, It v. - . ... 1 f- 1 t 13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY, JULY. 8, 1916. - HELP WANTKD 1A AND FEMALE 28 ' Contla-) .WOULD YOU LIKE TO APPEAR IN MOTION PICTURES? HKKlfi 1 TOUR CHANCE. WE ARE OOINli TO TRAIN A CAST OF PLAYERS TOR PRODUCING IN EPTEMt. INSTRUCTION CLASHES THREE IKES A WGK LilNUt-H AKinun rDNET, FORMER EoBAnAI rA JRE DIRECTOR. CALL AT 887 UPSHUR 8T OR TELEPHONE MAIN 6704. OREGON FILM PRODUCING COMPANY. RELIABLE man and wife want work, - firm, orchard or anything elae. M- 2, Jonrnal. UiN or woman to help In good leml- ollcltlnr work. M--7, Journal. , BERRY pickera wanted J. N. P. K- - muaaan, on Buckley ave. W ANTED AGENTS AGENTS We have fastest .selling houaehold specialty on market. Semi for free particulars. Sageser, Bartle, Webber & Co., 1437 N. Aianjjoaa ave., - Los Angeles. Cal. ftULAllO.NM MALE 8 ' "CEMENT ' WOKK? PAINTING." ANY REPAIRS. rOR DETAILS, PHONE MAIN 3730. COMPETENT shop mechanic and . chauffeur furnished by . Al. C. A Auto school. Main 7085, A-65S1 man, 26 yearn old. wishes em ployment where there is chance for ' t?vanPerT1nt. Call Tabor 6472. WANTED By an A-l salesman. ;ui tlon in any capacity; what nave " youT N-767, Journal. , AS HELPER in plumbing shop; have had .some experience; good references. Tabor 632, ask Harvey. KALSOMINING, . painting, plaster- patcning reasonable, woodlawn 24i). GUARANTEED papering and tinting cheap. Tabor 6268. PAINTING, paperhanging, tinting, per room up. C. A. Barnes, Mar. -8'2. BASEMENT aerated or pumped out Phone Marshall 1549. KALSOMININO. 2 60 room. East 502. SITU ATION 1 5k FKM A LE 4 EXPERIENCED woman wants work in apartment house; would expect apartment, gas and wages. U--U, Journal. REFINED woman would like a posi tion a housekeeper for gentleman or elderly couple; competent and reli- able. J-34, Journal. "VOL'NG woman with boy i yrs. old wants position as housekeeper, good home preferred as much as wages. M E. 16th at. south, Portland. Or. WOMAN wants cooking; sawmill or logging camp preferred. KX-3-, Journal. to-HOGL girl would like care of chii.l d urine the day, west vide. Ma n 4611. "WOULD like permanent or substitute work In private exchange. Main M wan nu- work by hour or uay, it liable, references. Woodlawn 4-Vs. DKKKSilAKING 4U RESPONSIBLE dressmaking at home or by day; work guaranteed. Main S7J. NLK-SKS GRADUATE nurse wishes to care for Invalid or any case. $16 a week. Phone Tabor 7083. FURNISHED KOOMa KNISHED rooms for young men in all parts of the city, also in Y. M. c. A. bldg., especially desirable during the summer; fireproof, telephone in each room, shower baths. $1.75 to 34.75 per week. Including full association mem bership privileges, gymnasium, swim ming 'Pool, handball court, and many Other club privileges. Full Information at Y. M. C. A. buslneas office or tele phone Main 7065: A-6561 PRINCESS HOTEL. Hot and cold water, clean airy room, with private phone, strictly fire proof building; best location oh east side. Call and see us. Phone East 171. Walton and Wright, Mgra. PALACE HOTEL. 12th and Washington sts.. Close In. fireproof, modern, light, airy outside rooms; rates $3.50 per w?ek up. PHONE MARSHALL 6040 Week. THE GARLAND Modern brick: outside rooms; re spectable; hot water. 25 Trinity at., cor. Washington, bet. 19th and 2Uth. FURNISHED hoaekerjln citmnc double, 2 room sultea at tin hotel. 648 Wash. Standlsh NICELY furnished rooms, modern con veniences, central, very reasonable 404 Clay, near 10th ' 1-lim ut Oak. Mod 33 week up. em. fireproof, respectable: HOTEL EATON .cM: csted, moderate rates permanent guests. $1.60 WEEK up, clean, warm, modern rur rms central . The Kins;, in) Jef. FUKMSHED KOOMS WUTAtl AJCXX.Y I-iEW rurnlshed room; board if de sired; walking distance. 670 East Morrison. East 6396. liARUb front room, airy and comfort able, walking distance. 12 E. 11th, near Ankeny. East 1562. ROOMS AND UOAKD VATI . WILL board school school few blocks. Hawthorne. girl $2.50 week. Phone 692s. ytss ROOM and board or board by day or wk, noma cooaing, at n& rs. 23d cor. Qllsan. Main 7760. WANTED Refined, respectable couple wishes to care for girl or boy from 1 years and up. 1480 Oneonta st BO. ARD and room in private family, 477 K. 11th st. . 120 per month. Sell wood 2666. ANNA Lewis Hall, tin Flandera. bu.i" Bess girls end students. 84. $5.75 wit nuvDiuuiiii.riAU KOOM8 8 ONE room with kitchenette, comtlete- !T flirm!d' tam running hot and cold water, phone in every room: T blocks from 6th and Morrison ft up- -i commMa t- co.-. 6th HOUBEKEEPINU rooms, all modern runnlngwater In kitchen, month rent free. 346H 17th st. 1 WEEK u p; fur. H. K. R., laundry" baths. Phone Woodlawn 1854. 203 Stanton. . NICELY furnished H. K. roomsmod- rn conveniences; rent reiiiinnihu TO N. th st. CLEAN 3 room apartments, cool place private park, close In, 391 B road w a y DT UTET V l . Tt TT vm uu i c.. i luruiaiiea H. K. rooms tor mno s monm. Marshall i.M Gem Apts. week Mo. 401 i-t m.t Free bath, hot. cold wtr UOUHKJUCEFiNU ROOMS 73 PARLOR suite, first floor, hot. cold water, electric Hmt. ;r u " r !?rFA yri? nd "n. very reasonable walking distance. 7 N. 20th t. riNBJ- parlor suite, fireplace, sleeping porch 1, 2, i rooms, modern. $2. $3 5j free cooking ass. 402 Park ctr. ' ' free cooking gas. 40$ prk street. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms itM 1 locatlon- 704 Gl'san st. Main FURNISHED housekeeping room with kltchantta. lit Hth it $10 per fnowtn. ONE or 1 li Itth 1 nice rooms chean. e-ln. In. t. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 9 W LAT..Vrom cott. Union ave. :. ; N-, 1S. Bast 42. , MODERN I room house on west aide u Inquire 70 Marshall at. ' idOtiERN, 8 room bungalow at 22 E aioon. Rant $14. Call Mar. b71. 12 SIX room bungalow, sleeping porch, full basement, fireplace, furnace, gas, electricity, laundry, gas range, water heater, linoleum on kitchen and bath, lawn mower, hose; rent $21. in cluding water; $24 with garage. Double construction; Just tinted. 725 E. 5-th N. Tabor 5831. ATTRACT J v it. fc room house, sleeping porch, sun room with valley anu river views, flowers and vegetable garden, 3 blocks from Portland I Height- carline, paved streets, inline- i dlate possession, low rent. Telephone Marshall 47K1. 6 ROOMS, thoroughly modern, 636 K. 61st st. N., juice garden, fruit, Ilow ers, $115. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., 212 Selling bid. I'Olt RENT 7 room modern house, 108 E. lth st. Walking distance. Fine location. Rent 2U. fhouk East 122. A 4 ROOM modern cottage at 12S;i E. Halmon at., for $10 per munMi. Call Sunday a. m. or inquire at No. 12X1. FOR ItENT Corner residence, all modern Improvements, perfect order, 10 rooms. inquire 610 Corbett bldg. PnoiiM Main 671 6. 4 ROOM bunsaiow, $. neat and attrac tive, 1606 E. Ankeny et. Fred W. Ger man Co. 732 Cham, of Com. SIX room house. 6 4 E. L'tli St.. $8.1' including water, phone E. -74 be tween 10 and 1- a. m. 0 ROOM modern bungalow, riasonatil . near Westmoreland; lruit, I lowers, 1 blk to car. ICust 1XS5. Sell. -4 05. $5.50 WITH water, o room cl an lious.:. Key at 6039 uTth ave. Mrs. Woir, Myrtle Park. MODERN 8 room house. 1278 K. lOtrl st., Woodlawn district; low rent. Columbia 265. HUdM house, jnodern, E. 36th st., block south of Hawthorne. Imiuire 3 5 E. 36th. 1 IRVINOTON 7 room modern house. No. 626 E. I6th. N. Irvington car to Brazee; key house N. ! PoR RENT ive.Mcituce t:iieriv st Price' $15 a month, inuuire 615 Cor- : bett bldg. Plume Main 6716. 6 ROOM house, East 16Ui St., excel lent condition, $16. Main Du", East 6962. 5 ROOM modern cottage; easy walk ing distance, -ill Hancock; rent $12, including water. $3.50 TWO rooms, wood house, half acre gulden ready for use., water paid. Woodlawn 20!. SEVEN room modern house, at 215 E. 32d St.. 1U0 ieet south ot Hawthorne; rent $22.50. Phone 'labor 374o. LATEST creation in buriKalows; axent on the ground at Sii.'i 25th wt. S. lv NEW 6 room house, narae. Ju6 Mon roe st. Williams ave car. Adults. ;50 MARKET rooms, $111; -Near '. pa i n -d. f 1 rst t:'ge. floor, $15. SIX room house close in on E. 6th with iar;ikr $10. Columbia 570. MKMTl'Ub FOR SALE it Ht H S K. KO K ItKVf 5 ROOM modern house in West Pied mont, electric lights, gas heater and range, all newly painted inside and out. lull basement, 1 block to car; aiso some turniture lor sale. 1220 Missis slppl ave Key at 1 1 '.'6 M ississippi ave. AlJS. of tuinuuie lor sale aii pub lished In the Household (Joods classi fication when bouse is not lor rent. Fl'RNISHKD HOl'SES 30 5 ROOM furnished house, piano, as. electric iights, (ement basement, wash tub; l block from etreetcar; rent $1S per month. 7'Ji' Michigan ave. Woodlawn 22 4s. COMFORTABLY furnished 5 room bungalow, nice lawn, homelike, clean. good neighborhood, pretty location, near Richmond car, Jis. a42 Oreen- wood ave. Marshall 2 795. A ITllAcTl L. well furnished cottage. reasonable, piano, Has, bath, elec tricity, 6c lure Oregon City car, lia gulden. Mllwaukie 29-R, or M-26. Jour nal. To LEASE ! room furnished house in Irvington, close in, $60; grand piano, all conveniences. Phone forenoons East 364 6. WILL lease cozy, house, furnace, west side. D2l mornings. l ompiet e ! y I uri: I shed lor year or longer, Savier st. Apply WEBB turnisiied modern 5 room bun galow, piano, gu. electric, $17. Wood lawn 4"0. FOR ItENT -Completely lurnished .1 rm. cottage, with piano, in rear. 1076 E. 15l,i N WILL lease modern 5 room furni house, nice lawn. Sroses. fruit ihel $lx. S76 E. A si East COL'PBE with nice house, will home lo man and wife for board; reference. X-3S, Journal. fcive one's SEVEN room modern house. uew.y renovated, $20. East 7025 60 1 Borlh wlck. COMPLETELY furnished. modern, clean, 6 room home. 1 1 9u .Mixter st., near E. 21'tn and Lincoln. Taboj- 47. THREE room house; 5 room cottage. Inuuire ;t44 Tillamnuk. NICELY furnished 5 wood car. 6u6 l.llit room ave. house, Wdln. S.-ll-i o;i2. OR 6 Phone RlJO.Vl Piedmont, evenings. Wdln. 4 I urnisued. .LI. 1URNISHEU L'nlon ave.. room house 6ii ; No. Al'ART.MENTS 43 ItMSIIKIi AMPlXKl'UXiSHKK PENROSE APTS.. N. W. cor. Belmont and Uranil ave.. new, modern, j. and n room furnished. Service first class. Walking distance. ELEGANT 6 room apartment vvuii sleping porch and all modern con veniences. Main 4124 or after 6 p. ui A-1501. LARGE rooms and kitchenette, nevviy kalsomined. 2 room suites first floor, many conveniences and reasonable! 655 Flanders st SAN MARCO, nicely funusned or un fuin. moil 3 rm. apts., private bath $15 up. Brick bldg.. walking distance; homelike. E. xth and Couch. East lSno LLZERNE APIS., d aim Han iviou ern brick bldg. 2 rooms, tuimnhed. private phot e in ?ach apt., $15 aud up Marshall 4687. THE SHEFFIELD, HIo Broadway S. 8 and 4 room fur. and unfur. apts , walking distance; at very reasonable rent , beet "of se. vice Main 2 . it THREE room apis , private pnone, bath, $l.5o per mo., modern trick! We-stfall Apts., 410 uth., wuikin dls tance. BALBOA A PIS. Larc. modern 2 and room fur. ind unfur... brick bldg . best service, waik inn dls.; reasonable. 4 -T Harrison st. Ll-CILLK COUR'f! 228 n! 20th st! Furnisheil and unt urnisheil ants large sunny f ' jeping porclies. Good car eer v ice. NOKO.U1S ANNEX 1. J aim ;i rooms under new management, thoroughly renovated; $6, $111 and u . j 4 5 u l ; t h THE ORMONDE Modern front 4 rooms. 656 Flanders. Nob hill Main 8251. NEW furnished apts.; concrete bloiTT $10 and $12. 11C2V4 Enlon ave N W'oodlawn 512. PENINSULA APTS.. C-1170; concrete bldg., 2 and 3 rooms; hot and cold water, hsthfe, phone, steam heat $12 ud MAGNOLIA APTS.. E. 3d and Bilmont Modern I and 2 room apts., $1 oo per week up. Sleeping rooms. Eait ;p ROSE FRIEND. 2Jio Broadway S.; mod ern unfurnished apts.; large rooms best service, walking dist. Mar j4lo' 4 ROOMS, sleeping porches, hardwood floors, furn. or unfurn. Portnomah 200 E. 13th. TWO room apartments, fully fur i nlahed. also lnirl room. neo ,.7 .:. . ' , ,, on ce. I inpmnT -uurt. ui loth, modem uiiiviiiouii aoarrmenis- iio to $2 AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4. t rm. apts. Mar. 330. M.751S. A-2678 CAMAR. 704 Loveio' opts.. $16. $20. $27. j ' 2 and 3 room 0. Marshall 2917 ROSEN FELD Stark. 3 and tbrick. 14th and E. 4 rooms, private phones. FOIt KENT HOUSES tnrnrajrxsaxB ( Con tluua-) APABTMEXTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Con tinned , , -, , T.3E ( 6th and wolumwi sts. Five minute' walk to Me'er Frank's store; good trouii-ings; strictly modern 2 and 3 room furnished apartments, oil outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATE8. PKr.MANKNT OR TRANSIENT, VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely lurnished epts. Walking distance. References A!SAETHIMT rtSTTSI. T14TH AW tvXHaii YsV Portland'a bouae of quality, cumfurt uud &ervl-e Aivv v L.blMi.al t,tl, hth al ivxam soii t naer new management, apts. furnished or ui;i uriii.-neiT wan prlvaie oatli, oy vveeii or jnonlii; only lour IJloCKB i rum t.ostoff i c c. iu.v .ri.o.N I'iun At'ia. fixik. bL. at Madison. Modern z,, 3 ana 4 room I urn. shed apartnitntti, close in, by week or -,ionth. THL uLJiMJUhr'. 208 ItiTH ST. Marbliall 23l6. Nice 5 room fur. and unfur, -ipts. alfeo j and 4 room fur. ants. CLARK At.-. beds, puuiif, 2 mi. lur.; disappearing liKlits. iicat free, 1 uj. FOK i:iJT FLA IS l;i . MulJbit.N 4 loom Hat. 1155 MUwauKio i St., Seuwoou car, electric iignt, uu.:i, j Dutch kiicneii, latfce basemem, itnlJUi. ROOM in, low flat. ltllL fcood East cunuiliun, !6a. cioae FL'KNISIIKD FLATS 50 BEACTIFL'L furnished 5 room Hat or 0 roiuii house, walking Uistauce. west bid must be seen to be upure- I elated. Mam 31 1. WELL-luimt id lower 4-room llat. fcood ncigliborho jd. Ta- pon a, uid bo i ir.- NEAT 4 rooms, walking distance, two east end Broadway bridge, prices, 3S3 Ross. blocks Summer NEW, modern, 5 rooi.i Hats, 1'urmshed E. Ankeny st. or I East uniurniiihed. 13 :ij6." MODERN 5 rooms, furnished or unfur nished, free piione. Tabor 2515. Sl'M-UEU liKSOKTS 60 "S A NSEA WAV." Rea,utiful private home, 2 blocks west irom Leach Center station, de sires a lew guests; comlortable rooms, overlooking ocean; excellent taole, congenial surroundings. Marshall o '::). Sanseaway. eav iew. W ash. ti U.M.-H1.U leius at sunset Beach. 54 j;er week if eiigaged betore July 10; wood luriiisned; aiso two 4 roo.u cotlagts ai'd one room cottage fur nished. Lorr E. Keasey Co., Cham, of Com. CA.NNwN BEACH, Ecoiu, Or Becker, lienry oppcrman, Kirst on the ocean l.-ont. New . Hotel prop, and at- tractive. Ivates i easonaoie. 7 KoOM modern house, furnished, close lo Moore hotel and ocean, only $100 for season. luaiik L. McGuiic, Ma. n lu6S . KuuilS and rooms with houseKceping privileges. L. Roderick, Lont Beacii, W ash. poit i: room located. ENT Ocean turnisiied oj Sell. 1 7 24. Park. ila4e, Not S Wash., 5 centrally inday. RO( KA W Ai Nicely located l roo.n turnihed cottase for lent. J. M. Vc lkn.av . t 'reyon City. l'OR completely furnished collages at Elmore Park, Kockawav, Or., phone Tabor ) IS NEAT, well lurnished 5 room cottage at Ocean Park. Wash Seilwd. 150). MllllLh ANI Dri'iL'ES ll tor rent, uacKagc. ngnt aud airy O.' paved stret;., reasonable. Journal P ishii'f Pronnwav and Y amhill. FOR REV!' -M iS( ELLWKOIS 33 BRICK warehouse on car tracks in Soutu lJoitlahd, paved stitet, well ljghied. About 7 0oo so, ft. floor room. b'Uiauie for light manufacturing. Ap l i.i at ousiness office Journal. WANTED TORENT 7 WANTED By Christian Science cou ple, unfurnished apt. or bungalow; musl be reasonable and clean. H-34, Jon riial. Col'PI.E .want turnisiied bungalow, close in, ciean; garage, lease. Aiai slali 567 1. HOUSi-S, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 TEAM, bay mares, weight 2600 lbs , heavy harness, and wagon, $175. Team of horses, age 4 years and 7 years; both work single and double, Willi wagon and harness, J 125. Cow and calf 2 years old Jersey and Durham, registered slock, fresh 3 weeks, $4 5. Ail Kinds of wagons and buggies and 1 ainess lo be sold lor llie tiiKH dollar. No reasonable oiler relusetl. Gom:j out ot business. 5 16 Front Street. A L' C T i l N! A CC Tl ON 1 We have bujeis lor a lew teams from 12ou lbs. up. not loo old and must- be in good working condition; also farm wagons and double harness We sell consignments on 5 per tent commission. Sale las Mondays and Thursdays, 2 o'clock. 2us Front st. Star Horse Sales Co- SPAN of marcs and harness, weight -040; $S5. Span of geldings, weight 220", good harness and wagon, J 110 Theso horses are good workers an1 must be sold at once as we are going ekst. Gentle pony, lop buggy and har ness. $05. ;(M Water st. .a i-i.vi. man neu team or 0 and i-year-old bay mares, weight 20ii. heavv of 6 and boned, gentle, work single or double. goo. i puiiers in every way. Lewis Keil, Aurora. Or. I ton noises anu vemcies. dogs and i household pels and poultry, read the ads under these lespeilive headings. I Tne Journal leads all omer mediums ; m th' Sri elassi t ica t ions. ', ROUSES all kinds lor Lire, day oi week, and saddle h-Tses and buggies. i Columbia Slaoles. oUJ Flout St. Alaii ', :; i :'.'i. Vvtj horses, good condition, weight -about 1 oo ii, ,s. each., blaciv and bay. Jpnhcrt Ranch. Sapnoos. Or uutes ail., uii.u.di t ail W i. cu iaw a i n k? i o. tree. Pen '. : Portland A MNE young lSOu lb. team of mares cheap or w 1 1 1 exchange for good big liors L'Lj'-ast Yamnill st. FOR SALE, cheap. 2 6 o 0 Ib7Team1 uTid harness anu gooseneck wagon. Sib Mississippi ave. Woodlawn l.'4!i. lluRAi.S; pony 2" 5 ' Morrison tor saie or trade. 1400 l.B. horse w agon" for J75. and modern delivery' 1 13 K.lpatrick. TOP buggy, sing, Woo I law n 21 :0 urness. Fhone REAl'TlrFL sorrel horse, trade for Ymugy, V.arni-ss seil or will Ma--. lu3S GOUl) sma 1 team, liar: :ets and wagon for sale -ompleH. $125 Tab . 35. LIVKSTOt K 'A DANDi family Jersey cow; when I fresh gives 4 gals of milk; will sell her for $45; a Jersey bull, 1 i, years old, Irom registered sire, pretty as a j picture; a bargain for $25. Lewis Keil i Aurora, or. FOR SALE, fine 3 .ear old Jersey liuernsey cow gai. per day, tes fir. lw 1 1; 11 l, ii V- I j . loncn v aney rnMil WiinHnlni'lc t-u r frt u,l. .. . . . i. 3 blocks. AL"CTION sale of consigned cows St.. 2 on u'. . smnaaj',, JUiy ,iu. j8 f ront n-fifn-n we Sell I lor anyone commission FOR 8AL Fine cow, horse, rubber 1 ' , . . -j .nut-!! cast 1 1 Hood deiot at Nendel station. 3 FRESH cows, will sell or trade for rwf cattle. 956 MtswissiDDl ivn Al-i. ureeas oi dairy cows. Bruce. Union Stock Yards. Terms. POULTRY AND PIGEONS 87 50 THOROUGHBRED S. C. W.iite Left horn hens, fine laying condition. $1 each. Main 379. C. Pedersen. 410 Lahhe hldg. FOIl SALE, 75 pair of very fine mated Carneaux pigeons; answer B-40, Journal. 00 WHITE LEOHoRN cockerel, from trap nested Btock. 5i.'c up. East 31'4. DOGS, niKD?, PETS, ETC. 40 GOOD airedale or Scotch collieg 6 to 18 months old; would consider female. Price must be reasonable. Y-9!7. Journal. FOR 264 SALE Persian Angora kittens. E. 51st st.. near Madison AUTOMOBI LES-.4 CCKSSOK1 ES 44 PIERCE-A RROW Rebuilt 7 passenger-6 cyl. tour. car. newlv painted, elec tric lights, seat covets, new top. This car is a bargain PIERCE - ARROW PACIFIC SALES CO.. INC Phone Main 6S2K 14th & Couch. O A R -v o E 3 $30 and up P o r ib I e houses, chick en houses, woods heds. etc. 1'. i 1 1 -made Con s truction Co , Main 1 1 6 1 and evenings 544 Hood Woodlawn tt. Sunday 361 5. $650. 7 passenger Oldsmobile in good condition; extra tire, top and wind shied. 7,-H'J'j, Journal. CADILLAC. 1913 touring car. electric starter, a more dependable car cannot be bougni lor $buu; terms, also many other good used cars; visit us before you buy. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. Main 64 4. EVER READV $C0; truck r o m 11 I f 1 1 C 1 ton trucn, aii.ee, 1111 l. $7 75. Manuf in Portland. TH A Y ER-SHA ER-GLLLEY MACHINE CO 193 n Water st Phone Ea . 437. DODGE. Bl'ICK. 1915 Dodge touring, run only 3700 miles. $650. 1 'J 1 3 Buick roadster, new tires all around, and electric lights, $2!'5. FRANCIS MOTOR CAP. EXCHANGE, East East 13th and Hawthorne, LIGHT REO. Run S000 miles only and in ex eller.: condition. $350; terms, aiso seveial other good light cars; visit our used car department. Covey Motor Car Co . Main 6244 FoR SALE 1 Connecticut CJuad vi- j bratii",' .oil, 1 2-in. late model Ray- j field carburetor. 1 14-in. late model' Schetler carburetor. 1 1',4-in. late mod-j el Mayer carburetor. 1 Connecticut i timer. See K. C. Jackson. Journal 1'i'MkWni; Co ,.,'.. z . i . U iil.C LltdU, (Jlll.l.lUIC j proof tires madia from ! your old ones. Rfiiig them j in. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., ! Wash at lsth. Lurnide at j B'.oadway. 3:15 Hurnside.1 l'jl'i ti cyl. OVERLAND. 7 passenger. run only a few miies. Owner bought a H'17 Chalmers. A 11ARGA1N. KEATS Al'To 1'u.MPANV BROADWAY AT III i'.N SIDE ST. Phone Broadway 0 J -. Bargain 5 pass., 4( h p., newly painted, new tires. A-l mechanical condition. $25u cash. Woodlawn 451 u. AIL ST SELI Electric auto 4 pass. car; cost $;!2ui; new batteries and tires. Make offer, cash or lerms. L'4S Hassalo, R-C car to 31st X., block sout h. 11U4 CHALMERS. 7 pass, with late improvements. This cur is in A-l condition and can be bought at a very low price. Your chant e to get a bar gain. ;!1 HroiAdway X. Hicailw.iy 11. Russell St, Garage, Storage $4 per month; x;ert repair ing; supplies. Russell St. and a:i cotiver ave East 2122.. DODGE EGO model touring car. bought new in March; will sacrifice lor cash; reason for selling, gniim away. Inquiie 247 E. 42d st. Call bttweeii lu and 6. 7 PASS. Hudson, first class condition, worth $125u, for $750 cash this week. Demonstration any place. i'all Km. 35S Ore. hotel Tuesday. After Tues d:iv Main 0:'5. LET Is Sclve Guaran .eed Springs. Cor. I'nion and Bel r.tont. E. 1305 Y'our Spring i.ouule. wAein, 1 ui, Cu.fiAot AMD at Covey Motor Car 21st and Washington. Mfg. & Repairs', in stock, pt ices 3000 jruarant'd 5-pr.ngs reduced. 34 N. 15th St. BRISCOE Four-cylinder, almost new, at a bargain; terms it' di sired. OAKLAND A I "TO CO., Main 414. loth and Alder AUTOMOBILES painted; nood work. reasonable prices. A. Seghei tj, oia car riage painter. Come ana md me, oil North 21st et. 1915 FORD roadster, run luou miles, all new tires, speedometer, treat iwU climber, fine condition. Sellwood 2ui, 5H3 Karl. Mil LH ADC A I iTf 1 I CMCPaleiu HvJ-VJL.ni 1 1 nU I U LLMOi ' pending ED BKl'NS CO., 43H lFt st cor. Ash. lirosdway 954. CHALMERS saape, good light delivery body. $;00. 3 1 40 in fine mechanical tires. Will make uiio a Now has a 5 pass. P.roadwav. Broad'ay .". ;i s MY 5 pass. STI'DEHAKER foiedoor, In good, ruiiiiing order, good tires, $275. Car can he seen at Keats Auto 'o Phone Proadvvay ."; ilv VISIT the lug used auto ex. haio-'e for bargains. Sale now going on; all makes, ail sizi .-. all prices. ,;1 Lioad- w a y N . H'o : 1 1 vv a y II. MY l'JIti (nerland, U cyl., 7 pass. Urand new condition, am go,ing away; must sell to raise money. Your chance for a bargain. 31 Broadway N. Ilroa l y 11 i'Oii SAl-E--ial4 Ford touring -a7. $150 cash, balance terms, to recpnii slble jiarty. P. 218 Hoard or Trade FOR SALE Bug, Al condition"" p7ac3 reasonable. al! 530 Miller ave. or ft one SfU. 27" before 2 p. m. Sunday. G"ET OCR PRICES ON PAINTING" UROADWAV ALTO PAINTING CO.. ? Hroadway N., niar Hurnside Al 'TOMOK1LE. loadsler, tride foT diamonds, cash register or valu ables. Wood. 4411. FIVE passenger rord, must be bar gain, good order for cash, p O. box 634, Lents. Or. 1913 AMERICAN 3o roadster. fu.iv equipped, in good condition; a $2400 c ar. $335 la kes 1 1. Tabor 3!U0. Ml'ST be sold by July 11: Prettiest small roadster in th. city. Wilder. 14th and E. Stark sts I FORD roadster bodies cheap. Ford de I mountable rims. Tabor 6478. FORD 5 passenger; looks and runs like new; fullyequipped. ISO E. 3ad. i l-ari , . ? OrvU touring car, shock new. Tabor 3322. absorber: like FOR SALE Light delivery car. A-l condition; newly painted. 130 N. 19th. BOWSER gasoline pump, in perfect condition; sell cheap. W-113. Journal. PACKARD TRUCK. Excellent condition. Eat 257. FOR SALE 1 V 605 Alder st. ton truck, $300 cash. GARAGE: 33 1-3x237 thorne ave. at 1111 Haw- W ANT ED Old car for parts. AI. 1161. I FOR USED CARS j See big stock Co. Mailt ti244. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 Continued) Truck Bargains ton JEFFEItY truck. ton WILLYS truck. 1 ton SELliON tru.k. 2 ton UNIVERSAL truck. II ton PACKARD truck. THESE TRUCKS ARE ALL IN GOOD MECHANICAL CONDITION. $800 and Up Terms Frank C, Riggs Co. 23d and Washington. Main 4 a 4 a. Used Auto Snaps BIG REDt'i TION ON ALL '"SI. CARS. EL Y NOW ANT' SAVE MONEY. ' LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. D r.0. MOL1NE. 5 pass.. 4 MITCHELL 5 STODDARD. 5 pass. IMPERIAL. 5 pass SsTODI 'Mill, 7 p;i.-s. MAXWELL 5 p.,ss. COLE. 4 pass., 4 c . -Mi l 'HEEL. 7 , as.-.. cvlinder. $17? . t cv linde!'. f 5 , 4 c; Under, 4 i vln.dci. , 4 eylindei. , l i vlinder lihder. $:j(hl c.v III 1I1T. $ 2"0. $"7'.. $:i5n. $ 4-0. I , . OVERLAND. 1 s.. 4 v yln.de lo l'ASS. HOTEL 11 I S, il i yl. $1J.5U SEVERAL OTH ERS l-'ROAl. TO SELECT Mitchell Lewis Si Stiver Co. E 1st and East ; E. Morrison . 11-1216. Bargains- Bargains High grade machines that have had the best of care and ui splendid mechanic! c tidltion, tor gle at $7uu an,i un, i'ai k ards. 'Locomotive and otners, 2, 5 and 7 passenger cars. 1 6-pas.--.. 4 c 1 phavton. 1 7-i ass., 4 cyl. Luring 1 b-pa.-s., G iyl. phealoh. 1 7-uass.. 6 cyl. touting. Frank C. Riggs Co. i'3d and v"itshii;gior. iVRDS I'UKliS. FORDS. FORDS. l'Jl5 "old t 1 1 r 1 n lt. pr.o tically new', spot light and Has.-ler shock absorbers, $;'.s5. 11'15 Ford tourir.g, like r.ew, speedom eter, seat cover.- and spot lif;ht. $285. 1H15 Loril. lourinu. finest condition. I shock absorbers, speedometer, $3s5. I l!il4 I'.u'.t roadsier. ov-rsize tires all i around and eUctnc lights. J-"'5. ! PC 4 l or d tfuiir.g, el-cii ic lights and ! si eedomete:-, i:!25. ! P.'14 Ford delivery, steel -'anel bodv. 1 $0 25. j Terms if desirw1 and a year's free i servii e mi all ii'.itmt (id 1 us t n 1 lit s. ; FRANi'IS M"TuR CAR EXl'HANGE. , Hast I ; '.ci. I i:;th ami 1 4 aw-tNiri.e CADI ' R.v : s I.nr STl'l i:h.ki first class STCDKliAKI t'l-i.i: ar, '.'unken .o'ni.:;on $275 i; touring car, 1 omiition $ 2 25 .ri o pussei.ger. tourlns car $; STl'DEKAKER "'..' I'.'L". touring car. e..- tric sM.rcr .md I,;ir.-..$' 00 ori;g.in Mil I or (' All CO., 1'i-ed i'.ir I ( i'ari niei.t, Studebuker I'M.-irii 1 : t o t s, 1'aik and Da v 1 - $7:n PA. KA KD "30 " 7 passenu'r c.ir. iti K'od con dition, for sale t heap; t!ii car has full wpi.pmcnt. iiu'lidinc seal .overs; l'oreduor body. '. ti 5 . Journal. DODGE TOI KISO CAR. In firs' cl.i-s c 1;,!; t ion . a very poo l buy at $i2. rn' can 1.' seen at t'ov. y Motor Car Co., 21st arai Wu.-Ning ton st. Main ;44. AI TOS KtH IIIKK 52 SEVEN first f. 7 4 0 pa-s. Winion i. ass service. Mail any w he re, -tj7i. Tabor DODGE aato htv h day. trips to hi 'e, lates. ri'es liwaj. Main 2, i-y .si. Si 1 w O'.rl 1124. SIX i vl. Saxon f.,r hi:-e Sutlila v e-i a n v oCe;- Call Tali.ir :iT.l 'for rat" ; h i iz I, H y . -'.-has - FOR per RENT V week. 1" ' 1 1 st touring. Lints. Id! SALEM. Sat. ', . Ta hor m . ret 0 s . it'h Sunday, fare N 1 . W ikund Me, r .-: , k one with an v wh 'I'aborJ il t iv er jli Has Ki .RI 1 tor lur- AITOMOP.ILKS WAXTKI) 78 TO TRADE for a light louring r small house and 2 lols in New value $"ii'i. House now t:ted. 1 'Pi, lone lahor :ni6. ICQ CITY in inodern fl toiin hou.-.JTo exchange fir auto. Lord pieferred; must be in good coudiilori. Tabor 5222. THREE lots at Alvadi.r.', (if., for I" or some other light car. E Jou rna I. : d if,. TO TRADE sas for p I J i ppeif V WANTE1 ' bile. 12t'0 .1 p.is a i'o in Kan- t.an l; fu.iy .ne i n p., .br. ; i . trad -" vi , i uk. lot tor a u ton liwood lilil. MOTOJtt V( LLS-1UCVC LKS 53 MOTORCYCLES Perfect terms given; open eve's, to 12. iiulian Ac i y. 273 3d. coinl. t ion ; itindavs 10 Mam HI3!i. CASH any lor moiorcv ' les arid i condtCon. Llocker, 27r. yi'ieo, I ' yb TMUFill speed Ilatl.y; I cash or terms 1 all 125 TWIN Indian, in Kood saap. 122 7'h st av my. ? N ' shape. I.AlNtllF.S AMi IM1ATS l.V-Fi )hT launch. :'2 II P. fullv eipiipped.; e. trie Iinhted. chairs and cushions, la ti ry built and uoml con dition, deiniinsivat ion by a 'poi nt nu -nt . $f5 l:tj it Mann. 017 Colbert bldg Marshall 1221. . i. v I .m, i ,'i-- canoe motors, ins unoo el. 'i . P.. battery aid roil Former price $73.40. Closing out this model a' $4S. $16 down, balance monthly Evin rmie Motor C-t.. 211 Morrmon. LARGE, attractive houseboat modern ( convenience s; party leaving city, i No 33 Willamette Moorage club. Sell- j wood 2 233. A $22 5 LAl'NCn. for $lu. almost new. fully equipped.' Inquire V. E, Chi is tenen. Island stat ion. -" FOR SALE 4 room modern houselaat. furnished or unfurnished; a barsain for cash. Sellwood S5H. WILL pav Sell wood snot Itm5 cash lor nood canoe. HOUSEBOAT for snle. furnished, c heap moorapp. M a i n r27. FOR SALE, after fi lf.-ft. lock. canoe. Call A-3761 I iANIE! SCN Boat Shop Nebrasaa Puildinj r'rJ,ir. h?t work. bi rrue PIANOS, OliGAXS AM) MUSICAL NSiaIXT8 Ai FOR RALF: SS-note player piano, onlr used few months. $250 cash. Apply manager Nortoni hotel. , 1'lANOg, OKliANS AND MLslCAL IN8TKLMEMS luOiiuafieu) 1UL would not buy an oiu oewliu machine lhat dropped sUlche the old piano drops notes do not blam; wife or daughter lor inuiffereiit per iurmauce, b.uine the inaltlertut piano, which alienates entire tamilies from music since enjoyment is impossible. IK not buy old models for exactly the same reason triat oihirs uxenatiKc tl-.ern for new Improved ll pnoios at the St n wan Piano Co. "Maiie" Room saie." Ill th si. at Washington. j c-sil. $1.25 Week iv liuvs bU'.. lulls tOlK ond efficiency 111 i1d lUOut. JijJj fiiwc-s ui the same price wunuui miM'bt as i ne prices ot old -uoueis with tue b'c aduea iu iutisi else- here. ULomX'J Uli iu tltisl v. .vi e-civ. Planoia $2ju pla-yer, UiiLiiogaJij' lor cash $ 35 Pis nei JJ75. old model piano, lor cash . . 25 Coliard A; Coliaiu, English upris .t 4v Chicku ing & Sons, o.d luoati, 10. casti 45 N. Y. I'lanotoi in, I100'.1 '-aiiil. tor cash 19a ileal y $,"0 parlor orsj.11 lo SECCRITY S'luRAGE CO.. . 109 Fourth st ctruitc. pu; cu ibi-g s'j our toi eciala 111 l se J Piano Bargains. New pianos modaiciy p. iced. 9 !3'v ri-"1 i,1 " t u'il-i; l ,,. '3 rK it .-.-...j.. j.. iso a laii-e 11V. pi act m all v .l Hi f.OOU v LHlU.llOU. black walnut cm koo new. I 'a 1 1 ' 4 lit. '-j E. e Mam 27'js daung 01- j liroadway. l'lioi. 1 ! 1 1 yf .1 : .-1 . I ii.w 1- )uiir piano tuned, repaired or I refinished by our professional men I i'oriiai.u 1'iaiio Tuning, Repai"irg v Mlg. Co.. 24b Hawinori.e. i'lioao iul ii'i i 1- R EE use ot piano or placer plan 1 I years. See ui.-play alv. of : K.-bwan Piano d or ia.il al 111 4th st. 7 5c liu.N UlLl ; 101 es i oar piiino or 1 iir.ee or buy it tor 5J2J. Secuiny Slor- I will bell at v-.i-.i I c.ish. Ci-il Ma. 11 a e i piano" to.. 1 1 1 1 1 li si lelits 2 al.u 1 1 1 : 1 st. up. G 1 av es -VI usic pla 1 i:u- mon In. 1'iA.VU llj... 2b. 1 Morrison Pay o per si. GuiNG eas., sell Woodlawi. 44s. pallor giana pialio. I NEARLY new 1 'ight mahogany piano snap. 1-51, Journal. tor J 1 5i 1 ash $'.'U 1 ASH liiija JJ-o ile.nje upright o.'i'k. Security Storag-; l o . 4t!. St. h' iR SALE Good piano. line condi tion, ehtap for cash. 'labor 115'in. T V r EVV UIl fcl KS T7 NEW REM I N'G'lON rental Jilau. with ma.iu 1 acl ore rs' guaiantee and .tntag ai potng on purchase. Visible m del.. Jli per month, $7 5u lor 3 munuia. v)ther models iess. Ivemingloii Vypcv, Iter company. bi Lroauway. Telephone Kioailwuv ''-'I. VVE save on Vrotn 60 to 75',i, 011 all makes of ty ptwrlters. Senl 10" our Illustrated folder; tentall department. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER Co.. '21 Washington st. NEW. rebuiU. 2d ra res P I C. t o haiKi, renta s '.'.'11 StMrk.M cut 1 4" 1". fok sal:; Mist j;ll.m;ols ii All Makes mm 34 MORRISON M A 1 N 18 4 5 : ull hAbi. uianu i.tw eure.ui anu pocket billiard tables with complete outfit. $125; second hand laars at tfduced prices; Liowlir.g allev and bil liard surp'les, easy payments C lgr store. drug. dcUcater.sen and sodi fonnta'n fixtures. THE HRCNS'.VICK P.A'.KK COLLI-NDEP CO.. 4H-4S 6th AlACIUMiB ui all manen suiu for lets No agents employed. Machine :"nt fd, $2 her ic-jnth A-62t. Main 9421. Hewing Ma chine Emporium. 11 3d st., near Taylor, atirl rrn'ed Electric motors soid ri j. ' ai h firtr c 1 ntnrc - Mi iv I-IOOUIU IIIUlUll) il I J PoJght. sold, rented and re paired. Walker Ele.tric otks, 413 Burnslde, cor li.lh Rroudwav or A-.-.KJ4 in.-lCAL l.Ns 1 III. MEN 1 o, ' lype wriiers" and '-lous.nold Gooiis' are rparaie classifications. All adver tisements ji' these goods are pablished unuer iheir respective classificulioM. I.I K THEM OVER 10 DROPHEAD Sinner sewing ma chines, complete with attainments. in good order. $17.50 Wliile they lait. East 235'.). P.-3307. E. R. Steeu. 162 Grand ave. rear IWmont. 1 1 K f u cih. R A i O R S. Closing out stock of Wickes patent refrigerators at 1. o. b. factory prices; 110 dealers profit On display at Ta- piru 1 1-vv I.-k-La 1 ke-l'ol lender Co.. 4 ti li A I ' T .I ' ml I .ES, 1:10 lore ycies, muanea or boala aie epaiate cla.-sitlc-ili ana. A lare listing can be found under tle.-e dif lerent classifications. CHEAP- - I wo or will t rude .loi.ia.a i. 1 '1 i ni h f, Hit for cash register. f;ui D-2 HA! mi ki, - burners, $v; cost I il new , good as u.-ed tin's., iiew. Woou- lawn JJVL NEW s-ltl Mogul gas tractor, only plowed .' 5o a, -res. will sell encap. L. 11. C!a'eii Goblendaii, Wusii. WAYNE gasoline pumps and oil age tamKH. E. H. Rueppell, Ai;! 1st Main 1221 SHOWCASE, soda founliiin, reftlgera tor' and otlier store flxtuies, will o nsider trade, light stock. 3 4 3 -Russell. t FOR SALE Cherries on tie.-, i 51 and Couch. Tabor 2.1 Sm. day. ' J i . $2'l Edison Ainberola pool $75. allTiObt Iiew, I Sel iO' cues for Jin. 1 J 7 i H'!iiio;il. NICK Royal .uii.eain! ii:ng gra di d i. alis I'.i hor .". H1l :g cherries : c t 'It n St.. nea r l'C'l .-a le, Ii I - III it O'.l lal Oak Phone Hr-.adw:i $12. 5n DROPHEAD sew .ng machu.e. wi'h attachments. Lail 152 Grand i ave EE SAVING by nuylng your las.-et of Staples. the jeweier. opucari :'i".ii Moin.-on ROYAL ANNE and Ring cherries for . sale. Pick them you itself. 126 E. "Mb st Take ML T; r-ar- FOR SALE Cherries. 2c lb., pick I u.'im ! Viiuisri!'. l;;;i Per.in.-ula ave., on St. .I.i. lis li:i". WiM.illnwn 2 3 .".;. j FoR r- .a I - i 7. iaiit-1 stove, buggy. l.- cycle, p'.rch swills nd fiu.t jaisi an I teat 1214. 22S I.)lati st. J NATP'N'A L refrigerator and poich shade in Due condition C-l.;54 ' udor cheap. 1 ACRES "f clover ready to cm. In- j a j re i.i2i' t owen valley road Phone Tabor 4M9. MACHINERY bought, bOui. repaired j and exchanged. NorthweH Lead & ! Ma' h. Co.. 31 lFror.thl .Main i4M2. j K'6T("sAi.B Cherries. Royal TCmTe 4c. Rep.lW icans 3c. 723 E. 21th si., N. FOR SALE Folding baby hn i (Sturgisi in good condition Inquire 853 Monjtanaja.jve Vv oodlaw n326. 6rT:GON cherries, 5630 E. 44th st. SeP wood 1335. Electric runs bought, sole, exchanged, repairing Room 31 6 328 H Wash, st. FOR SALE Sic an lablo and meat Kllcr. Phone Main SSH. GASOLINE drag aw, pract iially new. $M i-omplete Talior 77 or Ta. 21ti5. KALE plants for sale. Sell. HiS2 KU AI' COLL i X KITCHEN" cabinet, nearly new, for brekfxmt table or what have you? 126. . Yamhill. GUARANTEED L'SE1J MACHINES SWAP 'X-LtMN r ctiontiBnea) HAVE 2 splendid New Zealand breed ing does. Hade for good chickens. Columbia .127. Iiiil.l Newell t. EXPERT piano tuning exchanged for furniture or anything useful. Well- ster. Tabor 5 7 1 . " WHAT have ou In horses, buggies or harness t() trade lor j:ood motor- S VK'" .'y-'-1 !;,,s, Yamhill til. u-ToN ciunelhiK'k wagon. " Till llavv tUorne ave. Hornless for a,e 01 plionoKraph and records Hade, lai-or 5716. A.N j WE PAY cael; lor 1 .,m carpels, ia.get-. etc. Gevurtz Furniture Co., Inc. 1S&-1S7 First eu NEAR TAMillLL. MaivSI1Ai-L 6bi. G I fce-i uticuig tikuiy, llou N W, ttant btug PAYS AlOHE loi- mem -Huichinso.i Co. VciO VJj uuo tnan cpe:i.v We Ktirtiit uur wain tor i n.u matter lit baoiy brnaeu. Bilbg this ad. Howaid Jeweuy 1:0, iilm vvah- mgton. i'Hn.vi. tact 16I0 wnen you wtui iu sell your lurnuure. come a once 1 and pay you tne casn. M R. Seater. 26 orand ave, Routh of Hawthorne. HAiNi'fJj tsecouU iitinU lun.iLuio ranges and jstovt,. Bett prices paid. Morgan Furniture '0 iv E. Moinson H. i'horie Eest 1!238. WAN iiip i ije peopie ot Puri..ia 10 know 1 pay the highest cash p.ice for household goods. Picsipt atveuiion. East 7u7 N M. Seatt.'. 14:1 HuaikII et WANTED- Second nand gasoline' en gine, not less tnan lo h. p. Address J. C. lirown, Portland, care fcir. Muiiaii, UllK St. dock. I WILL pay cash lor your piano, p.a er. upright, urand or square. Bom phones, 1432. or call on J. J. Foster. 151 4th st. NOTICE To Mo V EMC. Wanted - Jtoves, lockers. dresr, rugs, couchet. chairs, laoies. sit. We puv the irn e. N W. Kur. Ex. I'. j :t w 12x14 WALL lent, must he 111 good con dition and (heap. Will pay cash. P.o.v 2 M , I '1 int ville, I ir. CASH lor eld KOiu, sliver, nal muni und high grade ore. H. M. Pickering, mrfti. jeweler. 21t Oregoninn bida 25c for copy Satuiday Eve. Post of August 1ii, PJ12. Whore is the boy that has one? T. .I. P.ahlw in, Henry bid. W AN I ED Ilicycles and parts. Any condition. 12S 1st, near Alder. Malii 4 4 nr.. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND HAND H I ' S E II O L D GiU'DS PHONE MAIN ,T.!32. A-25(i7. sEioND hand clolliihi; nujer. jueei, the lailor. pays $5 up for suits; anoee housht. Miir? 'in,, 1 22W '-'.". Madison WANT all kinds show eases, cash 1 lsters. scales, etc. 12s 1st, near del. Main 44:'5. ei;- Ai- I CASH and j.aid for TALKING MACHINES RECORDS. Main 44U5. US 1st. ni ar Alder. W A N'T El fur nitur. Stov e M a 1 n ot range, also soipe 44S5 LAsll paid lor nlture. Ford Kouu oecoiid-nand lur Auctlon Co.. 1D1 Zd st PAYS highest price lor z hand e.oth inK, tools, etc. 273 Front Minn 4K02. LOST AM) l Ol XI) 1 I'Ol.LoWlNG arlicles were found eti the Portland Railway, 1 . t g n t .V I'ovver "o cars and owners thei eof may claim same at the 1st and Alder si station: Marshall 5100, A-t.131. July 3 - 1 suit box, ii pkgs., 4 single glove.-t, 1 pr. overshoes, i palls, 1 cuff-link, I purse, ii iiiubiellks, 1 raincoat, 1 lunch box, 1 fob, 1 book, 1 wheel, 1 pr spc -ta, les, I steel tape. 1 pkg. lunch, 1 straw, 1 pr. gloves, 1 gold chain, 1 tool chest, 1 basket, 2 grips, 1 ram coat. 5th -4 u m hi elles, I pr. shoes. 1 pr. overalls, 1 coat, 1 pr. sloven, 2 lunch boxes, 5 gloves, 1 handle, 1 casi ir.g, 1 pkg. medicine, 1 pkg. phoio cards, 1 small bracelet, 1 brooch, 1 oil can, 1 valise. 1 Knp, 1 basket, 1 bdi. clothes, . jikus., 1 pr. shoes, I camera, 1 hook, 1 boK eggs, 1 ark clothes, 1 bank book, J hat, 1 basket, I goJJ chain. 1 neck hand. 6th- 0 umbrellas, J bunches of keys. 1 pkg. bandage, 1 doll, 1 brooch, 1 single glove. 1 dinner pail, 3 purses, 1 grip, 1 valise. 2 grip. 1 large lunch box, 1 pkg. tin cans, 1 book. LOST 2 35x4 i2 Fisk tires, mounted on i ims, between Wlllamina and Portland, on tbe 4th of July. Phone East 115U or call 52 E. bth tl. N., cor. 1 a v is, Port land: Reward. FLAG pin with cross oars on it, Ini tial P. R. C., lost July 4: kecpsaKe, finder return to Journal office. I'LKSONALS WHY pay big prices for glasses? 1 can fit your eyes with fiist quality ienses In a gold tilled frame as low as 1.50. ChaA. W. Goodman, optometrist. 20 Mu.rit.on. Main 2124 iERVEV at HAlvi.iibT, leading wig and tou'ii makers; finest sioi ?. Hu man hair gooas; hairdressing. manicur ing, face and scjlp treatment, comb ings to order. 147 Broadway. Main 544. OREGON HERNIA INSTITUTE. Rupture treated mechanically; adults, children. Trunaes to i.uit your cue. Johnston & Limbaigar, rupture spe cialists ,11 Allskv hldg Main 3784. TAKAKA Hair Tonic, an anuaepXiO scalp cleanser, hair beaut if ier and dandruff remover; price 60c bottle. For saie bv Portland Hotel Pharmacy. DON 1 uso expensive corn remedies when you can get the sure thing "Removes It" lie plaeterw at the Clem eiison Drug Co.. 2U Morrison st. LADIES ONLY - LETS GET L'l A1NTED. THIS AD. 35. . AC M A S- SAGE. MANRT'RE OR r.i-2-3 ol.l MHIA LI.DG. SH AM POO. NEW lite in electric and vibratory I treatments. Facial, sculp '! nmtil i curing. 417-20 No it h west" in Hank bldg. nUjf- LR. V. G. K.E 1 C1L M - VV omen s n.ala lui! dies and acute diseases of men. Wash. rung-, un -inn whsii. ivic oi ai.i. DR. ETH Ei7"A. js'acUYT expert tnasv suese and chiropodist, uuu I'anama bldg. Main iiotix. IHAVE your hair permanently waved, i Guaranteed to last, t-sniiarv B'auty Pallors. 10'i L'. kum Marshail 1 702 iLLEC'IRli arid vuuatory t rea t m-n Is, , facial. S'aip. manicuring and sliiuii pOoi.tie. 417-2" N 0 I h w est ern Ha nk hhlg. SI I AM PO' 1NG '.y npi" n'nieot I-; es i, I en t nil work Sl'ark. Puone Main XS35. Si'iRI l'l a'uSJl Rev 1 VI. A. I'rli e," cles Tues. 2 p. m.; Wed.. Sun 8 p. m. Rpaillng dally. 2.2 Clay wt Mar 3HB0 i ni.iior Consultation free. Main LdWytl 4H i)3 512 Se!lin bldir. : SCI EN i 1 r i treatment loi u i .-ea -e of hi tip I3 Park st . r'nun SOLI el ER Bo Y Hpi t 1 1 un I ii r. Main '.34. isy chic Tayl BALM or women. in 5u4 ;emedy for Davis f' diseases of Main 2393 MiTir:R I'ltOI'OS M.H fur (.'kittling mi, I tvju;,ae lot iiim teriintpr'p, olfiee. I'lll MriiMjii. sn ) Vi iin h eo. l!jl; iiojiwiii will be re.--ivrl ber iii.til 10 . hi . July 15, llilii, for fiiriiilihii( it bells, list I'oriU, dinwi-rii, i Klutes. j Imt. Iir.i, leitKhiKii. nil. k"r. king,, un derxlru.. axe,,. nii4iiito hum. kit Uti. hHl ! bIuimh. nrD lirioii'. neriilibliiK tiriiftln-H. buglet I ami ullng, coin. Uovel anil t,ti(li lianrilrt., f,l. i low r !. tent pjiu nl ile. uliuieii, tff, I film' lze tl'-k. fi't miiUTe taM-. lent linen, i F" e. i I b e r In r.irmMl Ion '.n Mp,ihealion. : ;i II K I' A if i". hrisil I lf J. J "KrVnH uml H. ' ii. Jail.!, floiiiat bunifa unifi-r ih.- rifinj t the l',,rtind Hraaa Foundry, l dlaimlfo'!. Th I l.lnen will le rrrlf(t i.n In tne katlir hli uialer I lie wt'-, will hu mauiiyemi'nt a-uuie and pay J. J lillla Kraut. all J. J . KVAVS NOTICE Aftff Jane 17. cjiiiii" tlmi lt!i Vvi'lwr uibirmil 1o oillei-t lor ai;i.nmi 'tie cuuiu-By. (Siniii-iti 'if". Welier hn no Sili l u. He In not or Incur ollgalli.ua wf.bkr fins rn. PROFESSIONAL AN 1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCOB.DI0N PLEATWO K gTEPHAN UetiMlltcliiuat, acvurdiou. aiila and aunhnmt pleaUns; buuona ourartxl; sooda apocceU. allopg. PUiuck blk. B'way I0M. ACCORDION rttATIMO ACC'OUHKiS. K.MHi Bil. I'LkVATINU; UEMHUTi HIM), MKAJlUNti; HUTl'ON BULKS. hi IHiSk i'OVKKKIt. KASlKaN NO BLTY Ml . i( . Ci- ft'l II H B V !. AGATE oDTTtHS Wstch renlr g Millfi . .,4.1 nu M AOKICPLIJHAJ, IKPLEMEKT 1'. t. b..HUK.vMI Ao genernl fmui mij 1 iiieleuteiilii. vtruie'fk hikI iv :u I-mill. I'rt'i..l ANALTTICAL Cll l.lVKi llAI.L CHLMIS'I AND ASSAYtB 1.1,1(1, ' It Hi lib C Bl.AKK HOOK MnKEBS l'A15 ik utii.Ji.i.1, i .u i..-iuufc bunk uiiuufsi'tmeit, ,,r Ji.iipi Ini- pruTKd Lmmmi Lei: I l.. .lir.. n,a n, itu- rrka Ural. A-aiK.4. Mum li.i BHA8S FOUNDHY 1111'. l'lltll.AM ilni I .II.HJM lnoiixo, vxip,ir, tliuiiii hi 1 vi r I. i,i f-t lng . Khhi iim. y.m i ui. 11 .1 - IttMH. ;uuiluutu CABINET WCKK tAtii.Mil IHUih. 1 ut in I ui e Ii. Juikh Ji , i.-'C, jj .t 1 e I ut 11 1 M H III . CHiaOPRACTOKS int Mc.MAIiii.n iiimie mt. lkn,k i,i' ill 1 1 e 11 1 111 en 1 i.i, wurlU .iO, Ailihlinnul M utlleeii ius 1 Mm Ivuy liliin., Illi uml W null, tiwlni: 1. 1 my iuut gratliylim in-w, lin many ...-.ulleil iiniirah'j cne durlnn ib ia; m-vvii ;i,n, iu I'm 1 laud I lmv di-eiuvd hi enalill-li a cli.n luii. tlc ,initiirliiui u in 1 r nut-ur-liiuit I'll I li 11 1 n uiiij reniiilli ii.ucb Iu tluir (!- 1. limn.' al im.n ii,,..n,iim. ran-. wIiiIh ihLIuk tri a i iiuaii Ol. H, I'll, Nil' r u I 11, 1. . 1 I,, , ,i, ,,,11.1 . Iriui 7 ., I 1 1 11 1 1,. ,1 ne 11 vi' . NKHV UI SM.ss. un, w, driMi rm i'u. lii . Mh i hi rlui.'l.i ai l ic .li) mi ma, ii take Mn I n hi;:, Hl-l'l.T'rT.7 ,, ' . , , , ' l'l . S ' l ,K M.. .1 '.ii.ai anil , lul i, nlo, Ilrrtiii'd ian.l Uiug. .No Is tri'Hlliienla 'l I l.w i-,t In, Ik . "I II 3 .1 I" I (I'll iHKl VV b l'tI"li CAUt'LT iI.UMNu I'a rt.fl lariirt I ""I Lrii0 1 N.I I., -il, - . : r i, itftli K. I viral I. un ( Jukl iiliu.i. tkiiin i ., peta I'li'iiii.al mill In i.l . i , t i:-t 44i. it hitii ui i a i luy pitli - 'ally. I LM.V.M I.. All 1.I1K W'lkn pt't w fji link I .Ml P. Coal and wnoa iii i ii. i vvooa wreckage Wood l.t l.4,U t5' Snvvi'ri and drhv. ll and ilrliv,it-,l II li.. i mill iiy 1 T2.io. o. K li. Mamliall 4'.i2.". . I a,l VV ii" k I'll' NAIIO.VA:. I I I.i. ill I. AM "ll Rlabwood c.ir.i ilrii vt-ri-d ; drr liloi k anil alat.uoi.il ajtui'il f.l..Ki :,1, K'.oil ilr.v wra.-k-( $.1. A-l dry fir. I f..i ...r n.il 'l Iit M Kll r .Villi. ,ll j ill Mli'i-kwiXMl. Kaa hot 1 I t 9 l.l.O lu ..'l a.i. Mnlti 1 int. V i- it rnr i...t t Main i.sii.i A .nim t'ONVKAC'lOBh . N bUlI-lll. UiSh A It III. Ill lock lililii. Oviii . ai 1. t.iil i ui I .1 . D03 AND CAT HOBPIiAl. I ill o. 11. .'I l I 1 1 o ii"i-i.iuii ji.. i: ,'h l l.lli.-il. Kail IMI II . .1 lii.l .i , ilpi-i'il an K KI II I .'..2 EDUCATION AL DANCING MA.M lli-.M i.K .linn ,, l.i-l . Mai k ui,,J link. lhaona 2. lli"illhK-lati-kl ilancva Ku.ouul, urilaj. I'Vemiiii-, 'i s .a K A, in. t.. . 1,1 a I i ii., i-.l. .i, III la i i n i lull' i Iva la v .Mi ink , .! m I Ian ailay Sal i a II.O I.i-nn.ua illlj. In-1 ecu Waal m.i in :r.M." Mil ami Mi H-hiIin .-. i Clllaa I I lull r I . I HI il hiKii'i' miu .sinrk l.i-M-i'iin '. MUB1C SCHOOLb AN p itACnK8 llA'allMK mi aialu, n 11 ui. I'a w.ati full V hii'Cll . I li-' .l.i. ll,i- l.italj. ' I'lil lali-uavil SIMII." .11, 1 2 1.1,1. n l..i!' L I llli.Lli'Ul.v v ... , ii i..i. ii, i. i.iiiul Mi'tiik 2'l7 i Hell,, i la.lk VII , ilia l. ull IH.'il , I'liill 1 I. 1..vV.iin I'lii,.,, Icoiia al your li.an,'. in, r,,,ia' IhImm ...a EYt. tAH, NOKL. IIlhOAI LUNliB ,'. In lit'. .Vi "4it i .. i c . i i' m r i 1 1 i ij t't. I . I". ( HMhliir. ."ilT I't-koiit i l i .i't a V it-1.. klHL lMhUHANk I FLUFF RU08 AMj KAo U 1 0 IQ i Ml l-VV' vvl Mail. 4. lj run i j ici2. Ul'l h ui uuiut 1 1 .1,. i tt i li It rig Il I limift'lr I . i o. a,. riildti uv. . I'li'iiir Kn--1 u if 1 URN Ac t. a Boynton huinacc-s bronoinii ail nil Market . vi li i i ual. J i . i..i j .-r i . Friint HATB CLEANED BLLAl Hl.D Laillfa', t;i.ula' I au.una 7oC. Jjiravia, li-lla. Waull . Ill It II . Bint l,n l i o'n . II .i.l i 1,1-u, 2N l"o2o h ,1 1 1 III, HI a l'l "H..l . i 1N-1NU8 LEATHtK Jill. Hi. i lll,!,..l llrui in ami L A. M ." AND 6HOE 1 Al A S . I t .1 11 ,l.' I. I I 1 1. ii i -I . .(, . ! A a I I, .a. .1.11 la HA'i 1 KLSSEB OLl uiallli Mni-a a u.ii I mil l,i- I. ina'li 1 1-nut I lam l.Tl. aalilluiy lol.liuit ri.li.lnK vl I .... a Inn ; 1 fa I li.-l i V una III I,. bONj-IN TOXICA ! IN O BLVEUAOEIJ Vi K.NIIIAIUI .-i I., .IU. ii tlcury Wiluliaiii in. i null AuilaT iNi'L'lar. i.illl anil liui iianlr. ii. k - All li Main ii. III. f A1NT1N 3 AND -AfEHlNO IUK (ouil 22. 41." M.llk, t CjltaaU 11 J.iLu I uuil illoa Iwa PE1NTH8 AND tNGKAVEKS JUL IV V . Sluik I'KLMV Ji N M . M A N .N . A H.H". In i, a, I n STAM Ifb aUbBEH AND SEA LB AEtjO Hlfii. ila, Iim,. rACU II. lOA 2H1 W a-liuiKl'.n al I nri ka. Ilraaa mglja. MA ill' Mllll Miiln Tl" A 2710. BAFETyKAZOK8 HONED HAHvl 1 Oc pi-1 lunula alinl jrt-i.fO ; i!..-ii. M..1, .1.1 all killila, oc aU'l lli-ar Molrlaoii. SHEET METAL WOHK8 Ki.IAIKI.Mj .III lal l lilt atni K'a.'l rout. Jacol lail. I'lmiiH Main 142. TRANS! KH AND BTOEAOE Oregon I ranster Co, la.tahllalu'd l7o. Tranafi r and r iir anllng Acuta, bturae 1-rt Tlat. aaga. Office auii aioiaa;. 4il i.nauti al. lath anil UlUaii. Main n'.i 1HW. ALWAVS ' I'll K" Till. Hr:jT lioi. li-llolTu liOOIW SI'Ei I AI.IS 1 - rtioiK. I'ackiiiK, Klil.plllK anil Moving. Il.ls- .i 2kuli Vaua. tsprirlal fia-licllt ral.-i, ta ail iKiluta. ' t. O. I'll TI1ANSI Kll A .MOIl.MIE CO. 2il nd I'liic. p.r..injw ar aW. A-IWHfl. CL-O.N Hoi. THANMi.li i ll l uruiluri uu.r. ra. pai'kfia. aiomif.'. fir riuf Marpliouae. l.'.th ami J 1 . v i ri. Mum A .'-24 7. MANUFACTUPtrVS i JOBBERS WHOLESALERS! Un. t GOOD- WH0LE0A L, Dinkelspiel Co, 1 12 n.ifi nick KI..K. "I'll 1 1 ! . '-nn.fi Hi. PAINT, OIL fc ULA88 UArtlU SMN N . E. iirn.r 2 i . I lii. 1 ami 'I n i"i i ill-1 il 17 71. II1U i 1 1 I.' I.-1, PLUMBING SUPPLIES I'LI vilil.M, Imvm ( o.. auiili.li. iu .t.i Il- Main l'l itra. "1(7. Bca- 8ANITAKY WTpr.NO R AOS L. SHANK CO, ...2' l lio.v I . I'll, CM. Main 1ii WATER SUPPLY S ITEMS KL'A AM. I Il r,.. n. .-( . WAIhll .4)A1 AUHiit. iliif W. I ll , I'ark WOOD PIPE mm LA.NIl nfflct. ni-ai wouii I'li't, C". I nciory aud tl ii aiidiiikau. M i In jHW, nroitu-VTiov couroa. II you wiioi Ilia naina ( a rellabla busuiAa tiuute Qtami in any lin ( tnt i chain ., or miui uiaiiui, regard ilia: leaoiia hoitm. iira, aiaaru- li p llnea. etc., aiiilrrnn oia(tu -our la. mull lutllun Bill -., 1 til -run uou clean U: Nam..'... Add rasa. 1 1 ' --a' -. ' "-, r- A , i CI A