i. 4 ' - i THE OREGON JDAILY JOURNAL,, PORTLAND, MONDAY, JUNE ; 1916. 11 BIDS FOR POSTOFFICE i BE RECEIVED . 11 JUNE 8, OPEN AUG. 7 Appropriation of $550,000 Has Been Made to Carry Work Through Fiscal Year. ! COST TO BE $1,000,000 Expectation -Work on Structure Will Biffin September 1; Eighteen . Months to Complete. Washington, June 5. ( WASHING TON' bureau of the journal) Bids for the construction of tlie Port land poatoffice for which $350,000 has been appropriated will be received June 8.. Bids will be opened August 7. "The total cost of the new postoffico will be about $1. 000,000," said Post master Frank S. Myers this morning. "The $650,000 willed has been appro priated Is for the fiscal year and an other appropriation will be made in tiro to finish the structure. It Is to bo expected that the, actual work of construction will begin September 1 and the postoffi.-e should be completed and d-eady for use a year and a half from that date." The Bite of the new postofflce is at Cllsan, lloyt, Broadway and Park streets. Real Estate Transfers. Harry Failman and wf. to J. D. Ab- ranis, L. 3. B. 12. Chii-iifto.. S George A. Hiws and wf. to fifteens Hunk. K. 33 Vj ft. of L. 8, 0, H. i. Kenllworth,. parts L. 1, 2, B. 1!, Swans Add . Sheriff to John Sehnmackrr et al, 13.0 lie-res' Kec. IS. T. 1 8., It. 1 E W. Iy. Slnnott to Mnrv I. Slniiott. L. 1, 2, B. 2."i, M. I'nttons Add A. V. Green n ml wf. In ltetiotra Tnnko Tetx. B. l,j of K. !H f U'l, 2, li. ;. Vernon T: -Alma Ivlna und hus. to J. O. Joues, I.. 1!!'. 21. 25. 2H. 2?t. II. 5. Kmlibsotia Iind t'o. Add 8. Ie ToiiriM'H f Fouler C. Poor, L. S. v.. 21. WeHiniorelaml Lulled Bldg. I it v . f'o. to Lous.. ( ;h nian. N. 4U ft. of L. 12 and S. 2 ft. of L. II. und N. 20 ft. of L. 1'. I!. 1, !'rji(;il Sj.rlrigs Park W ililnuv Xirliola and wf. to J. I.. Sher loik. L. 1 in Honlh li CdnidMa Ill.. ilnrie JSteruiilil to Fernliiainl Sternnlil. I.. K. B. IX, Wooilmore. llo S. ft. of lot II. in. Carutliera Add Fidelity Realty Jt Mtg. Co. to Portland Truat IU of Ur.-gin. K. US ft. I. 1, ' H. LIS. Portland. 1,. II and K. 10 ft. , t.. 1 4. 11. 20S. Cnnch Add Soidila Shaiodlinn to Jacob Sliiiiiodllna. nnd. Int. In L. 7. S. II. 3. Knst 1 1. .1- lli iln.v- Add Boihi;i sioMicilluir to name, all und. Int. Jo 1.. 4 H 2. (IhnMcl.- Same lo K:o bid Brill, 1. '.i. It. 21. Wil lamette W. S. Wlnt; I' ll and w f . !o S"m'i htn, S '-i of I 1 and S of W :i ft. "t I.. 2 I". Biiii'ii Sec nd Add . Tin- I mb.lm-do.-ii A: lrn ll.;u-l.iii Id .r Inv .i. f.i (Kitonnl J.'.i-i'ii. I.. 2."., '.'it. K. :'..". June. Mu re Peillinid Tr.ii Cn of iiieoo lo I'bieliiv Henllv Co.. I.. 7. s u 7. I'lH'tland IloitKliin i'miiT ami '.vf. to William .1. Sa.vveati "I ii.l. I.. 21. 22. 2;i. 11. "K." Snl. uf 1! li 2. Pmkloiist Add.... 'I-oni S p.-t-etsnii ami f. I" Swan Sm im..oi, ,. .,1. j.;, i ,. . i ,( i-;. i ; or s. i:; 1 i it. ..r 1., 2. II. 2 Ktliel 1. Vim A,. Klimiiian '1 Klllolt and wf. lo Kridn .hiliunnn H! it c nt n in et al. 1. 11. It. 22. M ' i ! t le i rn :i h 1i.m1i J i a i . i i'i l-;iii-eristnui ami htm. lo Amy i; Idllott. L 21. 22. 1! ;. Ar- ! I'm Sbci lfr..(,, T Ce & Ti u-r Co. I.. IT. 11. ' 111. I .'IT cllilirst , . . ' il It. I Inn--n lo I r.-l.i I. k II Str.iln.'. I.. I.. II e-l..vel 1 eraee Jainea i' I'.'den et a I lo Hu- Oreifoii Home Builders. I.. 12. B. 11 (Mm Med Turk BllH e it. Ilowun and w f. to lleerielhl Gertrude Crawford, 1.. ,S. II. 1. Fir la ml 3.51-1 u.in 10 Huililino; Permits. ., Mrs. (ill. -lie, ABt. Kepair 2 'tory fr.nlie ro mlnir lions.-. :i2il lrau si.. li.-lui.-il Limni vny Mud lilli Nts.; Piiilili'i'. Win. I'oMrr. 15(l. K. NclMiti--- Dri-.t 1 sinrv rr.imt' dvMillliiK. Win K. f.2d st, N . iiciKP,.;, Hancock and rtronnwiiv slq t P: i.r t'.oi o w. L. li.-koii ,lr !;. ..ii ;- 1 -i,,iy frnn.e dwelling, 31 v. j.inrti i . iieinrfi iiiun-b ,''',7;:'' Mv '''e :'-.''r, "',MI; - , 1.. A. Olson I r.'. K 2 Morv fi nuc ,tf" line, . so N. mil -t . i.,.ttt.-..u F.T.-rett i! Fl in- d-r sis ; wie.ki-r. o. K i it..,,, t 1 1 Wrck- '' ' "' 7'' K.et,:',bii:,rT,?7:v,.,:;';I,.i:.:: coti si.; tmiid.'r. siiiiii'. i'lty of Portland '..hki i u.-t i istfoni.s itii J'"' or laiidii . wt.-r m . iii-twei.t. Col'im- Lla and I lav .-I , bill d. r. t . II I'., aid $2i!ll Tim orfsi-i riome llll,i, , r. ns, ,-, t rand- atsn.i. w. I'aik i.. i.-i,ivi i.-rfersoii and Alsdisoir Ms. ; litilldi r, -.miii.-. .'lim. I ln-lif M. Hokum - it- I -r.ii v or linnrT Id.. 22 1 v X. 201I1 M.. 1i.-iv,-iii Wuslilnitton and Krer.-tt sis.; i,hII,it. i;. m. iiet, $100. "Ambassador Chinda May 60 to England Japanese Embnuy Admits That Inter change Between London, and Waih-lng-ton Not Unlikely in Near Future. Washington, Juno 5. ( T. N. P.) The Japanese embassy admitted that it Is not unlikely that Ambassador Chinda will be transferred to London In the event of the." retirement or re moval of Marquis Inouye from the Lon don post. It also was thought likely that the London ambassador will succeed Yis- vwu.it v, .... u. ..no, in o isiBis aie re - narueu as mierc na ngeaine because or the fact that Great Britain and the United States are the only first class powers with English speaking peoples. Ambassador Chinda came lo Wash ington in 1302 after occupying import ant diplomatic posts for his govern ment In China, Russia, Brazil and Ger many and serving to years as Am bassador to Germany. Large German Force Is Concentrating Cavalry of Great Strength Gathered Between Tonrnal and Boissienx; 70,. . 000 Troops, 10,000 Marines Assembled Amtserdam. June 5. . (1. N. S.) . German cavalry is concentrating in great 'strength between Tpurnai and Boissieux according to a dispatch to the Telegraaf. At Tournai 70.000 Ger man troops have arrived. Ten thoti eaxid marines are now at .Bruges. Astoria Wants U. S; : Ships to, Pay Visit ' Washington. June 5. (WASHING TON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL.) : Senator Chamberlain upon request from Astoria, has asked the navy de : paxtment if arrangements can be made to . have the U. S. ships Oregon and Eolith Dakota atop at that city forwo Onym fololwlng .the Rose Festival at Portland," - Mil If IL 10 Pupils to Obtain Festival Vacation The Present Week .Pupils of Portland grade jjt schools will have Wednesday, 4fr Thursday and Friday as holi- days because of Rose Festival. The school board has given the same privilege to the high schools but at their own re- if- quest pupils in most of the high schools will observe only Wed- nesday as a holiday, attending classes In the forenoons of the other days. Nearness of final I examinations Is the reason for X I ifr their unwillingness to take the prof ferred vacation. - , WILL BE FEATURED ON FESTIVAL Miss Paget, Portland Girl, Will Be Premiere Danseuse and Leader of Ballet, Miss Axa Genevieve Paget. Axa Genevieve Paget, official pre mlere danseuse of the Hose Festival PROGRAM 10 f'''' 'twtfv tS 4 10 i 10. ( i w 'Wm : , nnd originator of the unique and spec tacular dance "Portland's Fame, the 10 Rose "and the Rain," is a Portland girl in every sense of the word. Miss Facet was born in Portland and , received her education at the Ladd school and tho Lincoln high school, She commenced hor study of dancing , some six years aqo, gettins all she could frbm local teachers before going away to continue her studies. She is a pupil of Veror.iney V'estoff of San Fran cisco and K. L. Dare of- New York. Miss Paget Is a member of the American National Association of Ihinclng Masters. 1 Miss Paet is deeply Interested in aestlietic dancing and believes tho time is close at hand when dancing of this itype will be considered Just as high 1. , . . 1 an art and Just as necessary as music 1 or any of the other arts. 81ie Is president of the Portland Aes- theti association. a ciub whose purpose Is to promote and culti- : vate the art of aesthetic dancing. After ! miing her engagement with the Rose . . , t-, , ... ,. ,ni Fcstl val- Mlss Paeet wlU immediately leave Portland to continue her studies under well known masters, returning to this city early In the fall. Hood River Plans To Clear Highway Section Near Cascade Locke Said to Have Been Neglected, Will Be Cleared by Force of Citizens. Hood River, Or., June 5. Secretary Scott of the Commercial club, is or- ganizing a force or citizens to spenu tomorrow on the Columbia river high way near Cascade Locks to clean tho roads of stone and debris. It is paid that this section of the highway has been greatly neglected, and it is the desire of Hood River county citizens to place the Highway in the very beat nrwciihlA condition fnp trnv-fl durlnc j lne ros0 Festival at Portland. Fraternal Memorials Held. Hood River, Or., June 5. The Wood men of the World and the Modern Woodmen of America, held their me morial services in Hood River Sananj. Tent Blew Down. Hood River, Or., June 5. The large tent, under which is conducted a danc ing and skating- pavillion in the down town section, collapsed Saturday night as the result of a heavy wind. The dance for the night had been finished and no one was hurt. 4 . . Dr. Boyd Gives His Anniversary Sermon - Pastor of rirt Presbyterian Church Urges Members to Remember Church by dans In Their Wills. Rev. John II. ! Boyd, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, gave Ms fifth anniversary sermon yesterday morning to a -congregation that filled the main auditorium and the gallery of the church. The sermon was an unusual one. It was a friendly and intimate one. urged that members of the congrega tion put a rlause' in their wills pro viding for an endowment fund for the church; the money, he explained, would be used In caring for the church when skyscrapers surrounded the building. i)r. Boyd urged the older members to show more cordiality to strangers and asked that all attend the services I more regularly. DEVICE THAT LAUNCHED -BATTLESHIP. OREGON TO UNFURL VISTA FLAG President Wilson Will Press Button at Washington Dur- , ii, I i ing. Ceremony Wednesday. EVENT TO BE PICTURED Detail of Event on Two Sldea of Con tinent Have All Been Perfected. Samuel C. Lancaster, who is direct ing arrangements for the ceremonies at the Ofown Point site of Vista house. on the Columbia river highway, Wed nesday afternoon, received the follow- ing message from Joseph P. Tumulty. secretary to President Wilson, this , I 111UJ Illllf . 1 9, received. The ' "Your letter of May president will be triad to prees the button at 8 o clock Wednesday evening. June 7, Washington tlm I note, that you have perfected arrangements with the telegraph company. The president has no objection whatever to having a photograph made when he presses the button." Mr. Lancaster has asked G. W. Har ris of the "Washington firm of pho tographers to make a picture of Presi dent Wilson In Washington ts he presses the button that unfurls the Stars and Stripes at Crown Po'.nc. Eight o'clock Washington time means 5 o'clock here. When President Wilson touches . the button that in effect ex tends the reach of his' arm across the continent, he will set in motion an electrical device, says Mr. Lancaster, that already has figured In the same way In an event of importance to Ore gon. The battleship Oregon was launched by means of an electrical contrivance that cut the rope holding the reat war vessel on the ways at the touch of a butfon pressed by the finger of the president of the I'nited Slates in Washington. Plans for the Vista house ceremonial at Crown Point brougnt out the fact tlu'.t this electrical devko was preserved in the city museum, in ex-! celient condition, and could be useM again. When the button is pressed at Washington, the. electric current trav eling across the nation, will trip a weight that will raise the flag. wTien writing or calling on advertisers. iiUae s incase mution Th0 Journal FUNERALS Beautiful adult plash or broad-loth casket, em balming, outside boi. teame. two autoa and servlcea for Funerals If desired for (20. $40. $110. Higher priced funer als in nroportloo. We manufacture caskets . I.adv assUtant. lieniflful funeral chapel. MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Director. Washington at Ella St. (bet. 20th and ?1st) West Side. Main 2091. A-78Si NEW TODAY EDWARD HOLMAN CO. ESTABLISHED 1877. RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS LADY ASSISTANT THIRD AND SALUOK STREETS. MAIN 607. A-1511. 6 Cnolce Loans of $10,000 and 1T On Improved Business Property (or for Improvement Purposes). J. P. LIPSCOMB, 342 Stark Street. FARM LOANS Mortgage Company for America Room 22, Alns worth Bldg. Phone Main 6841. Portland. Or. Feareyi Brothers, Inc. COLLECTORS 306 Dekum Bldg., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregon Investment fe Mortgage Co. Offices 202-4. 170 3d St. AUCTION SALES TOMORROW AT Baker's Auction House, the fur- nishintrs of two very fine homes on loti-16rt sale tomorrow at 10 a. m Park street. 41 MEETING NOTICES B MBLEM jewelry a specialty, buttons. pins, charms. Jaeger Pros . 13l-u 6th, fa! Statistics Klarriagcs.Birtbs. Deaths. BUSINESS CARDS ana VV, Ui OfTllin Oi VyU.VIsitmg cards. Imnt floor Morgan Bldg. DRt-bs suns tor rem, ail sizes, ouiyuw Tailorlne Co.. 309 Stark st. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 I'lVD'HPI .1 Lin fhlu rim .TnnA fl Kllpn Ctn.n. bell. (ed r8 years. Kuneral serrk-es will l.e MY $1800 equity io a fine 5 room bun ennductud liieslay. June 7. at 9 a. m.. St. galow in Irvington, on carline, for Peter's eJiur.-h, Lents. Interment Mt. CalTnry $1 400. P-962. Journal. cemeterv. Tlie remains are at trie mneral par lorn of A. I. Kenworthy & Co., Mnet second t. S. E.. Lents. 1." U ... I." . V- I.. .klj . ... t..nA . .1.. ' Krlrkaini. flwl 43 vea'ru. wife of R. A Erickmrn of 410 10th St.. and nioiber of Helen Krli-tsM.n. The fuui-ral servh-es will In- j.eld Tresilay. June 6. at f:30 o clock p. in., at the residence etab;iihi!ieiit of J. V. Fiioey !on. Montgomery at ton. Krlends inTjti'. BEY ANT In this city June 4. Eruest V. Bry ant, aged 50 years The remains are at the fnneral parlorskijf,, A. D. Kenworthy 4c Cix, 5S02M Ninety-second tS- t.. In Lents, i ' DEATHS .AND FUNERALS 75 , iilLLKb. Id this city, June 4, Minnie L. Mil ler aged 32 yearn, wife of n. J. Miller of 80S Hat-bt trt. The funeral serTire will be heldi Tuesday, June 6, at tie residence establishment of J. V Kinley & Sou, Mont gomery at 5th. at 11:30 o'clock a. m.. In stead el 1:30 p. in. , as previously antioum-ea. , Friends lurited. Interment at Eose City cemetery. WMELIKAt Ue residence. 2LO Hall St.. v June 6, Ellen Diuieler, aged 74 years, be loved mother of Bertha I. Gaj-nor and Mrs. , Nettie Colagan of Portland. Mrs. ii. A. Murrr of Oakland, Cal., George Meyers of Ucrmiaton, Or., lies and Fred Diuieler of Salem. Funeral Z,:&AmktrZ of Miller & hlPiT; Flanders sts., William L. LlRler, ag4 at hi lute tiiil .v. rV''tVX" dvi.ee establishment of J. P. Kinley-i. S-m, Montzosierr at 5ib. Frl-ni!s iuviled. Inter ment a: Green wood cemetery. m-rss funeral services of tb late Mar ClHTtou will be held Tuesday. June tj. at lo:3W o'clock a. m., at tte reaideu e es tablishment of J. P. Fiulay & Son, J'ont poinery at 6th. Friends Invited. Incineration at the Portland crematorium private. CADY In tlds city. June 4. at the residence r.f his aisttr. Mrs. W. A. Ferris. 3 East Fifty-sixth street norih. Jiune L. Cady. aited &7 ye-B. Keuiaina are at Iloluuur'a funeral parlora. - CLAitKh. fcfltOri.. fiorists, 2S7 ilotrlson et. Main or A-lSOi.. Fine flowers and r.oral designs No branch stores. MAKT1N & roRKKS CO.. f.onsts. 37 Wash. Main 2ty, A-126S. Flowera for all oemsions artistlcaliv n rra nued. l A 1 ei lb: . rtiiths. oiiio ws. 13 u j. Sprays $1 up Chapells. 347 Morrison TON6ETH FLORAL Co.. 2s0 Wash . bet. 4tn anrj otn. Main ;i iq. -i i. OSCAR JOHNSON FLORAL CO.. T-jJ Glisan st Mar 4372. A-14S4 MAX M. SMITH, florist. 1 4 1 i. Hth st. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Tears of Experience Enable This Firm to Give VOL' Perfect Service This modern establishment, with Us conveniences, includ ing a secluded driveway, in jures absolutely privacy, caus in in no way a departure trom an established policy of modernate prices. Experienced Woman Attendant. J. P. Finiey & Son The Progressive FUNER .L DIRECTORS. Montgomery at Fath. Main y, A-lf.H'... l Lilly 1'nderstaker, Last llta and Haw- tnorne. K. ,M, H-lsSS, Utiy assistant F, S, Dunning, inc. East Side funeral directors, 414 Alder St. Phone F.ast ;2. B-2525. rilinnmCT R, MnFrAaa Viidertakors, , every detail. Broadway and Pine sta ! Broadway 430. A-4r,5x. Eauy assistant. every detail u ui 11 111 j , vx, ivi ui 1 1 iiO .Modern A. D. Kenworthy Co. Tabor u267; o)02 'J2d st.. Lents. Tabor bhfra; 6tjth St. and I'oster road.. Arieia. Walter C. Kenworthy 1532-153 1 .. 1 .1 1 h Sell wood 71. li-1122. A. R. Zellar Co.E-i lams a e. S. I'-lU.vv Lafly atternla-.it. 1'qy anil nit:-it service MILLER TRACE V. neral directors. Prices low as $20 $40, tl.0. Wash, at Ella. M. 2'i91. A-7s.s5l ! BRJEEZE .V JsNOoK. B-12o2, T. 125. I il'Bflmcnl, at 34ih. Lady attcn . I a n c. I C D I PQf M RESI DENCE I' N Vs. pREa. I L 11 1 L.OU I r M 6122. A-2235. 415 Moir R T Diirnnp Williams and Knot; 1 1 1 I . uy I 1 1 CO Kas East 1115, C-1943. Unmil-ini-i East fcoth and Glisan. Fu- I IClllllllUil net al services labor 4212. CIPArQ l.ndenaking t.'o. Ma Or L VV LO A-2321. Cor 2d an. Main Al- 1 i';a MOMMEXTS PORTLAND MARBLE WK?., 264-25G '.h St.. orp. c:tv hall. Main 85-i4. Philip Nest it- Smii. f.-r i-i.err.nrlals. BL AL 51 N G Gk A N 1 1 2b7-5FT STCO'-i WADISON HE At II PROPERTY 48 TWO choice beach lots, fine apartment or business site, Imnt R. R... nf-ai depot, 3 blocks to fresh water lake or oceiin. Taiior 2."''i0. GENERAL REAL ESTATE till MONTAV1LLA leal estate, rentals, chicken ranches. SEA RLE 6.- WOODWARD, TGtn & E. Glisan. Portland. Tabor 1445. FOR SALE HOISES (11 Bl NGALoW BARGAIN 2.'.'J. 5 room and breakfast room; a.!l built in eflects, enamel and mahogany fia ish; tiled porch. R. C. car lo tifctli. 1 block north. Phone owner and builder, Tabor 6522. IF you ale looking tor a first class 8 room house, with best view on east side, go to 14os Wisteria ave. Phone owner and builder. Tabor 6 ,". i; R-C car to 54th, walk 1 bloi k north west. House open. ALAMEDA PARK, within block Broadway car. fine 6 room house, full basement and attki. white enamel finish, hardwood floors, sleeping porch 777 E. 26lh NT. Phone Wd.n. 33"K. FINE little suburban home for only $1250. 5 room house with all con veniences, half acre of ground, all in fine shape; suitable, terms. I'-SSo, Jo 'irnal. ATTRACTIVE HOME BARGAIN. ' Good district, clear title; terms. No agents; no incumbrance. X-779. Journal. $2:ioo 5 room new modern, restricted district. 53d and Division, terms. C aJl or address H. O. Muhler. llol Di vision st. MODERN 6 room, ls story bungalow, , paved street and paid; cornet; par age; near school; no reasonable offer '. refused. Woodlawn 1057. $2 i5o MODERN 5 room house, good district. $200 down, t'r on balance. Would take auto as part payment Itone Tabor 7247 "X. room house, acre of grounr berries; very reasonable for cas.i. Am pole a; east . i m.i.r . s. $H.0O down buys you a well improved home in Irvington district, balance te-ms. P-HS6. Journal. J1700 Modern 5 room- bungalow, one ; biock from ,Qt t(Jxl00; lerms. i Woodlawn 3229. BLOCK north Sandy blvd., 613 E. 58tn ! st. N. It's a different bursalow. ' Price and terms ar' r.giit Own- r. SIX room bungalow. 2 blocks Jeffer i son high. No agents. 161) Blandina, ! corner Kerby. MODERN 6 room corner house! walk- I ing distance. l.irie money uuys ! Owner. Broadway 2Sa 1 JUST completed. 9 room home. Laurel hurst. This is a frargain. Owner, E. j 2725. MODERN bungalow, 4 rooms and batfi. I 50x100 lot. $2100 on etsy payments. This is a snap. Phone Marshill 771. FOR SALE or rent, nicely furnished 3 room house, lot 50x156, $1000. 90 E. 63d sU N. Main 67 & 6. ' I ROSE CITY P ARK Bungalow. im- provea corner, cost jouv. quica sa,e ' $2 )00. good terms owner. .Main 41.I. FIVE room house within walking dis tance, $1R. 52t Stephens st. HOUSES from $1100 to $5000. Kella Gossett. 7 West Killgngswdrth-ave. GPQD 4 room plastered house, bath, 2 blocks car. $700; terms. 240 Salmon. FX)R SALE HOUSES CI (Continued) A BARGAIN. $200 CASH , 6 room house, bungalow style, mod ern conveniences, concrete basement, corner lot, large grape-arbor, other fruit; paved streets, cement walks, close in. Price $3000, $200 down, bal. $25 per month, includes interest, tee owner, 824 Gantenbein, near Failing FOR SALE or trade. Rose City snap; new modern 5-room bungalow; hard- 1 . 1 A 1 ....1 I. I r.V. . outlet, bookcase, cement "!"""""' will take good lot or auto as part pay- mcnt; located 850 K. 6. til St.. N. Phone Tabor 6334 VERY CHEAP , First-class, brand new 5 room bun galow, Irvington Park, sell or trade. Phone Sellwood 1619. IX)K SALE -LOTS 10 loo FKKT square, with alley. lmi. sidewalks and a few fruit tre-s;" cor. lot; good business and residence district; located in Walnut Park; block from Williams ave. car. Will sell this lot at a bargain for cash, or v. ill take good acres. "Write 401 F. f.oth Bt. N.. or phone Tabor 605. Mrs. O. C. Ktchison. 2u0 BEAUTIFUL lots in jIUwaukie; 5o car fare: light, naa .nd water; $20 cash and $10 per nnjiith. H. G. Stark weather, Hisley station. Phone O&ic Grove 1-X CI lOli'K location tor bakery in Irv ington. Will exchange ror good first mortgage and cash. i.ast 273. W. li. Herd man. HALF acre, Woodmera district, "near school, $1250. ' abor 4b!3, box 279, Portland. BIG lot, 50x147, close to Hawthorne car, small payments, $77o. Owner, 2!32 K2i st., S. K ACKKAdiE Si Buy an Acreage Home Have city conveniences, such as mountain water piped into your house, electric lights, etc., and country benefits; rich soil, fine community. 30 minutes out by Big Red Steel Trains. Low prices, easy payments. Any size tract. Let us show you. 9, The Shaw-Fear Co. 102 4th St. 1 ONE acre, neat 4 room cottage, tire- place and built-in effects, fine barn and garage, chicken house, shade and fruit trees, lawn and roses, et., on 2 carlinoe, 5 cent fare; 35 minutes from c:ty. A snap for cash. Owner, Ta;bor t',324 or I'-ld, Journal. 4 ACHE OUcHAKD $850 ' 7 minutes' walk fioin Sewali Station, Oiegun Electric, i miles this tide of Hlllsboro, orchard a years old, assorted berries between rows. $200 down. Ial anco to suit. BiKest snap in Oregon. Fled V. German . o.. 732 ( halt! of Ctr.i. 60 ACRES, Jl'jo DOWN. Balance 2 years,- 7'. 1 ; price $10 per acre; burned over la.i.d, 50 miles from Portland, lies well, easily cleared, fine soil, springs and creeks, 10 miles from Kal.ima, asa., ne.ir the Kaia.ua river. Address 300 Williams ave. East 2373". Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to car line, easy terms: will build to suit pu. c baser. Phone AlarshaU i5ia or Sell- lohn H. Gibson, owner. CUR KEN. KHL'IT, GARDEN ranches near lortland, 2 6, lu acre tracts best toil, kooJ roads, near electric. ii to $2110 per acre, easy terms. AIcFaY- ianq. 3n;i Venn hldK.. Portland. l-'OR SALE by owner One acre, fenced, house, weli, berries, young to.i.-.ng orchard, lawn, rosea. F. Peters MctZK.-f, Or. I .MUST sell 5 acres beaver dam land on Tualatin river, 2 Vit miles' from Tigard. $425 cash if taken at once. L th ne labor i.i40 after b p. m FOR SAL1: At Lents. acre J3jO. ash or terms. By owner. J. J., box K. !. U. , Oswego. tLOSl-i la acreage, cleared, only $ti.'i0 an acre, $10 down, $5 month, lnclud-ine- interest. I-'JoS, .Journal. SIHLUBAX HO.MJ- 7) EOT: SALE One of the most des7r a! io i acre country plar-.-s n Ore gon; 14 miles from Portland; has every modern convenience; very !uw prico for quick snl". Snd for descrii tion acl vit-w. Address Box 452. P.ri-l.i-ol. nr. IDEAL suburban hon.e; modern, 7 room bungalow, famine Clackamas river; excellent site, fractional block. beautiful pergola; the piace you hail always admired when motoring bv; owner leaving state; bargain. C. F. Map, inarj.ii, Qlaastone. Or. Beautiful Oswego Property For sale or rent. Ho.ise and bain, 3 lots all cleared and cultivated. Water in. good fence, clear title, all tax.-s paid. Inquire 6th st. and F ave., Os- (-K'l. Or. FOR SALE FARMS 17 10 ACRES, all wire fenced. 7 acres im proved. 5 room house and furniture, outbuildings, 6 head stock, horse, good outrange. 30 chickens. 2 hogs, sepa rator rood well and pump, buggy, waton and Implements, small tools', Blowing crop, everything in first class snape. reauy to step into; price 13000, cash, balance at 69V. For full par ti c u i a t s write, owner. Box 342, Sheri dan, Or. , FOR SALE OR TRADE. 64 V4 acres, Vfe mile from S. P. sta tion and 1 nrile from eK-ctric railroad, ail under plow. 45 acres in crop, fam ily orchard and ail Kinds of small fruit, eood buildings, on main road, $2000 cash, rest on terms; no agent wanted. Miss Alice Bicksler, Gervais, Or. HAVE 1 60 acres fine land, good water, s miles from railroad, 35 m.U-s from Portland; will ive tree use of same and clt?Hr title of of whatever ten ant clears. 420 Morrison st. FOR SALE 30 acres well improved on cai line. Hard surface i-ad; st ck and Implements, $0000. Terms. EX-97'. Journal. SWELL little farm of 10 arces. new, 5 room house, chicken house, barn, close in. For sale or trade. ) N-973, Journal. EOR RENT FARMS 14 FOR RENT 20 acres, crop in. 25 miles o it; stock for sale if wanted, 1031 Chamber of Commerce. Col'KTNEY a acres mar river. 8 nn. house. $15 mo. Mrs. 1 orn. PA RMS WANTED 38 RENT OR REV WANT 10 to 40 acres improved near! Portland. P-762. Journal T TIMRER 28 WANTED $500 for $ir,o0 timber claim. Am broke. S-7S0, Journal. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 12M acres near -MerceU. Cai., all ho.; fer..-.l, good house and barn, vveii watered, full line of ma'-hinery, $5000. Will take Oregon or Wash, for my $:iS00 e.iuity P-761. Journal. FIVE room bungalow tor gro-ery or automohilf. value $45'i. Call Tell. !?:i:i. 5204 Woodstock ave. $2 600 EvjUlTY in close-in 6 1-3 acres for equity bungalow. Mortgage $1000. M-489. Journal. GOOl lot in Berkeley, Cal., for auto mobile, rooming house or eastern r.rop.-rty. G-fft6. JonVnal. $725 EQUITY lot. Berkeley, Cal.. for auto, or what have you? Owner, L Journal. TRADE 6 room house modern. Trade for land on the coast or something In California. M-972, Journal. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Good houses for sale or exchange, bottom prices Pall Mas'iall 158. STORE, bungalow and oarn on &ixli,0 lot, for acreage or land. 212 Panama bldg. - 9i TON truck: for lot, tar or what have you? E-976, Journal. t EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE 24 1 4 Continued) i FOK SAJLE 75 H. P. sawmill In oner- i ation, fully equipped, and 2 donkey engines with 188 acres land and 10 -000,000 feet yellow fir on it; 15,000,000 feet adjoining can be bought for $1 perlooo etumpage. Land when logged off -will make good dairy farm. Ship ping at present by rail and water, , all. No. 2 and better; selling balance to i sellinc balance to i local trade? Will trade for city or,. farm property. Krebs-Logua Co., 110 1 15 'ROOM apartments with all fine furniture and a lease. In one of the beat locations in tho city, walking dis- tance. everything up-to-date, with good heating plant; located on the west sl.le. W HI sell at a bargain, for cash, and might take good house and lot. Party t going away. I have something good; no Junk. Write 401 K. r.Oth. si. X., or phone Talor 5S05. Mrs. G. C. Ktchison.' Call Sunday. WANTS HOl'tfK ! 10 acres, close in, Vi niile to Oregon ; Electric; excellent soil, good house. barn and poultry house; price $4o00, wants house to value. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, ' i 913 Chamber of Commerce, v WANT residence, apt. or hotel, leAse and furniture; have $100 cash, 10 cows, 1 team and all tannine impi. i.ients, also 10 acres bearing apples. Hood River district. East ib25. or 21'2 Wil- cox bldg. WELL irniDrovved, clear. 20 acre alfalfa and poultry ranch, Hermiston. ..ooo; good house, 2 rows, plenty 3Pr-u.it. Want Chicago property like value. Sell or lease, sood terms. Address OX-984, Journal. T11 TRADE 4 room nouse and bath, lot 4x90; 4S34 96th St.. S. E.. Lents. Improved acreage; will p.iy small cash difference. Address 227 N. 23rd St.. v 3" WHAT have you for fully eoutppe farm equity? 1 miles town, R. R. Need s'ome money. Only people -nean- 1 Ins business need answer. Owner 3'jO ! ?,:dmon st. Main R91. JU.ST foreclosed, mortgage for clieit on 320 acres uniniorov d land near ' Cimimiiia river; will trade for Irvinz- toii home. H. W. titark. 81S North- wostern Hank Mdif, j OJtE acre iUi modern B room bunffa- ' low, email orchard, 25 mln. out, 2 ; blocks from carlin , tor Improved or ' unimproved farm ianfl. Worth $4500. Inpumb $2'.QQ. P-9SS, Journal $200 MORTGAGE for lot, car or mo torcycle. C-297, Journal. WANTKI1 KKAti KSTATK 81 WANT HOUSE IN PORTLAND. Have $100 cash, 10 cows, good team artd all farm implements; also 10 acres beartne apples Hood River district. E.ist 7625. WANTED A 6 room modern house in good district. I have a $3500 equity in a $7000 modern home as first pay ment. Will n ssi 1 me. Owner, 410 E. 3Mh st. N. Phone labor .-1S3J. WE WILL SELL OR LOAN MONEY ON YOUR LOT. J. C. CORHIN CO.. I.KVVIS Hr.T'ifl. ROOMING IIOISKS 5$ 24 Rooms. $225 , V- located In heart of ,west side dis- trict; all in one floor; cheap rent; I'1-f cation where rooms are aiwu 8 lull Price today for all, $223. Most sell as I am leaving city. See Peters at 15 N. 5th Ft. ' " LEAVING CITY. Your chance; responsible party can get pood paying, well furnished house, small payment monthly, no cash down, no interest. Call il&7 12th st. Phone Marshall 3"2. A REAL BARGAIN. J43F buys J2'.(i0 worth of furniture ard furnishings IS rooms, beautifully furnished at 30 North 17th st. will rive terms to responsible party. r. Deforest. L'7 Board of Trade bl I 1 S I? II M loOlliillsT DOUSe, W H 1 k 11 1 K d I s - ta::ce, finest location In town; will sell ciieap if taken before the first or will trade for runabout. What have you? By owner. 3!2 Columbia, near W est l ark, phone A-.ri"10 or call. Must Be Sold Tomorrow 3i rooms. Cash, trade or terms. MASTERS. i7 PITTfCK Hf.K. 31 ROOMS, modern and downtown lo cation: housekeeping and ti ir sient. For particulars see owner, 3S1 Yamhill, corner W. Park FOR SALE I'.v I he owner, IS roonics, nicely furnished for bni:ek-eptft;: Nma.1 amount cash, terms. 40!s Jcfl'er Fon, near 11th. FoR SALE -A 10 room roonilnir bouse, vvell furnishe.1; must be sold before June Tth. Come and make niter ?, Q.r. i 3rd St. 30 ROOMS, well furnished ' roomlr.K hssuse for sale cheap; low rent; lease if wanted. Inquire 544 Pettygrove st., cor N. lfith. Owner. 13 HOUSEKEEPING rooms for sale or trade; easy terms: rent $15 Just the ptae for man and wife. Phone Vr.-hnll "451 F . I . s room nouse. i..u trives possession: terms Rent $12.50; good loca'ion. Marshall 2ih.i. FoR SALE or rent, furnished zooming linus", Astoria, Or. Centrally located. TV H Wep-h. Astoria. Or. BY OWNER, 14 housekeeping- rooms, close in. Marshall 25!M. ? RI SINESS Ol'PORTi'N IT1ES UO c,. sioieij "'"S ico v... :.,.!, cipars, soft drinks. Receipt,, aver - age $14 day, 3 living rooms n con - nection. Rent for all $8 month. Es- tabllshed business 8 years. $27C takes it, or will sell goods at invoice and fixtures, half price. 1 have other busi ness. Address owner. X-794, Journal GROCERY STOCK and fixtures lor $160 1 Dayton, Ohio, scale worth $60, ail goes for $lfio. Call eveninas. W. S. car to 63d ave, east 4 blocks, 6304 45th St.. owner. FOR SALE General store, 12 miles from Portland. Only store in vicin ity. Invoice about $3000. Phono ilar sh'ail 1914 or IT-9S7, Journal. BUTTERMILK, egg anTl butter route Tn connection with store. Good pay ing ' proposition. Will stand investi gation. Tel. Woodlawn 1 235. FOR SALE Well established electri cal business in a town of I5,oo0 in habitants,; bargain if taken at once. "X-39i. Journal. CTlioCERY, nice clean, well located. and reasonable rent, lease, to run 2 vears yet. will invoice about $2000.. with fixtures. T-779, Journal FOR SAhl 'igar, confectionery and pool room In live tow::, southern Oreeon, Address X-597. Journal. BCSLNLfa'S CARDS p Rose C ty Priming v.'o., j'T) Third Ft. cor. Ta ylor. ! I i , lf For sale, first-class established milli- nery business in Portland; line loca- tion. Y'-9.r.fi, Journal. RESTAURANT for rent, furnished; also picture gallery;-right at beach. Newport, Oregon. T. J. Hayes. Box 12 POOLROOM", FOUR TABLES, centrai ly located, good trade, $260 required. 615 Kwetland bldg. GOOD RESTAURANT, dandy iocation, doing fine business; price $350. tilj Swetland hldg. WILL invest $1500 to $2ooo in a busi ness that will pay good interest and a fair salary. E-S75. .lourna) GROCERY STORE on good street, low rent receipts $io day; will 'sacrifice for $1050. Gall UK. Swet land bldg. 1 FOR SALE A goa g business in a; irood location; good reason for 11- !nit. Call Tabor 36M, 1.-. .11 I.' I.'. . I . V D I . KuvKa .Knn .rwrv ni f V"! m,vV. newly remoaeleu. gooa business, eood I iic,: r " -cation. ITU, 2d st. i Rochester. N. Y. . lot WANTED By prospector, capital to develop good quartz mining; cliim. U 301. Journal. FOR SALE State rights. blK seller. Nothing like it on market. P-9S0 Journal. WANTED Man to help finance elec tric power plant and flour mill. See Withrow, 411 Henry Ding. $5000 w ill raise' $4220 per year In an ,lr! mtnf,liKhe.r1 business. For facts B-rltiregs vs-ivv, journal.. FOR SALI2 Grocery and household furniture. $375. Main 4164. DRUG STORE in suburb; a bargain for cash. Box S-777, JournaL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 20 (Contlnoed) PRINTING X1ATKI1IAL CHFJP 13x19 Gality press, J170. Sxl3 Lightning jobber, $00. 26-inch C & P. paper cutter, $100. 2 Jl, P. motor, $10. 29 Faces type and cases, $75. Miscellaneous material, $30. The above cash nrleeo if soi.l selia- mtoiv All to one buver for $375. This is all in "good condition. M-491, ; Journal. BECAUSE 1 wish to retire trom busl- ,less i am offering my stock of mer- chandise and building located in best district in Willamette va'.lcv at a low valuation. Would accept farm in val- iey or city property to a reasonable amount Easv terms on part of bal- ance. A rood trade established but can be improved bv man knowine tiie farm trade; no brokers. X. 103d N. W. Hank tddg FOR SALE, grocery store, extra clean stock, invoices abotit $1200, lixluics J600, including soda fountain and horse anil wagon; situated one. block from school house, four blocks from the Oregon Soldiers' Home; only store on west sje ,0f river; a good proposl- ticn for man and boy. Will sell for $1300 rnsh If taken at once. Address h.. c ivnson. itusenurji. r i.i ) It S. I -liesl Daviuc smai: bakery i oifv nlioi in wi-st siile Cheap rent and well established busi-. ness. Owner retiring. N-8H9. .lo imal. ftm SALE $1200 grocery store, 54R Journal : - ' BLSLNL-StS OPPORTUNITIES U'AN'TKI) C8 M E R C 1 1 A N' 1 1 si E WANTED Improved wheat lands, close to rood town, or timber to trade for merchan dise, from $1000 to $10,000. Box 7. Madras. Or. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE TO LOAN ON FIRST MORTAGE The followiii;; an.ounts al the going rate of interest $3000.00 J 1100. 00 ,M -II.IIO fOHl. II I) r,o(i.n.i &01.1.011 400.no SOo.Oo Otto & Harkson Realty Co. 413 Cliam. of Com. Bldg. OUR installment plan is the beet and fcurest method of payina a loan. $32.20 per month for 3ii months, or $21.24 for UO month, or $15.17 for yd months pays a $1000 loans and interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on .mproved city property Or for ou.ildini: purposes. EQ CITABLE SVGS 1 LOAN ASSN 242 Stark St I'm 1 Inn. I. 1 .rscon. LOANS piomiil.v made on improved real estate at lowest rates consistent with tho character and margin of se- curity. It costs no more to Ket money from a company with wli-.m a. lav able "reputation 010 e estani isiie.i w ;ll assist you in future tt ansa. 1 ions, t all and see our lurce s;ifo deposit vnul'w. x MUX SAl- E DICI'DSIT & TRL'ST CO. 2S4 OAK. rl; 1 LI UNO loans on cii and cuDutbar property; nmiifv advanced as work progresses. v G. Becli. ill b ailing hlda. Main 3407. $luu.o0u ON mortagages, cii or fa.rin property, fl.o lrtsuuuue. McKenio Co.. Gerlmjer nld., 2d and A 'dor. CASH paid lor m..nanaKes, Doles, eon - tracts, ir.oi tgHt'e loans; reasonable rates F. II '.owis. 4 l.wls tddtf. Money To loan in anouma of $ioo to $.r0oo on city piopert. A. ii Roll.. Or'inner bldg MoNEY to loan on lui prowii city, furm property. F C. Klni-. 1 4 Soaldlmf $11100 I'P to $ .DUO lo lo.tn on c.iy oJ- lurni r.i.irty 'I'Mhor 40H. $20u. J.f.'.u. JauuL ll.oo. l!ao. Fted W. Her. mi n .".. .32 Ch un. Coi'. $4ii. oUO R LESS. KARRI Ni i'foN -tth t Board of Tnile Bid fc'LK ue - Small loatm, installment loans C . la rs-M ' i rlon Co.. t2.ri eon l.ldu. M liiTtiAGlv LOANS, ii and V'e- LoulJ Salomon & Co. 3; i Oak si . near fit. Monk; v & Co . to loan, t; to ,',; Sin St. aiding olHi V H. Sell $ioiit, $li. 10 and ujiward; no commis sion. IVshon K- Hawk V.-n 1 ' 'i 1 MONEY 'iO IAiAN U7 C 1 j VJ K 'j A 1 1 1 r S SALARI ES CHATTELS. Money to loan to salaried people and othets on furniture, pianos, motor cycles, automobiles., diamonds, etc. dt Itgal rate with easy terms oi nay mnit; no delav .Licensed by state. 1'OHTLAND LOAN COMPANY IN;., Sll ifknm'ltl.lir LEGAL .'RATES on liousehold ,-opd.-.; no brokerage or commission charges, sta U ln-eniH. i o. uarvey, Easi . 1 i 2. PlAMoM'S o Mo n IOANSu WANTED :;t WANTED t'i'iOu at , 3 years, on c '. : v- property, good security, from privat.' J..1JMIM party. No commission. L-'jsj, WANTED $L".U0 loan at V c. 3 yea is. 'Will give first mortgage on $27oO pro!-rt. . N-9M, Journal. WANTED Can piaoe $5oo 3 years on $2:u0 country real estate. Address L-7i:, Journal. WANTED $3000 'o private parties, . OUl,r u j , ' u Golselt. 7 , w Killingsworth ave. - " , ILA.t IAL til 1st and I'd mortgages purchased; also sellers' intetest in contracts. (Jr. arid j Wash. H. E. Noble. Lumberman hid OREGON AC TO SCHOOL BUMMER RATES, TOOLS FREE PAID WHILE LEARNING CALL OR WRITE 42H-31 BELMONT T. WANTED Male singiiig quaitt .n new comedy. For particulars call at A4, E Ash st. 4 WANTED A good salesman woo can produce risuit. We furnish tue pros- pcts. ApTlv 414 L'irnI.ertneris Bank hid. WANTED Men to split cordwoTid; good timber. Call East Side Fuel ( ''-ast ana Market sts. CONbl LT 1.--M. C. A. employment secretary. HfcLl" WAN! ED MiC 4U Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL i Day acd night classes; training in 1 repairing, driving and machine work. . l..jln n,, ....... IIILIUUIJI IVIfiC, ll.i'l, Buuyc.l. ui Mi- press, etc.: time ui.nmuec. tecuro pass at Educational oftice Y. M. C. A mug., lo inspect our snops ana metii ods. COMPETENT UHAUH'liL'Ka AND MECHANICS SUPPLIED Til! tion fee includes MEMBERSHIP IN 1 yi. C A and Its EMPLOYMENT DE PARTMENT, use of 0-ft Fwlmicn pool, shower burns, uvmnacintii. e'-. YOL'R OPI'ORTI 'NIT V Bi Misin.s needs law trained men. Let your spare moments be used in studying law. Complete law training whi- i. lead to admisfiinn to bar now possible lo ambitious men of Portland an i "vici nity. Take advantage of summer rates on tuition eave. 35G. You uwi it to yourself to Investigate our courses. both commer-'ial end complete law. See Mr. Roonev, 50a Merchants Trust bldg.. 6lh.8,ld Washington sts.. over Pamleii Parker. i j $75 MONTH. Government Jobs Men. women wanted. List of positions I Ji,ii i , i, ,,. . r.r.. !. 49-0 VVANfEiJ Names men, winiini ti become Portland mail rurrisr. ' on. mere K7toott! O.V-1J2. Jo'jrnal UNCALLED for lallor 31.de sui-.s. i ,4 ' Ta.l.i' ' inilor iHtti, k-i-..i II ELI WANTED FEMALE 2 WANTED Girl to play piano ana sing; good pay. Call 10 o'clock, cor. Salmon and W. Park. GOOD girl for. geueral housework Gwd wages. 537 K. 23d N. WILL Ida Seaborg please rlim up Marshall 1925? WOMAN for housework; Christian Sci enfcist preferred. . M-773, Journal. HELP WANTED FEMALE ii - i Continued) INTELLIGENT, ambitious, well en- . pearing women, who prefer bulldin'l v a. subatanjial buelnera for themselvee, should investigate our proposition. Ap- . ply 207 Central bldg.. 10th and Alder, j WANTtil) Kxperienced cook. Apply 295 K. 11th Bt.. N.. corner Clackamas. Take Irvlngton or llroacvvay car. FIVE elderly women,- c tiviiesnre. pieamint work, berore noon, ood lawn 4001. HELP AVAXTKD .MALE AND FEMALE 29 MOLER BARBER UOLLEGB wants men and women to learn the trade; paid while learning; tools free; positions secured; summer rates: write for catalogue. Cor. 2d and Burnslde. MOHLER Barber school wants mill and women to learn barber trade free in 8 weeks. Positions secured. Pay wiute learning. dn rv ia St. MISS DECKER S Private Business Col lege. Day and night classes. Special Bummer rates. Allsky bldg. ad-Mor'nn LtK.A NBERRY pickers wanted. Ad dress I'THnk Tompkins. Gcrvals. Or. Route 2. box gfiC. OR1-.GON LAUllER COLLEGE Men and women to learn barber trade free. 233 Madison st. VV A X T E1J - Ati EXTiS WE can Kive steady and profitable tinpioyii.unt to a lew more respon liible. energetic canvaesera. Kor de tails of terms and territory, address (M i::ON VITHSICRY CO.. Oreri-o, lr. SHLATIOX.S MALE .$ ENICIUJETU; married man wishes of fice position, experienced cashier, bookkeeper and treiural ol't'ice work; first class relorences furnished. U 7flft. Journal. Co.Ml'LTENT shop mechanics sad ehauffeuie furnished by Y M. C. A, Auto school Mnln 7ot:f. A-Sf.ill EXPERIENCED grocery order clerk wlsii.s a position in u small or large business. I'-77'i. Journal. WANTED Stump land to cluur with the best, newest, cheapest method. 1ft E. 9th. Portland. WISH stenographic employment; can furnish local and other . reference. N-HK2. Journal CARPENTER work. wall tinting. cneap now aianny. Sellwood 241. FOR painting and kalsomlnlns; call Broadway 1634. Save money. WALL tinting, work secortd to noil, prices low as anyone Mar 17 4R PAPERING and tinting. - room. Mar shall 2971. blT L ATloxs I'EMALE 4 WANTED Situation by young lady, experienced typist. billing, filing clerk and dictaphone operator' Phono .Marshall 249. WANTED Day work, 20c per hour. Woodlawn 1854 after 6 p. m. Sirs. Pnull 11NNERS, wiMldlngH, pu.rties planned, prepaid!, seived; wlU furnish refer ences Sellwood 16'.ifi. COLORED mni wauls any kind of work; en hump tilth's East fi757. YOUNG girl wants work In family. No yb .Wet Ion to children. C -3 2 2, .lourna I . SITE ATIOXS W A N TE1 MA LE FEMA1 ,K MAN and wifj; Swiss, experienced dairy man; wife to cook or other housework. Apply Hotel Rhein. 232 Front st DRESSMAKING 40 "Ta"- I DRESSMAKER. VI out or home. bor 4S71. IT R.MSHER ROOMS FL'RNISHED rooms for youn iio-n in ail parts of tl.e city, also In Y M. C. A. bldg., especially desirable dunnir the summer; fireproof, ttlep-iione In each room, shower bathe, $1.75 to $4.76 per wi-ok, liicludlrK full asuoe.stion mem bership privilege, gymnasium, iwlrn miiiK po'ol. handball court, nnd many other clulj) privileges. Full information at Y. M..C A. buslneRs office or tele- phone Nyiiin 70Bn. A-ttr.ll BACHKLOK'S HOT EI. Everything new and up to date. For men only. j Tenth and WnJlnKton Mnlrt (131) A'i TP. Al.'TI VE, airy, funiished room. 3 windows, all modern conveniences, very reasonable. Also 1 housekeeping room 123 N 2!:d. 10H N. IHIh. Newly renovated, ligbt 11.' K. rooms for persons wishing to Ppend i-ariiivnl week, t'l-one In. M.' 8I!I3, RYAN liotel Annex, 2Hli4 5TiT"ru-v. brick, hot, cold water every room, steam lieat, Opp. City Hall. M. 5376. r, Lvj; I -M ll j I Tent It at Oak Mod- lilt em. fiiepro f. rowp.-i-' n I.I e. $3 wffk up Till: HKVKHI.y Clean, liomeliKi, 1 u r nlshed rooms, reasonable, centrally locHtcd IV, Park-Yamhill i ..o u i ;ek fur rnis r up. cieiin. warm, modern t'trnl Th. Kl. no. I..f EIRMSHED itOOMS PBITATB VAMILT 70 VERY desirable rooms in widow's lor.'ie close in. all conveni-nces; alo l'ping porch with dressing room, . oitble for 3. 3o 12Gi. LIGHT, well furnished rooms, walk . lutr distance. 32u 12th st. Plione MiiiTtiall 48Mt. NICI-'LY lurnished sleeping room. Bath. West side. Wa.klng distance. Phone Main 6T.1S. HOOM and sleeping porch, also single room. East 8S07. 268 Clacknma Ht. LARGE f roTt room, very reasonable. - 1 fi7 West I'ark. NICE laige sleeping room $1 a week. 17 K. Mh t N. NI'-t'jt2NjSAKI- ItOOK J? ONE unfurnished 4-rnom, $6; one fur nished 4-roonr, $9; one unfurnished 5-room, with garage, $13. 1201 N.-VV. Bank bldg. room:- and noAnD IS THE HEREFORD. 735 737 HOYT ST. A quiet residential hotel American plan Suites Single rooms; Eiuellent teble Matn 3S05. A-:722. ROOM and board lor young woman, $ per week; laundry, library and sew ing privileges walking distance. Pnone F.ast 4732 ROOMS AND HOARD FBXYATE TX10.I.Y 72 NICELY furnished front room with board, private family, good home with home privilege for the right parties (ptaiio;: suitable for man at! wile or two ladles, .lie Monroe st. VERY- nice rooru with excellent board for gentlemen or ladies employed: In nice home; piano; fine porch and all home privileges. 335 11th st. Mar shall 54'-4 WALNUT PARK Well furnished modern home, good meals; gentle men only. 1099 Garfield. Woodlawn if 02 5. NICELY furnished rooms with or with out board. -Large yard, flower arid shade. Walking distance. 67 ?cth, N. ANNA Lewis Hall, 510 Flanders, busi ness giris and students. $4. $5.75 wfc. ROOM and board reasonable. Pia'no. 325 Broadway. fMain 8!01. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 nreirxsKED akd wrvumnwcBxt TWO housekeeping rooms, "walking distance. Light, water, pnone free. No children. Phone East 4574. DEL MONTE li. K. ROOMS. Sumraw rates. One block south from 20th and Washington. Mar. 444. ROYCREST 176 12th. 81ngb rooms complete for housekeeping; use of piano. . DOWNTOWN modern H. K suite1, 115 month up. including heat, llgiu. etc, Roval Annex, 3S0H Morrison. M. 4521. LARGE, central housekeeping rooms, cheap rent. 221 Pdne, corner lm- 2 ROOSI furnished apartment. '487 Taylor St. Continued oa J(xt tr- i . .1 , - V