The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 31, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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    , , , - 1. , , 1
Sports Sweaters at $3.35
Smartest Model, Sash Belt. Wanted Shades and Combinations of Rose,
Green, Blue.
124tol28 3xthStJuat eff AMnftion
Silk Petticoats at $1.39
50 Odd Styles, Narrow Widths, That Sold up to 3.35
e 9
Rag Pay a Fitting Time for
Expression of Thoughtful
Love Vf America.
Washington, May 31 President
WlUon haa issued a proclamation to
th citizen of the United States call
Ins; attention to Flag day, June 14,
an suggesting that every community
)oin in special patriotic exercises on
that occasion. The proclamation says:
' "Mf fellow countrymen:. Many cir
cumstances have recently conspired to
turn our thoughts to a critical exami
nation of the conditions of our na
tional life: of the influences which
have seemed to threaten to divide us
In Interest and sympathy; of forces
within and forces without that seemed
HKeiy to dra-w us away from the happy
traditions of united purpose and action
of which we 'have been so proud.
i , iiMit ineretore, seemea to me
fitting that :I should call your atten
tion tO the approach of the anniver
sary of the day upon which the flaj
of the United States was adopted by
wie congress as the emblem of thj
uuion and to eugKent to vou that ir
should, this year and in the years to
come, oe given special significance
a day of renewal and reminder, a
day upon which we should direct
nanas with a special desire or r-
newal to thoughts of the ideals a;i I
.principles of which we have sought to
make our great government the clu
neal mem . -
M . I
inerriore sugs;. st and request
inai inroughout tile nation and, If pos
bidjc, in every community, the 14th
oay of. June bo ohMfi-ved as Flag day
wun special patriotic cx.-rclses at
which means shall ho taken to give
Hlgniflcant expression to our thought
ful love or A merlin, our comprehen
sion of the great mission of liberty
and justice to whh.we have devoted
ourselves ax a people, our pride in the
history and our ejit husUiHin for the
political program of" the nation, our
determination to make It gieaier and
purer with each gem-ration and our
resolution to di-moriHtrate to all the
world its vital union in Nentlmcnt and
purpose, accepting only t hot; as true
compatriots who fil as wo. do tlio
compulsion of this suprcjue allegiance'
"Iet Us on that day rrdedlcatc oui
fttlvea to the nation, 'one and insepa
rable,' from which every thought I hat
is 7toc worthy or our fathers' first
iw- or liKleiK-iiihnco. liberty and
r I gilt shall be excluded and in which
we shall stand with united hearts
for an America which no man can cor
rupt, no influencu draw from its
ideals, no force divide against itself,
a nation signally distinguished among
all the nations of mankind tor its clear,
individual conception nik of its
duties and Its privileges, its obliga
tions and Us rights."
No Cat for Senator
; y Sterling to Kick
So Signified Member From South
Dakota Believes Els reelings on.
Unoffending Chair.
Washington, May 31. (WASHING
United States senators ordinarily do
not exhibit their temper on the floor
by throwing the furniture around.
They take what oine observers thlnK
Is -excessive care to avoid showing
Just what they think, even in the thick
of -battle.
Not so Senator Sterling of South
Dakota, lie had raadu an earnest plea
for 20 minutes for an appropriation
Of $100,000 to be spent on diking ana
revetment work at his home town.
Vermilion. He knew that an amend
ment he had' offered to the river and
harbor bill for this purpose could be
laid low by a point of order, and this
.made his pkea the more impassioned
He told in glowing terms of the
rich farm lands needing protection
rrom the cavorting torrents of the
Missouri, how his home town Itself is
threatened by a changing channel, how
places above r.nd belov- hav6 had ap
propriations in the past without spend
ing a cent themselves, and how he ha.l
provided in this amendment that local
interests put up $33,000 before govern
ment aid would be extended.
Senator Clarke of Arkansas, chair
man of tha commerce committee, after
threatening a point of order, yielded
to the pleading voice and .said he
would let the senate decide. It seemed
a vota would be taken when up rose
Senator Thomas of Colorado.
' Thomas, who is fighting the bill
all along the line, sarcastically re
marked that alnce such large sum
are deemed necessary for southern
creeks, he did not believe there would
ba enough for Vermilion, and made the
point of order himself. He was im
movable. Senator Sterling, who had resumed
hi aeat, rose to say the objection was
"unjustified." Then he seized the
pack .of an adjoining chair and gave
it a most undignified shove over the
carpeted floor.- Had there been a cat
in reach he would have kicked it. be
yond doubt.
' J
9 -y" rts
' '''' '
f'f ''$'' it '
MiM Mia Patton
Albany, Or., May 31. The funeral of
Miss Lila Patton, who was burned to
death, was held at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Patton, at
Halsey. Rev. J. H. Greene of Halsey
conducted the service. Many Albany
people went to Halsey In automobiles
to attend the funeral.
Miss Patton was born at Halsey and
was not quite 'l' years old. Her death the result of the explosion of an
oil stove in a ranch home near Lonia,
Mont. She had been visiting her tes
ter, Mrs. Ulin Stalnaker, near Loma.
Trie accident happened in the homo of
Krnest Howard, a neighbor of Mr. and
Mrs. Stalnaker. where .Miss Pattonwas
spending the day, visiting Mrs". Ho
Tokio Report Denied
By Chinese legation
Statement Issued at Washington Says
Yuan Bhal jJCai Is Not Gravely 111, at
Had Been Stated.
Washington, May 31. (I. N. S.)
The Chinese legation Issued the fol
lowing statement today: "The Chi
nese legation' at Washington denies
the Tokio report that Yuan Shal Kai,
president of the epublic of China
was gravely ill. ln a cablegram
received this mommg from Pek
ing in reply to iWhe legation's
query, it is stated thatMhe Tokio news
rrportlng the illness of President Yuan
Slial Kai was untrue."
Both the legation and the state de
partment claim to be without informa
tion concerning the conference at Nan.
king, called for the purpose of deciding
whether Yuan Shal Kai should continue
in the presidency.
Oak land Wants Osteopath.
IjOs Angeles, Cal., May 31. (P. N.
S.) Los Angeles osteopaths will ask
the state association convention at
Oakland next Week for Its approval
of this city for the 1U17 American
Osteopathic assnciation's convention.
'About 4200 species of plants are
used for commercial purposes, 420 of
them in perfumes.
'HUMMER is a trying
time lor good com
plexiona. Protect your
complexion against sun
burn and tan with
Red Feather
Complexion Powder
Redness, oily skin, dullness,
aire place to a clear, cool
beautiful complexion.
It is adherent, delicately frag
rant, and it is not visible.
Yon owe it to yoor complexion
to try Red Feather Complex
ion Powder.
Tht Rimilltr Cotnpanf
Petfvmtr New York
5tc per box
For Sal t all Owl Drag- Store
and B. Altaian & Co., New York Qtj
.tatatc Free to tor Uttm ia U. S. A.)
Loaves of
Bread Have
Been Sold in
It's the Flavor That
The Popular Bread
We have put Into It something
besides Hiffh Quality "Flour,
Pure Milk. Good Tsatrt. Salt and
Bull Ina Water.
' That "something besides" con
sists of Rich Sunshine. Floods
of Pure Air that come through
our work rooms Scrupulous
Care. Strict Sanitation. Cleanly
Expert Workmanship and Per
fect Baking.
Oat a Bis; 6o Zoaf at Tour Oro
ears and Convlnoa To-anait)
Baked by
17. 8. BAJDBBT,
Zast lltn and Plander.
Himpormm s
une Clearance
S ale
Beginning at 10 o'Clock Tomorrow, Thursday Morning
Almost unnecessary to say more every woman knows what the word "Clearance" means at the Emporium! We've gone through
our entire stock of garments and millinery. Cost has been almost disregarded. Prices are tremendously reduced on everything
except new, lighter Summer goods. The store will not open until 10 o'clock, in order to give everyone a chance to be here.
Prices Tremendously Reduced on Everything
Except the Newest, Lighter Summer Goods
The Clearance of Spring SuitsFour Wonderful
$19.50 to
$23.50 Suits
Lot 2
$24.75 to
$29.50 Suits
Lot 3
$31.50 to
$35.00 Suits
Any Novelty
Suit to $47.50
Lovely Silk Suits Go!
Pvobably the very Suit you've had your heart set on is included,
and Gros dc Londres, in every new and wanted style.
$-J4.rr Silk Suits $19.85 $37.50 Silk Suits
$-v'8.r0 Silk Suits S23.35 $48.50 Silk Suits
$:.r0 Silk Suits 25.25 $45.00 Silk Suits
$35.00 Silk Suits $26.25 $57.50 Silk Suits... .
Suits for Stouts Reduced
We were among the first in Portland to specialize on fashionable styles for
stout women. Half size Suits, designed especially for large sizes. Finest
gabardines, poplins and serges and black, navy, greens, black-and-white
$27.50 Stout Suits $20.65 $35.00 Stout Suits ....$26.25
$31.50 Stout Suits.. . ... ... . .$23.55 $37.50 Stout Suits .$28.35
Every Spring Coat Reduced Except White Chinchillas
Silk Coats Cloth Coats Corduroy and Golfine Coats Dress and Sports Styles.
$14.75, $17.50 to $19.50 Coats
This great June Clearance brings the most phenomenal Coat bargain of the year! No one interested in a coat should
miss this opportunity. Smart Sports styles in golfine, plain colors and two-tone stripes. Nobby checks and plaids.
Also Topcoats in a variety of pretty patterns. Choose from this big lot of our smartest $14.75, $17.50 to $19.50
Coats, $9.95.
$4.95 for These
Sold at $7.50 to $8.95
Clever Sports Coat in corduroys, checks and plaids.
Jaunty styles for the women or miss. Clearance
Silk Coats $12.45
Newest $17.50 Models
Nothing so dressy and practical, too, as black taf
feta. Shirred and belted effects, some velvet trimmed.
A limited number only at $12. 45.
Sports Styles Were $17.50
Natty shadow plaid chinchillas, also the popular
checks. Smartly belted with swagger ripple back.
For the Clearance $10.65.
Every Silk or Wool Dress Reduced
Extra Special$19.50 to $22.50
Charming Silk Frocks $13.95
This bargain alone should have a hundred women waiting when the Clearance opens tomorrow!
The prettiest, newest silk dresses you've seen anywhere this season. Taffetas and crepe de chines,
stripes and plain colors, light and dark shades. New tunics, draped sides, Georgette crepe sleeves,
and all the other new effects. Take your choice tomorrow 13.95.
Big Clearance of Skirts
Five Extra Specials
New, desirable skirts of unusually
good quality poplins, serges and
checks. Circular and sports styles.
OP White Pique Tub Skirts, also white
cpXOt) cotton Gaberdines and Indian Head.
Sports styles with patch and slash pockets.
I0 OK White Corduroy Skirts, swagger
POtl patch pockets and separate girdle.
A $3.7 S skirt in every way.
flQ QC Just 55 splendid skirts, serges and elty styles. New sports, plaids, checks, banjo
POOt checks. stripes, etc.
(PPT OP A wide range of the newest and
PO00 most wanted skirts. Beautiful nov-
Thousands of Pretty New Blouses at Clearance Prices
M HO For Silk
Blouses, worth at the least
$2.98. Bi assortment of colored
striped Habutais, Jap and Radium Silk. White and
pretty shndes of Rose, Lavender and Flesh. Scores
of smart, fetching styles.
I0 QQ.For splendid quality Crepe de Chine
tptj.ZJO Blouses, in dainty new styles. Plain
and tucked or plaited effects, some lace edge. White,
flesh and maize.
0 QO Is the clearance price on Blouses
'vo soid originally at $4.95, $5.95 and
$6.95 Incomplete lines, where only one or
two of a style remain. Beautiful Crepe de
Chines, Georgette, Taffetas, Laces and Nets.
By all means don't fail to see these Blouse
offerings. y
400 Trimmed Hats on the Third Floor at $1.
No mistake about it we've really grouped these becoming Summer H ats for a quick, decisive clearance at $1.00. Hats selling all the way up
to $6.50. Positively no reservations none laid aside or sent C. O. D. Take your pick at $1.00.
fc . Ill
Sports Hats $1.00
Those striking new Hats that add a picturesque touch to your Sum
mer costume. Regardless of the former prices, we offer them in this
Clearance Sale tomorrow at $1.00.
Shapes at 13 to V2 Off
A big clearance of all Untrimmed Shapes on the third floor. Hemps.
Milan Hemps, Panamas every wanted style and color. Clearance
reductions are from one-third to one-half.
Every Child's Hat in the All Our Trimmed Panamas One Big Lot of Over 500
House Reduced to 75c That Were $5 and $6, $338 Flowers for Clearance, 10c
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