NEW PORTLAND BANK 1LBEPRM0 AT Building Formerly Occupied .. by Portland Trust Company Has Been Secured. , DETAILS OF DEAL CLOSED Jutltatloa Will Be Strictly a Savings : Bask anfl Will p Beady 'or Oper ation la Two or Threa Months. ' Portland Is to have a new bank. It 1 to be a atrlctly saving institution and -In that respect will be different rrom any of the other financial Instl tutlODa now. In existence in the city. Jt Will be two or three months before I um in operation. '- It will not receive any commercial or demand deposits in the ordinary business uaa of the term. It will be op rated under the state lawn. It Is said. and will be a atate Institution. It will aim to supply the local need for an In atltution that will have funds which can make loans direct on first mort gages on real property in the city and The bank will pay 3 per cent in iereat on depoHlts, in common with the Other banks of Portlsnd, under the hew plan that Is to go into effect on July 1, v Profits May Be Shared- 1 Arrangements are further said to be tinder discussion to pay a part of the net earnings of the company back to the depositors, thus in effect Increasing the rate of interest paid on deposits in proportion tb the earnings of the bank. The Initiative in organizing the bank Is being taken by Harrison O. Flatt and Robert Treat Piatt of the firm of Piatt & Piatt, lawyers. The latter Is a director of the Lumbermens National bank. The location of the bank will be at the southeast corner of Third and Oak atreets, the quarters formerly occupied by the Portland Trust company, prior to its removal, with the Northwestern National bank, to the building owned by the latter institution. Messrs. Piatt, through the Fidelity Trust company, f which Harrison O. Piatt la president and Robert Treat Piatt vice president, nave taken title to the property. This consist: of a quarter block, with front ages on Oak and Third streets, and a two Story aeml-flrcproof building. Consideration Said to Be $200,000. The consideration Is declared to have been 1200,000. Messrs. Piatt have giv en back a purchase mortgage of $150,- 000 to the Portland Trust company, which held title to the property, and also have traded in ine Aitamont apart ments at tha southwest corner of Fifth and College streets, and the Marshall apartments on Marshall street near Twentieth atreot. The 'total assessed valuation of the Third street property Is S219.000. The negotiations in the realty deal ware conducted by the F. E. Taylor company for the Portland Trust com pany, and for the Fidelity Trust com George E. Ehglehart, who is itao connected with me x. m. tayior f.Amikftnv. Cooperative System Za Bund. -".."This enterprise we are undertaking la not altogether a money making Idea," said Kobert Treat Piatt this niAminff " W aunt in make It h linn Ir which will be of service .to the com munity In more ways than one. Tho net earnings, over and above, say the going rate of 6 per cent, should be re- turn a1 in tha. denOMltora in m V onlnion. thus making tile institution a coopera tive one. The money which the dc Doaltora leave with the bank should be used to develop the city and coun try lying a"bout. "When we first planned the pro posed bank we found there was no law in this state which would permit the organization of a bank without capital, as is allowed in eastern states. We wanted to make a atrlctly mutual we have planned, that all over, the 6 Will pay 3 Per Cent TkLM "The eastern banks organized wlQi lepositors 4 and even 5 per cent merest, since mis plan cannot qe allowed in tni tm un na -v v er cent flat on all deDosita and then nstrioute m net earnings in propor- inn rn T n A t arutui t . We hop to attract the. thrifty in hsa rrTri m iintf v K. -r t ng money on first mortgages, without v..,IJlluoluli0 vi agsiu;; 1CCH, We nope O n rf firm mArvlr lh i K in I r r mnnv n.r w v. i . . i . ....... v ina ucui&s wxncn are - vviuiuciiiai D.IIU MY- ngs deposits. By nuttine- th monv 1 1 vm rairinv , .... . i l - m. ...w tuaiia un reai estate on a onaoie Dasls, we hope to do aome hlng wortjh while in the building up . ..., tivuiiuuaiiy. Real Estate Transfers. jiu &. lacuoire ana wr. to Jaaepa A. Payne. L. 8. R 10. Clhort. 10 oaeph A. Payne to Binuva L. Ucdnin. U-8, B. 10, KlberU eynard Lmelace at al to O. W. Prlaat. AO, mc. . i acre acre tUereof lOaatwood C: Lovelace and wf. to G. W Priest, L 14. Eaitwood orga r. Hauptman to F. A. McHnca i ii, TTuacee. una. s. H. L Sec. M. f. H 8. W. 4 Sec. 84, N. hT5 See: 82, N. W. gee. 32. T. 3 N i'- 2 W.; , s. V, N. B. 4 Ba H N- E. Bee. 2. T. 2 S.. 'ha Lember to Carl Myers. L. 8,'o B. 13, Jonearaore 10 10 10 10 orge A..Koa and wf. to Conrad Oil- oeri, li. a, u. -j, iioasdale 15 f1 W-. N. H D. U 0. Nathaa Meloy and wf. in Sec. 84, T. 1 N R. 8 K ; BrowB, 88x100 ft, beginning 3o" ft." N. and 2773 ft. E. of S. W. cor. Sel- Ooa Murray D. L. C orence Hanson to Clarence J. Voor norat and wt to Annie Lnetacber Mor- 10 10 10 1.800 400 875 rta and hu, W. 60 ft. L. B. B. 3V2, Portland e L. afePherstm end wf. to Mildred Smith. L. 17. R. 1. Relrrari P. Smith and rrf tn 1'miiu Unmt ed a. Jacobs and wf. to Bay Serren jU 8L 82, B. 2S, Berkeley Wge W. Kenney and wf. to J. M. Port, l. a, n. l, Midway Anx. Add. M. Keeha and has. to E. K. Herk rt, Lu IT, 18, 18, 3, Ports- 10 10 1,500 10 10 inoutu Vina aixta., I 20, SO, B. 4. Ptadrons Hill fes L. Mack and wf. to Frank Mot er, i. is, 14, U. Z7. East Creatns... 1. Oabora- and wf . to Eva O. Rita. korth, W. 8. W. V N. E. 4 Sec. T. 1 W B. B JS.. rry V. Klneraly and wf. to Herman t loodeaon at aU U 3, B. 7, Mazdelina 'ark - U Devldaoa to T. BY Cowley. L- 1.1 p. S. KlberU Add..i ire B, Akeraon and hua. to Horace N. Steele et al. ti. 1, westerly 40 ft. ' 10 . Z, B. 88, Carter'a Add. to Port- 1,500 THIRD AND OAK Empire Builder ' Will Be Eulogized Chamber of Commnc rraagas Tzo. Tram la Keep act of the xamory of James J. Kill Memorial services for James J. Hill are to be held by the Portland Cham ber of Commerce at 12:30 o'clock tomor row noon in the dining room on the eighth floor of the Oregon building. The services will follow the prepared ness meeting. The services will consist of, the nlnging of "America" followed by an invocation. It la proposed to have Emery Olmstead, vice-president of the Northwestern National bank, deliver a flv minute eulogy to the late "Em pire Builder." PLAN T0J1UILD HOME ERICAN RURAL .SCHOOL TEACHERS Lumber Manufacturers of Na tion Take Up Philanthropic Enterprise. A scheme for social service, one af fpctlng every hamlet in the land, has been Instituted by the National Lum ber Manufacturers' association. In the proposal to build a home for every rural school teacher in America. Oregon will be one of the first states where the plan will be carried Into effect, and a thorough investiga tion of the conditions in thli state preceded the announcement of the, social service plans of the lumber man ufacturers. The association has not as yet formulated its plans for pushing thH new department of publlo service by actually assisting the schools of the nation to build homes for teachers, but work on this philanthropic enter prise is already under way and the association expects to have its plans ready for announcement in a few weeka. K. B. Hasen. F. C. Knapp and E. T. Allen, of Portland, all leaders in the National Lumber Manufacturers' as sociation, are among the most ardent advocates of the project, and the suc cess of the building of such struc tures In a few isolated portions of their home state has convinced them that it is a good social movement for the entire nation, as well as for Oregon. The Rockefeller Foundation has al ready approved of the plan and is giving $23,000 to foster this work, with more money to come. The proposal to build these teach ers' cottages all over the land follows out the idea that has already been carried Into extensive success by the state of Washington. Officers Elected by School Principals William Parker of ernoa School Made President and. W. A. Petty ea Secre tary of the Association. Portland Principals' association yes terday elected officers aa follows: President, William Parker of Vernon school; vice president, Mrs. A. E. Wat son of Kerns school; secretary. W. A. Pettyes of Peninsula; treasurer, I. H. Morgan of Sell wood; executive com mittee, W. T. Fletcher of St. Johns high school; C. M. Klgglns of Ladd, A. M. Cannon of Couch school. Martha Rabn to Albert Rahn. L. 83, Melrnae l J. B. Slmmona and wf. to John 9. Peek, L. ft. 1J. 4. Mlnrone 10 W. W. Chessman and wf. to 8. Ander- sou. L. R. ft. B. 4. Latnnla Acres.... 10 W. A. Pettlgrote to Henry H. Slyer et si. K. r-0 ft. L. 23. 20. E. !W ft. 8. 10 ft. L. 27. n. 2. Gregory Uta. (as Blrned to fliarlea H. Slrer) 1.S00 H. K. Noble and wt to Louis Botnmer et al. K H L. 21. 3, Ii. 11. L. 4. is. to. Highland Park, U IS. B. 12, Foxchase Add 10 NEW TODAY EDWARD HOLMAN CO, SSTA3USKED 1877. RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS AMD FUNERAL DIRECTORS LADY ASSISTANT THXKD AND BAXJsTOIT 8TBEDT8. BCAXIT 607. A-1511. FIX THAT ROOF Wa do it on a fuarantee. Sea our repair department about tha sleeping porch those French doors of a fireplace." Everything for tha home, includ ing painting, papering and kal somining. REPAIR DEPARTMENT Tha Oregon Home Builders 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Oliver K. Jeffery, President. FARM LOANS Mortgage Company for America Xooa ta, Ai&awortb Bldg. Phone Mala 6841. Portland, Or. l rilJJalB IliJ It i F. VM sssaaaaaassa-MSBBasBaBassssaaa Oa City and Farm Piopertlae la Any Amount at Cnrrcnt Katae. Hartmaa a Thompson, Baakera, Corner of Fourth and Stark Bts. Fearey Brothers. Inc. COLLECTORS SO Sakom Bldg. Portlaad. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 x Oreroa XaTaatme&t Mortgage Go. , Offloeg 802-4. 170 3d St. AW r s aw NEW TODAY 6 Choice XiOans of S10.000 and TTp On improved Business Property (or for Improvement Purposes). J. P. XOPSCOVB. 842 Stark Street. Auction At 655 Washington. Wednesday. 10 a. m. 14 rooms of furniture, bedding, dirhes, ice box, large gas stove, gait water heater, steel range, Underwojl typewriter. AUCTION SALES TOMORROW AT 2 p. m. at Ford Auction Co., 211 1st St. Furniture, carpets, etc. AT Wilson Auction House, 166-a 1st St. Rale at 10 a. m. MEETING NOTICES 4i CAMP meets every Wednesday evening in W. O. W. Temple. 128 11th at. All mem bers requested to at tend. Visitors welcome. W. W. G ARROW, c r 107 CAMP 4 r.W.O.W Ht hp Herman Schade. Clerk. SAMARITAN lXiCKJH NO. i o O V. Regular agM' meeting Wednesday at 8 p. ,n Rt l (j (j, K. temple. 22o Alder st. Election of officers, visit ors welcome. H. OSVOLP. Sec. WM. LI.NKl.A 1 Jl: . I WASHINGTON I-ODC1B NO. 46. A. F. & A. M. Special communication tomorrow! (WedneHday) evening at 7 1 v.. St li and Burn- 1 side. M. M. decree. Visitors welcome. Order W. M. . J. II. UK mmm.m'i w y- . HUKTLANii LODGE j regular meeting. mws halt" Broadway and Mor rison st.. at 8 O'clock p. rn.. every Wednesday eve ning. Refreshments aft erwards. P. I Proctor, Secretary. HAWTHORNE lodge No. 111. A. F. and A. M. Special communication this (Tues day) evening at 7:30, Masonic temple. Work In the M. M. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. A & A. S. RITE Oregon- "Consistory No. 1 Regu- lar meeting in Memdrial hall. Scottish Kite uatne nan. ecoiusn rum vauit- i Malte; 1 of Kadosh. EMBLEM jewelry a specialty, buttons, pins, charmw. Jaeger Bros.. 131-o 6th. Jito! Statistics; narriages,Birtbs. Deaths. MARRIAGE LICENSES MicDonold Mayer, Brooklyn, N. Y., legal, and Mary Louise Bradley, B07 Kelly at., legal. R. O. rtilllipo, 421 Going at., legal, Violet Crlbh. Mailloon Park ApU.. legal. Junes W. Rottibaiier. 2S3 13tb it., leenl, and Elsie vC. C. l'eteraon. 460 Jefferson St.. legal. Lincoln L. Turney. AjaT. Or., legal, end Helen Planchard. Hood hotel, legal. Julian K. Bloomer. 7f,B E. 7tb nt. N.. legal. and Albertlna Hngt-nbuclier, 80 17th t., legal. W. G, Smith k CoStlff aSU Thirfi floor Morgan Bldg. ijKfcus suns for rent, all sizes. Unique Tnllortng Co.. 309 Stark St. BIRTHS PRIME To Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Prime, r:rnrt ..n v tm a mn M't'ABE To Mr. and Mrs. James MeOaba, 387 1st st.. May 23, a daugbter. DARBY To Mr. and Mrs. John J. Darby, 460 1 Ilia moot st.. May 12. a daughter. COLES To Mx. and Mrs. Georga Coles, 094 K. 20th at.. Mar 12. a son. HERRMON To Mr. sad Mrs. S. Milton Herr- mnii. 6413 1.5th st. S. E.. May ID, a son. DUE BER To Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Deuber, 1003 Hancock St., May 1A, a son. GOULD To Mr. and Mrs. Clark W. Gould, 984 E. 28th St. N., May 21, a son. MACKEY To Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Mackey, 40 17th at.. May 10, a daughter. OLREN To Mr. and Mrs. John Olsen. 8000 fllth st. S. E., May 12, a MARK ELL To Mr. and Mrs. James MarkelL HI K. Ttb St.. May 23. a dangbter BECKER To Mx. and Mrs. Louis A. Becker, 173 Arthur st.. May la. a son. 8MEARMAN To Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smear- man. B. li. Lrtty. may vj. a daugbter. AVi"rM.r; ??d.Mn DTld F- Allen- 1505 PlPToMMrT Vnd' Mrs. Frank Poppo. 4C9 E. conch at.. May 12, a daughter. DEATHS AX1) ELNEItAEB 75 DWIER In this city. May 28. at the res!- dence. 22 East Sixtieth street. Thomas E. Dwler, sged 82 rears 10 months 20 days, be- loved father of Miss E. E. Dwler. Charlea N. pwler. Cottage Grore. (r.; Thomas E. of Vancouver. Wash.: Georgo W.. of this city; Orrln 8. of Berkeley. Cal.: Mm. N. M. Al- spaugh of Tualatin. Or. Funeral services will be held at Mount Tabor Methodist Episcopal cDurcn at n a. m. tomorrow ( Wednesday ). n. . . . . . ceiuterr. Arranirementa In ehars-e of Millar a Tracey. HUGHES In this city. May M. at the real- dene of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Bnwn. 350 Union avenue north, Mrs. Carrie Hughes, aged S3 years, beloed wife of James Hughes snd mother of Earl Wright. Deceased also leaves one brother and sister. W. H. HU- lard 6f Portland and Mrs. U. M. Greene of Seattle, Wash. Rhe was a member of the Mac cabees, Queen Ellxsbeth Hire. No. 24. Fu neral serrices will be held tomorrow (Wed nesday!. May 31, at 2:30 n. m. at the oarlors of Miller a Tracey. Friends lurlted to attend. Interment KlTerylew cemetery . RAHN The funeral services of the late Mar tha Rahn, nlfe of Albert Rahn of 15 East Fifty-third street, will be held Wednesday, t fti .a o.ov i ece"e;t"blwlnwnt"of J.P Klnley "2 MonteomerT at Fifth FVIomU ttiTltml ! f l a 1 1 1 i rhi. ,.tt,- vr.. 98 1,1. i... ldence. 215 Twelfth St.. Thomas Qusld. aged 78 years, husband of Pauline Quaid and father or Katnerine Horen or Ban FTanclsco. Cel. The remJlln." V .tthe rdace establishment of . r. rin.ey w Motngomery, at mm. FRBWING In this city. May 2. at her late reaiupnre, ian r.aKi t irry-rirsi street. Alary t the resldenre establJshmpnt of J. P. Flniey a son. Montgomery at Firth. Notice or funeral hereafter. DODDRIIM1E In this ciu. Mar ai Helen h Doddrldge. aged 4 months, daochter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Doddridge of 43 Nelson street. The remains are at the residence es- UbliMiment of J. P. Finley A Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. aMTTL-R John P. I Jt tl n crp AS from rnitif iaatulvlal M V Iif af hrsrt.a hin unn i I V ' Little. 4.J7 Marimerite avenue. Ieaypm pittslmra and IT. Ei. hi i ami iirT a f. Fralev of Portland Fnneral notice later. . 5 - : B.OMAN1 In this city. May 30. I'ietro Ro man!, aped 30 years, late of 464 East Ninth street. The remains are at tbe residence es tablishment of J. P. Finley & Son. Montgom- err at nrtn. isoiice or ruueral neresTter, "h.;i. SWEENY In this city. Mar 30. sweeny, agea on years, late oi Spokane, tablif'hment of J. P. Finley & Son, Montgomery at Fifth. HAINES Charles A. Haines, PorUand sargl- ral hospital. May 26, 44 years, uraemia and chronic nephritis. rula.u Lmii u. .-oiano, uooa samantan H.Tn.DnHtuay 24, 51 ChrO0lC ,nter"V- riordan Rev. j. J. Riord.n. St. Vincent.. May 25, 85 yeara. cancer of stomach. STHCLENBERG Angust Scfculanberg. Good Samaritan. May 24, 47 years, acute appendi citis. ARNDT Albert Amdt. at. Vincent's, May 2C. 18 years, motorcycle accident. HAWKINS Ered Hawkins. St. Vincent's. May 25. 52 years, obstruction of bowel. - CLARKE BROS., florists. 2h7 Morrison L Main cr a-isuo. ine liowers and floral designs. No branch stores. MARTIN & r OR RES CO.. floriata, 347 Wash. Main 269. A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. MAIN 6116; wreaths, pillows, $3 uj. Sprays $1 up. Chapells. 347 Morrison. TONSETH FLORAL CQ.. 285 Wash., bet 4th and 6th Main 6102, A-110i. OSCAR JOHNSON FLORAL. CO., 75 Gllsan at. Mar. 4372. A-1464. MAX M. SMITH, XlorUL 141ft th tti. DEATHS AXD FUKERALS?5 ; fCcattans4)r ;j CAKEX Is tais'clty. May 20. at the family residence. 50 East SeveBty-awcaod street north, Clara M. Carey, aged 44 years. bloTel wife of Dennis Y. Carey and mother of Lee Rowley. TUe funeral services will be held from tbe chapel of f. 8. Dunning. Inc., East Rtrte Funeral Directors, 414 Eaat Alder street. Wednesday, May 31. at 2p. m. Friends in vited. Interment Rose City cemetery. FUNERAL. DIRECTORS Years of Experience Enables This Klrm 10 Give YOU Perfect Service This modern establishment, with its conveniences, includ ing a secluded driveway, in sures absolutely privacy, caus ln in no way a departure lrom an established policy of modernate prices. Experienced Woman Attendant, J. P. Finley & Son The Progressive FUNER..L. OlHfcX'TORS. Montgomery at Flttb, Main 8. A-1599. IP. L IE Understaker East 11th and Haw thorne. K. 781. B-18S8. idy aaslstant. F, S. Dunning, Inc. Fast Side funeral directors. 414 E. Alder st. i hone East 52. H-2625. Dunning (Si McEntee ki'od." laker3, rn in every detail. Broadway and Pine ets Uroadway 430. A-J5.S8. Lady assistant. A, D. Kenworthy Co. Tabor 6267; bS02 S2d st.. Lents. Tabor 68!5; 6bth st. and Foster road., Arleta. MILLEK & TRACE v, independent ta ..nT?k directors. Prices low as 820. 840. $0. Wash, at Ella. M. 2691, A-788S! Walter C. Kenworthy 1532-1534 E. 13th. Sell wood 71, "B-ll 22. AR 7pQr Pn Williams ave. i lit iCai LUiEat loss, C-lOSh. Lady attendant. Day and night service. BREEZE & SNOOK. mn rteimont. at d4tn. Lady attendant. CDipCnMRliSlDliNCK L'ND. PRLS. Lli lOoUl jl. 6122. A-2235. 445 Morr. -y- n Williams 7H 5-L By mesiiL . Knott. 3. Uorv-iiltrin Fast 80th and Gllsan. Fu- I IUI I III ILM I neral services. Tabor 4813. Ql CAAFQ Undertaking Co. Main 4152 OrVLVVCO A-2321. Cor. 3d and Clay. MONUMENTS PORTLAND MARBLE WKS., 264-260 4th St., opp. city hall. Main 85S4. Philip Neu & Sons, for memorials. lfBLAE5ING GRANITFCCi BEACH PROPERTY 48 FOR SALE: Fine beach lot. 6xlt0 ft.. Ocean Park, Wash. Owner. 141 E. 34th st.. city. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 MODERN 11 room residence in the heart of lrvlngton; hardwood floors throughout, selected mahogany and oak finish, spacious rooms, artistically decorated, large finished attic, full ce ment basement, tiled baths, expensive sanitary plumbing fixtures. big grounds, highly improved with selected residence properties in Portland all materials and workmanshlo of the best. Inspection of premises invited by the mu.i critical. or saie on reaaonaoie terms by owner. L-966, Journal 100 FEET square, with alley, imp. sidewalks and a few fruit trees: cor. lot; goo. I business and residence aistrict: located In Walnut Park- A block from Williams ave. car. Will Bell this lot at a bargain for cash, or win iaae good acres. write 401 m. bum et. m. or phone Tabor 6806. Mrs O. C. Etchison. t Alameda Park Beautiful, modern 7 room home. Just I completed, fine garage, everything I first class, all atreet Improvement paia; price 5ioO; good terms given. i57 Mason st.. near end of Broadway tar. L'wner. hast 63b. Hi0 BUNGALOW. Firland. 6 rooms. ! wTioSi1 "2 'eeU , ti2o0. cor 62d and Davla. 2 '. "fffAnV k1." kk,... St. CHAS. RINGLER & CO , 228 Henry bid. '. ONE acres. mile from Parifio nni- versity, f'orest Grove, 6 kinds email i fruits. aDDles. notato rrnn In A house, well water, chicken and wood houses, price J1000. $400 cash. 7 terms Tabor 5831 WHY NOT BUILD And get a home acoordinsr tn vnnr . 111...? T rtttfliffn KnilJ .. I any building: artistic sketches frun . See me before you build., N. O. Ek- 1 '"no, jij -enry Diqg. Main o812 SAWMILL foremen attention: inr,l sale, 7 room home, new, every "jullt-ln convenience, large lot, improvement Dajd c0&t $4600 Bell 13000" fu-nar-n iTilnin,, VnVnh 'JLlS fin ""vf" south end mills. Kvenings, Mar. 1761 NIFTY Bungalow. 6 rooms and den fireplace, furnace and all latest con veniences built in; practically new; owner leaving city. 51st near Ala- nieda. Fhone owner. Tabor 3744. 2 BLKS. JEFFKRSON HIGH SCHOOr. 6 room modern, convenient bunga low, win piease me particular: rea ent- 169 Blandena. cor- HUIMiAiAin o ruuins, Dam. electrl , lights, beautiful 100x100 lot, tent house, fruit, roses; easy terma;. $1800 ror o.uiin mo. n icin-st. jn. 6 ROOM house, modern, on Daved st nJ incumbraItfe; for farm inside 60 ; miles PortlandTnot over $3000. Own- r J-594 Journal. , WVV' niuch for $1000 equity. 100x100 ". uu um.ui: , Journal. i 100x100 NICK bungalow, price abso- lutely slaughtered, Quigley, 202 Wil- cox Diag. Vnnn ,,,,'.t in tvnnn n u . comer lot. 60x100. for 1700. 132s li Stark. Phone Tabor 6183. FOR SAKK LOTS 16 , 100 EACH,. 14 lota. Peninsula, Willis. ! w0.r.lllj each, Bnap lor bUlldinB IKnll 1 Airr. hllrat rtnB $750. corner 68th and Flanders. $3500 Portland Heights, 100x100, Worth $7500. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 228 Henry bid 00 BEALTlfUL lota In Milwaukio; he wwt aoic. uiiiL, eA a.uu , av ta ouu in ivr luuiiiu. ii. aura weather. Risley station. Phone Oak , Grove 1-X. $10 DOWN, $5 per month, ML Tabor lot, $600. Woodlawn lot, 1 block from carline, 300. iioggeas & Co, 20 Uer linger Okag. CHOICE. 4 lota for $2000; 1 cor., 100X , 10.0? inside. Irngton; fine location. ' East 273. W. H. Herdman. acreage: 57 ACRE. PARKROSE. 3 room bungalow, barn, paid $118S bal. $1030 at 15 per month, ,e, to good automobile. What have you 228 10th. Main 5745. 1 AT ROhEBURG. OR. 10 acres under cultivation: opposite river from Sol diers' home; terma or cash. W. A, Kimmell, 844 Clinton st., Portland. ACRE tracts on car line, near city; paved road; $o cash, $o per month. 6 int. Owner, eT7 Chamber of Com. FOR SALE 12 acres, 8 room modern house; good soil and fine location. $2000. T-796. Journal. 30 ACRES 4th st, electrio Una at station. Mala 6910. ACREAGE 4 uo&uaaed) PROSPERITY IN CANADA - 000 in new wealth added In 1815. Enormous crops and low taxation make farmers rich. Wheat average, 86.16 busnels per acre In Alberta, 2.76 bush els per acre In Saskatchewan. 28.60 bushels per acre in Manitoba. Taxes av erage 824 and will not exceed 836 per quarter section, includes all taxes; no taxes on improvements. Free scbou and fall religious liberty, good climate Get your farm home from the Caoadian Pacific railway. 20 years to pay. Good land from 811 to 830 per acre; Irrigat ed lands from 835, and the government guarantees your land and water titles. Balance, after first payment, extended over 1 years, with interest it 6; privileges ot paying in full any time. Before final payment becomes due your farm should have paid for itself. We will lend you up to 12000 in improve ments in certain districts, with no se curity other than the land itself. Par ticulars on request. Ready tnade farms for sale. Special easy terms. Loans for livestock. In defined districts, after one year's occupation, under cer tain conditions, we advance cattle, sheep and hogs to farmers up to a value of 8X000. We want you; we can afford to help you. We own the land; we want the land cultivated. Our in terests are mutual. Buy direct and get your farm home from the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Send for free book. J. S. Dennia, assistant to the preaident. Canadian Pacific Railway, 112 Ninth avenue. Calgary, Aloerta, Canada. Beautiful 2Vi or 1 1-3 acre tracts on electric line at nesDeu station; surrounded by county and electric roads. Will aell at a very low price; some terms. Call owner, J. G. Gustaff, Woodlawn 3673. or 506 Gerlinger bldg., Portland. 4 ACRE ORCHARD 8o0 7 minutes' walk from Sewall Station Oregon Electric, 1V4 miles this side of Ililibboro. .orchard 6 years old. assorted berries between rows. 1200 down, bal ance to ult. Biggest snap in Oregon. Fieri W. German Co.. 732 Cham, or icni. Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to car line, easy terms: will build to suit Pui chaser. Phone Marshall 1585 or Sell- wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner. 20 ACRES 88)0. 81 fare from Portland, close school. station; several traots with running water; 820 cash, balance easy. Claude Cole. 300 Henry bldg. o ACRES. I miles from city, on Mt. Hood electric ana county road; small house, vell. fruit trees, etc. Fine lo cation. Only $4000; Part cash. Y-592, Journal. ACRE, new 6 room house for sala or rent, ground cleared, and nicely -fenced, small creek of running water, 5 cent tare to city, i&tu, rent f per month. Phone Main 45b. CHICKEN, FRCIT. GARbEN ranches near Portland, i, t. 10 acre tracts. best soil, good roads, near electric, $6 to $200 per acre, easy terms. McFar land. 309 Yeon bldg.. Portland. SUBURBAN HOMES 70 1H Acres river front homeslte, west Mae. main :.iu. FOR SALE FARMS 17 40 ACRES Tigard. $126 per acre. 22 acre in, cultivation, balance all till able, shack buildings, good orchard. A miles from Tigard. 13 miles from Portland, $2600 cash, balance 4j years. The biggest snap in Oregon. Do not submit any junk on the trade basia. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. I WILL sell my 64 acres with com plete dairy. 11 cows and bull, all tuberculin tested, horses and wagon; also the milk route. 4 miles from courthouse; will consider aome trade. Marshall 5592 or M-98S, Journal. 120 Acres, $840 Close to Portland, near electric ta- tlon; $340 cash. bal. 5 years. 6 per cent. Claude Cole. 300 Henry bldg. TWO 100 acre farms for sale in Polk county. One Improved, the other not Near town and high school. Fine land. To settle estate. Write to W. L. Walk er, Joseph, Or. 160 Acre Wheat Farm $1600 80 acres in wheat, near Condon. Gilliam county; $600 cash. Claude Cole. 300 Henry bldg. FOR RENT FARMS 14 800 ACRES, 600 under cultivation, out fit complete, ror sale; eastern Ore- gon. Claude Cole. 800 Henry bldg. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY SS WANT 40 acres between Forest Orove ana fortiana. u-3U3, journal. HOMESTEADS 47 80 ACRE homestead relinquishment for sale or trade at a bargain. Land lays well and will make a good home. Unimproved, but eaay cleared and not too far back. D. W. Gardner, Box 346. Kalama, Wash. I H"R.VE several fine homesteads and relinquishments very cheap; close to good tow t. Open Sunday. 306 Couch bldg Mam 4613. HAVE 2 320 acres homestead locations xor saie; investigate tnig as chances to buy land at government prices are scarce. L-559, Journal. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 IS ROOM apartments with all fine til rni t nr anrl aa 1 ao a 4-, ah. ki W "- 1VMC All una? V a V1IQ at locaUons in the city, walking dis tance, everytning up to date, with good heating plant; located on the west side. Will sell at a bargain, for cash, and might take good house and lot. Party is going away. I have something good; no Junk. Write 401 E. 60th st, N., or phone Tabor 5805. Mrs. G. C. Etchison. Call Sunday. 383 ACRES grain, fruit, or dairy farm. 4 miles from Albany, spring water piped to buildings; want smaller farm. caeh, income in Salem or Portland f;ood terms on balance. Give partlcu ara in first letter. No agents. R. i V. t. Box 135, Albany, Or. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For small farm, my 6 room home with 3 full lots, fruit trees and garden; price $3500; mtg. $15oo; will assume. This is a snap. P. Smith, owner. 852 E 1 1th st. N. "Phone Woodlawn 1140. WILL sell my $35o0 equity in a mod ern 9 room home, $7000. Will take 6 room modern house and assume or vacant lots. Owner. 410 E. 38th st,, N. Tabor 6852. HAVE good city property to trade for horse, cattle, mules, hogs and Ango ra goats. If you want to get rid of your stock and wish good city property instead, address K-oaf, Journal. GOOD clear grocery and confectionery, etc., doing cash business, some in come property and 5 acres, for email equipped ranch; might assume some. Owner, U-SPs. Jouraal FOR SALE. $600 equity in 4 room house and cor ner lot. 659 Killingsworth, for $250 cash, or $325 monthly payments. 524 Killingsworth. Ph6ne Wdln. 8649. FOR EXCHANGE Want Portland residence or close in. for 320 acres improved. Crook county. $16,000. or 320 acres timber. Lane comity. $10,000, clear, might assume. K-584. Journal. EXCHANGE Hotel in eastern Oregon town, clear of Incumbrance, for Port land or vicinity, $8000. Ill 3d. Main 834. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Good houses for sale or exchange, bottom prices. Call Marshall 1588. AGATE Beach (Newport) house, best construction, for small house or city property. S-782. Journal. EQUITY in acre on Powell Valley Road; trade for anything. Wood lawn 321. W ANTED Clear house or nearly so; have $2500 mtg.; $200 cash, some clear lots, all or part East 7625. S ACRES in cultivation. 10c fare to Portland, - for modern' home. Value $7200. Will not assume. M-486. Journal; BUNGALOW for land; might aaaume. Henry Btrader, K. z, Miiwaokie, 10 ACRES, 15e fare, good soil, for Cash and good car. K-385, Journal. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 (Continued) FOR SALE 75 H. P. sawmill in Pe ra ti on. fully equipped, and 2 donkey engines with 16t8 acres land and 10, 000.000 feet yellrw fir on It; 16.C00.000 feet ad joining can be bought tor per 1000 atumpage. Land when logged off will make good dairy farm. Ship ping at present by rail and water, all No. 2 and better; selling balance to local trade. W!1I trade for city or farm property. : Krebs-Logus O, 110 lftth t. (Pittock! block). MY newly furnished hotel is clearing 8350 per monttt It Is one of the moii cheaply operated hotels in the city; will traSe for a well improved 89000 farm, close in. 1 will assume up to 8'Rftft. R-SM. Journal, WAXTElt REAti ESTATE 3t WANTED Modarn 6 room bungalow for fine piece of acreage close in. L 662, Journal. " WE WILL SELL OR LOAN MONEY ON YOUR LOT. J. a CORBIN CO.. LEWIS BLDO. WANT acreage partly improved; will give cash ana improved Portland property. H a tfietd. 1654 4th st. KOOMIXG HOUSES 63 18 ROOM rooming house, walking dis tance, finest location in town: will sell cheap if tak-n before the first or will trade. Wjiat nave you? By owner. 392 Columbia, near West Park. phone A-.rS10 or call. Close; in Snap II H. K, rooms, rent 825; worth 8900, for quick sale, 8260. SEE HALL. 52-13 Panama bldg. BY owner, IS rooms furnished tor housekeeping, cash and terms. 404 Jefferson Rt.. near 11th. 65 ROOM apt. raouse. fine location, nice place, giood tenants; term?-. Master. ti'i7 Pittock Mprk. FURNISHED or unfurnished romins; houe. Front sit., cheap. 712 Cham ber of Commerce!. To TRADE 14 housekeeping rooms. all full, cheap 'rent. Fine for man and wife. Marahail 2451. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SO SPLENDID buy For sale or trade, 25 M. saw mill in ithe south central pine belt of southern Oregon, 10 years clip in Fight: good opportunity for all around mill man. ; Liberal terma to re sponsible parties. What have,, you? K-985. Journal. SMALL cash gnocery. selling candy, no email children, steady work, good cigars, ioe cream, soft drinks. Ite-1 salary. Call tomorrow, 8S1 Vt Wash celpts average $14 per dsy. 4 living jngton at. Phone Broadway !616. rooms in connect on. zih lakes it. i Other business calls me away. Addreaa owner, E-9S6, Journal. Great Bargain Corner grocery and delicatessen, living rooms: rent $25; close in, worth $1200, for $550; $300 will handle. SEE HALL. SI2-18 Panama bldg. HOTEL in Vancouver. Wash.. $16 a month rent; 41 rooms; partly fur nished; bargain if taken at once; near iaige cannery just starting. Geo. Wlese. Vancouver. Wash. PARTNER wanted in real estate busl- ness, must invest $300 cash, rent, light ana phone ree, office located iu hotel lobby and doing big business. G- 971, Journal. . BLACKSMITH shop for sale, good aet Th"''" who have registered for the of tools, plenty oi ! sloe . ood loca- . pTeaae report"? onceto this of t ion; cheap lease, will sell cheap if fl08 Men wornen ard children want- HfllCI 111 J.U UdyO. PCUUiR-VU MWUUL Ul ttM lUCUl. ' W ...... MUST sell On account of sickness, clear. confectinery and stationery store, has been Established for many years. For information pnone rast 834. mR SALE Tailor cleaning and Dress- ing shop, in auburDan town; clearing average oi z per ween., no cumpeu- tion. X-775. Journal. FOR SALE Grocery, hotel, gas fill ing station, Daroer snop in connec tion; rooms full. Most traveled road city. Phone Main 1520. RESTAURANT averaging $20 per day; must be sold this week; good rea sons; my price will aurprisa you. Iti2 Grand ave. FOR SALE Goo8 blacksmith's shop with tools: first class location; first t.l . .. j r w entn mnu i r rninir n SThTiainess. S01S Foster 'road K. - j-j unvjurrs.x uu "''V' apartment house district. Dolngffine business. Will invoice. Masters. 607 riiioc uia. 5176 GROCERY and confectionery; 2 furnished living, rtsoms. Masters, 607 Pittock blk. A GENERAL mdse. store for Bale, or trade for Portland income property. M-487, Journal. FOR SALE Restaurant and stock; out of city; good, live town; all for $225: money maaer. t-'none Main lbzo. CIGAR, confectionery and pool hall, $11,000 business year: will lump or Invoice. $1500; owner. N-381, Journal. GOOD country store for sale, $550, good living rooms, near school; $01 rent XE-964. Journal. BUSINESS CARDS. IP ft Rose City Printing Co., Third et., cor. Taylor. CASH grocery, etieap rent, will Tn voice. 708 Union ave. GROCERY store on reasonable terms. Will invoice. E-968. Journal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 68 MERCHANDISE WANTED Improved wheat lands, close to good town, or timber to trade for merchan dise, from $1000 to $10,000. Boa 7, Madras. Or. EXCHANGE 6 room house and lot 60x 100; In Hawthorne district, for gro cery or hardware stock which can be moved. Phone Main 1620. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 OUR installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 for 60 months. Or $15.17 for 96 months pays a $1000 loans and interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for oullding purposes. EQUITABLE SVG'S & LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN. " On improved real estate or for build ing purposes; very flexible contracts; no commissions. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO., 202 Stevens bldg. BUILDING loans on city and suburban property; money advanced aa work progresses. W. G. Beck, 415 .Failing bldg. Main 3407. $100,000 ON mortagages, city or term property, fire insurance. McKenzia & Co.. Gerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder. CASH paid ior mortagages, notes, con tracts, mortgage loans; reasonable rates. F. ti. 1-ewis. 4 Lewis bldg ra.e. r. . , y,m kOAJ. to 85000 on city property Bell, -801 Geriinger bldg. A- MONEY to loan on improved city, farm property. F. C. King. 314 Spalding $1000 CP to touoo to loan on cay or farm property. Tabor 409. $200. $35o. ouu. aou. tltvv, $is;o. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham. Coin, 840.U00 JK L,1SS. FAKRlNOTON. 80 4th st. Board of Trade Bidg. SEE us -Ismail loans. Installment loan Cellars-Mtirton t:o.. 825 Yeon bldy. MORTGAGE LOANS, b and 9. iouia Salomon & Co. 300 Oak et.. near Sth MONEY to loan, to '. W. li. baits & Co.( 310 Spalding bldg, PRIVATE funds to loan on real es tate, first mortgage. N-981. Journal. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES' 417 SALARIES CHATTELS. Money to loan to salaried people and others on furniture, pianos, motor cycles, automobiles, diamonds, etc.. at legal rates, with easy-terms ot payment- no delay. Licensed by state. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. LS'C, 311 DeKiim Bldar. DIAMONDS louK'U anu soid. Main 6ssr LOANS WANTED 30 $600, 8. no commission; 1st mortgage on large Sandy Blvd lot. Tabor 4477. 80 vate party on apartment building, pood security. Address 06 R. 84th at. WANTED 8800 and J1000. Claude Cole, i0 Henry bl dg. FINANCIAL Bl 1st and 2d mortgages purchased; also sellers' interest In contracts, Or. and Wesh. H. K. Noble. Lumbermens bld. CHATTEL MUKTGAO K S PUR CHASED INOI'TRK 311 Dekum bid. HELP WANTED MALE SALESMAN To sell lowest priced high class alfalfa land in Oregon: f rices and terms, make it easy to aeil. 11 3d st. WANTED, man with teama or auto trucks to take a contract to haul crushed rock. P-974, Journal. WANTED 2 firt claaa nonunion glaziers. Central Door & Lumber Co.. 481 Glisan . EMPLOYMENT department X. M. C. A. Servlc free to members. WANTED A-l acetylene welder. 952. Journal. 4 HELP WANTKI MISC. 4 Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Day ar.d night claases; training in repairing, driving and machine work. Including forge, lathe, ahaper. drill press, etc.: time unlimited. Secure pass at Educational office Y. M. C. A bldg.. to inspect our shops and meth ods. COMPETENT CHAUFFEURS AND -MECHANICS SUPPLIED. Tul tlon fee Includes MEMBERSHIP IN ) M. C. A. and its EMPLOYMENT DE PARTMENT, use of 60-ft. swimming pool, shower baths, gymnasium. etr $76 MONTH. Government lobs. Men, women wanted. List of positions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. I49-0, Vnobester. N. Y. SPECIADsOFFKR. MONDAY AND TUHCSDAY ONLY. ADCOX. AUTO SCHOOL. f!fi6 11TH. NK.Mt JF.KKERSON. WANTED Names men, wiehina to become Portland mall carrier. Com mence $7 menth. Oy-983. Journal. OREGON AUTO SCHOOL, the school of practical experience; special summer rates. 429-31 Belmont st. UNCALLED for tailor aiade suns. s tu T) Tavlor the Tailor 2S9U Hurnal. HELP WANTICI) FEMALE 2 WANTED Swedish or Belgian girl to en to Pendleton, general housework. GIRL about 14 or 15 to stay with lady for company and help care for baby. for good home and carefare. 18s0 Corbett st.. Fulton car. GIRL wanted for light 605 K. 48th at. N. housework. EXPERIENCED cook, ings. 415 Twelfth st. Apply morn- HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE , 20 PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BirRJOAU. Fourteenth and Johnson. U. S. Government Employment Office Cooperating. BERRY PICKERS WANTED We will want 1000 berry pickers for the Hood itiverv district ana wnne Salmon, to ehiout this week. All .1 ...... 1 . . . . . . rm.v Increased nrlres for nicking this year. NO FEES ARE CHARGED, Main 8666, A-6624. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn tha ! trade: paid while learning: tools free: positions securea; summer rates: write ror catalogue. vor. tq sun uurnsiue. MH'LERBarber school wants trie and women to learn barber trade free in 8 weeks. Positions secured. Pay while learning. 38 N. 2d st. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to learn barber trade free. 233 Madison at. ' SMALL family to care for furniahed apartment house; 262 Olbba. WANTED AGENTS WE can give steady and profitable 1 employment to a few more respon- Bible, energetic canvassers. For de- tails of terrri8 and territory, address , OREGON NURSERY CO.. 6renco. Or. TWO first class subscription booa salesmen capable or earning $100 s? er week. Harper & Bros.. 617 Lum. bldg. SALESMAN, energetic, to sell No glare Auto lens. Ed. Bruns Co., 4i let St., cor. Asn. Broadway Boi SITUATIONS MALE CITY OF PORTLAND PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 14th and Johnaon Bts. EFFICIENT MEN FOR ALL POSITIONS. Salesmen, office men clerks, me chanics, farm hands, house men. cooks, mill men. loggers, laborers, etc No ' fee charged employer or employe. Out or town ordere given prompt attention Main 3555. A-6624. MR. BUSINESS MAN Looking; for an intelligent educated young man, who will make your Interests his? Better investigate now! 857 Thurman at. Tel. Main 7774. "YOUNG man wants position aa chauf- feur in private family. Careful driver and willing to work around the house. References furnished. K-583, Journal. THE window cleaner houseman wants work. 25 hour. Phono mornings. Main 2802. PRACTICAL painter, paper hanger. tinter and decorator; reduced prices; 30 days. Phone Sellwood 2772. YOUNG man (Scotch) wants steady position; anything considered. Z-590, Journal. COMPETENT shop mechanics and chauffeurs furnished by Y. M. C. A Auto school. Main 7nl5. A-8R61. WANTED Clear house or nearly eo; have $2500 mtg.;$200 cash, soma clear lots, all or part,- East 7626. PAINTING and papering, kelsomlning $1.50 a room and up; work guaran teed. 897 E. 84th et. WALL tinting, work second to none, prices low as anyone. Mar. 174. PAINTING, kalsomining, rooms $2 up- Papering, whitewashing. Eaat 29. HOUSE painting; tinting $2 per room up. C. A. Barnes. Marshall 2828. SITUATIONS FEMALE CITT OF PORTLAND PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. Women's Department. City UalL No Fee Charged. Reliable, competent help, any line, promptly supplied- Office, clerks, housekeepers, domestic, day workers seamstresses. Marshall 4100. A-4125 MIDDLEAGED lady wants housekeep r outy of city. E-948 Journal. CAPABLE woman wants work, plain cok; neat housekeeper, experienced hand ironer. M-499. Journal. WANTED, day work, 20c per hour. Phone Woodlawn 1854 after 6 p. m. Mrs. R. Paull. WANTED situation as housekeeper. Eaat 4012. INFANTS outfits, plain or ambroid- ered. East 3395. LACE curtains laundered; 12 years' sx- pertenced. Tabor 5933. Mrs. Boott. DAY WOKK any kind. Tabor 6727. DRESSMAKING 40 648 DIVISION st.. dressmaking par lors, summer orders, designing. M. T.8 ne. - " TAILORING, party gowns, alterations. 489 Montgomery. Main 7434. PHONE Sellwood 93 for experienced dressmaker; references; reasonable. NURSES 60 OlJLD Lake a sick, old or Infirm pa tient: reference furnished. Nlta A. Englin. 624 E. Killingsworth. Phone Woodlawn 3849. NURSE wants cases at home; beat care, lowest price, wooq. oe, PRACTICVAL nurse; terma reason- . v. i - a.u.Hn i c j 1 able. 7 Sellwood 1584. LOANS WANTED (Continued) . fCrnishki) rooms FURNISHED rooms for young men i all parts of the city, also in T. M. t A. bldg., especially desirable during t. summer; fireproof, telephone In esc room, shower baths, 81.76 to 14.74 per week, including full association mem bership privileges, gymnasium, swim ming pool, handball court, and many other ciub privileges. Full Information at Y. M. C. A. business office or tale- pnone Main 70fi5. A-6R61. Week. ThE GARLAND MODERN BRICK; outside rooms; respectable; hot water. 36 Trinity at, cor. Washington, bet. 19th and 80th. BACHELORS HOTEL. Everything new and up to date. ' For men onlv. Tenth and Washington. - Main l 19 luimifntn fnWnifMlIB) Uhi ii imi ic Tenth ini'itfUlCIU UiiyinJUuPUIMiC oak Mod- cm, flieproof. reapectable, $3 week mii THE BEVERLY Clean, homellka, iur nished rooms, reasonable, vea trail y located. 185 Park-Yamhllk KAN MARCcI Tamuy hotel. "" 45a W Washington. Sleeping rooms, 86u up. Special rates hy week or month. $1.60 WEEK up, clean, warm, modern fur. rms.. central. The Kins;. Joe Jef. FURNISHED ROOMS rBXTATE FAMXX.Y 70 WALNUT PARK Aell U frnUheil modern home, good meals; gentle men only. 1199 Uartield. Woodlawn- 2(16. - jh BEAi;'riFl'L clean, airy room, free use of kitchen. Phone, sewing fOOmi etc.. $ month. Tabor 4728. NICELY furnished rooms, modern oon-i venlences. very reasonable, cntral 404 t'lay, near loth. ; FRONT room with piano. $3. 240 Paxkv street. FURNISHED rooms, sleeping porch, running water. 746 Hoyt. r ROOMS AX1 BOARl 135 787 HOYT ST. J A quiet residential hotel Amerlcaa plan Suites Single room a Excellent table. Main 3305, A-1723. . s ROOM and poaid tor young woman, $J per week; laundry, library and aew ing privileges walking distance, Phont East 4732. ROOMS AND BOARD rnxvATs rAitUT f3 FURNISHED H. K. rooms. 1st, 14 of 3d floor; also single rooms, with f without board; home-lik place, large yard, flower and shade; walking dis tan.e. 7 No. 20th at. LARGE, airy rooms, in a lovely home running water in eacn room, noma privileges, breakfast optional. 196 list pi., i . " j ,1 ill up; I UII. n a 1 g, - A NEWLY furniahed room suitable for i or 2, modern conveniences, eei lent board, large, shady lawn. East 7S77. WANTED Children to board, good; kuuu nome, moiner s care: reason able, rates. 1176 Belmont. Tahor H9t: W ANTED care of 1 or 2 children toy good motherly wom.n. M. 4132. $4.30 WEEK, outside rooms, o tth, 4 home cooked meals dally, 284 Main! WANTED ROOM ANI BOARD 8 f LADY with 8-year-old girl and bab i inuiiiiiH uiu, uesirss uuara aim room; preferably in suburbs or cotini try. P-77. Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS rnitiBHEi) and rjirrrjxznsKBS CNE room with kitcfaenevte, complattsi ty iurniuneo, steam neat, running hot and cold water, phone in everv trv m 7 V 1 s .r lr aa f tr rv. Clh m r A IlM fssfl4 af.4 a w ' f ' wvi.n a w aaa w i s.u4 aUVlliSVII I st.. $12 up. 291 Columbia at., oor, 6th. T J . ,. . J. - LiAUUHi UOUNliiK ROOM. Steam heat, electric light, bed linen, cooking gas, free phone and bath. $2.75; room with kitchen, $3; sleeping rooms. $1.75 week. 446 Columbia, HOUSEKEEPING apartments, free tel euhone. bath and cooking gas: sunt mer rates. 413 ft Washington, cor .1.1. . . . 1 1 . . X T ii in m. warnnau im, ' ' .f $1 AND up per week, furniahed H. K, rooms, phone. E free heat, laundry, bath.;' 3. 6039. 203 Stanton. W-A car. ' ALTON house, 1, I and 3 rooms, nicely furniahed, housekeeping or transiant,' 381 Yamhill street. HOUSEKEEPING and Bleeping roomav a fiuuscacepiuK rooina, fje.ou, N. 13th. Marshall 3068. 109 N. 18th Newly renovated llghi housekeeping rooms for rent oheap; Main 8793. . -t NICE light basement furnished house- keeping room: el $6 month. 123 N. 23d electricity, heated) LARGE, light housekeeping rooms very central, cheap rent. 223V Pins cor. 1st SUITES of rooms, hot aod cold water, reasonable, close in. 25 K. 7th at. East 3181, ; DOWNTOWN modern H. K. suiter, $19 month up, including heat, light, etq. Royal Annex. 350 Morrison. M. 4HL ROY CREST, 175 12th. suites and sin gie . xv. niwiiB, ubb p yisuio. 2 ROOM furnished apartment. 48 Z Taylor st. Horn Ante 1 we'k .up- 401 Writii, VJCITI Apibi Free bath, hot, cold water, HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 7H rTKKISatXD AMD VMXVMMIMWXB PKITATE TAMXX.T. Fl" RNISHED housekeeping roomsi phone, water, electric lights free: $1.50 week up. 801 Va Water, cor. Co liimbla. 2 OR 3 large nicely furnished house keeping rooms; private bath, porekj separate entrance; adults. Sell. Hhi 67 2 K. eth st- NK. 2 or 3 nicely furnished house' keeping or sleeping rooms, and up, t min. walk from P. O. 1 4tH Kt Main 4964. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single and, duuble, $5 to $12 per month, frea bath and phone. 460 Yamhill, between 12th and 13th. . J $10 Two clean, completely furnished rooms, batn. iaunary. pnone. large yard, lawn, fruit, flowers, walking dis tance, east eiae. ib cnerry. LARGE room and kitchenette. 1 with newly built sleeping porch , With every convenience; very reason able. tibi planners. NICE, large, modern basement rooms, cheap; sink, electricity, yard: anil dre n taken; walking distance. 184 E. 6th. Sellwood 1109. 3 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, private. bath, good neignoornooa; waJgina; dlstance. K. 8332. 166 K. 13th at, - , $8 TWO furnished H. K. rooms, elea tric, bath, and phona (61 E. Mon- rlnon. 2 KRONT housekeeping, pleasant, clean, modern; yard; close in. $ Market. PLEASANT housekeeping rooms, very reasonable. 827 West Park st FOR RE NT HOU6ES 13 vmryKMitMJBD j $5019 rooms, unfurnished house; suitable boarding house. 601 Harrl- aon. Phone Main 902. 4 ROOM modern house, close to Wood- atock high school. $7 month. . 100 Henry Mk. Phone Main 1104. - ("OR ISENT, 5 room bungalow, OtM ave., S E, Phone Main 7021. NICE 3 room house, $5. 1569 E. Slxtii! COTTAGU; Union ave. and Broadway; 110. Phone C-2910. JTi MODERN, clean 10 room house, close in. Main 902. NEAT 6 room cottage. 446 Union ave. N 815. East 462. - 85 E. 2 1st at., 6 rooms, modern, clean, rent reasonable; phone East 3t6. , 6 ROOM house, $15, close in, 341 E. Gllsan at., net. K. 2d and K. d. MODERN room house, East II tb and Division. Phone Sail. 865. EIGHT room modern house. 411 East Couch at.i Kast 7441. . S ACREjS, large house, near car, low rent Box 858. Lenta. Or. 10R RENT, f .room houaa, (T k ja a lAtl . I