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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1916)
f 1 9 i THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, . MONDAY, MAY -29, 1916. POTASH FACTORYWiLL BE ESTABLISHED SOON AT NEWPORT, REPORT Company Is Incorporated ; 'With Capital Stock of One - Hundred Thousand Dollars, !:kelp will be gathered Ihh of 121 Teet of Sea Front Has ' Ba Secured in City of Drew-port ' at Nominal Rental. Manufacture of commercial potash on a large scale will be begun In Ore gon aa won u a plant can be erected. The company has practically been financed, a lease of ground for a plant . and the right to collect the kelp at 'Newport has been aecured. Operations, It la thought, can be begun within 0 The Oregon Potash company ha 'been Incorporated for $100,000. Arthur C. Burgess la president; Early R. Fry is vice president and T. B. Mohler is secretary. Permission to do business was granted by the corporation com mission on Saturday. Tbs company lias been granted a lease of 121 feet of sea front In thu City of Newport at an annual rental of 11 a year. This Ik said to be a stra tegical position' which will give the company a survey of 20 scjuare miles of raw material, unci (he most fruitful . source of raw material within 60 miles ' north and south of the Newport beach. The' essential of the collection of the -raw material is calm waters. " The equipment at Newport will re quire an investment of $30,000 In plant and machinery, it will employ a for-u of from 15 to 20 hands, and will oper ate the year round. The gathering of the kelp will U done by a local con tractor. The drying of the kelp in the first process is said to be general, but a se cret process held by T. B. Mohler is claimed to give this company an aU vtntane over all others in the reduc tion of the raw material into potash. RETOUTS GIVEN OX ACTIVITY I Firm Receives Interesting Answers to Questions Sent Out. Seventeen hundred business men of the United States were recently Bent a Questionnaire concerning the state of real estate activity in their particu lar sections by Wlntlirop. Harris & Co., of Chicago. Their replies have been tabulated and distributed under date of May 2 7. One question asked was: "Are the people In your section constructively active? That is, are they building Hew houses; enlarging ttieir plants or making permanent Improvements that bespeak their confidence in the fu ture'' The replies for the entire United -States were 122S "Yes," and 3oi answered "No." For the states of Oregon, Washington, Nevada and Cali fornia the replies were 99 "yes," and 47 answered "no. A second question, dealing directly j wjth real estate conditions was as fol lows: "It la said and generally be lieved that the market for real estate lis the lest thing to reflect prosperity. Is it becoming more active In you' section Y" The replies to this question were 985 In the affirmative and 600 in the negative for the United States. For the four states referred to the replies hwere 78 in the affirmative and 77 in the negative. I WILL BUILD FRAME STORE I William Llnd Takes Out rermit for $0000 Structure. William Llnd lias taken out a pef- Imlt to erect two frum store buildings 1st 526 Union avenue north to cost 16000. Dan Malarkcy is planning to make I alterations in his residence, 627 Hill crest drive, to cost $2500. The plans are being prepared by Chester Hoguc The Hoys & GUIs Aid society wnl spend $5000 in making alterations to llts building at 4S1 Flanders street. Real Estate Transfers. Mslel 0. M cup fee and hus. to Joseph ui!y et al, L, iU, M, Midland Aera TracU I 10 10 4,750 1 10 10 1 10 10 1 10 Jda C. WlirhUiian and hns. to Ihnma L. McRac, L. 1(1, 1J. a. KantOTer.. vclyn l'olerHoti uu Iiim. to .Ylury Falst et al. L. 18. li. hh, lrTitiRUm . L. Watson and wt. lo Miirlnn K. Wll louguuy 1-3 int. In L. 1, 2, li. 3U. Al blna . 1. Root and wf. to Mazle Spn eer, W. i of N. W. W of N. K. of Sec. 10. X. 1 N.. R. 6 F. me Crouch and wf. to Floyd F. Orlf- flu, t. ., It. 2. Bcenlc Place . U'Falt-r and w f . to John T. Hidden, 8. U of S. K. W of N. K. of Sec. 14, T. 1 N., II. o K orfo l.ctm and wf. to Mabel Haln, I.. 9T Hi, 1!. ti. UoNftnead i'srk W. l(ptt and wf. to Mattle Stuart, I.. 10. II. 23. Tremont I'lace.. lattlc Htuart and hns. to J. F. Cham berlain et al, L. 1U, 11. 23, Treiuunt I'lace Lewena;art et al to Q. A. Olaen. L. 1, B. o. t'ouch Add oseph M. Short and wf. to O. W. Ken- ney, 1 acrea In S?c. 11, T. 1 S.. R. 8 K. . beginning nt S. W. cur. of tYed ealck L. Hugg tr. dusv. In us. 40? ."8 1 8.. K. 3 K ?; 10 Ob a P. Ford and wf. to Jay A. Matts- un I. 2 It 1 Willi Ail. fne Brong Co., Inc.. to William I Onbaai. L. 11. b. 4, L. 11. 12, It. T, l. 11. 12, B. 8. L. 4. 21, 24, Ii. , EI Torar V. White to F. W. Gerllng. L. 23. B. 18. Mt Tan. Villa 10 10 10 cssle It. Sherlock and hus. to Jennie K. Caulaoa, L. 9, 11. 1, Wasbingtoa Add. . Building Permit. Masonic Bids. Asao., repair 4 story ordinary bookstore. 1S3 Third St.. bt. Alder and Wash- ngton sts. ; builder, Uanlelson Sc Carruthera; William Llnd. erect 2 story frama ator. 26 Union lif. N., bet. Russell and Brasea is.: builder, ssme; foooO. Mr. Mackleduney, wreck 1 story frame am. B6'J Sarler at., bet. 17th and 18th sts.; rectcr, umuei v reccing vx.; Boys' Jk Girls' Aid stH-fety, repair 2 storr mokt house and warehowe, 481 Flanders St., tt. 18tb snd 14ta su.; builder. J. Leon-niraotiO- (.udwig wuir, erect 1 story rrsme raraae. k)3 K. 16th at., bet. Iron and CllnUm sts.; ullder, same; 50. R. A. Warnock. erect 1 story frame rarare. 194 Broadway, bet. Harrison and Montgomery La.; uuiKier, same: r.xi. uas Maiaraey. reiair a siory rrame owen- ZT tilil ureal uriTe, bet. VIMS are. and sransTlew drive; builder, M. W. Lorenx; UMO. . Bdner 1 uusan, repair lu story frame walllna 26 N. 11th at., bet. Barasida and loucb ate.; trallder, M. Snider; 50. A H. Mauey. repair i rrnrr trine awrll M30 t3rd at. 8. U., bet. 60U sad Crd Sea.; builder K. Kasmuesen; (SO. etaAaara uu uo., repair a aiory xrama ma fiiae s&op. Linn toe toed, at Oilloa; bnildar. iea w uora; " .Io Tett SIiui's Sanity. The - alleged persistent attentions hat. John Logothetls showered on ilra, Elsie Roberts of the Sar&n&c o tel.. 4 7. North Fifth, street, brought bout 111 arrest today and a subse quent investigation by the county oard to determine jiis sanity. . . Auto Plunges Over flank; Woman Killed Mrs. Cora Ward, of T scorns, Tlctlm of Fatal Accident Wear Aberdeen; Kale Companion Badly Injured. Aberdeen. Wash., May, 29. While on her way here to accept a position, Mrs. Cora Ward of Tacoma was in stantly killed when the car she was driving plunged over a ten-foot em bankment on the Olympic highway one mile east of here, Saturday night. O. L. Foreman, her companion of recent acquaintance and owner of the car, suffered a broken shoulder and minor bruises about the body. He was unconacious when picked up and did not regain consciousness for sev en hours. Foreman was foreman of a Sum ner, Wash., lumber mill, having but recently sold out a shingle mill he owned at Enumclaw. Mrs. Ward was on her way to this city to work in a shooting gallery. She Is survived by her mother and husband, who lately disappeared, and a fonr-months-old baby. According to Foreman's 'story, Mrs. Ward asked to run the car and he finally consented after at first pro testing. They had gone but a short distance when the accident occurred, although Mrs. Ward appeared to be familiar with the working of the car. 0. OF 0. TO ESTABLISH T Opportunity to See Best Prin ciples of Modern Pedagogy in Practice Is Idea, University of Oregon, Eugene, Or., May 29. A university high school, es tablished to add to the facilities for the training of teachers at the univer sity, will be opened at the University of Oregon in September. Each year from 60 to 75 graduates go out to teach in the high schools of the state. The school of education considers that these prospective teach ers nhould have opportunities for ob serving the best principles of modern pedagogy in practice, and a chance to put such principles into practice them selves, under careful supervision. These opportunities can be satisfactorily pro vided only in a school organized and administered for this purpose. The de vice of the university high school has already been adopted by such state universities as those of California. Missouri, Wisconsin and Wyoming, and by the University of Chlcugo and Co lumbia university. Work in the university high school here will be offered only in the sev enth and eighth and ninth grades next September, but the higher grades will later be added aa needed until eix years of work are included, the fields of both Junior and senior high school "thus being covered. No tuition fees are to be charged and pupils from any part of Eugene will be eligible. Teaching will be done under the di rection of the department of educa tion, most of it by specially employed teachers of much experience, but some of it by seniors in the school of edu cation who are preparing to enter high school teaching themselves. German-American Issues Their Creed Chicago. May 29. (I. N. S.) "They may be hyphenated Americans, but their Americanism is unhyphenated." This is one of a number of epi gramatlc phrases In a "creed" submit ted this afternoon by the German American Newspaper Publishers' asso ciation to a representative gathering of Uermans from all over the country at the Kaiserhof hotel. They are here for the Republican convention. , It is the Intention to form in Chi cago a central body which shall keep In touch with all German-American organizations In the United States with a view to guiding them in mat ters of national political importance. Some of the things advocated by the tentative "Creed" are: An adequate preparedness based upon patriotism, American ships for foreign commerce, maintenance of the Panama canal free to American ships, and In sistence by America upon the freedom of the seas. Will Try One Blind Pig Case Each Day Red Bluff. Cal., May 29. (P. N. S.) Ten arrests were made Saturday In Tehama county on charges of blind pigging. Two blind pig cases were tried in the superior court last week. Thirteen more cases are on the calen dar waiting trial. With the arrests made Saturday, there are now -3 blind pig cases to be tried in the superior court. It was on Wednesday that the venlr or 40 tallismen called for Jury serv ice in blind pig cases was exhausted. Judge Ellison continued tue other 13 cases until June 6, when one blind pig case will be tried In court every day. Western Pacific to Be Sold on June 28 Pan Francisco, Cal., May 29. (7T. P.) Notices of the Western Pacific fore closure sail will be posted simultane ously In San Francisco, New York, Reno and Salt Lake, according to court arrangements today. The auction is to be conducted June 28 at the Oakland terminal of -he system, with Federal Commissioner Krull officiating. The minimum price is $18,000,000, s fixed by Federal Judge Dooling, and major lty .bondholders are expected to buy in the road at that figure. FUNERALS Beantlful adult plush or broadcloth casket, em balming, outside box. hearse, two autos end aenrleee for Funerals If desired for $20. 40. 60. Higher priced funer sla la proportion. We manafaetur caskets. Lady assistant. Beautiful funeral enapel. MILLER & TRACEY - Independent rvneral Directors. Waahlnrtoe at lla Bu (bet. 20th and !at) West aide. llaia 2GL. A-TSsa. SCHOOL FO FURTHER TRAINING OF EACHERS $75 Auto Now Beast of Burden Like Horse; Joy Rides Decline 3t It's sad for the sensational- 1st but the fact of the mat- ter is this: The auto, like his patient predecessor the horBe. jjt Is coming to shoulder more and more of the burdens of busl- ness. For a time frisky machines spent their lives transporting 4t folks around who sought pleas- t ure. But things are different f now. All day long they grind ifr around carrying "pa" and some- if: times "ma" on business and 4 ife shopping errands. Then at night the entire family sallies -Jfc forth for a breath erf air. t ' Take for example a furnl- ture repair man who dropped into , the Oregon Auto Ex- r change a few days ago. He 4ft walked up to B. E. Thompson, and said: "Let's see that Maxwell." "It's an old bird but worth t the price," vouchsafed Thomp- son. And he sold It. The visit- or wanted the car to use in hustling business. "It beats walking, ana besides t I get about 10 times as much t work done," said the man. 4fr Oh yes the reason the man & knew Thompson had the car t was because it had been ad- vertised in The Journal's want ad columns. Want ads hustle business pretty fast them- selves. 4 , Bodies of Mexican Bandits Are Buried Funeral of Candalerlo Cervantes and Jsun Beaucoxne Hot Permitted to Be Xeld In Church at XTamlquipa. Field Headquarters of .United States Army, near Nlmiquipa, May 2 8. (By radio to Columbus, N. M,) (I. N. S.) The bodies of the late bandits, Can dalerlo Cervantes and Jaun Beaucome, were buried today in the crowded burial ground on a black mesa overlooking the town of Namiquipa to the west. Owing to the life that had been led by the dead men, the padre of the loca.1 church would not permit the funeral to bo held from the church, nor would he officiate. A meagre cortege took its way to ward the last resting place of the men. who tor so long naa terrorized tne en tire countryside. XKW TODAY EDWARD HOLMAN ' CO. ESTABLISHED 1877. RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS LADY ASSISTANT TJIXKP AJXH SAX.M02T STBEZTS. KAIIf 507, A-1511. 6 Choice &oana of M and TTp On Improved SaaoiM. jfroperty (or for Improvement Purposes). J. P. LIPSCOMB, 343 Stark Street. Auction At 655 Washington, Wednesday, 10 a. m. 14 rooms of furniture, bedding, dishes, ice box. large gas stove, gas water heater, steel range. Underwood typewriter. FARM LOANS Mortgage Company for America "Boom 33, Alaaworth Bldg. Phone Slain 6841. Portland, Or. iuUII'JH.y. City and Farm Pronartiea in Any Amount at Currant Kates. Hartman Sc Thompson, Bankers. Corner of Fourth and Stark Sts. Fearey Brothers, Inc. COLLECTORS 306 Deknm Bldg.. Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregon Investment tc Mortgage Co. OfUces 2(32-4, 170 3d St. AUCTION SALES TOMORROW At Baker'.T Auction house, 1 66-16 i Park St.. at 10 a. m.. unclaimed ba;; Kane. etc. MEETING .NOTICES 4i EAST GATE lodge. No. 155, A. F. and A. M.. E. 80th and Glisan sts. Special communi cation Mondav evening 7 o'clock. Work in M. M de gree by dept. team. Visiting brethren welcome. J. V. VAN HORN, W. M. A. & A. S. RITE Thirty fourth semi-annual re union Thursday, Friday a. id Saturday, June 1, 2 and 3. By order PRESIDING OFFICER. EMBLEM Jewelry a specialty, buttons pins, charms. Jaeger Bros., 131-:, 6th. Wtit Statistics; Illarrtages.Birtbs. Deaths. MARRIAGE LICENSES Lloyd V. Lawpaugh. SSO AlUrrta treet, lefcal, and Emma ScUualdortnau, S&i Ganteu btiu avenue, legal. , George George, 787 Eaat Seventh street. North, legal, and Margaret Voegler. 8&0 Cast Ttuth street. North, legal. L. J. Bergmann. S6i Grand avenue. North, lefc-ul, and i'carl Ksiella suii:-. tice address, lsural I. S. Dill. 2 North rirst street, legal, and Rtn C. Brace. Carlton hotel, leeal. Guy L. iUvto, Wlaolpeg. Man.. legal, and Jeaele B. PCOtt, prawn apirrmraii, legal. W. G. Smith & Co.S!5.V ca? Thirrt. floor Morgan Bldg. DKEitj suite for rent, ail eiaea. unicjuai Tailorina Co.. S09 Stark at. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 OSCAR JOHNSON FLORAL CO., 78 - uusan mi. jviar. nz. jwts. On DEATHS AXD FUNERALS 75 fOontlnned) ' II AY lis May 28, at the residence, 294 Ben- ton street, John Heyes, ged S3 yeurs. a month. t loved Uiher of Harry J. Hayes, Mrs. u-if" Plck- ".v.F- ' Hughes, Mrs. Hmry Hellandora of this city, and Mr. George Kaapoma of. Hamilton. Ontario. . Funeral will pia UK-nee . ... . xii t i . t- . Tm.j and Clackamas strfeU, where masa will be offered at o'ekx-k. Friends invited. inter, i nrgnt Mnt Calrory cemetery. lu Ui city. May at the family residence. 210 Twelfth street, Thonias guald. aged 73 years, hoatiand of Pauline Qua id and father of Katherlne Hofen of San Francisco, CaJ. The remains are at he residence es tablishment of J. P. FinJi-y t Sou, Mont gomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter, tleppuer and Condon, Oregon, papers p'ease copy. SHANltULINt; The funeral of Miss Sophie SiinnediiiiK, daughter of Mrs. A. Shanedliug. tter of Mrs. J. Brill of this city. L. Sluuied- nug, vanrouver, nau.; j. s. 9muwiuii, trli. V.h - l l Rl,.nMlliiie of Lob An- 1 pries, will be held from residence. 443 Tenth! treet. Tuelar. May ao. at 10 a. m. In- tei merit A liar! Phok.m remetery. I.MiLr-.May 2U, 1277 East ieuth street north, Sir. Virginia Ingle, g-d 73 years, beloved mother of Mrs. A. F. Eluv Mrs. A. R. Put nam. Walter A. und Shelley 1'. Ingle. The funeral will be held at A. It. ZeUer's parlors, bM Williams avenue, Wednesday, way 81, at lo a. m. Krieuds are invited. Ii'tei- n-ent will be iirlaate at Vancouver. Wah. I.ODGEKS The funeral servieea of the late Mabel Rodters will be held Wednesday. May 31, at 1 p. in., at the residence establishment of J. P. Kluley & Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. Interment at Uultuuman rrmetery. LEWIS lu this city. May 21, Richard Thomas Lewis, late of 408 Jessnp. Funeral services tomorrow (Tuesday) , May 3o, from R. T. Byrnes' funeral parlors, Willlama avenu and Krott street, at 2 p. m. Interment Rose City cemetery. Friends Invited. KELLY At the residence, oft6 Eaat Taylor street. May 27. Adelia N. Kelly, aged Si jears. Funeral services will be held al the above address tomorrow (Tuesday), 2 p. m. Interment Mount Scott Park cemetery. Ar rangements in care of Miller Sc Tracey, Hi GHKS In this city. May 29 Mrs. Carrie Hughes, SK'd M years. Remains at parlors of Miller & Tracey, Washington at Ella streets. otu-e or Iuneral later. CLAKKt) BKUS., florists, 2S7 Morrison 6t. Main er A-1S06. Fine flowera and floral designs. No branch stores. MA11T1N & rUliKKS CO., florists. 317 Wash. Alain li6!), A-126S. Flowers for all o"asions artistically arranged. .MAIN oT16; wreaths, pillows, Yi Uu. Sprays i up. Chapells, 347 Morrison. TtlXSETH FL.OKAL, CO., -S5 Wash., bet. 4th and Ltli. Main 5102. A-lldji. MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141 V 6th st. FUXEftAL D1KECTOKS Years of Experience Enable This Firm to Give YOU Perfect Service This modern establishment, with its conveniences, includ ing a secluded driveway, In sures absolutely privacy, caus in in no way a departure tiom an established policy of modernate prices. Experienced Woman Attendant. J, P. Finley & Son The Progressive FUN Kit. lj DIRECTORS. Montgomery at Filth. Main 9, A-15D9. P. L LEKsb ITnderstaker, East 11th and Haw thorne. E. 7S1, U-KnSS. ldy assistant. FTs. D . Sido- t uu st. Phone unning. nc. East Side- t uneral directors Alder St. Phone 52. B-2 414 E. o. Dunnins&IMEntee takers. 1 n every detail. Broadway and Pine sts. Broadway 430, A-45.j)i. L;idy assistant. A, D. Kenworthy Co. Tabor 5267; oS02 !2d st., Lents. Tabor 58D5; 66th st. and Foster road., Arleta. MILLER fc TRACE Y, independent fu neral directors. Prices low as $20 $40, $60. Wash, at Ella. M. 2691. A-78S5." Walter C. Kenworthy 1532-1534 K. 13th. Sollwood 71, B-ll 22. A, urns ave. iS. C-10SS. :.ady attendant Day and niKht service. BREEZE & SNOoK. B-1252, T. 125. 102C Belmont, at 24th. Lady attendant. ERICS0N5- RESIDENCE UND. PltLS. 6122. A-2-: 445 Morr. D T p Williams and Knott. III J 1 1 1 r.rtSL llli, c-1 Hamilton ne eral services. Tabor 4313. CICArC Undertaking Co. Main 4153 Or L VV LO A-J3.1. Cor. 3d an.! Clav. i MONUMENTS PORTLAND MARBLE WKS., 264-2GG 4tn St., opp. city nail. Main oaai. Philip Neu S; Sons, for memorials. r-Ri x,.,- -l SHDLMLJIINO OKAINI I CLU u d to r- jiko a ' cj w m. 1ADISON. HEACII riiOl'EKTY 48 FOR SALE Fine beach lot, auxloO ft.. Ocean Park, Wash. Owner. 141 E. 34th st,, city. ... "1 FOlt SALE HOUSES $140(1 RUNGALoW Firland. 5 rooms. modern, ail imp. paid; lot 142 feet. Worth $3000. $12o0. cor. 52d and Davis, 2 houses. barn, 12 fruit trees. $2000 bungalow. 35 Tibbitts st. CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 228 Henry bid. ONE acres, mile from Pacific uni- I versity. Forest Grove, 0 kinds small fruits, apples, potato crop in, 4 room house, well water, chicken and wood nouses, price eiuuu, iuu casn, c 1 terms. Tabor 5831. SAWMILL foremen attention; lorced '. sale, 7 rcm home, new, every 'juilt-in , convenience, lare lot, improvements j paid, cost $4'.oo, sell $30u0; f u-nace, sieeiiing porch, west side, handy to south end mills. Evenings, Mar. 1761. LARGE 5 room bungalow, modern throughout, nice home, lot 71x150, Improvements in. fine garden, chicken liouse. Owner, clear. R. M. Lewis, 54 27 64th ave.. Woodstock. Sellwood n22. MR. SPECULATOR Come out on Mt Scott car, get o;f at Kern Park, go, north on st. blocks to 433J, i here you can buy 2 lots, h louse, fruit. I otner values at what it is worth. less than one third Owners on place. UNOBSTRUCTED view, 8 roonia, strictly modern; price right. Opeu for inspection. R-C car to 64th, 1 'j blocks N. VV. to 1408, on Wistaria.. Phone Tabor S:, 'l BLKS. JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. 6 room moaern, convenient ounga- low: will please tne particular- rea sonable; no agents. 16 Blandena, cor ner Kerby BUNGALOW 5 rooms, bath, electric lights, beautiful 100x100 lot. tent house, fruit, roses; easy terms; $1800 for quick sale. 1292 E. 16th Bt. N. i20 CASH. lo monthly terest. buys modern 5 including In- terest, buys modern o room cottage, large attic, acre, lawn, nicely fenced. 66 5d 8 2d st. S. E. ; $2000. MODERN home. Laurelhurst; coma and see the bargain I am offering. 1185 Pine. Open for inspection Sunday. Call East 2725. owner. 6 ROOM house, modern, on paved at.. no incumbrance: for farm inside 50 miles Portland; not over $4000. Own er, J-594, Journal. WHY pay rent? I will build you a home for $50 down and $19 per month. M. E. Lee, 605 Corbett bldg.-. MODERN J room house. Paved t I carline; fine location. 1068 E. SOtb Bi. ii. ; ; U ACRE, 4 room house, near large school; $1250. . Tabor 4883. Box 273, Portland. ; 5 "ROOM bungalow built for cozy home by a home builder Cast J8th.and Raymond, Sellwood 1828.. ; , 01 MODERN 11 room residence tr. the heart of lrvington; hardwood -floors throughout, selected mahogany and oak fini-ni spacious rooms, artistically j.rar9r,j lrM finished attic full ce- ?!SI? firhl" S'xnensfve sanitary plumbing fixtures, big grounds, nlchlv i improvea wuu eientu shrubbery. This house is .bslutely new ana is consiaerea one oi mo uesi i residence properties in Portland, all materials ana wommansnip or ms oesi. Inspection of premises invited oy the mosfcritical. For sale on reasonable terms by owner. L-Sfirt. Journal. 100 FEET square, with alley, imp. sidewalks and a few fruit trees; Cor. lot; gool business and residence 1 district; located in Walnut Park- Vx block from Williams ave. car. .Will sell this lot at a bargain for cash, or will take good acres. Write 401 E. 50th St. N. or phone Tabor 6S05. Mrs. ptrVilon tj C- ccniBOn AlampHQ Pd rl riiaillCUa I aiN V Beautiful, modern 7 room home. Just completed, fine garage, everything first class, all street improvements paid; price $5750; good terms given. 857 Mason st.. near end of Broadway car. Owner. East 535. BIG little bungalow, 5 rooms and breakfast room, enamel and mahog any finish; something different. Taks K. C. car to 6uth. block N. Phono Tabor 522 FOK SALE LOTS 16 The Oregon Home Builders has a large number of lots in all parts of the city at appeal ing prices. OL.1VER K. JEFFERY. PirES. J100 EACH. 14 lots. Peninsula. Willis, worth, J350 each, snap for building. $S50 Laurelhurst. fine view lot. 1750, corner oisth and Flanders. 3500 I'ortland .Heights, 100x100, Worth $7500. CHAS. RINGLF.R&CO.. 228 Henrv bid. 00 BKA UTIFIIL, lots In Milwaukie; be car tare: light, gas and water; tO cash and $10 per month. H. G. Stark weather, Risley station. Phone Oak Grove 1-X. V ACRE tract for $10 down i r.d $ ' per month; only 15 minutes ride, west side; best value in the city at $350. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett blclx $10 DOWN. $5 per month, Mt. Tabor lot, $600. Woodlawn lot, 1 block from carline, $500. Boggess Ac Co., 20o Ger llnger Mdg. CHOICE, 4 lots for $2000; 1 cor., 100X 100, 2 inside. lrvington; fine lo:ation. Fast 273. W. H. Herdman. LOT 1 block from Alameda Prk. $350. $150 down, $10 per moniu. Owner rrwt-t sell. Wclln. 25. FOR SALE Wilsonville lot. Two blks. from depot. 50x126 ft. Ready to build on. $125. L-540. Journal. ACREAGE 57 Buy an Acreage Home Have city conveniences, euch as mountain water piped into your housei electric lights, etc., and country benefits; rich soil, fine community. 30 minutes out by Big Red Steel Traina Low prices, easy payments. Any size tract. Let us show you. The Shaw-Fear Co. 102 4th st. AT GARDEN HOME. Beautiful or 1 1-3 acre tracts on electric line at Nesbett station; surrounded by county and electric roads. Will sell at a very low price; some terms. Call owner, J. G. Gustaff, Woodlawn 3673, or 506 Gerlinger bldg., Portland. 4 ACRE ORCHARD $t50 1 7 minutes' walk from SewaJl Station, Oregon Electric, lj miles this side of Hillsboro, orchard 5 years old, assorted , berries between rows, $200 down, bal ance to suit. Biggest snap in Oregon. I Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Cora. Gibson Half Acres Good soil, city water, close to car line, easy terms; will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 15bs or Sell wood 476. John H. Gibson, owner. 6 ACRES, 1 miles from city, on Mt. Hood electric and county road; small house, well, fruit trees, etc. Fine lo cation. Only $4000; part cash. Y-5U2, Journal. ', ACRE, new 5 room house for sala or rent, ground cleared, und niceJy fenced, smad creek of running water. 5 ,' cent fare to city, $1550, rent $S per month. Phone Main 45K6 CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN ranches near .portiana, z, b. 10 acre tracts, : best sou, good roaas, near electric, Jtiu ! to s;ou per acre, easy terms. McFar- land. soy eon Oldg., Portland. ACRE. PARKROSE. 3 room bungalow, barn, paid J118S; bal. $1030 at $15 per month, 6, for good automobile. What have you? 2-8 10th. Main 5745. . AT ROSE BURG, OR. 10 acres under cultivation; opposite river irom Sol- diers' home; terms or cash. W. A Klmmell, S44 Clinton St., Portland. ACRE tracts on unriirmJ near city; paved road; $5 cash, $a per monih, 6 int. Owner, 517 chamber of Com. EVERGREEN station. Milwaukie Park, fine view acre. $G50 cash. Oscar Dahlgren. Parkwood. Or. ; HALF section, unimproved land, 50 1 miles from Portland. $4.50 per acre. Y-ii. Journal , FOR SALE 13 acres, 8 room modern nouse; good soil and fine location. $21)00. T-796. Journal. 30 ACRES station. -4th st. electric Main 5910. line at SUHUmJAN HOMiS ; Acres river front homesite, west j side. Main 5910. FOK SALE! FARMS 17 DAIRt RANCH FOR RENT 145 acres, quarter mile from city limits, about 60 acres under cultiva tion and in crop; balance good pasture with running water all year; rent $50 per month, including 4 cows. Following personal property for sale: 22 cows. 2 horses. 1 bull, 5 year lings, wagons, harness, cream separa tor, about 1000 milk bottles, cans ana all milk utensils; route has 240 cus tomers and pays over $500 per month; price $3500; can arrange very attrac tive terms. See Blair with E. F. GILBERT. 112 Washington st.. Vancouver. Wash. BCY Wv'E ACRES and plant part lu loganberries. They tiirive in Oregoii and can be profitably raised for juic- ot for drying. We have cleared bench and bottom lands, one mile to goo i valley railroad town; finest eoil, creek and springs; good roads; employment; down. $10 month; unimproved lands at less. Let us show you. J. R. Sharp, 83 j 3d St.. room fioi. Portland, or. TWO 100 acre farms for sale in Polk county. One improved, the other not. Near town and higa school. Fine land. To settle estate. Write to W. L. Walk er. Joseph, Or. I ivrnt. nnuntv 160 nrrps nartlv 1m. ! nroved 6 miles from Elk City, lor slock and dairy purposes. Box 40. Pio- r er. Or . FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY as WANTED To rent a good farm for this fall; would buy or trade citv -property for etock and implements. is,-fi5. Journal. WANT 40 acrea between Forest Grove and Portiana. u-bos journal. HOMESTEADS 47 X HAVE several fine homesteads and relinquishments very cheap; close to good town. Open Sunday, 206 Couch Eldg. Main 4813. HAVE 2 320 acres homestead location for sale; investigate this aa chances to bur land at government prices are carca. L-6S9. journals FOB SALE HOUSES (Continued) 47 Continaed) 80 ACRE homestead relinquishment for sale or trade at a bargain. Land lays well nd will make a good Home. Unimproved, but easy cleared and not too far back. D. W. Gardner, Box S46. Kalama, Wash. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 FOR SALE 75 H. P. sawmill in opera tion, fully equipped, and 2 donkey engines with 168 acres land and 10, 000,000 feet yellcw fir on u; le.i00.000 feet adjoining can be bought for $1 per 1000 stumpage. -Land when legged off will make good dairy farm. Ship ping at present by rail and wc.ter, all No. 2 and better; selling balance to local trade. Will trade for city or farm property. Krebs-Logus Cf , 110 lUh st. t Pittook block). 15 ROOM apartments with all fine furniture and a lease, in one of the best locations in the city, walking dis tance, everything up to date, with good heating plant; located on the west side. Will sell at a bargain, for cash, and might take good house aild lot. Party is going away. I have something good; no junk. Write 401 E. 50th st. N., or phone Tabor 6805. Mrs. G. C. Etchison Call Sunday. $ $ TO INVESTORS i i I aia agent for an estate and offer a large amount of wheat lnnd in dif ferent sized tracts at greatly reduced prices, in eastern Oregon, lays well and handy to R. R. I will take income property, might assume; this land is go ing to change hands; thoroughly de scribe your exchange proposition in firt letter. O. P. Hulse, at HARTMArr & THOMPSON FOR -EXCHANGE Want outtiern Cai- ifornia for any or all: 18 acre orchard, improved, Ash land $10,000 3-0 acres wheat land, improved. Crook county $16,000 S20 acres heavy timber. Lane Co.$12, 000 For quick deal, address -791. Jour nal. 3S3 ACRES grain, fruit, or dairy farm. 4 miles from Albany, spring water piped to buildings; want smaller farm, cash. Income in Salem or Portlajid. good terms on balance. Give particu lars in first letter. No agents. R. F. D. 2. Box 135. Aitmriy. Or MY newly furnished hotel is clearing $350 per month. It is one of tlie mon cheaply operated hotels in the cit ; will traie for a well improved $9000 farm, close in. I will assume "p to j-son F.-P5 4 Journal. WILL sill my $4500 equity in a mod ern a room home, $7000. WilV take 6 room modern house and assume or vacant lots. Owner. 410 E. 3fcth at., N. Taiior 5S52. GOOD clear grocery and confectionery, etc., doing cash business, some in come property and i acres, for small equipped ranch; might assume some. Owner. U-3U8, Journal. FUR SALE. $500 equity in 4 room house and cor ner lot, 653 Killlntfsworth, for cash, or J3-j monthly payments. i2 Kiliingsworth. Phone W'dln. Si4:. 2 LOTS 60 by 100 each. Willi 5 room house, barn, wood shed and some fruit for sale, or trade for acreage near school. XE-S62. Journal. Ecl'ITY in 3 lots, near Sellwood car line, on Holgiite st.. for sale, or trade for farm Inside ten miles of city. E- SS7, Journal EXCHANGE Hotel in eastern Oregon tewn, clear ot incumbrance, tor port land or vicinity, S000. Ill 3d. Main 334. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Good houses for sale or exchange. bottom prices, t all Marshall IftSS $1100 eciuiiy in $2000 o room cottage,, corner lot, 60x100, for $700. 132S E. Stark. Phone Tabor 6183. TEN ACRES, improved orchard land, clear, for eatsern property. 206 V Jefferson st. AGATE Beach (Newport) house, best construction, for small house or city property. S-782. Journal. 10 ACRES, lie fare, good soil, for cash and eood car. N-385, Journal. WAXTKD HKAL ESTATE 31 OWNER will consider I'ortland or Willamette valley, city or country. In .part payment, for choice 640 Mon tana wheat and grain farm at $25 an acre, and give terms. M. IS. Hill, Box Havre. Montana. WANTED Modern 6 room bungalow for fine piece of acreage close In. L 552, Journal. WiE WILL SfcTLL OR LOAN MONEY ON YOUR LOT. J. C. CORUIN CO., LEWIS BLDG. WANT acreage partly Improved; will give cash and Improved Portland property. Hatfield. 165'4 4th St. ROOMING HOl'SKH 53 18 ROOM rooming house, walking dis tance, finest location in town.; will sell cheap if taken before the first or will trade. What have you? By owner. 392 Columbia, near West Park, phone A-6810 or call. BY owner, 18 rooms furnished for housekeeping, casli and terms. 408 Jefferson nt.. near 11th. $150 CASH and term:; boarding and rooming house. 30 N. 17th. Phone Marshall 1003. TO TRADE 14 housekeeping rooms, all full, cheap rent. Fine for man and wife. Marsha. 1 2451. 10 ROOM rooming house, bargain. In quire landlord. 207 tith st. BY owner, 14 housekeeping rooms, bargain for cash. Marshall 2594. lil'SINESS OPPOKTl MTIES 20 SMALL cash grocery, selling candy, cigars, ice cream, soft drinks. Re ceipts average $14 per day. 4 living rooms rn connection. $275 takes it. Other business calls me away. Address owner. E-966, JournaJ. FOR SALE Hardware and furniture stores in good location and doing good business. Will sell at invoice. Good reasons for selling. L-538, Jour nal. . HOTEL in .Vancouver, Wash.. $15 a month rent; 47 rooms; partly fur nished; bargain if taken at once; near lai ge cannery just starting. Geo. W'ieae, Vancouver, Wash. PARTNER wanted in real estate busi ness, must invest $300 cash, rent, light ana phone iree, office located in hotel lobby and doing big business. G 971, Journal. BLACKSMITH shop for sale, good eet of tools, plenty of stock, good loca tion; cheap lease; will sell cheap if sold in 10 days; selling on account of accident. T-778, Journal. MUST sell on account of sickness, cigar, confectionery and stationery store, has been established for many years, r or inlormation pnone East i84 FOR SALE Tailor cleaning and press ing shop. In suourDan town; clearing average of $24 per week; no competi tion. X-775, Journal. FOR SALE Grocery, hotel, gas fill ing station, barber shop in connec tion; rooms full. Most traveled road city. Phone Main 1520. i'OR SALE Good blacksmith's shup with tools; first class location; first class place for auto repairs; going to quit business. oit f osier road s. K. A GENERAL mdse. store tor sale, or trade for Portland Income property. M-487, Journal. FOR SALE Restaurant and stock; out of city;- good, live town; all for $225; money maker. Phone Main 1520. BARBER shop with living rooms fur nished, good location; rent $10. 841 Williams ave ONE of the best butter stores on mar ket; cheap, if taken at once. Owner 271 Yamhill st. CIGAR, confectionery and pool hall, $11,000 business year; will lump or . . r r. . , X- J C 1 7 .... . i invoice, yia'Jw, uwnci. n-aai, juuniai, GOOD country store for aale, $56o, good living rooms, near ephol; $01 rent. XE-964, Journal. FINE stamps, hinges, albums, etc. Bwi - aav W umbla StaxnD Co.. S4 a. nu-t. p. m. ioi North 16 th st. Main .mo. Rvffv BUSIJNESS CAKiiS. Ill II Rose City Printing Co., iyvy Third et.. cor. Taylor. CASH grocery, etieap rent, will iu voice. 708 Union ave CLEANING, pressing business, long est-, tl"Q location, phone Wdln. 2422. GROCERY store on reasonable term a Will invoice -68. Journal; H03IESTEADS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 20 (Continued) orLi!.xLfiu ouy ror mii vi iiewoi w M. saw mill In th9 south central pine belt of southern Oregon, lo years clip in sight; good opportunity for all A., I at! T iV.a.e.Al til A- i- Tt r.vr,ir t t .M ssiaJa C around mill man 141 UCi At Wl (110 aw v;- What have you? sponsible parties. F.-SE5. Journal. FOR SALE Confectionery, fruit and cijtar etore with living or pool room in back. Good stock, four showcases and fountain. Cheap rent. Save money pv aeaiinK wltn owner, norm fiivu. My price 825. 307 1st at. STORE for rent, fixtures for sale, ana all goods at cost. Madeira Em broidery Shop, 3SlVs Wash. t., Plttock block. Abraham Nlcholes. HtblNKSS OI'I'OKTUMTIKS WANTED 68 MERCHANDISE WANTED Improved wheat lands, close lo good town, or timber to trade for merchan dise, from SI000 to 110.0(10. Box 7. Madras, Or. EXCHANGE 6 room house and lot 6ux 100: in Hawthorne district, for gro cery or hardware stock which can be moved. Phone Main 1520. MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE 27 OUR installment plan is the best and aurest method of paying a loan. - t'SZ.26 per month for 3t months, or il,4 tor 60 months, or $15.17 for D6 months pays a $1000 loans and Interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for ouilding purposes. EQUITABLE SVG'S ii LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Oregon. The Oregon Home Builders has money to loan on improved city and farm properties. OLIVER K. JEFFERY, PRES. WE LEND MONEY on improved reai estate at t he lowest rates consistent with the character, location and mar tin of security. Application solicited. Call and see the large sized safe de posit boxes we rent for iesa than 1 cent per day. UNION .SAFE DEPOSIT 6c i'lU'ST CO.. 2M OAK ST. BUILDING luans on cii and KUburbttii property; money advanced as- work proreiibcs. V. G. LfcCK. 41a Failing bldg. Mairt 3407. JloO.OOO ON moriugagee, city or rarin .TOfM'n'ieV "Sr-S- anMdCKAirr- CASH paid lor motlasagcs, notes, con- ratesCt8F 'u'Ve Y&bW?'1 rates, v. n. l.evcm, 4 t.eaia mug. MONEY TO LOAN in amounts of luo to ioOuu on city property. A, li Hell, ;il Gerilncer bldg. MON'El to loan on unproved city, larm property. F C. King, al 4 Spalding $1(100 UP to tuOOO to loan 011 city or farm properly. Taiior 40'J. 2t)U, $360, tiOU. $tf UU 41-UU. 1SU0. Fred W. Co., i.U I'hatn. Cotf. $40,000 Jll LtSS. KAKlilMJTuN. 80 4th st. Board of Trade Bldg. SEE us Small louns, Installment loana. Cel lars-M iirtun Co.. S25 Venn bldt;. MORTGAGE LOANS, t and iVo. Loulj near fit!.. Salomon & Co., 300 Oak st. MONEY to loan, 6 to 0. W. 11. Seit r Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. PRIVATE funds to loan on real es- tate, first mortgage. N-HS1, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN CI I ATT E I ,S, S A LA It I ES 07 SALARIES CHATTELS Money to loan to salaried people and others on furniture, pianos, motor-, cycles, automobiles, diamonds, etc., at legal rates with easy terms of pay ment; 110 delay. Licensed by state. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. INC., 311 Dekum Bldg. pIAMOM's 1 ioik nil soid. .Main :,hS LOAN'S WANTED a WANTED $1000, have 32u acres, Lano Co., worth $10,000, 0s security. Will give good bonus for yuick loan. AJ- cress l'-tii. Journal ..A,. : ; $o0o. 8a, no ctimmission; 1st mortgage on largeSandyBlvd lot. Tnbor 4477. iivtvrm r7 f- V,,-. I.-. -u n. J- k 1st and 2d mortgages purchased; also sellers' Interest in contracts. Or. and wash. H. r.. Nome, bumlitrniens old CHATTEL MORTGAGES PUK CHASED. INOUIHK 311 Dekum bid. II ELI WANTED MALE SALESMAN To sell lowest priced high class alfalfa land in Oregon: prices and terms, make It easy to tcii 111 3d st. WANTED 2 reliable, experienced life insurance salesmen to work for an old line company. Salary $100 per mo. ncrerences reguireo. K-b .journal. , HOUSEKEEPING apartment, free lei MEN wanted to split cordwood. Good 1 ephone, bath and cooking gas; sum Umber. Call East Side Fuel Co., East mer rates. 413i Washington, cor, ' 2d and Market. 11th et. Marshal) 164. WANTED, man with teams or auto $1 A.ND up per week, furnished II. K. trucks to take a contract to haul I rooms, free heat, laundry bath, crushed rock. P-974, Journal. phone, E. 039. 203 Stanton. W-A car. EMPLOYMENT uepartinent Y. M. C. i ALTON house, I, i and 3 rooms, niceiy A. Servlc free to members. furnished, housekeeping or transient. II ELI A VI ED MISC. 41 Y M C A AIITII.Vlimll.l-: Si'llOIH. Dav ar.d nlsrht classes: training In repairing, driving and machine work, Including forge, lathe, shaper, drill- press, etc.: time unlimited. Recurs tfcfa "tEtneoVcV bldg.. to epect our shops and metn ods. COMPfclCiNT ulAUrriiUns A Vn HlircHAMICS RITPPI.IKI) Till tion fee Includes MEMBERSHIP IN V. M. C. A. and its EMPLOYMENT Di- PARTMENT, use of 60-fL swimming pooi. nower batnw eymnasluni, etr. $75 MONTH. Government Jobs. Men, women wanted. List of positions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 4-0, Rochester. N. Y. SPECIAL OFFER. MONDAY ANJJ TUESDAY ONLY. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. 2C6 11TH. NEAR JEFFERSON. WANTED Names men, winding to become Portland mail carriorj. Com mence R7 month. Oy-932. Journal. OREGON AUTO SCHOOL, the school of practical experience; special summer rate. 429-31 Belmont st. UNCALLED fur tailor ni-oe suits, oO ot). Tavlor the Tailor 2Vt Hurnsld. HELP WANTED -FEMALE 2 YOUNG girl to assist with housework, no wanning. Tnbor 4408. f ilELU WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 .."-, i i.-it wauhkw nil i Kfiio w.nnd'enLrn tha trade; paid while learning; tools fr - positions secured; summer rates: write for catalogue, cor. 2d ana uurnslde. MOHLEH Barber school wants men o ,1 urnmn In 1 (l t 11 hnpliAi. Ir.H. free in 8 weeks. Positions secured. Pay while learning. 38 N. 2d st. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Mtn and women to learn barber trade free. 233 Madison st. SMALL family to care for furnished apartment house: 252 Gibbs. - WANTED AGENTS YvE can give steady and profitable employment to a. few more respon sible, energetic canvassers. For de tails of terms and territory, address OREGON NURSERY CO., Orenco, or. TWO first class1 subscription booit salesmen capable of earning $100 per week. Harper & Bros., 517 Lum. E bidg SITUATIONS MALE THE -window ci&ner houseman wantsj worm. 20 sour, rnone mornings. Main 20t. PRACTICAL painter, paper hanger. ttnter and decorator; reduced prices; 20 days. Phone Sellwood 2772. YOUNG man (Scotch) wants steady position; anything- considered. Z-690, Journal. COMPETENT shop mechanics and X chauffeur furnished by Y. M. C. A. Auto scnoor. Mam 76. A-e(i. HOUSE painting; tinting $2 per 'room up. C. A, Barnes, Marshal 282$. SITUATIONS MALE (Continued) PAINTING end papering-, kelsomlnlntr 11.60 a room and up; work guaran teed. J97 K. S4th et. WALL tlnTing, work second to none, prices low aw anyone. Mar. 17t. ' I PAINTING, kataonlining, roomi (1 up. I'aperlnir, whitewaehjng. Eaet 66sfl. SITUATIONS FEMALE " '. MIDDLEAGED lady wants houaekeep I ing In or out of cttjr. B-98, Journal. CAPABLE woman wanta. work, plain cjok; neat housekeeper, experienced hand ironer. M-498. Journal. -- INFANTS outfits, plain or einbrold eced. East S35. J LACE curlalns laundered; 12 yeara ejt ! Prlenced. Tabor 5833. Mrs. Scott. A G1KL wants general Phone Marshall 447. housework. DAY WOKK any kind. Tabor 57J7. DRESSMAKING 40 G48 DIVISION at., dressmaking par. lore, eummer orders, designing. . AL Lane. , ' TAILORING, party gowns, alterations. Montgomery. Main 7434 PHONE Sell wood 93 for, experienced dressmakerfref erences; reasonable. NUKSES 00 WOULD take a aick. old or infirm pa tienf; reference furnished. Nlta A. Englln, 624 E. Klilings worth. Phone A'n I I . ...... n . n ' "uuuiuwii ooty. NURSE wants cases at home: beet care, lowest price. Wood. 400. ..I'T HNISHED jtOOMS U l''L'It.MSH h'D rooms for young M.'n la all parts of ti e city, also in Y", M. C. A. bldg., especially desirable durina the summer; fireproof, telephone In each room, shower bathe, to I4.7S per week. Including full association mem bershlp privileges, gymnaHum, awlrn mlng pool, handball courHand many other club privllegee. Full Information at Y. M. V.. A. buslnes office or tela phone Main 7065, A-fi.r61. HiMIlSM lni(Q)T(L 20TII AND WASHINGTON STS, ' ' Strictly modern, light, cool I 'pnil, 2'o J per week private bathw . wpk. ThE GARLAND wV.a. SIOPERN 11RICK; outside room; respectable; hot water. 25 Trinity at.. cor W ashlngton. bet 19th and 20th, ! MfflTEL flSlffl'lWIfiMBMlla ' ern, flieproof, reppectahle, $.1 week up. HKVfc:i.Y-Olean. homelike, nlshed rooms, reasonable, centrally lo.atfd. 185 Park-Yamhill. $1,011 WEEK up, clean, warm, modern fur. rms. central. The Ktnu. Sn ,tf " - . . 1 -i I'L'li.MSHEb HOOMS 70 PltlVATE FAMILY ' WALN UT PA UK vV eTl f u in iaheS modern home, goud meals- gentle men only. 1 0 U 1 Garfield. WoodlaWU 2U2f. NICELY furnished rooms, modern coa veniences, very reasonable, central, 404 Clay, near 10th. v Fko.NT room with piano, $3. 240 Park street. Fl.'KNISliED rooniH, sleeping porch, running water. 7 4 5 Hoyt. KOOM AND lilUIil) IS THK HLKElORD. 736 737 HOYT RT. A quirt residential hotel A moticait plan Suites Single room. Excellent table Mum 3305. A-1722. Room and poind lor joung wunuui, ti per week; laundry, library and eew lng privileges walking distance. Pnone I'ai-t 4732. ICOOMS AND liOAKD PltlVATE FAMILY ; FURNISHED II. K. rooms, 1st. 2d Of,r J1 Iloor; also single rooms, with Of ! without board; home-like place large yard, flower and shade; walking dia i ; tan. e. 67 No. ioth tit. ' 1 i u , 1 I.- ..1 .... ZTT , . . . . " , i"1"", "y rooiiiH. in a loveiy nome, , running water in ca h room home privileges, breakfast optional 195 let Ht- rl"',e to Wawlilngion. $ij to $12. WANTED Children-!., hoard, good; good home, inother'K care; reason able, rates. 117t; Belmont. Tabor 1284. ! WAN I ED care of 1 or ; ciuldi en by M. 4122. good motli'Tly woman. $4.50 WEEk, outside rooms, blth, 4 home cooherl inenlx dally. 2K1 Main. HOI'S EKEEl'INtJ ROOMS 8 rTONIBHED AMD WWrUERHHlll) cNE room with klulidieUe, complete ly furnished, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone In every room; t uiockh iron) bin alul AlorriBon j tn . $12 up 2W1 Columbia, nt.. cor. Bth - 381 Yamhill street. housekeeping and sleeping rooms. a Housekeeping rooms, $Z.bO. jji.ii Marshall 3068. j 109 N, 18th Newly renovated light housekeeping rooms for rent cheap.' I Main 8793 llht basement furnished house! , keeD nir rom: electricitv. lt.i- i month ivs v " r-s I LARGE, light housekeeping rooms, verY central, cheap rent. 223 Va Pina cor, ibu SUITES of rooms, hot and cold walec, reasonable, close in. 2a E. 7th St. East 311. ROOM with kite). en, steam heat elec tric lights, linen. $3.25 week Single, $8 month. 445 Columbia. ' DO VV N TO VV N modem H. K. suite, $U month up. Including beat, light, etc. Royal Annex. 350 Morrison. M. 4521. ROYCREST, 175 12th. suites and sln gle H, K. rooms; use Of piano. ' 2 ROOM furnished apartment. 487 Taylor st. ftpm Ante J week "P- 401 First u VJCIII ntJlOi Free bath, hot, cold water, HOLSEKEE1UNO ROOMS 73 ' FUBSiSKEi) aid vnxvnmMMBB PBIVATB TAmisT. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; phone, water, electric lights free; $1.50 week up. 3011 Water, cor. Co-. lurnbia. 2 OR 3 large nicely furnished house-- Keeping rooms; private bath, aprch, 1 Jate entrance; adults. SelLies! ; "7 2 b. bth st ONE. 2 or 2 nicely furnished house keeping or sleeping rooms, $1.25 and up, 15 rnln. walk from P. O. 614 4th st. Main 4964. j PLEASANT outside suite, 1, 2 room, housekeeping, well lighted, reason- i ?.ble. JOB respectable. 18$ WtJt , JLziiLiL HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single and. ' f ""b,e nlA0 2 "'A b an p,h,fi2e' 40 ya,nhu. btwen 1 2th ana ISth. $10 Two clean, completely furnished. rooms, batn. laundry, phone, large yard, lawn, fruit, flowers, walking dis tance, east side. 312 Cherry, 3 FURNISHED II. K. rooms, private bath, good neighborhood; walking- distance. E. 3332. me k, iztn . $8 TWO fuiTi.shed H. K. rooms, elec tric, bath, and phone. 681 E. Mor rison. - - - -- ' -- 2 FRONT housekeeping, ' pieajsant, clean, modern;; close in.- 42 Market. - . 5Tn e front housekeeping rooms, well lighted, heated, free cooking gag, $2. ta, neatea, I 402 Park st. z.ou. FOR RENT HOUSES ? , 12 6 ACRES, large house, near car,, low rent. Box 268, Lents, Or. ;" FOR RENT, 2 room house. $6.(0. Xa- bor 1044. - ' CORNER, modern, t rooms and jtleep liigymcii i ftijur wn. t Continued oa Hex Fage)