v. V S THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY, JULY 7. 1916. 13 SITE FOR PLAYGROUND FOR THE ELIOT SCHOOL IS TO BE PURCHASED Board of Education Authorizes , i Payment ot $2l,uuu Tor Five- Lots. NEGOTIATIONS ARE ENDED Zind la Center of AiWna District and It Is Owned by lira. Mary Phelps Montgomery. At Its meeting Thursday the board of education authorized the purchase of five lots from Mrs. Mary Phelps Montgomery for playground purposes for tho Eliot school. The price auth orized in 121,000. The lots are each 60 by 125 feet and are In the center of the Albitia district This Is the closing act of a series 'of negotiations which the board has had with Mm. Montgomery covering a long period of time. The report cam before the board as the unanimous recom mendation of the building and grounds committee. Mrs. Montgomery was represented In the deal by Ivan II u mason. Mr. Montgomery originally offered the property to the school hoard fur $30,000. The offer was referred, with a number of others, to the appraisal committee, of the Portland Realty bonrd Tor their valuation. The board returned a valuation of $ IK. 000. The assessor's basis of valuation was S0,"0yr The bonrd authorized a ale on the basis of the realty board's figures. This Mrs. Montgomery re fused to entertain. On further nego tiations she reduced her offer first to 123.000 and later to 121.000, which it Is understood she Is now willing to accept. , According to Mr. Lockwood, chair man of the buildings and grounds committee, after taking all of the factors into consideration, the board would better accept Mrs. Montgom ery's offer. SEVERAL SPEAKER HEARD Realty Board llnkls Interesting Luncheon With Many Presont. C. L. Smith, agriculturist of the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navi gation company, addrewaerl the mem bers of tha Portland realty board to day on some of the problems the realty Tiien could help to solve that are essen tial to the development, of the. Pacific northwest. 1 f e returned from Hepr ner yesterday, huvlng just completed a tour of the company's lines as far east hs Idaho. William Mr-Murray, another speaker at the luncheon, besides Introducing Mr. Smith to the realty men. told of the great Interest being taken in tire forthcoming convention of Interslato realty men. Mr. McMurray has hud the agents of his company make a special canvas of the real estate men along the line of his road to learn who were actually coming. The num ber of responses is said to be un usually large. .. Secretary Patl Cowglll distributed "copies of the convention program to the members. Resides a compute lift Of the events of the meeting, the pro gram contains pliotoenphlo reproduc tions of the officers of the board and the chairman of the 15 committees which have the arrangements for the meeting In charge. Considerable enthusiasm was aroused over the announcement that the speaker for the meeting next Friday, the final one before the convention and thai last one of the season, would be addressed by Tom Ingersoll. the en thuslaxtlc live wire secretary of the National Association of Real Kstate Exchanges, lie will arrive In the city on July 14 from his home n Minne apolis and will stay In Portland until the convention Is over (HA PEL IS TO UK ERECTED Structure Planned on Site of St. Helens Hall. Arrangements are ' being made for the erection of a chapel on the site of ft. Helen's Hall, Kord street and Vista avenue, for the use or the students. Accommodations are being arranged for 250 people and It is expected to have the building ready for occupancy by the time the school opens the sec ond week in September. The spot se lected for the chapel Is at the south east comer of the campus and the chapel will he connected by cloister with the other buildings The building committee consists of Bishop Walter T. Sumner and Arch dfacon H. U Chnmbers. The cost is estimated at $1500 and an appropria tion of this amount has been made from th funds of the school The structure will b of frame and is only Intended to serve the purposes of the school for a few years. A pipe organ will be Installed. fc Ileal Estate Transfers. Canltolta M. Maiflrld to Imnl r M.xflcKI, L. 7. 12. B. 4, Wall St' Add j Anna M. Jones to. R. Fl. Shortrldee "l . B. 1H, Park View Bxtd .'. . . Lciil.e v. Bimn and hus. to .Imlith Joy. L. 8. ft. 2. Stratford Sydney 10 10 10 Kltude R. Kntarhe to Arthur V Kutacbe, ay .. part of L. 2. n. "I." Ureeo- W O. Barnard and wf. to Exile Burklt '' 7. S. B. 71. I nlvemlty Park J. II. Rankin and wf. to The J. n Ran. kin Co.. L. , B. 7. Green's Add... Lulu M. Farrell to John F. Wooilard. tract In B. lutt Alexander Thomson itnd wf. to Alice S Ileddln, L. 5 and 8, R. 8. and fraction L. , 7. fraction B. 0. Doacher a Sec Add. also fractlmn L. 8, 7. fraction B 7. Rherkx-k'a Add 10 10 1.500 10 2M 10 10 75 Starr n. Kellr to Harrv Bnte, I 12th of all Ft. .1.1. Prx-H.n.i und. Hsrry C. Rates to Mary M. Kelly et al Mid. t-12th of all R. 33, Portland.. ' famuel mbner to Thoman H. Williams, et al. U IB. B. 11. Ina Park tiuatnr L. Relmen and wf. to Lawrence A. Wltherapoon, L. 11, 12, B. 3 Wooitmere Add Vance Land Co. to H. L. tlamblet. and" 1-3 of L. 2. 3, B. 170, Couch Add Elsnke Kulchl to Kenio Kluchl, L 4 5 B. S. Reaerroir Psrk John Dobaon to EMse A. Dobaon. L 10 B. a. Myrtle Florence C. I'ettlt and bua. to Lucv . Ring. S. v, L. 1. B. B. CadWell a Add , L. 15. 16. B. 2. Sunnvalde. . . . Idd Katate Co. to Philip Hilton, L 7 B. B4. Kkatmoreland Oeorire A. Rosa and wf. to Lawvers' T T. Co., L. 12. B. 1, L. 14. t"6. B. 2. - Rosadale; U 8. B. 1. Erneatlne: W. 1H2-3 ft. L. g. and B. 18 3-3 ft. L. . B. 7. Howe's Add.: 8. 83 1-S ft r.. 8. B. 5. Kvsnaton: N. 83 1-8 ft. I. 11. 14. B. 14. Paradise Springs; L. 13, B. 4. Tremout Place; 8. 35 ft. of N. 40 ft. L. JO. B. 2. Falling Add... George A. Roes aud wf. to Lawvere' T 4k T. Co.. L. 4. 5. B. 2. Oberat Add i Boy W. Glass et al to II. I. Newell. .. 1. 2. B. "F." Portsmouth Villa Bxtd JT. A. Pettlt and wf. to Lacy A. Ring. L. 17. B. 13. Bells Crest 14t. Hood Valley Co. to Locy A. Ring. ; L. 2. 8.S, B. 1. L. 1. B. S. Waldea - Parks L. , 7. . 10. B. 1. U IS. 14. - ltt, IT, M. 20. B. 2. Bloomlngtea 1 50 10 10 10 1 Park: L. 11. B. 9. and L. 5, B. IS, Saginaw Hta. F. D. gtilwell aod wf. to A. W. Smita t al, L. . B. 3. Bocbelle W. p. O'Neill and wf. to Buna Bats man et al. L. 5, B. 7. Brentwood Qeorg-e r. Barrlnger and wf. to Kmilio Cereghlno, L. ia. 17, B. 6, East alt. Tabgr : Balpb Thompson to 8. Mocee et al, part fraction B. 78, Oarutbers Add George P. Dekura to Frank Dakam, L. t. B. 2. Stroud-. Ladd Estate Co. to A. T. Kahlke. L. VB. IK), B. IS, Eaatznoreiand Claudia K. La wren ca and hue. to Jennie A. Robeaou. L. 2. B. 4. Thaver 10 600 1,000 10 10 10 900 i 2.500 10 10 1 10 Secnrlty Havioga Truat Co. to C. A. FmWuithi ui It. v caroil. K. McElroy, L. 4, B. 20. Tremout Place Add. Joseph Klelen and wf. to diaries 8. Dimralck, L. 17, B. 8, Maybrook Rudolph C. Walter and wf. to C. T. Buobmau, I.. 11. B. 3. Brockton Add.c C M. Wolfard and wf. to Charles Marin. L. 4. B. 4. Reservoir Park Add Hibernla Saving's Rank to Edith L. Havley, L. 4. B 15. Capitol Hill .... Audrey Gray to Gra;e A. Atterbnry. Li. 2, H 0. Bvanatoo Mlnnl ti. I lar.atian and bua. to John Brown, I ft. 0, B. 1. Clanabana Add. to ;reubi Harry Lexis and wf. to R. C. Powell et al, W. 40 ft. U 7. B. 8, Murray mead 10 400 2.600 I 850 i 10 Building Permits. C. Dnlt. repair one story residence. 883 V.. 2Hth, between Uolgate and Cora; builder, J. N. Cottardt; $100. Henry O. Klrahner. erect one atory frame (Viir, 118ft Burrage, between KlUlngaworUl and Jesaup: builder, aasne, (75. James (Jlllls. erect one atory frame garage, RIO K. (Tanithera. between 24tb and 2ttlU; bulMer, lloaaark Doherty; $100. C. H. Talelte, repair ona atory frame green house, 1200 Mllwuikle, between South are. and Yukon; builder, same; 1100. O. V. Hoakln. erect one atory frame garage. 8.1ft F.. 41at, between llalsey and Broadway; builder, same; $100 N. A. rVhanen. repair two story frame dwelling, el Holly at., corner E. 10th; bu Hil ar, same; $700. N. A. Hebauen, erect ona atory frame gar age. 021 Holly at., corner E. lOtb it.; builder, a me; $".'(. J. (.'. Wlllluma, repair one and one half atory frame dwalllirg, 1302 C 21st. between Tolmnn and t'laybourn; bull'Wr. ume; $.i0. A. M. Krannan, erect one atory frame gar aira. 30 li. aiat at., betwaen E. Taylor and Salnoii; builder. A. Roliman; 1.V. Mra. Stona. repair two atory frame dwell ing. 2. Salmon at., between 4th and 5tb; builder, U 1). Carter; $50. Gut A. Annltage, erect one atory frame gar ng. 73 K. 58tb N., between Uarla and Ererett; builder, aauc, $45. Nortlwegt steel Co., lemee, erect one atory frame forge abed, foot of Sheridan at., between Muuily and rlrer; builder. Hint. $1000. RAID BY VILLA OVER THE U. S. BORDER FEARED (Continued From Page One) tachment of the Fifth United States cavalry narrowly escaped a Carran zlsta trap In the village of San An tonio, shortly after the Carrlzal incl; dent. The detachment had been sent after a large consignment of supplies Intended for General Pershing's forces, which . through design or mistake reached San Antonio, south of the American line. Mexican soldiers hid in adobe houses, covered the American troopers as the leaders of the two sides parleyed in the outskirts. The Carranzista com mander ordered the troopers to fall back Immediately and not to enter the village, according to the truckmen. An agreement was tlnally reached for a motor train. unguarded, to transfer the supplies. Carranza Warns Americans. Washington, July 7. (U. P.) Mexi can Ambassador Arredondo, acting upon Instructions from Mexico City, today notified the state department that a large band of VllUstas attacked the Carranza garrison- at Corralltos, near Jlmlnez, state of Chihuahua, Wednesday, almost destroying It. Fearing the bandits might take to the desert, Carranza has asked the state department to have the Ameri can border watched on the American side between Boqulllas and Ojlnaga to prevent a raid. Carranza has prom ised to do his utmost on the Mexican side to intercept such an attempt, if made. In order to avoid delay, the embassy telephoned the Information to the state department as soon as It was received, and shortly afterward a formal writ ten communication was sent. Yaquis Join Carranza Garrison. Eagle Pass. Texas, July 7. ( U. P.) General Pablo Gonzales was reported today to be en route to the border to assume command of the Carranza gar rison at Piedras Negras, which was augmented last night by the arrival of two troop trains bearing a force estimated at from 500 to 2000. includ ing a number of Y'aqul Indians. The Americans remaining in Pledrss Negras feared an attack was pending and crossed to this side of the Rio I Grande. General Greene doubled the previously heavy night guard. The newly arrived Carranza troops were re ported to be unruly, and the civilian inhabitants of the Mexican town ex tinguished all lights early last night. The Yaquis have pitched camp by an old ice plant near the outskirts of the city, within plain sight of Eagle Pass. Obregon May Hat tie Villa. . El Paso, Texas, July 7. (I. N. S.) General Obregon, Impatient over the failure of his subordinates to check steady growth of General Villa's I strength. Is preparing to personally J assume charge of field operations, ac- j cording to dispatches received here to. day from Mexico City. 1 Latest reports state Villa is at ' Jlmlnez. where his forces this week Inflicted a crushing defeat upon Car rs.nztsta troops under General Ignacio Ramos, who died In tha trenches rather than face the Ignominy of defeat. Villa Must Be Subdued. Washington, July 7. (I. N. a) It was understood here today that Con sular Agent Rodgers at Mexico City, acting under orders from Washington, has unofficially pointed out to the de facto government the advisability of utilizing Its best troops against Gen eral Villa. Rodgers told the de facto govern ment that the withdrawal of the American expeditionary forces would be delayed and peace menaced, if Villa is long permitted to maintain anything of an army. , : Arrested Soldiers Released. i Douglas, Arlx., July 7. (I. N. S.) 10 , Carranzistas In Agua Prleta, across the ..(border from this city, today arrested (and jailed Sergeants Donnor and Kur 10 : nett of the American troops, claiming they were found In Mexican territory, where they had no right to be. Sub sequently the two sergeants were re leased by direct order of General Cslles. Americans on Board Battleship. Washington, July 7. (I. N. S. Captain Burrags of the battleship Ne braska today reported to the navy de partment that all Americana have been taken from Progreso and Mexican ports south of Vera Crua. The gunboats Dolphin and Wheeling were utilised to remove the refugees from Puerto, Mexico. Fort to Have Largest Camp. 6an Antonio, Texas. July 7. (U. P.) Th arrival ot additional stale troop and the organization of four new regiments of regulars will make Fort Sam Houston the largest military I camp In the United States since t.ie Civil war. There will be between 16,000 and 17,000 soldiers here, includ ing about 11,000 National Guardsmen. Combined strength of the militia alone will be greater than that of the maneuver division of 1911. CORDIAL REPLY SENT TO NOTE OF MEXICAN CHIEF 1 (Continued From Pace On.) office, and It Is expected that he will at once be instructed to begin the de sired negotiations with the state de partment. I Acting Secretary of State Poik will '. conduct th negotiations for the de 1 partment in the absence of Secretary Lansing, who leaves on his vacation this afternoon. It Is understood that a practical plan, already considered favorably by representatives of the two govern ments in advance of the drafting of today's note. Is for a commission to study, the whole problem and make recommendations to the heads of the two countries. Full Text of Bote. The note In full follows: "Sir: I have the honor to acknowl edge the receipt of your communica tion of July 4, 1916, in which you sub scribe a note addressed to me by the secretary of foreign relations of your government, and to the request that you transmit to him the following reply: "Mr. Secretary: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your cour teous noto transmitted to me by Senor Arredor.do on the 4th Inst., in which you refer to my notes of June 20 and June 25, and to assure you of the sin cere gratification of my government that the frank statement of the diffi culties which have unfortunately arisen in our relations along the inter national boundary and the unreserved expression of the desire of your gov ernment to reach an adjustment of these difficulties on a broad and amic able basis. "The same spirit of friendship and of solicitude for the continuance of cordial relations between our two coun tries inspired my government, which equally desires an immediate solution of the differences which have long vexed both governments. "It Is especially pleating to my gov ernment that the de facto goveiifment of Mexico Is disposed to give ,uick as well as practical consideration in a spirit of concord to the remedies which may be applied to the existing conditions. Reciprocating the ianie desire, the government of the United States Is prepared immediately to ex change views as to a practical plan to remove finally and prevent a re currence of the difficulties which have been the source of controversy. "Accept. Mr. Secretary, the renewed assurance of my highest considera tion. "I am, sir, yours very sincereiv, "ROBERT LANSING." New Donation Made For Armenian Relief Additional donations to the Armenian relief fund have been received in re sponse to urgent appeals. Treasurer Ben Selling reports as follows: brought forward $3939. 3S laurel wood Congregational -church ill. H. Htrong. Sutherlin TH. C. C 1 00 Ro.pn I 10.00 I Bishop Walter T. Sumner... Mrs. Robert H. Strong Williajn M. Ladd A friend . r 50 5.00 Total .$4112.85 FUNERALS Beautiful adnlt plusb or , broadcloth casket, em bslmlng. outslda boi. bearite. two autua and services for tuner. la If dealrad fur 40. $4i. $60. Bigber priced fuoar sla in proportion. We naaafactare casket. Lady a l.lao t. BeaaUful funeral chapel. MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors. Washington at Ella 8L (bet 20th aod 21tt) West Side. Mala 2801. A-T884 NEAV TODAY TO CLOSE OUTf "ow Is your chance in Capitol Hill to uy for $150 and $2u0 per lot, for wha similar lots sold for $600 and 600 Capitol Hill has city water, city school, electric light. 6c car fare, gas Is now being put in the streets of Capitol Hill. We have a few of these choice lots left and will sacrifice the same to close out and clean up the tract. Title per fect. Call at once If you want these lots before they are all gone. M. J. CLOHZSST. 416 Abington building -ROOFING l We install new. repair and guaran tee asphalt, pitch, tar and gravei, or patent roofs. TEX OXEOOH HOMJB BTJXIaDEHS, 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Phones: Marshall 3718. A-6291. 6 ZVoana of $10,000 and TJp Oa Improved Business Property (or for Improvement Purposes). J. P. UPSCOaCR. 842 Stark Street. Fearey Brothers, Inc. COLLECTORS 306 Dekum Bldg Portland. Or FARM LOANS Mortgage) Company for America loem 83. Alasworta Bldg. Phone Main 6841. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregon Investment tt Mortgage Co. Offices 308-4. 170 3d St. Classified Ad Rates. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS. Dally or Sunday: lVfc eenta per word for all classifications ex empting "For Rent In Private Family." Room and Board In Private Famlijr." "Situation WsDted' aod "Wanted to Kent' ad, which are 14 eenta per wurd. Three insertions for tbe pries of two. Seven Insertions for tbe price of five. No ad taken for leaa tban 15 cents. CASH MUST accompanr copr to obtain llivis t ami ere. CHARGED ADVEHTISEXESTS. 1H eenta per word per Insertion. Tble charge ts (or all elaaslfieatloos exeeot tsg "For Rent In Private Family," "Boom and Board In Private Family." "Situation Wanted' and "Wanted to Bent" ads. which are 1 cents per word per insert ion. Ne ad charged for Mae than IS cents. $75 41 OREGON LODGE. No. 101, A. F. & A. M. Special com munication tomorrow (Satur day) evening at s o'clock. Work, in the E. A. and F. C. degrees. Visiting brethren cordially invited. By order of the W. M.. LESLIE 6. PARKER. Secretary. EMBLEM Jewelry a specialty, buttons, pins, charms. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 oth. Jital Statistics IZarruges.Blrtbs. Deaths. MARK I A l E LICENSES i. Dlckaon Miller, Seattle, aud Florette fra ser, Hotel Portland. Pearl . tiboemaker. Portland, and Agaea A. Anderaon. Hotel Portland. La toy Pace. 11U E. Yamhill at-, and Nellie W. Price, 27 Weidler. K. IV. Bond. 50 Lucretlm Place, apd Bdlth S. Campbell. Ilennnaa bird. Juiiua L. Green. 41A E. Waablngton. and Pearl 11 r 00a berg, 031 Milwaukie. l)r. U K. KobliMou, Camas. Wash., and Sarah M. Braahear, tm E. ll'th X. W. G. Smith & CO. vistffcar Third floor Morgan Bldg. bHL8il suits tor rem. all sizes. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark st. BIRTHS GARRETT To Mr. aod Mra. Bernard J. Gar rett, 4S7 B. 41t at., Juue 27. a daughter. PKUUHOMME To Mr. aud Mra. Henry C. Prudhomnie, 8T8 Glenn ave., June 25, a ftSn. BROOKS To Mr. and Mra. Jame. C. Brooks, 10i Macadam road, July 1. a daughter. ELLIS To Mr. and Mra. Merrltt Ellia, 750 Commercial, June 28, a sou. WIUJAMS-To Mr. and Mrs. Richard WU llama, 841 E. 47th N.. June 24. a son. THOMAS To Mr. and Mra. Tnotnas W. Thomas. SU8 N. 25th at.. Jnly 8. a son. CLARK K To Mr. and Mra. Thorn aa Clarke. 117B E. 13th N .. Juue 2. a son. PHOVOT To Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Pro Toat, th and E. Ankeuy, June IS, a daugh ter. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 ADAIR In this city July 5, Samuel Dickson Adair, aged tit years, belored butund f Mary Adair, father of Mary W. Morris and Alexander Adair of Portalnd, Mrs. L. h. Rogers of Newcastle. Del., and the late Lieu tenant Henry R. Adair. Funeral serTleea will be held at tbe Grace Memorial Episcopal church. East 17th aud Weidler ats at 2 p. a... tomorrow (Saturday). July 8. interment RlTerrlew cemetery. Krienda invited. MACiUK July 6. at the realdence. Kaiat Forty fourth and Powell atTeets, Catherine Magee, aged 73 years, beloved wife of Edward Magee. and mother of Edward Jr., Thomas. John and Oeorge Magee. Mass will be offered at St. Ignatius church. East Forty-third and Powell arreets, at 8:30 a. ea. . tomorrow (Saturday i. July 8. Friends InTlted. Interment St. Mary's cemetery. UANCHETT Tbe funeral aerTice of the late William A. Uanchett. age 00 years, will be conducted Saturday. July h, at 10 30 a. m.. in the mortuary chapel of A. I. Kenworthy II Co.. BS02 and 5804 Ninty-seorid street south east. In Lents. Friends invited to attend In cineration at Mount Scott Park cemetery crem atorium. KELLER The funeral spruces of the late Herman Keller will be held Saturday. July 8. at 2:30 o'clock p. m., at the residence es tablishment of J. P. Plnlry & Son, Moutgom ery at 6th. Ftienda lnfited. Interment at K.ae City cemetery. ROLLHLISER July 0. at 47 Harding street, Christine Rollhelter. age 40 years, beloved wife of John Kollbelser. Kematna at A. R. Zellar Company 'a parlors. Funeral announce ment later. TCHNER The funeral services of Lucille Ella Turner will be held Suturday, July 8. at 2 o'clock p. m., at the family residence. 144 E. 27th at. KTle.id4 Invited. Interment at Rose t'ity cemetery. YEiT t'liurles E. Yett, Good Samaritan hos pital, July 4. years, fracture of skull. PLHER Pearl Klsber. Rt. Vincent's hoapttal, July 4. 26 years, pritonltU. IIAL'XER Fannie ITner. Emanuel hospital, July 1, 30 years, toraur of tbe brain. RANKIN Marie Jnblts Rankin, G.xl gamar ltan boapltal, Jnly 24. 44 years, embolism. HARZA Clara 9. Haraa, 61at and Foster road, July 4. SS years, cerebral hemorrhage. FURLONG Zella Furlong. Good Samaritan hospital. July 4, 24 years, septicemia. CLARKE BROS., florists. 287 Morrison at. Main or A-1S05. Fine flowers end floral designs No branch stores. ! MARTIN & KORBiiS CO J -1 Oft, fln,4at - 'j;! Wash. Main -. A-125K. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged MAIN blli. wreaths, pillows, $3 up. Sprays $1 up Chanells. 347 Morrison TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 2S6 Wash, bet, 4th and 5th Main 5102. A-110 OSCAR JOHNSON FLORAL CO. 76J Gllsan st. Ma' 4372, A-1464. MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141 8th St. FUNERAL DIKECTOItri TiDWARD HOLMAN CO. ESTABLISHED 1877 RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Lady Assistant THIRD AND SALMON STREETS MAIN 507, A-lSll J, P. FINLEY & SON Progressive FUNERAL DIRECTORS Montgomery at Fifth New residences Wms. ave. Wdln. establishment, 220, C-1943. 901 P. L ILE Undertaker, . t-ast 11 thorne. E. 1ST, B-1888. th and Haw Laay assistant. A. D. Kenworthy Co, Tabor 5267; 5802 2d et.. Lents. Tabor 6o; 6tith st. and ! oster road., Arleta j F. S. Dunning, Inc. 1 East Side Funeral directors, 414 E I Alder st. Phone East 62. B-2526. Dunning & McEnteWr. iters, rn tn every detail. Broadway and Pine eta. Broadway 430. A-458. Lady assistant. MILLER & TRACE i, independent fu neral directors. Prices low as $20 $40. $l0. WTash. at Ella. M. 2691. A-7s8. Walter C. Kenworthy 1532-1534 E. 13th. Sellwood 71 B-1122 A. R, Zeller Co East 10S8, C-108S. ltdy attendant. Day snd night service. SKEWES3Yitanof Co. Mala 4152 3d and Clay FRIPQHM RESIDENCE UND.PRLa L.niL'OUIN M. 122. A-2235. 44S Morr Mamiltnn tast otn and Glisan. Fu nailllllUll neral services. Tabor 431i BREEZE & SNOOK. B-1252. T. 125a! lit Belmont, at 3th Lady attendant. MONUMENTS PORTLAND MARBLE WKS.. 214-2M 4th St., opp. city halL Main 8564 TM.III. "fc.T a et 1 BLAC.il NS 6ftANlTEC0l U 2fc7-5P 9TCOa. emDI9QN j MEETING NOTICES Ox BUSINESS PROPERTY APARTMENT house brick), east side, modern. 42 rooms, lot 6S 2-3x 1(0; will take Improved city realty for half; will deal direct with owners only. Z-16. Journal. FOR HALE HOUSES 61 1320 Grand Ave. N. Sensational Sacrifice $1975, $101 cash; must se Just completed; brand-new home, artistic and modern, corner, large lot on Grand ave. rhone owner. .Main as" WOODLAWN CAR TO HULMAN ST. MR. BARGAIN HUNTER, here is an investment that will clear you $3000 the first year. 1 am offering my nine room two-story house, with modern plumbing, electric ugats. witn 101 00 by loo. corner 18th and Thurman sts., title and abstract to dale. Am offer ing this property "way below Its as sessed valuation. Call Marshall 5276. $100 CASH and $25 per month, includ ing Interest, will buy a beautiful new modern 5 room cottage In North Piedmont district, dandy garage, lot 50x1 ou, shade trees, etc. Price only $i350. Ask for Mr. Graham. THE BRONG CO., Main 1743. L'67H Oak St. CHOICE Rose City Park bungalow. 2 blocks from car, on corner of 3Sth and Tilla mook. 6 large rooms, finished with every modern and latest convenience. If you are looking for home don't fall to see this one. See T. B. Wlnshlp, owner, at building. 440 E. 39th st. N. $50 CASH and $10 per month buys a' semi-modern 4 room house, 2 blocks from Union avenue. Lot 50x100 feet. This propertv should sell for $1500. Price, for quick sale, $1000. Ask for Mr. Graham. . THE BRONG CO . Main in 3. 267 4 Oak St. or pnone owner, woodlawn .trice satisfactory. SACRIFICE. 9 room modern bungalow. Rose City Park, 56th and Thompson, hardwood floors and sun parlow, by owner. Phone AVdln. 3510. FIVE room modern cottage; fine cor ner, near woolen mill, in busy St. Ji hns. See Rogers. 30? N. Jersey st. Phone Columbia 272. HOt'St: Large lot, 40 chickens, elec tric lights. 20 minutes out. $700. 10 Ser cent down, $10 per montn. z-13, ournal. SELL my beautiful home, $2900; paved t., car line. IOCS E. 30th N. Bar gain,. GOOD six room house at a bargain. Apply 390 N. 24tn st. Phone Main 4901. MODERN 7 room house, reasonable, easy payments; fruit, berries. M-V car 30 minutes. Applv X8 E. 80th N. $180o- Modern 6 room bungalow fur nace, bulltln conveniences. Wood. C229. 936 E. 9th t. N. $1600 MODERN 6 room bungalow; furnace, built-in conveniences. Wood- lawn 3229. FIVE room cotsge on E. Madison, cheap Phone Tabor 3226. FOR SALE LOTS lfl FOR SALE AT One of the best A SACRIFICE, vacant quarter blocks In Walnut Park, street Improve ments all paid lor, owneu oy con resident and must be sold at once. Ad dress A-3.r. Journal. BARGAINS. LOTS IN ALL DISTRICTS. TERMS. J. C. CORB1N CO.. LEWIS BLDG. ACREAGE 57 YOI'R opportunity to buy 5 acres 1 mile east or woooDurn or wnicn i acre Is beaverdam. 1 of bottom land, balance upland; 1 acre loganberries. crop contracted for o years at 3 cts. per lb; f Ino bearing orchard, apples, pears, cherries, etc.; good e room house, barn and chicken house. 2-3 of crop included; price $2700; terms If desired. Owner W. H. Purdy. Wood hurn. Or.. R. R. 3. 20 AND 40 ACRE TRACTS'. $35 to $50 per acre, 36 miles from Portland, on main highway; running water to each tract; line soli; easy terms. AKERSON GOOCH & CO., 605 Stock Exchange Bldg. Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to car line, easy terms; will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Sell wood 476 .lohn H Glhson, owner. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN ranches near Portland. 2, 6, 10 acre tracts, best soil, good roads, near lectrlc, $65 at $200 per acre, easy terms. McFar land. 30S Yeon bldg.. Portland. 1000 ACRES for sale. From 5 to 500 acre tracts. Near Hcappoose on Co lumbia highway, from 19 to 20 miles from Portland. Price $35 and up. Frank Novak, Scappoose, Or. 10 acres near Oregon City carllne, fine soil, good nouse. barn, 8 chicken houses, laya well; a big snap, $1S00; terms $300 cash. Call 191 4th st. ONE acre. 1 room house at station. 6o fare. $1500. worth $3000. Jour nal. TEN acres close in. price $1600. with $o0 of wood. Tabor 4i8.. FOR SALE FAKMS 17 FOR SALE by owner, 8 acres, fine country home, a miles east or uresn- am: eood ouildings. close to scnooi, 3 minutes' walk to electric car; fine place for poultry and berries. Sale cheapor trade for L nicago property. j. w. Johnson, Gresham, Or.. Route 4. NEAR MADRAS 160 acres under new irrigation pro ject, now a fact. Bargain If taken now; no traaes. uu c. itm st., near .Horrlson st. LITTLE FARMS, clear, level, good soil and house, near town, $25 down, $10 month J. R. Sham. or7 Sherlock block. FIFTY acre farm, near Entacada, terms reasonable JX-32. Journal. FOIl RENT FARMS 14 FOR RENT 6 acre farm 5 miles from Portland. Call East 1600. COURTNEY 2 acres near river. rm. house, fruit, etc. $1 Mrs. Don HOMKSTKADS 47 TWO good relinqviishments. adjoin. 4 miles from town, good soil, lavs level, plenty water, good timber, fine for alfalfa. 6 acres in crop last year, partly fenced; price $250 each. 2 gotvd timber claims, 1 Vs M. yellow pine, $250 each. 411 Henry bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Good houses for sale or exenange; bottom prices. Call Marshall 1.88. 320 A. stock ranch, take small farm or some city propertv, balance time. 4038 74th St. S. E. Tabor 1641. TRADE acre near city limits. Powell Valley and Buckley ave., for city lot. value $750. Call Marsh. 3205. FIVE acres In Goodnoe Hills, fruit farm, and choice beach lot for good house equity.' A-23. Journal. EXCHANGE Fir stumpage on rail road rear Portland for light auto. Address 1 692 E. 11th. Portland. FOR exchange, acreage for city prop erty; also other exchanges. C. IL Estes. White Salmon. Wash. 140 ACRES, some improvements, for lots and rash. A close in acreage. N-17. Journal. , EQUITY in 5 room house hi Mk. from Alberta, near Union ave.. for dear lot. C-24, Journal ' 140 -ACRES, new house and barn, for home In Portland. X-, JournaL A SACRIFICE sale of an Improved. Nob Hill dUtrlctV is offered -for" ale ' aUorne, -at law. foom ieri'"1' - "rlournal 1 ClttS by owner; this lot faces north, and bldg. 1 T i-cv s. u ... , v-ti. r TTi 77- fruit trees and shrubbery cover half , CONFECTIONERY, light groceries, romnlet. Ilna of nure7v stock cash the lot; title perfect and abstract tc., flne opening for energetic man ! weCJ T' ,1' tre AdL?2 cZnll down to date. Call Marshall 5276. who ls wlllllk to make a good living g y'urserycompany stlem, t. NEW 6 room bungalow, east front, end lay up a little money besides; llv- , ; r ; ,.,.' Rose City Park, big rooms, hard-I ing rooms; small iavestment. 329 W ANTED Platen press feeder; ex wood floor, furnace firepJace. best of Morgan bldg. . perience on color work Gordon and construction. Come .and Investigate GoRYtcJre and fixtures for sale, foil Oivs .refer. nces and stale wsges EXCHANGE REAL, ESTATE 2 C Continued 287 acres, 145 acres cultivated, 2 or chards, modern V room house. -barua. good outbuildings; 50 head of stock, crop, all farm equipment; no in cumuraiice. aio.uuo. want 10 ecnuk , for a smalf farm near Portland or clear ; city property and will give easy t.erms on balance if desired C-33. Journal. cumbrance. $16. 000. Want to excrianM WJLL exchange for grocery or acre age one 5 room modern bungalow, one 6 room cottage. 2 clear lots, close to car; will trade all or part. W. H. Betts. 5204 Woodstock ave. Phone ISellwood 1233. 2i: ACRES, fine body timber. 8 miles fmrn I i,l-fe .1 ! r nn river which Will rarrY every lop, clear; want small Im- P?v'4 oSwn ti' "i'Hama ave. Woodlawn JS GOOD TRADb 10 room modern cot- lirrs lot near car line irui' lawn and garden; price $fi000; small farm desired: terms. Address owner, T-31V Journal. i ortTT ' SEVEN room mouth ave., equity $2000. Dtp or what? house, 4 lots. Ports- : $35u0: will sacrltice. for small house, acre IM5, Journal. 3 i TO EXCHANGE Three good Portland lots, good suburb, clear, worth iijju, for small country store; cash, for dif ference; no agents P.-3S. Journal. I EQUITY In modern 6 room house to j exchange for auto. Ford preferred; ' must be in good condition. Tabor ! 6222 ROOMING HOUSES ton RENT or sale rurmsned room- Ing house, centrally located, on mam ; business street. Astoria. V. 11. elch, Astoria. Or. j BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 20 j ' " - T 7". ,'t , - FOR SALE Have client who s forced I to sell inside Improved Portland real : property at a great sacriiice. in . - T- r 1 lima. rants 1 rr 1 '. t H I nor niDnlli: has situated therein 4 store rooms and , .. k oa i., u.i nf nn.fnffir. lnonir of H J UiaKe- I ore ana uiiurc. iui located In one of the best dairy cou n- ; tries and near Portland; stock will in, voice $1900: must be sold at once; will take $1200. M. Silver, hotel. Woodland. Wash. Commercial j I CONFECTIONERY and waiting-room; now is the time to buy; get in on tho big summer business; have two stores, can't handle both; will invoice over $400; will make big discount. Call room 318 Fenton bldg. FOR SALE New and second-hand fur niture store, household good, etc.; three years in business. Will trade two clear lots for rood second-nami .urni tu:e. S)2d St.. bOla. Lents, Oregon H. Lovett. BUY PLACE WHERE EVERY- T-..i-.ir 1 , i.- Grvcerv-frult stand at' public mar- ...r i :.. i a.i., i. Kei; v.u or . n..u u-o, iU.."wi v.. MASTERS, PITTOCK BLOfK. WANTED A partner; must be an old person and must have $1000 or more to buy an interest in a fine farm and good house. A. V. Underwood, Dufur, Or. For sale : 1 . - i E or trade, new and second ore in best valley town for a hand sto falr.' - .1 n Vi r.mf H lrCfit(l In COriKt a.ii...., r ' ti cii, A; " " DO YOU want merchandise a going business? Have you $2 0 000 In cash? If so arranse for interview with owner. Total value $46,000. B-3i. ' FAMILY medicine and stock remedy route, doing net profit. $2200 year ly. 1024 Albina ave. Woodiawn 3341. Tabor 5198. FOR SALE! Tailor, cleaning and pressing shop, rent $10, no compe tition; this is a snap for cash, Y-29, Journal. FOR SALE- Tailor shop, good place for man and wife: will guarantee better than wages. $300 cash, or will j . - . v ia t. i i V a9e . Lu1 . "'MiU LUN'.'nltuuM ana cigar store, syieo- inuu.n miu ciBBi mmc, orner location at transfer point t side. 34 Union ave. N.. near, aia cor on east orqaaway. WANTED Young man or woman to learn the abstract of title business; must have $25 to start. Q-34, Journal. TOR SALE Iel1catessen bakery and grocery 1 block from P. O. 0-36, Journal. FOR SALE Dairy equipment; also Ford delivery car, In good condition. Call C. Waller, at Hotel Wabash. GR'iCERY for acreage or small farm. Millership. 431 Chamber of Com- merce. MY circar store for sale, it will make you money; Northeast cor. 16th and Wash, sts. - $100. bal. trade, grocery stock, fix- tures, free rent, July, 1917. Owner, P-27. Journal RT SI NESS CARDS. Roge City Printing Co., Third st., cor Taylor. NICE paying business for $2S0. Call and eook it over. Apply 191 4th st. W ANTED Partner In nhee business. Call in to 2. Schtiffeldt. 321 4th St. WAXTKD 08 I HAVE some cash and choice resi dence on Mount Tabor to exchange for $15,000 to $30,000 stock of general merchandise; must show good busi ness, in live town, l-reier to deal witn owner. T. E. uieasoe. 14 tseimoni st.,,clty. WANTED Drug store for 160 acre:, of good land, partly Improved; coun try preferred. L-13, Journal. MONEY TO VOW REAL ESTATE 27 ( Continued ) OUR installment pian ls the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or fll.2 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 months pays a $1000 loan and Interest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on Improved city property Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SVG'S 8c LOAN ASSN., 242 Stark St., Portland. Oregon. BUILDING loans on city aml auDurba.ii property; money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 31a Failing bldg Main 3407. PORTLAND PROPERTY UK VALLEx" FARM LOANS. Make low rates on good security. H. L. ARCHER. 404 N. W. Bank bldg. $100,UU0 ON mortgage), city or fsrm property, fire insurance. McXenzle & to. Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder. MONEY TO LOAN in amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. A. H Bell, 301 Geriingc bidg. b',r. TCe on first mortgages, city or farm property. Quick action. No delay. 11 lnth st. Krehs-lxgus Co. $i:'.i)0. 6'v. $Tii. $iood, 7Vc: $r.oo. 8rr; no com. Wardi 407 Spalding hldtf: $3'Oo PRIVATE money to ioan jn good Port lan. 1 property. T. J. Holland & Co.. 4:ifi Pit tock blockl CASH pahl for mortgages, notes, con tracts, woortgage loans; reasonable rates F. H. I wis. lobry 4. Lewis bldg. MONEY to loan on improved city, farm property F. C. King. 314 S aiding. $1000 UP to $-iO00 to loan on city or farm property Tabor 409. $1000 $1000 and upward; no commis sion. Deshon A Hawk. Main 116. $200, 3"0. $600. $900, $U'0O, $1800. Fred W. German o.. 732 Chum, f'om. 140.000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON. $0 4th St. Board of Trade Bldg. SEE us Small loans, installment loans. Cellar-Murton Co.. 8J5 Veon bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. and t. Louis Salomon Co.. 100 Oak n, near 6th. $900 TO LOAN upon Improved real estate. Room 209. Washington bldg. MONEY to loan. to 8S,. W. H. Beits tc Co., 910 Spalding bldg. Sic CHATTELS, SALARIES MCXKV TO LOAN GT SALARIES-rCHATTELS. Money to loan to -salaried people and others on furniture, pianos, motror cycles, automobiles, diamonds, etc., at rn with eav tei n!n' r0' "ey Licensed tortund LOAN' COM! K1Vn r-i;,,niH, with easy terms or pay- by state. HANY, INC.. 30B Dekum Bldg. LOWEST rales on household goods, state license; no brokerage or com mission charges. Geo. Harvey. East 1172. LOANS WANTED 80 $225 ONE year. 8 on furniture of rpstirl nr houaekepiilnfi' ant.. 24 rooms, west side. Phone Woodlawn 4 201'5. 1 CAN use $1000 to $1200 on new house and half acre. 7f4. Principal only. Owner, Woodlawn 539. WANTEDE $1260 2?i inWnV.Tf. Pv - O 32 Journ J ! Journal $00, T on city acreage unimproved, V-31. Journal. WANTED $Sou-$ieoO on improved , c 1 tv prope rty. 300 He l r y bl dg. FINANCIAL 31 1st and 2d mortgages purchased: also sellers' mtereet in contracts. Or. and Wth H K Noble. 1 ,unibrmnn bldg HELP WANTED MALE 1 TWO Falesinen wanted to work -in I Multnomah "county on commission; jj to jio per aay to good men. Ad- ores by letter to B. J. liorcount, 45U2 1 61st ave. S. E. Give pnone number, rt-3l, journal. MAN wanted, general work, permanent. Just outside city limits; house, fuel. eUole( turMshei. Can bring wife; ,4- Ca SaturaaVi between 2 and 4. ,, - N mh T.none Maln 29(6. V ANETD, 1st class sticker man special work; out of town lob. for Will PY ' Per ua) lu iiuuib to K""U a r o imivni " , ' , 1 X fiU O L I I TT I llin.II. Kautc Mis Co.. 26th and Nicola!. WANTED Live real estate salesmen for city or farms. Aply 191 41 h st "WANTED Good farm hand. Phuiie Sellwood 1S29. CONSULT Y. sec retary. M. C A. employment H E LP AY A NTEDMISC. 4 0 Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and night classes; training in rTmirln Hrivlnar and marhina work w 1 including forge, lathe, shaper. drill press, etc.; time unlimited. Secure pass, at educational omce .. Al. o. A. ;hKior to insnect our shoos and meth- 1 ods. COMPETENT CHAUFFEUR- - avi wR'HiKii's si:ppi.i:i Tul- 1 ..... - r -- ----r - --; -- ---. - - - , V M ( A nnr! its KMPLOVMPNT DEPARTMENT, Use Of 60-fL Swlm-;ROARD and rooiu in private laililly, mlng pool, shower baths, gymnasium,, $i0 per month. 477 E. 11th st. H. etc. ' Sellwood 2C.r6 ' THOUSANDS men-women wanted, ; ROOM and board In private home, government Jobs, $76 to $160 month, i every modern convenience; use Of rue lmmeuiateiy ior list. rraniuin , ,1t t v t j,49 p Rochester. N. Y ' ' -, Write immediately for list, v ranklin MEN Hecome railway mall clerks. id i Commence $75 mo. Rapid Increase. I commence in mo. iiapiu IFor particulars apply OX-.BT, Journal. I 1 UNCALLED for tailor made sunt,, fit. 60 i op. Taylor tr.e lanor. .'xwfr HutrslOe HELP WANTED FEMALE LADY Between 26 and SO. to assist in selling campaign; expense ac count and commission; can make good money, easy work. Ask for Farnsworth, 267 H Oak St. ELDERLY lady to care for little girl. parents working; pleasant home for right party. References required. Mrs. Ordway, 147 E. 34th, near Belmont. Call Sat. eve. or Sunday. WANTED Japanese or Chinese girl to help with housework In return for ! reading lessons and small wages; must sneak some Knglisli. 1'hone Main 7,r.l n. speaa some rngnsn. rnorn Man WANTED Refined housekeep"ei chUd. 8maU wageB m r witn home In widower's home. O-it, Journal. WANTED Girl with some experience In bindery or paper box factory. State wages expected. N-16, Journal. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, to keep house for widower and 3 children. F-22, Journal. WANTED A girl, light work. wanes, would like a German, at once, 312 Tillamook. good Call WANTED An ber at once, side, Or. experienced lady bar Address Box 405, fcea- G1RL for cooking and general house work. Main 3046. 500 Taylor st. ilivLP W ANTKD L1LE A.Mv FKMALK 29 WOULD YOU LIKE TO APPEAR-IN MOTION PICTURES? HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. WE ARE GOING TO TRAIN A CAST OF PLAYERS FOR PRODUCING IN SEPTEMBER INSTRUCTION CLA88E8 THREE TIMES A WEEK UNDER ARTHUR SYDNEY. FORMER ESSANAY FEA TURE DIRECTOR. CALL AT S?7 UPSHUR ST. OR TELEPHONE MAIN i (U4. OREGON FILM PRODUCING COMPANY MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Wants men snd women to lean the trade; paid while learning; tools free- positions secured; summer rates- wrft for catalogue. Tor. i'd and Burnaidn MOHLER Barber school wants mrn' and women to learn barber trade free 8 weeks. Positions secured Pav while learning. 38 N. 2d st. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to lean barber trado free. 233 Madison St. RELIABLE man and wife want work farm, orchard or anything else M- 29. Journal. BERRY pickers wanted. J. P mussen. on Buckley ave. N. Ras- SITUATIONS 5IALK 3 CITY OF PORTLAND PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUFEAU 14th and Johnson sts. EFFICIENT MEN FOR ALL POSITIONS. Salesmen, office men clerks, me chanics, farm hands, house men cooks mill men. loggers, laborers, tc. No zee cnargea employer or employe Ou of town orders given prompt attention Main SRSS. A-5824 WANTED by refined, experienced, eld- erly. Christian man. employment with good well situated family as member and helper at chores and light work; congenial home more object than wages, rt-.tz, jnurna 1. CEMENT WORK. PAINTlf? AN Y REi'A 1 1'S. FOR DETAILS. PHONE. MAIN 8730. COMPETENT shop mechanic. and chauffeurs furnished by Y. Al C. A, Auto school. Main 7065. A-6.S1 KA LSOMINI NO, painting; plaster patching reasonable. Woodlawn 2490. GUARANTEED papering and cheap. Tabor 62f8. tinting PAINTING, paperhanglng; tinting, $5 per room up. c A. Harries. Mar. 28 2. KALSOM I N 1 NO. $2 50 room East 602. HITFATIO.NS FKMALK EXPERIENCED woman wants work In apartment house; would expect apartment, gas and wages. U-30, Journal. . LADY cr, would like work In boarding house or hotel In the city for self and husband's board H-25. Journal. WOMAN wants cooking; eawm.il or logging camp preferred. KX-82, Journal. NEAT woman wishes light work with plain adults, good home preferred. Marshall 397. SCHOOL girl would like care of child during the -day, west side. Mam 4563. WOULD like permanent or substitute i work in private exchange. 0-85. UournaL . SITUATIONS FEMALE t : Ckntlaed CITY OK, HDKTLANU PCRLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. , Women's Department. City Uall. 1 No Fee Charged. Reliable, competent help, any llrte, 1 promntlr supp'.ted Office, "clerks, i housekeepers, domestic, day workers. sen rot ressea;. Marshal! 4100 A-41II . YOUNG woman with boy 3 yrs. old wants position as housekeeper, good home preferred as much as wages. 6S9 K. 15th St. south. Portland. Or. j WaNTTI) Work by hour or day, re ! liable, references. VVoodlawn 4676, DRESSMAKING 40 RESPONSIBLE d essmaking at home r or by day: work guaranteed. Main " iv FURNISHED ROOMS BURNISHED rooms for young men ill i V. Part' f th l,,y' 10 Y- M- - - A hlil, .ru.rlallv ilMtiirnhl. (lurtnff thai summer': fireproof, telephone in each room, shower baths, $!.& to $4.i6 per week, including full association mem bershlp privileges, rymnasiuin, swim- mlng pool, handball court, and muny other club privileges. Full Information at Y. M. C. A. business office or tels phone Main "0fi5; A-658L PRINCESS HOTEL. Hot and cold Wter, clean air room, with private phone. strictly" fire proof building; beat location on east side. Call and see us. Phons East 174. Wslton and Wright. Mgre. PA f.ACE HoTKL uth and Washington sts.. close In, fireproof modern, light, airy outside rooms; rates $3.50 per wak up. PHONE MAlt9HAl.Ii 040 $2 Ttir rADi AMn $3 Week. mil unfl Lnl4 U Week. ! Modern brick; outside rooms; rs spcctable: hot water. 26 Trinity St., tor Washington, bet. liMh and 20th'. NICELY furnished looms, nufflein con veniences. enttal, verv reasonable, 404 Clay, near 10th immiva (G;;lKyJic o.r Modi ern. fireproof, respects bl?: $3 week up. j HOTEL EATON rferfi:- cated, moderate rates permanent guests. $1 no WEEK up, clean, warm, ni.njei'i fur rms . centrl The Kins? :o .lef. , FUHNIRHED ROOMS t0 PrnXTATji TAMII.T ' LARGE front room, airv and comfort able, walking distance. 12 E. lllh, near Ankeny. East lfi52. ltOO.M' WD UO-1RD- i.n I FURNISHED rooms. housekeeping I rooms, room and board. 331 Mont gomery, between 8th and Boradwey. I Evi-ry convenience Main 2080. f ItOO.MH AM) HOARD 73 PAIVATE TAAIXI.T WILL board school I school few blocks. 1 Ha wt home. girl $2.60 week.' Phone UU2s. 6$ WANTED Refilled, respectable couple wisnes to care lor gn i or uoy, irom years ana up.. I -I mi onwuna si. piano. Main 4604. ANNA Imu Hutl. ..u i-l-ndrt . Dual- i res riri anl ninn, u ts w k HOI 8KKEEPIM. KOOMH It rTjmwisHjfjD A5fD pjrrogMHgBn ONE room win kitchenette, complete ly furnished, iit-um heat. Minning hot and cold wniir. phone In aveiy room; 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison sts., $12 up 291 Columbia st.. co- th, Th It Eli nicely f urmslied FTousekeep- in g rooms. Private entrance. Porch. j 1 02 E. ISth; $10. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, all modern, running water In kitchen, month rent free. 4;H 17th st Si WEEK up. iur.ll. K iv. UundTyt baths. Phone Woodlawn !Si4. 203 Stunt on. NICELY furnlHhed lf K. rooms, mod rent leuHouable. em 70 N oii cuioriccs; Mil t. CLEAN i room apartment s, cool place, private park, close In. 31 Broadway Gem AptS, Free' bath, hot, cold water liOLSKKEKPINU IUK)MK 73 rumzrxsKZD ajtd av7UB.irxsKBi PRIVATB FAMILY. PARLOR sulie, first floor., hot. cold water, eli'dri'' HkiUs, furnace heat, lart-'c yard and Hhiioc, very icanoliablS, walking dlst a r. c-. st 7 N. 2t h at. , i FINE .arlor suite, fireplace, eleeping porch 1, .'. :i rooms, modern, $2, $3.60; free cooking gas. jHlj.' Park street. .FURNISHED housekeeping room with, kiteheiitte. 188 14th et. $10 per ' mont h. ONE or 2 12B 13th nice rooms cheap, close in. st foi: iu:.i houses TJKFTJRITISHXD ' SIX room bungalow, sleeplt.g porch, full basement, fireplace. furnace, gas. electricity, laundry, gas range, water heater, linoleum on kitchen and bath, lawn mower, hose, rent fjl, in eliiillnir waUr' i'AA uilh iraruu 1 M-if!il construction; Just tinted. 726 E. 58th N. Tabor 5831. ! ONE acre, ne. u room nouse, for rei.l. ! P"r month; ground cleared inu fenced; 5c fare to city Phoue Maiu 456. ! C-TT7 i-t.-vr 7 loom modern house. 108 E. 18th st. Walking distance. ' fine location, ! 1922. Rent $20. Phone East FOR RENT Comer residence, all modern improvements, perfect order, 10 rooms. Inquire 615 Corbett bldg. Phone Main 6716 . 4 ROOM modern Iidum-, near Wood mock school, first month free rent. Ralance $5 month. Phone Main 1104. ,10ii Henry bldg. 4 ROOM bungalow $4. neat and ettrao- flu. 1606 E. Ankeny st. Fiad W. Oer man Co 711 Cham of 'otn. CTV ,.rn ilAll.. ili U I 1. . t Inlnlnir wntr I'hAna IT ? 74 be tween 10 and 1 a. rn. . IRV1 NGTON 7 room modern house, No. ' 526 E. 16th. n. irvington car lo Braze ; key, hrouse N. Foil lil-.NT Residence Cherry RF.NT- Price $15 a month, inoulre 615 Cor- Outlbett bid;. Phone Main 671C. $18 SIX room modern house, 1st class condition, close in. k. iztn su East .'.449 kkvT-VT." , , om modern house, at 29 & 32d at., loo feet south of Hawthorne; r nt $ 22 50. Phone Tabor 3743. LATEST creation in bungalows; agent on the ground at 8!:' ?f.th st. S K. NEW 6 room bouse, garage, 306 Mon roe st. Williams ave car Adults. NEAT 6 room cottage, 446 I nlon ave. N.. $15. Esst 462. MODERN 8 room house on west side. Inquire 706 Marshall st. SIX room bouse close In on K. 6th Wt. with garage tin Columbia f70, 6 ROOM cottare for rent Tabor tSTV FLttMTl'Rff FOR HALE HOl'KES FOR RENT 8a 6 ROOM modern house in West Pied mont; electric lights, aas heater and range, all newlv pnlnte-1 Inside snd o.ut. full basement, 1 block to car; also some furniture for sale 1220 Missis sippi sve. Key st HW6 Mississippi ave. ADS of furniture for sale ar pttO llehed In the Household Goods clsssl flestlon when house ! not for rent. FI'RNISIIF.I HOIHE8 36 SIX room homexrvery convenience, on carllne: pisno. ina'h!ne. clean. Cell 234 Front, or phone M e tn 39. FOR RENT Completely furnished 4 rm. cottage, with piano, in rear, 107 K 15th N. SEVEN room modern hiiuse, new.y renovated, $20. East 7026 04 Borth- wlck.; (ConUane4 oa Beat Page) v - vj-