5 , 4 f ) 1 t 4f 12 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. JULY 9, 1916. t - FOR SAXE FARMS 17 ( Continued) . ! Two Small Farm Snaps ' Hargrove Realty Company- . OWNERS WANT TO SEE THESE. f THEY ARE DTRT CHEAP. 1 I ACRES WELL IMPROVED $1400. This pretty country hom la worth . "$$000. Owner will sell for $1400; $700 .cash, balance 6. There are 6 acres, -s41 In crop. 2 acre a strawberries, chotce orchard, 6 room modern bunga low. Dice barn and outbuildings; fine vwater system; 1 mile from good town north of Portland, on Northern Pa- ACRES STOCKED FOR $2360. $2350, $1450 down buys thin all - ' Stocked ready to move on; 12V4 acres, ": 1 mile from Hharid&n. Yamhill cuun- Mjr: 10 acres In crop; 4 room house, -"barn 16x32, outbuildings. PERSON NEL: Team, 2 colts, fa cows, 2 hogs, dozen chickens, 3 turkey hens, m- ' ; cubator, cream separator, farm tools. ' T. Price only $2360. Hargrove Realty Company Successors to Hargrove & .sons. 122 North 6th st. near Gllsan. " . ; Phone Broadway 4381. CHEAP ACREAGE. $20 per acre, $20 down and $10 per 'month buya 40 acrea of good land free from rock or gravel, between PortlanJ and Astoria. In Cowlitz county, mllea from Columbia river; fine loca ;? lion for dairy or poultry ranch; run ' J. Din water. i t t acres. $250; $10 down, 6 per month , buys 6 acres of land between Portland .' and Centralla on the main line of thre . railroads, 1V4 mlle from a town or "100 population, sawmills and bhlngle milla. Some of this land Is Partly cleared; running streams, some bot tom and some bench ; can give you any ;i kind of piece you want. A. ; 5 and 10 acre tracts at ClatBkanlc. i Clatskanle lies half way between Port- ' land and Astoria. Clatskanle has a . population of 1000. A cheese factory ' cannery and creauiery; lies l mile from l town; from $35 to $50 per acre, $2 per 'acre down and $1 per acre per month, r. HEEL REAL ESTATE CO.. 318 Railway Exchange bldg. . J" t . H Owner in Hospital FORCED TO SELL. . -' 40 ACRE FARM. FINELY IMPROVED. t WAPATO, LAKE. , ,4 room house, barn, outbuildings, family orchard, good water, fences, auto road passes place. BIG BARGAIN FOR $2900. ST. CHARLES LAND CO.. flt, Charles Hotel. Front and Morrison. For Sale by Owner 1 Bargain in first class farm center of! Polk county, 184 acres, all under high - state of cultivation. Modern barn, 9 room houne, 40 head cattle, 10 cows. 6 - horses and other fine stock; ha.f mile : 8. P. Ry. station, 2V4 miles state nor " mal school; all crops go with place. n'WIll take part cash, 6 per cent inter ; est and good home In Portland. P. O. ' t box 617. Portland. Or. v , 24 ACRES on Base Line road, just 10 miles west of postofflce, between .. two electric lines, station 1 and 14 - miles, best of soil and lies Ideal; 4 .- . acres cultivated, 10 open pasture seed ed, 10 food timber, guarantee timber . to pay for clearing; well fenced, splen ' did well, good small house, barn and outbuildings, fine young orchard; $200 per acre; way below other values, but owner must sell for cash, no trade. , . Neal Brown, 209 Panama bldg. ONLY $8 AN ACRE. " 159 acres in Yamhill county, 34 miles to R. R. station, school to 10th grade on 1 acre of the ranch, & acres i cultivated, 15 more slashed, 40 acres rood timber, soil 1b a red shot; bearing orchard, 15 years old; place watered by creeks; house of 5 large rooms; barn, milk house, chicken house. Neighbors close. Price $1280. Ralph Ackley T,and Co.. 210 Rothchild bldg. VALUE RECEIVED. 20 acres, unlmproved.land, some very . easy to clear, about 100 cords of wood, lsjid lays well and the soil Is first class In every respect, convenient to school, all rural conveniences, only 4 miles from Vancouver, on county road. Price 11300. Terms. A cheap place at this ' price. THOMPSON A SWAN. 818 Main st. Vancouver. Wash. tfXR 8ALE 120 acres 17 mil Vancouver. Clarke Co.. les from lolnlnr Bweae ana nnn colony; sawmill, church, schools Vi miles. R. R. 2 miles; V is good farm land, large range, creek; 2 million feet burned ; timber, trees S to 6 ft.; on county i road. $14 per acre, time on part. A C. Krlger, 1296 E. Salmon, Portland. A FINE SMALL FARM. CLOSE TO PORTLAND ?" 40 acres all under plow and pr duc 1ns; a heavy crop; good house and barn, slectno lights and city water; 2 elec tric llnee, stations in 5 minutes' walk; f frequent trains. Good auto road to City. $7500, terms. D. McChesney 603 : Title ft Trust bldg. Main 3477. (43 ACRES In Wasco county; 245 in train; highly Improved, stock and machinery; a magnificent proposition at $35 per acre. Bis- returns thl x,a r 'Will be withdrawn from the market If .not soia si once, oood terms riven Olll tt Dufur, 312 Ablngton bldg. ;POR 8ALE by owner, 8 acrea. fine country home, t miles east of Oresh- am; good buildings, close to school, 3 minutes' walk to electric car; fine place Tor poultry end berries. Sale cheap or rade for Chicago property. J. w Johnson. Gresham, Or.. Route 4. i Montana Blackfoot Valley New railway; best land; very cheap easy terms; special fare. Join next party with Geo. C Shefler. 703 Ore- j yonian Didg. "JO DANDY ACRES, only $500; $100 down, balance $100 per year at 6 er cent: best of soil, near he Tualatin mill and school, about 18-mtle Circle to Portland. W. H. Selts & Co , 2iv optuaing piog. wain sasy BARGAINS 1 acres, $1600; 10 acres. $800 driving distance to city. 40 acres. Im proved. $2000. Tor real farm bargains :- A. K. HILL, 419 Henry bldg. NEAR MADRAS 1(0 acres under new irrigation pro i fleet, now a fact. Barsain if tili.n ' 'Jow. no trades. 130 E. 14th st.. near jnorrisori si. -ALFALFA farm of 130 acres, about 90 f Irrigated and In alfalfa: easy terms. : Prlneville. Or. $8 PER ACRE , 0 acres level sagebrush land near .mntTiiie, can De irrigated; big snap Ohas. Rlngler & Co.. 228 Henry bldg. ' lAriu 1 a acres improved, on 5: car- t. line, new a room house, creek, spring. -on am.ra lurmcpa roau. uoou earn t&ale or trade. Q-23. Journal. j.ii i tu r AriAts. clear, level, rood nii - and house, near town. $25 down, $10 Month J. R. Rharn. KR7 -Rhrinv kil. t -FIFTY1 acre farm, near Estacada, terms FOR RENT FARMS 14 .FOR RENT Farm. 12 acres: orch.r.i ' crop, S ooww; route and dairy acces- 'ones. xxiceiy situated on east side, wear heart or town. A-29. Journal. 24 ACRES. Improved. 8 acres orchard; J4 miles out. Inquire 419 Henry JrJR :. RENT 6 hi acre farm 6 milas irom jrorxiana. trail Kast loo jOURTNEY J acres near river. rm. ihiuh, truii, mo sa.Tm. xjora. 14 (Continued) FOR RENT. Tillamook dairy ranch, 40 I odd cows, one-half, or will sell! stock. 12a East 29th st. N. Phono , East 6890. ! FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY FOR KENT FARMS vcti .nnt ah fn an mrm. mtnkmft wii.lwater. Will trade this for Portland lamette valley farm, lias $3000 cash ajid $7000 clear modern city home, all street improvements in and paid. D. . McChesney. 603 Title & Trust bldg. j Main 3477. RESPONSIBLE party wants to rent a 26 or 30-acre farm within 25 miles of Portland. If interested, write to C. Franran, 38th and Simpson sts., Portland WANTED To hear from owner of,"' ILL exchange for grocery or acre good ranch for sale. State cash price , age one 6 room modern bungalow, and description. D. F. Bush, Minneap- one 5 room cottage. 2 clear lots, close oils, Minn. to car; will trade all or part. W. II. WANTED by elderly man and wife. gf,t,t"ui2?J,,Woolstock ave Pbne place in country as care takers or p''wooa izss. improve place for the rent. Mr. Fow- j 217 ACRES, fine body timber. 6 miles ers, 34ft Benton Portland, On from tidewater, on river which will WANT to rent, good size farm for i aairv dutdoic. muhi nave lair , buildings. Z-14, Journal. HOMESTEADS 47' HOMESTEAD, RELINQUISHMENT. $900. SO acres in Clarke Co., Wash., 8 miles from Yacolt, 4 room house, barn. 24x48, 2 acres cleared 400,000 ft timber, plenty of springs and creek; good team and wagon, plow, harrow, cultivators and saws and all kinds of other small tools, some thickens; all household goods. You will have to hurry to get this one. Kred W. German Co., 73 2 Cham. Com Two Homesteads, $150 Each Land lays level; fine soil, no rock, some timber, 5 miles from town. Two good relinquishments, adjoin, 4 miles from town, good soil, lays level, plenty water, good timber, fine for alfalfa. 6 acre's in crop last year, partly fenced; price $250 each. , Two good timber claims, 1 Vi M. yel- low pine, $250 each. 411 Henry bldg HOMESTEAD relinquishment, cJieip for cash, or will tak: any good trad ;. The tract Is 80 acres, good soil anu abundance of stock and bee range. Land lays well and Is easy to clear and Is not too far back. This will make a good home for some one; no ini- i provements. v. w. uaiuner. u"X oio, Kalarnn Vnsh I FREE HOMESTEADS I'nder gov ernment Irrigation, on the west ex- tension of the llniatilla project, near uonrdman, or., two miles from the Columbia river, ready for cultivation; rlne alfalfa land. No location fee. Write Dodd & Kennedy, Hermlston, Oregon. $J0 FOR 3 Ju acre relinquishment, Wasco county. 84 miles from Port land. K-20, Journal. 220-ACRK relinquishment, near good I town, live spring, will raise any thing. Main 3535. TIMHER 28 SEN!) me a listing of your timber land. giving legal description, amount cruise, and best cash price. State if you will consider other properties in exchange. State what you desire. All communications will receive prompt attention. C. C. Shay, 7 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. TIMBER FIRE! TIMBER FIRE! Our $90,000,000 company will take care of your fire loss in your standing timber. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Ex SMALL logging or milling proposi tion, below iinnton. near river. Easy terms. Parker, owner, 422ft Washing ton st. 160 ACRES timber land, 18 miles on Willamette river. See owner. 290 16th st. S. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 21 FOR SALE or trade. 7 best part Howthorne, Mort. $1000. What am equity? East 687. iyuo iMjuiiY. new modern 6 room nouse on Irvlngton carllne: trade for. 3-4 room bungalow or clear lots. See owner. 935 E. 15th St., N. aAU,A1A.e roo.m n?U8e. mv equity or ijuu ror smaller house or vacant lots. What have you? G-32. Journal $1200 EQUITY in 5 room cottage on paven street, close to business cen ter. Will trade for automobile in good condition. Phone Marshall 4721. WANTED, to trade for good clear city property. &0 acres. all enutrmed Owners only. Call or write 204 AicMinen st., Portland. Or. FOR exchange. Improved 9 acre farm for grocery store or modern bunga low. 271 E, 5 2d st. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Good houses for sale or exchange: bottom prices. Call Marshall 1588. 320 A. stock ranch, take small farm ur some city property, balance time. 4038 74th st. S. E. Tabor 1641. TRADE acre near city limits, Powell Valley and Buckley ave.. for city lot. value S750. Call Marsh. 3205. 1VK acres ln Goodnoe Hills, fruit farm, and choice beach lot for good house equity. A-23. Journal. $1700 EQUITY ln 6 room bungalow, for auto, value about 100 N o 1 11 n k Tabor 3448, East 6336. 60 ACRE8 timber for good auto or acreage on canine. ihone D-61-4522. TO TRADE 40 acres, 3 miles from joena, ror auto. Pay balance cash. Phone East 1697. GOOD piece irrigated alfalfa land, central Oregon, clear, for Willam. ette valley farm. R-19, Journal. EXCHANGE Fir stumpage on rail road near Portland for light auto. Address 1692 E. 11th. Portland. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 110, also 30-acre ranches, fully equipped. Geo Be, Jennings iooge, Or. SELL or trade for unincumbered real estate, 31-ft. launch, speed 20 miles W-106. Journal. 240 ACRES wheat ranch, clear, $2500, for Portland residence. Stout Invest ment Co. 723 Chamber of Commerce ruKlLAMJ property and Seattle Property trada for ilnro Thnri;; R-23, Journal. SEATTLE modern bungalow for Pcrte innn or acreage. Geo. c. Shefler. 703 Gregonlan bldg. East 5126. TO TRADE My home for small farm not over 1 ft miles to Catholic church. X-29, Journal. WANTED Property to trade for fur nUure not to exceed $1000. East WILL exchange a good lot ln the Rose City Park district for painting- and tinting. Tabor 1993. WANT to trade for acreage or will consider a good automobile. C. J. v unison, ztm Morrison st. 140 ACRES, some Improvements, for lots ana casn. a close in acreage. N-17. Journal. EQUITY in 5 room house 14 blk. from Alberta, near Union ave.. for clear lot. C-24, Journal. .nt i?VE.fbllc garage worthy patentable inventions. Apply frd iomSLti.Kl"'.-e3ulty for:31 Worcester bldg. - .. . . v X ,n iiivi HQ T C 1 onn r.u-iTv r 2 r: r - East 3 4?h nr r!r m xv,".8 n Ford Tabor 103 CLEAR corner, 100x100. Errol Heights. Cost $1200. Want neat home. As - sums $1000. No shacks. Q-31. Journal. 14 40 ACRES, new house and barn, for nome in Kortiand. X-39. Journal. WANT to trade my beach lot for any thing. Call Col. 692. CHOICE Irrigated alfalfa land; tell or exchange. Owner, C-S4. Journal. 4 ACRES, Oregon City line, Portland or eastern property. Tabor 42 4 2. BUNGALOW for unimproved acreage, close In. Owner. Woodlawn 2329. HAVE you a rooming house close in to trade for a clear lot? Main 5042. TWO 6 room cottages for S room bun- gaiow. owner, woodlawn 460. WILL exchange Portland home for Tillamook property. Main H42. FARMS and acreage for city property Stout Investment Co, 783 a of a EXCHANGE REAIi ESTATK 24 f Con tinned ) MINNESOTA FARM FOR TRADE. Good farm of 111 acrea. 42 miles from Minneapolis, 3 miles to county seat, town, 65 a. in cultivation, part own down to clover this spring. oi In pasture and hardwood timber; good 7 room house with stone cellar; fair outbuildings, wind mill, etc.; good Property or land near there; no Jun wanted. BX-30. Journal. AX.FAi.FA LAND, paid-up water. $85 per acre. 240 acres, five miles to best town in Eastern Oregon, half rnlle to railroad siding, fine water, Bod roads, heavy natural grass, clover and barley on place, four-plow gas tractor. Want valley farm; easy terms or will assume. K-24, Journal. carry every log, clear; want small lm- r-r y - 77 Williams ave. Woodlawn 4513. WANT clear city property, $2000 to $40,000. Have choice large and tmall farms to exchange. For square deal see A. K. HILL. 419 Henry bllg. GOOD TRADE 10 room modern cot tage, large lot, near car. fine frul, lawn and garden: price $G000: small i farm desired; terms. Address owner, T-30. Journal. 320 ACRES, central Oregon; house and barn, all tillable, good soil, partly improved and feled, no incumbrance; exchange for Improved acreage. 306 Couch bldg. Main 4613; sfcVK.M room house, 4 lots. Ports mouth ave.. $3500; will sacrifice equity $2000. for small house, acre age or what? L-15, Journal. TO EXCHANGE Three good Portland lots, good suburb, clear worth $1200. or small country store; cash for dir- leirm e, no asem. r-js, juunim. 15 acres, all in cultivation, at Grove land station on I'nited Electric, room house, barn, in Cornelius, trade for clear Portland home. H-33, Journal 10 room house. Rose City Park, 12.) acres near Kelso, unimproved, on good rock road, to trade for clear larm stocked. K-33. Journal. PORTLAND property for unimproved land. 1 S12 Panama bldg. Rooming A Diversified ROOMING HOUSES 53 50 Rooms Slashed Cost owner $000. Must go. $350 taken it. This is a money m-king house. Owner suddenly called away. Half second hand dealers' price. Quig- ley. 20-' Wilcox bldg. 22 H. K. rooms. Kent $55. Near Mor rison. A real money maker. Guaran teed to clear $70 and over. Will trade for eciuity in house and lot. Yates. 249 4th st. 18 Rooms $250 Steam heat, good furniture and oar pets. Rent $25; worth $S00; terms. tee L A. Hall, :l.' Panama nmg. 30 ROOMS, well furnished, rooming house, mostly H. K. for sale, cheap. Low rent; lease If wanted. 544 Petty grove St., cor. N. 16th; owner. 76 ROOM hotel. Centrally located. Rent $200. Beautifully furnished. Making money. Price $5500. Will take part trade. Yates, 249 4th st. VERY BEAUTIFUL 16 ROOMS White Temple district, strictly mod- ern, elegantly furnished, snap. God- aara. tvz uoucn mag hoV e" ROOMING house, 18 rooms, nice mod $4800 valud. i ern place nicely furnished, fine, I offered for cose ln location. Big barg-ain. $300. H. W. Garland. 191 4th st. i t ,wr. Tkiq h k rooms, rent 125: 1 I. ' ij .u, . t""Ly mV"4 Elt ftTl. 1 S3 Holladay. VOk HIe or trade: IS rooms, furnished fnr hoafiUppnlnfl. 4ns Jefferson. j Ma rftf" FOR SALE, furniture 9 rooms, H. K., cheap if taken at once. 52 E. 12th st. N. , SACRIFICE 24 rooms good corner lo cation, right downtown; only $200; good moneymaker. Call 15 N. 5th st. KOK SALE or trade 10 room rooming house, a bargain, fine location. M 486. Journal. $400 takes housekeeping: house, fine lo cation, paying. Terms. Good reason for selling. 226 12th. TEN light, sunny rooms. Corner. Rent $25 Very cleam, desirable rooms. Always full. Price $275. Call 201 13th. 10-ROOM housekeeping, fine furni ture, moneymaker, but must sell. Make me an offer: low rent. 45 3rd. 20-KOOM house, always full, rent $30, close in. Phone Main 3979. 26 ROOM rooming house for sale or trade. Call Broadway 1807 BUSINESS OPPOUTUNITIKS 20 116 SOUTH JERSEY ST.. ST. JOHNS. $20. Can make rent free by re renting furnished rooms. Smlth "Wacroner Co., Stock Ex. MY cigar store for sale, it will make you money; Northeast cor. 16th and Wash. sts. MEAT MARKET doing good business. This will bear investigation. In quire Immediately. L-5, Journal. FOR SALE Restaurant in good little payroll town; no competition, $400. Box 212. Vader. Wash. ' HARDWARE stock and clear lot for small farm or income property. PX 26. Journal. STOREROOM with bakeoven. suitable for bakery and grocery. 1327 Haw thorne. HAVE well paying grocery, will trade for clear property. Atkinson. 431 Chamber of Commerce. GREEN house, 25x00; tenant wishes to sell stock and balance of 4 year lease. Phone Sellwood !!. PENNY ARCADE must be sold, owner going to Montana: $300 or a Ford. 366 N. 20th. Main 1578. 7 ROOMS, furnished, full lot; make offer. Owner, 162 Boundary. Fulton car. IF looking for a business of any kind call and see my list. Neal Brown, 209 Panama bldg. MULTIGR APH1NG plant. clearing over $1&0 mo. Consider trade. Atkin son, 431 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Picture theatre or will trade for rooming house. Call 268 Jefferson St., owner. DRUG store, good location, sacrifice for cash; might take part real estate. A-31. Journal. DON'T WORRY, We can sell or trade it, anything. Atkinson, 431 Chamber of Commerce. 1 TV!" IT- V"T.-,1 C TT-,11 .1 Ml .rinar class smaii meat market wen located, doing fine business, for sale ' cheap. Neal Brown. 209 Panama bldg. I roIv-i 1 T TV,lT ?J ',MB1't' MOVING PICTURE MACHINES HT. SOLD RENTED, AT RE- FILM. 66 BROADWAY. GROCERY stock and fixtures. $400. Might take a lot as part pay. Neal Brown. 209 Panama bldg. PARTNER for wood saw, good proposition. Atkinson. 431 Chamber of Commerce. IF YOU are looking for a cleaning and dyeing establishment that will make you money, call Tabor 6844. WANTED Partner ln sheep business. Call 10 to 8. Schuffeldt. 821 4th st. HALF or whole established fuel busi ness ror sale. H-, journal. LAUNDRY for sale; best buy in the nortnwest. r-n, journal. EXPERIENCED delicat eskjn man. Call Marshall 8839. 621 Washington, $850 CASH GROCERT-CONF living rooms, bath.., Masters, Pittoclc block. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 ( Continued ) - Good Farms for Trade 360 acres in Lane Co., all good and 100 in crop now, good buildings, stock and equipment with place; price $17, 000. Will take smaller place near Portland to $12,000, balance 6 percent. 294 acres in Willamette valley. 225 in cultivation, good 10 room house and other farm buildings, all good; 33 milking cows, 9 heifers, 6 horses, 40 pigs, full equipment; price $22,000. Will take half in trade, balance on time. 1175 acres wheat land, all in culti vation, half hi crop, balance summer fallow, good buillings. drilled well; ?rice $35,000. Will trade for valley property. 150 acres loganberry land at Oregon, electric station, 40 miles from Port land, all cleared; price $35,000. Will trade for Portland income property. 415 acres near Salem, only mils from electric line, 250 in cultivation, balance valuable timber; fair build ings; price $100 per acre. Will trade for Portland income property. Lueddemann Company 913 Chamber of Commerce. For Sale Choice farm In Yamhill county, con sisting of 1S3 acres, of which 80 acres are under plow; 12 acres of hops; good hop house: good 6 room house with hot and cold water; good barn; garage and other necessary buildings; all in good repair. 2 's acres in prune or chard, tiearing; 14 acre mixed fruit, pears, apples, etc. All well fenced. S miles from town, mile from shipping point. General store only short dis tance, school mile, church one mile, it is one of the best improved farms in the county. The Yamhill river forms part of south line. Price $14, 000. Would consider an exchange as part of purchase price, for a few acres, for a home in southern half of Califor nia cfr nsar good town in Idaho. Good terms can be given. No Incumbrance. Otto & Harkson Realty Co, 413 Cham, of Com. bldg. 1000 ACRE stock ranch equipped, etc. Want Portland income property. See our list of exchanges. Charles Ring ler & Co.. 228 Henry bldg. Mouses Kosaoess Opportunities List of Business Opportunities BL6 J.NESS OPl'ORTtNtTIKS 20 (Continued) THERE is something the matter with Portland if capital fails to embrace this opportunity to not only make a big profit on the investment, but in cidentally retain for Portland and build up an industry with a large payroll. I want four men with SluM each to Join with nie in the outright purchase of a concern manufacturing an auto mobile necessity now used in Portland and endorsed by such men as J. C. Ainsworth, J. B. Yeon, Theo. B. Wil cox. V. M. Cook Walter B. Honeyman and many others. Also endorsed and! approved by police authorities. Pres ent owners la:k capital, hence can buy at ridiculous sacrifice. $5000 will buy as well as finance manufacture and sale. Should do $1000 business first month, showing 30 per cent clear to investors. Address W-112, Jou rnal. Best Store in Portlandr$T000 Confectionery, cigars, soft drinks, fruit, magazines, lunch goods, milk, cream, postcards, etc. Waiting room. Rent $30. Busiest traffic street loca tion. Clearing right now $8 a day above expenses. Try it and then pay for it. We'll prove what we say about this store. Goddafd, 502 Couch bldg BUSINESS chance for ladies or gents, $500 per year raising canaries. War has stopped Importation; demand larger than supply for high class singers. Uartz mountain rollers. $3.50 to $5 each; St. Andreasberg. $7.50 to $10 each; American bred, $2.50 to $3.50 each; bank references. Mrg. A, M. Cook. 1811 Plum Baker, Or. RESTAURANT Will sacrifice, on Washington st.. extra fine fixtures, private boxes, cigars, candies and canned goods; also delicatessen; all modern equipment. Paying proposition; leaving city. Worth $4800, few days only $2000, terms. Jno. M. Payne Co., 311 Mohawk bldg. A RELIABLE manufacturer wantw general sales manager to establish office and manage salesmen. Liberal contract. $300 to $700 capital neces sary. Money making possibilities un limited. Will pay expenses to Chicago if you are man we want. Secretary. 1012 Republic bldg. Chicago. WANTED IDEAS Write for list of inventions wanted by manufacturers and prices offered for inventions. Our 4 books sent free. Patents advertised fiee. Victor J. Evans & Co.. 614 Ninth. W ashington. D. C. BAKERY for sale, doing good busi ness; come and see for yourself; you will stay. Will Invoice about $3500; terms on part if you are straight; worked down; going east. Address FX-27, Journal. $1750 TAICES half interest money making proposition, worth $6000; quitting account illness; will teach; easy to learn. Golden opportunty. In vestigate. Owner, T-18, Journal. FOR SALE G rocery, confectionery, ice cream and tobaccos; clean, up-to-date stock; good location; money maker. All cash business; bargain $650. Phone East 558. FOR SALE Confectionery, soda fountain, cigars, tobacco and news stand, in a street railway waiting room with ticket office. Owner 113 Second st. POOLROOM and confectionery. 3 ta bles, in good location, doing a fine business; will sacrifice for $295, and sell on easy terms: good reason for selling. Call 15 N. 6th st. FOR SALE At a bargain, paying ice cream and confectionery store in good Willamette Vallev county seat town. Box 277. Da 1 las, Ore gonJ SMALL store suitable for tailoring, cleaning and pressing or millinery, dressmaking and notions. 1327 Haw thorne. FOUNDATION for large mfg. busi ness. 9 new live inventions for sale; no time for idle Inquiry. P. O. Box 172. South Tacoma. Wash. FIRST CLASS confectionery, luncheon and ice cream parlor; location well established; west side. A bargain if taken at once. D-27, Journal. WANTED party with $3000 or more to go into the cattle business; have lots of hay and range. Address Cat tleman. Coquille. Or. DRUG store for sale, good location ln city, at big discount for cash: must sell on account of health. W-114, Journal. SNAP General merchandise store, cheap rent, doing good business, $1500 cash, balance easy. 61 East .24th St.. N. Large Cafeteria for, Trade Best In Portland for real estate. Here's your chance. 502 Couch bldg. GARAGE repair shop, accessories, long established, paying clear of expense, $265 monthly. Very reasonable. Terms. 329 Morgan bldg. IF YOU want a confectionery store can give you best in the city for the price. Call for particulars Neal Brown. 209 Panama bldg. $450 CASH GROCERY AND COXF. 2 living rooms. Masters, 607 Pit tock block. $2600 GEN. MDSE. OUT OF TOWN. Invoice about $3100. Masters, Plt tock block. $1100 DAIRY LUNCH: COST $2100. Hera's a bargain. Masters. PittocK block. NJ.CE shoe shirring parlor for sale on a good transfer corner, or for othr good businese. 390 Hawthorne. HOME bakery for sale; , first elass fixtures: good trade; on principal business street D-26, Journal. j- r ' - EXCHANGE: REAL ESTATE 24 ( Continued t VERY fine, modern, 10 room fur nished residence and choice 100 by 100 corner, in one of Portland's, best residence districts, to exchange for good farm. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank bldg. You Don't Need Money I can get you FULL VALUE for your property in anything you wish to trade for; can match any good prop erty. B. F. KELLY. 723 Cham, of Com, bldg. Return to Wisconsin 160 acres in Burnett Co., clear of debt, $3000. My client wishes to ex change for a Portland home; no mort gaged property considered. No better chance than now to unload. Main 1242. $35,00 Buys the equity In small house and lA acre at Lents, straight mtg. of $350; fenced garden, fruit trees, etc. Perfect title. Main 1242. ROSE CITY PARK EXCHANGE. Large 10 room house on corner lot, arranged for 2 families. Cost $6500. Will sell for much less and take some tmde. A-15. Journal. EXCHANGE Modern 2 story. 3 store bldg. full basement 60x64. on 80 foot aye. and carllne, value $11,000, for clear farm to $8000. Bal. terms. Y-28, Journal. FINE residence on Mt. Tabor. lOOx 10(1. Unobstructed view. Mortgage $4 500. Will exchange equity for Port land unincumbered lots or sell same at low cash price. S-27. Journal. FOR SALE Lot 50x100 on improved street. Price $500, or will exchange for auto. Ford preferred, but must be worth the money. All improved streets. Deal with owner. Call Sellwood 26. BIG SNAP $2000 will handle, saw mill, 280 acres, partly Improved, 8. 000,000 ft. good timber; trade or sell either or both. 8. M. Venard, 929 Cham ber pf C omme r ce. U) ACRES improved stock farm. $33 per acre or Portland residence. Stout Investment Co., 723 Chamber of Com merce. 4 ROOM house, corner lot, 5 acres 7 year apples. Lots Rockaway beach for 6 room house. Assume about $500. K-973. Journal. HAVE clear property for light 5 pass auto. Atkinson, 431 Cham, of Com. is Continually Offered in These Columns BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 20 . (Continued) THIS Is Portland's opportunity to build up payrolls. Labor scarce and factories crowded in the east. We have the best manufacturing proposition on the coast, fully tried out and ready for market. Need capital for stock and material. Only email amount .required and will e-ive inside ground floor prop osition to right person who will go with us ln manufacturing- and market ing our goods. No chance to lose but big profits sure. Address X-36, Jour nal. DRY GOODS STOCK. EAST SIDE. doing good business, cheap rent; owner wants to retire from active life will invoice, about $3500. and give lib eral discount. HARDWARE STOCK, west side, well located, cheap rent, will invoice about $4000; take half trade, balance cash. See JORDAN, 301-2 Lumbermens bldgr. FOR SALE Have client who is forced to sell Inside, improved Portland real property at a great sacrifice; ln nor mal times rents for $200 per month; has situated therein 4 store rooms and 2 5 room flats, 20 minutes" walk of postoffiee. inquire of H. J. Bigger, attorney at Iaw. room 403 Gerlinger bldg. A WELL established garage and auto mobile business for sale, on account of the active partner having been called to the Mexican border. Fire proof building, well equipped shop, together with good stock of acces sories and agency for tnree well known cars. XY-30, Journal. FOR SALE Sawmill, situated with both rail and deep water transpor tation, capacity 40 M. ft., plenty of available timber at reasonable prices; now operating profitably; can give terms to responsible parties; other business reyuires time and attention of owners. Address SX-29, Journal Don't Cry Hard Times Buy this restaurant, clearing $1-5 mo This we can prove; is open to the keen est investigation. Don't buy unless you are satisfied. Quigley Realty Co. 202 Wilcox bldg. HAY. grain and feed business, easily managed. You can't beat it for a nice clean moneymaker; will pay $5000 to $6000 a season on small investment. Run down tomorrow and see it. Briedwcll Sta.. Or. E. H. Hanson. McMinnvllle. Or. R. 1. FOR SALE cheap, store, west side good district, groceries, candies, del icatessen, soda fountain, etc., good fix tures, nice show windows, big store room, 3 living rooms, corner, rent only $2$. $500 takeB all. P-24, Journal. GROCERY store and fixtures for sale, located ln one of the best dairy coun tries and hear Portland; stock will In voice $1900; must be sold at once; will take $1200. M. Silver. Commercial hotel. Woodland, Wash. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Best yet: I will invoice my stock and practically give you my fixtures, in a live town and doing a good busi ness, or will trade for clear property. OX-24. Journal. W ANTED Man with ability to handle Oregon on a blgr money maker. Loose leaf system for the farmer with earning, possibilities unlimited. Small capital required, fully secured. See Mr. Youmans, 415 Yamhill st. DO YOU want an interest in well es tablished drug business; have splen did proposition for right party; busi ness established 30 years, in good val ley town; absolutely Q. K. Address JX-25. Journal. IF YOU ever wanted to make money and big income, invest $300. Handle your own money; secured. Need he:p to supply demand. Don't miss seeing this article. 616 Morgan bldf., Monday. CONFECTIONERY and waiting-room; now is the time to buy; get in on tho big summer business; have two stores can't handle both; will invoice over' $400; will make big discount. Call room 318 Fenton bldg. Grocery Sacrifice Close ln, busy street, worth $450, for quick r.ale, $200. See L. A. Hall. 512 Panama bldg. I MUST dispose of my restaurant doing a good business, as other busi ness calls me away; investigate for yourself. Rent $15 per month. 162 Grand ave. $2500 STORE FOR TRADE Want clear Portland home for money making; confectionery, etc. Clears $200 month above expenses. 602 Couch bldg. DAIRY luuch. restaurant; excellent location; clearing over $5 dally, fine opening for energetic man on very small investment. 329 Morgan bldg. CONFECTIONERY and light lunch, rent $10 mo., clearing $100 mo Price $325. Atkinson. 431 Chamber of Com merce. CONFECTIONERY and light grocery, soda fountain, close to large school; living rooms. Ovner, 776 Union ave. North. $1000. WELL located light grocery and confectionery; with rental and rooms for Janitor service; no agents. C-32. Journal. ESTABLISHED 3 White chair barber shop, cheap, terms or cash, account death must leave. G. Frank, 109Vfc N. 6th et. GROCERY. 10th and Davis. 2 living rooma, rent $8, price $150. MEAT market, good location, cheap KJtCHAXGE REAI, ESTATE 21 ( Continued ) HAVE $18,000 worth of good securi ties, and equity lki elegant, nigniy Improved farm, lse to Portland, worth $20,000. Consider any first class clear property to $38,000. 2000 acre wheat ranch. 100 acres al falfa land, fine creek and R. R. station J on place, some In wneat big lot stocn and machinery. Price $80,000. Consider good Income property. L. K. MOORE, 317 Board of Trade. 100 A. ranch. Willamette valley; 70 A. in cultivation, soil fertile, land level, $0 A. pasture, watered by wells; 2 mi. to R. it. station; bearipg orchard, well fenced; new 8 room, bungalow, fine large barn and outbuildings, all new. 4 horses. 6 cows, 3 yearling heifers, 3 doz" chickens and all the farm tools. Trade for city property. $11,500. L- 61. Ralph Ackley Land Co.. 210 Roth- child hlrlir 50 AN ACRE LAND FOR TRADE. 160 acre ranch. 80 A. cultivated, good valley soil, 16 .A. more slashed 10 A: i timber, 65 A. brush pasture, watered by springs. 3 mi. to R. R. station, fam- lly orchard, 6 room house, fair Blze hn m n 1 iruA r-nu; a 1 it t Ha fn rm t rr ! m , Price $800. Trade for citv propertv. j L-189, Ralph Acklev Land Co., 210 , Rothchild bldg. " , 160 ACRES unimproved land in Roue ! river vaiiey, mue irom raiiroao, only a few miles from county seat, on good macadam road. Lots of wood on land and ready sale for same. Good farming land when cleared. Price $5000: mortgage $5o0; will exchange for Portland residence or eastern land unincumbered. Box 754, Grants Pass, Oregon. 7t A CUE DIVERSIFIED FARM. Upper Columbia, ntar highway. 30 acres tillable, partly cultivated. Bal ance pasture and timber. Small house, near school. Trade for Portland resi dence unincumbered or apartment house business worth $3000. B-36. Journal. STOCK AND ALFALFA RANCH. 1100 acres in Klamath county; all un der the ditch; 100 acres in alfalfa, 2 sets of buildings; clear of debt; a fine ranch. Price $5 per acre. Will ex change for income property. GRCSS1 & REINHARDT. 316 Board of Trade bldg WILL exchanse mv 10 room house in Forer drove. The finest home in Wahington Co. It cost over $12,0(m. L-irge grounds. 100x200. For Portland residence or for farm cloee to good town. Y-14. Journal. ursixEss oppe40LtISITIES 20 . iCoptinueaJs. HAVE you children to be grt en a col- iege education.' If by a lew hours of serncp dailv. th.v , u n, i.; 1 . . "J. ...,. ..tm, Vi tx HI U 00 i"i-k luiiui who must sell on ac count or sickness, has cleared in last months. $25u0. Fine living rooms. tanes u. call 32) Morgan bldg. PARTY wishing to retire offers efock of mdse. and buildings at bargain. $ la, 000 cash, balance easy terms. So mo trade If right. $600u stock of hardware. Fine busi ness location. Cash. $6000 stock of general merchandise. A money maker. Other business reason for selling. 1035 N. W bank bldg After Monday. GO INTO BUSINESS FOR YOUR SELF; SPEND SUMMER AND FALL OUTDOORS. $200 WILL GET "iOU MACHINE. FEATURE PTI.M TRAviivr-YMn Imppi v? c irX,?AS- ILELa" AHlfc, t ILM, 66 BROADWAY. FOR SALE New and second-Hand fur niture store, household good- etc three years in business. Will trade two clear lots for good second-hand furni ture. 92d st.. 6015. Lents. Oregon W H. Lovett. WANTED A partner: must be an old person and must have $1000 or more to buy an interest ln a fine farm and good house. A. V. Underwood, Dufur. Or. A Bargain Small new line grocery and confec tionery; splendid location, $50 cash; going east; no agents. Call East 501. BLACKSMITH siiop for sale, good tools, plenty stock, building and lease, will give good bargain, quitina on account of disability, good loca tlon. 1745 E. lth gt.. near Marion ave FOR SALE or trade, new and second hand store in best vallev town for a dairy ranch; must be located ln coast county. Address Lock Box 71, Silver ton. Or. STORE WITH LIVING ROOMS. $135 .Rent $10. Grocery, confectionery, cigars, delicatessen, lunches, etc All furnished. Snap for $135. Goddard', 502 Couch bldg. DO yob want a going merchandise ousinessr nave you J0,000 In cash? If so. arrange for interview with owner. Total value $45,000. B-35 Journal. A GROCERY' store in city, good neigh borhood, well established business no incumbrance. Will sell at invoice' Umbdenstock & Iarson 306 Oak st Phone Broadway 1658, FAMILY medicine and stock remedy route, doing net profit, $21:00 year ly. 1024 Albina ave. Woodiawn 3341 Tabor 5198. FOR SALE The best terminal stand ln Portland dolntr better tha.n IRfi in cash business yearly. Terms cash 3 living rooms. 563". Woodstock ave PARTNER wanted 111 nursery business Experience not essential. Good nouse inciuaea. 1'avs each $150 month. 329 Morgan bldg. per PARTNER wanted with $1800. Fine confectionery and cliror tnr money maker, good opening for ady ur Kenneman. ij-.B, journal. MOVING PICTURE THEATRE. GOOD LOCA TION, THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED, $1000. SOME TERMS APPLY 66 BROADWAY. FOR SALE Up-to-date stock of china, glassware, crockery and art s-nnH. Address P. O. Box 22, Grants Pass Or. FOR SALE Tailor, cleaning, an 1 pressing shop, rent $10, np comp tltion; this is a snap for cash. Y-2S Journal. ' LUNCHROOM and cigar store, splen did corner location at transfer point 01? east side. 354 Union ave. N near Broadway. BUSINESS CARLiS. Rose City Printing Co., Third lt., cor Taylor. BLACKSMITH shop, stock and tools, good location, good business. J. H A lbertson. Sllverton, Or. FREAK CALF Make easy money fol lowlng the fairs; 7 weeks old, strong and healthy. Main 7662. RESTAURANT, good business. $ Ju. 493 GJlsan. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 68 I HAVE some cash and choice resi dence on Mount Tabor to exchange' for $15,000 to $30,000 stock of general merchandise; must show good busi ness, in live town. Prefer to deal with owner. T. E. Bledsoe. 1497 Belmont st.. city. HAVE client for partnership in rooming- house, confectionery or light business. Atkinson. 431 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Drug store for 160 acre 01 good lan try preferred. of good land, partly Improved; coun- Iy-13, Journal. WANTED, parfy with small shingle mill to work up cedar timber. C E. Mohler. Goble. Or., R. F. D. 1. WANTED Grocery or merchandise. for clear city lots, and some cash. tT-93, Journal. WILL pay cash for Vulcanizing plant; want large plant to do all kinds of work on tires. Box 35. Amity, Or. WANT rooming: house for good stock arm, hi atocK i-.icnange. GOOD city property or valley land for mil or dairy business. Tabor 2945. home , nmf,M u k... 1 VT i . endorse ana use caroonvoid. uoms i money TnsEari for "-niSS.n ya " . ? i al- to use- tl tul,e treat" 200 al SterZt vn,?? h'". U',wou '' ions. Responsible agents wanted. In- EXCHAXGi: REAL ESTATE 24 . i Continued ABC EM 5 acres, finely improved, at Gresh am. Will exchange lor ons acre with house neaf Portland. 6-room house. Hawthorne dlstri, a dandy home. $4000 cash basis. Will exchange for farm or city property and assume your murtgage or pay differ ence. C 154-acre Improved ranch. Trout Lake, near White Salmon TV-ii 8 -room house, barn niitlniifi,,wu ..... ..1 I g. cil icui-ca, auuuuiuice 01 Iinest running r hoard, ! LZ irrigation, summer board- j fl J"" brI" .Kpod income aside from I ,th r,m.- "s" ls,rn,r lake. f',n fh- l'nfr hunting. $500ti cash price. Will : exchange for Portland property. D 1 .160 acres, near Goldendale. Wnsh.. with house. , barn. orchard. spring water. A good farm and a big nap at cash price $3600. Will exchango for ; Portland property. j a n nt K -00 acres, Waldport, near Alsea Bay Oregon. Good for stock ranch. Will ex. change fur Portland property and as- fe.nce.0 nU"',tiaKe or CMh dlf- 320 acres near Silver Lake. Oretron. tt- 1 1 .,.,,-r j . " .- y' CUKES rrir,.-,H L .r. Vi K,,., lo Dl,'1'1"rn P"ce &ooo. Tukc citv $3000, bal. railroad burvey. A first-class ranch fori one who wlht-s to reap benefits of In crease In price at coming of railway, ! SI Bl ItHA N ITU A FOR 1JCCOMB. and who w lPhcs to ruie cattle. Will, You will fm,l no' b.lt-r country ' exenange lor smaller lunn near Port-! home than this, Just 11 miles east of land or good city i.roperty. J city, perfect road, near cat 27V4 acres. ST. CHARLES LAND CO., all in crop, perfect land, no rock; - St. Charles Hotel, room bungalow, hot and cold water. Front and Morriwon sts. bath, fine burn mid nt buildings, " j choice orchard nnfl bprries Personal: I Team, new harness, " wagons, cow. . 32 ACRES near Cnlnmhl. rlv I North Bank road; younsr orchard: cod r,. h,, A i barn. A'nt vacant lots or good house, clear of incumbrance. 10 acres. 10 miles from courthouse near Ri,e I Y, , "1 . T 1 barn- v,, L ,1 r : '1 P . Kmnli fruu8 V. , a" klnd" small fruit. Wants iarm. 10 acres on Section Line road. miles from Hawthorne bridge. Will want farm or nouse and lot. A. Y. I.A.MISKKT & SON. 404 East Alder st.. cur. Grand ave, Portland, Ongon. MARVELOUS "CA KBON VOID" SWEEPS LAND. Greatest repeater ever sold. One agent sold 288,01.0 tul.es. Poslttvely only guaranteed permanent carbon re mover sold. Fords m:ike 33 miles per gallon. Used in distillate gives mar velous power. Millions use daily. A harmless dry powder. Oarages en dorse it. Beware fraudulent liquids, camphor tablets and oils. Government r i-ouitmiiy, re oeiwimnun endorse and use carbonvo 1 close stamp. Wedej Co., Wenatchee. Wash. Sole distrll.utors ln Washing Oregon, Alaska. In Portland, phone Main 1141. SMALL DAIRY FARM. 40 acres with river bottom land that does not overflow; 10 acres in crop, balance good pasture; lots garden irucit, nay anu jsjlaloes; house, barn; 5 head stock. horso, implements; $4500. $35u0 Portland home, farm Is clear; close to good town. D. Mc- Chesney. U03 Title &. Trust bldg.. Mivln 3477. 700 ACRE- STOCK RANCH. One third open land, part in good crop; lots of good oak and fir wood near marKet; rlne buildings; good 1 h,ead, K!''k- fa!"2 I KTd fhae- 2 nilU's, to t.ow", i".d hlh school; a money maker to right man. iuusi nave sumo casn ana gouu traae to about $20,000; $2500 can stand. M-17, Journal. 3u ACREij, unincumbered, 110 build ings, best soil, lasting water, nearly all In cultivation, located on good road, near station, ln sight of Port land, a genuine bargain at $300 per acre, and will accept up to about M In good unincumbered city property. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANT ROSE CITY PARK HOME. I have 75x100 lot with 6 room house under construction, near Alberta st. f 9f fruit trees, berries and cute lime d room nouse on DUCK OI lot lOillj. f m ,n Kltnri on the H P r,nlv stay Will in until other house is finished. 1 assume small mortgage. My place Is free of debt. See my agent, Oeo. T. Moore Co., 518 Abington bld-. 7 ACRES commercial orchard ; good house and barn and water for irrl- gation; close to Spokane on Interna - tionai nignway; traae ior i'ortianu bungalow ln good district or close in acreage. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO. Suite 225 Henry bldg. FERTILE, improved 10 acre farm, 40 rods from electric line; crops all In. Lots of fruit, ln fine condition. Horse and buggy, chickens, tools, furniture, etc. Price reasonable. Will consider f.crt trade for house and lot or clear ots, balance cash or back mortgage. R-21, Journal. ' COUNTRY STOKE AND ROOMING HOUSE. 10 miles from Portland. 4 full lots, 16 room house; store building and about $1500 merchandise. Owner says Income about $50 per day. Price $9500. To exchange for farm. McKenzle & Co., 515 Uerllnyer b 1 d g . 180 ACRES IRRIGATED LAND. All tillable, V6 In cultivation and rrnrts hAlani' still -in wnnd : hlvn n. Tree water right ror all land. Fair house, good large barn, good orchard; Price $50 per acre; take trade to about $i000, or consider best offer of sale. N-4. Journal. not UAURELHURST HOUSE. Fine, modern. 6 room house water heat, garage; $6000; will tak good lots up to $2500 or bungalow up to $4000. GRUSSI & REINHARDT. 816 Board of Trade. Main 7452. 68 ACRES, near Molalla. Part in cult. BaJ. seoded and slashed House, barn, woven wire fences, etc. Fine soil. 6 cows, 2 horses, tools, etc., go. Price $r00u Want clear city property to $4000. Bal. long time. Yates, 24J 4th st. SCHiri'lMTIll. p-nl'ITV WlMTVtl In good house in Laurelhurst, Irving - ton, Mt. Tabor, Ladd Add. or other good locality, for clear unimproved acreage. Will assume to 4'iuu. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. Co., 607 Yeon bldg STOCK AND WHEAT 'RANCH KB with or without equipment and stock; exclusive list of first class properties; any size, many of them personally in spected 1 by us. U. S. MORTGAGE INV. CO.. 607 Yeon Bldg. $250040 Acres $2500 Clear of debt; trade for house and lot; assume some. B F KELLY. 723 Cham, of Com, bldg. MODERN 6 room house. 3 lots; corner. , on E. 41st at.. Richmond district; 1 price $6000; no mortgage. Trade for 40 to 60 acre farm. Might assume) $1000. Yates. 249 4th et. I fvuivv'P n'ru. rjTiTtr Conf ectlonerv and clear store in live town, doing good business; trade for j clear' property or good security. PX-26, : Journal. I FIVE room modern bungalow, full ce-, ment basement; price $1800. mort- gage $700; will take Ford or Maxwell ; in part payment; second mortgage for j balance. Phone Tabor 656. i WANT FARM. r . Modern 7 room house and two Tine! lots, all clear, value $5000. Trade for farm. R. F. FEEMSTER. 309 Ablngton bldg. MODERN 7 room house, flreiplace. furnace, 4 lots, block Hawthorne car; $5000; for house and lot closer in. 209 Mohawk bldg. Want Canadian Land Have good Portland -property. What have you? Quigley, 2f2 Wilcox bldg. TEN acres- clear tor rooming house, auto. Owner, Z-3, Journal. 120 ACRES fine land In Idaho for house- equity. $l Cham. Com. EXCHANGE KEAIj ESTATE 21 f Continued) Good Farm Trades Hargrove Realty Company WH CAN GET YOU A SATISFAC TORY EXCHANGK CALL-ON US LOOK OVER THE FOLLOWING: CHOICE COUNTRY HOME. 11: 10 , u 1, . , .11 , V " "-"fi i -, ceareci. nlca oearmg mm trees, living stream. 8 room fully modern house ant lm. llX i f ' rdT urk ."oJJVvlJ u for'cltv home p Ior cuy nome- .rnp AT wunnniM n ,.:.. , u Y" s, A 1 V.A . ' (,A , 1 k"" UWU , "h.i1 "JV?" , ' f0? ilom in i-ven up ior noma in ... , hing stream. Price $2500. Portland. 1R ACRES WASHINGTON COUNTY. You may look a long time and find no better land than this, located 12 miles west of Portland, in one of pret tlent pails of Washinston county. ; right at Mlatlon, is a'-ren. all in crop; " ' mini, ninnii notiKn hiiii oarn. V . u"u " ia i m impiemems. i-rice up for good Income Proprriy. Hl'i ACRES AM- CUE A RED. This is H very chol c farm. J2H ' acres. X5 miles out. mile town o! 'l 1 &"- all In crop, perfect land, no rock f!6 ,0",n nouse, Wn. mil HliKtlllgS Personal: Team. 5 Jersey cows 2 helf miles out. 1 mile town o? ers, lju chickens, sow, pigs, cream se-ut-.iirtr .1 r. . f i,.t. ... rr.(ni -ri,A city to $0000 40 ACRES YAMHILL COUNTY. A good farm 4(. acres, 1 U mile rm 4 1 , Yamhill from town. Yamhill countv, 35 miles Curt land : 25 acres cleared. prlngs wuter piped. 5 room house, barn 40x4'l, bearing orchard; some personal. Price $3500. Take house $2000, bal S years. Hargrove Realty Company Successors to Hargrove Sc Sons, 121 North illh M , pear Cllsan. Phone Broarlw;iv I " 1 Exchanges 15 O C r iri-rtitla nlriU a fine and 1 soil, nearly all In cultivation crop, running water. :( acres In tin: ber him! pastuu-. Imvlng 200 cords of standing wood. I rrig.it mg. plant, now 8 -room plastered : iu-p, cement bane meiit. firepliue. .1 lnie porches nice oak Kroe. kooiI burn, granary, i-hlck- en iiot..K, etc. I' renting county toad, close to Orrnco nnd Oregon Electric. Price $r,iH.(l Will exchange for clear residence up to $3ju0. pur chaser assume $1000. R0 acr," 1lrv farm, south of Al ' f-auy. fronting Pudfi, ' highway kb s. p.. only 1 mile to depot; all in cull.1 vstton hh r...,,i, 1 m.,,.,, 1, .,., 1 bam and build In us. 14 Jersey cows. L neirers, Jersey bull. 5 horses, full set or implements: price, lu.noo; take clear city to full amount or a simall place near Port hind to $S000. Call on Jos C, (lihsot :uir, (lorllngcr bld. COWS. HOfjV. HOrtHES. IMPLE MENTS. 32 acres, all ln cultivation and crop, fmnlly orchard, corn, outs, wheat, clover and oilier provender, wagon and flno team, lino Jnsy cows, - registered brood sows and all firm implements. 36 miles from Portland. This h a fine small farm, highly Improved, good house, burn and other buildings, all newly painted mid in cood shspo. Owner will a'-repi ,t Rood Ifar house with two (li re h'tf-. or half an acre. ; In suburbs up to $3'uui or $40m, must have $500 cash, give long as wanted on balance. Price Is JTy.O. Mnnv other good trades. Call on Joseph C. Olh son. 306 Gerlinger bldg Some Gilt-Edge Trades Store for Portland home, $2500. Store for cheap lot, $200. Rooming house for wood land, $1000. Rooming house for lot. $400. New housn for land. $2000. Imp. 160 n'ie relinquishment, $S)0. Stocked up fnrm for income; property, 'ash and clear lot for business We can match any b-gltimate trad. Ooddard, 602 Couch bldg. WE- want a grocery stock and busi ness. We have 11 fine farrn, com pletely equipped, about ltl miles from Portland. WH WANT A ROOM INI ITOU8P7. ' We have house, and lot verv close ln on east side to exchange. If yott nave anyimnn good win te rlad to show you property eny time. McKentle Co.. 515 orHngr bldg. 3V4 ACRES FOR HOUSE. $H acres, mostly cleared, 500 feet 'from car. on new Carver line, near Clackamas: price $2300; want bungs low same value. GRUSSI & REINHARDT. $16 Board of Trade. Main 748$. WANT FARM OR ACREAGE. We have a client with a number of houses with sopne Incumbrance who wants a farm or acreage; can handle a place up to $20,000, GRUSSI At REINHARDT. 316 Board of Trade bldy Let J. B, Goddard Do It ! - He knows how. When all others fail he ran get results. Square deal guaranteed t i" eouch tddg. CA LI !' HN I A -OREGON. Properties of all kinds and sises for Interchange Sen or write o. U. S. MORTGAGE Ai INV. CO.. 6 07 Y eo 1 iJ ! I 1 . ACREAGE near city for sale, or will trade for home In city, owners only need apply. 723 E. -Yam bill. Phone h-1429 EASTERN property wanted; will ex- ! for property In or near Chicago. L J n r';e... " . MODERN flat and store bulldins;, value $4460; exchange for property t " r The Dalit-, Or. or Castle- r.?ck:yj"'P... '-Ll"?-journal. . $5000 WoRTH of good, clear Portland property to trae for improved land' close to electric ar line. Geo. T. : iwoore . o., .11 mngon mug. 6 ROOM modern bungalow. 65x100 bungalow. lot. to trade for vacant lots or acre- sge. Sell. 240. J. Schrumpf, 6118 B. 56th st. K E. 16" ACRE tract of loganberry land on the Oregon Klectrlc to trade for city property. Krebs-Logua Co., HO loth st. t gQ ACRES, fully equipped and roinr farm, 17 miles out. price $6600; want Portland home to $5000. 110 Teon. Marshall 2432 27". ACRE eoutriiied farm near Port land, value $9500; take $?60 city ' I property, uaiance long time. A-i, - Journal. i WILL trade reduced equity ln good f ' room house, lOUxlOO, for lots O acreage to $ZQo. Wdln. 14 54. IF you have 3 t fO acres near 6 -cent car to trade for city property and: cash as first payment, call Tabor $6$. FIVE acre bearing orchard. Hood River, for auto, cUy. eastern or CL iromia property. Azif journal (Oontiaued en Xext fagejt u. 1' v s f . 4 tv