3 PORTLAND LEADER OF Starting Today DAM HIGHEST IN WORLD L IT OF SCOTTISH RITE IS Candidates for Exalted De grees Expected to Receive Mrs. Lucy A, Rose Mallory Made Impress on Great Thinkers of Modern Times, ROYALTY IS HER FRIEND Honors at Coming Reunion! THREE DAYS OF MASONRY o Oregon Wow Km 1300 Bcottlsh Bit Xasons and Sank probably WU1 Be Enlarged by Accessions. Contributor Tells of Xbor of 43 Tears in Humanity's Cause Through Publication of Articles. 4" THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY HIGH MASONS COMING FOR ANNUA SESSION ADVANCED THOUGH WORLD character 8 1. .n.-Kii .Hi W I II I JW'lliatMl)"""1", , 'v. j I I HtlSm , i ,r , ill The Scottish Rite Masons of Ore gqh will hold their thirty-fourth semi annual reunion in Portland beginning Thursday, June 1. and 'continuing un til Saturday. June 3. Sessions will be held in t fie KcottlHh Itlte cathedra' at Morrison and Lownsdale streets, and are railed under the authority of Georce F. Moore, grand commander. Washington, D. C; John II. Cowlen, secretary-general. Washington, D. C.. and Philip 8. Malcolm. sovereign srand Inspector general of Oregon. The "Valley of Portland, orient of Oregon" In subordinate to the supremo council of the thirty-third degree for the southern Jurisdiction of the T'nltej States of America. the mother su preme council of the world The ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite la the highest of the Masonic de grees known and, confers the fourth and up to and Including the thirty aecond degree. At the coming reunion the highest degree conferred will be the thirty-second. The rank of knight commander of the court of honor and the thirty-third degree are conferred only by the supreme council Itself and cannot b petitioned for. Membership In the A. fc A. S. n. Masonic degrees are Klven only to Ma- aons of the blue lodge In good stand ing, and In Oregon they must be Hti sens of the state and qualified voter Tlie membership in Oregon is about 1J0O, and the organization is prosper ous and growing. The classes given the degree at the reunions vary in number, but It Is expected that a large class will receive the thirty second degree at the coming sessions. Philip 8. Malcolm, sovereign grand In spector general, has charge of the publicity department of the work and will answer all Inquiries made. ' ' -v " " ill . ' ; , " ' . f . - ' ; -a -tin SSsw2v vV v ; itl Above Lake ami Arrowrock dam. of dam. Below Spillway along side Deaf Britishers Prill. London, May 27. (I. N. S.) One hundred deaf men are now drilling here In the hope the army will accept tpem. They can ooey snouted oraew by watching the lips of the command ers, but they alno have a system of finger signs which work perfectly. When the commander holds up fou. fingers they form fours, for Instance, D dtwo fingers Is the sign for a two deep formation. Military men who hare Inspected them say their drill Is am nllnt !! . - . One of the world's great engineering feats can be found In the construc tion of the Arrowrock dam, 21 miles east of the city of Boise. Idaho. Un like most dams this is not a dam for irrigation purposes, but merely safety first proposition. The dam was constructed at a cost of $5,000,000 by the government as a reclamation proj ect and is capable of flooding 250,000 atres of land with one foot of water during the dry season of one year, provided the water Is reeded. The dam, which is the highest In th world, takes Its name from the rock GOODYEAR Service Sta tion Dealers everywhere have the same purpose. That is to hold your busi ness, by getting your friendship, by giving you service. They will see that you use tires of proper size, and provide proper in flation. They will test wheel-alignment, and guard you against tire abuses which you may innocently inflict. This chain of Goodyear Service Sta tion Dealers is a part of Goodyear policy. It is a time and money-saving advan tage given to you ovr and above the extra mileage built into Good year Tires, which makes them go farther and last longer, and so cost you less in the end. You will always know a Goodyear Service Station Dealer by the sign below. Gooiear TIRES Goodyvar 7tre, Tubta.and " Tire Saver" Accetorie$ are easy to ttt from Good year Service Station Dealsrt Everywhere iloodyear No-Hook Tires are fortified against: Rim -cutting By our No Rim -Cut feature. Blow-outs By our On-Air Cure. Loom Treede By Rubber Rivets. Insecurity By our Multi ple Braided Piano Wire Bate. around which It Is built. In start ing the project the engineers exca vated 90 feet below the river bed and there they found another river bed ol lava formation. Bl Cauldron lu Bed. In this bed there were huge caul drons which probably were made by the river as It churned the big rocks together, which lay along its course. The bed of the river 90 feet below the surface was the same as It wad many years ago when some volcanli eruption took place and covered it up. The dam Is 349 feet high, 190 feet wide at the bottom. 16 feet wide at the top and about a quarter of a mile long. The huge wall is buil. of rotten granite and cement and is the first experiment of the govern ment In using granite In concrete work instead of sand. The granite was mined out of a nearby hill. Th". motive power for the entire work was electricltly, furnished by a station about 20 miles down the river. The huge wall contains in It many rooms, electrically lighted, in which la the latest machinery for regulating the flow of water. This machinery regulates the flow of the water through the holes In the Bide of the dam as no water goes over the top. There are 10 holes, each four feet and four Inches In diameter and 150 feet from the bottom, through which the normal flow of the river is permitted to flow. In case of a flood the watfr will run out of a spillway alongside of the dam. nineteen XUea lu Xiength. f The pond back of the dam averages one-half mile in width and Is 19 miles long and although It is not full the present depth of the water Is 200 feet. This vast amount of water has accu mulated from the flow of the river during the construction period of foiT years. The plan used while the dam was under construction is the one which i will always be used, as the dam was not built for irrigation purposes, but merely as a storehouse for water to be used when the river runs dry. Except during; a few weeks of the year the river carries enough water to lrr( gate the 240,000 acres now under cultivation. Another feature of the dam which has as yet not been developed is the harnessing of the vast amount of energy going to waste. The normal flow of the stream develops 114,000 horse power and if the pond back of the wall is filled to a greater depth the horse power will Increase propor tionately. The recent earthquake in Idaho did not do any damage to the dam. The pictures accompanying this ar ticle are enlargements of films taken by the Oregon Journal-Pathe News Weekly, which will be exhibited at the Majestic theater tonight and subse quent nights this week. IF our in a nisi HrAlded PIaho Wirs t E C-i aCY Punctures and Skidding j Eagle Will Scream On the Peninsula University Park Community Club Arranging- to Celebrate Fourth In Orand Style This Tear. Plans for a celebration of similar na ture, only on a smaller scale as that which took place at Columbia park on the Fourth of July of last year, are be- lng formulated by a committee from : the University Park club. It is the in tention to secure the cooperation of all organizations on the peninsula. This year's program wUl consist of additional features. There will te a parade In the morning, starting at 10:30 o'clock from Portsmouth avenue, which will proceed down Lombard avenue to j Columbia park. Lodges, Sunday I schools, public schools, Columbia Park J Athletic club and other organizations j will be represented. Floats will be a feature. , I The police band will lead the parade and render a concert in the afternoon at the park. A number of speakers are to he engaged. There will also be athletic events for all those who care to take part The chairmen of the different committees follow: George Dearlove, parade committee; Wallace Tlndall, athletic committee: R. O. Bach man, program committee, and J. A. Stevens, refreshment committee. A special committee will be appolntedno arrange for a chicken dinner for the band boys. The career of a well known Portland woman, whose writings have attracted International attention Is sketched in the following from a contributor to The Journal: Mrs. Lucy A. Rose Mallory of this city, began the publication of the World's Alvance Thought 30 years ago, and It was the first advanced thought publication ever started. Parker Pillsbury. the prophet of the abolition movement, and William H. Kimball, the Concord philosopher, were among Its earliest contributors, and it was the forum of some of the most original thinkers and writers during the close of the last century. If the poems published by the World's Advance Thought were put In book form they would certainly take the front rank In poetic literature. James Gowdy Clark wrote one of his best poems, "Innovation," for its col umns. Forum for Thinkers. The advent of the World s Advance Thought proved to be a decided new leaven in the literature of the world, and created quite a commotion amors tt.e world's thinkers, but especially was mis eviaeni in England, soon after its appearance Captain William .ldon Serjeant, of the British armv. published a book entitled "Spirit Re vealed." (a copy of which is in Mrs. Mallory's possession). which has proven itself prophetic in character. It contains, among other matters. quotations from the World's Advance Thought. Captain Serjeant was a close friend of Queen Victoria, and he made her acquainted with the World's Advance Thought, and In 1888 Captain Serjeant sent to Mrs. Mallory a beauti ful favor made of white baby ribbon. which she had constructed with her own hands to show her appreciation of Mrs. Mallory's efforts for human ity's good. W. T. Stead Her Friend. William T. Stead was a great friend of the World's Advance Thought from the start, and it was the cause of his launching the Review of Reviews which created a great revolution In the wordy literature of the old maga zines. It certainly put advance! thought in Tennyson's last poems, at their character changed to conform to the new ideas soon after he becam a subscriber. Leo N. Tolstoy, the great Russia" writer, was among the first to con gfatulate Mrs. Mallory on the advent of the first number of the World's Advance Thought, and he remained her most faithful friend and admirer until he passed away. Mrs. Mallory has over 100 letters from him In her possession. When he published his International Tolstoy Almanac he in vited her to write the leading article for it, and published four volumes of her "Key Thoughts" In Russian an! German. lie also published a large volume in the German language en titled Fur Alle Tage (For Kvery Day) which contains the sayings of the noted thinkers and writers, both an clent and modern, and Interspersed these with a number of Mrs. MalIorys "Key Thoughts." He called her "a teacher of teachers,' and subscribed himself her pupil. Inspired Duchess Fomar. The Duchess of Pomar, Lady Caith ness was one of the earliest contribu tors to the World's Advance Thought, which inspired her to write the "Mystery of the Ages," a work replete with advanced ideas. In recent times Mrs. Mallory's labor for humanity's uplift is being recog nized In all parts of the world. From India came to her a jeweled medal, struck In honor of her work; from Brazil came a beautiful illuminated parchment, voicing sentiments of grat itude by the leading men In Brazil. Not a month passes but she receives grateful acknowledgements from the Oxford and Birmingham universities of England. Among the dozens of appreciative letters received (and which Mrs. Mal lory never publishes), a very appre ciative letter was recently received from the honorable secretary of Queen Mary's Needlework Guild, the Hon. Lady Annie Lawley. The Guild meets In St. James 8 palace wr.n Queen Mary. Elizabeth, queen of Roumania.wa' one of Mrs. Mallory's most loyal friends. She never missed an oppor tunity to speak in commendation of the World's Advanced Thought, and uphold the truths it stood for. Queen Elizabeth was deeply Interested in providing for schools for the blind in her dominions, sne once wrote Mrs. Mallory how happy she would be If she could persuade some of the rich men in Roumania to unloose their Durse-strines and help her provid more liberally for the unfortunates. Mrs Mallory has held advanced thought meetings continuously for the past 45 years, which are free to the general public, without collections or contributions being taken at any rime: and people, all over the world who have attended these meetings have testified in their letters to Mrs. Mallory how much benefit they have received from them. ; iWVi rUIt or eeUlac oa advertiser, please Defendant Appears Gowned in Barrel Baltimore Individual Imbibed Too Much, Disrobed and Went to Bed In Wag-on Then Toppled Out. Baltimore, May 27. Clad In a fc-ugar barrel, a boudoir cap set jauntll upon his head and hie feet shod in br.lllant carpet slippers. Curtis Mailey hobbled into police court to face Justice Mc- Faul on a charge of drunkenness and disorderly conduct. A policeman at each side held the barrel In place, Mailey said he drank too mu-i and disrobed and went to sleep in a wagon which he found in an alley. He awoke when the wagon was driven off, and toppled out, koa;ing injury by landing on his head Somebody fired a few pistol shots to attract the police, and the officers, when they appeared, rendered first aid by clothing him in the barrel, com mandeered at grocery store. The man was sentenced to clothe himself, and his wife produced a suit. In which ae arrayed himself, and left. it ' i u : ill at4iasdB IN m jrejji. j a, TTT V rtxi mm m aW sir vBsssBM . IS (Ice. V v At .'t WWW ! r Jh S i 3 ' a r It lit" J J s of the Hudson Bay country, where men's lives and passions are, as turbulent as the mountain torrents 1 ; SPECIAL ATTRACTION Axa Genevieve Paget Rose Festival Premier Danseuse in Her Feature Dance Ike Rak The Rose Monday Night LIVING MODELS Fashion Show Dress Novelties never, shown before Courtesy Eastern Outfitting Co. That Funny KEYSTONE er Marble Heart It produces that happy feeling C O kVIT ID The Theatre Beautiful-rSixth at Washington v. mi 1 I. T,r I set a , r .'v m rm mm 'm w WM. n