THE OREGON i DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, FRIDAY, JULY i 7, 1916. 15 VEAL AND CANTALOUPES JOIN HANDS IN HIGHER VALUES AND VEAL SCARCE HALF TO CENT HIGHER; CANTALOUPES GO UP Royal Anne's Arriving Are Fifty Per Cent Damaged by Rain Sing and Lamberts Also Hurt -Root Oops Good. CHICAGO WHEAT MEN DYED-IN-WOOL BULLS FOR PRESENT m E Believe Farmers Unlikely to Sell New Wheat at Present Prices Rash of Baying Predicted Flour Good Demand. There I crcltr of ml on Wont ttt, and poultry I alo firm. Vxl prices are tip today from 1I'012 and imle receipts ara mora liberal are likely to pop up higher yet. Whlia price of poultry Uv undergone do change, there la a acarclfy of both nwn and broiler,, bene a rla la vtue wuld Dot sur prise wholesaler. Cantaloupe, bar advanced to figures ao high that kim Front atreet dealer! lo not respond to country ordera. for th reason that s oo talde buyers, not understanding the situs tton. would not be satisfied wltb tha figure charged. Tlie reaaon for the advance la ttiat tb supply baa been from tb Imperial valley, 'ltf.rii!ii dlatrii't. ami the season tbere la bout endad. Usually Turloos. Cal., atepa Into tlie breach s Imperial valley atepa out, so tbat there la nu appreciable dimtntsbinent of ra cetpte. but tbla aeaaon TurliM-k la a week or 10 daya lata. It la likely price will be nor mal tha latter part of neit week, and remain ao nntll tb Oregon crop baa matured. Son Oregon peacbea ara on aala today at KKaS&c a box. Tba fruit la not overripe, and soma war slightly damaged lu traualt. hastern Texaa totnatnea hare arrived, and ell at 32.79 a crata. They are of exceedingly fine quality, and very attractive to the eye. fluma ara plentiful at 1.0Oal.l5 a box. Koot crops could not be In better shspe. The .yield will be enormoua. Tha Oregon potato crop will probably eifiial anything ever pro duced lu the atate, am) onrrota. beeta and cab bage will travel In the aame pathway. JOBBING PRICES OF PORTLAND Tbeae price ar thoae at which wholesaler Mil to retallera, except aa otherwla atated: Dairy Produo. BUTTER Creamery print, extraa. 20c; prime flrta. 27c; flrt. ttlVtc; cube. extras. MnU,f, prime firsts. 24 Vi Ufi e; ftrau, 24c; aeoimd TJr; dairy 2o4f22c. BUT1 KKr' AT Portland U.lvery No. 1 aour crtan, 2or; No. 2, 22c. KOtiS Belling price; Selected, fresh. 2c; rate eouiit. buying price. Ongnn ranch, 21c per evsen: ordinary caudl'd, 24v. 1,1 VK I'OULTItir Hens, heavy. Plymouth Ko k,. 144JI4Vjc; ordinary chickens, i:iV,c; stags, ioc; broiler. I5'alsc; turkeys, H(a,M:: dresd. fancy, L'tiitf -'c: culla. I7(tt0c; pig eon,, II. WW 125; squab. 82.00 doaen; geese, - "Jjie'lOiijllc; old, bUlOc; l'ekln ducks, old. ' lb. ; young and heavy, 10ii 16c; Indian Runner,. 11Q12C lb. CHKKSK Helling price: Fresh Oregon fancy full cream twin and trlpleta. idHiil'c ".; Young America, lHc per lb. Price to Jobbers: riatla, KHc; Voung America, 17c lb., f. o. b.; cream brick, 21c; Limberger, ale; Wisconsin wheel, 30c; block Swiss, 25c. fruits ad egatablaa. r'UESH FBI' ITS Grange, Valenctaa, 3.M ?(4.00 box; bananaa, 4 w4Sc lb.; lemon. 4.O)4t5.0O box; California grapefruit. I2.tx'iJ ,0O; plume, ll.00Sl.lj box; cautalutea, t3.7nfrt3.75 crate; watermelon. 1 Vi'it 1 c; Chicago. 111., July . (I. N. S.) The goor conservative, aa well aa tha beat-poated men In the wheat market at Chicago are dred-ln-the wool bulla fur a abort pull. They ad vance the opinion that farmera are unlikely to aell their new wheat around prlcea now bid. They aay that In caae fhe weather con tinue favoruhle and the winter wheat la bar. vetted and tbreabed without 'being damaged In any way by rain, tbere will be a mb of buying from abroad that will anrprlre Dot only the bear, but tha bulla aa well. With our new winter whaat nearly 10c per Lushel below tha Canadian wheat. It 1 ex pected that foreigner will be uttracted by tho great difference In price. There were quite a number of unfavorable threshing return received today. Wichita, Kan., again attracted considerable attention by lta receipt of new wheat, the srrbjala there amounting to 40 car, of which 21 car were reported aa contract grade. While tha Ulnoeapoua market failed to re flect any unealnea there to the possibility of black ruat on account of high temperature and dewa at night, a meaaage waa received from there saying tbat the wheat changing handa la going Into strong concern. John Waihburn, president of the Washburn Croby Milling ountpauy. and who waa on the board of trade today, aald tbat the demand for flour la much better not only on domes tic account, but that they are somewhat en couraged by the Improved foreign inquiry. WHEAT OPENED SOME N HIGHER CHICAGO BUT BUYERSCAtrnOUS Futures Fluctuated in First Hour Believed Foreign Demand Is Greater Than Generally Sup posed Corn Opened 'strong. Chicago. July 7. (I. N. 6.) With the for eign altuatlon uncertain and government crop flgurea pending, wheat trader today adopted a waiting policy In the early grain market, although opening price were generally higher than the cloar. Id the firat hour September Oft ions fluctuated moat freely, although Dot as much aa In tome recent market. The near and extreme futures held a steady course at flrat with. Irregularity dew lope pd lster la the day. It was said that foreign demand la greater than generally supposed and would probably offset any pressure brought about by the Increased flgurea Issued by the govern ment. It waa noticeable that soiue of lb tost prominent bulls were fair luiy i s of the light break. There wa a good amount of profit-taking in the Initial session, but ab aoprtlon was of a good claaa and Indies ted a it rung undertone. Corn opened slightly higher, while oats were alx-.ut steady to the close. Trading in these two grain waa normal with nothing of an Im portant nature developing to awing the market materially to either aide. Following are today a opening grain price : Wheat July $1.03; September. $1.00 ,; December, $1.0tV. Corn July 77Vac; September, 74 He; Decem ber, 83Hc Oats July 38Tc; September, 38 Vic; Decem ber, 89c. Range of Clilcsgo prices furnished by Over beck St Cooke to., 216 217 Board of Trade building. LIVESTOCK MARKET IS WITHOUT SPECIAL FEATURES; VEAL UP Calves Sell Cp to 97.50 Lambs to $8.2-1 Hog Market Steady at $8.60 Shipments Experience Lull Trading Quiet. TRANSPORTATION San Francisco Los Angeles (Without Chang En Bout) Tha Big, Clean, Comfortable, Elegantly Appointed sie $14 $n 7 BEA-QOINQ BTEAXSHir BEAVER Sail from A ins worth Cook I P. at.. July 10. 100 Ooldan Mllea en Columbia Hlver. AU Ratea Include Bertha and Meale. Tabl and Bervioa Unexcelled. Tb Baa Tranoiaeo Portland B. 8. Co., Third and Washington Btreeta (with 0-W. B. A N. Co.) Tel. Broadway 4800. A-6181. pAlil0,0,riCT KOOTHIBB SAVE t xoarzTi 'Portland $20.00 to 14 San Francisco $17.50) xznLs Tourist. flB nd $13.50; 3rd claaa, sa. pedal Sound Trip Pare $33. MEALS AND BERTH INCLUDED teaaner Express leaves 9:30 A.M. TT7XKDAT, TJTTJMDAT. BATTTaVDAT from Baa rraaolsco 10i30 A.K. tioxxt ornci. bth urs btaxx. Srd IKorrlsoa VorUiaru PaoUlo y. S48 WasAixitTtou Bt. Great Hot. By. peacbea, ftOc; Oregon early Bales, $0S3c; cherries, CiJlOc; curranta, $1. 00(1.20. KKUUIKH -Straw berries. Il.iott 1.75: gnofe berrles, Ut5c lb.; rsHpberrics, $1.00'l1.2o per crate: loganberries, bOc; bluckcaps. $1.30. Al't'LEH Local, olcU$l-U per box, accord ing to quality. 7)N IONS New red, $3.00B3.23 per cental. POTATOES Belling price' Local. $133 l.&O, buying price. $1.01.a& per cental: new (Jallfornis, J.2oii2.; new local. $1.73Q2.0O. VKGKT AliLJCS Turulpa, 23c doxeo buuebe; carrots, 25c; pardilp. 23c dosen bunches; Oregon cabbage. $2.80 por cwt.: green outona. 2.rc doren bunchex; peppers, California. 20c; head lettuce, local, UOc doscn; c-lery, $1.20 dau: csullf lower. California. $1.13 dozen; Kreui'li artlchokeK, 00c; asparagus, local, 7fo per d4jaeii bunches; b.iti.ouMe tucumber. 73c dil.2l) doaeu; tomatoes, Xlarysvllle. Cal.. $1.00 (uVl.30 box: Mlasislppi. $1.23 crate; eastern Texas, $2.73 crste; egg plant. 7d4l0c; string besns, 7c lb.; spinach, OOi273c box; rhubarb, 1I4W2C lb.; pea., 2&ic lb. Meat, run ana Provision. MEATS Selling price: Country killed fancy hog, lo'c: poor, HfiQc; fancy veals, U 'sir. 12c; ordlnnry, lr49ic; goats, (ft.'H' lb.; mutton, buluc lb.; spring lamb, 12c lb. HAMS AND BACON 8 to 10 lbs., ISMiC; 10 to 12 lt.. 10c lb.: 12 to 14 lbs.. 19 '4c lb.; 14 to It) lbs.. lVtc lb.; 18 to 22 lbs., lUc lb. Ol'STEH.S Ulynipla. per galKin. 3; canned eastern. 00c can, $7.20 d.; eastern la ahell, $l.Si per 1O0; rssor claws, 12V,c doien; east ern oyster, per gallon, clid pack. $U. F18H Dressed flounders, 7c; Chinook sal mon, 12c per lb.; perch, 7$8c; lobstera, SOc; silver smelt, 8c; auiuiou trout. 16c lb.; ball but. lo(12c; black baaa. 7c lb.; abad, dressed. 7c lb.; sturgeon, 13c. CHAH.S Uirge, II. 73; medium. $1.25 dosea LAUD Tiercaa, kettle rendered. 14Vjc; sian- dard, 14c. Orocariaa. BUOAI1 Cube, $9:20; powdered. $8.05; fruit or berry. $K.4&; Uunoluiu. s.40: beet. t(.23: dry granulated, $S.3; L yellow, $7.65. (Above quoimious are au days m t caan.) HONE V New, $a.2fj J.30 per case, KICK Japan "style, ..o. 2, c; New Or leans, bead, 64JtlHc; kiue rose, SVc. HALT Coarse, half grounds. 100s, $10.50 per ton; oos, aii.iu; tauie dairy, cm, gio.oo; KOs, $1H.S0; balea. $2.23; lump rock. $20 ton. BEANS Uuotatlone nominal: Small white. $12; large white, 12; pink. $a.7a; liiuus, $0.26; bayou, $S.73; ted. $H.25. Hops, Wool and Hides. HOPS Nominal, buying price. 1919 crop, choice, 10c; prima. W(iVc; medium to prime, btfWc lb. Wool. 1918 ..-Hp: Willamette valley coarae Colenold. Hoc; meJlum dhropahlrc, SSlg.ISc; fiue, 30&32c; eastern Oregon, staple, 2UJ 23c lb,: coarse and medium, 2SQj32c lb. . Hi OEM Halted hides. 25 lbs. and up, 17c; tailed stsga, 60 lbs. and up. 13c; salted kip, 15 lbs. to 25 It's.. 17c; sailed calf, up to 13 Iba., 25c; green hldea, 25 lbs. and up, 15c; green stags, bo lbs. and up, Jlc: creen kin. 13 lbs. to 23 lbs., 17c; green calf, up to 15 lbs.. 23c; dry flint hides, 2tc; dry flint calf, up to 7 lbs., 31c; dry salt hldea, 26c; dry borsebldes, each, 73c to $1.50; salt borseblde. each, $3 to $4; horsehair. 29c; dry long wool pelta. 21c; dry short wool pelt. 17c: dry sheep shear Hugs, each 10c to 2x; aalted -beep ahearllngs, each, 13 to 25c. TALLOW No. 1, ;c; No. 2. 7c; grease, 8V,c lb. CI11TTIM OR CASCARA BARK Buying price, per car lota. 4Vic; lesa than car lota, 4C. ' MOHAIR 1916. 35i340c lb SISAL Dark. 13c lb; white. 13e lb. Faint end Oila. COAL, OIL Water while. In drama and lroa barrels, 10c. L1NHKKD Oil, Raw. bbls., 81c gallon: ket tle boiled, bbls., 83c; rsw, esse. 86c; boiled, case, 88c gal.; lota of 250 gallon le less. TURPENTINE Tanks, 61c; caaea, CSe gal Ion. WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 10c lb.; 800 lb. lots, lie; less lots, HVic per lb. OAbOLlNE Basis price, lBVtc per gallon. OIL MEAL Carload lots, 431 leae than ear lota. $35.50. WHEAT Open. High. Low. Close. July io;; 104 10314 licji-i Kent IO0I4 10t)4 105 W! Dec lOOht il0it 10ft 109 A CORN July 77 77 7r. 77B 74H "4 7:V 74V Dec 03V 3V 62') 62'iB OATS July ;!9 si, .?!) A Sept 3V 38Vi 3K' ;:ti Dec 3t! 40 V4 3 40SA PORK Ji:ly 2520 2340 2.VJ0 23 (0 B Sept. 2436 24.7 2430 2477 LARD July 1327 1K27 l.!20 1S22 B Sept fto-7 1342 133IJ l;i.;5 B RIBS July 1302 N t;pt 1367 1870 1355 1367 A The local livestock market, except for a stiffening of prices for calvea. Is without (.eclat feature. Receipts of stock during the forenoon Here light, but this may be made up lu later receipts. Yesterday afternoou'a ules were fair, sl ttougb not up to those of a year ago. Today 'a receipts were: Hog 74 bend, cattle 72 bead, aheep 1580 head. Total number cars 18. Same day. lltl.'i Hobs 72 head, cattle 096 head, calves 2 bead, aheep none. Same day. 1914 Buck 010 head, cattle 070 Lead, calves 10 head, sheen .'j374 head. Same day, 1913 Hogs 3iS4 head, cuttle 1020 head, calve 74 head, sheep 5372 bead. Friday Forenoon bhippexa. Morrow & Kecnan, Crook county, Oregon, 2 cars bogs; J. K. Jacobton, Benton county, Washiugtou, 2 cars cuttle; Joe Dadonrsk. Yfcmhill county, Oregon. 1 car cattle, calves, toga aud sheep; A. II. Byes, Marlon county. Oregon, 1 car sheep; C. K. Lackey, Ciackamaa county, Oregon, 1 car bog; Krank Wamm, Marion county, Ortgon, 1 car cattle and hogs; J. E. 8mith, Yamhill county, Oregon, 2 crs hoga and sheep; R. A. Thomas, Marion county, Oregon, 1 car bogs; J. E. TarrlKh. Marion county. Oregon, 1 car hogs; JMnytbe Bros., L'mstll! county, Oregon, 5 cars heep; Oro ver Bros., Malheur county, Oregon, 1 car bog. Friday Forenoon Sales, CATTLE Ave. Lbs, 709 Xo. b steers 1 cow . . 4 cow 1 cow . . 1 cow . . 1 heifer 2 calvea 2 calves 1 calf .. 1 bull .. 77 hoga 1 bog . . HoGS BHKEP . . luoo .. 712 . . HSU . . HIO . . 7 . . 3I . . 225 . . 2H . . 7iMJ . . 219 . . ,ao Stock Market Is StiU Wabbling General Tone Inclined to Heaviness A Little Hardening in Iate Trading Money Firmer. 5 X.argrt Snips Uaeqaaled Bsrvlca ALASKA EXCURSIONS Via S.S.Spokane,Julyl4-26,Aug.7 S. S. City of Seattle, July 8-20 CALIFORNIA 'Via Baattla or Ban Trancisoo to Iscu Aigilsi and Baa Slro. Low ratea. lncludins berth and meals. For full particulars, apply or phone tickzt vrrivs, 49 WARKUTOTOir iSTKZST. Pas. Mala 829,, Horn A-8893. New York. July 7. OJ. P.) The New York Evening Sun's financial review today ald: Today' (took market was not unlike yes terday's unsatisfactory session, wltb some of the unfavorable feature accentuated. Thus, while there wa still something of cleavage between ataudard raila and Industrial apecial- 4 tie, the strength, of the former was not a I uniform aa on 'Thursday, while the weakness of munition stocks and copper Issues wa more pronounced. The latter for the time bWng has lost caste wltb the speculative element, and have become exceedingly unpopular except with profession! traders who are operating for the short account. First prices were irregular and but slightly changed In either direction, but the general tone Inclined to heaviness, which wa partic ularly noticeable In the industrial division. Mexican Issues were a shade better as a rule, and the rail were strong, but as the trading progressed weakness in the munition stocks and sine Issues extended to the standard shares and Included them In the general reactionary movement. Although the general list hardened in the later trading, and some of the specialties re covered a point or bo of their earlier looses, speculative conditlona were little changed. The government agricultural report for July Indicated an Improvement in winter and spring wheat over a month ago. A diatlnctly firmer tendency developed in the money market, where call loans, aftecre newlng at the higher rate of 4 per cent, ad vanced to 4U, per cent. This naturally waa associated with the seasonal unsettlement of the hslf yesr, which bss been sccentuated on this occasion by the heavy Income tax piy-ments. 28 lambs .. 18 lsnius 1 lamb 21 I a nine 61 lambs 2 ewes 4 ewes 12 ewes 12 yearling wethers 3 j ear ling welhci's 7o Thursday Afternoon Balea. WETHERS. No. Ave. lts. 42 wethers 90 71 tl7 70 V) 74 115 i: 1.9 ::i lYIre $0 on 4.UO &.) 4.:o 4..'0 4 5o 4.. V) ti.OO 7.50 6.00 R CO 7.00 8.23 B.O0 6.00 8.25 5.iO 4."0 3."l 6. 'Hi 5.00 Price. $5.73 OUTLOOK FOR CROPS MOST INSTANCES GOOD, SAVE KANSAS Excess Rain in Maine Dakotas Normal Minnesota Fine Wis consin Fair Missouri Bad Ore gon Normal Pennsylvania Great WAR GROUP STOCKS GRADUALLY DRIFTING BACK TO OLD PRICES Finance -Commerce -Industry Change in Interest Rates on Barings Accounts of Little Effect; Thus Far Decrease in Deposits of Commercial Bank Almost Wholly Seasonal Cement Production Increasing. SaYlnr Aceouats Xittls Chang ad Ba- of Xatsrsst X-eduotlon. In tha opinion of bankers thera has been no The Calm Settled Over Nation May i special ehlftln of aa vines deposits luua ir nwauai at me cnangw in innr- Be Influencing aloes -Rails , eat ratea which went into effect July Show , 1- 11 tnere is fc-oins; to be any marked Hold L'p Best Coppers Noticeable Activity. California Citrus Crops to Be Heavy Horticultural Commissioner Sajs Yield Will Be Almost lOO Per Cent Oranges ITomising. SHIPPERS' WEATHER NOTICE Protect shipments during the next 48 hour as fsr north as Seattle againat maximum tempera ture of about 70 degree! northeast to Spo kane, 80 degrees; southeast to Boise. 00 de grees; south to Ashland. 88 degrees. Maxi mum temperature at Portland tomorrow about T2 degress. PORTLAND DAIRY EXCHANGE Hutter E-xtras. 24Vc asked; 244c hid prime firsts, 24c ssked; n bids; firsts, 23c nssea; no oui?; asiry, sold st iclc. Kggs Current receipts sold at 23c. t'neese Oregon trlpleta, sold at 15 He. Foreign Grain Summary. (Furnished by Over'neck & t'ooke Co.) Liverpool, July 7. Tne weather continue severe and ' complaints are coming in from wheat growers. Th Interior movement is 11 h tar and export stock haa decreased. Freights are 160 shillings, 10s higher than Tuesday. Buenos Aires Wheat and corn closed firm. All Argentine market are closed until Tues day on account of Independence celebration. India Weather continues dry and wheat offers are nil. Shipments this week will be nothing and next week's estimated at 229,000. Australia Further beneficial rains have fallen. Wheat where planted show, favors hie. but the acreage la largely reduced. Iloldera remain firm and offer sparingly. Shipments this week are estlmsted at 300.000 bushels. Austria Heavy storms are causing severe damage to all cropa. United Kingdom Weather favorable. Ar rival are lighter and native offers are lim ited. Argentine 8blpmenr this week, wheat 1. 608,000; con 2.7U4.OO0; oats. 1, 210.000. Liverpool Spot wheat lg2d higher; com 14j5d up. Sacramento, Cal.. July 7. (P. N. S.) Clt rua crops in California this year will be almost loo per cent, according to announcement by lieorge P. Weldon, acting state horticultural coiniuisslvuer, today. ( Weldon reports the orange crop as particu larly good. lllvcrside county, with 14 per cent of the total crop, will show a 75 per cent yield. San Bernardino county, with 34 per cent of the yield, will average W5 pr cent. Loi Angeles county's percentage is placed at 80. Peace Prospects Knock Munitions New York. July 7. (V. P. 1 Munition and slue share were driven downward during the flrat half hour' trading on the stock ex change today. Mexican specialties were strong and rail road stocks were steady. Heavy Judgment Against Mining Co. Butte. Mont.. July 7. A Judgment for $177. 704 in favor of ex Senator Clarke and against the Butte St Superior Mlnlns company wa ren dered yesterday in the federal court. BANK STATEMENTS OF COAST Clearance Balances . Clearings Clearings Clearings Balances . Portland Banka. $ Ban Francisco Banks. Jll, 418,030.00 Los Angeles Banks. $ 4,048,972.00 Seattle Bank. $ 2.392.57i.OO 293,774.00 Northwest Grain Receipts. -CarB- American-Hawaiian Steamship Co Ail sailings between U. S. Atlantic and U. S. Pacific ports are canceled until further notice. C a. XtsMdy. Aft, m Stark St.. PsrtUaa. Dalles -Columbia Line Operating Strs. J. N. Ttfal and Twin Cities Portland to Upper Columbia and Snake river points. Leave Portland about very four days. TOM nrrOKMATXOH OaXXi TATX.OZ TBXXT DOCK 'Manff 613, .7718. ails oirnzoT roa SAN FRANCISCO tOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO . snaasy, iTaiy t, ieo r. m, las f fascist, pst-claad at le Aageles ktaBaiB Ce riaak alius. 184 THUD srraXTT. A -&. Maui as. Seattle Livestock. Beattle. July 7. (P. N. 8.) Hog Receipts 10S. market strop. Prime lights. 18.75; me. dlum to choice. IS.rioQH.eO; smooth heavies, I7.50fi.25; rough heavlea, $7.0oy7.75; plga. $7.M)38.25. Cattle Receipts 142. market steady. Beat steers, 7.50Uj7.7i ; medium to choice, $7.ox't .':; common to medium, lo. 25,3:8.25; best co . So.ATftlfl. i ; cooirruKi to mexiium cows. ; 25l&.75; bull. a3.oO'.j4.60; calves. 87.00 VjN.ftO. Kheep Receipts none. market steady, laml. 87.50lU7.73; yearlings, I0.2o4itl.o0; ewes. $3.0X123.30. Seattle Market. Seattle. July T. t:. P.) Onions Aus tralian, 4c; yellow California. .Tc; red Cali fornia. $2.50; greea Wlla Walla. 30c; green local, 23c. Potatoes New white California. 3c; White River, (28; Yakima Burbanka. $30; Yakima Gems, $.;0; new, per pound. 2Hc. Butter ICatlve Washington creamery, brick, 29c; do. solid pack. 28c. Cheese Domestic wheel. 32c: limberger, 22 2He; Oregon triplets. 17c; Wisconsin trip let. 19c; do. twins. lHc: Young America, 22c. Eggs Select ranch. 20c. Portland. Frt.. Year ago Season to date . . Year ago Ta coins, Thur. Year ago Season to date. . Year ago Seattle, Thur.. Year ago Season to date. . Year ago Wheat. Barley. Kir. Oats. llay. New York-London Metal Market. Xew York. July 6. (I. .'. The Metal Exchange quotes lead offered. JH.50; -t spelter weak; spot Kast St. Louis delivery. 10'c asked. At London Lead, 2S 3s; spelter, it) 10s. New York, July 6. (I. N. S.) Copper mar ket doll; electrolytic nearby nominal; Septem ber and later ittCuc; iron market steady and unchanged. .The Jetsl Kx'hsnge quotes tin qui't; spot offered at $.r.50. At 1-ondoii Spot loppsr. ii97; futures. ii; electrolytic, A.1J0. Spot tin, 173; fu tures. 173 3s. Tha American Steel & Wire com pany maintains establishments in all principal American cities, and is there fore interested in the harvest outlook in all the states. From its representa tives in many sections it has received reports Indicative of the condition of grain and stock at this time. These have been collated and are as follows; The weather in the northern part of the country has been too cool and wet for corn and the crop approaches its critical month, July, in a backward condition. Farmers have caught up with corn cultivation in localities, bat complaint of dirty fields continues to be heard. The weather has Interfered with hay making. Tobecco is not (retting a good start in some localities where it is grown. Worth. Dakota, rn General conditions have Improved during the week and warm growing weather is helping. Livestock is in good condition and the numbers seem to be about like last year. A few new Kilos have been built in the ter ritory. South Dakota. Southern Some good corn weather this week which is needed, for the crop is very backward. Small i?rain looking fine. Pastures, hay land, and alfalfa looking good. v. Northern The weather has warmed up and crops are growing rapidly Small grain looks extra good, but is easily two weeks late. Corn has improved. Pastures and hay lands look extra good. IsOiuissota. Northern Very changeable weather. Crops looking fine. Clover in bloom. The small quantity of alfalfa in the section is about ready for the first cutting. Farmers are preparing land for millet. Many farm houses and barns being erected. Wisconsin. Northwest Corn has improved this week. The pea crop looks good. Hay crop is fair. Northeast While the weather has warmed up it continues too wet. On light soils the wet weather has not ser iously Interfered with farm work; on heavy lands very little work has been done. The indications now are for a great deal of tiling being done the com ing year. Peas continue 100 per cent. There is a good flow, of milk. lows. Southwest (Page. Montgomery and Cass counties) Corn, while doing well, la two weeks late. Wheat nearly normal. Oats but little below normal. Hay fine. Alfalfa cutting general with good yields. Pastures never better. 1'otatoes looking well. Good fruit crop expected. South central Small grains are doing well and a fair crop is expected. The acreage Is not as larga aa last year. Corn is backward. Big hay crop. Good crop of pigs. Cattle below normal. Missouri, West central Wheat is be!nf har vested and will not run over eight to 10 bushels. Corn ia lata, with a lot of it Just coming up. Oats looking well and about ready to cut. Hay good, but thin. Pastures fine. More cattla and hogs, but etill not up to normal. Kansas. Northern Corn is suffering greatly from excessive rains and dirty .fields and a good looking field Is a rarity. Pastures good. Southern Wheat crop west of Kingsdon about five bushels per acre. Hall has destroyed more fields of wheat. The central section will run about 15 bushels. The eastern section will run absjut 15 bushels, with small acreage. Texas. The corn crop promises better than average. Rice in good condition. Pea nuts have a good start and the acreage increased 15 to 20 per cent. While fruit will be below normal, the quality is high. Cotton making good progress. Pennsylvania. Eastern Crops in general in wonder ful condition. Corn promises to be one of the largt-st crops, in years and this is true of wheat, oats and rye. Big hay crop. Many fine cattle being shipped in. Maine, Maine and all of New England has had too much wet weather for farming. Oregon, Eastera All grains growing rapidly, heading out and filling nicely, and it is likely a normal crop will be har vested. The crop of cherries will te normal and prices fair. The wool clip is in and prices good. change. It is declared, the time Is too short at present to determine the sit uation accurately. There are always a great many changes mads by sayings New York. July 7. (IN. S.1 It was again depositors In their accounts following evident In the opening market today that j,,iv i ni tinmrv i vtanv n.nnU stock in the war group are gradually drifting , . ' . t hie back to where they started. tak th opportunity to change tnslr The market for all atocjea was generally lr- entire deposit as soon as the Interest regular at the opening, with s firmer feeling earned can be collected, There are al develeplng aa trading progressed. i ways more or less Changes from one During the early period the list stiffened bank to another. Some people change d.JZ' ""J"1 h'Id li? own- "t.? "! th"" aavlngs into a permanent invest or ths first hour s serious reaction set in, and , . , w.a reflected in nearly ejrer, department. n,nt-. "J" known. however, and dls Some sharp lossea were auaUlned on the 1 cussed privately among the bankers, lower movement, and the recovery later in the that a number of depositors. Who have day was aa irregular aa the reaction. made a practice of carrying large de The rails held best a a class, and while they were not as active aa during yesterday's m&rket, price maintained a comparatively steady trend. . Reading continued to lead, tad the price was hammered below par at first, but absorp tion wm of good order. Crucible Steel fell off almost 2 points un der close before th strong feeling was empha sised. Steel common was steady around 864 at first. The copper stock were unuraHy actlre, and considerable prensure waa applied to tbat department. Anaconda, Butte & Superior and Inspiration were moat affected. Baldwin and American Locomotive stocks old down to heavy trading. Marine preferred waa weak. Mexican Petroleum posted a large amount of bvslness, with the price staying for the most part above 102. In the flrat hour tb total sale amounted to lt7,200 shares. Range of New .York prices furnished by Overfeeck & Cooke Co., 21-217 Board of Trade building : ITCm In r1;-tHn Open i Alasku Uold 1S Allls Chalmers, c 23V Allis Chalmers, iif. .. 74 American lleet Sugar. IMV American Can, c 64,, American Can. pf Tclo 1NV 24S 74 93 55 American Car Fdy., e.. 63 58HI American Cot. Oil. ..l I American Linseed, c. . . 19, 20 American Loco. C....1 60 I tfo American Smelter, c' 93m 954 18 i IS 21 22 "3 74H V2 93 58 33 1 10V ! 34 1UH 10tt American Sugar, c... Am. Tel. a Tel American Woolen, c. . Ausronda Mining Co.. Atchison, c Atchison, pf Ilcldwin Loco., c... ltaiilmore & Ohio. c. Bethlehem Steel, c. Bethlehem Steel, Brooklvu H. T Calif. Petrolenm, c Calif. -Petroleum, pf.. CeDSdian Pacific (tntral Leather, c.... Central Leather pf.... Clieaapeske & Ohio Chi. k Q. W., c Chi. A G. V., pf Chi., M & St. P Chi. Sc. N. W.. c Chlno Copper Colorado r. i., e. ... Consolidated Gas Corn Product, c Corn Products, pf Crucible Steel, c Crucible Steel, pf Ienver & R. U., pf.. IMstlllere Erie, c Krte. 1st pf General Electric General Motors.. Goodrich Rubber 111W11H 129 iiza 51 454 Mt,! ha 14 nr. v 100 i w I in 10 704 1 Wi j,: 450 pf..1lH0 So"1 48 180 Vi 07 1 M 1B4 10 30 ;i as 1 7 its ,vs :t 2 2 4 r 18 "2 4 I 3 0 IS ' at San Francisco Markets. San Francisco, Csl.. July 7. (U. P.) But ter Extra 26c; prime first, S4c. Kggs Extra 2.1Hc; pullet 12Sc Cheese Call for nl fancy. I4c; flrt 1514. Wheat Spot. California club, nominal: northern club, $l.S7Hjf 1.70; Kiurlin red, $1.&3 l.oit); lonjroia nominal: Tnrtty red, $1 77Ha)l.0; btueatem. $I.JBM.82U. Barley Per cental. fcflJ8S1.38; hip ping and brewlor, $1 1171,1.42. Oats Red feed. $1.33ftil.4J; re-clesaed high er; white,' $1.60$tl.53. Potatoes Oregon Burbanka $1.7302.00: new nop California, from Sacramento river, 1.50 Q2.00 per cental; aweets. 5J7c per pound. Galons California. $2.16$2.33 per aack. Oregon Apples In South. San KYanclkeo, July fl. Apples, new crop. Astrskhsn red, SficiSfl.OO for 4 tier and ft feOOc for 4Vi tier: Alexander wrapid. 4 tier. $1.60iQ 1.2ft: Grsvensteln. 4 tier, $1.25t I.SS; 4t tlsr, $I.O0et.2U. Orab apple. StOr per. small lug and SO&Ouc per 20 pouud boa. , . '.. :- ; .. ' ' ' Portland Grain Markets. Julv delivery Wheat Biuestem lortyfold Club lied fife Red Huaalan .V Oat No. 1 whit feed Barley No. 1 feed Bran Shorts ID ao i ij 9 4 4 o H0 Bid. New York Cotton Market. Jsr.uary March . . . Msy July Atcust September (ct.rfer .. lce ruber Open. High. Iv. CT. 1:132 1H2.-. i:;27 13.11 i:i44 i::m l.'WH i:i6S i;mw i;mo 129H i:u4 12;t:t Il-.M i:i7 Kim ill's i:to4 13H i:stt lain i3h ' i;i2 iso i52 AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES 63 13 98 Vk 180 SOH 44 W 72 84U 87 ; 64W RIO . . 75 764 i. Northern Ore Lands! 3H 36 4Vi 130 22S 4V 1811 67. 110V,110i 62H 13 130 60 42 Vs 'l4H 'S4V4 54 500 75 94 y in 129 43 HIV, 1061, V 440 13" 85 20 V 40 Si ISO 56 HO 62 V, 124 42 1H 84 44U 86 91 111 129 S K9 44.1 130 47 140 56 H2 li ui. 3AU 97 120 48 44 1S4 Chic go. Julv Cattle 1000. Sheep &0O0. Hog Receipt ijO. 7. Hoga 4000. 21.XtO. Cattle . . 03 . . s.- . . M . . S4 .. 84 . 212.-1 . .2700 2330 . .2C71 Chicago Produce Market. Chlcigo, Jsly U. N. S.) Butter d mi nd brUk: eggs firm. Butter, receipts. 19, IS" tube; creamery. traa, 27c; eitra. firsts. 20r27c; firsts, 2o26C; Seconds, 23Co2oc; dalrlea. ex traa, 27 r; first. 2.u,20c; seconds. 22Vs4i 24c; packing stock, 22c. Eggs, receipt;. 26.1J1 rase; firsts. 22 2c; ordinary flrsu, 20&21e; mlacellane dus lots, 1822c; oxtrss, 2oii20'. San Francisco Wool Market. San Francisco, July 6. (P. N. S.)--Wnol. 191tt clip per pound: Humboldt and Mn- dcclno. 22 W 29c; middle counties, tt months, good. 14ferl8c: year staple, 1721c. Northern clip. 1914 eastern Oregon, Wash trgton, Idaho and Montana light, medium, 20 iH-'lc; light, fin. 18r20e: heavy, fine. 16c; valley, coarae. 24a2.V-; medium. 25327c. St. Louis, Mo.. July 6. Wool unchanged. New York Sugar and Coffee. New York. July 7. Sugar, centrifugal $n.27. ('off e Spot New York Rto No. 7. 9 Vic; Santo 10e. San Francisco Hop Market. Hn Vraarteeo. July S. Hop. Ceim-nla. t ltzv,e per Ksa to growers roe 1913 crop; Oregoa is. W aabisgtoa. 1012c . Eastern llarley Market New York. July 6. 1 1. X. 8.) l!rley mar ket steady; malting. sQc. Kansas City. Mo.. July 6. (I. X. S.) Ear ley. 59iU0Oc. 6. 0. P. and Moose May Consolidate Attorney General Bays Only Fire Can didates May 711e for Places as Pres idential Electors IText Fall. Salem, Or., July 7. To make doubly sure that the Republican electoral vote will be cast for Charles V. Hughes, Republican nominee for pres ident. Attorney General Brown har advised Oregon Republicans and Pro gressives to combine and put in th field only five candidates for presi dential electors. It is pointed out that with five candidates from both parties in the field, it would he possible f'-r the presidential vote to be bo spilt that it would go to President Wilson Three Republican and one Prosd-e.-- sive candidate for elector have already filed, and Brown points out that if the two parties are going to combine the must see to -it that only one moit candidate accepts, aa he says after once accepting a candidate cannot u sign. . O. Northern, pf Greene-Canine Hide St Leather, c Hide St Leather, pf . . . . Ice Securities. Illtooi Central Industrial Inspiration Int. Harvester Interboro, e Interboro, pfd Kansas City Sout'.i.. c. Lackawanna Steel.... Lehigh Valley Loulivllls Nashville. Mexican Petroleum Miami Cooper ! M. K. T, e Kencecott Copper .... Missouri Pacific National Blacult. National Lead Nevada Cons New Haven New York Air Brake.. tNew York Central IN. Y., Ont. A W.... Norfolk W.. c Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Ptdisylvaala By Peoples' Gas Pittsburg Coal, c Pressed Steel Car. c. .: Pressed Steel Car. pfd. Bar Cons. Copper Railway Steel Sprlnga. Kesdlnggc Reading. 1st pfd Reading. 2d pfd Repcbllc 1. a 8.. c Republic I. a S-, pfd. Rock laland Shattuck fesara. Roebuck a Co.. Studbker. c Slosa Sheffield Southern Pacific Southern Ry., c Southern Ry., pfd,... Tenn. Copper T.lli OU Teiaa Pacific Third Avenue T.. St. L. & V., c... T.. St. l a W.. pfd. Colon Pacific, c I'nlon Pacific, pfd... I'. 8. Rubber, c I. S. Rubber, pfd... U. S. Steel Co., c. . . . I. S. Steel Co.. pfd.. I'tlih Copper Virginia Chemical, c. . W. L . Tel.. Vetinghoiie FJertlic Wisconsin Centrsl ... Woolworth 119 40 10 I 182 -51 113 th" OS 80 102 re 8 7 'en - w ei isi 106 27 181 114 '58Tm 119 40 11 54 29 182 61 70 I SO ioi" 35 7 '65" loA 61 132 132 114 14 90 : 70 ,11 M 44 36 631 64 uof 500 515 2t 46 90 22 44 lloO 4K 10 22 & 28 4ti 99 22 44 100 V '43 108 28 284 98 98 24 24 604k 70 35 3.1 195 I IU3 1. . . 66 60 119 4fl 10 63 2S 12S 61 112 '25 us 79 102 84 47 7 6S 16 61 180 104 27 131 114 '67 28' ' 4.1 99 22 44 99 46 10 63 28 100 130 61 U2 17 25 W 79 133 103 11 120 65 10 01 131 104 26 131 114 21 ll5 IS 46 99 22 431 99 44 42 45 im 22 27 .187 133115 41 I 4.1 4A 13 22 26 posits in tha savings department as long as they could get 4 per cent for them without having the responsibility of watching their funds, as they would feel It necessary to do In case of an Investment, have either made an in vestment with their money or have taken out a certificate of deposit for one year. This latter plan now yields 3H per cent The actual effect upon the individual banks of all conforming to the plan of paying 3 per cent inter est on strictly savings deposits cannot be accurately determined under, six months or a year. Decrease la Deposits ITatnral at This Beasoa. According to the majority of bankers the end of June is the low waler stage of batik deposits for the year. No special significance therefore 1 is attached to the fact that there was shown a falling off in total deposits of $3,500,000 between May 1 and June 30. The point seems to be well taken in view of the fact that a comparison for the period of one year between the statements of June 30, 1916, and June 23, 1915, show an Increase In deposits of nearly $4,000,000. On May 1 the tax funds were at their highest point of the year. Just before July 1 those banka with the largest railroad ac counts had their deposits drawn on 1 heavily. The country banks have drawn down their balances with their reserve agents and kept them down this year because the wool clip has not been sold, much wheat Is being held over, and lumber is not moving. The bar.., generally find their strictly com mercial day to-day business is larger than as of May 1. The decrease in de posits Is generally conceded to be sea sonal and normal. It is not a barom eter of the Portland business altuatlon. Wants Exchange Charge Pat on Cus tomer. W, D. Vincent, vice president of the Old National bank of Spokane, believes the cost of exchange should be placed on the customer who bene fits directly by the accommodation. He would have the banks get together on I a minimum charge for this service and then enforce it. Mr. Vincent says: "Get together on a uniform charge that should be made for every check paid with an out of town endorsement. Tou can make a charge that I feel sure will meet the approval of the of ficers of the federal reserve bank. The law places the charge directly where it belongs, and that is on the maker of the check, and It is directly up to the banker to see that a minimum uniform charge is made. There can be no dif ference of opinion on this, if once It is brought into operation." Tear 11B Profitable for Paelflo das and Electric. The tenth annual re port of the Pacific Oas and Electric company, for the fiscal year ended De cember 31, 115, shows that the 12 months was a decidedly profitable one for the company. It operates water. gas, electricity and street car public utilities in Ban Francisco and many t' cities and towns in central California. , The income account is shown aa fol-, lows: 1813. 1014. lacrsss. 0 t e s s op- "V crating rev enue fl8.830.301 16,! fl.elT.fll Net a r n Ings from tints' T.Otf.708 e.MS.TM B46.4J Total net Income .... S, 358,687 T.806,683 1.063,e0S t-surpu 4.212,766 3.045,660 1 .507. 100 This company furnished the gas and electricity service for the Panama.. Pacific International exposition. There were no Interruptions In the 10 month e' ' period of the service. The total gross revenue derived from the business waa $391,370.78. For this sum the com pany furnished 137,406,800 cubic feet of gas and 16,321,138 kilowatt hours at : electrlolty. Cement Prodnottoa for 11 to Break XscoKL One certain indication of tha growing activity In building operations Is the Increasing production of Port land cement for the first half of 1116. No actual figures are given but the United States geological survey states that It believes the production of ee ment thus far In 1916 exceede the pro ductton of the corresponding period of 1916. Three manufacturing plants have been opened this year, at, Minn.. Houston. Texas, and Oswego, Or Vsntifflnfn",!', m r m aaM f rt ha fln. tlmlstlc over the outlook and to hold to the opinion that the total production for the year will exceed all previous reoorde. Prices, which had averaged year 1915. began to rise toward the and of that year. They oontlnued to rise in 1916 until, in June, they ranged from $1.10 to $1.25 a barrel. The increased prices, of course, do not mean an equiv alent net Increase in returns to the manufacturers, for the costs of explo sives for blasting and of coal have both risen, and laborers are In many places demanding an Increase in wages. Pacific Slope Business Failures Fewer. Apart from an increase of about $600,000 in the Oregon liabilities, the business failure record of the Pa cific slope for the first six months of 1(16 shows a general Improvement, ac cording to the report of It. O. Dun o Co. The total failures for the four ststes of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and California for the six months were 1008, with total liabilities of $9,070, 690. The best exhibit was made by Washington, with 100 fewer defaults and nearly $3,000,000 less In amount. while a numerical decrease of 16 in California waa accompanied by a con traction of almost $900,000 in the ag gregate debts. Thsre was a falling off of 27 suspensions In Oregon, but, as stated, the sum owed rose considerably. The mortality in this division was ma terlally smaller during the second quarter of this year than In the first three months, particularly In respect to the liabilities, which fell off II. 000,000. Number Llabllltlea 1916 1(16 1(14 1(16 Wash. ... 203 802 248 $2,080,664 Oregon .. 186 21 2 220 2.476,671 California 684 670 561 4,232, ($ Idaho ... 87 44 34 180,8(2 1063 $(,070,1(0 In the United Total ..1008 1221 The total failures States for the first half of 1(16 war (945, with total liabilities of $111,241, 421, compared with 12,740 failures aad liabilities of $188,687,63$ for the first six months of 1915. 98 24 eo 35 192 66"' 98 24 HV 85 198 12 d .' 10 139 1 139 ,1384 l' M 531 63 Ht'lKVliO 117'11T117 7 tsh: 77 I 94V 94 944 i S7 Bo; 6H 1"0 SO 117 77 40 94 66 I 4o! 43 4r.j -44 137 1137 '137 Mrui Chiropractors Hold Daily Clinics Here Oregon assoclatloa Members Assem sle aad Bear Addresses on Subjects of Importance to Profession, The Oregon Chiropractic associa tion, which is In session at the Fort- ' land hotel, spent this morning in a business meeting. Reports of com I mittees, reading of bills and com 1 munlcations and action on applica tions, were the order of the day. An address by the president. Dr. F. O. Lehman, was also given this morning. TMB afternoon's session will be fea tured by addresses on "Blood Pres sure," by E. E. Eagle, and "Scientific Diagnosis." by Dr. H. E. Kehres. dean of the Pacific Chiropractic college, a clinic will be given illustrating "The Nervous System," by Dr. II. E. Hlegel, instructor In the Pacific Chiropractic college. The lecture tnis evening wn d given by Dr. A. J. Poulson on "The X-Ray." and Dr. W. E. Slater on -"Vac-cine Treatment." Violin, piano and vocal solos will be rendered. Kansas City. July 2000. wneep ooo. Ouisha. July 7. Hogs 12.81)0. Cattle none. Sheep 7800. Hog proapects stesdy. Mlteit 9 60(810.20; hesry, f9.i10.2o: rough, 89.(15 H.B". light, 69.6OI310J5. Cattle and aheep steady. Kansaa City. July 7. il. X. 8.) Hogs Receipt 4oou. mnrket low.r. Bulk SU.7.VtflO; liesvy. 610,U0& lo.o5; packers ami butcher' m.80aio.00; light. $a.UA(; pigs. "J.OOict 9.50. Csttle Recelpta 2000. Prime fed steers. (1o.25(( 11.00; dresseil beef steer. S8.(iK: i-toekers and feeders, ST .00(48. 7Sf bull, to. toil 7.50. SJieep Receipts l.Vsl, msrket higher. I-ainn S(.5(i4in.7ft; yearlings. r7.SOtt. ; wethers, o. oufcii .5K; ewes, 80.2."7.1O Chlcsro. July 7. (1. S s. ) HogsRe etipts 21.000, uisrkft slow. Bulk 89.75Ulo.(i5; licht. $lOHi 10.00: mixed, 8u.5;ii 10.10: heevr, SU.M'tt16.1&; rough, 9.30&9.5; pig. $8.uo(j Cattle Receipt 100O. market a tea dr. Na tive beef cattle, $7.30a 11.20; weM'Tn steers, 8. 2M4t 9.40; Stm-kere and feeder. 8S.rXMfe.fl5; cow, and belters, $iS.7,T9.7&; calves. 68.604 12.0. Sheep Receipts snoo, market strong. Weth ers. gv.oOg.u; iamrs. it. :Ui 10.85. St. lxMits. July 7. (I. h. S.) Hv; Re. ceip's 7"Hi. market higher. Pigs and lights. $v7..10.2lt; mixed and bulchera, 83 94?!o.2.V. heavy, SlOlOfts 10.23; bulk, 89 .961 10 20. Cattle Receipts 100. msrket Steady. a tive l-ef steers, $7.5ri 1 1 .3.". ; yearling fteers and betters. SS.oOftj 10..". : .-..w,. 5.&0tM.2.'i: sucker and feeders. 6..3o'a8.50; soul be rn steers. 8"AO(?r9.90: prime yearling steer and beifera. H.7..I 10.2o; -nvs and utrf. S.Vut)? S.0O; prime itbern steers. t.oolO.0O; ns- ti(. elre SH.4SJS1 12 CtO. Sheep Recerrt 1. market steady. Weifh- ers. 86.0Ofa8.0O: clipped -we. $4.00x8.0n; li.fel lambs. $6.O0HiO.00; spring lamb. $7 Omaha. July 7. tl. N. 8.) Flogs !2.flno. stead). Hesvv $!).l'iv(.0: light. 3" Wi H.T5; pigs. $S.U0y,9.00; bulk of sale. 39.5W 9.7a. Cattle Receipts 3iO. market steady. Sa me ,ter. S7.Z34I10.9A; cow snd nelfer. 8.S.it3.2: w-esforn steer. $7 .25419.00; Tevas stiers, I(.WftS.uu; stockPT and feeders, 6ft 2, 1 H..VI. Stietv Kerwipt lO.oon. market strorw. Tear. Hugs. $; wetber. SC .50457.00; la Bib aB.ti.fclO.rlS., .. . , . rtiv., 14 "r. tRr-div.. 1. tK. dir.. 1. Total sale, 484.A00 shares. FMfty-one License in Four Days. Vancouver, Wash., July 6. A large number of marriage licenses were is sued here again Thursday, bringing the total number for four days during which the auditor's office was open up n 51. Thone Fecuring licenses were: William E. Gardner, 22. and Miss Delia Yoho. 23. both of Salem. Or.; Tobias Smti. 28, and Miss Amalie Kruschel, Zi, both or Kiogeneia; uuiseppe -'-! on tne deserts of the south, and say Suffragists on Tour, in Eugene Mrs. Alios Burke and Miss Bell Bloh- ardson Belata Thrllltng' Xxperlenoes W&lle la onth Pound Bad Boads. Eugene. Or.. July 7 Mrs. Alice Snltjer Burke and Miss Nell Richard son of New York City, who are on s tour around the border of the United States in an automobile, working In the interests of woman suffrage, ar rived in Eugene from the south yes terday and will go north today. They relate many experlencee of hardship that they were lost at one time ror three days. They were warned while on the Mexican border to sleep with their clothes on and to be ready to move at any time, as there waa eon. A GOOD REFERENCE. A bank hook is a gtod business rec ommendation, and a good recommen dation for business. Business men pre fer to do business with business men a nd they also prefer employes who practice economy and have a bank ac count of their own. US, National Bank Third and Oak Portland, Or. ai.dl. 40. and Miss Maria Palandy. 27, both of Portland; William Wood. 27, and Miss Nellie Cameron, 20, both of Hood River, Or.; Roy Duggan, 26. and Miss Amy Flynn, 17, both of Camas; Walter C. Hascheck. 31. and Miss Fays stent danger of raids by the Mexicans. M Tremblay. 23. both of Portland; , Thev declare that the roads through Leonard C Mowrey. 48, and Mrs. Ktan-; tne gacramento canyon in California eta Z. Nichols, 4". both of SUetz. Or.; ar5 about the worst they have trav- F.dward Lam ore. 32, and Mrs. Myrtle eled. The roads so far In Oregon they Mosher 38. both of Portland; Callle , have found to be fairly good. Francis Wilson. 23. of Vancouver Bar- i - 1 racks, and Miss Edna Krlckson. 20, oil when writing r calling en advertisers. p: Hammond Or.; Stephen K. West over, ! mention The journsi. 32. and Mrs. F.lva M. Westover, 31, both of Portland, (Adv.) uvenrccK ot icoKe to. tooks, Boads, Cotton, Orain, Bta. Blevtir Board el Trade Balldlag DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Members Chicago Board of Trade. 1 Correspondents of Imogen tt Bryaa Chicago, New York. PORTLAND FIRE RECORD Thursday. 6:39 p. m. 74 5 East Fifteenth street. children with matches; slight damage.' 8:19 p. m. At. Blank, 290, Grant street, burning rubbish, unknown ori gin; slight damage. 9:59 p. m. Inman-Poulsen Lumber company, east side waterfront, sfark in sawdust conveyor; slight' damage. f rtldAjr. No fires. Wbe writing or cainag oe advertiser, please , svsttos Tke Journal. (adv.) Market Your Stock Throtigh Seattle Union StockYards Beit Market in Northwest Price 15c tok25e hif bar than anjr other market on the Pacific Cotut, becaiua it b ilia only yard in thaf United States not controlled by tha trust. It U dearly ; to your interest to patronize true competition. ' - f V.-