The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 28, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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!. ;
Money at 5 Per Cent Provid
j ed in Executive's Plan as
( Outlined,
System OooU Be Trie Out aad Hn.
vlarged If Experiment Proves In.
" ' eessfal and Satisfactory.
k Orion City, Or.. May 27. In an ad
f resa to grangers here today Governor
JVlthycornbe proposed that the etate
$e permitted, through constitutional
amendment, to Borrow money on school
fund security It already possesses and
thereby secure funds (or farm loans,
at tow rates of Interest.
" J "The present Irreducible school fund
f (approximately la loaned
ton, first mortgage security at C pr
cent," said the governor. "This se
curity consists of never less than three
times the amount of the loan. For ex
ample, the M.000.000 now loaned Is se
cured by approximately $1, 000,000
worth1 of real estate, consisting of
farm lands. This means In effect
hat there are S1S.009.000 worth of se-
untles lying tn the vaults of the statn
nused. If , 000,000 were borrowed
n this 113,000.000 worth of securities
t 4 per cent, the Interest could be re-
uced OR the SM00.S00 nl ready loaned
5 per cent, and the other 11.000. 00
!e loaned at 5 per cent.
8uch a plan would make the irre
uclble school fund's Income the same
S at present, while at the mamm time
will e,lre the farmers J12.uoo.000 of
money at & per cent. It can be worked
out, I believe, without in any way JeoD
frdlxlng the absolute security of the
Jcnool fund: certainly it Is essential
hat the fund be kept Inviolate, for It
represents a trust whose responsibil
ities, must be scrupulously observed.
f eenrity Batlif aotory.
J "I have discussed this matter with
I ankers sad It Is relieved that the
eourlty which could be offered for the
: Toposed new loan would be entirely
atlsfactory and Inviting- to eastern
i nd other capital.
Thl system could be practiced al
I lost indefinitely because the 16.000.-
f00 borrowed by the state on the exist
ing collateral will also carry with it
1 18,000,000 af- securities when loaned
Jut, as the practice of the state land
Board is to make loans of one-third the
Intimated value of the property. How
4vf. if authority is secured simply to
loubls the state's present loaning busi
ness, a notable impetus would be given
to agricultural development. 1-ater. if
the plan worked out with entire satis
faction, the fields of activity could be
i "Knlargemrnt of the work of the
state land board by Increasing its loan
ing capacity will create practically no
additional cost. The state already haa
a splendid organisation and equipment
4nd it is estimated that the actual cost
f supervising the loaning of 112.000,
00 would be no 'greater than that of
0,000,000, as the overhead expenses re
am practically identical.
Jboaas for One Tear.
Each county has at present a SDe-
lal agent of the state laud board.
through whose hands pass all matters
pertaining to loans in his territory.
$Tbe loans are made for one year with
1 the privilege of runnng for 10 years.
. Without renewal. The borrower pays
Ihe land board agents a fee of one per
ant Of the loan, which therefore
amounts to one-tenth of one per cent
r annutn. if the 10 year period is
aken advantage of. The coat of the
etalled outside work, therefore, would
e no greater to the state than it la
iOw, no matter how much its volume
ncreased. Th annual xnnronriatlim
tor the office administration, is now
J9000, and those In charge of the work
eciare that this sum would amply
over the cost of the office adtnlnis-
ratton of the larger fund.
"It is true that the state will have
0 guarantee payment, but the infin
itesimal risk of loss Is Indicated by
h fact that during the lam 20 years
the board haa had practically the en
tire fund loaned out and there have
been no net losses. The few inconsid
erable losses in principal have been
inade up out of the Interest account."
s -
(Ooatlantri Prom Paso One)
In line Woodmen, first: Artisans, sec-
"bnd. Decorated automobiles, Oregon
CJty Mrs. K. E. Brodie, first; Mrs. 1L
I. Martin, second. Decorated automo
biles, out-of-town li. k. Cross. Wil
lamette, second.
2 T X4vstVck Show Success.
I 5"Th livestock show was one of the
biost suooessful ever held in this city,
lids year's shew was held in two large
tents, one of which was used for show
ng of swine, and the other for the
horses and cattle. R. K. Reynolds, one
' the professors of the animal hus
bandry department of the Oregon g
. Hcultural college at Corvallia, acted as
)udg of the livestock department, and
also gava an instructive talk on the
falsing of pure-blooded stock.
' j 'The stock show was preceded by a
took parade, all horses and cattle be
ln entered. A number of riding ponies
as weir as draft horses were in the
, ) i . X4votock Awards Made.
. Tfce awards in the livestock depart
ments were as iouows:
i Best farm team loaded with great-
est number of out-of-town folks, S. fl.
( Best draft team weighing over J80Q
- pounds, owned by larmer, David
'Best driving team hitched to buggy,
Deorge A. Yealey.
t Beat single driver, bitched to buggy,
C. M. Had ley.
i: Saddle horse, lady's mount. Ella Par
ker; boy's mount, Walter Painter
girl's mount, Marie Neal.
Comic rig. John Rankin.
V Plug ugly, Qeorge JScouton.
I -Percheron stallion. Dave Hoffmeis-
tei; Hhlre stallion. Gust Jaeger. Mor-ran-Standard
bred, James Avery. Best
Percheron mare. Dan Day. Draft colt.
116 foal. Charles Tiedman. praft fill,
am foal, A. K. Ford. Draft fill. 1914
roai,B. F. Weddle. Bve-year-old or
over, all purpose stallion, weight over
1 tOO to 1100 pounds. B. F. Weddle.
five-year-old or over, all
r, all purpose mare,
pounds, B. Q, King,
ear, B. C. King.
weigni ijoo to tow I
Fillies, under one yi
ro tk Balis aad SwIb.
jj Jersey bull. 8- years old or over, R.
Jta ' Badger. - Holstein bull, t years old
or oyer, N, Christiansen. Jersey bull
over 1 and uadar 1 . years, Lasalle
3.iairy eompajvy. Guernsey bull. 1
J ear and under 1 years, J. O. Kuenxl.
Guernsey bull, over 2 and under S
years, C. VU Kliler. Jersey calf, over
jxionuui M4 tina l.year. a X.
J t.v- -As " J V) - " . - 4
Imam , 1 1 nwr , wmuvnsmmmj UU'JUS ' k lo Rtr?? I l I
Badger. Jersey calf, either sex. under
6 months, Jacob JossL Uolsteln calf,
either ssx, under 0 months, Prank
Haberlach. Jersey cow, 3 years old
or over, IaaelU Dairy company. Jer
sey heifer, it. 1. Badger. Poland
China, boar 1 year old and under 2,
Dimick Ac Gregory. Poland China, boar
under 1 yesfr, Dlmlck & Gregory. Po
land China, sow under I year, W. W.
Harris. liuroc-Jersey. boar 2 years
id and over. J. O. Kuenzi. Duroc
Jersey boar 1 year old and under 2,
George DeBoIc. Duroc-Jersey boar
under 1 year, George DeBok. Duroc
Jersey sow under 2 years, J. O.
Kuenzi. Duroc-Jersey under 1 year.
George DeBok. Boar and three hogs,
under 1 year, bred bv exhibitor, J. G.
Kuenxl. O. I. C. swine-boar 1 year
old and under 2, R. I... Badger. O. 1.
C boar under 1 year, R. L.. Badger.
t. 1. C. sow under 1 .year, R. L.
Badger. O. 1. C. boar and three ho
under 1 year, bred by exhibitor. R.
Best three goats, S. D. Barney.
Khotlaxd ponla, Htirold leighton
first. Wlnfred Manning second.
Fitting Decorations
Aim of Merchants
Business Section to Show Tee-Ural
Greetings is a Number of Attractive
Ways This Tear.
A committee from the Chamber of
Commerce is calling on business men
on Broadway, Washington. Morrison
ami Tenth streets to enlist the4r co
operation in making the street decora
tions for the coming Rose Festival
th most pleasing ever shown.
The-intention is to string garlands
between posts in the business section'
and to provide 20 hanging baskets of
blooming flowers for every block.
With' the fronts of the stores decor
ated with flags and bunting, it is be
lieved splendid effects will be ob
tained. Merchants desiring to communicate
with the decorations committee should
call Broadway 440 or A-6091.
Satterlee Opens
Rooms for Colonel
Morgan's Brother-ia-Xiaw and jaw
reaoe Oraham Open Chicago Head
quarters. Chicago. May 27. (U. P.) Law
rence Graham and Herbert Satterlee,
brother-in-law of J. P. Morgan, opened
Roosevelt Republican headquarters to
day. Theodore Roosevelt Jr. will be J.
Ogden Armour's guest at the conven
tion. It was Interned.
Chairman Hilles of the Republican
national committee has been secluded
since Wednesday, it waa rumored, be
en use of a split among "higher-ups"
with regard to the distribution of
Supporters of Governor Brumbaugh
have also arranged to open head
quarters shortly.
Doctor Kills Man
Seeking Vengeance
Phyatclam buret to Boad aad rired
On; Returned rtre, Getting sis As
sailant With the rtrss Shot.
Lake Charles, La., May 27. (I. Jf.
B.) William Kanouso was shot and
killed at Benton, La., today by Dr
William Bude.
Kanouse accompanied his wife, who
was disguised as a man with frock
coat and mustache, to Bude's home.
nuua was turea xo me road on pre
tense of a sick call, and fired upon.
Bude Immediately returned the fire.
getting ivanouse at the first shot.
mio. xianouse loppiea over in a
faint. Later she admitted she had
plotted with her husband to get ven
geance for a fancied insult.
High School Judge
Himself Is Judged
Tonsr Has Is Arrested for rpeedinf
aad Oots Boms Pointers on Xow Beaj
Vollee Genxt Zs Oondneted.
Sacramento Cal., May 27. (U. P.)
Jack C Butler, judge of the Sacra
mento high sohool police court, under
the student eontrel plan, faced a real
police court Judge today when arrested
on a charge of speeding with his auto
The high school Judge got a number
of pointers on meeting out justice in a
genuine poltcs oourtejid. after prom
ising not to break any more laws, was
allowed his liberty.
Short Change Game Charged.
After he had confessed to playing a
"short obanvo garne oa two- east id
confectionery stores In January,. R. E.
Arsenau, 22 years old, was arrested
by Detectives Bwennes and Moloney
yesterday and Is bold for, lnvestiga
tion. Arsneau
i, oy ci
lever sleight-of-
hand. !s sead to have switched 91 bills
for $10 that , he originally fproferred
tor payment pn purcQMes, reeempg
$ In change. j.. i ... .
' - - - .- - - - ' ' ' - Mimii.i.M MmTirirmiiirMiassssiaanaaasBisaaari
Top, left to right King Earl Hutchinson and Qneen Rose Uptegrove, who ruled yesterday over Oregon City's feetivitieo; one of th
pony carts that featured big parade.
Bottom, left to right Crov&s surrounding reviewing stand where Queen Rose and King Earl held court; float on whirh was mounted
giant cliinook salmon caught with hook and line below Willamette falls in front of city. The salmon is encased in huge cake 6f
ice. It is surrounded by future anglers and angleresses, which shows there is no fear of the supply of the king of fish becoming
Concert and Dance Given in
Quarters Remodeled From
Old Rathskeller,
Opening the new assembly hall and
lounge room, the management of the
Hotel Portland entertainer several
hundred friends with a reception and
dance last Wednesday evening. The
new departure is arranged in the old
rathskeller and bar in the basement.
A cozy and homey atmosphere per
vades in the attractively appointed
The especial use of the rooms will
be for private parties, dances, con
certs and meetings, accommodating
several hundred guests.
George C. Ober. manager of the
hotel, received the guests. During
the early part of the evening a splen
did program was given under the
direction of Waldemar Llnd, director
of the hotel orchestra, refreshments
were served and dancing continued
until midnight. Informality reigned
over the affair.
Many Pleasing Features.
Miss Delphlne Marx, John Claire
Montelth and Mr. Lind were the so
loists and Interesting numbers were
also given by the orchestra, of which
the personnel is: Mr. Llnd, Ferdi
nand Konrad and Kldridge Trayle.
Mrs. Marx sang with exquisite grace
and style, her contralto voice being
heard to especial advantage in the
simple and melodious "Somewhere a
Voice Is Calling." Her other numbers
were "May Morning." "Black Bird
Song" and "The Captain's Son."
Voles and Instrument Please.
Mr. Lind's numbers were "Caprice
Viennolse" (Krelsler). and Rodino"
(Beethoven-Krelsler). Mr. Montelth
was in unusually good voice and sang
in his best form the rousing "On the
Road to Mandalay" (Speaks). "Banjo
8ong" (Homer), "Ohatlnatton"1 (Fon-
tenailles) and "Ask Nothing More'
(Marzialo), appearing- three times on
the program. As a finale encore he
sang "Annie Laur'.e" with a deptn
of melody and
brought tears to
ringing tones
many eyes.
Bandits Seriously
Injure Conductor
1 1 11 9' 1 J
San Francis 09 Streetcar Man Pnts TTp
Desperate Baaistanoe "Whan At
tacked Bohbers Qet 127.00.
San Francisco. May 37. (P. N. 8. 1
In a desperate struggle with two
streetcar bandits, masked and armed
Glen Smith, conductor on a Valencia
street car, waa hit over the head with
a revolver, receiving a fractured skull.
early today at the Twenty-ninth and
Valencia terminal. The bandits rob
bed Smith Of $27.60. "
Smith was taken to St. Luke's hos
pital, where be lies in a critical con
dition. Usd Mads to Defraud.
Los Angeles, Cal., May 27. (P. N.
S.) Federal Judge Van Fleet today
fined James Sinclair, former San
Franolsco entomologist, $500 for using
tne man a to eerrsua. eineiair la at
I ncs school and to , have accepted.
I wonoy from willing pupils without
string 'them. Talua received.
Hof Brau to Run
In Cafeteria Style
Grill Made Tamons for Its Crawfish to
Effect Changs of Berries la About
Two Weeks.
The Hof Brau, the grill famous for
its crawfish. Is soon to. pass Into his
tory and in its place will bo established
one of the largest cafeterias in Port
land This change will be effected In
about two weeks, according to an
nouncement made last night.
Wihlle it is the purpose to continue
crawfish and other dishes which have
given the place its name, these will be
served on the cafeteria plan rather
than as at present. ,
Man Hit by Falling
Tree, Seriously Hurt
Joseph Hayne, aged 19, a donkey en
gineer, residing at (9 East Tenth
street, Portland, sustained a fractured
skull and broken right leg when a tree
fell on him while at work at the J. K.
Lumber company camp, Hamilton
Creek, Washington, yesterday. He was
brought to the city and removed by
the Ambulance Service company to the
St. Vincent's hospital where the In
Jured limb was amputated. His moth
er lives at 869 Kast Tenth street.
The injuries may prove fatal.
Florence Nugent, daughter of Mr,
and Mr. T. Nugent, who took
part in the "Pioneers of Amer.
. Ic, girenat the Forbes Pres.
v oyteriAn . entjren recently,- -
Belief Expressed Carranzistas
Can Maintain Order if They
Really Mean Business,
Army Headquarters, near Namiquipa,
Mexico, May 26, via radio to Columbus,
N. M., May 27. (U. P.) Banditry in
this section of Mexico is believed to
have been ended by the killing of VII
liata Leaders Cervantes and Beaucome
in Thursday's 'fight near Las Cruces.
Significantly, it was unofficially be
lieved around General Pershing's head
quarters that the Carranzista troops
should now have no trouble maintain
ing order if they and their command
ers really mean business.
There has been no disorder since the
engagement at OJo Asules May 6, when
a squadron of the Sixteenth United
States cavalry completely routed the
last large VlUlsta band, kiUing 43.
Deaths Are Important.
The deaths of Cervantes and Beau
come were regarded by General Persh
ing almost aa important as Villa's
death would ha
Pershing sent the detachment of
the Seventeenth Infantry which routed
Cervantes' band a congratulatory mes
sage and specially mentioned George
Hulett, whose shots killed both ban
dits. The bodies of the two Villistas were
brought into camp here today and
positively identified. The corpse of
Cervantes was viewed by a brother
and over a score of friends brought
irom rvamiquipa. Tne bodies were
later removed- to Namiauipa and
turned over to Mexicans.
W11) Prevent Bsmonstratlo&a.
It is likely that during the funerals
of the two men precautions win be
taken both tn camp here and br the
Mexican vigilantes in NamdaulDa to
prevent any outbreak by any Villistas
who may be hiding In ths vicinity.
fe renin g was not prepared today to
discuss what effect the deaths of the
two VUlista leaders would have on the
disposition of the American troops
here. There has been no slackening in
the efforts on the part of the expedi
tionary forces.
Infantry officers expressed them
selves as delighted with ths success of
the first engagement in which the ex
pedition s infantry has participated,
especially in view of the prominence
of the bandits killed.
Appeal to Pltfbt Americans.
On Cervantes- person were found a
number of photographs of women, also
ths original copy of an appeal to Car'
ranslstas to Join In an uprising against
Americans as the common enemy. Cer
vantes and General Julio Aooatas
signed the proclamation.
Japanese Laborer Hurt.
Ken Asuga. Japanese section hand.
SO years old, employed by the O-W. R.
4 N. Co., was seriously injured last
night in ths north end of the Albina
yards whan he fall under the wheels
of a out of freight ears being handled
by a awl ten engine.
Four Killed, Fire Injured.
Welch. W. Vs.. May JT.-(L N, S.
Four men were killed and five were
seriously burned in an explosion at
the Houston collieries today.
Viaduct Is Costly.
Ths . Southern Pacif le is expending
ISS.oea constructing the uoigats street
viaduct across Its shop yards in south-
east Portland. Work on the viaduct
was commenced a few days ago and
will be rushed with all possible speed.
When completed the structure will
throw all atreet traffic over the yard
trains and main line and thus eliminate
the danger of collisions and other accidents.
Starting at 1 p. m., Continuous to 11 p. m.
Portland Theatregoers Have Shown Ample Recognition and Appre
ciation of the Fact That the Strand Gives You "More Than Your
Money's Worth." The Strand Reciprocates With a Gala Bill of
Artists That Have Played in America's Finest Vaudeville Theatres.
"2f- parkax Stark SZgfc&y I
Japanese Lines to
Be Broad Gauge
Tokio, May 27. (I. N. 8.1 A com
mittee appointed by the Japanese gov
ernment has reported in ravor of
changing the railroad lines of the
country into standard gauge, of four
feet eight and one-half Inches. The
nresent inure Is three feet six lnohes.
The estimated cost Is $701,000,000 and
.the work is to be completed by 19S.
The new scheme has obvious
strategical merits. It win enable
Japan to rush troops to the ports in
great numbers rapidly, and if there
should be a scarcity of rolling stock
in China the new stock which must
be made for the broadened lines could
be taken with the troops. In the
srent of trouble with China the flrt
more of the Chinese would bo to with
draw all their locomotives to the in
terior. Japan has now not an engine
nor a carriage which would run on a
Chinese line. If her rolling stock
were made the same' gauge as the
Chinese she would be able to make
use of the railroads of the Asiatic
Divorcee Sued on
Alienation Charge
Mrs. James W. Blalook Wants Mrs.
Crraos M. Xrwla to Pay 100,000
Knsband Defendant's Korse Trainer
New Tork. May J7. (I. N. 8.) Mrs-
Grace M. Irwin, now living at the
Rlts-Carlton hotel, who got a decree
of divorce last fall from John Ben
jamin Irwin, of San Francisco and
Honolulu, was sued in ths supreme
court today for $100,000 damages for
alienation of the affections of James
William Blalock, a racetrack trainer
who has had charge Qf a string of
horses owned by Mrs. Irwin, and who
is owner of, the horse Brighouse, a
frequent winner on many of the east
ern tracks this spring.
The alleniatlon suit follows an ac
tion for divorce filed by the plaintiff,
Mrs. Jennie Whltelaw Blalock, March
IS last. In which Mrs. Irwin waa named
as corespondent. It was said today
that Blalock is now in the northwest.
Legacy Is to Pay
Debts of Germany
Privy Councilor of Kooslla leaves
$8500 to Be Invested at Compound
Berlin. May 27. (L N. 8.) TI10
Prussia budget for the fiscal year
1918-17 contains the following item:
"The late privy government Coun
cillor Elener von Gronow of Koeslln,
has left a legacy of 10,000 marks
($2500) to the Prussian state with
the proviso that this sum shall be
invested at compound interest until
it becomes large enough to pay th!
entire public debt of the kingdom. The
legacy has been accepted and will bo
administered by the treasury depart
' Experts have calculated that the
strange gift will grow to the height of
the present Prussian debt In about
400 years.
Pomona Slan Elected.
Berkeley. Cal.. May 27. (U. P.)
C. D. Greaser of Pomona was elected
president of the California Building
and Loan association at Its annual
convention here today.
The Celebrated French Dancer
And a Company of Talented Artists in an Elaborate Dramatic
Dancing Pantomime
Up-to-Date I In a Clever Comedy I The Singing
Skedaddle I Sketch Fisherman
An AH-Star "Bluebird" Cast Support
In a Charming Heart-Interest Story of the Constancy of True
Love. Suggested by Lord Tennyson's Poem "MAUD."
Many Will turn to Colonies
Also, Predicts Former Resi
dent of Portland,
Walter Olffard, Well Known la news
paper Circles Mere, Sends tetter
to a Triend In Portland.
Out of the trenches and 'round tho
world away!
That's what Captain Walter DeL,
Olffard of the Kgyptlan expeditionary :1.
xorce, Krilisn army, thinks will happen
whon the war Is over.
The feet of t lie young men will not.
turn back behind the counter or ths
desk. They will turn to the colonies
and the United Statcn In .quest of
larger opportunities than are to bs
found in the United Kingdom.
Captain Olffard was aeveral years In
newspaper work in Portland, and this
opinion is expressed in a letter to A
member of The Journal staff, lie left.
Portland in the summer of 1914, and'
nothing waa heard of hlrn for mors
than a year after he reached England.
for the reason, as he explains, that lie
enlisted as a soldier, and didn't want
to write letters to Portland that might
lead the censors to believe that he was
a war correspondent in disguise.
Adranoed In Bank.
He was not a captain at tho time
the letter was written, several weeks
ago, but has probably been advanced
to that rank by this time, as his com
mission was expected. I lis principal
service has been with the Eighth Ox
ford and Muck's Light Infantry of the
Salonica force, which took him Into
"My name has gone in for a regu
lar commission to remain In the army
after th war." he says, "but I rather
expect that Portland will see me with
in 60 days or so of peace being de
i think life with you will bo
freer one. and I'm practically certain
It will mean a big increase in emigra
tion from the old country.
Clerks to Come.
"There are now so innny thousands
of men who were clerks In the city
t 2: to 45 (shillings) a wmw who
daren't break before for fear of what
might happen, who will now shun the
Idea of going back to the indoor stuffy
uie artr the rreenom ami naiui or
the open air army life. lJtn and lots
of the-m will be saying, "The colonies.
or the states, for me.
Captain GlffHrd asks lo he remem
bered to his Portland friends.
"Under the circumstances I tiave not
liked to write lettem," he pays. "Our'
instructions are pretty clear In that
respect, and ns 1 have to see that
other people keep the law as adju
tant 1 don't like to break It myself
to start off."
The French govf-rnnient ),as appoint
ed a commission to study thfc general
use of motion pictures tn the different
branches of public education.
i i I i r-. :7-