1 - - r , 1916. e. THEf OREGON' DAILY JOURNAL;. PORTLAND.: SATURDAY, JUNE 3. 12 "i . V.'-.' 1 . I- -' i ' h -, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTKD 68 MERCHANUISK WANTKD Improved wheat lands, close to rood town, rr tiirber to trade for merchan 4Hse, from $1000 to 110.000. Bo 7. Madras. Or. , MONEY TO IA5AN HEAL ESTATE OUR Installment pian ia the beat and fturetst method of paying a loan. $.2.2. per month for 36 months, or 121,24 for 60 month, or $16.17 for 9B moiiib. pays a $10IH loans and interest. Other amounts la proportion. We loau on .mprovcd ciiy property Or for ouilding purposes. EQUITABLE SvG'S &. LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark St. Portland. Oregon. .U1LD1NG Joans un cily and auoulOa.ii property: money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Bed. Hi Failing bldg. Main 3407. $100,000 O.N iiiorlagaet, ciiy or lann property. fl.-e insurance. McKeii... A Co.. Gerllnater ni'lg.. -d and Alder. CASH paid lor niurlagagea, nuies, con tract, mortgage loans; leuKunab! rates F. H L-jwIh. 4 Lewis bldg. IuVONEY TO I.UAN Hi amounts ot lu'J lo $5000 .n city property. A. H Bell. 301 ierlingcr bldg MONEY to loan on Improved city, larm property. F C King, 314 Spalding $1000 Li' to J.j0u farm property to itall oil Ollior 40a. uny or liOO. $J5u. 'ou. Ijuu i;uu, laiu. Fred W. German ( 'n.. i 33 Cham. Cor-'. 140,000 SO 4th Kt. Jti i.E..-- iAi:itlMiiu. v Hoard of Trade Bldg fcfEE-us Small louii.-. Cellars-Morion ( o installment luaiiB H-5 Yeon bldg MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and Salomon A Co. a .1 Oak Ht. io. ouij near 5,k. IdONKV & Co.. lo loan. lo M, .T 1 r Spaldlnir lil VV. U. neil $1000. $1500 and upward, no commis sion. Dcshon - Hawk. Main 1)60 $1500 AT No corn. lier , 40 amounts at i e r Sa iilniK bide nj MONEY TO LOAN ( II IT ELS, SALARIES SALARIES CHATTELS. Money to loan to salaried people and others on furniture, pianos, motor cycles, automobile, diamonds, etc., a! legal rates vitl easy terms oi Pay ment; no delay. Licenced by slate. PORTLAND LOAN OiMI'A.v'V, l.... 311 Dekum Bldg. blAMllMi.s i n'Ki l alio .1 .vi ... ii ..K 1 I INA N( I A I. 51 1st and d moi tnattes puri. tiated. also sellers' interest in contrails, ur. and Wash H V.. N)li!c. I,nintiei nienx liui . t - HEM VV.VMKii MALE' LiKI-lVl-'ltV hoy.-s vHii "w lifflfl vvanied. At list be J i 'i over, lnuly ul muni y for lucyi le repairs, ijood pay, f t in ii to Jl.'i per week. Fine t Iuuh e 'or uii vaiieeirln t anil to leain Kuod tratlt. Apply U'fslriii L nion Teletfiup!i o. 3d and Oak sl. WANTKl) All-ainiiiid country ;ir-in-er. Must he umd job 111:1:1. St ady place to riKut niiin. S iul wampit-N of composition und rel'ercii' i' fiist letter. Y II. Micliaelnon, (.'imiihI I, Id.ilio WANTKl.): younj; passeiifii r trams cash bond required. N. ith st. men to work ,011 as news aeht.. Apply at lti9'-2 YANTlil Several A-l mechanics, lor auto repair simp; steady work. K"o ' nun only wanted; slate experience in answering. S-'.ii;;!. Journal. WANT Kl) Experienced t'eUniK iua chine man. Portland Furniture Mi's, Co. 1249 Macadam road. EXHKHIKM'IOD auto painter anted at (jrahanre, 1'aint Hiioii, lGtn and Washington. WANT man and wile, no children; milker and farm hand and wife lo do housework. K-.:il4. Journal. WANTfc.ii Male siiikhim; 4uart't ,i. . new comedy. For particulars call at 4 4S 10. Ash si. t'ONSUU' secretary Y. M. C A. employment 'W'ANTKU Clam diKK'ts. Ainly at Seaside canneries. Seaside. OiJ WANTED Voiin man lor iJUiry work. For particulars phone .Sell wood 1 1 .1 J II ELI' V A M ED MISC. 4 1) Y. M. C. A AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Day ar.d niglit classes; trainu.g in repairing, driving and machine worn. Including forge, Ullic, snaper. drill press, etc.; time unlimited. Secure pass at Educational cflicc Y. M. C. A bldg., to Inspect our shops and meth Od. COMPETENT CHAUrFEUKSs AND MECHANICS SUPPLIED TuJ tion fee includes MEMBERSHIP IN 1 M. C. A. ana its EMPLOYMENT DE PARTMENT, use of 60-ft. awimrtt.n pool, shower baths. if nmnxioti. er . $7 5 MONTH (jov el tirneill jous. juen. women wanted. List of position free. Franklin Institute. Pep:. - -4 a -o. Hochest-r. N. Y. -isaiuea men, Wi".;,in to become Portland man rarruo , on. mence $67 month 0.V-132. Journal. OREGON AUTO SCHOOL, the school- or practical experience. special Bummer rates 42 :11 Itelmont st. UNCALLED fur lanor ni.ue a UTl Tarln' nil" Itilb-r 'JVC I II Klil' WANTKD FEMALE n About 15 young salesladies for the L Cafeteria, to be opened on or about June Corner Alder and 6th sts, 7, TWO women solicitors; inut be neat and experienced; references'; $- Week and railroad fare. Apply eaiiv to Port Ian J Soap products Co.. 371 . - Hawthorne ave. INTELLIGENT, ami uTious. .well ap pearing women, who prefer building a substantial business for themselves should investigate our proposition Ap ply 207 Central bldg.. 10th and Alder GIRL wanted, general housework Must be neat-and pleasant with children. Good, permanent home for t-atisfactory frtrl. $15 to start. Call Monday. 836 Glenn ave.. North. "WANTED Experienced cook and eec ond girl. Apply 395 E. 11th st N.. corner Clackamas. References required Take Trvington or Hroailwa-: car EXPERIENCED irirl for general" house work, good cook. $35 month. War adiall 1P2R. WILL Ida - Marshall Seaborg t.925? please rin up LADY barber wanted at 371 Ta.vtor st. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 20 . MOLER BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn th trade; paid while learning; tools free; positions secured; summer rates: write for catalogue. Cor. 3d and Burnside. MOHLER Barber school wants rne , and women to learn .barber tradt free In & weeks. PosUtons secured. Pay while famine V. ?d st. MBSS DECKER'S Private Business Col-- lege. Day and night classes Special summer rates. Allsky bldg., 3d-Mor'sn IAN HELP WANTED 5L-LK AND FE3IALE 29 2 ' Contiaiid! ' I4OGANBKRRY pickers wanted. Ad dress Frank Tompkins, Gervals. Or. Rrute 2. box 26C. ORKGON BAHKfK COLLEGE Men and women to learn barber trad free. 233 Madison st, - WANTKD ACSENTS WANTED Stock salesmen, men or women; must be reliable; to sell es tablished honest business; plenty good letters from satisfied customers; will pay Kood price to rialit parties. Call forenoons. 21 Union ave.. city. G. J 1 lehu. , VK can Kive steady and promabW employment to a few more respon sible, energetic canvassers. Fcr de tails of terms and territory, addles OLKrjOS M'KSKRV CO.. Orenoo. Or. L1VK axenls to handle inut.ojrui.itc win dow aasii locks; burglar prjot, bi profits; territory free; .repeat o.ders; act nuick. Call 22 Seward ; hotel. bliLATIONS MALI-: OFFICER Kansas bank,, married, H2. now in Portland, will consider iiobi lion with ifood concern: at less tlian present salary- one week free trial if desired; no investment., but surety bond in any reasonabla amount. L ! T1, Journal. - ENERGETIC married Irian wishes of fice position. experienced cashier, bookkeeper and general office work; first class telerencea furnished. L' 7."!t. Journal. J ' I'RACTI'JAL painter, paper hanger. timer and oecorator, teduced prices; 3d days. Phone Sellwood -772. v ANTED Ly young man. 3 Ts. old, high school grade,-chance to work up in auto .company. P-97H. Journal. WEST SIDE vated, light. 1370. 4, 5 rooms, Just Walking distance. reno Sell. WISH stenographic employmeni; caii 0irn4h local and otiher reference. N-'i2. Journal CO. VI Pfc.TE.NT sliop mechanic and chauffeure furnished by V M. C. 'A Auto school Main 706! A-fiKl. 1'oR painting and kuisontining Broadway DI34. Save inoney. call WALL tinliii;. woik seicoild lo none, ;.rlce lew as a i cone Mar 17 4; LATIOXS -FEMALE 4 EX I'l.itl KSl'KL) woman wants posi tion as housekeeper where she i:in Live full charge; Christian Scientist p,eferred; no objection to children. G-I'S1-, Journal. Mli'liLK aged lady wo, lid like to do housework tor elderly couple. Phone Woodlawn 220.r). W A N T KT - 'a r e of cliiiid. good home. ' T'Ikid1 Tatior )674. cot. ult i work , D Kill wants home nights any kind East 575; of IN KAN I S ouir'it.-j ered K.'.t :;:',!: pianl or emorold- S IT I A T I O N S WANTKl t M A L E ami female 23 MAX and wlf-; Swiss, experienced ilrtirv man; wife to cook or other housework. Apply Hotel Rhein, ZiZ Front st. DRESSMAKING 40 Ta- DRESSMAKER. -. bor 4S71. out or home. T. 1 LOK1NG, parly gowns', alterations, 4H!' Montuoniery Main 743H. - Xl'R&ES GO WANT nursing; or day work will help with work. Phone Sell wood 202 1. Ft KMSIIEII ROOMS ID.'i'i 12th and Washington. Strictly cl an. quiei; house under proprietor's management; phone, steam lieat, iiot water in every room; up to date; $J week up; transients 50c up. RESPECT A BICE. Kl'KMalliili ruoins lor young ui.-n in all parts of the city, also in Y' M. C. A. bldg., especially desirable dunng the summer; fircpioof. telephone in each room, shower baths, $1.75 to $4.75 per week, including full assoc. ation mem bership privileges, gyimna&ium, twini ining pool, handball court, and nany other club privileges. Full information al Y. M. C. A. business office or tele phone Main TUfl'i, A-65T1 a B ACT IE LOR' S HOTEL. Everything new and up to date. For men only. Tenth and Washington Main i:i!9 3I,A,1!I;I.! Tenth at Oat; Mou- ern, fneprooi r. pec'aine. $3 week up THE 15 E LKl.V Clean, liomeliK-:, tur nisbed rooms, reasonable, cenirally loi-aiol' 1--', I'ark-Yamhill. i hi n t'.i-.h up, ciean, warm, rms central The Kin uiodci n :in'i j-f fill FLRNISllED ROOAiS - PRIVATE FAMILY LARGK CORNER ROOM. Steam heat, electric light, bed linen, cooking gas. flee phone and bath. $2.75; room with kitchen. $3; sleeping rooms. JI.75 week. 445 Columbia. $. COM I- OP. TALLY furnished room; ise of bath and phone. lronl 12 E 1 lib near Ankeny. NICELY' furnished from room, suit able for gentleman or lady. Phone Sellwood liM. N ('ELY furnished rooms, modern con veniences, very reasonable, central. ;oi Clay, mar loth. ENCLOSED sleeping porch, nicely fur nistied, !pri;ate entrance, bad, good local ion., rt asonable. East 387 1 NICE furnished room, light, bath. $5 pet month 269 Fargo. NICK large sleeping room a week. 47 E. 8th st. N. $ 1 (I Room d I st n nee. in modern apt., Marsliail 1 329. walking ROOM.- AND HOARD 13 THE HEREroRD. 735 737 HOTT ST. A quiet residential hotel Amcrican plan Suites Single rooms. E-cellent table Main 33n5 A '721 ROOM and .oid lor yuiig Worn in, ti per week; laundry, library anil sew ing privileges walking distance. Pnone FsM 47S2 Rooms and hoard t . fzuvate family A NEWLY' furnished room suitable for 1 or 2. modern conveniences, excel lent board, large, shady lawn. East 7 n 7 7 WALNUT PARK Well fu. nished modern Jiome. ood meals; i-eritle me-i 20 25 only. 10iy Gifiekl. VYooo'lawn NICELY furnished rooms with o,- with out board. Large yard, flow, rs and shade. Walking distance. 67 :'th, N. WELL furnished front room, bain, con necting, suitable for business couple. excellent beard. Main 3267. ANNA Lewis Hall. 51( Flanders, busi ness girls and studentis, $4, $5.75 wk. HOISEKEEIMNG ROOMS 8 rtTRNISHED A2TD DK.URHISHED CNK room with kitchenette, complete ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone in every room; 7 blocks from 6tb and Morrison sts-. $1 up. 2H1 Columbia st.. cor, nth. DOWNTOWN modern U. K. suite. $15 month up, including heat, ligiu. etc. Royal Annex. 350 Morrison. M. 4521. TWO housekeeping rooms $10 month. 54nVfc Washington st.. near 16th. HOrSEKEEPlXfS ROOMS 73 FUKRISHED A UTS TTNFTJXITISHE S , . J',!I:X' ONE or two nice housekeeping rooms, also sleeping; phone, linen, close in. 129 13th. , . TWO- nicely rooms, gas, 92 Front. furnished housekeeping bath, yard, $10 month 3 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, private bath, good neighborhood; walking distance; E. 3332, 166 E 12th HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS t 73 uiunsKxs 3td mnrirunsKSs -XXVAT- TAICCLT. (OootlnQq FRONT room and kitchenette. clean, homey, bath. $8 for one. $10 for two per month; also cozy room for house keeping $5 per month. IS Uruna ave. N. COMFORTABLE furnished room, suit able for one or two business women: light, phono, use' of kitchen; very reasonable rent. 681 Clinton st. FOR RENT HOL'SES UXFTJKZnSHS 12 yT, iT' tlOUSe. IUll lOl, $11 6 room fruit, lot modem euclosed with picket fence, 2 blocks east of Union ave posite Piedmont, No. 441 Jarrett Jb 5 room modern house, wnn Bt- ; lot J ! 84)xlOO, fruits, at Lents. Ottn & HnrlVc;nKl Rpa tv Cn 413 Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND H ETTThTSN ew iiarTT wood throughout, - baths. 3 bed- rooms, and maids room, sleeping porch, j wonderful canyon view- built-in cook- crs, tiled and enameled kitchen. 7 min utes from postoffice, just over Ford st. bridge. Call W. F. Scott, Carlton hcile:. Main 3435. FOR RENT Good 3 room house, close to carline, $4 per mo. See my agent a 326 Mohawk bldg, St. Johns 6 ROOM house." with liathTeTee.7igYtZ at 1336 East Salmon, $y per month. Ferguson. (ierliriKer bldg Main S5-"J. FOR RENT I room cottage til'urnisMed modern 4 electricity and gas, ifiLsonable. Phone Tabor 694 6 ROOM, modern, large corner lot, fruit, berries, flowers, $12 5u month. Tabor 1.S33. LOVELY' ti-room modern cottage fruit, lawn, roses, garden; near car $12.50. Sellwood 1M4. HOUSE for rent. 504 Davenport, Port land Heights Key at 5o0. ' 6 -ROOM ilisan house. $15. close st.. bet. E. 2d and :'4S 3d. E. b5 Y.. 21st St.. 5 rooms, modern, clean, rent reasonable; phone East Jifi9. I'oK RENT 4 room cottage, distance. Phone East 2575. w alkiru; FLRNTTL'RK FOR SAli HOI SES FOR RK.NT ADS of furn'ture for sale ai nub-,. l.shed in the I Hcusehold Goous cla"s- .fixation when house I no" for rent ROOM house' for for sale cheap. 09 rent and furniture I N. :th St. FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT Attractive country home, fully furnished, for 3 or 4 months, modern H room" bungalow, running wa ter, city gas, flowers, shrubs, trees aind fruit, hard surfaced road, Bull Run wa ter. For terms apply to John W. Alex ander. 615 Lumbermen blUg. Phciie Bioadwav 18S2. k Kuu.ii rurnisiicii house lor rent to. young couple, owner wishes to room and board. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Woodlawn ':iS;5 ur call &o7 Bon h wh-k St., after ti p. m. C FtoOM bungalow, furnished: 2 aces land in bearing fruit trees, crops in, berries, tic carfare, near carline; elec tric lights, compressed air water sys tem. Main 615.' litVlNGTo.N HEIGHTS, new, model. i. 9 room bungalow, partly furnished. 4 lots, garden growing. ::u fruit tress; berries, roses and flowers, chicken iot; 2 blocks Irvington car. Tabor 5940. , 6 ROOM house nearly furnished, fruit and flowers, in exchange for board . and room for young man. Alberta car ; to 1013 E. 6th N. Adults preferred, call Sunday. FOR RENT $20 per month, 6 roJru i furnished modern house. 6b04 Wl it- man ave. J. L. Wells Co.. 324 Chain- . I f r of Commerce bldg. j YEAR lease, furnished or iint'urii.shcd. 7 room house, sleeping poron, arge lot and garage. For particulars, Tabor 19H2 ' FOR R E NT-,-New $25 month: no S4 Tibbets St. furnished bungaiuw, children, releittJce Ft) R RENT Newly fnrnithed 5 room modern house at 327 10. 9tii. Inquite 4 N. 6th. Phone Broadway 12. FI V E-ROOM furnished House.. laue light rooms. 7M ' Marshall 3451 or Tabor 4 ROOMS, well gas. electricity; Hawthorne car. furnished, modern; $l(i. 4 0 1 E. 4 4th sr. WANTED Man and wife, care t-,r fur nished house and pay smali relit, j Main 9323. i FOR RENT 0 room E. 15th, between E. Ankenv. Phone E modern bouse on E. Burnside and ist 235 or '-2.rS3.'.. FOR RENT- Furnished. modern. 5 room cottage, electricity ar.i gas. re;. vnn j. hie. Phone Tabor 6947 MSiir.D 1 ICllis ave. room hoiise. modern. Wdln. M32. APARTMENTS 4:1 T-RX 1 S II I Kj A XI) l .VKl RXiSH E D VILLA ST. CLARA 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. a.-.3s.,CT?-iT.E'r-r s-:a;ra -o'd i" liuii-e ,.l .UnlKy. ruinfuit and r1e COMPLETELY' furnished apartments. 1 $9 month up. including lignts, phene. bain, janitor' service. BELKNAP APARTMENTS. 1S7 iaii. near Yam hill. MAD1SON I'.dtK APT. Park su. at Madison. Modern 3. 3 ;iiid 4 room furnished apa r' uients, close i.i, ny w eek or month. THE D EZE N DO K 1-. 208 1UTH ST. Marshall 2216. Nice 5 loom lur. anu u..iui ap: iso 3 and 4 room fur. apts. KLINE apai luteins. luinislu-d and Jii lurnisiied rooms, modern, healed r,y oil burner. Mar. 706. 561 Glisan St., cor. 171 h st WElfeT Ai'TS 6'J N. 2 3d. One large 5 room apt., with porch. Appiy at Apt. No. 4 private LUZERNE Al'l'o.. 3d and iiall Almd ern brn k bhU . J rooms, lurnislied, private phone in each apt., $15 and ap. M l:;lt:i ll 4637 iii' In.W .V id A- luinr l.n t rui i.c E. apts .ill and lay lor sis., 2 and ; light free, private bath. IHE MIKI''u-.l.li .ill l.luaiw.i.v 3 and 4 room lur and unlur a; walking distance; at very reason. i rent' lest oi s. ivicc .u .in .,.u. ule PENROSK AITB.. N. W. cor. li.-lmunt and Grant, ave., new, modern, z . nd 3 room furnished. Service I'u.-d cluss. Walking distance. $3.50 PER week. 2 room apt., private bath. Harrison Court. 5th and Hal- ; rlson: walking distance. J PENINSULA APTS.. C-1170, concrete shape. H 13. Hlllsboro. Or. bldg. 3 and :: rooms; hot and cud TjooTi garage, liest location in v'an water, baths phone, steam he-it. $12 up. couver cheap re ret; investigate TUI'OR AR.MS jvpls.. Lstn and Couch. Phone A-1644, Alain 2553;, new, brick bldg.; ., 3. 4 roons. moi lera a pis GET located for the Rose Show one block away. Singie room or aits. 289 10th St. New iuinisned $10 and$l. onHlnwn 5)2. apis . concrete block; llo.J, Ciuou ave N. MAGNOLIA APTS.. E 3d and Belmont Modern 1 and 2 room a.,ts it Mi n,r per week up. Sleeping rooms. Fast THREE room lurtushed apartments; separate bath and phone, ease side, good location, $17. Tabor 60 65, I) 1035. NOKOM1S apts.. 56,5 Marshall st. Mod ern, private bath-and dressing room; summer rates. ROSE FRIEND. 2X5 Broadway S. , mod ern unfurnished apts.; lare rooms, best service, walking dist. Marsh. 1410. AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4. 5, 6 rm. apts. Mar. 3360. M. 7516, A-26.76. LUXOR APTS.. ?4 -3th st. Aiain 105. Furn. and unfur. 3. 3. 4 room apts. Pinpinnntl ,rt- 401 lut" "'Odern CIIILillliail apartments. $1) to $120. ROSENI"EX.D Stark. 3 and (brick). 14th and E 4 rooms, private imontd. CAMAR. 704 Lovejoy 2 and 3 room apts., $15, $20. $27.50. Marshall 291. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED . CConUatt) TOEWiiWELL Fifth and Columbia tf. ! Fiye minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's store: eood surroundings: strictly modern 2 and Z room furnished apartment, all outside, with trench;- doors and balconies. I ATTRACTIVE RATES. ' PKRMAN'KNT OR TRANSIENT "iiAODON HALL APARTMENTS" ; Corner of 11th and Hall Sts. I i- UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. i Two, 3 and 4 room apis., balcony, hmil nrivil. ..... ,-..r,- ;.,t " V.ss " ! ih aL,JAWiV T' ' birth and College. t ciean. cozy. 3 and 4 room furnished i ,mt'"r.lf ZVtf. ,:vlce on all miimr adjusiraenvs, W eluded. ,,MC."?" AA'4.Ai",L . c l-t . t - Reku -T'ul 3 J:"" S,! t h." S.SM..B , i? , " ' E rooms. water, nfione. lanitor service, etc. BALBOA APIS. Irge, modern 3 and 3 room fur. and unfur.. brick bldg, best service, walk-, ing dis. ; reasonable. 429 Harrison st FOR RENT FIJ1TS 13 FOR REXT Upper and lower tlai, rent very reasonable. 512 Columbia. Main 496M. MODERN 17th st.. upper $18. 6 room Hat. 1 i Va Marshall 4317. E. FURNISHED FLATS ro rl$16 Modern. 4 rooms, neatiy- fur ',' nished, walking distance. Phone E. 1 24 09. COZY 4 room lurnfshed fiat, including I Ii -at, water and phone, for $li. 41612 Commercial St. WELL furnished. 3 rooms. 383 Ross st.. east end Broadway bridge, rent $14.50. ERY desirable lower flat. Nob (iistricf. references. Mar. 16. Hill SIMMER RESORTS 56 I FOR RENT OR SALE CHEAP. The Saunders hotel at Newport, Or., blocks from ocean beach. With 2o , " , '"-I0-" . nn -" i completely furnished, or wl Tnt d'.n,ne m and kllc,'n Palate , NEWl'ORT, Or. Free office space and , use or typewriter for public stenog- rapher. Location near postoffice. Sum. ! mer cottage for rent. Address Smith. Real Estate. Newport. Or. SEASIDE cottage rent for season. on board wa.: kj A. G. Long. to SEASIDE 5 $50 season. room furnished cottage. Woodl'wn 2123. mornings STOKES AND OFFICES 11 T.KICK warehouse in Suth Pottlani tor rent, trackage, light ad airy On paved street; reasonable. Journal p ,i.i i Myi e C-. ttroailwnv and Yamhill. FOR K!:.NT Li(1k hal:. Call 4 ! a Oregonian bldg. WANTED -T KENT WANTED To rent, furnished com plete, cottage or "bungalow, six rooms preferred; must be modern, clean a no ; low rent K-571. Journal. WANT small Irvington. P unfurnished -9n5. Journal. house n FOR horses and venicles, dogs and household pets and poultry, read the ads under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediuma in these cla -gfd f icaf ion? WANTED Two sadd'e ponies, middle of June, for 10 days; easy trfp, plelnv letd: am responsible, good c:ne. Phone East 1SS. GOOD rubber tired:surrey very cheap: also one of the best wagons for b-.tU or fuel in citv. lo29 K. Yamhill st. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 2U. Portland Renil'-ring ( Y. HORSE, gentle fur woman or child, also buggy and harness, cheap. 15 E 22d st. VERY' fine voung team of light del. mares; make fine del. team; at a bargain. 1"29 E. Yamhill St. j FOR SALE Light driving horse, kind I and gentle, fine for the women folks, j Call Milwaukie tel. 52M. ! CHEAP if sold at once. und liglit farm wagon. 2500 lb. 1029 l ill st. WANT small team or 1 big horse ana harness, cheap for cash. 4 2 E. 27th. COLUMBIA stables 3u2 Front st. and saddle horses for hire. M. rigs 3030. FOR SALE F. Peters. -Saddle pony. Metzger. Or yea t s old LEAD horses Tabor 4 203. and cttle taken tree. LIVESTOCK 3.5 AUCTION COWS Monday, 2 o'clock. 308 Front st. Main 171 FOR SALE Cheap. 5 fresh cows, sell or trade for beef cattle. Mississippi ave. FOR SALE Cheap, fine 4 gal. cow. first come, first served M sissinpi ave. BRUCE terms. lias dairy cows for sale on Union Stock Yards. -GALLON rage st. COW for sale. 14 06 Bur- I'O ULTR Y AN I) IMG EONS 87 SEE preceding pare for poultry ada. DOGS, RIR1H, PETS, ETC. 46 AIREDALE PUPS; engage them now; $5 and $10 each. Oregon Carneau Co . Portland. Tabor 4"N3. WANTED fiuiiiea p-ts. whit. ra I s and white mice. State price and 'quantity. X-.142. Journal. A t TO.YIOBI ' LES-' AS miiEtt Mfg. Repairs. 3000 guaranfd sprmtts in stock, prices reduced. 34 N. 15th St. NO-GLARE AUI U LENS ED BRUNS CO., Palelll pending 43' 1st St.. cor Ash. Rroadway 954. AUTOMOBILE tor sale cheap, ia model, 5 passenger, sell on terms or first mortgage on property. Call Mar- i shall 3917. I i;l4 5 i ass. overland. El. staritr and; lights, in first class conn.. $:!75; r u-i ms if ucs'tui i'.i.; Alain 414. Oak ; A. it" Co.. l '.Ii and Mder. ST l DE BAKER. $-'2 5. Touring ca-r, in good shape. gooj tires. Covey Motor Car Co.. 31st aiid Washincion st Main 6.44. Tu foT 1 N TERN AT ION A I. 4 - psis s en ge r have eNuitimeiits lor nuo-lb. truck, .125: bargain; must sell; first claws Thompson AV swan, Vancouver. Wash 6th und Main sis.. 1911, 5 PASS. Overland, good condi tion, $15 .ash. 3u. lloyt st. Cail Russell IF it scrap rubber or metals and you want the Highest pric., phone J. Lev.-. '. fed Columbia. Main 51HS. GET OUR PRICE- ON PALxiiNG. i HKOADW AY, Al IO 31 Broadway North, PAINTING CO.. tfear Burnside. TON Menominee truck in first class condition, $650. See Ganger at Boone & Co. v. ILL sell or trade (on Studebaker truck for horses or cattle. 955 Mis- s'ssinpi. ave- TT $2. a. easy 1915 FORD $335 cash; 1914. term s. 500 Burnside. 1915 5 passenger Studebaker, in A-l condition. Phone Woodlawn 54-64. BUICK 0 passenger; a bargain Dick Hemphill, at Keats'. Asa I BRUSH j terms. runabout cneap; 1.7 N. 6th St. cash or IFOR SALE Detroit electric I feet order. Tabor: 2411. ti. per- 1915 5, tion: r Vnrti rvirfit nllinin ramti- $-5 cash. Tabor -294. , FORD tion. 1915 touring , car, fine condi new tires. Phone Tabor 3322. automobiles-acx:essorie 44 i Fords , Fords Fords Fords I 1915 F6rd. touring j like new, speed- nm r ,.,nlV tip imnii YflU Switch lock, hand horn and Hassler ahotk ab- orbers $395. pord touring, practically new, epeedometer and hand horn, $39j. jyi5 jord. roadster, speedometer and cutout. 36:,. miSFord. touring, finest condition, J3;,; , 1 Ml 4 1914 Ford, roadste,r, $295. Ford, touring, like new. sent covers and electric lights, $3-u. Ford, touring, Ford. touring, seat cover.-, absorbers and electric lights. 1M4 Kill wL" "lti 4 Ford, roadster, finest condition, j-r, rn .; j...., , i have a complete stock of parts' lor r o rd car. Open day and night. We never ver close. , ! Francis Motor Car Ex, 1199. East Uth and Hawthorne ave. OV7R USED CA'R DEPARTMENT Offers .he f-illowing bargal-is: OVERLAND Six, 1915, 7 pass., fine ! family or rent car .$S0O i 8TUDF.: BAKER touri.ig car . 2:5 ST I "DEB A K EH. eL-etric. Al cor-.M- tlCL; migdt co..ioe.' some traile MAXWELL roadster, demountable rin.s, ehctrlc ligl ts 400 350 PI Kill K-AkhOv is; 7 pass.. ra.i t be reat for reliable service. CH.ALMER.-, lighf x, 5 'pass. .. S50 ALCO SIX; t!iis is some an tone bile: you must see it to realise its value. DODGE, touring car, in first cIkss condition, a good buy v . 650 ALSO MAN'S OTHERS NOT L.'STEH. CALL AND INSPECT OL'H USED CARS. COVKy MOTOR 21m and Warh met on. CAR CO M:,i-i f24 t Real Bargains I ! 1 5 Dodge touring practically new. $67 I'.i 4 Bilick touring, finest condition, electric lights and starter, $H75. I iyi MiineoaKei lour, touting, like' new. (.,P(.trl(. lis,lls and starter. $5.".o. 191 ulck roadster, finest .omhtion. i nriniu new Tires ana eieiiric iiriL, $3 1 y 1 4 Mitchell 4' touring, run onlv 3700 miles, like iv cost $isoo; our price $695; electric lights and starter. 1912 Cadillac, touring, best buy in town, $3'.i5. 1912 S'tudehaker 30. 5-pass., demount able rims, newly painted, $27-5. Terms if desired and a year's free service on minor adjustments Francis Motor Car Ex, E 1U''. East 13tn ami Hawthorne ne Used Auto Snaps TERMS GIVF-N. LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. PRICKS' FROM $300 UP. Also 10 passenger Hole', bus Mitchell? Lewis &, Staver Co, E. FIRST AND E MORRISON ST;. East 7272. B-1216. G A R AGES $30 and up. Portable lion- . ses, chicken I houses, wood- sheds, etc., M i 1.1 mailt I Construction ! Co. Main 11U7. 5 14 Hood st. SundaV and evenings. Woodlawn 3615 EVER-READY ; $360; truck complete .$775. Manul'd in Portland i'THA YEK-SH A V HK-GL'LLEyi MACHINE CO. 193 East Water St. Phone East lHH'BLE tread, puncture proof tir&s made from your old ones. Bring them in. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. Wash, at lv.h Burnsule at Hi nuil ay. ( 325 Burnside. ) Let I's'Solve Guaranteed Springs Cor. Union and Bel mont. E. 1 ::'".. mil spring Trouble. WASHinOToM CaRHIAOB HOUSE and lot in Kelso. Wash.. trade for light automobile; 'oir or five passenger preferred. Address 169S Portsmoufli ave.. Portland. Tt-ie .''hone, Columbia 575. ' WANTED To rent, F'ord runaboui, ;jrdcr, tor few iuv:;, in lloral parade. E- j good running ! w ill use one day i 9'.i0, .1 on rnal. PORTLAND improved properly trade for light 5 passenger auto. B Wooton. Mountain Dale, Or to CASH pa. i 1- an'ed on W CLEAN first class touting fill, competent driver. Mn ; FORD Go Woodlawn anywhere, 3293. 1 easd-ualJ.c. OAKLAND Fix, 7113 or'lliiS. reasonable. Tabor (TOncV(LHlCV EESra FOR SALE 1913 Tin r 5. eipiippfd.. in A-l condition truaraiitee to climb Had St.; $90. llill.. Will Call Tabor 1iiy3 965 E. Ablet r't. T"i U'E motorcycle: must sell. tJu; 1 gasoline engine $5. Call 6. JO. Sel'. vvood II' 06. 1'J13 EXi'E'LSIoR motor. car for ale at low pti 207 Morrison st. Phone v.cle and side e for cash at I'm bor '' i !'7 Bicycles Ac motorcycles sold R H I'.locKer t. lavl.M i rented. LAt'NilllS AND BOATS 4 EVLNRUDE rowU-at and canoe ino tot s. rowlirei'.. cii'ii' s. niotoi boats. s;o nur beautiful niotoiboat and en gine tor $143 eo ijirud Moter Co , I Moved to Jl 1 Mor-'isnn st. NICELY, furnished houseboat. 4 m- . large porrh. rowboaf. bargain if sorj at once; gruni; east. 14 Willamctlc moorage, foot of ''rami v n ft. F R H IjRE ;:u-ft launch f"r even ings, Sundavs aiid tor fishing am. excursion parties. Phone Marshall 4 061. FOR, SA LE Motot boat . IS II. p.. boat house, first 'lass. cheap: also J iSriiding tennis racquets anu net. K-llv st S. car. , , FOR SALE -Model N, FoMfcgire eii'iippcd for a boat, a Snap. i.-.d.-, Journal. FOR SVLE Ciitv 2 loom houseboat completely furnished Phone Sell- i xcimrt '701 4;, WlHatitfti' mwnair. i PO T houses furnished. $5u to $200. , 'withrow. 411 Henry hldg.Jin66U -J. dAMLlo r.uai .-o.oc. . ;Se;i raeH4. ii rrce PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Si $5 IXJWN $1.20 Weekly, without In terest, buvs $325 1916 model dano for $245': total saving J 1.43.2s. Schwan Fiano Co.. 1 frl 4th st.. at a sh . ngton. FREE use Jul piano Or player piano IV, years. See display adir. or fil Schwan Piano Co.. 111 4t ti st. - Piar.o (WRITE touj-y for Bargain pianos. Graves Portland. Or. List" (,f 100 1 ro ,5, 4ln H,., Musi " J55 CASH buys a I piano tomorrow. $450 Haines Bros." Security Storage Co.. 109 4th. ! I BE' Y'S grapliopr.one and choic. rec ords costing $100. Schwan Pi.no Co. I 1 1 1 4th st. KIMBALL. $325. upright oak piano. will close out for .o cash this week.; 'Security Storage "o., 109 4th st. ' VV1I t. -! 1 115(1 violin t (i hl.he.t 1,1,1- I der. Call Wood fawn 4275. HOBART M. CABLE piano for good condition. Call Wd. 2283. $200; 1 ton truck; attachm t. j . nia:sji W 7437. i 1 A U li''OHftt Van"!,; ALTOKniLES W ANTED 781 I for used cats; money, )) Ml iff aulo .'05 Alder. VST 'ANTED Late 5- ass. auto tor .cash, i - 933 j give lull iiesrit ct.i j1. uji 1 Al'TOS frOI! HIilK 5' 1 ' SAXON '., 5-pass. highway. Rose Fest- I p,tm',I 1 i,.l ut. .u..l X.l.nr :-,.v:: ,. I 1 ' " i i'.r. care- i it .3 7. I 34 THE SWUHITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT PIANOS. 50 Mars&all A Wendell UpU cash $ $S0 Louis XV Walnut Upt . cash.. 1400 Chickering & Sous, old model J2J5 F. & C Fisher, pld moJel $250 piatioila Plaver. mahosan y . . . . 80 41 4 0 30 45 iar. 2 5 165 $32.) Lindell I'priglit, mahogany. $135 Story & Clark ftirlor (irt'an. $500 Kmeirson Colonial Piano. . . . To first, caller, 109 4th near Wash. V"ur ino storel for 75 monthly. YO'J folks who use to piuy the piano you folks who enjoy the old songs of loni; agn, ohii now play your favorite selection on the wonderful reproduc ing piano; player. Players priced from $12."i and up, terms as low as $5 per month. Graves Music Co.. 151 4th St.. neur Morrison. LEKoRE purchasing sef our specials in I sea Piano' Bargains. New - t&s pianos mod ately priced. mmm : V 80..- !$10 will: place an bS-note mahogai i piano player in your home and 'i ; per month will keep It there until pa: I j lor, prnfe $230, rolls and bench in I eluded. Graves Music Co., 151 4th et. ; near Morrison st. EASY monthly payments on the foi- luwuig piaucs. liuiio. jii, liuiuinitu '$l5, liraubury, rich tone. $10. I.lghte $90. Wrte for our bargain list. Graves Mn.etc Co., l'.l 4tli St.. near Morrison si. COME Hi and inspect ibis snap, beauti ful fcji-nole player piano, like new, ptued ait $'jo, lelrms. $10 cash and bal. on easy monthly "terms. Graves Music Co., il'4th st.. near .Morrison. HA E your piano Umec, it paired, retin ished by prufessionel cien. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Portland Piano Tuning. H-p & .1 1 tr C.. :4ti Ha w t home E. 1072 WILL lent Sh-nolf piano player Willi L'5 rolls of music $4 per months, rent can apply on purchase price. Gruves Music i;".. 151 4th St.. near Morrison s' GOOl' walnut piano player, lot ct musi? lulls, bench and s arf, lz'. pay $10 .ash. J7 per month. Graven Musi. Co., 15) 4th tit., ilea i Morrison st 7 5C MONTHLV stoics your pi.iuo, or will n-U at your .price or buy :1 for cash. Call Main 5:it'2. Scciiniy Stor age i'n,, 111 lib, at W aslitiiKtcin AN elugant uiauoga-ny piano p.ayer, music rolls and lieiuh .ot.ly Jl,'5. Easy trems. Graves Music Co.. 151 4th st., near Morris. in. DAINTY bungalow vs-note player piano, was $.Vi5, now $425. pay $ In cash the balance like rent Gravis M iisb- Co.. 1-5 1 4th ft. near Morrison s. CLEAR citv lot wanted in excuange for Hplendid piano; answering, state, location and price. R-H32, .louiftal. TYPEWRITERS WE sua e you Iicin 5u to 7 .''. on all iin'vt-v of tyj..wrilfi s. Si-i d for o.ir illustrated foldei . letall ib-pat tmeiit'. Wlliil ks.M.K TYl'EW RiTER CO.. 3 2 I W ns'nitiTto'y st .'i'YI'i li lil l'i;RS for rani. ;; mou;hs lor I $5 a. id up; 'i months' renta'. applied ,oi; tiur'hase ju I t.-iiiington 'i'y pe- :Avril-r t'o.. m; Hiu,h1w;iv NEW rebuilt, ratei. P D i' 2d hand rentals, cut :'.(! Stn-k M M0.'. IIOl'SFHOLD GOODS for SALE I5 llol'SEIioLD goods lor sale cheap; ail 1 new; h"iit-e can tie rented. W.iv ill; must leave i t y at once. Tabor 2.M2 I LEAVING city; elegant furnituie sac iificj for casli; leather davenport. I Tabor 1 190. FURNITURE cheap 787 of 5 rooms; E. 2Sth st. S will aeil hi Hi SA LK M ISC KLIjA N EOUS 1 HA RG A INS. All kinds. All makes. Sewing machines, need the room. Will sell from All Each- Gunranteed Main 1845. 349 Morrison. FOR BAi.E brand new caroom ano pocket billiard tables with complete outfit. Jl 15: second hand tables at reduced prices; bowling alley and bil liard supplies; eaty payments. Cigar store, drug, delicatessen and soda fountain fixtures. 'THE BRUNSWICK BALKE (."OLI. EN PER CO. 4-4S F'Oh WAl hi.nls or all niakea so!d for less. No agems eniployexl Machine r. rt ed $2 per mo. A-20'.' M-'.i431. Sewing Macbline Emnorlum ISO 24 ki nour Taylor, rented,: Electric uiotois soid" aud ML SiC.AL. INS l'RUMENTS. I'vve-w-.-iiers'' and "Household Goods" are ser-.-ate classUlications. Ai! adver isemfePtM of these goods aiV published under their respective ciassif icatuns. u th. m "av Electric Motors riintail .a. ' - -. v...., "'1 u k:ju .' - - Dane. I WniU, l.-i,..,., .V, ' ' . . ..... v. , UICI.111 Works. 413 l:uri.t:db Co.-. iiitti r.- -.va v cr- -r.fi 7 4 OAK bar fixtures with show cases, r. frigerator, lijg, heavy plate miit'or. eic. iv in sen a, or part vet v tieali evenings st . after a. Mult- 10 DRoPHEAD Singer siiwniK nm chinrs. complete with attaenments. in good order, $17.50 whiie'lhey iut East 2359, B-3307. E R. Steeii. 152 n nd a vc . pp;ir Fielmo-f .k ToMOBll.ES. motoriycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under t hes" different i-lnssificat Ions. WANTED To fit your eve. so thai you get all that's comii to you out of life; prices very 'reasonable Staples the1 Jeweler A GOOD threshing outfit, complete, for fsale for 1-4 off cost for cash or would, consider good auto. Ralph Han i.a n. Pit vt on r PHONOGRAPHS, $5; records. 5 cents. Phojiograph Record Exchange, lzi, 1st st,. near- Aldejr Mam 4495. FOR 5) A l.i. Sc age wood, sti 34 7 5. did V e l.an: brick, wieck length. Alaishall ERR II K Mo'lday. e chest good .'0i Morrison. as new. 1 'hone Tu- hni TWO . ft. enow a.-es on tab!--;-. $.0 takis them liotli il sold Morula, lu.' ( Ira nil ave.' FOR SALE New ice making miichitie"; capacity 3 tons I""-'' -'1 hour period Latest Hvtprov ed. S-77'i. Journal WAYNE gasoline pumps and oil stor- ! ae tanks. E II. Rueppell Agt. 154 ' Ivp lfai'n 1221 $l?r,ir I ) Rf if'I IE A D ewing"macliliie. ; with attachments call 153 Grand 1 ave I AI.K lilNKIIY bougl.l. sold. rejiaued an 1 exchanged. Northwest Lead A. Mh'Ii Co. : 11 Front st Mnin -dli;' M 1 i . l7i N K ft Y fixture s for .alt chf-ajT K - 5k2, Jim rna I . -. SWAP COI.I'ViN TEN ACRES, now gagp $225; long worth $500. mort- I time to pay; a'ol cod .lornet and -:ise. can use. This is worth f'.r anylbing I your while to investigate. L-550, Journal LIGHT wagon with cover, double se light harness, to trade for bees oi seed potatoes. 3.3 VVare-r st. FiNEi player plan": will icade for aut'i or Sell cheap for cash. 177 SLintoi" Ft., "venlnes TO EXCHANGE coal or- wood st. n; ' Gas ranse. for range, 100S E. g iod 31 si HAVE you a clear lot to tia-ie VI XI with 1 fine piano? Mall your price, j location, to 111 4th a-t. WILL swap labor 972, Journal. for dentisirv. W ANTED a mli cash. Furniture for Astorbi lots 722 C. of C. Main 4f3. ' I GA.S water j ha von' heater for tent. Main 7010. or What WANTED M I SC E L 1, A N EO I S R WE PAi CHsh ror your trunks and handbags. stilt cases. Main 9072, ! A -' 1 ( 4 - WANT- to buy Multieraph. in good order, for cash. U-312. Journal. I FURNITURE wanted. Alain 13Q4. PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL 'INSTRUMENTS (ContlaDdd) WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 (C?ontlnud WE PAY cash for your used furniture. carpets, ranges, eic. Gevurtz Co,, Inc. 1R5-187 First street. ! NEAR YAMKILL. M RSH A LIj 6981. I PHONE East 7815 when you waul ! to sell your furniture. We come at once and pay ou tne cash. M. R. Sealer. 2S6 Grand ave. south of Haw- 1 thorne. I WANTED Showcases, cash register. 1 i ref ri geratoi s, scales, t-ooic stove-, . lawn mowers, ;as water healer, house hold goods. '.s 1st, near Aliier. Main 4 4 '..".. WaNIED Second hauo furnituie, ranses aid stoves. Bet prices paid. Morgan i'urniture Co., 30 East Mar- rlsoii st. Phone East 2238. WAiiT(CD the people ot For land iu kuov.- 1 pay the lushest casrtpr'. :es for household gooda Prompt attention. East 6707. N. M. Sefitor. 143 RusKeli l. 1 W ill- uay ii.. lor yoar fiaiio. play er, upright, grand or suuare. Both phones 14o3. or call oa w J. Foster I 1 :1 4' t. NOTICE TO MOVERS. Wanted Sti ves, rockets, dressers. rugs, couches, chairs, tables, etc. Vv'e pay the price N W. FurEx. E. 63 6 . WANTED, watches and jewelry lo re pair, 1st class won;, guaranteed, ch;ii(;ca reasonable. J. ll. Miesner, liV I K. Morrison. HKidLs; For second hand hold goods. 51- 3 19 PRICES PAID iurn.ture and house N.. 3d st. Broadway K j 101 1J. Ci.een nailing slaiups. fCv7 hi r.OO N. W. Bk. bid. PA V 6 Vdla Luo MORE lor them than Si erry-H utchinson Co. SECOND haiul clothing buyer. Meyer, the tailor, pays $5 up for suits; shoes bought. Marshall l229. 229 Mtidlson. E REPAIR your watch for $1, no matter how badly 'iioken. Bring this ad Howard Jewelry Co., 93 't 6lh st. WILl7 PA Y CA Slf FOR S E C O N D-HAND HOC Kfc H O L D C.i )' IDS. " PJ P N E M A IN 3332. A-25K7. WE' buy phonographs and records, also player' piano music, 12S First st. Maiai 4 495. near Alder. W AN"i E D BT : YCLES. pay cash or trade typewriter or lieacli lot, 12S Is1, near Alder. Main 4495. CASH for old gold, silver, platinum and high grade, ore. H. M. Pickering, mfi; jeweb-r. IMS Oreponian bldg. WANTED A wardrobe trunk, cheap. Jji 1 1 Wo i nl I a w n 1 5 9 3 . CASH paid for good second-hand fur niture Ford Auction Co.. 1 ill 2d st. Alaska Bag Ai J unk Co. pays best prices, .ili kinds junk. Main 46Sfi. 235 Front. IA)ST AND FOUND 1 l'( U.I.OW I N'ti articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railwav. T.icht A; Pow r i-oiiipany. and owners I tl ereof 111:1 1 hiitn sum at the 1st a-id , Abler st. slaliou, Marsliail 510U, A- I 6i::i: .1 me. 1 -2 suitcases., 1 sa'k bread, 1 p-'Wd.r box. ; umbrellas. 3 ikgs.. 1 . I ...ili. I roll nmsie. 1 gold chain. 1 grip. 1 basket, 4 parcels. 1 lantern globe, 1 lunch box. 1 bundle clothes. 2 pair gloves, 1 purse. 1 note book, 1 single gjuve T New Cential Market. 4th and Yani- b:ll. two weeks ago Thursday, gold lnalcd uliibrtlla. engraved ".Mrs. C Russell. Juneau. Alaska" Hewat-1. 5 Union bl.-k. Mam 37y6 or Mam r (l ) LOST---A small brown hand satch-J. between Auto club and Portland. Woodlawn 1 203. Reward. PERSONA IaH WHY pay Dig prices for Klasses? 1 can fit your eyes with first quality lenses in a gold filled frame as low as $1 50. Chas. W. ooodman. optometrist 209 Morrison. Main 21.4 OREGON HERNIA 1NSTI TLT . Rupture treated mechanically; aduits. children. Trusses to suit your case, Johnston and Umbargar. rupture si - ciallsts, 411 Allsky bldg. Main it. FEB VET & HANEBUT. leading w ig and toupe makers; finest stock bu tnai, hair goods; hairdressing, maiucui- tni7 fso und .-."alD treaiuieni.. cun.w- ings to ir.ier. 14 i Broaaway. .moiji y GERMAN TraTiTed" nurse ami masseuse, gives treatments lor i heumatism. lumbago, neuralgia, etc.; massage and baths, ladv assistant. 256 lltli si Marshal I 5U33 . O p en Su n d a vj . TAKAKA 113 ir Tonic, an antiseptic scalp cleanser. nir beautlner ana dandtuff remover; price 6oc bottle. For sale by Portland Hotel pharmacy. N ER V O L fN LbS, uiseases or vvonik n and cnildreu cureu. Or. Margaret Haynie. licensed cnlropractic phyal- cian r. 1 7 SweTixnd bldg. No fake. DON'T i:se cji.peba.ive corn remeu es wi-.-a you can get the sure thing e tuoves it" lo-: .Uaters at tb Clemen son bru Cc. '-) Morrison St. t-LECTUO-HY DROPATH10 Instituie. 275 North -2d st. (Cor. of Overton;. IscientUic massage, F;iectric . abinet Hatha. Corntortable rooms. Mar. i WILL Murdock A. Alornsoii o. cap North, Cape Breton, ccinmunicu'.e i With lilS S!Sir, .NO. id raun.ni;i oiuv.. ! Maiden. Masa. t NEW life in ebctric and vibratory treatments. Facial, scalp and mani curing 4I7-.0 Nortl'Wfstri2jHarJtj,jdg. NEW Hie in eiectric and vibratory tteatments Facial, scalp and manl curinn. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg. JYA N T ihe location and rales of ran. hers w ho take Bummer boarders. ' -7 7 1 ' . J ourna I jTr V. o" KETCH I 'M Women's mala dies and acute diseases of men. Wash bldif.. 4th nnd Wash Rm. 441. Mar. 44 H S,,TrTTUA L.1SM--Rev. M. A. Price, cir cles Tues 3 p. in.; Wtd.. Sun. 8 p: ni. Road ing daily. Ta-y st Mar. 3360. FREE, cold slor- Rummelin Dekum bldg. HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed lo last. Supltary Beauty Parlors 4 mi Dekum. Marshall 1702. TZ777TZrr Toi7ultiition free. Main Lawyer x.3 w z semng bidg. bJM "of 'I'"Tgs remedy for diseases of women. -14 i ia vim st. Aiaui .7.. ' ' A LP treat met. t s ,.Mi Yamhill, off! and shampooing, e No 1. M A Y IRWIN. ll-.elits. 2'tl' lacial and scalp ireal Morrison. rnfirn 30 SCIENTIFIC treatment for diseases of scalp 163 Park M., roon 3 TTT 1 1 1 S 1 R , m : e 1 1 1 1 f I r band ri adei : best tiu t hod .4i' ..lb st.. cor .MHin NOTICES ntA 'n'" ' rn. I I'!(irnsil S f. r Fliel Oil I'. engineer (ice. 20 Plilriit. Portland, or - Sealed pr i.k1 tor fuel oil fur TeKnela will tir eeied l.ere until 1 1 :oO a ID.. June 5. 1810. and then uiued. T-'urtiicr Infonuatlou on a t'ldh a l tun FlPIJ'OSAl.s fur Steamer -Office of quarter n.ter getieral. Wa-liiiiyt'ui. I. C.;, IVu- I ituaali- will le received here until 2 p. In.. June 9 1i I c fer cuiinrrui-liiig uiie ateel ateamer. l i i leei lung Furilier Infuiinatlou ou appll- cation. 1 WILL nut le reaiMinaitije for any debta c.m- trai :ed by my wife. Mae O tlauce. A. tt. I I'anit IPR0FESSI0NAL AND! BUSINESS DIRECTORY! ACCORDION PLLATING Al ( OIlUION. KNlFfe HE-lHXITCHINi;, 1!01'S fct ITONS Ni)Vi:I.Ty MF'J. CO.. AND I4HX I'LKATI.Nr,; BKA1IMNG; BL'TTON (OVr.KF.l). EAST K UN tc.v. bill B'W.tV 4ai. K. M'l LI'iiENb lleou-tit' lilng. accordmu. aide and aucliurai ixatlug; buttuiia cutered; rY)t ponged . Hcalleplng. I'lltixk blk. B'way 1000. AGATE CUTTERS .1 K(. Jeueiem. pla uiuoda oiiErit and id. Wateb repalr r. Mlber'a. 3431. Waah M 1T4. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT" 1-. t. bSHKNSBAIil-.-- impleiiieiiia. veil Idea and genernl farm antHdlea. M l-'runt. Porthaiid. ANALYTICAL CHEMIST AKP A 88 A TEH I. It UUHI-IUIJ. 4).--tw..-h hln. 109 4tb at. BLANK BOOK MAKERS UAViS t U'lLMA.".. luc. lo. 1 al. Blank u. manuiaciorera: amenta for Jone. In pnired Lvloe Leaf Led.era. he the Uetr Eu. rcka Leaf. A -SI S3. Alain 163. BTTILDIWO CO WTR ACTOR 8 Geo. E, Mangas .TSSSZ- CABINET W0R1C CAB1NKT Wtiltk. I. J.-iie .P.. It'. luiiiituir reiHl-inj. Horace V. 2-1-1 . Main IMS3. CARPET CLEANING rlf from old arpata, ran riiui. earpt r Nortb-B-1'iWO, JOYCK UliiiS. Klevtrlc Cleaning Worka t'ar petH rl, 1 aeil laid; refining: our peclalf. i:iJ4n II t!Ll I'll, K. 10th t. worth, i-KM.VSI i.AIt KiiRVVorlTa -ting nig ami ear iwl wruvini; ms I'litiDti tf. Vi1tn CHIROPRACTOR SI'tV Al. .i 1 ) 1 1 t n i- n I - hi... n aclentlfti- haul", , llial Ht iiiiiiimO's Hie lu-rvp. 'I'liU illi-rearfwl ;nKi,in r.'ii,..- iti,. .-MUMI-. nature -dMa tlio I rent, I) mi'i, ti-i-l itl iniKcd until you hafa I uiteatlguteil' i-loi-opi act m-. Note my apatlal : riiiot, is I ri-iit iiii-nu flu, .r 31 fur $lli. fili) , 11-12 Ni.riimci ii.i.ik .. iictMPt-n (ilti hiiiI Broad- ' way. Vnlibniiin t Pi. I S I 'g:ini. . i 1U M l.ll.i ( uruliU r.in. taking tiui. 31 ticatiiii-iiin. Worih $."). Aildlllnoal new nfflre. I'll 'JI J Mnclcnv lildur.. 4lli W-h. COAL AND WOOD DRY AND GREEN . 16 IN, AND 4 'FT, Ml I.TNQMAII I I i:i. ( ii M r..Mi: A-Vltfl. WHY ny $u f.ir e.irilmHl w lien you" cmi Kt (tcixl liiMiilt- Mm liit.l nl $1 ..ti n l,,,l; ,miln loud $0 Till Ilix vkiiiiI iiUM-.l nllh hviivy a loiul; fl fur luiihie I. nil. Ilcniy Ury aiau W'xiil $'l." n lend Itreadn ay '.;t .V-2P11 . aT("iV1." I I ill- (' i KAST ' 2,i SlahwiMHl $3 curd dell vi i nd , dry Murk anrt kIiiIim ikI Miwed t ,V limd. .d'ilrr wri'-k-age. $3 AJ dry fir 4 f.n ur ed" tn "urd'M-; (II. Ii Kluttlli fir uuil. $1 tu $.'i.i di-UvprajT Main 41'K l -KII & niiK-kw. I A Kit ..l -.no di i fir. 4 Water nl ft. 4 .: to IVJ.V Main 4.-ill A 4"I7. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS OSKAIt Ml lll.l; - In.-I; Mdu' i-liiial tcHirat-tur. -23 Sliar- CRJEPITri.OTHINO f and Men ilulhln:.; uiu irwrlil' I.AblK.S tiytn. N (inlf Mtln Co.. 4O0 Waahlngtuit. . ED IICATION AL DANCING. Ma ciii;s nil Jiiin.inu Aiademj K3V oTtlT t.. het. Slark anil (Ink. Special ratea. 4 prl te leaanna 2. morning, af u-rniMMi, ptrnlng; all lati-at (liune guaranleeii; clnia Tliiirdu, Saturday etenlng. 7 s .10 llrua.loar 21 HO It 1 Nlll.l. tfS lluin-iiig Ara.leiuy, uiie-atep. tm trot. ki-linttli, lie. I lir.-e Hep. eaally r- qp.red. Liidj ami rntlrmi-ii luatrHi'Iori; S l'MHra $5. Ciitlllun ,nll Mln 'J.lWl. kill and Mn Claaa Kndii ib alh'a Siliu.il .. lull 2d l . t ..--H.llll LT,1- -1 eaaona dalljf. ht 'weeu Waab- lntun aim Slark t-A i;i..N.; it ; a 1 nature, r.cvj.t f nii. v nrtenlai. Itilbiri Sp.uli-ti. tua. Main 3272 MUSIC SCHOOL AND TEACHERS E. - III KI. Mill-.N - Vii.lln ten. liei pupil Hwelk, Kleldner Mil. A 4 I IM1 Maialuill WfJW UtliF. i I, tiulne. (Vie I.A 'Si I'llUC Tnl,, I ihiiii leaiMiua at your r 2ii:in POPULAR MUSIC 1'IAMJ riiKtime IuiikIh hihuiih In 10 to 20 le a. written icum runt. inuiie.v back If a-a f fail (leiiimialriil Iftn ami bo. ilii-t free, lmprn Mil -a Kllera 1.1. I yifclng. keylaiard harm. ny. en EYE. EAR. NOSE. THROAT. LUNGS Kpi-i V li.ll Muderale I'. ( aiediiv 517 1-rli'ia iiUaM- f 1 1 1 eM. . lr, !' k.im MiIlv 3.1 i, YVaah FIRE INSURANCE , S1ATKS llltb I.NSCUANCIC CO- I'AC till ni-ly dirt:. .n flre Inicniice n .inpaliy . FLUrr RUOK AND RAO RU08 FLUIFF IliiliS. mane ifuiii old liiKialn BrusHrU. Axiuiflater, ""-Jinn cariici-. iie nig- all aizea. . Mail or deraplull.pl aieuln.ii l'..H.-i. W't.rj i;i; i l.i t F P.I C ('(la. ' ' "'"ii N Ph. .in- Ku-t il.MM B I4."J vj i -: HAT8 CLKANED. BLEACHED Kei.la l'au..n.4 nma cleaned. Iileail.e 1. Sliawa. lilt.. .-.ii,.. tkaufiuan . M. wi .ii. m 4lh. uiul ,( :.d I'liuiie M 7ll'.Ml LAWN MOWER GRINDING 1-XI-tltl biwiuti grindera. 'JtsUj, LEATHER Ki lu.iluK . uMturai Main ifllU ultl. AND SHOE FINDINC8 I1IK liUl.VMA.V I.I.AIIiLlt CO Olllrat tlrui lu liurlbu'eat. A Ken 1 y-M.ina r. h H ill. I.. Ai M." not.- lenii.fr. :r,r Kvrr. 1 1 MATTRLSSEB ! OI.U Ilia 1 1 I'p.mh and fi-allier l-da n;ade lino sanitary ruldlu; forma; featlu-rH renova.a. Fuldlng M. u . IlllaniK. 1. :.N74. NON-INTOXICATINO DE VIIRAOE8 WKIMI AItli S (. .Iden mill Auiln-r Sm itT. Ueiny W'.itliurd plniil. Kill ami bunllil ala Ma lii 7-. - fhuiie- - A II7S OPTICIANS lilt. K. I., t) eMitlil K-ambiAliun fo-e hi l.oKNS. Spec-lahai. W Hnlilrirf in PAINTING AND DF.CORATIilfA. BKjll l.AS.-i Vuillli at i. io.opaljle prleea. KfMlKS, PA I N I V. It. !K KM'ON WiHn. MOO. PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS Til k IV. l-llL.S.-s. JUH.S M. BM' Sun, at Itiuadun 4lx M A N N , A-40KS. RUBBER STAMPS AND REALS LU Hleneiia. 'iiaiie lli.cka. lira Sl.ua. PACIl'IC DIAST SI AMI' WORKS I.tl Wxlilngnm . Muln TIP A-1'710. SAFETY RAZORS HONED 8AKKTI r.iiura ahaip, :c per iluxeji. n;, lied; ., i all Hi . kin. la, ..Viand near Morrlaou SHEET METAL WORKS. UKI'AllUM. Uu ami invel i-uufa, Jacob I ail HIO lat at; Plume .Main 1424. TRANSFER AND STORAOE Oregon I ransfer Co. Katabllalied l-70. Tranafer and lurwHrdiuif AKDta. ; Storage Kre 'Irae.irK. Office aud atuia-e, 474 t.llaan at, 33th and (;liiin, Main On. A 110B. ALWAYh PICK" 'Hit. HEHT BOLSJ-dlOl AJ ;oiI KI'KCIALIS'IS storage. Packing, ahipiilng and MoiIiik. Ilurae or Auto Vaua. Special freight ratea to all lnta C. O. I'll K TKANSKIill i SIO-RAQE CO. 21 anil Pin liruadwar r,Xi. A ItlO. OION-KOK TUASMFKIt ( i. Furniture tuui. era, packera, atoriiKe. fireproo. waretiuume, ir.tli and Huyt at. Main ZiJ AMERICAN MUVIX; A HTOKAl.K (.(.- l-ar- nil i, re n.uTera. 1? 7 1 'la h M . 4M. A 4MH. WAT(JHAKER8 W'fc. CLEAN and a.ljuai uiir wati-ti, 1. MKNiii:i.s(ii n'. jkwei.i:r. Valili.a ten. b- lween SUlh and lljiailwa r. r MANUFACTURERS I JOBBERS WHOLESALERS! ' Li 1 DRY GOOD WHOLESALE DinkRlsniel )oATWZ i PAINT. OIL AND OLASS j llASJII hKKN A I'll . IIUli Slaudanl' I N K. eumer 2d an1 'I aj lur. M. 1771 I PLUMBINO SUPPLIES paint.. A (1531. I'l.rMHINO aupplle.. Pari. Co.'. 2Vi :t - w tiuiei.a le pffii a. laln 7(17 SANITARY WIPING RA0S L CUANll rt "L! FHONX ST. . i i - i a r l ( blil'INK. MAIS. W A TF.R SUPPLY BTSTEatB KEKWANLE WATEU HYnl E.MH P spencer, Ac-nt. Kr3 tA' Part it. WOOD PIPE 1'OKTI.AMi VVOiib PIPE i;u office near "41 Ii and York Ma -I eiirjr au4 Main 34" ucrosjuATiov coupon. ir you want the name f a reliable business house dealing In any tin of m.rclianclse, or inloimatlon regard ing resorts, hotels, railroad, steam "hip lir.es, etc., audresH Oregon Jour nal liilorinatlon Bureau. Inlormaii.u deuired; . 4 Name Address. ISIillll uu i v&iay cleaning, ins k stii. k. a:so J -