4 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 28, 1916. 15 AUTOMOBILES WANTED 7 (Oontlanad) THREK and one-half acres, between fpanaway Lake and American Lake, on Blvd. connecting two lakes. In edge ot Tacoma near spanaway car line; trad for good automobile. 401 Cor- bett bldg. Phone Main 4485. VAMTKLi Ford or other light car. in good condition, in exchange for 5ood building lot In Rose City Park letrtcL Tabor 193 or JOS Uerlinscr -bldg. . WANTKI) Ford car In trade for hore and light wagon; will pay difference cash; muit be In first claas condition. fell. 784. . WANTKD The bout 5 or 7 pasaenger lilt car that 3500 will buy: $200 down, bal. payments. Who has it, ana what make? P-917, Journal. ITNK building uite, cOt $1000, clear oi aeot, ior an up-w-umo u . CAHCALiKN & KKAOfcN, 207 Hallway Exchange. HAVE 40o firm r.-.-ruag to irade for automobile or ral estate. Address Geo, E Balslgcr. It. F. V. No. 1. Sclo. Or. VANTKD 1-lght fix car. 1915 or 1910 make Will trad five acres nwr Oladatone. or house in city. L-to;, Journal. FIVE pasHenRer auto wanted in ex change for 80 acres In Malheur Co. fl-7H, Journal. FOK CASH 6 cylinder car. 1915 or . 1916 model. Write full description and prle. .M-vm, journal CORN Kit lot In Laurelwood Park tu trado for late model -ord tourtna mf, '1X-!'73, Journal. VV J I l AtKltl VUi tw V . safe, comfortable, finely finished family launch with honxf. Tab. .713. HAVE city lot; want auto. Ford pre ferred. Call Broadway 1920. Auk for Kemp. l wir.r. t;,Un . K-riH.i auto as first payment on my i-rooni m""in bouse in Kellwood. Phone Kell. 149S FOR TRADE for automobile, 4-room . house, lots, barn, gas. Call Tabor 7199. AUTO wanted for clear corner lot. Might pay some cash difference. JC-8H0, Journal. GOOD auto wanted In exchange for equity In 5 room hungalow. walking distance. M-iiOl. Jt na LOT 1. block 1, Franklin Square addi tion, Portland, trade for good auio. 1T-76B. Journal. CLEAR LOT in Hose City Park for best car of equal value; no cash. Tabor 477B. WANTKI I Auto for $500 equity small store bldg.; will assume small amt. T-784. Journal. , 40 ACRES. Hood River. Only 3700 in cumbranoe. Want high grade auto. Mnrwhall 24.12. LATK model second hand Ford uuto, must be in first class condition. Give lowest chhIijii ice. L-f56, Journal. TRADE for auto, bouse and lot. Jen nings 1,oikc, value &uu. io ruius. , V-311, Journal. runi. iiiuhi ur ivi room house and lot; difference. 78 K er.ih ft N. WILL trade patent riniht for state of Oregon lor automobile. L-969, Jour- ral. PIANO to trade for roadster or llgltt touring car; 425 Stnrk sC 4 ROOM house to trade for aut. Yamhill 234 40 ACHES, near Portland to trade for auto or motorcycle. : o!?i LATE model touring Kiilcic, Overland, Dodge or slmilirr. U-770, Journal. WANTED, for i asli, 6-pass. light auto. 81. Henry bldg. WILL pay cash for late model Ford, i Address Koute 1, tiox :m;. l.ents. nr. AUTOS VOn HIKE 52 BIG, roomy, easy .-Idlng Wlntn Six for Mlghwny parties, etc. Careful driver. Rea nnalde rates'. lies. Tabo 740: stand. Main 279. WANTKD ias.ieriKers Sheridan Decoration Woodlawn 662. bv day. auto to , Phone PICNIC parties wlwhliiR highway, country trins cheap, call Marshall , 37S4 ' FORD lo anywhere; Woodlawn S':93. reasonable. CLEAN, lirst class touring car, care ful, competent driver. Main 537S. 1816 OAKLAND Columbia higiiway; price reasonable Tabor 7113 liiiiiiiit it i,r,nii n ijis mi 1. ii I cylinder HENDERSON. NOW itS DISPLAY. SI...; THEM BEFORE YOU BUY Dayton Cycle Co, 210 BROADWAY. FOR SAi.E, fine 1916 3-speed Harley Davldson. full electric equipments; Dream tandem, good speedometer. Price $225. Phone Tabor 1868 or codl 6128 42d ave.. S. E Mt. Scott car. ONE ladles 2d hand bicycle, one gent's 2d hand bicycle. In first class con dition, for sale at my shop at 1310 Belmont st. and 4uth. Motorcycles and bicycles repaired. J. V. Hook. INDIAN 7 horsepower Twin, in first class condition, fully equipped, Just overhauled; $85. 67 E. Davis. Phone East 7449. FOR SALE Fully equipped twin Ex celsior motorcycle, In good cono'itlon. Bargain. Must leave town. Tabor 2627. Call nfter 2 p. m. MOTORCYCLE bargain for quick sale 4 h. p. chain drive, good tires, good running order, lamp and tandem. Call K 6766 up to 1 p. m. Sunday. kAYTON t speed Twin, fully equipped; terms: $150. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., list and Washineton sts. Main 6244. 1916 H. D. 3 speed twin. In first class i-uiiumon, iur saie very rrttsunaoie. Address Fred Becker, 84 7 E. Broad- way, city. 2 SPEED Harley-Davldson, fuTly . . equipped, tandem attachment; leav ing Monday: no reasonable offer re fused. U25 14th st. . v .BOTORCYCLES and bicycles rented t0 J""b, Parties. R. IL Blocker, 76 Taylor, cor. 4th. OOOD 1913 Twin Indian, equipped. only $76; $25 down, $lu monthly. E. 33, Hyatt. 350 Alder. WANT M otorcycle or small auto In exchange for fine chest of carpenter tools. 848 Missouri ave. DAYTON 9 H. P., 2 speed, kick starter; rully equipped, bargain $17 494 Montgomery st. U $35 Must -sell 1912 twin chain drive n. p. motorcycle; win demonstrate; r.ast ain aner ounqay BOY'S bicycle. $15; boy's bicycle. $12; gins nicycie. i; zt Taylor st. , 10!n 1W4I I 114 TWIN EX.. 2 speed, equipped, p Al condition; very reasonable. L. y. .Hall. 590 E. 10th st. 8. ViARLEY DAVIDSON, single tandem! - Presto light, $75 cash. Main 29-. A-2411. FOR SALE CHEAP Single Yale mo torcycle, good condition. Tabor 6862. 40 uienn ave 1 H. P. MERKEL in good order, $60. can Z7 ad at. ;liicycles & motorcycles bought & sold. R. H Blocker. 276 Taylor, cor. 4th st 1?ARTS for Indian motorcycles cheap. Tabor 668. TWIN Indian, fully equipped. bet con- rtltlon. 875. 1138 K. Msdl&on. U INDIAN, $85 cash. Call Sunday a. tn. 981 Gantenbein ave. BOYS' wheel with coaster brake; $7.60 7 re. M'ln st. nortn A-NO. 1 bicycle for sale cheap; new tirew. fully equipped. 467 E. Finest. JiARLEY-DAVTDsON motor for sale. m $50. East 3848. ' tRESTO tank for sale, I?, faiw'f 216 Auk for Ed. ROASTER brake bicycle for aale. $6. t N. 17th. . 14l3 READING single. Hrst class iL nqltlon. or trade for twin. W. 420. X)K SALE Twin motorcycle. 8 1L P $45. 1629 Oregon at. EftfestO tank for sale. tf. Tabor . 3 loaHon? niht'cVtr 'water 816 ask for Ed. I t, ' f V?, J0ation, lliit QltT --iw t,-... .- rb?"?.B:'44.7. . iivr. t cjliY , 11 1 FOR SALE Launch, launch v. . u , . . v . 1 1 v 1 1 . voir rj, ii'iii I . r i . ,,. . n f MOTORCYCLES-B1CYCXES 53 (Continued) Do not fail to see aces at Rose City speedway May 20. Factory riders will be -here to compete. ' We Still Have a Few Motorcycles $25 and Up We will give a three months' guar antee on any machine sold. We have several Ufced machines which we have taken In on new one, consisting of Harley, Indian, Thor. Dayton, Merkel and Excelsior; all hav been thoroughly overhauled an J will be sold at sacrifice ; to move them quickly: 3 months' guarantee. Distributors for Harley-Davldson motorcycles; 6th carload arrived. largest, exclusive dealers 1:1 the state. Motorcycle Supply Co, Agent' for the Harley-Davidon. Largest Exclusive Motorcycle Dealers :n the City. Used Motorcycle Bargains We now have several good used mo-torryr-:es on band. 1914 7 h. p. EXCELSIOR, equipped; A 1 shape $125. 1912 7 H. P. INDIAN; overhauled; $100. 1914 2 -peed DATTON. f IL P.. - iuipea; tits. 1915. 5 II. P. INDIAN: kick starter: good as new: 3165. 7 H. P. twin POPE, A-l sihape; lamp ami iresto; nu. New 1916 DATTON, now In. Call and ee them. Dayton Cycle Co, Mr. 6533. 110 Broadway. Used Motorcycles 1 Twin INDIAN, equipped 100.00 EXCELSIOR twin, equipped 100.00 1 EXCELSIOR. 1914, side car.. 40.00 Second hand bicycles from 310 up. APEX BICYCLE CO., 124-126 12tb St. Phones: A-830: Main 2956. I 7 H. P. INDIAN, equipped 3100 85 - p CTprt strip '7 H. p EXCELSIOR", equipped 126 11. x, ,r.rti.r1, equipped... 5(1 6 H. P. HARLEY-DAVIDSON. equipped 75 4 1 1. P. EXCELSIOR, equipped... 40 BAKUAINS IN USED MACHINES Ol ALL MAKES. ON EASY TERMS. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand Ave. AGENCY FOR H ARUKV-DA VTDSOV FLYING MERKEL AND MIAMI POWER BICYCLES. i 'J 1 3 EXCELSIOR twin. 2 speed, equipped with presto light and horn 1913 DAJftfON." 9 II. P.. twin, fully yuipiiei, 191 J KAOLIN 9 H. P.. perfect or- uer, j:u. 1910 IIAItLKY-DAVIDSON. single, Several accessories at a barcain. $40 bicycles good as new. $18. Sev eral otnets irom io to I-'O. It. H. BLOCKER. 27G Taylor, cor 4th St. BARGAINS IN USED MACHINES. FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS EXCELSIOR 3 speed, equipped. . $200 EXCELSIOR, twin, good shape $126 WAGNER, good running order....! 40 ;n-i speed, iully equipped.. f2S a 51 A RLE Y Single $4 ) DEALER IN INDIAN MOTORCYCLES H. LYSTUL. "THE MOTORCYCLE MAN." Indian Motorcycles. Parts. Supplies Repairing. 48v Union Ave. N. Phone Eat 6S77 Used Motorcycles I In snlendld mechanical jilitne. r&nftnr ironi ja up. We have a few 1915 Indians, abso lutely new, which we offer at very low prices. Bee us nrst. Ballou & Wright Indian Distributers, Broadway at Oak. WANTED Motorcycle, single or twin must be a real bargain; no Junk or high prices need apply. I want to reach the man that has a good motor but needs some money badly. State equipment, make and model. T-785, Journal. 1914 HARLEY-DAVIDSON twin, 2 speed, equipped with kick starter, dream tandem, presto light, speedome ter, tools: tires almost new; every thing in best of condition, $140. R. H. Blocker, 876 Taylor, cor 4th st. 8 H. P. 1914 two speed Harley-Davld son In A-l condition; good tires, $4 horn. Presto tank and light and carry ing rack, $126. Terms. 495 E. 30th. LAUNCH KS ANI BOATS 04 EVINKUDE rowooat and canoe mo tors, row boat, canoes, mo tor boats J- our beautiful motor boat and en-fln- for $141.00. Evlnrude Motor Co. Moved to 211 Morr'son st. DANDY hydroplane. Bumblebee model, a . .H 11 mU 1 1 II A unit i v r a 1 other low priced 'boats. Raynor, hu3 Spalding bldg. FOR SALE 4 room houseboat, fur nished; lights, water. Sixth house south of" Fulton tannery. Riverview car, or M-482, Journal. CABIN cruiser. 30 ft., 15-20 H. P. heavy duty motor. In fine condition, launched 1 year ago, D. A. C. 167 Broadway, or hone Tabor 4182. AM leaving city, will sacrifice 17-fL Mulln steel motorboat, Ferro engine, fully equipped and in good condition. Call E. 1020 Sunday morning. FOR SALE, 18 ft. Morris canoe, "Eagle Rock" Evenrude, engine and outfit; to be seen at west end of Haw- thorne bridge, cheap. NICELY furnished houseboat, 4 rms.. large porch, rowboat; bargain if sola ftt once; going east. 44 Willamette moorage, foot of Crampton st. FOR your canoe buy a $15 Victrola or Grafonola, Just the thing. $6 down. $1.60 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder. BETTER than ever, the great J cyl inder Koban rowboat and canoe mo tors; catalogue now ready. Theda Bros.. Pekum bldg. LAUNCHES, houseboats, engines, at bargain prices. Marine brokerage. Raynor, 809 Spalding bldg FOR SALE A complete family motor boat, wltn boat house; nrst class oonftnion; $200. Tabor 3191. NEW boat house, furnished, $.?; part terms. Call Main 8661 Sunday. 411 Henry bldg. FOR SALE New houseboat sacrifice, furnished or otherwise. 24 Oregon Yacht club, Oaks. Sellw. 2229. Marsh (un &aji. k-ii. uia xown canoe, ai most new, jb 888 Borthwiclt paddles and sail, $30. st. LAUNCH and launch house, nick up. almost new, perfect condition; cost ivbu- quicic ror 1326. 306 PlttOCK OIK. house. cash or $150 on time. Call Matn 6090. FOR SALE Very neat and attractive houseboat and woodshed. No. S. W11 - lamette Moorage. CANOE, and the price la $7. 42 Hawthorne. T. DAN1ELSON Boat Shop.f LNebraska Building, repairs, oest work, low price. WANTED Houseboat to rent or buy on ay tertnw. X-T 82 Journal. fjANOE for sale, good buy. Marshall 1038, H.no ana BUUWli A9 LAXTNCTIES AXD BOATS 64 n-L'P0'l1n4 -.-1.t.,-).OJ-,.i I HAVE for sale a 17-fL Spanson ca noe (Old Town) with a 2-harse wat erman marine engine: canoe is in first class condition and engine ini running oraer, run equipment goes wun me noat. owner has lert city, nice very reasonable. Danielson's boatshop. foot of Nebraska st. PIAOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 HERE are real piano bargains from our storage department; Elegant, full size upright piano. JL,ist price. 300; now iz Splendid little upright piano; fine for practice work; now .$80 Beautiful mahogany player piano, with lot of music rolls and bench. .. .$175 GRAVES MUSIC CO.. 101 4thi,t, near Morrison. A RICH toned upright piano in small case, $95; Hardman upright piano, splendid condition, $125. Guild piano. $25; Kimball organ, $30; Christie up right. $85: Full size mahoeanv olano player, $225. 1'ay $5 cash and $1 per week. These Instruments are from our storage department. Graves Music 'o.. 151 4th St., near Morrison. btKOKK purchasing an our -specials la 'J sea ano Bargains. rew . tx Ph pianos mod ati prljd v IOTM. am STARK STSi, ARTISTIC piano playefs in mahogany. walnut and oak cases from our stor age dept.. priced from $125 to $239; pay $5 cash and $1 to $1.50 per week; bench and mu.-dc rolls Included. Graves Music rn 1 r. I 4th St.. near Morrison. KIMBALL organ in good condition, fine tone. A bargain at $20. Gevurtz Furniture Co, 18K-187 FIRST ST. $.':. S65. $95. $llo ana SM cash se cures old and new models. Jf. lcKer- ing. Haines Bros., Heinze, Hallet Sc Da vis and Kn.be Dtanoa clos-a out at orce by Security Storage Co.. 3J9 4th. FINE Edison Atnberola, model A and 10U fine records. Just like niew. Cost $176. Price $75. $10 down, $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Macnine Co., 350 Alder. GOOD upright piano. $135; another. 155; late model player piano. .a; another. $250; still another for $.85. Easy terms. Soule Bros.. 3SS Morrl son. Main 2S.'o. FIRST CLASS Edison standard pno- nograph and lo blue Amerol rec ords, $10. Orrin Clark. 10i7 E. Mor rison st HAVE your piano tuned, repaired, rein lshed bv nrotesslonel men. i5it:stac- tlon guaranteed. Portland Piano Tuning, Rep. & Mt'g. C . -4i Hawthorne. E. 1072. CABINET Grafonolas. $75. $100. $150; all new with records; part trade aid cash payments; evenings. 10 15 E. 9th rn-rth. WILL leave city this week; nt to sell my Schilling piano; baa been used 5 months; nood as new; a bar galn. 650 Pres cou st. Phone P. 2i02 BEAUTIFUL $600 mahogany Weber, almost new. Room 109. Villa St. riara, 12th and Taylor. Call evenings. I -'.;. Journal. BEST values in pianos ever offered: Davenport & Treacy player pianos, $365; uprights, $150, $200.. lloven den Piano Co., 87 5th st. MAHOGANY piano of standard make. at a fraction of its value; now stored at 367 Russell at. Phone East 2331 tor Information. ' FOR SALE 1 fine KurtMiian piano and 1 safe, practically new. Marshall 2 sr.. WANTED Edison recorder lor pho nograph; also record shaving ma chine. G-f'79, Journal. HORNLESS phonograph. 1 doz. dou ble disc records, $6.50. U-761. Journal. SPECIAL this afternoon only. 5 Edi son and Columbia $20 cylinder pho- nographs. $2.50 each. 127 W. VY ygant. FINe grafonola and records; must be fsold before 1st of June; no reason able offer refused. 324 E. 9th st. iS5 CASH secures ;0 uianogaiiy pianola player at Security Storage Co.. 109 4th st. 6 CASH buys dmail Boudoir upnga: tomorrow at Security Storaga Co.. 109 4th st. TALKING machine. $15; hornless, ma hogany case, with about 20 records. Russell Ft. FINE player piano; will take some cash and diamonds or small auto; best bargain in city. L-068. Journal. BEAUTIFUL Fischer player piano, ma hogany case, $375; terms. 3!S Mor rison tt. VIOLIN, good make, complete with case. S7.5U. Miss Benz. 2d floor Eilers bldp . FINE canoe talking machine, $9; has been used very little; also one for $5. Eilers Talking Machine Co. FOR SALE My talking machine ta ble and records: will tell cheap lor cash; 13S2 E. Glisan. VANAPHONE hornless phonograph. $12.50; satisfactory terms arranged. Webster. Tabor 5716. $25, $35 AND $45 slightly used Talking Machines special this week, $6.00 Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Alder. FREE use of piano or player piano 2V4 years. bee aispiay av, or Sohwan Piano C. Ill 4th st. WILL sell my $450 Hobart M. cable Dlano for 125 cash. L.sed 1 year. N-759. Journal. WILL sell $.00 Player piano and 35 rolls of music for $235. some terms. sed only 8 months. L-539. Journal. FOR SALE CHEAP A fine $400 piano. Cash or terms. 4Z wash, siu $75 NEW manogany grafonola $50. East 687. UPRIGHT piano, original cost $600. for 160. Phone Sellw. .. A.i22-ORDER on piano or player piano r or $16. 15 11th St., north WANTED 2d hand xylophone with resonators. Phone Wdln. 4347. GOOD silver cornet for sale Tel. Tabor 6237. cheap. BACHMANN piano, splendid condition; reasonable for cash. 273 V. 14tn st. TYPEWRITERS LARGEST STOCK. LOWEST PRICES. EASIEST TERMS We carry the most complete and best selected stock of reconstructed typewriters on the Pacific Coast, and can save you money on any make of writing machine. Underwoods $25.00 to $60.00 Remingtons $10.00 to $50.00 L. C. Smith's J25.00 to $50.00 Smith Premiers $12.50 to $35.00 Olivers ..$12.60 to $35.00 All other makes at corresponding prices. Every machine thoroughly rebuilt and fuVlly guaranteed. Call and in spect our stock before purchasing else where. .Machines sent ror tnree oays examination- to any point on the coast and if not satisfactory may be re turned at our expense. Send for illus trated Drice list. Machines rented $1 per rrio. and tip. Retail Department. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER Co.. Inc. 821 Washington St.. Portland. Or. WE save voj irom J to 16 on all takes of typewriters. Send for our illustrated folder; retail department. W.HOLESALB TYPEWRITER CQ 821 Washington St. . ABSOLUTELY free 5 day8t-.al of -. linn tvlunrlt.r. rfMn, - quired; $3 monthly 11 kept, Y-585 Journal. TYPEWRITERS for rent, S months tor $( and up; C months' rental applied on purchase price. Remington Type- writer io.. s Hroaoway FIRST flttftT rlftss Smith Pr,ml.r Tvp.. writer. $13.50' $5 down, $2.59 monthly. E. B. Hyatt, 3 So . Alder. . - 77 (Oonttaned) NEW REDUCED PRICES REBUILT TYPEWRITER. Remington, No. JO ...$35.00 Remingtons, No. 11 40.00 Smith Premiers, No. 10 ....... 27.50 Remingtons, No. 6 and 7 12.50 L, C. Smith, No. 5 42.60 Olivers. No. t 20.00 Underwoods. No. 6 3..50 SOLD ON EASY TERMS. FULLY GUARANTEED. REBUILT DEPARTMENT. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO., Broadway. Phone Broadway 621. NEW rebuilt 2d rand, rentals, cut rates. P l. C. "o . 2J1 Stark M. 140T. IJOUSKHOI-D GOODS for 8ALE 65 Used Furniture Iron Beds Dressers Chairs Refrigerators Combination Book Cases Extension Tables Steel Ranges Sideboards . .t oC $3.75 45c $5.00 $8.50 $4.50 , . .$13.50 $S.i)J W e can save you money. Gevurtz Furniture Co, 185-187 First St. Near Yamhill. HANDSOME 45-lnch top solid quar tered oak round extension Dining Table and 6 solid oak Dining Chairs to match, $20. Many other bargains in used and new dining room furni ture. Call and Inspect same on our second floor. Mish Furniture Co. 184 First St. THREE gaa ranges $5. S. $22.50; 170 gas and wood combination range $47.50; $60 fumed buffet. $27 60; $47.50 fumed china closet. $20.75; $75 Jaco bean dining room suite, $47.50. We exchange furniture. GEISLER & DORRIS, 412 Hawthorne ave., cor. E. 6th. Inlaid Linoleum at SBc square yard, blue and white tile, fine quality. Why pay $1.25 else where? Mish Furniture Co, 184 First St. FOR SALE, bargain, Circassian wal nut bedroom aet, brass bed. Call at 1167 Cleveland ave. (Piedmont) Sunday or Monday. $90 EQUITY in $300 worth nice fur niture, nearly new, almost given away sunaay morning. y8 Commer clal at. TWO bedroom sets, piano, Victrola, 2 safes, bookcase, 2 wood stoves, etc., will be sold to the highest bidder this month. is. zftth., phone Mar. 4932 FOH SALE Furniture of 5 rooms, all or by piece, very cheap If taken at once. 15 11th st. N. FOR SALE Furniture, bicycle, lawn mower, garden tools. Richmond or Woodstock car. 650 E. 39th st. S. FURNITURE, dressers, chairs, tables and stoves sale, cheap. North 29th betw. Upshur and Vaughn. WALNUT roll top desk.. 60 inch; fine condition, $30. cost $85. A fine piece of furniture. Many other bargains In office furniture, roll top desks, swivel chairs, office tables, etc. Mish Furniture Co, 184 FIRST STREET. b I'RNITL'RK 7 rooms, nice home for worklnp people. 194 N. 14th st. Phone Marshall 203. RUGS, mahogany and oak furniture, piano, nearly new. reasonable. 185 E. 32nd st. FURNITURE for sale, china closet, dining chairs, davenport rockers, dresser and gas plate. 951 Commercial. FOR SALE Furniture 7 room house; new rugs and fittings. 1180 E. 32d ft . N. A car. OAK buffet and china closet; these 2 pieces cost $54; sell $25 cash. Wood lawn 8112. FURNITURE for sale or exchange with a lot, for a 3 room house and lot. 334 Salmon St.. W. FOR KALE, furniture of 8 room room ing bouse. 2 blocks from postoffice, $160. Marshall 3798. MUST sell heater $1. bed" cabinet Jl.50; bedstead 2; fine dresser. 4136 633 st.. Laurelwood. A SNAP, furniture for 6 rooms for sale cheap: must sell, as am leaving city. 120 E. 33d st. FURNITURE 6 room house for sale. 3S4 Grand ave. FURNITURE of entire household. East 3157. good condition. FOR SALE Household goods. In good condition. . re. 24th st. ANTIQUE mahogany furniture, over 100 years old. Sellwood 1086. FOR SALE Oak table, bed, bicycle; good as new. Tabor 3033. FOH SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 FOR SALE Lantern elides, fcenic. comic, 5 cents each: set or-'iestr.i bells; professional moving picture cam era, oigtiander lens. Reliable, 66 Broadway. SET of world's best music. 8 volumes. vocal and Instrumental; also orches tra music, reasonable. Call at 1203 E. 14th st.. corner South ave, after Sunday. ELECTRIC bath cabinet, white enam eled, brass trimmings, complete with 4S globes, chair, etc. $85 value, for J30. M-985. Journal. A GOOD threshing outfit, complete. for sale for 1-4 off cost for cash or would consider good auto. Ralph Han nan. Buxton. Or. WE RENT you hornless Edison phono graph and 18 records ror S3. 50 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. EDISON cylinder phonograph and 100 records, special this week, $9.50; $6 down. $2 monthly. Hyatt Talking Ma chlne Co., 350 Alder. CLOSING out sale now going on at 135 First St., on china and enamel ware, household necessities, dcora- tlons, etc. investigate. CUT flowers for decoration. Monday and Tuesday, re. j. Monnich. 24 Yamhill st FOR SALE $16. Eclipse stov; almost as good aa new, $5. Phone 8X Oak r--., VII J V , FOUR complete sets of books. 36 vol umes in all. at a bargain. 159 Pago st.. Albina. RELIABLE gas water heater, practi cally new, at less than half price. Main 224 7. FOR SALE3 1 nearly new Royal type writer, 1 3A Graflex camera. Tabor 7246. TYPEWRITER. Oliver visible, perfect condition, bargain or trade for dia- mona. a.-bo, Journal BEAUTIFUL Persian kittens; very reasonable. Main 6450. Box 22. Hills dnle. Or. ' COMPLETE line of Dlcturr show trap drums, complete outfit. $50 if taken at once, woodlawn 5120 DIAMOND ring fine color, perfect. original cost, iuu; Dargain. A-bib Journal. . REFRIGERATOR, box couch, brass bed and phonograph. Tabor 5716, Webster. LARGE Majestic range. 24x24 inc oven, perfect condition; also 2 good cook stoves pail 380 Hawthorne. FOR SALE 7 golf clubs.i $5. Large Begonia, princess dresses, is. 1093 Minnesota ave. cor. of Sumner. GROCERY fixtures, showcase, scales, oil tank. etc. Delivery horse and wa- gon Sellw. 1-9. FOR SALE Marble for cafeteria out fit at a bargain. Phone 612-J Van couver. Wash 6 NEW refrigerators 6niy fc?.75 each Call Monday. 430 re. Bumaide. PAINTER'S falls. 0 foot drop, used six days. Phone Sellwood 1612. Gas water heater, $4, in good condi- tion. can reasi 668. MANICURE table and chair; cost $18 110. X-&44, journal.. . . FOR SALE. gas stove, high oven. vegetable cooker. Call C- ZS49. TELESCOPE cot bed and army tent, 1 CbaT. 27$ 14th St. I A REAL bargain, quartered oak. round. 1 pedestal dining table. Tabor TYPEWRITERS pedestal 6660. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 (OoBtlanett) . , r uncT at.!. rsfiVE. Out of four cars ttls is all that's left. WIRE ROPE. Second band Plough Steel Cable at less than half price. , 7500 ft. 1 in. 6-strand plough steel. 6000 ft. 14 in. .-strand plough steel. 1600 fL lij In. 6-strand plough steel. 5000 ft. 1 in. 6-strand plough steeL STANDARD CONSTRUCTION RIGHT LAY. Inspection preferred before ship ment. Prices quoted on request CHAIN CHAIN OF ALL GRADES. We hare a big stock at the old prices. F. B. MAUORY COMPANY. 235-7 Pine St.. Portland, Or. BARGAINS. All kinds. All makes. Sewing machines. WTe need the room. Will sell from Each All Guaranteed Main 1845. S49 Morrison. FOR SAiE Brand new caroom and pocket billiard tables with complete outfit, $115; second hand tables at reduced prices; bowling alley and bil liard supplies; easy payments. Cigar store, drug, delicatessen and soda fountain fixtures. THE BRUNSWICK BALK E COLLENDER CO.. 46-48 Fifth. MACHINES of all makes sold for less. No agents employed. Machine rent ed $2 per mo. A-3626, M-94S1. Sewing Machline Emporium. 190 3d St.. near Taylor, rented. Electric 310 tors sold and "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," -Typewriters" and "Household Goods" are separate classiliications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classiflcationa Look them over. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and re paired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnslde, cor. 10th. Broadway or A-6674 OIL HEATER, $2.50; $12 electric read ing lamp for $6. 2 card tables cost $9, for $4.50. Patented bottle for carbonat ing water, $2.50. 20 pennants, 2uc each. Fiction books, 30c each. Phone Sell wood 992. BOOKS for sale; 2 International Clin ics 1895, Sadtler Trimble s Chem istry. Bastin's Botany, Mears' Surgery, U. S. Dispensatory (old edition), Chau vent's Geometry, Townsend's Civil Government. G. E. Davis, 771 E. 21st. BL'D Hollys now to transform non bearing to berry bearing and better foliage; also experienced horticultur ist and general farming; references. Bo 24, Oak Grove, Or. 10 DROPHEAD Singer sewing ma chines, complete with attachments, in good order, $17.50 while they last. East 2359, B-3307. E. R. Steen, 152 Hrand ave., near Belmont. iNTLEMAN'S fine i'i jeweled Wal tham watch, five positions, almost new, at less than third cost; also 'ady's Jeweled Elgin watch and chain, bar pain. T-760, Journal. THE Hodges iethelajstone tly traps and nets, and a full line or bird houses and feeding devices. Phone eve nings, Main 4116, or write Box Sti, Multnomah, Or. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different classifications. WANTED To fit your eyes so that you get all that s coming to you out of me; prices very reasonaDie. Staples the Jeweler. FOR SALF Cabinet for motion pic ture effects, complete, cheap. H. Bateman, 1241 Minnesota ave. Phone Wdln. 434,. WE press your suit for 35 cents; dry or steam ciean, x. .v i"y nwni Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark, Broad wav 614. USE your credit; suit made to order, tin down and the balance $5' a month. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark, be tween 6th and tn. PHOTOGRAPHIC OUTFIT. An 8x10 camera with high grade Turner-Reech lens, also 6x8 lens. Some developing equipment. S-790, Journal. FOR SALE Double barrel shot-un. hammerless, 12 hore. extra good shape. $10. M. Matcovich, 1111 Glenn ave. A car. $25 Wicks refrigerator, like new, ma. hoeanv finish. Dorcelain lined, good size, you pay oeaier too, aiarsnaii ijia. FOR SALE 34x60 flat top desk, also roll top desk and chair. Bargain. 809 Spalding bldr. .Main 53i4. PHONOGRAPHS, $5; records, 6 cents Phonograph Record Exchange. 12S 1st Et., near Abler. Main 4495. GENUINE oriental rug, splendid bar- pain tor cash or will trade for dia mond. U-965, Journal. GENTLEMAN'S 3 stone diamond ring, cost $120; Gypsy selling; targain. $45. S-978, Journal. ROLL top desk and arm chair, tn good condition, is. uroatiway 13'w, A- 2430. WAYNE gasoline pumps and oil tor- age tanas. J-;, li. Kueppen. Act.. 184 1st. Main 1221. $12 50 DROPHEAD sewing machine. wun attachments. iau itz urand ave. MACHINERY bought, sold, repaired and exchanged. Northwest Lead &. Mach. Co.. 311 Front St. Main 5492. $10 COUNTER. 12 ft., .for grocery or market. Tabor s&ia. 14 iiawtnome. Call week days. TWO roll canvas porch.curtains; one 8 ft., one 6 ft. Main 6912. or ad dress U-756, Journal. SELLING out all kinds ladies' second hand suits, coats and dresses, $1 and up. 69 N. 10th st. INVALID chair cheap for cash or swap; leaving city. Main --S6, apt. 21, 6 p. m. FOR SALE Cheap, 3 gasoline lampi, 1 glass coal oil chandeliere; all In perfect order. i e. b.q st. in., city. FOR SALE Large steel range. Ze nith; made bv Niagara Stove Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Call 329 3d et. RIFLE $12; 30-30 Savage; good as new. 1404 Hawthorne. Tabor 8613; week days. $25 ACCOUNT system, rapid, almost new; 128 accounts. Tabor 3513k. 1404 Hawthorne; week days. ABOUT 30 yarda dirt on curb to be hauled away. A-1Z43. 143 Hamilton ave. PARLOR pool and billiard table, al- most new. size, lib. May trade, l E. 16th et. 5x7 VIEW camera. Goers Dagrl F. 6., lens, compound shutter No. 2. Call Tabor 558. RUG, 9x12 ft., nearly new. Lady's bi cycle. Also Iron cot. Cheap. $9J Shaver st. Woodlawn car. GAS RANGE nearly' new for sale. Call before noon Sunday at 1140 Vernon eve.: week days after 6 p. m. ROLL TOP office desk and chair. fine condition. $17.50. Broadway 1S67 A-2130. 8 GALLON Perfection hot water . tank with heater and fittings, $10. M-975, Journal. NEARLY new baby basket with stand. $5. Tabor 2848. . BARBER'S 6 gal. tank and heater. Good order. $6. 1 E. 16th st. SECOND hand well drilling machine for sale. Address, LX-B38, Journal. WOOD choppers' tools cheap. North 2 9 1 h bet.. Upshur and Vaughn. THREE beautiful black hair switches, cheap. Phone Oak Grove 58 M. FOR SALE A traction wood saw, in good shape. Phone East 1681. KL AND E. Transit cheap for cash. Woodlawn siizi GOOD 3 burner gas stove,. $3. 426 E. 39th at. ANCO kodak cost $18, for $8. Phone Sellw. 992. FOR sXtJC ISO sacks Fairbanks po tatoes. .Call Main 6796. NATIONAL wood range, good condi tion, formic cheap. Wdln. 440. LADY S small diamond ring for sale cheap, Mar. (904 MOV I NCI picture machine- bought, "Br -ii rold, rented. Reliable, Broadway.! WANT tv p. A. C. motor. "3 Stb st. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 (OoatLaued) - Pipe Pipe Pipe We have black and galvanized pipe from 2-8 inch to 12 inches, also big stock from 5 inches to 12 inches at bargain prices. We have all kinds of plumbing sup plies. PORTLAND PIPE SHOP Main 6125. 269 Front St. COME IN and hear the new wonderful Edison Diamond Disc phonograph. No needles to change. Large stock just received. Easy payments. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Alder. SWAP COLL'MN 25 10 ACRES 7 miles from Bremerton. Wash.: 4-room house, woodshed, chicken house and yard, fine well, 1 acres slashed and burned, 2 Vi under cultivation; would consider restaurant fixtures, auto or what have you? J. L. Osborn, Oregon City, Or. EXCHANGE WOkes pacer, Babcocg buggy; no finer horse In city, speedy and gentle, for 5-pass. mobile in fine shape. See Rossiter, the harness man, 817 Ealt Stark, Sunday; week days, my store. 25 Union ave. SNAP Moving picture machine with 2 adjustable lenses, rheostat cur tain; all new with 12 reels film; $95; cost over $250. Also M. P. camera, with tripod. $20. Will trade In on Ford. Barnard. 629 Center st. FOR SALE H. D. single motorcycle. Just overhauled and repainted; tan dem, prestolite, speedometer, 2 new tires; )yu. Also 101 at -tocaaway beach. $95. Will trade in on Ford. Barnard, 529 Center st. SWAP, hand mill to grind chicken feed, saddle, etc.; several wheelbur rows. tools, lawn roller; will trade for chickens or sewing machine. 248 Tll- lamook St., near Vancouver ave. ROUND extension table, Victor gram ophone. 12 records, 2 hole gas plate, fine summer suit, $8 chest, cheap. Want brass bed, electric hot plate. What? Marshall 6S6. EDISON phonograph, 2 reproducers. 8d 4-minute records and cabinet: will trade for rugs or carpets or what nave your its re. &stn st. n. TWO acres, 5 cent fare, sold two years ago for $1000 per acre; will trade for grocerv or rooming house. SEE HALL. 612-13 PANAMA BLDG. WHAT have you to exchange for baby go basket carriage, high chair, baby walker, etc., in good order. 1859 Chau tauqua blvd. BUICK BODY, model 10. In perfect condition. 5 pass. Will swap for pnonograph or what have you? D-579, Journal. MY equity In best lot. Waverlv Heights, for carpenter, cement and paimine- worK. 1 rurnlsn material. 1 Purviance, 10225 60th ave. BANTAMS Beauties. Will trade for anything useful! See them at Mar guerite ave. and Knott st. M-980. Jour nal. WANTED Good farm team and har ness for my $600 equity In a good Rose City Park lot. Phone Tabor 1993 r address 1255 Halsey st. LIGHTING fixtures and electric work for chickens or runabout. Woodlawn S791. $200 FIRST mortgage and cash for ngnt car or motorcycle. E-958 Journal. owAi- Diamond ring for victrola, or will nell cheap for cash. Phone KuM 2334. i LOTS in Port Angeles. Wash.: 1 in Lake View, Or., to trade for cows or What nave you? Marshall 304 6. WILL exchange new Grafonola or rec ords for carpenter work. 4 29 Wash ington et. WILL trade No. 2 Meccano or pay cash ror lioy scouts suit, size 15. 1133 E lUth N.. near KUlingswortri. PAINTING. kalsominlnK for desk. typewriter, phonograph, anything. East 6629. 3 FINE beach lots to trade for hor3e or motorcycle, or what have you? Call E. 8088. Ask for Hammer 22 RIB mandolin, fine condition, trade for baby sulkey, in good condition. East 1232. WILL trade something for concrete drive and garage floor. (06 Henry bldg. WILL trade stump puller for cord wood. Owner, 1295 Hood st. Main 1346. 32-4J RIFLE and camera for refrigera tor, gas water heater, flreless cooker. 1 a Dor 3 118. PIANO tuning, repairing, refinishlng. for anything useful. Webster, Tabor 5716. RUGS, 9x12, and furniture, for bath tub, tent, kitchen cabinet, heating stove, gas plate. 433 Union ave. N. EXCHANGE an oak bed davenport for tent, also a ?4-lron bed for garden hose. Sell 2556 WILL SWAP a good lot, clear, for 2 horses, 8000 lbs., double harness and farm wagon. Main 4989. LIVE goose feathers for garden hose. Mason jars. Route 6, Box 119 Sher wood, Or. 2600 TEAM horses. 3 ton goose neck wagon and harness. What have you? Woodlawn 1249. 846 Mississippi ave. AM LEAVING city. Want tailoring part payment for beautiful piano. Make terms on balance. Marshall 2432. ROOM in exchange for hair work; fine location tor business. Tahor 4458. WANT trade for small donkey engine 310 Oak. Broadway 1283. Ai'en. TO trade; 1 piano and sewing machine for a good Ford auto. M-97. Journal. WANTED To exchange printing for a good heating stove. X-.88, Journal. SIZE Sanitary cot and pad. What have you 7 Phone Tabor 6264. MOTORCYCLE to trade for diamond Tabor 6143. SPLENDID property for rooming house, grocery or auto. Tabor 74 WILL trade runabout for cordwood. Owner, 1295 Hood st. Main 1346. $300 LOT, trade for piano. Mr. Long, 431 Chamber of commerce. ELBCf RIC car $50, or will trade for something i can use. E-935, Journal . SADDLE and tall light to exchange lor head light. Mar. 4174. Janitor. SWAPS of all kinds. Main 4557. AV ANTK D- n SCELI-AN EOU8 8 'Ihges'.'riX'es" paid1 ' For second hand furniture and house hold goods. 514 N. 3d st. Broadway 119. Green trading stanins. 1106 N. W. Bk. bid. PAYS o UUo MORE for them than Byerry-Hutchlnson Co. WANTED To buy a Ktreten stump puller, clutch model No. 10; must be In good condition; rive particular ana price. Broadway 2398. WE buy phonographs and records; also player piano music. 128 First st. Main 4495. near Alder. 1 WISH to buy gas engine, pump; also Evlnrude motor. 208 Ablngton bldg. Wt; buy all kinds second hand trunks. suitcases and handbags. Main 9072. A-7174. WANTEDA 2d hand stationary aa engine, 2 to 8 h. p. George John sorT, 84 K. Kelly St. SECOND htffad clothing buyer. Meyer. the tailor, pays 15 up for suit; shoes bought. Marshall 1.29. 229 Madison. WILL, PAY CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD OOODS. PHONE MAIN 3332. A-I587. CASH for old gold, silver, platinum and high - grade ore. H. M. Pickering. mfg. Jeweler. 218 Oregonian bldg. Alaska Bag & Junk Co. pays best prices. an Kings juna. jwain 4386. i.',i f ront. WE REPAIR your watch for $1. no matter bow badly broken. Bring this ad Howard Jewelry Co., 93ft Sth st MEDIUM sised cream separator, must ne m. gooa. praer. Tabor Z03. 50 TO 100 sacks potatoes for seed; state price. M-494, Journal. WANTED Good 9x12 rug, cheap for caen. Marsnall Z?I3, WANT to buy cheap cream separator. Address fTann fiauata. tjemts, ur. WANTED-Hot ttolnt eltctrta. iron! Mnht feasonablp. Jowrnal. WAimiD--USCEIiIAIiEOU8 S (Continued) WE PAY cash for your used furniture. carpets, ranges, etc. Gevurtz Furniture Co., Inc, 185-187 First street. NEAR YAMHILL. MARSH ALU 6981. PHONE East 78 1C when you T7ant to sell your furniture. We come at once and pay you the caah. M. R. Seater. 286 Grand ave. south of Haw thorne. WANTED Second hand furniture. ranges and stoves. Best prices paid. Morgan Furniture Co., 390 East Mor rison st. Phone East 2238. WANTED the people of Portland to know I Day the highest caahorices for household goods. Prompt attention. East 6707. N. M. Seator. 14S Russell t. I W11L pay cash lor your piano: play er, upright, grand or square. Both phones 1433, or -all on J. J. Foster, 151 4th st. W'TED Sewing machines to clean and adlust: exnert work guaranteeo; old machines rejuvenated. Phone Broad way 333. Arthur M. uicKtnson. WANTED Watches, clocks and Jew elry to renair. All work guaranteed Haakon Glasoe, watchmaker-Jeweler, 412 E. Burnside st. HIGHEST cash prices for diamonds. old gold, siver. platinum, watcnes, Kodaks, Jewelry of all kind. J. Golden, 167 ist t. NOTICE TO MOVERS. Wanted Staves, rockers, dressers. rugs, couches, chairs, tables, etc. We pay the price. N W. Fur. Ex. E. 636. LEVIN Hardware and Furniture Co. We pay cash for your suit cases, trunks and handbags. Main 9072, A- WANTED Goat harness, double or single; also wagon for same. Shet land ponies and burros wanted also. M-5. journal. WANTED, watches and Jewelry to re- pair. 1st class work, guaranteed: charges reasonable, J. H, Mlesner, 391 E. Morrison. WANTED Medium size traveling trunk; good condition. Tabor 4720. LOST AND FOUND 21 FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co.. and ownera there of may claim same at tha 1st and Alder sL station: Marshall 5100. A- 6121: May 25 14 umbrellas, 1 pennant, 2 books, 2 lunch boxes. 1 learner Dag. z baskets. 1 brass roller. 9 pkgs.. 1 flush light. 8 grips. 1 thimble, 1 tan oil. 1 pin, i purses. - FOLLOWING articles were found on the ears of the Portland Railway, Light l'ower company, and owners thereof may clolm same at the First and Alder street station: Marshall f,ir,0 A-6131 May 20. 1916 4 umbrellas, 2 lunch Doxes, 1 uaoy snoe, 11 vactcaiges, book car tickets. 2 books, 1 purse. band grin. 1 eyeglass case, 1 ball glove, 1 grip, 1 mug, 1 thimble. STRAYED Friduv evening from 3Sth and Thompson st., brownish red Per sian cat. $5 reward for return or in formation leading to return. 480 E. 38th St.. North. PEARL and platinum pin. basket shape., lost between 19th and John son and Meier Frank store. Reward if returned to 617 Johnson St. HANDSOME reward for information leading to recovery of sable and white oollio dog. Answers the name "Spider." Phone Tabor 6258 LOST Small female black and tan doc. bruwn front feet, east of Inman Poulson mills. Wednesday. Phone Sellwood 2711. lost Small female black and tan dog. Brown front feet. Phone Sell 2711. LOST May 23. green silk umbrella. natural wood curved handle; reward Journal office. LOST A small gold pin in shape of anchor, with heart set witn pearis -hnna 1n1n 5802: reward. LOST Friday, a pearl and enamefed pin. Reward lb. h-none FOUND A milch cow. Ray Rames bothm. 62d and Cooper. Tabor 251 '. LOST R. R. ticket to Wate-iown Mas Phone Tabor 6170. Reward PERSONALS 22 WHY nav big prices fo classes f 1 can fit you eves with first quality lenses in a gold filled frame as low as $1.50. Chas. w. uoouman optometrist. 209 Morrison. Main Zlf nninriN UKKNU INSTITUTE, Rupture treated mechanically; adulta, chlldrao. Trusses to suit your v-. Johnston and Umbargar, rupture spe cialists, 411 Aliskv bldg. Main 8784 FEB VET & HANEBUT, leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock nu - hir -rinria- hsirdresslnc. manlcur inr f iinrl mcsJd treatment, comb Ings to order. 147 Broadway. Main 646 ELECTRO-HYDROPATHIC institute, 275 North 22d st. (Cor. 0f Overton) Helentific massaee. Electric to Hit I'.aths Comfortable rooms Mar. 27 TAKAIiA Hair Tonic, an antisepti cln cleanser hair beautlfler an dandruff remover: price 60c bottle For sale by Portland Hotel Pharmacy NKHVoliSNESS. diseases of womcu iwi nioirlrxn nurtil. Dr. Margtiri Havnlei licensed chiropractic, nbysl rlan 517 Swetland bldg. No fak riONJ'T nu t-xnensive corn remedl when you can get the sure thing "Re moves If' 16c plasters at the Clemen- eon Drug CO., 200 Morrison st. MTrvir-Aisi lair -reparations, seal treatments, shampooing; residence by appointment; monthly rates. its v. Rroadwav. Phone Marshall 244. VEW life In electrlo and vibrator treatments. Facial, scalp and inanl curing. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg NEW life In electric enft vibratory treatments. Facial, scalp and manl curing. 417-30 Northwestern Bank bldg nn v n kk.TCHUM Women's mela dies and acute diseases of men. Wssh bldg., 4th and Wash. Rm. 441. Mar. 448 SPIRITUALISM Itev. M. A. Price, Price, cir- rle- Tiibs 2 d. m .: Wed., bun. 8 p. m. Reading: dally. 292 Clay st. Mar. 3960 STORED FREE, cold stor age vaults. Kummelln Fur Co.. 415-7 Pekum bldg. HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Banltary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum. Marshall 1702. I o 1. ,,or Consultation free. Main 4993. 612 Selling bldg BM of Figs remedy for diseases of women. 604' Davis at Main 2893. SCIENTIFIC treatment for diseases of scalp IB3 I'arK St., room a. j to ' LOUIS XJR, scientific had reader; best method. Z0tt tn St.. cor, main. SCALP treatments and shampooing. 350 Yamhill, office No. 1. MAY IRWIN, facial and scalp treat- I r, 1 , V ( . I en XOTICKS 2rt NOTICH la hereby gWen tbat M. Knlder and A. J. Feterana Da aeTerea ait jmriT- ahlp ktxnrn aa hoe wrecker, and I. M. Snider will not Be rerooniiDie tor any oeut or geetdent by A. J. Pteron tbt mar arlae bereatter. M. Snider will continue boal nem. (Signed) M. SNIDER. ON d after this date' I will not be reeponnl bl for any bill eontraeted by my wife. Mn. Hattle La hey. Jnmea Ihey. PROFESSIONAL AND! BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCORDION FLEATUfO ACCOKlIOS, KNIFE AND BOX I'LTATtSO HEMST1TCH1NU. BHAUMNU: BUTTON HOCKS, BUTTONS COVEBKB. KASTEftN NOVELTY tSV'i. CO.. 8.1U 6TH. B WAY iO0 K. HTKPMK.VS Hematltelilng', accordion, aide and annburat ratliitf; bat ton covered; rwd tpoaged. neaiioping. fittoca Dik. n way niro. AOATE COTTERS i Fti. Jeweler. Itlamood ooegbt and void. Wateb revalr g. Miller'. S43HW, M.l7a. ACRIOTJLTVRAL n-FXEMENT P. B. KSBKNelIlAUr-iaalewienU. clei 4 general tertn awppuee. 8i Frotit. Porejand ANALYTICAL CHEKIST AND ABATtB tilLBKUT-HAL-. bdA low 4lL BULKS BOOK MAK-B. DAVlh HOLM AN. loo.. 1UV 2d t. 1. nook manutaciarert; eat far Jose 1 prvred txwe Mar ledger. 8ee tfae ttew 1 reka I-eef. A -31K.1. Miiin 1R3. , ' ' BTTILDINO COKMACTOSi ; Geo, E, Mangas iigaff&fr CABIVZT WOiX CAB1NKT WORK, furniture repairing, Horn 1. Joiien Jr.. Hfr za.i Mt. Mala Bare. CARPET CLEANING frotu old '.earpe' rag rug, ' - crr leaning. ;.Mi went Riik t'o.. IKS K. 8th. K. urn OVCE BK. Klectrlc Cle-nlng Work pets puel and lilil; refilling our apeewu. Kaat 440. II-UMtt. -04 E. HHb t. wnli. F.NIXSII.AIl itug Wurke Kg P.1U," pet weaving- iniw -hm, wmi CHIBOPKACTOBt UR. Mc.M A HON tumble ce. taking "n ai 1 re-1 men i. l.r. Worth fJUt aqamw e ..ffl-e -OH-21 2 MucIput hhlg., 4 W Dr. .'. S. l lg-nl 18 trvtuinl. f 10. ftlO-wl B12 Northwet bllg. Main 7M 4- COAL AMD WOOD DRY AND GREEN 16 IN, AND 4 FT. MI I.TNOMAH KI EL CO M IS540: A-511 NATIONAL KL'KL CO. KAST 2041. . I &latnd S3 cord dIlTered: dry block r vlabvMKKl ttaweri H.M load; good dry Wri'i age. :t. A l dry fir. fool or aawed to fd WHY a; $i tor eurdwuud wlu-n ou eaa-g gi-od liiHidc tilm-knood at ta.Ou a load: dimb' lo, I ft! 0u. lhn wood mixed wltb heaty a load: II for double load, near? dry aiai vtood. t-1 . a loud. Ilroadway a:til. A -2 10 Oi l) tti..wib fir wixmI. to $5.29 deltT. Main 4.H. I bKKK A I Alt It, iXry fir. 4 ft. .- to HIiw--.om1. 305 Water at. Main 43HB. A-n . CONTRACTORS AND BUILDER 1 J j OKKAH HI HKlt. Ueueral Uvutractor, 224 Slin CREDIT CLOTKISO I.AI-lL.S and Men a clolliiiig; ujo. or week.1 nvtv N. v. outfitting to., w waaningtm i ' i -1 EDUCATIONAL DANCING. M A NLlll-h I'tK Dancing AcadeiDT. b4V fit' t., brt. Stark aud Oak. BMrlal raten, 4 UTn Waaona $2. tiioiulng, attrruooii, evening II la daiiiea guaranteed; iui Thnrauay Baliwlny yreiilngn. 7-::. Hrnadway 21W. '. Mlt. and 41 m. 11,-atU's Hchrxd I.eawHUl dally Cla I'ritluy ere.. I -d t., between Waal, Ington aim rUark. Lenna '.','ir. Main 320.". l.A (il'.NE UK HKAII, Oriental. 8aulab, foe nature. Kg; pt fancy. Uii-sImii, Main 3T3. MUBIO SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS K. TlUEI.IloiiN Violin tearuer; pupil Morel k -(17 1'lBMtner hldg. A-4HM). Maratiall IfiJ' I'KOF, T. K I.A WSON IMano leoaoul at yuUu I'bone Tabor -6HM. ,' I h.nie, oOc. SCHOOL oi' Mb tile Staff of Teacbera, Gr gon ConerTal.r. 141 13lh at., at Alder,' POPULAR MUSIO I'lANO ragtltue taught anyoue hi 10 to 20'lre aona, wrltteu guaruntee or money taca iv-" fall: demoiiBf ration and tmolrlet free, ImpT" vlalng, keyboard barniony. ele. S01-2 Kllerg hid; EYE. EAR, KOBE. THROAT, LtTWOt -f. f SpeciHllht. MiKlerate irloea. (jlacava fitted. Dr., r . r. t;p(iay, niT ix-kmn tmtg., an wgn FIRE INSURANCE I'ACIKIC KTA'IKS K1UI. INSL'IIANCB only Oregon fire Inauinnre cninpany. . ,t nvrr tvon and bag ruos WIFIF Made from old Ingrain, Krumla, AxmltUnor Kn.yrtia carpet. Itu( ruga, all flzeg. llait f dcra prompt attention, booklet. WKSXEUN KLUrk' ttUU W. r, I fil Tnfnn ae. S. I'hone Rust flMlfl. B-147" ft! KATB CLEANED, BLEACHED Ltdlea', gvuia' 1'auaaia bata uieatied, tilueLel 75c. Hiiaw, fella, 60c. Kaufman' 'iH Wuah. nr. 41b. RM and 44 Ud. Vbont M. TW'i EaTi kST uieu a I'auauiaa cleaned, bkeavuul blocked. 73c. Felta. .We. I'ortiasa Ing & Hat Work", 4HS Waahlpgtoo SI, LAWN MOWEB ORINDINO LAI'Kltr 4auuiuwer giitidlug; uaturat grlndera, 2WH ntb. Malu 5)42. both LEATHER AND IHOE TINDINgB ' llIK HKKVM AN IXATMEH CO. Oldeat rirm In nortbweat. Agent "UoagrrB' m' "I. At M leather -20 Krerett" ( MATTXE6BES IT? VI. I) nitltreasea and lealUar tteda roade.uil'. aanltary folding foruia; fettberi renflLl Fowling M. Co.. t'Hl Wllllaina. K. OS74. '4- NON-INTOXICATINd BETEKAOXB! WKISHAltO'H Uolderi and Amber Nectar. Henry Welnliard plant, 18th and BurBald. ata. Main "2. I'lione-t A'tVt'J OPTICIANS llt. V. K. Ul.MiiKSlI, -K.yealgbt eolallat, 4"r Eiamlmtlon frc :.Wt, WaahlngtwB gti; PAINTINO AND DEOOKATIBO ' ItiUII Cl.AHH WoitK at reaaonabi flce IKKIKS, IMINTKIl. KKNTON. Wdl t4tai rr PRINTERS AND ENOBAVEBB Till- IVY l'l:KSK JOHN M. MANN. on- Utark at. Itroailway 4. A-4Q.- RUBBER STAMPS AND SEAL! AL.SO Htinclla. Trade Clieck. Braaa Mtsn. I TAC1HC COAST BTAUV WORKS . ; I 2:il Waahlngton et. Main 710. A-iMlff.. r ' SAFETY RAZORS HONED SAH-ri Y raiota abarjientd. all kind, U6o Slid M- per doaen. ! M at., near Morrlaoo. ' SHEET METAL WORKS, , KEl'AlItINU tin and" grarrl rofe, Jacob LmII, 810 lat at. I'lioiie Main 1424. TRANSFEB AND STOBAOE Oregon Transfer Co, Katabliohed 170. 'vrt Traoafer and Korwardiiig Agent, a ' Storage Free Trackage. c : Ofrice uud atorage, 4T4 Ullain it, 13th and 'lllaan. Mate H. A-tTW, Al.W A V I "T'lCK ' 1IIK BENT HO.8U0lI,l COODH Hl'KCIAl.lrti'M hi tor age, I'icklug, liipplug and Morliig. 1 ! or Ante Van. Special freight ratea to all pointa. '. O. I'll K lltANHFKK A HTORAQS COa 2d and Pine Kroadway WflA1S. Wl.KON ItDK '1 It NMKEU CO. Kurnltur era. Dackera. ctorage; flrenroof wtrebettM. 16th and It .yt fH. Mala H7. A 47. t WATCHMAKER! WB CLEAN and adjuat your watrb, $1, ; . Waablngvon, between Blilb and Broadw DBT OOOPB WHOLESALE .1 UIICIoUICI OWiTblrd, corner pair, rr- FAINT, OIL AND 0LAB8 HAMMt HMKN A CO.. "Illgb -tandard" palnU N. K. corner -d and Taylor ...11. 1771 A-y,31 PLUHBINO TTFFZ.IEB PLC'MBINU nplie. wboleeale pric tarfc Darla Co.. .1. Kd at. Main 7V7, SANITARY WIFINO BA0 L, SHANK CO , THOME. MAIN, 76TV. WATEB SUPFLY IY8TEKI KF.KWANER WATJCH HYHTEMU -i,'' ' M. D Wpwer. Agent. 1Q8 W. Vttt H.r? WOOD PIPE I'OHI La.M) WtMJll I'IPK CO Factory - -tl offlre near I4tb and rk uta. Mela 34JO.i nrroKMATiox cotrroH. iv? If you want the nam f a reliable business house dealing in any line merchandise, or Information regard ing reaorta, hotels, railroads, steam hip lines, tc, address Oregon Jour nal information Bureau. . ., -.t, loformaUon desired: ? Vf Nam ea. Addreat ' , - 11 111 ' ' ' 4 ... -. , -. . - mm