- V - I 14 ) THE OREGON- SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, "JULY 9. 1916. APARTMENTS 43 .TO?nSHM) AND UNFURNISHED V VILLA ST. CLARA. . 12th and Taylor. Uodcm, completely furnished apts. , Walking distance. References FOB RENT FLATM 13 or RENT. 1 modern 6 -room flata, E. lth and Washington ata ...$11.00 'r modern 6-room riac. tu. nm and Morrison at JLjnodern 5-room cottage, K. 18th I -.fsjid Morrison sts. 10.00 a THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 36. 102 4th at. A-35QQ. , HAWTHORDflE Comfortable 4 room -flat, with sleep r Ing porch, front porch, wall beds, gas SoVV SiSSo'A n y f ' lOi Qerlinger bldg. or Tabor 1993. MODERN 4 room flat. 1185 Mllwaukle at., Bellwood car. electric light, bath, ?.Dutch kitchen, large basement, rent 81" JflVE rbom, sleeping porch; beautiful i Jiome; close; cheap, desirable tenanta. j4l Montgomery. Marshall 3069, 'VIVE room r.odem Hat. rent 18. in ., eluding water. Inquire 927 Brook- ffih at., near 31st, OROOM flat, all outside rooms; ateam hM.t and Janitor service. 661 Glisan ,st... cor. IJth St. Mar. 2706. . lli PER MO. 5 room upper flat; .V 'bath, woodllft, electric light, etc. . "i74 N. 21st et. . fi BOOM modern flat. furnUhed kltch i n. 491 Market el. ,4 ROOM flat. 1n, low rent. good condition, En t 963. close lip 4 rooms on Rose City -.. Modern. 705 E. Flanders, E. carline. 1351. room upper rial, cium , w, west side. Broadway zjij. - WEST SIDE Neat 4 and 5 rooms, gas v and electricity Sellwood 1370. FURNISH KI FLATS SO MODERN 5 room flat, newly tinted. . neatly furnished. 290 Margin, foot ..Of Halsey; $18, Including water. Eaet tl2. 'WELL-furnlshed lower 4-room fiat. ' porch, yaid; good neighborhood. Ta- Bor 1523 y fcJEAT 4 rooms, walking distance, two -blocks east end Broadway bridge. ,v Bummer prices. . 383 Ross. e' KeW, moduli. 5 room flats, furnished -or unfurnished. 13 E. Ankeny st. '' East J5. . 118. 6 ROOM flat, lawn, walking dls- ' - tance, new elec tric fixtures. 44 I,,' Rodney. East 4866. COMPLETELY furnished 6 room, low er bungalow flat, lawn, walking dis- l. tance. 424 TlllamooK. union ave. earn VERY nicely furnished 6 rooms; gas. electricity, lawn. E. 1868. 422 Stan- ' inn 1". . ; r-v ; -A - ,,,, CLEAN well furnished, first floor: nice neighl (d. 4 room flat. I ' t,.00 cttr i lihes. 772 E. Taylor. E. 5260 I'lJRNISHED flat. 6 rooms, stricuy . -moderu. 406 E. 3?th St.. Hawthorne ; , car. , TWO new 4 mom furnished flats on ''the Peninsula, very cheap. Call Welr davs Woodlawn L'.'.0! THREE all outside rooms, upper flat, i " r.j : oloae In. cheap: h.IiiHh. 341 Mont mery. Marshall 3069. $12 4 ROOM furnished flat. larg yard water garDage; Key at o Falling. Call Wdln. 1943; Tabor 289. LOWEIl clean 4 room furnished flat, modern with piano. Rent reasonable. K00 E. 6th st . N. 1.KOOM FLAT or H. K.. nicely fur nished; will rent cheap if taken be- . for 16th. Marsnall 747. MODERN 5 rooms, furnished or unfur nlshed, free phone. Tabor 2516. SUMMEU KESOltTS 66 "SANSEAWAV." Beautiful private home, i blocks wast from Beach Center station, de sires a few guests; comfortable rooms, congenial surroundings. Marshall 8139. Banseaway, Beavlew, Wash. FURNISHED tents at Sunset Beach. $4 per week if engaged before July 10: wood furnished; also two 4 roo.n Hi wwu iuiuiBiivu, .in iww . ii'uiu I cottages ana one o room coumi lur- i nianea. Dorr n.. Keaaey CO., ta jnam. of Com. VUHNISHKt) or unfurnished cot: aires .. for rent at beautiful Man&inlta ' beach. Large living rooms and fire- places. Address G. B. Nunn. Manzan- FOR RENT 2 room cottage and sleep- Ing porch, 6 minute walk from the beach $10 per week. Including lights, water and fuel. Address box 473, Sea side; FOR RENT Seaside 7 room house, , ''completely furnished. Choicest lo cation; large yard, with trees. Rent one month, $60; two months, $100. Ref erences desired. Phone Mar. 3S2. FURNISHED cottage. Newport, bed . " rooms, bath, toilet, ocean view, low irent. Hinkle & Harrison. Gerllnger ldg WANT beach cottage for month. Will -exchange new Vlctrola. Orafonola or .. Edison for same. E. B. Hyatt, 360 Alder. FOR RENT at Rockaway Beach, cozy room furnished cottage reascnable, Also one at Saltair Beach. Call Tabor 1878. evenlnps. BEAUTIFUL and desirable summer y cottages for rent and for sale at Yery attractive prices. Alex. Gilbert & Son, Seaside. Or. CANNON BEACH Stop and Rest Inn. rates $2 per day; family cooking. For reservations address May McFarland, Kcola. Or. GOOD board and room can be had for $6 a week at one of the nearest and heat beaches to Portland. Inquire 910 B. 14th st. N. Phone Wood. 694. FURNISHED rooms, H. K. rooms, fuc- nlshed tents, camp grounds. Best lo cation. Apply Mrs. F. S. Austin, Sea slde. Or. FURNISHED 4 room bungalow with - fireplace, facing ocean, near Gear hart. $10 a week, season $60. Wood- lawn 4057. SEASIDE 7 room modern house, ideal 'location. ' Only $100 for season. Main 1068. , MANHATTAN beach, furnished house- .keeping cottages, $4 and $5 per week. VT, V. Cole, Manhattan Beach, Or. l-OOMS and rooms with housekeeping privileges. L. Roderick. Long Beach, Wash. -1 OR 2 LADIES could get reasonable tAioard in camp of Columbia Ideal Vacation. 670 E. Main. ' FOR RENT Ocean Park. Wash.. 6 ?rodm furnished cottage, centrally , iwaim. ren. iiv inoi sunoay. FINE camping privileges on the banks of the Willamette: SDrlnir water: nas -J'T. Jennings. Phone Oak Grove 76-M. , ; MODERN cottage for rest of -"n. wI60: everything furnished: Ocean. v laVe. Or. F. Tompaett, Twin Rocks, Or. FOR RENT room furnished house at Manhattan beach. Phone Tabor 1777. Call Sunday or evenln g s. LONG BEACH, ridge 6 room cottage for season. 125. 6o0 E. Oak F.&t H t!22. . V. FOR RENT 6 room modern, well fur :i .-wished cottage. 7th st. near foot V, : bridge. Address box 608, Seaside. !i ilOCKA WAY Nicely located ,1 roo.n furnished cottage for rent. 3. M. "( Yclkmav, Oregon City. 'i FOR completely furnished cottages at - Elmore Park. Rockaway, Or., phone Tabor 413. FOR RENT 4 -room cottage. Newton, Long Beach. Wash. rnone East 1 ' HREE furnished rooms In Seaside. . . Sell wood 2261. iiEAT, well furnished S room cottage . st Ocean Park. Wash. Sellwd. 160J. MODERN cottage on board walk at Seaside. E. $092.. COTTAGE at SalUlr for rent. Tabor . 1637. X ROOM furnished cottage Long Beach, rvMn. 919 ror season, cast 4S56. BURNISHED cottage. Gearharti reo jsonable rent. Woodtawa-1620. STORES AND OFFICES 11 BRICK warehouse in South Portland for rant, trackage, light and airy Oh paved a tree. . reasonable. Journal T'Mt.Mtiir fr. Rrnndwur wnd Turn hill. MEAT market, eaat side, rent cheap, atore and living rooms. Owner, X' zp, Journal. BAKERY, with baker'a oven, eaat sid. rent cheap; alao flat. Owner, G-2J, Journal, FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 33 BRICK warehouse on car tracka in Hmith Portland' n.Ml atrt: wll ngntea. adoui vuuu sq, rt. noor room. Suitable for light manufacturing. Ap- ply at business office Journal. - " WANTED TO RENT WANTED to rent, house for conva lescent patients, 12 to 16 rooms, west side preferred, place with yard and trees. Phone sunt, between 2 and 4 p. m. only, Marshal! 62. 10 OR 12 room houae for rent fur ntahed or unfurnished, also furnished flat, corner yard, porch, reference, reasonable. V-19, Journal. WANTED By unristlan Science cou ple, unfurnished apt. or bungalow: must be reasonable and clean. H-34, Journal. WANTED, nicely furnished houae for 1 year, Jefferson high school dist. preferred; not less than S rooms. Phone Woodlawn 2235 or 1019 E. 17th St.. N. COUPLE want furnished bungalow. close In, clean; garage; lease. Mar shall 6671. 6 OR 6 ROOM bungalow, furnished or unfurnished; first class referenced. Phone Main 6846 Sunday. WANTED To rent public garage in good location. Y-19, Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 AUCTION, AUCTION. Horses, Harness, Wagons. 308 Front st. 2 o'clock. Mondays. Thursdays. We offer consignments that sell for the high dollar, consigned by people who must sell. Everything sold must be as repre sented or no sale. 20 hours' trial on all horses. We sell and place your stock before all classes of Buyers on 6'i commis sion. STAR HORSE SALES CO. TEAM bav mares, weight 2600 lbs, heavy harness and wagon. $176. Team of horses, age 4 years and 7 years; both work single and double, with wagon and harness, $125. Cow and calf 2 years old Jersey and Durham, registered stock, fresh 3 weeks, $45. All Kinds of wagons and buggies and harness to be sold for the high dollar. No reasonable offer refused. Golnr; out of business. 646 Front Street. spAN tfe,mar a"d, ha,"e88' we!t? 040; $85. bpan of ln- 2200, good harness arid wagon, $110 These horses are good workers and mu,t be sol(j at once aB we are going east- Gentle pony, top buggy and har- ness. $55. 381 Water it. WHEN in need of harness call and 8ee Rossiter, the harness man. All kinds of harness In stock. Your old harness taken in exchange for new one. Once a customer always one. 25 I'nlon ave. run hALh Team, wt. 2800; new wagon, harness. 2 scrapers. 1 ilow. 6 months' lob at 35.60 Der dav. 8 hours- price $400. Can be seen on Job tomor row at interstate bridge approach. fienton car. A FINE matched team of 6 and 7-year-old bay mares, weight 3200, heavy Donea. genue. work single or double, good pullers in every way. Lewis Kell, Aurora, or. , . . ; , , ti" nd .n' ? a . nd household peta and poultry, read the ads under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums In these classifications FUR SALE 1 pair of beautiful Clyde mares, nay with wnlte faces: shouci I weigh about 3200 lbs. New harness. ?fan y Idoubl8 wagon with woodrack. $400. Staples, the jeweler. HOR8E. wagon, buggy and harness Any one or all: can bur chean rait Monday at blacksmith shop, corner E GOOD ranch or camping outfit; team. uiaio nuu . O U U IDS., n&rn68d ana wagon. i67 Hi. Stark St. Trial anoweu. FOR SALE 3-year-old colt wt. 1100 ins., well broke good traveler. prlc $125. J. H. Roe, route 4. box 73, Van couver. Wash. FINE young horse, drive single or dou" i . senue tor women or children to nanaie, sen or trade for good cow. 619 E. John st., St. Johns. FOR SALE, one bay horse. 1 rubber bur try: lire top buggy; l 2-seat open buggy; nice outfit for small farm, 1031 Union ave., is. Portland. Or FOR SALE 2900 JR SALE 2900 lb team. 8 years old; sound as a doilar, and true ,1s eel; $376. A. P. Hassler. Oregon CIt.v steel Or., Route 3. GOOD delivery horse and wagon for sale, also rubber-tired buggy, good condition. 6.30 p. m. Tabor 4802. 7:30 a. m. and WILKES pacer. Bailey bike buggy. the harness man. 817 E. Stark. Sunday. o uajn, my giuic, union avs. OiSL good farm wagon, double har ness and disc plow. Will trade for siock. a k. 3nn st.. Woodstock car. L OIOCKS WPSl. LIGHT steel tire buggy in good con dition will trade for somethlnc- w can use. day. -ruuiia vv uuumwn 34a J lon lioo lb. horse and harness. $50; ride -mc single or aoume; gentle vail oet. 10 a m and 6 p. m. Buntzel. j3L,ts.tvii mare. Weighs 950 lbs buggy and harness, for sale cheap' win sen separate. Long. 906 E. 7th huh SALE, cheap, a good all-around horse weight 1000 lbs. Also a single wagon. Call Mar. 2894. 1200 LB. mare, blocky and fat, work any place, fit,. & car south to ..irmie Hi i oiocKS west. NO. 253. haying fine pasture, would iiu r turn in on it one gentle horse. Phone 1'h.AU nurses ana animals hauled awav rree. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland ! T-ll'" I His. .W. TWO horses, irood condition wels-Vit about 1200 lbs. each., black and bay. bred Airedales on the coast at g'ive Tovibert Ranch. Scappoose. Or. away prices. Only $10 and $15 each. A FINE young 1800 lb. team of mares cheap or will exchange for good big horse. 1029 East Yamhill st. MARE weighing 1000 lbs. in fine con h j eek days, my store. 26 Union ave. i t'lh for chnlcs nt lhr mnn iv. v. I fat. sound, good workers, ride. 31 r'- 'OR SALE, one old horse, $10, suit- v A- ji Booa to piow or cultt- .ate. uwil&wn 61t. i FOR SALE, cheap. 2600 lb. team and harness and gooseneck wagon. 846 I ""isslppi ave. Woodlawn 1249 iuu iKLiJi, work horse, fat chunk -feS . also 800 handsome, fat pony! rXJR SALE Mare. 7 vr. .ik. a S"nd- 801 worker, single or jriiuiig iimr u Monday. xKjt- ougay. single harness. Phone Woodlawn 2490. GOOD small team, harness and wagon FOR SALE, good milk waff on riAn cricKson. ioi.il ana Division sts. 1 NEW spring wagon at price. 1967 V. Stark Zb0 to. team, harness, farm " inn. iu nusneil st - D TEh?55S" 411(1 cttIe taken free. Tabor 4203. R1 IM A I I. n A J . . on; $50. Tabor 1855. "tT-'l u 'i",er lumper wae AS?tD.tmnk waon for at 314 anion, cneap, aiso two bugffles and I " ct. opmii new mu arness. 233 N. 14th st. strated bird catalog just Issued. Rout- BABCOCK buggy, fine shape, Teas top 'ede Sed K1ral " 169 2l St' c1tr lust nainted R17R Kfoik c A.:.' PEDIOREKD English bull doe. Rar- WwntT wT,-.b"tu b?.r"' that $30 1 FOR SALE Fins fox hound pups, pa will buy. Half cash. East 4970. I rents great-hunters. Marshall 475e hrMl. bk7vJ? it llor"' &ddls end ,. . HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 (Continued) Young Mares We have the nicest assortment of young mares In the city of Portland, weighing betw. J00O lbs. and 170-1 .bfc., kind, gentle and true to pull and work anywhere. Oood bone and blocky built. All good colore and will work single or double. Also have a dandy little donkey left here. Will Bell for his board bill. Be sure to come in and look them over if you want some choice stock at a reasonable price. Frazier & McLean Cor. 6th and Taylor Sts. Portland's Oldest and Most Reliable Horse Dealers. LIVESTOCK 3.1 A DANDY family Jersey cow; when fresh gives 4 gals, of milk; will sell her for 345; a Jersey bull, Vi years old, from registered sire; pretty as a picture; a bargain for $25. Lewis Kell, Aurora. Or. TEN head of good fresh dairy cows, Jersey, Guernsey and Holsteln; giv ing 4 to 6 gals, per day. Some extra rich milkers. All good young cows. Take Hawthorne car to 25th st. 2 blks. north. 793 E. Main. FOR SALE, fine ihi year old Jersey Guernsey cow, 2 gal. per day, tes.. Km. tr-l t ; 1177 TV,urall Vall.v road. Woodstock car to 39th L, north 3 blocks. WANT milch cow; will swap 1400 lb. horse, young and sound, good life and true puller. Take Mt. Scott car to Tremont sta., walk south on 72d st., second house from water tank. FOR SALE Jersey cow. 3 years old. thoroughbred, gives 12 quarts cream dally. 6630 54th ave., S. E. Marsnall 2695. FOR SALE Jersey cow and calf. $75. Jersey-Durham fresh 3 moa., $50. Smith, Mt. Scott car to Nashville, 3 blocks west. SELL at stock price, registered mule root sow and gtllts: just rignt ror breeding- G. H. Brurkaur, Clackamas, Phone Milwaukie 71-R. FOR SALE No. 1 Jersey family cow, with heifer calf: cheap, or trade for fat cow. 25tt Bain st. C-1533. FOLR registered Guernsey bulls; two i years, two yearlings, cows, heifer. Phone Tabor 1699. 1594 Division. 4 GOOD cows, 1 six gallons per day, young and gentle. 619 E. John st.. it. Johns FOR SALE Fresh cow. W. F. Oetken 1 miles east of Concord station rrnn ntv rarlin Vjg" 11 Y c3JLlE5; . AUCTION sale of cows Monday, July 10 308 Front St. We sell for anyone on S commission. ONE good fresh Jersey cow. 956 E. 3tn st. wooastock car to 4Stn ave. 2 Mocks west. THOROUGHBRED Jersey cow, calf, aB0. Calf 5 wks. old. 1007 E. 33d N.. Sunday p. m. Wdln. 3SS4. YOUNG f.-eeh Jersey-Durham, large 5 gal. Durham, nice family Jersey, cheap. 73T East Pine. FRESH cow. 40 lbs. milk. Very cheap. 7 9 4 Tacoma ave. 3 FRESH cows, will sell or trade for beef cattle. 955 Mississippi ave. FOR SALE Gentle fresh Jersey cow. Capitol Hill, Marshall 1651. ALL breeds of dairy cows, terms. Bruce. I'nlon Stock Yards. for sai f 4 beef noons 6405 42d at noon1'- 4Zd gt- cows. Call after S. E. yJfJy'-r"C- ' wavtcti sni,oh- huv n vr.., ri.. year round; start the business now and be ready for the high prices in winter; we can supply breeders, guar- anteed in every way. at low prices. Oiler ror Immediate sale 40 pair "hits Mondaines at $2 pair, on terms t. t v , rui iiaiiu. auu r t o o o . LAYING LEGHORN HENS. A start for next soring. White Leghorn hens from our breeding pens at 80c each; now laying. McKen- na fark foultrv Farm. Lombard st. and McKenna ave., St. Johns carline. Columbia 66. 50 THOROUGHBRED S. C. Wnite Leg horn hens, fine laying condition. $1 each. Main 3979. C. Pedersen. 410 Labbe hldg. TRADE 12 homer and Carneaux pig eons, value 6. for anything of equal value. What have you? Paul Sem- ' J SILVER CAMPINE cocke 'd- from. P,rize winn'n mer. Rex, Or. rels, 3 mos. e stock. $1 each, or trade for pullets. 528 Roselawn ave. Phone Wdln. 1125. EEL mt. a high protein poultry food, superior to beef scrap or any fish scrap. Northwest Fish Products Co. Chamber of Commerce. 16 THOROUGHBRED S. C. White Leghorn layine hens. Price reason able. 1120 Michigan ave. CHINA PHEASANTS, $5 pair. Eggs. $2 for 15. Batterson. Hillsdale Phone Main 7663. TEN thoroughbred White Leghorn lay ing hens, boc each. 4021 E. 47th St.. S. E. FOR SALE, 75 pair of very fine mated Carneaux ciaeons: answer B-40. Journal. 20 THOROUGHBRED Bailed Rock hens and rooster, or will trade for Carneaux. 144 Alberta st. WE now have listed all ages of daiiy and beef cattle. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co.. Commercial block. 2 J and Wash 8 FRYERS and 6 broilers. $5. 13J9 Campbell St., Portland. B. A. MITCHELL. Orenco. Or., breeder or nign class pigeons; breeds 14 kinds. 18 RABBITS for sale or trade for any- ining can use. Utt tast 4bth st. j j WHITE LEGHORN cockerels, from trap nested stock, 50c up. East 3994. DOGS, BIKOr?. PETS, ETC. 4fl A REAL DOG. Airedale puppies. Why niv fancv I prices for ordinary stock? The best WcMr,na. Fark kennels, McKenna ave. and IM PORTED and American raised canaries, caget. foods and supplies, ian Duffy, a beauty. Registered American Kennell club. No. 1X7 73.'. Sell very cheap or trade good male Boston bull. Hurrv. Wdln. 3112. GOOD airedale or Scotch collieg 6 to 18 months old: would consider teniale. Price Jnust be reasonable. Y-987. Journal. FOX terrier puppies, nicely marked and Test stock; females in, maiet. $10. Oregon Carneau Co Box 279. Portland. Tabor 4883. oiler. cleei yel 295. 7 Wil- low, only $5. Wdln. Hams- ave. FOR SALE Golden yellow Imported canaries singers. 1 year old, Ji each. Inquire 711 Water St.. near Hook-. TWO thoroughbred Brindle Bull pup pies, were in rose parade. Marshall 1164. THOROUGHBRED pointer pup, three fvinntKA r A ihnan 940. East . Hoyt st., cor. 81st. Boston Triier, 419 E. 60tb st. I mala huds. 125. I Hawthnrn fr PERSIAN kittens for sale. Best breed ln p1tv Tabor 12j FOR SALE Persian Angora kittens. 4 E. 51st st.. near Madison I WANTED English cock Bpaniei PIH-. Tabor 5831. I SINGERS, females, for sals, cheap. i Tabni Ezzs. isi-. Hawtnorn. ..- ACTO&iOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 Used Cars 1914 OVERLAND. 5 pass., self start er, this car is in excellent mechanical condition. This la a big snap at $450. CADILLAC. 1911. 6 pass., good me chanical condition, good tires; take thia one with you at this big sacrifice for 300. 1915 HUDSON, cylinder. 7 pass.: In good mechanical condition, good tires. If you are looking for a oar gain in a used car which la practically as good as new, come in and bring 31000 and take thia one away. STUDEBAKEK 6 pass.; this la a llpht car and in good condition throughout. You may have this one for $225. GLIDE. 6 Dass.. in splendid mechan ical condition: thia is certainly a buy at what we are offering it for. We need the room, take it for $300. F". M. ' V.. 5 naas smooth running order, car in fine shape mechanically. with good tires. xou can t Deal it. for $300. We also have rebuilt REO TRUCKS practically as good as new ranging in price from $900 to $1350. If you are iu need of a truck don't fail to see us. Terms on the above bargains if de sired. C. L. BOSS & Co, 615-17 Washington St. 1916 6 cyl OVERLAND. 7 -paw.. run only a few miles. Owner bought a 1917 Chalmers. A BARGAIN. KEATS AUTO COMPANY. BROADWAY AT BURNSIDE ST Phone Broadway 6368. O A R a G E S $80 and np. P o r table houses, chick en h o u . woods heds. etc. M 1 1 1 -made C o n structioc Co., Main 1167. 644 Hood ct. Sunday and evenings. Woodlawn 3616. VISIT the big used auto ex change for bargains Sale now going on; all makeb, all sizes, all prices. 31 Broadway N Broadway 11. $50. 7 passenger Oldsmobile in good condition; extra tire, top and wind shied. Z-699, Journal. 1911 CHALMERS. 5 PASS., A-l CON DITION, GOOD TIRES $250. BROADWAY GARAGE. E. 24TH AND BROADWAY'. 1916 CHALMERS, 7-pass.. brand new condition. Party bougnt a 1917 Chalmers. Keats Auto Co.. Broadway at Burnside. Phone Broadway 6368. i MT 5-pass. STUDEBAKER fore door, in good running order, good tires, $75. Car can be seen at Keats Auto Co. Phone Broad way 6368. EVER READY 1 ton truck; attachmt. ,seo; truck , c ft m n 1 t i m m m u t-v S775. Manuf' in Portland. THAYER-SHAVER-GULLEY MAPHTVH! ffl 193 E. Water st. Phone East 437. DOt'BLE tread, puncture proof tires mad from vour old ones. Bring them in Oregon Vulcanising Co., Wash, at 18th. Burnide at Broadway. (335 Burnside. 1916 6 cyl. OVERLAND. 7 passenger. run only a few miles, owner Dougnt a 1917 Chalmers. A BARGAIN. BROADWAY AT BURJs'SIDE ST. Phone Broadway 5366. 1914 CHALMERS, 7 pass, with late improvements. This car is in A-l condition and can be bought at a very low price. Your chance to get a bar gain. ,'il Broadway N. Broadway 11. Russell St, Garage, Storage $4 per month; expert repair ing; supplies. Russell St. and Van couver ave. East 2123 DODGE 1916 model touring car, bought new in March; will sacrifice for cash; reason for selling, going away. Inquire 347 E. 42d st Call between 10 and 6. 7 PASS. Hudson, first clas. condition, worth $1250, for $750 cash this Week. Demonstration any place. Call Rm. 358 Ore. hotel Tuesday. After Tues day Main S095. LET Us Sclve Y'our Spring i.ouble. Ouaran - eea, wasi-mno ro. CarriaGI Springs. - o r. Union and Bel mont. E. 1305. WILL eacrifice my 1914 5-pass. Cnalm ers. In A-l condition. Will take small car and $450 cash. Can be seen between 9 a. m. and 11 Sunday. 569 JjTO ave. FOR USED CARS See big stock at Covey Motor Car Co. Main 6244. 21st and Washington. 1916 Dodge Touring 1916 Will sell my late model DodBe, dem onstrator, run about 3000 miles, J750 cash or terms 514 Alder st. Mfg. & Repairs. 3000 ruarant'd spiings in stock, prices reduced. 34 N. 15th st. AUTOMOBILES painted: good work. reasonable prices. A. Segbers. old car. riage painter. Come and see me. 611 North 21st st. 1915 FORD roadster, run 1000 miles, all new tires, speedometer, great hill climber, fine condition. Sellwood 309, hvs Kari. NO-GLARE AUTO LENS ESSE. F.D BRUNS CO.. 43H 1st St.. cor. Ash. Broadwsv 5. MY 5 pass. STUDEBAKER foredoor in good running: order, ood tires' $275. Car can be seen at Keats Auto Co. Phone Broadway 5E68. FORD. 1914 6-pass.. paid $40"fpr over haullng June 14; Tenners' 4n l gas saver, $250. This won't last, for it's a real bargain. Wdln. 3293 vitui tne Dig usea auto exchange for 1 G. F. SMITH. 54 E. 74th sUhT Near bargains. Sale now going, on; all, ly new ton Ford truck for sale or makes, all sixes, all prices. 31 Broad- trade for 5 pass. Ford and some cash way N. Broadway 11. ! Tabor 1855. FOR SALE 3 paas. 1912 : Hudson road- j SLIGHTLY used ures. largest stock ster. in good mechanical cond tion, m Portland. 13 to $15, t ine repair newly painted, a bargain at $395. Can ! Tiro Sniwli' rvi 0 07 Madison. be seen at 189 2d st. Main 2021 Jrnr. " r pm- nnl lnnlrtr MT 1916 Overland, 6 cyl.. 7 pass. Brand i like new. If you want this car you new condition: am going away; must sell h-.tlrotdwl- Cnhanc.f. f?r bargain. 31 Broadway N. Broad y 11 a 115 FORD, seat, covers. Klaxon horn and other extra equipments. In file condition. $385 cash. Call Sunday 742 Mississippi aye. Woodlawn 856 WLNTON "Six." passenger good hire or stage car. 533 Alder. FORD 5 .passenger ; looks and runs like h"-kv. " . ao. " F9SD touring car shock absorber; I MITCHELU 6 passenger, food condi like new. Tabor J32J. I (ion. til Alder. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 OUR USED CAR DEPARTMENT OFFERS THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS: CADILLAC, 1913 touring car; $800 could not buy a more dependable car. PIERCE 48. seven pass $800 STUDEBAKER electric; will trade $400 DODGE BROS.' touring car. In very good condition $625 MAXWELL roadster, elec. light, demountable rims $360 LOCOMOBILE "SIX." In first class condition $800 ALCO 6, very fast and powerful, see it to realize its value. PEERLESS, high grade car $500 FORD TOURING car at $253 PIERCE 36. In perfect condition. Photographs of cars mailed to out-of-town customers upon request. ALSO MANY OTHERS NOT LISTED. CALL AND INSPECT OUR USED CARS. . Covey Motor Car Co, DISTRIBUTORS CADILLAC AND DODGE BROS. CARS ? 21st and Washington. Main 6244. Open Sundays 11 to 2 o'clock. Truck Bargains ton JEFFERT truck. ton WILLYS truck. 1 ton SELDON truck. t ton UNIVERSAL truck, ton PACKARD truck. THESE TRUCKS ARE ALL IN GOOD MECHANICAL CONDITION. $800 and Up Terms Frank C. Riggs Co. (3d and Washington. Main 4542. Used Car Bargains ALL THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED GUARANTEED TO BE AS REPRESENTED. 1914 HUPMOBILE "32" $650 1913 HENDERSON, newly painted $450 1912 ROADSTER, very classy $300 1913 HUPMOBILE "32" $400 1913 R. C. H.; snap $200 AND OTHERS NOT LISTED. TERMS IF DESIRED. OPEN SUNDAYS. Dulmage-Manley Auto Co, 46-48 20th St.. near Washington. Marshall 1699. A-1299. Bargains Bargains High grade machines that have had the best of care and in splendid mechanical condition, for sale at $700 and up; Pack ards. Locomobiles and others; 2, 6 and 7 passenger cars. 1 6-pass., 4 cyl. phaeton. 1 7-pass.. 4 cyl. touring. 1 6-pass.. 6 cyl. pheaton. 1 7-pass., 6 cyL touring. frank C, Riggs Co, 23d and Washington sts. 1915 HL'DfON, practically brand new fully equipped; $950. 1914 Hupmoblle touring car, $650. 1913 Bulck roadster, finest condi tion, new tires all around, electric lights; $295. 1915 Reo tourfhg, like new; $583. Francis Motor Car Ex, East 1199. East 13th and Hawthorne $750 PACKARD "30. " 7 passenger car, in good con-ditioOj- for sale cheap; this car has iull equipment, including teat covers; foredoor body. Z 693, Journal. DODGE TOURING CAR. First class condition, and a good buy at ,$625. COVET MOTOR CAR CO.. 21st and Washington sts. Main 6244 sth our stock o I'ord deli very bodies also auto wheels, ou own make: guaran teed. Carl Peterson, 121 Grand ave. north. Phone East 1433. FOR RENT GAhAGE on the most prominent corner of Seaside. Or. In quire of ALEX GILBERT & SON, JFASTDE OR NEW 1916 FORD TOURING CAR BODIES, $75. BENJ. E. BOONE & CO.. Main 3966. 614 Alder. will have to hurry. Phone Brdy. 321. ;rOR SALE at a bargain, light ttr ln good running condit delivery condition. 223 Pine. Broadway 448. SPEEDWELL 50, 7 pass, size, run 15.000 miles; fine mechanical con dition; $600 cash. Marshall 4553. WHITE steam bug. $lo0 caslu Phone RUNABOUT Newly painted and" i overnaniedr ilBO. W-104. Journal AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 (OonUnned) lElllLT FEDERAL WMS A Qsfo llcoH Tmr n Rtl i uuiu uvjou nuix iu j In burin a rebuilt Federal, vou eet ' An much valn for vnnr mntin as in . any new truck you could buy. A -re- I built Federal means that it has beeJi i completely overhauled, everv part crit- lcaliv examined and. when necessary, replaced by a new one. It is paintea a nnlshed. just like a new truck. And remember this: When you buy a rebuilt Federal. --you are protected hv the same policy ap plied to al! Federal owners. We oper ate a repair department manned only by Federal experts open night and day with the most complete stock of parts in the northwest- Federal leadershln is a bvword In the trucking field. This "built-in" quality, backed by an organization ca pable and wilhnK to Eive you real service, la consequently A SAFE USED TRUCK TO BUY. If you are in the market for a truck from $1000 to $1400. we urge you to compare used Federals with new trucks at similar prices. We think we can convince you of their superior value. East Third and Oregon Sts. Just AcroBs the Steel Bridge. A Clean Up COLUMBIA KNIGHT. 7 pass; good mechanical condition $550 WARREN ROADSTER, in good condition, good paint and good OVERLAND, 6 pass., good condi tion : CHALMERS, S pass., good condi tion . . . $200 1915 FOBD. good tires, good paint. in rirst class condition with $100 worth of extra equipment. good $450 CHALMERS 36, 6 pass. tires, good paint STODDARD DAYTON, 5 pass, good nape f3b0 BUTCK C6, roadster $60 J 1915 HATNES, run a few hundred miles. A bargain. Howard Auto Co, BUICK DISTRIBUTORS. 14th and Davis Sts Phones: Main 1130, A-2550. Some Bargains HUDSON "BUG." Just newly nainted: all Al shape, $200. 19io HAYNKS. 5 pass, lust over hauled; good condition, $300. CHALMERS roadster, ster for $375. a lig.V. road- HAYNES, 1912 model. 5 pas.. elec tric lights ?nd generator, extra equip ment, $500. CASE "40,' 5 pass, touring, large roomy car, just the thing for stae pur pose, $750. 'Light delivery car, panel top. $325. 1914 FORD touring car, good thape, $295. H, L, Mann Motor Car Co, 69 N. 2SD ST. Main 299. A-2411. BEST USED CA RS ON THE MARKET 1916 OVERLAND model "S3." run about 500 miles; must be sold 1915 REO 4 cylinder, self-starting, electric lights, run 4000 miles. 1913 BUICK model "31." 5 pass. 1!J2 BUICK roadster, model "25." 1913 OVERLAND roadster. model "30." 1913 CHALMERS. 5 pass. EVERETT "Six." good as new. 1913 STUDEBAKER "25." a bar gain for cadi. 1914 1-2 ton FEDERAL truck with large stake rack body especially built for bagg-ige and furniture. We have some bargains in FORDS for cash. THE AUTO EXCHANGE. 493 Alder. Marshall 197S. MY 1916 Overland. 6 cyl., 7-pass. Brand new condition; am go ing away; rmiwt Fell to raise monev. Your chance for a bar gain.' 31 Broadway N. Broad way 1 1 . Briscoe, Almost New Four-cvlir.der. at a bargain; ternis if desired. Oakland Auto Co. Main 414. 16th and Alder. CHALMERS 40 In fine mechani cal shape, good tirc. Will make into a light delivery. Now has a 5-pa.. body. $20O. 31 Broadway. Broadway .",368. Automobile BUILT AND REPAIRED. COLUMBIA CARRIAGE AND AUTO WORKS. 29-11 Front st. Main 2S92, ON ACCOUNT of sickness. I will sU 1916 HUDSON cylinder 40 horse power, A-l condition, for liooo If tak en at once. Call Woodlawn 275S. WILL trade new 1915 Haines auto for city property. 431 Chamber of Com. Bt'lCK. 5-pass.. painted and over hauled, very cheap. Wdln. 4001. WHITE gas car, panel top delivery4. 533 Alder. 1915 STUDEBAKER, good . ondit.ori. Y-978. Journal. FOR SALE IJght delivery t-ui con lit! on: newly painted. 1 N. A - if-th. GOING east, my Ford touring -rs for sale. journa 1. GARAGE 33 l-3x27. at Haw tborse arc AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 ' . CoTtlntidt SHOWING the SIMPLICITY and AP PLICATION of the OLSON UNIT which converts the FORD CHASSIS Into a Heavy Duty Truck. The working principle of the Olson Unit is to take the load onto the j,nil- I iary springs and deflect this 'n:0 the! I sieei wneets, in the housings of vhirh are mounted roller bearines Independ ent of the Ford Axle. The uxle Is transformea into practically i full floating type, and the energy from mo Vor hack through transmission and dif- Terential is free to pull the load, rather ua" do Jhl an.l fce tfurdened with u'o friction from the load strain. l.his assembled unit has been tested I to loa.1 capacity of FIVE TONS, and " ''VV- converting unit win hup j i i'-is ioaa. and more; out ior coii - 1 tmuouH service under all load and road i con.litions, even the jtrong ai.d Ucxlble i- ora c tiassis should not be ex pec tea toi"-','l'-, " ! i)'. i" mou. " carry more il.an ONE TON I,.,, The "OLSON" CONVERTING UNIT IMPERIAL. 5 Paws . 4 cyl., late opens a new and wide field for the I model 675 Ford Chassis, and places hightv effi- cient and economical Trucking and De- STODDARD. 7 pass.. 4 cyl 850 livery Service within the reach cf all. The "OLSON" equipped Ford Chassis A NUMBER of OTHERS TO SE costs less than one half that ul :.ny LECT FROM SEE Til I'M TODAY, other One Ton Truck Chassis, and win i OPEN FROM 10 A. M. To 1 p. M. do more work at less running expense than any other One Ton Truck nt what- ; ever price. Price $90. CARL PETER SON, Asent. 121 Grand ave. North. I East 14 33. FORDS FORDS 1914 Ford roadster finest condition, $USu. 1915 Ford touring, practically new. hand horn, speedometer and Hassalo eiiook absorber, J390. 1915 Ford touring, like new, $395. I i 1916 Ford touring car. with sloping ; hood. $4 25. ; 1914 Ford touring, i tion. electric light. $1 finest condl- 1914 Ford touring. $3:6. TERMS IF DESIRED YEAR'S FREE SERVICE. AND Francis Motor Car Ex, 1109, East 13th and Hawthorne av. LOCAL DISTRIBUTORS WE GIVE LIBERAL TERMS, OPEN SUNDAY STUDERAKER "30." 1J12 touring car; best condition $2i5 STUDEBAKER "4". 1914 model; electric lights and starter $450 3 -I "8 good condition . . .' .'$226 STUDEBAKER "Six." 1915 touring car; electric starter and lights.. $700 STUDEBAKER "Six", 7 passenger touring car, electric starter and llKht.x $00 EVER1TT "SIX" touring car, fine shape $4 B0 Oregon Motor Car Co. STUDEBAKER DISTRIBUTORS, COR. PARK AND DAVIS STS. PHONE BROADWAY 616 We dlsmanile all makes of cars for their Rood parts, and have over 75 makes and models ln stock, at a lower price than anywhere else on the coast. Buy vour used auto parts from an old established and reputable dealer, who has a reputaion to protect and conducts the largest parts store and carries the largest complete assortment of used auto p:irts of any company this side of Chicago. Our prices are lens, and for this reason we outsell all others. Motor Parts Mfg.- Co,, Inc. 32K-327 Burnside St. REAL BARGAINS IN 5-PASSENGER CAItS. 1915 REO 1912 STUDEBAKER .$725 SO 650 11914 COLE 30 j IM 3 REGAL 20 275 450 i : '?(' ,"r -Da vht phIVwrsw 2 if,1. V,,.,- . starter ana i ignis 650 450 625 i i i ,ti.8l2e ''fr 7?" 1'Ji.s vviiiic. line siiape uu 1914 FORD ROADSTER. 1300. NORTHWEST AUTO CO. Used Car Dept. Couch St., at Brondway. Phone: Broadway 687 A-4959. To sell you good parts out of them at less than 1-3. We are a new con tern, thereiore we must give you a S'iuare deal ind your money back if goods not as leprenented. We carry a full tovk of used parts of almost leveiyihing corioctieii wun autoino hileM. Our stock increaKlng all the I time. If you are, looking for anything I ln thin line call on us and if we have them v. e guarantee to save you money. . Aiii mrns m I M MM I i.l Ml I I 11 : A I i- I 271 Front. Main 193J. I . I 1912 Chalmers, 6 Cyl,, $750 Large, roomy, powerful seven pafsrciiBer family, car In good conlttityn. demountable rims, self Fiaiter, four speed trans mission $350 cash, $4.) per ino. The Winton Co. I3d snd Washington. Mafn 4244. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. FREE DEMONSTRATION. TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE PARTIES. OR WILL TRADE FOR REAL ES TATE IN OR NEAR PORTLAND. Fred Dundee MOTOR CAR REPAIR AND machine Works. Main aS5S. A-2658. 575 Jefferson St.. Bet. Chapman and Nat-till Sts. EI SE M.ANN SERVICE STATION. East Side Plant. East Water and Salmon Slit. Automobile ml OF EVERY DESCRIPTION BUILT AND REPAIRED. I COLUMBIA CARRIAGE AND AUTO ' WORKS. 1 20 1 1 Front st. Main 2892. l I FOR SALE 191 4 model foc price .';0. l-ii Belmont ,t., cor. 4Id ( FCR SALE lh ton truck, $300 csh. : 506 Alder st. . - INNER tubes, 3x. $1. and fOo. A-&046. 761 Ollsan t ir t j nrr JSS- mm mmmm POTS W LEIS T3 AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 Used Auto Snaps BIG STOCK OF HIGH GRADH CARS TO SKI. HOT FROM, LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. HERE ARE A FEW OF OUR MANY BARGAINS TO SE LECT FROM: CHALMERS, Little 6-5 pass.. A-l condition .$ MOLING, 5 pass, 4 cyl 900 175 600 2u0 MITCHELL, 6 pass.. OVERLAND. 4 paas., MITCHELL. 6 pass model. 6 cyl. 4 1 4 cjl., late S00 IxiiTCHl'l I i n,i ' A, ' p ' 6 cyl., late model '. 1.000 i . !bR'"UARIJ' 5 pa""'' 4 c :oo MAXWELL, 6 pass.. 4 cyl. 400 - - v...., "oiei 1.00U : Mitchell, Lewis & Staver .Co, EAST FIRST AND EAST MORRISON STREETS. PHONMH: EAST 7272 B-1218. Money .Jjuck If It does not do all that no claim for it. We guarantee n minimum KHving of 15r'r in your eft Adlustllo to sll gnfollne engines. It will ELIMINATE CARBON, Kives MOKE MILES. MORE POWER. MORE SPEED. Live agents wanted. Cull after h o'clock Monday i morning. bum mm mMmz I Western Oregon Agents 630 Alder St. Ford Owners, Attention Special for This Week, 1913-15 ROADSTER neat cov ers, mohair or cravenette com- flete. with top dust cover, worth 12; price $7.50. 80x3 plain reslngs. These are standard makes and are not sec onds. Price $8.25. Benj, E, Boone & Co, B14 Alder St. Main 3966. 1914 Winton Six This is a wonderful performing car ii ii d one that you will be proud to own. It rtms uml looks ah good as any new car and besides you will not have to suf fer H new car depi eclat Ion. This car carries factory guarantee of The Winton Co, . 23d snd Wash. tn. Main 4244. Trucks If you are In the market Tor a nea truck, see UH. v o hi ways n n I from to 5 Ions on hand or we can I locate something ror you. jismv irutu j owners are operating truck which do not Tit tneir mimness aim inn n vii pose of them to purchase new 41. M. C. TtucKh COLUMBIA CARRIAGE AND AUTO WORKS, 209-11 Front Street. Main 2892 1914 CHALMERS, 7-pnxs with late Improvements. This car Is in A-l condition and can be bought at a very low nrlce. Your chance to get a bargain. 31 Broadway N. Broadway 11. CHALMERS 40 in fine mechsnN cal shape; good ilre. Wilt make into a light delivery. Now has a 6-pass. .body; $J00, 31 Broadway. Thone Ilr'dway 538. HAVE a 1916 8. cyl. car that I will sell cheap as I am going east. Can arrange terms to responsible party. Phone Phillips wt Tabor HO"?. THOMAS roadster. Owner leaving cltv. rVrtatnlv a snap. See ;t at Brsly Airto Co. 19th Wnsh sts OVERLAND roaxlMer. A-l condition, for sale cheap. Will (rive terms. City g a rage. Vancouver. W h DPAKS P.eo. 1'j14 Overland delivery. Maxwell roadftcr. cl.eari. 600 Bnrn- wlde st. 6-PAPS Reo. Tr)14 (nerland delivery. Maxwell roadster, cheap. 500 Bum side st. . MUST he sold hv July 11: Prettiest small roadster In the city. Wilder, 14th and E Slark sts HAVE 40 11. J'. roadfcter. Muit Sell by the 20th. R. K. Payne, McMlnn- Tille, , 1913 AMERICAN 30 roadster, full equipped, in good condition; a $2404 car $39" takes It. Tabor 390. TORE I Oil PISE $3.5(9 1 r jy , GOING east, must sell good 6 pass Overland, or will trade for good first mortgage. P-33. Journal. ! loltl". Ute model, A-l condition. PLone ; - K. 407 or B-lso. io a. m. to i p. m,, Sunday or any time Monda y PACKARD, 2 tops, in fine condition. Must sell quick. Make me an offer. Phone Broadway 321. MUST sell my Bulck touring car at a, bargain. Marshall 4y9. 1050 Cor- , bett st- FOR PALE--L'.-ht delivery car. Call Sunday, bet. 10 snd 12. 273 Morris. . REO - BUG Most ell lie. 5.J3 Alder e ceo vint sick FORD roadster with ma!i delivery on rear. Car In fine condition. 9181, ch. 51t Worcester lldg. . 1 FORD roadster bodies cheap. Ford de mounts hie rims. Tabor 47. -.'-.', . OotUO4 ob Xsxtjrgfe) 4 v : is; I