1 -f "5 r 12 THE OREGON DAILY, JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY. JINE 10, 1916. 40 ' WANTEOfiaraei men, wle&lng; to bcom Portland mall carrier, v-om- fnnc t7 month. Oy-32. Journal HEL1 WANTED FEMALE 2 JSXJPEHIKNCKU typewriter biller must understand operating Wahl add ing attachment. Kcinlngtoa machine. .Answer U-7M3, journal. 25 salesladies, only those with expe rience need apply, applications will be received this evening, 4th tit. Dept. ?Btore, 104 4th. ;KXffcHlKN:t;i Kirl tor Kenerai uoute 1 work; good cook; 36 month, liar- attall Q"f UJUL or middle-aged, lady for general housework. Phone or write Mrs, j. V. Hlrtew, Heaverton. Or. ' WANTKD An experienced second girl. :i4 Wasco St.. corner K. 17 th. Irv ing ton car, j WuMA?? To help cook fur hiinhand' loom and LoitnL 510 N. -lat at. I ia I"v 'V t.-i i" A I'lrt fur llirht houwework. I sor. k. 4Mn m. x. -GOOD girl for general housework. Oood wages, 537. K, 2i N W A NT K V G 1 r 1 for Kenerai housework. Call Main 3440. rWiU7 Ida t:al)Oig please rin up Marshall IS 2 5? : HELl WANTED MALE AND , r. FEMALE 2U MOhKK HAKbtR CUl.LKGt; wants men and women to learn the 1 "trade; paid while learning; tools free; j positions secured; summer rates; write ..for catalogue Cor. 2d andHurnslde. ' 5rt0iiLKK liaruer school wants men I and women to learn barber traue "free in 8 weeks. I'oaitions secured. .Hay while learinn g. 3 8 N. 2d r, t. M1S8 DKClvKK 8 Private llusinena ColV lege. t)uy and night classes. Special mmmer raten. Altsky hide; . ad-Mor'sn. h CKliUOW HAltllli.lt Oll.t-Uli Alcil and wome.i to learn barber traus free. 233 Madison at. WA NTKD AGENTS WE can give steady and prontable ' employment to a few more respon sible, enerKeUo canvassers. For de . tails of terms and territory, add i ess i-.ORKOON Nl'RSKHY CO., Oiem.o, ur. ' CHAUFFKUK Mechanic, youni; man, r U3 years tld, with i years' experience ',on driving and repairing of any make , of car, wIMies good uiul steady posi tion net a chauffeur or repair man; A-l references und will go anywhere. Ad dress. X. H. F,danoff, 73 X. :id h'., city. COMFIiTliNV sliop meciiaiuca and ' Chauffeurs furnished by Y MCA. " .Auto school Main TOfifi. A-fiStfl. iWANTtli- - My mule high school slu- dent, places to work part tune for 00111 and box i iL j -!i S.r, Journal. j i YVANT work fur it two ton auio truck, In or out of town. 381 K. j Iwt X. 1'boiip KaHt .. 7 f 7 . ! .VVANTlii) Work with light Ford j r truck, no objection to leaving city. J.-1K. Journal. WALL, lliittng. work second to nous, y prices low as anyone Mar 174ft. riXTIXG, papering. room. Mar. -'971. Slit A Tl() X h F EM ALE 4 XiOOD acreage and house at car near high school, JS; 2 miles Portland. John Murguyne, Wilson Station, " OreHliam line. ' BOOKKKKPKR wishes position iorex " porience; small salary; 3' hours uaily. M-515, Journal. "LUMHEll stenoKi uplier or private sec retary, 8 years' experience. Best .references, r-337, Journal. YOUNO lady, experienced. dentist's assistant. t -788, Journal. Wax TED -Day work by woman, coin- petent. willing woman. Sell. .'fiL'K. I SITUATION'S WANTED MALE AM) FEMALE 23 I ..FHJRXITURK at 1M 17th N. $100 for all. Marshall 2763. House rent $12.50. NURSES OU ,TRAINKD nurse wants work, any kind of case taken. Marshall 5032. Apart ment 8. Ft.' UN 1 S H K I I tf KIS y 106' 12th and Washington. Mrictly clean, quiet; house under proprietor's "management ; phone, steam heat, hot water In every room; up to date; $2 week up; transients 50c up. RESPECTABLE. FURNISHED rooms lor youny lu.-n in all parts of the city, also in Y. M. C A. bldg., especially desirable during the summer; fireproof, telephone in each room, shower bathe, $1.75 to $4.75 per week. Including full assoc. ation mem bership privileges, gymnasium, swim ming pool, handball court, and many other club privileges. Full information at Y. M. C. A. business office or tele- phonn Ma'.n 7065, A-65S1 BACHELORS HOTEL. Everything new and up to date. For men only. Tenth and Washington Main 6313 r v a m 1 1 . i a rnrr r brick, hot. cold water every room, ' team best, Qpp. city Hall. M. 9375. j HOTEL tlrlJlllUimEr11 ern, fu er....t, re.t..-,-a...e, $3 week up VALLEY HOTEL; looms 3ic, 50c, 7.i per day; per week, $1.50, $2; out alae $2.;o per week. 232 2d st. THE BEV ERLV Clean, homeliae, fur nished rooms, reasonalde. centrally - .located. 1 S F Park-Yamhill. 1.5o WEEK up, clean, warm, modern fur, rma. central. The King ::ni ,ief FURNISHED ROOMS TO PRIVATE VAMII.Y $8.00 MONTH Attr,wti,. modern conveniences, excellent loca t on. 12 E. 11th, near Ankeny. Phone East loo2. FURNISHED rooin lor one or two gen , tlemen, light and bath; walking dis i tance, tree phone. E-7 751. OU E loth i Bt. N. 2 N1CLY furnished front rooms $2 per week. Phone Alain 7S98, 712 E. Tay lor st. "ROOM zi.ND HOARD 15 BOOM and board for young wonvin, S per week; laundry, library and sew ing privileges walking dUUince. I'nona hmm 4732 ROOMS AND HOARD PRIVATE PAliUT 72 EXCEPTIONALLY good board and room for 2 working people. In new, trictly modem home of young couple. No otner boarders. Woodlawn 1S. ROOM and board, hnth iiTwvTJ , .1.. ., .. hot and cold water. 30 N. lith st ! Very reasonable. Half block off Wash- f lngton st. 1 ' ANNA Lewis Hall, 510 Flanders, busi nesa girls and atudents, $4. $5.75 wk. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 jnntwisHED Awn UNruamaHiD ViNB room with kltcheneite, complete ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone In every room; 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison rim.. $12 up. 291 Columbia st.. cor. Bth. ROY CREST 175 12th. Single rooms, complete for housekeeping; use of piano. DOWNTOWN modern H. K. auite-. li month up, including heat, ligiu, etc. Royal Annex. 850 & Morrison. M. 4621. fiem Ante l week UP- 401 181 et A3 CHI npiOi ree bath, hot, cold water. . HOLSEKEEl'INU ROOMS 73 FEITATE FAITIIT. HOUSEKEEPING room; at lowest rates. Phone, lights, water Included. 301 Mr Water st.. cor. Columbia. ; LAAGK front room, very reasonable, ? ! 1SZ West Park. 11KU WANTED MISC. Continued) HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 PUTATI r AVXbT ( Continued ) TWO furnished H. K. rooms, ground floor; front, back entrance; walk ing distance; water, light, bath. 344 K. 2d Bt.. N. Phone Kast 1326. FOR RENT HOUSES uzrrTjKirxsHED 12 $11 6 room modern house, full lot, fruit, lot enclosed with picket fence, 2 blocks east of Union ave.. op posite Piedmont, No. 441 Jarrett at ft 6 room modern house, with lot 80x100, fruits, at Lents. Otto & Harkson Realty Co. 413 Chamber of Commerce. RKMODEL.F.L 4 room west side cot tage, only $5; and 5 room modern cottage, only $10. Large front porch, yard, gas, electricity. Take 23d or S cars. Key 8H4 Vaughn Ht BUNGALOW, 6 rooms, bath, ga. elec tric lights, large' attic, $10 with wa ter. 176 K. 76th st. N., two blocks from GHsan car line. EIOHT room modern house, west side. Renovate to suit good tenant. Call 681 Marshall ft. or phone M. 2474. HijX room house, modern, sleeping porch, flrele.sa cooker. 346 N 17th, near Kroadway. RKXT free to July 1. one 5 room, modern, garage, and one 7 room. 3til i;mh. A fi ROOM modern home at 22 63fi, Mt. Tabor, largf yard, fruit trees ft Call at 371, 3d st. To l.liAKK Modern house In IrviriK- ton. 12th X. 4 bedrooms, $45. Phone KJlfiJA 6 ROOM house, sleeping porch. 489 Hancock St., Irvington. Inquire at 314 Kngene. Kast 6K08. MODERN 8 room house 1278 Kast 10th wt. Woodlawn district, low rent. Columbia 2j. t ROOM house for rent. J07 K. 3Uh. bet. Sal. and Taylor. 1'hone T. 34tC. 10 per month. XK.VT 6 room cottage. 44ti 1'nion ave. north. $!). KaHt 462. FOR RKXT 4 room cottage. Walking d I s tance. Phone Kast 2n7o. 5 ROOM cottage 352 Union ave., cor. Hroadway. C-2910. CORXKR, modern, clean, 6 rooms and sleeping porch. Tabor 2515. XKVVLY painted 6 room house in Sun nyslde, 1072 K. Main or call A-3023 MODERN 6 room house, sleeping porch. Apply 329 E. 7th st. N. FOR RKXT House 9 rooms, $25. 345 11th st $258 ROOM modern house. 519 K. 40th X. FURNITURE FOR SALE 32 H OUS IPS FOK I tEXT 3-ROOM HOCSK, cheap rent; two lots, splendid vegetables, fruit, berried, chicken yard; furniture at sacrifice, be quick. Phone Tabor 3353. llOUSK for rent, furniture for sale, 1 Vi block south of Morrison st; a bar pain Ai'b. oi turimuie for sale a' pub lished In the Household Good's class ification when house is nnt for rent FURNISHED HOUSES WILL rent my attractive 8 room bun galow, furnished, for 4 months, from June 15, located Vz mile east of Mil wuukie, on Oatfield road; Bull Run water, gas. electric lights, telephone, hard surface road, flowers and shrubs, garage for one car. For terms apply t" John W. Alexander, 615 Lumber nions bldg. Phone Broadway 1882. MODERN 4 room, clean, neatly fur nished, nice yard, walking distance. East 2409. COMPLETELY furnished bungalow, garage, for particular people. 533 45th st. 8. K. 7 ROOM house, good district, lots ot fruit, block from Woodlawn car. 411 Cook ave. $16 FURNISHED u 1001.1 house, mod ern. 636 Ellis ave. Woodlawn 1032. MODERN furnished & room bungalow, Hawthorne district. Phone Tabor 190. APARTMENTS Tit FU R N I Srj AJH E I "HAIibON HALL AfAKTMKNTS" Corner of 11th and Hall Sis. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Two, 3 and 4 room apis., buicony. heat, private bath, phone, modern con veniences. Walking dis. Mishl. 1163. THE ALTAMONT. Fifth and College. Clean, cozy, 3 and 4 room furnished apanmeniB. rents reasonable. Heal, water, phone and Janitor service in cluded MARSHALL APARTMENT. 624 Marshall st. Take W cars, S cur or 16th cars. BeautUul 3 room furnished apartments. Ail laige. outside rooms. Private baths. rieu water, paone. janitor service, etc. VILLA ST. CLARA 12lh and Taylor. Modern, completely lurnished apts. Walking distance. References. AfURTHSMT HOVHL TZr4TM.kMO U.LMiOi, Ts. t'r r i Ft n. i iiu,,.,. ,n qunlity. cuuxuri una Krf Lillian Apt., cor. bth and Montgomerv. lo minutes' walk to P. O.. atnctiy modem, renovated, newly tinted, out sido apts. speedily desirable ibr toe st'iimier. iilADl&ON PARK API a. Park si.,' at Madison. Modern 2, 3 and 4 room furnished apar'ments, close in, by week or month. THE IJEZI-lNDOHIt 208 HTH ST. Marshall 2316. Nice & room fur. and unfur. apts.; also a and 4 room fur, apts. BALBOA APTS. Large, modern 2 ana 3 room fur. and unlui.. brick bldg., best service walk lng dis.; reasonaole. 429 Harrison si WtloT Ar"lia. " 6 N. 23d. One large 6 room apt., with private porch. Apply at Apt. No. 4. LLZERNE API'S., Jd and Hail Mod ern brick bldj;., 2 rooms, turnished, private phone in each apt., $15 and up Marshall 4637. mm APARTMENTS E. .ib ana layior sis., j and j room apts.; Iignt free, private bath. lilt, fHE.FFil!.i.D :iU iiroauway a., 3 and 4 room fur and unf ur apts , walking distance; at very reasonable rent best ot sc-rvice. Main Zqoh, '1HREE room apts., private ptiori!, bath. $1.50 per mo., modern brick Westfall Apts.. 410 6tn.; walking dis tance. PENROSE APTS.. N. VV. cor. Belmont and Grand ave.; new. modern, 2 and 3 room furnished. Service first class Walking distance. luiiiisiitu apts., concrete bloc $10 and 1U libVa Union ave. is. H ..crlht wn 512. TUDOR ARMS Apts., lhth and Couch. Phone A-1644, Marshall 2ao9; new orica uiog.; z, s, rooms, modern apts, $3 CO PER week. Z room apt., private bath. Harrison Court. 6ta and Har- rion. walking distance PENINSULA APTS.. C-1170; concrete bldg. 2 and z rooms; hot and coid water, pains, pnone. steam heat. $12 up MAGNOLIA APTS., E. 3d ami Belmont. Modern 1 and 2 room ay Is., $1.00 per week up. Sleeping rooms. Kast 212 THREE room furnished apartments; separate bath and ph6ne, eat t side. rnnil lnn.4An 111 T r ! r I . n n r- NOKOM1S apts.. 665 Marshall st. Mod ern, private bath and dressing room; v.mtn- I O. ICS, ROSE FRIEND, 285 Broadway S.; mod- uiuufuuiitu apis.; large rooms, best service, walking dlst. Marsh. 1410. AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod a 6 rm. apts. Mar. 8360, M. 7516. A-2876 LUXOR APTS.. ?24 J3th su Main 810a! r urn, ana uniur. 2. a, 4 room apts. ninririnatiCo,rt- 401 10tn modern V-IIIOil II Iclll aartment!. IlJ to l?n ROSENFELD (brick), 14th nd E. Stark. 3 and 4 rooms, private pnones. CAMAR, 704 Lovejoy 1 and 3 room apts, $16, $20. $27.60. Marshall 2911. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED (Contlanedt TOE CAOMWELL Fifth and Columbia sU. Fire minutes walk to Meier A Frank's store; good surroundings, strictly modern 2 and Z room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE HATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT COMPLETELY furniahed apartments $& month up, including lights, phone, bath, janitor service. BEL KNAP APARTMENTS. 187 17th, near i'amhill. FOR RENT FLATS 13 LOWER flat, 384 K. i 2d. Fine local ity, strictly modern, 5 rooms and screened sleeping porch, nice tenants overhead, $li to adults. See Cowie, the Jeweler, 253 Morrison. IRVINGTON. upper or lower ti roou flat, entirely modern. 54ti E. lath N. Inquire upstairs or pbone Mar. ti.iJ. COZY 6 room flat, walking distance, cheap, west side. Sell. 1370. 5 ROOM flat, 40! Yamhill st. opposite the city library. Main 2Sr,0. FURNISHED FLATS 50 FOUR and five room flats, fine river view; walking distance. 280 Mar gin et. East 2411. LOWER flat, plainly furnished, 3 clean bedrooms. 37 E. Emerson St., near Jefferson high school. NEWLY furnished 3 room upstairs flat, $10. 6it Eant 22d. East 3151. SUMMER RESORTS 56 SEASIDE cottage, about 200 ft. from board walk, splendid location, tf rooms, completely furnished, electric lights. $125 for season. Phone Broad way 7S4. FOR RENT Seaside. 3 furnished cot tages near ocean, very reasonable. Phone East 5426. COTTAGE, 3 room, pleasantly situated in pine woods; tennis court. 2 mln. from city, $5 week . Tabor 3599. COTTAGES lor rent, 3, 4, 6, rooms each, pleasant yard, near ocean. Ad dress box 15, Long Beach. Wash. FOR RENT At Gearhart, well fur nished 2 room cottage, with sleeping tent, and sink, reasonable. E. 4935. 5 ROOM tfurnished cottage in Seaside by week, month or season. Phone Sell. 2261. SUMMER home at Lake Lytle. worth $2000; make offer. See plan ani photo at Journal office. NEAT well furnished 5-rooin cottago at Ocean Park, Wash. Sellwrl. 1500 STORES AND OFFICES 11 BRICK warehouse in South Portland lor rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street; reasonable. Journal P'!htihine V. Rroariwnv and Yamhill. FINE location for dentist or doctor. Tabor 2515. FOR RENT HALLS 50 MOOSE ball; stage, large seating ca pacity. Phone Main 2420. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 Horses Wanted ,Geldings, no mares, standing from 15 to 16 hands high and : to S years old. weighing between 900 and 1 200 pounds solid colors; also want some good 15o0 and 1600 pound horses. Frazier & McLean Cor. 5th and Taylor Sts. Portland's Oldest and Most Reliable Horse Dealers. FOR SALE Two horses, 6 and i years old, both fine saddlers, one single footer and both good drivers; also some choice fresh milk cows from 4 to 5 gallon per day milkers. C. W. Hyde, corner St. Johns and Fourth Plain roads, Vancouver, Wash. Phone 580-J WANTED Good horse, between 1300 1400; must be free from all blem ishes, good worker and drive single. Apply, giving particulars and price, to P. O. Box 20, Rex P. P.. Oregon. bOR horses and venicies, dogs and . household pets and poultry, read the ads under these respective headings. The Journal leads all- other mediums In tnepe classifications FOR SALE 1 team of young mares well matctled. 6 years old. weighing 3-00; 1 team of young horses, weignt 2900. 22fi Russell St. ONE saddle pony in fine condition; also two buggies and one light camel back wagon in good condition. 233 N 14th st. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 2U. Portland Rendering i o. 2GtM) LB. team true pullers, harness and wagon, cheap. Wdln. 1249, 846 M ississippi. FOR SALE, horse, saddle and bridle, $45. 854 Knott, bet. 27th and 28th DEAD horses and cattle taken free. Call day or night Tabor 4203. PASTURE for rent. Phone Sellwood 2603. LIVESTOCK 35 PUBLIC sale. Wednesday. June 14. I will sell ot- my farm at Aurora, Or, 17 head high grade dairy cows, i regis tered Holstein bull, 1 registered Jer sey bull. 1 Buffalo-Pitts traction en gine; just what you want for farm use; 1 gas eng'rie, 3 horse, and many other farm implements: lermw, 6 inns will be given at a'i: longer time i'.i, will be charged. J. 1". Cainpau, Au it ra. Or. TWO good Durham milch cows for sale, cheap, at 1285 Kelley st. Take Fulton car to S . enney ave. JERSEY cow, 2 years old, fresh, nica and gentle. 854 Knott st., bet. 27th and 28th. FIVE big Durham cows, from I lo 5 gals. 955 Mississippi ave. Take Ken ton vnr. TWO Jersey cows, 5 gal. per day. at 1200 S. lvanhoe St.. St. Johns. S. i Gray. ' ' FOR SALE Two recently fresh cows. Inquire at grocery at foot of Arthur st. S. Portland. FOR SALE 2 fat cows. George Morse, Jennings Lodge, Or. BRUCE has dairy cews for sale on terms. Union Stock Yards. FOl LTRY AND F1GEONS 37 CHINESE pheasant cock for sal-; price $3 or a pair for $3. 1406 E. Stark. PIGEONS Homers T.0c. Carrieaux $1 pmr, 1502 Denver ave Kenton car. PRETTY pigeons and squabx, 60c a pair. 692 Front. BARRED ROCK eggs. Woodlawn 2397. DOGS, BIRDrf , PETS, KTC. 40 FOR SALE or trade, for diamond, pai of 8 months' Airedales trom cliouo registered stock. Call Marshall 4750. after 6 o'clock weekdays. FOR SALE Beautiful pedigreed blue eyed Angora kittens. P-330, Journal. AUTOMOBI LEri-ACCESSURI ES 41 1914 CASE 40, just the car for a stage or country use; a verv low figure. 59 N. 23d. Main 299; A-J411. STOP that feed bill: get this light delivery; onlv $325. 59 N. 23d st Main 299. A-2411. LIGHT chalmers roadster, only $375; see it today. 59 N. 23d st. Maili U99. A-2411 191 4 FORD Finn condition; extra tire; snap at $295. 59 N. 23d st. Main 299. A-2411. 1915 -HAYNES Run 6000 miles like new; a good buy at $900. 59 N. 23d St. Main 299. A-2411. FORD body, 1914 touring, and 1815 roadster, with delivery attachment Tabor 6478. IK it's scrap rubber or mtals and you want the highest price, phone j bcvr, ino cuiumnn. Alain 5198 rTTvwTI tnilHncr t'iti ..nl i J., ' I tires, shock absorbers. $215. 180 E. FIVE passenger Reo, first class con" Hltlnn tlr sols TT1Ci T . lSV"k' OAT XT' 1 All L . . r first cImb condition. Cail East 7141.1 AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 t Continued ) Used Auto Snaps TERMS GIVEN. 1915 MITCHELL. 6 pass., 6 cyl.. $1050. 1915 MITCHELL, 5 pass.. 4 cyl $825. 1910 OVERLAND, 4 pass., 4 cyl , $275. 1910 MOLINE, 5 paes., 4 cyL, $225. 1912 VELIE, 2 pass., 4 cyl., $300. SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. Mitchell. Lewis & Staver Co. E. 1st and K. Morrison ts. East 8-1216. OUR USED "Alt DEPART MENT OFFERS THE FOL LOWING BARGAINS. Dodge Bros, touring car in very good condition $650 Maxwell roadster, electric light, demountable rims.. $350 Pierce 4S, 7-pass $375 Alco Six: see It and then re alize its value. Peerless, high grade car.... $500 Studebaker, 6-pass $225 R.-C.-H. light 5-pass $200 Pierce 36, in perfect con dition. Packard. 7-pass., demount able rims, electric lights, sedan tc. Ford touring car in first crass condition $30 1915 Ford roadster $350 Ford tourinr at $250 MANY OTHERS Covey Motor Car Co, Main 6244. 21st and Wash. Used Auto Parts Less Than Half Off Usual price. Parts of a good many o!d model cars and almost everything connected with automobiles. A u iJ W lli,t G CO., 271 FRONT. M. 1939. GARAGES S30 and up. Portable hou ses, chicken houses, wood sheds, etc., M 1 1 1 m a d e. C o nstruction Co. Main 1167. .JIT UUUU SI. Sunday and evenings. Woodlawn 3615. 5-14 Hood st. EVER-READY 1 ton trues. ; attachni t. aou; trucK complete C ' f t ' $775. Manuf'd in Portland. THAYER-L3H A V ER-GULLEY MACHINE CO. 193 East Water St. Pnone East 7437. DOUBLE tread, puncture proof tires made from your old ones. Bring them In. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., Wash, at 18th. Burnside at Broadway. (335 Burnside. ) FORD, late model, like new. with elec tric lights and starter, $425. Terms if desired. OAKLAND AUTO CO., 16th and Alder. Main 414. Let Us Solve Your Spring Trouble. Guaranteed washinoton carriagi Springs. Cor. ' ' -" union ana uei- . , , Tpari8aSr: monl. E. 1305. mmO' LAHE Mfg. & Repairs. 3000 guarant'd springs in stock, prices reduced. 34 N. 15th st. FOR SALE; light '- 6 Buick, extra equipment, everything in perfect condition; price $950 cash. ' F. Z. Phillips, owner. Main 14 HUDSON roadster, 24 H. P., $200, also delivery dox; migm consider traue. L. Seegenthaler, 3929 62d st, S. E.. Portland, Or. TON MONITOR TRUCK. Fine express body and top; just over hauled; $165, by owner. Central Ga rage, 2d axid Main. NO-GLARE AUTO LENS pending xrr u u f ' v J v i 434 1st st. cor. Ash. Broadway 954. 1914 BUICK, model B 37. $575 cash. H. L. Mann Motor Car Co., 69 N. 23d Main 299. A-2411. GET OUR PRICES ON PAINTING. BROADWAY AUTO PAINTING CO., 31 Broadway N., near Burnside. 1912 HAYNES, splendid condition, electric lights, only $500. 59 N. 23d. Main 299. A-2411. 1910 aAVNES, just overhauled, good shape. $300. 59 N. 23d. Main 299. A-2411. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 TO TRADE 2 lots at Rockaway beach, Tillamook Co., and one in St. Helens, clear, for a Ford auto in good condition, no junk. Address box 372, St. Helens, Or. EXCHANGE contract on house and lot for auto delivery. Phone Main 152o. Address 1623 Macadam, Portland, Or. SMALL groiery, -?iock and fixtuies, to trade for r past". Ford. Write Lano Davidson, mity. Or., R. 1.. WANTED Roadster, good condition. M-786, Journal. TWO clear lots and $7o for five-passenger car. M-784. Journal. 5oxlo0 CORNER lot; will trade for automobile. U-298. Journal. CASH paid for used, cars; money loaned on autos. 605 Alder. ALTOS FOR HIRE 52 MAXWELL. 191 S model, reasonable rates; careful anu experienced driver. Tabor 76. SAXON SIX, 5-pass. sight seeing, en gage day ahead, Columbia highway, Skv Line boulevard. Tabor 6831. PICNIC parties wishing highway country .trips cheap. La 11 Marshall 3784. MOTOR : VULES-BICV'JLES 55 Used Motorcycle Bargains We now have several good used mo torcycles on hand. 1914 7 h. p. EXCELSIOR, equipped; A-l shape. $125. 9 H. P. DaYTON. equipped, $100. 7 h. p. INDIAN, equipped with lamp and presto and Dream tamlem, $125. 7 h. o. INDIAN, equipped; A-l con dition, $100. 7 H. P. twin POPE, A-l shape; lamp and Presto; $110. New 1916 DAYTON, now In. Call and see them. Several good machines from $35 up. Dayton Cycle Co. Mar. 5538. 210 Broadway. Special Sale, ON MOTORCYCLES NEW AND USED BIG REDUCTION- F, P, Keenan Co, 190 4TH ST. 1916 4 cylinder HENDERSON. NOW ON DISPLAY. SEE THEM BEFORE YOU BUY. Dayton Cycle Co, 210 BROADWAY. TWIN, tanuem, fully equipped, good condition, 7 hrs. Indian, bargain for cash. Dav 2736 49th S. E., "evenings S0V Lynn ave.. St. Johns. 1914 Twin excelsior for sale, cheap for cash. A. O. Schink. 600 Fred erlck st. Call Sunday Sellwood 654. 1913 INDIAN. A-l condition. 240 Whitaker. cor. 2d st. Bargain, HARLEY-DAVIDSON; a pickup at $75; 59 N. 23d. Main 23r A-2 411. Bicycles & motorcycles sold & rented. R. U. Blocker, i!7 Taylor, cor. 4 th su " I IU.a-MI 1 MOTORCYCLES-BICYCLES 55 Continued . BARGAINS IN USED MACHINES FOR SALE ON; EASY TERMS. MERKEL fully eouiDoed $110 , DAYTON, tully equipped So . l J a 1 t it- v n v rncAV ...it w...a 1 1 AlVlCi X V IDCU1 f CUVF EXCELSIOR, eouipoed -i 115 1915 EXCELSIOR. 3 -.speed, equipped .' 201 1915 INDIAN, 3-speed. equipped. . 235 WAGNER SINGLE, good condition 4J HARLEY SINGLE . . 4 J Dealer in Indian Motorcycles. H. LYSTUL, The Motorcycle Man INDIAN MOTORCYCLE SUPPLIES AND REPAIRING. 488 Union Ave. N., corner Sacramento St, Phone East 6977. INDIAN twin, 7 h. p., 1913 model, in perfect running order, $75 casti. 567 EL .Davis st. Phone East 7449. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 04 Old Town Canoes We have Just received a carload of Old Town canoes, with many models and colors to pick from. Also new regulation cb, lighting outiits, com plete, $2.a5. The Beebe Company Agents, 182-4-6 Morrison. EVINRUDE rowboat anil canoe mo tors, rowboats. canoes, motorboats. See our beautiful motcrboat and en gine for $143.00. Evlnruie Moter Co., Moved to 211 Morrison st. HOUSEBOAT. lahnch ; ann launch bouse. first class outfit. cheap. Broadway 1967. Will take Ford part rayment NICELY furnished houseboat. 4 rooms, large porch, rowboat; hnTgaln if sold at once, going east. 44 Willamette moorage, foot of Cramp! on st. FOR SALE 2 room houseboat, com pletely furnished. Phone Sellwood 2704. 4T. Williamette Moorage. MODERN 4 room houseboat, $225, $103 cash. L-isi, Journal. '1 . jJANIKLsSON itoat bfiop.i t.fsebraska. Building, repa'"-. nest work low price. WANTED G:h engine for motorboat, about 20 horse. W d 1 rj. 3569. PIANOS, ORGANS AND 34 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Now Is Your Opportunity To buy a high grade piano at prac tically your own price and on your own terms. Player pianos, upright pianos antf beautiful grand pianos are included in this sale of new anil used pianos. $55 buys a very good practice piano; pay $1 per week. $95 for a full size cabinet grand upright piano; small cash payment and then $1 per week. $140 takes a fine walnut upright pi ano; pay $5 cash and $1 per week. A full size 88-note pianola piano player, like new, $190; pay $1.5o per week. Splendid mahogany player piano. $17ir, $2 per week. $900 highest grade 8S-note player pi- i ano, $485; small down payment, then $2 per week. $195 takes a $300 model, in rich mahogany wood, pay $1.50 per week. i oio win ouy a ricn. sweet tone m 9iote player piano; $600 was the orig inal price; pay . $1.75 per week, i If you cannot Gall, write for partic ulars; we furnish' free music lessons. ' Store open every evening until 10 ' o'clock. ; We furnish free, piano lessons. Store open every night until 10 o cioca. GRAVES MUSIC CO. 151 4th st.. near Morrison st THE SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT PIANOS. $350 Marshall & Wendell Upt., cash $ 80 $300 Louis XV Walnut Upt , cash.. 46 $400 Chickering & Sons, old model 40 $275 F. & C. Fisher, old model 30 $250 pianola Player, mahogany.... o $325 Lindell Upright, mahogany.. 135 $135 Story & Clark Parlor Organ.. 25 $500 Emerson Colouial Piano 165 To first roller 109 4th near Wash. Your piano stored for 75c monthly YOU folks who used to play the piano. you folks who love the rare old tunes, the dear old songs, can now play your favorite selection as well as the finished musician. Come in and let us show you. It is time well spent. A visit does not obligate you to buy. Graves Musio Co., 151 4th St., near Morrison st. We furnish free piano lessons. Store open every night until 10 o'clock; YOU can rent a good mahoganfy, oak or walnut piano player for $4 to $5 per month. All rent can apply on pur chase price of new player piano later if yon wish. Free music rolls. If you can't call, write for our player list. Graves Music Co., 151 4th st;, near Morrison st. We furnish free piano lessons. Store open every night until 10 o'clock. BEFORE purchasing see our Specials in Used Piano Bargains. New pianos mod ately priced. 1 BEAUTIFUL full size mahogany up right piano, Colonial design, has full, rich tone, cost $475. now $m0. Very easy terms. If you can't call, write for particulars. Graves s.Muslc Co., 151 4th st., near.,Morrison st. We furnish free piano lessons. Store open every night until lo o'clock. YOU WILL find real piano barg i ns ! i our storage dept. Come In today and Inspect an elegant little pianj. $10J, pay $1 per week. Graves Muhic Co.. 151 4th st.. near Morrison st. We furnish free piano lessons. Store open every night until 10 o'clock. EVERY home can now own a p. ano or player pi mo; prices from $25 .nd up; terms $1 per Week and up, fron. our storage dept. Graves Music Cj, 151 4th st., near Morrison st. We furnish free piano lessons.. Store open every night until 10 o'clock. PIANOS rented, $1 per month and uy. All rent can apply on purchase prici later if desired. Giaves Music Co., 15i 4th St.. near Morrison st. We furnish free piano lessons. Store open every night until 1 0 o'cl o k . HIGHEST grade baby grand piano, like new, $850 model; will sacrifice, in storage department. Graves Music Co.. 151 4th st., near Morrison. We furnish tree piano lessons. Store open every night until lp o clock. WRITE today lor our "Bargain List of pianos. Pianos from $25 up Pi ano players from 125 and up. graves Music Co., i51 4th St., near Morr.s ri s'.. We furnish free piano lessons. Store open every night until 10 o clock. $175 MAHOGANY player piano. Per month. Graves Music co., 151 4th St.. near Morrison St. We furnish free piano lessons. Store open every night until 10 o'clock. NICE, littiu upright piano, ..olendld tune and action, only $S5. 1.51 4th st., near Morrison st. We furnish free piano lessons. Store open every night until 10 o'clock. $25 BUYS good practice piano. Pay $i down and fl per week. Graves Mu sic Co., 151 4th st., near Morrison st. We furnish free piano lessons. Store open every night until lu o'clock. 5 DOWN. $1.25 weekly, without in terest, buys $325 1916 model piano for $245; total saving $145.28. Sen wan Piano Co., Ill 4th st.. at Washington. $237.25. $5 CASH, $6 monthly witlioui interest buys a $375 1916 model piano and secures full equity of 5137.75. Call at 109 4th st. at Washing'"n. tlAV. our piano lunec, rcpairciu, i el .n ished by professionel oien. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Portland Piano Tuning. Rep Mlg .. 246 Hawthorne F. 1072. 75C MONTHLY stores your piano, or will sell at your price or buy it for cash. Call Main 5323. "Security . Stor- age Co.. Ill 4th. at Washington FREE use of piano or player piano 2a years. Se display adv. or Sc h w an Piano Co.. Ill 4th st. CLEAR city lot wanted In exenange for splendid piano; answering, stale location and price. R-932. Journal. $55 CASH buys a $450 Haines Bros.' piano tomorrow. Security ; Storage Co . 109 4th. KIMBALL. $325, upright oak piano. will close out for $85 cash this week. Security Storage Co., 10 4th at. 428 CASH secuies $135: parlor organ tomorrow at 109 4th t. PIANO, in good repair, cheap. Must elL 4147 63d St., S. K. I TYPEWRITERS 7T i NEW REMINGTON rental plan. With I manufacturers' guarantee and ren- tals applying on purchase. Visible , models, $3 per month, $7 50 for S months Other models less. Rem ington Typewriter Company, 86 Broad " . leieunone croaaway eai. SPEC I A LS- 10 Remington $35 ! o nuyai, 4o; u. o. smu". No. 5 Underwood, $37.50; Olivers, $22.50; all rebuilt; guaranteed for one j e.ar. Koyal Typewriter Agencj, zbz fiarK St WE save you from 60 to 75 on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder; retail department. WHOI 1TAT IT- TVUITWDlTU'd (""O i n' i . FOR first class typewriter repairing. all mal.M ..Bli xfntn ?acQ ); slMTK St NEW rebuilt. 2d hand rentals, cut rates. H 1 1. r. c0 . -.'.ll itark M 1407 HOUSEHOLD GOODS lor SALE 5 WE are selling all home f urnlshinr-s, everv piece A-l quality and condi tion. 728 Ivon st. Phone Sellwood 992. FURNITURE of 6 rooms, will sell cheap 787 E. 28th St. S. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 BARGAINS. All kinds. All makes. Sewlrrg machines. We need the room. Will sell from Each All Guaranteed Main 1845. 349 Morrison. FOR SALE BranI new caroom and pocket billiard tables with complete outfit, $115; second hand tables at reduced prices; bowling alley and bil liard supplies; easy payments. Cigar store, drug, delicatessen ani soda fountain fixtures. THE BRL'NSWICK BAI.KK COL LENDER CO.. 46-48 Fifth. MACHINES of all makes sold tor less. No agents employed. Machine rent ed $2 per mo. A-3626, M-9431. Sewing Machllne emporium. 190 3d st near Taylor Electric motors aold. and reniea. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Type writers" and Household Goods" are separate classifiicauonsf All adver tisements of theee goods are published under their respective classifications. Look them over. Electric Motors bought, sold, icnied and re paired. Walker Electric Works, 13 Burnside. cor. 10th. Broadway or A-5S74 lo uxiOPHEAD Singer sewing ma chines, complete with attachments, in good order, $17.50 whiie tney last. Last 2359, B-3307. E. R. Sleen. XWi ' . 'ave. near Belmont. -;.Ov liar lixtui'bs witu tshow casts, re frigerator, big, heavy plate mirrors, etc. Will sell all or part very cheap. Sc.. it evenings after 6. 347 Mull- uunmn SI. FOR SALE 4000 leel hand ail good and 000 feet new lumber, $. 5-M E. Killiiigswortli. Phone Wdln 3649. liLAl 1'llM L. hand colored lantern slides, worth $1, 5c each, complete Edison moving picture outfit for sal.; cheap. 12S 1st, near Alder. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different classifications. FOR SALE 2 Hat-top desks, chairs, filing cabinet, etc. Will sea complete or part. U-7T8, Journal. WAYNE gasoline pumps and oil stor age tanks. E. H. Rueppell Agt. 194 1st. Main 1221. $12.50 DKOPHEAD sewing machine, wjlh, attachments. Call 152 Grand ave. MACHINERY bought, sold, repaired and exchanged. Northwest Lead & Macli. Co.. ail Front st. Main 6492. SHOW case cheap, $15. 63 W. h'inipson st., St. Johns car or call W,1. 3309 STEAM TABLE. hardwood. marble base, copper top; cheap. 138 N. 6th. SVAp;COLUMN 2T I HAVE good gas range, Universal heater and some other furniture 10 exchange for a tent and two larg trunks, one or all; come and see me a 6003 H2d ave. s. K. M-.s car. FILM Plate Premo, postcard size, with portrait attachment. Will exchange for smaller camera. Sec driver 14, I nion Laundry, HAVE vou a clear lot to traue lor a fine piano? Mail your price, with location, to j i 1 iui fcv ALL metal ironing "Boards, tforlliy I convenient, moueiii, ti.aue ixr teni. ! Woodlawn 4",1J. 7 ; CASH or irade tolding camera and carrying case, new 1 -:r.iu, journal. WANTED M ISC KLLAN KOI S 5 WE PAY cash lor your uneU luiuituie, carpets, ranges, etc. Gevurtz Furniture Co,, Inc. 186-187 First street. NEAR YAMHiLL. MARSH ADD 581. CASH PAID for household goods at. 1 stoves, or you can TRADE them for SOAfcETHING useful. N Y. BARGAIN' STORE, 12S 1st. Near Alder. Mam 4495. PHONE East 7815 when you want to ' sell your furniture. We come at on H and pay you the cash. M. R. Sealer, 286 Grand ave., south of Hawthorne. WANli.D second harm furmtuie. ranges and stoves Best prices paid. Morgan furniture Co.. 890 East Mor rison st. Pnone East 2238. WAM'au in people of Por'iano. w kuow 1 pay the nighest can pr:?e for household goouji. Prompt attention. East 707 N. M Seator. 143 Russell st. I Vviii pay cajK tor your piuo. i-i-er, upngnt, grand or square. Both phones 1433. or call on - Foster, lbl 4 m st. NOTICE TO MOVERS. Wanted buvea. rockers, dressers, rugs, couches chairs, tables, etc. We pay the price N W. Fur. Ex. E. 636. HIGHEST cash prices for diamonds, old gold, silver, platinum, watches, Kodaks, jewelry. J. Golden, 167 1st st. 167 1st st. HlUMW; PRiCEri "A1D For second .: ind furniture anu house hold good, iilvi N. 3d it. B.oadwa 119. uieen uauiiiK stamps. 1100 N. V. Bk. b!vL fAib o MORE for them mail feperry-H utchinson Co SECOND haiiu cioming buyer. leyer, the tailor, pays $5 up for suits; shoes bought. Marshal) 1 229. 229 Madison. WE REPAIR your watch for $1. no matter how badly 'roken. Bring this ad Ho "aril Jewelry Co., 93 Vt Win at. " WILL PAY CASH FOR SECON D-HAND H O U S E H O L D Gi OD !4. PHONK MA IN 3332, A-2 5 67. MOVING picture machines bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. 1'eto Babo. 351 hi Washington. CASH for old gold, silver, platinum and high grade ore. H. M. Pickering, mfg Jeweler 218 Oregonlan bldg WE PAY cash for your suit cases, trunks and handbags. Main 9072, A-7174. CASH paid for good second-hand fur nlture. Ford Auction Co.. 191 2d st. W ANT to buy Multigraph. good order, for cash. M-776. Journal. WANTEDt- Furniture, also piano, must be cheap for rash. Main HHQi). PAYS highest price for 2d hand -cloth-lng. tools, etc. 273 Fron t. M ain 4802. WANTED Bicycle, good make, A-l condition, tor cash. Tabor 162. LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST Lady's purse, containing atout $3. In Hawthorne ave. jitney. East 2625. LOST Infant's cape Thura. afternoon Return to ?2T E. 16th. Reward. LOST Girl's red sweaters. Notify i Hi . mt. iiwme. u. s. Laundry., 21 IAST Near Hoffman fcchool, June 2, gold- and c-namel pin, clover leaf de sign, set with small diamond and pearls. Hook on back to hang watch. Reward, Phone Main 3836 mornings. LOST Wednesday, lady'a black hand bag on Pat ton road, between Vista ave. and Davenport st. Return to Mrs. W. E. Dimmiti, 526 Pulton road or tail Marsh. 1673. Reward. LOST Cor. 4th a- c Oak sts., lady's eye glasses in metal case. 409 Henry bldg., or phone East 2547 or Main 763u. Re want. A GOLD wrist watch lost on West I'ark st. between Jefferson and Mar ket sts. Finder return to 341 West Park st. Reward will be given LOST Brown leather purse, coutaii' ing about $7 cash and ladles gold watcii, hunting case. Initial "A." Rc ttirn to this ratfhe. Liberal reward. LOST From East 3 7th and Killings worth, light yellow Jersey cow, 1 horn partly broken; if found please phone Wdln. 2456 or East 4S03. LOST Kit of Reo tools last Sunday on Columbia highway near Chanti cleer. Phone Marshall 4545. LOST Baby's white glove between Park and steel bridge on 'Jlisan. East76.r. LOST Hunch of keys, blac k .mat her case. Kinder kindly call at 211 Mor gan bldg. . LOST Evening June 9, Festival center or vicinity, gold band bracelet, keep sake. Return to 73 N. 3d st. TxisrTTck7t tTTTiTah'cr FalTa ; rcwurd. Mrs. F. W. Kiefer, ltamapu Juitel. L)ST Pair spectacles, probably foot Yamhill st. Main 461. PERSONAL 22 WHY pay Dig prices for glasses? I can fit your eyes with first quality 1 ....... in .-,i rill f ranm as low as $1 60. Chas. W. Goodman, . ... . . . , a - i 1191 omometriHt. tua aaorriBoii. anaui, --. GERMAN trained nurse and mast-ewsc. gives i rem men i s tor riieiiuiaiipni, i lumbago, neuralgia, etc.; massage and j baths; lady assistant. 256 1 1th st. Marshall :.0::;i. open Sundays onKniiK m.KMii instiTUTBL Rupture treated mechanically; adults, children. Trusses to suit your case. Jnhnatnn anrl ITmhararar. runture spe cialists. 411 Allsky bldg. Main 8784. FEBVET c HANEBUT, leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock hu man hair goods; halrdressing, manicur ing, face and scalp treatment, comb Ings to order. 147 Broadway. Main 646. TAKARA Hair Tonic, an antiseptic scalp cleanser, hair beautlfler and dandruff remover; price 60o bottle. For sale by Portland Hotel fnarmacv. DON T use expensive corn remedies wsen you can get the sure tning e moves It'' 16c plasters at the Clameu- ccn Drug Co.. 200 -Morrison st. MEXICAN hair preparations, scalp treatments and shampooing. Resi dence by appointment. 14ufa Broad way. Marshall 2442. i.LE'OTKO-H V DROPATH It. lnslituie, 275 North 22d St. (Oor. of OvertotD. Scientific massago, Electric Cabinet Baths. Comfortable rooms. Mar. 277.V NEW life In electric and vibraimy treatments. Facial, scalp and mani curing. 417-20 Northwestern Bank Md. DR. V. G. KETCH UM Women's mala dies and acute diseases of men. Was.l bldg., 4th and Wash Rm 441. Mar. 44 NEW life in electric and vlbiato;v treatments. Facial, scaip and mani- curlng. 4 17-20 Nor t hwestern Pa nk bldg. TiToMAS FITZGERALD, reports trials and public speeches, at a reasonable price. Mar. 2971. SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price, cir cles Tues. 2pm.; Wed.. Sun. 8 p. in. Reading daily. 292 Clay st. Mar. 3960. SWITCHES made from combings, switches remade or darkened. S. F. Pierce, 267 Holladay. East 2784. HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum. Marshall 1 702. Lawyer Consultation free. Main 4993. 612 Selling bldg. BALM of Figs remedy for diseases of women. 604 Davis st. Main 2:193. SCIENTIFIC treatment for diseases! of scalp. 163 Park St.. room 8. MAY IRWIN, facial and scalp treat ments. 2914 Morrison, room 30. NOTICES 2(1 STATE OK ORKOON PROPOSALS KOU Si I'M KS-The UregcMi State Board of Control will receive aealed bids on June 15. 1010, at 2 t. ui., for furnishing supplies to the varloii state Institutions, cuualattng of dry goods, clothing, f urnlhhiiigs, groceries, shoes, hard ware, brooms, drug:.' pulnta, olla, stationery, crockpry. plumbing. tc, for the aenii-amiuai lieriod ending liccember 31, 1010. .Specifica tions and schedules will be furnlahed uon apiilicutlon to the aecretary at Salem, also from the Industries and Manufacturers bu reau. CliHuiber of Cominerce, Portland, Oregon. Each hid to lie accompanied by a certlfl'l d.eck In the Hum of 10 per cnt of the whole nnmiiiil of bid. payable to the Oregon Stale hoard of Control, to tie held as a guarantee of the faithful performance of the contract. 'Ihe board reserres the right to reject any or all bida, or to accept any part of a bid. K. H. (iOOIIIN, Secretary, OIlROON STATE BOARD OF CONTROL. SKAl.l-.ll propiasalH TUT niamiHl training lumber for school illatrlct No. I. Multnomah county, Oregou, for the fiscal year ending June. 30, li'17. will be received at Ihe office of R. 11. TLonias, school clerk. 4oi courtliouse, Portland, OrrKon. nlll 4 p. lu.. June 20. 1916, aBj will he opened in room H'M conrtbouae, at 4 p. m.. on th.it da'.e. Specifications may be obtained at ihe office of the undersigned, lash ik cer tified check, payable to R. 11. Tbomaa, school clerk, for per cent of the snuHjnt of tbe to tal bid. and not less than l-'O. mut acKrmpany ea' h proKsnl. The laiurd l director reserrea the right to reject anv and all bld. or divide th- award. 11. II. THOMAS, limed June . 1010 School Clerk. SKAI.KI) proMiHal are reipiesle') for furnish ing all equipment, inaleriala and labor1 nml doing al thrf work fur the construction and enlargement of hulm creek earth dan. and appurtenance of the Powder Ltnd Sc Irrigation Ci'iupauy projri l. according to plana and spec Iflcaiions which may be obtained from the un dersigned. Plans ami sperlflcatlona may be obtained by s deposll of ten dollars ($10.00), which will be refumleil upon return of said pluns mid spei'lflialioiis "illi hid. VV A. STKWARI). not ,'i. Ha k er. Or. (TKCI I. Alt Mi -Seaied pro(oals will I received at nffhe of pun-basing ageut. Alas. I:sn Lneineerlng Commission. Seattle, Waah., not later thsn I I :'K' a in.. June 2S. ln, tr lumber. i!ir and winiiows, hutldltig uiaterlftl, pliinildi.c supplii-s. door locks, dumbwaiters and hospitnl elevators. I'oples of circular insy iie obt.'ilneil upon application at this off lece; :. S. Engineer office. NC I'mirh biillillng, I'orl iBnd. Or . or Hureau if Mines. "ia; Cusloins llmise. Sun Francisco, t:al. C E. lole, Pur chi'sttig Ag-nl PROFESSIONAL ANN BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCORDION PLEATING ACIOKDION. KMKU AND MUX I'LFAl'l.NG; I HEMSTITCHING. KKAJIll.su; BUTTON HOLES, BUTTONS COViSHKO. EASTERN NOVELTY MM. CO.. 6111. B'VV.W . t. STtl'HE.NS Hemstitching, accordion, side and sunburst peatlug; bultyus covered; gorls sp- lined. Scalloping. Pillock blk. B wsy IOIH). AGATE CUTTERS aJI-o Jeweiers. iJiaiuoiiUs uxugbt slid id. Watch repair f Mil.er 34jWasb M 174. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS 1. K. KSUENSUA HE luipleuienls. vehicles and gwiieral farm supplies. yi4 Front. Portland. ANALYTICAL CHEMIST AND ABSAYER GI l.ilKK I -II ALL I O.-Liiliili bldg. 1UM slli si. BLANK BOOK MAKERS Davis a lioLman. luc. iuu ja t ui..,. DO.-k maoutaciurers; uarenis fur Jonas lot- I P'ovau Lysste iear Ledgers, riee tus bw Eu rese Iaf. A-X!a. Main 18,'J. BUILDING CONTRACTORS Geo, E. Mangas Th'1- CABINET WORK CABINET WORK, faruuure lepslnug. Horse I). Jone J'.. il2V2W . Main 3W!. CARPET CLEANING IrLilFii" ifiiltDili t(Q) iroio old carpets. rag ruga, carpet cleaning. Korto- srest Hug Co.. 188 B. th. E. WO. BIW Joyct it Hud. Klectric Cleaning Works Car pets cleaned and laid; refitting our specialty. East 40. B-1903. 204 B. 18th St. Borth. PEN INSULA B Bag Works Bsc rnc sad car- J pet weaving. 101S Pattoa ava. Wdln. 28a. i LOST AND FOUND CEMENT PLABTER BRICK WORK Have oat velluilMl- e juu uIm.ui euirnt. plastering ur brlrk work. Arrow C'meut Xry K'v.. tillwonl lj.'Q . - CHIR0I-RACT0R8 Sl'l.NAl. ailjtmiuieuu u(iuu a itcipuiiric tai, ttaat .llmuialea Ihe nerves. IliU surceanrul system ruinous tl eauw. naluru itoi's the rent. Dn't feel dtacuuraged until .vou liar lnveatlitel chiropractic. Note mv stei'htl ralea, IS tredineula $10. or 31 for Wi. fdo-11-12 Northwrat Bl.lg., Iwlween tllli and BruaU Way. WaNhliigloii st. ir. C. 8. Tig M 'd . M. It 111 MNKSS, tt wniiit'ii ami clill. (lien cured. lr. Margaret lUvule,lli-(-niM'd flilroiiractlc h)lcluu, ul7 Swilland CUg. .No I a Iff. Main 1 7 tlT. . UK. Mc.MAHo.N t umble cases, taking ilmv. 81 treaimeuts. t:,. Worth .. Addltloual pew offW-. oh. n Marleay hlilg.. 4th a Wa.lv. COAL AND W00D DHY AND GHELN 16 IN, AND 4 FT, Ml l.TNOMAH H Kb M A-21H4. WHV pay ( (or rordwow whrn yu C,D rt gifal Inside bliK-kwooil nt .I.,V) n i.,; doulno lot.il 0.6o. llux wooil uilleil Willi Irt-HTJ .i.J loud; $(1 lor double load. Ilinvj dry siaO $3..:i load. Itmailwa.v 2:1.111. A-L'lill. nation a l h ki. h -kaVi" vmT " Nllm..Kl :i.2.-, .or.t del,.,e.l; di v !,). k a labuood aawiHl $:l.fo l.m.l, tnnl dry SH,i. as. 13. A-l dry lr. 4 f.,l ..r .n., i,, ,,rd-r 1 lllllllil:i l-U'l ( ... All K I llili-T Suimner irl, dri i-rcii N.. vi- IhtI-i Willi .Mil fi i.ii.i.l ,.i,l,-. Ol.i) growiu fir wood. to to 25 dlinim. Main W. M.KK KA Kit, dry fir. 4 ft. $iTtV7IioT BlnrfcwiwHl. ;i Walrr l Mnln 4MI AvlM7. A-l r'lK V ij f i- inT buTi'l uJwr. V.nt r.;.-.7 CONTHACTORB AND BUILDERS OKKAU lll.lll.it. tirueral toiitrm tor. L"J.I an."r- lock bids. CREDIT CLOTHING LAblfcS und Me 1 1 a i'IoIIiimk. urn ui wreklr pvts N. Y. Onlfjlllint ( ,, . 40l VVa-hlniiti.n. EDUTATION AI. DANCING. M A Nt li r.rs I'l-.K DaiuiuK Ai adem) , si, bui at., bet. Stalk ami link. SiicIhI rales, 4 pr. atc lesHuns fL'. imirnlnK. hiriiuin, e t c n In at ; al) latest dHncfs kuni niuecd ; i-Iuhs TlHirwdny, Bstnniny rTpinnnK, T.hM) liroMdnav into WMiLKH'M llHiic'tug Aeadcuijr, one ulcp. Im trot, acliottUclie. tliree-airp, walla rnsilr ac qidred. Lady and geiillemcn lni i in lora; 0 usMHia f.. fotlllon ball. Mnln ;ixo. UH. and Mra. Ili-alii'a Krunol Lvaauua ilttiij. llaaa Kridnj ev., lop aa t.. bt'wp.u Wash Ington ano Stnrk. Leawms 2r.c. Mnln 32or, LA tiliNh; OK IlKAU. Orientnl. Sp.ul-h, iiw, nature, Egypt fumy, Itnsnlau. Main "ij.'id. MP8I0 BCHOOr.8 AND TEACHERS K. TUHCLIIUKN yiulhi leaclivr; pupil Mcula. 207 Kleliliier hlilg. A -4 UHl. M nrslnill I'UOF, 1. K. LAW'SON flu no li-sous al uBr borne, HOc l'l.oiie Tabor '.'ii:m POPULAR MUSIO 1'IANU ragllme lauklil niomie In 10 in 2u l. -sous. wriltHu duurmili p i.r nmupy hark If w fall; ileiuonatratioii and IhkiHi-i ricf, lmpr. Tlslng. kpyli-uiril harmony, i-tv MM 2 l:llrr I I i ar EYE, EAR. NOSE, THROAT. LUNH Kpeciuiut . MiHlt'iaip prh fs (.IUkbi's titled.. lr. V. K. faifilay .M7 h.-kini, 1.1,1k . . ,'ld A Wxh FIRE Il'RURANCE I'A( ll'h SIA I l.n HICK INHl'ltANl.'K CO. ol'lv Dregnti flr lin.ni h nre fninpanjr. . FLUFF RUG8 AND K AO KU08 Made from old IngrHln. liruamda, AiailnslaT, Hll.yrnB ciirp.-tw. Huh" riiga, all sixes. Utll or ders prutupi nitriillnii. liimklpt. WKoTKKN I I. I, I K tlUO CO. 51 I'nlnn an- N. I'lu.im I'.bki tIMii HI47S FURNACES Boynton Furnaces KrminntlfHl, ef f. , uiil. J C JJupr Co., fcrotit Hint Mu i k't . HATS CLEANED. BLEACHED Lllea', scull Isnauia Us Is eleaned. ine n i.r-i. 75c. Straws, lells. fiOc. ksiilmiin's, 3 vVasb. nr. HH slid 4 :id I'b.me M Tn?ii. LAWN MOWER ORIND1N0 gAI'LUT la nuiower grluiltlig. natural hi. u grinders. 'JUS Mb Mala 11U2 LEATHEB AND SHOE 1TNDINOS llilC UHklMAN l.l.Alliiil in Oldest lirni In utirthvvest. Agerits " M.iiiHri'b' ini: 'L. V M." mile lesther. .iU Kver-!! St. MATTRESSES VLl) uialtresses hii,J lemher beds uisde lulu sanitary folding forms; IVslliers rerinvs;sil. Fokimg M. Co.. rum Wtlllsms. K. "7. N0N.1NT0X1CATIN0 BEV KR AGES WKIMIAHUM (c. Id. -ii and Ainie-r Neiisr. tleuiy Weluliard pliint, i;Uh and lluiiislife sta. NJ ii In 12. Phones A 1 1 73 OPTICIANS Ull. f. li. hi Itiil'.Si), Kyesight Speclulisl, Eismlnstlon free. 12A, v iMniron FAINTING AJND DECOR ATINO lilijll CLAM Vuill al reasunahlr prices. KOOKH. I'AIN'IKK. K K.N I O.N WiPn I4!W. PRINTERS AND ENORAVER8 THL IVY ruttirt. JullM M. 12 Stark st. Hrosilway sum. U ANN, A-40HH, RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALfcO Stencils, 1 rode Cheeks. Disss Blgus. PACll'lC COAbl' H'lAMI'i WORfcS 231 Washington t. Main 710. A -27 10. SAFETY RAZORS HONED SAFKTV raaors spsipened, all kinds, y.'.c and 30c per Uoaen. 14; Uj .ui si . neur Morrison. SHEET METAL WOKKS KEI'AIKl.Nij llu and airyvrl r"N, Jo con 1-oall, 810 1st si. Phone Main 1424. TRANSFER ANO SIOKAOE Uregon I ranker Co, EatabllslM-r! IM70. Transfer and Korwsrdhrg Agents. fttorsge Free Trackage. Office and storage. 4U oilsan it. 13th anfl (illssn. Miln m A-llflS. ALWAYS "KICK" TUB MK.MI HOC.-ihllol.l GOODS 1'KCIAI.I8TS Stornge. I'acklnc, shipping and Moving. Horse m Aljlo Vans. Special freight rates to alt nlnts. C. O. PICK. T KANSK Kit A MOIIAGI! CO. 2d snd Pine Uroadwajr r,iw. A ISrtM. OLSON KOK TKANSKKK ""O - Furniture uwv. era. packers, ilorage, fireproof warehouse. l.'.th and II"Vt st M sin 47. A 2247. AMERICAN MOVING i SIOKAGK CO.-rur-nlture movers. Z71 Tailor M. 44. A 4Mi. WATCHMAKERS Wl! CLI.A.N and adjust your wateik, 41. MftM'LLSOIIN, JKVSLI.KK. Wsshlnkton. belween Slitn snd llrosrlwss MANUFACTURERS JOBBERSJilPLESALiRS DRY OOODS WHOLESALE L, Oinkelsniel i,o.ti$:v,X""&- PAINT. OILAND GLASS HASMI SSI.N Si CO . ' lllxh slandsnl" palul. N. K. curner Id and Taylor. M. 1 77 f A n.'.:il. PLUMBING 8tfPPLIES I'l.l MHIMJ stijiille-. vnoleie prii-ei Stsrk svls I s. 22 id st Alsln 7W7 DA llAltWiri0 UAGB I HAlK 1. 1) .noAi AV2. KHO.NT ST. WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS keewanli; W Altai Si SI EMS M. D Spencer. Agem, m:i w r k WOOD PIPE Portland huuu pipe to office near 24th and York -Is -ran. ny ..ml Main .'It"'.! INFOBMATIOS COUPOI, If you want the name if a. reliable business house dealing in any line of mercrianc'.se., or in loi million regard inK resorts. holeU. railruuda. steam, flip ll.i5. tc, addrcHH Uicfc.iu Jour nal Iiiiurmatlon Bureau. Inloruiation desired; Nams. ...... Address... i 4 y t i 6 t