p. - 1 t . THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING,: JULY &. 1916. www 11 v.. KEW TODAT io Icta. BoJvtr a Co tnuuins i89a TOMORROW (MONDAY) At Private Residence, 288 14th St, Near Jefferson St. VTJS XATB BSE nrSTBTTCTED BT acm. s. . outzb to bxz.ii the TT7jmr.ru bob or ins homb at m ABOTB ADDRXSS. Comprising Davenport, Library Table, Sectional Bookcase, oak Rockers, Cur tains, linoleum, Brussels Rugs, Hall and fttalr Carpets, quartered oak Fold ing; Bed, Vernls Martin Bed, Springs, Mattresses. Bedding. Oak Dresner, San itary Couches and Pads, 4 8 Inch top flush Rim Dining Table. 8 feet long; et of Leather Seat Chain, very neat Buffet Glassware and Dlnnerware, Brlo-a-brac oak Hall Tree, Breakfast Table, Bteel Range with Gas Attach ment. Kitchen Treasure, Utensils, Hose and manjr other useful lots. ATCTIOV TOMOMOW AT 10 O'CLOCK. AT BAJUJB'S AtJOTIOJf BOTJIE, 108 -168 FAKK 8T1EET, KEtTEIVED THB 11711 OT A FKOMI5EXT faMILT ON HOTT tfTBXET AMD WILL SEXXi TJLB BAXB AT AtrOTZOW. ON TUESDAY NEXT Comprising;, beautiful quartered oak Library Table, Genuine Leather Rocker, Oak Rockers with Auto Cushion Beats, Mission Couch with Spanish Leather Cushion, Duo-fold Davenport. Axmin ter and Body Brussels Hugs, Box Couches, Portieres, Oak Phone Stand, Press Hanging Basket. Curtains and ortleres, quartered oak Dlalng Room Eulte, vli: Pedestal Tabid, set of Chairs and Buffet, small Wilton Rugs. Oak Hall Trees, Steel Beds, oak and enameled finishes; best Springs and Mattresses. Feather Pillows, Wool Blankets. Spreads, Sheets and Blips, first class Dressers In Mahogany, blrdaeye maple, oak and iron enamel, blrdseye maple Chiffonier, Bridge Beach Steel Range, Gas Range, eta Also from another private home as follows: Dining Room Suite, Couches and Rockers. Library Table, China Cabinet. Hall Tree. Pictures, Coatumer, Iron Beds, Dressers, Rockers, Rang, Lawn Mower, Oas Range, etc. VOTXCB All the above goods ere flow on view at our salesrooms, 168 l Park street. Kindly call and In spect them. You will find this sale "worthy of your attention. Axxcmoir os kxxt tttesdat, AT 10 A. M. ON THURSDAY NEXT AT OUS gALESSOOHB We shsll have another large lot of Household Goods to offer you at AtrOTIOV OV THTTB-SDAT NEXT, AT 10 A. M. VI PAT 0A8H FOB H0TTSXS0ZJ3 GOODS. W. a BAXBB W. K. BEAK, Turnlture Dealers and Auctioneers, 186-16S Park Street. BOTH FHOITXS. AuctionSales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE THE LAST WliKK At 166-168 First Street Monday. Wednes day and Friday Each Day at 10 a. m. BABOAXBB, BABOAIW8, BABOAZITS. In Dining SulteH, Couches, Rockers Tables, Iron Beds. Springs, Mattresnes Jta nges. Carpets. Rugs. Etc. at FRI- iY'H SALE wo sell several Tmnks, j T)AY allsee. Bub ales, etc. to be sold lor loaaa and some for rent. After This Week Our Auc- tion Sale Will Be Held at I OI )R NRW HOME OUR NEW HOME 169-171 Second St. Goods Sold at Private Sale at All Times ' The very best in FURNITURE. ROOM SIZE RUGS and CARPETS, BTEEL and OAS RANGES, REFRIG ERATORS, etc. Wilson's Bankrupt Stock Store 1 72 QannA Cf "VUIII '-' uvvuiiu lit. a minim TV,fo; OCW' WE SELL FOR LESS OmOCXBXES, CXOABS and TOBACCO; 11UWAJU1, FAIBTS. WAiL FAPEB. ETC. Store Fixtures and Equipment tnolndlnjr CASH BX OISTXB8, SAFES. 0CUXES. atSOVTCASES, COTBTEBS ft&A other effects. J. T. WILSOJ, Froprletor. SPECIAL AUCTION At 349 Alder Street (Near Broadway), 2 pi m. and 8 p. m. Commencing tomorrow (Mondxvi mtrfr tm ' vvn await . ' Consisting of many rare old an- tlquts In mahogany, walnut, bronze. mK. Also some line modem n oi'm and bric-a-brac This store U better known as the French shop and the stock comprises the most wonderful collection of an tiques In the city of Portland or the northwest, which must be disposed of thia week. Therefore It will be closed ut at public auction to the highest bidders. Store -open for inspection every "morning. Auction afternoons and evenings. 4. X. OBSXJt, Auctioneer. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upward at 6-7-8 o, Oregom ravea-tmeat Mortgage NEW TODAY TO CLOSE OUT .Z tlU .ui , , . I tVb.uy f0f. ,15.. 411(1 ?700, I'r.- ot- toI ... , , i . r-, , . . . ,,,,, i $600. Capitol Hill has city water, city i ecnool. electric light, 5c car fare, gas in now being put in the. streets of Capitol H11L We have a few of these choice lots left-and will sacrifice the same to close out and clean up the tract. Title per fect. Call at once if you want these lots before they are all gone. M. J. uiivasrar, tie Abington building. 6 fcoane of 110,000 and Up On Improved Business loprty (or (or Improvement Purpose 9. V. U7SC0KB, 842 Stark Street. FARM LOANS Mortgage; Company (or America Soom ma, Alaswortn Bldg. rhose Main 6841. Fortland. Or. Classified Ad Hates. CASH ADVXHTI8EMENT8, Dell or bunday: IV, eenti per wurd (or all cUmincstioM ex cepting "For Kent in l'riate ieuitiy," "Buom nd Uoetd In frlrate i'aiully," "Hltuatioa W.oted" and "Wanted to itcot" ada, watch are ) Vi centa per word. Three Inaerttona for the price of two, . Baveu tnaertlons for the price of fire.' No ad Uken for leaa than 13 fenti. CASH MLUT acoomtMUiy copy to obtain (bora ratea. CHARGED ADTERXISEKITNTS. 1H eenta per word per Insertion. Toll cbaru Is lor all clmaaltlcationa rxeept- teg "for Kant to PrlTata ramlljr." "Uom a& board In trlvata lfniullj," "situation Wanted and "Wanted to Bnl" ada, wulca ere 154 cents per word per insartlou. No ad charged for lnu than 1.1 centa. TOO LATE FOB, CLASSIFICATION able; also registered Jersey duii. in- quire Buckner. Oak Grove. WOMAN wants work of any kind, by day. Woodla w n 2705. SEASIDb: 4 room, furnished cottage for rent; $5 u month. G-Ho, Journal. MEKTLNO NOT1CKS 41 ANCHOR COUN CIL. NO. 74 6, KNIGHTd AND LADIES OF SE CURITY, 12 4th sU. will plve a card party and dance next Wednes day evening. July 12. Cards 8:30, dancing to p. m. All KniKhta said I Ail lee and their friends Invited. Ad mission 15c KIRKPATRK'K. Coun cil 2227, KnightB and Ladies of Security. Come to the big open meet ing next Friday, July 14, 8:S0 sharp; Moubj hall. Morrison and Broadway. Cards 60u. Bii Entertainment, dancing. nocii a union music, uooa prizes, au mlAAlon 16 oents. PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD NO. 42. B. A. Y. meets every Thursday evening In the Moose Hail, itti Mor rison street, welcome. Visitor ; FRANCES FRY. Box 1054, Portlsnd, Or. Correspondent Ho m e Phona. Oswego 421. MACCABEB picnic, Estacada Park. ) ant Water and Morrison street at 8:15 m. Secure your tickets from mem- rs or at Huntley Drug Co.. 4th and r.aH a. ho Washington streets. There will be sports of all kinds and dancing. 60 1 cents round trip. Mrs. Connoly. Sec, East 3534. M. V. A. - Regular n.eetlnp Rose City Cumn No. 6466. Monday evening, Sel.lng- . Htrsch bldg.. S8SV4 Wash. st. Degree work. Visitors : iy RICH EN BACH. Con.. F. J. J. DARLINGTON. Clk, 212 Aolngton SPIRITUALIST MEETING. The Church of tli Soul hold services 3 p. m.. 8 p. m.. Auditorium, Third and Taylor. lecture ar.d demonsfatlon by Rev, Mmx Hoffman. EMBLEM Jewelrv a specialty, buttons, pins, charms. jWgpr Bros., 131-3 6th. WW Stefsfics fflarrlages.Birtbs. Deaths; BUSINESS CARI3 M fl Qmj L 9. pA Wedding and VV Ui Olllllll Q OUi visiting cards. Third floor Morgan Bldg. Tailoring Co.. 30:t Ptark St. BIRTHS ST NSON To Mr. and Mn. William Clirlei I)ni, CUl Krerett t., June 3i, ion. I'rA'0.'i?-To p""n"- PS7 Union it.. July 1. a duuehter. RTORY To Mr. awl Mr. Dantil D. Story, 405 Wetmter t-, Jul 4, uu. ORI BI1 Tk Mr. and Un. o. VV. Grnbb. 00 E. Sth at., July 4. a aon. MONRO K To Mr. and Mr. Thoroti O. Moo- me, 710 S, Lyun re.. June 20, a son. ; R O R.N ST Kl N To Mr. and Mra. II. Uorn- tntu, Vorter at Juna 2S, a aoo. KUOO To Mr. and Mra. J .hu at. k.ivg, 6T.9 I'atton road, June 27, a ton. CAltTKK To Mr. and Mra. Lloyd 0. Carter. 1020 B. 7th it N.. June 2N. a daughter. MANO To Mr. and Mra. Jubn Mauo, 005 Woodward are.. Juna .10. n aon. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 73 ..-w . BLUtiMAN-July , by accidental drowning Bergman, aged 02 yeara, beloved brother of Augiiat Bergman, of Tacoma, Waab Mra. J. Tliorell, of 102V4 Grand avenue north, and . Mi Hilda Bergman, both of tila 'city, Kuueral aerrleea will be couducted tomorrow, Monday, July 10. at 2:30 p. in., from Ptarjon Undertaking Farlora. Kui-ell at. at Union ave. Krleiids lnrlUd. Interment ltota City ' r-r-i ''V."""- 'M ,"J1"U" UW?ed 'Vo-band of An'w'.gVr? XtXTft John, Frank, Edward Wager and Mra. Anna lew; brother of Lenard Wager, runeral will leaTa the above addreas 0:'M a. m. Mon day. Serrlcet will bm held at Sacred Heart church, Eaat lllh and Center at., at 10 o'clock. Interment Mt. Calvary cemetery. Arraugeroe nta In rare of Miller & Tracey. EOSS In tula city. July 8. at the family realdam-e, 734 Eaat Madlaon atraet S;bil Roaa aged I year and 4 moot ha, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Murdo A. Ro-a. The fu- 10, at 1 o'clock p. m., at the realdence ealabllahnient of J. P. Mnloy & Son. Moat- g.-meryatoin. rTieuug inritea. McCl B In thia city, July 8. at the family realdenca. 610 Montgomery at., Anthony Joseph UcOi. aged oi yeara. The funerul aervicea win iw ueiu -uunusy, juiy i. at ment of J. '. Mnloy A Son, Montgomery at Mb. Friends Invited. Interment lilver View cemetery. - KKRNS In this city. July 7, Martha K. Kerna, age 47 yeara, 11 months and 13 days. Punoral aerrleea will be held tomor row, Monday, July 10, at 1 p. m., from the residence funeral parlors of Walter E. Ken worthy, 1532 1634 Enst 13tn at. Rellwood. KrleuUa Invited. Interment Rose City Park cemetery. i K.lov.H .l.i.hlr of William A . f..'. ire beloved daughter of William A. and Kath erlne Smith, will be held Inm St. Mary's church, corner Stanton aud Williams ave., Monday, July 10. at 7:."K a. m. Interment Mt. Calvary cemetery at 2 p. m. Remains A. R. Zellar Uo. parlors. - KMfcUtSON Is thia .Ity, July 8 Dr. Rirea M. Euieraon. aged 2S years. The remains are at tne residence establishment of J. P. Flnley A Son. Montgomery at fifth. CLARK Randall C. Clirt, 711 Willamette blvd.. July 0. S3 years; tuberculosis. DA VISC Anne Davis. U15 front at., July ft, 87 years; Inanition. BMITR Marguerite Pmltn. St Vincent's hos pital July 5. 5 years; embolism. MAUE& Catherine Magee, U. 44tb and Pow ell, July 6, 73 yeara, senility with weak heart. XURNER Laenie Ella Turner. St Vincent's, July 6, S years; general peritonitis. jtELLKR Hsrtcan Keller, T07 Vaughn, July . 6. 68 years; oedema polmooalla. ROLLBEI&ER. Clirlatlna Rolllwlscf , 47 Hard tag at, July , 40 years; Ban Us disease. S2 DEATHM AX1 FUNERALS 73 (OoPtlnned) ARNOLD At the reside of bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Arnold, 64. Eaat tjjm mi., riui Arixn u. sseu xv rem. iw- ".ln. st P. L. Lercn's fineral parlor. E.M lth and Clay sts. Funeral ioDooncenwut FLORISTS CLAKKK BKoS., florist, 287 Morrison at. 11 a in r A-l05. Fine flowers end floral design. No branch store. MAKTlN & f UKBLa CO., llorists, Wash. Main 269. A-1.'C9. Flowera for all occanlona artistically arranged laAiN llo, wreatns. pillows, 14 up. Sprays SI up. cnapeiis. 34 Morrison TONSETH KLUKAL CO., 28 Waan, bet, 4th and Sth. Main Slfti. A-lltfJ OSCAK JUHN&UiN KLUKAL CO ii Gllsan st Ma- 3,2. A-U44. MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141 H ttn st. V V N KltAL Dill KCTO K8 EDWARD HOLMAN CO. ESTABLISHED 1877 RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS AND e FUNERAL . DIRECTORS Lady Assistant THIRD AND SALMON STREETS MAIN 507, A-lSli J. P. FIN LEY &S0N Progressive FUNERAL DIRECTORS Montgomery at Fifth New residences Wms. ave. Wdln. establishment. C-1943. 801 if. l m Undertaker, tas! 11th and Haw thorne. E. 81, H-1H8S. Laoy assistant. A. D. Kenworthy Co. Tabor 5267; 5802 92d et.. Lents. Tabor 58a; 6bth st. and Foster road.. Arista F, S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral directors. Alder st. Phone East 52. B-: 414 El 525. Dunning & McEntee VTS'ti every detail. Broadway and Pine eta. Broadway 430. A-4568. Lady assistant MILLER & TitACiil, independent fu- nerai directors, rrices low as $20, $40. $i0. Wash, at Ella. M. 261. A-T8i. Walter C, Kenworthy ! 53;. 534 K 13th sellwood 71. B-1122 A R 7p pr flo.M" . inilamf. ,aY ViJJ' frf'i C'V ,b'ast. C-1088. attendant. Day and , night service CI CUI C Q Undertaking Co. Alain 415.S y1"-" t-:'321. Cor 3d and Clay. PRlPQnM RESIDENCE UND. PRL8. LniUOUIN M. 1Z2, A-223R 445 Morr Uomiltnn t-ast 80th and Giinan. Fu nallllllUII neral services. Tabor 4314 BREEZE & SNOOK. B-1252, T. 1263. lf ;g Relmont. at 34th. Lady attendant, MoxuansNTs PORTLAND MARBLE WKS.. 2S4-266 4th St., opp. city hall. Main 8564. Philip Nwi & Fons, for memorials. ftBLALS!NCi6kANIT I Ll 2fe7-3P 3X COP! MADISON BEACH PROPERTY 48 BEACH bargain, beautiful lot In cen ter of Seavlew, Wash., facing ocean For particulars address F. H. 6., 389 12th st, or call Main 566. Will con eider time or cash. BXyOCEAN LOTS. "Will sacrifice two fine lots on paved st, near Hotel Bay Ocean, only $350 for the two. Call 306 Gerlinger bldg. m'SIXKSS PROPERTY (l(i location, fine corner 60x100. busi ness center? Will build what you want, T 6 to e story building, lea.se lor term of years. .nl Brown, 20U Panama bids MUST sell, close in iiroperty pacing Z?r on ijrice $4000: Vi cash Owner 290 weWr st. ' 0 e ' FOR SALE HOUSES til $1600 MODERN 5 room bungalow; furnace, built-in conveniences. Wood lawn 3223. FOR SALE HOUSES 01 WELL WORTH THE MONEY. $300 down and $25 per month. In cluding Interest for 5 room modern bungalow in Rose City Park district $150 down and $20 per month, ln- eluding interest, buys 5 room modern i house, new, in Woodmare, 1 block from i car. I J. C. CORBIN CO., LEWIS BLDG. POSITIVELY The best buy In Irvington. New 9 room colonial house, $3600. Terms; 625 Fremont st, at 16th. Take Irvington car. THE M'MINN BLOG. CO.. 609 Henry Bldg. Main 1493. Res. Tabor 266. FOR SALE Just finished, 6-room modern bunga-low In Hawthorne dis i '"EXT"'" lluura' um.-ui uuiic, ineuiwe, iui nace an1 garage. One block south of Hawthorne, on 36th st See owner next door. BUNGALOW Living room 29. dlntng 16x17. Outch kitchen, stairs. S bed rooms. 1 open air. 1 sewing, bath; east front; fireplace, wash trays; dou ble constructed; lawn, garden, fruit Only $2500. clear. Owner. 637 E. 67th N. 1 IRVINGTON BUNGALOW $3150 buys a dandy home. This Is biggest snap in the Irvington district i $3600 for a fine 7 room hou. in ! Irvington. This is a regular $5000 home. T. J. Holland & Co., 436 Plttock . block. Phone Broadway 1 SMALL house and nice 50x100 lot; 11 fruit trees on lot. JbOO mortgage. Will sell cheap or trade for gwod auto or Al motorcycle and some cash. Cost me $1200 3 years ago. lnquiro J. C. Scalfe. 661 E. Morrison et ROSE- CITY PARK. The finest bungalow in PorU&nd for the money, on paved street; 5 rooms on first floor; ground 100x100. If you hnve some cash let us show it to you J. C. CORBIN CO., L.EW1B Hl.XJ(.t. $1050 4 ROOM FURNISHF.J 50x100 lot. 4 room furnished, fire place, basement, nice yard. Place worth $1600, $100, bal. $10 per mo. Smlth- Wagoner Co.. Stock Ex. $675 $75 DOWN, $10 per month. 6 room nouse, run lot block car. $10 Yeon. Marshall $482. $1800 BUYS an attractive 6 room mod ern home; well Improved lot. 6029 49th st. Sv E. Woodstock car. Owner. IF you want a bargain for cash In new Rose City Park bungalow, call at 661 East both at. n. FINE 6-room plastered house, 50x100 lot; on 4 1st ave., Anaoei station; price 850; terms. Star Bakery. 625 1st GOOD lot for sale at sacrifice, in restricted district Main 1968. K BARGAIN, 6 room cottage. In Sun nyside, bet t carline. '. Sell. 2 753. DS. T. EwiSES 61 (OoattMel) Hawthorne's Choicest District, beautiful new 7 room strictly modern home, with gar age, on 24th St.. near Hawthorne Tsve. - Very large living room ideally lighted, with splendid g fireplace. Dining room connect ed with living room by largo French sliding doors. The buffet Is a work of art, and the kitchen has all the built in conveniences dear to the tasty housewife. The stairway approach leading from the front room upstairs Is an ar tistic accomplishment that will appeal to you. Come In and see It. Open for Inspection Sunday. 328 E. 24th st. On week days. A. Lee, 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 2718. For Sale by Owner Large 7 room house, full basement. 3 closets, bath room and toilet, car- eted through with best grade of carpet, golden oak and mahogany furniture, 1 large gaa range. 1 large wood range, 1 piano, dishes, coking utensils, everything; garage; cherries, pears, prunes, raspberries; all this for S3500. This is more than $2000 under value; no incumbrance, central ly located. Party leaving city. Call at 1136 E. Morrison St., Sunday or any time. COME TO ROSE CITY PARK. LOOK AT THIS $30t) DOWN. Garage, a real sleeping porch, lawn all gradd. living and dining room pa pered and finished in natural fir, other rooms enameled; 2 closets In front bed room, broom closet in kitchen, damper In fireplace, a furnace guaranteed to heat, large windows in basement; all ready to move in. See Mr. Wilaon. cor. 45th and Sandy; Tabor 6868, C-2121. Bra n c h of flee, H a rt ma n & Thompson. $2250 PARKROSE BUNGALOW. 100x150 FEET, 5 ROOMS. Look at this, just outside of the city limits; has electric .lights, fireplace, bath, laundry trays: a good chicken house; best of soli. Terms: $200 down; only $22.50 per month. See Mr. Hickman, cor 45th and Sandy. Tabor 6868, C-2121. Branch office, Hartman Sc Thompson. 1320 Grand Ave, N, Sensational Sacrifice $1975. $"100 cash: must sell: Just completed; brand-new home, artistic and modern, corer, large lot on Grand ave. I'none owner. Main 3730. WOOD LAWN CAR TO HOLMAN ST. $75 DOWN, $15 MONTH. INTEREST 6. Rose City car 1 block, dandy bunga low, 5 rooms and bath, fireplace, laun dry, full basement, elec. fixtures, shades, built-in features, gas, largo lot 60x115. Price was $2600. Will sa- nrice less than cost, $2000. No agent. no trades. Owner. Tabor 3040. MR. BARGAIN HUNTER, here is an investment that will clear you $3000 the first year: I am offering my nine room two-story house, with modern plumbing, electric lights, with lot 60 by 100, corner 18th and ThurYnan sta., title and abstract to date. Am offer ing this property 'way below its as sessed valuation. Call Marshall 6276. 7 ROOMS $2300. Rose City Park; full basement, fur nace, breakfast room, hardwood floors, electric fixtures, shades, rent ed for $20 now to nloe people; mod ern plumbing, full lot; walks paid; above price does not indicate its value. $700 cash, bal. mortgage. No trades. No agents. Tabor 3040. Alameda Park Bungalow Leaving the city and will sell our beautifully furnished 5 room California bungalow at $500 less than cost; ce ment basement, fine furnace and fire- Flace, Dutch kitchen, built-in effects, urniture and rugs in excellent condi tion. Woodlawn 369S. $100 CASH and $5 per month, includ ing Interest, will buy a beautiful new modern 5 room cottage in North Piedmont district dandy garage, lot 50x100, shade trees, etc. Price only $2350. Ask for Mr. Graham. THE BRONG CO.. Main 1743 2674 Oak st. $50 CASH and $10 per month buys a semi-modern 4 room house, 2 blocks from Union avenue. Lot 50x1 Oo feet. This property should sell for $1500. Price, for quick sale, $1000. Ask for Mr. Graham. THE BRONQ CO.. Main 1743. 267'4 Oak st A MOST beautiful home, nearly new, honestly built, unsurpassed view from large balconies; 9 -commodious rooms; modem; on the most command ing site in Alameda Park. It's bound to please for price, and reasonable terms. See owner. Y-20, Journal. WILLAMETTE BOULEVARD. $750 buys corner lot and 3room cot tage, plastered, corner of Concord. This property in ordinary times should bring $1500; terms "4 cash. Photo at office of Fred W. German Co.. 732 fhnmlipr of Commerce. A SACRIFICE sale of an Improved. bcautltul lot on Lovejoy at. in the Nob Hill district, is offered for ale by owner; this lot faces north, and fruit trees and Bhrubbery cover halt the lot; title perfect and abstract down to date. Call Marshall 5276. Irvington 9-roora bungalow, strictly modern. arranged for two families, for sale or trade: very low price. Owner. M-19. Journal. o ROOM house, bath, gas, city water, 1 acre fruit and berries, 5c car fare; just out city limits; no incum brance; cheap for cash or will make terms. Have you .any Minneapolis property to trade? Owner, Main 9107. FOR SALE One-half acre in Newbtrg with good b-room house, bearing trees, small fruits and garden, electric lights; $1200. Small cash payment will handle. Address Box 103, New- berg, Or. ROOM bungalow, good location, im provements, all in. full lot. house nicely finished, furnace, gas range and water heater, light fixtures, a bargain. Call Sellwood 110. SACRIFICE. New 9 room modern bungalow. Rose City Park. 56th and Thompson, hard wood floors, sun parlor, fireplace; owner. Phone Woodlawn 3510. PORTLAND HEIGHTS New, & room residence excellent view Mt. Hood and city; close to car; nothing better in Portland. Call Marshall 1755. or write U-381, Journal. BARGAIN Rose City Park, 1, story bungalow, sleeping porch, full ce ment basement, laundry trays, fur nace, everything complete; $850. 701 E. .60th N 2 blocks from Sandy CALLED east, must dispose of my large modern Piedmont home; make offer; part cash, balance payments. P-2, Journal. $60 CASH, $15 MONTHLY. 7 room plastered bungalow. St. Johns line, $100. A real snap. Fred W Jerman Co, Cham .if Com $2000 EQUITY In beautiful bungalow, Hawlhorne district, for $900 cash. A wonderful bargain. Leaving city. A-33, Journal. ROSE CITY PARK. $2000. Splendid well-built 5-room fhodern bungalow, $250 cash, balance to suit Fred W. German Co., 73 2 Cham. Com. GOOD six room house at a bargain. Apply 390 N. 24tn st. Phone Main 4901. 4 ROOM modern cottage for sale or trade for anything 1 can use. 7015 4 2d ave. S. E. MODERN 7 room house, reasonable; easv payments, fruit, berries. M V car. 30 min. Applyj E, 80th at. N. 6 ROOMS, corner, dose to school and car; must go; $1050. Terms. Tabor 2546. OUR BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR SALE. 634 E. 69TH ST. N. V-951, JOUR NAL. FOR sale or trade, equity In 6 room bungalow; would accept piano; 1 block Kenton car. 154 E. Russett st. NICE neat residence for sale on ac- count of gicknesa. 684 Wms. ave. FIVE room tlaatered house 14a0i Xlii caah. bal, $ monthly. D-3S, Journal. FOB SALE HOUSES CI $1 750 ALBERTA BUNGA LOW-SI 750 1093 E. 25TH N. VERY MODERN ARTISTIC HOME $2500 FOR $1750 FIVE LARGE. LIGHT AIRY RMS., PLENTY CLOSETS, 2 HALLS, DUTCH KITCHEN. PANELED DIN ING ROOM, ALL ATTRACTIVELY PAINTED AND NEAT, HAS MIR ROR DOORS, BEVT PLUMBING. ELECTRIC EIXTl RES, SHADES. PRESSED BRICK FIREPLACE FULL CEMENT BASEMENT HARDWOOD FLOORS Lawn, roses shrubberv. east front. 1 block to test carline. choice neigh borhood, near church, school and lit rift city park. IfUK LIMITED TIME I1T.0 CASH. 1093 E, 25TH N, J1T50 11750 11750 Jl 750 $1750 Alberta car or jitney to t5th St. Then just one block north. Alameda Park A handsome home in a beautiful location. 7 rooms, strictly mod ern, with garage, colonial type, with artistic arrangement of rooms. Hot water heat. Hard wood floor. The reception hall, living room and dining room are models of artistic taste and con venience. The kitchen in a de light. Three beautiful bedroom., large closet apace, and a largs. enclosed sleeping porch. Let me show you this house today. The price Is reasonable. Terms. Open for Inspection today. 906 Dunckley ave. Just off Broad way carline or call me week days. J. A. Gravely. 1330 North western Bank bldg. Marshall 8718. Extraordinary Inducements Offered for seven more new homes in Walnut Park. This beautiful, sieut- ly, centrally located property is cer tain to Increase rapidly in value on the completion of the Columbia In terstate bridge. No finer homesite in Portland or with better car service. Jefferson high school and public library boln located in Walnut Park. You may be one of the fortunate seven to se cure the best bargain ever offered in Portland property. If you do. better call Monday. Office 1149 Union and Killlngsworth avenues. W. M. KILLINGS WORTH, Owner. Office Phone, Woodlawn 3304. Residence Phone, Woodlawn 961. 6 ROOM 1 BLOCK TO CAR. $850 I own this little 6 room bung alow located in PARKROSE, and my only reason for selling is that I am alone in my business and must live near my shop. It has electrio lights and water: also a bathroom, but the plumbing is not in. A good fireplace and a large living room. This can be rented for 1 year at $S per mo. Grant Grooms, owner, at barber shop 1311 Sandy blvd. near 46th st. Tabor 315. NINE rooms, only $3660. Rose City .Park bungalow at 653 E. 43d st, N., near Brazee. First floor. Living room 16x19, dining room 13x16; kitchen '10x 12, breakfast room 9x12. 2 bedrooms 12x12,, bath and sleeping porch, 2 bed rooms on second floor. Lots of clos ets and large windows. Good porcnes. compeite, $36a0. Terms. The Alc Minn Bldg. Co., 609 Henry bldg. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. $12,500 homo for $7000. W'e have the best bargain in choicest part of Irvington. Non-reaident must sell; beautiful modem 10 room house, every convenience; grounds 70x100. Phone or call for details. Fred A. Jacobs Co., 104 6th st CHOICE Rose City Park bungalow, 2 blocks from car, on corner of 39th and Tilla mook, 6 large rooms, finished with every modera and latest convenience If you are looking for home don't fail to see this one. See T. B. Winshlp, owner, at building, 440 E 29th St., N. $4000 BUNGALOW, $2900. Nice 6 room bungalow, with 2 lots, 1 block to car; on Idaho St., southern Portland. West aide, worth $4000; for Quick sale price is $2900, easy terms. GRUSSI & REINHARDT. 316 Board of Trade. Main 7452. TWO years ago 1 had built a modern 6 room bungalow. It cost me $2450. I have paid in $l66 and will nell this equity for $190. balance $1485 at $fJ5 per month. Mr. Hageman. Phone Broadway 1658. PORTLAND Heights. S room, modern home; view ot city, rivers anl mountains, cost over $13,000; sell for $Su00; 13000 ciish, balance 3 vears at tiCi; leaving city. Owner, Y-22, Jour nal. NEW modern 5 room bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitch en, buffet bookcase, cement basement; will take pood auto as part payment; lwited 50 E. 67th st. N. Phone Tabor 6334. NEW 5 room bungalow, double con structed throughout, every modern convenience. If looking for a real home see owner, easy terms. 416 Chamber of Commerce. $1250. $1250. $1250. Bungalow, 5 room, modern, 142 ft. lot, lawn, trees; improvements paid; big snap: actually worth $2H00. Chas. Ringler & Co., 228 Henrv bldg. IF YOU are looking for a great bar gain in a 5 room bungalow, modern in every particular, 2 blo-ks from car line In Mt. Tabor district, call Tabor 6005 between 9 a. m. and 6 p. m. today. MODERN 6 room house with garage, sun parlor, sleeping porch; in Irv ington: $1000 less than cost; reason able terms; no agents. Address own ers. T-29. Journal. 6 ROOM bungalow, with all modern conv., cor. lot, garage on hardsur face str. All paid for. At a"great bur gain. Will take lot as part payment. Inquire Woodlawn 1957 $3800 RESIDENCE FOR $2500. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, furnace, nice modern place, lot 40x150, Mt Tabor vicinity. $700 cash, baance as sume. Marshall. 4553. FOR SALE CHEAP. 5 room house, nicelv furnished. 2 lots 40X100. 12 bearing fruit trees. 16 chickens. Chicken park and coop. 9604 58th ave. 8. E., Lents. IF YOU are looking for a high class bungalow for the price of an ordi nary one, let me show you mine. Phone Tab. 6522. ROSE CITY' PARK 50x100, very good 5 room house. $1750; $120 cash, bal ance same as rent, 6ri interest. M'KENZIE & CO.. 515 Gerlinger Bldg. FOR SALE by owner, a dandy corner, 6 room house, full basement furnace. Phone Broadway 130. See owner, 16 N. 3d st.L city. 3 ROOM plastered house, lot 50x100, streets, sidewalks and sewers in and paid. Price $800, $150 down, balance like rent. A Silvey. 306 Oak st. A NEW house Just completed, 7 nice rooms, all built in conveniences, on 50th, 1 block south Sandy blvd. or Tel. Tabor 4694. FOR SALE, modern 5 room house, mv equity of $1200 for sale cheap, '.f taken soon; want to leave town. F-29, Journal. LOT, 50x160, 3 room bungalow. Take Hawthorne car to 60th st 160$ Stephens st FOR SALE Lovely modern bungalow, fine location, or will rent furnished, cheap. 1017 E. 21st st. N. Alberta car. LEAVING city; will sell my 6 room home, furnished, for less than cost of house. Owner, P-l, Journal. 9 RM H. K. ; coet $450 to furnish. Will sacrifice If taken thia week. Marshall 747. $2000 WORTH $4600. a room houae, full lot owner. 182 1 Boundary are., Fulton car. FOB SALE: HOUSES (Oostiaaail CI Rose City Park Two beautiful room strictly modern, artistic California bun galows. Oarages) with each. If you like trangalowa and want to see something just a little more classy than anything else you ever saw for the money come and see these. Ideal loca tion near car. Hardwood floors, heat and a large living and din ing room and kitchen, and so perfect in arrangement. You must se It Open for inspection. Come today. 82nd and Alameda streets, south of Rom City ear. Corner $1250, inside 93000, full lots. Terms like rest, no city liens. These are snaps and can not be duplicated at present ma terial prices. . A. D. LEE, 1330 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 3718. New, modern 8 room house, restrict ed district. 2 blocks from Alberta car, with sleeping porch and all built-in conveniences, including break fast room. stationary seats and table. House is double construct ed throughout, has oak floors, fire place, full line of plnmbing, book cases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, etc.. full basement, large attic that could be finished into rooms, 2 lots well shad ed, must see place to appreciate the buy you are getting. To dispose of It at once will soil for $24 00, easy terms. House open Sundav for your Inspec tion. Alberta car to 30lh and Killings worth, 2 blocks east to 116 E. 32nd N. Owner, no agents. HERE Id YOUR CHANCE. Cozy 6 room house, east front, elec trie, gas, water. $0x100 lot. nice lawn. fruit trees; $400 mortgage due next June, can be renewed. If sold this week I will make buyer a present of $20 worth of furniture, Wilton rugs, etc. Fine chance for newlyweda. A bargain at $550 cash; worth $1800. 647 2d wt. 8., Mt. Scott car. ONE acre, with good house, full base ment, nice lawn. Fi;ne fruit of all kinds. lots of berries. No rock or grav el. Near car, Lc fare. $2500. A, W. LAMBERT A SON, 404 East Alder st.. cor. Grand ave. Portland, Or. Nearly new 6 room bungalow, mod ern, with all built-in conveniences, close to grade school and high school. S blocks to Hawthorne car. Make me an offer. Tabor 3362. - HOUSE and 3 lots for improved tract east of Portland and not far out Gill A Dufur. 312 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE LOTS HI See Me Quick IF YOU WANT THIS CHOICE ROSE CITY PARK LOT. In Block 143. t Price $475. Don't hesitate. It's a snap. J. II. KEATING, St. Charles Hotel. Front and' Morrison. BUSINESS LOT. ROSE CITY PARK A dandy corner, fronts on 3 streets; bldg. restrictions are good for 17 more years, and only a limited number of lots' unrestricted for business. Terms. See- Mr. Hickman, cor. 46th and Sandy ; Tabor 6868, C-2121. Branch office, Hartman & Thompson. 54 FEET WIDE. ROSE CITY PARK On 46th St. near Brazee: a dandy east front lot on grade with the street, and some small fir trees lust where you want them. Price $775. See Mr. Hiickman cor. 46th and Sandy; Tabor 6868. C-2121. Branch office, Hartman & inompson TWO LOTS FOR HALF PRICE. Tiuft in lnt fiflvl hfl rwn Vrnn m t In Southport, West side; costownr $1100; will sacrifice lor $6bO; no city e"8' GRUSSI A REINHARDT. 816 Board of Trade bldg. $50 DOWN ACRE TRACT. PARKROSE TRACT 130x300 . feet; lots of trees; easy monthly terms; best of soil; good car service, see Mr. liick man. cor. 45th and Sandy; Tabor 6K68, c-2121. Branch office, Hartman & I hompson. u a a ?nnn K'rvtxr tun Lots 13. 14, block 2 Rldgemont one of the prettiest residence districts in Portland: owner Is going east and wants quick action; $200 casn. $10 monthly. Fred W. German Cc, 7$ ' h:Tn. of Com. FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE. One of the best vacant quarter blocks In Walnut jPark, street improve ments all paid for, owned by non resident and must be sold at once. Ad drens A-35, Journal. $575 S. W. COR. 60TH & SISKIYOU ROSE CITY PARK A beautiful bldg. site, some trees; only 1 blk. to car; no assessments. See Mr. Hickman cor. 4ath and Sandy; Tabor 6868, C-2121 Branch office, Hartman & Thompson $325 CASH Full lot 100 feet north of Clinton on 48th. All assessments pUd but $60, bonded. Would be cheap at $700. Call at 104 Sth at Ask for Mr. Teepe. ROSE CITY PARK On block to car. $415 cash.' All assessments paid. Splendid lot surrounded with beautiful homes. See Mr. Teepe with Fred A. Jacobs Co.. 104 Sth St. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY. 2 good lota, 60x100 each, clear, for $400. .T. C. CORBIN CO.. LEWIS BLDG. SOUTHEAST corner of Jessup and Halght restricted; also soutneast corner of Sandy and 31st. unrestricted, at bargain prices. Marshall 4553. ADMINISTRATOR'S sacrifice, 24 fuil lots by Gregory Heights, $100 each; worth $250; will divide, 209 Mohawk bld BARGAINS. LOTS IN ALL DISTRICTS. TERMS. J C CORBIN CO.. LEWIS BLDG. CORNER 100x1 oo. Shaver and Mai- lory; also 43x107 Ainsworth and Union aves. Phone E. 339 week days. CORNER lot. block to ear; $325; sac rifice. Marshall 2500. R-30. Journal. FINEfToF aT'a bargain, ft. 46th and Washington. Phone Tabor 64, A LOT at Rockaway, $5. $10 down and. $5 per mo. Wdln. 114. ACREAGE 10 ACRES, 12 miles out for sale or trade. Price $1200; will take $578 in trade, balance $10 a month. Call Sun day 1101 East 27th S. E. N. Take AB car. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN ranches neat Portland, 2, 6, 10 acre tracts, best soli, good roads, near electric, $65 at $200 per acre, easy terms. McFar land. 309 Yeon bldg.. Portland. FOR SALE, 34 acres, with buildings, in cultivation; cow, ' calf, and 76 chickens; small orchard. 1 mile from city limits on Oregon Elec; terma half cash. E. v. punas trom, rtyan riace. 1500 ACRES for sale. From 6 to 600 acre tracts. Near Scappooae on Co lumbia highway, from 19 to 20 miles from Portland. price $35 and up. Frank Novak. Scappooae, Or. FINE home and acra In Wood burn at a bargain: chicken run and young orchard. Gill & Dufur; 112 Ablngton bldg. ONE acre, 4 room houae at atatlon, 4c fare. $1600. worm oo. b-zs. Jour ral. EIGHT acrea near Mllwaukle, half what others ask. Owner, T-20, Jour nal. TEN acrea cloae In, price $1400. with $800 Of WOOd. Tabor 47 S7. 12 K ACRES, fronts On B- R- and river nm.r Xttlwanblo C-Z3. Joaraal : FOB SALE HOUSES fOoattwaodi I hip 87 CHICKEN RANCH. S acres, lm&roved. f Ine soil, rood wa ter, email house; price $600; $200 cash. is acres. II acre cultivation, rine buildings, creek, arranged for Irrigat ing; flit soil; 13 miles to Court Houses suitable for chickens, truck garden or berries; $4690 lacl. stock, implements, furniture and k crop. This Is a bargain. Also acres; 1 story nouse, ciose In. $1250, Can be bought on easy terms. 5 acres, cleared, buildings $1055 6 acres, cleared, no bldgs; orchard $1130 1H acre, 1 story house, good son. rree view, close to Jfortianu. . . .iov See Mr. Turner at HARTMAN A THOMPSON' (Cor. 4th and 8tark.) A NICE leel tract of 40 acree suitable for subdivision. Val ue $100 per acre, but on account of sickness and poverty will Bell for $50 per acre, all or part; on main road, one mile from busi ness center of Newport; will take 25 per cent trade. Baker & North Newport, Or. 10 Acres Fertile Land, $300 $10 cash, $10 per month. $1.00 fare to Portland. Near railroad end Columbia river. Mile from school of 2 teachers. Prosperous, progressive farmers. Grange hall, rock road, dally mail. Rolling, but 75 per cent tillable. Fred F, Huntress, 284 Oak GOBLE 10. $9 and 40 acre tracts: rich est soil in Oregon all tillable, on good roads, near station and wharf. Fine water, dally mail, telephone, prosper ous neighbors; 3000 acres available, the property of a big logging company; preference of employment given set tlers, price $35 an acre; your own terms. Other tracts from $20 an acre. Send for folder, G. Wynn Wilson, ST 6 Chamber f Commerce. CHOICEST logged off lands on Colum- Dla river; close to city ana Columbia highway; good water, wood and lots of work, to be had in tne vicinity. A-l roads and transportation facilities Creamery, cannery and best markets. Everv inducement to settlers. Easv terms and low prices. Also can take part trade on some of this. Scandinavian-American Realty Co., Suite 225, Henry bldg. FOR SALE 6 1-3 acres, V mile from high school. Harrisburg. Or., new room plastered house, large new barn new chicken house 14x24, one lOxlf 56 chickens, Jersey cow, fine young work mare, new wagon and harness orchard and berries; all this land is good and well drained in good neigh borhood; price $1750; some terms. Al bert Hutchinson, owner, rlarrlsourg. Orcgom YOUR opportunity to buy 6 acres 1 mile east of woodburn or which l acre is beaverdam, 1 of bottom land. balance upland; 1 acre loganberries. crop contracted for 6 years at 3 cts. per lb; line bearing orcnara, apples, pears, cherries, etc.; good 6 room house, barn and chicken house. 2-3 of crop Included; price $2700; terms if desired. Owner. W. H. Purdy, Wood- hnrn. Or.. R. R. 3. YAMHILL COUNTY. 15 a. close to Wiltamina. new 4 room house, 6 a. cultivated, spring, all good land, part fenced, good pasture, only $750. $100 down. bal. 5 years, 6'7o. 85 a. north of Willamlna. 16 a. cul tivated, fine running water, new 4 room house, good pasture, 3.000,000 feet of timber, all for $4000. $500 down. 6 years, 6. See Seachrest at HARTMAN or THOMPSON. LOGGED OFF LAND SNAP, 43 acres, y, mile from station, SO miles from Portlaud, good tillable land, some cleared, fine soli, no rock or gravel, well watered; fair house, outbuildings, ttprlng piped to house. worth $2500; price now only $1200, terms $800 cash, balance rcvaniiablc. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, 813 Chamber of Commerce. Calif, Alfalfa, Fruit, Lands. Ideal home; money making condi tions; land cultivated: abundant wa ter; rail and water transportation; $75 per acre: easy terms. GEO. C. BHEFLER. 708 Oregonlan bldg. $4 PER ACRE $4. Half section timber land, 55 miles from Portland, near logging stream, county cruise on 80 acres seventeen hundred thousand feet. Am forced to sell. A. W. Eates, 309 Williams ave. Phone Eaat 3273. FOR SALE. SO acres Joining limits ef Independence, 12 min. walk to post office; 2 blocks to high school. Will accept aa part payment good omiga lew In good neighborhood. Baianc! easy terms, 6. Apply K, C. Eldridge, Independence. Or. 20 AND 40 ACHE TRACTS'. $35 to $50 per acre. 3,"i miles from Portland, on main, highway; running water to each tract; tine noil, easy terms. AKERSON OOOC1I & CO , 605 Stock Exchange Bldg. Gibson Half Acres Good .soil, city water, close to car line, easy terms; will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1686 or Sell' wood 476. John H. Gibson. oner. TWO 160 ACRE TRACTS. In central Oregon. $1000 each, hay almost ready to cut on one, summer fallow on the other, lioth fenced; no trad's; will give terms. Box 281 Prinevllle. Or. a FOR SALE cheat. 10 acres at Hood River; 8 acres in apples lust coming Into bearing; only 3 miles from town, on macadam road. 1254 Patton ave. Woodlawn 324 TWO acres fine lsnd fenced, culti vated. 6 room plastered house tinted. basement, electricity, gas, 2 locks car. station right on city limits. Bargain; make terms. Phone Tabor 6713. FOR SALE A good, bright little country home. 2 acre nd 4 rm. house, chicken house and shed, located on Oregon Electric, 28 miles out. Very reasonable for cash. Hell 2604. EIGHT acre chicken ranch, fully equipped, S00 chickens. Bargain. At kinson. 431 Chamber of Commerce. FIVE acres of good land for $76 cash; owner needs money. 619 Worchester ttldg. ; KlItURIlAX ACKKAXiK COME in and see pnotos of the finest suburban home in Oregon: 40 acre a all in cultivation; 12 acres beaverdam. 4 acrea cherries, apples and other fruits; beautiful 10 room modern house; cost $1000; fine bam; cost $1500; garage; place adjacent to good town not far from Portland; 3 blocks from electric car; mortgage $8000. See this beautiful property, then sub mit your proposition. B. Dorr E Kensev Co., 232 Cham, of Com. bldg. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 12 acrea garden truck land, equal to beaverdam. on Milwaukie road, s mile station on Carver and Southern rail roads, few dollars down. Any old terms; got to aell it J. W. Cook. 1117 Board Trade bldg. SUBURBAN FOR SALE. 1 acre, near city, close to station, all in cultivation, fruit trees, berries, lawn, gurden. dandy 6 room bungalow. fireplace, beamed celling. Will sacri fice for $1450. Worth $2500. Fred A Jacobs Co, 104 Sth at. MUST aell my complete iA acre aub urban home at a real aacriflce on terms like 'rent; ihb miles from the city limits, on hardsurfaced' base lint) road. Mr. Umbdenstock, 264 Oak at. pnone uroaaway ihti. SUBURBAN HOMES 70 A COMFORTABLE little country home at Multnomah atatlon at a sac rifice: owner roing eaat: one-third acra, 100x144; 4-room houae, eity water, all fenced, a fine nlaca for chickens; price $1500, $160 down, $16 per month; cash, $1260. 10 minutes' walk from atatlon, west C. E. Bos well, 736 E. 14th at Phone Bellwood 114- A FARM IN THE CITY: " 100x200, 4 room bouse, 3 blocks from car: $1360; $160 caah. bal, earn as rent. McKensia sV Co.. 616 Gerlinger ACREAGE (OoalBa4 FOR SALE FARMS YAMHILL HA-RGAINS. IS acres, all cleared, mod wctll: aroad 1 house and barn, woodshed and granary, ";" gooa cnicxen nouses, aoout a min utea' walk from atatlon, store and. , poatofflce. $2600, caah $1000. . 83 acres. 4 mllesi out. 20 acres - Cleared ( acres 6-yeeuold cherries, . 4 f acres -year-oia prunes, a good springs, fair 6 room house, fair baurn; $400o, : cash $1000. 20 acree, a miles out, partly cleared, : fine land, good eprtng; will take fa0v caah. bat In wood; price $100. , . IS acres, about Vfc mile out. all n r crop, nlc 5 room bungalow, new;', rood sew bara, young orchard, rood well, chicken house, woodshed ; $ltre, cash $1000. K. F. Ms goon, Yamhill, Or. V HUSBAND gone to border; must aell ' rarm. jui acrea, in larnoua prune Hill district, two miles west Camas, : , Wash.; 12 miles east Vancouver; sell r. with or without stock and crop; fine view, gooa buildings, not ana cola -water In houae, bath, stationary tuba, . etc.: full basement: eight acrea orch ard. prunes, three of which are ; : young treea; splendid crop; live cows. i yearling, jersey cat vea, t cnor -oughbred gilts, fine team marea, 1 : colt and some chickens; river and rail 1 transportation; Camas best town its' aiae on Pacific coast payroll about V $60,000 per month. Aadreaa Mra Lou A.- Roaa. Camas, Wash., Route No, S, I'hone 72. " FARM LAND DEPARTMENT of The) Oregon Home Bulldera baa very good Improved farina for sale gen uine bargains. See Earl H. Fry or C D. Dee, our land experts. Tell them ' your wanti and you will get the beat there la to be had. priced right. The Oregon Home Builders Farm Land Department, , 1130 Northwestern Bank bide. . Oliver K. Jeffery, Prea. ", , 98 ACRES. (5 cultivated, balance- tint- her and pasture, good bulldtnaa,' fully stocked and equipped. 23 miles Portland, on Willamette, 77 roda river front $15,000. Eaay term. Would take . ema.ll acreage for part 30 acres, 16 mllea Portland, near riv er, highly Improved. Oropa go with place. $3800 $1200 cash, balance mort gage, full value. It M. Oatewood, 16V 4th st - Dairy for Sale 18 good milch cows, 10 heifer a, eome coming fresh; milk route, bottlea. bot tling machine, steriliser, 20 acres In crop and lease on place, 8 horsea, milk wagon, farm wagon and faa-rn tools; high milk teat; price $3600! terma, $2000 cash, balance time. Wil liams Realty Co., Grays Crossing. Phone Tabor 434. FOR 8ALE Highly Improved 4 acra f larm. located on a well traveled road, . 8 mllea from center Portland. 8 room u house, cement walks, large barn, out building's, windmill tank tower, 7-year- - old bearing orchard, also older bearing orchard. 1 acre strawberries, acre raspberries. Telephone, electrio Ughte -can Ue put in. R. F. D. About 0 biooka -from carline and an ideal berry and chicken farm. Inquire H-Sl, Journal, . 640 ACRES wheat land, 12 mllea from : Condon, or., with 820 acrea leased. 666 acrea In cultivation. 3K0 acrea near In rop, nearly ready for harveat. Fair : " Buildings. Plenty of water Work stock, machinery and harness go' with ; the place. Ono third cash and trade balance long time, or I will keep the crop and take 1-8 trade and time. Prloe ' $24,000. Owner, Box 82, Condon Or. ONE of the best small dairy farms. 03 acrea of fine land, part or-jt No. 1 onion land, good house, good barn, good orchard, good spring, running water, good pasture, 1 mile from, ata tlon, 3 horses, 2 cows, 2 heifers, hogs, chickens, mower, rake, cream separator and all kinda of farm implement. All for $8000, caah or trade $3000. bal. long time. E. F. Magoon Yamhill, Or, FOR SALE, cheap, bargain. If taken soon. 160 acre farm near J lend, or.. 25 aorea In grain, barn, house. I cel lars, good fences, fine soli. Price $3000 or might give terma to right party; also furnished houae in Bend, Or. Price $100 cash. For partleulara Write R. E. Gate, Freewater, Or., t E. Moore, Bend. Or. - GOOD DAIRY RANCH. 171 a., iy, ml. to Amity. Yamhill . Co.. 120 a. rich bottom land, cultivated, 2 aet of bldgs, 6 a, bearing orchard,,"1 fenced, running water, 18 a. timber, ' macadam road, bedrock price. Eaay terma. See Seachrest at , HARTMAN THOMPSON. 4th and Stark. v 16 ACRES, 8 Fri cultivation, between Clatnkanfe and Mist, 1 room house, -barn, "fruit, clover, potatoes, oats; 4 ?. sere onion ground, fine gardeti. -z springs and creek; improvements coat ' $MOO; crop will sell for $200; all for ? $860 rash. Anton Novotny, Clatskanla,, Or. Take car at Clatnkanle postofllc 11 n. m. to Mist, half way. . ' A CHICKEN ranch for ale, o acres level, no stumps, 16 miles from Portland, ; 10 minutes to.eloctrlc station. 660 chickens 8 months old. brooder house, henhouse for 400 hens. 432 egg Incu bator, 3 room 2 story house; prica $J0O0, $1000 cash. Edward Nel0D, Roedvfllq ' - ' "t A GOOD BARGAIN I want to sell a nice 10 ac re truct near White Hal- ; mon, Wasli.: good for orchard, truck garden or general farming, $80 an acre, half cash, balance anv terms; - (leal witn owner. Dr. N. F. Meleen. 135 lZlf st., cor Alder 35 ACRES. 7 mllea from Gra'nta Faaal Best of soil, bearing orchard; apples. peaches, pears cherries and strawber- ' rlrs choice varieties. Gravity Irriga tion; abundance or water. Money maker from start For sale by creditora. 21$ ' Railway Exchange bldg, . , 42 ACRES, 'A in cult, balance good pasture plenty of fruit, county road. mall-, phone, atock and Implements. 1 V miles electric atatlon. win take nouee ; ui) to $3000. balance cash and term. Owners only. Owner, it 1, Box 40, . Can by, Or. 101' ACRF2S. 5 miles aouth of Mo- Mlnnville. 76 acres cultivation: bat. .. pasture; good txtrn and house, $1200 it taken at once iduuo casu, Daiance : 3 yra. For full partleulara writ It, r T Hutrhcroft. owner, Yamhill. Or. J . RANCH 16 acres, new modern house. hot and cold water olbed to sine. . bath and toilet; good outbuilding, windmill and tank; naif cash, naianc terma Erneat Frank, Lebanon, Or., Route 4. 1 $10 PER ACRE; 30 milea to Portland. ' near good railroad town, aettled com munity, good roada, 100 acrea open..', land, 200 timber; easy terma; good -soil; 320 acres. I am owner, J-t. ' - Journal. ? ENOUGH CLEARED TO MAKE tA ' -LIVING, FORTY ACRES, NBWi HOUSE. GOOD BEARING ORCHARD;?.- ' LOWER COLUMBIA; "ONE THoP SAND DOLLARS CASH, OWNER, P-768. JOURNAL. OWN A WHEAT RANCH. PAY LI K hi . ' RENT 160, 320 or 430 acre lm-.. " proved wheat ranches, all cloae -to town. Price $26 per acre, $6 down and -$3 per acra eaten year. Or will trade - for merchandise, box v, Maorae, or. 1 AM going to Norway; will aell my place for price; 1 acre land,' 4 room plastered house, concrete base ment, Sarn, woodshed, 1 cow, chickens; located 5 block aouth Luther atatlon, R. 1, Box 282, Lents, John Johnson. . . .. .... . r.r. ., atock or fruit land, 1 mile west . ' Willamette river, 21 milea from Port- ; land. For partleulara, owner, F. L Robert, 834 E. Tlbbotta. Bellwood 0$. - : SHERMAN COUNTY FARMS FOl SALE. 8otne of the beat bargalna In the . state. Call or write to L. R. French. -Grass Valley, Or. . $20 ACRE atock farm, cloae In, rue- , nlng atream. etocked and equipped. $14,000, half caah, balance 4 per cent. 1034 N. W. Bank bldg. liS ACRES. Including all atock .and ' Implements, on electric car line; : good dairy or atook ranch. For aaie ;. cheap by owner, BX-9, Journal. WANTED, to aell my equity of 1204 In an improved 9 acre farm for . $4S0 rash. 371 E. B2d at --' COMBINATION atock and wheal . farm; $6000 will handle. 207 Stock Exchange. , tOoaUaaed Xazf ff) ...