THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, " FRIDAY, JULY 7. 1019. T SHE IS TO MAKE WHEAT THIS SEASON Prospects Not Very Bright 'Earlier in Year, Now Indi cate Good Returns. SOME FIELDS ARE WEEDY Work on Btoeas Is Keflected la Condi tion of the Growing- Crops Along; the County Highways. IAN COUMTY SHOWING lly llyman H. Cohen. Wasco, Or., July 7. Earlier reports would scarcely have placed Sherman county on the wheat map this seaion, but a remarkable change has tfren ihowu In cereal crop prospects during the laKt few weeks, and the wheat crop outlook at this time Is for a normal yield. If the acreage were as large as usual, Sherman county would have a big crop, but In practically all parts of the county the planting shows a decrease. The crop Is fully three weeks later than usual, but tbe bulk of the plant ing done In the spring makes general harvest operations Rtlll later. At this ' time in normal years harvest has hern started on a small scale In Sherman county, but now the sruln has not -t begun to turn from Its green color. Mostly Spring Planting. It Is safe to say that fully three quarters of the wheat crop of the coun ty this season Is of spring planting, while the normal la perhaps 75 per cent fall planting, and In some seasons till greater. Fall wheat Is the blglwheat crop of Sherman county. This Is ifje generally to ' the fact that there la not an overabun dance of moisture for the spring sow ing. This season there Is every ex pectation that the spring planting will not only be as good as the fall acre age In point of production, but some of the fields are likely to be better. Kali wheat Is literally covered with ..weeds, the result of too much rnols- ture. Sherman county grain growers have the reputation of being goo'l farmers, but all their efforts were of little avail In keeping the pt-sts down during the 1916 season. Soma Parts O, X. In some of the road districts where : the supervisors have done Their duty, the crops are In fine shape and fairly clean, despite the fact that this Is a 'y "' weed season penerally throughout the Faciflc northwest. Where the roads y and lanes have been kept free of musv tard and other weeds, the grain fields clearly show this fact. Elsewhere, where the road men have done nothing, the fields ate full of weeds, and this la likewise reflected In the crop showing. Sherman county will have within a fraction of the crop of 1915, despite all ' the handicaps. The quality of the 1916 crop prom ises better at thlstlrne than for many years, considering the total acreage. This will be an aid to the price, and make up for any deficiency in produc tion by some of the growers. Striking Garment Workers in Protest "Over 35 X)0 Men and Woman Parade in Hew York; Manufacturers Kept Shop Closed, Refusing to Arbitrate. New York. July 7. (II. P.) A mon ster demonstration of striking garment workers was staed here yesterday when upwards of 35.000 men and wo men paraded through the streets of the east side and then to Madison Square. Tho parade was in protest against the manufacturers who have kept their shops closed for 10 weeks, refusing to arbitrate with the strikers. Dodge Brothers ROADSTER It is literally true that gaso line, oil ancT tires are prac tically the only expense. This is not merely an advertising expression. It is a fact. The parts rarely have to be renewed. Zt will pay yon to visit us and examine this car The gasoline consumption isrnusually low The tiro mileage Is unusually high The price of the Touring Car or Roadster complete is $785 (f. o. b. Detroit) Washington Street at Concert Tonight At Columbia Park Municipal Park Band Attracts Xarg-e Orowda at Peninsula Park. Sunday Afternoon at Washington Park. The Municipal Park band, Percy Campbell, conductor, played last night before an audience of several 'thousand at Peninsula Park. Tonight the band will play at Columbia park, on the Ht. Johns car line. The program will be: Msrrb "The Lambs" Sous Military Overture "To Arm" Clement ( Paraphrase "Silver Thread Among the Gold" (Dinka). Introducing Walter L. Ferris, cornet soloist; (b) character istic fox trot, "Kangaroo Hop" ( Hem ic k A Co.). Walta "Dreams of Childhood".... Waldteuf el INTERMISSION. Selection "Prince Charming" K. L. King Ueecrlptive Galop "The Joy uiaers ' Sargent New Flower Song "Hearts and Flowers"... ( roiueitt t TODam ( reiueMt I Patrol American" Meacham Finale "Htar .Spangled Banner Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock the band will play at Washington park. DEATH OF HILL MAY E Gradual Strengthening of the Northern Pacific One of Suggested Changes, Railroad men of the northwest are rather looking for some subtle changes to come over the Spokane, Portland & Seattle railway since James J. Hill's death has removed one of the dominating figures' of its con trol. One of these suggested chancres is the gradual strengthening of the in fluence of the Northern Pacific, which, though equal owner with the Great Northern in the stock holdings, has rather deferred to the other rail road owner in matters of policy. In spite of this unquestioned pre dominance of the Great Northern in fluence In the North Bank road, the line has always been operated on a neutral basis, shipments originating on the S.. P. & S. being diverted on a 50-50 basis to the lines of 'the parent companies. Some Portland railroad men profess to believe that President J. JM. Hanna ford of the Northern Pacific lines will make his own strong personality felt hereafter. They say he has rather held aloof during the last few years out of deference for Mr. Hill and the Hill position In the world's transpor tatlon systems. Whether or not this will eventuate into the practical Independence of the North Bank, local students of transportation do not venture to guess. It has often been asserted however, that the time Is bound to come when the North Bank shall be required to earn Its own dividends rather than merely hold the situation fdr the benefit of its owners, who are themselves rivals for business in tho tame northern territory. Murdock to Speak At Cottage Grove Cottage Grove, Or., July 7. Victor Murdock, who Is nearly as well known to the several hundred former Jay hawkers here because of his red hair and freckled face, as because of his prominence in the politics of the na tion, will deliver an address here July 15. Mr. Murdock comes to fill the num ber he was billed -to give during the Chautauqua. His address was written after a visit to war-ridden Europe and Is expected to deal largely with the war and its effect upon this country 21st Portland BIN CHANGES NORTH BANK BENEFITS OF OREGON LAND GRANT SCHEME T Expenditure of $17,600,000 in Reclamation Would, Fur nish Homes for 36,665, AMENDMENT IS SOUGHT Plan Is to Have Entire 40 Per Cent Spent In Tola State; Chamber of Commerce Aiding. The lowest estimate put upon the value of the Oreiron California grant ! . , - . . , , .. i janas is ii,uuv,vuu. iuiigreBs uy m provisions of the grant land act has said that 40 per cent of this sum. realized by the sale of the lands, Is to go into the general reclamation fund. This percentage amounts to $17,600,- 000. At the high reclamation cost of $60 per acre this 40 per cent would re claim 293.333 acres of arid land 4n Oregon. This would mean 7333 farms of 40 acres each established in Oregon on land that is now very largely un productive. These farms would fur nish homes for 36,665 people. Oregon Would Benefit. These are some of the results that would accrue to Oregon should the campaign to secure the expenditure entirely within the state of Oregon of 40 per cent of the sale proceeds of the grant lands be successful. In addition to this would come the great flood of produce that would be grown upon the land, the increased prosperity and wealth by reason of increased land values and the increased trade and business springing from the larger population and its varied needs. Because of these evident facts It is believed that people interested in the growth and development of the state will lend their active support in the effort to so present the Oregon situa tion to the member of congress that they will yield to the Justice of Ore gon's contention and give the relief asked for. Chamber Aiding Scheme. The Portland Chamber of Commerce Is throwing its active influence to the furtherance of the campaign and on Monday next will mall more than 1000 letters to the different chambers of commerce, commercial clubs, state so cieties and municipal officers of the state, asking that a united effort be made to change the mind of congress. A special effort will be made to in- auce residents or uregon wno nave moved here from other states to write personal letters to the members of the I congressional delegations from their fcrmer homes, setting out the facts regarding the Oregon-California land grant. It Is believed that these letters will be effective In bringing the true conditions before congress in so per sonal a manner that the apparent hos tility which has heretofore existed will be overcome. World's Record for Milling Ore Is Made Alaska Miners Treat 8700 Tons of Ore In 24 Hours; Big alining Properties Are to Be Consolidated. Juneau. Alaska. July 7. (P. N. S.) B. L. Thane, general manager of fhe Alaska Gastineau Mining company, has announced the consolidation of big mining properties at Eagle River, whereby the Eagle River Mining com pany property and properties of Peter Early and McWilliams Bros, will Join. At the same time announcement was rnade that the world's record of milling ore was set on Monday last. The mill was shut down Sunday, and on Monday, with a partial crew, 8700 tons of ore was treated within 24 hours. Matinee Feature To Delight Children The Globe theatre will offer an in novation to its patrons Saturday aft ernoon in a children's matinee. Films i of special interest to children will be shown in addition'' to the regular of ferings. In the belief that children like life and action and comedy as well as in struction the management plans to make the Saturday afternoon bills carry a special appeal to ybung folks. Dangerous themes and unpleasant situations in the iilms will carefully be avoided. For the first children's matinee they UMl 1 Al , . .4 Trim Uts..... f f A nMhnn a drama depicting bird life; "Uncle's Little Ones," showing Napoleon and Sally, wonderful chimpanzees; a scenic. "See America," and a cartoon comedy, all inTicldition to the regular feature photoplay. If the children's matinees prove I popular they will be continued as reg ular weekly feature and it is possible child vaudeville acts will be offered as well. STANDINGS OF THE TEAMS 1 Prt. I .69 .563 I .633 Pacific Coast League. Won. lt. Vernon B; 37 Ixs Anpeles 47 3 San Francisco 4 4:1 Portland 3H H7 Salt 87 45 Oakland 35 59 .507 .431 .872 .695 .562 .543 .334 .403 .4X5 .409 .380 .SI 8 56B .515 .000 .4HS .444 .441 .426 .640 .523 ,4'S .477 .443 .435 Pet. .C09 S4T American Association. Kansas City 44 30 Louisville . . Indianapolis Minuespolls 41 :i8 .19 83 32 : :4 34 .14 3 44 Ht. 1'aul Toledo 32 Columbus 27 Mllwsuke 27 Western League. Omaha 2 26 Lincoln ..39 Dtuver 35 33 Dea Moines 34 34 Wichita 84 85 Toprka 80 37 St. Joseph .HO 38 Sioux City 2H 39 Northwestern League. Spokane 42 23 Butte 34 SI Vancouver . '. S3 36 Tacoraa 31 34 Seattle .81 Xi Great Falls 27 - S3 National Laagua. Won. Lost. Brooklyn 39 23 Philadelphia S3 29 Boston 88 28 Chicago ..... 33 83 New York 31 83 St. Louis 83 39 Pittsburg . St 8T Cincinnati 29 40 American League. New York, 42 27 Cleveland .... 40 80 Boston , M 31 Chicago .. 37 31 WahTngton -. ... 37 33 Detroit 3rt OA 8t. Leal 4! l-bUsdelphU 17 tf mi .44 .458 -.454 . .671 .561 0 REACH THOUSANDS tCOULON WISHES ANOTHER JOUST WITH MASCOTT Former Champion Says Con ditions Not Right to Show His Best, Johnny champion, Coulon, former bantam who lost a six round de- cision to Billy Mascott last Monday night, is anxious to stage another six round bout with the Portland bantam figuring that he will retrieve bis lost laurels. Coulon has two engagements in view, one to box Eddie Cain pi a four round go in ban Francisco, and the other against some good bantam lu Seattle for .Salt and Austin, the Seat tle Impresarios. Also, Jimmy Carroll, the spindle legged San Franciscan. wno lost decision to Mascott Is anx ivub vane ui cnucr .uaaLUL.i vt Coulon. Carroll boxes Frankle Malone in San Francisco next Friday nigii'. Coulon figures that if Mascott will not give him another go, he would Just as soon meet Carroll here, pro vided Carroll is not too heavy. "I was four nights and three days on the train coming out from Chi cago, I got in only one day on tbe road on account of the rain and I couldn't do myself justice. Then, too, Mascott did not make the weight of 116 pounds at 6 o'clock and I figure that he weight around 121 at ringside. while I weighed only 110. j "Billy Is a promising boy, but he ! will be a better featherweight than : a oaniam, ror i don't think he ca-i ' make 116 pounds later on, when he begins to fatten up and be stronc However, if I get another go with him, I am willing to take a chance on his extra poundage. I think I can beat him handily. I don't believe any body will deny that I was the ag gressor throughout the Monday night bout that I struck most of the cleaner blows. If Mascott had landed all the blows he started for my bead, it would looked like a barrel the next day. I have a habit of rolling my head with the punches like all cleve boxers and few of the blows landed by Mascott were clean. I think most of the fans are deceived in this mat ter of hlttlne clean blown nH vhnt ; appear to them to be landing clean , and snappy are not so if one will J watch closely." ! Boxer Exonerated By Coroner's Jury Los Angeles, July 7.. verdict of accidental turned by a coroner's -(P. N. S.) A death was re- jury yesterday afternoon over the body of Bert Coffey Cocoanut Oil Makes a Splendid Shampoo If you want to keep your hair In good condition, be careful what you wash it with. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries tbe scalp, makes the hair brittle, and is very harmful. Just plain mulsifled cocoanut oil (which is pure and en tirely greaseless), ia much better than the most expensive soap or anything else you can Ube for shampooing, as ibis can't possibly injure the hair. bimply moisten your hair with wa ter and rub it in. One or two tea spoonfuls will make an abundance of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp thoroughly. The lather rinses out easily, and removes every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. Tha hair dries quickly and eveniy, ana it leaves it fine and silky, bright, fluffy and easy to man age. You can get mulsified cocoanut oil at most any drug store. It is very cheap, and a few ounces is enough to last every one In the family for months. Adv. SUGGESTIONS FOR TRAVELERS Hazehyood Candy IN SCENIC PACKAGES Adds greatly to the pleasure of a vaca tion trip. Sent by Parcel Post or Express to say where in United States or Canada. Satisfaction and Delivery Guaranteed. The Hazelwood Confectionery & Restaurant WASHINGTON ST. AT TEHTK. POBTfAHD, OR. Specialties for the Camp, Picnic, Cruise, Auto Trip, Summer Home or "Hike.' Lunch Sets, Ice Blankets, Paper Napkins, Paper Picnic Plates, Thermos Bottles and Holders Everything for the Outing See Second Floor Display Gill'i Third and Alder, Portland, Or. THE THREE -STATE TOUR BOOK tells you where and how to 0. MAIL US YOUR Films W Psy Return Footage. W SZVaLO. rauii, uuaws, aua aaa xataata. as sav urvin. ani uttafaAtfna All Work Fin- A-U'.ished Within Five Hoars, SIS 1 MtAM. Mtn .428 WOODARD. CLARKE & CO. .202' . Woedlark Bldg., Aider at Wsst Para. the San Francisco borer who died dur I in J a boxing contest at Vernon Mon- day night. Testimony showed that i death was due to acute dilation of the heart caused by over-exertion. The Jury exonerated any one from blame. World's Record May Be Broken by Boats Atlantic City. N. J.. July 7. (U. P.J A world's record may be shattered tomorrow when the new cruiser yacht W. C. Alexander of Philadelphia, sa,d to have made 42 miles an hour, meets Colonel T. Coleman Dupont's latest craft of that type in a special race at the opening of the South Jersey Yacht Racing association's summer season. Evens Not to Enter Western. Chicago, 111., July 7. Only five play ers out of the 114 entered In the West ern Golf association championships at Del Monte, Cal., are from clubs east of Salt Lake, according to an an nouncement made Sunday by Secre tary B. H. Bankhard. The list does SHIMMER RESORTS - - MOTTIE-lLiS - JERiWIElL UJ la Ttor Gnmrt Mnnthwn - JkmrIrs- Jritiirfi1 Rnsort Section. WHERE AND HOW BEACH RESORTS THE DRIFTWOOD hub. kt. lyntff OPEN ALL TEAR Ths only houw of its kind In tho world. Hot and cold salt water baths in connec tion. .TABLE BOARD A SPECIALTY LONG BEACH, WASH. HARVEST HOME LONG BEACH A homelike place to spend your summer va eation by ths sea. Fins view of oosan. Good surf bathing. Homo cooking. Comfortable seas. All rooms view rooms. Rates, 81.69 per day for room and .board. Address, MBS. E. J. Mc KEAN. Prop., Lone Beach. Wash. The Bay View Hotel HAHCOTTA. WASH. Newly bmilt and nowly fnrnisbod. Airy and comfortabU rooms. Excellent table. Oysters, clams and crabs fresh from ths water. Splendid fishing- and boating on Willapa Harbor. You will enjoy your vacation hers. Rates lor room and board. 8 per week. Address, H. H. J0HM8OW. Mahootta. Wash. Locksley Hall SEASIDE, OB.EOOH. Under new and expenenoeu m--a. B.en- ovsted and refurnished. Clean sad faeuire. i rw.rlnok the ocean- juit. ---- ' Excellent service. For rstes address I M. PLYMALE. Seaside, Or. NECANiCUM INN SEASIDE, OEEGOH TVerr room a new room. Beautiful .rfundl "eel FamUy VeL I"'?? for its cuisine and service. For rates ad dress EMILY DAMOh'D. Beaiids, Or. .The New Tent City At Bar View TILLAMOOK COUHTT. OEEGOS. Is Open for Business Pacific City Camp Grounds KsuccariErW the ocean shore. Comhinj. river foreit and sea shore. Clams, crabs, sun oVthmirtrout fiahinr, boating " "'IHJS V' r.. rounds tl.00 a week. Free ZZJ"Zd wauf. "Oood auto road from For Und" Address BEAL8 BEOS Tillamook. Or. NELSON'S TENT CITY XUST A WHISTER FE0M THE OCEAN Tents furnished complete '"T": nr..j ... f.r laundrr free. Kates rea- so liable. MK . and MES, KELSON. Seasids, Orefon. Bos 65, The Tillamook Hotel TILLAMOOK, OREGON A new and up-to-date hotel. irs, new ij- nreoared airy and f""'. ."Sr" aT. "food f.n from Tills SEk ' ZyZrii oZ. THeadnuarUr. for mM. ' j ...m.r vacationists who want ! Smfo .Twen - Ptoe-re .thai. 1"?- Four trout stream j wnv. and reservations wire or writ r. J. WOK BALL. Manager. SOUTH BEACH NEWPORT, OREOON. I wat and clean t and S room oottare fur 1 nished complete, freo wood. $5 per week; alM Ittnt-houses, S3.60. Nios. quit place to spend your vacation, uoou ji -heach, surf ba thins, food fishms, hunttag. Mammiiis;. For reservation, or further infer. maUon call or writ 606 Stock Exchangs Bids. shon Main 6764. HOUSE TENTS FLOORED WALLED. FURNISHED FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. Oa dollar daily; special wsekly rates. On th beautiful grounds f NORTH BEACH INN electrically lighted. Hotel accommodstions 2soT Newton 'statin (Long Beack, Wash.). ph0n, Marshall 8309. (Portland, 890V4 Mont- NETARTS, OREGON No finer sea coast resort anywhere than at w...-. Hnlandid aurf bathinc. sea fUhing. plenty of crab and ulems. Fin shady camp :. Zm,A. Plflturaaau and beautiful sosn- : err. many interesting nearby sid trips. Good ! restaurant. For tatormation ask any B. r, i ticket agent r aduress r. . Bnarp, sesjrts, Tiliamoo CO., Oregon. BAY CITY, OREGON I Stm nd youT summer vacation at BAT CITY, I rin fiihine- and boating oa the bar, weed treut fiahini JfJaX U1X 1S u eumrriT cap itol of th Tillamook vacation laad. itol r stores. Excellent (. paved streets, eieoxno iigats, ta-dVt hotel. THE BAT VIEW, Address First Bank f Bay City, Bay View HotoL r Nelson as Ce., General Merchandise Stor. Bay City, Oregon. THE CHANDLER MARSEFLEXS. OREOON Make the Chaadlar yur headquarters when you com to th Coos Bay country on business r pleasure. MarshfieU is th metropolis of tha Coos Bar district, sad th outfitting point for fishnaa and tig gam hunter. Th Chandler is strictly modern, having steam heat, eleetrt lights, hot and oold water and telephone ia every room. H. 1. MoKEOWN, Manager. MsrshfioJd. Oregon. Ten Mile House ft- Oa of the ideal summer rsssrts ia th newly opened Coos Bay district. Located on Tea Mil Lake, with its 188 mile of lake shore. Lo cated en Tea Mile creek, famous fer its treat . S .S27,J,rS""w I ..j k.n:iika hataL fin mas la. Vaar tha u Com while trcut fishing is at its test ia Tea Mite Lake. Rates M40 a day. Uilrttl E E. SMITH, Propriter. - i not Include Chick Evans and Ned .Saw yer, but it is barely possible t.iat Evans and Sawyer might arrange to play In California. Chandler Egan and H. K. B. Davis are not entered in the tourney. Pitcher F. Beebe's Record in Baseball Walla Walla. Wash.. July 5. Will you please publish the record of Fred Beebe, who is now pitching; wf or Cleve land, and oblige a Cleveland fan? CHARLES FISHMAN. Pitcher Frederick L. Beebe of the Cleveland Americans was born in Lin coln. Neb., December 81, 1880. He at tended the Illinois university and broke Into professional baseball in 1906 with tie Oshkosh, Wisconsin State league team. He figured in two very import ant National league trades, Chicago trading Beebe and Catcher Noonan to St. Louis for Pitcher Taylor, and Cin cinnati later sending him to Philadel phia along with Jack Rowan, Dode Paskert and Hans Lobert in exchange Tfie Groat Norttwost TO GO AT THE RIM OF CRATER LAKE The Greatest Scenic Wonder of the West. Now Open for the Season Ending October 1st. For information, see any Southern Pacific Ticket Agent or address ALFRED L. PARKHURST, Crater Lake, Oregon Hotel Moore Hotel Moors, overlooking ths ocean, offers to t hs combined at any ons resort. Surf bathing. Hot Swimming. Canoeing oa ths Mscanicnm Kir r. All Automobiles Leave Trent Hoors Botal f or E lk On ths Paeiflo Ocean. Three Hours From Portland. TheHACKNEY COTTAGE, Located on North Beach, universally conceded to be the finest beach in the Pacfic Northwest splendid surf bathing within a few hundred yards of the hotel. Excellent table, airy and comfortable rooms, reasonable rates. For rates, wire or write JAMES HACKNEY, Seaview, Wash. i - i - - - THE SHELBURNE All modern improvements quiet and restful justly famous for its service and appointments. In sight and sound of the ocesn. Long Dis tance phone in hotel. Special rates for families. Buy your tickets to Shelburne Sution. Address T. J. Hoare, Prop., Seaview, Wash. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY FOREST HALL BRIDAL VEIL, OREOOV On ths COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY, near BRIDAL VEIL FALLS. Distinc tive and uniqus, a real old time BOOTH ERsT UIM, with all ths traditions of ths south as to the exoeUeno of Its COOK IN O and its service. Eva, ths oolored oook, who has charf of the kitchen, has long been famous for hsr FRIED CHICKEN and BEATEN HOT BISCUITS, as well as fer her salads and other dUhes. FOREST HALL will be a gen eta surprise and dli(ht to those who can appreciate the best. Kindly prone in advance to MISS ANN H I 8 L E B, Hostsss. Forest Hail. Or.' Crown Point Chalet Oa your trip up the Columbia River Highway, Mrs. Henderson's unsxcsllsd Chicken dinner is on of th main feature of th rid. Wonderful unobstructed view. For party reservation, phone long distanos. via Corbett. Columbia River HighwayJ AUTOS DAILY DORSEY B. SMITH, Manas; TRAVEL BUREAU Phone 110 Sd St Harsh all 1979. Cor. Waahingto ROSE VISTA INN Twelve milss cast of Fortland, on th Base LU Road. Run out in your auto and oat dinner her. Creamed cntckea sinner; Fried Chicken Dinner. 1.60. rnmuy trad iA Wlrh class in ersrv rsscect. Fins dari-fnf floor, good music. Drop in or phon order to TaDOT . unwiua. sniwin. MULTNOMAH LODGE On the Columbia River Highway, SO miles ...t f Portland. At ths foot of Mist Falls and adjoining Benson Psrk. Three-fourths of a mil from muitnoman xanv. uvu&oc CHICKEN DINNER, also light lunches. Over night accommodations. Airy rooms, moderate prices. Pfcon Multnomah Lodge, MRS. M. i. MAKSTON, Proprietor, BECKER'S BALL AID AUTO liJS V- ICE BIATIUII ax uvasii; J. J.. When on th Highway step at Becker for light lunches, sandwiohes and oofie. We serve the bet. Hall to rent for privat daaoaa. Dane held very Sat. v., $1 couple. Supper extra. Best floor and music. Stage leaves St. Charles Hotel 9:18 Bat. Eve., return after daao. Far St rouna trip. When is trouble call our service ears. Full Lin of Tires, Tubes, Accessories. We D Towing. Corbett 168. Sightseeing Headquarters TYRELL TRIP CO., INC 128 6tk it. Phons Marshall 190. A-1187. Columbia Kivjw Highway, City Trolley Observation Ca Auto and FREE INFORMATION BUREAU Every Saturday and Sunday LOW X O TJHTJ-TMXP TAJIKS Are on Sale to Many Outdoor Re sorts in Western Oregon. Tillamook County Beaches are Portland's nearest beach re sorts. Bathing is fine. Many camps or tents for rent reason able. BTewport Beach la famous for tbe agates which may be found there. Known the country over for many diversions and attractions. XCasy rishlar Streams -now at their best. Ask for Flsh lns; Bulletin, City Ticket Office, Corner Birth and Oak Streets. John M. Scott. Genera Passenger A tent. SOUTHERN PACIFIC for John Bates, Eddie Grant and; Mc Quillan in 1910. His records of victories and defeats: Year. Team. W. L. Pet. 1805 Oskosh 27 7 .(84 1906 Chicago-St. Louis.. 15 10 .600 1P07 St Louia ,. 7 19 .269 1908 St. Louia 5 IS .278 1909 St. Louis 15 21 .417 1910 Cincinnati IS 14 .462 IP 11 Philadelphia No record 1912 Buffalo 16 10 1913 Buffalo 11 14 1914 Buffalo 2 10 1H5 Buffalo v 27 7 1916 Cleveland -. 1 615 .449 .688 .794 .667 Jack Kearns Can't Get Darcy to Come San Francisco, July 7. (P. N. S.) Jack Kearns has abandoned all hopes of inducing Lea Darcy, the Australian middleweight, to come to this country. Jack admits it himself in a written document. "I have given up the Idea of trying to bring Darcy to America, as a cable I have just received from him states that It will be impossible for tym to leave his country until after the war. -WHERE TO STAY- Seaside. Clatsop Beach. Or., Portland's Nearest and Most Popular Oosan assort American Plan tonrist and traveler pleasures seldom If svm Salt Water Baths. Kstatorinm for Indoor Good auto roads. Cress and Cannon Beach. HOTEL MOORE, DAN J. MOORE, PROP. - - - - - - SHELBURNE STATION NORTH BEACH See the Sun Rise FROM THE TOP 01 Larch Mountain TAKE THS 0-W. R. R. & N. Train leaving Union station 11:80 p. m., get off at Multnomah Ealls and hit th trail uphill. From all viewpoints this is Bound Trip Tickets fer Saturday night train, return Sunday 1 Ticket and Furthsr Zaferssatioa at th CITY TICKET OFFICE, Washington at Id. Broadway 4&00. A-61J1. Ask for a Tina Card of th New Columbia River Highway Bun day Special. Our Four Trumps Are Sure Winners In the Intcturban Trolley Game Hera fhey are REST RECREATION - SCENERY SERVICE Can You Beat 'Em? Take a Tip and a Trolley Trip to any of the following: Bull Run Park, Canemah Park, Cedarville Park, Cedar Island, i Estacada Park, Crystal Lake Park. Traine First and Alder PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER COMPANY GEAR HART SEASIDE Clatsop Beach Portland's Nearest and th Northwest's Favorite Seaooast aoationland. tow week-end and season fares. Send for nsw booklet, hotel sad resort directory. DAILY EYENINO EXPRESS :80 P. M. SATURDAY SPECIAL 8 P. M. (Return on Limited Schedule Monday morning). Dining ' Car on Boashor Limited (mars lag) Sunday, Monday. Wdnaday, Friday, TICKETS AT th and Stark: North Bank Station, 19th and Hoyt. Broadway 980, A-9671. Spokane Ticket Offio Davnpo7 HeteL RIVER TRIPS Launching Parties Make reservations bow. Row boats and oanoes for hire at th Favorite Boat House Feet of Morrison street, south aid of brig-e. Main am. blK. GEORGIANA ASTORIA AND WAY LANDINGS Leaves 7 a. m. daily. Sundays 7:89 a. at. Re to ruing, leave Astoria 8 p. m. Arrives Pertlaad 9 p. at. STR. LURLLirE Uave 7: a. m. daOy n aaVt Sunday. Returning Uavs Astoria 7 ifsra 14xWashIae-tw Bt. ! A -41M : will now get together a Stable of -fighters for a tour of the east and then'' may make a second trip' to Australia."', jf ) if What to Do for Eczema Greasy salves and ointments should not be applied If good clear skin is wanted. From any druggist for 26c of , $1.00 for extra large slse, get a bottle of remo. When applied as directed. It effectively removes eczema, quickly stops Itching, and heals skin troubles, also sores, burns, wounds and chafing. It penetrates, cleanses and soothe. Zemo In dependable and inexpensive : Try it. as we believe nothing you have ever used is as enecuve ana satisfy ing. Zemo;. Cleveland. ELL-ANS. Absolutely Removes , Indigestion. One package'' groves it 25c at all druggists -WHAT TO SEE : MOUNTAIN RESORTS. TROUT LAKE AT THE FOOT Or MT. ADAMS. Ths big 1 speckled beauties ax waiting to match theit j wits agslnst yours. Easy- walking diatanos of - the fimoui 1ut and ice oaves. HsadquarUrt for mountain climbers for the asooat of Ml Adams. High otata amusement hail asai kstei, , Hotel rates 9 a . Address OULI L.EB HO IOTEL. Oulor. Wash. Rhododendron Hotel 47 MILES ON MOUNT HOOD AUTO EOAD Ths first mountain resort ia Oregon. Bally rats 3. weekly flS.SO and up. Ipseial rat a to famillsf for the summer mouths, saddle hones, lawn tennis, croquet, flnsst flihlns ml ). ... 1 - r. . ... r a... . u imDlH, WUI VWH OKI is B-rouBds. Our own dalrr. bmL. try ana f For dally tor and garden truck. Elsctrio light, telephone. . pboa East lis or Mats S31 emxl raAsizirri. rrep., aowe. Or, WELCH'S HOTEL Oldest resort in ths Mount Hood district. Oood wstsr, airy bungalows, esoellent ouisins, hunting, fishing, horssbaek riding, etc. Rates $8 per day, 110 par week. W. E. WELCH. Proa. Wslca's P. 0.. Orsgoa. The Arrah Wanna On th banks of Salmon river, surrounded by : a bsautiful park. 43 mils east of Portland ia ths Mt. Hood d is trio t. Our own dairy and gardens. Building modern, with all sutsid rooms. Long distanc telephone. Dally aut stag to and Irom Portland. Rates M.psf dsy, or $12 per week. Transportation, call . Main 831 or Main 6B66. C. W. KERN. Mgr.. V. 0. Addreas, Welch's Or. RELIANCE Mt. Hood Auto Stages Daily 8 a. m. to Welches, Tswnys and Rhe oodendron, 6 00 round trip; Government Camp . nv.?wL nKiTiuoni ana waiting ron at DORSEY B SMITH vnvn bttaii 110 Id St., corner Washington. Phone Marshall iRVTMOTOll GARAGE ft AUTO CO.. TK0. East 186. jr. L. S. BNEAS. Mgr. ANDERSON BROS,, AUTO STAGES MT. HOOD and Salmon River Resorts For descrlDtlvs namnhlata. nun.timi stc oau Koutisoge seed Floral Co., lift lit . near Alder. Phone A-8S11. Main 660. Arts 6. P. M. or Sundava nhon. A,fUru. Sm. A-S881, Main 881. MOUNT HOOD LODGE (MX HOMER A. ROGERS, Hoet.) MagniikcenUv aliuatad at h. t w wA Planing Mountaineering, Exploration of Mt. a.oo s f glaciers. Asosat t summit. Hfe back riding over scenio U. SjTvast Rsagsf - Trails, Reached la 8 hour via Hood River. Information Union Paclflo Offio Portland. Address Farkdaia. Or. (Phona rM.ll sis Hood River.) Shipherd's Hot Springs vui.uau river s NEST RESORT resort for health and raorathmawi.. ming pool tennis court, croquet and uolt giviuiue. aous recently newly paper a sad renovated. All white help. Ajnerlcaa and European plan, t, Oarsoa, Wash. L. UHIPHERD, Mgl WILHOIT SPRINGS Ia th foothills of tha Oaararf m I.. (7 mil from Portland. .An Ideal resort fa health and recreation. Exoellent hotel ana fine camping grounds. .Tsats and oottagea for rent. .Our specialty is our Saturday night and Bunday nooo chicken dinner, Run out let year week end holiday. For full lnformstloa write tr phone F. W. MoLERLN, WUhoit, Or., er aak any S, P. agent. Belknap springs Justly famous for th beauty of Its snvlrs msnt and th ourativ propertisi of Its waters. Located in th heart of th MoKeasie riv fishing country, where ths- Ddlll Vardena at waiting te be eaught. rin new hotal just completed, also teats and camping a-rouad. Com and enjoy your vacation at moderate cost Ask any B. P. ticket agsnt, or tddrsa H. B. BLOAN, Belknap Springs, Oregon. Loop the Sunday Loop - Stopping at HOTEL OAIL, Dallas, for lunch. Start from Portland over Weet Bid Highwsy, returning ovsr Pacific Highway by way of Salem, a total of 181 mil as, through th most picturesque sad prosperous section of th Willamette valley. The Hotel Gail has long enjoyed th reputation at be lag oa f the best hotels ia westers Oregon, CLACKAMAS TAVERN ON THE BANKS OF THE BEAUTIFUL , CLACKAMAS RIVER, Famous for eblckan dinners, Frultdal Mia. aval Water piped to hotel, and other tens. Derate drinks, Quick service promised. AH0U8T ERICX80N. Manager. , Route S, Boa 171, Oregon City. Phone SOU. . The Journal Is the Acknowledged Medium in Summer Resort Advertising B I