' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY, JULY 1918. FOR : RENT HOUSES v . ;.. nrrvmxxaxsa -; .-"'1 f Contdaned) ' 13 11 rna mn4 tlf Kelmn at tin ' rrai, mod., 135 Nelson at $10. ; fr rm.. mod.. 162 UwreBM st $12. VyRANtC U af'omRK. Main 10. h FOR. RENT 7 room house, lawn and" s-arden; chicken house and yard: rant lit pr month; located at 944 ? Commercial, at. ? lt 6 room bungalow, furnace, fire place, Dutch kitchen, paneled dln . ltia room, beam ceiling, modern. 820 " yfeoetts. C-190S. ' ONE acre, new, 6 room house, for rent. $ per month; ground cleared ana fenced; Se . fare to city. Phone Mala 6V. JlODERN 5 room bungalow reason- aoie, -near westmoreiuno; Deauuiut location, with flowera and fruit. Phone tiellwood 246B, Bellwood 2SH. .FOR RENT 7 room modern house, 108 E. 18th et. Walking' distance. Fine location. Rent 120. Phone East ma. it A HU A IN 6 room bungalow with garage: must be seen to be appre ciated. Close in. 1 block from school. By ownr. X7 Alblna ave. 2 . 6 -ROOM cottages. 14 Milwaukle and 622 Holgate at, Sellwood car. Inquire tl 4 Holgate wt Investigate. It ROOM cor. house, modern, walking distance. 320 E. 1st and Hassalo. Key next door. JdpDERN room nous. 1278 E. lOcn iu Wood lawn district; rent low. Co lumbia 265:' 4 ROOM bungalow, ta. neat and attrac tive, 1S04 E. Ankeny st. Fred W. Ger man Co. 712 Cham, of Com. FLItXITUItfv FOR SAJLK HOLKKS FOR KENT 32 APS. of furniture for sale are pub lished In the Household Goods classi fication when house Is not for rent. FURNISH LU HOUSES 30 MODEItN 6 room or 0 room house, completely furnished and new, west side, walking distance. Ma(n 8111. 0 ROOM midern furnished i.ouno, lawn, roees, piano. Room 3, Was), bid. Marshall 4;1 V'lIOVV wants elderly couple to share furnished house. worth ave. 291 W. Kllllings- KUKNlSHEIi house for tummr, 4 rooms, sleep porch, fruit, flowers; adultH Selfwood 178. FURNISHED cotlases, walking dis tance Inquire 844 Tillamook, $146 room cottage, 4 blocks Broad way bridge. 438 Ross. East 4866. $25 Irvlngton 7 room modern, 526 K. 16th N. McOuIre, Main 1068. 4 ROOM furnished house for rent; fruit; $16. Woollawn 2024. FIVE room furnished bungalow. Phone Tahor 180. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISH AM) UNFURNISHED "HA UPON HALL APARTMENTS," Corner of 11th and Hall "sts. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Two, 3 and 4 'room apis., balcony, heat, private bath, phone, modern con venlenceg. walking distance. Ma'. 1163. TIMTM AH9 lAiMAK. A?aV 'rf im KEWLY furnished 2 and 3 room aptu., $16 mo. up, Including lights, phone, ja.mi.or service, etc. Walking dlbtxnce. BELKNAP APARTMENTS. . 187 17th, near Yamhill. MAlJlU. r.tilA AKi's. Park st. at MadiHon. Modern 2, i and 4 room furnished apartments, close In. by week or -.iiutith. THE uEiENDORK. 208 16TH ST. Marshall 23i-i. Nice 6 room fur. and unfur, apts also a and 4 room fur. aots. PENROSE APTS.. N. W. cor. B'Jlmont and Drand avc, new. modern, - and 3 room furnished. Service first class. Walking distance. ELEGANT 6 room apartment with alepitiff porch and all modern con . venlence. Main 4124 or after 6 p. m.. A-1601. BAN MARCO, nicely furnished or un furn. mod 3 rm. apta., private bath, 116 up. Brick bid walking distance; homelike. E. 8th and Couch. Kant 1990. LUtkMi A P'l t.. ad and Hall .jfoa. ern brick bldg.. 2 rooms, furmnhed. private plioi.e lu mcb apt.. $16 aud up Marshall 4627 THE SHEFFIELD. 270 Broadway S. I and 4 room fur. and untur. apts., walking distance; at very reao.:ubl rent: let of seivlce. Main 2606 THREE room apts, private lione, bath, Jls.50 per mo., modern trick. Weatfall Apts., 410 6th.; walking dia tance. BALBOA APTS. Large, modern Z and 3 room fur. and unfur... brlelc bldg., best service, walk in dis.: rt-agonuble. 429 Harrison st. LUCILLE COU RT. "228 N 20t.i st. Furnished and unfurnished apts., large sunny r'seping porches. Good car service. TL UOR AriAlS Apts.. lth and Couch. Phone A-1644, Marshall 2669: new nrlrk bldg.. t, 3, 4 rooms, modern apta. FURNISHED 4 room apt. Alao 1 single room. New Westminster apts., 6th and Madison. NEW furnished apts concrete block: $10 and W oodlawn $12.. 11C2H Union ave. N. 612. ' THE ORMONDE Modern front 4 rooms. 656 Flanders. Nob hill. Main 1261. THREK or 4 rooms, hardwood floors. Walking distance, sleeping porches. Portnnmah Apts.. 200 E. 13th. PENINSULA APTS.. C-1170; concrete bldg., 2 and 3 rooms; hot and cold water, baths, phone, steam heat 112 ud $2.50 PER WEEK -2 na 3 room apts private Harrison private tath. Hon Court. 5tn a nil walK.nV itnrt MAGNOLIA APTS, kTl and Belmont Modern 1 and 2 room apts., $1.60 per week up. Sleeping roo."mw. Eas; 212. NOKOMIH apta., 666 Marshall hi. Mod ern, private bath and dressing room; unmmer r"te- ROSE FR1F.ND, 285 Broadway 6.; mbd ern unfurnished apts.; large rooms. best service, walking dist. Mar. 1410 P no nnat t-oun, 4ui lum. modern milUIIHIdll apartments; tjo to $3g. AMERICAN' nnd Marlborough, mod. 4, 6 $ rm. apts Mar. I860, M.7&16, A 2676 H. CAMAR 7M Ixv1ov S and t room apt., 1. 120. $37.60. Marshall 2917. CHARLIE CHAPLIN'S i . . . 13 DIGGING A WEIL IS HARD WORK. J DARN THE LUCK J V ZT-r . " J E I&UE5S rLl QUIT FOR HYHILh j 1 IT CflV0 IN . -' P? M . T. : j I 1 te OIuD'TQPJi- ' ' ' ; apaktments - . 43 sttrnishe1 axd unfurnished (Oontlnned THE GM1WE1X Ith and Columbia sts. Five minute' walk to Me'er & Frank's store; good surroundings: strictly modern 2 and S room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE KATES. PERMANKNT OB TRANSIENT?. McKinley Apartments Modern apartments 2-room, $13 Pr month and up;. l-room. $16 month up: Erlvate batrf; private phone, fireproof ullding. walking distance, a nice place for nice people, under new manage ment. East 7th and Morrison. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modem, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References ROSEN'FELD (brick), 14th and E. Stark, 3 'and 4 rooms, private phones, FOR RENT FLATS 13 MODERN b room upper flat, built in bookcase, buffet, Dutch' kitchen, close in, I, car. 728 Missouri, near Fremont. Key at 81 Fremonf. Only 110 MODERN 11 and 6 room flat, fur nuce, big porch, yard, walking dls- lance. iteat-napie rent, aiain B47t. KIKMHHK1) FLATS 50 MODERN 3 room flat, neatly fur nished, bath, basement and yard, at 702 E. tn st.. iiz:tv. including ugnts ana water. IVlu I 'IVUl , WV L " .11 1 1 111 ft, electricity, fireplace, well furnished, cheap. 14H E. Morrison st. Tabor 17H8. MODERN, well furnished upper 6-room corner flat, walking distance. 16th and E. Alder. Main 1728. NEW, modern 6 room flats, furnished or unfurnished. 13th and E. Ankeny sis, j-jant zbD. 6 ROOM flat, furnished, at 313 E. Third at N. Phone B-1609 or E-7730. inquire iv union ave. N. NICELY furnished 6 rodm flat. Very reasonably furnished. 422 Vi Stanton. 12. 1868. $20 5 room flat, new electric fixtures, walking distance . 448 Rodney. E. 4S66. $14 4 room flet, walking dstance, nice location. 44 uodney. K. 4868. NEW 3 room beautiful furnished flats. Phqne Woodlawn 167. 8UMMR RESORTS 66 FURNISHED tents at Sunset Beach, $4 per week If engaged before July 10; wood furnished; also two 4 room cottages and one 8 room cottage fur nlshed. Dorr K. Keasey Co., 232 Cham. or com. CANNON BEACH,' Dcola. Or. Hotel Ueckcr, .Henry opperman. prop, First on the ocean front. New and at tractive. Rates reasonable. LONG BEACH dining room for rent for season. Reasonable. Seats 60. Living apartments attached. W. R Doyle, Long Beach. Wash. SEVEN room, modern, furniahed house close to Moore hotel and ocean. $100 for season. Frank L. McOulre, M. 108 BUNGALOW for rent July, at Bay Oceon. lawn 2007. for month of Phone Wood MY furnished cottage, Newport. Or., for rent. E. L. Brown, 1824 Division Portland. NEAT, well furnished 6 room cottage at Ocean Park, Wash, fceiiwd. 160J COTTAGE for rent at Seaside. 4191. Main 8x10 S OiS, YrJNTH cheap. Perfect con dition. Main 1377. FOR RENT Beach, Wash. room cottage. Main 2384. Long HOUSEKEEPING apts.. $7 week, season. Ocean Crest. Rockawsy. $46 STORKS AXD OFFICES 11 r.KICK warehouse in South Portland tor rent, trackage, light and airy Oj paved stree'., reasonable. Journal P-.)ViMMtt fn Prnariwav and Yamhill. STORE With living room, in growing suburb, counters, shelving, etc., $6.50 per month, including water. Mar. 1556. DESK room, second floor front, all conveniences. 209 Abfngton. Mar. 4138. FOR RENT HALLS 59 MOOSE hall; static, large seating ca pacity. Phone Main 2420. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 33 BRICK warehouse on car tracks In South Portland: paved street; well lighted. About 7000 sq, ft. floor room. Suitable for light manufacturing. Ap ply at business office Journal. WANTED TO REXT WANTED Reliable couple wishes fur nished home in good location. S-25, Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 BLOCKY team, bay mare and horse. 1150 lbs. each, work single or double, gcod harness, $140. 263 Meade at. & cur south. ONE pair fine driving team, broke any place; weight 2100 lbs. C. W Hvrfe. corner Fourth Plain and St, Johns roads. Vancouver, Wash. Phone 680-J MUST sell at once. 1 bay horse, weight about 1160. Good true worker. Call at livery stable. 270 E. 7th st. Ask for Mrs. Bauner horse. Price $50. TWO horses, good condition, weight about 1200 lbs. each., black and bay. Joubert Ranch. Scappoose, Or. RANCH or camping outfit cheap; horses, harness, wagon. 1967 E, Stark st. WANTED One light two horsp farm wagon, one set double harness; n.ust ne cneap. l-. journal FOR SALE .Bay horse $35, weighs flOO; works single and double, and gentlej 711 2nd st. f. car. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. GOOD family horse and buggy cheap. 1967 E. Stark at. SNAP 2600 team, harness, farm wa.iT- on, $150. 400 Russell st. GOOD small team, harness and wagon for sale, complete. $126. Tabor E835. HOUSES for sale. Phone 8ellwood 84 1 or B-3142. 1008 Division st. COMIC CAPERS BOSSES, VEfflCIiEtV ETC 18 (Continued) sas"jss"SjsWs"s,ll FOR horses ana renlcles. dogs and household nets and Doultry. read the ads under these respective headings. xne journal leaae au outer meoiums in these classifications. TO TRADE Team horses, 1200 pounls each, and wagon, tor ord: or win sell cheap for cash. Apply Portland Hardwood Floor Co. GOOD work team, 1100 lbs. each, heavy work harness. Z lnca ranch wagon. $95. 661 Reynolds st. Phone Sell- wood 462. GOOD old 1200 lb. horse, auitabla for ranch: your own price, xvti asi Stark at. LIVESTOCK 35 BELLING OUT Eight good milk cows. fresh and soon iresh; Durham and Holstein; tubercular tested at state veterinary 6 weeks ago; I miles west of Portland, on Canyon road: take Port land Heights car to Greenhin station. walk ZU minutes to Aiumpnrey Diva road, Henry Wlrth, Hillsdale. Or.. Route No. 1, SMALL herd of young well brad Jer sey cows; cell singly or au; aiao some good, well broke horses. F. J. Miller, Forest Grove, or. TWO yearling? heifers for sale or trade for a milch cow. James Harnley, Bell station, Estacada car. FRESH cow and calf, rich milker; also 1 yearling heifer; sacrifice. iib. ML Scott car. 6207 9Sth st. FOR SALE 2 first class dairy cows Just fresh; will trade for .dry cows. Ranch end Hawthorne line. 3 YOUNG heifers for sale cheap. Fern Ridge station. Oregon City carllne. G. A. Carlson. FOR SALE Cow. 3 years old; 4 gals. milk aauy; tubercular tested. I4ii Vancouver ave., cor. Portland blvd. FAMILY COW. $40. 3 ital. rich milk 9 yrs. old. W. S. car. 66th ave., 44th st. Fnone Ken. 642, A GOOD young family milch cow, hornless. Just coming fresh. O. Spor- rl, Milwaukle, Or. PASTURE 10 acres, fenced, 76th near Division et. Owner Woodlawn 639. TWO large part Jersey cows, 1 fresh. 1 In soon. 1694 Division st. FOR SALE Gentle Jersey cow. tol Hill. Marshall 1651. Capl- ALL breeds of dairy cows. Bruce, Union Stock Yards. Terms FANCY trotting colt to trade for cow or heifer. K03 Nelson et. POULTRY AND FlfiKONS 7 FOR SALE 150 White Leghorn chlcka 2 months old, good laying strain, 20c each for the bunch; have no time to care for them. G. E. Thompson. 4111 66th ave. S. E. Portland. Or. Wood stock car. FOR SALE Cheap, il White LeJ norns. 6 weeks: 40 Barred Rocks, : months; 9 laying hens. 11 W. Killings worth ave. COCKERELS. Thoroughbred Anconas and Barred Rocks, 2Vi months old. $1 eacn. aox 166, Milwaukle. Or. FOR SALE Silver Lace Wyandotte chickens. 297 West Kllltngsworth ave.. next river. IK x our balanced ration, heipj our hens lay and keep them heelthy. Broadway 821. Broadway Feed Siore, DOGS, RIRD-, PETS, ETC. 46 PIT bull terrier, female brlndle, two years old; pedigreed. Alex. Wallace, two blocks east Kendall station. Es La- can a line. FOR SALE A few choice canary sing er; aaso several pairs or guinea pigs Phone Main 8647. IRISH Water Spaniel pups for sale. P. M. Boose, Multnomah. Or. CANARY birds for sale, good singers. rast 14 a i. ov4 Morris. A I rOMORILES-ACCESSORIES 44 FOR USED CARS See big stock at Covey Motor Car to. Main 6Z44. zist and Washington. LET Us Sclve Your Spring i'vouble. Ouaran .eea wasminotoh Cahriaoi Springs. Cor. ,r-M Ilnion and Bel- Mfg. & Repairs. 3000 guarant'd epiings In stock, prices reduced. o4 N. ttn st. AUTOMOBILES painted: good work. reasonable crices. A. eeghera, old car riage painter. Come and aee ma, 611 North 21st st. IBIS FORD roadster, run 1000 miles all new tires, speedometer,' great hill climber, line condition, sauwood sua 693 Karl. 1916 FORD roadster, run 1000 miles, all new tires, speedometer, great hill cumber, line condition, tteiiwood sou 0i 14. an. MUST sacrifice for cash. 131 Ford. 6 pass.. Just overhauled, gas saver ana reiiners; maice me an oner. din. 3Z3. NO-GLARE AUTO LENSESSS, 43H 1st et., cor. Ash. Broadway 8 FOR SALE 1912 7-pass. Stoddard Dayton motor and running gear in good shape. Good tires. $250 cash or win trade, w-zs. journal. 1815 0 fAs. ruuu, jijs; 116 5 t,asa. r"ora, 3uo, aiso new ana used bodies. windshields, renders and Ford aoces sorlea. boo Burnsiae. FOR SALE Ford touring-, excellen condition. Phone Sellwood ZZZ. W, Lt. tiapnam. GET OUR PRICES ON PAINTING. BROADWAY AUTO PAINTING CO., ?i Hroaoway in., near urnsioe. fort UALit 1 pass, mac nine very cneap. on time, caan cneaper. jfnone zku. PACKARD. Five passenger, good condition, at a pargain. 1 at, journal. Investigate thU one. D-1662, No. 6 B. 8 2d St. 1916 Ford roadster body for sale, rea souauie. w aqiungion ar riage Auto Works, 160 Union ave. CASH paid for side curtains for E, V. Y-972. Journal. ' M? BITICK 86 sacrificed; thi, will solre that outing trip. Woodlawn 4676. FOR SALE Light delivery car, A-l condition; newly painted. 130 X. 19th. PACKARD truck, best of" condition. East 267. WAITED Old car for parts. M. U61. AUTOMOBILES-ACTTESSORIES M 1 Contlmneaj Used Auto Snaps BIO REDUCTION .ON ALL USED CARS. BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. MOLINE, 6 pass.. 4 cyl . 175 600 200 675 MITCHELL, & pass., 8, cyl.. SiuuuAKi), pass.. 4 cyl.. IMPERIAL. 6 pass.. 4 cyl... STODDARD, 7 pass., 4 cyl... MAXWELL, 5 pass., 4 cyl... COLE, 4 pass., 4 cyl. .1 MITCHELL, 7 pass., 6 cyl.. OVERLAND, 4 pass., 4 cyL. , ... S50 ... 400 ... 00 ... 450 ... 250 ... 1350 SELECT lu pass., notei dus, tt cyl. ... SEVERAL OTHERS TO FROM. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co, EAST FIRST AXD EAST MORRISON. EAST 7272. B-1J18. G A R a G E S $30 and up. P o r t&ble houses, chick en houses, w o o d s heds, here. M 1 11 -made Con struction Co., Main 11(7. E44 Hood at. Sunday and evenings. Woodlawn 3615. CHALMERS Model K: over head valves; make dandy bug; food non-skid tires; 1150 cash. 63 E. Oregon at. East 7222. FOR SALE 1 Connecticut Quad vi brating coil, 1 2-in. late model Hay- field carburetor, 1 1-in. late model 8chetler carburetor. 1 H4-ln. late mod el Mayer carburetor. 1 Connecticut timer. See F. i". Jackson Journal Publishing Co KVKU KliAUV 1 ton truck; attachm't, eo: truck c o m d 1 t 17 75. Manure In Portland. THAYER-SHAVER -GULLET MACHINE CO.. 193 E. Water st. Phone Lam 7437 DOt'BLE tread, puncture proof tires made rrom vour old ones. Bring them in Oregon Vulcanizing Co., Wash, at 18th. Burneideat Broadway. (33S Burnsiae. Russell St, Garage. Storage $4 per month; expert repair ing; supplies. Russell St- and Van couver ave. Kast Zitz. A REAL, BAKUAIA. Columbus electric runabout; all new tlT-oo- hatterles in rine condition. Will run 4U miles on one tnarso. juu. the thing ror salesmen or cqueciui, tj'25. Packard Garage, 65 N. 23d st. ALL MAKES. ALL SIZES. ATI. PRICKS. Tii ti t nvrl it k tha bit aale on use'' cars now going on ai x aruunj, north. . PAS8. Hudson, first class condition. Vi n?sn fnr 1750 cash this Week. nmnntrtion anv place, call run. S58 Ore. hotel Tuesday. Aiier iu- day Main SC9a. KOR 51A1-E .'lassy Cadillac bug. $300 cash. Call Asquitn. siain -'44 AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 SOME cash and $400 equity In 4 room limiM ajifl lot. city, ror ngnt suij rr trHdfi lor moiorcycio. uw'H " - . , . .. T T Atkinson, Troutdale. R. D. 2. PRACTICALLY new piano; want to trn.rlfl for automobile; must be In A-l condition. 631 r.. aist at, Pi.AYKR Dlano. cheap for casn. or trade for auto. 1VT bunion il Phone Woodlawn 8311. hart lota. Chas. Ringler, 228 Henry bid p. WANTED 2 Ford chassis. 1914 or 1916 models: state price and condl tion.,309 Wash. st. Call for manager RESPONSIBLE person wants to ren car wltnout driver lor juiy . a-a Journal. ACTOS FOR HIRE 52 HIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE K o nH 7.nas cars reliable service special shopping rates. Marshall 301 MAXWELL. li16 model, careful and experienced driver; reasonable rates, labor 10. DODGE auto service, rates; rate by dav: trins to highway. Alain iti Sellwood 1124. NEW Oakland six. anawhere, rea(or.able. Phone Tabor 7113. rates FORD for hire, with driver. East 4765 MOTORCYCLES-BICYCLES 55 $160 GIBSON harp guitar practically brand new, with leatner case; win trade for first class motorcycle. 63 E. 31st st. ; MOTORCYCLES Perfect condition terms riven: ODen eve'a Sundays 1 tov!2. Indian Ag'cy. 273 3d. Main 6139 H P. INDIAN for fcaie; A-t conoi tlon: 160. I muat leave town. 2$ Sheridan st CASH for motorcycles and olcyclea, anv condition. Blocker. -276 Taylor. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 04 i KVINRUDE canoe motors. 19 li mod el, 2 H. P., battery ar.d coll. Former Frlce $73.40. Closing ou this model at 48. $16 down, balance monthly. Kvln- rude Motor Co.. zn Morrison. FOR SALE at a sacrifice, a houseboat, party leaving state; anyone inter ested will not make mistake to in vestigate. G-27, JomrnaJ. 170 BVINRUDH motor and canoe equipped. Sellwood 249. Harrison, Oregon Yacht club. A 1225 LAUNCH for $100. almost new! fully equipped. Inquire V. E. Chris- tensen, Island station. FOR SALE 2 room houseboat, fur nlshed. No. 45 Willamette Moorage. T DANIELSON Boat Shop. Nebraska Building, repairs, beat work, low pric PL4.NOS, ORIGANS AXD MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 NEW hornless talking machine and records, $15. 891, E. Morrison. GRAFONOLA records. Call for sale and Marshall 3068. 72 $90 VIOLIN; will take $20. Phoae Main 9323 after Sunday $90 CASH buys $325 Heince upright oak. Security Storage Co., 109 4th st. SPLENDID Kohler piano and roll toD desk, cheap for cash. 640 Union ave. I (Copyright, ISIS, by 7. Keeley. By W5ni 84 YOU would not buy an old aewtng machine that rirouned stitches the old piano drops notes do not blame wife or daughter for Indifferent per formance, blame the indifferent piano, which alienates entire families from music since enjoyment is Impossible, uo not buy old models ror exactly tne same reason that others exchange them for new Improved 116 "pianos at rne Ben wan piano Co. -Make rtoora Sale," 111 4th at. at Washington; $5 cash. $1.25 weekly buys 6Q more tone and efficiency In 1918 model $360 "pianos at $266, the same price without interest as the prices of old moaeis with the t added in interest else where. CLOSING OUT TO FIRST CALLER, manoia $250 player, mahogany. for cash I 15 Fischer $275, old model piano, for cash 25 40 45 195 15 Collard & Collard, English upright cnicaenag & Sons, old model. lor cash N. Y, Pianoforte. 81000 arand. for cash Beaty I71T parlor organ BJOUUKITY STOKAGlfl CJ., 109 Fourth at BEFORE purchtaing eo our bpeclaia in usej Piano Bargains. New pianos rood ately priced. !OTH. AMD STAK STS. HAVE your piano tuned, repaired or rennished by our proitssionai men. Portland Piano Tuning. Repairing 4 Mfg. Co.. 246 Hawthorne. Phone laal 1072. FREE use of piano or player piano ty, years. See display aov. 01 Schwan Piano Co. or call at 111 4th sU 6c MONTHLY stores your piano or will aell at your price or buy It ror cash. Call Main 6323. Security Stor- age Co.. 109 4th st. $5 DOWN. $1.25 weekly, without in terest, buys $325 1916 model Dlano for $245, total saving $145.28. Schwan Piano Co.. ill 4th fct. at wasnington. FOR SALE $40 Kimball upright piano, good condition; aafg, walnut case. Will sacrifice lor casn. 1-1 , Journal. ' LEAVING town, must sell beautiful grafonoia and records; no reasonable offer refused. 824 E. th at. TWO ylauos standard makes, no rea- sonaoie offer reiusea. Am seumg out. 383 Russell et FOR SALE One Wellington piano, terms or cash. $100. 1663 union ave.. north. FIN I .'E piano, used 6 months. Big ain; am leaving city. Cash bar- gai or terme. 867 Russell st FOR SALE -SS-note player piano, only used few months, $250 cash. Apply manager Nprtonla hotel. PIANO rents $2 and up. Graves Muaio Co., 151 4tn st PLAYER-PIANO $165. Pay $6 per month. 28-5 Morrison st TYPEWRITERS NEW REMINGTON rental plan, with manufacturers' guarantee ana rentals applying on purchase. Visible m-dels. 83 per montn, 97 do tor s monins. uner models less. Remington Typoyriter company. 66 Broadway. leiepnon Broadway 621. WE save you from 60 to 75 on all makes of typewriters. Send To our Illustrated folder; rentall department WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington st. NEW. rebuilt. 2d rates. P. D. C. Co. hand, renta.s, cut 231 8tark. M 1407. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 63 FIRST reasonable offer get: 1 range. 1 heater, 1 sewing machine. 1 kitchen cabinet. 1 piano. 3 Iron beds, rugs, carpet and all utensils. 280 Larrabeo st.. after 6 p. m. FOR SALE Furniture of '4 4 rooms, wood or coal range, take what you want 250 Market' at, or phone Main 6186. FURNITURE of 5 room flat, includ ing piano, first class condition. A 1346. FURNITURE for aale cheap If sold by Thursday. Rent cheap. Call 1279 E. Taylor st. 7 ft OAK mission table and 6 chairs, $18. 269 East 60th. GOOD Clay furniture t. of 6 rooms. 601 FOR SALE Antique Domingo mahogany. sideboard, San 406 Pittock blk. DINING room eet and dresser cheap. Sellwood 679. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS .19 MAHOGANY desk and L. a Smith typewriter for sale cheap. H-30, Journal. WAYNE gasoline pumps and oil stor age tanks. E. H. Rueppell. Agt.. 194 1st Main 1251. BURSTED cherries. pick them. 1627 Woodlawn 4219. 2c a lb. if Peninsula you ave. $12.50 DROPHEAD sewing machine. with attachments. Call 152 Grand ave BE SAVING by buying your glassea of Staples, the Jeweler, optician. Morrison st. ROYAL ANNE and Bing cherries for sale. Pick them yourself. 128 E. 58th st. Take Mt. Tabor car. MACHINERY bought sold, repaired and exchanged. Northwest Lead A Mach. Co.. 811 Front st Main 6492. FOR SALE 1 and 5 gallon 2d hand gasoline pumps. & H. Rueppell. 194 1st st FOR SALE Complete trap drummer's -outfit 128 1st near Alder. Main 4495. GOOD threshing and baling outfit for sale for of its value. John H. Scott, 404 Hubbard building, Salem, Or. STUDY law, complete set of law text books, a bargain. Sellwood 499. SHALER vulcanising outfitt sell $15, or will trade. E-29, Journal. Electric Fans bought, sola, exchanged; repairing. Room 615 82$H Wash, st FOR SALE Cornet, first class condl tlow; cheap. Tabor 3033. ROYAL Anne cherries, 6630 EL Sell. 1336. 44th. 5-SHELF BAKE OVEN 82". f?8 Stephens st. 96-loaf cap.. 5FINE rolltef oak office furniture. desk and doctor's 409 Yamhill. FOR. SALE 12x14 tent, Salmon. 1977 E. arrangement with Ksaanay Oa.) f PIANOS, ORCJAXS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (Continued) FOB SAUSr MISCELLANEOUS 19 fOontlaqed) FOR BALE Brand new carom and pocket billiard tables with complete outfit, $185; second hand ta-ies at reduced prices; bowling alley and bil liard supplies, easy payments. Cigar store, drug,, delicatessen and soda fountain fixtures, THE BRUNSWICK BALKE OOLIJENDER CO.. 46-48 6th. MACHINES of aU makes old for leas. No agents employed. Machine rent ed. $t cer month. A-8628, Main 9431. Sewing Ma china F.rnnorium. liO Id sL, near Taylor. Electric motors sold and rented Tents -Cheap Closed my resort and will aell 1x10 8-os. tents cheap; also 14x20; also woolen blankets. .Phone MarahaM 1580 or Main 1377. e Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented Jfhd re paired, waiaer Electric Works, 418 Burnside, cor. 10th. Broadway or A-674. - JHUfolCAL, lAblKUMUS'll. ' UlX writers" and 'Household Goods'' are separate claaslficatlona All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classification. LOOK THEM OVKR. 10 dkophkad singer sewing ma chines, complete with attachments, In good order. $17.50 while they last. Bast 1:359. B-3307. E. R. Steeo. 168 Grand ave.. near Belmont. CYCLONE VACUUM SWEEPER Latest, .best, cheapest and lightest running; saves time, labor, money and health. Free trial in your home. Phone Main 3o6, or call iz 1st at, KEFRiGERATORS Closing out stock of Wickes patent refrigerators at i. o. b. factory prices: no dealers' profit. On display at The nrunswicK-ixuKa-ioiienaer eo., 4B na. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycle, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large lUrtlng can be found under tnese different ciasairicimona. $35 BICYCLE good as new, $14: large standing oak mirror, -8x6 ft, $20; drophead White machine good as new. izo. Address uoi r-sy, journal. SWAP COLUMN 25 HAVE complete Edison moving Die ture traveling outfit; original cojt $1000; valued now-at $400; will trade for diamond, merchandise, furniture, store fixtures, etc. z,-6, journal, BRUNSWICK-BALKE family nool ta ble, good condition, complete; value $75: for Vlctrola or Edison machine equal value. H. A, La Barra, Estacada, Or. A $600 MOTORBOAT, trade for cleaxl lot, or anything of value. Wliat have you 7 Main 9323. BOX BALL alley trade. What have you? Want livestock. Value $100, w-z, journal. TRADE: 46-70 repeating rlfl for bicycle, musical Instrument or what have you? Paul Semmer, Rex. Or. FINE upright piano; will take phono graph as part payment; terma or cash on balance. 8S3 Russell st. Aut. 1 $800 EQUITY in $1800 home. 100x100 fruits, flowers, chicken houses and t,ai ,13. iftiwr u vj 1 v. o . xa. iwgci a WANTED To swap lady's opal aet ring for boy's bicycle. Tabor T672 SWAP Visible typewriter for show case, or sale cheap. Tabor 8033. FINE diamond in 14-K ring cheap for casn or woman s tailoring, ii 19 is WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 ATTENTION. Wanted, anyone Intending to reg later for the U. S. land drawing o the Colville Indian res., to join ou party. By seeing me you can save money. Apply or address at once. W. R. BROWN. Mgr., 806 Oak st, Portland. WE PAY caiU lor uur ubtfl lurmiura. carpets, range. etc Gevurtz Furniture Co,f Inc. 186-187 First at NEAR YAMHILL. MARSHALL 5S1. Green tiadlng s lamps 1100 N W Rana blue a PATS MOitK for thein man Sperry-Hutchlnsou Co. WE REPAIR your watuh for Tl no matter how badly brnicen. Bring. this aa. iiowaid jewelry Co- gvife wun jng-ton. PHONE East 7Slo when you waul to sell your furniture. We come at once and pay you the cash. M. R- Sealer, 266 orand ave.; south of rawtnorne, WANTED Second hand furniture ranges and stoves. Best prices paid. Morgan Furniture Oo 89C E. Morrison st. Phone Kast 2231 WANTED The peopie of Portland to know I pay the highest each prices for bouaenoid goons. rTompt attention East 707. N. M. Seater. 148 Russell s I WILL pay cash for your piano, pia er. upright- grand or square. Bot phones. 1433. or call on J. J. Foster. 151 4th st. NOTICE TO MOVERS. Wanted Stoves, rockers, dreasers, rugs, couches, chairs, taoles. et-?. We pay the price. N. W. Fur. Etc. E. 636 HIOHEST. caab price for diamond Old gold, r 'ver, platinum, watches, kodaks, jewelry. J. Qolden. 1C7 1st st. CASH paid for TALKING MACHINES and RECORDS. Main 4495. 128 1st. near Alder. CASH for eld gold, silver, platinum and high grade ore. H. M. Pickering. mrfg. jeweler. 218 Oregonlan bldg. WE PAY cash for your suittaaes trunks and handbag. Main 07z, A-7H4 WE buy all kinds of string and brass musical instruments. 128 1st. near Alder. Main 4495. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND HAND HOUSEHOLD OOODS. PHONE MAIN 3332. A-2667. SECOND hand clothing buyer. Meyer, the tailor, rays f 5 up for suits: shoes bought. Marsriali 1229. ?2 Madison. CASH ps-id for good second-hand fur wlture. Ford Auction Co.. 191 id St. WANTED Boy's bicycle. Call Tabor S872. WANTED Stove or range; also some furniture. Main 4496. PAYS highest price for zd hand cioth lng, tools, etc. 273 Front. Main 4802, LOST AND FOUXI) 21 LOST Saturday evening, envelope containing check for $24. two money orders for $5.85 each, 15 currency. Lib eral reward. 1401 Burrage at. 21 '-J-T-n5??-?ltfLVj-u- FOLLOW I NO articles were found on the oars of the Portland Railway, Light and Power company, and owners tnereor may claim same at me nrm and Alder street station. Marshall 6106V A-eilf: June SO 1 umbrellas, 3 grips. 2 pairs gloves, 1 post hole dig ger, I packages, 1 stovepipe elbow, 1 pipe thread cutter, 1 valise, 1 suit box. k. i luncn rox, 1 necxiace. LOST Tuesday night, one bar mare marked a. v.; one brown horse wun hair gone off face. Finder pleaae phone East 3826. or write U Ratty. 286 Grand ave Reward. UMBKEliIa, allver and pearl handle. ingraved B. V. D.. in Division jitney Dec, 19; return 605 Jefferson apt. 14. Phone Main 6372. Reward. LOST A eold watch and monogram fob. Saturday night. From Ben to Stella" hi watcn. can 11 11 &. in .. or ribrihe East 760. Reward. EAGLE pin with diamond In breast at Feb. lv: return &06 jenerson ant. 14. Phone Main 6372. Reward. LOST Sulicaaa in shed. E. H. H. D.. North Bank depot Kewara. Main 6650. LOST Lady's blue leather bag; at or near Strand theatre, uewaru; aeep ake. "Wood'awn 4670, PERSONALS 22 WHY pay big pricea for glasses f . I can fit your irei wita first quality lenses 'In a gold filled frame as low as $1.60. Chas. . w. uoooman. optometrist. 209 Morriton. Mainziii FEBVEV HAJMEBUT. leading wig and toune makers; finest stock hu man hair goods; halrdresaing, manicur ing., face and scaip treatment, -"'"- Ings to order. 147 Broadway, wain flRKOtlN HERNIA INSTITUTE. Rupture treated mechanically; adults. children. Trusses to cult your case. Johnston Lmbargar. rupture spe cialists. 411 Allsky bldg. Main 3784. TAKARA Hair Tonic, an antiseptic acalp cleanser, nalr neautiner ana dandruff remover? Drlce 60c bottle. For sale by Portland Hotel Pharmacy, DON'T uo. expensive corn remedies when you can get tne sure inmg "Removes It" 16c plasters at the Clem en son Drug Co., 108 Morrison st NEW life In electric and vibratory treatments. Facial, scalp ana mam- curing. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg. DR. V. G. KETCHUM Women's mala- dles ajia acute tuseases 01 nieu. vv aso. bldg.. 4th and Wasn. rtm. 441. ia. 44a HAVE! vour hair Dermenently waved. uuaranteea to last. onuary uuuij Parlors, 400 Dekum. Marshall nQi ELECTRIC and vibratory treatments. facial, scalp, manicuring and sham pooing. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg. SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price, clr clea Tuea. 1 p. m.; wed., bun. p. m. Reading dally. 892 Clay st Mar. 3960 . .... Consultation free. Main Lawyer 4993. 512 6eiiing bidg. SOLDIER BOY Spiritualist, psychic, SR9 Tavlor st. Main B6S4 SCIENTIFIC treatment for diseases of scalp. 163 Karit St., room a. BALM of Figs remedy for diseases of women. 604 Davis st Mam Zt3 NOTICES 26 SEALED proposals will be received on Janitor suppues ana equipment ror scdom autrirt ISO. l. Maimomao Conner, urrroa. ror ini chool Jtmx 1914-117. at the office of R H Thomas, school clerk. 401 oourthouM. Port land. Or., until 8 p. m., July IB, ism, and will be opened ny to Doara of dlrertori a1 4 d. m.. Julr 20, 1914, in room bo court bouse, ftperlflcattona roar be obtaloea at the office of. tbe uaderalgued. A certified cbeck for 6 or tne amount or to Did, payable to R. u. Thomaa, school elerk. must aoeompany ach proposal. in Doara or. airectora re aerrea the right to reject any and alt bids, or divide tne award. a. 11. tiiuuah. June 80, 1918. hchool t'lcrk. NOT1CK. Tbe nnderslsaed have pnrehaaed tha bual ceaa knows aa the WHUama Avenue ruel Co 675 Willlama are. All creditor! oreaent their account against aald buaiseaa to 667 Willlsraa are. Derora expirauon n rirr oars rrotn aata. PMTBR NE1UBBN, Dated July 8. 1919. O. BUNDK, SCHOOL board of diatrirt No. CI will recelre aealed bl'la for Installing furnace In acbool aouae at Oatea, Or. Bids opened July 20. , M. E. BOWEB. Clork. PROFESSIONAL ANN BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCORDION PLEATXNO ACCVRD10N, KNlgtt AND BOX PLEATING; HEMHTITCHIMi, BRAIDING; BITTTON 0LKd, BUTTONS COVERED. EA8TEH.N NOVELTT MFU. CO., 85 H BTH. B'WAT iKiQ. li. 8TEPUAN Bematltching. accordioa, aide and sunburst pleating; butlona ooTarad; goods rponiod. Scalloping, pittock blk. B'way 109. AOATE OTTTTEBBj UrQ. JEWELS Kg. Diamoods bought and ii. Watch repalr'g. Mlller'a, 48H Waah. M.1874 AOBICTTLTUBAX IKF1EKEKTB P. E. LsaKMillADK- Inp;mDU. tcblclei and general farm anppllea. 214 Krcnt. Portland. AJfAXYTICAX CHEMIST AD ABgATEH &1LBERT-HALL CO. Couch bl.lg. 10b 4lh H. BLAtrg BOOK MAKERS Davis a uoluan, Lu., xou 2d t. uimk book manufacturers, agents for Jones lav prdred Loose Leaf Ledgers. Sea tbe new Ea reka Leaf A-8183. Main 183. CABINET WORK CABIN ETr WO ILK, furniture repairing. Horace I. lor, km Jr., g?H 2Md at. Main H&1 CARPET CXEANIMO FILILPIFIF BUC! from old carveu, rag ruga, rarpet elaanlaa Nnrlh. west Bug Co., lgg B. 8th at. B. HMO. B-12W. JOYCE BROS. Klectrle Cleaning Wecki Car- peta cleaned and laid; refitting oar apedalty. Eatt 440. B-1AH. 204 E. IBtb at. S. PKMNSLLAU Uua Worka Uac rug and car. pet weaTlng. 161 Patton a?a. Wdln CEMENT PLA8TEB BRICK WORK. Have our eitlmitor aaa roe about mnieot. pi altering or brick work. Anew Cement Tray Co. Sellwood 1IW0. CBTIB 0 P RACTO Eg lIK. Mi'MAHON Curable rawa. Uklng time, 81 treatmanta $15; worth V). Additional rew effieea 208-213 Macleay bldg., 4th and Wash. Owing to my moat gratifrlag eaocets with many sowalled Incur ah", a caaes during tbe put sersB years in Portland I bia decided ta evtablUb a chiropractic aanltarlnm whwe eat-ef-towa pitlanta may remain much to their ad' vantage at tnnat reaanaabla ratea while taking treatment. Already filled to capacity. Terms on application. 784 Hawthorne ave. KERVOUSNElaS, dlaeaaea of women and rhli dree eared. Pr. Margaret Hafal. Ueanaad ehiropraetla pbTiIdaa. B17 gwetlaad bldg. Me fake. Mala 1768. There LOST AND FOUND 00A1 1VO WbOTJf v A B C.Fuel Co. OS Cnlea Ave. Kertfc. Pbcoe C 461. I -Oar eoeelaltV ta Mod wood aa4 anih la- - lterr. rtt, titnek and alab wood. labwoed 63.U enrd dtilTeredi dr block ted . uuwoua aawee &.H) soofl. nry wrecs ge $. A-l dry nr. , 4 foot or rawed ta erder. Columbia Kuai Co. All- kinds ' Bummer prlees. delivered. 3'a. Al berta. Wdo. tt8. rrompt aervle. N IC C R a KABR. dry nr. 4 ft. 84-60 t 8.1" Mlorltwond. 809 Water at. Mala we. a-t.vii. rrr box wood. Mala 6M3. A-oaoe. COWTHACT0H8 . IO BTJTXDZSt i OiiKAU Ul llkli, Gauetai Caatractuf. U air lock bldg. DOS A WO OAT KOariTAl DR. a. U. UDtUUAN, VKlaiAAlAA Uoanttal 41& K. 1th at. Don c11ddv4 Sl4 bktlied. Kt 184T. Iloaia B-190a. EDUCATlOltAL DAVCIBO UANCMrTkU Uanclug Acauwuir. SV th at, bet. 8tark and Oak. Hpeclal rates. 4 prtTSte leaaooa 12, morning, fteraooa, eveDlog; ell latest daneaa guaraotead; elaaa Thursday fa nruay yTeninga, T-S:BO. Broadway ieo. MR. and airs. Uaetk'a aVhool Uaeoea dally. ' CI,.. avlH . . . i.n vA kiiMti Villi. 1 Inglon and 8ark. Leaaooa 85c7 Main 820o. TP8I0 BCHOOH ArP TIACKITK8 , TUltLUORN Violin teacbar; pupil Belk. Z"T rilelner bldg. A -4 100. Marahail Plior. T. K. LAWbUN-Hiui a at vac burnt, WOc. Pltoea Tabor trt9 roroiA. WHO PIANO ragtime taught anyooe la 10 ta 1 lea aona. written guarantee or moaey back if wo fall: demonatratloa aod booklet fraa. Imere- lalng. keylMiajd harmony, etc. 6Q1-3 Bllera bllg. EYE. ZAa. VOIS. THROAT, LtfVOf SperlallKt, Alodarau prifee. UlaaaM fltud. Dr. r. r. uaaaeday. pit neknm blti.. aa wat rrmx nriTTKAVcs PACIFIC 8TATK8 FIRK 1KU0RANCS Cil ony Oregiin fire lnmirnce oompany. rLTjyy HTJ08 AKD SAO V09 em m Made from old Ingrain. Brussels, Atinlnater, Smyrna carpeta. Hag ruga, all else. Mail oe era prompt attention . Pnoklet, 61 Union it., n. Pbona Eaat 0B1. 8-14T8. rtrtVAOIl Boynton Furnaces . Economical, effectual. J. C. Bejer Co., fTeat anil Market. rtntyrrrjiE fAacrwo Kt ltNlTl KK paklng. Main "1M. aTtnlnga. HAT1 CLEA If ED, gLIACHTP ldlea', genta' Panama bata claued. blaacbad, ' 75c. gcrawa, (alta, eoe. Kautmaa'a IM Willi, nr. 4th. 118 and 44 id. Phona M. toga, liathzs Airp bhoe nwimrog TUK BUKVktAM LEaTHU CO. ' " 4 Oldeit firm In aortbweat. Agents "Monares' nd "L. A M." aole leathor. 1 gTaratt ft... XATTSEMZt OLD miltnuri aud feather bade made late unitary folding tortui; Cia then renoratad. roldlng M. Co.. tH)d Willlama. B. M74. MON-IWTOXICATI0 BETZBAOZS WEMHAKDfl Ouldrn and Amber Nectar, lieurr W'elubard plant, lkth aad Burnildi, -Phones rAiMTixa ajtd pAFZiriro. (OK good work, call Jufan OonUak. alroadwsy U2. 416 OHaan. rEIMTEHI AltP ZMOKATTJH TUB IVV PUKS. JOHN M. MANM. 3K2 Stark at. Broadway 408. A-4oea. ETXBBEB BTAKT AKD tZAU ALSO (ilenclli, Trade Obecka, Braaa Blgae. : PACIFIC COAST STAMP WOEKB 831 Waihtngton at. Main 710. A-8710. ' BAJETT KAEOBt H01TEP , BAFKTY raatara abarpened: all kinds, Sfie and SOc per doaen. 148H 8d at., near Morrlaoe, SHEET METAL WORKS KEI'AIKI.NU tin and gravel roofa. Jacob 810 lat at. Phone Main 1424. TRAKSrER AND STORAGE "Oregon Transfer Co, Eatabllabad 1870. Tramrer and Karwardlog Agents. Storage Free Urackage. Office aod storags, 474 Ullean at Hth and Ullian. Main 09. A-HW. ALWAVa - PICK" TUK Bl;T HULatldoLU Ci)018 81'tt IAL1HT8 Storage, Packing, Shipping aud Moving. Ilnree or Auto Vane. Special freight ratei to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER 8TORAQB CO.' . 2d and iMne. Broadway fittd. A-lWOfl, OIJUN-HOE TBANMKKB CO. furniture 'era, packera, storage; fireproof warehouse. ISlbtnd Hoyt aU. Main 547. A-2247. M A Kill PACTU DP D 1 JOBBERS WHOLESALERS DRY POOPS WHOLESALE L, Dinkelspiel Co, Huarlock Bldg. corner Oik. FAIRT, On, 4k OLABS RAHMUtUtEN A CO.. "High Staodard" pamU N. K tonwr ad and Taylor. M. 1TT1. AMI. FLUaTBIVO StrmiZI fLt'MBlNU supiiUas, .abulesale prices. Iavla Co.. 212 M at. Main TOT, liars 8AWXTABY Wir RAOS L. SHANK CO, 812 FRONT ST. PUONB MAIN 16 WATER SUPPLY STSTZatS IkEWANEK WATEU SYSTEMS M. P. Wpeneer, Agent. IPS W. yars St. wood roi foil TLA K I WOOiJ I-IFK CO. Kactory aai , office near 24th and York ata. Main SAW. urroxMATiov ootrrox. If you want tha name f a reliable business bouse dealing in any lino ( merchandise, or information regard, ing reaorta, hotels, railroads, steam Hip lines, etc., address Oregon Jour nal iniormation Bureau. information desired; - f....ieeee ............................. c Name..... naMa Address M,t,it GS Are Tricks in All Trades