BEAVERS TIE MORNING GAME; THROW SECOND BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManua CopjrrlrhtKt by lBterna.lonal Hews trrtcm. Rrttr nntte-1 tte ttnt Off. I DON'T KNOW WHETHER I CAN TRUST TCL-MR READER - tOO Ml5HT TELL MA44IE YOU va AH! I JOST FEEk LIKE A BATTLE INTO DISCARD Noyes Pitches Grand Ball, but the Men Behind Him Go Very, Very Wrong, Uttle mip-i'll tNEAK T WHILE I THOUGHT I WUZ ALONE! ME TAKE ONE MU I OF STUMPF STARTS TROUBLE I Blows Whole Otm In Tourta With iHTt to renoe That Sands Bis serf to Second. BiWT.' N:.r-:r B.i,T rti,s I I SAFETY r , first !.' J ops, ItIilStF-f L H l J Los Anglees, May 29. (P. N. S.) Take- it on way and another, Walt McCredie ha4 mora little troubles than Christopher has gumdrops. Mac's baMbs.Il boys rolled and bucked all over tna, yard durlns the mornlna i - hours, but the bat thay could get was a draw with th Tigers. In the after- I noon Walt must have felt that he con- j trolled the Ivory output for the en- j tlra world when he saw his hired hands jell from their shoulders up and deliberately throw away the' game j Denina Noyes' remarkable no-hit pitching-. , Mottling game: Vernon 8, Portland (; ten Innings, time limit. Afternoon game; Vernon 2, Portland 0. During the three weeks' stay at horn Ham Patterson's team won 17 games, lost 3 and tied 1. The Tigers left last night for Salt Lake. Stnmpf Starts the Trouble. The Tigers had been lucky to even foul the ball off Noyes ud to this 11KT2 .1. l i i If .i! r IT li II 4, by Jobnion 8. by Higglnbotham 1. Basea on balln Off Johnson 3. off Noye 3. One lilt. 2 rum. 2o it bat off Noyea In 6 ln nlngi. Cahrgn defeat to Noyes. Double ply Hodgrri to Vaughn to Guiiio. I'axed ball Flalier 2. Time 1:33. Umpires Doyle and I'hyle. Angels Win Double Header. San Francisco, May 29. (P. N. S.) Elwood O. Martin got his first real bumping of the ball season yesterday at Recreation park, lasting through Juat two complete Innings. Los An- tlme. With one out. Risberg grounded geles won 10 to 5. The Angels had to the Portland third baseman, btumpf further aided their pennant aspirations Kills. If Wolter.rf . . Bles.c Hiicr.s. . ! ilan'IdKCp ' Ooggliiga.p. i bagltr,c. . I had the runner at his mercy, but cut loos with a fence heave that sent Kis berg all the way down to second base. Th4wede took a chance on stealing -third, and Fisher became so rattled that ha allowed a passed ball to dribble a yard or so behind him. Fisher reached back and grabbed considerable grass and one baseball, after which ho tore In with a wild throw to third Mci.artj.2b that the unhappy Stumpf could not stop, and Risberg scored. Bates Gets Base on Balls. Ray Bates got a base on balls and reached second as Fisher folded like a man with the cramps and contributed another passed ball. Hates and Daley worked on the hit and run scheme. Ray's sprint for third caused btumpf to rush for the same bag and Daley singled directly across the spot where Btumpf had been standing. This lucky fluke scored Batea and was the one and only hit made off Noyes. lllgglnbotham pitched the last two rounds and allowed one hit, a single by Johnson in the eighth. On two hits, the Tigers had won the luckiest game of the year with the Beavers playing like a lot of wooden men. Ten Innings to a Tie. Vast quantities of time, fresh baseballs and energy we wasted out at the Vernon ball yard in the morning When the Tier and Beavers played 10 Innings to a 6 to 6 tie. Deeannleie Started to pitch for Vernon. .Tlie Beav . era bumped his south side heaving- with riotous vigor in the early frames and chased the Frenchman to the kennel. l:o was replaced by Arellanes. Houck was hammered hard. His Bide pulled up a three-run lead In the first . half of the second round, but the Tigers came back in their half and tied things up. Sothoron heaved in th- third and was nicked for three 'blows and three runs. After that he quieted down and held the Tigers to two blngles and no runs In the last seven frames. The score: Morning game: I'OUTI.AND In the morning across the buy by win ning 6 to 4. The score: Morning game: LOd ANUELEtf. I OAKLAND. All. U.O. A. AB. H.O. A. l'Mlddrton.lf 0 Darls s 1 0 K'wotthy,2b 3tiardner.rf. . 1 Harry. lb. .. 0 Elluiott.r.. I) I)arlau.3b. 3 Max ton, p. Klawltter.p. i.ane.rr . . . . (Jrlffnb.. . Bcrg?r . . . Zer'an" KOTULA TO MAKE 1ST APPEARANCE HERE TOMORROW Rupert's Players Check Los ing Streak by Beating Montavilla Bunch, Intercity Baseball League, Won. Lost Pet. Bradfords 6 2 .750 Woodburn S 3 .625 Salem 5 3 .625 Klrkpatrlcks 5 3 .625 St. Helens 4 -500 Beavers 5 Moptavilla 2 6 .250 Woodland 2 7 .222 Totala 35 12 27 H Totala. . ,2S 7 'J7 13 Hatted for Gardner In seventh. ; Hattrd for MkMlrtou hi ninth. Hatted for Datla in ninth. Lo- Angelea 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 R Hits. 1 1 1 1 o o 0 1 1 7 OuHand OOO30010 0 4 Hits 0 10 3 2 12 2 112 I Itiiba Maggert, Ellis, Koeruer, Gilloway, Staudrldge, Mlddletou, Cook. Keuwortby. Harry, krrors Darls, Barry, Kim ton. Stolen Ijlscs Mlddletou. Darls, Kenworthy. Credit vletor to Scogglns; charge defeat to Klawlt ter. Three runa, 4 bits, W at bat off Klaxton In 12 tunings, taken out Hi third, none out, 'i on; 3 runa, 4 bits, 14 at bat In 3 2-3 innings on BiHuanuge, maen out in lourtn, 2 out, 1 on. Ibree-base bit Ellnlott. Two-base biti. 1 Gardner, Cook, Klawltter, Koerner. SaTlfice i. i bltb Staudrldge, Koerner, Maggert, Darls. ' k.. i..n 1 1 1 ILK 1 1 J U H a 111. xiaaca uu l" In UI 1 K l i ton 3, off Scoggings 2, off Staudrldge 2, off Klawltter 3. Struck out Hj Scogginns 1, Klawltter 0, by Staudrldge 1. Double lilttjs Mlandrldge to Boles .o Koerner, Klax loii to KeuWortbj to Uarrmj, Cook to Har ticau, Klawltter to Elliott io Barry, Maggert to McDartr. Wolter to Uasaler. Buns reapuul ble for Klaxtrm 2. Staudrldge 8, Klawltter 1. Time 1:65. Luiiilres Outhila and Eluuvy. "Toots" Kotula, the sensational deaf-and-dumb twlrler of the Woodland, Wash., team, will make his first local appearance tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock on the Vaujrhn street grounds, when he faces the Baby Beavers. He will be opposed on the mound by M. Brandt, who is the leading twlrler of the Commercial Baseball league. The other games scheduled for to morrow are: Bradfords at Salem, Klrkpatrlcks at Woodburn, Montavilla at St. Helena MATCHES CLEARED UP FOR IRVINGTON TENNIS CONTESTS Unofficial Games Played Yes terday According to the Drawings, JIMMY CARROLL TO MEET MASCOT IN RING- FRIDAY Ritchie Arrives From East and Is Given Banquet by Friends. Afternoon game: Loa A.NtiEl Eb. I AH, II. U. A. j , AH. It. H. TO. A. Will, cf. 5 2 4 3 Vaughn, 0 2 2 4 Hodgera, 2b 3 0 1 4 2 (inlsto, lb 3 o 1 13 l Nixon, rf 1 o () 1 0 Htumpf, 3b II 1 u 2 2 Rocbe, c 4 1 0 2 2 Biieaa, If 4 1 1 2 2 Houck, p 1 o 0 0 2 bothoron, p 3 1 1 0 1 Totals 3d 6 10 30 13, VERNON. AH. R. n. PO. A. Doatie, rf 5 1 2 l 0 tilelcbmann, lb 2 0 o 10 0 Klsberg. 2b S 0 1 7 3 bates, 3b 4 1 I 1 2 Daley, if 3 2 1 1 0 Mattlck, cf 6 1 1 2 o McGifflgan, 4 0 0 1 Hpencer, c 4 1 1 7 0 Wcannlere, p. 1 o o 3 Arellauea, p 2 0 0 a 4 Totala 33 6 8 80 13 Maggert, cf. Eiiu, ir . . . Wolter.rf. . Koerner. lb. Uallow'y ,3b MeLai ry.2b Ba' . . butler, ss. . Kahkr.i).. . 1 4 2 3 1 2 2 13 1 1 OAKLAND. AH 11.0. A. OlMlddl tou.If 4 0 . . 4 2 0 0 I il 1 i 0 0 0 0 I) . . . . 4 0K oitby,2b 4 liUarduer.rf. 3 . . 1 Elliott. c. . . . 21Uarbeuu,3b. OiMartlu.p. .. jHeer.p Hirlffltb.c. . Lane' 1 Klein, p 0 Klaxton.p.. 0 Herger... 1 "Red" Rupert's players checked their losing streak yesterday, lacing the Montavilla team, 9 to 2. Rube Max meyer turned the trick, although the way "Blockie" Stuerhoff was whang ing the Rube's offerings it looked as though the former Colt was go'.ng to be derricked, but he managed to hold out. A batting rally in the 3everith netted the Beavers six runs. In the play-off of the protested game, Brownie Groce scored Lind with the winning run with a long fly. The score: BEAVERS. MONTAVIT.t.A. AB. H.O. A. Prichard.ts 3 O i' Jacobs. 3b . 4 1 0 4 3 2 Huk.2b... 3 2 0 Hourc.b.-. 2 i U Brvaou.rt. .412 . 3 0 0 Newman. c. 4 0 11 llaite'-.p. . . 3 0 0 ZweUel.p.. 0 0 0 lifaaey 2h.. 4 2l,Blanrhnrd.r 3 Totals... 33 11 27 10 Totala 34 8 27 13 Batted for Beer In eighth. Batted for Klaxtou lu ninth. Loa Angeles Hlta 0 (1 1 0 0 o i Batted for Roche In ninth. Game called end tenth; time limit. Portland 03020 1 000 0 8 Hits 1 2 1 3 0 2 0 0 1 0 10 Vernon 03300 0 000 0 6 Hits ,..03 3 0 10000 18 Stolen bases Bates, Daley, Mattlck. Two baae bits Speaa, Daley, Spencer, Batea, llla betg. Sacrifice hlta Olelchmann 2 Hodgera, Nixon 2, Sothoron. Struck out By Decannlere 5, by Arelwlanea 3, by Sotboron 2. Baioa on belwli Off Decannlere 3, off Sothoron 6, off Arellanea 4. Kuua responalble for Sotboron 6, Decannler 2, Arellanea 1. Three hlta, 2 tuna, 9 at bat off Houck In 2 innings; 7 1 Its, 6 runs, 18 at bat off Decannlere in 3 1-S ln urtca. Double play Klsberg to MclJafflgan to Spencer. Time 2:1B. Umpires Phyle and Doyle. Afternoon game: PORTLAND. WUle, cf. ... Vaughn, aa. . Rodgera, 2b. . Gulaton, lb. . . Nlion. rf. ... Ptumpf, 3b. . Fisher, e Sctrtb worth. If. Nojca, p Roche Higglnbotham, i Totals . Batted for Nojca tn seventh. VERNON AH. 4 4 3 1 2 a .... 3 3 P- -a 42U00100 310 42100100 311 Oakland 000000003 6 Hlta 00100110 5 8 Ituna Maggert, Ellis 3, Wolter 2, Koerner 2, Galloway, Baaslwer, Darls, Cook, Keti worthj, Gardner, liarbeau. stolen bases Uudaler, Elliott, Bergt-r. tilx ruua, ti Li.La off 0 Martin, Hat bat, In 2 innluga; 1 run, 2 O hits off Beer, iy at bat In 0 Innings; 3 runs, O 3 Ltts oft Klein, 3 at but lu 2-3 Inning, outd o in ulutb, 2 on. 2 out. Home run Koorner. Charge defeat to Martin. Two-base bits McLarry 2, K1H, Kenworthy, Burbeau. Sac rifice bit Hosier. Base ou balwls Off Kabler 3, off Martin 3, off Heer 2, off Klein 2, off Klaiton 1. Struck out By Kabler 2, by Martin 2. by Beer 3, by Klelu 1. Double plays Kenworthy to Klliolt to Barheau to Kenworthy, McLarry io Butler to Koerner. Ruua responalble for Kabler 5, Martin tl. Deer 1, Kiein 3. Wild pitch Martin. Left on bttea Los Angelea 5, Oakland 5. Time 2 hours. Umpires Finney and Guthrie. - AH. It. H. PO. A. E. . 3 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 o 2 6 0 , 4 0 0 1 3 0! 4 O 0 12 1 0 ' 4 0 O 2 1 0 4 O 0 0 0 1 ' 2 o i n o ii K 0 3 1 0 0 a o o i a o 0 0 O 0 0 0 p. 1 0 0 0 o oj , 30 0 8 24 14 2 Fiercey Wins for Bees. I Salt Lake, Utah, May 29. (P. N. S.) ! Bill Piercey's heaving was of the 1 A-l brand yesterday and the Seals ! were lucky to get two runs off his . delivery, while Bill Steen, on the other ! hand, was nicked hard by the Bees, i All of which counts an 8 to 2 victory which Salt Lake marked up against I San Francisco. Today's third straight win gave Salt Lake three out of five and the series. The score: SAN FRANCISCO. ( SALT LAKE. Dalton.rf . . Scballer.lf . . . , Lot fey, as. . Jones, 3b. . . Brooks. c. . Steen, p. . . Brown, p. . Doane. rf Olelchmann, lb. Mattlck, cf. ... Batea, 3b Daley. If. Rosberr. 3b. ilcGsfflgan, Whaling, e. U. Johuaon, a. H. PO. A. E. AH. 11. 0. A. AB. H.O. A. 4 0 1 . 3 12 0 4 0 3 llshlnn.rf 4 111 3 0 4 . . 3 1 13 0 2 11 2, 3 110 3 O 2 liUir.aa 3 0 12 .4 2 7 lllath.2b 3 2 3 3 4 0 0 4Murphy,3b.. 3 10 2 . 4 8 5 lUannah,c. . . 4 2 0 1 2 O 0 2l'iercey,p.. 2 10 4 . 1 0 0 Ol 1 12 1 1 3 1 6 3 O 1 Totals San Francisco Hits Salt Lake . . . Hit. Runa Autrey .31 6 24 12 Totala ...28 10 27 13 ..0 0002 000 t 2 01002020 1 ti 00210410 g .-.0 0 3 1 1 4 1 0 10 Hrooke, Brief 2, Ryan 2, Tofala Portland Hits Vernon Hits Three bam blt- Bacrlflc hit Vaughn 0 0 o 0 ! Rath, Murphy, Hannah 2. Error Orr, Plei ii cey. Two base hits Brooks, Shlnn, Ryan, n 1 Rath. Three base hit Uuiulau. Home ruu 0 Brief. Sacrifice hlta Coffey, Orr, Pieriey. 0 Stolen bases Hannah, Fiercey. Sacrifice 0 flies Qulnlau, Murpbj. Bases on ball Off I Sleeu 3, off Brooka 1, off Fiercey 3. Struck n out By Steen o, by Brown 1, by Fiercey 4. ntnnAnnn n I six rutin, s hits. -O at Dai on sieen lu & 2 J nnini i 91 nZ ' innings, out in alxtb, 1 on and 2 out. Ruua 00020000 2 i ri-aiouslble for Steen 7, Brown 1, Fiercey 1. n n n i n n o l Charge defeat to Steen. Left on bases .San I Francisco 1, Salt Lake 3. W ild pitch Fier Will, stolen oase miey. .-y. ,-lrst base on errora San Francisco 1 .26 7 2 27 13 Struck ont By Noyes j i)ouble play Schaller pitcher uowna. -nine ' and Braabcax. to Brooka. Hit by -1:51. Lmplrea Held JUNE 2nd Friday OimmyCarroll Baa Ztaadsoo VS. BILLY MASCOT Higgy and Mac Have ; Argument on Stuff" ' Los Angeles, May 29. -(P. N. S.) , Irving Higglnbotham, veteran pitcher for the Beavers, declared today that I he hag more "stuff on the ball this year than ever before. Walter He Credit stated the other day that Hlg Higginbotham today. "It Is a dandy. "I have a knuckle ball now," said ' Hlgginmbotharn today. "It Is a dandy. I am using my head more than my , arm and I do not need as much speed as I did' in former seasons." 0 Llnd.lf . 2 McKeen,lb o' 0 McRrlde.c. 0 Beel.e.Sb. . . 1 Watts, ss . . . ljMai'eyer.p. O.Iuglea,3b. . . H O. A. 1 2 0 2 2 0 2 1 0 1 7 1 4 1 0 0 10 4 0 0 1 2 3 2 2 0 2 O 0 0 Totals.. 30 7 24 7 Totala ...34 12 26 1 0 Blanchard and McKeen changed positions. Montarllla 0 0 2 o O 0 0 n 0 2 Hlta 2 0 2 0 1 0 0 2 0 7 Bearers 0 020 1 060 9 Hits 10122080 12 Huns Jacobs. Stuerhoff. Casey. Blanchard 2. Lind. McKeen, Groce. Watta 2. Ingles. Errors Newman, ileebe. struck out By Maimerer li. linger 7, Zwelfel 2. Bases on balls Off Mix' merer 4, nager e. i-wo Daae nit atuernorr. Three base hit Blanchard. Double plays Bcebe to McKien to McBrlde to Watts. Sac rifice hit Blanchard. Stolen bases Lind. VcKeen, Groce. Mameyer. Hit by pitched BourB. Fussed ball McBrlde. Vlld pitches Itager, Maxmeyer. Innings pitmen by Hiigrr 7. Base hlta off Hager 12, runs 9 Cburge defeat to Hager. Time 1:50. Umpire llankln. Woodland, Wash., May 29. "Toots" Kotula won his second game of the season yesterday, defeating the league leading Bradfords. 4 to 1, by knocking a home run in the seventh inning. The score: WOODLAND I BRADFORDS AB. II. O. A.I AH. H. O. A Although no matches were official ly scheduled for yesterday In the Irvlngton tennis tournament, several were played according to ths draw ings In order for the contestants to clear up their matches. This after noon's program will be a very busy one. Results of yesterday's matches fol low: R, E. Perclval beat George Begg, 6-1, 6-3. J. B. Edgar beat R. L. Sabln Jr., 6-2, 8-6. Miss Irene Campbell beat Miss Har riet Thayer, 2-6, 6-1, 6-1. ' There were not enough entries to program the women's doubles, so that feature will be eliminated. The draw ings in the men's doubles follows: Durham and Johnson, scratch, vs. Lewis and Lewis, 0, 2-6. Pease and Smith, R16, vs. Perclval and Munger, scratch. Wakernan and Edgar, 016, vs. Brown and Lancefield, 015. Goss and Beggs, 015, vs. Thomas and Mitchell, R1j 2-6. f In the mixed doubles the following drawings wer made: Miss Harriet Thayer and Edgar, scratch, vs. Bye. Mrs. N. B. Gregg and Perclval, R15, vs. Bye. Miss Persia Pettis and O. Lewis, R15, vs. Miss Irene Campbell and Wakernan, 015 2-6. Miss Mildred Wilson and Humphrey. R15, vs. Miss Harrietts Johnson and Lancefield, 03-6. Mrs. Samuel Lockwood and Goss, 0 3-6, vs. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Harrl gan, 0 15 3-6. Miss Stella Fording and Brown. 0 15 3-6, vs. Miss Agnes McBrlde and Johnson, R15. Mrs. W. I. Northup and Cameron, 0 15 3-6, vs. Bye. Miss Lily Fox and Durham, scratch, vs. Bye. The program for toda7 follows: 10 a. m. Mrs. Gregg vs. Mrs. Northup; Mrs. Harrlgan vs. Miss Wil son. 3 p. m. Winer Harrlgan vs. Wil son vs. wlner Northup vs. Gregg; Miss McBrlde vs. Miss Campbell; Miss Pettis vs. Miss Johnson. 4 p. m. Rupert vs. Harrlgan; Goss vs. Hendershotf, O. Lewis vs. Cooke; Northup vs. Edgar; Johnson vs. Lancefield. 5 p. m. Rosenfeld vs. Mulder. George, rf. . White. c. . . Garner. Hb. Stew art. 2b. P.Sch' 3 Brick n. if. 3 Kotula, p.. 3 0 0 0 2 1 1 14 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Ostepp.lf. . .. 4 2iClillders.3b. 4 4 WKennedy.of . 3 lf' 3 lll.uckey.rf.. 4 O'Clark.c 4 0iHnrs.2b-sa. 4 2:Swaru.p.. . 4 O 12 0 0 0 0 32 7 27 11 Totals Bradfords Hits Woodland Hlta Runs White Totala. . .34 6 24 9 onoooooi 01 12010101 0 0 2000020 i 0 2020020 7 Garner. Schumann, Kotv'.a. Stepp. Errors Nellson 2, Stewart. Cohen, Holmes 2. Two base bits Erieksoo. Three base bits Lodell. Home run Kotula. Stolen babes Garner, Schumann. Chllders 2. Struck out By Kotula 14. by Swarta 11. Bases on balls Off Kotula 2. Time of game 1 hour 3o minutes. Umpire Drenuen. St. Helens,- May :"J. The Klrkpat rlcks defeated the locals yesterlay, 4 to 3. Moore's erratic fielding resulted in the downfall. Alec Donaldson hurled shutout ball against the vis'itorb for seven innings. The score: ST HELEN1!. ' KIRK PATRICKS. AH. II.O. A.I AH. H.O. A. Two Items of great Importance to the boxing fans occurred last nigni, one the arrival' of Willie Ritchie from Chicago, ths other the substitution of Jimmy Carroll for Lee Johnion as the Friday night opponent of Billy Mascot. Manager Merrill made a 10 strike for his coming card when he signed Carroll up to go six rounds with Mas cot. Jimmy came up from San 1 ran- cisco to spend his vacation and do a little boxing and, finding that r. was ready to start. Manager Merrlli con cluded to substitute Carroll for the colored boy, Lee Johnson. In act. he made up the Johnson-Mascot nrogram without knowing that Carroll was at liberty to box. Carroll and Mascot should provlds a bout that should be a humdinger and one that will arouse almoet as much Interest as the Ritchie-Giuman bout a few nights later. In order to put himself on iidge, ;t is likely ti at Carroll will work out with either Gruman or Ritchie. Mascot Is in pretty good shape as it is. Willie Ritchie, ex-champlon light weight of the world, who will meet Ralph Gruman of this city in a six round boxing contest June 6, was greeted upon his arrival hers last night by a large delegation of lcal sportsmen. He was tendered a ban quet. The former title "holder will start training Immediately for his contest, having planned to do some road work tomorrow morning. He declared him self to be in good condition and, with a week to prepare himself, will be able to put up a good boxing exhi bition. Ritchie weighs about 145 pounds at present he says. He plains to take off several pounds before the contest. Lady Fair and Fifty Thou Causes Windy To Enlist in Legion Vancouver, B. C, May 29. 4t fU. P.) George "Windy" Win- therbotham, a baseball pitcher of Portland, Or., is today a private in the American legion. W- He Joined in order to win the jjf hand and heart of a lady fair t $ also t&O.OOO of her papa's money. Wintherbotham was a Port- t land cigar salesman. When he jft duly requested parental con- sent for the marriage he pro- S posed, the prospective father- jjt in-law declared he must prove 4fc his merit by going through ths ik war. if; To a meritorious son-in-law j(e he also promised the modest sum of $50,000. So Winther- fc botham is getting himself measured for a uniform today. . t AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES ONE RIDER ONLY FAILS TO FINISH ENDURANCE RUN Tire Trouble at Salem Pre vents Solitary Cyclist From Finishing, Detroit 6, St. Louis 3. 8T. LOL'IS. AB. H.O. A. Shotton.lf. Johnson, as. Miller, rf... Pratt. 2b. .. Deal, 2b . Austin, :ib. . Hartley. c. Groom. p. . . Park. p. . . . Borton Tot. in.. Crandall 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 OiBush.n. 3Vltt,3b 0 Veach.lf . . . 3!Hellma9in.rf OIBurnsJb. . . 0 Youn(t.2b. . . 1 iHtanaKe.c. . 2!Dauaa,p Oj DETROIT. AB. H.C. A. MINOR BASEBALL Totals ..54 9 24 1 1 Totals ...S2 10 27 14 Batted for Pratt In eighth Batted for Hartley lu ninth. Batted for Park lu ninth. St. Louia 0 1 O 1 0 0 0 1 0 8 Detroit 2 1200001 8 Ruue-Johnaon, Miller, SUler, Bush. Cobb 2, Helluiarui 2, Burna. L'rrors Johnson, Hart ley, Uroom. Two base hits .Shot ton, Stanatfe 2, Cobb, Mlljer. Johnson. Three bane hits Cobb, SUler, Uellmann. Stolen basea Vltt, Cobb. Sacrifice flies Veach, Marsana, Young. Basea on balla Off Groom 1. off Dausa 1 off Park 2. Hit by pitcher By Dauss, Austin, i-truck out By Groom 1, by Park 1, by Dausa 1. Umpires Chill and Dlneen. White Sox Take CLKVKI.AND. AH. H.O. Commercial Iteagns, Crane Co Fleischner-Mayer Elake-McFall Mason-Ehrman . . M. Seller N. W. Electric Blumauer-Frank Wadhaims & Co.. W. U Pet. 6 1 .857 6 1 .857 5 I .714 4 4 .500 3 4 . 4 2 3 5 .375 1 6 .143 1 6 .143 Hall.rf McDonald. 2 Moore, sa. . . Arma' trer.c Perry. cf. . . Dill. 3b Peterson, If . IonaU'n,p Ballaeh 2 12 1 ' 1 .'. 0 1 2 1 1 H 1 0 0 f OjBateroan.rf . . jC. Baker. c. . .ll.Nelaoii.lf . . . 2'Parn t:e.2b. o . . lSchcrrett.3b 4!T.Buker,p. . 01 1 1 6 1 1 2 I 4 ft 10 1 1 Total.. 33 11 27 12 Tota'.a ...37 5 27 11 St. Helens 1 01 00000 1 3 Hits 3 0 2 2 0 o 1 0 311 Klrkpatrlcks 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 14 Hits 0 1 000030 15 Runs Bateman. J. Dixon, Scherrett 2. Mc Donald. SteTena, Donaldson. Errors Moore 4. Dill, Scherrett 2. Earned runa St. llel.-ns 3, Klrkpatrlcks 2. Base on balla Off Don a Id. son 2, off T. Baker 2. Struck out By Donaldson 6. by T. Baker 5. Passed balls Arraxprjger 2, C. Baker 1. Two base bit Donaldson, stolen basea C. Baker 2. Scherrett 1. T. Baker 2. Sterena 2, Moore t. Sacrifice hits Donald son. Time of taine 1 hour 45 minutes. Um pireWhite. Salem, Or., May 29. Salem pounded Murphy for seven runs in the second Inning yesterday and easily defeated the Woodburn team, 7 to Pellets. Woodburn's new twlrler, pitched shut out ball after replacing Murphy. The score: R. H. K. Woodburn 2 3 4 Salem 7 6 2 Batteries Murphy, Pellette ana Kreitz; Barham and Hauser. American Association. Columbus 4, Louisville 1. Milwaukee 2, 31 Paul 4. Toledo 2, Indianapolis 4. Mlnepolia 1. Kansas City 5. . " Washington Winner At College Net Title University of Oregon, Eugene, Or., May 29. Under a boiling sun, before a large gallery of fans, Washington won the tennis championships from Oregon Saturday by taking three out of the five events. The title was not decided until the last doubles match was won by Canfield and Muira of Washington over Lewis and Paul Bond of the lemon-yellow. The Bond brothers had previously defeated Mulra and Iliggins in four gruelling sets, and were worn out when the last title match was called. The all-around playing of Lewis Bond, 'varsity captain, was the out standing feature of the two days' play. He was at his best Saturday and the Washington men were completely puzzled by his sharp bounding service and terrific driving at the net. Can field, Washinston's southpaw wiejder, played stellar tennis and was ably helped by Muira, his Japanese team mate, who played a steady game throughout the series. Summary: Singles Canfield, Washington, beat Paul Bond, Oregon, 6-4, 5-7, 6-8, 6-2. 6-1. Higgins, Washington, beat Hayes Oregon, 7-5, 2-6, 8-6, 5-7, 6-1. Doubles Lewis Bond and Paul Bond, Oregon, beat Muira and Higsins, Wash ington, 6-1, 6-2, 5-7, 6-4. Canfield and Muira, Washington, beat Bond and Bond, Oregon, 6-1, 4-6, 6-3, 6-2. A. T. and K. S. Winners. University of Oregon, Eugene. Or., May 29. On a fast track featured by clcse finishes and good time, the Alpha Tau Omega and Kappa Sigma frater nities tied for first place with 41 points, in the annual inter-fraternity tracks and field meet on Klncaid field Scturday afternoon. The meet was fast throughout, due to the ruling al lowing varsity men to compete in all events other than those in which they had won points in conference competi tion. Each house was limited to a team of six entries, fourth place counting one point. "Skinny" Hargreaves, an Alpha Tau Omega and a member of the lemon-yellow track team, was high point winner, wun is points. He won firsts in the hundred yard dash, broad Jump and Javelin and tied for first in the high Jump. Terrific hitting by Fred Garner fea tured the Crane Co.'s team 17 to 3 vic tory over tho Northwestern Electric company team Saturday afternoon on the. Vaughn street grounds. Garner made three triples and one two base hit. Score B.- H. K. Crane 17 16 3 N. W. Electric 3 7 3 Batteries Brandt and Hedman; Ar nold and Ward. Excellent support in the field gave Pitcher Fox of the Blake-McFall team a shutout victory over the Mason-Ehrman team Saturday at East Twelfth and Davis streets. Although Fox al lowed one hit, he was in hot water several times as the result of eight bases on balls. Score: Mason-Ehrman Blake-McFall Batteries Brice and Axel; Farry. The M. Seller team defeated the Wadhams & Co. players Saturday, 1 to 10. The hitting of Rublns:ein, Campion and Riepl featured the Earn-;. Score: ' R- H. E. Stller 1" Wadhams 10 9 4 Batteries Kaddlery. Campion and Riepl; Block and Shea. The Ben Hur team defeated tho Overlook team yesterday, 4 to 2. Only four hits were allowed by Hyronimous and Swerdlick, who twirled for the winners. Tomorrow Ben Hur will play the Lents Grays. The Portsmouth club defeated the Firland Red Sox yesterday, 9 to 0. Peverich and Berg formed the battery lor the winners. olden- R. 11. E .011 .11 11 2 Fox and Graney.lf . . Lugle.lJb. . Speaker, cf . Rotb.rf . Howard. 2h. Wtiair' O'.Ni'iM.c. . L",mrate.p. . Smith .... 1 1 0 1 1 2 0 2 1 11 0 1 0 2 1 4 o 0 0 0 Doubleheader. CHICAGO AB. H.O. A. 1 J.Collins, rf. 3 1 Wearer. ss.. 8 0K.Coi:ina,2b 3 0l.Ness.lh. ... 3 Ojjacksuu.lf . . 3 3 Pi'lac!i,cf. . . 3 3'Sclinlk.c. . 2 1 .!cMu!!en.3b 3 Totals ..2fl 4 24 15 Scott, p . . . Totsli With the exception of H. Hall, solo rider on an Indian, who was put out of business on ths way back by tire trouble at Salem, all the teams and Individual motorcycle riders entered In the Portland to Roseburg and return endurance run finished in front of The Journal building yesterday afternoon. Scores have not been made up, but it is known that Harley team No. 1., composed of Ted Gilbert, Otto Walker, H. Klein and H. Hadfield, and LystuTs Indian Power Plus team, made up of T. Johanesen, H. Kurtz, H. R. Eppen stein and Ed. Berreth. finished with perfect scores. The Ballou & Wright Indian team, made up of H. B. Duges, E. Chrlsten- sen, B. Rice and W. H. McDonald, and Harley team No. 2, In which the ridera were Clyde Flske, M. C. Webster Jr., C. G. Danielson and Edwin McKeens lost some points along ths routs, but Just what their scores are will not be known until ths records are fully checked. Tha same is true of the following individual riders, some of whom fin ished perfect: J. Orost, Indian; W. J. Erlckson, Harley; Ernest Long, Indian; Martin Petersen, Merkel; A. C. Fleener, Indian; Joe. P. Schantin, Merkel; Dus- tin Farnum, Merkel, and George T. Kunz, Harley. As far as is known Petersen probably carried off high honors among the individual riders. The complete scores will be figured out today and announced probably to morrow. The actual running time al lowed for ths 424 miles to Roseburg and return was 9 hours and 29 min utes each way, from which must be deducted an hour for lunch and three minutes at each of four checking sta tions, making net running time of 8 hours and 17 minutes. The time was based on the state speed limit of 25 miles an hour. In Portland the police allowed 20 miles sn hour. The valley cities allowed the riders to run through on the state limit. As prizes, the riders will get about 10 In cash donated by dealers and tlm Roseburg Strawberry Carnival and about $400 worth of merchandise do nated by dealers. The Firestone cup goes to the winning team. old, a member of the Imperial ama teur baseball team, died as the result of being struck over the heart by a pitched oall. Edgar Benson, pitcrtsr of the opposing McAleer nine, thrsw a ball which Ellingsen, at bat, mis judged. He was struck over ths heart and dropped to the ground. Friends rushed to his aid, but he only Was able to say, "Oh, please don't," and exDlred. Coroner Stewart investlratSO. btiii niipinon i ns jaj-c nipri t waa iina.vuiu able. ' . 26 8 27 11 Batted for Coumbe in ninth Cloelaud . 0 0000000 0 0 Chicago 1 O 1 0000 0 2 Huns J. Collins, Wearer. Two base bit Gendll. Stoleu bases Wearer, Nes. Sac rifice hlta K. Collins, Weaver, Coumbe. Dou ble plays K. Collins to Ness, Wearer to .Nfc's. Baea on balls Off Coumbe 2, off Stott 2. struck out By Scott 4. by Coumbe 2. L'mpires Uildebrand and Connolly. Second game: It. H. E. Cleveland 0 7 4 Chicago 2 6 1 Batteries Morton, Coveleskie and O'Neill; Faber and Schalk. Giants Close With Boston Club Todav a- in - .in..- New Tork. May 29. (XT. p.) Ths attention of the New York baseball Anna nas a5ai.Giu ivo jr vii Ava v w M where the Giants clash with ths Bos ton Braves in the final gome of ths aeries. If ilcGraw's men can grab this afternoon's contest they will have captured 17 games straight, within two games of the major league record, 19 straight, made by the ChloagO White Uox. 4 The Giants were today only tw n n ... V - . I J . 1 . k - li 1 , t KM11ICM Ueillllil I I1R H I I 111 IH I IHNVIII 1 ers ana were coin? etrong. Tomorrow they will open a new series with ths Phillies at Philadelphia. in trie American league tne reno vated ana rejuvenated Cleveland Ir uians are going almost as riron SS - v. . i,. . . 1 11 v. i nail . i w nan u ui ing tne last week and now in second place. in actual ngures, the Giants performance is third best In ths national league since 1884 and ine dope considered in the rise fr-nm I a ii, , . 1 . . - I .. , l. - . . . uiuv.t ia li r 1 1 1 1 a i wnn. derful performance in the history, of oaseDan. By winning all their games In ths vrrui, iney eainniinned tne first Clean sweep record for Invaders in ths Na tional league. Providence, in ths Na tlonal, won 20 straight In 1884, and tne next two hlg ones are held by the self-same Giants, 18 straight In 1904 and 16 in 1912. NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES Cincinnati 3, Chicago 2. CHICAGO. I CINCINNATI aU. II.O. A. AB. 11.0. A. toCartT,2b. 3 t'lack.rf . . . 4 3 Mann, If... 4 'incr'au,3b 4 Ooldendale. Wash., May 29 dale won the first of a series of three games with White Salmon Sunday by the score of 6 to 3. Erlckson, former Vancouver hurler, pitched for the lo cals. Elma, Wash.. May 29. The Malone Giants defeated the local team Sunday by the score of 8 to 5. Clatskanie, Or., May 29. Cathlamet won from the locals Sunday. 6 to 1. Pitcher Pearce was knocked off the mound in the second Inning. Bryant finished the game, allowing but one tun and two hits. HSCU.T.C. Seatou.p. . . 2 Groh.Sb. Neab-.rf Chase. If W lnjjo.c. . . . Griffith, rf. . . tl l,oudt'U,2b. Schtilx.p . . Moaeley.n. . Clark 1 Mitchell.. 1 0 1 2 3 1 0 2 4 0 3 1 11 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 o 1 0 1 0 Totals .33 7 27 14 Totals . . rio lOfi 14 .Two out li'ii wlnniug run scored. Batted for Schulz In eighth. Baited tor lierzut; in uiuth. CLUngo 1 1 000000 02 Cincinnati 10000000 23 Buna Mann. Doolau. Chase 2, Wlugo. Krrora Salcr, Doolan. Two-base hit Neale. Three-base hits Mann, McCarthy. Duoluu. Stolen bases Chase, eler. Sacrifice hit Williams. Double plays Zimmerman to Snler. Heraog to Mollwltz, Groh to Louden to Vollwiti. Neale to Wlutro. Base on balls Off Seuton 1. Hit by pitcher By Schuli. Mc Caithy. Struck out By Seuton 2, by hebuls 2. Lu.pires Uifiler and llarrlaon. Pirates Out of Cellar. At Seattle: Seattle Spokane Batteries Schmlts Noble and Murray. At Great Fallal Butte Great Falls and and R. H. E. ...4 4 4 ...1 3 2 Cad man; R. H. E . .11 15 1 ..044 Hoffman; R. H. E. Batteries Hendrlx Clarke and Haworth. Second game: Butte 10 11 3 Great Falls 4 10 1 Batteries McGinnlty, Meikle and Hoffman, Altman; Remneas and Shea. At Tacoma: R. H. E. Vancouver 4 7 2 Tacoma 1 6 2 Batteries Acosta and Cheek; Peter son and Roberts. Pitched Ball Kills Amateur Player Tacoma, Wash., May 29. P. N. S.) Palmer H. Ellingsen, 20 yeafs I ... 1 STANDING OF THE TEAMS Paoiflo Coast League. Won. tost. Vernon .1.1 Ixa Angeles 2H 22 Kan Kmnrlsco 2H 24 half Lake 21 - 24 Portland 17 ' t!i Oakland 20 83 National Brooklyn . . . New York Philadelphia Bmtou Cincinnati Chicago I'lttsburg 8L Louis . . League, Won. . IS . IX . 19 . 15 . IS . 17 . in . 18 American League. Won. IOst. 11 13 14 21 21 20 22 r-ost. Wsahington 24 12 Clevelsnd 23 14 New York i 13 Boston 17 JH Chicago )8 10 Detroit 15 20 Pl.lladelpbla 13 21 St. Louis 12 22 Northwstni Lsagna. Won. Lost. Spokane 17 13 Butte 14 12 Great Falls 13 14 Seattle 13 in Vancourar 14 15 Tacoma 13 19 Amarlean Association. Loulsrllle 22 13 Minneapolis 18 12 Columbus ifl 12 Indianapolis IT 13 Kanaas City 1 17 Toledo 13 m St. Paul 11 1H Milwaukee 12 24 Western League. Dee Molnee 1 12 Lincoln 1H 12 Wichita. 1H 13 Omaha IT 13 Tope k a .....15 It lenrer 13 IT St. Joph 11 10 Bloux City 10 18 Pet .C4f .510 .KM .407 A) .021 .579 .4X4 .403 .41 .444 .421 ,0AT 623 S04 .4X1 .420 .363 Pet fWf .4HI .44 .4U 44 .4120 .Ml .bof .444 87B .383 jROO .000 J581 .OUT .44 Ml Buenos Aires enjoys lawn tennis all the year. Bnsch Is Southern Champion. Dallas, Texas, May 29. (U. P.) Reuben G. Busch of New Orleans, is the new southern golf champion. The Crescent City crack defeated Bryan Heard, a Houston veteran, one up In 3C holes In the championship round of the tournament at the Dallas Country club Saturday. ' McMlnnville, Or., May 29. The M: Minnville Yelobans won their fifth straight victory Sunday, defeating the Log Cabin Bakery of Portland, u to 0. Poster and Bishop pitched a no-hlt game for the locals. Goldendale, Wash., May 29. The crack White Salmon baseball team was defeated by the Goldendale fire department team In the first game of a three-day series. Ed Erlckson, ex Northwestern league player, with Van couver and Spckane, twirled for Gold endale. Mark Waters, left fielder for Goldendale, made a sensational run ning catch of a fence ball in the sixth inning when White Salmon had the bases full, retiring the side when White Salmon had a chance to tie the core In sight. The score was six to i, three.. '..., . - " PirrSBI KG I sr. I.OCIS. Aft. H.O. A.' AB. H.O. A. Carer, cf... 5 2 Z . . . 3 u 1 0 Johntn. lb ft 1 IO " lng 1 0 O 0 Wngner.aa. 3 2 2 2Wlllinms.p. 0 0 0 o Hl'ch a'n.rf 4 1 4 . 4 12 3 Schultz.:;j. 4 2 0 0 Bencher. If. 3 0 10 Karnrj .If . . 2 1 2 1 Betiel.2b-cf 4 12 4 Kuflhe.2b.. 4 0 1 2 Wilson. rf.. 10OO A. Wilson. c. 4 2 3 2 Butler. rf. . . 10 0 0 K. Miller. p. 2 0 0 2 Horuby,3b. 4 0 0 X Cooper.p... 1 0 0 0 Miller. lb 2b 2 1 13 0 Snyder.c. . . 3 0 5 2 IKiak.o 2 O 0 5 1 1 1 o Tola's ..38 U 27 10 Tot! ...23 4 27 17 Batted for Smith In eight. I'lttsburg 1 O 00 0 1 0 1 1 4 St. Louis 0 0000000 0 0 Runs Carey 2. Wagner. Illnrhmann. Er rors H Inch maim. Williams, Uornsby. J. Mil ler Two base bits Sclmltx, Corhau. J. Mil ler. Stolen basea A. WHaon, Johnston. Sac rifice hits Barney, Cooper. Doable play Carey to Johnston. Bssea on balls Off Mll-le.- 2, off Cooper 2, off Doak 1. Struck out By Cooper 2, by Doak 5. Umpires Byron and Quigley. Second game. 6 innings: R. H. E. Pittsburg 4 7 0 St. Louis 1. 4 Batteries .Mammam and Gibson ; Meadows, Steele sod Snyder. Metropolitan senior amateur athletic union track and field championships will be held in New York August 26, two weeks previous to the national 1 event to be held in Newark. - - WfM !. If lb WSWm . at ''.Br mmrm j .IVE me hospitality befo the soup an' a pipe o' VELVET after the pie an' it don't matter much about the rest o' the meal. 3 0