of comfort To the Boy Who Has Had to Leave'Hig'h School w o By Samuel Gardiner Ayres t Illustrated by R. Tandler You can acquire knowledge and achieve distinction even if you do have to educate yourse Bus 'feed! OW many ambitious boys have made plans only to have them all smashed to smithereens! There are a whole group of folks like that who have had to change their plans and do something else from what they intended. It is possible to keep on studying by going to a night school or by taking a correspondence course and keep on educating yourself and satisfying your hunger for knowledge. ' In the first place, go to one of your teachers and tell your story, and you will get good advice as to what you should read and study. A recent study of 109 pupils who won highest fjonors in the high schools of the state reveals the fact hat the. great majority of them, came from homes where the parents had only a common school educa tion. Their children are getting what they wanted but could not have. You can acquire knowledge and achieve distinc tion even if you do have to educate yourself. Other men have been able to do it. We call to mind a man who had to leave school at 13 and support his mother and a family of small children. He did it splendidly; studied when he could and improved every oppor tunity. When he died he was quite a well-to-do man. He owned a large- library and knew his books very well. He wrote articles of interest and value. He is only one of many who have made the most of 'them selves. So as you see the years stretch away in front of you as a great road,, determine to do your best and make as large a place for yourself in the world as possible. r V "vw : : : u. '--Mm.' r - '-' ' 1 - . jiVl k ik ILL - '-mk. -mm?. ; - T3i k m. 'y"M k fee . ft If (4 4 11 re Ml'