15 THE OREGON DAILY" JOURNAL, - PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1918. i-'. 1 1 1 ... , - , -i . , , . . : BOARD OF EDUCATION - L ' "" V - . i iiiiii nrn 111 nrinii . MIJI ILIIlL 1 1 III Ul I MM . UIULHLU . IU DLU1I1 j ! COlOfAIN SUIT would remember that It ever had eeft written. .. - . i "Let us remember that our duty is not to use a word unless we mean it. Don t use an abstract word unless you are ready to apply it to concrete action." I Property Is Needed for the Use of the Holman and ; Eliot Schools, VALUES ARE DISPUTED Owners End Board Unable to Get To. fetber on Price for Parcel Wanted; Offers Refused. Condemnation proceedings were 'or dered begun today by the board of edu cation to secure property needed for the relief, of the Holman and Eliot schools. TLe proper y owners h'ive re cused to Bell their property on the Colonel Roosevelt dissected, flayed i and excoriated the hyphenated Ameri can, in a city having the second larg- I est German-American population In the United States. The former president has seldom been so vitriolic as he was In denouncing the moral treason of hyphenates. He spoke at a luncheon of the City club. The German-American alliance came j In for a larger share of the colonel's wrath. He held this organization and Its branches to be composed of people "disloyal" to the L'nlted States and "unfit for citizenship." He made a powerful appeal for "America for Americans," while lauding In glowing terms the patriotism of immigrants who came to America and as citizens here proved fealty to the Stars and Stripes by deeds of heroism and pub lic service. ; Por Straight Americanism. I "Here In St. Louis I wish to speak briefly on the subject of Americanism." the colonel began. "1 stand for straight ; Americanism, unconditioned and un qualified, and 1 stand against every form of hyphenated Americanism. I do not speak of the hyphen when It is em ployed as a mere matter of convenience boala of valuation fixed by ti e ap- although personally 1 like to avoid its Ipralsal committee of the realty board, use even in such a manner. I speak and have made counter offer which , of and Condemn its use whenever it the trustee refuse to accept. represents an effort to form political For additional playgrounds f ir the parties along racial lines, or to bring Holman school the board deM-ca 20J , pressure to bear on parties and poli- Lby 170 feet fronting on Bancroft av- j ticinns, not for American purposes, but lenue and Kelly streets, directly east . in the interest of some group or voter.; lof. the Holman school. The owner, of a certain national origin, or of the Rachel L. Hay, offered the pripetty country they or their fathers came loriginally for $16,000. The board of fered to puichase & $9000, the ".al na tion fixed by the realty hoard. Mls. Ray came back with a counter offer ftf . Ill, Out) which the board refutes to I accept. ;Por the relief of thie Eliot school, the board of education was negotiating trlth Mm. Montgomery for the purchase ( five lots. No purchase-price option ras originally given. The realty board sad the valuation $15,000. The board from. Americanism is not a matter of 'creed, birthplace or national descent of ; the soul and of the spirit." j America for Americans. i i The closing paragraph of his address ' I asserted : ' "The salvation of our people lies in ; t having a nationalized and unified j America, ready for the tasks of both j war and peace. I appeal to all our j ' citizens no matter from what land Iheir forefathers came, to shun with , ffered to purchase at this figure. Mrs. i Brorn and contempt the sinister in- blontgomery came back with an offer trlgue and mischief ' makers who would aeil lour or tne lots for 330. ooo. neck to develop them along lines or 1 The board refused to entertain this creed, of birthplace, or of national proposition. Later Mrs. Montgomery . origin, I lask them to remember that ame , 'jack With an of fer of the five lots there H but one safe motto for ill for $27,600. This latest offer has also America, no matter whether they were been refused. 1 born here or abroad; no matter from According to R. H. Thomas, school ' what land their ancestors came; agl :lerlc, the board 'of education Is icly ng on the valuations miide by the ealty hoard appraisal committee as Lelng both fair to the owner and city. blood and of such uncompromising Americanism that every good Ameri can could follow them with whole hearted loyalty. "I hold It an outrage and a violation of every principle of true America ism to discriminate against a man be cause Of the land from which he or hi parents came, or because of his creed. But I hold tt no less an out rage for him to act In our domestic politics not a an American but as a". American who has some un-American Interest to serve from a foreign coun try. The man who thus acts Is the hyphenated American." Moral Treason Charged. ! Discussing the German-American Al liance and its aims and published statements, particularly the Pennsyl vania, branch and its warninc that leaders of national conventions be warned thy must deal with the Ger-man-Amer i an vote, the coloi.-.l as serted: "Such a . tatement represents .norai treason to ihe republic. The program . on which it (the alliance) wishes ' American citizens to vote ie one af ! fecting Germany and only Gernuny. 1 ' do not in the least object to it D .-cause i It denounces me. It has denounced Mr. Wilson almost as often and a'most as severely. One of its favorite forms of denunciation includes Mr. Wilson. Mr. Root and myself as equnlly op pused in the interest of Germniy. Alliance Is Anti-American. "It Is moral treason to the i nited States for -ry of its citizens to act and to seek to attack their governmental representatives without reference to the interest of the United States, but with refercrce to-the interests of some foreign power. The German-American alliance is in praclce an anti-American alliance. . . . The men who f-o act are dis'.oyal to he United States. If France had subjugated Belgium 1 wiuld condemn he- just as strrngly as I have condemned Germany.'' Such hyphenates, the colonel said, "are not merely un-American; they are anti-American to the core; and unfit tj be citizen. " Cites Mother's Offer. Roosevelt said he did not believe the alliance represented the view of the great mass of Americans of Ger man origin. He cited St. Louis' vast contributions to the Union in soldiers of German birth or parentage during the Civil war as a splendid example Oi Americanism. He said he under stood the mother who Interrupted his . - 1. - T ..!.. n C 1,-1 , she had two sons ready for her coun try, was Mrs. M. B. Neuer. He said ! her husband was undoubtedly a Ger man end her sons were Americans. NEW TODAY EDWARD HOLMAN CO. ESTABLISHED 1877. RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS- AMD FUNERAL DIRECTORS LADY ASSISTANT THEBD AND SALMON STREETS. MAin 507. A-1511. FUXERAL- DIRECTORS (Costumed) Understaker, East 11th and Haw thorne. E. 781, B-1888. Lady assistant. ACREAGE (Continued) F, S. Dunning, Inc. - East Side Funeral directors. 414 Alder St. Phone Kast o.'. B-ifi'ja. Homesite Only $410 Fine grove of trees, good fishing and bathing, city conveniences, good auto road, electric cars, for 15 per month. Can you beat it? Call at 600 Concord bldg. . Dunning &McEntee odern i n every detail. Broadway and Pine sts Broadway 430. A-45fx. Ladv assistant. A.' D. Kenworthy Co. j Tabor 52Si; i0i yd ot.. Lents. Tabor I bs6; 6tth st. and roster road., Arleta. 4 ACRE ORCHARD $860 7 minutes' walk froni Sewall Station, Oregon Electric, 1H miles this tide of Hillsboro, orchard 5 years old, assorted berries between rows. $200 down, bal ance to suit. Biggest snap in Oregon. Fred XV. German Co.. 7JX Cham of Cera. EXCHANGE ItEA L ESTATE 24 (Oontinnea) , FOR SALE 75 H. P. sawmill in opera tion, fully equipped, and 3 donkey engines with 16 acres land and 10, 000,000 feet yeUrw fir on it; 15.C00.00O feet adjoining can be bought tr 1 1 per 1000 stumpage. Iand when logged off will make good dairy farm Ship ping at present by rail and water, all No. 2 and better; selling balance to local trade. Will trade for city or farm property. Krebs-Logus Co, 110 inth tt. (Pittock block). LOANS WANTED Mortgage for Sale 11200. 3-yr. mortgage. 8., A-l se curity, insured; will discount 10; Interest paid up months in advance, Vuigley, 02 Wilcox bldg. WANTED tlBOO to 12000 from prv vat party on apartment building,; good security. Address 205 E. 34th St.1 bldg. Phone Marshall 3997. wanted $sooo loan. to suit lender. L-19, good security ournal. Clauds MlLLt.K & TKACL 1 , independent tu neral directors. Prices low as $20, 140, t80. Wash, at Klla. M. L'6 1, A-78SS. JiO.M'MEXTS 1 ft ROnVt Ki.nrtmentM with all fine furniture and a lease, in one Of the I I beat locations in the city, walking ois- ; wantk.I) tui n.i tiuau 0 ACRKS 8)0 tance. everything ud to date, with; r-oion.in nnrv hiiir SI fare from Portland, close school. I aood heatins nlant: located on the '. . f , ' station; several tracts with running west side. Will sell at a bargain, for water; S20 cash, balance easy. Claude cash, and might take erood bouse and: Cole. 300 Henry bldg. I lot. Party Is going away. 1 have . iBt and 2d mortgages purchased; alee something good; no una. write iui : sellers interest in contracts, (jr. ana E. 50th st. is., or pnone iirwr b. i nun, n. rsonie, l.umnermens Diq. call sunaay. FINANCIAL SLBIUHAN HOMES 79 MEETING NOTICES 41 MASSALO HASSALO LODGE NO. 15. 1. O. O. F. Mem bers are requested to meet at our hall tomorrow (Thursday) at 8:30 sharp to attend the funeral our late brother, Thomas H. Crawford. P. G. It. at rinley3 undertaking parlors. Interment at Salem. GCST ANDERSON. NV G. FREDERICK COZENS, Sec. I.O.O.F or Serv H-(-s I 1 A. & A. S. RITE 34tU semi annual reunioc. Pro gram for tomorrow: 3 a. m . Candidates assemble for registration; 10 a. ni., 4th, !,th and 6th degrees; 2 p. ni.. 9th degree: 3 p. m.. 14tn p. m.. ir.tn aegree degree; 8 Bv order Presiding Officer -T inn Kfc-it UK meeting tnis rf$2$? (Wednesday I -Lning, ViyTv East Sixth and Alder sts. (6JT7' Initiatory degree; also election of officers. Visi tors cordially invited. W. W. TERRY, t-ec. E A. SHARON, N (T PORTLAND MARBLE WKS., 264-26C 4th St.. opp. city hall Main 8534. Philip Neu Ar Sons, for memorials. 1 Acres river front homesite, west side. Main 5910. KOIi SALE FARMS 17 3B bL Al 51 NCi'GW A N I T E'CCi FX)U SALE HOUSES 61 Small Farm Snaps Luby-Hargrove Realty Co. Mrs. O. C. Etchison. 220 ACRES all in cultivation, fenced, good buildings, good water aupply. land lays good; no rock, on county road; half a mile from school; close to station; machinery, tools, stock, every thing goes. Price ISZ.uuo. ciear irum incumbrance. AVants city income, c. C Roval. 413 McKay bldg.. .foriianu. I 1 S a n 1, A 1 1 U VI . The Oregon Home Builders Will build to your own idus on monthly terms that your n nt money will care for OLIVER K. JEFFERY. President. Marshall STlii, A-691. Northwestern Bank Bldg. SAMARITAN LODGE NO. 2. I. O. O. F. Regular TC!?"i-i meetin Wednesday at 8 p. mijptw. m at x 0 0 F temple. 226 Alder st. Election of officers. Visit ors welcome. R. OSVOLD. Sec. W'M. LINKLATER. N. O. Permits for Resiliences Inuel. Permits for three residences, two to est $4500 each and one $2."0), were s- hued on Monday. Mrs. William Har- lls, 1030 East Pacific street, will build i two story rrame resilience at ivon past Pacific Btreet and A. J. Brugger Will build a house- of similar type at 3S Wisteria avenue. The t'rovnient ruit company will build a 1 4 story rame residence to cost $2o00 at lit) haplain street. that is the simple and loyal motto America for Americans." P.etween these two appeals the cclonel ran the gamut of defamation i on the one hnnd of hyphenates, of 1 whatever ancestry, and elO'tU'-nt I eulogy, on the other, of men lik.- Jacob Riis, Colotinl Caoethais, Major (Jeneral lt.irry, Leonard Wood and scores of others of foreign birth or parentage who were real A merieans. "If the American 1ms the right stuff In him." he declared. "1 care not a snap of my fingers whether he Is Jew or j The triple funeral services for Wil Gentile, Cathoiic or I'rotestant. I care jiam L. Patterson, his wife, Mrs. Anna not a snap of my fingers whether his I,. Patterson, and the daughter, Helen ancestors c;une over in the Mayflower Louise, were held yesterday at the Fin er whether he was born or his parents ley chapel and attended by representa- Patterson Tragedy Victim Are Buried Triple Tuneral Services for William Ij. ' Patterson, Mrs. Anna Patterson, Kis Wife and Helen, a Daughter. ' d i ren KENTON Lodge No. 1 5, A. F. & A, M. Stated com munication tomorrow (.Thurs d.y evening at 7:30 o'clock. M M. deg.ee. Visiting breth- welcomo. By order of the W M. ROHT, KACH, fi-cy. SI NNYS1DE LODGE A. F. & A. M. Special communi cation T h u r sday evening. Work F. C. degree. Visitors welcome. Order of VV. M. E. M. LANCE. Sec. EMBLEM jewelry a specialty, buttons, pins, charms. .laeeer Bros., 1 3 1 -o 6th. HISINKSS CARDS W. G. Smith & Co, King Third floor Morean Bide. ana ca ids. New Building Is Planned. The Robert Skeen Electric works, ow at 404 Olisan street, are planning build a one story salesroom and yorkshop at' the northeast corner of Klnth and Everett strets. It will he brick construct ion. 100 bv 100 feet Intensions. The estimated cost is 'jOOO. St. BuildinK Permits. Ltnri .L. Walker Erect 1 ftory frame ?nr- a.-71100 K. Morrlaion t.. betivpen K. .17ta d 8Sth its.; builder. I. M. Walker. K. I, R. BrelgbK,v Jlep"la. sUiry ortlnsrr icQlne shop, fll trout st., between l'lne una k Jti.; bulMer. II. Hlmcliberger Co., $t.V). .U. . KoKPrB Kepair XVi Htory frame dwpll- g, JI3 Scott ave.. between K. tun ami 1-.. d it.; builder. Enill It. Slill-r. 2:,0. Spugele Kepatr 2 atory fnimo dw-'hlnp. 9-T51 KooseTelt Kt., between li'-M and 2;td builder. Kmil K. Sillier. 1cni. Joaephlue Harris Erect 2 story frame 'nine naiH I'npinc sr.. neiwecn ititiph iaM ann Imperial ave.; builder, w. u. Ma- i interests ot na, 4.'oo. Joaephlne Harrla Krtet 1 story frame Knr- IOto t'aciric at., neiwreu crerieF pin't- d Imperial ave.; builder, w. II. SIutcds, ProTldenee Trut Co.-F.rort 1 V? Btnry rrnmp eUlUK. 170 tbanipiain drive. Arlluglon bu.; Iltler. W. H. tSlaven.". $i)00. L. A. Brougber Repair 1 story frame dwell- 1331 Delaware aye., between Hotmail and tlaud blyd.; builder, C. C. Relsner. T:'0. J. Henderaon Repair a atory rrame aweii 1207 Campbell at., between JeaMip and 1 lingi wort b aye.; builder. C. C. Reisrer, a. W. Hartford Repair 1 atnry frame dwe!l- r 1080 BelUKint at., between r.. .iciu aui 87th ta.; builder, T. W. Coop. H0. . B. Kanfmanu Erect 1 atoiy frame gar- e, "Woo Thompann at., between t.. s.u aim 84tb ata. ; builder, same. fl.iO. J. Brugger I.rect story rrame nwen 1398 Wlaterla aye., between K. blat and C2d ata.; builder, same, $4hi. Fneaa Kepatr .s aiury ordinary amre. Morrison at., between 1st and id t.; Ilder. Jolin Zwlck. 2in. "red Oblander Kreet 1 atury rrame garatte. 9 Grand aye. N., between Wyitant and Al ia Ha.; builder, name, .l.v OOSEVELT ATTACKS PRESIDENT WILSON IN HIS ST. LOUIS SPEECH (Continued From Page One) were born in Germany, Ireland. France, England, tjuandinavia, liussia, Italy or , any other country. ( Duty la to TTnlted State. j "All I ask of the immigrant is that ; he snail be ohysically and intellectual- ! ly fit, of sound character and eager in 1 good faith to become an American citi zen. But unless the immigrant becomes in good faith an American, and nothing else, then he is out of place in this country, and the sooner he leaves it the better. We are fae to this country if we rank ourselves as 'German-Americans, or English-Americans," or 'French-Americans' Our duty Is to the L'nlted States. This duty s.hould constrain us, in the first place, to treat the other nations primarily according to the way such treatment serves American Interests; and, in the second place, so far as possible to treat other nations in such manner as serves the mankind at larse. . . Friendly to All National. "We should be friendly to all nations, and in any crisis we should Judge each nation by its conduct in that crisis. "The effort to keep our citizenship divided against itself by the use of the hyphen and along the lines of na tional origin is certain to breed -i spirit of bitterness and prejudice and dislike between great bodies of our citizens. "What I have been striving for a year and three-quarters to do is to protest against the upgrowth of this utterly un-American spirit, to ptotest against tile upgrowth of a spirit whicn means, If successful. d;vision and Im ootence in cur national life, the break ing up of cur unity as a nation, the severance of our citizenship along the bitter lines of oid world antipa'.liy. Become Men Without Country. "If either the American of F.nglls i descent or the American of German descent tries to remain with a dual allegiance, with a divided citizei.ship, he merely ceases to be an American without thereby becoming a German or an EnglishTan or anything else. He becomes a man without a country who has forfeited the right to be stirred by the feeling of pStriotlc devotion to nnv- lane! or tr hav a special and re- culiar kinship with any people. The I American b:rthright is the birthright of all of us- and It is a shame and a tives or the tipanisn American veterans and the Elks, of which Mr. Patterson was a member. The inter ment was In Riverview cemetery. The tragedy of their deaths occurred last Friday at Salem. UKlitfS suits for rent, all sizes. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark at. litiil Statistics l.larriages.Birtbs. Deaths. flub Honors Retiring Member. The Portland Transportation club bade formal farewell at noon today to its retiring treasurer, E. W. Mosher, who leaves tonight for Seattle to be come city passenger agent for the Pennsylvania railway system. Mr. Mosher was presented with a silk um brella as token of his going. BUNGALOW A.I AI'TO, Jl'io ROSE CITY CAR. Will sacrifice my JJ.tiD modern home, sleeping porch, fireplace, dec. fixtures, shades, laundry, lot 41xlli. cement walks paid, hit block to vnr, for $1600. AutOj 5-pass., good condition, new tires, $2o0. Called east at once; to person meaning Inismtss :.'0 . as... ItdiO in a yrs., no trades. Owner, Taoor i U 4 V. 100 FEET square, with alley, imp. sidewalks and a few fruit trees; cor. lot; go. 1 business and residence district; located in Walnut Park; block from Williams ave. car. Will sell this lot at a bargain for cash, or will take good acres. Write 401 E. 50th st. N. or phone Tabor 6805. Mrs. G. C. Etchison. We certainly have some bargains in ; smaii improveu farms. 5 ACRES FOR $1450 i This place is worth J3000. but above price takes it: 5 acres, all cleared, 2 teres strawberries. 100 bearing fruit tues. and all kinds small Iruits, 5 i loom house, hot and cold water, bath. I i nrn. chicken houses and runs for 30" ( t l ickeiiR, sras engine, tank. etc. One lof the prettiest little farm homes you ! ever saw. Price only $1450. $700 i down, bal. 6'. Located in Washing' ton. 1 mile from good town on main line Northern pacific. TRADE or bale, la acres tine -jnu; o in cultivation, rest in pasture, nun, berries, water, wood, lew house, barn. tllltAcuo, w aitiii. ' ' . from boat; 3 from raiiroau. wan t acre outside rortianu aim Bum .... Owner, N-aS3, Journal. . . 3S3 ACRES grain, fruit, or dairy farm. 4 miles from Albany, spring waiei piped to buildings; want smaller farm, cash. Income in Salem or Portland, good terms on balance, caivo Hi lars in first letter. No agents. R. b. V. Q-2, Box 135, Albany, or. nvAliTlVt'l. room bungalow, with CHATTEL MORTOAtibH 'Way PHASRO INOtMHR 11 Dehum Md. ' HKLI WAXTKI- MALK 1 WANTED Bright young men be tween 17 and 18 Years of act to learn the hardware business blglt school graduates preferred: muet live : with parents; chance for advancement. Apply 10 o'clock Thursday a. m. Ilnneyman Hardware Co., 4th at Alder, DO you want a position for life, wltn . tt,g pay. ehort hour and aure ad. ancenient? Then work for Uncle 8am My free illustrated book DK8I8 tella how to get an appointment. Earl Hop kins, Washington. 1). C. : WANTED 6 salesmen to sell a lOo candy specialty to the consumer; must be neat appearing and huatlera; . no others need apply. Call at 187 Mi 1st. Room 3. Alameda Park l. modern 7 room hbme, just j 1,. 0 if v fine garage, everthin ; e b v . all street improvements U8', , e Beautiful, completed, first class. paid; price $oi50; good 57 Mason St.. near end car. Owner. Fast 535. terms given, of Broadway i 8 ACRES 7 MILES OUT. I Price J22i'0. located Just 7 milt I from courthouse in Portland. 8 acre. 7 acres cultivated, fine soil, beautiful I trout stream, 5 room house, good barn ! and outbuildincs. Price $2200. with lots of personal property. I 5 ACRES 5 MILES OUT. I Price $15on. $4'Hi cash. bal. 6. This ; is a beautiful tract of land, all lit j crop. 3 room house, located Just 6 ! miles from citv limits. Price for this I 15 acres land there 1b no better land ! near Portland) is only $1500. 8V ACRES GRESHAM Price 11750 1500 down. bal. 6'i-. Lo cated on Section Line road. Just 1H miles from Gresham and is ther prettl- aiaM view tract nut that way; V. acres fleareii hearine orchard. Frlce Only ou want a small iarm aee ve the bargains. Uunlno tiArrh rnmnlntelv f unefched ". worth $1400; will trade my equity tor good light touring car. House ,l,0:'&le' in best part of St. Johns. T. J. Holland & Co., 436 Pittock blk. Phone Rdwy. 1. BUNGALOW for land; might assume. Henry Strader. R. 2. MilwauKie. 'ATlbia: A L KST ATK t WE WILL tjL'LL OR LOAN MONEY DN YOUR LOT. J. C. CORBIN CO., 1,1 w I a pui'vj, WANTED 2 young passenger trains cash bond required. N. fith st. men to work on . as news agents. Apply at 169i WANTED 2 first glaziers. Central Co. 481 Gllsan class nonunion Door & Lumber EMPLOYMENT department Y. A. Servlc flee to members ANTKD- A-l 52 .Touriinl acetylene welder. Y- H ELI' WA.VIKU MISC. 41) ROOMING HOUSES 53 Luby-Hargrove Realty Co, WILLAMETTE BOULEVARD. $750 buys corner lot and 3 room cot tage, plastered. corner of Concord. This property in ordinary times should , bring 1500; terms V cash. Pnoto at office of t red w. German Co.. Chamber of Commerce. ( Successors 122 N, 6th St. to Hargrove & Sons.) Broadway 4S81. SACRIFICE SALE. 1C0 acres, about 5T acres under cul tivation, 2."i acres more easily cleared. -. good ti room house large barn, stone : dairv machine shed, feed room, cnica - ' en house, etc., dandy orchard, fine a nrlng wjjter ninert to house. fillO trout stream, fenced and cross fenced, included 9 cows, several head of yountr stock, calves, hogs, horses, all man $15D down and $25 per month buys new modern 5 room cottage, shadj trees, beautiful lot. North Piedmont district; price $235o. Don't fail to see l.iis. Main 1743. The Brong Co.. 267 13 I c farm ma. hinerv etc.. telephone -'ak st. j in house, R. F D. mail. Mi mile from BARGAIN. 'school, 3 miles from cheese factory $200 cash. $2U per month, including ! and country town. 5 miles from street Interest buys 5 room new bungalow car, and 13 miles from Vancouver, with built-in features. 1 block from Price only $8000, $5000 cash, balance 24 Rooms, $200 Cheap rent in heart of wean, feiae business district. All on one iioor, am leaving city and must sell; worth $tu0. See this at once, reteis, i Gth st. Close in Snap 1R H. K rooms, rent $J5; worth $900, for quick sale, $250. EE HALL. 512-13 ranama mug. FOR sale, a 10-rooru rooiiiing-iiouse. n.all f)irnich(l Tllllwt llf SClll tlllS 1 week- only reasonable offer taken by owner. 305n 3d st. 32 ROOMS, $750, TERMS. i Modern down town money maKer, always sold lor $30uu. 5"2 Couch bldg. FURNITURE S room house, $5.1 gives possession; terms Rent i..ju, goou location. Ma'Miall 2i3 BV owner, i rooms lurnislied for housekeeping, cash anu ieni. Jefferson st.. near 11th. Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Day and night classes; training in' repairing, driving and machine work. Including forge, lathe, shape r. drill press, etc; time unlimited. feoure -pass at Educational office T. M. C. A. bldg.. to lnapect our ahope and math ods. COMPETENT CHAUFFEUR AND MECHANICS SUPPLIED. Tul tlon fee Includes MEMBERSHIP IN 1. M. C. A. and Ita EMPLOYMENT DK PARTMENT. uae of 80-ft awlmmln pool, whower hut ha, gymnaalnni, etr $76 MONTH. Uovarnmeni loba Man, women wanted. Llat of poitlon" free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 4-0. -.Icirhetter N. Y. .A.ka.y Auiuea 010, WIKiBC t become Poi Hand irmil carrior Cum nierre 17 montti oy.eas. Journal. school CREGON AUTO SCHOOL, the t.f practical experience; special summer rates. 42W-31 Belmont at. UNCALLED lor tailor m .a aur.s, H?. Taylor ' he Tailor 2MU.Hii-.mK, UK LI UANTKI) FKMALK 2 car. .1. C. CORBIN CO.. LEWIS RLTG. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 ROSS At tbe residence ot hl daughter, Mrs. A. W. Vincent, at St, Johns. Nelson F. ru. hi his 86th year. A idiy and seyeo childroj nurviye him. Funeral Friday, 1 p. m., at Chambers Compauja chapel, Killlnsrsworth avenue and Kerl street, under the auspices of the (i. A. R, ermeut Uali cemetery. Trout dale. Carpenter Has Two Bank Accounts and Still Has to Work BENJAMIN In this city. May SO. at her lite j rosiileiue, BHOfl Fifty-fifth avenue S. F... Mary Ann Benjamin, aged ttti years. The I funeral services will be held Friday, June 2, al lo o'clock a. m.. at the residence establish 1 n ent of J. I'. Flnley &. S.n. Montgomery at i Fifth. Friends inyited. Seryicea at the grave private. it application of the principle should v impelled tne united statea to m- hvena for Belgium. TXnol Um Has One MeiJ. fotl'-eannot take this position and I disgrace for any man to barter it for otT when some concrete fact arises 80 poor a mess of pottage as Is lm- that our duty is to be neutral in ( plied in that kind of hyphenated clti- rd and thought, said Roosevelt , zenship which means that the Individ J. Sperry, carpenter, better known down Linnton way as "Jerry" cava he has two bank .accounts that he wants to keep active at all times. The first is his stomach, the second his tool box. As the former draws on the latter for its supplies, Jerry has to work, like a lot of us. Vnlike many of us, however, he likes his trade and delights In spending his days with ham mer and eaw making dead lum ber Into articles of use. But things weren't the best in the world for the carpenter a short time ago. Tills was abouf the time that spring flowers were led to believe that spring had come when It hadn't. Rut their presence gave Sperry an idea. He would make flower and window boxes and other garden things! fte didn't know who wanted them but Journal want ads found the people who needed what he could make, and Sperry thus created a market for his own labor. HAVII.L At the residence of his son, George I'.avill. WIOj Forty-third avenuue, S. E., May 0. Alexander H. IJavill, aged 60 years. Fu neral notice later. Remains are at the funeral pi.rlors of A. I. Kenworthy & 5S02-04 Ninety-second street, S. K., In Lents. WILSON In this city. May 31. at the resl denie of his Bister, Mrs. S. S. Ulllesple, 5:14 Morrison street. Wilbur F. Wilson, aged Hxi years. The remains are at the residence es tablishment of J. I. Flnley & Son. Montgom ; ery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. , SWEENY In this city. May SO, Charles Sweeny, aged Hi years. The remains will i be forwarded this ( Wednesday ) evening by J. . 1'. Finley, ic Su. to Spokane. Wash.. wh?re serrh-ps will be htkl Friday. June 1'. at 9:30 ! o'cloa-k a. m. 1 FRKWING The funeral services of the late Mary S. KTewiTig will be lield Thurxil.ty, June 1. ut 1 o'clock p. m.. at the resilience ' establishment of J. I'. Flnley & Son. Montgom ery at Fifth. Friends invited, -iuttrrueut at I C rescent cemetery. Tlgard, Oregon. i LITTLE At tbe family residence, 437 Mar- gr.erette avenue. May 30. John Edwr-rd 1 Little, age t5 years 5 months lo days. Fu- neral services will be held Thursday, June 1, at 2:30 p. m.. at the above residence. Inter ment nose city cemetery. U.VK acres, xi mile trom Pacific uni versity, f orest Grove, 6 kinds small fruits, apples, potato, crop in. 4 room house, well water, chicken and wood houses, price $lu00, $400 cash, 7 terms. Tabor r.sJl. WHY NOT BUILD. And get a home according to your Ideals? I design, build and finance any building; artistic sketches freo. See me before you build. Js. O. Kk lund, 313 Henry bldg. Main 5S12. tf. This is an exceDtlonal bargain, as it sold a fe'.' years ago at $15,00n. An ideal rtalrv and stock ranch. Must be sold at once. No trades considered. 1 HUMfBUIN ltt aw Ail. 612 Main. St.. Vancouver, Wash. SAWMILL foremen attention; torced saie, i room nome, new, every -ruin-in j v. German coo v cmei n c, idtc iuu, iiupi u v e.-ne n lh paiu, coat f iouu, sen ap-juuu, iu nace, sleeping porch. West side, handy to south end mills. Kvenings, Mar. I 7 6 1 . ALL FOR J900. 80 acres in Clarke county. "Wash., S miles from Yacolt; 4 room house, i.aat-n 9 i v 4 ft Ot sitm cleared. 400.000 tt timber, plenty of springs and creeks; good team and wagon, plow, harrow, cultivators and saws aBd all kinds of other small tools, some chick ens; all household goods. You will have to hurry to get this one. red Co, 3J cnam. or com. lU JSIXES8 Ot'ltMO ll NIT IKS ao FIRST-CLASS confectionery in good county seal town, ciuarumco is,""" paving business. Take auto as pan pay. Have many other good store In the city and country towns, some real bargains. Come in and talk it over. Neal Brown. 209 ranama rung. Great Bargain 1 AM About 15 young salesladies rrtm, irncprv and delicatessen. living rooms; rent J2o; elost in, worm $1200 for J560; ISOo will handle. SHE HAhh, 0 1Z-IA t-anatiia i'iu. i , . I n r i ' l L us anor ine l L-aiuiena, iu uo 6 ROOM house, modern, on paved St., no Incumbrance; for farm inside 60 miles Portland; not over $3000. own er, J-S01, Journal. HALF acre and b bungalow only JSOO. A dandy buy. Call bldg. room plastered terms like rent, i at 600 Concord $50 CASH. 515 MONTHLY. 7 room plastered bungalow, St. Johns line. JltiOO. A real snap. Fred VV. iJerman Co.. S2 t'hanv of Com. BLOCK north Sand..' blvd., 643 E. 68tn st. N. It's a different burgaiow. Price and terms ar? tight. Own- r. HOW much tor $1000 equity. 100x100 lot. 5 room house and barn? L-314, Journal. $llu0 equity :n $J000 6 room cottage,, corner lot, 50x100, for $700. 13i K. Stark. Phone Tabor 61X3 FOH SALK LOTS 16 vir.i n DAIRY RANCH. 168 acres, close to Newberg. on Co. mart and Willamette river; 130 acres in wheat and oats. 20 acres timber. al hrosh: no belter soil: fair build- ine's and fences; price for quick aate. $9ti per acre; $5000 cash. bal. b. Goddard & Wledrick. 243 Stark st. 1 1 . 1 . sell mv 5Vi acres with com- rilpte dairv. 11 cows and bull, all :hmniin tested horses and wagon; also the milk route. 4 miles from courthouse; will consider some trade. Marshall fS92 or M-98H. Journal. volt SALE On easy terms at C, a selection of anv part of 4000 acres alfalfa land, located In the government l matiiia irrieation project near iter- mi.mn Prices J4 to 150 per acre. Urna- lill'a Karm Land Co.. Ill 3d st. M. 331. 120 Acres, $840 Close to Portland, near electric sta tion : $340 cash. bal. 6 years, 6 per cer.t. Claude Cole. 300 Henry bldg. TWO 100 acre farms for Bale in Polk county. One Improved, the other not. Near town and high scnooi. fine tana. Tn settle estate. rite to VV. 1 walk er, josepn, wr. niiTKT. in Vancouver. Wash month rent: 4 1 rooms, oai iiy im- nished; bargain if taken at once: near laige cannery just starting. Geo. 'A le-ie. Vancouver. Wash Grocery Store Snap The bet buy in Portland, invoice 11000. S600 takes it. Tills Is a snap. See my agjpjtt2ii2 Wilcox bldg, WAS $2000. NOW $450. Lots 13. 14, block 2. Ridgemont. one or tne prettiest residence districts m -rTA TiTT a r j.ffiirAn Portland; owner is going east and 6Q Acre W heat f amil)! DLU im.nthiv FreH w. Oerman iv T.f i 80 acres in wheat, near Condon, 10 YOU WANT A BUSlNiSSaf to retire, will sell cheap; only con fectionery in good valley town; lane clear property and balance as made from business, t -ins, journal. STORE FOR $226 SNAP Groc, confect'y, ice cream,- etc.- S living roortb; rent 10: large faraen In; chickens: all goes for $225. Hurry! Coddard, 502 Couch bldg. FOR SALE -Good blacksmith's shop with tools; first class location; first class place for auto repairs; going to quit business. 01S Doater road, a. t... Portland. Or. BEST STORE IN PORTLAND 1800. Invoices $l500; rent $20; clears right now $160, month above expenses, wait ing room. Goddard. 502 Couch '.dg. RESTAURANT averaging $20 per day; must tie soia mis ween, sons; my price win surprise you. iw Grand ave. opened on or about June 7. Corner Alder and 6th sts, THOROUGHLY ex parienced millinery saleslady with long experience. Per manent position to right party. Hof( man Millinery Co., 3H7 Morrlwon at. GIRL about 14 or 16 to stay with lady for company and help care for baby," for good home and carefare. 13S0 Corbet t St., Fulton car. housework! GIRL wanted for general fi4 E. H road ways GIRL 605 wanted for K. 4Mb st. N. light huusettork. Cham, of Co m . ! CLAYTON In this city, May 31, at the res idence of Mrs. C- L. Ross, 191 Curry street, i May Clayton, age.l 5o years, late of I'oratcllo, Idaho. The remains are at the residence es , tablishmetit of J. 1'. Finley & Son, Moutgom i ery at Fifth. QL'AIb The funeral services of the late Thomas yurdd win be held Thursday, June 1, st 10 o'clock a. m.. at the residence tabllshment of J. P. Flnley & Son, Montgom ery at Fifth. Friends Invited. (t v- "i is ArfTIONS Incle 8am has Just one friend, and it lit Uncle Sam." rha,' colonel wtu wildly cheered foughout. Crowds Jammed the Plan s' hotel, and Ue was forced to stop say a few words of greeting. He neeta to cpeak also at the Mercantile ll City cluba. IJespite his sweltering experience In Insaa City, he was In fine fettle. Is bed crowds at the railroad station re yelled a greeting. lis was taken to the Planters' hotel. lere S00 had assembled for a formal IeakfaaC Roosevelt received a sine welcome. ,3PigTttLnl for Principles. I've come because I wish to speak two cardinal points for the people's lalon," Said the colonel in response insistent demands for a speech. ual tries lo be a halfway citizen of two lands nr.d forfeits the light to be a whole clt zen of any land." Foreigners Help Ration, Colonel Roosevelt went on to recite a number with whom he had been isso ciated with in public life or who aided in building the republic who were of foreign stock a man by birth a Swede, who the colonel said, had done more than anyone else to aid the navy lately, his scientific assistant on the African trip, a German-American by birth; friends whose strains were of i Czech, Rohemian. German, French and j other bloods. In his cabinet he said , there was a descendant of one of 1'luecher's colonels; at his side1 one of ; Napoleon's descendants. One other ' member had been born in Germany, j another in Scotland. He referred to , AUCTION SALES TOMORROW AT RESIDENCE. 486 TENTH BTEXET, Piano, furniture, etc.. for K. M. Ceder berg. SALE AT 10 O ClaOCX. ON FRIDAY AT TSE DEIaOVAGE KESITJEirCE, 744 HOYT STREET Furniture. Carpets, etc. Sale at 10 A. M. GEO. BAKES & CO., Auctioneers. NEW TODAY CLARKK BROS., florists, ;s7 Morrison st. Main cr A-lsoo. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. MARTIN & r'ORKES CO., florists, 347 Wash. Main 269, A-l 269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. MAIN 6116; wreaths, pillows, $3 uj. Sprays $1 up. Chapells, 347 Morrison TONSETH FLORAL CO., Wash., bet. 4th and 5th. Main 5102. A-l 102. OSCAR JOHNSON Gllsan st. Mar. FLORAL CO., 4372. A-1464. MA X M. SMITH, florist. 1 4 1 6th wt. FUAERAli DIRECTORS 6 os points are Americanism and pre- i General Goethals and Admirals Waln- edneas. What I say this morning 1 wright and Schroeder and to his own preparedness won't touch politics, J doorkeepi-r, while president, a man by t of all with anything connected ; birth a oerman. ll myself. I am fighting for prln- Could Man XT. 8. with Germans. ea, and 1 will fight for them wher-j -it would be possible." he added, "to r-taey are iounu in any party or man our entire administration troin Individuals. president down with men of German When, I say I am against hyphen- J maan it. x am no more ltjngnsn ericab than German-American. 1 ild be just as much against an fllsh-Alnerlcan alliance as against German-American alliance. They botn anti-American. Whatever de ls I may nave, I don't pussyfoot. lyou wanted to express my connec- with . any old world land, you uld nave to use seven hyphens. Wnst Mean What We Bay. ha . chairman. In Introducing me. k of the Declaration of Independ- le. That declaration lasts because meit. who signed executed it at the of -'their lives- It it- had. been ely av.collection of fine words, rnag- cent , elocutionary effort, nobody FUNERALS Beantlfol adult plush or broadclotjt casket, eov balmlur. outside bos, bears, two autoa aad services for Funerals If desired tor .(!. $40. $60. Blfber priced funer al Is In proportion. We manufacture caskets. Lady assistant. Beautiful runeral chapel. MILLER & TRACEY Independent rtaneral Dlrectora. Washington at Ella Bu, (bet. 20th and Zlst) Weat J3lda. Main 2381. A-788&, Choir e Xrtans of $10,000 aad TJp On unproved Business Property (or for Improvement Parposes). J. P. LIPSCOMB. 342 Stark Street. I FARM LOANS Mortgage Company for America Boom 33. Alnswortb Bldg. Phone Main 6841. Portland. Or. On City and Farm Properties ia Any Amount at Current Bates. Hartmaa A Thompson, Banners. Comer of Fourth an Stark Sts. r Years of Experience Enables This Firm to Give YOU Perfect Service This modern establishment, with its conveniences, includ ing a secluded driveway, in sures absolutely privacy, caus in in no way a ueparture trom an established policy of modernate prices. Experienced Woman Attendant, J, P. Finley & Son The Progressive FUNER..L DIRECTORS Montgomery at Fifth, Main 9. A-16!9. FINE RESIDENCE LOTS Rose City Park Woodmere Alameda Park lrvingwood l,et us snow them to you. J. C. CORBIN CO. LEWIS BLDG. Gilliam county; $600 cash. Cole. 300 Henry bldgJ Claude GROCERY, confectionery, school sup plies clearing over io mo. win trade for small ranch or lots. MUler- thlp, 431 Cnamner or commerce, .$425 .$433 .i,bi .$9i0 iOO BEAt .TIM L lots in MUwaukie, 5o car tare; light, gas and water; $20! cash and $10 per month. H. G. Stark-I weather, Risley fetation. Phone oait I Grove 1-X. CHOICE, 4 lots for $200y; 1 cor., 100X 1 Fa FOR REXTFARMS 800 ACRES, 600 under cultivation, out fit complete, for sale; eastern Ore- Ron. Claude Cole. 300 Henry bldg. HOMKSTKADS 47 HAVE 2 320 acres homestead loation for sale: investigate this as chances to buy land at government pricea-.are scarce L-:u. Journal UUSINEWS CA R D 8. Rose City Printing Co., j Third et.. cor. Taylor.' liliXl' WANTED MALE AND KKMMK 2 MEAT market, good location; term or cash; cheapr inquire muni, oaui ave. and 60th st. womstorK cht. For sale, first-class established milli nery business in Portland; fine loca tion. Y-955. Journal. GROCERY store on reasonable terms. Will invoice, r.-ai", juunm-i. 100, 2 inside, Irvmiiton; 'fine lo'iatior.. ; 16'- ACRES ; nice farm; held for eara; :ast 273 W. H. Hernman. stocked and improved; Joa.-rhlne j- j rounty; $1000. 202 McKay bldg. ACREAGE 57 1 r TIMBER 28 THE best pay In a cigar store for sale. f catalogue. Cor. 2d ar N. E. cor, fethand Washington sts. -iT-J, CHEAP ACREAGE. $20 per acre; $20 down and $10 per month buys 4 0 acres of good land free from rock or gravel, between Portland and Astoria, in Cowlitz county, 2 miles from Columbia river; fine loca tion for dairy or poultry ranch; run ning water. 6 acres. $250; $10 down. $3 per month buys 5 aires of land between Portland and Centraiia on tne main line ot three r,,,, fruit tres and earden: orlce BLSl-NEiiS ori'OKTL'Nl'iTES WANTED 68 MERCHANDISE WANTED T 1-M-lK' AT THIS Tmnrnvftd Wheat lands. ClOSS lO gOOd Good mill" site near railroad, about town, or timber to trade for merchan- 3R million feet suitable for lumber; thousands of cedar poles; also cedar for shingl-e J. W. Hartnett. 6L Henry bldg EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For mnall farm, my 6 room home with 2 dise. from tiuuu Madras, or. to $10,000. Box T. MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE 27 railroads, 1 mlies irum a town sawmills and shingle $3500; i uii i.mi otnin "nVK.i ;.v k,t ; r z ; :r , i a snap. Ilillia. -VlllV vj. Litis ""U o r'm OJ ' litVi at mtg. ip. N. $1500; will assume. This P. Smith, owner, 852 $ PhnnA wnrtninwn 1 1 M ll U1CL1CU. 1 Winn 11 oca vtiiiiu. oviiia uvcviaa i , . , i , Koni. iv v. m c n u i r, h 4iinii house, clear of incumbrance and of Piece you want. i equity of $2000 in lrvington bunga- I low to trade ror u or i room orrngaiow; 5 and 10 acre tracts at Clatiskanie. 1 must be modern; would like garage. PlatKUnnie lies half wav between Port- T. J. Holland &. Co . 436 Pittock block. land and Astoria. Clatskame has a I Phone Broadway 1. 1 ., . i , , f l.tllll A I'hcBa funfi.ri - , l. I , . .1 t.t.Ul cannery and creamery; lies 1 mile from ciear from incumbrance, from $800o town; from $35 to Lu per acre; $2 per ; i r,nB clear. Wants good farm acre down and $1 per acre per month. !r,nllt same price. C. C. Royal. 413 Mc- Ulflll Xa2.26 21,24 $15.17 OUR Installment plan Is the best and fcurest metnoa ol pams a tuau. per in-unu. ior uiuut.ua, ur 4 lor 60 months, or for a months pays a iuuu loans and Interest. Other amounts m proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for ouildlng purposes. EQUITABLE SVd'S & LOAN ASSN. Z42 otars em., ruruaii'i, .jignun, BUILDING loans on city and suburban property; money aavanceu as wora arogresses. w, u. neca, a is railing Diag. main TV , VI 3407. Walter C, Kenworthy 1532-1534 E. 13th. Sellwood 71, tMl 22. Fearey Brothers. Inc. COLLECTORS 308 Dekum Bldg. Portland, Ox. A R 7pltar Pa Williams ave. ti III .CllCll UUiEast 1088, C-108. Lady attendant. Day and night service. BREEZE & SNOOK. B-1252, T. 128, 1026 Belmont, at 34th. Lady attendant. 10 acres with small house, some cleared and a well, rest easily cleared; between Portland and Centialia, near Vader, 1 Vj miles from town. Tli.s tract has a beautiful view from it. nice neighbors; price $700, at $20 down and $10 per month buys this 10 acres, j 12 acres of nicely improved berry : ranch raspberry, loganberry, blackber ry pear trees; near the town of Gresh am; Gresham lies 12 miles east of, Portland; near cannery. Will give you ; to pay ior it ana win give u w hide Phone Marsnau HAVE good city property to trade for kr.A cattle mules hogs and Ango ra goas. If you want to get rid of your stock and wish good city property lnsteaa.-aaoreBB n-m. mm ..m. i irnrieH of all kinds, see m ! .hMi farms, dairy farms, acreage. citv property. If you have anything tn trade let s match tnem up. Neat Brown, 209 Panama bldg., 3d-Alder. $100,000 ON morlagages, city or tana property, fire insurance. McKeuzia A Co., Gerlinger btrtg.. 2d ana Alder. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, Fourteenth and JohntWrfTT U. S. Government Employment Office oope rati rig. BERRY PICKERS WANTED We will want looo berry pickers for the Hood River district and White .Salmon, to hlp out this week. Ail , thoae who have registered for th work, please report at once to this of fice. Men, women and children want ed. Season lasts about four weeks. Increased prices for nicking this year. NO FEES ARE CHARGED Main 8565, A-56 2 4.. - MOLEU BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn the trade; paid while learning; tools free: positions secured; summer rates: writ no uurnaiae. hool and women to learn wants men barber trade free In 8 weeks. Positions secured. Pay while learning. 3 N. zq st. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to learn barber trade free. J83 Madison st. WANTED AGENTS WE can give steady and profitable employment to a few more respon sible, energetic canvassers. For de tails of terms and territory, address OREGON NI'RHKH i CO., Orencp, Or. No- (iA LEHMAN, e.iersatlc. glare Auto lens. js,a. to sell Bruns 43 1st St., cor. Ash. Broadway 6t SITUATIONS MALE CASH paid Ior morlagages, notes, con tracts, mortgage loans; reasonaoia rates. F. H.flLewis, 4 Lewis Diag. GOOD clear grocery and confectionery, etc doing cash business, some in- to you cneaper inB in. '";" Inuinned ranch; might assume some, land sola ior arouna it. Owner. U-308. Journal. 10 years MONEY TO LOAN in amounts of $1U0 to f&UOO on cuy pruueriy. a. Bell. 301 Gerlinger bldg. $200 i-'OD $400 $700 $3oU On hana for immediate loa'.s. BQ1D REALTY CO.. LEWIS Bt.DQ. ItoNEY to loan on improved city, tarmi property. F. C. King. 314 Spalding flOOO UP to $5000 to loan on cuy vr . . t- v. a rwi farm property. Tabor "TTotT 409. 4n Orp?nn BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. FOR EXCHANGE want residence or ciune iu. ior Portland 320 acres Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to car line, easy terms: will build to suit PUi chaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Se;l wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregoa Investment 8 Kortgage Co. Offices aoa-i. 170 3d st. CDIPQnMRESIDENCE UNI). PRLST LnlUoUllM. 6122. A-2235. 445 Morr. R. T, Byrnes k2 Williams st 115. and Knott. c-ma. Uomillnn" 80th nd Glisan. Fu narnillUn neral services. Tabor 431X SKEWES ACRE, new & room house for salo or rent, ground cleared, and nicely fenced, small creek of running water, 6 cent fare to city. $1550. rent $9 per month. Phone Main 4596. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN ranches near Portland, 2, 5. lo acre tracts, best soil, good roads, near electric. $S to $200 per acre, easy terms. McFar- land. 809 Yeon pine:-. Portland. ACER tracta on carllne. near citr: Undertaking Co. Main 4 IS.) I paved road; $ cash, IS per month, A-;321. Cor. 3d and Clay. ls int. Owner. 617 Chamber of Com. k)lin 1350. 1800. $00. JlUO. ii. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham. Coi '. $40,000 OR LESf PARKING'!' ON. .a j.i. t rtn. rat f TrflH. laMir - - - - . - A aaA I OU VWI B.. " " - " ---- lm Droveu. croon cuuua.. .o.vvw. u. i ss-d VcYes timber. Lane county. $10 000. SEE 1 u clear, mlgnt assume, jv-pov. ij'i iiai Cvnii ANGE for automobile or cash; timber on 20 acres joining Argyle Park, J?ortlandi or sell Owner, box 26$. Wlllami MR. BUHlNESa MAN Looking for an intelligent educated young man. who will make your interests hist Better Investigate nowl $57 Thurman st. Tel. Main 7774. "YOUNG man wants position as chauf feur In private family. Careful driver and willing to work around the house. References furnished. K-68i, Journal. PRACTICAL painter, paper hanger, tinier and uecorator; reduced prices; 0 days. Phone Bellwood 2772. KALSOM 1NING, painting. piaster patching. reasonable. Woodlawn 2490. VOUNG man (Scotch) wants steady position; anything considered. Z-690, Journal. MAN. -Z9. must have steady work: anv kind; good habits. References. r-7l,' Journal. COMPETENT shop mechanics and , chauffeurs furniiiiea by x. i u. I Auto school. Main 7065, A-tBtl. j WALL tinting, work second to none, prices low as anyone Mar. 1T46. Small loans, installment loan Cellars-Murton Co., 8J5 Yeon bldg SITUATIONS FEMALE land; term. na. Or. IMPROVED 5 ACRES. 10 miles out, near electric car, good buildings: price $2000. Take clear lots or small house to $1300. 309 Abington. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Good houses for sale or exchange. bottom prices. Call Marshall l&ss. Powell Valle 4 M6RTGAGE LOAMS, and iVc. Loum i WANTED, day work zoo per nour. Salomon & Co.. 200 Oak st near 5tr. j Phone Woodlawn 1S54 after i p. m. lidvrv ... man n tn xi. w P k,iv I Mrs. R. Paull. a."r- am s-nalriine bid ! WANTED Situation as MONEY TO IX) AN CHATTELS, SALARIES mult graph operator or stenographer. Call jU- 07 ' wood 1177. Wood- F.OtllTY in acre on Road; trade for anything, lawn 321. 60 ACRES stocked, trade for city prop- erty. Wolf stein. 7iz.cn.' com. HALAKItS CHATTELS. Money to loan to salaried people .and others on furniture, pianos, motor cycles, automobiles, diamonds, etc., at legal rates with easy terms of pay ment; no delay. Licensed by state. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. INC. Ill Dekum Bldg. DIAMONDS bougut and sold. Main salts I STENOGRAPHER and dental nurse ; wishes position with doctor or den J tist. Phone B-1473. EXPERIENCED teacher will tutor ra English, algebra. Latin or grade branches. "Of an hour. X-620. JottmeL WANTED situation Fast 4013. Infants outfits plain red. East Jl5. '.; houaekeepei. mbrold or