r ' ; ' .. .. . .. -.. . . ,. -- . : , - 3 . ' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY. JULY 7. 1916. DEFENSE RESTS CASE IN OCTETS TRIAL; IS i CONFIDENT OF RESULT war offlca today reported utter calm on tha Bommt front. Th night paased without Infantry flg-htlng- on the Verdun front also, al though a violent bombardment oocured on tha aaat aid of the Meuae, In the regions of Thlarnount, Fleury and Chenola wood. In La Pretre wood, southwest of Verdun, the Germane made an unuue ceasful attack on French trenches. French grenadiers retaliated, cleaning up a German trench and taking many prisoners. French military critics warn the pub- searchltghts, eleven bombthrowera and 77 ammunition wagon a This brings the total number of prisoners captured since the offensive began to more than 242.000. Prosecution Brings Rebuttal that tn mn on the somme . , inn. fron my continue for a few days. ana I Ties TO OnOW Une VVIl-iwnu trench organize and prepare imn B.IULCK, i nay point ness Was Coached in Story for a out DEFENSE SCORES AGAIN Prosecution's Attempt to Decoy Con fesiloa Out of Orpet Zs Admitted by Mrs. Margaret Touker. that the lull on the western front la being followed by Increased activity by the Russians, particularly in south eastern Gailcla. BERLIN SAYS SEVERE CHECK ADMINISTERED TD BRITISH OFFENSIVE WaukeKan, 111.. July 7. At 10:20 1 'dock today the defenite in the trial of Will II. Orpet, charged with the murder of Marian Lambert, rested Its rase. The prosecution lm- mediately began evidence in rebuttal. 'Its firt witness being Mrs. Margaret YouKer, slster-ln-law of Celeste You ker, to whom Orpet was reported en gaged. Prior to resting, the defense Intro duced maps and read the Wisconsin statute prohibiting public sale of cya nide of potassium. State's Attorney Iady thereupon de manded that Orpet be again called to the stand to answer further questions regarding his access to poisons at Madison drug Htoren, but Judge Don Ufelly, after looking up precedents, de nied the motion. Several witnesses were called by Dady in rebuttal. Closing arguments Will be completed early next week. Both Sides Score. Mrs. Youker testified that Attorney Carlln had admonished Dorothy Mason to slur parts of her original story, enlarging upon that part of It in which Marian Lambert Baid, when informed that Orpet and Miss Youker were en gaged: "Sometimes I think life Is not worth the living." The defense, on cross-examination, evened matters up, however, by drag ging forth the story of the prosecu tion's attempt to decoy a confession from Orpet through a letter which it forced Celeste Youker to write under threat of making public her letters to Orpet unless she complied. Mrs. You ker admitted that she carried the letter to Orpet in jail, secured an answer and turned It over to Attorney Du.dy. Court Beporter Testifies. The next witness In rebuttal was Frank illukeslee, court reporter, who testified that he saw the spots on Marian Lambert's coal on February 13 and several times thereafter. The defense yesterday developed a closing attack which It declared was as destructive as a battering-ram. Half a dozen experts were called to the stand, and their testimony contained the following vital points: Dr. John A. Wesner, expert toxicol- j gist: j The poison spots on Marian Lam- . bert's green coat prove it must have been cyanide of potassium In powder and not in liquid form that caused her death. Chemist's Testimony Strong. Dr. William D. McNally, coroner's chemist of Cook county: Kven had the poison .on the coat been In powder form, it could not have been detected more than eight weeks afterward, and yet tracts of it were detected on June 13, more than four months after the tragedy. Dr. William O. Krohn, alienist and nerve specialist: Marian Lambert's history during the last months of her life indicate that he had suicidal tendencies. Professor John !. Long, head of the chemistry department of Northwebt- m university; Professor L. L. Shaw, Carl iJ: Miner: The material found in the ash heap f the McCormlck ireen house was not potassium cyanide, but sodium cyanide. 1 nese irrruic diows reii one alter 1 another on the state's case, and each one of them went far toward de molishing it, according to the defense. Russian Advance Irresistible. London, July 7. (I. N. 8.) A dis patch from Budapest quotes a Hun garian correspondent at the eastern front as saying: "The Russian strength exceeds any thing seen in this war heretofore. In some cases they stormed our positions In rows 17 lines deep and their ar tillery was so absolutely perfect that no troops could dream of standing up to It." Entire Line in Retreat. London, July 7. (I. N. S.) Re verses by Field Marshal von Hinden burg. Prince Leopold and General von Llnslngen have put the entire German line, from Riga to Gailcla on the re treat, according to wireless dispatches received here today from Rome. the coast was said to have reached 104 ( damage done in Pen sa cola. Mobile and mnes an nour weanesusy miieraoon. Crop damage about Tallahassee and In southern Alabama will be heavy. Some crops for acres were totally de stroyed. Railroads in the same section also were hard hit. In many places it will require much time to repair damage before even temporary service can be resumed. By Carl W. Ackerman. Berlin, July 7. (U. P.) A severe check has been administered to the British army in the combined Anglo French offensive, according to reports received here today, and the British have suffered unusually heavy losses. Since the opening day of the British attack. General Halgs army has been unable to make any Important gains against the German line. Forced to abandon shell wrecked first line posi tions, the Germans retired to their second line north of the Somme, which they threw time and time again Brit ish infantry assaults. It Is well understood that the Brit ish will resume the offensive, perhaps with greater violence than marked the first day of the forward movement, but the manner In which the German wall withstood the first shock has In spired the greatest confidence In Ber lin. A group of British prisoners, captured at the village of Serre, ad mitted their disappointment at the stubborn German defense. "We thought it would be a romp after our guns had finished their work," a caputred officer was quoted as saying. "Instead, Germans popped out of all sorts of funny places and got machine guns working on us." That the French have made some substantial gains south of the Somme In not denied here. But the French gains, It Is stated, constitute no seri ous menace to the German line, which is amply prepared to repel any serious menace on the sector around Peronne. GERMANS OFFICIALLY ADMIT LOSS OF LINES TO FORCES OF RUSSIA (Continued From Piee One.) officers and 7416 men, a large part of them Germans; six guns, 23 machine guns, several tnousand rules, two Heavy Fighting Near Kolomea, Vienna, July 7. (I. N. 8.) Indicat ing attempt by the Russians to invest the city of Kolomea, today's official statement from the Austrian general staff declares that heavy fighting is raging in that vicinity and also in the region of Lutsk. The statement, for the first time since the war began, specifically mentions German assist ance having been given the Austrian legions. Hungarians Are Alarmed. Geneva, July 7. (U. P.) Dissension between Austrian and Hungarian statesmen over the disposition of the Austro-Hungarian armies was reported in advices received here today. The Hungarians, greatly alarmed at the prospects of a Russian Invasion, successfully urged the withdrawal of troops from the Italian front to help check the Slavs. The Italians imme diately advanced In the Trentino and the Austrian leaders appealed to the government to stop the transfer of troops from the Italian front, lest Trent and the surrounding region fall Into Italian hands. GULF STORM TOLL 20 DEAD; PROPERTY LOSS IS SEVERAL MILLIONS various smaller cities. No loss of life has been reported but the property lops will reach hundreds or thousands, the waterfront having been bit hard est in each of the two cities. An unverified report from Belolt, Ala., told that 17 negroes had been killed and others Injured. . For a time it was evident that Mo- j bile and Pensacola were In the very HfnhilA Rrtnfa RJniMwl Off vortex of the hurricane. The wire- Mobile Roofs Kppea le .tation at Mobile was put out of Mobile, Ala.. July 7 (U. P.)-G , commission by the wind at the same stricken Mobile got its first word to , Um t,iegraphjc communication with the outside today since Wednesday. th t f th -tat t ff Heavy aamage was aone oy me sun. storm to sailing craft and steam ves sels In the harbor. Four persons, two of them white, are known to have been drowned. It la feared others may have perished. The damage throughout the city i may not exceed $250,000. This damage j consisted largely or roots wnippeo from dwellings and office buildings at the height of the blow. Railroad service Into the city Is still paralyzed. Railroad officials ad mitted this- morning It may be 2 hours before damage can be repaired and service resumed. Many Ships Are Missing. New Orleans, La.. July 7. (U. P.) More than 80 persons are missing, ac cording to reports reaching here at 7 o'clock this morning from various sources. The radio to Mobile and Pen sacola was working fairly well at this hour, and it is believed the loss from Thursday's hurricane will be known sometime this afternoon. Many ships are missing. The Frieda, Captain Wick, with a crew of 21. New Orleans to Prog re bo. Mexico, Is two days overdue, and it is feared she went down. A schooner with 16 aboard, which left Gulf port Thursday after noon, is still unheard from. Reports from Chandler, Miss., said five fishing smacks, with crews of six each, were missing. These boats put out Wednesdsy evening. Pensacola reported only slight prop- erty damsge. The loss at Biloxi, most ly in tne residence section, is ciumaiea at more than (200,000. Eleven fishing parties which depart ed for various Islands Wednesday .and Thursday, were still unheard from, and it is feared they have perished. Albany Chautauqua Open for the Season Ms Vearl Brandom, of Fort lead. Is la Charge of Junior lteetlars, Wales Win me a reatare. Albany, Or., July 7. The ninth an nual Albany Chautauqua assembly opened here this morning with pros pects for a successful 10 days' ses sion. The officers of the local Chau tauqua, which Is one of the three in dependent institutions of the kind in Vick6burg Center of Storm. Montgomery, Ala., July 7. (U. P.) The gulf storm that has wrought havoc in many gulf coast cities In the past 48 hours was apparently center ing inland in the vicinity of Vlcks burg. Miss., early today. Reports be pran to come Into Montgomery of the (Continued From Pijre One.) though It was there that the full brunt of the gale broke. It Is feared property damage at Pen sacola will greatly exceed that of Mo bile. Some reports, still unconfirmed, said government property at Pensacola, in cluding flying apparatus and buildings, suffered heavy damage. Nearly all the government buildings are located on the waterfront, which the last commun ication from Pensacola, over 48 hours ago, said was being furiously lashed by giant seas and wind. Wind velocity at some points along Lashing a Lazy Liver with pills may give temporary relief but the pill habit is not a health habit. It will put the liver out of business in time and then everything else goes out of business. Get the health habit by eating Shredded Wheat Biscuit, the ideal hot weather food, which contains more digest ible, brain-making, muscle building material than beef steak or eggs. The tasty, delicious crispness of the baked wheat gives palate -joy and stomach comfort. It supplies the maximum of nutriment in smallest bulk. Delicious for breakfast with milk or cream, or for any meal with fresh fruits. Made at Niagara Falls, N. Y. the state, the other two being located at Gladstone and Ashland, have ar ranged for a good program o' !" and entertainment talent, and all the. educational departments are ticau y ' authorities in their lines. The assembly opened with Junior Chautauqua. In charge of Miss Pearl Brandon, of Portland, at o'cloclt. Bishop W. M. Bell. D. D.. LUD of Los Angeles, who will have a prom-; inent part in the session, opened his Bible study class, and Miss Lillian Th-Tdarson, domestic science Instructs- in Albany high school, gave her I introductory lenson In cookery. miihiiii, " You Should Know These Facts 1 m J.M 1 -1 E : i At Tea Time or Any Time Serve English Style giscaiit These dainty cakes are delightfully dif- s ferent from any you have ever eaten. They have a rich flavor with just the proper touch A T) ill ot sweetness a taste tnat'Wins your iamny y yyy ;.jpv HI and your guests. Here are a few to "ck H N. HI "WELLINGTON" WLj "CREOLE CREAMS" hLtY n 'vfi A. "CHOCOLATE DE LUXE" J1L j'J rX PV "ARROWROOT" (VT) "'V I "NEWMAN" JV '"rw jj The best Olive Oil is natural in taste. The best Olive Oil is natural in flavor. The best Olive Oil is natural in color. A Natural Olive Oil is the greatest tonic known to medical science. The value of a tonic or a food is de termined by its energizing qualities its heating proper ties. One tablespoonful of Napoleon EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL contains more hest-produc-ing units than two soft-boiled eggs. It Is an extraordinary nourishing food as well as a curative agent beyond compare. Napoleon Extra Virgin Olive Oil is Natural in Taste, Natural in Flavor, Natural in Color. Actual Laboratory Test shows it to be the best Olive Oil sold on this market. Insist on the hygienic con tainer, as shown in the cut, if you want the very best cooking and medicinal agent. A. Magnano Co. Seattle Genoa On the Fourth Floor Hammocks, Tents, Porch and Lawn Swings, Fishing Tackle, Golf and Tennis Goods, Children's Play Suits, Sand Toys, Bicycles, Tricycles, Coasters, Baby Carriages, and Traveling needs of all kinds Kodaks, developing, printing, enlarging and framing. Supply your needs here. (Olds, Wortmam & ffii The Pioneer Store Established in 1851 Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Trading Stamps Will Be Given On All Bills Paid by the 15th On account of installing an improved billing system in our office, we are delayed In getting out our bills promptly, therefore, on this occasion we will give S. & H. Green Trad ing Stamps on bills paid by July tSth. DRESS SKIRTS PLAITED FOR It.OO IF MATERIALS ARE PURCHASED AT THIS STORE. SEE MODELS 1ST FLOOR cdl Boolks OH 4ettff Sttainnips Medeeinniedl nnu CaGiiMMoomfjS Fourth or THE NEW PLAN of Redeeming S. & H. Stamp Books In cash offers many advantages to our customers, Inasmuch as Stamps will be given on all articles pur chased In Gift Room greater variety from which to select free deliv ery of all Gift Room purchases and lower prices on Gift Room merchan dise. Come in and let us explain this attractive NEW PLAN. Says She Killed Marian Lambert. ! Waukeean, 111., July 7. (U. P.) A Montreal, Canada, girl who signed her self "Daredevil'. wrote authorities here that she killed Marian Lambert. Bhe warned the authorities that "I love j Orpet and If you harm him, beware." I Saturday -- Special Showing ot New Sport Coats For Women BRITISH STORM 1000 YARDS OF GERMAN TRENCH (Continued From Pigt One.l La Bolsselle, sometimes uning lachry mose shells. "At the Loos salient the enemy artil lery was particularly active, and also opposite Hulluch." Th nhl (nHdv i. r n a f ,uA tm I portant advances scored by the British ; elnc the first day of the allies" great offensive. Severe fighting Is going on In the La Bolsselle sector, Halg reported. The m Germans have suffered heavy losses. "Southwest of Thiepval a determined enemy attack was completely re pulsed." reported the British commander-in-chief. The British gain east of La Bolsselle la of particular Importance because It . links up with the eastward advance f the French north of the Somme. The Germans had massed large forces on this sector and connter attacked desperately in efforts to fling back the British line. A QS Women's Sport Coats i-lX kPOC7tJqf White or black silk Jersey. Smart hip-length models for beach and outing wear. Loose-fitting models with belted ties, patch pockets, roll or sailor col lars, and turn-back cuffs. Priced dQ Qr Special for Saturday's selling at pOs7t) A 4 EL 1 O li New Sport Coats ULl l4l.-dTrtJ ln whitCf maize, green, rose, blue, etc.; also In stripes in vari ous color combinations. Hip-length, belted, ties, roll or sailor collars. Very stylish for beach, sport or street wear. O A ? All sizes. Priced Special now at tpXslefttl Quiet on the Homme Front. Pars, July 7. (U. P.) The lull in the fighting on the French front on both sides of the river Somme. where the allied offensive Is under way, con tinued throughout last night. The To Have Perfect Skin Throughout the Summer These days the face needs special care and attention. Flying dust and : -dirt, the beating sun, are severe on any skin. Their despoiling effects are bast overcome by tlre application of -. pure mercollxed wax. This keeps skin and pores in a cleanly condition, the complexion beautifully white and spot leaa Discolored, freckled and rough . ensd cuticle are actually absorbed by It . One ounce of mercolised wax, ob f tamable at any drug store, is suffl- etent to completely renovate a soiled , complexion. . It is used like cold cream. allowed to remain on over night, and " washed off ln the morning. .-, As the skin tends to expand ln warm weather, causlnr wrinkles to form. . rood astringent lotion Khould be used. Dissolve 1 os. powdered raxollte in U St witch hasel. Bathe the face In this nrtng the lieat of the day or before , ' oln out for theatre or eocial affair. tl It la a remarkable akin tightener and Sale of Silk Woisls At $3.69 2d Floor Women's high-grade Waists of taffeta silk, nets, laces, chiffons, crepe de chine and other wanted materials. Beautiful mod els for all occasions. Shown in as sorted colors and nearly IQ Q all sizes. Priced Special POeUe7 -NEW WAISTS of crepe de chine with convertible collar fastens down front with pearl buttons and loops. All seams hemstitched. Trimmed with sprays of ff embroidery. Priced at tPtlsUU NEW WAISTS of Georgette crepe with plaited ruffle effect down front. Sizes 36 to 52 $5.50 Women's Bathing Suits At $1.50 2d Floor Women's and Misses' medium-weight Jersey Bathing Suits in fashionable model, with, round neck. Shown in black, trimmed with green, royal, purple, red' or white bands. fl- tZf Splendid values at only J)-a.'tl" Other BATHING Suits $3.50 to $4.50 Wool Bathing Suits with wide fancy, borders in various colors, others with plain colored borders. Round or V-necks. Full range sizes. Sale Extraordinary! Women's Fancy NECKWEAR On Sale Now at V3 to V2 Off Center Circle, Main Floor Beautiful high-grade Sample Neckwear hundreds of pieces bought at a fraction of regular price, on sale at as tonishing reductions. Women who appreciate exclusive styles and fine materials will find here Neckwear to please their every fancy. Collars, Collar and Cuff Sets, Vestees, etc., in a multitude of charming styles not more than one(or two of a kind. Georgette Crepe, Organdie, Voile, Satin, Pique and Chiffon materials. Ruffle, hemstitched, hand-embroidered and lace edge effects some with touch of color. High, low, flat, pointed and other styles. No exchanges all sales are finaf. LOT 1 Neckwear worth OZn LOT 2 Neckwear worth Q up to 65c, on sale now at OOC up to f 1.25,. now at only OiC LOT 3 Neckwear worth up to -1.50, now 88c LOT 4 Neckwear worth up to 2.00, cow $1.25 25c Novelty Ribbons 15c Yd. Center Aisle Tables On the Main Floor Wide Fancy Floral Ribbons in great variety of colorings, such as lavender, pink, blue, rose, maize, etc. Small de signs on white grounds, soma combined with green. Also stripes and Dresden designs odd pieces Hairbow Taffeta and good qual ity satins. Standard 25c Ribbons. Special at, yard $7.50 to $20 Hats, Saturday at $5 Millinery Salons. 2nd Floor MIDSUMMER CLEAN-UP ISO Beautiful high-class Hats to be closed out Saturday at a ridiculously low price. Many of these hats are worth 3 or 4 times what we ask for them. Exquisite models for dress, street and sport wear. Milans, Leghorns and Panamas in wonderful as sortment of styles, Including large sailors and close-fitting turbans. Black, white and plain col ors. Very latest trimmings, flowers, wings, bows. ISO Trimmed Hats formerly selling from (JP 7.50 up to 20, on sale Saturday at only See Morrison Street Window - 15c 75c Brocaded Ribbons, Special at 4fc 25c Black Velvet Ribbons, 10c Yd. Main Floor Extra Special for Saturday only, t-inch Black Vel vet Ribbon a standard 25c qual ity, with slight imperfections Main Floor Splendid quality Bro cade Ribbons in evening shades of blue, pink, sky also white. Reg ular 75c value at old prices of silks. On sale Saturday, Special at, the yard. . . 49c which are hardly noticeable. " re priced for Saturday at, yard -LUC Sale ot Women's White SHOES tor Sport Wear Main Floor WOMEN'S White Canvas Shoes with low heels and rubber soles, for beach d0 ?Q and sport wear. Special at PArf.Ue WOMEN'S White-Canvas Oxfords with low heels and rub- PO AO ber soles. All sizes. Pair tJJAetO WOMEN'S PUMPS of black can vas, trimmed with white. QQ Rubber soles, heels. Pair J)J..i70 WOMEN'S White Canvas Pumps with rubber soles. Full Q line sizes. Priced, pair PJ-.VJ LQW SHOES In black, bronze and various color combina- dJO QK tions; 4.50 grades, pair iP&mUO BasemeniflMSMnMery S3.48 Trimmed Hats at $1.00 $4.98 Trimmed Hats at $1.98 Saturday, the Basement Milli nery Section offers 100 Trimmed Hats at remarkably low price. Suitable styles for vacation wear. Two-tone tailored models, also close-fitting turbans, poke effects and large hats. Black and various colors. Hats worth up to 3.48, on sale now $1.00 -Beautiful transparent-edge Sum mer Hats in good assortment of styles for dress and, outing wear. Shown in dainty light straws, trimmed with flowers and ribbons. Also darker tones for matrons. Hats in this lot worth up to 4.98. Take your choice Sat urday at only $1.98 July Sale of Children's Wear Girls' S7.S0 Coats Now for S3 .85 Girls' S2.25 Dresses Now at $1.69 2d Floor Economical women will take advantage of this opportunity to buy Children's Coats at great saving. Very latest Summer styles, colors and materials. Ages 6 to 14. Girls' 7.50 Coats now $ 5.85 Girls' 10.50 Coats now $ 7.85 Girls' 13.75 Coats now $10.35 Ask for your S. & H. Stampsl GIRLS' TUB DRESSES of checked and striped ginghams. Many pretty styles in all the want ed colors. Sizes for girls 6 to 1 4. Girls' 2.25 Wash Dresses $ 1.69 Girls' 2.50 Wash Dresses $1.98 GIRLS' MIDDIES in white or white, with! colored collars and cuffs. Excellent grade material 89c Drugs, Toilet Needs Priced Lower! Lay in a Supply Before Going to the Beach or Camp Main Floor On account of the extremely low prices quoted in this list, we reserve the right to limit quantities sold to a customer. 5 Cakes of Ivory Soap and " Q one cake of Lurline Soar LOi No, deliveries of Soap except with other purchases in Drug Dept. 10c Palmolive Soap for only 7c 10c Calif. Medicated Soap now 7c 10c Stork Castile Soap now at 7c 25c Bar Domestic Castile at 19c 50c Bay Rum, 16-oz. size, at 35c 25c Babcock's Corylopsis Talcum Powder on sale Saturday at 13c 1.50 Oriental Cream for $1,10 25c Boric Acid, 1-Ib. pkg. for 18c 50c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream, Saturday Special, only 40c 50c Jar Milkweed Cream at 39c 50c Sempre Giovine, Special 39c 2 5c. Woodbury's Facial Cream 20c 25cSMassatIa Talc. Powder 13c 25c Cake Cuticura -Soap at ISc 50c Canthrox Shampoo at 39c 1 5c Jar Petro Jelly, Special at 8c Yi-lb. Bottle Peroxide for 15c Armour's Certified . Complexion Soap, priced very Special at He 25c Wool Powder Puffs for 10c 1.50 Welter Safety Razor and package of blade; Saturday 50c Flexible Nail Files (assorted) 10c 1-lb. Roll Hospital Cotton at 23c 2$c Glycothymoline, special 20c Colgate's Dental Cream for 20c 10c M. & K. 4711 Soap, now 7c three cakes Saturday for 20c 10c Hand or Kitchen Sapolio 6c Creme Elcaya Preparations 45c 50c Phillips' Milk Magnesia 40c 25c Tooth Brushes, special at 19c 50c Mulsifled Cocoanut Oil 45c $1.00 Llsterine, 14-oz. bottle 73c 10c Household Ammonia for 6c 25c Frostilla. Saturday at only 20c 25c Amolin, a deodorant, at 20c 5oc Dora Face Powder, now 39c Free Treatment Maurine Preparations Rest Room 2nd Floor Model GROCERY Fourth Floor Experienced telephone, clerks at your service 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Order your Groceries early In day. Sliced Boiled Ham, on QC sale Saturday, Special, lb. OOC Ripe Bulk Olives quart 40c Mild Tillamook Cheese, lb. 20c Cold Meat, . Salads and Picnic Goods in Delicatessen Department Cherry SEEDERS Special 85c Third Floor A wonderful new In vention! Seeds rapidly without without mashing the fruit, and does away with an endless amount of labor. Ask to see these in Houseware Section. Sold else where at 1.25. Our price QK for Saturday only OdC ' ' "., . M-- - i . . . Introducing New Novelty, De Bevolse Sport Brassieres With Hose Supporters Attached One Style as Illustrated Cor at Salons, 2d Floor The ideal figure sup port for bathing, dancing and athletic wear In general, as well at for itreet. Easily adjusted "stays put" perfect fitting. Gives correct con tour and support, yet allows perfect freedom and grace. Comfortable and healthful. Note how "pull" comes from the shoulders. Shown In full range of sizes. Two styles, 50c and $1 - '"j" i . t: '