V r Lie THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1916. r f I - :. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 f ? 7 - - f ' Y Used Cars at Snap Prices ALL THOROUGHLY OVKRHAULED. , j GUARANTKKD TO BE AS ,V REPRESENTED. HUPMORII.E, electric lights an starter; best buy in the , market 1675 112 HIJPMOHILE. two new tires -," on rear wheels I50 1913 FORD touring, newly palnt ed 275 ' 1910 CADILLAC, 5 pass., Timken ,'- axles, bargain at 1325 r ' . WARREN 1913. light 6 pass., elec--, trio lights, good road car $400 . 'MICHIGAN 1914, electric lights " and starter. 6 passenger $550 ;CADIL,T,A 1911. 5 paHseriKer. a splendid buy $450 MAXWELL. 1913. 5 passenger ..$350 HENDERSON, 1913. electric lights, ' snap at $450 TERMS IE DESIRED. OPEN SUNDAYS. ; Dulmage-Manley Auto Co. 46-48 20th, near Washington. Marshall 1699, A-1299. m III WIM BECAUSE OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. r-. ) BECAUSE OUR CARS ARE RIGHT. BECAUSE OUR METHODS ARE RIGHT. The chances are you will find Just the -car you want in our atock. You will receive courteous ment by competent salesmen. treat- TERMS IF DESIRED. H, L. Keats Auto Co, BROADWAY AT BURNS1DE. DJSTRIDUTOR3 WE GIVE LIBERAL TERMS. OPEN SUNDAY. STUDEBAKER "4", 1916 model touring car; nearly new ...$625 STUDEBAKER. 20". 1912 model, good condition 260 STUDEBAKER "35." 19137 pass, touring car. electric starter and lights 300 CHALMERS "30" roadster. 1912 model; good condition 350 MARION five passenger touring ear, a bargain 225 tX)RD roadster, in good shape, late model 325 STUDEBAKER "Six." 7 passenger touring car. electric starter and lights 600 STUDEBAKER "20", rebuilt road ster or "bug", good condition.... 150 STUDEBAKER "4". 1914 model; electric lights and starter 475 Oregon Motor Car Co. STUDEBAKER DISTRIBUTORS. COR. PARK AND DAVIS STS. PHONE BROADWAY 616. CASQUE 1 1 (BEITS per WAiim l JMUWZ2Z----ZZ LOCAL H- Fords Fords Fords Fords 1916 Ford touring, practically new, Ilassler shock absorbers, tire irons and hand horn. $395. 1916 Ford tourlnaT. like new. speedo meter and cutout. $395. IBIS Ford touring, fully equipped, 1396. 1916 Ford roadster, used very little, $365. 1914 Ford touring, finest condition, seat covers and electric lights. $325 1914 Ford touring. speedometer. Master vibrator and shock absorbers, to25. 1914 Ford roadster, like new. $295. 1914 Ford raodster. $300. Terms If desired, and a vear's free, service on all minor adjustments. W have a complete stock of parts for Kord cars. Open day and night. Francis Motor Car Ex. K. 1199. V.. 13th and Hawthorne ave. 1913, STEARNS KNIGHT Famous sleeve valve. silent Knight motor. Klectrlc lights and starter. Large. roomv 5 pass. body. This is strictly a nigh grade car and has never been abused. Our price Is less than one-third of the. original cost wh'Ch meanj that your de- 6rclatlor, will be very slight, lemdnstratlon on request - THE WINTON COMPANY. '23rd end Washington. Main 4244. O A R A G E S $30 and up. Portable hou ses, chicken houses, wood- sheds, etc. M i llmade C o nstruction Co. Main 1167. 544 Hood St. I Sunday and evenings. Woodlawn 3615 !N0-GLARE AUTO LENSfSUK. ED BRUNS CO.. 43H lst St., cor. Ash. Broadway 964, A SNAP ' i5.?' 7 oassenger, 6 cylinder Mltche.ll in rood order. Price $325. No reasonable ' , ' offer refused. Phone East 4972. 1 BU1CK. 1812 Demountable rims, per- i -i , ieci running cunamon; extra rim I Inner tubes, etc A bargain at $385 i -. 761 Gllsan st. A-5046. i PASS. REO. electric starter an3 light; first class mechanical condi tion. Paquet Garage. 464 Hawthorne "EW 11 FORD TOURING CAR' .. -i nnnnra tie ' BENJ. E. BOONE & CO.. Main S9CC. 614 Alder st. ET OUR PRICES ON PAINTING RRAltlWAT AUTO PltKTIMn -.-, at croaoway rnortn. near Burnslde C'.ARH i ald for umi) ra money leaned on autos. 606 Alder. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 (Continued) For Every Purpose STUDEBAKER Will make a fine de livery car; overhauled and newly painted; good tires in fine shape. NAPIER A high-class 7-pass. car; 90 horsepower; wire wheels, tlrea. top and windshield; in good shape. MONITOR Truck uoo pounds, with good Href; engine just overhauled, good top; In good running order. WHITE Delivery car, in good run ning order. WHITE Starn car, 7-pass., in first class condition. WHITE Steam roadster, 20-h. p.. In gootl running order; just newly painted. FREE DEMONSTRATION. Terms to Responsible Parties. Fred Dundee MOTOR CAR RKPAIRING AND MACHINE WORKS, Main 2X.".8. A-2658. 675 Jefferson M., bet. Chapman and Nartilla sts. East Side Plant. EISEMANN SERVICE STATION, East Water and Salmon sts. Benj, E. Boone & Co. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Will Sell Used Ford Cars FOR $100 Down $100 BALANCE EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK? The largest and best stock o-f late model used Ford cars in the elate to select from. THE LOWEST PRICKS. THE IvONGHST TERMS. TilK JtKHT SERVICE. A written Rtiarantee with each car. Better come early if you vant to share in this special offer, Benj. E. Boone & Co. 514 Alder st. Main 3966. OUR USED CAR DEPARTMENT Offers the following bargains. 1913 CADILLAC touring car; Sil vertown cord tires; perfect con dition. PIERCE "48", 7 pass $375 DODGE tourintr car, fine mechan ical condition $600 DODGE 1915 touring $650 STUDEBAKER 20 touring car $225 P. C. H. touring car $200 STUDEBAKER. electric. A-l condi tion; might consider some trade. $400 EoRD touring car great buy $300 FORD roadster, 1915 $350 FORD 5 pass ." $250 MAXWELL roadster $350 PACKARD. 7 pass., with Sedan body. FIERCE "36", not a better "36" In Portland than this one. CHALMERS, light Six. 5 pass $850 IX O SIX; this is some automo bile; you must see it to realize its value PEERLESS FOUR; price right $300 ALSO MANY OTHERS NOT LISTED. CALL AND INSPECT OUR USED CARS. Covey Motor Car Co. DISTRIBUTORS CADILLAC AND DODGE BROS. CARS tint and Washington. Main 6244 USE D CARS. We always have a verv comnlete s-;'ck of good automobiles at pricts tliat attract attention. Bargains from ri50 un. and all in first class condi tion. Main 6244. COVEY MOTOR OAR CO EVER-READY 1 ton truck; attachm'L 1360; truck I complete C . f 5. Manur d in Portland. TH AYEK-SH AV ER-GULLEY' MACHINE CO. 193 East Water St. Phone East 7437. DOUBLE tread, puncture proof tires made from your old ones. Bring them In. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., Wash, at 18th. Burnslde at Broadway. (335 Burnside.) Lei Us Solve Your Sprine Trouble. Guaranteed wasminoton (LABai.m Union and Hel- , KiJSr mont. E. 1305. -p- LAHER' Mfg. A- Repairs. 3000 guaranfd springs in stocK, prices reduced. 34 is. 15th St. STUDEBAKER. late model. 6-cyl.. 7- passengcr, in tirat class condition- bargain, $775. OAKLAND AUTO CO. Terms If desired. 16th and Alder. SPECIAL FOR THIS WkKK. 30x3 plain casings, $11. 30x3 plain casings, $8.26 BENJ. E. HOONF. & CO., 514 ALDER ST. HUDSON roadster, 24 H. p., $00. also delivery hox; might consider trade L. Seegenthaler, 3929 52d St. S. E Portland, Or. MT MUTT AND JEFFAt a Mile a Day They Should Reach Chicago About June, 1919. WTHeiMDXcC oPTHe TRACK ARSJii6 ! THAT . avw sa won i tt Ui Tt ---CHICAgO J I (Sl ' Aunv... I I I AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 , (Con tinned Some Bargains 1914 BUICK. model E "37," 5 pas. $675 cash. 1916 HAINES light 'Six," 6 pasa. Just like new. $900. 1910 HAYNES, 6 pasa., good condi tion. $300. CHALMERS roadster, a light road ster for $375 HAYNES, 1912 model. 5 pass., elec tric lights ?nd generator, extra equip ment, $500. FRANKLIN, light, economical car. touring, $375. CASE "40, 6 pass, touring, large roomy car. Just the thing for sUje pur pose, $750. Light delivery car, panel top, $325. 1914 FORD touring car, good chape, $295. H. L. Mann Motor Car Co. 59 N. 2SD ST. Main 299. A-I411. IK its scrap rubber or metals and you want the highest price, phone J. Leve, is Columbia. Main 5198. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 7H WILL trade Portland vacant or equi ties In small houses for 5 passenger car and will pay difference. I want a rood modern car. I'-325, Journal. WILL trade vacant lot or equity in small house for runabout. U-326. Journal. SMALL grocery, stock and fixtuies, to trade for r pass. Ford. Write Lano Davidson. Amity, Or., R. 1. WANTED To buy second-hand autj truck, to 1 V4 tons. M-787, Jour nal. WANTED Roadster, good condition. m-vsb. Journal. TWO clear lots and $7o for five-pass-enger car. M-784, Journal. 50x100 CORNER lot; 'will trade for automobile. U-298. Journal. AUTOS KOH HIKE 52 MAXWELL, 1918 rates; careful driver. Tabor 76. model, reasonable and experienced PORTLAND to MarshXield via Rose burg, June 12; fare $7.50. Phone Tabor 5542. SAXON SIX. 5 pass., sight seeing any place, Columbia highvvay. Sky Line boulevard. Tabor 5831. HIGHWAY trjps. 10 passenger ma chine, $1!V Woodlawn 48T4. OAKLAND rlx. reasonable. Tabor 7113 or 4158. CLEAN first class touring car. care ful, competent driver. Main 5378. MOTOIU YCLES-BICYCLES Used Motorcycle Bargains We now have several good used mo torcycles on hand. 1914 7 h. p. EXCELSIOR, equipped; A-l shape. $120. 9 H. P. DAYTON, equipped, $100. 1914 2 speed DAYTON. 9 H. P., equipped; $165. 7 H. P. twin POPE. A-l hape; lamp and Presto; $110. New 1916 DAYTON, now In. Call and see them. Several good machines from $35 up. Dayton Cycle Co. Mar. 5538. 210 Broadway. BARGAINS IN USED MACHINES KOH SALE ON EASY TERMS MERKEL, fully equipped $100 DAYTON, fully equipped 85 HARLEY-DAVIDSON, equipped . US EXCELSIOR, equipped 115 1 9 1 r. EXCELSIOR, 3 - speed, equipped 204 1915 INDIAN, 3-speed, equipped.. 235 WAGNER SINGLE, good condition 4 ) HARLEY SINGLE 4J Dealer in Indian Motorcycles H. LYSTUL, The Motorcycle Man INDIAN MOTORCYCLE SUPPLIES AND REPAIRING. 488 Union Ave. N., corner Sacramento St. Phone East 6977. Special Sale ON MOTORCYCLES NEW AND USED BIG REDUCTIONS F. P. Keenan Co, 190 4TH ST. BARGAINS IN USED MACHINES OF ALL MAKES. ON T A S Y TERMS. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand ave. AGENCY FOR HARLK Y-DA VIDSON, FLYING MERKEL AND MIAMI POWER BICYCLES. 191b 4 cylinder HENDERSON. NOW ON DISPLAY. SEE THEM BEFORE YOU BUY. Dayton Cycle Co. 210 BROADWAY EX.. 2 speed, fine condition. G-993, Journal. HARLEY-DAVIDSON; a pickup at $T6 L-jq. aiain Z9. A-J411 Bicycles & motorcycles sold & rented. R H Blocker 2"i Tavlor. for 4th LAUNCHES AXI) BOATS 64 EVTNRUDE rowboat and canoe mo tors, rowboats. canoes, motorboats. See our beautiful motorboat and en gine Tor $143.00. Evinrude Moter Co., Moved to 211 Morrison st. HOUSEBOAT. launch ana launch house, first class outfit, cheap. Broadway 1967. Will take Ford part payment. FOR HIRE 30 ft. launch for Sundays, evenings, fishing and excursion par ties. Phone Marshall 4061. 18-FOOT Oldtown canoe and Evenrude, new last summer. $100 cash. E 6176. Apt. 2. mornings. LAUNCH for sale. 10 people. Inquire J. A. Davis, engineer, 306 E. Mor rison st LAUNCH house for sale cheap. 2S ft. Inquire caretaker of Oregon Yacht club. THREE house boats for rent, reason able, partly furnished R. A. Hoh man. 1Si4 Macadam road. 1. OANIKLSON Boat Shop.i t.iSebrasKa. Bjjildine. repairs, uest work, low price. JOcN'T &e FO5LtSH ! the suvser i nou, or TMece's mo Use 6TTiN6 PASSES HE RET ONE PiFTeeN Js LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 Old Town Canoes We have Just received a carload of Old Town canoes, with many models and colors to pick from. Also new regulation ch. lighting outfits, . com plete, $2.35. The Beebe Company Agents, 182-4-6 'Morrison. FOR MALE Motor boat, length 22 ft., 10 H. P. Ferro engine, good condi tion, Broadway 107. . riANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 TOU folks who used to play the piano you folks who love the rare old tunes, the dear old songs, can now play your favorite selection as well as the finished musician. Come in and let us show you. It is time well spent. A visit does not obligate you to buy. Graves Music Co.; 151 4th St., near Morrison st. We furnish free piano lessons. Store open every night until 10 o'clock. YOU can rent a good mahogany, oak or walnut piano player for $4 to $5 per month. All rent can apply on pur chase price of new player piano later ir you wisn. Kree music rous. ii you can't call write for our player list. Graves Music Co., 151 4th St., near Morrison st. We furnish free piano lessons. Store open every night until 10 o'clock. & Piano pianos BEFORE purcnasn.g see specials In Lsed Bargains. New anos mod'ately priced. wft i s i . . BEAUTIFUL full size mahogany up right piano. Colonial design, has full, rich tone, cost $475. now $190. Very easy terms. ii you can t can, write for particulars. Graves Music Co., 151 4th st., near Morrison st. We furnish free piano lessons. Store open every night until 10 o'clock. YOU WILL find real piano bargains l i our storage dept. Come In today and inspect an elegant little pian. $100, pay $1 per week. Graves Mutic Co.. 151 4th St., near Morrison st. We furnish free piano lessons. Store open every night until 10 o'clock. EVERY home can now own a pano or player pi ino; prices from $25 Hid up; terms $1 per week and up, from our storage dept. Graves Music Cj , 151 4th st., near Morrison st. We furnish free piano lessons. Store open every night until 10 o'clock. FIANOS rented. $1 per month and up. All rent can apply on purchase price later if desired. Graves Music Co., loi 4th at., near Morrison st. We furnish free piano lessons. Store open every night until lu o'clock. VICTO RT V1CTROLA $18 takes double motor; good sized Victrola and 22 Victor and Columbia selections. Call apt. a. 191 14th, after 6 tonight and all tomorrow. No use phoning HIGHEST grade baby grand piano, like new, $850 model; will sacrifice; in storage department. Graves Music Co.. 151 4th St.. near Morrison. We furnish free piano lessons. Store open every night until 10 o'clock. WRITE today for our Bargain List' of pianos. Pianos from $25 up Pi ano players from $15 and up. Graves Music Co., 151 4th st., near Morn sun st. We furnish free piano lessons. Store open every night until 10 o clock. $175 MAHOGANY player piano, $5 per month. tiraves music Co., lot 4 in St.. near Morrison Bt. We furnish free piano lessons. Store open every night until 10 o'clock. NICE, little upright piano, oolendld tune and action, only $85. 151 4th st., near Morrison st. We furnish free piano lessons. Store open every night until 10 o'clock. $25 BUY'S good practice piano. Pay $i down and $1 per week. Graves Mu sic Co., 151 4th st.. near Morrison st. We furnish free piano lessons. Store open every night until 10 o'clock. SNAP Sacrifice, Columbia double mo tor Graphophone and 32 flat selec tions, $12 for all. Cost $60. 191 14th, apt. 3. before 7 p. m. $5 DOWN, $1.25 weekly, without in terest, buys $325 1916 model piano for $245; total saving $145.28. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th St., at Washington. I WILL sacrifice my Stuyvesant player piano and 75 rolls of choice music for $300. The piano cost me $700. Phone Broadway L $237. 2i. $5 CASH, $6 monthly without interest buys a $375 1916 model piano and secures full equity of J137.75. Call at 109 4th st. at Washing'on. HAVE your piano tuned, repaired, refin lshed by professionel men. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Portland Piano Tuning. Rep. It- Mfe C- 24ft Hawthorne. E. 1072. 7C MONTHLY stores your piano, or will sell at your price or buy if for cash. Call Main 5323. Security Stor age Co.. Ill 4th. at Washington. ELECTRIC piano, first class shape, with nickel box cheap, for Bale or rent. 254 Market st. FREE use of piano or player piano 2 years. See display adv. or Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st. CLEAR city lot wacted In exchange for splendid piano; answering, state location and price. R-932, Journal. EXPERT player piano repair and tun ing. V. Kremar, 254 Market st. Main 5399. All work guaranteed. $55 CASH buys a $450 Haines Bros.' piano tomorrow. Security Storage Co. 109 4th. $8 NOTE player and piano, only $125; must be sold at once. 254 Market st , corner 3d. KIMBALL, $325, upright oak piano, will close out for $85 cash this week. Security Storage Co., 109 4th St. BEAUTIFUL fine piano, bench, abso lute bargain. in storage. quick. Varshflll 2543. UPRIGHT piano, little damaged, only $25. 2544 Market st.. 1st floor. HIGH grade standard piano; must sell cheap, leaving city. 56 Lucretia t. $28 CASH recuies $135 parlor organ tomnrrov at 109 4th st. MUST sell new piano cheap; ar going away. 125 E. tiMh st. N. $25 Beautiful organ, good condition. 254 Market st., corner od. onirep AT AMP J TVteee trains Ai ready 34 Now Is Your Opportunity To buy a high grade piano at prac tically your own price and on your own terms. Player pianos, upright pianos and beautiful grand pianos are included in this sale of new and used pianos. $55 buys a very good practice piano; Pay $1 per week. $96 for a full size cabinet grand upright piano; small cash payment and then $1 per week. $140 takes a fine walnut upright pi ano; pay $5 cash and $1 per week. A full size 88-note pianola juano player, like new. $19u; pay $1.50 per week. Splendid mahogany player piano. $175 $2 per week. $900 highest grade 8S-note player pi ano, $485; small down payment, then $2 per week. $195 takes a $300 model, in rich mahogany wood; pay $1.60 per week. $325 will buy a rich, sweet tone 88 note player piano; $600 was the orig inal price; pay $1.75 per week. If you cannot call, write for partic ulars; we furnish free music lessons. Store open every evening until 10 o'clock. We furnish free piano lessons. Store open everv night until 10 o'clock. GRAVES MUSIC CO. 151 4th st.. near Morrison St. THE SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT PIANOS. $350 Marshall & Wendell Upt., cash $ SO $300 Louis XV Walnut Upt, cash.. 45 $400 Chickering fc Sons, old model 40 $275 F. & C. Fisher, old model ,30 $250 pianola Player, mahogany.... $325 Lindell Upright, mahogany.. lo5 $135 Story & Clark Parlor Organ.. 25 $500 Emerson Colonial Piano 165 To first caller. Iu9 4th near Wash. Your piano stored for 75i monthly. TYPEWRITERS NEW REMINGTON rental plan With manufacturers' guarantee, and ren tals applying on purchase. Visible models, $3 per month $7.50 for 3 months. Other models less. Rem ington Typewriter Company, 86 Broad way. Telephone Broadway 621 SPECIALS No 10 Remington $35 No. 5 Royal. $40: L. C. Smith, $32.50; No. 5 Underwood. $37.50: Olivers, $22.50; all rebuilt; guaranteed for one year. Royal Typewriter Agencj, 2tJ Stark st. WE save you from 60 to 76 on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder: retail department. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington st. FOR first class typewriter repairing. an makes, call Main 36bs. -bj Stark st. NEW rebuild 2d hand rentals, cut rates. P I . C On. -.mi stark M 1407 HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 65 FINE grass furniture, dresser, dining room set. etc.. private homo. East 31t)i. WE are selling all home furnishings. every piece A-l quality and condi tion. 2S Ivon st. I'hone .ellwond CHEAP furniture, stoves, tables, chairs, bedroom sits. 787 E. 28th st. FURNITURE of 5 rooms; will sell cheap. 787 E. 2Sth St. S. . FOR SAL; MISCELLANEOUS 19 FOR SAj-E Bran! new caroom and pocket billiard tables with complete outfit, $115; second hand tables at reduced prices; bowling alley and bil liard supplies; easy payments. Cigar store, drug, delicatessen and soda fountain fixtures. THE BRUNSWICK BALKE COLLENDER CO.. 46-48 Fifth. MACHINES of all makes sold for less. No agents employed. Machine rent ed 12 per mo. iA-SC26, M-9431. Sewing Machline Emporium. 190 3d at., near Taylor rented. Electric motors sold and 'MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Type writers" and "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. Look them over. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and re paired. Walker Electric WorkB, 413 Burnslde. cor. 10th. Broadway or A-6674 10 DROPHEAD Singer aewlng ma chines, complete with, attachments, in good order, $17.50 wMie they last. East 2359, B-3307. E. R. Steen. 152 Crand ave. near Belmont. oaK bar fixtures with show casts, re frigerator, big heavy plate mirrors, etc. Will sell all or prt very cheap. See it evenings after 6. 347 Mult nomah st. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles. launches or boats are separate classifications. A larjre listing can be found under these different classification WANTED To fit your eyes so that you get all that's comii to you out of life; prices very reasonable Staples the Jeweler. FOR billiard and pool tables see W. J. Qulgley. 256 Market. Lowest prices and easiest terms. G-999. Journal. FOR SALE- Up to dat Hardlo spray ing machine for spraying hops. N JournaU FOR SALE 2 Hat-top desks, chairs. filing cabinet, etc. Will seil complete pr part. U-778. Journal. SFLL cheap, comical airship and tramp costume for Rose Festival masque rade. 187 E.. Buffalo st. 9x12 Body Brussels, or exchange tor electric vibrator. Call 274 N. 21st St. Marshall 227 afternoons. WAYNE gasoline pumps and oil stor age tanks. E. H. Rueppell. Agt.. 194 1st. Main 122L $12.50 DROPHEAD sewing macJiine. with attachments. Call 152 Grand ave. MACHINERY boughL sold, repaired and exchanged. Northwest Lead t Mach. Co. 311 Front st Main 5492. SWAP COLUMN' 23 HAVE you a clear lot to trade for a fine piano7 Mall your price, with location, to 111 4th St. CASH or trade folding camera and carrying case, new. Y-990, Journal. PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Continued ) Bot vJe"ue Got to GET TO CHICAGO AND THE IN 5" MlfiOTES. WE CANT eGT TO CHICAGO STANDING Hfjfce WANTED nsCELLANKOUS K WE PAY cash for your uwd furniture. carpets, ranges, etc. Gevurtz Furniture Co.? Inc. 185-187 First street. . NEAR YAMHILL. MARSHALL 68 U PHON EAt 7816 when you want to sell your furniture. We come at once and pay you tne caah. M. R Seater. 286 Grand ave. aoutn of Haw thorne WANTED Second hand furniture. laues ana biovm. xseet prices liu. Morgan Furniture Co., $90 Eaat Mor- hboh st. r-none rast ma. WANfjit) tne people of Portland u anow i pay tne bigbest casa-pri -e ror household goods. Prompt attention. East 6707. N. M. Seator. 143 Russell st. feasi nui. is. m. seator. 143 nusseii si t w, . .. ... - r a r,iii pay uuu iur your ymutj. iha er, upright, grand or square. Both phones 14J3. or call on J. J. Foster, 161 4'n st. NOTICE TO MOVERS. Wanted Stoves, rockers, dressers, rugs, couches chairs, tables, etc. We pay the price. N W. Fur. Ex. E. 636. HIGHEST PRICES PAID For second hand furniture and house hold goods. 614 N. 3d st. Broadway 119. Green tracing bUiniis. 1100 N. W. Bk. bid. PAYS O Vib ULin MORK for them than Sperry-Hutchlnson Co. HIGHEST cash prices for diamonds, old gold, silver, platinum, watches. Kodaks, jewelry. J. Golden, 167 1st si. lt7 1st st. btCOMt nand clothing buyer. Vleyei. the tailor, pbvb $5 up for suits; shoes bought. Marshal) 1229. 22 Madison. V E REPAIR your watch for $1, no matter how badly '.roken. Bring this ad Howard Jew elry Co., 93 6th st. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD G VDS. PHONE MAIN 3332, A-667. MOVING picture machines bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Pete Sabo. 3 nlj Washington. CASH for old gold, silver, platinum and high grade ore. 11. M. Pickering, mfK jeweler 218 Oregonian bldg. WE PAY cash for your suit cases, :runk,s and handbags. Main VG72. A-7174. CASH paid for good second-hand -furniture. Ford Auction Co., 191 2d st. WANT to buy Multigraph. good order, tor ";iHh. M-776. Journal. PAYS highest, price for 2d hand cloth ing, tools, etc. 273 Front. Main 4S02. FC KNi T 1 T:TT wTui ted Main 1904. LOST AXI) F(H XI) 21 LOST Near Hoffman school, June 2, gold and enamel pin, clover leaf de sign, set with small diamond and pearls. Hook on back to hanr watch Reward. I'hone Main oS.lii mornings. A GOLD wrist watch lost on West Park st. between Jefferson and Mar ket sts. Finder return Jto 34', West Park st. Reward will be given. LOST Near Mississippi ave., gold watch and fob. Please notify owner. Phone Woodlawn 609. L -ST Hlack extra length overcoat , left some, place; will finder address p o ho"x 75f.. city. LOST A gold chain and locket on "Thursday. Valuable. Return to 824 E 26th. Reward. LOST Girl's red sweaters. Mr llelme. I". S. Laundry. Notify lolM) -Flat pin. Apply after 7 p. in. at 502 Villa St. Clara. I'KKSOXALyr 22 WHY pay pig prices for glasses? I can fit your eyes with first quality lenses in a gold filled frame as low as $1 50. Chas. W. Goodman, optometrist. 209 Morrison. Main 2124. OREGON HERNIA INSTITUTE. Rupture treated mechanically; adults, chlldran. Trusses to suit your case. Johnston and UmbargaA rupture spe cialists. 411 Aliskv bldg. Main 3784. FEBVET & HANEBUT. leading wig and totope makers; finest stock hu man hair goods; hairdressing, manicur ing, face and acalp treatment, comb ings to order. 147 Broadway. Main 648. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse, gives treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc.; massage and baths; lady assistant. 2& 11th st. Marshall 5033. Open Sundays. TAKARA Hair Tonfc, an antiseptic scalp cleanser, haft beautlfier and dandruff remover; pries 60c bottls. For sale by Portland Hotel tnarmacv DON'T use 'jpenslve corn remedies when you can ret the sure thing "Re moves It'' 15c plasters at the Clemen aon Drug Co.. 200 Morrison st. MEXICAN hair preparations, scalp treatments and shampooing. Resi dence by appointment. 145 H Broad way. Marshall 2442. ELECT RO-H Y DKOPATHK- Institute. 276 North 22d St. (Cor. of Overton). Scientific massage. Electric Cabinet Baths. Comfortable rooms. Mar. 2775 WANTfTIBaby girl. 2 to 3 years old, to adopt. Best of reference. L-667, Journal. LOUIS UR, scientific hand reader: best method. 240'? 5lh St.. cor. Main. NEW life in electric and vibratory treatments. Facial, scaip and mani curlng. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg. ANYD.Mi Jiavitie; information regari lne; Frank Urodt notify Grover Rt urit. Salnion. Id.i!ix DR. V. G KETCHUM Women'i mala dies and acute diseases of men. Waiii bid?. 4th pnd Wash Km. 441. Mar. 448 NKW life in electric and vibratorv treatments. r ai. itii. scaiy u. 1 1 u uiani riirlne. 417-20 Nort li western Bank bldy. SOI'llI.V BSKIr, mental. Fpirltual Pi'i entlst, 30? Tourney bldg'.. 2d and Tay lor. Mar. S"!;. Questions Wed.. 8 p.m. SPIRITUALISM Itev. M. A. Price, cir cles Tues 2 p. m. ; Wed;, Sun. 8 p. m. Rearilnir da'ilv. 292 Clay st. Mar. 3980. SWITf'HES made from combing", switclies remade or darkened. S. F. Fierce. "Hi nonaciay r.ast : i bi. HAVK your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Pekum. Marshall 1702. T ,r r "onsuitation free. Main LaWVer 4?nj .H2 Selling bldg. B1M of Fists remedy for diseases of women. 604 Pavls st. Main 2393. 4- sr.- 23 (Cod tinned) !. "I - SCIENTIFIC treatment for diseases of scalp. 163 Park Bt.. room NOTICES 20 KEDEMITIUN NOT1CK 8t. John Water Work and Lighting Com pany Bunds. Notice 1 hereby gleu that bond No. 9 and 43 of the St. John Water Worka and Lighting; company will be redeemed on or be fore July 1. ini6, on pn-nentatlon at the of fice of the Security Saving & Trugt company of Portland. Oregon. In iur aucu bomia arc not BurrpnoVreii on or before July 1. lltl, tbry hall cease to bear liitcri-nt at that date. He demptU.n will be made In accordance with the teiuia of the trunt deed nemted by the Bt. Johns Wate? Works and Lighting company to the Security Savlnga aud Trust company aa truatee, hearing; date July 1, 107. and with modification thereof dated 11 th February. 1011. ST. JOI1NS WATER WORKS AND LIOUT INU COMPANY. By 1'. 11 . EDIKFSEN. Vice president and Malinger. Attest: RKUARD W. MONTAUI K. Secretary. SECURITY SAVINGS & TRl'BT COM 1'AN T. By K. O. Jt KITZ. Secretary. SKAI.Kl) prnMialn for manna! training lnnil.r for actiool district No. 1. MuIuhuhhIi nmnt?, Oregon, for the fiscal year ending June .".ii, 1P1 7. will be received at the office of It H. Tliinaa. nrliool clerk. oourthoime. Portland, Oregon, until 4 p. ui.. June 2o. law, anj will be opened In room WH courthouse, at 4 p. m., on that date. Speclfli-atioiiH amy be obtained at the office of the undersigned, t'aali or cer tified check, payable to R. II . Thomaa. school clerk, for 6 per cent of the amount of the to tal bid. and not less than $JO. munt arconipauy each propoaal. The board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all bid, or divide thtf award. K. II. THOMAS. Pated June R, 1016. School Clerk. 8i.Al.KI proposals will be received m the oiiice oi tne undpralgued. 4ul -ourtliouse, until 4 p. m., June Do. litltl. for painting of Tarlotis schools, Portland. Or lilds lil le opened In room !t04 courthouse, at aine time. Deposit of $2 la required for speclflcn tiona. which may be obtained at the office of K. A. N'aramore. Supt. of Properties, .'W:t courthouse. Certified check for 10 per cent of amount of proposal, payable to R. II. i nomas, school clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of dlrectora reset-res the right to reject any and all proposals. R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. Dated June 8. 11. NOTICE la hereby given that A. Ii. Towiiaend baa cold his Interest and good will In the grocery and produce business of Townsend .1 Van Schoonhoven, located at 144 Front Mreet, Portland, Or. O. Van Schoonhoven will con tinue the buKlneas under the name of Towu send Ar Van Schoonhoven. NOTK'K Is hereby given that Caratens Pack Ing company are registered owners of the "Washington Hrand" Ilauis. Itacou. I-ard and Sausages In the state of Oregon PROFESSIONAL AND! BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCORDION PLEATING ACCOHDIO.N, KM K E AND BOX PLKATi.NO; HEMSTITCHING. BRAIDING; BUTTON HOLES, BUTTONS COVERED. EASTERN NOVELTY MF(. CO.. K5Mi TH. B'WAY sHj. K. STEPHENS lieuiatltrblug. accordion, aide and sunburst nesting; buttons covered; goods (ponged. Scalloping. Plttock bllt. B'way lOttl). AOATE CUTTERS UFU. Jewelers. Diamonds oougbt and sold. Watch repair'. Mlller'a. 343 H Wash M.IN74. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS P. E. KSBENSliADE implements, vehicle and general farm auppllea. 1M4 Front. Portland. ANALYTICAL CHEMIST AND ABHAYER U1LBEK 1 -H ALL CO. Couch bldg. low 4th st. BLANK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS UOLMAN. Inc.. low 2d at. Blank oook manuiacturera; -agents for Jones Im proved Loose Leaf Ledgers. See th naw Eu reka Leaf. A-SlKi. Main 183. BUILDING CONTRACTORS Can F Monrroc Hesldence Speclallat. Ut-Ui I i mcii ig-,u.vj 4O0 Macleay Bldg. CABINET WORK CABINET WORK, furniture repairing. Horace D. Jones Jr.. H2Vfr 23d at. Main 832. CARPET CLEANING ifujFif i from old carpeta, , rag rugs, carpel ' cleaning. North E. 8fHO. B 12MI. west Rug Co.. 188 E. 8tb JOYCE BROS. Klectrlc Cleaning Worka Car pets cleaned and laid; refitting our specialty. East 440. B-ltHW. 24 K. lBtht1ugrtb. PENINSULAR Bug Works Kag nig and car pet weaving. 1S1B I'aiton ave. Wdln 2rtxa. CEMENT PLASTER BRICK WORK lint, our estimator ae vou about i-emenl. laaterlng or brick work. Arrow Cement Tray Sellwood IOJO. CHIROPRACTORS SPINAL adjnaimenta upou a scientific bnsis, that stimulates the nerves. This successful system removes the cause, nature doea tbs rest. Don't feel diacouraged until you have investigated chiropractic. Note my special ratea, J8 treatnienta $10. or 81 for 1.. 610-11-12' Northwest Bide-, between 6tn aud Broad way. Washington at. lr. t . n. 1 igarn N l.ll VOCSN E4iS. dlaeaa of women and chll dren cured. Dr. Margaret Uaynle, licensed chiropractic physician, 617 Swetland bldg. No fake. Main 17do. DU McM AH ON Curable cases, taking time. 31 treatments, $15. Worth $50. Additional new offices 20X-212 Maclesy bldg., 4th ft Wssh. COAL AND WOOD DRY AND GREEN 16 IN. AND 4 FT. MTLTNOM AH Ft EL CO.. M. HMO; A-211. WHY pay b for cord wood when yoo can gat rood lnsldo blockwoil at $3.50 load; double load $o.&o. Box wood mixed with heavy 13.23 load- $1 for double load. Heavy dry slab wood $3.V) a load. Broadway 2330. A -2 Ml NATIONAL FUEL CO. EABT 2041. Elabwood $3 cord delivered; dry block and slabviood sawed $3.50 load; food dry wreck ae. $3. A-l dry fir. 4 font or sawed to order , Cnlumhla Fuel. All kinds. Hum mer prices. !el. North Allmrts 1 Woodlawn 31. OLD growth fir wood, $4 to V'& delivered Main 428. NEER A FARR. dry fir. 4 ft. $4.!WI to .V2.V Blockwood. rts Water st Msln 4fs A-4r,47 CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS OSKAR HLBElt. General Contractor. 223 Sher lock bldg. CREDIT CLOTHINO LADIES' and Men's clothing; mo. -or wee all pyts. N. Y. Outfitting Co., 408 Washington. PERSONALS IW1WI (Copyright, 1916, by 11. C. Fisher ) (Trade Mark Reg. L. S. Tatent Office.) " A MILE NEARER I ANVWAY EDUCATIONAL DANCING. slANC HI-.sTKK Dancing Acadeuij. MVi &tb t.. bet. Stark aud Oak. Special rates. 4 pri vate lex, mix 2. morning, afternoon, evening; all latest dunces guaranteed ; claaa Thursday. UstiirdwT eveiiiniTH. 7 N::w. Hrosdw sT I10. ltINlLi;Ks panrlug Acadeuiy, one-atep, fox trot. kitiottUche. Ihree-Htep, walta easily ac quired, l.sd.v and geutlemen Inst rue tor a; 0 eoiia . cotillon hall. Male W. MK and Mr. Iltatli'a School Ltaaoua dally. Claxa Krnlay eve., KM i& st., be'weeo Wash ington hio Stark t,H,.i). 25c. Main 32011 LA (ilJ.SK Dk lu oriental. suaDino. toe. nature, l'.g.i pt fmojr, Ituasian. Main 70S. MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHER! E. TillU.ltol'.N Violin teuclier; pupil oeiclk. 11)7 Klcidner bldg. A -ildO Marshall K. tltOK. 1 K L.WVsOS - Ciuiki lesauna l your heme. tiOo I'lione labor 'MXH. POPULAR MUSIC TIANO ragtime taught anyone In 10 lo20 lea sons, written guarantee or money back If we fall; demonstration and booklet free, Impro vlalng. keyboard harmony, eir r.01-2 Kllera bldg EYE. EAR. NOSE. THROAT, LUNGS bpe. ii.ll-1 M.Nieratr 4.ru-ea. ulnsea fitted.. Dr. r V. Cn-.-.Uv M7 kknin bids.. 3d A Wash FIRE INSURANCE 1'ACIKK M A I KS r I UK I.NM KANCH) CO oHy Oreg.m fire Insurance "-cmpany. FLUFF RUGS AND RAO RUOS to mu Made froui oid lugratn, Brussela. Axmlntter, Sa rna carpets. Rug rugs, all sites. Mail or ders prompt attentlou. ihsiklet. WE3TKRN FL'l I F II UQ CO. M Union ave N. Phone F.nst S1. B-14TS FURNACES Boynton 'Furnaces Ecornomi.al, effectual. J. C. Payer Co.. front and Market. HATS CLEANED. BLEACHED Ladles , gents' i'snuma bats cleaned, bleachad, 75c. Straws, I. lis. one haufuian's, 2HS Weah. nr. 4th. hS slid -,4 ;id. Phone M 72o. LAWN MOWER GRINDING EXI'KItT iduiiuiiiHL't giiieling. natural born grinders, ,'itb. Malu a42. LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS THE HIU.VMA.N LEA 1 libit CO, Oldcat tlrui lu northwest. Agents "Uonarrh" anc L. at M." sola leatbef. X'D Everett st. MATTRESSES Ol.ll uistlrest.es and leather beds mads Intoc sanltary folding forms; leathers reuovsud. Folding M. (11.. ciai Wllllania. K. 5874. NON-INTOXICATING BEVERAGES VYKI.NHAKli S liolden and Amber Nectar. lleury Weinhard plant. 13th aud Burnslila t. Mlilu 7. Photiea A-l 173 OPTICIANS DR. . h.. lit i.uKSH, Eyesight Specialist, F.ismlnstlon free. ..2.1 W uahlngton at. PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH CLASH U11KK at reaaouable prl.ss. ROOKS PAIN I Lit. KKNTO.V Wdln. I4SW. PRINTERS AND ENORAVERB Till-; IV V PRESS. JOHN M. MANN, 8h2 Stark st. ltn.nday 4I8. A-4W8. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO hti-uciis. Trade Cheika,- tirasa Signs. PACIFIC COAST S1AMP WORKS 231 Wasliliiglon st. Main 710. A-2710. SAFETY RAZORB HONED . SAl-KT l isiims abaipeued; all kinds, 20c snd a.ic per doten. 14o M si., near Morrlsou. SHEET METAL WORKS. REl'AlRl.Nt, tlu aud gravel r"ot, Jacob Luall. UIO 1st St. I'hone .Main 1424. TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. Transfer and Forwarding Agents. Storage Free Trackage. Office n ud atorage. 474 (illsan at. 13th and lilNan. Main UK. A llflO ALWAYS "PICK" THE U EST HOUSEHOLD OOOl-S SPECIALISTS Storags Packing, shipping and Moving. Horse or Auto Vaua. Special freight rales to all polnla. C. O I K K TRANSFER A SIOHAOK CO. 2d and Pine Broadway film. A-I1IW1 Ol.soN-KOK 'IKANSKhll CO. Km nil lira muv. era, puckers, atorsge; flreprKf warehousa, 1 am and Hovt st. Main f47. A 2247. AMERICAN MOWNO A HTOUA(;ii CO. Fur- nlli.re movers. 2Tl Ta.vlor. M, 4H4. A 484H. WATCHMAKERS WE CLEAN and adjust your watch, tl. MENDELSOHN', JEWELER, Washington, between Sixth and llrosdwaf. MANUFACTURERS J JOBBERS WHOLESALERS DRY GOODS WHOLESALE rv I -1 ll f rs 112 Sherlock Bldg.. L, D nikejSDiel UP. Third, enmer O.k PAINT. OIL ANDOLASS HAsMlSSKN A Co.. "High BIsndsrd" pslnt. A-HA3I. N. K. comer 2d snd Taylor. M. 1771 PLUMBING SUPPLIES I'l l MIIIMJ supplies, wholesale prlcss. Stark Dsvls Co.. 212 3d st. Main 71)7. SANITARY WIPING RAOS SHANK CO THOSE. MAIN. 79. 312 WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS KEEWANEE WATKK HYHTE.Yhi M. D Kueucer. Agent. 103 W. Tsrk at. WOOD PIPE PORTLAND WOOD 1'IFK CO Factory and office near 24th and York Ms. Matn 34M8 imrosMATiov cotrpoa. If you want the name tf ft reliable business bouate dealing In a.n y line of murcliam'lBe, or Information regard ing resorts, hotels, railroads, steam hip lines, etc., address Oregon Jour iiai Intni tnatlon Bureau. Information desired: Name. Addr By "Bud" Fisher 1 rAV WATCH MOSx HAve B EN SLOW. ? r aajas mm SSntais, i