The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 28, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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Definite Form of State Back
ing for Actual Farmers Is
Fully Considered.
Governor, Secretary or state ino state
State Land Board.
He Psatures of Bural Credits Bill
Afc prnnnflad bff CmnmHtAa n
Stat Credits Conference.
"MroKoii Kann Credit Honda"
4t u lo J per cent of jihhchsu!
viiluiilloii. To be loaned Ore-
(iiiii t'ii i inera not to excee.l r.O
Me it fiit of the vatun of their
Ihii'1. nor more than J.'.noo to
n any individual. Loans to bo
lnnrJe only lo owners who op-
eiate ani ociipy lands mort-
KURed to the Mtate and for the
purpose of payment for lands
purchased, the purchase of llve-
stock and other equipment and
for the satisfaction of certain
Law to be administrated by
fr the state land hoard
Jr LoHIIU ff 1 10 I ii n 1 I.. .....
lcs tliuii 10 nor more t!i;in :jt
ML vrtr. ....
W iuterr.t rate to be 5 per rent.
Tli rural credits committee of the
lem, March 9 and in. has completed
The final draft of Its rural credits
inpRR rtt rrif ........... i
vat made nuhlli- i
Tht- iiieisure contains sweeping pro
visions which, first, recoKiiize farm credit, and, secnnd. provide a
------1 '.n i j rv in-
PT n rqrnt.r .lA.,i. ir , .. . t.
Tile numbers of the rural credits
Oinmittee were named from the floor
r vine state credits conference, which
fill held at tho state house, and wrr.
Iccted bk the body. Tbev ale: C K
pence, master of the State irranire:
I. V. Brown, president of tho l.-urm.
rs' union Hint T. II Rurcha.rd ttipr.
resident of the State Federation of
The committee had the assistance
f Dr. Hector Macl'herson. of Oregon
mt ... . 1 . . . 1 ii .
uittee the measure Is recommended
- "--..., va KTJ IIIC IMIII-
'embodying the best rural credit!
esislatlon elsewhere tn operation I
tin ciose adaptation to the needs of I
Teat of Beport Given.
jThe text of the measure follows:
i Notwithstanding the limitations con
fined in section 7 of article XI of
lis constitution, the credit of the
tllLU ma V Oh loanm! nnrl tndahfcHnoai
taMiMV. i . j an . i . 1 1 1 . i . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Kai-iipii iny
Her cent Of IhA Jl M .... 4 u ...1 valuation
11 the property in the state for
h purpose of providing funds to be
oaned upon . the Hecurltv of. faiu
nd Vlthin tlld stntu cii.tan tl,.
tnitAtlnnn hprfin ninlutnftH
The governor, secretary of state
nd state treasurer shall .constitute
he -state land board, which board ia
uuiui iru u'iu unet-ieu lo issue
nd sell or pledge bonds In the name
t the state to be known as Oreeon
9 exceed said 2 per cent of the
ssessed valuation of all the property
t the state and to place the proceeds
the state treasury in a fund to be
nown as the "rural credit loan
no "
Denominations Art Provided.
Said bonds shall be issued in denom-
ations of J$25, $100, $500 and $10on.
multiples thereof, drawn to mature
not more than 36 vears. Thev shall
1 UTAH AVfPtl hv thA Etata . . f rtrnn
inv of Its subdivisions
Said state land board is authorized
ift rnrnl f re A i t limn fitnl t . . .....
farm lands in Oregon upon notes
- . - -. - vnucia
uub in auiounis wnicn snail not ex-
uoa nor ou per acre on such lands.
7 ' l iiii . H..U0.1. XL LJOllUlIlg
funds available, preference sha.ll
Books for Graduation
A special invitation is extended to all interested in
books for graduation gifts to visit our big book de
partment and inspect at leisure our big collection of
books appropriate for this occasion.
Some Suggestions
THOUGHTS THAT INSPIRE Education and the Higher
Life Henderson .. 3Q
EMERSON'S ESSAYS , 50c to $350
William James 50c
THE PERFECT TRIBUTE Mary Shipman Andrews,
Boards 50c Leather : .$100
Longfellow and others $1.00 to $6.50
WHERE ROLLS THE OREGON Dallas Lore Sharp $1.25
The J. K. Gill Co., Booksellers, Stationers and Com
plete Office Outfitters Fifth and Alder.
k m w -p?a ir-!v.v'
-? . i.W V WW v.XtV& Fi'iv ''A4MkX i '-T-; -i I
K-A'LjtTc idAfA isM :ZAiA rl r- 'ji
iffvr ' ' VvN r- z VH . '"fir?: 4 f
-aV;o 4"xv i:Jr K''J$&$l 1
4 iT, (il,Tl45s asTSs" 1
First row (top), left to right Miss Hazel Isaksoti (class president).
Holverson, Miss Ferae McOintock, Miss Irene Benton, Miss Clau
Second row Mis Mandy Melcum, Miss Pearl Fleming, Miss Marjo
Miss Lora Iloth, Miss Frances Schmidt.
Third row- Miss Rose Schecht, Miss Hazel McGuire, Miss Myrtle K
Anna Kichenberger, Miss Ruth Itutrg
Fourth row Miss Ixla Williams,
nor rederson, Miss Anna Wagner.
Fifth row Miss Nina! Gilbert,
Anna Moor, Miss Melisa Scovell.
Sixth row Miss Katheryn Fox,
cnristoi tsnsslng, Miss Marjorie
Thirty-six nurses, graduates from
the Good Samaritan hospital, received
diplomas at the baccalaureate cere
monies, which were held at St. Ste
phen's pro-cathedral. Thirteenth and
Clay streets, on Monday night at 8
be given to loans not exceeding $2000
tn amount.
Iaonns Are Conditional.
Such loans shall not be made ex
cept to owners who operate and oc
cupy the lands mortgaged, and shaJl
be made only for the following pur
poses: fa), the payment for lands
purchased; (b). the purchase of live
stock and other equipment, and the
making of Improvements which, in the
judgment of said board will increase
the productivity of such lands or add
to their value as a farm home in a
degree to justify such expenditure; and
c) for the satisfaction of Incum
brances upon such lands which, In the
Judgment of said board, were Incurred
Miss Ada Small, Miss Nelle Goo
Miss Edna Fuller, Miss Hazel Go
Miss Harriet Compton, Miss Annie
o'clock. The church was beautifully
decorated with flowers.
Dr. Holt C. Wilson delivered the
class address. Bishop Walter T. Sum
ner presented the diplomas. A musical
program, consisting of vocal and In
strumental, was rendered.
or assumed by said applicant for the
aforesaid purposes.
Every applicant for a farm loan shall
state clearly in Jhls application jthe
purposes for whlft such loan Is de
sired, and upon H approval by the
board, this statement shall be deemed
a part of the note or contract under
which the loan Is granted.
Must Keep Agreement.
But no failure to apply such funds to
the purposes stated in such application
or as enumerated herein shall Invali
date a loan when once made, nor shall
anything herein contained be deemed ,
to prevent any farm owner from sell
ing or leasing lands subject to such
incumbrance; but If ho shall violate his
said contract by applying the moneys
borrowed to purposes other than those
stated In his application or enumerated
herein, or If he shall lease such lands
or sell them to any person not ful
filling the conditions and purposes pro-
viuea ior nerem, saia ooard is au
thorized and directed to requira the
repayment of said loan upon six
months' notice, and said note or con
tract shall contain a clause provid
ing therefor.
Such loans shall be repaid with Inter
est accruing in semi-annual or annual
installments on the amortization plan,
such installments being fixed at such
sums as will cover the Interest rate
and will liquidate the debt In a period
to be agreed on between said board
and the applicant, such period to be
not less than 10 nor more than 36
years, but any debtor may liquidate
any part or all of his Indebtedness in
amounts of (50 or multiples thereof
upon any amortization payment date.
Kate riT Per oant.
The rate of interest on loans shall
be S per cent per annum, provided that
In case any series of said farm credit
bonds is sold at an average of less than '
par, tne Doara may charge upon sucn I
farm loans as are made from the pro
ceeds of the series so sold below par a
rata or interest in excess oi 6 per cent.
but which shall not exceed by more
than 1 per cent the rate which the state
must pay for the funds actually ob
tained from the disposal of its aaid
bonds. The board, however. Shall re
quire each applicant to pay an initial
charge of 1 per cent of the loan grant
ed, the minimum charge to io to
cover tha cost of appraisal and exami
nation of title.
All surplus funds accruing from the
operation of the system of rural cred
it Herein provided for arter paying in
terest accruing on the aforesaid bonds,
and all operating and other expenses
arising from the administration of said
system of rural credit shall be placed
in the state treasury and become a
part of a fund to be known as the
"Rural Credit Reserve Fund." Said
rural credit reserve fund shall be
loaned on farm lands in the manner
herein provided for the rural credit
loan fund, and the interest accruing
from loans made from aaid rural credit
reserve fund shall be added to it and
become -part of it.
Fund Xa Irreducible.
The aaid rural credit reserve fund
hall be irreducible except that it may
be drawn upon to reimburse the state
for loss Incurred In the administration
o; said system of rural credit. -.
The legislative assembly shall pro
Vide In such detail aa it shall deem ad
visable for the carrying out r and ad
ministering of 'the provision of this
amendmeot and shall provide adequate
: Photo br Van Dyck Studio.
Miss Sadie Atkins, Mis Mildred
die Anderson. v
rie Belt, Miss "Jean Nettie Toy,
ays, Miss Meta Lauterbach, 31iss
dman, Miss Essie Eaton, Miss Elea
ldsmith. Miss Mildred Wright, Miss
Slagel, Miss Salena Osborne, Miss
Practically all of the nurses are from
different points throughout Washing
ton and Oregon.
Immediately following the exercises
the nurses were tendered a reception at
the nurses' home, with their relatives
and many friends at attendance.
safeguards against the use of such
loans as an aid to the purchasing and
holding of lands for purposes of spec
ulation. Such safeguards shall include
clear definitions of the terms "operate"
and "occupy" used herein. In the ab
sence of such legislation, and subject
to the same after its enactment, the
state land board shall proceed to ad
minister said system of rural credits
under rules and regulations provided
by itself, but subject to the provisions
herein contained.
The provisions of the constitution
and laws of Oregon in conflict with
this amendment are hereby repealed in
so far only as they conflict herewith.
The provisions of this amendment shall
be self-executing, and shall take effect
and be in operation 60 days after their'
approval and adoption by the people of
Audubon Society
Hot After Author
John Pox Jr. Tells In Article of Shoot
ing Birds in Plorlda and Oeta Him
self Out of PavoT
Washington, May 27. John Fox Jr.,
the author, is out of favor with the
Audubon society of the United States
and may be reported 'to the attorney
general of the United States. In a re
cent magazine article Mr. Fox wrote
that he was one of a party Which shot
birds in Florida,
T. Gilbert Pearson of New York City.
of the National Association of Audu
bon Societies, speaking before the Na
tional Conservation Congress here,
charged that Fox's party violated not
only the federal migratory bird law,
but the state laws of Florida, and that
the case would probably be brought to
the attention of the department of Jus
tice by the Audubon societies.
The president of the Florida Audu
bon society, Mr. Pearson says, has
threatened to prosecute Fox should he
at any time return to Florida. The
federal law provides a fine of not more
tnan aioo or imprisonment for not
more than 90 days.
Opportunity Came in Anyhow.
Toledo, Ohio, May 27. "Gwan. git
away from that door." yelled Frank
Anderson, a bellhop, when two Indian
spoils attorneys knocked. Then they
informed bim an Indianapolis aunt
Mra. Dress Spencer, had left him
23&,'8 22S&.
Save Your Hair
?. With NewfcroV Herpicide.
Albert Arndt Dies at Hospital
Followirig'Smash of Motor
cycle Into Truck,
InveKtl ration to Xam Wn ether Driver
of Truck Signalled Before Making
Tarn Waiob Caaaed Craah.
Coroner Dararatich, following an in
vestigation yesterday announced that
he will conduct an Inquest probably
tomorrow to Investigate the death
of Albert Arndt. 18 years old, follow
ing the automobile and motorcycle col
lision at Grand avenue and Glisan
streets about noon yesterday.
Arndt died from the shook at St.
Vincent's hospital late yesterday aft- I
crnoon. The autopsy revealed that
the young man had been suffering
from a heart weakness. His pelvis and j
several ribs were fractured.
Kmil Gross 19 years o'd, 1249
Salmon street, who was riding with
Arndt on the motoroyle. is also at the
hospital with a fractured shoulder and
other injuries.
The principal turn on which the in-
vestigation will hinge will lie whether
not .1. H. Hubbard, driver of the
American Express company truck, gav-.'
warning siiinal v he:i he made the
turn into G'.isaii street from Grand
avenue. Both motorcycle and truck
were going slowly, witnesses say, but
the motorcycle was being driven close
to the left of the truck and when the
latter vehicle turned into the cross
street, the cycle could not be turned
quick enough to avoid a collision.
Arndt's parents are Mr. and Mrs.
Michael Arndt. The father and young
Arndt conducted a garage at 1258 Bel
mont street. After the autopsy the
bov was removed to the Breeze &
Snook undertaking establishment at
1026 Belmont street. The burial prob
ably will be Monday In Mount Scott
cemetery. t
Over One Million
To Be Vaccinated
Government Sanitation Department to
Take Action As Be rait of Appear.
ance of Smallpox In Porto Blco.
San Juan, Porto Rico. May 21
Eighty-five cases of smallpox, 47 of
them in San Ju&nt have been reported
in tho Island, the first cases of the
disease known here since 1911. The
department of sanitation is to vac
cinate every one f the 1,250,000 In
habitants. When writing or call'ng on adTertiter. pleaM
mention The Journal.
t aqt.
I I and help them to grow into big,
II strong, healthy bird. FEED
Diamond Chick Food
Our name and trade marK
on every original package.
Beware of Imitations
Our 1916 Catalog of "Dia
mond Quality" POULTRY
SUPPLIES, listing every
thing necessary for the
profitable product Ion of
Mailed Free
Seed Co.
Portland, Ore.
3L fl
SS. Great Northern Northern Pacific
San Prandsco
and Portland
S. S. Northern Pacific Sails for San Francisco Saturday, May 27.
Flavel, to Vancouver, B. C; Seattle and Tacoma, via Great
Northern Ry.; to Seattle and ..Tacoma via Northern Pacific Ry.
Dining Cars on Steamer Express.
Low round-trip excursion fares to San Francisco daily
June 10. Low rates to Los Angeles for Knights Templar con
clave June 12 to 20.
North Bank Ticket Office 5th and Stark. Bdwy 920, A-6171.
Fortune Is Won" by
Act of Kindness
Widow VnxMg Betlrad 8Uk Mannfa
orr During X.act TTIw and Ia
Made Kla -principal XiOffatM.
Allentown, Pa.. May 27. Kindness of
iheart won a fortune for Mrs. Sarah C.
Hunsberger, a widow, who Is chief
benefkHary under the will of Reuben
Ryle, retired silk manufacturer, who
died last week.
For some years Mr. Ryle took his
meals with Mrs. Hunsberger. Last
September, when he was stricken with
paralysis, he became a patient In her
home, and his constant companion was
Robert Merts, brother of Mrs. Hnns-
be!fe: .
unaer nis win ivirs. iiunsoerger re
ceives his home, with all its contents.
and in addition an array of stocka and
his bank deposits. The estate is esti
for metis
Guaranteed dyes
Drawer Hats $3
m mmm"m ,mm'im mm mm mmm BaMMM ssbWbbWbbHsbs1HbbssssMsbbssssW
Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays
mated to ba about $800,000. of which
Mrs. Hunsberger will recelva mora than
Business Pace Is
Blamed for Nephritis
Sapid Mannar at XAjing Bald to
Berponslbla for Many Cases of
B right's Disease.
Chicago, May 27. The rapid manner
of living of Chicago business men Is
responsible for many oases or nephri
tis, or Brlght's disease, according to
Dr. Clifford Mitchell, who read a pa
per on that theme at the convention
of the Homeopathic society. He point
ed out the dangers of the disease,
which he said could emanate from
many causes. He said that once it
had got a foothold a cure was con
sidered almost Impossible. The session
will continue until Saturday,
2351 W.S.
.iff A
r 'Jim
1 1
U. S. Army and Navy Store
Corner Third and Stark
Middies and Sailor Hats
We have just received a large shipment of
Middies and now have them at prices ranging
from 75 to $3.50. Also Sailor Hats, 75.
.I U.S. Pack Sack $1
Ours are the cheapest because the best, fitted by experts and
guaranteed to hold.- Seeley's
closes the opening in 10 days. . Sold only by LAUE DAVIS
DRUG COd&Yainiiill sU.f Portland, Or. Truss Experts
Light Fingered Ones;
Didn't See Other Men
Ktw Tork Artists Bellsra Ona Mas t
$1000, bat Were TJnawara Detectlvsa
Saw Their Clever Work. ?;-vV'-
Ohlcago. May 27. Two light-fingered
persons, recently of New York, robbed.
.Imuran vailardiv with (1 W. ICallln- I
ger. more recently of Iowa, on tha hack!
platform of a Madison street car. Thay4
rubbed against two other men, not
from Iowa, but failed to notice thm. ,
They had quietly removed Kelllnger'ai
purse, containing $1000 In bills, from,
his pocket, when the other two men
seized them. They were Detectlvaa '
Crowley and T.avin.
"It's strange, but I can't place Jrou.f
said LavIii. : .
"Oh. we're Just from New Tork," saldi
one. of the pickpockets. They gava tha'
names of George Williams and Charles
Ttv atoui
Style if yotf
want to, but
our Clothes
you don't.
- -
Middy Ties 75c and $1.50
U. S. A. Blankt$3.5O-5.50
P. D. Shirts $3.50
Lef rings ... .75c to $1.25
Khaki Breeches. ..$l.50-$2
Khaki Coats
Army Transport Ham
mocks $1.00
.Olive Drab Sweaters $4.50
Shoes ..... .75c to $5.00
Spermatic Shield Truss usually
Hi '
. a
. -i
' T