V THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY; JUNE 23, 1018. 16 V.i 83 ADS. of furnlttirs for sals tn pud- llshsd In ths Household GOods classi fication when houwe Is not for rent. FURNISHED IIOL'SKS IIS; S ROOM modern house, partly furnished If desired; 1 acre. V4 In garden, fruit, berries. Sc fare. Take Jit. Scott car to 80th St., follow board walk to end. Tabor 4834. MODERN 6 room house tor rent, fur nished, lots of roses, some fruit and Dice garden, very reasonable rate for the summer. Inquire 85 1 ekum ave. K. h. y. HHOfa, ' Nlcs modern well furnished cottages. 11 tl to s room. 10 ia.ii at 8 26th at. 8.. or phone East Z2b. OCKAN VJKW cottage for rent for season, furnished, electric ltgnts 12 rooms; 1100. Mrs. John Rabyor, box 5. Newton-. Wash. WOULD like to rent my furnished room modern bungalow to respon slbfe party. 327 K. 4 8th. ItENT il2. close In. 3 room furnished house. 51 Kast 7th, bet. Oak and Pins. WANTKD. reliable party to take cars 6 room bungalow during vacation; mall rent. VVoodlawn 1272. FOR RENT Completely lurnlslied 3 rm. cottage, with piano, in fear. 1076 E. j5th N. (tOMPLETEl-Y furnished "l room house. Including grand piano; also garage. Ijidd's addition. East 11 6. . 4 ROOM hoiiMe. nicely furnlsnea, eas. Hide. $14 month. Phona Marshl. 308fc. THRKK Furnlnlied ' ' Main B4 5fi, 9 a, rn, houHts for to 6 p. m. rent. 0 5 room turn. Kenilworth ave. bungalow. 487 APARTMENTS 43 HJRN1SHKH AND UNFURXISHEI) THE CROMWELL ' &th and Columbia sts. Five minutes' walk to Mr & Frank's more, EO"d surroun Jings. trlctly modern '1 arid A room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. "HAD DON HALL APARTMENTS. Corner of 11th and Hall sty. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Two, 3 and 4 room apts., balcony, heat, private bath, phone, moder-i con veniences, walking distance. Mar. 1163. VILLA ST. CLARA, lllth and Taylor. Modem, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. Tin TN AMD ai.M'&H. 4Tb. lUxlll.r. ri.ii-lnrr M nd a-rl" MADISON PARK Al'Tti. Park" Ml. at Madison. Modern 2. 3 and 4 room furnished apartment, close in, by week or :,ionth. Ti t p. uUbNuOHK. 208 16TH ST. Marsnall 23ii. Nice & room fur. and unfur, apts. alBo-3 and 4 room fur, apts. BALBOA APTS Large, modern 2 and 3 room !ur. and unfur. brick bldg., best fcervice. walk ing dis.; reasonable. 429 Harrison st. VVE1ST APTS. 69 N. 2od. One large 5 room apt., with private porch. Apply at Apt. No. 4. PENROSE APTS.. and Grand i.ve.; ' J room furnished. Walking dlstan e. N W. cor. Btlmont new, modern. 2 and Service first class. LUZERNE APTS., 3d and Hall Mod ern brick bldg.. 2 rooms, furnished, private phone In each apt., $15 and up. Marshall 4637. E. 7th and Taylor sts., 2 and i room apts.; light free, private bath. THE SHEFFIELD, 21i) Broadway H. a ana 4 room fur. and unrur. apts., walking distance; at very reatOi:able rent; beat of seivice. Main 2506 THREE room apts , private phone, -bath, $18.50 per mo., modern rrick. Westfall Apts., 410 &th.; walking dis tance. NICELY furnished 3 room apt.. n eluding piano, for term of months leasonable rent. Apt. 210, T.udor Arms. Marsh. 42HO. TUOORARMS Apts., 18th and Couch. rnone a-i44, Marshall Z5&9; new prick bldg.. i, 3, 4 rooms, modern apts j.ijU rtu v r. r. k j room apii,. pri vate bath, Harrison Court. &i:i and Harrison; wn.Klntr dlstan-e. FO.LR rooms, hardwood floors, fire place, lovely corner, with garaee $20 Phone Kast SS. iscvv luiiusiit.u $10 and $r: Woodlawn 512. upla. , concrete block. 1162Vfe Union ave N. ORtKNCO TK apartment 8, 145 Grand ave. N. Modern 2 and 3 room fur nlshed apt,, $14 to $19. East -..-.Ol. PENINSULA APTS.. C-1170; concrete bldg., 2 and 3 rooms; hot and cold water, baths, phone, steam heat. $12 up $3.60 PER WEEK 2 and 3 room apts., private tath, Harrison Court. 51 n and Harrison; walking distance. MAGNOLIA APTS., E. 3d and Belmont Modern 1 and 2 room apts., $l.a0 per week up. Sleeping rooms. Eh: 212. THREE room furnished apartments; separate bath and phone, east side, good location. $17. Tabor 6065. 036. DOWNTOH N modern apts., $15 liTonth up, including heat, light, etc Royal Annex, 85ft H Morrison. NOKOM1S apts , 56f Marshall st. Mod ern, private bath and dressing riMm; summer rates. ROSE FRIEND. 285 Broadway S.; mod ern unfurnished aDts.; large rooms, Tbest service, walking dlst. Mar. i4lQ AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod 4. o 6 rm. apts. Mar. 3360, M.7516, A-2676. CAMAR, 704 Lovejoy 2 and 3 room apts.. $15, $20, $27.50. Marshal! 2917. CLEAN 2 room apartments, cool place, private park, close in. 391 Broadway. Cincinnati Cort. 401 10th. modern apartments. $10 to $20. ROSEN FE L L tbrlck) 14th ana E Stark. 3 and 4 rooms, private pnones. FOR RENT FLATS 13 MODERN 7 room, flat $16. 66 Cornell St., off 23d and Washington. Main 4694. JMUD2.RIN 4 room riat. gas and woorc range, sleeping porch, walking dis tance. 669 Market, LEAVING city, will, rent 5 room flat cheap to right party, kitchen fur- nlshed or unfurnished 491 Market st. 14 COLUMBIA. 2 6-room flats. $16 each, near schools Owner, 290 14th. MODERN upper 5 room flat at 1634 E. 17th St.; $15. Marshall 4317. FURNISHED FLATS 50 I ROOMS. Bleeping; porch, walklne dis. tance. 382 Vancouver, near Broad way. CLEAN, neatly furnished 4 room flat, modern, piano, 2 blocks from Union v. Rent reasonable. 800 E. 6th et. It COMPLETELY furnished E room low. - r outside rooms, lawn, walking dls tance. 424 Tillamook. Union ave. cars. 6 ROOM modern flat, well furnished; reasonable. 740 Minnesota ave. SUMMER RESORTS .2 . SPEND your vacation In the country; . good accommodations. Phone Van eouver 2SK25. Address C. j. Duback. ;.,t Vancouver, Route 1. SEASIDE 7 room fur. house, strictly modern, near Msnss VAtsi av.a : v 1100 for season. Main 1068. ' . ; IftOOMS and rooms with housekeeping; IP"jUeges. L. Roderick, Long Beach, "5 : Wash. 1 S- ROOMS and board, also tents and cot- , Ugea. for rent at Mrs. Emma Mat- 4 thews. Ocean Park. Wash. " a HEAT well furnished 5 room cottage at Ocean Park. Wash. Bellwd. 1500. ; :i COTTAGE ror rent at Seaside. Or. . -f Main FTRXITURR FOB SALE HOUSES FOR RENT 66 ,- - -COoattiMwd) THE RIVERVIEW. 42 7th t.7& T. Davis, prop. Furnished rooms, o0; and up; housekeeping tents, $4 per week and up. Housekeeping apts ti week. 45 season. Ocean Crest. Rockaway. STORES AXI OFFICES 11 BKICK Msieliouse id South Fortland for rent, trackage, light and airy Of paved street: reasonable Journal p-.jntiMvtv fr. Rrnpidwav and Vajmhl'l BAKERY fully equipped. Front and Market; rent Sir.. Near Auditorium. FOlt KENT HALLS SO MOOSE hall; stae, large paling ca pacity Phone Main 24 Jo. va;;ted ro rent WANTED, to rent, modern furnisheJ house, 4 or 5 rooms, west side or close In on east side preferred. Tabor 6515. NEWLY turn, rooma In Irvington pri vate rewidence, shady porch and place for tent; home privileges to nice people. Ki m 4 7 b !. 6 ROOM modtrn bungalow in Rose City park, unfurnished. Phone Ta bor 297. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 FOR horses ana venicles. doi;s and household pets and poultry, read l(e ads under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums In these classifications. A FINE team of half Shetland ponies, solid, weight X00, work double or single; fine for wife or children. One fine saddle pony, 'weight 650, Co lumbia Startles. 3.02 Front. GOOL rubber tired surrey, also one of the best coal or feed wagons in city. Will take horse, cow feed or wood in exchange. 1029 E. Yamhill. GOAT harness, single or double; alsj wagon; will buy Shetland ponies and I urros Sell wood 1010. SPAN of mares for sale, very cheap; Macadam 'and Curry sts.. across the R It. track, Francis. Garcia. ' NICE family horse and buggy; must sell- bought an- auto. Can be seen at 1029 E. Yamhill.. RESPONSIBLE party wants to buy team on terms; security given. D 2 Journal. I'EA D horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. , HANDSOME white pony, 6 years old. warranted sound, ride, drive, single, double. 1570 E, 11th. North. THE best Shetland pony in city, kind and gentle: will take good horse in exchange. 1029 E. Yamhill St. FOR SALE, 900 lb. mare. $20. to 80th. south to Mt. 2uOC Tabor car Hawthorne. FOR SALE Good ranch or camping outfit: team of horses, harness and wairon at bargain. 1967 E. Stark St. TEAM For use on farm for its keep; best of care; good Portland -efer-encee. Ei.st 3551. ONE hor.sj grocery wagon for sale. Telephone Woodl awn 4 6 2 0 . BLACK nare, 1300 lbs., $100. Crown Stables. '.85 Front St. DEAD horses and cattle taken free. Call day ot ni -ti' Tabor 4203T LIVESTOCK 3.1 GUERNSEY-JERSEY 3 gallons, extra r)c-h; 6 years old; :. .-t4 L. th. 4 FRESH cows; will sell or trade for beef cattle. 9ii" Mississippi ave. TWO milch goats from a 4 quart doe. i C-10. Journal. YEARLING. Guernsey, registered bull, cheap. See him at 1954 Woolsey st. WANT a milker. No. 1 Guernsey cow, heavy Chris Gesme, Lents, Or. FOR SALE Two fresh cows. Corner r5th av. and lOL'd Ft.. Lents. ioi ltry avi? iM;i-;of :t; 150 BUFF LEGHORN hens, 75c each Take as many as you like; also some fat ones. Sell wood S04 BABY CHICKS White Leghorn, large. strong, fine ones. 415 Jessup st Woodlawn 4344. BARRED ROCK bahv chicks. 12th St.. N. Woodlawn 1485. 1534 E. CHINA pheasants $5 pair, efcgs $2 for 15. Batterson. Hillsdale. Main 7553. PIGEONS tor notrie. Tahnr 4811. IMHiS. BIKl-f. I'KTS. ETC, 4fi FOR SALE German roller, fine singer. Thone East 3491, mornings. Alff MpBI I LES-.( CKSSOK1 ES 44 1916 OVERLAND. Tires only run,. 350 miles; still ha guarantee. Just like new. If sold on Saturday will take $635. Call 100s HoMndav ave. DANDY 1915 light Six Hudson, 7 pass.. splendid mechanical condition, good tires, newly painted. Cost $1750 Price $875. $400 down. $25 monthly. E. R. Hyatt, 350 Alder. FOR USED CARS Come to the Covey Motor Car Co., and Washington. Main 6244. 21st TRUCK. 32 ton. Genereal Vehicle elec tric truck in first class condition with brand new lead hatterv, 40 milee per charge $1130. Will Spalding 110 13th st. Main 7126. LET Us Sclve Your Spring i'.ouble. Guaran eed wasminoion Carriaob Springs. Cor. "jj -, Union and 1-iei- tTSsesSs mont. E. 1305. TOgWoRn Mfg. & Repairs-. 3000 guarant'd spi'.ngs in stock, prices reduced. 34 N. 13th st. GET OUR PRICES ON PAINTING. BROADWAY AUTO PAINTING CO., 31 Broadway N., near Bumslde FORD touring, excellent condition electrically equipped, e.11 rood tires. Sellwood 309. BUICK week. 15; it's a bird; must go this Woodlawn 4675. FOR SALE, 6-pass. 918 E. 18th st., N. Buick, $250 cash. Phone Wdln 4196. FOR SALE, Ford touring, E. 6775. East 13th. 171 MUTT AND JEFF wuene FOR AU CANDIDATC5 'ea prm nation tO TAKTC TO TMG stump and trv STRAY WTGS 8V (HOCKCS, VJiCSON 6T AL K(ev;e AlRCADyl MOUTH PUC3 TO HAUC nothihc oh OTT, FOR TODA JIefp rtouNTs SUMMER RESORTS AUTOMOBILESAtXESSORIES 44 (ContKutod) Truck Bargains i-ton JEFFERY truck. -ton "WILLEYS truck. 1- ton SELDON truck. 2- ton UNIVERSAL truck. S-ton PACKARD truck. THESE TRUCKS ARE ALL IN GOOD MECHANICAL CONDITION. $800 and Up Terms Frank C, Riggs Company Main 4542. PACKARD "30" ROADSTER. Three passenger Packard "30" road ster, in fine mechanical coni''tion equipped with Bosch magneto. Bijour generator for electric headlights, epot light, Firestone demountable rims, top ana windsniela. call Marshall libs. USED AUTO SNAPS. Terms- given. 1915 Mitchell. 6 pass., 6 cvl., $1050. 115 Mitchell, 5 pass.. 4 cyl., i25. 1913 Hudson. 5 pass., 6 cyl., $650. l'HO Mi.line. 5 pass., 4 cyl., I. -00. 1910 Overland. 4 pass., 4 cyl., $27o. Number of others to select from. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVER CO.. E. 1st and E. Morrison sts East 7272. , B-1216. G A R a G E S $30 and up. P o r i-ble houses, chick en houses, woods heds, etc. M 1 1 1 -made Con struction Co., Main 1167. 544 Hood et. Sunday and evenings. Woodlawn 3615. BUICK ROADSTER, 1913 model, first class condition, $350. STUDEBAKER four" touring car, 1914 model, electric starter and lights, $475. FORD roadster, fine condition, new body and top, $300.' . OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Studebaker 'Distributors, USED CAR DEPT. Park and Davis sts. Broadway 616 PACKARD PACKARD Seven-pass., with removable sedan top, electric lights, car in fine condi tion, $800; terms. Also fine Oldsmo bile Limited, 7-pass. Cadillac 1913. 7 pass., $S00. See us for good used cars Main 6244. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. 21st and Washington sts. Main 6244. LIGHT REO. Run Only 8000 miles; a good buy at $350. Several other good bargains. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. 21st and Washington. Main 6244. CADILLAC CADILLAC 1913 touring car, just thoroughly overhauled, electric starter, new tires, $800; terms. Also many others. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 21st and Washington sts. Main 6244. EVER READY 1 ton truck; attachm't. trucK z $775. Manuf'J in Portland. TH A YER-SH AVER -GULLET MACHINE CO.. 193 E. Water st. Phone East 7437. DOUBLE tread, puncture Droof tires made from your old ones. Bring them in Oregon Vulcanizing Co., Wrash. at 18th. Burnide at Broadway. (335 Burnsldo.) DODGE TOURING CAR. 1915 Dodft''. first class condition, $650. COVKY MOTOR CAR CO.. 21st and Washington. HKRE'S a bargain; anyone wanting a 5 pass. Ford in good order should call at the Auto Laundry garage, 175 21st st. Marshall 3982. NEW 1916 FORD TOURING CAR BODIES. $75. BENJ. K. BOONE & CO.. Main 3966. 514 Alder. AUTOMOBILES painted: good work. reasonable prices. A. Seghers, old car riage painter. Come and see me, 611 North 21st St.. NO-GLARE AUTO LENSES. ED BRI'NS CO., 43V. 1st st. cor Ash. Broadway 954. FOR SALE or trade, model M 7 pas senger 40 h. p. White steamer car. Andv Rukers. 468V4 Hawthorne ave.. Phone East 164. PACKARD TRUCK. In the best of condition. 70 E. 27th st. N. Phnoe East 257. FOR SALE 1915, 6 passenger Bulck. fullv equipped, fine condition, price SR50. terms Owner. 1347 E. 6th st. N. $400 40 h. p. roadster, consider light car in Payne, McMinnville, Or. a dandy, will trade. R. K. SALE OR TRADE 1914 6 pass, auto; good condition; cheap; quick sale. Mornings Main 6176. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 10 ACRES of good land to exchange for 5-pass. auto. U-368, Journal. IMPROVED lot trade for auto. in Laurelhurst to Phot e Sellwood 5. Any Way You Look at VeS Sonto A NeiGHBoBHoOD uoes tug woriohc ccass, THRqvs) TM BULC ABOUT TU POVJN TBOPDeN UORiflNG MAN. -me SANNGAS Au 0NDlPATeS po. L AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 f (OontlBnefl) WANTED Trada 10 acres ood land, part improved, bouse, for used auto truck. For particulars writs box 67, Cathlamet. wash. FOR SALE! Or will trade for light roadster, cabin launch, fully equipped. Call East 602 or Von der Werth s boat hou Be. E. approach of Morrison bridge. 10 ACRES of good land and 50x100 lot to exchange for auto. Y-6, Jour nal. WILL trade equity In 8 room modern bungalow for Ford machine. Sell- wood 1621. ' LAUNCH In fine order, boathouse and cash for Ford or light car. Phone Sellwood 661. AUTOS KOU HIRE 62 HIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE 5 and 7-pass cars, reliable service; special shopping rates. Marshall 301 MAXWELL. 1916, model, careful and experienced driver; reasonable rates. Tabor 76. NEW Oakland six, anywhere, rates reasonable. Phone Tabor 7113. FORD for hire, with driver. East 4755. MOTORCYCLES-BICYCLES So A SNAP, a dandy twin Excelsior motorcycle, fully equipped with presto tank, light, speedometer and stroll dream tandem, $125 cash. Main 498. Washington Park. INDIAN motorcycle, special built en gine, electric lights, one days' trial anywhere. Cash price. $125. L. Sie genthaler, Anabel station, 3929 62d st., S. E., city. MOTORCYCLES Perfect condition; terms given; open eve'$. Sundays 10 to 12. Indian Ag'cy. 273 3d. Main 6139: TWIN Hariey motorcycle, tandem and light. Call at 469 E. iitark at., after 6 p. m. TWIN, equipped Indian, good condition, $100; not junk, but I need money. 801 Lynn, St. Johns. HA RLE Y -DA V ID SON delivery trucK, good condition. Fisi Rubber Co., Broadway and Davis. TWIN Exceisior, good as new, taken at once. 109 11th sL nap if TWIN $80. Ind.an, first Main 8899. class condition, CASH for motorcycles and bicycles, any condition. Blocker. 276 Taylor. LAUNCHES' AND BOATS 04 6 EVINRUDE canoe motors, 1914 mod el, 2 H. P., attery ar.d coil. Former ?rice $73.40. Closing out this model at 48, $16 down, balance monthly. Evin rude Motor Co.. 211 Morrison. T. DANIELSON Boat Shop. Nebraska Building, repairs, best work, low price 1'IANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 SMALL UDrieht Diane., sweet, full, rich tone. Vv'iil sell on easy terms. .Make offer 151 4th st. Ask for Misa Haic.i piano. 15 DOWN : weeklv. without m terest, buys $325 1916 model piano for $245: t' tal savin r $145.28. Scnwan Piano Co., Ill 4th at Washington 8S-XOTE mahogany piano player, bench and 25 music rolls; win sell for $200 on easy terms. Apply 285 Morrison st. IF you are interested- in buying a piano or player piano, write today fo- our "Bargain List." Graves Music Co.. 151 4th st. I WANT to sell or store my nice up right piano. Ask for Mrs. Henry's piano, 2S5 Morrison et- Will sell very low and on terms. 75C MONTHLY stores your piano, or will sell at your price or buy f for cash. Call Main 6323. Security Stor age Co- Ill 4th. at Washington. DAINTY Baby Grand piano, liko new, used but short time; will sell low and on reasonable terms. Particulai s at 151 4th st. PIANOS rented, $1 per month and up. Piano players rented, $4 per month and up. Graves Music Co., 151 4th t., at Morrison st, WANTED DISK TALKING MA CHINE and RECORDS; highest cash price paid. Main 4495. 128 1st, near Alder. Will trade $1000 player piano with lot of 88-notc rolls. What have you? 285 Morrison St. MY piano player must be sold this week; cost $675; sell at great re duction. Can be keen at 1M 4th Ft. RENT a piano player, free music tolls, $5 month and up. Graves-Music Co., 151 4th St., at Morrison St. PIANO FOR SALE Is player model, will sacrifice. Ask for Mr. Foster 285 Morrison st. FOR SALE JS0O Emerson piano for $250: ih perfect condition. Inquire at C. O. Pick & Co., 2d and Pine sts. FREE use of piano or player piano 2Vi years. See display adv. or Schan Piano Co. Ill 4th St. BEAUTIFUL Kingsbury player i.lano. $175; cofi.t $650; pay $10 catn ana $6 per month. 285 Morrison st. WANTED Used piano tor cash Phone Main 5323 or address 109 4th St. FOR SALE: 88-note player piano, only used few months. Apply managei Nortonla hotel. CLEAR city lot wanted in exenanga for splendid piano; answering, stats location and price. R-932. Journal. $55 CASH buys a $450 Haines iros. piano tomorrow. Security Storage Co.. 109 4th. -PARTY leaving for Cal., will sell al most new piano. Ask for Miss Mar. zolis. 151 4th st. KIMBALL. $325, upright oak piano, will close out for $85 cash this week Security Storage Co . 109 4th st A $200 Grafonola with $25 worth of records, all for $150. Must sell. A-l. Journal. I HAVE a table Graphophone in ma hogany and $10 worth of music. WW sell outfit for $75. F-l. Journal. WANT two or three good pianos at bargain. 431 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE A $400 Kchultz piano, $150 Terms. 429 Washington st. SPLENDID Vose upright piano, - pay $5 per month. 151 4th st. $155, GOOD practice piano, $90; week. 151 4th st. pay 1 per It a Working Man Is in Fetxptjj cititens i cone to voo AS ONG OP Tt)U. TWe FIHANCIAt. kl4S$ OF THIS 6RCAT NATtON ARC TOPPUMC OM TWGIR THRONGS. VAtCVJiN6 M LOyuRV.lM THtt eep tmgv nAve hot rcckoned On THE AnERiCAM PEf5-Pfi, 84 Continued) THE SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT PIANOS. $350 Marshall & Wendell Upt., cash! 80 $300 Louis XV walnut Upt.. cash. 45 $400 Chickering & Sons, old model 40 $275 F. & C. Usher, old model 30 $250 Pianola player, mahogany.... 4t $325 Lindell Upright, mahogany.. 135 $136 Story & Clark narlor organ.. 25 500 Emerson Colonial piano ... 16S To first caller. 109 4th, near Wash. Your piano stored for 75c monthly. BEFORE purchasing see our Specials in Used Piano Bargains. New pianos r fiCjVM AMI. pianos mod'ately priced. We snip pianos on approval lor in spection; highest grade make. What is your choice' in a piano? Let us &now. Good pianos from $75 ana up. Player piano from $175 ai.d up; easy terms. Graves Music Co., lji 4th St.. Portland. IF you are looking tor a real hign grade p.ayer iauo, here la n snap. Full size h-note player, cott new $950 less than year ago; will sell no for $4.5; terms if you desire. Ask for Mr. Read's player piano. 151 4th st HAVE your piano tuiiea, repaired or rXinished by our professional men Portland Piano Tuning, Repairing & Mfg. Co., 246 Hawthorne. Phone East 1072. AN elegant 88-note, almost new oiano- playej, bench and lot of sood ions music Included, price $200. Very easy terms. Apply lol 4th gt. i'OU can now own a highest g-.uoe 88 note piano Player, terms as 10 v.' lis $1 per week. Priced as low as IZoi. 151 4th st. GOING AWAY My 88-note piano player wili sell to first reasonable buyer. See it. 151 4th st. Wnl give terms. BIG bargai in Baby Granu, iiko new $900 model; nir.ke offer. Apply 285 Morrison st. BRAND new upright piano, wul sel fo- $150; no agents. 101 4t hs'. TYPEWRITERS NEW REMINGTON rental plan, with manufacturers' guarantee and rentals applying on purchase. Visible m.-dels. $3 per month, $7.50 for 3 months. Other models less. Remington Typcyrlter company, 86 Broadway. Telephone Broadway 621. WE save you, from 50 to 75 on all makes of typewriters. Send To- our illustrated folder; rentail department. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington st NEW, rebuilt, 2d hand, rentais, cut rates; P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. M. 1407 HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 65 FOR SALE One kitchen cabinet, : Monarch, 1 sewing machine, 1 How ard heater, piano and other various articles. C80 Larrabee st. FURNITURE of 6 room flat, includ ing piano, first class condition. A 1340. SNAP Main Furniture of 7422. a room flat WANTED Small gas range; must be in good condition. Tabor 14S1. FURNITURE cheap. 7 & 7 of o rooms; :sth st. s. will sell FOR SALE MISCKLLASKOL'S 19 FOR SALE Brand new carom and pocket billiard tables with complete outfit, $125; second hand tables at reduced prices; bowling alley and bil liard supplies, eaty payments. Cigar store, drug, delicatessen and soda fountain fixtures. THE BRUNSWICK BALKE COLLENDER CO.. 46-4 5th. MACHINES of all manes sold for lets. No (items employed. Machine; rent ed, $2 rter month. A-3626. Main 9431. Sewing Ma chine Emporium. HO 3d st., near. Taylor. Electric motorb so.d and rented. mm Sewing Machines All kinds, all makes We' Need the Room Will Sell From $3 to $5 ALL GUARANTEED. 349 MORRISON ST. MAIN 1845. MLSICAL INSTRUMENTS.'' Uype writers" and 'Household Goods" are separate classifications. Ail adver tisements of triese goods are published under their respective classifications. LOOK THEM OVER. IF you are looaing for a real nigh grade player piano, here Is a snap. Full size 88-note player, cost new $950 less than year ago; will sell now for $475; terms if you desire. Ask for Mr. Read's player piano. 151 4th st Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and re paired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnslde, cor. 10th. Broadway or A-d674. 10 DROPHEAD Singer sewing ma chines, complete with attachments, in good order, $17.50 while they last. East 2359, B-3307. E. R. Steen, 162 Grand ave., near Belmont. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found un&er these different classifications. FOR SALE Cheap, set of Kirkman's feclence of Railways, latest edition including charts. Phone Wdln. 2197. WAYNE gasoline pumps and oil stor age tanks. E. H. Rueppell. As'.. 194 1st. Main 1221. FOR SALE 1723 Stradavarlus violin Room 11, Sedgwick bldg., Vancou ver. Wash. $12.50 DROPHEAD with attachments, ave sewing machine Call 152 Grand BE SAVING by buying your glasses of Staples, the jeweler, optician 2fi6 Morrison st. MACHINERY bought, sold, repaired and exchanged. Northwest Lead & Mach. Co., 311 Front st. Main u492. COLLAPSIBLE baby buggy; good con dition. Main 6176, mornings. FOR SALE, per sack. Burbank seed potatoes, 75c 1448 Vancouver ave. Electric Fans bought, sold, exchanged; repairing. Room 315 326 Wash. st. Dutch PIA0S, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FSt-tT IN TM VeO.V ClTV WH"Re ONE OF THE CONVJCNTtOMS WAS WCcP, Tue Pouiecpuc strcgt car. corpo;atiom; onli cast wee PiAcep a Tenptgce boroem uPoh J" JHQULDtka Or FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 (Continued) - REFRIGERATORS. Closing out stock of Wlckes patent refrigerators at o. b. factory prices; no dealers' profit. On display at The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.. 4 5th. SWAP COLUMN 25 HAVE you a clear lot to trade for a fine piano? Mail your price, with location, to 111 4th st. NEW 5 room bungalow. 2-S finished. to trade for good auto. C-l, Journal. HOUSE rent for painting, R-5, Journal. carpenter work. CORD wood wanted in exchange for dental work. Phone Main 6285. WANTED MlCELiiANKOLS 6 WE PAY cash for your used furniture. carpets, ranges, etc. Gevurtz Furniture Co.. Inc. 185-187 First t. NEAR YAMHILL. MARSHALL 5981. WE ship pianos on approval lor in spection: highest eradn makes. What Is your choice in a piano? Let us know." Good pianos from $75 and up. Player pianos from $175 and up; easy terms. Graves Music Co., 151 4th st., Portland. WE REPAIR your watch for ki no matter how badly broken. Brir. this ad. Howard Jewelry Co.. 291 "A Wash ington. PHONE East 7815 when you wai.t to sell your furniture. We come at once and pay you the cash. M. R. Sealer, 2b6 Grand ave., south of Hawthorne. WANTED Second hand furniture ranges and stoves. Best prices paid. Morgan Furniture Co., 390 E. Morrison st. Phone East 2238. WANTED The people of Portland to know I pay the highest cash prices for household goods. Prompt attention. East 6707. N. M. Seater. 143 Ru.--?ell st I WILL pay cash for your piano, p.ay er, upright, grand or square. Both phones, 1433, or call on J. J. Foster. 151 4th st. NOTICE: TO MOVERS. Wanted Stoves, rockers, drenbers, rugs, couches; chairs, tables, ef. We pay the price. N. W. Fur. Ex. K. 636. WANTED Y'our diamond to sell on commission. Belding the Jeweler, 245 M Alder, between 2d and 3d- Main 1692. 8(0) fin Green trading stamps. IC& h 1100 W. BanK bldg. a ViW, uUo PAY'S MORE for them than Sperry-Hutchlnson Co. HIGHEST cueh price for diamonds, old gold, i.:iver, platinum, watches, kodaks, jewelry. J. Golden. 167 lt st. SECOND hand clothing buyer. Meyer, the tailor, pays $5 up for suits: shoes bought. Marshall 1229. 229 Madison. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE M A I N 3332, A-256 7 CASH for eld gold, silver, platinum and high grade ore. H. M. Pickering, mrfg.1 jeweler. -'18 Oregonian bldg TEAM For use on farm for its keet best of care; good Portland refer ence. E:'St 3551. WE PAY' cash for your suitcases trunks and handbags. Main 9072, A-7174 CASH 1 paid for good second-hand fur niture Ford Auction Co.. 191 2d st WANTED bed linen and towels; must be cheap for cash. Main 1910 WANTED to buy a Victrola, good con ditlon. B-16, Journal. PAYS highest price for 2d hand ctoth ing, tools, etc. 273 Front Main 4S02 LOST AND FOUND 21 FOLLOWING articles were found oyn the cars of the Portland Railway, Light Power Co., and owners there of may claim same at the First und Alder street station. Marshall 5100 A-6131. June 21 Five packages. 1 pr. socks. 6 umbrellas, 2 prs. gloves, 1 grip, 1 lunch box, 1 door latch, 1 screw driver, 1 pr. overshoes, 1 purse 2 market baskets, 1 iron rod, 1 pr. of shoes. LOST June 8, lady's gold hunting case watch, gold hands, yellow tint-. ed dial, on or near Union ave. and Going st. Liberal reward. Phone C- 1404. FORD roadster, motor No. 6S1.494: li cense No. 6340. Reward. Telephone Tabor 4928. LOST Mans ring with garnet Answer an,d D-9, Journal. in-re- serted, Xraas 1908. ceive liberal reward. LOST Lady's gold bracelet, diamond setting; suitable reward to finder. E E. Tressler, 85 1st st. Main 373 FOUND- Collie dog with round leather Phone Tabor 3851. collar. LOST and -Two pair of gloves at Oregon T'nion. Phone Broadwav 5296. PERSONALS MEXICAN hair preparations, scalp treatments, shampooing. Residence by appointment. 145Va Broadway. Marshall C442. DON'T uso expensive corn remedies when you can get the sure thing "Removes It" 15c plasters at the Clem enson Drug Co., 200 Morrison st. IT will be to the advantage of the former partners of F. J. Mo Danald of Northwestn Bank bldg. to answer this. X-1 1. . Journal. ELECTRO-HYDROPATHIC Institute, 275 North 22d st. cor. Overton). Scientific massage, Elecfric Cabinet Baths. Comfortable rooms. Mar. 2775. AN elegant 88-note. almost new piano player, bench and lot of good rolls, music included; price $200. Very easy terms. Arnlv 151 4th ut. NEW life in electric and vibratory treatments. Facial, scalp and mani curlng. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg. DR. V. G. KETCHUM Women's mala dies and acute diseases of men. Wash blrlaT.. 4th nd Wash. Rm. 441. Ma.-. 44S. ELECTRIC and vibratory treatments, facial, scalp, manicuring and sham pooing 417-20 Northwestern Bank bid. Lawyer 499S Consultation free. Main 512 Selling bldg. BALM of Figs remedy for diseases of women. 504 Davis st. Main 2393. SCIENTIFIC treatment of scalp. 163 Park st. for diseases room 3. MAY IRWIN, facial and scalp treat ments. 291 V4 Morrison, room 30. (.Copyright, 101S, by H. C. FUher.) ITrade Mark Beg. Ii. 8. Patent Office.) THC STfteCT CAB PACE FROrA STtOOlS TO EAST ST. LOUIS, UVl.CM ISTWe HOMC OF THr CABOP.IH6 HAH, mas acujavs Been tgm cents. But TMG VUORkllM 6 VaJMATCUGR CHANCG TrG UORKiHfe HAH MAO TOSAUC MONGV HAS BGCH MAM. COT IN MACF. REDUCCP JC Five cgmts PO You KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS ? 22 (Ootiunmed) WHY pay big prices for glasses? 1 can fit your eyes with first quality lenses in a gold filled frame as low as $1.60. Chas. W. Goodman, optometrist, 209 Morrison Main 2124 FEBVET t HANEBUT. leading wig and towns makers, finest stoip. hu man hair goods; hairdressing, manicur ing, face nd scalp treatment. ml lngs to order. 147 Broadway Main 646. OREGON HERNIA INSTITUTE. Rupture treated mechanically; adults, children. Trusses to auit your case. Johnsfon & I'mhargar, rupture spe cialists. 411 Alisky bldg. .Main 3784. TAKARA Hair Tonic, an antiseptic scalp cleanser, hair beautifler and dandruff remover; price 50c bottle. For sale by Portland Hotel Pharmacy. HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitarv Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum. Marshall 17 02 S PI R I T UALI S M Rev. M. A. I'ric c i r cles Tues. 2pm; Wed., Sun. 8 p. in. Reading dally. 292 Clay st. Mar. 3960. SOLDIER BOY Spiritualist, psychic. 389 Taylor st. Main 6;:4 NOTICES '2(1 SAt.E of Gorernment I .anil t t 'lsekanis. Or. A tract of land. rniitliilrn aho.it Hi nrroK. t ClnrkamaH. Or., atxicit miles from Or-g"0 City, nr., formerly uae.l by the goverirmt.it for a flal. cultural station, will b i.oltl to the higt.est rpKponstltle blMer at public aurttmi, on the courthoust at.'pa. Teiron I'ltv, Or., at 2 o'clock p. m.. July IS. l'.H'i. The right la re served to reject any or all hlil. nlao to mis peml Male, a cash leponit of one third of the BiiccpKbful bid la to he 'iimle at time of Kale. Hfi.l balance on delivery of deed. In cae of failure to comply with terms of the utile. caali depoalt shall be forfeited and property re aohl. the amount of dep,wlt to be treated a aecurity for compliance wltb term of uie. Sealed blda will be ooiialdered If received tc- fore opening of the aale If deemed to the In terest of the government. Por any further In formation, u. hires the "Commlsaloner of Klah. erie. TVashlneton. It. (.'." NTTIC'E of Resignation of Truster to the PouKlas ('ountj Light A: VVaNT Company, and to the landholders of said I'onip'Miy; Notice la hereby ulven that the undersigned, trustee under the deed of trust or morlRntce dated the first day of .luly. 101 2. and exec uted by the IVuiglna County Light & Water Com pany, which trust deed or mortgage la re corded In Vol. 29 of Mortgage Iteenrda of Douglas county, atate of Oregon, at pages 1l'. to 4.'tO thereof, has reaigncd and does hercny resign as aucb trustee. Its resignation to take effect on the ISth day of Mar. litlti. COMMKRCE TRI -ST AND SAVIMiS BANK. PROPOSALS for Caralry and Artillery Horse. Mulea. etc. Office of the depot quartermas ter. Seattle, Wash.: Sealed propoeala will be received here until 9 a. m.. Pacific time, June 2fl. Ittlrt, and then opened, for furnishing and dtllverlng ut Seattle or Taeoma. Wash.. Port land. Or., or other prominent railroad point... 2('..rt.V) mature cavalrv horses. Ifi.iast mature artillery horses. lt!2 HsM draft horses. nl.-JtiO draft mules, and -oi"i ck mulea. Further Information on application. AKTLlt Il ls any debts B ttler. diite 1 w ill not be resjM.iisihle for contracted by my wife. C. O. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCORDION PLEATING AV(UK11U.N. k.MIL AMI OUi I'LlAIIM,. HEMhTlTCUlMi. HUAliINU; BUT'lo.N- HOLEK. BUTTONS UOVICUKU. EASTtillN NOVELTY MFU. CO.. bill B'W.W J-si K. fitiEl'liENb tiemLllcljln4f , accurdiou. iu and aunburat pea ting; but tuns turarrd; sla ponged. Scalloping, i'lttoek uik. B'wsy Hani AGATE CUTTEEH aJ'lj. Jeweera. Watcb repair s. pluutouda oougtil aud -id. Miller's 84:'Sssh M 1-7 1 AQ&ICPLTURAL IMPLEMENTS f. E. ESbKNSUAPb, llupleuieula, kcliiciea .. .iu general (arm supplies. 214 Front lwtih'-o ANALYTICAL CHEMIST AND A8RAYEB till. MKK 1 -HALL 111 Cou.li MUa- low 41U st BLANK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS HOLMAN. Inc.. low 2d at. Bia.ia txxrfc mauuiaciujera; agent for Jod lui proTed Ioe Lea f Letlgera. See tu uew E-u-reita Lear. A-.?!M Main ls3 CABINET WORK CABINET VVtlKK. luruHura repairing. Horace I). Junes I12U, 2MI a'. Main RttSa. CARPET CLEANINO HjyjiFf i areet Kug Co.. 1SH E. St It i trout old carpets, i rug ruga. carpet cleaniDk North k. a.-iso. JoVtL 11KOS. Klectric Oeaiimg Wurki t ar pels rleaue-l and laid; refilling our apei-lalty. East 440. B-lHtW. 2H4 K. IHIh st nortl. i KMNSL LA K pet weaving. Kug Work Hag IMS I'aitotl ave. rug ami car Wdln 2(13 CEMENT PLASTER BRICK WORK Have our eatttualur sea .vou atxmt leuieut. plastering or brl It work. Arrow Ceuieut Ira co. seiiwMd isao. CHIROPRACTORS lilt Mi-MAHON urable cases, taking tluie, 31 treatments $lo. Worth V. Additional new orflies i'iisZI2 Marleajr tildg.. 4th and Vas.h. Ov ing to my most gratifying uct.es- with Tiany ao-ralled Inruralile cases during the past seven 3-eara In Portland I Lave decided lo establish a rbiropractlc sanitarium where out-of-town patients may remuin much to their sd vai tage at most reasonable rates while taking treatment. Already filled to capacity. Teruia on application. 734 Hawthorne ave. SPINAL adjustmeula umiu a aclentlf 1c bssii.. that atlniuiatea tbe hcrtea. This successful system remove the cause, nature doea the rest. Don't feel discouraged until you have Inveatlgated chiropractic. Note my apeclal ratea. 18 treatments $10. or 31 for $15. 610-11-12 Northwest Bldg.. between 6th and Broad wav. Washington t llr ('. S Tlga'd J.tKl Ut N LS. dlseaes of wouten and 1.1I dten cured. Dr. Margaret liayule, licensed chiropractic phyaiclan, 617 Hweliaud bldg. No fake. Main 17B5. COAL AND WOOD WHY pay b for cord wood wheu you can get good Inside block wood at $3.50 a load; douuie load fti.bO. Boi wood ailed witb heavy v3.23 1 load: $A for double load.. Heavy dry alib- wood. 3.M a load Broadway 2X'. A-21rt1 NATIONAL 1 UkL Co. tASl 2Utl Blabwood $3.23 cird delivered; Ary block and alabnood sawed load; good dry erre-V g 13- A-l dry fir. 4 fisit or sawed tn or! r mm (oliimbla Kuel Co. All kinds. Summer prices, delivered. No. Al berts. Wdn. 3111. Prompt service OLI1 growth Main 4-'S fir aifjd. $4 to Uetiverau htm & t-AKK. dry fir. 4 ft. 4..V to .w. Block wood WS Water at Main 4.V1W A-4M7 LKY 3. wreckage wood. Kaat 4070. aawed la atuve leugth 1 DKY box wood. Main A-u.'iWL FOR TMG FA RC HAS 666N iiti' f. I PERSONALS J for iUSl COAL AND WOOD ABC Fuel Co, 400 t'nion Are. North. fhotii; K. 4C.S. Onr specialty l good Nd nibl quick lirerr I onl. Muck und alabi n iid. de- j. , CONTR ACTORS AVn fcTTILPFRi; tteue.Hl i uillrat ui j... .NUyr lock ld CHEPIT rtotrtiwo 1-AMI. ryt i.,i Y Meu . cloltlinif. llit or ne-alf Oolflltlnt Coi lO Washington. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. I'll U II III niMAV VCTUKINARIAN. llonpllsl 41;, K 7th at. t)og clipped ami Home B-11M12. bathed Kam 1 H 17 tCt'C A 1 10NS.L D NCINO.; WAM IIKMKK I'an.lim A.leniJ. V V th at., bet stark and ik. special rata. 4 or! ate 'enn ti. iioiulnz. afternoon. enln; all latest dances suarnntad; elasn Tbnrda7. fcatoM .wii'B, -. :to linniiwM ?ta UlM;i.l.K itu.Miiik; Ai i.ii it.), une airp. tot- trot, aiuottlsi he. t.ir.-e atalta a'lT qt'ired iidy and senilei'iro Inatruetora: l fT. C.olMen hsll Mslr SSSO. kill sun Ilt-Hlu h , li$ol Claa V rulay e.., low 'J 1 i . Inrt' N-.r. w,,rV I .e n &- L VAiuQi ilallr iMt'wern Wash Main W Ml hH K i.vhilH AND 1KXHI.HH L i ti n i not 27 Kleoli.er L1 . i If ill til a 4in till! I. A W ?s' N - I' it im "hni TuiKtr 'Jrt-tt rOPULAR MtJSIC I'M -U rsliuj.- lautfut utijfcutt tu IU i r oua. written guarantee money back l? fall, demonstration aud lillrl free. Inipro- llug. kr;lsiuril lia'tin in etc '" '.' K''.-'" 't E YE tAK ;40b. ThKO A t LUNOS bp.-. luill .M K. Caeil tt icea Cili-' lilieil.. Lr. I P.-kuiil bldg d Was ' FIRE INSURANCE I'AIIHC Sl.lll.3 MUK INSl. I14NCI OPlT ttregon rlre liisltfsiicv couipany. FLUFF RUOB AND RAO KUOi flLHIIff Made Irom 01.1 ingrain. Uruascla. Aiiuioatet, Sn.j rna carp. u. Hug rug, all alxea. "Jail or- (Jera prumm atienilou lfottklet. WKmiatN 1LUM RUO CO. M t'nion ae N t'hime I'.ast illMft B 14TS rUKMACF-4 Boynton Furnaces KcoiKHlilt al, efli-ctual. J C. llMjer Co.. rroat and Market. I HATfa CLEANED. BLEACHED Laulea , geuia I'auuUia ttula Llcaueil. Imsi-4.-i, 7fc. hlrawa, tells, bile. Kauimaut, I'M Wtib. nr. 41b. KS and 4 ild l'iir M TO'iS. LEA1HEH AMU bHOE tiMi.Ooa lllli. allu.iiA.N UB.AltllI.lt CO. Oldest lirui iu uortuweil. Agents " M.narcb" and "L. t tl role letter. Krerit al. MAI THLbELB CLit uifllliMfi, aud leallicf U-il u.aue tutu aaullary (ohllug forms, Iraliiris iruoii.ti fosnng M in .Mat Williams K .'.h74 ftOAANTOXlCAllABtVtaAtitB W K1.M1 A 1(11 h (iutueu 4UU .Uol'i I ,tat lleuiy WeluliarU plant,, ltlt aud UuiuiM sis Main 7'.' I'jiones - A 1171 1'KlMrivh AM) tM-'HVt.K8 lilt- i t Murk t J'n. jt llroail.s til1 t 4"-s KUuaU bUd,m AND SEALS A1)0 illem u, llaitv -Cltei as. inm Jius I'At U It- ClUal SlAMt" utlK3 iai Wa-lilliglon 1 Vis i ii 7111 - ; 1 0 BAiLiY RAZOfcb HONED HAlLl 1 ilOc per ia sua i .-ut'ti,, ail kinds, autl .en. I4.ii .Hi st.. nesr .VIoirNitn til AuclAl, WUIL&B t ni u uu a 1 u i l ' I'ooiie .Utiltti M4. HIO Isl si lHAMjj-c. j.Av MOHIUI Ult!&0!l I lailbief LC. Established 1R?0. Tranafer and r"nrirdlng Areata. Storage Free Trackage. Office aiid storage. ;474 Ollssn st 1th snd Uli-Mir I Main no itiv ALWA lit h " 1HK IlKSI Kilter Mm.,, flOOns HI'K.riALIHTM - stornge Parking. ahlpi'tng and Moving llorse or Auto Tana! Special freight rales to all points. C. O. I'll K TKANHr'KH! STOIlAOK fo 2d snd Pine trvidn-sv S.n, . I'm. l.mtN-Wir. I rts.NMr'KK M' -run, Ii me ,,. era. parkcra. storage fireproof ws rehouse 1Mb snd IP-vt sts Msln :M7 A -7247 AMKH11 A N nltr.re H'" MOV I Mi I Mi A lj'1 UK AUK tl - - i,r 2T Tsor M 44 4ia WATCHMAKERS WK iLl.tv mid s.ljusl Vuir waich II MKNIilil.SllllN JEW LI. KR " WasMttgton. betwec-u Slaib and Broadwsv. JOBBERS WHOLESALERS DRY OOODS wrtOLFSALK L. Dinkelsniel Co.irrrM PAINT OIL ANl Ol.Agg HASMIMSI.S A t il . - lilted Slaullsnl' N. K. corner 2d snd Tsvihr M 1771 paint PLUMB1NO SUPPLIES I'l.l .M Itl M. Davis ( n Uiplies. 212 'id -t wholeSMle tirices stars M 77 SANITARY WIPING RAOS L, SHANK CO. pn.'iK.UM INT HT JAIN lflOO. WATER SUPPLY BySTLMS h r.K W A N LK W ATKK; MYo'l liWS D Spencer. Agent W W Park WOOD PIPfl It11 1 1. AM' WtJOlt l-U'U. M office near 24th and York -fa -l-aclory a Main nt"0 IVTOBMXTIOV c6UPOaf. 1 If you want the nameitf a reliable business house dealing lh any line of merclianc'lse, or Intoi million regard 111K lettorts. hotels, railrliads, lUarn- hip lines, tc, add i ess yregou Jour nut 1 i.ttirrttatlon lluraau. 1 lilt ot uia lion deauraul; I ! i i.. Name. Address. By "Bud" Fisher . 1 i IT MEANS PCttOW ClTiXGNS, THAT I t0H, )wew tHC T1RCO CABORCR j I 5AU6S Five cghts e - j .NTGAPOF V Ih. r 1 i if1- .i V , . M x i 'i v - ' t ' 11.