,f of- ," ,1 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY,' JUNE 10, 1916. CHILDREN rs DAY TO BE OBSERVED IN A Most of Sabbath Schools of the Land Will Hold Pro . grams Tomorrow. TO ASSIST THE MISSIONS Federal Council of Churches of Christ In America Asks Financial Aid for War Victim. Tomorrow Is 'Children's Day" In nio.st of the Habbath schools in the land and it will be the biggest clay of the year :n the hearts of many of the little folks. Jt Is In fact gradua tion day In the Kunday school. Many will pans from the beginners' class to the "big room" and thus have ono of their youthful ambitions fulfilled, while others in the advanced classes will be presented with diplomas, Bibles or religious books from tlu superintendent showing fhat their work and attendance during fhe past year has deserved a remembrance. Special exert lues will be held in many of the local churches. These exercises will contain a missionary strain as the offering on this day goes toward the mission fund. The federal council of the Churches of Christ in America with headquar ters in Now York have sent out a re quest asking the Sunday schools of the land to give their offerings to morrow to the war relief funds to help save the children of Europe from disease, starvation and death. Fleas Is Submitted. Dr. Charles :j. MacKarland, .-general secretary of the federal council, say.s In part: "Children's Sunday comes In June. What more fitting disposition could the children of America make of their offering than to send it .to their littlo brothers and sisters of Armenia, Al bania, Belgium and 1'olaml? The plight jof the Innocent children in these and other lands should be de scribed to the children here. "Do you realize," he added, "that the children in those stricken larnis are hungry and half naked and cold; that the filthy rags in which they am clad are In that condition because their homes and means of cleanliness have been destroyed; that this an J the lark of food exposes them to dis ease and death; that children, piti fully thin little girls and boys, are dying by the thousand in hovels, be neath hedges, on mountainsides, hud dled in the ruins of once beaulilul homes? All their homes were beauti ful once because they were homes. "No stronger foundation could be laid for peace among the maturing generation in all lands than for American children to save the lives of the suffering children of all na tions now." Program Is Given. Children's Day will be observed In the First Congregational church Sun day at 11 a. in. A program of music and exercises will be given by the beginners' and primary departments. Under the leadership of their superin tendents. Miss Helen Bates and Miss Adele Dyott. There will be special orchestra. Decorations appropriate music by the entire school and the to the occas-ion will be in charge of Mrs. A. Staiger. At 7:45 p. m. Dr. Dyott will preach a practical sermon on "Our Educational Institutions and Leaders, and the Outlook for Young .People on the Pacific Coast." Sunday School in Charge. The Sunday school of Calvary Pres byterian will have charge of the pro gram In the evening. The following is the order: Klag processional. Altogether chorus. vjwoci occu, responsive ncriDiura rearilnir- PmhAti Q1 Mm s2 prayer. Mr. Bain s clajs, male chorus' i offering, primary department; reclta lion, K,veiyn Farshall; song, the be gi. tiers' department; recitation Mig non llawkes: short addresses, 'Psalm lfiit, . Miss Myrleb's class, recitation, .Anna Westbrooke; recitation, Thomas Day; recitation, Edna Ferguson; heroes. Junior boys; ladies chorus, benediction. Will Honor Flag. In the t-'irst United Presbyterian church Children's Day services will be held in the morning at 10:30 o'clock. I 7 he program w ill be made up of songs, recitations and drills. In the evening there will be a flag day program ren dered -at the meeting of th Christian Endeavor society. Children Day exercises will be held at th morning meeting of the Uni versity Park Congregational church, tomorrow. Regular preaching services tomor row morning and evening will take place as usual at the White Temple. BEFITTING MANNER but instead of the Sunday school, that ginning 6f Methodism in America and hour w Ul be observed as Children's brings forth Barbara Heck. Philip Km Day. An interesting and appropriate bury, Francis Asbury and Sophia program has been prepared. I Cook. These people organize churches cnlldrens Day exercises of Mt. Ta- bor Presbyterian church will be held tomorrow morning at 10:30. The fol lowing program will be given: Song, by school; Scripture reading, Camplire girls; prayer, pastor: chris tening "of infants, song, school; show of cradle roll, song, beginner's class; primary graduating exercises, offer ing, girls; hoop drill and song, M r.-j. Muir's class; song. Girls' Glee club; song. Boys' Glee club; song, boys and girls; exercise, boys and girls; song, America. At the morning hour, the regular services at Central Presbyterian church will be replaced by the Chil dren's Day exercises under the auspi ces of the Sunday school. Special Children's Day exercises will replace the regular morning session of services at the Pilgrim Congregational church tomorrow. Sunnyside Congregational church baa prepared an excellent program for Children's Day exercises which will be hela in place of morning services tomorrow. Children's Day services will be held at St. James' English Lutheran church, Weist Park and Jefferson streets, at 10 a, in. The exercises promise to be exceptionally Interesting and will be held at the Sunday chool hour, but in the main . auditorium. The regular morning service follow at 11 o'clock. At Sunny side Congregational. Next Sunday will be Children's Day. Our .Sunday school will celebrate with a service of unusual attraction at 11 o ClOCK ine exercises will consist of a continuous memo entitled, "The Book of Life," containing the bright est of songs and charming recitations. Friends and parents are particularly urged to attend the service. An elaborate Children's day program has been prepared and will be pre vented in the main auditorium of the First Presbyterian church on Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock. In addition 'to the regular program of the day. the Junior department will graduate & large class of pupils, who have fin ished the prescribed -course of study and are ready for the senior work. Ap propriate exercises will be given and diplomas' presented by the superintendent. WHAT WHITSUNTIDE MEANS By Chaplain Frederic K. Howard, Good Samaritan Hospital. TM f . 1 M . 1 0 i ne season 01 "?4A iim -i .. : j vvmismiime reminds iiriMia.115 uiai we arc ' " ' ' ' if members one of another" in the family of God. 'm f -1 I aso emphasizes the gift of the spirit which - God gave to the first Christians to enable then1 to live in unity. St. Paul urges on all 4 f$ Christians the duty of "endeavoring to keep a the unity of the & S'r tu. 4U..1:- 7 s ' , . l I1C CfiLlllJIlt. been shattered - K&a once a circle 01 - 1 r 1 1 E-eW: t Buhnfii rboto. Whatever justification there may have been in former ages for sectarian divisions, they find few defenders today. The whole trend of Christian thought and desire is toward unity. Not by diverse labels or different associations, but by incompatible spirits are the disciples of Christ kept apart. So long as we are sectarian in our feeling and thinking, just so long will our unhappy divisions continue to disgrace the Christian world. When we become universal in our inner life, the catholic spirit will build again the city that is at unity with itself. When we encourage the catholic spirit of inclusiveness and discourage the sectarian spirit of exclusiveness, we begin to show to the world the religion of all humanity and the whole man; a religion unincumbered and unentangled with contingent and perishable values, free as an arrow in its flight straight home to the universal conscience of humanity. METHODIST PAGEANT OF Lincoln High School to Be the Scene of Elaborate Staging of Narration, Ernest Stansbery The young people of the Methodist churches of Portland Will repeat thei' pageant of Methodism next Sunday evening in Lincoln high school at S o'clock. About 130 are In the cas. not including the chorus and orches- tra. also taken from the churches The production is a history of the church since the days of John Wes ley, its founder, and in quick narra tion shows the principal events in tiie church history during the 20') years of its existence. The pageant is called a history ot the Methodist church, but In depict ing the life history of this church can be detected the history of other Protestant churches. The only char- acteristie about the pageant purely Methodist is the names of the char acters which the players assume. The pageant is divided Into four episodes and 18 movements. In the first episode the home of Samuel and Susannah Wesley is burned by neigh bors because they object to the teach ings of Wesley. Hardships encoun tered in other parts of England are also shown. The second episode depicts the be- and Sunday schools amongst the col- onlsts, preach In opposition to card playing and finally send missionaries to the Indians. The third episode shows the hard ships endured by the early circuit rider, closing with a humorous recep tion of a "missionary barrel" by a frontier preacher. The closipg movement showg the magnitude to which the church has grown and brings forth the many dif ferent departments which it is now supporting. Dr. M. P. Fikes of - Detroit to Speak Dr. M. P. Fikes of Detroit, Mich., will preach at the White Temple Sun day, his morning topic being "My Church." The Temple quartet will render the anthem, "Teach Me To Pray," by Warren, and for the offer tory, "Thou Who Like the Wind Doth Come," by Ambrose. In the ' evening at 8 o'clock Dr. Fikes will again preach on the topic, "The Midnight of the Soul," and the quartet w-ill sing "Fairest Lord Jesus," by Brackett, and "Ye Shall Dwell In the Land," by Stainer. Dr. Fikes is one of the well known denominational leaders from the mid dle west, who is on his way to los I A.igeles. where he will supply for Dr. Brougher In the Temple church for six weeks. Young People to Conduct a Contest There will be held Tuesday. June 13, at 8 p. m., a young people's sll ver medal contest t the East Side Christian church, comer of East Twelfth and Taylor streets, under di rection of the W. C. T. U. Good music has been provided. Eight young people will take part. All friends ln- I vited. WL SHOW HISTORY RE I S ine Lnnsuan year Known as ; i 1 u spirit. : ,1 1 1 ..:.. 1 UCdl Ul UJllVCISdl U11I.V lid.! into the segments of what was . r 1 . j 1 men 01 one 11ca.11 aim sum. Indians Planning Great Campmeetmg Pendleton, June 10. The Indians of the congregation of the Tutuilla church, are already laying plans for the big annual July camp, meeting. The gathering will begin on' Wednes day, June 28 and extend through July 6. Besides visitors from the Nez Perse ' reservation, the local Indians expect a big delegation from the Warm Springs reservation. The trustees of the Tutuilla church have ordered improvements to tha church property that will cost about 11000. All of the five buildings will be painted white, the old church where institutional meetings are held will bo given a new roof and the basement of the new church will be cemented pre paratory to the Installation of a fur nace. President Colt to Re Speaker. C. C. Colt, president of ttie Portland Commercial ilub, will address the meeting of the Men's league of the Sunnyside Congregational church next Monday evening, June 12. at 8 o'clock. This will be the last meeting of the league before summer vacation, and all friends of the church are cordially Invited to attend. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY WHIT SUNDAY Sunday School Lesson Tomorrow. Sowing and Reaping (Temperance LetaoP) Gal. 6. Memorize versos 1, 2. Golden Text. Jo I not mocked; for what soever a niHu gowetb, that abal be also reap. il. 6, 7. Home Reading- Vf. Sowing and Reaping. Hal. 6: 1-18. T. Sowing tares. Matt. 13: 21-30. W. Sowing on waters, Ecrl. 11; 1-8. Tb. Joy r Har-Tt'M, Psa. 126. F. Sowing good seed. I Tim. 4: M6. S. Social responribtlitT. Rom. 14. 13-2:1. S. Life'a bairest. Bom. 2: 1-11. Young People's Topics. Christian EndeaTor "The Will and the War." I'hil. 4: 1-1.4. "Obedience a Chief Cor nerstone." K'h. fc 1-3. "Why Uo to College ?" 2 Tim 2: lo. "The Will and the Way," I'hil. 4: 1-13. Baptist. First White Temple 12th and Alder Mrs. A. W Del.onic. acting pastor. Preaching by Kef. M. I. Kikes. 1). D. 11, "My Church." 7::. "Midnight of the Soul." Swedlfh-Klnnlsb Mission, Wblte Temple. B. East Side E. JOtb ard Ankenr ata. Re. W O. Shank, pastor. 11, "Doctrine of Santl flcation In the I.lgbt of Twentletb Centnry." 7. "A False Security." Highland. E. 8tn and Alberta Her. Cbas. 1. Mletr. Arleta Iter. W. T, Springs. 11. 7:3f p. m. fnWersllj Tark Re. (J. I.. He'kctt. 11, 7:. '10. Swedish 15th snd Host. 10.45. 7:30. r.race MnntaTilla. iiev. II. T. Cah. 11, 7::iO. Sermons by Rev. L'r. W. B. Hinson. Sellwnort Ke. r . ri. Mayes, n. j:au. St. Johns Rey. E. P. Bordea, pastor. 7:30. Calvary E. 8th and Grant ReT Thomas Stephenson, acting pastor. 11 and 7:80, preach ing by Rer. I. E. Thomas, Eureka. Mont. 11, laiTary a. rme auu uiuiu . - ,v w ... A M. Macback. 11, s. Third Knott and vancourer are. bbt. w. Heaven. 11. "An Open Door." 7:30, "Way side Hearers." Bt. Johns (uermanj bt. a. jsruermaa. ll. T:30. .... Chlneae-J. C. Maione. i. Lenta Re. J. M. Nelson, 11, 7:30. Second German Morris and Rodney art. 11. 7 30. .... . Ulencoe IS. aotn ana siain mi. a. a. Waltz. 11. Report or a aiuraer. - s, "cnu- oren s uay. ...... Mount OHet iter. r. a. axasreit, ii, s. Italian Mission ReT. Francesco Sannella. 11 8- ... ... ..... . First German iin una biu ivbt. j. strati. 11, 7:80. . M , Goodwill Mission inn; auu xhmsv ansa a. U. Nelson, superintenoeni. North Portland Mission oau mcoiai at.. FridtJ. .8. RusBeimiie Mission hut. aiotn Lucn- bridge. 3. 3:4B. Tabernacle r.. auu J"" rvai. ter Duff, acting pastor. 11. 7:80. Catholic St. Peters Lenta Key. P. Beutgea. 8, 10:30. 7:30. Pro-Cathedral 10m anu lsis ney. js. y. O'Hara. , 7:13. s:au, v:o. ji, :as. St Lawrence .wi uia oacnaur-mt. j. u. Hughes l. 8:30. 10:30, 7:30. St Patricks 19th and Sayter Bey. E. P. Murphy. 8, 10:30, 7:30 St. Francis & Htn and Oak Rey. J. H. Blsck. U. . . 10:30. 7:30. Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams are. and Stauton Rey. W. A. Dal. , 8, B, 10:30. T:3. . . - Holy Rosary a., oa ana liicuidu ttCT. . 8 Olson, o. 7, 8, . 11. 7:30. 8t Rose K. 53d and Alameda Bar. J. O' Kartell. . 10. 7:30. 8t Andrews E. th and Alberta Rey. T. Kleruan. 8. 10:30, 7:30. The MadeletM E. iHth and 6ikLyoa Ry. George K. Tboumson. 7:30. 9, 10:30. AscenSlOU L,v-Iliuum auu u. lUiu m I KI1C1S u Fathers. 810:30. 7:30. uni, itedeenier-fortlaud bird, and Yaneon- can r Bye. ReT . V. H. Miller. , 8. 10:30, 7:30. Blessed bacrament Maryland aye. and Blaa dena Re. . V. Kelly. 8, 10:30, 7:30. Holy Cross 774 bowdoln Rt. C. Raymond. 8. 10:30, 7:30. St. lauatius SJSO 43d at. 8. E. Jesuit Fata er. b:30, 8. 10:iW. . St. Steuuens 2d and E. Taylor Ray. War ren A. Want. 8. 8:30. 10:30, 7:30. st Phillip Nerl K, loth and wlckey Hey. W j Csrtwrlght. 8. 10:30, 7:80. Sacred Hear. E. lltb and Center Ray. ts. KoM. . :3, 7:30. St. Agatha E. 15th and Miller Rey. J. Cumuilsk). 8, 10:30, 7:30. 8U Joseph (German) 15th and Couch Ry. v i,rrcr. 8. 10:30. 7:30. 'St. Suniaiaua tPolio Maryland aTe. and Falling R. a. Matnew. e, iu:ao, 7i30. St. Michael (Italian ith and Mill Rey. M. R.iir. 8. 10:30. 7:30. St. Clenients Smith and Newton Bey. C. Smith. 8, 10:30. 7:30. St. Clares Capitol Hill Franciscan Fathers, 7:30, a:l. St Charles 34 th and KtUlogswortb Bay, G. snkieruorn- 8. 10:3u. 7:30. Christian. First Psrk and Columbia. Both serrlces by Rey. Hsrold H. GrlffU, Mlsaoula. Mont. 11. 'Aliasing of Wisdom." 7:45. "Acceptance of the bniTerse. MonUTUla E. 76th and Hoyt Rey. 3. c. Glionnlej. 11. 8. East Sid Christian E. 12th and & Taj-lor mm MEETING 10 COME 10 CLOSE Prominent Eastern Minister Will Be Principal Speaker; Conference Elects Officers, Mirkham Photo. Rev. H. W. Cottrell The Seventh Day Adventist camp meeting at Anahel station on the ML Scott line will close its meetings to morrow evening. This evening Rev. K. W Farnsworth will talk on "The Hope of the World's Conversion." To morrow morning at 11 o'clock Profes sor Frederick Griggs, of "Washington, IX C, will be the speaker. At 2:30 Rev. P. C. Hayward will talk on "Signs of the Second Coming of Christ" and at 7:45 the closing ser mon "The Sabbath as Kept by Christ and the. Authority for the Change'1 will be preached by Rev. K. W. Farns worth. The meetings have been well at tended, the big tabernacle being crowded to capacity in the evening. The big tent will seat 2000. The pas tor said that the Rose Carnival did not seem to interfere with the at tendance. Besides the meetings in Knglish there were meetings in Scan dinavian and German and special meetings for children and young people. The conference Is circulating two Rey. A. L. Crlm. 11. "Christian Rosea ts. l ortland Roses." 8. "Object Lessons." Gladstone Rey. Roy L. Dunn. 11. 8. Woodlawn 7tb and Liberty Rey. W. J. Mllllnger. 11, 7:30. Sellwood 13th and Tenlno Bey. J. B. John son. 11. 8. Rodney Avenue, at Knott K. Bey. J. F. Ghotmley. 11 a. m. Kern Park Rey. G. K. Berry. 1U 7:30. St. Johns Iter. Herbert F. Jones. 11, 8. Vernon Church of ChrUt B. 15th and Wy gant J. A. Melton. 11,T:80. Bethel E. S2d and Thompson Bey. Ant rey W. Wilson. Christian Science. Lesson sermon "God the Preseryer of Man." First church Everett, Detween 18th and 19th at:-. 11. Second East Qtb and Holladay. II. 8. Third Eat 12th and Salmon. 11, 8. Fourth Vancouver lire, and Emeraon. 11, 8. Fifth Myrtle Park ball. 11. Christian Science society Holbtook block, 8t. Juhua. 11. CongrerationaL First Park and Madlaon Key. Luther K. Djott. 11. Children a day eiercisea. 7:49. "Out look for Youth." Firs' German E. 7rh ud Stanton Rev. K. O. Wlllman. Atkinson Community church E. 29th and Ev erett Thomas 8. Anderson, minister. 11. "Now Are We the Sons of God." 7:45. "Now Let Integrity and I prigbtnese Preserve Me." CnlverMty Park Uaen t.. nt-ar Lombard Key. F. J. Meyer. 11, "Children"! Day Ex eiclfes." S, "Why Go to Church:" Highland E. Kth and I'rescott ReT. Geo. Kdw. UtiIs. l(:3i. Children's day rsercisva. 7:45, sermonette, recitations and music. Llndernnrst ReT. 1. B. Grsy. 11. 7:45. Pilgrim Missouri stc. and ShaTer st. Rey. W. C. Kaniner. 11. Children's day exercises. 7:45, "The Man Who Is Not Wanted," Wayerly Heights k, 83d and woodward Rey. A. C. Moses. Sunnyside E. 32d and Taylor Rey. J. J. Staab. S. S., 10 a. m. 11, Children's day ex ercises. 7:45, "The Conservation of Spiritual Gains." Zlon (German) E. tub and ITemont bct. J. II. Honp. 10:SO. Norwegian Danlsn Brangencai unnrcn sum- ner and East 23d st. N. ReT. Morten Olaen. Service at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Episoopal. Bt. Marks ?lst and Marshall Tier. J. E. H. Simpson, rector: ReT. J. G. Hstton, as- alsUnt rector. 7:30, 7:30, 8:30, 10:15, 11. Trinity lUtb and ETerett Rev. A. A. Mor rison. 8. 11, 8. Pro-Cathedral of St. Btepnen, the Martyr- Very Rev. H M. Ramsey. 7:45. 11, 3, 7:45. St. David s Hi. izm ana tieimoni Key. Thomas Jenkins. 7, 9:30, 11, "Jerusalem and America." 7:30, "The Manifold Lire of God." St. Mattnew s Corbett and Bancroft Rev. W. A. M. Ereck. 11. St. Johns uuwauaie uev. joon u. uica. -St Andrews ueretoro St.. rortsmoutn Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 11. Grace Memorial weidier ana nth H. Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8, 11. Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham Rev. John Dawson; 11. 8. St. Michael's and All Angels' E. 43d aad Broadway Rev. T. F. Boweu. 11, 7:30. Church of Our SaTlour BOtb aTe. and 41st t. 8- E- Archdeacon Chaqlbers in cbarge. 11. Bt. John a oenwuou uev. jonu u. uice. 11. St. Paul' Woodmere Eev. Oswald W. Taylor. 4. Bishop Morris Memorial chapel. Good Sa maritan hospital Rev. Frederics: K. Howard. 1. . . . .. ... ... All Sainw ennren ..un ana oarier Key. Frederick K. Howatd. 11. Evangelioal Assoc iatloa. Carson Height G. F. Lienlng Jr. Ii :30, 7. First Engusn a. oin ua asaxaet BT. . ft MirnsrhUCh. 11. 8. First German ETangellcal 10th and Claj Rev. U. a. l.iening. iu:o, a. Eyangelioal Bynrd. German Evangelical Friendj' church Ta coma av. and t. 15lh. Eev. Ellaa N. Her- 11(45 7: JO. SU Paul Evangelical chorcli 447 Falling Key. J. nergen. n, b Fraa Mathodut. rentral 551h and E. Flanders Rey. w. v. Coffee, 11. m . Ilrst K. Wtn ana am p. h. tilers. St Johns Rev. J- A. Hopper. Third Rev. R. H. Clark. Friends' ihurcw, Sunnyside E. 36tU and Main Bey. Homer r-.. 11. T dV. . ' U.tn Umm U LDts wuiu ' ,vim uuey. 11. 7:30. . .. .... . West Piedmont ivev. airs, atnei M. Ar nold. U. Jewish. Cooa relation Beth Israel 12th end Main Babol Jenah B. Wise. Friday. 8 p. m. Satur aaj, 10:30 a. m. Latter Day baints. Church of J eaus CnrU t of I t ter Day Salnta ( MoBtavUU (not Mormon) -a. 7:30. Lutheran, Inunannal 19th and Irving ReT. J. Blcbaxd Trinity German (Mlaaourl bynod) WUlUma .Ji:tMa)-Bw. J. A. bunbach. mn ave. . 1Jw'mmt Side Norwegian Latneran 43 N. .1. anoLlm 1-ettexson. 11. 8. " Bethany ujT d Mot Oor SaviofaK iota ana B. urant ata. TOMORROW EVENING r f - iviw V 11 y 11 II ll ! Juniors of Unity w To Give Concert . To Help Building When the congregation of $ Unity church. Seventy-second 4b and Sandy ho'ulevard,' dedkat- ed the new edifice recently the t Junior Endeavor society pledged He He J25. Next Friday evening the Kt society will make Jts first ef- Mf- fort toward redeeming the ifr pledge. Nine of tSi members have formed th Junior Choral club and, assisted by other He members of the Junior En- if- deavor, will give a musicale at jf He the:church. A small admission 3 fee will be charged He The program Consists of H He piano solos and duets, violin He olos and songs by the Choral H He club, 16 members ir H.! Two He added features will be - vocal -k He solos by Miss Lillia.n Downing H He of the Centenary church choir H He and Mrs. G. C. Nelson. He The Juniors have been He He coached by Mrs. G.. C. Nelson and Mrs. L. H. Booth. He Rev. W. Lee Gray is pastor of Unity church. He He y Montana Minister To Occupy Pulpit Rev. Harold H. Griffis of Missoula, Mont., will preach at the First Chris tian church both manning and eve ning tomorrow. . At the morning service the quartet,. will sing "The Lord is Kxalted" (West), and there will le a duet, "Teach Me To Pray" (Jewett) by Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. Wilson. In the evening the quartet will sing, "One Sweetly Solemn Thought" (Ambrose. Mr. Hard wick will sing, "Abide With Me" (Nessler). petitions amongst its members, one in opposition to any Sunday closing leg islation and the other Is a petition to congress asking them not to past house bill 13,778, which would give the postmaster general the right to exclude certain printed matter from the mails. The officers for th cominp year are: President, II. W. Cottrell, re elected; vice president,. H. G. Thurs ton, reelected; secretary. E. W. Cat lin; treasurer, C. K. Olcott, reelected. The members of the conference com mittee are: H. W. Cottrell, H. G. Thurston, E. W. Catlin, ' P. C. Hay ward, W. C. Emerson, J. H. Hansen and William Reith. Rev. H. G. Thurs ton and P. C. Hayward were ap pointed religious secretaries to assist in circulating the petition. Thursday XoOij Is Limit. Notices for the Saturday clmrrh columns must be in the editorial roomi of The Journal by noon Thursday. OF CHURCH Rev. George Henrlksen. English service, 10.15. Norwegian service, 11:15. lmmanuel German fSellwood Bev. H. C. Eteiiiig. 1O.30. Grace English (Missouri $ jnod) Albina ave. ', and Mason Bev. C. Loerk. 10:30, 7:30. St. Paul's German E. l?tb and Clinton Rev. A. Krause 10:30 Peqtecoatal aervice and holy eommunion.- English &, German Evangelical Lu therlon, Zloa (Mlssonrl Synod)--Salmon and Chapman Rev. H. H. Uoppelmann. 10:15, 7:43. St. John's Peninsular nd Ktrkpatrlck Rev. K. O. Salzman. 10:45. 7:30. Swedish Augustana Rev, H. B. Banstedt. 10:46. 7:45. United Norwegian Portsmouth Bav. H. O. Heudrlckson. 11. German Evangelical Reformed Lenta Rev. W. G. Lienkaemper. 11. St. James, English West Park and Jeffer son J. Allen Leas. 11, 8. Bethel Norwegian Lutheran Frea church Wygant and Rodney avenues Rev. J. A. Stav oej. 11. 8. Katho&iaf. First 12th and Taylor t)r. Frank O. Love land, minister; Rev. Waller Lee Airiieart, Ant., 10:30. Centenary E. 9th and E. Pine Rev. T. W. Lsne. 11, "Our Partnerah'p With God." 7:45, The Shameless Jew." Tayior streeters Sidewalk Third and Tay lor Morning service only k Trinity E. loth sod strerman Rev. A. R C aider. 11, "The Christian a Light Bearer." S, IVrgireness Human and 'Divine," 8 p. m. Kwedltb Borthwick awl Beech Rev. John A. Wellman, 11, 7:45. Epworth 2Blh and Savfer Rev. C. 0. Mc- Cbllocb. 11. First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt Bev. o. X. Field, 11, 8. Woudlawn E. 10th and Highland Rev. Louis Thomas. 11, "The Secret of Beauty." 7.30, "The Coat of Pride." SeUwuod Rev. Alexander P. Maclean. 11. 7:30. hunnyside E. 85 tb anC Xamhlll Bey. B. Elmer Smith. 11, 7:46. Central Vancouver ays. and Fareo Bey. C C. Kartell. 11. St. Johiu) Hajea and Leavlttr Bey. W. B. Ingalla. Mootavllle Kev. W. H. Hampton. 11. Laurel wood 3d st. 8. E. and Foster road Bev. U. A. Caxlua. 11. Clinton Kelly iJemorlal E. 40th and t'ow- ell Valley Rev. J. West Thompson, 11. Japanese alisatoa Uev. a.liaii Uibara, 9:30, 6:30. Koae City Park Sandy blvd. and E. 58th Re v. William Young sen. J, "A. Study in rruflt and Loss." 7, Vesper song service. German Rodney ava. and Stantun Kev. F. A. Schumann. 10, 8. African Zion 288 Williams ave. Rev. W. W. Howard. Rev. E. D. L, Thompson. 11, 8. Vancouver Avenue Norwegian-Danish Corner Skldmore Rev. Abraham Verelde. 10:45, 8. University Park Lxinibard and irukc Rey. C. L. Hamilton. 11, 7:30. Lents Rev. W. ixjyd Moore. 11, 8. Bethel La rr a bee and MoMillanr-Rey. J. L. Craw., 11. 8:15. Westmoreland Milwaukle aTe.. near Kacuo na Rev. C. B. Harrison. 11, 7:30. Llucuin E. 52d and iincoln Rev. G. G. Haley. 10:30. 8. Patton Michigan and Jtlberta Bev. George a reese. ll, I :o. Woouatock E. 44th and 80 Lh ave. S. K. Rev. Frank James, ll, 745. Mt. Tabor fcast Sixty .fjrst and Stark ats. Rev. E. Oltn Eldridge. 11. "Our Klse and Good Citizenship." 8, musical coteruiumeut by choir. First German Rev. Aj F. Cramer. 11, 8. Brentwood Rev. W. L, Wilson. 11. Berkeley Heights cluuouse Bev. A. B. Calder, 3. Chinese Mission 11 and 7:30. Carson Heights Rev. L. C. Douglass, Ken- da. station. Clara scboolbouse Be. A. B. Wilson, 7:30. L-vlngton East 10th and Weldler Rev. S. A. Danlord. 11. M. E. Church. South. Union ave. and Multiomau Rev. w. J. Ftnton, 11. 1:30. Missives. Swedish Mission Rt. W. J. Tboren. 11, a. Ellm Unspei twev. , iiwrea. iu. Bethel Fre church ivy and WllHami Bey. j. a. stavuev. 11, 8. flaxarene. First Pentecostal li. 7ih and K. Coach Rev. C. Howard Davm. 11. 710. Bellwood B. th and spvkauv Rev. H. C. Baker. 11. Brentwooa r. uim u uu ooia ave. u a, Kev. Stella Crook. 11, 8. 'Scandinavian 4s Uorficid Kev. J. u. Bringcumiil. paator. U, :3J. H inland lark 3. 7:40. Presbyterian. First 12th and Aluer Rev. John H. Boyd. 10-30. Childrena Day exercise. 7:40. "The btnical Sigmttcance of tshakeapeare's Worka." Fourth rust and uioo wv. Ueury U. Hanson. 10:3"1. ' Pnssbyterlana at Work." 7:30. Forgiveneas." : Galvari llm and Clay Rev. O. 8. Baum. 7:45. 10.30, preaching;! 7:30, Childrena' day ex- Aiuor Lodge R. ltge B Cromley. 11, 7 '40- kenilwortn E. 34th i.nd Gladstone aev. Lesue Kuk Richardson. 11. Miapan . iui auu iriaion Rey. Harry il, i :3U. Uuue Uonutiiu. iin ana b. kverrtt SU. . A 41 7 4.', Rev !-.'.tri K. 12 in anti rliie Rev. Wailac u Le, acting ptor, 4t)!0. NEW CHURCH FINISHED AT HOOD RIVER ft rrl. ' i j -'S" ' ,...' : - M j : First Church of Christ, First Church of Christ, Scientists, Hood River, held first service in the new edifice last Sunday morning The church stands on a commanding site, the portico overlooking the Col.imlili river and Mt. Adams. The type ot the building is colonial, well adapted to the requirements of the service, and was designed by George Koite Dun ham of Portland. From the portico entrance is had to an ernple foyer, at one side of which is the reading room, at the other th.i !ie k room. Below the auditorium is a la re Sunday school and class rooms, lavatories, etc. The auditorium seats 00, and the woodwork is finished in Dr. Dyott Will Give Educational Talks - . - jf' Dr. Luther R. Dyott has returned from a visit to a number of educa tional institutions in Washington and Oregon, where he has spoken. He has, also, made a study of local schooU and tomorrow evening at 7:45 o'clock will have something practical to savr about these matters. Teachers, pa rents and all who are interested in our educational work, are invited to attend these services. Bishop Sumner to Deliver Sermon Bishop W. T. Sumner, D. P., will preach in the Church of the Good Shepherd. Graham and Vancouver av enues, tomorrow evening, and admin ister the rite of confirmation. The service will begin at 8 p. m. SERVICES Utllard Avenue 7241 5. tb ave. 8. B. Rev. W. H. Amos. 10:30. Mt. Tabor K 56tb and B'lmont Rev. Wll lfnm GrHbura Moore. 10:30, Children's day ex erdses. 7:4.1, "The Power of Moral Beauty." I nity Rv. W. Lee Gray. VerooD ltlth and Wvgant Re. H. N. Mount. 11. Westminster E. 17th and Schuyler Bav. Kenry Marcotte. 10:30. fieomont Cleveland and Jarrett ata Rut. a. l nntcninsou. H, 8 p. m. Rose CltT Park E. 46th aad Hancock Bey. J. M. Skinner. 11, 7:30. Spokane Avenue E. 16tb and Spoksns Rev. W. S. McCullsgb. 11. 7:30. Msrsbsl Street 17th and Marshall R. A. J. Hanna. 11, 7:30. Trinity Corner Virginia and Nebraska ata. Rct. E. Benson. 11, 7:30. Cbinese-r-145H First St. 7:46. Ansbel 56th st. and 37th sts. 8. H. Rev. Alfred Levis Taxis. 4. Reformed Prethyterlan. First, church Minnesota anu a Ins worth- Bev F. D. Frazer. 11. 7:30. Reformed. First German 12th and Clay Rev. G. Haf ner. 10:43. 8. Second Columbia blvd. and 33d st. Bav. E A. Wysa. 11. Third Fifth ave.. Lents Rev. W. G. Lien kaemper. 11. G Salvation Army. Corps No. 1243 Asb. 8. Adjutsnt Joseph tli rrlson. Swedish C.rp 430 Brnlde. Scandinavian 243 Ash Her. John OTaL Seventh Day Adventlsts. Not Rcgulsr services of this denomination are held on Saturday. Central E. lltb and Everett Eider P. c. Hayward. pastor. 11. Tabernacle West Side, K. of P. hsll, lira anil Alder Elder E. W. Catlin. II. MontsVllla E. With ai d E. Everett Elder i. F. Beatty. 11 and 7. Albina (German) Skldmore and Mallory Elder A. C. Schweltaer. Lents 94th and 68th ava. Elder D. J Cbltwood. 11. St. Johns Central a verms and Charleaton Elder E. D. Hurlburt. 11. Mount Tabor E. 00 and Belmont Bev. C. I. Cumminga. 11. ScandinaTian church 62nd and S9th ava 8 t. Eider O. E. Sandnea. 11. Services for tha Deaf. United Presbyterian Wasco and Grand ave Rev. S. Earl Dubois. i0:30. 8. Unitarian. Church of Our Father Broadway and Tsra- hill Kev. T. L. hliot, D. D. ll. "Hesrt for the Day's Burden." United Brethren. Allierta -7t b and Alberta. I lrst E. loth aod Morrlsou - Itev. r. 0. Botrebrake. 1 onrth K)th st. snd 32d ave. S. E. Third tilth st. aud 32d ave. S. E. United Evangelical. Fourth-i-Rev. J. E. Conuer. 11. 7:80. Radical Jessup st. Rev. A. S. Henderson. II. 7:30. Manor. Circuit Services Cherry Grove, 3 p. m mush Prairie, 7:30. Ockley Green -Willamette blvd. and Gay uev. tj. L. lTCJl. 11, s. First K. 16th and Poplar Rev. J. A. Good 11. 8. St. Johns Rev. A. P. Lajtoo. II, 8. Wichita Rev. H. H. Farnbim. 11. 8. United Presbyterian. First E. 3itn and Hawthorns Rev. Frank DcWltt Findlcy. 10:3ii, children's day exer cises. 7.45. God a preparedness. ' Church of the strangers nam street aud Grand ave. Kev. a. tan uueuii, 10:30, 8. Kenton J. S. Cole. 10:15, a. Universalis t. Church of the Good iuiiugs Rroadwsy (nd K. 24th Rev. J. 1. corny, lu.45, "Standard of Valuation. a. i- noon. Y. U. C. A.Y. W. U. A. Y. M. C. A. oth aud Tajlor U.- W. Stone. ar.-u.ral set-re lary. Y. W. C. A. -Broadway and Taylor Vesper . .... it . vf .... "r services. a. ... i.au. rKrromng Oil." Miss KatUerlne Biandes will sing. So cial hour, 5.30. sfisoellaneous. Assodsted Bible Biuaenta (I. B. S. A.I Ctristenseu's hall. 11th and Yamhill its. 1.45 p. m-. ejuiiiosiuui. 3 p. m.. djscour by by Vtni. A. B.iaer 4 :J p. iu.. praise and testimony service, b p. hi., lecture by W. A. Ballvv, "A New World Empire.'' New Thought Temple ol 1 nil b Eilers Bhlg. Auua louug IliintreM. s p. id. First Spuaunl Scieme slxin and Mont gomery, li. . Wallace Struble. New" C'liuriu Socit-iy CUer. hall Rev. Sam uel Worccat.r. S. S.. 10.15, 11. lalu aud the BlewuiMJu. ' Reoiganuted CuunU of Jesus Christ of letter Dsy Sainta E. 7ith aud Irving Elder H. H. Cook, pastor. 11, 8. Chut.-h of Chrlat (Campbeillte 84th st., m 5fth ave. Lenta. Services 11 a. tu. and 8 P m. Hervires ia Sew Church. Tarnell. Or., June 10. First services In the new church here were held'laxt Sunday. It is planned to dedicate the structure pome time in July. The main building of the church la 31 by 40, the Sunday school room Is 31 by Ai and the kitchen 10 by 15 feet Scientist, Hood River. old ivory. The walls are a warm gray and the large circle window in tlefn and amber opalescent glass. Pew. and carpets are in a soft gray, and the hangings and upholstering of oi l rose. The church is considered the most attractive in the city, and cost complete in the neighborhood of $7000. The builders j.were Stranahan & Kla vens. E. C. Brownlee Is flrt reader an-1 Mrs. E. C. Hrownlee, second reader. The board of directors consists of Mrs. A. Whitehead, Mrs. C. O. Huelat, C. I. Henrichs, E. C. Brownlee and It. E. Scott. Miss Ruth Howes is pianist and Mrs. C. O. Huelat, soloist. Convention Is Held By Sunday Schools IJood River, Or., June 10. The Hool River County Sunday School asso ciation convened at Odell May 31 and June 1. A large number of delegates from the various Sunday erhoolg In the city and county were present. Tlie following program was ren dered: Wednesday evening's session was opened with a praise nervice fol lowed by a vocal duet by Mtb. leWlt and Mrs. Dr. Dutro. Mrs. J. K. Fergu son spoke on tlie sultject, "What We Want You. to Get Out or the Con vention." A doubleaauartet and an address by Rev. CharltiB A. Phipps, of Portland loncludcd the evening program Thursday's program was opened with devotional services by Kev. J. D. L,f. ter, followed by a workers' confer ence: address, "Type of Man I Ad mire," by Kosvilie Krohn; "Type of Woman I Admire," by Mrs. Mary Sheppard; song, boys' chorus; address "What the Teen Age Expects of the Sunday School," Mrs. W. B. North; address. Rev. D. M. Carpenter. A plcnio dinner was held at the noon hour. The afternoon devotional services were In charge of L,. D. Dix, followel by reports from the different Sunday schools. Address, "The Kind of bun day School I Like," K. R. Bradley; chorus, scholars of the Odell reder ated Sunday school; address, "Ele mentary 'Work," Mrs. T. B. Lara way; solo, selected, Mrs. George GladJeu; address, Rev. Charles A. Phipps; VO' cal solo. Miss Aldine Bartmesa scripture lesson, M. D. Odell; instru mental selection, boys' orchestra of tlirf- First Christian church; boys chorus, members of the Riverside Congregational Sunday school; ad dress, "The Seven Pointed Teacher, Charles A. Phipps, secretary of the State Sunday School association. The following officers were elected: President, Mrs. J. E. Ferguson; first vice president, Mrs. J. R. Mc Isaac; second vice president, Ashley Cash; secretary and treasurer, Ray Acheson; superintendents' department: Teen age, Mrs. W. B. North; educational, Professor Fertig; adult and homo, F E. Knowles. general, Mrs. Frank Church. The next annual convention will be held at Parkdale. Choir to Present Musical Program At the Central Presbyterian church tomorrow evening the choir, under the direction of E. Maldwyn Evans, will render the following musical program: Prelude, Instrumental trio. "Medi tation," by request (Matzlce); violin, Miss Roxanna Wommelsdorf; piano Miss Erma Ewart organ Miss Evelyr Vwuef. a n t li a m X.' nruln I i . King"' (Nicoll); barjtone soto. "The lora is My ctgnt. ' Dy request (Allet sen), E. Maldwyn Evans; violin, "leg anda" (Bohm), Miss Roxanna "Worn melsdorf; contralto solo, "My (od My Father" (Mars ton), Mies Rea tha Fowler; anthem. "Fear Not, O Israel" (Spicket); tenor solo, "Glo ria" (Bizet), R. Robertson: soprano solo, "My New Name" (McDermldi, Miss Marlon Bennett; anthem, "Tho Heavens Declare" (Challlnoli) ; poV lude. "Jerusalem, the Golden" (Whit ing). Sunnyside ChurGh Has an Anniversary T.ast Sunday the Sunnyside Congre Rational church celebrated Its twenty fourth anniversary and Rev. J. J Staub also celebrated his twenty fourth anniversary as pastor. Every service of the day was well attended. The young people's round table in the afternoon, when the his tory of the church was reviewed, was Interesting. In the evening the work of the Sunday BChool, Ladies' Aid so ciety and the connection of tha churc'.i with tha history of Sunnyside- was reviewed by tho older members of the church. A quartet consisting of ' pernnni whose ages amounted to more than 289 years sang "Well, Wife, 1 ve Found the Model Church." This song was so well appreciated by the audience that It brought forth applause. One of the women singers was 89 years old. The anniversary sounded a note of encouragement and the slogan ot the church for the coming year is to go forth to even'greater things. New Minister at Marcola. Marcoa, Or.. June 10. Rev. I. K. Oillet of Kugene ook charge of the Methodist church here last Sunday morning and also held a meeting In the evening to organize an Epworth league. Mr. Glllet also has charge ot the churches at Donna, Mabel and Wend! Ing. He expects to make Mar cola his headquarters. Will IUilld CLurrh. Joseph, Or., June 10. -Subscriptions are being taken by the Three Laake people to raise money with which ta) build a Catholic church in that, neigh borhood, It is the intention to erect & building: to cost about $1200. 'j , PRESBYTER AN YOUNG PEOPLE WILL HOLD FIRST CONFERENCE Meeting Place Will Take Place at Orenco, June 20-22, and Is in Nature of Institute, The first annual conference for the Presbyterian young people of Portland will be held at Orenco, Or. .'June 20 to ' -, under the auspices of the rellglouai education committee of the Portland iresbytery. This conference is in the nature of n Instilll f utnl Iu ll flruf .tf,.et nf he 1 wvby t er la ii church of Portland long tills line. The plan is now being used by several other denominations with excellent success. The object of these conferences ia o give the young people religion, nst! urt ion so that tliey can conduct neir societies alonu a more efficient ine. The morning and evening pro gram usually Include lectures and songs, while the afternoon is givert over to athletic games. Experts along nil these 1 nes. nthletlr-B ln,-lnlAl n,l he prosrani. Mativ vtiunn- neonl Ink advantage of these conferences for neir annual vacation. Information concerninir ths rnn- ference (Hn be secured from Rev. U. . . Hanson, pastor of the Fourth Pr. byterlnri ehurcli of Po.tlsnd. l ouowliijr is the program: Tuesday Evanlnj. Juns 20. i :M - Opening Hong sei vji e. K:n Art.lrrBi.. Tlie IleUtlon .if K.lui-atlm HeliBloii." i,y Dr. ii n. Mnunt of Vernon ipshyterloii churrh of Portland. : AddreHH." th me (i l. MAlnetA.! tie John II Boyd or Klrst Presby te rlsu Cburcn of lortland. Wednesday Horning. June 11. 8:..nij,.vutU)iial period, i-ondnrted by Dr. A. Huti-Ulsoii .if ptmlttu ml l'r..lbir larla ,1 flitted. of Tortlnnd PreI)sedllos. h.j-ivTtiirv on Korelsn Missions Rer. I. nest K. IJhII of Sin Krsm lseo I 'Iflp fV,Sttt secretary of foreign board. .., Auuresn. "Tlio Kelstloti of the Young I eople to the Denninlnstlonsl MiH!onrr Ilourds." Mrs. biitlier T. Nelson of lline (Ity Park ("Imp li of Portland- uililreaa "II .w Clirlsllsn Kndt'avor t:n Help the Psstor." David M. Js.k of First lulled Presbyterian unii-ii oi l oriiBUll. lo :M) Addresw. "Clirlstlsn Kndeavor Proh nls. question box dlseusslon. l.lovrt crrl.k stste pr-iilent ("hrlntlsn Kndesvor union. 11 :Hl -Addrexs, "("brlstlsn Kndeavorers and Ttielr Heading." Mrs. katlierlne V. Tliaitor of rust i-resujiensn t nureii tr I'ortland. im-.uv noon aeoess. 2:Oty Address. "The flare of (l.rl.tl.n deator as h So lety hi the Life and Artlvltj of the Church," lte. Ileury Wareolte, I). 1)., of Westminster Presbyterian Church of PortUud. UIsciiksIoii. 3:00 Athletic events general social time. 6:00 Luncheon. "f Song service. A. no--Address on MiSHlona. Itev. Krne.i . Hall of Sii n Krsnciflro. 8::to Addre. "Tlie ("'hiireh's Aiiim.nI (a ii.a. IrdlTlduiil.-' Itev. . s. ;illTt of First Prea byttrlsn churcli of Astorls. , Thursday, June U. 8 .10 Pevotlonal nerlod. conilin-terl h, n a L. Ilutclilson. 1. li.. "In Full Action." 8:1( Address. "Personal Itvaiurellatn ' ll.. O. K. Baum of Calvary Presbyterian ("Lurch of I'ortland. y.'iO Add reus. "Personal ITvunvellam In Practice," Uev. J. M. KW Inner nf nit- Park Presbyterian Church of I'ortland. 10:30 Address. "illHlons." Uev K. V Itnil of Bsn Francisco. ' 11:10 Adilress. "Christian KihIiis leme." Lloyd C'arrlck - inet Ion bin discussion. noon Keoeas. 2:0"VAddres. "Chrlxtlan Kndesvor anrl Pome Missions." Or. A. J. Montgomery, super. Inteiident of Church Ki tension, syuod of Oro- gou; address. "Christ lq Kndeavor snd Hundsr Srbool," Dr. C. VV. llaya. Hunilay aclxxd mis sionary of Portland presbytery. J:iJ Athletics, recreation, cpncrsl social tlms. 6:80 Luncheon. fl:3o Song service. S:4.'i Address. "Conservstlcm." I)r S. W. Searusnii, of Hope Prealiyterlan church. 7 : l.V- ( losing conseera t Ion senile. Her. If, O. Hhiihoq of Fourth Presbyterian Cburcli of Portland. it Is expected t tin t Itev. tieorge Dunlan. re. cently returned nilsnlonnry from. the Pblllii- pli.es, will be present some time during ilia conference, snd possibly Kev. Thomas K. liar. bcr of (oloinbia, S. A. Kxecutor Is Apjrolntwl. Vancouver VVntlh .lima, ft At, teaa .......... vv,.,,, , vitii admitting the will of the late Anns' ram to ptooute anu appoltillng ;. H. Kalk. survivlnir hiishniirl rorntnp la serve wtihout bonds, was filed in the lienor court r rinay. Having tie en 1- lieH hv .lllfliTA It 11 Uai.U r f nA ... perlor court. Mrs. Folk dkd May 12, 1016. Work n l'aronHK Starts. Springfield. Or., .luue 1 0. Work "has started hulldli.g the new parsonsge for the new Metho1lst rnurcti that Is being erected here. The parsonage is to be modern and strictly up to date. Archbishop Chrletle will have charge of confirmation ceremonies at Bt, Clare s church, Capitol Mill, tomorrow. l?Uilllul Absolutely Purov . ade from Cream of Tartar HO ALUU-UO PHOSPHATE t... i mmii mm nn ne nn fsvi . -' J h iv 1 -.- .r- 1- . f i