy character role. She plays a Ijancabire lass who doesn't care what (yiii mv luug u ii uuesn i nappen to har. Our Semi-Yearly Disposal ' Of Our Finest Tailored Suits An occasion eagerly awaited by women who, each season, avail themselves of this great event. Starts Monday at 9 A. M. With Newest Tailored Suits Selling Regularly to $40.00 Monday $12.50 Positively no returns, exchanges or approvals. Third rioor Monday Our Wash Fabric Section Offers 1000 Yards of Novelty Voiles Which Sell Regularly at SOc to 7Sc Monday Only, Very Special 25c Yard The most varied assortment of wash fabrics ever offere4 at one price. Voiles in every new weave and pattern. Woven stripes and plaids, floral designs, conven tional designs, smart black, and white effects, lavenders, pinks, blues and greens. About 50 different patterns in all, from 36 to 40 inches wide. Second Floor MEN Harken to Words of Wisdom and Economy Monday This Store Offers You The Choice of Any Suit in Stock Regular to $30.00 $15.00 Every Suit New This Season Can you ask us more? Monday We Shall Sell The Most Fashionable Sports Silks At a Most Exceptional Price Offering 33-lnch Striped White Pongee That Sells Regularly at $1.50 36-Inch Striped Natural Pongee That Sells Regularly at $2.00 $1.19 Yd. Second Floor A Most Remarkable Sale of Parasols In This Summer's Newest Shapes and Colorings For $3.95 That Have Sold at $6 and $5 The largest and most complete as sortment of newest parasols we have ever offered at one price. In the'Jap anese, regular and tailored shapes. Of plain colors, stripes, plain cen ters with novelty borders. Tlrwt moor Our Semi-Yearly Disposal of Smartest 1 Tailored Hats Embracing only the newest, most stylish modes, now in favor, starts Monday with Hats Selling Regularly to $10.00 Ttrst Floor $2.00 No Exchanges, Returns, Approvals . Third Floor Innovation Wardrobe Trunks sold here exclusively. 7th Floor. Mrs. Margaret H. W id rig Special Representative From The Pictorial Review Pattern Company of New York will give a series of instructions in our Pattern Department all next week. Second Floor Child's Coats to $7.50 Go on Sale Monday Only At $1:95 In sizes 3 to 6 years. Of serges, coverts, fancy mixtures and pique. Tonrth moor 42-Piece Edwin M. Knowles American Porcelain Two Decorations Gold band and flower ; Both open stock patterns. Special for One Day .95 pray. $3. Sixth moor 5000 Yards of the Newest Cretonnes and Chintz Imported and Domestic Weaves In the most desirable colors and pat terns for bedrooms, living-rooms, dining-rooms and for upholstery. Regular Prices 45c to 59c Very Exceptional Monday 37c Yard ruth moor Our Annual Summer Clearance of Fine Footwear Starts Monday, July 10 Even in the face of the great' id'vance In the price of leather, we shall hold our Semi-Annual Shoe sale the same as formerly. Our customers have come to know the unusual offerings found in this sale, and many delay their buying until this time. This year they are up to the standard set in previous sales. All These Shoes From Our Regular Stock At Exceptional Clearance Prices Women's Novelty Boots Of Gray, Ivory or White Kid, Lace and Button Styles $10.00 and $12.00 lines for $8.95 $9.00 lines $7.95; $7.50 and $8.00 lines $6.95 WOMEN'S FINE PUMPS Of bronze, white calf, patent colt and dull kids. $6.50, $7.00 and $7.50 lines for $5.95 $6.00 lines for $4.95 $5.00 lines for $3.95 $4.00 lines for $2.95 SPECIAL BROKEN LOTS OF PUMPS AND OXFORDS Broken lines to $5.00 for $2.95 To $4.00 lines for $2.25 i Second moor On Monday Only We Shall Sell 750 Pieces of Muslin Underwear Crere rowns longcloth gownv envelope chemise, skirts and combination suits. In the most tttrac.ve and newest styjes. All gxtraJuU cut farments, in all sizes, of splendid materials. "ThrtSeTtWgulartr'fo'&.m Cf at the Most Exceptional frxce . . . . JJ -Fourth moor Globe Union Suits For women, are national favorites known from coast to coast. Monday We Offer Two Globe Specials Greatly Under priced $1.25 Silk Lisle or fine gauze, loose 75c Swiss ribbed low neck, sleeve less style, with lace .Irunmon gs. Sizes 34 to 44. or tight knee, low neck. Sizes to 44. 39c 69c Tlrst moor A Most Remarkable Sale Children's Tub Dresses That Sell Regularly to $1.75 Monday Only 50c In sizes from 2 to 6 years, Of ging hams, percales, chambrays, poplins and crepes. pourtu moor Five of the Newest Styles Women's Bathing Suits Of Knit Jersey In all the most wanted colors, with stripe trimmings, sizes 34 to 44. For $4.95 rourth moor Tomorrow We Start an Embroidery Sale that must impress you with its great Economy and quality. 27-Inch Flouncings Selling to $1.00 33c mret moor Corset Section Offers Discontinued Models in Broken Lines of the Finest Qualities Selling at $5.00 to $12.00 La Vida, Etoile de France, Smart Set, Bien Jolie, Greclin, Treco and Nemos. Made of fancy broche, batiste and coutil. In a style for every figure. Monday Special $2.95 Regular $1.00 and $1.50 Brassieres for 79c Hook-front and cross-back styles, made of net, allover embroidery or fine cambric with embroidery yokes and cluny lace. Sizes 32 to 46. Fourth Floor F Our Home Furnishing Store Offers Grass Furniture For the Summer Home For the Porch and Garden At Lowest Prices The finest imported hand-woven grass furniture of all kinds, including tables, stools, chairs and rockers, seats and couches. $7.50 Grass Rockers, sp'l $6.45 $8.50 Grass Rockers, sp'l $6.85 $9.50-$9 Grass Chairs. . .$7.45 $10 Grass Chairs, special $7.95 $11 Grass Chairs, special $8.45 $10 Steamer Chairs and Rock ers for $7 AS $14 Steamer Chairs and Rock' ers for $10.45 $180 Steamer Chairs and Rockers for $14.95 $7.45 Library and Porch Ta bits for $6.45 $8.50 Library and Porch Ta blesfor $6.95 mrth moo Pre-Inventory Clean-Up of Odd Lots of New Goods in Economy Basement Store "ASTORE OF SURPRISES9' That's What Many People Have Said of the Lipman-Wolfe Economy Basement Store "AS TORE WHERE DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE IS SOLD" "A STORE OF SATISFACTION" The Lipman-Wolfe Ecooomy Basement Store Is Daily Filling the Wants of Thousands of People. To Make This Store Even Greater-To Keep the Stocks New-We , Start our Pre-Inventory Clean-Up of Odd Lines Tomorrow With Wonderful Bargains. Be Sure to Come-This Is the BIG WEEK Come Every Day New Specials Each Day. Remarkable! New Waists 50c Not a haphazard collection by any means, but new mid-summer models equal to the best 1.00 waists made sheer voiles, striped waistings, dainty batistes, in unusual variety, in white and pretty colorings carefully made to fit. Basement Odds and Ends To 75c Gowns 25c Longcloth, figured and striped crepes, slip-over styles, some lace or embroidery trimmed well made, neatly trimmed. Basement. To $1.50 House Dresses 89c They can't be made at home for this price. Striped and checked percales, with white collars, belted, yoke, plain and vestee styles. Also some checked ginghams and dark percales. Sizes 36 to 44 bust. Basement Sample Curtains 33c Each You will never buy them for less. Full length, 2J4 to 3 V, yards, splendid quality Nottinghams and nets, plain and figured centers, white and Arabian color. Regular price 75c to 1.25. Broken Lines and Sixes of Children's Dresses and -Rompers 25c Remarkable garments that sold to 75c each. Dresses 2 to 14 years. Rompers 2 to 6 years. Of ginghams and percales in great assortment, simply remarkable, 15c. Basement $2.00 Bolts Longcloth $1.49 12 yard of fine quality, soft-ffimh longcloth In bolt free from dressing, 36 inches wide. Extra special at this price don't fail to buy at least one bolt. Saaameat To $4.00 Trimmed Hats $1.00 You can't begin to realize the importance of this sale until you see the hats themselves. Remarkable, every one of them, and be coming. Cleverly trimmed, medium and large shapes. Basement $4 and $5 Wool Skirts $2.95 Think of itl The very latest pleated and flaring models of splen did qualities of serge, cheviot, diagonals and checks, offered at such a ridiculously little price. See them you'll surely buy one. Basement $1.75 to $2.00 Corsets $1.19 Here's a rare opportunity to buy the famous W. ft, Nadia and Crown belt corsets at a saving. Broken lines of this season's models for all figures, including stout figures, sizes 19 to 30. Basement $1.00 Envelope Chemise 79c You'll never find garments like these less than ti dainty, fine materials and trimmings, made in the careful "at-home" way Empire and yoke styles that will appeal to every woman. Baaement 25c to 35c Embroideries 13c Yard An unheard-of price for 1 8-inch Swiss and cambric corset cover and flouncings of this fine quality. Attractive patterns, with fast edges, for dresses, underwear and children's wear. ,v Baaement 25c Voiles-30 Patterns-19c Yard Imagine over 30 of the newest, most wanted floral and sport stripe patterns, in every popular color, 38 inches wide and only 19c a yard, all new, too. . . Baaemtnt 60c Hemmed Damask Napkins 33c Doz. Important saving here fine mercerized napkins for all around use ttxii inches, several pat terns all hemmed. Baeemeat New Lot 12Vtc Huck Towels $1.00 Doz. SOc For Half Dozen At this extremely low price, we cannot sell less than half dozen lots. Splendid heavy quality, red borders, hemmed ends 18x36 inches. Basement 25c Cretonne Novelties 15c Scarfs, table squares, bags, aprons, shoe pockets, etc. MONDAY ONLY Regular $1J20 Dozen Initial Tumblers Set of Six for 33c Thin, clear quality, with gold band and etched initial 6 packed in a box. aUemm MEN Athletic Union Suits 50c Buy your season's supply here Monday this style garment Is seldom sold less than 1. Of fine cool, checked nainsook, with re markable wearing qualities, regular athletic style. MEN BROKEN LINES OF HOSIERY, 3 PAIRS 50c A bargain in lisle and cotton sox, black, blue, tans also comfort able split-foot sox. MEN 12V2c COLLARS, 5c EACH; 6 FOR 25c Here's the chance to buy that extra supply of Summer collars good shapes, low and medium, broken lines. MENNECKWEAR SELLING TO SOc; NOW 10c , Broken lines, all going Monday at one price. Basement BOYS To $2 Straw Hats 10c Odds and ends of styles for boys 2 to 14 years, white, black and combinations. A remarkable sale. BOYS- 50c to 85c Wash Suit 25c Reg, to $1.50 Wash SuiU 98c Broken lines and sixes only 82 suits in the lot, Billy Boy, Middy and Olivers sizes 2 to 8 years. Bsssiseiil Women's Knit Union Suits 29c Fine ribbed cotton.Tow neck, sleveless, tight or loose-knee style. Extra serviceable, comfortable garments, all sizes, 34 to 4 o. Baeemeat Women's White Cotton Hosiery 12jc Mill tuns of higher-priced stockings, with very slight Imperfec tions linen oeeis and toes, very elastic. All sizes. Positively No Phone Orders Filled on These Exceptional Basement Salesj a i i T 1 1