4' - 'a- , ' TffE; OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 28, 1916. r. : . . " -Jf? .... 4av5 v (rj-l ,'f- ) K" 'MV A PORTIANP VliSlTOH. "THT flJUsPZW O. V. Adams. Mrs. C. W. May, Mrs. HiiiifjSBn Joseph H. Ponnay Mrs. t'. A. Jeighow, -, ,,,,,11, J::::7JT7. Mrs- Carl Ketchum, Mrs. (. K. Scott, , ' -, A V-X Mrs. B. Glanville, Mrs. E. A. Buck, m,mj'- -',"' X ' Wrs- E- JI- rbb, Mrs. C. W. Smith, J$m , ' v i Mrs. Harry K. Cole. V' ' - I The 500 card party given by Orphia IsJ'S , V ' t 1 temple, Pythian Sisters, Thursday ; ::mWiu, V ' ' evening, proved a Kreat success and The house looked well In red peonies and red carnations. The guests were: Miss Dorothy Dortaldson, Miss Irene Connel, Miss Blanche Heliyer, Miss Reva Funk, Miss Naomi Woodcock, Miss Bernice Van Scoy, Miss Catherine Stapieton, Mrs. Kline, Mrs. Bronquist, Mrs. Kubik. Mrs. Woodcock. Mr. Z. M. Parvin celebrated his seventy-third birthday at the home of Miiss Ethel Edick. East Nineteenth and Alder streets, recently, surrounded by his friends and the Northwestern Normal school faculty and also Mrs. Ella B. Jones. Miss 1,. Bertram. Mrs. W. Owens, Miss Elizabeth Johnson, Ethel Edick. Cora Blosser. M-. R. Wheeler and Miss A. Newjjent. birth day cake had 73 candle, a nure of money made the birthday gift and games were enjoved. Miss Roxanna Wommelsdorf a hrirte elfct, was the inspiration for a very pretty "shower" given by Mrs. P. I,. Letch at her home in I-add's addition last Tuesday night. The house was decorated in snowballs. In the diniiid room a large red sprinkling can filled with gifts was suspended above thi table. During the evening Miss Worn n.elsdorf played several violin solos and was accompanied by Miss Alta Ring. The guests present were mem bers of the Satellite club. m The Wistaria club gave a surprise party for Mrs. G. N. Littleton at her home at 193 Union avenue north Wednesday afternoon. Baskets of dainties had been prepared by the ladies and the afternoon was spent at cards, Mrs. L. Snyder and Mrs. I. A. Wicke winning the honors. Mrs. Littleton will leave In a few days for an extended trip through the cast. . The girls of the "Arnica Veritas" class of the First I'tilted Brethren church gave a unique and enjoyable travel party on the evening of May 1". Kive homes of the girls were visited during the course of the evening; the guests were conveyed from one place to the other in automobiles. Ireland, (lermany, Italy, I'hina and America were the countries represented. k a COMING EVENTS Miss Eva Lyle, Miss Dorothy Moun tain, Miss Grace Wessells, Miss Jos ephine Spencer, Miss Lucy Wheatley, Miss EHeabeth Kern, Miss Hazel Cal- avan. Miss Adah Mankertz, Miss Esther Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. .Stephenson oX 412 Marguerite avenue are announ;!ng to their friends the engagement of Mrs. Stephenson's sister, Mi&s Helen Coul ter, to F. Harold Roudebush of Akron, Ohio. Mis Coulter came to Oiegon two years agr' from Oxford, Ohio, and ha taught during that time In the first Union High school In Multnomah county at Corbett, Or. Mr. Roudebush Is assistant In the cost department of the Firestone Rubber company at Akron, Ohio, and while at college was prominent In the Sigma Chi fra'-rnity. The wedding will take place in the early fall. Mrs. Stephenson, who la I national president of the Delta Zeta I sorority, will first attend the conven tion of that organization at L ncoln, I and will go on from that place to Ox ford, where the we'dding will occur. Miss Geneva France was pleasantly I surprised at her home, 792 East Sev enth street portii, last Friday evening by a number of her friends, the occa sion being her birthday. The evening spent In playing games and music. ifter which refreshments were served. rhose present were Hazel Olsson, May teaman. Hazel Lenhanlt. Pauline Schubert, Twela Armstrong. Evelvn owers, Helen Ewing, Mildred Gra- velle. Helen Berg. Olive Bere. Juanita Masterson.. Florence Engberg. Gene- ievr Sievers, Geraldine and Geneva ranee, Ellen Pilkaer. Carl Optima n William Gettman. James Rrimn phester Smith. Hilbert Murray. Gord- ian sperger, Herbert Tollison, Henry .ern, i.naries Benson. Rhea Franca Delbert Randall. Mrs. Margaret Storm entrtairA fith & "600" party at her home. lL'iti l-aghteenth street north. Wednesday. Assisted by her daughters, Mrs. Trout- wlh and Mrs. Webst Pf In h n n nr r, f Kirs. Ellen Mills, who is rt urn I n cr In June. Those attending were Irs. Ines Smith, Mattie Land,.. Margaret Becker, Nellie Blodgett, Eliz- luem oriintn, Cora Ponnay. Cora lOOdnou, Mary Chausse, Mary Hunter, utta Bloss, Emma Cooper, Lydia Bow- mrs. L.utner. Marv Hawes sparks, Josephine Mowers, Elizabeth uuoay, Matilda Howard. Sade Hamil- Jn, Catherine Hermann Mum oi-. kilee, Margaret Reed, Delia Eley, Har- Meiien, Lillian Pointer havim pusen berry. Mrs. Samuel D. Penney was airree- ly surprised Monday evening bv a vy of friends in honor of her birth y. The evening was spent in cards lid dancing. Refreshments werA rved. Vocal selections were rendered Mrs. Mills and D. Perry Evans. Irs. Penney was presented with a autiful present, the gift being from e members of her club. Card 'Dors fell to Mrs. S. D. Penney d Mr. Slemmons. Those present era Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Rushlight, r, ana Mrs. A. W. Cheney, Mr. and rs. Roy Flaherty, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. emmons, Mr. and Mrs. D. Perry ans. Mrs. A. Hoover. Mrs. C. w "Women's Sport Sweaters FROM LONDON iTTRAP.TIVF MfinF! IM CHPT. Land wool in a variety of kew and desirable shades PEC1AL 6.00. K, S. ERVIN & CO.. Ltd. VUBlUJt ULUiaUltt. IJCPpHTED A0C8S0KIS FOS KITS custom gHDtra. IVOUBK AI COATS FOE VH AJTD tcoinnooB nxujxa irena. ilZTI ASS AZJDSm- BTBSSTS The 500 card party given by Orphia temple, Pythian Sisters. Thursday evening, proved a great success and was well attended by a large crowd, j Mrs. f mmp uevurtz presided as chair man, assisted by Mrs. George Spencer, Mrs. Laura Snith and Miss Maybelle Olsen. High score honors were won by Mrs. H. E. Hunter. Mrs. Downs and Mr. S Raphael. Refreshments were then served, when all assured them selves of a delightful time. This party meeting with such a success, the tem ple will arrange to continue entertain ment and parties every month. The Past Matrons' club of Martha Washington chapter, O. E. S.. spent a very pleasant afternoon. May 2. at the home of Mrs. J. W. Luckey. The aft ernoon was spent with the fancy work, after which the hostess served refresh ments. Those present were: Mrs. H. Hatfield. Mrs. F. S. Dunning. Mrs. Kulla Dunninp. Mrs. Emily Newton. Mrs. Mary Fallows, Mrs. Mildred New ell. Mrs. Katherlne Morgan, Mrs. H. . Shields. Mrs. Rodney Hurlburt and the hostess. The next meeting will be held Monday. June 5. at the home of Mrs. R; L. Bewley, "61 East Yamhill street. Sunnyside car to Twenty-third, two blocks south. Miss Bessie Marie Parry, whose en gagement was recently announced, was the honored guest "at a miscellaneous shower given Monday evening by Miss May Hanna and Mrs. P. G. Strom. The annual meeting of the Drama league will he held tomorrow evening at the Little theatre. There will be election of officers and reports and at 9 o'clock "The Man Who Married a Dumb Wife" will lie repeated. FranK Branch Riley and Miss Hildredth llu mason will take the leading roles. Admission to all members is free and others may attend by paying the year ly membership fee of tl at the door. Portland tent No. " and Portland Review No. 7, Maccabees, will give a "5uu" party and dance in the K. of P. hall, Eleventh and Alder streets. June All Maccabees and friends invited. Mrs. FrederickA.Krbs has sent out cards for a bridge party Thursday. Ji nc 15. at 1:30 p. m., at her hQHie. llioo Westover Terrace. FRATERNAL NOTES Multnomah Camp, V. O. W., Will Give Tons of Ice Cream. x o -oof wM 11. ; ' r'x' I l .jsTj tJ 1 1 111 : V ' V 1 L v- V ' JL1 ;f I Vf x v - -r n mi il supreme com-! W. Aydelotte, deputy mander, will preside. ' 4 Utopia Babekahs Actlra. The fol lowing officers have been electej by i:topla Rebekah lodge: Mrs. Elmma Maple, noble grand; Mrs. Christine Anderson, vice grand; Miss JessU Henderson, secretary; Mrs. Anna Cur rier, treasurer. Last Thursday night a social entertainment waa fc'lven after the lodge meeting, Which Inrlnrtrt fsmv dancing by the pupils of Professor Heath; piano duet by the Anderson platers; vcv.il selection by Miss Mlnnl Alex ander, and Ice cream and cake j In the lnii.uet hall of the OJd Fellow' tem ple. Last night the lodge Ivlnlted i'roTP8 Rebekah lodge of Vancouver, "Wash. S ttaonrad Special Berrloe. Arranire ments have been made by .cotnjmlttee! of the Masonic- grand lodge for the 6:45 a. m. Oregon Electric tj-aAn to continue through to Albany on Monday and Wednesday, June & nnd The time of arrival In Albany 1s scheduled at 9:40 a. m. The office at Tehth and Stark streets will be open for lhalf an hour before train time. j " Oregon Assembly Cadeta. The Ca dets of Oregon aanembly, L'nijted Ar tisans, instructed by Mrs. ; Nonna Hummel, have the . following i person nel: Edna D'Arcy. Lena Each, Eleanor I Shaw, Qeorglna Jones, Anna Hoffman ascia bane, value welsn, jeanette t Raicey, Myta Poarce, Louise : LlpkeyJ Krager and fTRS GLORGZ 3 or orDIRECTOR3 WOl Olve Ice Cream. Multnomah Camp, W. O. w., has made prepara tions to make good its promise to give every child in the Rosebud parade during the Rose Festival a cone of b e cream and some cookies at the close of the march up Grand avenue. There will be 50 ladies and 20 men to serve the children from large booths to be erected on each side of the avenue. As soon as an estimate can be made of the number of children in line the ice cream will be ordered It Is ex pected that the com of this donation to Multnomah Camp will be over $6HC The committee in charge is George Shipley, James Ruddlman and'M O Wilkins. Junior Boosters Organize. The Ju- nor Moose lodge of Portend has formed a 500 club to boost until tho lodge reaches that many members. It is 395 shy now. but there are 3950 young men between 15 and l'o in Port land that the mhi club is sure would be better off in the lodge than out. Hood River Will Furnish Berries. The United Artisans of Portland wil' go to Bonneville on July 1. and It Is expected that several special trains will l)e run from Portland, The Dalles and Hood River, and that many wi". come from towns across the Columbia river in launches and boats. Hood River Artisans have agreed to. furnish strawberries for everybody free, anu some other assembly Is expected to come forward with the cream. Sev eral of the Junior Artisans bands wlU be present Will Initiate Knisrhts and Zotdies. Next Friday night there is to be a large class of candidates assemble at the Knights and Ladies of Security joint initiation ceremonies in Moose hall. Kirkpatrick Council degree team will put on the work. A special car will be taken on the Oregon Electric to bring the Forest drove and Beaver Ion councils In, and a number of coun cils in Portland and vicinity will be represented by large contingents. Will Police the X.odg. Fast Gate Lodge, No. 155, A. F. and A. M., will confer the degree of Master Mason to morrow night, with the stations and degree team positions filled by nfem bers of the Portland police depart ment. Every Masort welcome at East Eightieth and Glisah by the lodge on this occasion. Mount Hood Held Social. Court Mt. Hood, Foresters of America, held a well attended social last Tuesdav night at W. O. W'. temple. Arrange ments hav been made to hold a picnic at Bull Run on Sunday, June IS. As Dei oration Day will be next Tuesday there will be no meeting that night. M. W. A. Smoker to Be Held. Rose City Camp, Modern Woodmen of Amer ica, will give a social and get-together smoker tomorrow night at the Selllng Hirsh hall, 386 Washington street. Deputy Head Consul J. W. Slmmone will make an address on the alms and history of the order; F. J. Darlington will tell of the prospects for the new M. W. A. building now being erected: W. T. Vaughn, one of the veteran members In Oregon, will tell of "Modern Woodmen I have Met;" A. L. Barbur Is pledged to speak on 'Fraternity." Several sporting events have been arranged for. A barrel or fun has been arranged for by the committee, headed by Sol Rlchenbach. assisted by George Mathews. A. '. Prietz, B. L. Keep and C. C. Schrader. Delegates Will Leave Hext rrlday. George H. Thomas and D. L. Povey. delegates from Oregon lo the Toledo, Ohio, supreme council of the "Knights and Ladies of Security, will start from Portland on June 2. The supreme council will convene on June 13. BKaocabeee Auxiliary Convention. The district convention of the Wom en's Benefit association of the Macca bees, formerly known as the Ladles of the Maccabees, will he held In this city next Thursday and Friday at the Masonic temple. It comprises the re views in southwestern Washington and western Oregon, and there will be from 46 to 60 delegates. Mrs. Minnie Nancie Huntley. Bessie TlnrnChu Hf r n X. T. Special for Callforala.-Th Southern 1 'settle hns made arrange menls lo run a Ihrough car from Portland to Los Angeles to enable Knights .Templar to at lend ithe On tc-nial conclave. The train will leava Portland Bt :;iO p. m. on Friday, JuiW: Ifi. and arrive in Ixs Angeles Sunday" morning in tune to enable the Oregon Knigiits Templar to witness the lr rival of the grand officers and to attend the excursion to the Catalena Islands preceding the o cnlng of tba, 'conclave. ; :(. t Afternoon Cards and Social. The officers and guard club of Queen Elizabeth review, will bold their next' social and card party at W. O. W. hall- East Mxth and Alder Ktreets, W'edne" day sfternoon, beginning at 2 oclot'K., All Maccabees and friends are Invited. Knights Will Dance. The Knight of Columbus will give nn Informal dancing party at the Cathndral hall. Seventh and CouA streets, next Fri day evening, to mcmherx nnd their friends. Music will be furnished h Rudd's orchestra. The pnlroiieSHpa arei. Mrs. John P. Kavnnaugh, Miss Francis A. Norden. Mrs. Roger B. Slnnott, Mr; John F. Daly, Mrs. Andrew C. Smith, Mrs. Frank J. Lonergan, Mrs John W, Kelly. Mrs. John N. Casey, Mrs. I.' Frank Slrinott, Mrs. P. .1. Hanley. MrlJ K. T. Madden, Mrs. Miles J; Sweeney. Mrs. John Kenefick, Mrs. Arthur A, Murphy, Mrs. Jan. I''. Clarkson, Mrs.: Rose Friedle Ghtnclll, Mrs. Casslmer Campbell, Mrs. M. F. Brady, Mrs. P. Bacon, Mrs. ("has. It. Duffy, Mrs. Mat J. Lynch and Mrs. Plowden Stott.- 1 , SUGGESTION: Antic ipate your Nemo needs before prices advance. Miss Izetta Jewel, who Is well known to, Portland theatre goers. Ulti mately she appeared In stock in the east and was married to the late llepresentative AVilllam G. Urown of West Virginia. Their daughter, shown In this photograph, was bora only a few days be . fore Representative Brown's death. Boost, Mrs. Sutherland and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Penney. Mrs. W. A. Wilson, 153$ Jordjn street, entertained a number of her friends May 17 at "500," after wjiich dainty refreshments were served. The decorations were snowballs and red peonies. Mrs. P. E. Golden carried away highest honors, Mr. A. J. Ander son second. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Howard, Mr. and Mrs. George D. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Little, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Siefer. Mr. and Mrs. E. Strickland, Mrs. Min nie E. Smith. Mrs. D. O. Nash, Mri. Florence Jellner. Miss Irene Mc Cllncy, A. J. Anderson, Lester Brown. Grant Gay. Donald Strickland. W. R. Brownell, Miss Bervl Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilscn. The Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Welfare association gave their annual shirt waist stepping party in the Murlark ballroom, Saturday evening. Those serving on the committee were: The Misses Z. Shafer. B. Garretson, A. Sullivan, I. Sherman. A. Bersteln, M. Stone, P. Gerlach. V. Welch. M. Burg graf. L. Lewis, H. Dedricks. I. Alsle ben, M. Edenhoff. H. Flook. A. Nobl H Bruekert, J. Rernlinger, L. Watson, N. Treganza and the Messrs. M. Swerd 11k, W. Crynes, C. Worthlngton. " R. Ward. Q. Wolfe. R. Sloane. L. Hurst, S. GIbbs, F. Blade, J. Conklin. C. Green, B. Bloomberg, E. McFaden. In honor of her seventy-rifth birth day, Mrs. A. Nichols was surprised at her residence, 91 East Forty-sixth street north, by the members of the Glenco club. . The following members were present:. Mrs.. H. Engle, Mrs. A. P. Schwentex, Mrs. K. Newcomb, Mrs, G. F. McCurdy. Mrs. W. L. Kelly. Mrs. W. S. Wooden. Mrs. H. A. Brock, Mrs. T. H. Kendig, Mrs. C. E. Killion, Mrs. Fox Neck wear Is Ideal for motoring' Made up in special Summer styles and sizes. See them. Store Your Furs in Our Vaults Fire, Moth and Theft - Proof 288 Morrison Street! 3. P. PLAGEMANN. Street! 1111 J.JfanagerJjj .50 Just In! Jersey Silk Smocks Wonderful new styles, with deep sailor collars, long tie telts, pretty corded seams, etc. These come in all col ors, and women will wear them with almost every kind of separate skirt. These should sell at $15. Special Monday $11.95 In Time for Decoration Day New Middy Coat Suits 4 Just unpacked in time for our national holiday. Smart styles in heavy wash materials pink and white .striped jackets with white skirts edged with stripes; green and white striped skirts and coats, black and white combina tions, gray and white, etc. See the display in our win dows today, and be sure to come in early Monday if you wish yours altered by Tuesday. r Separate Skirts ' All kinds of materials and styles of skirts for dressy and sport wear. If you prefer a wash material, see our new awning stripes, smart styles of ticking, etc. Then there are all styles in silks and wool materials, at exactly the price you want to pay. Middy Blouses AChargeAccountY our Privilege New striped effects and those trimmed in stripes or , plain colors. Most of them come in neat coat styles, with Norfolk belts and yokes. 'OuttUHng Washington St., at Tenth V0R Economy )?Ashion Health wise women KNOW WHY! T-TERE'S a Nemo spec--- A iaIJy for "spready fat women who have lots of excess fat (rather soft and yielding) below the waist line; heavy Jiips and thighs, hollow back: 4 (NeflZP 508 Self-Reducing No. 506 (ehort stout) and No. 508 (taller stout) will briag fraoo ful lines, wonderful reduction and delightful comfort to women of tho type described. Sizes 22 to 36 $5.00 Every Nemo U an extra veto imply ae eortet. For the health feature!, which are prioelew, yoo per nothing extra. In All Good Store $3.50, $4, $5 and up Kwe fiMe-fc Utitait. TU' Tat T7"