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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1916)
OREGON COAST LINE !S DOTTED VflTH IDEAL SUMMER RESORTS V--' saaaajssaaMaaanBB , Great Future Seen for Places i ; Which Enjoy Many Bless : -togs of Nature. I -: ' ' HARE CLIMATE IS MAGNET ZaAMasaaata for Otrtalnlsf Kaslth and !- Baoraatton Attract; Tithing Flsas 1 ' arts Buy to Enjoy f BstMnr. regon I By Fred Lockley. j Xlmors Park. Or., May 29. ! has a wonderful assst In her coast line. It 1b an asset that at present ' "w 60 not appreciate. As yet we have j failed to realise that we can sell our J coenery and climate. The time is not " far distant when we will realize that ' health and recreation are two of our 1 most Valuable commodities. The beau i "tjr f 'it all is that year after year i and feneration after veneration we can f continue to sell our scenery, our recre ation and our health restoring climate j Without In any way diminishing the upply, Beaslde, Cannon Beach, Neah 1 pah-nU Beach, Oarlbaldl Beach, Bay- poean, Netarts, in ye asaon,- Newport, Bluslaw Beach, Winchester Bay, the Budoa beach and the Curry county fceaehes will In days to come be the Meoea toward which many an inlander and city wearied iernon will cafterly look for renewed health and vigor. Boaohea Are TlsHed. fr During the past week I have vis it NeahKah-Nie Beach, Mansantta Deach and the beaches at Manhattan, )ake Lytle, Rockaway. Elmore., Tark, fSaltalr, Ocaanlake and Barview. ' Why we do not have more all-t he-year-round cities along the Oregon roast is a problem I cannot solve. There Is everything here that shouM mak a 1 (y mna ciimme, m run una ler !. tile soil, an abundance of raw mn I terlals such as timber and coal, and !.' ff shore, halibut and cod hanks. Tllla- nook county could supply the west '. With early vegetables, with butter, I ibeese, lumber, fish and other pro ' ducts. ' I Transportation to Xmprova. C i 'With a country as rich as our coast al, region we are bound to have more transportation. Some day the logging road that now runs from Clatskanle back Into the foothills of the coast tnountatna will push on over, the Mountains into the Nehalem valley and come down I he Nehalom valley to tidewater. Home day the Southern pacific branch road to Tillamook will fush out a branch road from Buxton O Seaside and another branch across he Qrand. Ronle reservation and fccross the mountains by a low pass That win utilize the old Forest Clrove Tlllamook trail and ko by a direct Fonts down the Wilson river to : rillatnook. t Some day the Southern Pacific-Coos Bay branch road will be pushed south Ward from Marshfleld along the Ore gon coast line to a Junction with the road that has already been built up RECREATION PLACES ARE DELIGHT TO CITY FOLK HORMEST SUSPENDS 03 A. -SIT 4 W A , Y- ' il 5 re Hrf '.uMmuiMi,iM ., J, 7 J VA, j 'fir S If VI 3 4 ' v mtdtmmtmmfmaummmmmmmimmmmmnmmwumi.ttm - p . Above Hotel Elmore, at Elmore Park, On Garibaldi beach, Tilla mook county. 1 Below A bevy of beautiful bathers. the lln of the California coast to Eureka, Better Tfclafs Ahead. Tes, coma day the rich costal re gion of Oregon will come Into her own. As I write this I am sitting In the sunny front room of the Elmore hotel, which looks out upon the ocean. Off shore about an eighth of a mile the surf is dashing up on the black bas altlo sides of Profile rocks or Twin rocks, as they are locally called. The waves are rushing through the arch in the Southernmost rock like white- man ed. chargers. Just before lunch I went out for half an hour in a row boat on Clear lake and caught five black spotted trout with a No. 1 Wilson spoon. They ranged in size from 10 to 1J Inches. Frequently 18 Inch trout are caught In Clear lake and occasionally one that will meas ure Si Inches and tip the scales at from S to 4 pounds. Some years ago 20,080 trout fry were liberated in the lake and today there la splendid fish ing in several of the lakes along the shore. Among the principal lakes are Lake Marie, Clear lake, Lake Lytle. Trout lake, Ocean lake and Barview Smith lake. Marie lake and Trout lake have not bean stocked with trout. Ocean lake has been stocked with bass. Clear lake at Elmore Park, Lake Ly tle and Barview Smith lake are all full of trout ani at present afford fine flshlnz. Some day we will have on the Ore gon coast snore hotels of a character to attract Wid cater to the tourist trade. Once In a while the round peg gets In the round hole and the square peg finds Us complement in the square hole. Unfortunately, however, too cften the square peg gets In the round hole and neither the peg nor the hole are happy. Here at Elmore Park I have located the square peg that has found the square hole. Here I have found wha the traveler Is always looking hope fully forward to and so rarely find ing a hotel that Is a home. Haven of Beat. The Elmore Park hotel Is not large nor Is It pretentious, but It is cer tainly a haven of comfort and rest to the weary traveler who Is sick of the unvarying monotony of the typical hotel. Its host, C. L. Lindsay, Is a blue eyed, red cheeked, rray haired, square Jawed Scotchman, who for many years traveled out of Portland. Before that he was a newspaper man. Whether It was the experience thus gained or the good Judgment he e; htbited in getting a helpmate I am not prepared to say, but this I do BUSINESS FOR DAY TO REFRESH MEMORIES Programs Given by G.-A. R. Posts Include Parades; Ad dresses and Music. STORES ARE ALL CLOSED Lewiston Business Men to Visit City Ketnra Excursion to Be Given la Jane Trip to Be in Xeoognition of OeiUo Canal Completion. Durins; June, Lewiston business men plan an excursion to Portland. It will be a return of the excur sion conducted by Portland and Asto ria business men to Lewiston last year at the time of the completion of the Celllo canaL Now as the people of the lower Columbia Joined with up-river com munities in celebrating the opening of the Columbia to uninterrupted navi gation from the Pacific ocean to the inland empire, the business men of the heating stove or from matches, se cured by the child. It Uved but a short time, being terribly burned when his parents, attracted by his screams, reached him. Packages of Roses To Be Carried Free Bule lfada to Apply oa Streetcars Dur ing Festival Decorative acquire ments. Baskets and packages of roses will be carried free of charge on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power company during the three days of Rose Festival, where the flowers are to be used for decorative purposes or lor celebration uses. Psjseneara Lewiston would like to celebrate the ; carrytng rosea will pay a fare as usuat Preparedness reatnxea Enter Zato the Spirit of Bar aad Speakers Will Be Heard oa This Subject. Albany, Or., May 30. Albany la cel ebrating Memorial day In fitlng style. At 10 o'clock a parage formed at the publlcN park and moved through the principal streets of the city, ending at Riverside cemetery, where exercises commemorating the dead soldiers and sailors of the Civil and Spanish-American wars were held. In the line of march were members of the Q. A. R. and the W. R. C. in automobiles, headed by the Albany city band. Fol lowing came the Fifth company of the coast artillery corps, members of Camp Phillip, Spanish war veterann, school children and other organiza tions. This evening will be held the big preparedness parade, in which all or ganizations participating in the morn ing parade will enter, besides the lodges, all patriotic, military and semi military organizations and hundreds of individuals from all walks of life, registering their approval of the move ment that will make for the greatness and safety of the nation. Following the parade will be the combined memorial day exercises under the auspices of veterans and the preparedness speeches in the armory. lower rates granted by river than by rail. On nearly every classification of freight the rate by water cuts un der the railroad rate and the service between Portland and Lewiston by the Twin Cities and J. N. Teal has proved reliable and satisfactory. SUIT FOR RECOVERY OF $10,500 LOANED Stan Leave on Honeymoon. New York, May 30. (I. N. S.) Alone at last, Geraldlne Farrar and Lou Tellegen are off on their long deferred honeymoon. They were mar ried in February. Today they left for Los Angeles to spend three months. I: Some day you'll hit ona Sensible cigarette And as soon as you the most sensible ciga- smoke it, you'll at once rette for them that know that it's sensible: Fatimas now outsell (l) It will please your every other cigarette taste. That goes with- costing over 5c. out saying, otherwise it Doesn't it seem rea- would not be sensible snnable that vou will for you, (2) It wiU be com fortable to your throat and tongue not hot or bity as some cigarettes are. (3) And it will not leave you feeling over smoked long-smoking day. We would like to have you match Batima against each one of those three points for a sensible cigarette. Then try any other cigar rette made on those same points. So many other men have found Fatimas like Fatimas best too? FATIitA was Ms Only Cfaretta Awarded file GrmndPrim,th9 high ear award irmn to any dgmrmttm at tha Pmnamm PmoiSo Intern tonal Exposition "Distinctively IndivUuai .PL" 20 know, that here is a hotel which radi ates the spirit of hospitality and ser vice. The trout is Just the right shade of brown, the clam fritters are Jutst right, the cracked crab is fresh from the Bea, After an evening spent with a good book before a wide mouthed fireplace one goes to dreamless slumber on one of the rarest things found in a bed room a well made, comfortable bed. Beach Zs Attractive. The Garibaldi beaches are fortunate in having a splendid stretch of beach and as a consequence surf bathing Is an ever popular pastime here. They are doubly rortunate in having a chain of fresh water lakes stretchinp along the shore a few hundred yards back from the ocean's shore line. A few hundred yards back of the fresh water lakes the fir-clad foothills rise abruptly. During the summer black berries, huckleberries of three varie ties, red, black and light blue, and salal berries which make splendid Jelly, are abundant. With boating fishing, surf bathing, clam digging and hiking to nearby points of interest the summer vacationist finds plenty to occupy his time both pleasurably and profitably at the Garibaldi beaches Business Men Vote For Preparedness Statistical Survey Hm fust Been Com pleted by Chicago rirxn Seventeen Questions Asked. An effort has been made to get f statistical survey of "American busl ness as affected by peace and pre paredness." Its results are shown In the composite opinion of 1700 Ameri can business men as compiled by Har rls Wlnthrop & Co., Chicago. Seventeen questions were asked and categorical replies of "yes" or "no1 were solicited. Some who answered the questionnaire also made more or less extended comment. The replies have been tabulated for the whole country and separately for differen sections. One section includes the re. plies received from Oregon, Washing ton, California and Nevada. On the questions dealing strictly with preparedness and peace the fol lowing figures are given, the first numbers indicating the reports from the entire country and the eecond fig urea show the sentiment of the four states mentioned: One question was "Is publio sent! ment in your section opposed to or in favor of liberal provision and expenli ture for "preparedness" by the na tional government?" For the United States 78 answered Opposed to," and 1396 answered "In favor of." For the Pacific coast states the replies were 6 "Opposed to," and 147 answered "In favor of." Another question was, "Has the war In Europe increased the sense of civic responsibility and American national ism among the people of your sec tion r For the United States 1310 answered "Tea," and 185 answered "No." For the Pacific coast states the replies were 1S8 "Yes" and 13 answered "No." ALBANY BANK STARTS but unaccompanied roses will be trans ported to downtown rose depositories gratis. General Jackson Improving. General James Jackson, the "grand old man" of the Oregon National Guard and veteran of the Civil war. is re covering rapidly from an operation last Thursday at the Good Samaritan hospital. He will not leave the hos pital, however, for an Indefinite time. .2SS& .Jm The HARDMAN Five-Foot Grand An insfrwmenf of mxqmMtmfy graem is! fines, that oc cupies no mora spoca than an Bp right piano. ay i 'fs TONE i tvondmr-fuL" $650 Easy Terms if desired wa. i a ti i a " Caruso jThij (I FAM3RTTE PIANQL Morrison Str t at Broadway s to Make Members of Linn haven Orchard Co, Equal- ly Responsible for Note, Albany, Or., May 30. Judge Wil- iam Galloway Monday convened court in department No. 2 of circuit court to hear testimony and arguments in the case of W. H. Davis and Worth Huston vs. the First National bank of Albany, a corporation; the Unn haven Orchard company, a corpora tion; Alfred C. Schmitt, E. C. Roberts, Charles H. Wieder, George H. Crow ell, Owen Beam, F. J. Fletcher and J. M. Hawkins. The suit is to make the defendants equally responsible for the payment of a note for $10,500 and interest which plaintiffs gave the bank June 0, 1910. 11,261.50 Zs Sue. The amount due the bank since May 24, 1912. Is $11,261.60 and Inter est at 8 per cent. Plaintiffs allege that all parties to the suit except the bank were members of the Linn- haven Orchard company and in tir der to promote the corporation which was in the land subdivision business, loans amounting to $10,600 were se cured from the bank which demanded security from Individual members of the company. Davis and Huston signed the note to the bank and in turn took a note from the above mentioned co- defendants with the bank. Claim Responsibility Equal. Plaintiffs claim the act an accom modation and that the note given them made all parties equally re sponsible for the payment of the sum borrowed. Defendant A. C. Schmitt claims that he was not a member of the company at this time and that some names were written into the records after the latter part of 1915. Defendant claims to have a copy of the records made between September and Decem ber. 1915. The case will probably be finished Wednesday. Left Alone, Baby Is Fatally Burned Baker, Or., May 80. Funeral ser-' vices were held at Haines yesterday for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Yankey, who received fatal burns Sun day. Momentarily left alone, the child's clothing caught fire, either from 11 J j ' " GENERAL ELECTRIC HUGHES WESTINGHOU5E -J 1 l ' I Hi, Shac Wafers for headaches Whea year bead throbi and aches, take a Shae Wafer for Quick relief. Uae ia easel of chronic or occasional headache caused by indifeation, constipation, eye strain, nervaa or general debility. If your druffist doea not sell Shac. aend as Frederick Stearns & Co. Detroit. U.S.A. Bishop Thanks God For Gunners Fire Copenhagen, May SO. (I. N. S.) (Via London) The Bchleswig-Hol- stelncher Sonntagsbote publishes a re markable article by Bishop Kaftan. general superintendent of the clergy of the province of Schleswlg, entitled The Present Situation and We Chris- I tlans," In which the bishop calls upon the Germans to thank God for direct ing German torpedoes, shells and air bombs. He says in part: "Let us thank Him, who is not only ( the God of the German, but also the j God of the other nations, for his mer ciful support if he allows our sub- marines to torpedo all American ves- ( sels carrying supplies to our enemies, ', quite regardless of how many and how ( impudent Americans are on board." Mrs. Lewis Makes Favorable Progress Mr. Robert W. Lewis, 09 Everett street, is recuperating at the Good Sa maritan hospital today following an i ,' ,CT rt v a jr I operauwu yvk aw mew - - - i McKensl - yesterday. Mr. Lewis is j treasurer - of the Lewis Investment I Coach Service will be withdrawn from the Shasta Limited between PORTLAND and PUGET SOUND CITIES, effective June 1st. Parlor and sleeping-car ac commodations strictly de luxe service only after that date. CITY TICKET OFFICE Washington at Third St, , Broadway 4500, A-6121 Here Is This Store's Platform, Day in and Day Out, Told in Three Short Sentences: A Higher Standard of Quality A Higher Standard of Value A Higher Standard of Service Which is only another way of saying that we sell the right merchandise at the right price, in the right way. Ctottes $15, $20, $25 and Up We know our methods and this merchandise must be a winning combination, for this season more men and young men are patronizing this store than ever before in our history. Phegley&Cavender At the Sign of the Cherry Tree Corner Fourth and Alder Streets Hi I Cook by Wire The Electric Range makes scientific cook ing a reality. -It saves a world of time, labor, discomfort and inconvenience. The Electric Range insures better and more uniform results than any other type of cooking device on the market. We Cany a Complete line of General Electric, Hughes and Westinghouse Ranges Prices From $30.00 to $120.00 CJ) Prices Frob $30.00 to $120.00 ftdtl We have ranges to fit any kitchen and any purse 22 Visit Our Electric Kitchen and See Display Cook by Wire' Rate Only 3c Per Kilowatt Hour Electric Store Electric Building Every Week Is Electric Range Week Now 1 1 biiiM .company. . J 3 1 ' ' ; N-