The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 07, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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(189D DAT Or 1914.)
Coming Kvent.
Ninth snnasl contention of roo. Cbfo-
ricllc association. Hotel Fortlaail. July 0.
tats tVntat association anDUl meeting.
North Picirkc Denial colics,. Juljr 5. 0. T
and 8.
Rotary rlub mrt noon, July M.
Scjjonl children's plajr at Wmblngton Park.
July 12.
Ad club BNti at Oregon botrl at noon,
July 12.
irrgna Bwet rn soclt-ly. kTnth annual
sibfhlt. July 12 and 13, t Met" Frsnk's
Northwest Resl Kiitsts IpsIts' conaotWn.
Portland. July 17 and If-
Interstst council Ion of ml ratate men to
be held to Portland July IT, 18. .
Uranit Temple. I'tlilan Hlsters of Oregou,
meets here July 2S, w. .
Contention of KolgtiU of Pythias and Pytb
lan sisters lll tw b-M In Portland August
Twenty tblrd annual on Una; of Mssamas to
Three 8lt-r. August 30.
Kxceriion to toon Bay. Oregon Journal tspe
rlsl, Jririug Portland Auguat 23. 10 p. in.,
returning tu Portland 8 a. in.. Hunday, Aug
uat 27.
i.'ltlsenn military tralulng camp at American
Lake, Auguat la-aVpu-niber 0.
Municipal Band Conceits.
Friday. July 7. 8 p. m.. Columbia park.
Holiday. July tf. 3 p. m., Wssbtugtun park.
Monday. July 10. South Park.
lueaday. July 11, l-enta.
Wednesday, July 12, Koreatry building.
Today's Forecast.
Portland and f Irlnlty--Tonight and Saturday
fair; nortbesitterly wlnila.
Oregon and Waablngton -Tonight a oil Satur
day fair; northeasterly winds
' Idaho Tonight and Saturday fair.
Weather Conditions.
Tba preaaure la high o?er moat of Canada
and from the northern and i-entral Plalna
alatea esutwsnl to the Atlantic niaat. Iw
preaaure obtalna In moat other ectloiia. wltb
centers of (If pressUm OTt-r the lower Miaalaalppl
valley. Arlsnn and the upper SsiTsnieuto Tsl
ley. reaertiTely. Halna have fallen nu the
BrltUh Columbia roaat, In euutb-iern Mon
tana. Maulioba, eaatem North Dikota, New
Ueilro and th aoutbaaateru metes. The
weather la warmer on the western lllgblnnd.
In loutana. the weatert) portion of the I)a
kntas, Oklabxmia, Louisiana and moat of the
Dilddln Atlantic and New England atatea;
allghtly cooler weather obtalna In moat other
Tba conditions ara faroi-sbl for continued
fair, Warm weather In tbla district tonight
and Saturday, wltb nortbeaaterly wlnda.
Aaalatant Forecaater.
When going away for the enmmer or on
your vacation bat The Journal follow you
at tbe regular rata of 15 centa a week; or
the following agenta will aupply you at tba
regular city ratea:
Bar View, Or. F. C. Roblson.
Bay City. Or. Mrs. J. C. MetMure.'
Bayorean. Or. Edward B. Cook
Cannon Beach. Kcola. Or. I.. W. Crone.
taraon. Waab. Carl B. Smith and Ship
berd'a Springs.
ItarlhaMI. Or. D. C. Ellla.
Oearhart, Or. B. M. Waterbooae.
I-ong Beacb, Waab. Milton Harris (ail
pointa on beach).
Manhattan Beacb, Or. Mrs. Q. I. Huston.
Mansantta Beacb. Or. G. B. Nunc.
Neab-kab-nle Beach Tohl ac Andersen.
Newport. Or. O. P. Shoemaker.
Ocean Park. Waab. Milton Harris.
liockawny Beach. Or. W. R. Deelne.
St. Martin a Spring.. Waab. Mrs. H. M.
Heaalde. Or. Manley Abbott (all points on
the beach).
Heslew. Waab. Milton Harrla.
'llllaiuook. Or. Leo Morrleon.
VMIuolt Springs. Or. F. W. McLeran.
Baker, Or
Bolae. Idaho ...
Boaon. Mans. . . .
Cclcago, III
lenr, Colo. . . .
Duliilh. Minn...
Duraugo, k. .
Bureka. Cal
Frenno. ( al . . . .
Helena, Mont . .
hallKpell, Mont.
Kansas City. Mo
Ifewlston. Idaho.
Ijos Angelea, Cal
Marahfleld. or .
Mempbla, Teun.
Mlaaoula, Mont..
Moorbead, Minn.
New Orleana, La
New lork, N Y
N. Head, Wn. .
N. Platte, Neb.
N. Yakima. Wn.
Oklahoma. Ok la.
Phoenix. Aria...
Pocatello, Maho
Portland. Or....
Had Bluff, Cal.
Roaeburg, .'Or.. . .
Buawell, N. M..
Sacramento, Cal.
St. Lou I a. Mo...
St. Paul. Minn..
Halt iJike, Utah.
Sau Diego, Cal.
San Krauclaco..
Seattle. Waab..
Spokane, Waab
laconia, Waab..
Touupab, Ne. .
Vaklea, Alaska
Vancouver, B. C
Victoria. B. C. . .
Walla Walla. W
Waablngtou. Ill'
Winnipeg, Man
Vellowatone Pk
K .
if a
f rt Mil W . . . . 0
-t- ll () 0) .... tl
2 74 00 l
0 8" 72 0
4 IXt 62 0
J 4 HH 28 0
f 2 m w . . . . o
-f- 2 VI O
4 l 62 U
-4 m sa oi
-J- 6 82 64 O
2 86 68 0
4 56 O
2 71 58 0
8 08 W 0
--6 88 70 12 -h0
2 0
- 8 U2 64 1.72
f 4 ttO 8 12 .10
8 82 66 12
-(-4 58 ft 0
4 WJ 66 U,
10 7 8 56 10 0
4 88 68 0
2 110 SO 0
8 94 ) 10 0
4 72 54 0
2 94 64 0
4- 0 82 52 l
6 84 62 .... .72
2 t4 66 O
0 80 70 0
4 88 7o 0
t- 4 06 72 0
o 8 eo o
0 tV4 - 52 14 0
-f- 4 02 54 O
0 7 8 56 O
4 4 02 52 0
4- 0 86 68 14 0
2 46 01
10 70 56 0
8 52 O
6 SO 60 0
4 84 60 0
4 78 52 I 10 .92
0 84 44 O
pany, North Portland. Uniformed guide. Ken
ton ar change ta etockyarde car.
Worthy of Jfotioa Skldmora fountain, Flrat
and Ankeny. by Olln 11. Warner, presented by
Stephen Skldmora. ibompson. foontala, pre
sented by Oarld P. Thompson, Plasa block.
Kourtn and Salmon; Soio'ers' monument,
lownadale uare. Fourth and Taylor.
Chinatown on Nonb Fourth aid Second
Modern high and grade schools; school gar
deu; ruse bedgea.
"Seeing Portland." automobllee.
"Seeing Portland." trolley cars.
Trip thruugb lumber mills.
Typical Home Sections Portland Heights.
Nob Hill, lrvlngtoo.
Mount Hood Trips North side: Drive oat
a lout the lolunibla river highway (aee abovn;
to Hood River and tben up througu Hood
Klver valley to Mount Hood lodge, 3t00 feat
elevation, or ou to Cloud Cap Inn. 60o0 feet
elevatlou; condltlona Ideal for mountain;
views glorious; roads good. Or. take train to
Hood Klver; thence by automobile , dally to
Cloud Cap Inn. or by Hood River Valley rail
road to Parkdale and ataga from there.
South aide Automooue atage daily from
Portland t Government Camp. Rhododendron
Tavern. Welcbea. Ana Wanna. Or take wtb
urban electric tralna to Boring atation and
atage. .
StiLurban trips Via P. R . L. it P. Co.:
Bull Uun park. 80 mllea; Katacada park. 34
mllea, ftabmg and mountain tralia; t anemuh
park. 16 miles, overlooking Willamette; Co
lumbia beacb. end Vancouver Hue, bathing:
"Tho Oaka park on Willamette; Vancouver and
Vancouver Barracka. northwest military head
quartera; Wllbolt Sprlnga, on Willamette Val
ley Southern; Willamette Falls snd Oregon
City. 15 miles south.
Vis Oregon Electric Willamette valley. Sa
lem and Kugene.
Via O-W. R. N. Bonneville, fiah Latev
erles, picnic grounds. Hood River. Caacada
Lacks, paralleling Columbia river blgbway.
Via Sou t hern Pacific Tualatin and VambUl
valleya. loop.N
Via river ateamers Up Willamette to OTegon
City and Salem; up Columbia to Tbe Pallet;
down Columbia to Astoria and mouth of Co
lumbia river, termlnua Aator expedition. Sal
mon canneriea, aalmon flatting. Jetties, forta.
Via North Bank Aatoria. Uearbart. Seaside,
btacb bathing.
( area of Joaepblne, via Southern Pacific and
' ' iter Lake, vis Southern Pacific. Med ford
auo ..i to atage, or vis Oregon Trunk or O-W.
K. A N , Bend and auto atage.
0 eao resorts Seaalde, liearhart, Newport.
Tillamook. Marahfleld.
Dracuutes canyou and Ceutral Oregon, via
O-W. K. A N.. or S.. P. A S.
Wallowa valley. Lake Joaopb and Eagla Cap,
via O-W. R. A N.
Peudleton Kouud-Up. Hot Sprlnga. Eaatern
Oregon, via O-W. R. & N.
Mlacellaueoua Klalilnc bunting, outing trlpa.
Reiorta Ocean: liearhart, Sraalde, Long
Beach. Newport. Cannon Beach, Bayocean,
Tillamook. Mountain: Cloud Cap Inn. Govern
ment Caniu. Mount Hood Lodge. Rhododendron
Tavern. Wekbee. Arra Wauna. The Eyrie.
Jewett Farm. Sprlnga: Wllbolt, Sblpberd'a.
Hot Lake.
Waahlngton Vancouver aud military post:
Mt. Adama. Mt. St. Helena, Ice cavea; Long
Beach reaorta.
For further Information, ratea and routes,
aee Dorse v B. Smith. Travel Bureau. 116
Third, corner Waahington. Journal Summer Re
sort colutnne. published every Sunday, Wednes
day and Friday, or Journal Travel Bureau,
Broadway and Yamhill.
ffh Pnrilinit eramalnrinm. Mrs Davia
was a native of England, and had re
sided in Portland for the past 11 years.
8 he was in her eighty-eighth year. The
funeral arrangements were in charge
of the Skewes Undertaking company.
Xlreworks Ke port ad Stole Fourth
of July troubles did not come singly
to Andrew Kan. the Chinese mer
chant. Mr. Kan was fined S20 in
the municipal tourt Wednesday for
selling fireworks and having them in
his Morrison street store in violation
of the city ordinance. Testerday
someone broke into his store room at
385 East Pine street, and made away
with $60 worth of fireworks and a
large quantity of confetti. Entrance
to the room was gained through a
basement door on which the lock was
Herman stellar Dies.. Herman Kel
lar, secretary of the Deutscher M Hilar
Vereln, .who died yesterday at his
home, 707 Vaughn street, was 68 years
of age and a native of Germany. He
had lived in Portland for the past 27
years, and is survived by his widow
and two children, George W. Kellar
and Mrs. Kespar S. Dosler. Funeral
services 111 be held tomorrow, Satur
day, at 2 p. m., from the chapel of
J. P. Flnley & Son. Fifth and Mont
gomery streets, and interment will be
In Rose City cemetery.
Mrs. Emma Hogar. Mm. Emma
Hoger. who died in this city yesterday
at the residence of her daughter. Mrs.
H. F. Gerspach. 804 Corbett street, was
a native of Germany, aged 85 years.
She had lived in Portland for the past
14 years, and Is survived by a son, E.
H. Hoger, and a daughter. Mrs. Ger
spach. Funeral services were held this
afternoon at the chapel of .1. P. Flnley
& Son. Rev. William Breck delivered
the sermon.
Woae Broken In Collision. T. H.
Rarmlllj of Thirtieth and Division
street?", sustained a broken nose in
a collision of jitneys at Twenty-fifth
arwl Division streets, last night. Rar
inill was In a machine driven by Ed
ward Wagner, 881 Division street. It
collided with a car driven by F. H.
Grlswold. Both machines had a num
ber of passengers, who were shaken
up. None other was injured, however.
Funeral of ntr. Furlong. Funeral
services were held today at the A. R.
Zeller parlors, 594 Williams avenue,
for Mrs. Zella Furlong. 24 years of age.
who died last Tuesday. Mrs. Furlong
la survived by her husband, J. M. Fur
long, son, Lloyd A. Furlong, and her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob B. Brlgh
les. Interment was in Mount Scott
Park cemetery.
How for a ITew Suit. We will make
it for you on easy payments of $10.00
down and the balance $5.00 a month.
Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark, bet.
5th and 6th st. (Adv.)
SUey Stevens Wlxvs Prise. The first
prize for display of vegetables at the
East Side Public market yesterday
was awarded to Riley Stevens. School
children compete for this prize and sell
their garden products at this market
every Thursday.
KaiSTn'ff riam Sunday HUce For
their week end trip the Mazamas will
tramp through the Coast range sum
mit region adjacent to Timber, on
the Southern Pacific's line to Tilla
mook. The party will leave at 1:40
p. m. from the Union station tomor
row, others going on the Southern
Pacific electric from Fourth and Yam
hill streets at 3:37 p. m.
Cbarle Tett Burled. The funeral
of Charles E. Yett, who died on July 4.
as the result of injuries received from
his automobile falling on him while
working under it, was held yesterday
from the Skewes undertaking parlors,
under the auspices of the Portland
lodge of Elks, and private services
were heldJLt the Portland crematorium.
Tnlaf aws Bunch of Keys. A
thief whcMentered the home of Mrs.
J. S. ScotT, 926 Lovely street. Ports
mouth, yesterday afternoon, after tak
ing a woman's coat and ransacking
the house, left a bunch of keys lying
on the rear porch. 1
Sr. Taomaa B. Kaxtsell of Minneap
olis, Minn., a world-wide authority on
mouth Infection, will give a lecture
at the public library this evening at 8
p. m., under the auspices of the Ore
gon State Dental association. Sub
ject: "Dental Diseases a Menace to
Public Health." (Adv.)
Big Danoe Brery Saturday Evening,
Becker's hall. Corbett on Columbia high
way; $1 couple, supper fisra. Finest
equipped ballroom on trie coast; best
music. No Improper dancing allowed.
Stage leaves St. Charles hotel Saturday
8:15 p. m., returning after dance.
Round trip. $1. ' (Adv.)
Sunday Excursion Bailey Oatsert.
See the high water, highest since 18t
Music and dancing, $1.00 round trip.
Alder street. Main 914, A-5112.
MoCarger, Bates fc Uvely. Fire, Cas
ualty and automobile Insurance. Yeon
bldg. Telephone Main 18. (Adv.)
Sarvlces at Ahaval Bholom. Services
will be held at Congregation Ahavai
fcholom. Park and Clay streets, tonight
a: 8 o'clock. Tomorrow morning ser
vices at :0 o'clock. Rabbi R. Abra
hamson, will officiate.
Boat service resumed to The Dalles
and way points. BaUey Gatsert up
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, down
alternate days. Main 914. A-5112. (Ad)
Money Stolen From Till. Forty
five dollars was stolen from the till
Of the Majestic restaurant, 455 Wash
ington street, last night.
OofXe Bay Saturday. Our 40c bulk
coffee 26c; limit, 4 lbs. We deliver.
Phone early. Main or A-1893. Martin
Marks Coffee Co.. 252 3d st. (Adv.)
Steamer Jessie Harklna, for Camas,
Washougal and way landings, dally
except Sunday. Leaves Washington
street dock at 2 p. m. (Adv.)
Chlropractlo. Obstinate cases, 31 ad
justments. $15, and Dr. McMahon pays
$300 month rent. Macleay bldg. (Adv.)
Fine Book and Catalog printing.
F. W. Baltes & Co. Main 165, A-1165. Ad.
Will Lecture on Opera. Dr. Clement
B. Shaw will lecture on the opera "Der
Frelschutt" (Weber) at the Public li
brary tonight at S o'clock. Mordaunt
A. Goodnough. pianist, will assist. The
public is invited.
msrtonaxles Speak Tonight. The
Rev. W. F. Carpenter and wife, who,
until recently, have had charge of the
City mission at 8anta Barbara, Cal..
and are now engaged In a church In
this city, will speak tonight at the
Commons mission, northeast corner
Front and Burnside streets, for the
Pacific Coast Rescue and Protective
Hew Orand Theatre, 105 Sixth street,
tomorrow, Saturday "The Committer
on Credentials.' a dramatisation ot
Peter B. Kynes thrilling story with
Harry Carey as leading man. First
run pictures. 6c any seat. (Adv.)
Moonlight excursion Saturday eve
ning on launch Frolic, dancing and
refreshments free; tickets 60 cents.
Leaves municipal dock at 8 p. m. (Ad.)
The "Swan" available for charter
for excursions and dancing parties.
Phone Main 3838. (Adv.)
The "Swan Dancing club announces
the first of a series of moonlight
shirt-waist parties on the new river at 1 o'clock on Sunday afternoon and :
craft, the "Swan" tomorrow, Saturday at S o'clock on Wednesday, Saturday "
evening at 8 o'clock from the foot of j .nd Sunday evenings. Gentlemen 10a..?
Jefferson street: The club will lve tadle8 26c phone Main 3818. (Adv.) '
dancing parties every Sunday after-
noon and evening and every Wed- Br. X. C. Brown, Bye, ar, MOhawa t
nesday and Saturday evenings, leaving ! building. (Adv.) v
With tits A4 aad Con pons. IM Satu
day July I, Monday July 10.
Mali erders gives prompt attaatlsm.
Bat. Salmon and Main. Phone Main IMS
All .redemption a at Mala Store Only.
Wlod velocities of leas tban 10 miles sn bour
snd smuuiita of precipitation ot leaa tban .01
of an Inch are nut published bereou.
Afternoou report of precediug da.
The Journal Travel Guide of Port
land and Oregon.
Columbia River Highway America's most
vrouderful scenic roau for veblclea. No grade
exceed Id I 6 per cent. Uardsurfsca rosdwsr
past waterfalls sad mouutaloa through tbe
heart of- tbe Caacada rauge. Bee tbe Uorge of
tba Columbia, ttbenperd'a Pell Crown Holnt,
Latourelle, Bridal Veil, Mlat, Wabkeena, Mult
noniab, Boraetall and otber watertalla. Bonne
ville flab batcberlea, Oneonta gorge, Benaoo
fart: and Wlnemah Plnnarlea. tat from Port
laud via Kane Line, Hand or Section Line
roads.- Individuals do well to make arrange
ment! thruugb a responalble agrncy. .
Trip up Columbia river by boat or ona way
by -boat and return by auto.
Council Croat -Overlooking city. 1100 feet
hlgb. View uneuualed of Columbia and Wil
lamette rivers, Tualatin and Willamette val
leys. Csscsde and Coast rangea; enow peak
colony of Caacade (north to eaat on cleat;
daa). Including sit. Hainler, 14,408 feet: Mt.
H: Helena, IM7 fret; Mt. Adama, 12,307 feet:
Mt. Mood 11,223 fast; Mt, Jsffarson. 10.622
Parka Waahlngton. at head of Wavhlngton
atreet. Flowera, abruba and trees; children's
playgrounds: soo. Noteworthy pieces of sculp
ture. "Coming of tbe whits Man," by Uer
Dir Atklna McNeil; "Hacajawea," Indian wo
man who guided Lewis sod Clusrk, by A' ice
Cooper. Tea mluutes' walk, Penlnaula. annksn
rose gardena. containing more than 700 varle
tlea; playgrounds end model community house.
Alblna and Alnawortb avenuea. Laurelhnrat'
Eaat Oak and Thirty-ninth. Mt. Tabor bead
of Hawthorne avenue. Macleay, Cornell' road
nature left untouched; primeval foreat, wild
forestry Building. Lewis and Clark exposi
tion grounds; contains l.OoO.OOo feet of lum
lr. muaeum of foreat producta. Vlaitora wel
come from 8 a. ui. to 6 p. m. "W" car on
Morrison street.
Boulevards Columbia and Willamette en
rlrcllna peulnaula: excellent vlewa of h.i.
shipping and Induatrlea; Tcrwlli(er, south on
sixth: Valrmount, eaat of and 8k j line. et of
ix-uncii wreau loiuojDia r:ver highway see
Fubllo restitutions. City hall and historical
museum, Fifth snd Msdlson; county conrt
bouae. Fourth and Salmon; Central library
Tenth and Yamhill; Art muaeum. Fifth near
Yamhill.; customa houae. Park and Broadwar-
i.fu(ii ijww.i.w, linn buu worrison; X. 3d
V. A., Blitb and Taylor; X. W. C. A., Broad
way and Taylor.
txblbltt Oregon resources, flab ans
Oregon building, Fifth and Oak; historical
Oregon HWtorleal society, 207 Second street'
muaeum. city ball; lumbar lnduatry. Forestry
Harbor Features West and eaat side public
docks, motor boat landing, foot of stark-
boat houae for river .on re; shipping, uiodera
brioave, onudwi, naurosa ana ttawtnorne
Panoramic view of city from Willamette
King'a and Portland l'algbta. Council Crest
aai. isoor.
Vlewa of down-town dlatrlcta. Journal build
i Ing, Yeon building, Nortbweatsrn National
Bank building. Meter aV Frank'a.
Nortbwsat Meat Packing and Stock Center
Union Meat company. Union Stockyards com-
wi tb. i x nxiAiim
m m aa . sr m w bbsssjbws -vaaiavsnvanBBBaai
V Vw - IT L
J SB -J I i
1 0j
if. m
Zieotnre on Bible Prophecies. Com
mencing this evening at 7:45, there
will be a series of Bible studies at
the tent pitched for that purpose at
the corner of Twenty-third and North
rup streets. The principal topics will
be the prophecies in the Old and the
New Testaments, as they refer to
present day events, sueh as the Euro
pean -ar, the general spirit of strife
and war all over the world, the strikes
and Industrial unrest, the earthquakes,
storms and other manifestations of
nature, all of which are referred to in
the Bible as signs along the way, so
it is averred by those in charge. Dr.
Albert Carey and Evangelist Elmer
Catlin. The lectures are free.
Mrs. Bidden Will Speak Mrs. M. L.
T. Hidden, will be the first W. C. T. TJ.
speaker on the program for Gladstone
Chautauqua. Mrs. Hidden will speak
Saturday at 4 p. m. The subject of
her address will be, "Some Needed Reforms."
Was Native of England The fu
neral of Mrs. Anne Davis was held
from the residence of her son. Alfred
Davis. 916 Front street, this after
noon. Private services were held at
The City' Most Delightful
Dining Places
The Portland's
Grill and
Dining Room
A la Carte Service From 6 :30
A. M. to 1 A. M.
Breakfast 6:30 to 12
Daily Club Luncheon 12 to 2
Afternoon Tea 3:30 to 6
Sunday and Daily Table d'Hote
Dinner, 5:30 to 8, at $1
Listen to the Orchestra Play in
the Court Every Evening
Under the Management of,
Geo. C. Obef
Boston Sample SHOE STORE
Is Prepared With a Superb Showing of &
Smart Summer Styles
iS Sample
1 129 4th Stbet.
A i
An Economical
Place to Trade
including distinctive Pumps,
cool Colonials, comfortable
sport footwear, and a com
plete display of all the fash
ionable colors in Kid Boots
and Pumps also
White Buck
White Kid
$2.90 White Duck
economical race
$2.50 $2.90 $3.40 $3.95
Save a Dollar
or Two
'hoe Store
aa.hin5ton& Aldisr ;
A Dime
Saved Daily
with interest at three
per cent means:
$ 3 7.02 in 1 Year
$ 75.30 !n 2 Years
1114.64 in 3 Years
$155.17 in 4 Years
$196.94 in 5 Years
Begin Saving Today.
Our Savings
open Saturday
evenings from
6 to 8 o'clock.. .
The Daily
of a dime or two or
three is a pleasure,
while a weekly, saving
at one time of two dol
lars or three dollars Is
likely to be a task. Our
Dime Bank
thousands of which are
now in use in Portland,
is the most practical
and convenient little
contrivance for dime
saving. It is proof
against "spendy" temp
tations and a constant
reminder to save daily.
Secure one from our
or from any employe
of this bank.
Oldest in the Northwest
and Third
i BfPlfj
I sWaaHBaalaBSittaBBa bbsbc Tfc , aaau. jaaaBMgfjgak
111 mn&m & Aotiara II
Marshall 1 Telephones kvJ"1 " Home A-6281
The food you eat is the first step toward perfect
health and increased vitality, provided it is absolutely
pure and wholesome. The most potent factors of
Quality and Purity.
Saturday Specials
Selected A-l Steer Beef
Shoulder Pot Roasts, th. .... t 15c
Rolled Roasts (boneless), Tb. .. .. ..18c
Plate Boil Beef, lb 10c
Best Steer Hamburg, tb l2V2c
Genuine 1916 Oregon Springers
Leg Roasts, tb 25c
Shoulder Roasts, tb. . . . .14c
Breasts of Lamb, tb i2V2c
Shoulder Lamb Cutlets, tb 16c
Lamb, cut up for stewing, tb .10c
Fancy English Chops, cut according to your say
so, tb 25c
tb jiliiiiiiii: 15c
Jones' " Pride of Oregon" Brand
Fancy Breakfast Bacon, sliced and trimmed,
packed in 1-lb. sanitary cartons, lb .35c
Hams, half or whole, tb: .19C
Choice Bacon, half or whole, tb 18c-20c
Tenderloin Backs, half or whole, tb I . .18c
Picnics, tb l2V2c Cottages, tb 16c
Jones' Special Bacon, tb 13c
No. 5 Pure Lard 70c No. 5 Compound.. .65c
No. 10 Pure Lard. .$1.35 ; No. 10 Compound. $1.25
MAIL ORDERS SOUCITED. Fresh Meats sent by
parcel post within 1 50-mile radius. Smoked and cured
Meats by parcel post throughout the state. For your
country and beach orders, bear us in mind.
Cnange in Train Schedules
Sunday, July 9
on the
Oregon Electric Railway
Effective Sunday, July 9, a new time table on the Ore
gon Electric Railway "will" be issued with the following changft:
Train Ho. B, Kug:n Limited, will leava North Bank Station at
8:30 A. M. Instead of 8:26 A. M. Thf time at achedul stops and
arriving- tim at Kugene will be approximately the same aa at
Train Ho. 65, between Salem and Eugene, and trains 63 and 14.
between Woodburn and Salem, will be annulled.
Train Ho. 1 will leave Portland at 6:30 A M., Salem 8:35 A. M.,
running" through to Kugene, arriving at Kugene. at 10:65 A. M.
Train Ho. , leaving Portland at 2:05 P. M., will arrtve at Salem
at 4:16 P. M.. Kugene B.S5 P. M. (this train will be about 10 minutes
earlier at all Intermediate stationn).
Train Ho. 14 will leave Salem at 1:60 P. M. instead of 1:45 P. M,
Train Ho. 16 will leave Kugene 6 minutes later than nt present.
1:55 P. M.
Train Ho. SO from Corvallis will arrive at North Bank Station
at 7:40 P. M. Instead of 7.50 P. M.
Forest Grove Division
Train Ho. 41 will leave Portland 6:30 P. M. instead of 5:25 P. M.
Train Ho. 4B for Forest Grove will leave Portland 7:20 P. M.
and arrive Forest Grove at 8:40 P. M.
Train Ho. 46 will leave Forest Grove at :45 P. M. and arrive
Portland 11:00 P. M. This train will run DAXX.T.
Train Ho. 44 will leave Forest Grove at 7.40 P. M.
Train Ho. 43 will leave Forest Grove at 5:05 P. M. Instead of
B:S0 P. M.. arriving at Portland 6.25 P. M. Instead of 6.60 P. M.
Trains between Gray and Corvallis and between Woodburn and
West Woodburn will be changed to make direct connections with,
the main line trains.
For changes in time at intermediate stations for different
trains, consult agents and secure new time cards to be distrib
uted Saturday.
R. H. CROZIER, Asst. Can. Pass. Aft.
Arrives Portland on the Return
Trip 5 A. M. Monday.
Round-Trip Fare $3
Enjoy This Week-End at
Where Cool Sea Breezes Blow.
For tickets, reservations and full
information, ask the
City Ticket Office,
Washington at Third.
A-6121, Bdwy. 4500
Or Ash St. Dock
After 5:30 P. M.
call at
348 Washington Straat
Summer ExcursionTickets
On Sal Daily to
to Othar Points
Montreal ....
New York
Philadelphia ..
Pittsburg ....
Milwaukee . ..
Washington, D. C. .
Return Tickets
Buffalo $ 92.00
Baltimore 108.50
Boston 110.00
Cleveland 87.60
Cincinnati 86.50
Dea Moines 66.85
Detroit 83.50
Toronto 92.00
St. Paul, Duluth, Omaha, Minneapolis, CCA i
Kansas City, Sioux City, Winnipeg. . . pOU1
Go one way and return another if desired
Good for stopovers, ninety-day limit
Ride on the fast train ,
Through Standard and Tourist Sleepers Portland to Minneapolis,
Si. Paul and Chicago
C. P. & T. A.
Marshall 3071
-or Ask for TOluetxateA - ' '
t ' T ' -A ' ' x ' SsasssssassBB
X y -ii.'n.
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