n SECTION FOUR THE WEEK IN SOCIETY MUSIC, CLUBS - EIGHT PAGES IX FASHION'S REALM NEEDLEWORK J ' PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 28, 1916. 4 -:.-v: Nw f..r publication tn th indy irtvtjr pnirci ruimt tie In The Joiirual of fl' by Friday aftrooiu. Ry Nona Lawler. AHIG social feature of the Rons Festival, the event which will ahsorh all time and attention next week, will he the Hoyal Rosarlan ball at Cotillion hall. Thursday. June 8. Invitations have been ent out to about COO guests. It will be a strictly Invitational affair with the Hoyal Kosarlans an hots. Many protnlnetil p'-ople of the city are pat rons and patronesses, and among the honored Knests besides tne king and queen of the festival and thojr court, will be the officers from the cruiser Marblehead and battleship Oregon, who will arrive In the city that morning. Klaborate preparations are being made to have this event one of the most im portant social functions of the season. Th committees are: Hall committee, "W. J. Hofmanri, chairman Emery Olmstead, Henry L. Corbett, K. J. Jae ger, William Mr-Murray, JUlph W. Hoyt and H. Kllers; floor committee, Robert Krohn. -chairman Guy V. Tal bot, O. K. Jeffery, J. Fred liaison, Kurt If. Koehler, F. 11. Norman and Fred erick ForBter. The affair will be given tinder the patronage of Governor and Mrs. James Wlthycombe. Mayor and Mrs'. II. It. Albee, Captain and Mrs. Leonard T. Waldron, U. S. A.; General and Mrs. George A. White, Consul and Mrs. :. Henri Labbee, Belgium and ;France; Consul and Mrs. Kanion Kscobar, Chile; tonsui ana Mrs. woy uacK liin, i.mna; Consul and Mrs. Henry Harkson, Den mark; Consul and Mrs. Harry L. Sher wood, Great Britain; Consul and Mrs. Carlo Vlsettl, Italy; Consul K. Kum asakl, Japan; Consul and Mrs. A. If. Metzelaar, Netherlands; Consul and Mrs. A. H. Lamm. Norway; Consul Car los M. Barreto, I'eru; Consul and Mrs. Valdeniar Lydell, Sweden; Consul and Mrs. Albrecht Strelff, Switzerland; Mr. Dean Vincent, Mrs. and Mrs. J. H. Pundore, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Colt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Corbett. Miss Hen rietta Falling, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wes ley Iadd, Mr. and Mrs. Luciu Allen Lewis, Mr. and Mi-h. (iuy W. Talbot and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore B. Wilcox. Mrs, Guy W. Talbot has announced the following list, of entries for the floral parade of the Rose Festival. This feature of the big event is under the especial patronage of the women of the city and groups from all sec tions are planning to have one or more vehicles entered. The executive committee Is tmxious to net the en tries closed this week. Many of those named below are mere v KOlnc into the exhibition class and will- not com- Entrles to date Include- Mr. Maurice Dooly, Mrs. (Jay Lombard. Mrs. M. fcrnnll Mrs VraH VHh Mr T )iumjr, Westover Cornell, Mrs. K. iolmes, Mrs. 11. W. Metzger. Mrs. A. in. Charlton. Mrs. r.aher. Mrs. R. H. IMaCauley, Mrs. I. VanDuyne. Mrs. Wll- !lam Gadsby, Mrs. Kurt H. Koehler, .Ira. Harold Young, Miss Harde, Mrs. iscar R. Menefee, Mrs. W. O. Van lehuyver, Mrs. Helen Kadd Corbett, Miss Falling, Miss May Falling. Mrs. lienry I,. Corbett. Mrs. F.lliot U. Cor bett, Mrs. Guy W. Talbot, Mrs. W. B. Feehhelmer, Mrs. I. N. Fleischner, Mrs. Arthur C. Emmons, Mrs. Wilbur K. Oman, Mr. Joseph Henderson, Mrs. C. Colt, Mrs. George Willett. Mr. C. A. lames. Dr. Parker, Mr. S. Benson, Mrs. 'Tanklln T. Griffith, Messrs. Abe and Julius Meier, Miss Sarah McCulley, Mr. red Warrens, Mrs. I. N. hlpman, Miss Marjorle Hoffman, Miss Helen Jones, Irs. Herman J. Hlaeslng, Mrs. W. A. Vllllams, Mrs. K. C. Klein (one pony art). Mrs. W. C. Baker, Milwaukle one car), Mrs. Thomas Robinson; Wll- kmette Heights (two cars), Mrs. Natt IcDougal, Alameda Tuesday club, Ala leda school, Mt. Tabor Campflre girls. ellwood general hospital. Trinity unday school. Woman's --Council of oresters (four cars). Woman's club three cars). Multnomah Uafalot club. ft'averley golf links. Rose City. park re department, Portland Heights fire apartment, Washington high school, efferson high school, Lincoln high rhool. Franklin high school, Benson CM .sKysCSi f.ilJiiisVWih.rti'XMifii" V ' ciOss J B mnAMAiwanc it i" ,i ' nli. i' J mm m j 1 JMk w mwm polytechnic, Alameda park school. Chamber of Commerce (several). Pa cific Telephone company, Portland Hunt club, Bit and Spur club, Irvlng ton club (three cars), The Hazelwood. J. K. Gill company, Sherman Clay com pany and city council. Miss F.l'low Mills and Rogers Mac Veagh will be married June Hi at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mills. It will be a quiet home ceremony with no attendants to the bride and bridegroom and Bishop Sumner will read the ceremony. Only the family and near relatives will ba present. Countless Informal affairs have been given during tht past few weeks for the bride-elect, who is a charming and popular girl. Tuesday evening. Decoration day, the Waverley Country club will hold their first dinner dance of the season, open ing their summer season series of these delightful affairs They wilt continue as a weekly event on Saturday eve nings, the tecond affair being next Sat urday. The members of the board and others of the association interested in tne I Baby home are working hard for the success of their annual June Kose si ver tea. to be held at the home. Mar guerite and Woodward avenues, Thurs day afternoon of this week. This splendid philanthropy has a large fol lowing and hosts of their friends will doubtless call Thursday afternoon. Tne officers and trustees will receive tht guests. They are as follows; Mis. D. C. Burns, president; L. K. Kern, vice-president; Mrs. George B. Cellar.-;, corresponding Secretary, F. S. Akiii. secretary; A. I. Keenan. treasurer; Mrs. H. It. Albee. Mrs. T. C. Allison, Charles H. Dodd and Jacob Kanzler. The advisory board includes the fol lowing prominent men and women: Dr. A. W. Moore, A. H. Birrell, H. C. Kck enberger, Paul Wessinger, F. S. Dun ning, H. H. Northup. Mrs. W. C. A ! void, Mrs. 11. W. Scott and W. R. Mackenzie. At the lea table will be: Mrs. Wil liam Wheelwright, Mrs. William Al- vord, Mrs. C. C Colt and Mrs Guy W. Talbot. Assisting In serving will be: M i n. I Landen Mason Jr., Miss Rhoda Rum- elln. Miss Kathrine Hart. Miss Cath-1 rlne Hoi brook. Miss Maisie MacMas ter and Barbara Mackenzie; and at the candy booth will be: Miss Harriet an J Mary Kern, assisted by several young ladles. The program to be given during the afternoon is as follows: ytrin? trio, by Vivian LeLory and Victor De Lory, juveniles, Valdo Garman; solo, Miss Florence !folms; quartet selec tions, personnel: George Hotchkiss Street. Mrs. George Hotchkiss Street, Clarence Heath and Miss Ruth Agnew. monologue, Miss Margaret Egbert; so prano solo. Miss Nona Lawler, and tenor aolo, William Grier. Miss Katherine Crefin of Oakland, Cal., Is the house guest of her cousins', the Misses Katherine and ' Eleanor Gile, and is receiving much social at tention. Yesterday Mrs. Vernon Cart- i wrlght (Margaret Malarkey) presided, at a prettily appointed tea in her honor, '; and Thursday afternoon Miss Ruth j Teal was hostess at a luncheon for her. I Miss Cornelia Cook gave a charming ly appointed luncheon Friday after- noon at her home on Portland heights In honor of Miss Anor Hall of Elmira,, N. Y., who passed a few days In the city en route to Honolulu. Circling the1 table were: Miss Hall, Mrs. Bandon ! R. Mason Jr., Mrs. Hazel Blumauer Litt, Miss Rhoda Rumelln, MIrs Har riet Cummlng, Miss Ruth Teal, Miss Katherine Hart, Miss Helen Ladd, Miss Maisie Mac Master and the hostess. Between interesting engagement an nouncements In Portland, wbich are coming at freqeunt intervals these spring days, Seattle is furnishing tid bits of news. Following Miss Nan Ful lerton's engagement to Knbridge Had ley Stuart In Seattle, two Sundays ago, came the announcement last week of Miss Imogene Carraher, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mnrtlmer M CarrahAr and William Turnhull Burwell, son of! the late Rear Admiral W. T. Burwell, II. S. N., and Mrs. Burwell. Mrs. Bur well and her son make their home In Seattle, and the bride is of a proml- mmmmm Variety of Patterns Makes Selection Easy YOUR individual taite in design and coloring finds fullest expression when selecting a C R E X rug, because of the wonderrully wide rang of patterns. CREX rugs harmonize with the de corative scheme of any room. Besutiful blues, browns and two-tone effects in artistic combiaatioa predominate. They wear well, are sanitary, inci pensive, and always dean and cheexful looking. Insist on CREX. Refuse substitutes. A genuine CREX rng is instantly identi fied by the name C-R-E-X woven in the side binding. CREX is patented mlar U. S. Cert. Copl titta, Praml cam of fraudulent subaMtttian or riKul ssisraptawnurtiin by dealcts will b pro, sacatod te sba Bnut at tba law. Baa a CKEX rag- at your dealers in Portland, and ask for the beautiful 32-paffe CREX oatalof; in natural colors, or write us direct it's free. CREX CARPET CO., New T.rk Originator Win-Gra PnJucU nent family there. She visited here not long ago with Miss Irene Daly and made many friends In Portland, who will be Interested in her engagement. The wedding la planned for the early fall. The Misses Vlda and Margaretta Marshall are being welcomed home with many small informal social affaiae. They have been away from Portland most of the past three years, living In Now York city most of that time. Last fall they returned for a few weeks and then went south for several months and have Just returned home. for the summer. They are domiciled a I Alexandra Court. For Monday, May 2D, they have asked a number of friends In for bridge at the Court. Miss Helen Wortman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wortman of this city, graduated with honors Wednesday from the Baldwin school at Bryn Mawr, Pa. Her mother and brother, Kverbtt, were present at the exercises. After a few weeks' yachlng cruise on the Chesapeake bay with Philadelphia friends and a visit to Annapolis to at- iena me graduating exercises ai me military academy miss wortman win return home, about July 1, accom pained by her mother. i- ' An event of interest in the school set and alumnae yesterday was the annual St. Helens Hall alumnae luncheon at the University club Satur day at 1 o'clock. Bishop Sumner and Miss Edith Malpas, and Miss Ella Stephens had charge of arrange ments and decorations. The officers of the association are: Prestdei t, Mrs. C. s. Jackson; vhe president, .'ocelyn Foulkes; secretary, Mrs. J. D. Honey man; assistant secretary, Mrs Helen Whitney; treasurer, Mrs. H. M. Ram sty; assistant treasurer. Miss Lucretla Allen, and treasurer of endowment fund. Mrs. H. C. Cabell. a Mrs. Henry E. Jones and Mrs. L. M. My rick are passing the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ayer at their charming new country place near Carl ton. Or. Miss Annie MacKay Browne will have as her house guest the latter part Powers' Great Introductory Sale of the New French and Flemish Metal Beds You will say they are brass beds, for they ha-e all the beauty of the brass. They are finished in Hicksite lacquer, which is guaranteed not to tarnish. They are as durable in every way as the highest grade brass beds produced. French and Flemish metal beds have come to take the place t)f brass beds, for they cost considerably less, and the mo't expert judge cannot distinguish the difference. The process of producing this new metal that has every characteristic of brass remains a secret of the makers, but it is safe to say that" this new metal will revolutionize the metal bed industry. The fact that you can now buy a beautiful bed that has every appearance of brass at almost the cost of the ordinary iron or steel bed will immediately brng these new French and Flemish beds into great favor. Splendid Jt24.&y Pattern fll in the New French Metal This beautiful bed pictured below inch continuous posts, 12 one-inch filler rods at head and foot, and the mountings on both are unusually attractive. It is absolutely impossible to tell it from a gen uine brass bed. and the price is about half what you would pay for a bed of the i If ft I . 1 v ' I ' Ill II - . r " " - m fci o ocCT' w ii . 80 CENT PRINTED LINOLEUMS ON YOUR FLOOR, THE YARD, 60c $1.00 HEAVY PRINTED LINOLEUMS ON YOUR FLOOR, THE YARD, 75c $1.50 FINE INLAID LINOLEUMS ON YOUR FLOOR, THE YARD $1.17 AUTOMATIC COLLAPSIBLE, ADJUSTABLE DRESS FORMS m-n o "Model" Forms can be collapsed whlile ti- H m-9 justed to the required proportions of the JJL B user. All adjustments are made from the outside of form by merely pulling out parts to the desired sis. Term $1.00 Cash, 50c a Week of this week. Miss Frances Jones of Berkeley, Cal. She will arrive Thurs day and will pass a month in the city at the Browne residence, 630 Vista avenue. Miss Jones formerly lived at Denver, the old home of the Brownes, and the two girls have been school friends for years. There will doubt less be much entertaining for the visitor. Mrs. C. S. Jackson and Mrs. Fred erick W. Vincent of Pendleton left here the early part of the week to motor up the highway to Pendleton. Miss Ethel Graves of Spokane is the guest of Mrs. Fred P. Morrey at Glen mori and is receiving much social at tention. . Thursday evening Mrs. Morrey gave a dancing party in her honor, preceding which Miss Shirley Eastham gave a dinner party. Edmund Shea entertained last Sat urday evening for about 60 young people of the school set, mostly stu dents from the Portland Academy, at his home In Johnson street. Mrs. John F. Shea received with her son. and Miss Ivalou Shea. Mrs. Irving Stearns and Gilbert Shea also assisted. The rooms of the lower floor were all cleared for dancing and sitting rooms were arranged on the second floor. Punch was served from the sun room, where effective decorations of pink roses were used. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis Mead will celebrate their fifteenth wedding anniversary with a large reception at the home In Irvlngton on Tillamook street, Monday, June 12, from 8:30 un til 10:30 p. m. Miss Margaret Mears will return home shortly after the first week In June, after passing four months In New York with her aunt, Mrs. Frank V. DuMond. She will probably return home with a group of glrle from Dana hall, including Misses Winifred and Elizabeth Huber, Miss Helen Wood and Mary and Peggy McBride of Victoria, B. C. Mrs. Charles B. Preston has as her house guests Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morse of Olympia, Wash. Mr. Morse Is on the board of control for the state of $18 is in the new French Metal. It has same style and weight in brass. Remember, it is finished in Hicksite lacquer which is guar anteed tarnish-proof. 9x12 Worcester Axminster Rugs $25.00 SLOP Down, $1.00 Week A big lot of full room size 9x12 "Worcester Axminster ruga have Just been received and effered on unusual credit terms for the coming: week. The quality made espe cially for us will insure years of service and satisfaction. Washington and Is widely known in both Oregon and Washington. Mrs. Preston is planning a reception in honor of her guests for next Friday evening at her home at East Twenty third and Knott streets. Miss Helen Honeyman, the daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. James D. Honeyman, will return home from school in New York next week. Miss Mayme Helen Flvnn enter tained last Sunday eveninr at he home on Northrup street with an in formal reception and musical, present ing two clever young pupils, Miss Mary Holmes, the daughter of Mrs. Edith Knight Holmes, and little Fran ces Prudhomme, the daughter of Mr and Mrs. William Prudhomme. This is the first of a series of similar af fairs which Miss Flynn Is planning. 'About 30 guests were present and en Joyed a delightful evening. Other im promptu musical numbers were given by Miss Florence Holmes, Miss Nona Lawler, James Flynn and Mrs. Wil liam Greer.. Miss Flynn and Frederick W. Good rich accompanied the singers. Mrs. P. H. Flynn assisted her daughter in receiving and a bevy of young girl assisted In serving the buffet supper. In honor of Mr. and Mrs. William P. Powers, recent bride and bride groom, a party of North Bank rail way people tendered a surprise party last Tuesday evening, assembling at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Fowler, 1218 East Gllsan street, and invading the Powers home next door. Dancing and cards occupied the guests after congratulations had been showered upon the startled couple. Mrs. Powers Is a St. Paul girl. Mr. Powers represents thS Hill lines as traveling representative in the Willa mette valley. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. E. Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Pickard. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Wil liams, Mr and Mrs. C. M. Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Proebstel. Mr. and Mrs. L. 13. Hickam, Mr. and Mrs. E. Britton, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hoge, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Abbett, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jaynes. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Powers; 0.85 Special massive two- Te rms $1 Down SOcWeek Another Big Shipment of Those Splendid New Cretonnes JT7ST XH A stock of new. snappy patterns in foreign and domestic cretonnes. Everything ts shown from light grounds with dainty designs lor the bed room to darker grounds with small, medium and large bold designs for the living and dining room. 36 inch widths priced from 1.25 f Qg down to 35c. 50 inch widths from 37.50 down to... 100 25c fancy bordered scrim and marquisette, white. Ivory or 1Q Arabian, yard 1 5C 40c fllet nets with gmall detached figures or dot" In white OQ or ecru, yard t3C SHORT LENGTHS 35o. 40c and 60c Cretonnes from i to S OJ" yards of a kind, all colorings, special, yard OC 1 I auAimr FliOT M I 2A Misses Merle Balbach, Anna Segal, Florence Patterson, Bertha Shafer, Nellie Lincoln, Trece Anderson, Mad eline Murphy, Gladys Welch, Grace Stanton, Mary Lane, Jennie Reid; Messrs. W. D. Skinnej-, John C. Moore, I'aul Chamberlain, Howard Depew, James Carroll. William Wilson. Bert Cohen and R. H. Crozier. A silver tea wilt be given by the ladies of Grace Memorial4, Parish at the home of Mrs. S. Adalr,V-'488 East Eleventh street north, Monday after noon from 2 o o o'clock. The follow- 1 ing program will be given: Mrs. Melvin Lake, soprano solo; trio by members of the choir; violin solo, Mlas Dorothy Bliss; soprano solo, Misa Gen evieve Gilbert; contralto eolo, Mrs. Harold Bayley and soprano solo, Misa Edna Slater. For her house guest Mrs. John Rob erts of Salem and Mrs. Edgar Ander son, Mrs. Robert Berger and her daughter. Miss Helta Berger, enter tained last Tuesday afternoon at their home on Melrose Drive with a most delightful bridge luncheon of 10 tables. The affair was charmingly appointed, the hou.se being a spring garden in huge- clusters of golden hued Scotch broom. Mrs. Berger received in d handsome gown of robin's egg blue sstln combined with lace. Mrs. Rob erts was gowned in a cream crepe do chine frock. Mrs. Anderson wore lilac satin and creame lace and Miss Berger wore a becoming gown of white chl' fon bordered with a pink and llffht blue dresden design. Miss Nancy Beals sang a charming. group of songs before the luncheon and Misa Nona Lawler and Mrs. Dudley Clark sans later In the afternoon. Card honors fell to Miss Lawler and Mrs. Theo dore Nlcolai, and pretty guests' prizes were gtven, all being beautiful pieces of hand painted china, the work of Mrs. Berger and her daughter. The list of invited guests included: Mesdames John Roberts, Alva Person, George Parrlsh, G. O. Frankel, Edward Alden Beals, Arnold Lindsay, Theo dore Nicolal, J. W. Morris, J. C. Hare, W. B. Hare, Edgar Anderson, Charles Munyon. EGurney. Koe Ewin, C. F. Jones, F. Ri Wannig, Mrs. Haynes. Nina Larowe, J. E. Wright, William Notice! All French and Flemisbmetalbeds are finished in Hicksite lacquer, which s guaran teed tarnish-proof. The beds look and weaf like brass and the price is about one-half. Nitiel. Fred Krlbs, Schuyler Spencer. Dudley Clarke, E. ii. Wheat, H. At water. C. F. Alexander, R. Aldrlch, J. A. Anthony, McCallum, George B. Cel lars. E. M. Baker, Brayton, Rudd, Frank Johnson, Elof Hedlund, J. C. Mann, Frank Deuster, Charles 1 Boss, Cora Puffer, Robert Inman, Miss Vella Winner. Assisting about the rooms were Mrs. F. O. Miller, Mrs. Arthur Downs. Mrs. Iouis Metzger, Miss Annie Iee Miller and Mrs. J. o. Bryan. Mr. and- Mrs. Lester Guy King of Frankfort, Ind.. are being entertained In this city at the home of Mrs. Joseph Franklyn Riesch, 238 East Fiftieth street. Mr. and Mrs. King have been spending the winter In Los Angeles and will return Monday evening to their home in Frankfort. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke W. Gould are receiving messages of congratulation on the recent arrival of a litle son. On Tuesday afternoon the women' department of the Rose City Park club gave a card party that was at tended by a gathering that filled i tables, about equally divided between auction bridge and "ROO." It was the first party given by the new officers of the department and was thoroughly enjoyed by those present. The com mittee in charge were Mrs. Arthur Latdlaw, chairman, Mrs. Carl Chrls tensen, Mrs. W. P. Richardson and Mrs. T. T. Geer. Refreshments were served and the prizes were won by Mrs. Henry Brown at auction and Mra. Ferdinand Reed at "600." Entertaining for her house guest. Miss Grace Farnsworth of Tacoma and a group of engaged girls. Miss Llla Margaret Sengstake was a charming hostess of last Wednesday afternoon. Five tables at bridge were arranged and a number of additional guests came in later for tea. A surprise was offered in the announcing of the mar riage date of the hostess, whose en gagement was known, though not for mally announced. Her name ajid that of her fiance, Frederic Harold Young, were found by the guests on little pink hearts attached with wedding bells in la corner of the hall, with the marriage This $19 Flemish Metal Bed Offered at The illustration above shows one of the new Flemish metal beds, full size, which will be featured tomorrow at a specially low introductory price. In appearance it is dull brass, guaranteed absolutely tarnish proof. It has two inch continuous posts and ten heavy filling rods at head and foot. Beautiful full mount's on posts and filling rods. The regular value is $19.00. To introduce the new line the very special price above. A Great Assortment of French and Flemish Beds Now on Show Dozens of new styles that will interest you. Designs that are entirely new all marked at a price surprisingly low. The special credit terms connected with the special introductory price enables every one to procure a splendid Hicksite lacquered bed at a price far less than they have ever paid. On sale only at Powers'. Joiir Powers' $25VictrolaClub 50c First Payment Then SOc a Week Powers' Dignified Credit Service makes it possible for everyone to own a Vlctrola. This splendid 125.00 model on credit terms that give you nearly a year to pay. This Vlctrola has all the clearness of tone, th same splendidly finished case as the other models. It will play any Victor record clearly and distinctly. Machines b' tight under this Club plan will be exchanged for higher priced machine within a reason able time and credit will be given for same We Charge No interest A Splendid VICTROLA Combination (hQA JFj With Double Door Cabinet U300 This new Vlctrola Outfit offers unusual value in its combination. Tn splendid Cabinet In quartered oak or mahoganv is unusually rocmy. Th , combination consists of YICTmOfcA TZ, OOtTBXiB XOOS UCOIB CAB I. er, ova ksoobd Aura, bzxtzem ibuotioii fa x0VBXa rAOXO bxco&ss) too xzpLXi, juooui cuivci, . ; t v , A ! date set for August 16. Mill Seng stake la the daughter of Mr. and Mn. Cord Sengstake. She la a graduat of the Portland academy, class '10, avncl of the University of Oregon, claaa She has traveled abroad extensively and is popular In a large circle oC friends. Khe Is a member of the Kappa Alnha Theta sorority. Mr. Young; fin ished at Oregon In the same class, M 4. and during the last year he has Mn taking commercial law course at the I niVersltv of Washington. Hs Will take a position in the comrnercial de partment of the high school at Pn dleton next term. Ho is a Sigma Delta Chi man. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Young of Eugene. t "' The bridge was a delightful affair. The honor guests. In addition to MlSf Farnsworth, were Miss Edith Brsed love. Miss Margaret Ring and llUl Maurlne McAdam. Kappa Kappa Gamma entertalnsdj (Continued en Following Ptf fiSHOP FOR WOMEN f Helen Igoe Always the Represen tative Showing o) j Newest Fash- ions. The Authorized Modes for June and July A re Here. dressesTgo WNS, SUITS. COATS, BLOUSES. V Portland Hotel Court 5- 0 2i