J 10 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY. MAY 29, 191B. FOR RENTHOUSES ramniuo (Continued) THE 'OREGON HOME UILDERS rent specialist will give you effic ient service on personally lnspectloned Oliver K. Jeffery, President " Mar. 3718, A-6921. ' Northwestern Bank Building. TWO lots, i room snack, 2 i" per month, located on 2d at. l'" amlsad), near Estacada car. F.ed W. armsn Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. ili 1 KOOM modern, with garage, corner Commercial and Blandlr on corner commercial anu di"uiiio, near Jefferson high school. Without garage, 1 12. "WEHT 81DE 4 room cottage, 35; alao room cottage, $10. Remodeled, gas, electricity, large front porch, yard. Call 1(4 Vaughn. Take 23d or 3. car. VidU rn,.m moriam house. In the new Couch school dial. Will renovate to ult deairable tenants. Call 581 Mar shall St. or pnone main n. FOR RENT 6 room house, half acre n ktnria of fruit and ber ries, with planted garden. $16. 650 E 3th St. H. Woodstock or Richmond car VOR RENT 7 rooms. . urana att. N. Good neighborhood. Phone East tt. C-2035; iz 6 ROOM modern, house concrete base ment. 814 Mllwaukie and Holgate ats. Inoulre 614 noig;iie si -MODERN cottage, walking distance, "Cast Blue, near niuauij "e'i 10, Woodlawn 15B2. MODERN 6 room bungalow. 2 lots, fc fenced; shades and screens. 6408 82d at. 8. E.: $7. R unrtM modern bungalow, 68 Van- j cduver ave.; newly tinted; $13.50. Inquire at 269 Oolng st. I m SunnyslUe Newly painted 6 room house; modern, good location. 1072 I B. Main, cor. 3th St.. or call A-3023. i COTTAGE close in. good repair, fruit, harries, near East Ankeny car barn. Fhone East zzi or tu-oz- $5019 rooms, unfurnished house; suitable bonrdlng house. 501 Harri son, fhone Main vvi $16 MODKKN, clean 10 room house, close in. Main 902. NEW. modern room house. 111 per month. fahor 3704. STRICTLY modern 7 room house on - Nob Hill. Main 6792. ; iio COTTAGE, good condition, walK ing distance. 373 13th st. NEAT 6 room cottage. 446 Union ave. N. 116. East 462. 65 E. 21st St.. 6 rooms, modern, clean rent reasonable; phone Kant 266!. t ROOM house. $15, close In. 348 . Glisan t., bet. K. 2d and K. 3d. E. MODERN 6 room house, East 13 th and - Division. Phone Sell. 855. EIGHT room modern house. 611 East Couch st.; F.ast 7441. ? FURNITURK FOR SALE 33 HOUSKS FOR RENT ADS. of furniture for sale at pub lished In the Household Goods class ification when house Is not for rent. FURNISH ED HOI'S ES 36 "1RVINOTON, part of furnished house, 6 rooms; on car line; entire ground floor; large yard; roses, etc. Will ;o Vacant June 1. Adults. East 4384 In . m. or after 6 p. in. MODKKN, 6 room cottage, neatly fur nished, In good condition, 614 Delay : St, near O-W. It. & N. sliopa. Tako "L car; $15, Including water. E. 361-'. FOR RENT on Portland Heights, from June 16 to Sept. l, completely rur- 'Titshed 5 room bungalow. Adults only. Phone Mar. 1243. S. P. SHOPS. Nice modern well furnished cottages, 8 to 6 rooms. $10 to $20. Call at 893 E. 26th st. 8 . or phone East 3225. 6 ROOM modern new furnished house. . rent 18. 865 E. Couch st Call at , Corner. East 6122. .FURNISHED room house; bathf, ' ' electric lights, etc.; 2 blocks to car; - IH: Inquire 1352 Hurrage st. MODERN 7 room bungalow, 3 lots, garden, roses, fruit, furnished, piano. ' . 1 block east I T n 1 .n ave. 411 Cook a ve. . ) ROOM furnished bungalow, modern. 966 Vancouver ave., 1 block from 'WllllamH. Inquire ;it 269 Going. $16 NEATLY furnislied 6 roomed" house; walking distance. 391 Sacra , ir-ento st. !: GOING away, a clean, dandy home in ." grove, close to car, adults, reference. ' M. V., 131 E. 69th st. N. V HODBRN 4 and 6 room houses, one unfurnished with garage. Owner, 1201 N. W. Unnk bldg. ' $6 furnished house, yard, raspberries. Myrtle Park. E.709 4d ave. S. E. Mt. f, Scott car, near car. , 3326 BELMONT ST Furnished B room .nouse. gas, electricity, piano, lix. MODERN 4 room house on 37th St.; all .? furnished, $10. Sellwood 1 469. APARTMENTS 43 yTONISHED r u " 'eit'apts! J, :'' 69 N. 23d. . One large 6 room apt., with private r porch. Apply at Apt. No 4. , MOST reasonable 5 room furnished V. apt. In the Nob Hill dist., private. phone and bath. Leonce Apts., 186 N. ' 22d st. Mar. 2250. XUZERNE APTS., 3a and Hall Mod ': - era brick bldg., 2 rooms, furnished, v private phone in each apt.. $16 and up. Marshall 4637. CODY MTlEra ." K. 7th and Taylor sts.. 2 and 3 room ; apts.: light free, private bath. BALBOA APTS. ' larce modern 2 and 3 room -fur. and unfur., brick bldg.. best service, walk ing ols. : reasonapie z Harrison. U'HE SHEFFIELD 270 Broaaway s., j. t and 4 room fur. and unfur. apts., walking distance; at very reasonable rent; best of service. Main 2506. -;' CLEAN 1. 2, 3-R. furnished apts., walking distance, reasonable rates. X 838 Mill. . Ur MOVING expenses paid; Z. 4 rooms, . sleeping porches. hardwood floors. P6rtnom.n. 200 K, 13th st. i V ROSEN FELD (new), E. 14th and Stark. ; Brick. 3 and 4 rooms, furnished or f unfur,; outside rooms; private phone. y 1)1 KL apts., 7U0 tust Ankeny, modern, completely furn. apts.; large, light, gunny, clean, E. lights, stm. ht. E. 108. BRETNOR APARTMENTS. 20th and Lovejoy; 4 rms. unfurnished; .harawood floofs; modern conveniences. i EFFERSONIAN APARTMENTS. Li Jefferson Three-room furnished 61 apartment; two beds; $16. , WtBTFAL, 410 blh st. i rouiu apt., private bath and phone, modern brick, $6 week and up.- Walking distance. ;F0R RENT 3 room apts., private bath, etc., for only $10 a month M "F! Iie. BOS Corbett bldar. FURNISHED apartment, 3 room, gooj 1 v- rate, leaving- city tor summer. Mr. i Glbb, Claypoole apartments. f i THE palace Apartments, East 37th j and Market; 2 and 4 rooms, fur j,4 wished; special rates for the summer. i VlfiNINsUL-A AFIU, C1170; concrete f bids. and 3 rooms; hot and cold J '-water, baths, phone, steam heat. $12 up, ; TUDOK ARMS Apts.. 18th and Coucru Puon A-H44, Main 2568; new brick : Wrta?.; 2. 9. 4 rooms, modern apta. ; MAONuLlA APTS.. U. 3kand Belmont. . Modern 1 and 2 room apts.. 11. 60 par .wvk up. Sleeping rooms. East 81 2 . KOKOMld apts. i& Marshall at, Moa ern. private bath and dressing r om; ynmmer rates. itOclE FR1ENL. 2B Broadway ti.; mou rn unurnlsned apts.; large rooms, best service walking ("st Marsh. 1410 Cincii innoti Court. 401 10th, modern II II la (.1 apartments, iq to 120. AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4, , rm. apts. Mar. 8S0. M. 761 , A-27. LUXOR APT a. 124 13th st. Main 810a. Fbtw. and unfur. 1. 3 4 room apt. CAMAR, 704 Lovejoy 2 and 3 room apts., izv. azT.&Q. Marshall 291 J TWO room, - large furnished front apartments., jneap rent, r war: tzn. 2 ROOM, i'm-nlshed aparunenu 431 Taylor cv APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Oon tinned) ,,,-,,-,-,,-, TOE GROLMWELL Fifth and Columbia, sta. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's store; good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 3 room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. The Knickerbocker Apt. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Attractive 3 room fur. and unfur. modern apt. All new furniture, refer ences. Main 1120. 10th and Harrison st. Wslklnr distance HADlJON HAUL. AFAKTMENTb" Corner of lltn and Hall Sts. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, Two, 3 and 4 room apts., with bal cony, heat, private bath and phone, all modern conveniences, walking distance. Marshall 1163. MONTGOMERY APTS., 3d and Mont gomery. Modern brick building, all outside, furnished 2-room apts., private bath, phone, automatic elevator; serv ice, close in, summer rates $18 up. Main 9466. VILLA ST. CLARA 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. TXNTMAKO tAU40 ftTaV Portland'a tH)Ue of noulitj. comfort and aervlge LINCOLN AFARXAiEfsib. CORNER 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2 room fuinlsned apts., with private bath, phone, electric lights and steam heat. $18 to $23. Main 1377. A-4162. NKWLY furnished 2 and 3 room apart ments, $17 and $22, including lights. BELKNAP APARTMENTS, 17 17th. near Yamhill. PifiNKOSK APTS.. N. W. cor. lielmont and Grand ave., new modern, 2 and 3 room furnished. Service llrst-claaa. Walking distance. MADISON fAhK Af'Lo. Part et at Madison. Modern 2, 3 and 4 room furnished spartments, close In. by week or month. THE DEZKN DOR' 208 16TH ST. Marshall 2316. Nice 6 room fur. and unfur. apts.; ilso 3 and 4 room fur, apts. $3.60 PER week. 2 room apt., private bath. Harrison Court. 6th and Har rison; walking distance. FOR KENT FLATS 13 MODKUN, 5 room flat, newly tinted; wood range, gas plate, connected; 207 Halsey St., only 10 minutes' walk to Union depot; $12.50, including water. East 3612. MODKKN 4 room Hat, gas water heater and range, $9 including water. K47 Williams ave. Phone Wd. 1132. WEST SIDK, 4. 5 rooms, just reno vated. waliting distance. Sell. 1370. 5 ROOM modern; $10. 614 Brooklyn. Sell. 2086. BEAUTIFUL 6 room corner flat 101 E. 19th St.; rent, $16. Phone Tabor 414. MODERN. 5 rooms. Phone Tabor 2515. 880 Belmont. FURNISHED FLATS 50 MODERN 5 room flat, neatly fur nished. in good condition. 290 liar gin st.. foot of Halsey. This Is a beautiful location, fronting on river, $18. tncludine water. East 3612. MODERN,' neatly furnished 5 rooms, lower flat, in Brooklyn; rent $16; also 3 rooms on 2d floor, $12.50. 805 Milwaukie St. THOROUGHLY renovated. 4 rooms, yard, porch. 1158 Woodward. Rich mond car. CLEAN, modern 5 room furnished flat, $12.50. Including water. 729 Wil liams ave. MODERN 4 room, private porches, bath, basement. 734 Milwaukie st. Phone Sellwood 39. FURNISHED and unfurnished 5 room. up-to-date Hats, sleeping porch. WalklnKdistance. Ea&t 3737. NEWLY furnished 3 room upstairs flat. $10. East 3154. 69 E. 22d St. VERY desirable lower flat. Nob Hill district; references. Mar. 6168. SIMMER RESORTS 56 Seaside and Gearhart Cottages for KENT. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS OLIVER K. JEFFERY. PRESIDENT. 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOR JULY Beautiful 6 rm. house on ridge near Breakers, Wash., full i rlumbing. Phone E. 6994. j FURNISHED 4 room cottage. $65 for season, at Seaside, Or. call M. 6233. STOKES AM) OFFICES 11 BRICK warehouse in South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street; reasonable. Journal Publishing Cc. Rroadwav and Yamhill. STORE for rent, good location for sec ond hand furniture. 145 Killings worth, near Albina. STORE 24x34 counter, shelfing, gro cery, market; 5 living rooms. 1193 E. Sherman. FURNISHED office or desk room for rentcheap. 809 Spaldingbldg. FEED store for rentr328i. N7l7th st. HORSES. VEHICLES, ETC. 18 1100 WORK mare, harness, wagon, double work harness, reasonable or exchange. 33 East 22d. RUBBER tired top buggy, spring wagon, farm hack; 2 sets single nainess. ranor xuzn. 3blU 6Btn St. S. E. NINE he3d of horses. 1100 to 1600 lbs for sale. Anderson Bros.. 2d and Jefferson. COLUMBIA STABLES. 302 Front St. Rigs and saddle horses for hire. Main 3030. DEAD horses and animals hauled away frcj. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland T?nrlrlne Co. HORSE and delivery wagon for sale. 882 East Qlisan. Phone East 193. DEAD horses and cattle taken Tabor 4203. free. MUTT AND JEFF Some People Belong to Lodges and Some Don't TPUSUCAWN eVT.cn AU ) THAT'S eASY! VbO SEfTl CflWtNTlOMCOWeSOFKAT- J"OST START PACIC1NO OP. j Me T -'teziSt CHICAGO ON JUNG 1 , WCVG JUST HOU TO G FT TO TMC S cm rl KNOwZuCRV P f GR" ANV LCPGH ! GOT T.rAG TO MAC ,T. CHICAGO. To A MAN OF OR SeDT'tSSS? h ll tops tl I VOO BCCONC jPTlLT X r-nE:rvD To run for PResnNT BRAirvs Such ShAcc of aix topees is to m? cp 4 1 n thc vorldI 'v0 CoNpocTpRlf WTFV SSt jjj ... .... . . ' - - " " .-.-- .,.-.-. - . . . .,- ,..;;-,- -. t.,-f ;-.. ' ' ( t HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 FOR SALE Reasonable, 2 good work horses, on 1160 and one 1060 lbs., work single and doubl; reason for selling, using truck for delivering milk. Maplewood Dairy. Phone Main 2182. FOR horses and venicies, dogs and household pets and poultry, read the ads under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums In these classifications TEAM. 1260 lbs. each, with 3 in. ranch waaon and ha.rness. $146. Would sell separate. Mrs. Stewart 561 Rey nolds st. Phone Sell. 452. NEW 3 spring, lhi inch Studebaker covered wagon. Good for farmer, milk, vegetable or camping. Price $66. East 3857. 254 E. 6th St. FOR SALE, 1 gray horse, weight 1300 lbs.; will guarantee; price $75. Al fred J. Lysle. Portland R. F. D. No. 2, Bethany. 3 HEAD of good work horses, farm wagon and double harness; sold for any reasonable offer. Woodstock car to 54th st, 6 blocks north to 54th ave. FARM outfit, team of horses. 2400 lbs., farm wagon and harness; will sell at a bargain. 1967 E. Stark sL Trial al lowed. : FOR SALE, half price, 1 new 3 spring berry wagon, 1 top buggy, 1 camping wagon. 1967 E. Stark st. LIVESTOCK 35 FOR SALE: Cheap, 14 dairy cows, 8 of them fresh, 2 Holsteins, 2 Jerseys 10 Durhams, 10 heifers, from 1 to 2 years old. Andrew Hanson, Crawford, Wash. COW for sale, rich milker, $55; alao young heifer, 8 months old; will sell for $28. 976 E. 18th St., bet. Holgate and Alice sts FULL blood Jersey. 4 years old, cheap for cash. C. Shaw. Vineyard Station. Oregon City car. Tel 6A oaK prove. BAY mare. 1160 lbs., standard bred; speedy; will work or drive anywhere. Trade for cows. 1594 Division st. SALE retail dairy; close in, east side, 34 head; equipment, cash, balance terms. Place for rent. P-971, Journal. YOUNG, fresh high grade Jersey, gen tle, family pet. fine butter cow; trial allowed; terms. 95 E. 30th. cor. Wash. GOOD young Polen China boar, J2 mo. old. for $30. if taken at once. Tt.bor 4885. CHOICE fine young gentle family or dairy, 4 and 5 gal. 33 east 22d. FRESH Jersey cow for tale. 5028 42d ave. S. E. TRADE a horse for a cow. 2849. 920 E. 16th N. Phone W. 4 FRESH cows; will sell or trade for beef cattle. 955 Mississippi ave. FOR SALE Fresh Guernsey-Jerseys, y ou n g stock. Tel. Milwaukie 69 W. FRESH cow, 44 gallon milker; $85. Phone W'oodlawn 4566. BRUCE has dairy cows for sale on terms. Union Stock Yards. LARGE fresh cow. $70; family cow. $40; 285 Front st. COWS for sale, at 1103 Slmpsonst. POULTRY AND PIGEONS 37 WHITE Leghorn baby chicks from proved heavy laying stock; May de livery. $8 per 100; we guarantee safe arrival. The Pioneer Hatchery. Peta luma Cal. FOR SALE or trade for chickens, Bel- fian and Flemish rabbits, young and ; some fancy stock. B. Clevinger, Route 1. Hillsdale. Or. CHICKS. White Leghorns. 1000 today. Quality unequalled. Master Hatch ery. D. M. Holbrook. 415 Jessup st., Woodlawn car. CARNEAUX, mated, guaranteed, $2 pair. Oregon Carneau Co., Box 279, Portland. Tabor 48X3. R. I. R. 618. hatching eggs; 15, $1. Tabor WHITE Leghorn baby chicks, 10c. 1634 E.' l'Jth st. N. Wdln. 1485. WANTED Setting bantam hen to hatch quail's eggs. Phone East 4263. BARRED Kock eggs Wdin 2397 DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 46 PIT BULL puppies for sale, very rea sonable, from bitch "Lady of Port land"; can be seen Tuesday and Wed nesday at The Lind hotel, 3d and Ash. BOSTONuill, brindle, year old. Ta bor 4883. Box 279, Portland ALASKAN Spitz pup cheap; also can ary and cage. Woodlawn 3112. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 Lot Us Solve Your Spring Trouble. Guaranteed wa.smington carriacc Springs. Cor. . o Union and Bel- . , . mont. E. 1305. u T03?rwOM TON MONITOR TRUCK. Just repainted and thoroughly over hauled: fine express body and top. $185; worth double. By owner. Cen tral Garage, 2d and Main. LAME. Mfg. & Repairs. 3000 guarant'd springs In biock, prices reduced. 34 N. 15th st. CARTERCAR speed bug. Just fin ished, fine engine; must sell. $275. Lincoln Garage. Union ave., near Broad way. USED mjtors, parts, tires, accessories, less than half price of original cost. Auto Wrecking Co.. 271 Front. Main 1939. NO-GLARE AUTO LENS ED BRUNS CO., 43 1st st., cor. Ash. Broadway 954. GET OUR PRICES ON PAINTING. BROADWAY AUTO PAINTING CO., 31 Broadway North, near Burnside. BARGAINS In all kinds used autos. Address Manx. Hotel, room 74, 65 N. 6th St. If it's scrap rubber or metals and you want the highest price, phone J. Leve. 18i5 Columbia. Main 5198. LIGHT delivery auto In perfect condi tion; $165 cash. 1138 E. Madtsorr. BUICK 5 painted ; passenger overhauled and very cheap. Wood. 4001. 1S13 FORD, $285 cash by owner. Montana ave. 900 FOR SALE. 6 pass, auto, A-l condi tion. Bell & Wlldman. 619 Upshur. 1912 ROADSTER, lot and cash, later car. U-974. Jeurnal. for AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 (Continued) Used Auto Snaps TERMS GTVEN. LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. PRICES' FROM $300 UP. Also 10 passenger Hotel bus. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co, E. FIRST AND E. MORRISON STS, East 7272, B-1216. Packard Large fore door touring car, good condition, $400 for quick eale. Call Monday. 705 COUCH BLDG. PARAGES $30 and up. Portable hou ses, chicken houses, wood sheds. etc M 1 1 1 m ad e Con struction Co. Main 1167. 644 Hood st. Sundays and evenings. Woodlawn 3 SI 6. EVER-READY 1 ton truck; attachm t. $360; truck complete t f t m " " r a' .1 ; n ... 1. i to. jyifcLiiui. u in rui nauu. ItelKe lliAltK-SMAV tK-kiL 1 MACHIKR CO 193 East Water St. Phone East 7437 DOUBLE tread, puncture proof t)res made from your old ones. Bring them in. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., Wash, at 18th. Burnside at Broadwav. (335 BurnBlde ) BU1CK 6-pass., 1912, overhauled, re painted, presto tank, electric horn; runs and looks like new. $3 85. Call A-5046. 751 Glisan et, 1914 OVERLAND, 5 pass., A-l condi tion, $400. 526 E. Stephens. , AUTOMOBILES VV ANTED 78 THREE and one-half acres, between Spanaway Lake and American Lake, on Blvd. connecting two lakes, in edge of Tacoma near Spanaway car line; trade for good automobile. 401 Cor bett bldg. Phone Main 4435. HAVE city lot; want auto, Ford pre ferred. Call Broadway 1920. As for Kemp. AUTO wanted for clear corner lot. Might pay some cash difference. E-980. Journal. LOT 1. block 1, Franklin Square adop tion. Portland, trade for good auto U-766. Journal WANTED Ford: must be good; for 3 room house and lot; difference. 78 E. 65th st. N. "WIT.T. trade Datent right for state of Oregon tor automobile. L-969, Jour nal. 40 ACRES, near Portland, to trade foi auto or motorcycle. a-iJ, journal. wii.i. n.-Lv cash for late model Ford Address Route 1. box 345, Lents. Or. CASH paid fur used cars; money loaned on autos. 605 Alder. AUTO truck wanted as part payment on house and lot. 7 36 Aimna ave. AUTOS FOR HIRE 52 WANT 3 passengers for Hood River by Col. highway May 30. 1915 Ford. Fare $2.50 Phone Tabor 2082. WANTED Passengers Sheridan Decoration Woodlawn 662. by auto to day. Phone FORD Go Woodlawn anywhere; 3293. reasouable. 1916 OAKLAND price reasonable. .'olumbia highway Tabor 7113 MOTORCYCLES-BICYCLES 55 1915 H D. 3 speed twin, in first class condition, for sale very reasonable. Address Fred JtiecKer, s . rro way. city. 1914 TWIN EX., 2 speed, equipped, Al condition; very reasonable. L. C. Hall. 590 E. 10th st. S. Bicycles & motorcycles bought & sold. R. H Blocker. 216 Taylor, cor. 4th st PARTS for Indian motorcycles cheap. Tabor 68. TWIN Indian, fully equipped, best con dition. $75. 1 138 E. Madison. 1913 INDIAN, $." cash. Call Sunday a. m. 961 Gantenl.ein ave. BOYS' wheel with coaster brake; $7.50 679 E. 60th st. north. . $40 TWIN Merkel. equipped, good con dition. I,. C. Hall. 5!0 E. 10th St. rv HARLEY-DA VIliSON motor for sale. $50. East 3843. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 v.viNKUDE rowDoat and canoe mo tor, rowboats. canoes, motorboata f- our beautiful motor boat and en- gin- for $143.00. Evinrurte Motor Co, Moved to 211 Morrison st. CABIN cruiser. 30 ft., la-20 H. P. heavy duty motor, In fine condition, launched 1 year ago, D. A. C. 167 Broadway, or ''hone Tabor 4182. lure DOrch. Towboat: bargain if sold at once; going east. 4 4 Willametto moorage, foot of Crampton st. FOR SALE New houseboat sacrifice, furnished or otherwise. 24 Oregon Yacht club. Oaks. Sellw. 2229. Marsh FOR SALE Houseboat, new, furnish ed, fine location, lights, city water. Phone B-1447. T. DANIELSON Boat Shop.f t.Nebraska. Building, repairs, uest work, low price. WANTED Houseboat to rent or buy on easy terms. X-782. Journal. TIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 VAN APHONE hornless phonograph. $12.50; satisfactory terms arranged. weDHier. raoor tvit. FREE use of piano -or player piano Ztt years, see display aav, or Sehwan Piano C ill 4th st WILL sell my $450 Hobart M. Cable piano for $125 cash. Used 1 year. N-759. Journal. WILL sell $800 Flayer piano and 35 rolls of music for $235. Some terms. Used only 8 months. L-539, Journal. FOR SALE CHEAP A fine $400 piano Cash or terms. 423 vvasn. st. 34 HERE are real piano bargains from our storage department! Elegant, full size upright piano. List price. $300: now $125 Splendid little upright piano; fine for practice work; now $80 Beautiful mahogany player piano, with lot of music rolls and bench $175 GRAVES MUSIC CO.. 151 4th st, near Morrison. A RICH toned upright piano in small case. $95; Hardman upright piano, splendid condition, $125. Guild piano, $25; Kimball organ. $30; Christie up right, $85; Full size mahogany piano player, $225. Pay $5 cash and $1 per week. These Instruments are from our storage department. Graves Music Co.. 151 4th st., near Morrison. YOU folks who use to play the piano. VOU folka who minv th olrl nonn of long- ago, can now play your favorite selection on the wonderful reproduc ing piano player. Players priced from $125 and up, terms as low as $5 per month. Graves Music Co.. 151 4th st, near Morrison. BEFORE purchasing see our Specials In Used Piano Bargains. New pianos rood'ately priced tejg pianos mod'ately pr V BOVKL AMID) YA!S!K 3Y?, IOTM. AM STAlrM STS. $10 will place ari 88-note mahogany piano player In your home and $6 per month will keep it there until paid for. price $230. rolls and bench in cluded. Graves Music Co., 151 4th et. near Morrison st. ARTISTIC piano players in mahogany. walnut and oak cases from our stor age dept.. priced from $125 to $230; pay $5 cash and $1 to $1.50 per week; bench and music rolls included. Graves Music Co.. 151 4th st.. near Morrison. EASY' monthly payments on the fol lowing pianos: Uuild, zo, Haraman $195, Bradbury, rich tone. $180; Llghte $90. Write for our bargain list. Graves Music Co., 151 4th st., near Morrison st. $::. $65, $95. $110 ana $145 cash se cures old and new models. Chicker- Ing, Haines Bros., Heinze, Hallet & Da vis and Knabe pianos closed out at once by Security Storage Co.. 109 4th. COME in and inspect this snap, beauti ful 88-note player Diano, like nw, priced at $290, terms, $10 cash and bal. on easy monthly terms. Graves Music co., loi 4tn st., near Morrison. HAVE your piano tuned, repaired, ref in- lshed by protessionel men. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Portland Piano Tuning, Rep. & Mfg. C. 246 Hawthorne. E. 1072. WILL rent 88-note piano player with 2o rolls of music $4 per months, rent can apply on purchase price. Graves Music Co.. 161 4th st.. near Morrison st. BEAUTIFUL $600 mahogany Weber, almost new. Room 19. villa St. Clara, 12th and Taylor. Call evenings. U-295. Journal. GOOD walnut piano player, lot of music rolls, bench and scarf, $125, pay $10 casn, $7 per month. Gravea Music Co., 151 4th St., near Morrison st. BEST values In pianos ever oflered; Davenport & Treacy player pianos, $365; uprights, $65, $150, $200. lloven- rien Piano Co.. 87 5th st. AN elegant mahogany piano player, music rolls and bench only $17.). Easy trems. Graves Music Co., 151 4th St., near Morrison. MAHOGANY piano of standard make. at a fraction of its value; now stored at 367 Russell st. Phone East 2334 for information. DAINTY bungalow 88-note player piano, was $585. now $425, pay $10 cash the balance like rent. Graves Music Co., 151 4th St., near Morrison si. WANTED Edison recorder for pho nograph; also record shaving ma chine. G-979, Journal. HORNLESS phonograph, 1 doz. dou ble disc records. $6.60. U-761. Journal. FINe grafonola and records; must be sold before 1st of June; no reason able offer refused. 324 E. 9th St. fZb CASH secures $250 mahogany pianola player at 'Security Storage Co.. 109 4 th st. WRITE today for "Bargain Piano List" of 100 pianos. Graves Musla Co., 151 4th St., Portland, Or. $45 CASH buys small Boudoir upright tomorrow at Security Storage Co.. 109 4th st. TALKING machine. $15; hornless, ma hogany case, with about 20 records. 383 Russell St. TCTEAVRTTERS WE save you from 60 to 75 on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder; retail department. WHOLESALE . TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington st. TYPEWRITERS for rent, 8 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental applied on purchase nrlce. Remington Type writer Co.. 86 Broadway. NEW. rebuilt. 2d rates. P U. C. Co . hand, rentals, cut 231 Stark. M. 1407. CORONA Typewriter little used; ex cellent condition. Marshall 601. HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 65 FOR SALE Furniture, bicycle, lawn mower, garden tools. Richmond or Woodstock car. 650 E. 39th st. S. KIMBALL piano and furniture for sale cheap. Parties leaving town. 104 East 11th St., near Washington. A SNAP, furniture for 5 rooms for sale cheap; must sell, as am leaving city. 120 E. 33d st. FURNITURE 6 room house for sale. 384 Grand ave. FURNITURE of good condition. entire household. East 3157. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 $12.50 DROPHEAD sewing machine, with attachments. Call 152 Grand ave. MACHINERY bought, sold, repaired and exchanged. Northwest Lead &. Mach. Co., 311 Front st. Main 6492. SELLING out all kinds ladles' second hand suits, coats and dresses, $1 and up. 69 N. 10th St. ; PARLOR pool and billiard table, al- most .new. E. 16th et. size, $36. May trade. 1 GAS RANGE nearly new for sale. Call before noon Sunday at 1140 Vernon sve. ; week days after 6 p. m. BARBER'S 5 gal. tank aiid heater. Good order. $6. 1 E. 16th st. PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Con tinned) FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 (Don tinned) ALMOST ALL. GONE. . Out of four cars this Is all that s left. WIRE ROPE. , . , . Second hand Plough Steel Cable at less than half price. . , 7600 ft. 1 in. 6-strand plough steel, eooo ft. 1 in. 6-strand plough steel. 1600 ft. 1 in. 6-strand plough steel. 6000 ft. l in. 6-strand plough steel. STANDARD CONSTRUCTION RIGHT LAY. Inspection preferred before anip- ment Prices quoted on request. CHAIN CHAIN OF ALL GRADES. WTe have a big stock at the old prices. F. B. MALLORY COMPANY, 236-37 Pine St.. Portland. Or. FOR SAaE Brand new caroom and pocket billiard tables with complete outfit. $115; second hand tables at reduced prices; bowling alley and bil liard supplies; easy payments. Cigar store, drug, delicatessen and soda fountain fixtures. THE BRUNSWICK BALKE COLLENDER CO.. 46-48 Fifth. MACHINE of ail makes sold foiSTfess. No agents employe Machine rent ed $2 -Ms mo. A-3626, M-9431fcpSewlng Machiine EmDoriiimJ190 3d Bt.. near Taylor. Electric Motors sold and rented. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Type Writers" and. "Household Goods" are separate classifications. All adver tisements of these go4s are published under their respective classifications. look them over. V Electric Motors Bougtat, BOhl rented and re paired. Walker Electric Works, 411 Burnside, cor. 10th. Breftfway or A-5674 10 DROPHEAD Singereewing ma chines, complete wjth attachments, in good order, $17.50 while they last. East 2359, B-3307. E. R. Steen. 152 Grand ave., near Belmont. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different classifications. W'ANTKD To fit your eyes so that you get all that's coming to you out of life; prices very reasonable. Staples the Jeweler. A GOOD threshing outfit, complete, for sale for 1-4 offroost for cash or would consider good auto. Ralph Han- l.an, Buxton. Or. REFRIGERATOR, box couch, brass bed and phonograph. Tabor 6716, Webster. FOR SALE Marble for cafeteria out fit at a bargain. Phone 612-J. Van couver, Wash. PHONOGRAPHS, $5; records, 5 cents. Phonograph Record Exchange, 128 1st st., near Alder. Main 4490. WAYNE gasoline pumps and oil stor age tanks. E. H. Rueppell Agt.. 194 1st. Main 1221. FOR SALE A traction woodsaw, good shape. Phone East 1631. In FOR SALE 150 eacks Fairbanks tatoes. . Call Main 6796. po- RAVAP COLUMN 25 SWAP, hand mill to grind chicken feed, saddle, etc.; several wheelbar rows, tools, lawn roller; will trade for chickens or sewing machine. 248 Til lamook fit., near Vancouver ave. MY equity in best lot. Waverly Heights, for carpenter, cement and pall Pur alntine work. I furnish material. I. rv;ance, 10225 60th ave. SWAP Diamond rinr for Vlctrola, or will sell cheap for cash. Phone Eaft 2334. PIANO tuning, repairing, refinlshlng, for anything useful. Webster, Tabor 5716. WILL SWAP a good lot. clear, for 2 horses, 3000 lbs., double liarness and farm wagon. Main 4989. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 WE PAY cash for your used furniture, carpets, ranges, etc. Gevurtz Furniture Co,, Inc. 185-187 First street. NEAR YAMHILL. MARSHALL 6981. WANTED Second hand furniture, ranges and stoves. Best prices paid. Morgan Furniture Co., 390 East Mor rison st. Phone East 2238. WANTED the people of Portland to know I pay the highest castvprlces for household goods. Prompt attention. East 6707. N. M. Seator, 143 Russell st. 1 WI1L pay cash for your piano: play er, upright, grand or square. Both phones 1433, or call oa J. J. Foster, 151 4th st. HIGHEST cash prices for diamonds, old gold, slver. . platinum, watches. Kodaks, jewelry of all klnda. J. Golden, 167 1st t. NOTICE TO MOVERS. Wanted Staves, rockers, dressers. rugs, couches, chairs, tables, etc. We pay the price. N W. Fur. Ex. E. 636. LEVIN Hardware and Furniture Co. We pay cash for your suit cases, trunks and handbags. Main 9072, A 7174. WANTED Goat harness, double or single; also wagon for same. Shet land ponies and burros wanted also. M-96R. Journal. WANTED, watches and jewelry to re pair, let class work. guaranteed; charges reasonable. J. II. Mlesner, 391 E. Morrison. HIGHEST PRICES PAID For second hand furniture and house hold goods. 61 v4 N. 3d st. Broadway 119. ureen traalng stamps. 1100 N. W. Bk. bid. PAYS O Viij UUO MORE for them lima Sperry-Hutchlnson Co. WE buy phonographe and records- also player piano music. 12S First st. Main 4495, near Alder. WE REPAIR your watch for $1, no matter how badly broken. Bring; this ad Howard Jewelry Co.. 93 H 6th st. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIN 3332, A-2567. CASH for old sold, silver, platinum and high rrade ore. H. M. Pickering, mfg. Jeweler. 218 Oregonlan bldg. Alaska Bag & Junk Co. pays best prices, all kinds Junk. Main 4688. 236 Front. WANTED Peanut warmer; must be in 1st class condition. 195 Broadway. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 (Continued) PHONE East 7816 when you Tant to sell your furniture. We come at once and pay you the cash. M. K. Seater, 286 Qrand ave. south of Haw thorne. SECOND hand clothing buyer. Meyer, the tailor, pavs $5 up for suits; shoes bought. Marshall 1229. 229 Madison. LOST AND FOUND 21 PEARL and platinum pin, basket shape, lost between 19th and John son and Meier & Frank store. Reward if returned to 617 Johnson et. LOST Sunday evening, set of Elk's teeth marked "B. P. O. E. 228". Lib eral reward. Write P. O. box 33, Eu- gene, or. LOST Small female black and tan dog. Brown front feet. Phone Sell 2711. LOST A small gold pin in shape of anchor, with heart set with pearls phone Main 5803; reward LOST Friday, a pearl and enameled pin.-Reward $. Phone t-4 4jh PERSONALS . WHY pay big prices for glasses? I can fit your eyes with first quality lenses in a gold filled frame as low as $1 50. Chas. w. uooaman, optometrist. 209 Morrison. Main 2124, OREGON HERNIA INSTITUTE. Rupture treated mechanically; adults children. Trusses to suit your case, Johnston and Umbargar, rupture spe cialists. 411 Alisky bldg. Main 3784. FEBVET & HANEBUT, leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock hu man hair goods: halrdressine, manicur ing. race and scalp treatment, como- ings to order. 147 Broadway. Main b4b ELECTRO-HYDROPATHIC Institute 275 North 22d st. (Cor. of Overton). Scientific massage. Electric Cabinet Baths. Comfortable rooms. Mar. 2775. TAKARA Hair Tonic, an antiseptic scalp cleanser, hair beautifier and dandruff remover; price 60c bottle. For sale by Portland Hotel Pharmacy. NERVOUSNESS, diseases of women and children cured. Dr. Margaret Haynie. licensed chiropractic physi cian. R17 Swetland bldu. No fake DON'T use expensive corn remedies when you can pet the sure thlnir "Re moves it'" 16c piasters at the Clemeti son Drug Co., 200 Morrison St. NEW life in electric and vibratory treatments. Facial, scalp and mani curing. 417-20 Northwestern Hank bldg. NEW life In electric end vibratory treatments. Facial, scalp and tnanl curing. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg. DR. V. G. KETCH I'M Women's mala dies and acute diseases of men. Wash bldg.. 4th and Wash. Km. 441. Mar. 443 SPIRITUALISM Kev. M. A. Price, cir cles Tues. 2 p. m.; Wed., tjun. 8 p. m. Reading daily. 22 Play st. Mar. 39R0. STOKED FREE, cold stor age vaults. Ittimmelin Fur Co.. 41B-7 Dekmn bbig. HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum. Marshall 1702. I niiMnrConsultatlon free. Main 512 Selling bldg. BjL.M of Figs remedy for diseases of women. &04' Davis st. Main 2393. SCIENTIFIC treatment for diseases of wralp. lfi:t Park St.. room 3 10 to 7 LOUIS l.'R. scientific hand reader; best method- 240M; 6th st., cor. Main. SOADP treatments and shampooing. 3f.n Yamhill, office No. 1. MAY IRWIN, facial and scalp treat ments. 291 Morrison, room 30. PROFESSIONAL AND! BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCORDION PLEATINO ACCOKKION, KMFJk AND BOX I'LKATJMJ; HEMSTITCHING. HltAIIUNU; ni'TTON nol.KS, BI'TTONS COVKltKP. EASTKUN NOVKl.TY MKH. CO., 8fiU, ftTH. n'WAV iaHI. K. .STKl'H li.VS Iieutatitrhliig, a. ror.llon, side and aunhiirst peatiug; huttotia covered; jr'iofia apposed. Scalloping, l'lttook folk. Il'way KHM. AOATE CUTTERS MFG. Jewelera. lilamonda nought and wild. Watch repalr'g. Miller'a. 343Vj,Wh M.1K74. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS P. E. ESBENSHADE implements, vehicle and general farm anpplle. 214 Front. Portland. ANALYTICAL CHEMIST AND ASSAYER (1ILBF.K f-H Al.Iy CO. Couch bldg. H 4tli at. BLANK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS A HOLMAN. Inc.. 10V 2d at.-Blaii nook manufacturer; agent for Jonea Im proved Lioe Leaf Idgera. See the new Bu reka Iaf. A-31S3. Main 1K3. BUILDING CONTRACTORS F Monrroc Reaidence Speclallat. VJCVJl Ll IViailgUO 406 Mac! cleay Bldg. CABINET WORK CAB1NKT WORK, furniture repairing. Horace I. Jonea Jr.. 2Vj 2:k) at. Nfaln Sna. CARPET CLEANING J from old carpeta, Nrag ruga, carpet ' cleaning. Nprlb- vcet Rug Co.. 1R K 8tb. K. 3V. B-12HO. JOYCE BROS. Electric Cleaning Work Car pet cleaned and laid; refitting our pectal'J. F.t 440. B-HXVJ. 2"4 K. Iffth t. north. PENINSULAR Rug Work Rag rug and car pet wearing. 1M8 Patton ave. Wdln 2'l.'i. CHIROPRACTORB DR McUAHON Curable cae. taking time. 31 treatment. 113. Worth 150. Additional new office 2QM-212 Mcley bldg.. 4th A Wa.h. Dr. C 8 Tlgard 18 treatment. 10. MO 111- 612 Northwet bldg. Main 7266. COAL AND WOOD i DRY AND GREEN 16 IN. AND 4 FT, MI LTNOMAH FUEL CO.. M. 5540; A-211B. WHY pay tt for cord wood when yoa can get good Inside block wood at $3.50 a load: double load $18.60. Bo 1 wood mixed with heavy $3.25 a load; $? for double load. Heavy dry lab wood $3. SO a load. Broadway 2339. A-21dl. OLU growth tir wood, $4 to $5.25 delivered. Main 428. NEER FA BR. dry fir. 4 ft. $4.50 to $5 25. Blackwood. 305 Water at. Main Xt. A-4547. Oil (Copyright, 1910. by H. C. Flaher.) (Trade-Mark Beg. U. S. Patent Offlc.) 00 AX AND WOOD NATIONAL KVKL ft). KANT 2041 , , v .. . .... . v v. . 111 j uitni slabwnnrf iiwmI 1.1 so - ., , ' , g I " ..I HI, ,,l . $3. A-l dry fir, 4 f.nt or mwed to order CONTRACTORS AND BTJILPERg OSKAR HLUKU. lieuernl Contractor. T24 Bhar CREDIT CLOTHINO I iii..... '. ' "" VTi. w. . outfitting t.... 4Q! Wnnhlngtena . . " " " n weriu EDUCATIONAL DANCINO. t.. txt. Klurk ....I ..!, , ' . v- . t,iT-iim laira. nri. In l.t'T"? 2' I"orul"K- flern.wD. rv,nlnf! -" r,''"H'. ' -" .mi. riromlu nT 2160. MK. ami Mrs. lUath ' (v-liuol Lprkhii ilil! v-iui rra.j fie., lou Kt.. betwn-u Walk iimi.ni nm miri. l-iwila Mult! :'20 UENtt 1)1 It h: 11 h, 5. ....1. . natnre. Egypt rutii-r, UiiMln. Main 3272. MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS K. 1 HI Ki.llOKN Violin tfa.-tirr; pupil KeToli" . rn-mnrr rum. A 41HO Maraliall 102. I'HOF. T. K. LAWSON- t'lai Um,ii at your POPULAR MUSIC 11A.NU 1 m: 1 1 me tauutii nn.io:ie hi 10 t JO ua, wrilKn (marantic ..r inmirv hark !f we ran; aeoionatrntlon and ivi,i fr,.,,, impro. lalng, keyhoanl harmony.' i-u mm Kiiera hlit EYE. EAR. NOSE, THROAT. LUNOS SperiHllM. Moderate irlc-a c;in.-9 filled.. l)it . r . i.roa.r. i 1 UPKum tihlg.. ;iil Ik Want!. FIRE INSURANCE PACIFIC STATES F1RF. IN8IHA.NCB CO, uim.t orea-on nre iiiai ira 11 1 nmipany. FLUFF RUOB AND RAO RUGS FLUFF IK Miide from old lnpraln, Rruaaela. Aimlnater, nu.jriu carpeta. Hug vngr. all ale. Mall ( Uera prompt attention. Booklet. WKRTEKN FU'KF RL'G CO. " 1 I'nlon are. N. t'tione Kat 0,'Ht n 14TS HATS CLEANED, BLEACHED Lulli'h . iients' l'anania hata cleaned. Ideacliad. 7.V. Strawa, fella, Mir. Kaufiumi ', 2S jih1i. nr. 4lh. Nm mid 44 ltd. Phone M 7029. LAIilKS', men'a I'anninaa cleaned lilearbed. blocked, "or. Fella, r.oc Portland Clean- Inc A Hat Vork. 4siP4 Wahlniiin al. LAWN MOWER ORINDINO fc..ri. Uwumoucr (i lmling ; natural born IfrlmleFK, 2iNi,j ,',ih. Main M2. LEATHER AND SHOE FINDIN08 TIIK liKICVMAN I.KAT1IKU Co. Oldchi flrui In nortbweal. Axenla "Monarch" and "I., it M . " n.ile leather. :ti.1t Kverett ati MATTRESSES 01.1) niattreanea anil feather lirda mad late anltarr folding forma; frnlheiK ri'lioralad. FOMIng M . Co.. Mai William. K K74. NON-INTOXICATINO BEVERAGES WKINHAItH liulden and Amber Nectar. Henry elnliard nlanl. lath and Burnalda ta. Main 72. - Pbonea - A-11T3 OPTICIANS UK. F. K. Ul'ltOKHS, trealght 8irlallal. Kiamlnatlnn free. r,2,t' WBuhlngfiin t. PAINTING AND DECORATINO IIH.11 CLASS WORK al reaaonatile yrlcei. H011KS, PAINIKK. KKNToN Wdln. 4tK. PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS TIIK IVY I'KKSS. JOHN M. MANN, KN2 Stark t . Broadway 4QS. A 44 . RUBBER 8TAMP8 AND SEALS AlVSO Slenrlla. 1'raile I'lierka. Braaa Ht(lta. PACIFIC CO.Vfil STAMP WU11KS 2.T1 Waxhlnglon t. Main 710. A-27K). SAFETY RAZORS HONED SAFKTY lazora sbur)iened: all kliula. 2re and I Mic er iliiii'n. 14."S -. near Morrlaon, SHEET METAL WORKS. HKI'A I Hi NU tin and grael p'ofi, Jacob Loalil ;im ii m. riwme Main 144. TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co. l;tabllhed 170. Tranafer mid Forwarding Agent. storage Free Trackage. Office aud aiorugu, 474 Ollaan at. iaih and oilman. Main H. A-llfW. ALWAYS ' PICK ' THE B KMT HOUSEHOLD! COOpM fiPECI AI.1ST8 Btorag Packing, lilppliig and Moving. Horse or Antu Vaoi 8jeclal freight ratea to all point. C. o PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. Id Bird Pine Broadway 5tMl. A-ltM. OLSON It oK TKANHFKIl CO. Furniture niovn era. packera. atorage; flreprixif ivarebouae. 1Mb and Hovt a l Main 547. A 2247. WATCHMAKERS WK CLEAN and B'ljiiat your watch. $1. MKMHCI.SOHN, .IEWKI.KH. Waahlngloii. between Sixth and l!rnnwv. M AN UFACTU RR5 3 JOBBERS WHOLESALER DRY OOOPB WHOLEbALE L. Dinkelsniel Co.JgH PAINT, OIL AND OLA8B KASMI SSi;. A CO . "High Standard" palntJ N. K corner 2d and Tayb.r. M. 1771 A-05S1J PLUMBING SUPPLIES i'l.l MWMi aupplie. wboleaale price. Stajrk4 Ilgrla Co.. 212 3d t . Mln 7W7. SANITARY WIPING RAOS " L. SHANK CO.PHAV WATER 8T7PPLY SYSTEMS Kr.i WANKK WATER KYHTBMH M I) Sirencer. Agent. lo:t W. Park at. WOOD PIPE I'ORTI.AMi WOO!) I'IPK CO. r actory and offl.-e near 24th and Y'k t. Main i!4 XBTOaUCATZOH COTPOH. If you want the nam if a rellablsl business house dealing in any lin oil merchandise, or Information regard-1 Ing resorts, hotels, railroads, steam-1 hip lines, tc., adilresa Oregon Jour-1 nui 1 niorina Hon liureau. Information desired: e a 1 Name Address. By "Bad" Fishe i