THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY, JUNE 3. 1918. f " .- ' : ! - " . ' v:- J CHILDREN'S DAY WILL BE CELEBRATED OVER 3' SUDAYS THIS YEAR I Several Will Observe Tdrnor- rnw. Snmo WppI Fnllnwinjr and Rest Still Later, JUNE 14 DAY DESIGNATED . . I Owing to Xoi r trial Interfering Soma Hit Chosen Othr Dates for Services. ChiMren's day will be observed na tionally on June 11 in all Protestant churches. Owing to the fact that many or me local rniMrfn are in me Hose Festival parade and thus have I not naa amp.o nine to practice mr these exprciseH. several churches have chang"d the flute. Some churches will observe tomorrow and a. iarcer num ber are waiting until June IK. Children's day is an annual celebra tion held Just before tb closing of the schools, ri1 n (lie last rally of the Sabbath M-hool before the sum mer vacation sf-uwon tcpins. (n this day special exercises ate generally held and the soncs. and recitations given R-enerally refer to missions. The offering is also given to missions or tto the students' loan fund. F.ach denomination has Issued a spe rial program :irrd many of the local nchooln are following these program. At, this service it is customary to publicly admit new members to the cradle roll and also promote scholars In the school to advanced classes where graded courses are followed. The program announced for tomor- row morning by th First Christian i church is as follows: Processional. Player, Rev. H H Griffis. I ') olot-uc, Superintendent. o( school. Sons, hildifti s Day. pri- i mary department. -The Women of . ' """" tl r "'"" " " , - a.Ih China." four intermediate Kills -The dent, Harley K. Hallgren of Swedish Apbstle of Chirm,'' Harold Jackson church; first "Mice president, Fred R. "She Died for China." Myrtle Mock. ' Hertz oif East Side Baptist churcc ; sec Song "The Cosp el Manner," inter- ond vic president. Miss Edna rfwiney tTrv;!,,,;or;..;l:.,,, rx& Grr,rch,; frJh, ,vice ,prp?i- the Seas," tiemnners" department. Pre- ' dent. M. H. of Sellwood; sec sentation of port ruin of Mr. Meigs by retary, Miss Ruth E. Arnold of Calvary superintendent of school. "The Em- 1 church, and treasurer, Mr. Ford of St. blf;m. ?r..A" 'N,a,,l.'?nM"', i!'"'or ,,.yP:lr- . Johns church. The first departmen "uAVe M'escrve' 1M "Urat!' charge of association affairs; the Christians," Mrs. Faust. Song, gi rls , second, educat ion ;the third, junior and from the Chinese mission. Plea lor ' Intermediate work and the fourth, mls-rnis.slon.--. Rev. II. II. Criffls. i sions and evangelism. Missionary Proffrara. The Sweilisri union will haw charge The P.iblp school of the Kern Park of the service at Multnomah farm to Christian church. Forty-sixth avenue, morrow aft rnoon. Friends are urgeJ and Sixty-ninth streets, will observe to be present. Party will leave from Children's day at S p. m. tomorrow. A". Montavilla depot on 2:35 train. missionary program entitled, "Chil- dren's Day In China," will be rendered a portion of which will be given by the members of the Chinese mission from the city. The committee on Children's day ex ercises, under the leadership of C. A. Muir, is planning an attractive pro gram for Sunday June 11, at tho Mount Tabor Presby terinn church. The Children's day services of the Rose City Park Methodist Sunday echool will be given in the chufch at the, corner of Fif t y-eighth and the I string of lights that indicated t tie per Alameda tomorrow morning at 10:30. j Bons making up the party. The first The program is an original one pre- I party, upon reaching the top, built a pared under the direction of Mrs. Flor- fire and made coffee. By the time the ence Ingalls. I second party arrived the sun ws be- Childreu's day will be observed to j ginning to raise and fortunately the morrow evening at the United Presby- I aky was clear enough for a beautiful terian Church of the Strangers. There sunrise. w.iij. be special music and a program will be given by the Sunday school. " The annual Chllrlr. n's day exercises of the First Methodist church will be held at 10:30 o'clock tomorrow morn ing. Fpwards of 200 little tots will take part. The program will be In charge of C. A. Rice, superintendent of the Sunday school. It follows: Program at First Cnurch. Processional, "Onward, Christian Soldiers," intermediate choir. Prayer, Rev. W. L. Alrheart. Address. Dr. F. L. Love land. Children's day greeting, Part , me-" Birth of the Flowers." ,' Kvert Bake,' ho"orary President beginners' department (a ) "M v Speech ; of the "tate .union, has accepted an of Welcome." Jack w'atson. ib "'The Uivltation to speak at the Washing First Children's Day," W arren Mc- I ton state convention in Seattle, June Daniels. (c "Like the Daisies. " an ex- I no t 25 Tne invitation came from rclse by Mildred Turner. .lassie Mont- aI , , , .L comerv I r..t h v Tnrn-v ' A lie -Thorn n- i ,iss 1)'er- president of the convention. eon. Minnie Thompson, id) "Pansles." Marcella. Lindberg and Elizabeth Plummer. (ei "Lilies. Thelma . Ban ner and Christine Fry. (f) "Roses," Ardina llenning&eiv and Doris Buck, (g) Butterfly." Jan Garmon. Recitations- "God Is Love," Russell In man, liussell Taylor Arthur Comp ton, "I'm a Little Curley Head," Eliza beth Baker; "The Kandman," Gertrude Wilson; "Little Lamba Are We." John anj James Clark; "Full of Joy," James Deeendorff : ,"Sun and Rain," Paul Alr heart; "Why Not Pretend." Edward Morgan. Rainbow Fairies The Fair ies' Announcer. Katherine Ross man; Fairy Red, Alleen Morton; Fairy . Orange." Dorothv Taylor; Fairy Yef ', low, Frances Rupert; Fairy Green. Ef fle Lynn: Fairy Blue, Margaret Higgs; Fairy Violet, Elizabeth Bradshaw. Solo. "Little Tiny Things," Jack Wat eon. Part two Primary department. eoio. Miss uenevieve Usher. Reclta Recitation80 TheBlubnewfl .Eleanor Merriweather. Some of the Boy8 of the BH)le." Mrs. Park's class. "Th Unfaded Flower." Mariory Mil ler. "The Bird or the Boy." Edwin and Jack Anstey. "All Things Beautiful." Marion Bollinger. Motion song, "See Them Swing," Mrs., Clark's class. Hymn, Intermediate choir. Offertory recitation. Leighton Hount. Offering. Closing. "America," by entire school. Elementary Department In Charge. The annual Children's day exercises at the Arleta Baptist church tomor row promise to be of unusual merit The program includes both the morn ing and evening services witti the ex ercises of the primary department in the morning. Two large choirs, under the direction of Mrs. France Noel and Mrs. 'Ella Hoberg Tripp, will render a special antiphonal service in the evening. The Kapella Ladies' quartet will sing at evening service also. The Millard Avenue Presbyterian . church., school will hold special Chil dren's day services Sunday morning beglnnln at 10:30. The various, depart ments of the school will bo repre sented on the program. Children's day services will be held tomorrow morning at the First M. E. church. South. Union avenue and Multnomah streets. It will consist of songs and recitations, special music and an address by the pastor. The Sunday school and regular morning service will Be merged into one appro priate for the occasion. Montana Man Will Occupy the Pulpit Rev. H. H. Griffis of Missoula. Mont., will occupy the pulpit tomorrow at the First Christian church. Mr. Griffis stands high in our bxo.ttherh.ood, .both, as pulpiteer and pastor. He Is one of the coming young men of Mon- tana and the northwest. He .will remain in Portland during . the Rose Carnival and the church , bopea to. hare him again June ll. t , Dr. Hinson Will Preach in Grace Church June 8-9 Rev. Xf. B. Hinson, D. D.. for the American Baptist Home Mission .. society in 15 western sttes, is now in the city, and will preach In the Grace Baptist church, Kast Seventy-sixth and 'Ash streets, on Thursday and. Friday eve nings, June. 8 and 9, and at both services on Sunday, June 11. These services are . open to everybody and a cordial wel come la extended to all. m 1 if t n tt i i unurcn wm nom A Hill Memorial Centenary Methodist Kpicopal church will hold a nienorlal service tomorrow night, in honor of ths mem orv of .the late James .1. Hill. Short aiJdrefBs wiM b delivered by .MdS" ,fe K McGinn. J. F. Carroll, V. G Munly, Rev. (', E. (Mine SJi ajid the pastor. The public is cordially Invited. The .church Is at the corner of Fast Ninth and East Fine streets. It has a large and commodious auditorium an) can comfortably care for a large company. BAPTIST UNION About 1T5 attended the annual picnic given at Gladstone park Decoration day. A special train of three cars carried the picnickers to 'he grounds. The day was spent in athletic games and hikes along the Clackamas. The twilight service was iven as the crowning feature of the day. The company gathered In the grandstand, sang andlisteued to Dr. T. W. Milliken of Oregon City talk on the necessity of young people censecrating thetn- 8elvs to tne church. His lalt was followed by a testimony meeting. On June 1 the following became the officers of the Willamette DaCis; ,, ,. ri. One hundred and fifteen went on the trip to Inarch mountain given by the Climbers' club of the White Temple Decoration day. They left the train at Multnomah falls about 1 o'clock in the morning and ascended the moun tain in two parties. The first party was made up of those who cared to walk fast. Many novel features were experi enced. by the climbers, one particularly Impres&lve incident being thj lon-g On the way back the party found a 1 V, IJ.,,1 ..HJi ! Hl7p B'"l'e ,ll,ai waB """t wnci eionit? iimr w a speiiv nine. iiiey returned tjy way of the Wah-Keenah falls. Only teven of the original party were unable to make the trip. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR June 12 the executive committee will hold its annual meeting and election of officers for the Portland union Jr- Baker will speak on the new C. E movement "Campaign for llillkns." The PresDyterian societies arj plan ning an institute at Orenco from June 20 to 22, nuder the leadership of Rev. JL D. Hanson of Fourth Presbyterian church. Outside speakers have already been arranged for. The Oregon state union la attempt ing to organize county unions In every county In the state. Tho next county convention wi.l be held In Dallas, Polk county, June 17 to 18. Miss Ethel Van Nortwlck, of Dallas Christian church has charge of the convention. It is expected that about 20 societies will be represented.; Special speakers already arranged for are: Miss Mar Jorie Hansen, state intermediate super intendent; Miss Gertrude Eakin, stata , n'ngton. president of Friends college at Newberg; and Dr. Geo. B. Pratt, E. Earl Felke and Lloyd Carrick of Port land. One of the "features of the program will be a debate between ISlr. Corricl: and Mr. Felke on, "Resolved, That the prayer meeting committee Is of more value to the Christian Endeavor socie ty than the lookout committee." The last Issue of the state paper for this church year goes to press soon and chapters having items they wish pub lished before the next issue, which will appeas in September, must have ttiem in to Clarence H. Sprague, 1179 East Nineteenth street, north, by June 9 The Endeavorers of the First Chris tian church will have charge of the Thursday night dinners during June. On account of the Rose Festival the regular business and social meeting will" be postponed The Vernon Christian church elected Miss Jessie Stevens president and Mrs. Kngola vice president of their society. EPWORTH LEAGUE At the district cabinet meeting on Monday evening tentative arrange ments were made for taking, part In the Rose Festival parade and for hold ing a Labor day picnio at Bull Runi park. Committees were also appointed to arrange for the reproduction of the pageant. Sunnyside chapter visited Patton Home last Sunday afternoon arid con ducted a service for the benefit of the aged people In the' home. Rev. C. A. Carlos of Laurelwood Methodist church led the service. . Several songs were ung by the young people. Mt. Tabor chapter will hold their regular monthly business meeting on Wednesday evening. The gospel teams have been assist lng In the revival meetings at Brent wood church. Tomorrow evening i team from Sunnyside will assist In the service. WOMEN OF CHURCHES 10 HOLD OPEN HOUSE DURING ROSE FIESTA First Presbyterian, First Bap tist, First Congregational to Provide Rest Rooms. The women of three of Portland's downtown churches intend serving lunches and providing rest room dur ing the Rose Festival das. , The First Presbyterian church will open their banquet hall to the public and provide tables for those who bring their own lunch and wish a place to eat. Coffee will be served fr e of charge. Arrangements are being made to have sandwiches' for tale. A rest room will be provided" for mothers and will)e furnished with couches and cots. The women are performing this service a.s a convenience to the public. Mrs. K. c. Michener Is irr charge. The White Temple wil! hold open house on parade days and allow the public the use of the church as a. rest room. The ladies of the church will serve lunch in the lower temple. Cots will ba provided for mothers with small children. Mrs. O. P. M. Jamiflon Is In charge. The First Congregational church will serve light luncheon, poffee :uid Ice cretm in the arcade of the church. Mrs. Frederick Eggert has general charge and the following committee have been appointed for the three days of "the festival. Wednesday, M-s. W. R. Knott, Mrs. If. IT. Northup, Mrs. R. E. Jons, Mrs. Sorenson and Mrs Cooke. Thursday, Mrs. Walter, Mrs. Cobille, Mrs. Walteji, Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. M. Henderson. Friday, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. Carlton, Mrs. W. E. Mcllhenny, Mrs. G. ' W. N'othnagle and Mrs. L. ClarV. The assisting committee ln clule: Mrs. F. E. Knight. Mrs John Verran. Mrs. i J. J. Jackson. Mrs. H. W. Coe, Mrs. Frederick Krlbs, Mrs. Charles Eownsdale. Mrs. H. G. 'olton, Mrs. F. H .Belcher ami Mrs A.. Staiger. Rose Festival to Be Dr. Leas' Theme In keeping with the Rose Festival and the spirit of the season, the Rev. J. Allen I.eas will speak on -Sunday evening at St. James' Lutheran church. West Park and Jefferson streets, on the subject: "liod Among the Roses, or the Flowers of the Bible." CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY Fifth Sunday After Easter Sunday School Lesson Tomorrow. The Call of the West. Act 15:36 to 16:15. Mcmi.rtzp vfrsPH !, 10. Golden Text. Come over into Macedonia and help us. - Acts 1(1 it. Home Headings M. Call of the Went, Aotn ir,::u to HI T. Olievlng the call. Acts P': 0 -l.-. W. Nehemlah'i ettll. Neh. 2:l-. Tli. Call of Cvnis. ln. 4".:l-7. K. Call of apotlen. Mutt.. 1 1 : 1 -1 n . S. Avoiding contention, 2 Tim . 2 .0 1.'6. ti. Seeing tilings eternal, 2 Dor. 4 :7-lS. Yonng People's Topics. Chrlatinn FndenTor "The ConneCTatlon cf Money. ioh. 27:1-2.1. Junior Cfcrlll:in Kndeavor "Ixve the Fonn daticn." 1 Cor. 1.1:4 7. iF-pwortli league "The Opportunities of One Talented People," K. 2 I! Y. 1' L". "Tlie Consecration of Money." Job. 27:1 2:1. Baptist. Flrat White Temple 12th and Alder Mra. A W. Iielxmg. acting pastor. 11 anil evenlne. pleaching by -Rev. J. I Krawr of Muucle, jDd. .swndl'h Finnish Mission. Tl'hlte Temple. V Eat SMde E. 2oth aid Ankenv ts.-hT. W O. Shank, pastor. 11, "The Meaning of the Lord's rrnyer." :15. B. Y. P. U. 7 SO. The Joyful 'brlstlan." Highland. E th and Alhertn Rev. Chaa. F. Mieir. II. 0:4.-.. S. S. 7. P. Y. T. P. Arleta -Kev. W. T. Spriga. 11. Chlld'en's Day exercises; 7::t0 p. m., special Antophoual s'rT,r, . .. I Diversity I'ar Kev. u. i tieaseii. n, .30. Swedish ISth and Hoyt. 10.4S. 7:30. Grace Montavilla. R. M. T. Cash. 11. 7:30. . ... - Sellwood Her. r . l nayea. ii. i :.. 8t Johns Rey. E. P. Bordeo. pastor. 7:30. Calvary E. 8th and Grant Key. Thomas Stephenson, aeting pastor. 1L 7:30. ilt. Calvary n.. rmt auu unma -nv. A. Machack. 11. s. Tlitrd Knott ana vaucvuvrx v. ov. w. J. Beaven, 11. 7:30. St. John toerman) mt. . oniermu, ii. 7:30. .... Chineee J . V. Mtiom. i. Lenta Rey. J. M. Nelaon, ,11, 7:90- gecond Cerman Uurrla and Rodney are. 11. 7:30. .... ....... Qlencoe H. uu ana im n.ey. a. Waltz. "11. Sure or uoa.' p. m., "la Marriage a Civil contract.- Mount Ulivet ivev. v. a. niRreii, 11, s. Italian Mission Rev. Francesco Sannella, 11 8. - - First German tn ana mm nei. J. Rratt, 11. 7:30. Goodwill Mission ioic una uoiae jnim a. li. Nelson, superintendent. North I'ortiana Mission oovi .-xicoiai at.. Friday. 8. , . . . Rusaellvllie Mission nev aiwri LlniQ. bridge. 3, 3:43. Xabemacie t.. 4-11 ana ci(n acv. rv ai. ter tutf. acting pasiur. 11. 7:30. Catholic St. Peten Lenu Kev. P. Beatffea. 8, 10:30. 7:30. Pro-Catuearai 10m anu ivrv. ju. y. O'Hara. 8. 7:13. 11, 1:40. St Lawrence .ia anu Aurruiao rtev. j, fj, Hngtie . :30. 10:30. 7:30. St. ratrics-s iwin uu oki bct. a, r - Murphy. 8, 10.3O. 7 :M). St. Francis r.. mu nu uu wt, j. a. Black. 0. . . 10:ao. i:io. immaculate Heart of Mary Williams av. and Stanton Rev. W. A. DaJy. .&,, 10:30, 7:30- . Holy Rosary k. aa ena uiacKamis tier. E. S. Olaun. 6. 7, 8. . 11. 7:JU- 1st Koae c. oou iiw Aiiuimi liev. j, O'Karrell. 8. 10, 7:30. St. Andrewa E. tth and Alberta Rey. T. Kiernan. 8. 10:30, 7:30 Tbe Madeleine 1 m ana si-iiyou bat. K. ThouiDaon. i:m, . iu:jo. Aacenalon K. Yamhill and E. 70ih Francis can Fatbera. B, 1 :ou. Ho v Redeemer roniaua Diva, ana vancou- r ave. Key. F. U- Miller. 6, 8, 10:30. 7:30. Blessed Sacrament Maryland aye. and Blan- dena Rev. a. v. . a, iu:ou, 1 Holy Cross 774 Buwdoln Rev. C. Raymond, s o:M. 7:30. St. lanatlua 3L"20 43d at. S. E. Jesuit Fath ers. e:30. 8. 10:30, 4. St. Steybena tid and E. Taylor Bey. War ren A. VVaitt. o. b:ju. iu.ju. 1 :ow. St Pblllip Ki ol. ltttn and Hlckey Hey, w j tartwrigbt. 8. lu:30. 7:30. Sacred Hear. E. tltb and Center Bey. U. Uobl. . iv.M, i. Ml HX. Agatba E. loth and Miller Hey. 1, Cuinmlsk . S, 10:30. 7:3u. St. Joseph (Geriuan) totb and Couch By, B Durrer. 8. 10:30. 7:30. 'St. Stanislaus vfollsh) Maryland aye. and Falling Rev. Maiuew. . io:au, 7:30. St. Mlcbael (lUliaa ith and Mill Rey. M. R.IKtia. 8. 10. 3U, 7:30. St. Clementa Smith and Newton Bey. 0. smiui. s. lO:30, 7:a0. St. Clsret Capitol HiU Ber. Father An- thmiy. 8. 10:30, i:u. St. Cbarlea 34tb and KUlui(aworth Bv. G. Snloerbucn- S. 11KJ0. 1 -XJ. Christian. Fir-t Park and Columbia. ' 7 :30. Uonta villa E. 7otn anu Hojri Bey. J. C Ghonnley. 11. . Gladstone Rev. Boy L. Dunn. 11. 8. Woodlswn 7th and Liberty Bay. W. J, tfUltnrer. 11. 7:30. Cast Bide Christian E. 12th and C Taykx I Bar. A. U Crlm. 11, S p. a. A NEGLECTED TRUTH By Rev. Thomas Jenkins, Rector of St.; David's Parish. A lact ot religions requiring restored em phasis today is that of the ascension. Life is poorer for its neglect. The eternal son came from heaven to express under human form the love of the father for his children of earth. From earth he went to hell to preach the same gospel to the dead. And from hell he re turned to earth to assure men of life everlast ing. But this was not the end. He ascended into heaven. Till then the circuit of redemp tion was not completed. ' Now heaven and earth and hell are connected. And our interest runs through the whole circuit. In our manhood Jesus has gone the full journey. And in that same manhood he now occupies in heaven the place of privilege as our advocate and brother. So much rests on the ascension of vital importance to the well-being of the church and the life of man that a 'revived observance of the festival and a renewed emphasis of its truth are entirely to be desired. AMONG CHURCHES AND At Roit City Park Presbyterian. The monthly musical, service win uo given at Rose City Prk Preshv tet i .m church tomorrow evening by the dou ble quartet. The prograJii follow: Prelude, anthem, "Earth and Heaven," Mervadante: anthem, "S-weet Is T.iv Mercy. Lord," Barn by, with opran eolo by Mis. Skinner; ladies trio. "Lift umi-nt 1 iiilinvnn l'niEtpr' Tl t Vl Cm . ' "Sanctus," Gounod, with tenor solo by Dr. Moore; "Largo," Handel, violin, Mra. Woody, cello, Mr. Crier; ma.e quartet "Lead Kindly bieht," Buck, Dr. Moore. Douggal Grier, W. E. Simonton. Dr. Johnson; anthem, "life Shal Come Down Like Rain." Buck; Mrs.. H. B. Moore, organist: Mrs. A. L. Sherrlck, pianist; Mrs. R. F. Feemste-, director. At the morning service Mis. Feemster will bins "Beyond the Dawn." SanJerson. O'ld-Pashloned Church Ulnser. Tim ladi?s of the Blessej Sacrament Parian on Maryland avenue nr-d Blamlena street, will give an old fashioned chu-ch dinner tomorrow commencing at 12 o'clock. I e cream and ca'e will be served with the dinner. Aij, invita tiom is extended to all friends "Will Contlne Sessions. The Chris tian Workers Training school, whi. '.i meets every Monday evening at T:SO at the Central library will prohab.y continue the sessions throughout the sun mer. Dr. A. L. Hutchison wll give his sixth lecture on "Hebrews" ncx". Monday evening. Tnt Meeting's Will Close. The tent meetings held by the Christian Work ers' union at Island station, near M:l waukie. will close Sunday evening Se-llwood 13th and Tenlno-llev. J. R. John son. 11. 8. Rodney Avenue, at Knott at. Rev. J. r. Glmrniley. 11 n. ni.. -'The Eleventh Commaad uunt." by J. t'ttrloM Ghormley. Kern I'HTk Itev. G. K. Berry. 11. 7:30. Ft Johim Uev. Herbert F. Jonea. 11. S. Vernon Church of Christ E. 15th and Wy giilit -J. A. Melton. 11. 7:,'!0. Bethel E. Sild and Thomuson Rey. Autre W. Wilson. Christian Sclenca. I.e-oa sermon God the . Mily Cause smd Creator." First church Everett, Detween 18th and 10th 1 sts. 11. "God tbe Only ("aue and Creator." Second East fltti and Holladsy. 11, 8. Third East 12th and Salmon. 11. 8. Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11. 8. Kit tli Myrtle I'ark hall. 11. Christian Science society Holbrook block, St. Jobus. 11. Coiurre (rational. Firat Park and Indls-.n Rev. -Lnther R. nyoit. tl and 7:4.'.. sermons by By. E. T. Siierman of Corvallis, or. Mrs' 'German E. Tin nd Stanton Rev. E. O. 'Mlltnan. A kinson Community cbnrch E. 2ftb and Ev- e:et: Thomas S. Andeisnu, minister. 11. t alvervity Para Haven t.. nt-ar Lombard Rev. F. J. Meyer. 11. Rev. G." W. Grannis, I. D., field aecrtary of Lord's Day Alliance for L'. S. and Canada. Richland E. 6th and Prescott Rev. Geo. F.1 . L--vv 1. 11. "Is i'reparednesa aa We Wow Ifcfaie It According to the Gonatel. Eveninir nijeei, p. m., liamiet, 1'rince or uen- inark." Lndernurst Kev. D. B. Gray. 11. 7:4!i. tvlgrim Missouri ave. and Shaver st. Ftev. W. C- haniner. 11 "The Re of Sharao." :4r. "The Medicine of Gladuej-s. ' Waverly Heiithts E. :::id auil Wnodward Rev. A. C. Moses. 11. "I'raie of Men Versus lra ae of ;od." 7:4."i. "Hopeless. " Ssnnyside E. 3d and Taylor Rev. J. J Staab. S. S., 10 a. m. 11. "I-aborera Tegether NVltb God." 7:45, anniversary celebration. with special music and addresses. Zion (Germaui t. uth ana xremont Kev. H. Ilopp. lo no. Norwegian Danish Evangelical Church Sum ter and East 2M St. N. Rev. Martin Oisen. Service at 11 a. m. and 7:J0 p. m. Episcopal. Br. Marks 21st and Marshall Rev. 3, E. H. 8laiDsu. rector; Bev. J. G. Hattem. as sistant rector. 7:30, 7:30, 8:30, 10:15, 11. Trinity 10th and Everett Rev. A. A. Mor rison. 8. 11, 8. Pro-Cathedral of StT Stephen, the Martyr Very Rev. H M. Ramsey. 7:45. 11. 3. 7:45. St. Liavia s t. litn and rteimont Key. Thomas Jenkins. 7. 9::40. 11. "The Ascension." 7 :;-, "Tbe Scveu-fold Gift of the Holy Spirit." 8:. Mattnew a lornett and liaucroft itev. W. A. M. Ureck. 11. Johns Milwaukle Bev. John D. Bice. 3. 4U St. Andrews Hereford St.. fortamouth Archdeacon Chambers In charge. 11. Grace Memorial VvekHer and E. 17th N. Rei. Oswald W. Taylor. 8, 11. Good Shepherd ancouver and Graham Bei. John Dawson. 11, b:JO. St.. Michaera and AU Angela' E. 43d Bruadvay Rev. T. F. Boweu, II. 7:30. Church 01 our saviour outb ave. and 41st It. S- E. Archdeacon Chambers In charge. 11. St. John a enwooa ttev. jonu u. liice. 1 1. St. Faul's Wood mere Kev. usuald w. Xa lor. 4. v Bishop Morris Memorial chapel. Good Sa maritan hospital Rev. Frederics: K. Uowaxd. T:l&. All Saints church 25tb and Savier Be. Freuerick K. Howard. 11. 6:30. Evangelical Association. Carson Height U. F. lulening Jr. 11:30, 7. First English E. 6tb and Market Uev. g. D. Uornschuch. 11, 8. First German evangelical ivut ana Clay Re-r. G- - luiening. iu:j, a. EvangeUoai Bysrd. Germaa Evangelical Frienai' cbureh Ta- 1 .. 1-..K Lf .. - Lll.... . coma ave. aiiu t.. . auu -1. rier- gcu 10;45, 7:30. HI. ruui ... ui.fc ...... uu.u . . e atmj j L. J. tiergelt. 11. 7 .BO. Free Methodist. Central 65tn and b. Flanders Ber, L. R. Elacamau. 11, 7:4a. First E. Stn aud Mill Rev. J, Harrington, Mnnnvalde E. 3ith and Main Bev. Horn! Cox. 11, 7:30. 11Vwt' Fledmont Bv. Mrs. Ethel M. Ar nu.u. 11, 7 Jewish. Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Matin Uabbt Jouab B. Wise, triday. a p. m. atur uajt. lu:o a. Latter Day saints. rnurcb ot Jesus Chxtoi or L-atter Day Saints 1 WorinoB) E. fctii aud Madiaon. ll:4j, J. 4U.ouUlll tuul Mormon) 11, I;ao. Lutheran, immanuel lutli ud irvu-g Key. J. Biichard 0Trlnlty1,Grmac (Missouri bynod) WUIUbjs ave. and Grausiu Bev. J. A. KinihacU. iJ:lS. ,;v5J"Mt Side Norwegian Lutheran 45 ij. n Utv witueim , . Huthany tauiu Ciuoa ave. In. and alor rl. Rev. M- C. Jeuaeu-Engholiu. 11, a. 1 viar's t. 10UJ iul L. Grant sts Bv. Geors Hem-iafcu ltiu.Ju service, lvi.18. fcTinnsUoel Gexumn Sellwood Rev. H. c s,siius- (Missouri Synod) AIM. ... (iiaca m .w. CHURCH MEMBERS ith a ope'. ser e at S o cb. In the afternoon a Bible conference will i be held with the "'Second Coining of I t'hrist" as the subject. fir. A I.. ' Hut. hison of tiie Piedmont Presbyter- I ian church and Rev . Walter Dal'f o. the Tabernacle Baptist church w.'l ! be the principal speakers. Buds of Promise Will Entertain. Friday evening. June Misa Crate Spauling s. Buds of Promise and C. W. Merry's Fishers, third year junior classes of the Millard avenue Presby terian t-hurch sc hool, gave a Motht . (loose entertainment, in the church. Program began at S o'clock. Minister Will Give A Sermon Lecture Rev. George Kelwnrd Iwis' pastof or mgniHiiar v ongrega i io.h i ,ion, will i v h. se i iiiuu-tn Luir- uu jiitiu if( Prince of Denmark" Sunday night. June 4, at 8 o'clock. The ministers father, now living in Michigan, 5 years of age, hale and hearty and the second oldest living American actor during his theatrical career played "J.", of Shakespeare's plays, and Hamlet was his favorite The minister' gives the old actor's interpretations of Hamlet. Lovers of literature, the drama end religion arc cordially invited. The Kl zador trio will sing and the Harmjjny orchestra will furnish the music. Everybody invited. Take Cninn avenue car. get off at Prescott, go two blocks east. OF CHURCH and Mason Uev. C. Luecke. 10:30. 7:30. St. faul'a German E. 12th and Clinton Rev. A. S. Erause German service, 10:30. English, 8. German Evangelical I.ntberton Zlon (Missouri Synod) Salmon and Chapman lie v. II. H. Uoppelmaun. 10:15, 7:45. St. John's Penlii!n)r 1 nd Kirk pa trick Rev. K. U. Salzman. 10:45. 7:30. . Swedish Augustan Uev. B. B. Sanitedt. 10:45, 7:45. Uulted Norweglan-sPortamouth Bev. H. O. ller.drickaon. 11. German Evangelical Reformed Lents Ber. W. G. Lienkaemoer. 11. St. James. English West Park and Jeffer- 1 sou J. Allen Leas. 11. Bethel Norwegian Lutheran Free church Wjgaut aud Rodney avenues Bev. J. A. Stay uej. 11. 8. VathodU. First 12th and Tajlor Dr. Frank 0. Ive land, ndulster; Rev. Walter Lee Alrheart, Asst. 10 00, children's day exercises-? 7 :4f, 'The Religions and Political Situation In Mex ico; Shall our Troops Be Withdrawn?" Centenary E uth and E. I'lue Kev. T. W. Lane. 11, "The New Patriotism." 7:45. p. m-. memorial services for J, J. Hill. Tayior streeters Sidewalk Third and Tay lor Morning aerylce only. Trinity E. 10th and Sheflrnan Rev. A. B Calder. 11, "The Important Date In Your Life." 8 p. m., "Church Notes Taken on Eastern Trip." , Swedish Bortbwlck and Beech Bey. John A. Wellman, 11. 7:45. Epworth 2(th aud Savler Rev. C. O. Mc Culloch. 11, "Some Strange Winners In the Cbace of Life." 7:4.". an address by U. F. Irvine of the The Journal. First Norwegian Daulah 18th snd Hoyt Rev 11. T. Held, 11, 8. Woodlawn E. 10th and Highland Rev. Louis Thomas. il, 'Rosea."" 7:30, "The l'eace of 1 tumor." Sellwood Rev. Alexander P. Maclean.., 11, 7 ' 30 1 Sunnyside E. 8Mb and Yamhill Bev. B. Elmer Smith 11. 7:45. t Central Vancouver ave. and Fargo Bev. C. C. Earick. 11. I St. Johns Hayes and Leavltt Bev. W. E. Lcgalls. , Montavlue Rev. W. H. Hampton. 11. Lanrelwood 3d, st. S. E. and Foster road Bev. C. A. Carlos. 11. Clinton Kelly Uemoiial E. 40th and row ell Valley Rev. J. West Thompson. 11, Japanese Mission Bev. Eiiseu Ubsra, 9:80, 8:30 Rose City Park Sandy blvd. knd E. 58th Rev. William W. Youngson. lo:3o, "Chil dren s lay txercisea. 4. JO p. m., vt-sper aervices. German Rodney ave. and Stanton Bev. F. A. Schumann. 10, 8. African Ziou 288 Willlama eve. Rev. W. W. Howard. Rev. E. D. L. Thompson, II. 8. Vancouver Avenue Norwegian-Dauish Corner Skidmore Kev. Abraham Verelde. 10:43, 8. University i'ark Lombard and Fl'ke Kev. C. L Hamilton. 11, 7:30. LeDU Rev. W. ioyd Moore. 11, 8. Bethel Larrabee ana McMillan Bev. J. L. Craw. 11. 8:15. Westmoreland Mllwaukle ave, near Rauio na Rev. C. B. Harrison. 11. "Ilea. en on Ldrth." 1 ,'M, old favorite song service. Lincoln E. bill snd Lincoln Uev. G. G U.I.. 1 11 - Mf k fi Patton Michigan ana Aintrta liev. Geoige H Feese. 11. :4o. Woodstock E. 44th and 00th ava. 8. E. Rev. Frauk James. 11, 1 :4o. Mt. Tabor East Sixty-first and Stark sts. Rev. E. Olin Eldridge. 11. "The Heat of the Christian Message." 8 p. m., "Your Greatest Need. First German Bev. A. F. Cramer. 11, 8. Brentwood Rev. W. L. Wilson. 11. lierkeley Heights clubhouse Bev. A. B, Calder. 3. ' Chinese Mission 11 and 7:30. Carson Heights Rev. L. C. Douglass, Ken- di station. Clara achoolhouse Bev. A. B. Wilson. 7:30. Irvlugton Esst lOtb and Weldlex Kev. . A. Danfortt. 11. v M. E. Church. South. Cnlon ave. aud Multnoman Rev. W. 1 Ftutou, 11, 7:30. Missions. Swedish Mission Key. B. J. Tboren. 11, g. Film Chauel Rev. B. J. looreu. lu. Bethel Fre church Ity and iillauis Hey. J. A. atavney.. 11. d. Xaxaraln. First Perftecostal E. 7th and E. Conch- Bey, c. Uowaxu uavu. 11, 1 ;oo. Sellwood E- tn aua Bpugaue Kev. H. C Baker. H. -o Brentwood E. 67th st. snd t. 65th av. B. E. Kev. Steua crooaa. 11, a. Scandinavian 48 uariieia Kev. J, Q Bringeuabi, pastor. i, i.ou. Uuihland Park 3, 7:40. Presbytertaa. First 12th snd Aluer Kv. John H. Boyd 10:30, "Anniversary Sermon. 7:15. "Tbe Problem ot Life as Interpreted Tbroujs'i tbe Tragedy of Hamlet." Fourth First and Gibbs Bev. Henry G. Uansou.. 10:30, 7:30. Calvary 11th and Clay Kev. O. jr.- Banm. 7:45, special musical service. lu;b a in. . communion service. 7 j45 p. m., special ong service. ' "Arbor Lodge Bev. George B. Cromley. II. 7 ' lieullworth E; 34th tud Gladstone Bev. Leslie Kirk Blcbardson. 11. Mutpan E. lath aud Division Rer. Harry lA-rif- U. 7:30. Forbes Bev. Harry L. Pratt. 11. 8. - Hope Montavilla, 78th and E. Everett sts. Rev. S. W. Seaman. 1L 7:45. Central K 13th and Pine Bev. Wallace H. Ijee acting pastor. 10:30, "A Day's Ratktus." by President Wilhtcie H. L. Albany coUege. SUNNYSIDE CHURCH i WILL CELEBRATE IIS BIRTHDAY TOMORROW Rev. Dr, Staub, Present Pas tor, Founded Organization 24 Years -Ago, The Sunnyside Congregational i hur h is making arrangements for on of the greatest days in the history oi th i hurcli tomorrow when the twenty fourth anniversary and "Home-Coming day"' will be celebrated. FYom the Sab bath school in the morning until thrt dose of the evening servi'-p tii com-! miUee on arran gen ent s will fey ana T have something to Interest all attend-1 infc The Sunday school worket have been inviting former scholars and if expectations do not miscarry a record broking attendance will lie present In "he morning service Rev. .1. .1. Staulv w 1 o has been pastor of the church,; s t.-e its organization ,,vvHl pia h a sermon suitable to the occasion lie will relate, some of bis experiences 'n church work as well as Incidents in tho history of the Stinnys-ide district, vfn.- o. mrmnc v,.r, visitor . , .b.r ril)... . hp entertained in the homes of the present members . At 4.30 o'clock the fiift yonr.g peo ple's service will begin. This will be in (he nature of an experience meeting bv former menyers and the subject will he "Pioneer buys vs. Htesent Days" A " i.a ngement s have been made to have chatter members relate'their experiences In founding the work of the Christian Kndeavor. At ! o! lock luncheon will he served and fol'.ewing this the regular endeavor service will be held. This meeting will be ifi tlu natur of a rally and -will be ed by Ward Robinson.' At t'le evening service the cI;iiibx o1 , day js expected. The different classes of the Sunday school and the. Christian Kndeavor are to have spe cial sections in the church and each will display their clas colors and pen nants Short talks will be given at ,,ljs sf,rvifo. ,,y r, of Sunnyside and special music will be rendered by the choir and a senior mixed quartet whose ages total over "S9 years. A souvenir of ljistorica! value, will be given to ;i 1 1 attending tlx" anniver sary celebration. Rev. Staub's pastor ate is the longest on record West of the Rocky mountains. All former members and" friends of the church are urged to be present. The pastor will be pleased to furnish automobiles to all old people wishing to attend. SERVICES 7:4.'. "God s ('nil and Your Answer." Millard Avenue 7241 .V th sve. S. B, Rev. W. II. Amos. 10:SO, "(-hlldreo-s Day- Exer cises." Mt. Tabor E. Mth and BMmont Rev. Wll limn Grnham Moore. 11 "Overcoming L fe's Limitations." 7:4.', "The Power of Self Control." fnlty Rev. W. Ie Gray. Vernon lth aud Wygaut Rev. U N. Mount. 11. Westminster E. 17th and Schuyler Bev Henry Marcotte. 10:30. Pledmwnt Cleveland and Jarrett sts. Rev. A. L. Hutchinson. 11. "Children's rs .Frr. rises." R p. m.. "Why the Bible Is I.I.. lug Book." Rose titv Park E 4Sth and Hanorvk-R. J. M. Skinner. 11. 7:30. Bponare Atenae E. lth and Spokane Br. W. S. M-CullaKb. 11. 7j30. Msrshal Street Uth sad Marshall R A. J. Hanna. 11. 7:30. Trinity Corner Virginia and Nehrak ta Hrv. E. Benson. 11, 7:80. 1 ninese J4S r-trat at. 7:40. Anabel 5eth st. and HTlta M Bev. Alfred Levis Taxis. 4. Bsformed Presbytariaa. First chnrcb Minnesota ana Alnwru-hn F. D. Eraser. 11. 7:30. Reformed". First German 12th and Clay Bey. O. Hf. ner 10:45. 8. Second Columbia blvd. and 83d sL Rev: K A. Wj-sa. 11. Third Flftb ave.. Lenta Rev W a f.ien. kaemper. 11. Salvation Army. Corps No. 1243 Ash. 8 ,,.r.h Swedish Corps 30 Rurnlde. Scsudiijavian 24 Ash Rev. Jhn OvaL Seventh Day Adventlata. Note Regular services of ibis; denomination are neiu un saiuraay. Central B. 11th and Everett Elder P C Hayward. paator. 11. Tabernacle West Side. K. of P. hsll. lit ...I 1 t .1 .r f ' . . - L" tl' !.. 1 1 U.l ...... ' ' ". . 1 J . , I . . . I 111,. I, Montavilla E. 80th aid i Everett Elder i. F. Beatty. 11 and 7. Alblna (German) Skldmora and Mallarv Eider A. C. Scbweltaer. Lenta 04tb and 68th ave. Elder n 1 Chit wood. 11. bt. Johns Central avenne and Charleston Elder E. D. Hurlburt. 11. Mount Tabor E. 00 and Belmont Bav. C J. Cummings. 11. Scandinavian cburcb 62nd and 39th are S K. Elder O. E. Sandnea. II. ' ' Serricea for the Deaf. United Presbyterian Wageu snd Grsnd ave Bev. a. Earl Dubois. .u.JO, 8. Unitarian. Church of Our Father Brcdnay and Vim. hill Rev. T. L. Lllot. II. D. 11, "The Church aud the Present World Task." United Brethren. Alberta 27th aud Alberta Rev. c. c Bell. 11. 7::-'J. First E. 15tb and Morrison Bev. J. D. Msevvoiider. Fourth 69th st. and 62d a S. E. Rev. L E Conner. 11. 7:46. Third 67th st. and 32u ve. S. E liev Herbert F. While. II, Memorial Service.'" S p. 111., evening services. United Evangelical. Fourth Bev J. E. Couner. 11. 7:30. Radical Jessup su Uev. A. 3. Henderson. 11. 7:30. Manor. Circuit Services Cherry Grove. 3 p ai brush Prsirie, 7:30. Ockley Greeu Willamette blvd. and Gay Bev. G. L Lffvell. 11. 8. First E. letb and Poplar Bev. J. a. Goods 11. 8. St. Johns Rev. A. P. Lay ton. II, 8. Wichita Kev. II. U. Fartiham. 11. 8. United Presbyterian. First E. 37tb and Uautborne Rev Frank IieWitt Flndley. 11. " Forces That Fix Dee tiny. 7:45, " Hands That Help." . cburcb ol the Stranger--W ao street and Grand ave. Kev. 8. Earl DuBuis, 10:30, 8. Iseiiion J. &- Cole. 10:15, a. TJnivrsalit. Church of tbe Good lidliigs Broadway and E. 24th Kev. J. u. triiy. io:4o, Kev. F. T. Scotl will preach; S. S. , 1$ noon. T. U. C. A.T. W. M. A. Y. M. C. A. eth aud Tajlor H. W. Stone, ar.-iraal secretary. Y. W. C. A. Broadway snd Tsylor Miss Linda D. James, general secretary. 4;30, Wallace McCamamt. Miscellaneous. Assoclsted Bible Siudents fl. B. 8. A.) Ctristenseu's ball. Htb arid Yamhill ' 1:45 p. ui.. sjmiKisium, E, O. Miller and C. W. Field. J p. m.. lfiaeourse i,p I. v I.allev. 4:30 p. m.. praise and tesflnjony service. 1 p. ui.. ;uonc lecture ny w. A. Baker. New Thought Temple of Trdth Ellers Blfig. 'Anna Youug Huntress, 3 p. m..; 'i'he I'oad to Happiueas." Kirt Spiritual ScienceSixth ,and Mont gomery. 11. symposium. '8, Wallace Strul.le. New Church Society Hilars hall Kev. Msm uel Worcester. S. S.. 10:1$. 11, t'The ilouc Uln and tbe Blessings. " lteorganised Church of Jeus Christ of Latter Dsy Saints E. 75tb and Irving Elder HH. Cook, pastor. 11. 8. Cbuiib of thrlat (CaniprwJMte 84th St.. "fir. 5tii Lenta. rvic e 11 a. m. and 8 V ai. ; j' ; ThurMlay Xoon L. Limit. Notices for the Saturday church columns must be In the editorial rooms of The Journal by noon Thursday. Ministers Hold Last Meeting of Season Monday t The Portland Ministers' as- soctatlun will hold its last meeting before the summer vsf- W H cation at the V. M. C. A. audi- torium Monday. Rev. S. A. Danforth. who has recently . taken charge of the new Irving- ton M. K. church, will be the main speaker of the mornttig. It lit- his theme being, "What Kind of Holiness the Church Stands For." Klei-tion of officers for JK next year will lake place at- k this meeting. A nominating 5(t committee was appointed at the K t last , meeting, consisting of Rev, W. T. 3. Sprlgas, chair- man; Rev. W. 11 Amos and Rev. Herbert F. White The It outgoing officers arc: Dr. T. W. Lane, president; Rev. W. It O. Shank, vice-president. Rev. If J. D. Nisetvonder, treasurer, and Rev. Henry G. Hanson. secretary. -ft Pastor Will Preach Anniversary Sermon Tomorrow marks the entrance upon the sixth year for the Itev. John II. Boyd D. D., 1n bis pastorate of the First Presbyterian church of Portland. He will preach an anniversary sermon at the morning service. BTSO o'clock when he will review some of the Im- portant features of the church work j during the past five years, and will sketch his own vision f the posslbil-f lttes of the future. At ,:4o p. m. Lr. Hoy.l will continue . his Shakespeare series with a sermon on "The Problem of Life as Interpreted Through tlie. Tragedy of Hamlet." TmIs series is attracting large numbers of people, and will be continued through one morn evening service, the subject , lor the final sermon being "The Eth- 1 leal Value of Shakespeare's Tragedies." . Dr. Boyd came to Portland from De- troit. Mich., ai rivTiig here for Sunday. June 2, l'Jll. He entered Immediately ; into the heart and work of his con- ', gregation and has accomplished larga : results in broadening and intensl fylng the Ufa and spirit of the First Presby terian church. Indiana Preacher 'T'fk TipllTTOT RoVTYlfiTI C! ! 1U J-'CllVCl hjKjL lllUilO , At the White Temple Rev. J. V. Fraser will speak both morning and evening. The White Temple quartet wilt ren der the anthem "Even Me" (W'arrenl and thene count only when those sign arid for the offertory "I bought tho Dlng up have not eiiKSKed in the prac- Lord" (Stevenson. lice before. One hundred new sub- In the evening Rev. Mr. Fraser ' scriptlons will not Include renewals will preach and the quartet will sing and the new tenth legionaries must ""Ai-isc, Shine" (Maker) and "A secured lu the mime way as the Of the Homeland" (.Sullivan). The. quarterly meeting of th? Woman's Baptist Missionary union jof Portland will meet with tho Whito Tempi church Tuesday, June 6, at 10:30 a m. The program will he fur - niahed by the Third church. A good attendance is desired. Ladles are asked to bring basket lunch. Coffee and tea will be served at the church. Adventists Holding Annual Conference The Western Oregon conference of the Seventh Day Adventists are hold ing their annual camp meeting at Anabel station on the Mount Keott line this coming week. The camp in like a small city, there being 200 tents erected. Meetings are held at 11 a. m., 2:30 and 7:45 p. m.. In the English lan guage, there being special meetings for the Germans and Scandinavians. There is also a special tent ror tne young people and for the kindergarten children. The main tabernacle will accommodate 2000 people. The popular evening services will generally consist of lectures on Bibli cal prophesies, one of which will be an interpretation of the present Euro pean conflict. Prominent men of the denomination from eastern states will be on the program. , Pastor Enters Fourth Year of Pastorate . 1 At the Fourth Presbyterian church, the pastor. Rev. Henry O. Hanson, en- ' ters upon the fourth year of his pas torate tomorrow. In line with that he will preach an anniversacy her mon. reviewing briefly the work of the past three years. He will also conaider some of the ' experiences of his ministry In general 1 running over a period of ten years, and draw some practical lessons. The general theme will be "The Emolu ments of the Pastor." At the evening service, the fifth, sermon In the series on fhe I,ord's prayer will le given on the theme, "Daily Bread." Situation in Mexico Will Be Discussed "The Religious and Political Situ ation in Mexico; Shall Our Troops Be Withdrawn?" is to be the subject of the sermon lecture by Dr. Frank I Loveland at the First Methodist Epis copal church Sunday evening. Just at this time when the Mexican situa tion is causing Uncle Sam considerable trouble ad is occupying the attention Of the administration to a marked de gree, the topic is a timely one . which everybody will want to hear discussed. It will be Dr. Lioveland'a first appear ance in his pulpit in six weeks, he hav ing returned last Tuesday from' his trip to New York and other eastern and middle western cities. Organ Recital to Be Given Tomorrow The following organ recital will be rendered at Trinity Episcopal church tomorrow evening in place of the usual Sunday evening sermon, by Luclen E. Becker, organist, from the American composers; "Dawn," from a Day in Venice" (Nevini; "Gondoliers, from a "Day in Venice" (Nevin): ".Egyptian Impres sions" (Bainbright Crist), a, "Caravan," b. "To the Mummy, c, Katenet," d, "A Desert Hong": Burlescae Melodia R. L.. Baldwin); "American Fantasia" (U E. Becker). Children's- day eexreises will be given by the elementary department of the Sunday school of Rose City Methodist Episcopal church at 10:84) tomorrow morning. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR ' IN OREGON DOING ITS PART IN BIG CAMPAIGN iGoal Is to Obtain New Mem ! beis, New Dollars and ! Peace- Advocates. Europe Is not the only place where) battle is being waged The Kndeavor societies of the world have undertaken a Rreat peaceful baHle known as "Th Campaign for Millions." This is a world-wide campaign and embraces 11' points', -five f which read, in the mil lions. The goals to be attained are 1,000. 000 new endeavorers, new converts, new church members, new dollars fr tnissions and new peace advocates, be sides "0,0(10 new quiet hour comrades and new Christian Kndeavor World subsci ibers, new tenth legion aries, new societies Hnd new experts and ."ooo new life work recruits. In a speech by National President Francis 10. Clark at the fifth world's convention In Chicago the youtiff peo ple were urged to mobilize, vitalise t and ev arrg.ell7c. The Portland churches took a great step in this direction during Its re- vvai campaign after the saloons were abolished, and, therefore, the local union regards its work as already started. c' What Constitutes Victory, victory for Mullnomah count v will come when they have conquered 10.00 new members. 1000 new converts. 1000 ,,w ,.hiirch. members. 1000 new dollar for minion loon new neacn dvo- ( HlcM sou lw.w ,,,,jet hour comrades, ( t mo new C. K. World uubBcriptions, -i 50 new tenth legionaries, 175 new ex- '.j ,)crts, 50 new life work recruits and i 25 new societies. Tho new members will include an? new names added on the active or us,- I sociate lit but not honorary members. 4 Tho new converts will include thosa who art converted and confess r" llglon and who In the opinion of Hie i pastor of the church arc living uij to tho teachings of the scripture. The new church members will, not count transfers but only new names added. The 1000 new dollars for missions Is meant to be an additional offering nbnvn Iba nreKent trlftai nn.1 the new pca' 6 advocates will lncludo those who care to see peace restored on the globe. XTew Comrades Sign Fledge. The new quiet hour comrades will count only when they have signed the pledge to Ktudy und pray every day quiet hour comrades. 1 he tcnlti ; legionaries are titliets. A I'hristlun Kndeavor expert is one 1 who takes the examination Klvcn by the central office of the society and , new Hf W(Jrk recruits Include those who decide to kWo thdr Ufa to the 01 ' ne Konpei e wier 111 me mm lntry, mission field, social service work, Christian Kndeavor field, Y, M. C. A., or Y. W. ('. A. Musical Service for ; Sunday Announced i . There will be a special musical serv-. ; Ice at Calvary Presbyterian church,- -s Kleventh and May, Sunday evening .Tune 4 at 7:45. The last or, Kev. Oliver H. Ilaum will give a nbort sermon on a music and the choir director, George ' Hoti hklss Street, lias arranged the fol- k lowing program: "Allegret to," Wol tenholme; anthem, "Sing Alleluia ,'Crtn. (Buck); solo, "Hold Thou My Hand" dSrlggs), Miss PrandU; nuar tet, "Tlie Iiay Is Pant and Over" (Hrigga): nolo. " 'ome Holy Hplrlt" (Bischoff), Mrs. Fowl; ponpel hymn, "Softly and Tenderly;" anthem, "Gloria" (12th Mansl (Mozart); Post-, lude, "B Flat" (WeMl. MIsm M. berson. organist. How to stop dandruff and-loss of hair with Resinol Here is a simple, inexpensive treatment that will almost always stop dandruff and scalp itching, and keepthehairthick.liveand Lustrous: At night, spread the hair apart and rub a little Resinol Ointment into the scalp gently, with the tip of the finger. Repeat this until the whole ' scalp has been treated. Next morn ing;, shampo6thoroughiy with Rei inol Soap and hot water. Worlcthe creamy Resinol lather well into tbe scalp. Rinse with gradually cooler water, the last water being cold. Resinol Soap- snd Resinol Ointment easily heal roost skio-eruptions. Sold by sll druggists. Trial irce. Dept. 15-R, Resinol, rUkiraore, Md. B- 1 v soimeiy removes inaigesiion. unepacicage groves it 25c at all druggists NUXATED IRON increases 1 strength of delicate, nervous. -rundown people 20 per cent in ten days in many instances. UOvt forfeit If U talis as Per full ex planation lo large article soon re ap pear in this paper. Aak your doctor or drustrlst abaat uwi urug we . a way carry it la stock. IP mum