THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY. JULY 4, 1916. 2T. KEAL ESTATE UTi installment plan U the best and surest method of paying a loan, r J2.2S per month for 8 month, or $21.14 for 60 months, or $11.17 for 86 months payi $1000 'loam and Interest. Other amounts in proportion. Wa loan on impvoved city property . M Or' for building psrposes. v. No commission chanted. .EQUITABLE 8VOK & IOAN ASSN.. ,.1 242 Stark Ht.. Portland, Oregon. . MONET TO UJAN. Oa Improved real estate or for building- purposes: very flexible contracts; &o commissions. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO.. j . 202 Stevens bid. BUILDING loans on city and suburban f, property; money advanced as work progresses. W. O. Beck. 310 Falling pldir. Main 3407. . :i CHATTELS, SALARIES 7. MONEY TO LOAN SALARIES CHATTELS. ' ' Meney to loan to salaried people and tOthers on furniture, pianos, motror cycles, automobiles, diamonds, etc., at legal rates, with easy terms of pay- Yhent; no delay. Licensed by state. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. INC.. 30fl Pekum Bid. 'LOWEST rates on household goods, . state license; no brokerage or com--xntsslon charges. Geo. Harvey, East -4V72. LOANS WANTED 30 '$4000 tt 87, on 640 acres with 30 mil--fjllon. teet of timber, Insured in oU '-- line insurance company against fire , In amount of loan, which provides safe indemnity; value $35,000. In- quire. OREOON INVESTMENT ft MTO. CO. ,802 Stock Etc. Bids , 3d and Yamhill. . Portland. Or. OWNER will imy private party 10 per , cent for $3500: int. monthly out of Jncome from lenxc on my new building. l.-s, joiirnni AVANT$TftU)luaii from private party .. 1 ..... ..,..-.1, tr.nnri' 'I1I pay Interest semi-annually. EX ,'87, Journal. or FINANCIAL St '1st and 2d mortganes purchased; also sellers' interest in contracts. Or. and -Wash H E Noble. Lumbermen; bids IIELI WANTED MALE 1 fWANTED A rtllable man, thoroughly .-' conversant with cattle raising and ., handling on a large scale, comotlcnt V manage p 4000 acre stock fa-m in Willamette valley with lare outtange, ..stocked with 150 head of cattle and plenty of horses and machinery, to in 'Yest 15000 or more cash, to be Dut Into 'additional cattle and Improvements. Halary for manning. Division r.f prnf ..Hs in proportion to Investment. Big money making proposition. In an wer rJng state nge. experience and reference and amount t,f cash could invest. If rMat1afactnry, will arrange interview. -107. Joiirnni. WANKTIJ, 1st class t)ikor man for f special work; out of town Job. Will pay $4 per day 10 hours to good man; none but 1st class mini wanted. KX- ' K f n lima I .LEftK In grocery Htore. experience, best of reco Must have tperlence. best of recommendation, Wble to speak Hwedlsh and be well ac- tualnteo among the scandl navian peo ple! of the citv. .I-2H. Journal. . " "SOLICITORS wsnted. Vacuum cleaner salesmen for newest proposition on hand and electric rleqners. Call fore noon 347 Kherlock hldg. 'OOOD proposition for first class .,, solicitors. Tnklng orders. Not a .selling propcsllion Call 506 Williams. . WANTED Experienced dry goods packer; no other need apply. L-lti, 'Journal. CONSULT Y. M. C. A. employment secretary. WANTED PlVten press feeder. Kubli Mlller Co.. M 4th st. EXPERT painter and kalsominer. 6 p. rri. Room 608. 207 '4 2d "t.. ? HELP WANTED MISC. 40 JM? C. "aT ' A"i:TOMOBliL,EnSC,HOi0U '. Day and night classes; training in -repairing, driving and machine work,' Including forge, lathe, shapef, drlll tress, etc.; time unlimited. Secure pais at. educational office Y. M. C. A. bldg., to inspect our shops and meth- pds. COMPETENT CHAUFFEURS AND MECHANICS SUPPLIED. Tui "tlon fee Includes MEMBERSHIP IN . Y. M. C. A. and its EMPLOYMENT ; DEPARTMENT, use of 60-ft. swim ming pool, shower baths, gymnasium, t THOUSANDS men-women wanted. ' government Jobs, $75 to $160 month. Write Immediately for list. Franklin institute, uept. sia f, nocnesier. in. t JdEN Become itilway mall clerks, 1 Commence $73 mo. Rapid Increase. "Tor particulars apply GX-997. Journal. . UNCALLED for tailor made suit, $H.60 up. Taylor the Tailor. 2S9H Burrslde HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 WANTED Middle-aged lady as house '. -keeper. 3 children. Call room 68, tftrllnrton 'hotel, between 10 and 11. ' 4 GIRLS wanted to demonstrate and f sell candy; must be neat, attractive) Tm wide awake. 167 lt st, room 3. Ladies, your opportunity, $1 to $2 v f- day made. Room 602-3. Col. bldg. 'Iimbfa bldg. SOME one living near Eastmoreland to come in and care for children when necessary, Sellwood 2240. HAIRDRESS ER, manicurist. switch weaver. Room 502-3. Columbia bid. i j-y HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 WOULD YOU LIKE TO APPEAR IN MOTION PICTURES? HERE 18 -TOUR CHANCE. WE ARE GOING TO TRAIN A CAST OF PLAYERS !KOR PRODUCING IN SEPTEMBER B1UJ1JUIN U1.ASSES THREE TIMES A WEEK UNDER ARTHUR ; WXLUXBJX. tvnM rj K EHSANAY FEA TUKJS DIRECTOR. CALL AT 897 - HP8HUR ST. OR TELEPHONE MAIN ; 1704. OREGON FILM PRODUCING MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. wants men ana women to lean the trade; paid while learning; tools free positions secured; summer rates; write or catalogue. i;or. za ami Burnside 1 1 , .juisxi owuer scnoai wants m.n - and women to learn barber trade. ; free 8 weeks. Positions secured Pav M. k M . tABWInv SO V .... - . - ' ". lung. QO . Bt. "OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men m irau uuruer i ran ft ree. 233 Madison st. SITUATIONS MALE CITY OF PORTI.ANn PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU J 14th and Johnson sts. EFFICIENT MEN "S i ,FOR ALLl POSITIONS. Salesmen, office men clerks, n. rcnsnics, farm hands, house men. cooks. , aviu -men, loggers, laborers, etc. No fee charged employer or employe. Out SoTEAM ENGINEER wants wprk. 16 fairing, stationary and trartinn sines and pumps. Have Montana state Jloense. .Steady work preferred. State . , nir. iiruiy verue, zoo (jtft a( j "Portland. Or. Phone Main 6972. JfOUNU man. experienced in whole . i sai nouse. aiso ooy. is, office. Sell WOOd JB9B. EXPERIENCED spotter and cleaner : wants position with reliable firm. O- so, journal. ; .'( , CEMENT WORK, PAINTING. 1 v '. ANY REPAIRS J yR DETAILS, PHONE MAIN $730 COM PL l tlN T anop mechanic and cnaurreurs rurnisnea by Y MCA Auto school. Main 7065. A-6661 STEADY position by all around handy (nan: rood talker ind 1 m a n f Ti Wandler, 1891 E. Madison, city. , ROOMS tinted, $2 and up. First class " work. Phone Marshall 1367 evenings. r PAINTING, paperhanging. tinting, 12 per room: up. J. a. names. Mar. 28x. KAL80M1N1NQ, (2.60 room. East 602. ' ftlONKY TO LOAS 3 (Con tinned) WHO 'can use intelligent educated man, 30 yrs., 1 1 yrs. a teacher; peak; Knglish and German equally well. M-31. Journal. SITUATIONS FEMALE CITY OF PORTLAND PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. Women's Department, City lialL No Fee Charged. Reliable, competent help, any line, promptly supplied. Office. clerks, housekeepers, domestic, day workers. sesmnresses'. Marshall 4100. A-412S WANTED, place for girl to care for children and assist in home work; good references. Tabor 879. OLNU girl wishes position taking care of children near home. Phone B-1201. WANT outside stenographic .work. Phone Bdwy. 20, Tabor 1278. GOOD hand laundress wants bundle washing. Plione Tabor 4275. PORTLAND primary teacher wants pu plls to tutor. R-28. Journal. CHAMBERMAID wishes work in small hotel. Phone Tabor 4747. WOMAN wants Main 8928. day work. Phone DRESSMAKING 40 648 DIVISION St.; summer dressmak Ing, gowns 87 to 111. M. Lane. RESPONSIBLE dressmaking at home or by day. Work guaranteed. M. 5573. NURSES 60 TRAINED nurse wants caee lrume- diately; anything taken. Mar. 6032. GOOD experienced nurse confinement cases. $10 per week. East 1652. FURNISHED ROOMS 9 FURNISHED rooms for young men in all parts of the city, also In Y. M. C. A. bldg., especially desirable during the summer; fireproof, telephone in each room, shower baths, $1.15 to $4.75 per week, including full association mem bership privileges, gymnasium, swim ming pool, handball court, and many other club privileges. Full information at Y. M. C. A. business office or tele phone Main 7065; A-6561. PRINCESS HOTEL. Hot and cold water, clean airy room, with private phone. strictly fire proof building; best location on east side. Call and see us. Phone Enst 171. Walters and Wright, Mgrs MTTEI C0MRAID.KIIE oXV ern, fireproof, respectable: 33 week up. HOTEL EATON ciTSi: cated, moderate rates permanent guests. MAKE the Bustimark your home; fur nished rooms $1.50 week up. 665 Vi Washington. SAN MARCO family hotel. 422H Washington; new management. Re duced rates. By day, week or month. RYAN Hotel Annex. 2694 5th; new brick, hot, cold water every room, steam heat. Opp. City Hall. M. 9375. NEWLY furnished modern rooms, close In. $9. Marshall 1714. $1 50 WEEK up, clean, warm, modern fur. rms.. central. The Kine. 3'3 Jef. FL'RNISHEIs ROOMS PRIVATE FAKILT TO $2.50 PER WEEK Clean, cool, com fortably furnished room; use of bath and phone. 12 E. 11th, near Ankeny, after 6 p. m. MODERN rm. close in with bath and use of telephone, working girl pre ferred; must be of good character. Phone K. 314. NEWLY renovated, all conveniences, large or single rooms, sleeping3 or housekeeping. 475 Morrison. LADY will share pleasant Irvington home with family, or rent separate rooms: breakfast if desired. K. 4769. NI"E furnished rooms gas and bath, $5 per month. Walking distance. 334 Hall at. and Broadway. LARGE front room suitable for 2. very reasonable. Ladds addition. Sell wood 1739. LARGE front room, modern conven iences; walking distance. 325 12th. NICELY furnished rooms. 6 minutes 474 Yamhill. from Broadway. ROOMS AND HOARD PW7ATB FA1HI.T 72 BOARD and room In widow's home by aay, weeK or montn; gentlemen pre ferred. E-7427. CHILDREN to board; prices reasons 1176 Belmont ble: mother s care. Phone Tabor 12S4. WILL give best of care to 1 or 2 chll- aren in new moaern nome. $10 per mo. Woodlawn 1566. RESPONSIBLE family would like a child over 4 years old to board: ref erences required. Tabor 879. CONVALESCENT wishing advantages country nome and board in city, ad dress Kenwood issb. CHILDREN boarded reasonably. Pnone Columbia 290. ANNA Lewis Hall. 51u Klandera. buai- nm girls and students. $4. $5.7R wk. FIRST class room and board; reason- able. Sellwood 319. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 rtT&NISKXiD JLSCD UITpuKBriSHXD ONE room with kitchenette, complete ly rurnisnea, steam neat, running hot and cold water, phone in every room; 7 blocks from 5th and Morrison sts.. $12 up. 291 Columbia st.. cor. 6th THREE nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms. .Private entrance. Porch. ivs K. istn; 110. $1 WEEK up; fur. H. K. R., laundry. baths. Phone Woodlawn 1854. 203 Stanton. ROOM with kitchen, steam heat, elec trie light, bed linen, ranse: $10 montn. 4& coiumDia. CHEAP, clean housekeeping. 469 Tay- iOr st. .09 N. 18TH st., 2 or 3 furnished rooms, cheap. Main 8193. dam Ante 1 week up. 401 1st St. viii rvyioiprea bath. hot. cold water UUUli,HJi;i.nA(i ROOMS 73 rvHDUD ajis frrainunsKZD PMTATB rAltXLY. $10 2 outside, neatly furnished H K rooms, including water r. bath, shade, flowers. 95 East 30th, cor. W MbII. FRONT room and kitchenette, also double parlors, very reasonable. 655 Flanders st. FINE front housekeeping suite, 1, 2 or a luuma, cneap rent, iree cooklnz gas. 402 Park st. ONE well furnished front housekeep ing room, first floor, eoori inn. tlon, walking dstance. 433 Market MCE 3 room suite, bath, lights phone. $12; walking distance. Phone Sellwood 1109. PLEASANT housekeeping rooms, rea- omiauie, m oi eai t arK St. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms 1 I ansa n . . , .-,, ipi iiwji. ooo. mo ijiisan St. LARGE, airy H. K. rooms, sleeping porch, single or en suite. 206 13th st. LARGE rooms with kitchenette. Main 6204. 173 N. 17th St. 294 14TH ST. Furnished housekeep ing, mm oicymg looms cneap. CLEANEST, cheapest H K. rooms, 1st 429 Main. floor, private entrance. LIGHT front II. K. rooms nnlv tfi month. 8ee them. 305 H 3rd st. TWO furnished housekeeping ,oomt 81. 50 per week. 142 Shaver st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms at 647 Weidler street. 468 YAMHILL. 2 or 3 front rooms. FOR RENT HOUSES vamniaxs $9 GOOD house, 6 rooms, batn. 630 rj. otniiuH, near 1 Itn. NEW 6 room house, garage. 306 Moo roe st. Williams ave car. $16 SIX rooms, modern. 426 Biark. stone st. Marshall 1375. GOOD wwS. hous.ei walking distance, Woodlawn 352$. 1$. SITUATIONS AIAL1S 12 ATTRACTIVE 8 room, house, sleeping - porch, sun room with valley anu river views, flowers and vegetable garden, 3 blocks from Portland Heights carline, paved streets, Imme diate possession, low rent. Telephone Marshall 4781. FOR RENT 7 room house, law a and garden; chicken house and yard, rent $1 per month; located at 944 Commercial st. $18 5 room bungalow, furnace, fire place, Dutch kitchen, paneled din ing room, beam ceiling, modern, 820 Tlbbetts. CM906. MODERN 6 room house near 62d and Glisan sts., $10 per month. OREGON INVESTMENT MTG. CO.. 202 Stock Ex. Bldg., 3d and Yamhill. ONE acre, new, 5 room nouse, for rent, $8 per month; ground cleared and fenced; 5c fare to city. Phone Main 45V6. FOR RENT 7 room modern house, 108 E. 18th' st. Walking distance. Fine location. Rent $20. Phone East 1922. 2 5-RyOM cottages, 914 Milwaukie and 622 Holgate sts. Sellwood car. Inquire 614 Holgate st. Investigate. ROOM bungalow. $8. neat and attrac tive, 1506 E. Ankeny st. Fred W. Ger man Co. 732 Cham, of Com. 5 ROOM modern cottage; easy walk ing distance. 291 Hancock; rent $12, including water. LADD'S addition, modern 9 room house, sleeping porch, oak floors, ifarage. nice lawn, roses. 349 E. 20th CORNER house, yard, near Multnomah club; reasonable; line ljcanon. Jamleson, Main 1940. FOR RENT ?osy 3 room tent house; good garden; very cheap. Call Sun. or eve., 1282 E. 9th N. Wdln. 3470. FOR RENT House, 9 rooms, elec. light. 345 11th st. Phone Tabor J002. $23. MODERN 6 room house, sleeping porch, flreless cooker, near 17th and Broadway, key at 647 Weldler. $10 Modern 8 room new nouse, 531C 64th ave, S. E. Phone East 1854. 5 ROOM cottage, $10.50; 248 E. Broad way. Bridge four blocks. 6 ROOM houfce. bath, fruit, $5 month. 1453 E. Couch. 6 ROOM cottage for rent. Tabor 2279 FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT 33 ADS. of furniture for sale are pub lished In the Household Goods classi fication when house is not for rent. FURNISHED HOUSES 30 NEAT furnished 5 room house, all conveniences. 1523 Oatman St., 2 blocks south of Peninsular school, St. Johns lino, $12. 6 ROOM mi.ciern furnished house, lawn, roses, piano. Room 3, Wash bldg. Marshall 4261. WIDOW wants elderly couple to share furnished bouse. 297 W. Kllllings- worth nve. l' t KNISHKD house lor summer, 4 rooms, sleep porch, fruit, flowers: adults. Sellwood 1798. MODERN house, well furnished, sleep ing porch, piano; Hawthorne dis trict. Phone Tabor 6810. 300 E. 32d t. THREE or 5 room furnished in Pied Phone evenings Wdln. 451s mont. FURNISHED cottages, walkinc dis tance. Innulre 344 Tillamook. $14 5 room cottage, 4 blocks Broad- way bridge. 438 Ross. East 4S66. FIVE room furnished bungalow. Phone Tahor 190. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED THE (MMEll 6th and Columbia sts. Five minute' walk to MVer & Frank's "store; good si.t rounjings; strictly modern 2 and 3 room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modem, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. Ylr) Tti m AMD SAbHOITl rTlwnii'p hou. i.f uaittitr roirforr nnfi mr NEWLY furnished 2 and 3 room apts., $16 mo. up, including lights, phone, janitor service, etc. Walking distance. BELKNAP APARTMENTS. 187 17th. near Yamhill. MADISON PARK APTS. Park st. at Madison. Moaern 2, 3 and 4 room furnished apartmente, close in. by week or ;nonth. THE DEZENDOKF. 208 16TH ST. Marshall 2319. Nice 6 room fur. and unfur, apts.; also 3 and 4 room fur. apt PENROSE APTS.. and Grand ave., 3 room furnished. Walking distance. N. W. cor. Belmont new, modern, 2 and Service first class. ELEGANT a room apartment with sieping porch and all modern con veniences. Main 4124 or after 6 p. m.. A-1501. SAN MARCO, nicely furnished or un furn. mod. 3 rm. apts., private bath, $15 up. Brick bldg., walking; homelike. E. Sth and Couch. East 1990 LUZERNE APTS., 3d and Hall Mod ern brick bldg., 2 rooms, furnished, private phoi.e in ?ach apt., $15 a ad up Marshall 4637. THE SHEFFIELD, 270 Broadway S. 6 ana 4 room rur. ana untur. aDts.. walking distance; at very reao.:able rent: nest or seivlce. Main 2a06 THREE room apts., private phone, bath, $18.50 per mo., modern trick. Westfall Apts.. 410 5th,; walking dis tance. BALBOA APTS. Large, modern 2 and 3 room fur. and unfur... brick bldg., best service, walk ing dis.: reasonable. 429 Harrison st LUCILLE COURT. 228 N. 20th St. Kurnisned and unrurnished apts., large sunny r'leping porches. Good car service. TUDOK Ar.3is Apts., isth anu Couch. Fhone A-l(44, Marshall 2oo9; new brick bldg . t, 3. 4 rooms, modern apts FURNISHED 4 room apt. Also 1 single room. New Westminster apts., 6th and Madison. THE ORMONDE Modern front 4 rooms. 656 Flanders. Nob hill. Main S2S1. PENINSULA APTS.. C-1170; concrete bldg., 2 and 3 rooms; hot and cold water, baths, phone, pteam heat $12 ud 1A 50 PER WEEK 2 and 3 rnnm .nl. private tath, Harrison Court. 5ln anil Harrison: wallflrg distance. MAGNOLIA APTS.. E. 3d and B?lmont Modern 1 and 2 room apts., $1.60 per week up. Sleeping rooms. Ea s: 2 1 2 NOKOMIS apts., 565 Marshall st. Mod ern, private bath and dressing room; summer rates. ROSE FRIEND. 285 Broadway S.; mod ern unfurnished apts.; large rooms, best service, walking diet. Mar. 1410 Plnoinno i Court, 401 loth, modern vii ivii ii iciii apartments $10 to $2? AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4, 5 6 rm. apts. Mar. 3360, M 7516. A 2676 CAMAR apts.. , 704 Lovejoy 2 and S room $15. $20. $27.50 Marshall 2917. ROSENFELD (brick). 14th and E. Stark 3 and 4 rooms, private phones. FOR RENT FLATS 13 MODERN & room upper flat, built in bookcase, buffet, Dutch Kitchen, close in, L car. 728 H Missouri, near Fremont. Key at 81 Fremont. Onlv $10. MODERN 11 and room flat, fur nace, big porch, yard, walking dls tance. Reafcc.nable rent. Main 8475. FURNISHED FLATS NICELY furnished 6 room flat. Very reasonably furnished. 422 Stanton. E. 1868. $20 5 room flat, new electric fixtures, walking distance . 44S Rodney. E. 486S. FOR RENT HOUSES usruJtxuHxo (Cob tinned) FURNISHED FLATS 50 fContlaaad) NEW. modern 6 room flats, furnished or unfurnished. 13th and E. Ankeny sts. East 2665. S ROOM flat, furnished, at 813 E. Third l N. Phone E-1609 or E-7730. Inquire 194 Union ave. N. $14 4 room flt. walking dstance, nice location. 446 Rodney E. 4866. x,vv 3 room beautiful furnished flats. Phone Woodlawn 167. SUMMER RESORTS 66 FURNISHED tents At Sunset Beach, $4 per week if engaged before July 10; wood furnished; also two 4 roo.n cottages and one 8 room cottage fur nished. Dorr E. Keasey Co.. 232 Cham, of Com. CANNON BEACH. Ecola, Or. Hotel Becker, Henry Opperman, prop. First on the ocean front. New and at tractive. Rates reasonable. LONG BEACH dining room for rent for season. Reasonable. Seats 50. Living apartments attached. W. R. Doyle, lxng Beach. Wash. BUNGALOW tor rent tor month of July, at Bay Oceon. Phone Vvood lawn 2007. NEAT, well furnished 5 room cottage at Ocean Park, Wash. Sellwd. 1500. 8x10 8 ut. i rJis 1 1 ciicai). feriect con dition. Main 1377. FOR RENT 4 room Beach, Wash. Main cottage, 2384. Long HOUSEKEEPING apt.. $7 week, season. Ocean Crest. Rockaway. $45 STORES AND OFFICES 11 BRICK warehouse in South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy Oi paved stree. ; reasonable. Journal Pyhl!htn "V. Rroadwav and Yamhill. STORE With living room, in growing suburb counters, shelving, etc., $5.50 per month, includine water. Mar. 1556. GOOD location for meat market or bakery, bakers' oven and fixtures in building, Albina ave. K-36, Journal. DESK room, second conveniences. 209 4 12S. floor front, all Abington. Mar. FOR RENT HALLS 50 MOOSE hall; stage, large seating ca pacity. Phone Main 2420. FOR RENT .MISCELLANEOUS 33 BRICK warehouse on car tracks in South Portland; paved street; well lighted. About 7000 sa, ft. floor room. Suitable for light manufacturing. Ap ply at business office Journal. WANTED TO RENT WANTED Reliable couple wishes fur nished home in good location. S-25, Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 FOR horses and venicles, dogs and household pets and poultry, read the ads under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums in these classifications. TO TRADE Team horses, 1200 pounls each, and wagon, for Ford; or will sell cheap for cash. Apply Portland Hardwood Floot Co. GOOD work team. 1100 lbs. each, heavy work harness. 2 inch ranch wagon, $95. 561 Reynolds st. 1'hone Sell wood 4 52. BLOCKY team, bay mare and horse, 1150 lbs. each, work single or double, gcod harness, $140. 253 Meade st. S c:-r south. ONE pair fine driving team, broke any place; weight 2100 lbs. C. W. Hyde, corner Fourth Plain and St. Johns roads. Vancouver. Wash. Phone 680-J. MUST sell at once, 1 bay horse. weight about 1150. Good true worker. Call at livery stable 270 E. 7th st. Ask for Mrs. Bauner horse. Price $50. WO horses, good condition, weight about 1200 lbs. each., black and bay. Joubert Ranch. Scappoose. Or. GOOD old 1200 lb, horse, suitably for ranch; your own price. 19t7 East Stark st. RANCH or camping outfit cheap; horses, harness, wagon. 1967 E. Stark st. SHETLAND pony, registered. 3 years old. with cart and harness; must go. Phone Main 7904. WANTED One light two horso farm wagon, one 6et double harness; n.ust he cheap. L-9, Journal. FOR SALE Bay horse $35, weighs 1100: works single and double, and gentle. 711 2nd st. S. car. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. GOOD family horbe and buggy cheap. 1967 E. Stark st. SNAP 2600 team, harness, farm wag on, $150. 400 itusseu st. GOOD small team, harness and wagon for sale, complete, $125. Tabor V 8 3 5 . LIVESTOCK 35 SMALL herd of young well brad Jer sey cows; sell singly or all; also some good, well broke horses. F. J. Miller. Forest Grove, Or. FAMILY COW. $40. 3 gal. rich mil 9 yrs. old. w. S. car. 56th ave,, 44th st. Phone Sell. ,C42 A GOOD young family milch cow hornless. Just coming fresh. O. Spor rt, Milwaukie, Or. TWO large part Jersey cows. 1 fresh, 1 in soon. 1594 Division st. FOR SALE Gentle Jersey cow. Capi tol Hill. Marshall 1651. ALL breeds of dairy cows. Bruce, Union Stock Yards. Termi FANCY trotting colt to trade for cow or heifer. 803 Nelson t. I'OULTRV AND PIGEONS 3 WANTED Squabs, buy all you raise we otfer 100 mated White Mondaines at $2 pair, take squabs in payment. U1U.UU.1. UAKALAU CO., Box. 279, Portland. Tahor 4883. CHICKS White Leghorns. 8 cents Big. strong and excellent laying strain. Master Hatcnery. 41a Jcssup st. woodlawn 4J44. COCKERELS Thoroughbred Anconas and Barred Bocks. 2V4 months old, $1 each. Box 165. Milwaukie, Or. FOR SALE Silver Lace Wyandotte chickens. 297 West Killlngsworth next river. TRY our balanced ration, helpj .our hens lay and keep them hes lth: Broadway , 821. Broadway Feed Siore DOGS. BIRD:?. PETS. ETC. 4fl PIT bull terrier, femaie brlndle, two years old; pedigreed. Alex. Wallace, two blocks east Kendall station. Esta- cada line. FOX terrier puppies, best stock, fe males $5. males $10. Oregon Car neau Co.. box 2 79, Portland. Tabor 4883 KOK SALE A few choice canary sinK er; also several pairs of guinea pigs Phone Main 8i4i. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 kin Cl ADC AIITn I CMC Patent IU-ULflllL nu I U LLHOpending 43H 1ft St., cor. Ash. Broadwsv 954 FOR SALE 1912 7-pass. Stoddard Dayton motor and runnlnr gear in 'good snape, oooa tires. $zoo cash or will iraue. jvurmn. li15 5 PASS. FORD, $335; 1916 5 t.ass Ford, $360, also new and used bodies, windshields, renders ana t ord acces sories. 500 Burnside. GET OUR PRICES ON PAISTTINQ. BROADWAY AUTO PAINTING CO ?1 Broadway r., near Burnstde. FOR SALE 7 pass, machine very cheap, tzuo on time, casn cneaper Phone E. Z170. PACKARD. Five passenger, good condition, a a bargain. P-37. Journal. IF you are looking for a light roadster, investigate tnis one. o-i62. No. E. 8 2d st. FORD TOURING CAR.... $25 COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. Main 6244 J-XIRD runabout for sale cheap. Main 8628. Call FOR SALE Light delivery car, A-l condition: newfy painted, no N. tth WANTED Old cars for parts. M, 1161. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 1 Continued Used Auto Snaps BIO REDUCTION ON ALL USED CARS. BUY NOW AND SAVE MONET. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. MOLINE, 6 pass.. 4 cyl $ MITCHELL, 5 pus., 6 cyl STODDARD. 5 pass., 4 cyl IMPERIAL, 5 pass.. 4 eyl STODDARD. 7 pass, 4 cyl MAXWELL. 5 pass.. 4 cyl COLE, 4 pass-. 4 cyl MITCHELL, 7 pass., 6 cyl. OVERLAND, 4 pass.. 4 cyl 175 600 200 575 350 400 300 450 250 10 pass., hotel bus, 6 cyl 1360 SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co, EAST FIRST AND EAST MORRISON. EAST 7272. B-1216. G A R a O E S $30 and up. P o r libit houses, chick en houses, woods heds, etc. M 1 1 1 -made Con struction Co., Main 1167. 644 Hood St. Woodlawn 3615. Sunday and evenings. CADILLAC touring car. Timken axles, fine condition $275 STUDEBAKER "20" touring car, first class condition $225 FORD roadster, late model $300 STUDEBAKER "e," 1915 touring car, electric starter and lights.. $700 OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., . USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Ptndebaker Distributors. Park & Davis. Jfoit SALE 1 Connecticut Quad vi brating coil, 1 2-ln. late model Ray field carburetor, 1 14-in. late model Schetler carburetor, 1 1 14 -In. late mod el Mayer carburetor 1 Connecticut timer. See F. C. Jackson Journal Publishing Co. CADILLAC. 1913 touring car. electric starter, a more dependable car cannot be bougnt for $800; terms; also many other good used cars; visit us before you buv. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO'.. Main 6244. EVER READY 1 ton trut; atucim'l, Seo; truck o m p 1 e t 76. Manul in Portland. THAYER-SH AVER-GULLEY MACHINE CO.. 193 E. Water st. Phone Ease M37. LIGHT REO. Run 8000 miles only and in excellent condition, $350; terms, also seveiai ther good light cars; visit our useu car department. Covey Motor Car to . Main 6244. DOT BLE tread, puncture proof tires made from vour old ones. Bring them In Oregon Vulcanizing Co., vr'o c h at mth Rurntide at Broadway. (335 Burnside. Russell St, Garage, Storage $4 per month expert repalr St. and Van- ns; supplies. itussen rouver ave. East 2123. ALL MAKES. ALL SIZES. ALL PRICES. Don't overlook the big sale on use" ra now going on at 31 Broadway, cars now north PASS. Hudson, first class conaition. worth $1250, for $750 cash this week. Demonstration any place, can rvin. 58 Ore. hotel Tuesday. Alter iue- day Main S095 FOR USED CARS See big stock at Covey Motor Car 6244. 21st and Washington. Co. Main LET Us Sclve lour Spring i.oudic Guaran .eed wasminoton carriaoi Springs. Cor. 4&"-''V " Union ana iiei- toXWoiwi mont. E. 1305. LAHER-aCQ Mfg. & Repairs. 8000 TuaranUd in stock, prices reduced. 34 N. ltn st. AU TOM O B 1LES painted : goon wora. reasonaoie price, n. -- - riaeA painter. Corns and see me. til North 21st st. 1915 FORD roadster, run 1000 miles, all new tires, speedometer, great hill climber, fins, condition. Sellwood 303. 593 Karl. . , AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 SOME cash and $400 equity In 4 roorn house and lot, cny. ior " or trade ior muiurejun. vjw. . Atkinson. Troutdale. R. D- 2. PLAYER piano, cueap ior casn, or trade for auto. 177 Stanton st. Phone Woodlawn 3311. WANT late model auto; nave vjem- hart lots. Ciias. tungter, iia nem bldg. RESPONSIBLE person wants to rent car without driver ior juij . ournal. $Tbo lot for auto of same value. R- ia, journal. ACT09 VOn HIRE S3 HIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE E and 7-pass cars, renaoie service. noriai honning rates. Marsnau soi. MAXWELL. 1916 model, caretul ana experienced ariver; reasoimum Tabor 76. DODGE auto service, rates; ratei. by day; trips to nignway. Sellwood 1124, NEW Oakland six. anywnere. rates reasonable. h"none taoor iin. FORD for hire, with driver. East 4766. MOTORCYCLES-BICVr LES 55 MOTORCYCLES Come in and look over our macnines; lowest prices i"r B-ainri machines in tne city. . . Blocker. 276 Taylor, cor. 4th. MOTORCYCLES Perfect condition: terms given; open eve's. Sundays 10 to 12. Indian Ag cy. aa. main CASH for motorcycles ana wicycies. anv condition. HiocKer, zip laytm. THREE speed Harley: leaving city; cash or terms, lan no; r. mn si. WILL pay cash for single or twin motorcycle. N-t, journal. LAUNCHES AXD BOATS 04 fc EVINRUDE canoe motors, 1914 mod el. 2 H. P.. battery ar.d coil. Former price $73.40. Closing out this model at $48 $16 down, balance monthly. Evln rud'e Motor Co.. 211 Morrison. j 70 EVINRUDE motor and canoe eauipped. senwooa itn. narrison. Oregon Yacht club. A $225 LAUNCH for $100, almost new. fully equippea. inquire v. enns tensen. Island station. FOR SALE 2 room houseboat, fur nished. No. 45 Willamette -Moorage. T DANIELSON Boat Shop. Nebraska Bulldins. repaira. best work, low price PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 FOR SALE $40j Kimball upright piano, good condition; dark walnut case. Will sacrifice for cash. L-18, Journal LEAVING town, must sell beautiful graionoia ana retoras, no reasonaoie yum i .uoc.. TWO pianos, standard makes, no rea sonable offer refused. Am selling out. 383 Russell st. - FINE piano, used months. Big bar gain; am leaving city. Cash or terms. 367 Russell st. FOR SALE 8S-note player piano, only used few months, $250 cash. Apply manager Nortonia hotel. PIANO rents $2 and up. Co., 151 4th st. Graves Music PLAYER-PIANO $165. Pay month. 285 Morrison st. per NEW hornless records. $15. talking machine and 391 K. Morrison. $90 VIOLIN; will take $20. Phone Main 9323 after Sunday. $90 CASH buya $325 Heinre uorizht J oak. Security Storage Co., 109 4th st gpt Kvnm Kohler piano and roll top 1 desk, cheap tor calL 644 Union ave. IT I J cw;- J 84 YOU would sot buy an old sewing machine that dropped stltches the old piano drops notes do not blam wife or daughter for Indifferent per formance, blame the lndifrerent piano, which , alienates entire families from musio since enjoyment is Impossible. Do not buy old models for exactly th same reason that others exchange them for new improved 1916 pianos at the Schwan Piano Co. "Make Room Sale." Ill 4th st, at Washington; ia cash. $1.25 weekly buys 60 mors tone and efficiency in 191$ model $360 pianos at $266. the same pries without interest as the prices of old models with the 8 added in interest else where. CLOSING OUT TO FIRST CALL.LK. Pianola $250 player, mahogany. for cash f 35 Fischer $275, old model piano, for cash 26 Collard & Collard, English upright 4o Chickering & Sons, old model, for cash , 45 N. Y. Pianoforte, $1000 grand, for cash , Beaty $75 parlor organ SECURITY STORAGE CO., 109 Fourth st. 195 15 BE ORE purchasing se'j our Specials in UseJ Piano Bargains. New pianos mod ately priced. HAVE your piano tuned, repaired or refinlshed by our professional men Portland Piano Tuning, Repairing & Mfg. Co., 21ti Hawthorne. Puon East 1072. FREE use Of piano or player piano 2V4 years. See display adv. ot Schwan Piano Co. or call at 111 4th st. 75c MONTHLY tores jour piano or will sell at your price or buy it for cash. Call Main 5323. Security Stor age Co.. 109 4th st. $5 DOWN, $1.25 weekly, wtluut in terest, buys $325 1916 model -Jiano for $J45, toial saving $145.28. Scnwan Piano Co., Ill 4th st. at Washington. FOR SALE4-One Wellington piano, terms or cash, $100. 1563 Union ave.. north. ! TYPEWRITERS NEW REMINGTON rental plan, with manufacturers' guarantee and rentals applying on purchase. Visible rm-dels, $3 per month, $7 50 for 3 monina. Other models less. Remington Tvpoyrlter company. t6 Broadway. Telephone Broadway 621. WE save you from 60 to 75 on all makes of typewriters. Send for our Illustrated folder; rentail department. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington 6t. NEW. rebuild. 2d hand, rentaia, cut rates P D. C. Co.. 231 Stark M 1407. HOUSEHOLD GOOIS for SALE 65 FIRST reasonable offer gets: 1 range, 1 heater, 1 sewing machine. 1 kitchen cabinet, 1 piano, 3 iron beds, rugs, carpet and all utensils. 280 Larrabeo st.. after 6 p. m. FOR SALE Furniture of 4 rooms, wood or coal range, take what yoi; want. 260 Market st., or phone Ma.n &136. FURNITURE of b room flat. inciud- ing piano, first class condition. A- 1340. FI RNITURE for sale cheap if sold by Thursday. Rent cheap. Call 1279 E. Taylor st. GOOD furniture St. of 601 Clay FOR SALE Antique sideboard, San Domingo mahogany. 405 Pittock blk. DINING room set and dresser cheap. Sellwood 679- FOP. SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 FOR SALE Brand . r.ew carom and pocket billiard tables with complete outfit, $125; second hand ta3es at reduced prices; bowling alley and bil liard supplies, easy payments. Cigar store, drug, delicatessen . and soda fountain fixtures. THE BRUNSWICK BALKE COLLENDER CO.. 46-48 6th. MACHINES of all manes old for lets. No agents employed. Machine rent ed, $2 ner rnonth. A-3626. Main 9431. Seeing Ma chine Emporium. 120 3d t., near Taylor. Electric motors sold and rented. Tents Cheap Closed my resort and will sell 8x10 S-oz. tents cheap; also 16x20; also woolen blankets. Phone Marshalll 1S80 or Main 1377. Electric Motors Bought. Bold, rented and re paired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnside, cor. 10th. Broadway or A-.-674 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," Type writers" and 'Household Goods' are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classification. LOOK THEM OVER. 10 DROPHEAD Singer sewing ma chines, complete with attaenmenta, in good order, $17.50 while they last. East 2359. B-3307. E. R. Steeu. 152 Grand ave.. near Belmont. REFRIGERATORS. Closing out stock of Wickes patent refrigerators at i. o. b. factory prir-ea; np dealers' profit. On display at Th Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. 48 Sin 2 karat diamond, beautiful color, $350; 3 karat diamond, perfect, $400. Beldlng The Jeweler, 245a Alder. Main 16!2. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under thepe different classlflcationa. $35 BICYCLE good as new, $14: large standing oak mirror. 3x6 ft., $20; drophead White machine good as new, $20. Address Box P-39, Journal. FOR SALE Complete trap drummer's outfit. 128 1st, near Alder. Main 4495. - MAHOGANY desk and L. C. Smitn typewriter for sale cheap. H-30, Journal. CHERRIES. Pick your Bings at 499 Holland and Sth, Woodlawn. at 3c per lb. WAYNE gasoline pumps and oil stor age tanks. E. H. Rueppell. As?.. 194 1st. Main 122U $12.50 DROPHEAD with attachments, ave sewing machine. Call 152 Grand BE SAVING by buying your glaaues of Staples, the Jeweler, optician, 266 Morrison st ROYAL ANNE and Bing cherries for saLe. Pick them yourself. 126 E. 58th st. Take Mt. Tabor car. MACHINERY bought, sold, repaired and exchanged. Northwest Lead Sc Mach. Co.. 311 Front st. Main 6492. GOOD threshing and baling outfit for sale for Mt of its value. John H. Bcott. 404 Hubbard building. Salem, Or. STUliV law, complete set of law text books, a bargain. Sellwood 4J9. Electric Fans bought, sola, exchanged; repairing. Room 31S 2H Wash, st. FOR SALE Cornet, first class condi tlon; cheap. Tabor 3033. ROYAL Anne cherries, 6630 E. 44th. Sell. 1335. j 5-gHELF BAKE OVEN. 96-loaf cap.. 120. ;,7,r Stephens st. FOR SALE 12x14 Salmon. tent, $6. 1977 E. SWAP CXLUIX 23 A $600 MOTORBOAT. trade for clear lot, or anything of value. What have you? Main 9323. BOX BALL alley trade. What have you? Want livestock. Valus $100. II-26, Journal. TRADE .45-70 repeating rifle for bicycle, musical instrument or what have vou? Paul Semmer, Rex. Or. FINE upright piano; will take phono graph as part payment; tern;. or cash on balance. 383 3 Russell nt Apt. 1. $800 EQUITY In $1800 home. 100x100, fruits, flowers; chicken houses ana parks. Tabor 870. J. H. Rogers. ' FINE diamond In 14-K ring cheap for cash or woman's tailoring. PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ' (Contlaaed) WANTED MISCELLANEOUS S WK PAY cash for your used furniture, carpets, ranges, etc Gevurtz Furniture Co,, Inc. 18S-1I7 First at. NEAR YAMHILL, Marshall 6m. Green trading stamps. 1100 N. W. Bans blug. O PAYS MORE tar m.m Sperry-Hutchlnsou Co. WE REPAIR your watch for 1 no matter how badly broaeu. Brine this ad. Howard Jewelry Co.. 91 V Wash- :ngton. PHONE East 7816 when you wau lu sell your furniture. We come at once and pay you the cash. M. R- Beater, 28 Grand ave., south of Hawthorn. WANTED Second hand lurmiura ranges and atovs. Best prices paid. Morgan Furniture o &3C E. Motrison st. Phone East 2238. WANTED The people of Porli:id to know 1 pay the highest cash prices for household goods. Prompt attention. East 6707. N. M. 8eatr. 143 Russell st. 1 WILL pay cash for your piano, play er, upright, grand or square. Both phones, 1433. or call on J. J. Foster. 151 4th st. NOTICE To MOVERS. Wanted Stoves, rockers, dressers, rugs, couches, chairs, taoles. sic. Ws pay the price. N. W. Fur Ex. 13. S6 HIGHEST cash price for diamonds old gold. : 'ver, platinum, watches. kodaks, iewelry. J . Golden. Ji 1st st. CASH for eld gold, silver, platinum and high grade ore. 11. M. Pickering mrfg. Jeweler. 218 Oregonlan bldg. WE PA if cash for your suitcases, trunks anu handbags. Main 9U72, A-711 CASH paid for TALKING MACHINES and RECORDS. Main 443!i. 1 1st. near Alder. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND H A N D H O U S E H O L D GOODS. PHONE MAIN 3332. A-2567. SECOND hand clothing buyer. Meyer, the tailor, paya $5 up for suits ; snoes bought. Marshal; 1229. 229 Madison. WE buy all kinds of string and bras musical instruments. 128 1st, near Alder. Main 4495. WANTED Stove or range, furniture. Main 449;. also some CASH paid for good second-hand fur niture Ford Auction Co.. 191 2d st PAYS highest price lor id hand c.oth lng, tools, etc. 273 Kront. Main 4802. LOST AND FOUND 21 FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power company, and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder street station: July 1 Two hand bags. 1 hat, 1 tr. rubber shoes, 1 billiard cue, 7 umbrellas, 1 comb, 3 suit coses. 1 lunch box. 3 packages, 1 basket with package. 1 hair pin, 1 brooch, 1 slick pin, ,1 bunch of keys 1 purse, 1 spade; July 2: 15 umbrellas. 1 pkg. pupers, 4 pair gloves, 1 key, 1 single oIavo 1 cir.'.ur hnnribae. 1 nai-kaKe. 2 ! drum' sticks (music), 2 packages, 1 gunny sack, 1 stick pin, 1 bunch or keys. LOST Saturday evening, envelope containing check for $24. two money orders for $5.IC. each. $5 currency. Lib eral reward. 1401 Hurrage st. UMBRELLA, silver and pearl handle. lngraved B. F. D.. in Division jitney Dec. 19; return 505 Jefferson apt. 14. Phone Main 6372. Reward. EAGLE pin with diamond in breast. Sat., Feb. 19; return 5,05 Jefferson apt. 14. Phone Main 6372. Reward. l.fiMT Saturday, black purse, contuin- ine about $10, Yamfrill or ML Scott car. Tabor 8i d. Reward. LtiST A green handbag, about 2d and Wash., or on tit. Johns car. Phone Tabor 7036 after 6. PERSON who took purse from otn and Yamhill please return baby r I n g to 4S4 Washington. FOUND Two auto tires; state make and tdze. 760;i 56th ave. S. E. PERSONALS 22 WHY pay big prices for glasses? 1 can fit your eyes with first quality lenses In a gold filled frame aa low as $1.60. Chas. W. uooaman, optometrist. 209 Morrlfcon. Main 2124. FF.BVKV fc HANEBUT. leading wig and touoe makers; finest stock hu man hair goods; balrdressing, manicur ing, face and sculp treatment, mo ings to order. 147 Broadway. Main 646. OREGON HERNIA INSTITUTE. Rupture treated mechanically; adulta. children. Trusses to cult your case. Johnston A-Urabargar, rupturs spe- -talitn 411 Aliskv bldr. Main us T A KARA Hair Tonic, an antiseptic calp cleanser, hair beautlfier and dandruff remover; price 60c bottle. For sale by Portland Hotel Pharmacy. DON'T use expensive corn remedies when you can get the sure thing "Removes It" 16c plasters at the Clem- nnnn orue m.. zov otuiiiiuii v. NEW life in electric and vibratory treatments. Facial, scalp and manl curlng. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg, DR. V G. KETCHUM Women's mala dles and acute diseases of men. Wash, bldg.. 4th ind Wash. Rm. 441. Ma.-. 448. T r, i.- I J L" f "a Q A t ' W V Atntrt matt i 7 1 V . 1 111,1. rt. . . , - , - sueee and chiropodist. 60b Panama , , I . . 1 AI,U OlUg. IVIHHI ITVTIO. HAVE your hair permanently Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Parlors, 400 Dekum. Marshall waved. Beauty 1702. ELECTRIC and vibratory treatments, facial, scalp, manicuring and sham pooing. 417-20 Northwestern Bank hldg. i SPIR1TU AU8M Rev. M. A. Price, clr- cles Tues. 2 p. m.; Wed.. Sun. 8 p. m. Readine daily 282 Clay st. Mar. 8960. i n,i,nr Consultation free. Main Lawyer 4993. 612 semn? bid. SCIENTIFIC treatment for diseases of scalp. 163 Park st., room 3. BALM of Figs remedy for diseases of women. 604 Davis at. Main 2393. NOTICES 20 8EAI.tI) propoMl will be received at the of fice of tliinderalgned. 401 courthouae. until S p. m. Tuesday. July II. 1D18. for window ahadeji for variou acliooui. Dppoalt of $1 II reijulred for apecificiUlona, wlilch may b ob tained at office of F. A. Narainore, superin tendent of properties, H03 courthouae. Certified check for 10 per cent of amount of proKal, payable to R. H. Tliomna. acbool clerk, mtitit uccompany etch propoaal. Board of director reaerves the right to reject au and all propoaabi. R-. U. THOMAS. Dated Jnly 3, lOlg. "" School flerk. I'HOI'OSAI for Clotblng and lujulpage De rot o,uartermater's office, Fort Maaon. Man Franclf-co. Cl: PropoaaU will be received ber until 10 a. n.. July 13. 1010, for fiirolahlnif walet belta, tiat cord a. drawei-a, wool gloria. Lata, lacea, legging, dicker, Blocking, nn derelilrU. axe, raomjalto bar, kit bag, bed sheeU. corn broom, scrubbing bruahea, bugle and allnira. cot, abovel and aoade bandies, pil- l u.w mum tent rtlna and nolea ahovela. ataffa. j oe aire stick, foot meaure tape, tent Hue. ! rnrtber Information on application. I JnurLAR So. "lefSealild" propoaals will be received at office of purchaalng agent. Alas kan engineering commission, Seattle, Waah., Dot later than 11 . m.. July 12. 191. for tele phone and telegraph supplies, manlla rope and wire. Copie of etrmlr may be obtained upon application st this office; I1. 8. engineer of fi, fa Couch bldg., Portland, Or.; or bureau of mines. fi09 custom boose. Ban Francisco, fsl. C. E. Iole, pirrchslnf gent. NOTICE. Tlia undersigned have purchased tba bnsl riess known a the Wllllim Avenue Fuel .. B75 illlam are. All creditor present their account against said business to 5(57 WltPstDS ave. befora expiration of five daya from data. PrtTKK NEIU8KN. Dated July 8. 191. C. BUNDK, SCHOOL board of district No. zl will reevlva sealed bids for Installing furnace In tchool hotue at Galea, Or. Bids opened July 20. M. E. BOW KM. Clerk. PROFESSIONAL ANN BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCORDION PLEATINO ACCORDION. KMi'k' AND BOX PLKATINU HEMSTITCH I NO, BRAIDINU; BbTTON BOLKS. BUTTONS COVERED. EARTEBN MlVKLTT MrQ. CO., S3V4 STH. B W AT 2M0. K. 8TEPHAN Uemstltcblnf, accordion, alii and sunburst pleating; buttons covered; good spooged, bcaUopiog. Pittock blk. B wy 1099. than AGATE CuTTXBI MTXtWirrKKs. Uimuud Iwugut tod aoi4. Hstrb rnlr g. Miller. S43S Wh. M.1ST4 AQRICUI.TURAI, IKFLEXEKTS f. t. KSbK.N.siiADKiait.liiiiiinit.. veut-la and general fniut wippllef. 214 riit. Portland, AKALTTICAX CHEMIST AMD ASBAYEH oil cr-rii -MAi.i. en -.K,i, i,uK. lot, 41b mt. BLANK BOOK MAirrvs llAVIS ft UU1.AIAN. luv.. Ion 2ii .1. iiilaah ooos nuDUIaeiurvr. . ,.,. r... lm- proved Loom l::f 1.,-dicf in. tivn iba naw ra lear. A MlKi. Mi,i,, ist CABIXET WORK CABl.Nk.r MUUK, luniiltirv irnKlrlnr Horac-e I J.n.i Jp -J !.i . ..V. Mnlo H8H2. CARPET CLEANING 1 IMUI old carueu. r8 ruga. iirpt cli'anliis. North- weat Kng Co., INS E. 8tb t K. .i;.srt. D-12S0. Jol t. llHu.s. l.lerlrle c'lrinin ork Car pets clroni-il mi a laid: rofiltlug our pvrlaltj. Fa-t 44i. K-ll:l K. lHth t. N. 1 l.M.Shl i.AU vt weaTlim. KiiK tika Uug rug aud car I.MH I'alton lit. Wdln. 2.V CHIROFR ACTORS Dk. Mo.MAIluN luiubl i-aaea, laklns llinr, :U treatiuruu 1R, worth $.0. Additional rw oftlee ius-2ia Maoleay bld., 4Ih and ah. Owing to uiy nioat gratlfylug aucceas with Diany ao-ialled lncura';j raaea during tba pnat aeTeu ycara In I'orlUod I bare decided to Cftalillih a cblroprai'tlc aanltarlain whtr out-of-town pallfin. uia remalu murh to tlirlr ad VRntaga at moat rraaounble ralva while taking treatment. Already filled to rapacity. Tiruif on appllratlnn. 7;i4 Hawthorne t, NKBVOL8N dtaeaaea of vmuiimi and chil dren ciireu. Dr. Marican-I llayuic. Ucenaed chiropractic phvuiilan, M7 Swrtlaud bldg. No fake. Main ,dX COAL AND WOOD A B C Fuel Co, 400 Pnlon Are. Nnrlh. I'lione K. 4U1. Our apeclaltr l good wr.d and quick d-ltei-T. ird. Mock mimI lnl wqimI. NA'ilO.NAL H 1.1. lOhA.ST 41 Flabwood $:i curd delltrrcd; dry hlock and alalinnud mwI .,' . nl; giKni dr.? wrek K $' A-l dry fir. I font rr -avd to oi,ler. IViinuilila Hi i-l to. All klnda Mmuiuer Tlcea, drllrered. No. Al-Ix-rla. Willi, I'romiil arlce. N K K It k 1A!(K. drjf nr, 4 tt. 4.f0 lo 6..V Hlc.ckwoud. 80S Water at. Main VilA. A-434": Err Ikh mm,! Muto vi;:t. a tm. CONTRACTORS . NJ BUILDERS OSKAK lll, lock bldg. lifhiial Loutractor. iiJ blirr- DOO AND CAT HOSPITAL DR. U. 11. 11IJ11IMAN. VKt hKI.N ArtlArt lloapltal 41," K. T'li at. I.n cllpoed SOd hhthed. Ivant 1 S- 7. Hume H-lti2. EDUCATIONAL DANCING MANCH1-:S1'KI( UMii. hig AcailKiny, B.'iVt Mb at.. bet. Siark and (ink. Sprt-lal ralea. 4 prlrata leaaona $2. morning. aftrr'nOn, evening; ell lateat dancea mini aulred ; rlaaa Tbnrailay 8a t nrdajr eenlnif. 7 s ,ii. Broadway 2 1 H). UK. aud Sim. lleath'a rxlmol lx-aaona dally. Claaa Friday eve., loll VI at., ln-lwu-n Waalt Inglon and Stark. 1-em.oiia 2.V. Main JCtlS. MUBIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS RAIiTlMK on ilano In o ir-nafina. convinced. Kree (ir.-i, lli-e room Pyatein." 601-2 Kilera l:lg. I'ay vrben 'CUiiatenaea K 1 II 1 1 :i.l H i It.N Vlulin K-at licr: iupll Herclk. 207 KHedm-r hldg. A 4KU) Mar. hall IflM l'HOK. T. I. l.A WW IN --1'Ihii Icaaona at juur I'Iioiip l alxir VH.'t. POPULAR MUSIC I'lANO iMKIInie laiiKliI auone In 1(1 to 20 lea aoua. written Knaruiilft- cir fnoncy hjck If we fall; demnnxtrailon mid booklet fr(e. Imnro Tlalng. kcylmnri) limine nr. eti-. ."(1 2,rill- hldg. EYE. EAR, NOSE. THROAT. LUNOi Sii-Ih IinI . MiKlrr.ite 1 1 ! F. K. I'mnvliiy. 61T lkiii li!lra ntled. lr. lildg .. 3d A Willi, FIRE IN8URANCE 1AC1KIC sTA'IKS I1IIK l.SM KA.SLK CO., ony trei:iin fire tnwuranrp cimpany. FLUFF RU08 AND RAO RUOi f if mu Made from old Inrnln. Hruaarla. Aimlnatar, Smyrna rarpeta. tUg rtign. all alara. Uall of dera prompt attention. lionklet. WKMTKHN KI.b'r lll-O to. 61 TJnlon ave. N. Phono Pnat tl.Mfl B-14TS. FURNACES Boynton Furnaces Economical, effectual nd Market. J. C. Bayer Co., frost FURNITURE PACKINO KtHMTlUlK parking . Main i In, vonlnga. HAT8 CLEANED, BLEACHED Ladlea', geuta' I'anaina liata cleaned, bleacbed, 70c. Ktrawa fclta, fOc. Kaiifmau'a, 2S5 ' Waah. nr. 4tli. S and 44 M l'lion M. T08S. LEATHER AND SHOE flNDINOg TUK UKKVMAN I.KATHKK ' O. Oldeat firm In northweat. Atp-iila "M no arch" and "L. & M." wile leather. Everett . MATTRESSES OLD ma tlrcaio-a aud feullHT lieda made lnte aanltary fording forma; fealuera renovated. Folding M. Co.. Mai Wlllluina. K. HH74. NON-INTOXICATINO BEVERAOEi WEN1HAKD8 (iul.lcn and Amber Nectar. Uarj Welnbard pUint. loth aud Burnald. Main 72. I'boiwa A I1TI PAINTING AND PAPERING. FOR good work, call Jotiu Coullak. 242. 415 Cllaan. broad PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS THK IVi I'lltHK, JdHN M. 8H2 8tatk at. broadway 4iH MANN. A-4IIW. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO Htenclla, Trails Ciierka, Uraaa Hlgna. PACIFIC COAST 8TAMI- WOllKH 831 Washington at. Main 710. A 27 10, SAFETY RAZORS HONED SAFETY rasora aliareued; all klnda. 2&e and gOe per dozen. MfiVj 'M at., near Morrlanti. SHEET METAL WORKS BKPA1HINU tin and gravel r.fa. Jacob Los 1,1. 810 1st at. Phone Mnln 1424. TRANSFER AND 8TORAOE Oregon Transfer Co, Eatabllabed 170. Transfer and Forwarding Agents. Btorage Kre Tracksge. Office and (torige. 474 Ollaan t. 18th and Ollaan. Main Wi. A Ie. ALWAYS "1'ICK'- THK V.KHT IIOl.HKHOI.D OOOra Brc. IALInTH Hiorage, I'acklns. Bblrinlng and Moving. Horse or Auto Van. Special freight rsl.-M to all points. C. O. I ILK TllA.NMlKlt A hTOK AGE CO. 2d snd Pine. lirfmdwsy M. A lHOe). OLSON -KOK TIIANSKKK ( !. Fnrnllnrs mo. era, packers, atorage; fireproof warebooM. nth and Iloyt ata Main Mt. A-2247. MANUFACTURERS j JOBBERS WHOLESALERS! DRY POODS' WHOLESALE L. Dinkelspiel Co, "..In 112 fiber lock Bids, l.scorner Oafc, FAIWT, OIL tlLABB BABMLSKK.N it CO.. High istandard" paint. N. E. corner 2d and Tailor M.771. A-Simi; JLTTMBIMO SUPPLIES I'LUMBINO suppllea, vthol.-eal iirlvt. Buurk Ivl io.. 21 3d t. Main 77. . ; 8ARITAHT WIPIKO RAOB LSHANKCO. PHONK MA IN 101s) WATER BUPPLT fTBTFMB KKWA.NKK WAILK hVKlkklrt M. T). encer. Agent. 1Q; W. I'art St. WOOD PIPE rOKTLAND WOol I'IFK CO. Factory at office near 24tb and York sts. Main 84. orroutATTOY coirroa. If you want tba name f a reliable business bouse dealing in sny Una) of merchandise, or information rsgard ins: resort, hotels, railroads, leant hip lines, etc., add ream Oregon Jour uia i iniiiriuation Uureau. Intorniauon desired: I (If M,,f Nam .... Addrsss... ,. ' -v i -' -