SECTION THREE DRAMATIC, PHOTOPLAYS, EDITORIAL TWELVE PAGES ILLU STRATED FEATURES SCHOOLS PORTLAND, OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 28, 1916. NOTED CIIC MAKES MOVIES PLEA THAT j REFLECT LIFE BETTER Richard H, Little Suggests as . Life Is AH Chase Films Oc casionally Show One. MURDERS COULD BE USED Comedian With Wide Botomid Tronsers sad XUttU Mustache Coold Be tlssd as Scenario Material. 7 Richard Henry Little. In ( blrtco Htrald. In a booklet Issued by a correspond enoe achool for teaching you how to make a million dollars a week writing scenarios for the moving- picture fac tories there appears the following In teresting note: tareae Tlk No. 1: THE PHOTOPLAY AS A MZFLECTIOM OT LIFE. ia by Rich rd H.nry Little. Tbii Screen Talk Remarkable Sale Gowns Skirts Combinations Envelope Chemise $1.19 Each All made of superior quality longcloth, in a great variety of styles with lace, embroidery, me dallions, headings, ribbons. Also gowns of crepe. All sizes in every style. Fonrth Floor ehewi the importance of making jour photoplay lifelike, and axplaina la a practical way juat how thia may Ve ao eempliahea. I did not know I had ever written any such treatise. I am willing to take oath I never did. But, since I am rred- iiea wun writina- rne fnovopiay as a itefleetlon of Life," I might as well wine ii. nv, ncir ll in, hiiii nim is iiiv firs t paper I have ever written on this or any oihr moving picture scenario school theme: m Dear Pupils: The Moving Picture Should Reriect 1,1 fe. But lAte in Mo- t dry TtiA mAiInf nlrtiir. a i't nr I I ia. HarrH frnm TalUlnir u-lli lilci I. Ins anil iongue. lie must Inlk with his legs. nererore. there must ne much Action In the Movies. My first Suggestion is that In the Future the movies should iiK ineir i-eopie run arounn. vv ny turaf Here Is my Big Idea. Have one of ha Arton In th nlctnr run Mka mad. nen nave an tne otners running line OP wantH tn V.y ur r unnM ntit rnliiit linger io slop mm or ner, as tne case ly be. It might be Just as conducive the Happiness of Mankind to let as rnahy actors Kscape us wished to Es- fcaps. Tills would Reflect Ufe tn Its big gest and most vital Significance, is tot all T-Jfe a Chase? Do we not see he same thing a Dozen times a Day? yet us walk down the street and Bee Whether or not the Chase such as I have suggested la not' a true reflection our, Every Day life. Here we turn ho Corner. Look! Down the Street omes man, bareheaded and with his reath coming In Short, Quick Pants, Ike the Ones he la Wearing. Who la e? Why Is he running so rapidly? Ah: S is an Actor. And behind him come ha Managers. See, there Is Jake Shu pfcfl snd Oliver Morosco and Harry "ratee and Marc Klaw and A. H. Woods nd all their minions. They are wav- V contracts calling for the payment t tSJOO a week to th actor, and he la i ' tinning so madly that he may Escape rom them. And now see. Mr. Shubert nd Mr. Frasee have left the mob and re skipping with Incredible Swiftness own yon Alley. Do you not see their ell purpose? They are going to head he actor off and make him work. Ahl loor actor, we can only hope that ne lakes good his escape. Again we see a man running madly own the Street. His face Is red from Is terrible effort to get away from the hob hanging tenaciously on his Heels. IV ho Is this Man? Ah. now we see he a politician r-nnlng from thousands f Voters who want to compel the poor otltlclan to accept a Job as Mayor or lovernor or Senator or Keeper of the fog Pound at a large and enormous tlary. Let us hope the Politician es pes. On the next corner we see a harried ache) or running madly to escape 600 rensled Debutantes who are chasing am down in Order that they may Mar- him. And over here we see a man scaping from a crazed mob waving andfuls of money. We stop one of Mob and ask him Why the Man is etBa- Chased. We find out that the efple tn the mob owe the Escaping an money, and they are running him pwn to Make him take it. Poor Fugi- ve, ths cruel Mob is gaining on him! Thus Everywhere w go. Life is uoh Sterner and more Serious than he- Moving Pictures have hitherto lown us. In the Future let us some mes show a Murder, for there arc urders n Keai Life. Let us have a loh man, who has been up to some Jeyilment, come Into his luxurious Bed namber that Looks Like an Auction ore, and have him sit down at his kble and write something in a book. lien why not tsve a masked Assassin beak In and Stab the Rich Man and Jill him? And why not sometimes have a pie- Ire taken up close to the Heroine, so see every line In her beautiful face d the four great tears which are nning down her Cheeks and the gold tflng In her back Teeth and the place isre the Wig Joins her real Hair? The Photoplay Must be a Reflection Life as Life is Really Lived. Why t make our Comedians in the Movies Jtr to Life? Instead of having them How the Beaten path, let us ma!:e em wear wide, deep bosomed trousers d funny little mustaches and cute tie hats, as men do tn Everyday Life, A yet the moving pictures show thim ins: Into a crowded Department store d kicking Lady Customers and roll- JI themselves up in the bolts of calico id throwing the Floor walkers down p Elevator Shafts. topper Will Sine: Fairbanks New Song JVhen 'De Wolf Hopper goes into (udevllle. he wilt sing Douglas Fair- hk g song. " I tn so Oosh Darn Tuff, Ich Raymond Hitchcock is now nre- Jitlng tn London with a glossary on program Interpreting the Amerl- Slang. -vi... ) ;,.iU.v i The First Presentation of New Mid-Summer iHiUmerp Mates Showing for the First Time The Unique Combination of Velour and Hemp Picturesque hats in white or pink hemp, with black velour. Transparent Hats With brims and crowns of Georgette crepe or chiffon and exquisite flower trimmings. Hats of Felt Soft, pliable quality, in the newest colorings. These late modes are shown mostly in black and white, with high colors used in the sports hats. Prices $8.95 to $15.00 Third Floor (Stfta for DIAMOND Bracelets of solid gold in the new narrow widths in Koman xinisn ana set with good sized, full cut dlimrtnric ar $7.00 special for $12.50 bracelets iu special for $17.50 bracelets Jewell? Section rirst Floor. At 45c is a group of practical, useful things that will delight any girl hand-painted powder boxes, hair re ceivers, bon bon trays and rose jars. Oift Boom, Sixth noor Dresser Sets for $3.50 in fine, exquisite designs in Vignaud Limoges china, consisting of powder box, hair receiver, hatpin holder, pin tray, comb and brush tray. CKft Boom, Sixtb noor. Sterling Silver Picture Frames in plain and engraved oval, square and round. 50c Frames 33c $1.50 Frames 98c $3.00 Frames $1.98 $1.00 Frames 66c $2.50 Frames $1.67 To $8 Frames $5.34 Jewelry Seotlon Plrrt noor Complete Desk Sets for either boys or girls. Of art brass, or fine nickel, priced it $4.50 to $13. 5o. Olft Boom, sixth Floor. All Purchases Made Monday Will Be Charged on July First Bill For Monday We Announce In accordance with a rule we have followed for years A Formal Disposal of OUR NOVELTY TAILORED SUITS 57 of the highest-class mdrJeis, that sold formerly to $65.00, $36.75 Of Serges Of Gabardines Of Poplins Of Fancy Checks Third Floor MEN First Quality Porosknit Union Suits Always Sold Heretofore at $1.00 Monday Only This Famous Underwear in All Szies 69c First Floor, Golf and Sports Shirts Featuring the New Two-in-One Collar Of Plain White Oxford Special 95c First Floor, For Monday Only BLACK TAFFETA The Best $1.50 Quality $1.00 Yard A Weight for Making Suits, Coats and Dresses Full One Yard Wide Second Floor For Monday Only Corset Section Offers Regular $5.00 Modart Corsets Front Laced At the Exceptional Price $3.00 For Monday Only Navy Blue and Black Serges 48-Inch, Extra Heavy Quality Very special 95c Second Floor -Latest models, all sizes. Fourth Floor FOR MONDAY ONLY Heavy Bath Towels, 25x44 Inches Very Special 29c 100 Dozen Seamless Bed Sheets 75c Sheets, Size 2VAx2y4 Monday 59c 85c Sheets, Size 2yAx3 Yards Monday 69c Positively not more than one dozen sheets to a cus tomer no phone orders filled. second Floor For Monday Only $1 and $125 Union Suits u Augusta,' Perfect Fitting, for Women Extra Special 69c Loose or tight knee, sleeveless, low neck.. First Floor Imported French Negligees Odds and Ends and Single Pieces $9.95 That Sold to $50,00 Long Negligees, of French crepe, lingerie and lace, albatross, crepe de chine - and China silk. Short Negligees, of alba tross, French flannel, crepe de chine, lingerie. Fourth Floor Special Monday Only 1000 Cut Glass Water Tumblers 39c Each None Less than $6.50 Doz. Others to $12.00 Dozen All first quality, hand-cut, blanks, 15 choice designs. Monday Only 50 Cut Glass $1.50 Bon Bon Dishes $1.10 Sixth Floor Untrimmed Leghorn Hats Imported Bleached Java Straw Hats All With Colored Underfacings at $1.45 Regular Prices From $2.50 to $3.00 Third Floor For Monday Only From Fourth Floor Misses' Suits Selling to $25.00 Exceptional at $15.00 Gabardines, serges and checks, all new models, for misses and small women. A limited number only at $1 5.00. Fourth Floor Embroid'ed Voile Flounces Full 40 Inches Wide Regular $1.00 for 69c Yard In large floral designs and small conventional patterns, fast edges very effective for lingerie dresses. First Floor Pure Thread Silk Stockings (for Women) With Silk Lisle Tops, Spiced Heels and Toes at 50C Pr In Black, White and 37 Colors First Floor Stamped Fudge Aprons Made of cream art crash, stamped for scallop ing and embroidering. 19c Regular Price 35c Fifth Floor man wow uvy vx Merchandise dcJ nerft Unly S2 Phones Marshall 5000 Home Phone H-2265 100 Free Sewing Machines To Be Sold on Another Special Club Plan 5c Down and 5c Additional Each Week until the machine is paid for. Demonstration on the Fifth Floor. I An Exceptional Sale New Blouses Crepe de Chines Tub Silks Marquisettes Voiles . Regular Price $3.75 Very Special $2.25 Frilled, lace trimmed, tucked, hemstitched and pleated styles, in plain colors and stripes. Third Floor This $7.50 Sea Crass Rocker as pictured, is full size and J specially priced at j0.45 Eighth FlOyt This $10.00 Extension Steamer Sea Grass Chair, as pic- py.yec turcd, is full size, special p745 Eighth Floor . Folding English Breakfast, Ta hies, with square or round 36-in. natural or stained v;n finish, as illustrated JlebU. xignth run This 75c Waste Paper Basket ' Made with white enamel or mahogany finish frame, and covered with silkolinc, -Q as pictured, special 4oC Eighth Floor ' CURTAINS Lace and Scrim HALF PRICE From two to six pairs of a pat tern scrims, nets, Irish points, Nottingham, Cluny, Cable neta and Battenbcrg. From 24 to 3 yards long. f Regular Prices $3.00 to $12 Pair, Half Price. Fifth Floor Monday Only 15c Oil and Vinegar Bottles Styles 9c each Basement NO PHONE ORDERS FOR ECONOMY SALES 'Where You Spend the Least and Get the Most For ItT ICE CREAM PARLOR AND SODA FOUN TAIN IN BASEMENT Monday Try This 25c HOT LUNCH ;ream of tomato soup, roast veal or minced steak with spa ghetti, or deviled crab, relish, bread and butter and beverages. Easement Hundreds of Newest Yard-Wide Fancy Taffeta and Messaline Silk at 98c Silk Waists Very Special t) 1 .y O - You'll be surprised at the quality and the style embodied in these silk waists, which aretvorth $2.50 and as high as $3.00 each. Every one new. Black Silk Waists for pl9o Of Indian silk in plain tailored style. Sizes 36 to 42. Black Taffeta Waists for. . JpZeD Lustrous fine black taffeta silk waists in newest tailored styles. Sizes 36 to 42.- Black Soisette . Waists, Spec! tp 1 .Ce3 One of the best waists ever made for durable service. , , Basemest . Boys CORDUROY $1 Pants 79c Strong, durable, well made. Full cut. Sixes 6 to 17 year. New Lot of or. Sport Blouses oC Tapeless style, all now, light and dark fancy stripes. Full rang of sises, 6 to 16 years. Bssement Silks Selling Regularly to $1.50 Yard Most wanted, scarcest stripes, in all good street shades, exceptional quality, fine, soft-finish silk. Silk Remnants Fourth to Half Off Hundreds of New 1916 Patterns Basement One-Day Sale Guaranteed Hair Switches $1.75 Switches, 18-inch, Monday only 78c $3.00 Switches, 24-inch, Monday only, $1.39 $5.00 Switches, 30-inch, Monday only, $2.48 $6.00 Switches, 34-inch, Monday only, $2.89 Above switches in all natural shades three-strand style. - 30-Inch Gray Switches, Monday only, $2.98 ' B seem on 85c to 75c Wool Crepes and Wool Brocades, 42 Inches Wide at 39c Yard umsy Household Needs $4 heavy Galvanized Garbage Cans, approved by fir mar shal, 30-gallon capacity, re inforced $2.98 25c Pearline 19c 20c Gas Mantles for 15c $2.50 Casserole, 8-in..$1.98 25c Wright Silver Polish. 19c 25c Chemical Chimney Sweep priced at 19c $1.25 Combinette 98c $1.75 Family Scales .$1.39 $1.40 Ironing Boards... 98c $1.50 Nickel-Plated Tes Ket tles, Ne. S lias. . . ... . .$1.19 Summer Corsets of Net. Monday Sale $1.00 Low-bust, comfortable model, lightly boned, sizes 20 to 30. Hook-Front and Cross-Back Brassieres 25c Unusual in fit and material daintily trimmed. New 50c and 55c Cantrop Waists 39c Made of cambric, all sizes, 2 to 14 years. BsSemen. Black, Cream and Most Wanted Colors A remarkable lot of the very weaves most In demand strictly all wool, of splendid qualities, in navy, black, brown, green, helio, cream, gray, i mode, myrtle, tan. Basement $1.25 Bolt Longcloth, 36-Inch, 98c New lot of 60 pieces. Only one bolt to customer. 15c Yard-Wide Percales, Monday 11c 19c Floral Pattern PI isse Crepe 13c meat. Regular 75c Middies 39c All Sizes 6 to 20 Years All white or navy, rCopen or red trim'd. Regulation style, laced or plain fronts, lone or short sleeves. FIRST TIME SHOWN $1.35 Breakfast Sets, Monday . . 9oC A price much less than they can be made for. Two-piece style, of gingham, in pink' blue or lavender checks and stripes. Neatly trimmed. All sizes. t.'T ' - BMnat MEN SAVE HERE MONDAY 500 Snappy New . Four-in-Hands 50c Ties in Every Way Monday 29c Men's Everyday and Outing Needs 50c Athletic Union Suits 39c 65c Knit Union Suits 49c 50c Outing Shirts .....39c $1 Outing Shirts. 59c - $1.75 Flannel Shirts $1.25 ' Now Sports Shirts ! il.00 $3 Corduroy Trousers J 2v45 $2.50 Outing Trousers ! 11 .93 $3.50 Sweaters for ...... . .$2.65