k. -p-i:? - t 12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1916. 5 V HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 f ' (Oontlsnadl . mSASANT housekeeping rooma, ! ; - Aonable. 305 12 th at. FOK IlEXT HOUSES Tjafrmt wished 12 $116 room modern house, mil lot, fruit, lot enclosed with plckot 1 fence. 2 blocks east of TTnion ave.. op- posit Piedmont, No. 441 Jarrett at. :' (8 6 room modern house, with lot 80x100, fruits, at Lenta. 0ttcv& Harkson Realty Co, 413 Chamber of Commerce. '.- MODKRN 4 room bungalow, cor. . Webster and K. 13th, 1 block north ;.of Alberta car with ;us range, heater, linoleums in klti hen and bath room, dixappearlng bed and buffet, full bane- t'rrit-nt and attir-, lawn and clothes lines; Very nlee; see It. owner. Blancli ard & ClemHpn. 70 2-:j Sellin g bldg. RKMOl.1KL.hI.1--4 loom went side cot tage, only $.1; and 5 room modern cottage, only $10. Large front porch, .'yard, gas, eleilricity. Take 23d or H ' cart.. Key M Vaughn Ht. K.ROOAlri, corner lot, furnace, garage, roe. lawn, at !.;.'. Gahtenbelii, keys at 914 Uantenbeii.. Ferguson. (Jerlinger building. Main h .u. .Morning or eve ning Kast i :' l .1 1 1 H ino. BUNGALOW, 5 rooms, bath, ga-, elec tric lights, large attic. $10 with wa- ter. 176 E 75th st. N.. two t locks i .... ' ... irotn iisan car line 'FIVE room nfodieni home, !1 I Mtlwau klc, and llolgatn .st., Sellwood nr line; piped for gas cooking Inquire ' tl 4 Holgate st. "NICK 4 room rottag-. prettily fur. ,' Illshed. Portland heights, reasonable; bath and porches; large grounds lots Of fruit tr.Ts. 47.") 1 );i export st K KOOM modern bonne on l'jfi anil Marshall sts . Kaoonable to desira ble tenants, renovate to Mit. i'liotn ' Mailt A WELL I 1 1 i 1 1 modern bungalow, ft rooms, alii'- and basement, 1 blork from car. Void Mith ave, ,S. E. "'all Main 7Q-1. 8 ROOM, corner Multnomah club, Main I'M". house, jard. near i Ilea p. Jamison, 6 ..ROOM house, sleeping porch. 4X'.I I!ainok St., lrvlngtori. Inquire at 3141.4 Eugene. East M'.iiR. SIX room cottage wesL rent siile. large reasonable. porch, fino vl Main 70S8. FOR KENT Modern 0 E. 7 0 th st. room cottage. N. MontavilU Call ut 41 car. MOIjKHN 6 room liungaluw, 333 East 4.rith st.. near I law thornu a e. $11. Call Marshall 37:'.",. FOR RENT Almost new modern. f room house, yard and loses. li4 E. S 4 1 Tl st . noi th. TO LE.VKi; Moileiii house in Irving ton. Uth N. 4 btiliooms. $10 i'tiono K-3B46. , Mol EKN X room nousef "27S" Eiisl Kith st. Woodlaun district, low rent. Columbia Jtl.l 0 K( lO M ht) u s e f o i" en T72"oE. 3tth. het. Sal and 'Jajlor. Phono T. 34'H'. $10 per month. NEAR Portland Ills house, partly furni Water. '.. Marshall ! carlmc, 1 room shed . rent an 1 . : i it tlit 6 rooms, modern, l-ti I'.la, kstone st. 'ljM'''lalln7y N EAT U room coitaye. 4 1'i I'uion ave. north. $1.". East 4;l' FOR KENT distance. 1 room collage Walking I'hnlie l-".n . t J .' 7 T . ROOM cot lane $lu. 3 a 2 l'n Ion ave. iv. Phone C-2IM0. corner Hroailw CORNER. inodVi-n. " lean, loms and sleeping porch. latmr NEWLY nyslde, pa i n t ed 107 2 K. j rotnu house Main or call in Sun- A-3023 MODERN -.. porch. ti room Apply liouso, sleeping E 7th ut. N. cheap, owner will GOtJO a rooms, x ei v furnish. Main i'T MODERN Monroe 6 room house, St., Williams a gai age. 3CS enue car. MODKRN 6 room house. East 13th and DlvlBlon. Phone)- Sell wood x.r5. COTTAGE i. ro nns, batn. basetiienfT .108 17th. hot. I 'la v ;ind rolumhiit. MODKRN S room house. Mowers and lawn. fill E. i "ouch. East 7 14 1. FIKNITUKK FOK SALE IIOISK.S FOR KENT HZ HOUSE for rent, furniture lor sale, 1 V4 block south of Morrison st; a bar gain. Phone Main s.tT.'i. AOS. of iurn.li ' lished In the Iflcntlon when ore lor sale at pub I loi.ise.hold Goods ciiijiS houe l nor for rent. FURNISH I l HOUSES Ml BKAl'TU-'t'l, suliuri an home on river hank, garden, mountain iew, hum ton; line place l'or children, $1S. Main rnio . FOR RENT Completely furnished : 7 I room House, good neighboi hood, ni' e yard. East s. t 7 . li-li.li or call at house, g04 E 2(ith. MODERN o or ti loom furnished cot tage near fiver; 2 blocks to ear. A d ults. C( u-n. i I t-nry and E. 14th st. COM PLE TELV " 1 .irnished bungalow, garage, lor particular people. 633u 4r.th st S. E. FIVE rooms and .-), In, for rent until right party. Phone eping porch, closo S l. 1 Ti : cheap to Woodlawn pin. COMPLETELY furnished modern, 5 room bungalow, piano, gas, electric ity, $17. Oarage. Won. I lawn 400. i ROOM house, good district, lots o fruit, block I'toiii Woodlawn car. 411 Cook ave. COMPLETELY furnished 6 room house. Irvington: reasonable rent. East 77KS. Sl Clackamas St. FIVE room bungalow, per month. Tabor 7 new. clean, $18 $16 FURNISHED 5 room house, mod ern. 636 Ellis ave. Woodlawn 1032. MODERN furnished H aw t hor ne dl strict room bungalow. Phone Tabor 1!0. FIVE rooms, furnished entire floor, large yard. Tabor 523 lower $14 4 room ' Tillamook. furnished cottage Walking distance. 34'i Al'Aul.'.iENTS 4tf FURXISHEH AMI UNFUKViSHEl) THREE room apts.. private phons, bath, $l.o0 per mo., modern brink Westfall Apts., 410 &tn.; walking dis tance. PAGE APIS. Large, rent, summer rates. Hurnwlde sts., w.i Iking airy apts. E. Ktn and distance. HJttMMit.li, unlunushud apartments very reasonable rents. 76 1st, cor' Gtbhs. ' TUDOR ARMS Apts., ISth and Couch. Phone A-1644, Marshall 255S); new brick bldg.: 2. 3. 4 iojins modern apts. JEFFERSONIAN APARTM ENTS 614 Jefferson. Three room furnished apts.. ground floor, $10. RENT BARGAINS 3, 4 rooms, hardjvood floors, walk distance. Portnomuh. 200. E l.'tth 2. Ing S3.E0 PER week. i room apt., private bath. Harrison toun. otn and llar- rlsoo: walking distance PENINSULA APTS., C-1170; concrete bid?. 2 and 2 rooms; hot and cold water, baths prione. steam heat. $12 up. UAUiSuLlA API'S.. E 3d and Belmont. Modern 1 and 2 room aula., $1.50 per week up. Sleeping rooms. East 21' i.u.tU'B. room luriushed apartments; separate bath and phone, east ide. good location, $17. Tabor 6065. D-1035. NOKOMIS apts., 665 Marshall st. Mod - ern. private bath and dressing room Hummer rates. KOSK FRIEND, 2!o Broadway S.; mod ern unfurnished aDts .: lane rooms best service, walking dlst. Marsh. 1410. '..AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod 4 a 6 mi. apts. Mar 33H0. M. 7516. A-267S' iUXlR APTS., ?24 13th at. Alain rurn. and untur. 2. 3. 4 room apts. r inn r.not Uoart, 401 lota, modern $ 1 J to $20. KJ I IV. I 1 1 IU LI ' apartments. ROSKNFELD i Stark. 8 and (bricR), nth and E. 4 rooms, private i-nonen. CAUAK, 704 Lovejoy J aptai.. S20. J27.50 i and 3 room Marshall 2917 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED (Continued) THE CROMWELL Fifth and Columbia, st. Five minutes walk to Meier & Frank's store: rood surroundings, strictly modern 2 and room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT HAIjLUJH HAL.L. At-ARTAlKN ib" Corner of 11th and Hall Sts. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Two, i and 4 room apt., balcony, heat, private bath, phone, modern con veniences, walking dls. Mrshl 1163. VILLA ST. CLARA 12th and Taylor. Modern completely furnished apts. Walking distance. Inferences. P"rt)wnd iMiu-f f nulll. cowiort and m-rt Lillian Apt., cor. 6lh and Montgomery. 10 minutes' walk to P. O., strictly modern, renovated, newly tinted, out Hide apts. specially desirable Jor the fcornmer. BHETNOU A I 'A KTMtNTS. -Otn and Lovejoy, a, 4 rooms, un furniMheu; hardwood floors; modem ' on veniences. I) t.e t tr,i Fireproof garage con nection. I MALlhUN PA Kh Al'la. Park st.. at Madison. ! Modern 2, 3 ;md 4 room furnished ! ai'ar' nieiits. close in. by week or month. ! COMPLETELY furnished apa . tinents, I $y month up, including llgnis, phone, bath. Janitor service. 15ELKNAP I APARTMENTS. 1X7 I ith, near Yamhill. TiTe DiujCtiSLKJlit. 208 16TU ST. Marsha.1 2316. N:ce b loom fur. and unfur. apts.; I also ;t and 4 room fur, apts. $8.;0 A.NLl $10 Well I ui'nisiicd upai l menlh, walking distance to ur shops. Woudluwn 4i2i. . I 'J .M,ssia S)U tivc. LALBOA AFl'b" Large, modern 2 and 3 room fur. and 'unfur.. brick bldg., best service, walk ing dis. : reasonable. 42ft Harrison st APTfa. 23d. apt., with No. 4 69 N. One large 0 room porch. Apply at Apt. private LLZiRNE APTS.. 3d and liali Mod ern brick bldrf.. 2 rooms, lurnlshed, private phone in each apt.. $16 and. up. Maruhall 4t37. WlDiV-IPIIuTilEfiilTS E. 7ih and Taylor sts.. 2 and i l apts.: light free, private hath. PEN ROSE APTS.. and Grand ave.; 3 room furnished. Walking distance. N. VV. cor. B new. modern. Service .iirot imont 2 and class THE . M 1 EKKi tLh . 3 and 4 room fur walking distance; at renf best of service. i0 Lroauway and unt'ur apts. very reasonable M;iin 20uti. FOIi ltnNT FLATS 13 IRVINGTON, upt)tr or lower rooic flat, entirely modern. i4"i E. lfh N. Inipure upstairs or phone Mar. .'! E R E. KENT Modern .'1st st. b-room flat. 67S COZY 6 cheap. room fiat, west side. walking distance. Sell. 1370. MOOERN room rial. W illamelle lits , 1010 Savier st. Phone A-JS.pO. KOOM flat. 401) the city lihrarv. Yamhill st. opposite Main 2'.i.',0. M JOEKN room flats, very cheap. i00 Vancouver ave. Woodlawn 19 NEW painted housekeeping suites, bath gas. $19 month. f,M Pettygrove. Fl HMSIIEII FLATS 50 4 RO(M npiier furnished $15: lower furnished, with stoves. $13. 734 MilWMiikie St.. Sellwood 3!'. FIVE furnished and unfurnished to-date rooms. Sleeping porches." den. 1 r minutes' walk. East '3737, up-gar- BEAl'TI KELLY furnished flat no children. Call at Hi 'As E. J! i or. Oak piano; th St., FJVK room furnished flat for rent, $15 month. 0.", y-, N". lth or Mar. r.roje. SUMMER RESORTS 50 SEASl I )li cottage, about zM fx. frore hoard walk. .splendid Jocaiion i! rooms, completely furnished, el-c'tnc lights. $125 for season. Phono liroad wav 7S4 NICELY fiiinished houf-e, i rooms, for rent; betw. I,onK Reach and Tioga, on the ridge. Inquire 204 11th or phone Main lifi'J!!. FOR KENT At Gearhart. well fur nished 2 room cottage, with sleeping tent, and sink, reasonable. E. 4HHf. SEASIDE house for rent, big vard and trees. 100 feet from board walk. Phone Sellwood -. COTT AGE at Salt Air to rent. Tabor tr.27 FOR RENT 4 ' Reach. Main room 23X4. cottage. Loiii STOKES AM) OFFICES 11 BRICK warehouse In South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy Op paved street; reasonable. Journal p--.! ishlng Cr. Hrnadwnv and Yamhill. $20 SUITABLE fiOS 1st. for market or store. FINE location Tabor 2515. for dentist or doctor. FOK RENT HALLS 50 MOOSE pneitv hall; stage, large seating ca Phone Main 24:10. HOKSFS. VKflK LES, ETC. 18 FINE horse. buggy and harness, bought auto. Can be seen at 10J9 I East Yamhill st. $75 TEAM order; sell S. car south. blocky horses , in good separate. 253 Meade st.. FOR SALE One ing 1000 each. pair of mares Cull Marshall weigh 3740. IJEAD horses and cattle taken free. Call day or night Tabor. 4203. FOR SALE Team. wagon, harness; Woodlawn 953. single or separate. 1150 lb. work mare. $35; exchange. 735 wagon, harness. E. Pine st. MUTT AND JEFF Yes, APARTMENTS I I r 1 r n TO CHICAGO BV r,w ,1 E 0LD SG UeR IMPORTANT PAPERS 1 J0Ne 7 vvoTT CANT tZ Su? pTrl ecueR (H CHo - J I Act Kin AAINI Are ev wn I I 1 . ' ' ur I L 1 - - . ' I v won't fSer aPPOintgo V fooies. ) A K , 1 rimisTeRTo J . J , vA f a HORSES. VEHICLESL ETC. 18 (Continued) A GOOD sound, true work horse. 1280 lbs.: team of chunky mares, 2200 lbs.; young mare, 1100 lbs. Tbeje horses all work single and double anl must be sold; no reasonable offer refused. 799 Michigan ave. Take Mississippi car to Beech at FOK SALE Two ho rses, 6 and i years old, both fine saddlers, one single footer and both good drivers; aleo some choice fresh mflk cows from 4 to 5 gallon per day milkers. C. W. Hyde, corner St.. Johns and Fourth Plain roads, Vancouver. Wash Phone 580-J. TEAM weighing 2300, wagefh and har ness for $95. Span of geldings, 2400, with good harness, $85; also good bug gies. This stock is just from the farm and must be sold as we are goins east. 546 Front St. TEAM mares, 1200 each. 6 and 10 years old with good ranch wagon and harness, $140. Would sell separate or take a cow. 561 Reynolds st. Phone Sellwood 452. FOR horses and venicies. doga and household pets and pouitify. read the ads under these resr)ectlviB headings. The Journal leads all other mediums r the esp1ficntlon GOOD rubber tired gurry and harness at your own price, also the best fuel or feed wagon in city; 'night exchange for good horse. 1029 East Yamhill st. Foil SALE, span of Pereheron mares. 7 and 8 years old, 1400 lbs. each, harness, 3 farm wagon, new, at Columbia Stables $3io. (3. P. FJvans SPRING , WAGON and single harness $20. Dahlgren E. 36th a,nd Lexing ton nve., East moreland. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Ren-lcrlng Co. FOR SALE, cheap, single and double harness; also several farm and spring wagons. Ko E. Stark st. BARGAIN; most sell $v.s takes-2 10c lb. team of work horses and har nejs; also cultivator. P'6 7 E. Stark. 2tiuo LB. TEAM, harness, furm wagon, ll'.u. Inn Russell st. GOOD farm team and wagon must sell at once 1029 East Yamhill St. LIVESTOCK 35 FINE family cow. Jersey, irom im ported stock. Price low for quick sale. Terms if desired. C. Shaw Vineyard Sta., Oregon City car. Tel. fifiX. Oak Grove. NOTICE. Four larsjo cows, 6 milkers, inspected, at and 7 gallon a bargain. J. sts.. near car- Srhmauder, 3'.ith and V barns, Vancouver. Wash. Phone S90-R. 'OR SALE Fresh Jersey cov at a bargain; heavy rich milker. Leave St. Johns car at E. Oswego. 723 East Richmond st TWO good Durham milch cows for sale, cheap, at 125 Kelloy St. Take Fulton car to S enney ave. 25 FRESH dairy cows, Holstein, Dur hams. Jersey ami Guernsey; terms. Lruep, 1'nion Sto k .Yards. SIX good fresh cows, Durham and Holstein. 7'.t3 E Main fct. Ta.io Hawthorne .r to 24 1 h . EXTRA fine Guernsey jersey and fresh, tuberculin tested, 1 g.i!. rich milk. 14V0 Macadam st.. -'ulton car. FIVE big Durham cows, from to gals. 055 Mississippi ave. Take Ken Inn car. FINE vearling Durham heifer and one 2-vcar-old fresh, and two cows; price rL-ht. i; 1 0 E John St.. St. Johns LARGE gallon cow. large Jersey. 3 gal, cheap. 1 ? choice heifers. Hol stein. Guernsey, Jersey. 704 Taeoma a v. ASTt'RE for stock, 212 Alisky bldg. running water. FOR SALE 2 fat cows. Jennings Lodge. Or. George Morse. FRESH cow. bif Division st. milker and rich. 1534 TWO Durham-Jerseys, gentle. Ions. 73,"i :. Pine st. 4'-j gal- rOULTRY AM PIGEONS 7 GOOD working homers for sale, 60o per pair. Phone Tabof 5047. 172 E 76th N. CHICKS', trapnestcd 200 egg strain. White Leghorns, 0r. Master Hatch ery. 41.7 Jessiip. Woodlawn 4344. 1'1-ETTY pigeons and squabs, 60c a pair. 602 Front. BARRED ROCK eggs. Woodlawn 2337 IHKiS, lilRDri. PETS. ETC. 46 THOROUGHBRED English Settee puppies, $10, males. 4245 45th ave. S. E.. after 2 p. m. today. ALTOMOIilLKS-.lt 'CE.SSOR1KS 44 WOI'LD like to trade roadster, 1012 model, good condition, lor light roadster of late model Will pay dif feience. Phone l-lroadway 12. GET OCR PRICES ON PAINTING BROADWAY ALTO PAINTING CO "1 Broadway N"., near P.urnside. ' A I T IMOBI LES painted, Kood work rcasonaole price. Come and see me' 511 N . 21st st. FIVE pass. I'.uiek in first class con dition, a. bargain; also speed hug. cheap. 1050 Corbett st. -Marshal: Jldl FOR SALE Light delivery car. A-1 condition; newly painted; cash or terms. 130 N. Huh st. FOR SALE shape: must Milwaukie st. Studehaker sell Quick. 30 $150. good u.'U FORD body, 1914. touring, and l9is roadster, with delivery attachment Tabor 647S. FOlt SALE 7 touring car. Co.. 525 Alder pa.-sengegr Price $2.".0. st.. Alondav. high class Auto Top 1-ORD t Ires. 33d. touring, line condition, good shock absorbers. $215. ISO E. FOK SALE Must eve.. n;y Oakland L-!'97. Journal. sell by Tuesda v roadster cheap 1912 STCDEBAKER "30," 5-pass.. just been overhauled. $2'5o. Call East 6127 Monday. Harbin's flarage. T V i -( 'Y LI N I ER-REO" i n running con dition; price $75. 460 E. Anktny St., cor. Sth. V.'ANTE'D Auto for lot in Oregon Citv. Value $.".00. Main S251. FOR SALE 1914 ' Cadillac roadster !l first class condition Call East 7141. 1915 5-pass. F"ord. $300. Apply at 500 Burnside. Cash only. the Old Boy Must Be AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 (Continued) USED AUTO SNAPS. TERMS GIVEN. 1915 MITCHELL, 6-pass., 6 cyl. 1915 MITCHELL, 5-pass., 4 cvl. 1913 HUDSON, 5-pass.. 6 cyl. 10-PASS. hotel bus. MANY OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. , PRICES $225 UP. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVER CO., EAST FIRST AND EAST MORRISON. East 7272. B-1216. GARAGES $30 and up. Portable hou ses, chicken houses, wood sheds, etc., M 1 ilmaiin C o nstruction Co. Main 1J67. 144 Hood st. Woodlawn 3615 Sunday and evenings. EVER-READY $3bo. truck complete $775. Manul'd in Portland. THAYEK-3HAV ER-GCLLEY MACHINE CO. 193 East Water St. PSone East 7437. DoL'BLE tread, puncture proof tires made from your old ones. Bring them in. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. Wash, at 18th. Burnside at Broadway. 1335 Burnside. ) New Garage for Rent Now ready to move in. t50xl25, fine lccation, 4N2 Williams ave.; cheap ren. Owner. 390 Morrison st. 20 H. P. rebuilt Overland chassis. with Seat, ready for Hie road, in excellent shape; sacrifice. Owner leav ing city. Sunday Marshall 457b; week iIkvh East 2652. . Lei Us Soive Vour Spring Trouble. Guaranteed washii-oton lmhhiaG! Springs Cor. Union and Bel mont. E. 130... LAHiift Mfg. &- Repairs. ?000 guaranty springs in stock, prices reduced. 34 N. 15th st. FOR SALE light 6 Buick, extra equipment, everything in perfect condition; price $:Co cash. F. Z. Phillips, owner Main 14 4 3. TON MONITOR TRUCK. Fine express body ani top; just over hauled: $Hi5, by owner. Central Ga rage, 2d and Main. Kin ri A DC A I ITH I CMC Patent pending ED BRUNS CO., t.. cor Ash. Broadway 954. 4 3 H 1st WILL trade or sell "built over bug body" and state motorcycle tandem for anything in automobile line. Broadway 2373. FOR RENT Garage. 174 Gibbs AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 SMALL groi cry. stock and fixtuies, t ti tle for r pass. Ford. Write Lan Davidson, mity, Or., R. 1. WANTED good oar - 5-pass Ford. Main 1032. cash lor a CASH paid, for loaned on autos. used oars; 505 Alder. WILL ca r pay cat.li for a M-521, Journal. small -5-pass AUTOS FOK HIKE SAXViN SIX, f pass., sight seeing, en gage day ahead. Columbia highway. Sky Line boulevard. Tabor fi:G. MAXWELL, l'.'lti model, . arefu: and experienced driver; reasonable rates. Tabor 7 6. MOTORCYCLES-BICYCLES 55 INDIAN twin. 7 h. p., 1913 model, in pertect runni'g order, $75 cash. 567 L Davis st. Phone East 7449. 1!1 3 INTrAN. A-1 condition. 240 Whitaker. cor. 2d St. i'.argain. Bicycles & motorcycles sold & rented. R. H. Blocker J ili Tavlor. cor. 4ih st GOOD coaster brake bicycle, N. 17th. $8. 91 Vi LAUNCHES AM) ROATS 0 4 F.VINHL'hK rowboat and canoe mo tors, rowboats. canoes, motorboats. Fee our beautiful motorlioat and ;n pino lor $143.00. Evinrude Moter Co., Moved to 211 Morrison nt. COMPLETELY furnished, neat and at tractive houseboat and woodsho.. The best buy on the river. $5;0 cash or $6.0 on time. Number 6. Willam ette Moorage. NICELY furnished houseboat. 4 rooms, large, porch, rowboat; bargain if sold at once, goii.g east. 44 Willamette moorage, foot of Cramptnn st. i-'O K SALE '2 room houseboat, completely- furnished, phone Seilwood 2 7 1 1 4 . 4: Wiiliatr.ette Moorage. MODERN houseboat. 5 rooms and hath. . Number 4. Willamette Moorage. Sell wood 574. 1. i.ia. il.J.bU.v Hua i Enop.. i.ieuraKa. Building, repays. o-s' worn low price. WANTED G..s engine for inotorboat, about 20 horse. Wdln. 3569. PIA.NOS, ORGANS AND 34 MUSICALNSTIU MENTS 75C MONTHLY stores your piano, or will tell at your price or buy if for cash. Call Main 5323. Security Stor age Co.. Ill 4th. at Washington. WANTED -Victrola or Grafcfnola and records. Slate lowest priue. R-920, J on rnal. DARK oak piano, used 6 months, $135. Mutiogany piano, fine tone, S'Jj. Best bargains in city. 367 Russell St. FREE use of piano Or player piano Z2 yearB. See display adv. or Sen wan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st. CLEAR city lot wanted in exenange for splendid piano: answering, state location and price R-932. Journal. $55 CASH buys a $450 Haines Bros.' piano tomorrow. Security Storage Co ; 10 9 4th. FINE Kohler piano, almost new, late style, good reason for quick sale. Snap. 3S3 Rjissell st. Apt 1. KIMBALL. $325, upright oak piano, will close out for $85 cash this week. Security Storage Co., 109 4th st. PIANO, sell. in 414 good ; 63d repair, st., :'. cb eap. E. Must an Egomaniac 1 ton trucK. aiiachmt. IT1 ,1 &JZrz& 34 (Continued) Graves Music Co. 4th St..: Near Morrison 151 Lsed pianos from our storago depr. Nice little practice piano $70; oav 31 per week. Colonial style upright' piano, lull, rich tone, was 8400, now $21J; pay $1.50 per week. Another splendid upright piano in fancy man. case, was $500,. now $235; pay $1 per week. Genuine 88-note mall, pianola piano player, bench and rolls included. llbO takes it; pay $1.50 per week. $375 buys a beautiful 88-note mahogany player piano, was $775; pay $2 jjer week; rolls and bench included. Fuji size upright piano goes at $90; pay $1.50 per week. Store open every night until lu o'clock. If you can't cal? write. Gravec Music Co, 151 4th St., Near Morrison buy 1916 model pianos to secure necessary dp-to-date im provements, 50 per cent more tone and efficiency. Prices, without interest, as low as old model used pianos with rn terest elsewhere. Do not buy a used Piano without comparing ajid you will r.ot subject your farnilv td the "poor tool" when vou can buy the) 1916 model improvements at the same price. 5 i ash. $1.25 weekly, at t he Schwan Piano Co. Ill 4th st. 5 . THE SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT PIANOS. 350 Marshall & Wendell Upt., cash $ SO $300 Louis XV Walnut Up , cash.. 45 $400, Chickering & Sons, old model 40 $275 F. Ar C. Fisher, old moJel 30 t-i'O pianola Player, mahogany.... 45 $325 Lindell Upright, mahogany.. 133 $135 Story & Clark Parlor Organ. . 25 $500 Emerson Colonial piano 165 To first calier. 109 4th near Wash. Your piano stored for 75c monthly. e LEI-ORE pm ci.asihg se , 'oJf our Sptiiis in Used Fiiiic Bargains. New pianos mod vtely priced. hi, Vfvo y; i; Wlp U ;o WHY pay $3 to $6 monthly in rent or interest elsewhere for . unimproved ( poor tools i used pianos,, when $1.25 weekly secures 50','c more tone and ef ficiency 1916 models at Suhwan Piano Co., Ill 4th St., and all paid remains yours? o $5 DOWN. $1.25 weekly, without in terest, buys $325 1916 model piano for $245; total saving $145.28. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th St.. at Washington. HAVE your piano tuned, repaired, refin ished by protesstonel cien. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Portland Piano Tuning. Rep K- Mtc c . 246 Hawthorne E 1072 VICTOR and cash. Earlt 40 selections cheap lor ih Apts. Room 1. TYPEWRITERS 77 NEW REMINGTON rental plan With manufacturers' guarantee and ren tals applying on purchase Visible models. $3 per month. $7 50 for 3 months Other models less Rem ington Typewriter Company, 86 Broad way. Telephone Broadway 621. WE sae sou I rein 5u j.a ToVe on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder; retail department. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington st. NEW rebuilt, rates. H I . c iii band. ' rentals, cut -o . :.( stark M r-407. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Ihr SALE 65 FOR SALE Furniture. gis and wood rang., rugs, bicycle, cheap. Leaving city; must sell this week. 1S5 E. 32(1 WE are selling all home' furnishings. everv piece A-1 quality and condi tion. 72 Icon st Phone Sellwood 992. h URNITURE cheap 7S7 of E. a rooms. 'Mh st. S. will sell MONARCH RANGE for tale, bargain if taken at once. 320 E. 40th St., S. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 FOR SALE Branl new caroom and pocket billiard tableB with complete outfit. J115; second hand tables at reduced prices; bowling alley and bil liard supplies; easy payments. Cigar store. drug delicatessen ani soda fountain fixtures. THli BRUNS Wit K BAI KB CQLLENDER CO.. 46-41 Fifth Al.Ai Hi.NES of a)i inak.es sold tor lees. No agents employed. Machine rert ed $2 per mo. A-3625. M-9431. Sewing Machilne LmDorium 190 2d st near Taylor Electric motors sold and rented. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." "Type writers" and "HouBehodd Goods" are eerarate classlf licatlons, A41 adv. r- tiseinents of thei?e goods are published under their respective classifications. Look them over. Electric Motors Bought, sold -anted and re paired. Walker Electric Works. 1 3 Buinslde. cor. 10th Broadwav or A-5374 10 DKOPHEAD Singer- eewing ma chines, complete with attachments, in good order, $17.50 whlie they last. East 2359, B-3307. E. R. Steen, 152 r"nnd rvp , 'ipsr '.elmort. x 1 1 AVE real Leopard or tiger akin fc your home; ask Jrle about my iowos st prices, wane in last. A. II. Sigel. Corn Exchange M i nncanolis, Minn FOR SALE 2 llal-top UesKs. chairs. filing cabinet, etc. Will se.l complete or part. U-778, Journal. WAYNE gasoline pumps and oil stor age tanks. E. II. Rueppell Agt. li4 1st. Main 1221. $12.50 DKOPHEAD sewing machine. with attachments. Call 152 Grand ave. MACHINERY oought, t,old. repaired and exchanged. Northwest Lead & Maori. Co. Til Front st.. Main 5492. FOR SALE 2d-hand brick; also fire brick. Mar. 3475. BEAUTIFUL lavender ostrich plum on haf hand, cheap. 414 Clay st. PORTABLE pans, $v".. baker's 'oven P-7S4, Journal 150 32 CORDS delivered large fir wood Sellwood 1665. on car or iAS range for sale cheap. Tabor 69." PIANOS, ORGAN'S AXD MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 10 ( 3on tinned) . . AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications, A large listing can be found under these different classifications SW.VF f-OLUMN 25 trade good hunt- 40 ACRE homestead for sale or for lot: close to good town; road; small improvements; good ing. fishing. M-5S8. Journal. FINE Guernsey cow or trade for horse. St. Johns. will sell cheap 619 E. John st.. HAVE you a cilear lot to traue tor a fine piano'.' Mail your price, with location, to 111 4th St. - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 WE PAY cash for you used furniture. carpets carpets, ranges, etc. Gevurtz Furniture Co.. Inc. ISS-187 First street. NEAR YAMHILL, MARSHALL EsSl PHONE East 7815 when you want to sell your furniture. We come at once and pay you the cash. M. R. Seater, 2&6 Grand ave., sou"h of Hawthorne. Vva.nji-.d Second nana furnltaie. ranges aad stove Bast prices paid Morgan furniture Co.. 830 East Mor rison st Phone East ?SI. WAMo.ii inn poopi ot t'or-lai.d w kuow I pay the highest eaea-pres for household goods. Prompt attention East S707. N. M Seator. 143 Russell si. I vi.lL pay ca-.o ior your piano, i-iay-er, upright, grand cr squire. Both phones 1433, or call on J. J. Foster, 151 4'h Ht. NOJW.CE TO MOVERS. Wanted Sieves, rockets, dreesers, rugs, couches, chairs, tables, etc. We pay the price. N W. Fur Ex E 636. HIGHEST casi prices lor diamonus, old gold, silver, platinum, watches. Kodaks, jewelry. J. Golden. 167 'si st. I'm 1st st. Llttll l:uuli,j, biampa. i:oo n. v. Bk. b:.;. pavs MORE for them tbu Sherry -11 atciiinBon Co. . SECOND hand clothing buyer. Mevei, the tailor, pai s $5 up for suits: shoes bought. Marshall 1229. 229 Madtsoa. NE REPAIR your matter how badly ' ad Howard Jewelry watch for $1 no liroken. Bring this Co.. 93Vi ht s;. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD fioopS. PHONE MAIN 3332. A 2567. WILL pay cash tor good bicycle have louO ifeelul articles to trade. Y. Bargain Stre, 12S 1st. WANTED Second also desk. Alain Alder. hand typewriter, 4195. 12S 1st, near CrSH for old gold, silver, platinum and high grade ore. H. M. Pickering, mfg. jew eler. 2 I 8 Oregonian hldg. WE PAY casa for your suit cases, ;runks and handbags. Main 9u72, A-7174. CASH paid for niture Fojd good second-hand fur Auriion Co.. 1 a 1 2d st. W ANTE li mn st he 1-uriiiture, also piano, heap for cash. Main 6Mlo. PAYS highest price ing. tools, etc. 27 for 2d hand clotli Front. Main 402. Wanted - Bicycle.' good ondition. for ash Tabo make, 1662. A-1 WANTED To Ideal boiler. bu v L-5 us.d American '7, Journal. LOST AM) rouxn 21 FOLLOWING articles were fourtd on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Co., and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder Street station. Marshall 510U. A-6131: June S 1 sample case, 2 hand grips, 1 camp stool, 2 suit cases, 3 umbrellaa. 1 hat. 2 books, 1 coat, S packages, 2 purses. 1 grip, 1 cushion, 2 pairs gloves, 1 basket. 1 pair spectacles. 1 pin, I h of keys. 1 hand bag. 1 market basket, 1 brooch, knife. 1 bum tin bucket, 4 2 sweaters. Lost, Strayed or Stolen One male HoMo'i bulldog, light brin dlo, white breast, liberal reward return to Nisbeth'H Sanitarium. 616 Lovejoy. LOSTTwo $10 bills in vestibule of 23d st. car ntar Good Saniariliin hos pital Sunday afternoon. Liberal n ward :r.:r, i;r-: st LOST Lady who found old rose a no veil, Colunit ia Highway, bet. Mult nomah Falls ::nd Clown Point. rt.;rn to .louri"sil Reward. LOST At Su is. I theatre, black silk umbrella, gold trimmed, engraved M S $2 50 reward. Return to Journal office. LOST -Friday, on Morrison or Grand ave., silver mesh purse, coiit'iinin'-c black coin purse and change; reward. Return to Journal office. LOST Between L. 5:id and E 7d. on Olisan st., one canvas bag of bed ding. Call Tabor 54 4 1 . or address D. O Hall, 1426 E Glisan. WILL' parties chlldV W'hiti Sunday kindly wa rd in auto who picked up bonnet below Lmr.tou phone Tabor 6217? Re- L 1ST Silver mesh purse containing; railroad ticket to Redmond, etc. He- Uii-nto J'21!JriaL Reward. LTiS'r Ticket to Idaho Kalis; -eward. Mrs V. W. Kiefer. Ramapo hotel. FOl'ND Frid:iy, purse containing small sum i: f money. Phone A-'Mi '.e jrailSONAL NEW life in electric and vibratory treatments Facial, scaiu and nr.an curlng. 417-20 Northwester" barn bl i;. DR. V. G. KETCH UM Women's mal dies and acute diseases o: rn-jn. Was;i bldg. 4th rvi Wash Km 44: Mar 44H THOMAS FITZGERALD, reports trjals and public speeches, .at a reasonable price. Mi r. 2971. SPIRITUALISM Rev. M A. Price, cir cles Tuea. 2 p. m.; Wed., sun. 8 p. m. Reading dallv 292 Clay st Mar 2 r, n HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 40T) Dekum" Marshall 1702 I o if war Consultation free. Main LaWycl 4993. 512 Selling bldg B LM of women. Figs 504 remedy for diseases of Davis st. Main 2393 SCIENTIFIC treatment scalp. 163 Park st.. for disca' room 1 e of MAY IRWIN, facial and ments. 291 V4 Morrison, scalo room treat-30. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS (Copyright, 1016, by H. C. Fisher. 1 (Trade-Mark Beg. h. S. Patent Office.) AND PERSONACCV f CAN'T rAAtre tug trip, would you TAKE THEH FOR ne A5 PAW Your raiuromd FARrr and eiue Sav - $ 1000 for expenses 22 (Continued) WHY pay olg prices for glasses f I can fit your eyes with flrrt quality tenses in a gold filled frame low as $1 50. Chaa. W. Goodman, optometrist 209 Morrison. Main 2134. GERMAN trained nuise and niait-euse, gives treatments for rheumatism lumbago, neuralgia, etc.; mas8ageand baths; lady assistant. 256 llth et. Marshall 5033 Open Sundays. OREGON HERNIA INSTITUTE. Rupture treated mechanically; adults, children. Trusses to suit your case. Johnston and Umbarsar. rupture spe cialists. 411 Aliskv bldg. Main 3784. FEB VET & HANEBUi. leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock hu man hair goods, hairdressing, manicur ing, face and acalp treatment, comb ings to order. 147 Broadway. Main M TAKARA Hair Ionic, an antmeDt.e scalp cleanser, hair beautiiier and dandruff remover; crtcc 60c bottle For sale bv Portland Ho;d Pharmscv. DON'T use iipeii6lve corn remedies when you can et the inirs thing "Re moves If' 16c plasters at ;iie Clemen son Drua fo.. 00 Morrison st. ELKCTRO-H. V OKoPATillC institute, 275 North 22d st, tCor. of Overton), scientific massage, Electric Cabinet Baths Comfortabls rooms Mar. 277'- SOLDI ER boy Spiritualist, Main 663 1. .-.wluc :tv Taylor st. NOTICES ISKAl El) Proposal?, iiuiorwed "Pr(MsalB for five buildings and two imiKtN." will be re c iveil at tlie Knreau of VbiiIs and Ihu kn. nnv depBi tinenl . WaHlihiKtoii, i. t'. until 1 o'l-lixii a. iu-. Juiip 24, lOHi, unit then Hud ttiere ptih. licly Duelled, for 1 iv wikmIcu frame tiulldinK I f'nir cuverci Willi wim.i1 Hhinl. s mimI one riv ereil llh cirnmHleii sli.-!!, nrnl two wu.Hl.n niasti. 22" teei lilj-li, i tin- Niual Haiti. i htn tiiin. .Mai-litirlil. or. P'ai s anl -1 II . allunx can ta otuaint'il en n;ih. alien In tin- bureau nr to tlu t-oiuinufnialit el the tmivv an). Mure Ir. land. ChI. I . It. Ilairis. Clilef nl Ihiii au. Ma 24 1 : H . : SK.M.i.H ii"ihiK hit ieiueileil for luimxli i'u all eituiiineiil . ina t ei'iu Ik hiiiI latHir n 1 doin;.' all lie' wurk fur tee coin.tTui'rlon :m.l enl..i eineiil of P.ahn ere.-U eat'lh Oh r anil ai'l'iirteiiain es ,f tlie I'niMler Laiiil A IrrlgHtbni . . 1 1 1 1 ' a 1 1 v inejei t, uceiirilliig to plana ami spec. unaiieiiM wbii-h may tie ottiainod from the mi. il TiKiini. l'lan and h.eci f tea l ieua may Ih etitaiiied by a ilepelt of ten dollar (Slo.rloi. ivl.ieli will be refunded upon rcturu of uij yli.u and bpeclflcu lions Willi bid. W. A. KIKWARO, Itoi re. baker. Or. PROFESSIONAL AND! BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCOHD10N 1'LLATING AllOKDIUN, KMlii AM UOX 1'LK.A ri.N.i; H bMS'fl'l L'H NO. lilt .V i ill NO; BUTTON UOl KS, Ht TTONS COVK11K1). EAsTEHN novhi.ty iin;. o.. so' mh. b way aawj. K. S 1 1: l'l 1 li;Nb lleiut,utcldnjf , accordion, side and aunbursi pealing, buttoua cvverni; go-alt IpoiaieJ. heallopliig. I'lllork oik. B'waj Itlllt). AGATE CUTTERS Uhi. Jeweiera. Watcb repair (j. lllauionda ouuifbi aud oi(l. Mlher'a. 34:)Waah M.IM74 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS P. fc. KSBENtrtlAiiiv luipleuienta, vebirlea aud general farm anpiiltea. 214 Front. Portland. ANALYTICAL CHEMIST AND AH8AYER lill.KKli 1 -H All. I l. Cou.il lildir lull 41U t. BLANK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS & UuLMa.N. inc.. loy 2tl al. Blans Honk mauuiacluiera; aiceula fur Jooea lua proved Dante Leaf Ledgers. ISee tli Lew Ku reka 1-af A-S1W. Main lr4. CABINET WORK CABIM'.T WORK, turuilura tepalring. Horaca Ih Jnne Jr.. I2', iad at. Main HK32. CARPET CLEANING arr old carpeia, ruKa. carpet cieamijic. KortQ- fst Uns C..ls.H K . vn. K lxo K l'JMi. JuCL liU.iS. Llectno Cleauinf Worlm-i r pets c leant' I add laid; refuting our apeclalt. Faul 440 If I'.iC.f. a4 K l!h at. imrlh. I'EMNSI i.All pet weaving. tliiu- Works Haa; 1MH I'aiton ave. rue and eai--Wdln 2B.H.V CEMENT PLASTER BRICK WORK llaTe our ealllilalor aee .vou UlaMlt eeinenl. plaateriUe; or brh k work. Arrow Cement 'i'rajr In. Sellwl ir:io . CHIROPRACTORS M l;(ll, SM.SS. diM'ii-en .if women and ehll ilr. ! i cured. I r. Mai'Urel iluvnle llrenaed i l,ii'nu:o tn- pbyKiclaii, jli Swelluud blcbi. No fak" Main i It. CHIROPRACTORS Pit Mi M 1 ItlN- i in able eiiM'K. takhc; time ,1 II en t nieiits. Wurth 'rf AiVhtl.mal iffi. es -OS Macleay bldR.. 4th ami i h. Owiny to iij.t ni'wl eruiii)ine aucceai wllp many po called hleurablp caM'H during Itift past sevi?n .yearn in Perl laud I have decided to pKtahllNli a ctieropract lc .SanltnrluiD where out of tnwii pailenta may remain tnueh to their iiiKai,iai:e at moat reaaniialile ralea vibile tak ing ireaunen.. Alreaily II. led to eaoaclty T rnia en h ilieat ion. 7I'.4 llawth.irne ave. Kl'INAl. adjustment uhhi a acieutlfir baala, that atlinulatea the oervea. Tlila aneeewful iiynit in ri'inovnt the cauae. nature dftea the ret. Don't feel dlacouragcd until you have iiieHMKHted rbi rprael lc. Noie my . apeelal rate, is ireatmeniK $li. or :il for $IS. fip-11-1M N'orthweat hldg., between flth and Broad way. asluiiei.m l !r C. S TlRa'd. COAL AND WOOD Minn DRY AND GREEN ' 16 IN, AND 4 FT. ' Mt t.TNOMAII KIT.t, CO.. M ft.40: A-21IS. H pay S6 for cordwood when vou can get Keral luaide biokw-iaid at $.'t..Vi a load; double khd Ii.6(. B.x wood mixed with heavy 3.2J I load; $1 for double load. Heavy dry allb od JS..V) a load. Ilrnaihvav I't.'tll A-!ildt .NATIONAL ICKt. CO. -KASI' i.041 SlahwiMut $.ll.j eeid delivered; dry block and iliibunfKi hbhwI a:; :o load; giaid dry wreek aire. $3. A-1 dry fir. 4 feel or vnwed to order oliiuibla l uel ri,. All klnda. Summer pri.-e. delivered. No. Al l.eroi. U'd'i. rill. I'r'Tnitit aervice. Ol.fi tirovvtb fir wo-al. $4 to $1.20 delivered Main 4 2H. M:.lt A 1AKK. dry fir. 4 ft. 4.l to $.1.2S. Bloekvroorl. Vater at Main 4.MI6 A-4.r.47. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS osK ak in ui;; Ueueral Contractor. lwlj bldg. CREDIT CLOTHINO LAI'11.8 and Men'n rletbiitK; nio. or weekly pvta. N. Y. Outftttlni Co.. 41 Waablngton. PERSONALS ceRTAiwcv vouee -NAPOLEON, BOT THe veT Tine VOO V1A NOER OF F, NoLSie UjlLv. SCOLO EDUCATIONAL DANCING. MAM Hr.slfctt PaliiuiK ACadeiuy. SSH 5tli at., bet. Stark and Oak. Special ratea. 4 prl vate lenao.m uiorulnK, afternoon, evening; all lateat datura uarauicU; flawa Tbi.rndair. Ha l u nli. evenlea:". 7 H::to Brnnrtwav 21ft. UlNCLKIi' liancliig Aiadeu.)', one alep. tol (rot. acbottiache. tliree-atep, walli caaily ae- qelreU. Lady and gen tie men Inalructora; S l'i js ntillon ball. Main :tso. UK. ami klr. Heath a tNcboot Loua dally. CIlM Krolat e.. lot) d at., be' wea Willi. Ire-ion i,n si ark I.e-on ?.Sc Main LA i.i-.Mi Dr. Kt.AL. natuie. Etypt fam y, uileulai. bp'iiob, Ituaaian. Mailt tie-. TOM. MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS k.. 1 li I r.l.ln ii'.,s v mini u-acbfi'; papil aev.-la. go7 Kleldner Md A-4IIIO Manrhall IM'JB lllllK. boine. I. L. OOe Law sun - riauo ieu i your IMioee 'I nlor -.'I1.'U. l lioiil. nl mi -Malf of 111 hhli a liaebeia, tra ., at Alder. gen (onaervatei POPULAR MUSIC ll-t'NO rauuie uiutifil aneae lo IU lo 2l lea oL,a, wriiteu Kar..iiii e or ui.ney back If vra fail, deiuouMiratloti and booklet free, linpre vlalng. keylaard liarni' iiv. ele Mil -a Kllera bid EYE. EAR. NOSE, THROAT LUNGS Bpvcialli-l Mmli'inr pi lira olaaaia filled. . lf. F. V ('aeday SI 7 Ivkilm IddK .. 3d A Wab FIRE INSURANCE PACIFIC SIAII.S MltK INfll KANCK tu. only Orecim fire iiiu-e -io i pit ny FLUFF RUOS AND RAO RUGS ifiiiifiF imui Made lioin oul Ingrnln. biuM'la. Almlnnler. u.yriia caiia i.. Hug rugi-. all aiaea. Mail or dera prouipl alleutloii. hooktft. WKo'll'.UN t'l.l I 1 HI!1 CO. M Cnlon ue N. i'l, I.asi c.r.ld. 71 I47H FUKNACE3 Boynton furnaces E. and onouio al, Malkel elfeiiual. J. C. Payer li.. Front l.ATS CLEANED. BLEACHED , i,euia rulluu.i tiliawi, ti lla. nr. 4lh. s.s and ha l leaiieii. bieacLeu, Kauf iiiau'a, 5 I'lnine M TC'.'ll lOCt. Wuah. LAWN MOWER GRINDING a.ArKlt'i' lawumewi'i gi iiiiling, natural bo a gi hidera, Vos i, Mb. Main S142. LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINOB liil'. UH1.VMA.N LLA l lll. It I D. Oldeal nrui in iiortuweat. Agcuia "Moiiarrh ni: "1.. l M ' ante Irull.er. ;ii Krerelt at. MATTHEb8EB 1 ULti niaitreaea aud lealbt'r beda uiada tuto aanllary folding foruia, fiatbera reuuvaiad. Fokilug M . hi., .'.ot) Willlama. t. . fiN74. NON-INTOXICATING BEVERAOES WEINIIAKD'S t;olden aud Auiber NectarT lieury Wi'iuliard plant, IHtb aud llurnald ata. Main 72. plumea A-1I7J OPTICIANS PH. F. a., lit Uljh.SU, Lyealgbl hlecluha:, Exatnlnatifiu free. ..:IS Wa.hlnirto t PAINTING AND DLCORATINO IIUjH ( LA.S VOJKK ul l eaaolialile pi bet. IKKIKH PAIN I Kit. M:N1iiN M dhi. I4W1. PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS Till. IV i 1'lthlSS. J'llIN M. tH2 Stark at. ltroadway 40N MANN. A 4oKH. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO S-IeneilH. ilade t lie ka. Ill ana Dlgua. PACIFIC COAST SIASir WORKS 231 Wa-hliigin al. Mam 71" A '.'710. SAFETY RAZORS HONED SAI I '1') IU.UIB alialpelli per doiten. ll.'C.'j .1. all -I klnda near , fcOc and Morrtami SH1LT MLTAL W0HK8. lik.l'AllU.SL. UlO lal nl tin and k1' I'lione Main il r"ola, Jacob 4AjaJl, I4J4. lRAhblt.H AS I) blOUAUE Ureon liaiibier Uo, Eatabhahed 1S70. 7ranafer aud Im w aiding Acrnta. Storage Free I rackage. Office uud atorage, 471 Lilian it. ami ilh-aii Main 'in. A ll' iiti ALWAYS TICK" Till: lll.'ST llOlhKllloi) IJOOI'M HrKCIAI.IHI'H .torage. Parking. ahlpphtg and Moving. Horae or Auto Vaua. Special freight ratea to all Kilutrt. f. . PICK'TUA.StiKKU A S'lOKAliK CO 2d and I'lne lliomlvra.y Bihi. A luur) OlXlN Id if. i KAN'SKCK I -Furniture luur. flrtproof wnrebouaai. era. packira. alorace: 1Mb and Hevt H Main r,47 A 2J47 AM I KHAN niture niov SUt IMJ A NIOItAiii: CO. ra. 271 Jl'aOor M4X4. A WATCHMAKERS ur 4V4S WK ILI'.AN and adjuai your which, fl. mkn in: i. so it n. jr.vv ei.i;k. WasbhiLrl'io. l.i-t'..e,M, Slim ami llroailvri. I manufacturers JOBBER S WH OLE S A LERSj DRY OOOJiS WHOLESALE L. Dii ikeispiel Co. Suerlork llblg. lrl. .-inier Oak PAINT. OIL AND GLASS KASJIlSSKN A N. F.. corner 2 CO.. "MlgU rl a nil I 'l PLUMBINO 6UPPLIES I'LUMIM Nci Davla Co . auppliea, wliolesule pi-nea. I'll' M at. Main 7T Stark- SANITARY WIPING RA08 L SHANK CO. ill'J FltONT ST. I'll. IN i: MAIN. 7l'. WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS KKF.WANF.L VVAl'I.K SIS'IKMS D Hpeneer. Agent inn W. Park at. W OOP PI P PORTLAND Woof) 1111. co office near J4lh and Vork ta. -Faclory aud Main :iKt nrroKSKATiov coupon. Jf you want the name f a rellAbl bUsinesH house dealln In any lino of mercbant'iMe, or inforinatlou regard inn resort, hotels, railroads, kleaio hip lines, etc., ailiinaa Oiiou Jour nal inforrnallon ilureAU. Informatlou deadred: Name. . . .. Afldreaa. By "Bud" Fisher ' mr-. 1 1 f 2, ROOM modern,, everything included. Prices are right. 28S 10th st. 1TRNISHKD housekeeping; apartnenta trom JL60 to 13 a week.l3 D,V:B u l I I " , 'tf r capv mwiv ...e.w. - S- - J i . ' '