THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; v PORTLAND; TUESDAY MAY 30.l916. BRIEF INFORMATION Coming Events. Beottlsa Bit lUunfon, at Temple, Jjum 13. . aUrauj bwud- tuaetuwB, Ltauiwt vui IlkMM, a n tnjtndiHH yaraila, avseing of J not 3. MUif tmu iuuvuitua J uua o, ai uoou. ' Uraitd cuaifia. oratt ui ualata a lax. at Mvauuiv lu,yit, Juaa e, Orsgoo Assorts l too of Presidential Postmss tenr auoaal mating, turilafld. juua ft, J, a, aeaiara Blsr aiuuuii suuuuuiiiua luiuarUl loil. Jao J, . Uum amivai Mi T, ana tt. UsclcsUos ttf lotwois utvsr blgbwsr. aar i, . Ait jilMk 1 1 . . . m ... w m UVUU, W UIK 1 . f . . --- uaiaa stcu tuuh raacnsoa Juoa , at aoon, Oregon hotsl. Public Btariags on ludustrlal Welfare rou- if cuurUtuiw. faciiw MBrrtoa Socle tj annual wuvtaiiut.. fwuautt. Juua itt, II. Aairaal aucaaiojeut of. ludlaa war v?tar ' aus, lu foruauo, June 21. ' surir-tvuria aautuu launkia of us Ori-goa l'vubC aaswiauwu at aautuc iviDyls. Juas Reunion of former realdcota of tloaglaa touul wUl ta fasia at fsuliwuia fara J una : at. alaaldval Pars baud unctiu bsgla bun da, Jul ;(. fcsusry A kvavas for traljilug camp l -siua-ry, Cal., Jul a. 1111 "ia'uL. O. N. Q.. ancamjinaau Julv Oregon Naval MUltla aanusl cruise. July 15 Si. -- . . Interstate coaveaiion ot real estate own. to 1 athi iu I'orUaBU. JuJjr II. lit. 1- Wraud ftmts, rjiuia cuius vf oregoa. Hi tier Jul 2hV-V. ConvsuUuua of ivuiuia ui FlUiaa sad l"7t lu Misters rUl bv ueiil la I'wuauu august i-JO. Twenty-third annual oatlog of kluxaiae to Turte slaters, August 6-80. Weather Conditions. Inaettled weatber coodltious continue ovr Hit greater portion of the country, w'.ih crn tcra of dcprafilon over I Lie Baaln miiii. ami the tTt. L,wrlH-a llcjr, reapecllvely. A allKbt bigb preaanre art't ia uvetaurfudiuic I lio l'ut'iftc uortbneal, uimtbcr of nituliur char acter uverlica central Canada and Mluiiakutj. frectpttatlou Ubh uccnrj-cU In wmleru Uri'K m, Waalilngtoti, Montana, uurihero Iduliu, Altwrta, XaikatiUuwaii, tue Mlatutnluul Tallcy and north t?ataid to I Lie Atlautic cunat. lUe weather l aruier along the Nortb I'arlflc eoaal, In Artzcna, Colorado, Nebraska end wenteru Nottn Dakota; It ia correepoudlngl cooler lu Cali fornia, eaatero Oregon, Idano, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Texaa, Uklahoma, tbe Mississippi Bod Obio Talleyi aud Lake region, lu otut-r cctlona tbe temperature cbangi-a bare Id gen eral boon alight. Temperatures orer tbe north west generally contlDue below normal, r'rosta er reported tble morning from northeastern Oregon and southwestern ldnl.o. The conditions are favorable for generally fair weatber In this district tonight and Wed nesday, with no dee i iled temperature chaues. Light froats aie piolsble In early morning In n.oat sections ejtnl of the C'sscade uiouuluins. Ueuerally westerly Hinds will obtalu. Forecasts. Portland and vicinity Tonight and Wednes day fair; westerly wIwIh. . Oregon and Washington -Tonight and Wed nesday generally fair; light fruti tonlKht en it portion; slight temperature chanKes, geueril!y westerly winds. Idaho Tnulght and Wednesday. geniTsily Mir. Light front tonlglit, slight lemperuturu changes. Th Willamette river at Portland will rise lightly during the next two or three dys. X. r ItA.Nt IS OKAKB. Asnialaut 1 oiecnuter. The Journal' ftieuic Travel Guide of Portland and Oregon. Columbia Hirer Highway Au.ancn'e most wondeclul teeulc ruad lor vehicles. No gisds nedlug b par cuu Uardsurtace rcsdvvay past waierfalls aud mouutaUia through ths t,al't vf Ilia Cascade rauya ! lua Uorga f tlia Ooluiobla. bheupard's Del). Crown I'oiut, Utuurelle. Hrldal VelL Wist, Wahkeeoa, Jduiu bbBiau, Horsetail aud other wsterfalla, Don bevilla flab haicberlea, (Jueonta Uoige, LWu sou fatk uud Wlueuiali Pluuaclca. East froai fortuuid via Haaa Lluu. ttuLy or Sac t: on Line roads. Indlvldoala do well to make ar- caugeujeuU through a responsible, agency. Trip up Columbia river by boat, or oue war by boat aud return by cuto. CounoLU Crest. overlooking city, noo ret blgb. Uf uuaualod of Columbia aud Wu lauiells rivers. Tualatin and Willamette val leys; Cascade sod Coast rauges; uow paak olouy t CaM'ades tuoith to est u cieac luasi. Including all. Ualuier, l.4(ia feat; Ml. bU ueiaua, vout ici; ail. Auains, 12,001 (eel; ML Uuod, ll.M lest; UL JlIerou. lu.OJ heet. parks. Washington, bead of Waablhgtoa IraeL Vlowura, shrubs aud trees; children a klaygrouuds; aoo, uotewoiiby pieces of seolo- ure, "couiing vr ma vvniie uan. ' by Het- Atklns MCieui. -saeaawea," Indian vouiau who gulileif lewu and Clark, by Alice I 00 per. xen uiluutes- walk. 1'eniusuia, uusu gardens, couisintug mora luau 1O0 vr la kes; playgrounds and luouel couiuiunlty hou4. Ibluu auu Aiusoitu aveuuea. laurelhurst. aat Oak and 1 ulrty-ulntb. Mt. 'labor, bead 11 a vv l houie t venue. Maeleay, Coiuell rodd: ature iell untouched; primeval 1 01 est, wild siiyon. acres try Bnlldlnir Iwls snd Clark Exposl lou grounds; contalna l.uOu.OUO feet of lum ber, uiuscuui of forest products. Visitors we - owe irum a. m. to o p. in. "" car on lorrlsou street. Boulevards. Corambla and Willamette, en IrcilnK ueuinsula. eacelleut vlewa of harbot. hipping and Industries XerwIiiiKer, south ou 11 in; sairmvuur, east or. and to ky line, west f Council Cleat. ' Columbia Ulver biguwaj. a bove. Fnbllo Inatltotlona-city hall and historical useuw. Klfth and Madlaou; county court- cuss, rourtn snd salmon; Central library. eotb and xamhlll; Art museum, rlftb. near auihlll: customs house, 1'ar a and broadwav: I'BtTttl poatofftce. Fifth and Morrison; X. M. A.. Sixth and Taylor X. W. U. AM Broad ay and Taylor. Exhibits Oregon reaource. fish snd game, legou building, Flftb and ):ik; histories!, regon Historical scclety, 07 Second sueet; t f";:?10' U; ' tsmtwr tndnatrr. Wontrf I yulldrag. - , Harbor faatorea West and east aid poblie docks, motor boat landing, foot ot Stark r Bwiwwe 1 or river tours; ablppiDat. saooacsi andgea. Broadtray. Railroad and Hawtborao. . Paooramic. view of city from Willamette. King's tnd Portland Beiguta, CooocU Crert. Mt. Tibor. Views of districts. Joarnal bedd ing. Vacn bolldlog. Northwestern National Bank building. Meier t Frank's. Wsrtkr of Wotlce. kid more foontsln. First and Ankny. by Olln H. Warner, prnented by teplien Skldmore. Tbompaoa' fcorsia. pro eated by David P. Tbomueon. Plata block. Fourth and Salmon: Soldiers' mimnaeat. Lownsdale square, 'otirtb and Taylor. Chinatown, on north Fourth and , Second streets ' Modern blgb sod grade schools: school gsr dens; roae hedges. Portland Rose KestlvaL Jane 7-S-B. "Seeing Portland," automobiles. 'teeing Portland." trolley care. Trip through lumber mills. Typical home sections Portland Belgnta. Nub Hill, Irvlngton. Mount Hood Tripe Nortb side:' Drive oat lone the Columbia Hirer blgbwar (see shovel I to Hood River, sod then un through Hood River valley to Mount Hood lodge. 3h00 eleva tion, or on to Cloud Cap Inn. OoOO elevation: rordlttuns Ideal for mountain; views slotiou: roads good. Or. take train to Hood River; tbancf by atitomoblk dally to Cloud Cap Inn or by Hood (liver Valley railroad to Parkdaie and stags from there. Sooth aide Automobile stag dally from Portland to Government Camp, Rhododendron Tavern. Tawney's. Welches. A r rail Wanna. Or take suburban electric trains to Boring sta tion and stage. Suburban Trips-Via P. B-. CAP Co-: Bull Run nark. .'10 miles: Estacada park. S miles, risblug and mountain trails; Canemab park, lu ni'.lea. overlooking Willamette; Co lumbia beacb. end Vancouver line, bo thin?; "Tbe Oaks" park on Willamette; Vancou ver and Vancouver hsrracka. northwest mill tsry headquarters'. Wllbolt Sprlnss. on Wil lamette Valley southern: Willamette f a lis. an 1 Oregon City. IS miles south. Vf. Southern Pacific: Tualatin and Xam bill volleys, loop. Via Oregon Electric- Willamette valley. Ss letn and Kngetie. - Via O-W. It. A N. Bonneville, flab hatch eries, picnic grounds. Hood River. Cascsde Locks, paralleling Columbia Elver blgbwey. Vis North Bank road Astoria. iearbart. fceKile. beach bathing. Via river steamers L'p Willamette to 0r- fon City and Halem. up Columbia to The dalles; down Columbia to Astoria and month ot Columbia river reruiluus Astor eipeditton. Huliuou esuneriet. salmon tithing, jetties, forte Crster Cut . l Southern Pacific. Medtord and auto stuge. or via Oregon Truuk or o-W. H A .N .. lieud. sad auto stage. Caves of Josephine, via BOMtbern Pacific and atage. Ocean resorts: Seaalf- Oearbart. Newport. T'bau.ook. Marshfleld. Deschutes csoyou sod Central Oregon, vis 0-W. It. A M. or a.. P. 8. Wallowa valiey. Lake Joseph and Eagle Cap. via O-W. B. A N. Pendleton itouiid-Up, Hot Springe, taatera Oregon, via O-W. K. A N. Miscellaneous: ITlablug, bunting, outing trips. Resorts Ocean: Oearbart, Seaside, Long liesrh. Newport. Cannon Beacb. Bay Ocean. Tillamook. Mountain: Cioud Cap Inn. Gov ernment Camp, Mount llood Lodge. Rhododen dron iaveru. Welches. Xawney's. Arra Wanna. Ihe l.ji'if, Jetvett Fsruj. Sunugs: Wllnolt, bmi'ln ici s. Hot 1-ake. Washington. aucouver and military post; Mt. AJuuis, Mt. su Helens, lea caves; Coo Beach lesotts. lor further information, rates and rentes see Dorsey B. Hmlth. Travel Buresu. lis Third, coiner Washington, or Journal Travel Uuieau. Uroadwajr ei YamhllL TOWiM TOPICS Complexion "Clarifier. An Appetite "Satisfier." Eat - ROMAN MEAL BREAD Roman Meal is ground whole from hard winter wiieat and rye, combined. with r Iaxose a pre digestcd, odorless, taste Jess pure ground flaxseed. There is no medicine in the meal or bread. Mad only bv the .LOG CABIN BAKING CO. , ror Bala at All Groceries Five Cents snertiiaa 1. a 11 skkiwino.nava. V ATTENTION!: Vm a rraduate and Tkew j i: orking People wnsad abyalclan surgeon. 1 iv b first class msdu and surgical at tlon at lass than f tba usual fees. riea CaUa... .B0 ns Calls... f 1.03 niuaamaaa cases, g ......aiv a. sr. oxAVsa Kjucrxoir l Bakvm Baildiat aad WasMajrtoa ura 10 a. m. to p. m. . Sunday a 11 to 1 p, n. omen neon, vuxa ten. srDEiroa yx. biuwood S344 I -4i i Ad Clab luncheon Tomorrow. The Ad lull wiU endeavor to Instruct Us niemlKTH tumonow noon at luncheon In th- Oregon hotel ns to the time l.cnoied niptliotls of conducting a na tit nal jiresidenti'al nominating conven tion. All who attend will play 13 li:irt of ilclcgr.tra to tlie convention. Much will he allfiwed to sit under the bunncr of the candidate he favors most, and herein 1h contained a suu geftlon fir the national political parties. jtln - of proxies la not to 1 e allowed, l'red Spoeri Is to handle the gavel. Principals of the "TasBinK Show of 1015" are to be guests of the cluh. Insurance Man to March. Tho com mittee htiviiiR In charge the arrange ments for the preparedness parade Saiurday has assigned a division to the Insurance Federation- of Oregon. Insurance nien of all classes will ap ptar 1" this division whether they are r.ipmbers of the federation or not. They are requested to be on hand .to join In the parade Saturday at 6:30 p. in. at Fourth Rnd Madison streets. The Firemen's hand will head the division of thy. Insurance Federation, and every Insurance, man la urged to participate. Mission Circle b Meet. The regu lar monthly meeting of the Florence Meade mission "ircle of the First rnivcrf-alist church will r e held Thurs day afternoon, June 1, at thfl home of Mrs. John I'roudfit, 7S5 East Weidler sireet. near Twenty-eighth. The pa j er of the afternoon will be 'Cali fornia Missions and Their History." The hostesses of the day will be Mis. I'roudfit, Mrs. A. Ayres and Mrs. -'. Hoffman. Arrangements for the an nual picnic and outing of the mission circle will he completed at this meet ing. A welcome will be given all who are Interested. Associations Will Not Participate. Met hodist, I'reshj terian and Haptist ministers probably will not lie very 'well represented in the preparedness parade to be held Saturday night. The j ! ministerial associations of these de- nominations, meeting yesterday, took a position of luke-warmness to the plan. It was finally decided that the assocla- ' tions, as associations, would not take part. Many of the ministers are to : march, however, bui not as representa- , tives of the. associations. j Driver of Truck Eionorated. J. n. I Hubbard, driver of the American Kx i press company truck that figured in i the collision, at Glisan etreet and .rand 1 avenue yesterday, was exonorated from blame tor the death of Albert Arnd! by tho coroner's' jury last night. Arudt j was riding a motorcycle with Kintl ! Gross, and was fatJlly injured In the I collision, dying a rew hours later a j a hospital. Gross is ivtiU at the hos pital, but will recover. Runaway Cause of Excitement. Much excitement was caused at Sec-" on-d and Yamhill 6treets yesierday when a horse, driven by R. H. Cornell of Fifty-seventh fatreet and Kulinga-. I worth avenue, became frightened when ! the harness broke, and ran away. The : horse dasUed for a block, and at Second I and Morrison streets ran into the rear ! of a Hawthorne avenue car. Tho dam age was small, according to Patrolman j Bevfiey. ' Military Preparedness ravored. The Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, No. 125, last night adopted resolutions fa voring military preparedness. The resolutions were proposed at the meet ing of the Central Labor Council last Thursday night and voted down. The resolutions declare that the present , European war (has demonstrated that in ' international disputes "the appeal to reason and Justice is still subsidiary to war." I Student Flay Proves Success. Stu dents of St. Mary's academy and col lege presented two cleverly handled plays and several musical numbers to capacity house In the Baker theatre last night. "The Princess" was the first offering, and was followed by I "The Huffragette." Music was fur nished by the school orchestra. Arch bishop Christie and other prominent members of the clergy and laity at tended. Philosophical Xiectuxe Toalsfbt. The Philosophical System of 3000 Tears," by Louis E. Jackson. Seventh 4 lecture In Analytic and Synthetic Mem ory course will be given at Central li brary tonight at 8. room A. PUaeral of Mrs. Hug-hea. The fu neral of Mrs. Carrie Hughes, alio died In this city yesterday, will be held tomorrow, Wednesday, May si, from the chapel of Miller & Tracey, Wash ington, and Ella streets, arid Interment will W in Riverview cemetery. Mrs. Hughes was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Brown of 850 Unian av enue, at whose home she died. She is also survived by her husband, James Hughes, and by a1 son. Earl Wright Mrs. Hughes was a member of Queen Elizabeth Hive No. 34, Women's Bene fit association of the Maccabcea. 'War Teteraas Attend PuneraL The funeral services for William L. Pater son, his wife, Anne L. Wrcerson, and daughter, Helen Louise, were held yea terday morning at 10 o'clock at Fin ley's chapel, Rev. A. A. Morrison offi ciating. A number of Spanish-American War Veterans who served In the Philippines with the deceased, were present, and the B. P. O. E. was repre sented. Interment was made at River View cemetery. Weather Interferes With Picnic. Postponement of the First Congrega tional Sunday school picnic, scheduled 1 for today at Canemah Park, was the decision of the committee In charge. De cause of rainy weather. The picnic will be held on a date" to be set later with weather conditions more favor rable. Central School Display. Thursday of this week the Central school will make a comprehensive display of all school work done during the term, in cluding class work, manual training, drawing, sewing, cooking, etc. Par ents and friends are urged to visit the school on this day and view the work. South Portland Meeting. The South Portland Improvement association will hold a big mass meeting at the Falling school. Front and Porter streets, to morrow night. Realty board speakers will discuss plans of cleaning up Mar quam gulch. Muslo will be rendered and pupils will drill. To Meet the Marblehaad Governor Withycombe, Adjutant-General White and other prominent officials will meet the Marblehead at Astoria tomor row and make the trip up the river with her. Publlo Invited to Inspect Exhibit. There will he an exhibit of the work of the domestic art and te domestic science classes at Lincoln high school Thursday afternoon, from 1 to 4 o'clock. The public is invited to Inspect the work. Entertainment at OrlennaTen. The Glenhaven Parent-Teacher association will give a fine musical and literary entertainment tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock In the school house for the pur pose of raising funds to purchase school garden prizes. Elks' Band at Circus. The Elks' band, which will take part in the Memorial day parade, will be the guests of Robinson's circus tonight and will occupy a bandstand alongside the stand of the regular circus band Xiaurelhurst Meeting Postponed, The community meeting announced for Thursday evening in Laurelhurst Park has been indefinitely postponed on ac count of the weather. Steamer Jesse Ear kiss for Camas, Washougal and way landings, daily ex etpt Sunday. Leaves Washington Street dock at 2 p. m. (Adv.) Grand Opening Dance tonight, Cotil lon hall, B. B. club. Door prizes and novelties. 60-:5c. Cotillion orchestra Hotel Moore, Seaside, Or. Winter rates, $2.50 and $3 per day. American plan. By week, special. (Adv.) Anna, Lewis Sail, illO Flanders, busi ness girls and students, il to J5.75 week. (Adv.) Spend week-end .-1 Hotel Abbey. New port, Oregon's greatest summer resort. Lincoln's Picture Gift. Pupils of the East St. Johns school were presented with a life-size picture of President Lincoln and four American flags Fri day morning. May 26, by members of the Peter A. porter circle, Ladies of ths Grand Army of the Republic. Multnomah Xotel Tnrkisn Baths con tinue. Women every afternoon. Dr. Haynes, Optician, Morgan bid. Ad. Xroekjr Tips, best nickel cigar. (Ad.) mm PLANS ARE ON INCREASE, STATES Slash Burning Now Permitted in Forest Porest Service Department WUl Issue Veoessary Permits in Pacific Worth weat Section. The statutory forest fire season, dur ing which permits for slash-burning and other precautions are required, be gins, today, with conditions offering lit tle immediate danger anywhere in the Pacific northwest, according to bullet ins received by theWestern Forestry and Conservation association, the clearing house for all private and public for-est-psotectlve agencies. The wet weath er has, however, prevented the usual spring cleaning up of loggers' and set tlers' slashings, thus leaving a greater menace when dangerous weather ar rives. Except in rareases, with un usual care and under permit and super, vision. It will not be safe to burn now before fall, aitd the winter's accumula tion will create serious hazard all sum mer, ror this reason preparations are being made for strict enforcement of all fire laws, especially those dealing with clearing and with spark-emitting engines. ATTORNEY M CQLLQCH cases for ha!f s century. The election on this plan is to be June 10. "On Willow creek, in the same coun ty, a similar project is being advanced. All of the old lands on the stream are to be put together behind a bond to amplify existing rights by storage." Number of Bond' Issues for Large Projects to Be Sold, He Declares, DEVELOPMENTS REVIEWED Possibilities Are Seen as Besnlt Beoent Trip in Eastern Oregon and Western Idaho. of NATIONAL GUARD NOTES Company D Holds Smoker and Prominent Officers Speak. Card of Thanks. We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to the kind friends who did so much during the last -sickness and death of our beloved son and brother. Hurley Arthur Dirrlnger. and to the trainmen of the Portland Railway, Light t Power Co., west side division, for their -kindness and sympathy ex tended with the beautiful floral design. Father, LAWRENCE K. DIRRINGER; mother, IVA KTHEL DIRRINGER: sister. CLARA MONICA DIRRINGER. (Adv.) We wish to thank our many friends far and near for their help and kind ness since the losa or our dear husband and father. Mrs. L. L. Vanover, W. H. Vanover. Mrs. V. M. Hanson. (Adv.) Irrigation development is on the In crease and tin year 1916 will see the sale of several bond issues on large projects in Oregon. Such Is tha belief of Attornev Claude McColloch of the lav.' firm of West & McColloch, after a two weeks' trip in the eastern part of the state and western Idaho going over irrigation picjects. "In Malheur county two imp rtant developments are under way, and both should be possible of financing by sale of bond Issues. All of the greit body cf Improved land between Vale and Ontario and above Vale on tha Mal heur river is about to be voted inafc a district togethe- with some new 'land. The purpose is to provide a supple mentary water supply by means of re servoiring f t r the old ranches while af fording some water for additional sag; brush land as well. 'This would offer a new kini of ir rigation bond at least for this state. There would be behind It 10,000 Irri gated acres on which homes have been ouilt and where cultivation and im provement has been under way in some Recrulta Signed Up at Smoker. j Company D last night gave a smoker ot the Armory that was well attended by members and friends. An interest ing program was given. Sergeant C. R. Holland was announcer In charge. Speeches were made by Colonel Clen ar.d McLaughlin, Lieutenant Colonel John L. Mav. Major L. A. Bowman, Captain Clarence R. Hotchklss. Lieu tenant George XV. Wilson and by Cap tain H. O. Hulse, commanding the com pany. The rifle match was won by John Cuno, and the card games by George Lipp. Sergeant Frank Boy- tana, the oldest veteran tn the com pany, was brought to the Armory in an automobile from a sick bed, suffering with rheumatism, so determined were tho "boys" to have him with them. The social hour nosed with coiiee ana , sandwiches, apples and doughnuts. ( There were 12 recruits signed up JuC ing the evening, and several more haew the matter of enlisting under serious consideration. Marblehead to Arrive Tomorrow. The United States cruiser Marblehead will arrive In Portland at 5 p. m. to morrow, coming from San Francisco. She will be the training ship for the Oregon Naval Militia for several years iu all probability, atid Is a far superio. shlp to the Boston. The summer cruisa to Alaska will be made in the Marble head next July, and her equipment is that of a third class cruiser. A few years ago she was a first class cruiser of the line and Is not an antiquated ship by any means. Favorebla Sentiment Reported. Na tional Guard officers report a very de cided change In publlo sentiment toward the organization among all classes of cltisens. At every turn It is being impressed upon the officers and men that the average man has mora respect for and ir'erest in the Oregon National Guard than ever be fore. "Let us be sure to deserve It more than ever," saw an o. N. G. com mander to a group of his subordinates recently, on hearing an Officer make j such a report to him. I Officers Take Practice Bide. Last 'Sunday Captain C. W. Helme, accom ; panied by Lieutenant C. L. Johnson, : Sergeant Callender and Corporal Cam I oton, went on a horseback ride of 65 I miles in Yamhill county, looking for a I rifle practice range. The men seemed to stand the ride very well, but the horses had to do the work. Only Colonel's Veto Will Stop Hughes Chicago. 111.. May SO. National Com mitteeman Ralph Williams from Ore gon says only Colonel Roosevelt's flat opposition can prevent the nomination of Charles E. Hughes by the Republi can national convention. e,V.. When writing or calling on advertisers, nlrtie treution Tbe Joarnal. (Adv.) Men's Suits Men, the suits I sell for 1 14.11 are the same that you aee in the ground floor stores marked $30. Ride up and nave that S6.25. Jimmy Dunn, 1H6 17 Oregonlan Bldg. Elevator to 8 rd floor. (Adr.) v -,. - , . .1 ., , . 1 1 1 N O cw in Portland Should Firit FJ XLeir Way to Hotel Cornelius SATES $1 A SAT AID tTS. O. W. Cornelius, President. K. 2. netchar, ICanager. Park and Alder, Portland, Or. A Moderate-Priced Hotel or Verts, Hotel Clifford East Morrison St.. Hear O-rand Ave. 75c. SI par ear: wltb bath. 81.23. "That ends my trunk worry" This is directed chiefly to women who some times have to travel alone. We've "Taken the Trouble out of Traveling." No more bother about re-checking trunks. No hunting up baggagemen at the station. Xo chance for mistakes or delays. & O. T. Service '"Trunks Checked From Your Home The B. & O. T. can check baggage direct to its final destination. Our men give you this check at home. We arrange for delivery of baggage to residence or hotel in another city, immediately upon its arrival. And when you are checking baggage to Portland from out-of-town poinU, ask for "Special Delivery" tag. ue deliver it, without further bother, as soon as you get here. All this extra service is without additional charge, other than what you would usually pay for baggage delivery. Often it's less. Our valuable little folder, "Taking the Trouble Out of Traveling," aent free on request. W2 MW ITi BROADWffiT-IOOO OliP-L t 1 aggage Transfer 55 North Park Street & Omnibus Go. The Only Company' Authorized by the Rail roads to Check Baggage From Your Home. Phones Broadway 1000, A-3322 1 Resinol Shaving Stick gives a rich, creamy lather that soothes the face. Skin diseases quickly yield to M,e5ini(0)L If you have eczema, ringworm or similar itching, burning, unsightly skin-eruption, try Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap and see how quickly the itching stops and the trouble disappears, even if it is a severe, stubborn case. Resinol Oint ment is also an excellent household remedy for pimples.dandruff.sores, burns, wounds, chafings, and for a score of other uses where a sooth ing, healing application is needed. Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap are absolutely free from any thing harsh or injurious and can therefore be used freely for babies' skin-troubles. Doctors have pre scribed the Resinol treatment for over twenty years. Resinol Soap improves poor complexions. Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap are sold fey all druggists, bat for samples free, write to Dept. 34-R, Resinol, Baltimore, Md. Free .tfftf Stamps i 10 1 II li The Yamhill Public Mar- ket is helping thousands families to cut down the high cost of living. Wednesday, in addition to the low prices those who present this ad when making purchases of 50c or over at any one stall will get 10 extra S. & H. Green Trading Stamps FREE besides regular stamps. AI ?aVM rjInl.ML, jj CORNER SECOND AND YAMHILL STREETS We Give the Regular Stamps mi i r a axj juxs ma u (u OX YOUK fisi'AL WOBJC Go to Tiy dental ottice lu Port land, aet their prices aud advice and then come to me and learn my prices and w&at 1 caa do tor you. Kxa initia tion free. I five my personal attention to all work. DR H. F. NEWTON, Manager. Plates ....II.0S Gold Crowna 3.6 Gold Fillings.... 1.00 Bridge Work.... -.60 Painless Extract'?! .SO Boston Dentists SS6 Wash. SV. Bet. etA aad. StA. STEJILE'S Sum Up 13 in your mind just hcrw you yourself regard the person who is not thrifty; who does not save something. It is safe to say your rating of him is far from the highest. Then make a comparison of his shortcomings in this respect with your own thrift accomplishments. Are you saving as much as you might without placing restrictions on the necessities of life and a reasonable amount of pleasure? The savings bank encourages the saving of the pennies and dimes as well as the dollars. It is the secure, the practical way of observing thrift. This strong state bank, oldest in the Northwest, welcomes your savings account. L ADD & TILTON BANK Established in 1859 Washington and Third TIP-TOP BREAD baked in the ented pan. pat- You like the Grooved loaf be cause it's baked evenly through and through. It .cannot be fcr the label loaf. imitated. Look on the grooved Log Cabin Baking Co. FREEfo, FREE Fine Treat i for theChildren In every Holsum Cake, fresh every day at the g-rocary, is a ticket that admits a child free to the beautiful OAKS. Enjoy yourselves, with our compliments, at Portland's favorite playgrounds. Bakers of Holsum Bread and Cakes. -'"We Sell for Less" ' ", WEDNESDAY MEAT SPECIALS Our buying power enables us to save you money in meats. Many times we sell at retail for about whole sale prices. Steer Pot Roast Fresh made HAMBURGER Steer Short Ribs of Beef, nice juicy Boiling Beef . . 10 ic ib. Lamb Chops, Loin Pork Chops, Round Steak, Sirloin Steak, ...... IS c ib. Neck and Backbones of Pork 5c Fresh Shoulder Pork Chops for, lb. 14c of Beef, prime cuts of Veal Roast, nice, tender Veal Chops slafniY tar Rolled boned Prime Ribs B' ch'ce L'gs Pork Roast, genuine young Calves Liver .... Nice fresh Spareribs . 9c Our famous Magnolia Creamery But ter, the roll . . 58c Fresh killed Chickens, lb. 20c Strictly fresh guaranteed Or egon Ranch Eggs, doz. . . . 25. Full Cream Til lamook Cheese, mud, medium, sharp, lb. . . 20 c Calves Sweet Breads, lb. . BOOT SHOP Washlastea 125 breedwa Mertaa BaUaUaa; f i f t i y (to ate- dsnpa) (JfMff WATCH FOR OUR WEDNESDAY SPECIAL IN THIS PAPER EVERY TUESDAY, NIGHT . , I V.'