THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 9, 1916. EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE 24 (Ooatlaeed Columbia River Dairy Ranch 74 acres, 15 ir.ilea east of A- - torla. 1 t mile ftoin station and ' mile from bout landing 18 acres in cultivation, balance in brush used for pasture, easy to clear; 46 acre diked, good 7 room house, barn $0x60 and all necessary outbuildings; spring water piped to house and barn; 8 milk cows, B heifers, large team, 2 wagons, and all farm Im plements. Price $9600, owner will accept Improved property clear of incumbrance In Portland up to $7000, balance mortgage. Bee K M. Brown. The Shaw-Fear Company 102 Fourth St. II ACRES, ZVi miles from Hlllsboro, Vi mile from flaw; station, close to ohool, rof-k road. 60 acres cultivated, 10 acrts tlmher, balance pasture, easily cleared. good soil, lays fine, 10 acres teuverdan., wrll fenced, well watered, .fine young orchard, all kinds small fruit, fair house and barn, new hop house, new 'granary, new straw shed, 10 acres first class hops. 20 oats, $ vi heat. 16 hay. 2 com, 2 kale. 2 po tatoes, fine garden, 4 horses, 8 cows, 4 heifers. 7 calves, 75 hens, 2 wagons, binder, mower, rake, sprlngtooth har row, disc drill, disc plow, walking plow, platform scales, milk cans and all final 1 fnrm tools. Take cheap land farther out, or smalt place closer in as part pay, some cash and terms on hai snce. Nciil Brown, 20tt Panama bldg. Sawmill Will trade for city or farm property, a 76 horsepower sawmill, in operation; fully equipped; 2 donkey engine. Root) feet of 'cable, 168 acres of lam. 10,000, Oou feet yellow fir on It; 16.000,000 feet yellow fir adjoining, can be bought at $1 per thousand stumpage; land when logged off, is good for dairy farm, shinning at present bv rail and water. all No. 2 and beter, selling balance to j Joca-i iraue; ioca.1 coiisumpuoii j.vuu 000 to 2,000,000 feet annually. KflEnS-LOOt'S Co.. 110 10th st. 18 ACHhM nil pultlvaterl 27 miles Portland. $2500 euultv $1600. Want house. 19 acres Improved, choice location, .0ml,eVirt7U$r:.brVlnngalor ' valuo'cons lered Anytning or i 7 room modern. Brazes and Russell. $4000. Equity $2400. Want house. I F Journal. SALESMAN For general mercantile fcellwood diKtrlct. WANT loan of $1200, 3 years. 7 c7o- l trade in Oregon, to sell a new pro- 6-pas. Chalmers auto, lot or acreage. I No commission. $3000 Bungalow : position of merit; vacancy now. At R. M. OATEWOOD, 165M. 4th St. ! fnew.) Mt. Tabor dist. B-38. Journal. 1 tractive commission contract. $36 WANTED-nKAL ESTATE 31 wa?vtFi1 WANTED. Residence up to $75oo. Will give 200 ncs land, Lincoln county, near Alsea, and assume your mortgage or pay dif ference. ft or 10 acre improved ranch near town. Also Improved "0 to 60 awe ranch. Aiso one acre with house, near Port- in nd Spot cash ready for genuine bargains. , New proiieriits for sale and trWe. ' bee us for quick action and results. ST. CHARLES LAND CO., 8t. Charles Hotel, Front and Morrison DWELLING WANTED. About $3000. If you are wanting to sret out from under that mortgage, and are willing to take In some frontage timber near Astoria on the deal, call Main 1242. Cash and Acreage for Home Want bungalow up to $3000. Will assume or pay cash and give clear acreage for one. 502 Couch bldg. GOOD stock ranch, bunch grass and fa, for gilt edge income city ty, clear value $45,000; some alfalfa. BroDert cash, if stocked; must be priced right. ft. N. Warnock. owner, .07 Henry Dldg FIVE or six-room bungalow, $2000 to TWO clean cut men with selling $2600, between Glisan and Division, ability, experience unnecessary, to west of 66th. Give location and terms, cover Pacific N. W.. on our famous J -20, Journal. magailne and subscription cook com- HAVE buyers for South Portland prop-' filiations. Harper & Bros.. 617 Lum- erty. Price must be cheap or not tr Exchange bldg. considered. J. Singer. 417 Chamber of i WANTED Live wire salesman to car Commerce." ry 8 ply veneer trunk as eld line in EiWbu'yer for 5 room modern bunga- I 1y5ndri,rsJerf9ref.n" J&f1 a, low up to $1750. In Alberta district. , P.1ew?ed. frunA..M.fsVJ' 1Je,woo'J! Must be a snap. . ber of Commerce. AM looking for the biggest sacrifice in Irvtngton or Luurlhjrst. Want at least 7 rooms. Will pay cash. S-13, Journal. 1 WANT best home $2200 will buy In Hawthorne district; must be wlthn I blocks of cars. $1000 cash. E-25. Journal. , lb" to 40 acres, some improvements. iHve descriptions, location, pnoe in first letter. X-27, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE 2; OUR installment plan Is toe best and surest method of paying a loan. $32. .'6 per. month for 3tl months, or 3'J1.24 for 60 months, or $16.17 for 9S months pays a $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SVG S A LOAN ASSN., 242, Stark St., Portland, Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved real estate or for build ing purposes; very flexible contracts; So commissions. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO, .02 Steven- bldg. BUILDING loans on city and suburban property; money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Heck, 316 Falling bldg. Main 3407. HAVE $100u to loan on good residence PROVIDENT TRUST CO., 212 Selling bldg. 1 HAVE $0o or $lU00 to loan on ac ceptable security, 2 or 3 years, 8 If you have something good call .u arena 11 aio. HAVE $12,500 oomln in next week. w lati to loan it on Portland Income property; west side preferred. Z-881, y ownai. READY CASH TO LOAN ON REAL, ESTATE. Quick action. Current rates. Charles Land Co., 204 Morrison. St. $100,1)00 ON mortgages, city or farm property, fire Insurance. McXenzie 4V Co. Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. MONEY TO LOAN in amounts of $100 to $6000 on city property. A. H Pell, 801 Geriinge- bldg. 55, 7 on first mortgages, city or farm property. Quick action. No elay. 110 10th st. Krebs-Logua Co. $1600. ?; $1100. 7; $1000 7; $600. 8; no com. Ward. 407 Spalding bldg. $200. $500, $10.00, low interest, short or long time. Evans & Co., 206 Ger llnger bldg. (1000 OR $1200 to loan at 8 per cent for 3 years, first mortgage. Wood- lawn 366. CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con tracts, mortgage loans; reasonabTe rates. F. H. Lewis. Lobby 4. Lewis bldg. $200 $300 $700 $1000 $5000 . On hand for Immediate loans. J. C. CORBIN CO. LEWI 8 BLDQ. MONEY to loan on Improved city, farm property, r. tj. King, ai4 bpaiding. 'lOOO UP to $5000 to loan on city or farm property. Tabor 409 $1000, $1600 and upward; no commis ' slon. Deshon & Hawk. Main 1166. $200. $350. $U0. $i00, $1200, $1800. FrM W. German Co., 732 Cham. Com. $40,000 OR LESS, FARRINGTON. 10 4th St Board of Trad e Bldg. EEE us Small loans, installment loans.' . Cellar-Murton Co., 826 Yeon bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, and 7. Louis Salomon A Co.. 800 Oak st- near 6th. I-$900 TO LOAN upon improved real estate. Room 209. Washington bldg. Coney t0 loan, to . w. h. setts : $600 $600 ON Portland property. At tortiey. 41$ Piatt bldg. ' PRIVATE party has . $500 to loaa. on -004 real stats, Eaat 23$J, 27 bA TO 8 per cent money to loan on Portland business and residence properties and Oregon farms. In quiries solicited. Before leaving on your vacation put your valuables in our vaults; it's a bis; safeguard at 'trifling cost. Union Safe Deposit Trust Co., 24 Oak st. CHATTELS, SALARIES MONEY TO LOAN BALA HIES CHATTELS. Money to loan to salaried people and others on furniture, pianos, motror cycles, automobiles, diamonds, etc.. at legal rates, with easy terms of pay ment; no delay. Licensed by state. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. INC.. 806 Dekum Bldg. LOWEST rates on household goods, state license; no brokerage or com mission charges. Geo, Harvey, East 1172. LOANS VVAATfl) 20 $4000 at 8 on 640 acres with SO mil lion leet of timber. Insured In olJ line Insurance company against fire In amount of loan, which provides safe indemnity; value $35,000. In- OIIEGON INVESTMENT & MTG. CO, 202 Stock Ex. Bldg. 2d and Yamhill. Portland. Or. , WANT loan direct of $9000 on 9fa0 1 acres. 65 miles to Portland. 800 till- , aoie. ouo rencea. iou under plow, isear 20.5. WANT $600 at 8 per cent on half- acre and 6 room house. Call 310 Eja.rd of Trade. Main 7452. WANTED $2ii00 at 7 per cent on two bouses, close in on east side. Call 31 ti Hoard of Trade. Main 7452. $.000 WANTED for 3 years, private ! party, on choice Portland property,1 Improved. C-30. Journal. WANT to borrow $35o0. H.ive so cres good land. 25 in cultivation. hultdings cost $5000. P.-29. Journal. WILL pay 1C for $1000. three years. west side prop., value $3000; no coin- ml.sslon. Journal. ,777 . I aai-u loan, A yrs., percent Journal.- WANTED $500 loan on improved in- MONET TO LOAJf REAL ESTATE (Con tinned. good railroad town fiiui.t bottom unit i r,-;h ,,n . .mJnrn-n. w postorr ce, railway mall, customs anywiiere; no canvassing, opporiiuuiy dilrv X vil0'J Vqh.wn' and other positions. Write today for lifetime; booklet free. Ragsdale Co.. dairy stock. No agents. 1 am the own- f ree bookieJt B.s7 wltn Ust of ' box Z, East Orange. N. J. ,"r"al- tlons. Pattemon Civil Service Scnool. LARGE MANUFACTURER wants rep- al ONb yxr, 8'o on furniture of Rochester. N. Y. resentatives to sell shirts, under- residence -housekeeping apt.. 24 sat.(.;smKv wanted: exnerienca un- wear, hosiery, dresses, waists, skirts. II It 1 1 1 J M Vm a K r 1 J l A KnATiA I O W n I . - ' mi. iouu propei iy ureuruy, iMvuioiyoU MACHINE. FEATURE FILM. Blae property, 8 per cent, tor i yrs.iAh.Lf. mlm. tb ukuawvai. '('AM iiu lnnn in tlvni, npw hmioa j VhairTcre,:" Owner, Woodlawn 639. 1 ! - : rr : ' : puy. v on city acreage unimproveu. V-31, Journal. FINANtriAI.. - "Xr , INSTALLMENT sales contract. ance due $2200 (no incumbrance). f tijw f-v yci ilivj. inn pen a. L ui( ui.- issed a payl akVpuU.j -. : count. Purchaser never m ment. Mr. Furlong, 306 OaJt Broadway I6bi 1st and 2d mortgages purchased; uo i sellers interest in contracts. Or. and I W.-ri. H K. Noble. Lumbermenw bldg. W ILL buy first mortgages from $-00 , lLaU ouy rirst mortgages rro.n tui, ro Aeot 212 A to $500 Atkinson. 431 Chamber of , es.8. h0"' " 21 Commerca TWO gilt-edge mortgages. $750 each. 10 per cent, payable semi-annually. S. M. Venard, 929 Chamber of Com. STOCKS AND BONDS NICE) trade, 7 shares of stock In or- L?har.d Co- (bearing orchard), value 'hit have you? R. 1. Bo- B Dufur 0r ' J H.rtir- UT HKL1 WANTED MALE 1 minutes out. WANTED Reliiible man to sell our attractive old line health ana acci dent policies, Portland and vicinity. Fine compensation and chance for rapid advancement. L C. Cunningham, 60H Journal bldg. TWO salesmen wanted to work in Multnomah crunty on commission; I trt flu nr Anv tn rrrA men. Aft- hv letter tn r .t Hnrcmmt isn? 61gt ave. S. E. Give phone number, R-:ti. JournaL ' . i NO STRIKE; honest, sober men every where for firemen, brakemen, bag- fagemen; $120 monthly; promotion, vperience unnecessary. 729 Railway Bureau, East St. Louis, 111. Vv'ANETD, 1st clars sticker roan for special work; out of town Job, Will pay $4 per day 10 hours to good man; none but 1st clas mn wanted. KX 25. Journal. AGENCY manager for Hood River Wasco and Sherman counties. Sal ary and commission. Experienced man who can furnish bond. XL-12. Jour nal. WANTED Salesman. Good Job a good man who la not afraid of work and who has had experien personal solicitation, state experience. XM-25, Journal. AGENT wanted for Columbia-C'alsop and Tillamook counties. Must epeak Finnish. Life Insurance. XK-3I. Jour naj. WANTED Agent for Washington and Yamhill counties. Salary and com mission, experience not necessary. XJ 31, Journal. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get; my free book FG, tells how, write today now. Earl Hopkins, 368 Marden bldg., Washington, D. C. CARPENTER, married, wanted for general repair work In exchange for rent. Inquire 927 Brooklyn St.. near 31st. SALESMAN WANTED To sell our complete line of nursery stock, cash weekly, outfit free. Address Capital City Nursery company. Salem, Or. BIDS wanted for painting school house. See J. A, King, clerk Dlst. 92. Garden Home, Or., evenings after 4 o'clock. WANTED A good boy, 18 years or over, to learn the hat business. Ap- ply Lowengart & Co.. BOY to care for automobile and gar den mornings and evenings, in ex change for room and board. Mar. 3199. WANTED At once strong, willing boy or elderly man used to farm work preferred. 33 B. 22d. MAN with team to haul dirt 2 block-.; will pay 40c a load. H. E. Joy, 309 Stark. Broadway 614. WANTEJ n experiencprj BaKer rov bread and cake. Apply 632 1st. Main 3161. 1 WANTED lOOO agents to sell new mitre tool. Call evenings after 6. 361 E. S9th. WANTED Salesman for auto acces sories in southern Oregon and Cali fornia. Must have car. 425 Stark st. ASSISTANT cook and mesa man, $40. Tug Mendell, foot Davis st,, 8 to 12 m j WANTED Salesman to make hotels and- apartment houses. 425 Stark St. WANTED Good farm hand. Phone Sellwood 1329 CONSULT Y. secretary. M. C. A, employment EXPERIENCED salesman with auto moblle. C-K. Journal. EXPERIENCED delicatessen man. Call Marshall 3829. 621 Washington. 1ST CLASS electric plater wanted. Ad dress Y-976, Journal. WANTED Shinglers to shingle house by contract. 504 E. Clay at. SMALL delivery boy wanted. 35S Yam hill st. Grocery. WANT young man that wants to lean brokerage business. 603 Couch bldg WANTED Man on a small, suburban - acreage; small wages. Marshall 716. HELP WANTED MISC. 40 T. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and night classes; training in repairing, driving and machine work, including forge, lathe, shaper, drill press, etc; time unlimited. Secure pass at educational office Y. M. C A. bldg-. to inspect our shops and meth ods. COMPETENT CHAUFFEURS AND MECHANICS SUPPLIED. Tui tion fee includes MEMBERSHIP IN -v ir a - I , - L'UDT rVMPVT X. fll, . aa. R"U . la UiBi aaWa.aUaaa, A ! DEPARTMENT, use of 60-ft swim ming pool, shower baths, gymnasium. 07 ! etc. ANY intelligent person, either sex, of good education and business anility; must be able to handle correspondence and write a good business letter. An opportunity to start a small but profit able mall order bualnes In your own home or office; good for $100 a week when established; can be managed in spare time, evenings, or as a side line at first; grows rapidly. Send for par- tlcu i'ars. Heacock Co.. 17 Heacock g,, Lock port N. Y. . bid BiO money for salesmen making I yeious power, amnion use aauy. towns under 100,000 population. harmless dry powder. Garages en You can take orders, for our goous ! dorse it. Beware fraudulent liquids, easily and quickly Merchant pays camphor tablets and oils. Government only for goods he sells, we take uack city, car company, fire departments what he does not dispose of. Four endorse and use carbonvold. Costa Dollars ($4.00) commission on eacb-f0 to use- x tube treats 200 gal- order. Commissions paid dally. Ku. details upon request. Write today. Pio neer Novelty Co., 130$ Weils St., Chicago. GOVERNMENT position pay $800 to " 00 y,er- wJb 0I l9kJJ"f2f " rZl-'. 1-JV: V, 1 necessary, earn while you learn, Write for large list of openings and testimonials irom nunareas 01 our . Mudents who earn $100 to $500 month. , Address nearest office. Dept. 312, National Salesmen's Training associa- 1 tion. Chicago, New York, San Fran- clsco. NOTICE Notlco 15,000 men and women wanted this year lor U. . government lire jods, )t. to lou month; vacations with pay, snort hours, "pull" unnecessary. You write immediately for free list of positions now obtainable. Franklin Institute. Dept. 350-P, Rochester. N. Y. j GO INTO BUSINESS FOR YOUR- or.Lfl ; BlCi.ll' D J .11 lltl H.I . J .1 I ' FALL OUTDOORS. $200 WILL GET TllToi: HoT TRAVELING SHOWW TO BECOME M A N. REL1- oerwy mi cAjicunon. amies r . cii 227"28 Carlln , . g;U if. ' " . r-rs weeaiy tor expenses. Miles F. Blxler AT ONCE 10 ladles to travel, demon Btrate and sell well established line : to our dealers. Previous experience not j . . . T j neceaaaiy. uuoa yay. xumiuiiu lare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 610, Omaha, Nebr. biUDE.NTS. Claas now forming in Drugless Therapeutics, Electricity and thV xRay andh rent. . For particulars address N-13. fa?"JS.o.r ,.. , , bbVbttAL ladles to travel, demon- u-i uur euuub aim sen ueaiera. - to o weekly; we pay railroad c j-j., Minneanolls. Minn. aussmuN waniea; best punch board i on eartn; orana new consignment; ' $5 commission on order and repeats; old reliable. Grove Mfg. Co.. 2562 j Cottage Grove, Chicago. EARN $2b weekly, spare time, writing lUr I1C W BAVwl a, iiiaiMuivo, ui, uii- gf iff'f, " fit- Louis. Mo. detaiia free. .Fress bynaicate, im WRITE motion picture plays; $50 each; experience unnecessary. De tails free to beginners. Producers' League. 206 Wainwright. St. Loula. WANTED, persons to color art pic tures at nome, easy work, no ex perience; good pay, sample free. Wheeler Co.. 337 Madison, Chicago. I WILL pay any honest man up to $50 monthly for part of spare time; no canvassing, no capital. Write today, Voorhles. Desk 151, Omaha, Neb. MEN. women can make $15 weekly writing names and addresses; no canvassing- particulars for stamp. G C. Smith, Little Rock. Arkansas. THOUSANDS men-women wanted, government Jobs. $75 to $150 month. Write immediately for list. Franklin Institute, Dept. 343 P, Rochester. N. Y. MEN Become railway mall clerk Commence $75 mo. Rapid increase. For particulars apply GX-997, Journal. GET out of the rut, buy Penny Arcade $300 or a Ford. 366 N. 20th. Main 1578. UNCALLED for tailor made suits. $8.50 up. Taylor the Tailor. 28H Burrside HELP WANTED FEMALE TELEPHONE operators. Per manent positions for young women. Salary paid while learn ing. Apply to Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., 6th floor. Park and Oak sts. Office open week days between 8:30 a. m. and 5:30 p. m. WANTED Lady, unincumbered, of falrv education, to travel In western I , h'"I and expenses. State present employ it in ment, address and phone number. Good " " chance for advancement. NX-6, Jour- nce. WANTED A lady stenographer who is rapid and correct both' on the machine and in dictation. Salary $60. Permanent position to right party. Answer In own handwriting, giving relerences, etc. A-i, journal, THREE LADIES TO LEARN NEW METHOD BEAUTY CULTURE; SUMMER RATES. 602-8 COLUMBIA BLDG. A GOOD millinery store for sale or trade. Apply 175 2nd street Monday. WANTED Experienced feeders and folders. Apply in person. Crystal Laundry Co.. 21st and f'andy road. t 1 rnt-a pmi qfasiim.- . -l- X-f ll.u waunk' , a CAPITAL. BIG RETURNS. COLUMBIA BLDG. T TTT1 . 502-3 WANTED Refined housekeeper with child; small wages, but good home In widower's home. 0-34, Journal. LADIES WANTING OUTSIDE WORK. $1 TO $2 DAY MADE. 602-3 CO LUMBIA BLDG. HOUSKKKEPER wanted to keep house for widower and 3 children. F-22. Journal. WANTED Nice, refined girls for ushers and cashier. Apply Monday at 2 p. m., Columbia theatre. MIDDLE aged woman, married, to cook in boarding house, $25 month, board end room husband. 284 Main st. GOOD reliable girl for general house work, small family. Phone Wood lawn 3719. CAN use experienced millinery makers. Trimmers register- for positions. Lowengart & Co WANTED Two ladies to demonstrate and do outside work. 427 Washing ton st. WANTED, young girl to assist In light housework. Call East 6033. EXPERIENCED body ironer. Palace Laundry. E. 10th and Everett. SCHOOL GIRL to work for rm. and board. Tabor 3088. DJ-.L1' WANTED MALE AMD FEMALE 29 MOHLER Barber school wants men and women to learn barber trade, free 8 weeks. Positions secured. Pay while learning. 38 N. 2d st. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to lean barber trade free. 233 Madison st RELIABLE man and wife want work, -farm, orchard or anything else. M- Journal. v A LL family to take charge of ap partment in exchange house rent. ?52 Olbba. - "- - - MAN or wemaa to help in good semi , solid ting work. M-27, Journal. - HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 (Continued) MARRIED man on a farm, no milk ing to do. Straight farm work. Wife to cook for ft men. Housa has every thing furnished. Wages $40 mo. Ad dress W. F. Johnson, phone Tabor 6624. Fair-view, Or., Route 1. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Wants men and women to lean the trade; paid while learning; tools free; positions secured; summer rates; writs for catalogue. Cor. 2d and Burnside. BERRY pickers wanted. J. mussen. on Buckley ave. N. P. Has ty ANTED AGENTS " 6 MARVELOUS "CARBONVOID" SWEEPS LAND. Greatest repeater ever sold. One agent sold 288.000 tubes. Positively only guaranteed permanent carbon re- mover sold. Fords make 33 miles per gallon. Used in distillate gives mar- Ions. Responsible agents wanted,- In close stamp. Wedel Co., Wenatchee, Wash. Sole distributors In WaaMng Oregon, Alaska. In Portland, phone Main 1141. WE start you in business, furnishing everything; men and women, $30 to $200 weekly operating our New Sys tem Rn.,i tv rnriv rtorUn " home. direct to .homes. Write for free sam ples. Madison Mills. 688 B road war. New York City. CT auick! Every automobile is auf- ferine from "Motor Diphtheria. Lltl Fiend is a sure guaranteed cure. New immensely profitable field for agents. Details free. White Mfg. Co, lro vi1-. ""'"""'i AtihKls our nousenoia article is neecea in every uume, uemunsir.uuu convinces nousewives; particulars iree. Write C. D. Warner Co., 518 University ave., San Diego, Cal THREE liva salesmen to sell direct to consumer a popular priced talking machine. Nationally advertised; some- lulu li w rr , i.i a. Bw.ici. ww ww. MM,.-, bldg. AGENTS We have fastest selling household snecialty on market. Send for free particulars. Sageser, Bar tie, Webber & Co., 1437 is. Mariposa ave., Los Angeles. Cal. WIDE awake agents on commislson or straight salary basis; splendid article atisilv carried Send for free descriptive booklet and terms. The aescripiive DOOKiet SJT.a HyattPCo., Portland, Or SALESMAN with car to SALESMAN with car to represent us in Washington. Absolutely bonando LrlrV,..;;; - i;;,.. rw: 1 wk.tUl , C J 1ULI a.f w. 1, T w V&a,aa,a9 a. U , 1 w Sell. 1182. 711 Clinton st. AGENTS wanted for article which no housewife can resist. Sells . at al most every home. G. W. Nevling Rvn, Wash wanted make $5 to 115 . S7 2. Seattle, Wash. GOOD rustler take charge of reliable real estate of nee. No expense. 312 Panama bldg. SITUATIONS MALE CITY OF PORTLAND PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 14th and Johnson sts. EFFICIENT MEN FOR ALL POSITIONS Salesmen, office men clerks, me chanics, farm hands, house men. cooks, mill men. loggers, laborers, etc No fee charged employer or employe. Out of town oraers given prompt attention Main 3555. A-5624 POSITION wanted by 1st class etick- erman, competent to take full charge of aetaii moulding department or saw mia pianer sneq j-33. journal. SOBER, reliable man desires employ ment in wholesale grocery house or in any wholesale house where a reli able man is required. 0-21. Journal, REGISTERED druggist, practical ex perience, capable of taking charge or business, oity or country. With, ref erence, i-avb, journal. well experienced bookkeeper, now engaged part time, has otfioe and equipment, wants another set books. " li a iiiw.vuBii 1 coouiiau . w. iiiaju uiui BOY. 16, experienced printer, want! suitable steady Job. Teddy. 109 r. . ,tn St., roaqway 40 u CEMENT WOKK, PAINTING, ANY REPAIRS. FOR DETAILS, PHONE MAIN 8730 COMPETENT ehop mechanic. and chauffeurs furnished by Y. M. C A. Auto scnooi. Main 706&, A-6561 ELDERLY dry goods salesman, sin gle, light work. N. L. R, M. 7764. Mason hotel. YOUNG man. 26 years old. wishes em ployment where there is chance for advancement. Call- Tabor 6472. WANTED By an A-l salesman, posl tlon in any capacity; what nave you? N-767, Journal. SHINGLES Roofs shingled or patched. Work done reasonable. Woodlawn 2782. AS HELPER in plumbing shoD: hav had some experience; good references. labor t3Z, ask warvey. CONTRACT for cordwood hauling bv auto truck; give all information in letter, c s. w., 3 urana ave. GUARANTEED papering and tinting cheap, raoor bits. per room up. C. A. Barnes. Mar. 282? BASEMENT aerated or pumped out Phone Marshall 1549. EXPERIENCED carpenter wants work In town or country. P-2Z, Journal YOUNG man. 19, wants position, gen erai oince worn, mong ts.6833. YOUNG married man wants work eve nlngs, anything. Phone Columbia 559 KALSOMINING. $2 60 room East 502. SITUATIONS FEMALE HIGHLY cultured, refined young east ern woman, attractive personality, a home maker and lover, possessing tact and good Judgment, of foreign musical education, desires position as super visor of refined home where one or more servants are employed; refer ences. EX-3 2, Journal. CITY OF PORTLAND PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU Women's Department City HalL No Fee Charged. Reliable, competent help, any line, promptly supplied. Office, clerks, housekeepers, domestic, cay workers seamstresses. Marshal! 4100. A-4126 EXPERIENCED woman wants work in apartment house: would expect apartment, gas and wages. G-30, Journal. REFINED woman would like a posi tron a housekeeper fpr gentleman or elderly couple; competent and reli able. J-34. Journal. WANTED Position by competent and experienced bookkeeper and stenog rapher. Best of references. Phone Main 3384. YOUNG lady from Berlin wishes to give German instruction In exchange for piano lessons. Woodlawn 349. RESPONSIBLE lady with boy 9 de sires position, hotel or country. Z 16, Journal. WOMAN wants Cooking; sawm.H or logging camp preferred. KX-32, Journal. EXPERIENCED woman with boy 4. wants position as housekeeper on ranch. 176 2d st. Portland. Eva Dozier. GIRL, experienced, wants general housework. Call Monday a. m., 1695 Stanton st. THOROUGHLY experienced Jewelry ales lady wishes position with 'ocal or out-of-town firm. W-102. Jo-irnal. WOULD like permanent or substitute work in private exchange. Main 45. GIRL living at Kern Park to care for baby in daytime. 68H 45th ave. STENOGRAPHER would like position. East 3100. . . - GERMAN lady wishes work, washing or cleaning. a Call evatUnga East -$.. SITUATIONS FEMALE CoBtinnd) EXPERIENCED primary teacher, irrjlua.tM of one of tha best eastern Normal colleges, wishes to tutor or will come to your homes and care for ! your children afternoons and even-' Ings. Tutoring 35c per hoar ana r. J?r "SL'Sti00 car mre. riwn, ji.raiioii a-. , GIRL wishes to care Phone Main 2866. fo - . n , - i r children. i WOMAN wants any kind of day work. Phone Main 8P28. WOMAN" wants day work. Mar. 1 62. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE .-.w--.-.---.--.----. I REFINED couple wishing car or i child from 2 to 6 yra. l'none Tabor ! 6243. DKL8SMAKIXG 0 j RESPONSIBLE dressmaking at home or by day; work guaranteed. Main 5578. . FASHIONABLE dressmaking, ideas, at homa or by day. lawn 3522. new TCnivl. ! ALL kinds of Bewing done in your own home or mine very reaaon&wla. Work guaranteed. Main .483. COMPETENT diessmaker wishe en gagements. $2.60 per day. Refer ence, If re-qulr-d. Phone 'labor 6397. MUSKS HO GRADISVTE nurse 'wishes to care for invalid or any case. $16 a week. Phone Tabor 7083. FUILMSJIED ItOOMS 9 FURNISHED rooms for young men in .11 parts of the city, also in x. M. c. A. bldg., especially desirable during the summer; iireproor. telephone in eacn room, shower baths, $1.75 to $4.76 per week, including full association mem bership privileges, gymnasium, swim ming pool, handball court, ana many other club privileges. Full information at i. M. C. A. business office or teie- . n n . , t a a - - . . .'-.'I , PALACE HOTEL. 12th and Washington sts.. Close in. fireproof, modern, light, airy outside rooms; rates $3.50 per week up. PHONE MARSHAIL 5040 $2 TUC PADI A M n $3 Week. I I 1 1- UrinLrillL' Week. Modern brick; outside rooms; re spectable; hot water. 25 Trinity St., ror. Washington, bet. 19th and 20th. SUITE of 11. K. rooms with hot ana cold water, close in; also 1 room with kitchenette. 126 14th St., neat Washington. twiuxionnu uuaseaeepins rooiut,. i Standish hotel. 648 Wash. I COMFORTABLY furni In. $5 mo. Phone Marshall Columbia. NICELY furnished rooms, modern con veniences, central, very reasonable, 404 Clay, near 10th. Mia MMiiM s:ri.o5i. ern. fireproof, respectable; 13 week up. UHTCri CATHM West Park, Morn- i it 1 ii in i vii soi son. Centrally lo-; cated. moderate rates permanent guests, iOUNG maji wants room mate' in ore - gon City. G. H. Carson. Gen. Del., reguu v.iiy. RYAN Hotel Annex, 269 V. 6th; new brick, hot, cold water everv room. steam heat. Opp. City Hall. M. 93 , 5. $1.50 WEEK up, clean, warm, modern fur. rms.. central. The Kme. 3'3 Jef. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE TA.VOX.-X 34 HOYT Nob Hill. 2 rooms con nected with bath. $7 and $8; room and board $5 week; modern; piano. Mar. 3490. NEW furnished room; board if de sired; walking distance. 60 East Morrison. East 6396. NEATLY furn. rms.. $8, .,2 "d i.L - per mo., near 23d. Residence dls - trict. 787 Glisan. Marshall 764. ROOM and board for two gentlemen. rates reasonable, walking distance. Phone East 7338. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, H block from S carllne. Main 1831. Mrs. Krause, 808 Front St. NICELY furnished front rm. in quiet. comfortable home Gentleman pre ferred. Phone Main 283 5. FRONT room, 4th floor. Fordharn Apts 23d and Washington. Mar shall 1684.. NICELY furnish ed room, reasonable, walking distance. Call E, 689. 295 Crosby st- ROOM clean as pin. Use of piano and sewing machine. Gentleman pre ferred. Respectable. 11 N. 10th at LARGE front room, airy and comfort able, walking dlatance. 12 1. llth, near Ankeny. East 1652. ROOMS AND HOARD PKIVATE FAMILY 72 PLEASANT room. Good home cook ing, phone, bath, use of parlor and piano, alking distance. All for $iu a month. 625 Clay st. WANTED Children to board In coun try; mother's care; ages 2 to 7. Ref erences required. Mra. M. Campbell, Canby, Or. WANTED Refined, respectable coupie wishes to care for girl or boy, from 2 years and up. 14S0 Oneonta ?t. BOARD and room in private family, $20 per month. 477 E. llth st. a Sellwood 2B56. WOULD like to board girl between 6 and 8, more for company. $2.50 week Tabor 6997. . FURNISHED room for one or two; board if desired. In family of three adults. Phone Wd. 8549. ANNA Lewis Halt. 61u Flanders, busi ness girls and students. $4. 15.75 wk. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 39 WANTED Board and lodging. Living room with fireplace, bedroom, well ventilated; home 'conveniences. W 103, Journal. , HOtSEJLEEFlNU ROOMS 8 ruurxsKED astd unruii wished ONE room with kitchenette, complete ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone in every room: 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison sts.. $12 up. 291 Columbia st.. cor. 5th. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, all modern. running water in kitchen, month rent free. 245 17th st $1 WEEK up; fur. H. K. R., laundry, baths. Phone Woodlawn 1854. 203 Stanton NICELY furnished II. K. rooms, mod ern conveniences; rent reasonable. 70 N. 9th st. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, 3 room apt.. $1.50 to $2.00 a. week. 389 6th et. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, central, cheap rent. "33 Pine, cor. 1st. CLEAN 2 room apartments, cool piace. private park, close in. 331 Kroauway COMPLETELY furnished H. K. rooms for $6 and $8 month. Marshall 2451. Gem Apts, Free bath, hot, cold water HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 rUKXXSBXD AJSTD TJTrTJVafISKEI PB-IVATE rAMXLT. FURNISHED housekeeping room with kitchentta. 188 14th at. $10 per month. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single or ea suite, $5 month up. SOU. Water, cor. Columbia. TWO suites, all convenient, first floor. See these. Very reasonable. (65 Flanders. H. K.. 1 and 2 room suites, $5 to $10 per no. Free bath and phone. 450 Yamhill, bet. 12th and Mih, NICELY furnished H. K, rooms, fad ing park, cheap. 321 West Park. NEAT, light H- K. rooms, single or en suite, cheap. 206 18th st PLEASANT, quiet housekeeping and sleeping room, reasonable. 305 12th. I FURNISHED housekeeping , suite, $7 I per mo. 499 Clay. ' IrOOMS for rent from $1.60 and up. 28$ Clay at. J HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 PBXVATB TAMXLX. Cuatlaa4 PARLOR suite, first floor, hot. cold water, electric lights, furnace heat, large yard and shade, vary reasonable, walking dlstarfce. 67 N. 20th at. TWO Urge, nicely furnished, clean. frM.t hn,,..!,!., ,rnlin.t I . r, .ww w.. D . floor; gas. bath, nica yard; close in; oniy l-.-u ween, cm W ia . VERY clvap, 2 rooms, aleplng porch. lower noor; aiso single room, Large yard, walking distance. 44 East 4 11 Jwfc.' - ONE large front room with kitchenette, single rooms $1.45 un. 1$1 13th SU. I cor. l amnui. HAWTHORNE AVBV 2 mi. and closet, completely furru. w . a V a tar Kai t K a n4 hnn. m mrm ?Mi Jh .ntrani. 110 Tahor 83 E. 8th N. 3 connecting furnished I housekeeping rooms with porch, with or without garage, very reasonable. I E- 1866. VM'K front hniiaclcMnlnr milts 1-2-2 1 roonu. (2-IZ.&0 week: nousa unaer ai new management; pleasant surround-1 ings. 402 Park st. 3 OR 3 furnished housekeeping rooms, 1 or 3 beds, gas range and light, $5 and $6 month; adults; H block Haw thorne car. 291 E. 49th S. $10 1 clean, completely furnished rooms, bath, laundry. Dhone. lawn. fruit, flowers. East aide. Walking dls-! tance. 312 Cherry. LARGE front, first floor room, nicely furnished, beautiful closed bed. water in room, $14 month. Marshall 2211. 163 17th st CLEAN pleasant room, water In room. Large closet at $12 per month.- Max. shsll 2211- 163 17th. cor. Morrison. CLEAN IT K. rooms cheap. Free phone, lights. Water and bath. 1 nice, large front sleeping room, 294 Clay st. FURaSibiiialJ housekeeping rooms, quiet location. 706 Glisan st Main REDUCED rent, housekeeping rooms, single, $1.60. Everything furnished. Also others. 226 12th. $8 CLEAN, nicely furnished, cooking I gas iree, oin, pnone, laundry. 121 Market 827 SIXTH Large room with kitch enette; 6 windows; use piano, ver anda. : ssj FOR RENT HOUSES 12 TTari-TTKVnKXD FOR RENT 6 -room modern bungalow. 1 hWu-lr from par 1 nA' o- q rm era ann beautiful lawn and flowers; rent $11; , . -.-r: -. 7 "111 "roaaway, uood tenant w an tea. ahftfl mi- T7'RSE City Park; thoroughly modern irXn siis Tl bungalow. 619 E. 51st st N. House II OUUi BIOS. llJ nrm a H n,ll 1 .all I nlshed at sacrifice if desired. Mar. I -432. 6 ROOMS, thoroughly modern, 636 E. FIVE rooms, furnace, gas, electricity. 61st st. N., nice garden, fruit flow- pass pantry, hall,, dining room pan era, $26. eled, with window seats, fine chande PROVIDENT TRUST CO. Hers hot water heater, screened wln- 212 Selling bldg. dows. Beautiful view. Near Park. $15. A 4 room. mAH.rn mt TTrs 3 E. 6tth, Mt. Tabor car. r cB)mnn at fn. tin mnn j call Sunday a. "m. or inquire at No. ii - M. i v i. mm hm.-- n..- Ilia ,.i uilsan sts., $10 per month. ! OREGON INVESTMENT MTG. CO.. -0- btock Ex. Bldg., 3d and Yamhill. , MODERN 4 rooms, gas range, linoleum. garden in, lawn, roses; snap tor $a month, 7219 64th ave. S. m . vKBy vs w " E. W. R. Ivy. 7244 63rd ave. S. E. MODERN 5 room house, fireplace, yard, west side, walking distance; rent $15. Inquire 711 Water eta, near i-iooker. 6 ROOM bungalow and g-urage, 80 E. 76th st. M on ta villa- Rent $10. Own- fa,UA Aoingxon Diag. i-none Alain r"- . COTTAGE, 4 large rooms, 2 lots, barn, rent b. 7015 43d ave. Take ML i ?.colt. car, get off Haxelwlld Station. lKey 6915 43d ave, FOR RENT Corner residence, .all 10 rooms. Inquire 616 Corbett bldg. Phone Main 6716. $2 MODERN $ room house, tinted and painted throughout. 768 vju;:nby. For particulars, phone owner at 103 N. 23d St. MArthall 382. HOUSES FLATS. Furnished houses in all part of the city. J. C. Corbin Co., Lewis building. 2-5 ROOM houses.' 914 MUwauVie st, $12 60. and bungalow at 622 Holgate st., in, in line condition, sellwood car. Inquire 614 Holgate st. 4 ROOM modern house, 8 lots, $6 mo. 4 mo. free for repair and palutlng. rnona raoor ifc7. 4 ROOM bungalow, $8, neat and attrac tive, 1506 E. Ankeny st. Fred W. Ger. man Co., 732 Cham, of Corn. 6 ROOM modern bungalow, reasonable. near Westmoreland; fruit flowers. 1 blk to car. East 1886. Bell. 2465. 9 RM. bungalow, 668 Montgomery Drive. Good neighborhood. Excellent view. Rent $35. Main 3028. 6 ROOM modern cottage. 391 Hancock; easy walking distance; rent $12, ln- uuiiig water. MODERN 6 room house, $15, 207 Cher- ry at one block South Broadway bridge. Apply 895 E. let at. N. MODERN 5 rm. furnished house. 2 3420. IN IRVINGTON, 8 room modern reel- dence with sleeping porch. Phone Eaat 1412. 6 ROOM modern bungalow, 2 blocks Laurelhurst Park, $12. 1084 East Washington. Phone East 6600. WOMAN and husband can have free rent of modern home for care of 11-year-old girL 887 E. Franklin. MODERN 8 room house. 127 8 E. 10th st.. Woodlawn district; low rant. Columbia 266. . 6 ROOM house, modern, iu. 86th it., block south of Hawthorne, inquire xko r.. juiii. KTlR KK.TsiT K-ildenra Hhwnr mt Price $16 a month. Inquire 616 Cor- pen oiog. r-none Jiain a, 6 ROOM house. Eaat lth st, excel- lent condition. $16. Main 937, East 6962. 6 ROOM modern cottage;-easy walk- WELb furnished modern 5 room bun ing distance. 291 Hancock; rent $12. galow. piano, gas, electric, $17. Wood includlng water. lawn 400. $3.5- TWO rooms, wood house, half acre garden ready for use; water pam. nwunmi -vb. t J 1 AA SEVEN room modern house, at 395 E. e 1 OA 4Fa-.AS a,iMi 4- V J a m 4 V, . -au bi iv rent $22.50. Phone Tabor 3743. FOR RElsr iwo i room houses, nloe yard, opposite Highland school. 1. Ppier. mi unr ave. nonn. $16 Portland Heights, 6 rooms, mod ern aieeyins v-i-u. mi, .- -a -a, a- , i. . . Jk A 1 . , a A 4 lots. 19J5 Q 9 VW -i llwUBw U1U 1 Hawt Hawthorne. FOR RENT, modern 8 room house, fortiana n u. nun van. LATEST creation In bungalows; agent on tne ground at zmh at. e. e. NEW 6 room bouse, garage. 366 Mon- roe st Williams ave car. Adults. 250 MARKET Near 8d, first floor, 4 rooms, m; e room cottage, sia. SIX room house close in on E 6th at with garage. 31Q, Columbia 670. NEAT room cottage, 446 Union ave. N.. $15. East 462. MODERN 8 room house on west side. Inquire 706 Marshall st MODERN 6 room bungalow at 2! E. Salmon. Rent $14. Call Mar. 6713. FIVE room cottage on E. Madison. cheap. Phone Tabor 3226. S RM. furnished houee, $1$, 6 block f rom Woodlawn car. 660 Holnwtn t 7 RM. residence, fall corner lot, $11 per mo. rent. Main 1940. $22.60 MODERN 8 room house. $11 Kj. coucn. iLiasi mi. MODERN 6-room bouse. Eaat 13th and Division. NEAT 6-room cottage. 991 William ave.. $12. wooaiawn $8 Modern 6 room house, walking! aietatice., e-t io. p car io pnenpan.1 SIX room modern house, newly painted, I 1073 -E. Main or call -S023. 12 iCoatiaaed) --Jv", ; FOWE3t3 RENTAL BUREAU. A urat.. wtthAnt rmt t A VH Choice houses etc. In desirable loca- tions. room Duniiiow in ng v-iir rmim modem, with sleeping porch. iZi. , 1 .tory bungalow Hawthorna dls- trict; new. never occupiea. room bungalow. Rose City Park, sleeping porch, lawn, roses, til. 1H story modern bungalow, roses, t garden. $17.60 POWERS FURNITURE CO. 3d and. Yamhill. HOUSES. tlK It him-i HIS V.mhlll nt at 10th 130 8 rooms, freshly paintad and tinted throughout inside. 8(1 Yamhiill st $26 10 rooms. 144 N. 18th St. near Hovt. - j.oti o rooms av -u. ana -foren $16 7 rooms. 429 E. Burnaide at K 7th. $10 6 rooms, 453 E, 3th st.. at Car ruthers. $106 rooms, 4811 71st at S. E.. Fir land. H P. PALMER-JONES CO. 404 Wilcox bldg. MalnB699. $14 6 room bungalow in good condi tlon. $18 6 rooms, one bed room down stairs, in good, condition. $17 6 rooms, basement and furnace. $20 6 rooms and furnace. Clous In. $17.60 rooms, all modern. Irvington. $306 room bungalow and garage. (Brand new.) The Oregon Home Builders 1830 Northwestern Bank bldg. Oliver K. Jeffery, Pres. Marshall 3718. Phone Mar. 460O A-6101, MEIER FRANK'S RENTAL BUREAU 7TH FLOOR. Wa bkva at all times a rallabla list of houses, flata, apartments, etc.. In all parts 01 tne city, avail yourseir I of this FREE service. Information cheerfully furnished. SIX room bungalow, sleeping porch, full basement, fireplace, furnace, gas, electricity, laundry, gas range, water heater. linoleum on kitchen and bath, lawn mower, hose: rent $21. in cluding water; $24 with garage. Double construction; Just tinted. 726 E T.h. Ran MR. AND MRS. HOUSE HUNTER. See us before you rent a place; 5 rnln. In our office, under our new sys- l.m .ii,.!. a, mnnlli nf narilMllI search- We show the house you wish to see. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock i:x. I MOliKRN. rlnan 7 room house, good location; walking distance to west leiae; can accommoaa.e auio. iu vu. Woodlawn 1935. SAVE car fare and 2 hours a day by living near your work. T wo 4 room on Iowa st. near factory. $10. Inquire 1401 Corbctt st., nearby. FOR RENT 6 room house, modern, very close In, west side. 666 Water St., $10 a month. I 6 ROOM modern bungalow. 3 blocks to car. $13 Der month. Phone Sellwood 2629. 5 ROOM modern bungalow, with good kitchen. Garden. Large lot. $K. Wdln. H54. ' t HAVE 8 (-rooms, modern, and 2 6 rooms each, to rent cheap. 361 E. 89th st. ba,tt ..r Flower. 110 Taka FMlton frtkm $28 Irvingon 7 rooms I Irvinelon 7 rooms, modern. 626 E. 16th N., near Brasee; key hous north. $10 5 IT7ridTr!r"fcolTagei close In. $12, beautiful flat, modern, walking dlst. Frank L. McOulre. Main 1068. 7 ROOM house, furnace, fireplace, walking distance. 108 E. llth st Phone East 1922. $20. EIGHT room corner house, yard, flow ers, fine location, cheap. Jamleson. Main 1940. SEVEN room modern house with hi yard, $9 a month. 792 E. 7th st Woodlawn 27. 682 6THT near Grant. Nice room 2 awiry. house, $18. 208 Stock Ex.. 3d arid Yamhill, MODERN 6 room house cor. E. 18 th and Irving, very reasonable. FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT 83 6 ROOM modern house in West Pied mont; electric lights, gas heater and range,, all newly painted inside and out, full basement, 1 block to car; also some furniture for sale. 1320 Mlasla- slppi ave. Key at 1196 Misatsalppl ave FURNITURE 6 room house, cheap rent, beautiful place, garden. chickens, patch potatoes. $60. 15$ East 80th st north FURNITURE 6 room cottage, $76: $10 n. k I $12.60. 438 Ross. 4 blocks Broadway bridge. East 4866. FURNITURE of 6 rooms ?or aale. house can be rented; good garden. 14 E. 48th st LEAVING city, furniture for sale, house for sale or rent. Block from Irvington car. Phone C-3142. ADS. of furniture for sale are pub lished In the Household Goods classi fication when house is not for rent FURXISHED HOUSES S6 I par BUMMER Furnished house. 4 rooms. Snap if taken soon. Tabor I ion I tvi o dcut usmi.kaj km,., r I block to car, reasonable' to rlgh. I party. 1018 E. 21st St., N. 6-ROOM bungalow, nicely furnished. 1 I block of car. 820 month R, J. Mo- Oulre. East 6407. qoOD 8 room house. 91 Stanton, near rv.W H A N shone. $12.60. lnclua- I . ' . Z " L " i jn(- water. East -BIZ. FOR RENT Completely furnished 3 1 . . j a a . t . j rm. cottage, wiin piano, in rear. 1 1076 E 16th N. giX room home, every convenience, on j carllne; piano, machine, clean. Call I 784 Front or Phone Main 889. - 1 WILL leaee modern 6 room furnished house, nice lawn, roses, rrult. $18 I R76 E. Ash. l&ast 7768 9 I ' ' . COUPLE with nice house will gTve ! knma to man and wife for ona'a I board; reference. X-38, Journal. SEVEN room modern house, new.y renovated, $20. Eaat 7026 $04 Bortb wick. I COMPLETELY furnished, modern. clean. room home. 1190 Mlxter St.. near E 89th and Lincoln. Tabor 472$. FURNISHED, modern 7 room house for rent Aug. l. B. Morrieon and 13th sts. 8-1$, Journal. FURNISHED house for rent, including player piano. Call Sunday. $82 Min nesota ave, $257 ROOMS, FURNISHED HOUSE. T rooms,' lawn, near 10th and Couch. Smith-Wagoner Co Stock Ex. wr.TTT.T-. r. i . k rm i. I Piano, fireplace, sleeping porch. garage, adult. 676 E.n Main. 4 ROOM modern bungalow at Multno- mah, xheay. Main 224$. 6-ROOU modem cottage, $12.(0 a mo. Tabor 4968. $14,' ( ROOM cottage. 4 block Broad- 1 way onage. rtess. ss. THREE room house; 6 room cottage. inquire i iiuamooa. 1 4 OR 6 ROOM Piedmont, furnished. Phone evening. 'Wdln. 4519. $$ Modern, room . house., walking qistance. rara. t jtiancocK. $10.60 TO $7 PER MONTH, FHONE MONDAT. MAIN S4i$, FOR RENT -HOUSES UMf UUIMJKA a, 80 FINE CORNER. 100x100, 7 -room house ana garage, view, anrucs ana trees, all modern conveniences, walking dis tance; owner would keep one or two rooms with or without meals; for rant, Requirements: no children, refined people, cleanliness and references. Call 1 4g Tillamook, near "Vancouver ave. ' - FURNISHED horne in Ladd ad., 1 rooms; has linen, dishes, silver war, player piano. Also email garage. $40. $35 I room, nicely furnished house. nice yard, near 2id and Burn aid sts. The Oregon Homa Builders, 1330 ivortnwestern Bank mag., oiivsr v. Jeffery, jires. MarhalW71 RENT tree for a year or more to rlkbt : party, Swiss, Scandinavian or Ger man preferred: furnished house : and fine garden and small fruit place. East 28th and Holgate. Address G-22, Journal. " STRICTLY modern house, apleiidtd neighborhood, convenient ' to llote City line. Piano and furniture good. Rent reasorable. J. F. Compton, 100 Ablng-ton bldg. ' f " 6 ROOM ' turn Uhed house: piano, gas, electric lights, cement baaament, wash tub; I block from etreetoart rent $18 per month. 717 Mlchlgeft ave. Wooolawn 124. COMFORTABLY furnished rodnt bungalow, nice lawn, homelike, clean, good neighborhood, pretty location, near Richmond car, $18. S43 Green wood ave. MrhaH 2 795. TO LEASE 8 room furnished house tn Irvington, close in, $60; grand piano, -all conveniences. Phone forenoons Fast 8646. WILL lease cosy, completely furnished house, furnace. or yea west side. 921 mornings. Bavler st Apply EIGHT room, completely furnished modern house, sleeping porch and nice yard. Will rent cheap until 8pr. 1 Call Main 666, . s. - - FOR RENT Furnished 4 room cottage with bath and garage. 398 Roae Inwn ave. Take Woodlawn car. Phone Wd n. 1747 Fl VK rooms furnished or unfurnished Richmond or Division Jitney. 498 K. $7th. . - MODERN furnished and unfurrda bouses and flata. East 2Rth aootlon. , MO E. Anktny. Phono E. 673T. , ' 4 ROOM (sleepln gporch annex, ifur- . nlshed; beautiful grounds; $18. .4. K. 16th st; East 6222. '. 6-ROOM modern nleely furnished house; piano, furnace, nloe lawn.. roses. 784 Belmont. FURNISHED 6 Union ave.. No. room house. T.7 HOUSES FOR RENT F XXV ATX TAMXX.T 71 716 CORBETT, cor. Hooker, opposite new Falling school, I room heuee.' furnished or unfurnished, bath gas, Ruud heater, furnace, fireplace, nice yard; $35 per month furnished, or $80 unfurnished; references exchanged. In. quire Donald Woodward, 104 2d near Stark, or phone Owner, Eaat 84-1. Al'ARTMEXTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISIIED $th end Columbia its. Five minutes' walk to Mn'if't Frank's store; good surroundings: strictly modern 2 and $ room furnished apartments, all outside, with ITrenctl dours and balconies. v ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSI B.VTj Lucretia Court Lucretla st. bet Wash, and Ever , tt sts. Moat beautifully located high class apts., 1-3-4-5 rooms. All modern conveniences first class servloe. Prjeee reasonabie. References required. Maa aaer Mar. 1611. AWkHTH'ltrTT M.TIt, 51 TIWfM.AJ-JO tALHOK. ftYeV ,r , Portland'! home of quality, comffft and -errira Ni-VV WiwHTaiiAo 1'a.K, otii at jwadi aon Under new management, apts. furnished or uuiurhisbed with private bath, by week or month; only Xotir blocks irom postoffice. NEWLY furniabed 2 and room apartments, $16 mo. up, including lights, phone. Janitor service, etc Walking distance, iieiknap apartments, 187 17th St.. near Yamhill. GLENN APARTMENTS We have the best ventilated furnished and unfur nished apts. In tiie city, bee them be fore you rent. 984 Hawthorne. Tabor 6100, B-2332. NICELY furnished 4 room apts., prl vate bath, fireplace, gas, elctrlo lights, brick building. 341ft Kill In rs worth, between Vancouver and Wms. . ave.. onlv $16 ner mo. Wdln 1719 - ! , 1 ' ,, . ll 1 1 $406 ROOM MODERN AJfTr-a, . Close in on llth. west aide. walkissT distance. All outside rooms. Adults only. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Ex.' - MADltiON PAitiv APTa. iara st. at Madison. Modern 2. 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, close In. by week or month. THsi DEaCi-N DOKJ1. 20$ 16TH ST. Marshall 28tJ. Nice ( room fur. and unf ur, apt.. sjso ana 4 room rur. apts. PENROSE APTS.. N. W. cor. UelmODt and Grand ave., new, modern, - and $ room furnished. Servloe first class. walking qistance. ELEGANT 6 room apartment wiTS sleplng porch and all modern coh- venlences. Main 4124 or after p. sa.t A-1DVX. SAN MARCO, nicely furnished or un f urn. mod. 8 rm. apts.. private baih, $16 up, Brick bldg ,. walking distance; homelike. E. 8th and Couch. East 190, LUZERNE APTS 3d and Hail Mod ern brick bldg., 2 rooms, furnished.' private pnone in eacn apt, ana tip. Marshall 4637, THE SHEFFIELD, 270 Broadway 8-t I and 4 room fur. end unfur. apt., walking distance; at very raaaonable rent; beet of sei vice. Main 2606 THREE room apts., private phone, bath, $l.6o per mo., modern .rick, Westfall Apt.. 410 6th.; walking dis tance, .' BALBOA APTS. Large, modern 2 and S room fur. an4 unfur... brick bldg., best service, walk Ing dls.; reasonable. 429 Harrison st. Lucille court. li N. 20th "eu : Furnished and unfurnished apte , large sunny f'eeplnc porches. Good car service. NoKoMiS ANNEX L 3 and i room ' under new management, thoroughly 1 renovated; $6, $10 and $12. 246H 17th. THIS ORMONDE Modern front - rooma 666 Flanders. Nob hllL Mala 8261. $8.60 PER wk, t and I room apt a Pri- vata bath. Harrison Court. 6th Harrison sts. Walking dlatance. " NEW furnished apts.; concrete block" 310 and $12. 11C2V4, Union ave. K. . I v ooouawn oii. FURNISHED HOUSES ICotlBtis4 i I TWO and S room modern furnished :f apartment, rteaucea rate. Leeitce Anta . 186 N. 22d. Mar. 2260. - PENINSULA APTS., C-1170; ooecrsle bldg., 2 and 8 rooms; hot and cold ' water, bathe, phone, steam heat $12 up i . . . 1 W T f. A -Til C l4 -a, u.i..i JB AUi Va-a- a-X Da, a, a,. W,Ja.wu, Modem 1 and 2 room apt., $l.kper week up. Bleeping rooms. East 313. ROSE FRIEND. 2$6 Broadway tt.; med- V ern unfurnished apts.; large room, tst erytc. walking diet Mar. 1410. TWO" Or t room apartment, private bath, modern conveniences: rent; reasonable. Hotel Rowland, 207H 4th. 4 ROOMS, sleeping porches, hardwood v floor.' furn. or unf urn. Portnomah, . ifto ic 12th. ; TWO room apartment. fully fur- nisnea, aiso mgie room 389 td et. ' 'n r,o4; Court 401 10th, modern VIIILIIliiati apartments; 810 x apartment! AMEJtlCAN and Marlborough, mod. e, f rm. apts. war. wn, CAMAR4. 704 Lovelojr 2 and I room . epts., $10. -. 'l . iwarsnati P.OSENFF.LD tbrick), 14th and - E. ' Stark 8 and 4 rooms, private phone. CLARK Apts,. 2 rm. fur. dlaappijln: ' beds, pnone. ugnte, ne. rte; CIARK Apt. 2 rm. fur, -Aisv.beda, phone, light, hett.-tl3 .-P. Mar. $066. iOoaUaued on Xut raf J - im. . v .